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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1899)
SPECIAL NOI1GIES Advertisement * { or thee columns trill l tnkcn until 12 in. tar tlie evening : cilltloii nnd until SittO ! > ni. for tuornliiK nnd Sundii- edition * . ' Rnlc , 1 l-2 11 Vfnrd first limertlont rY' f Ic n word thrrruftcr. Nothing tnkcu for ln tliiin U.-c for tlic llrnt Inner- lion. 7'licAC advertisement * m tint be run consecutively. AdrerlUer * , lir rriincntlnit * nnin- liered clirck , cnii linvc nnnwern nd- drumicd ( o n nnnilierrd letter In cnro of The life. AmiviTH no nddrcmed rnll hi * drllvorcd on iircucntntlon of tlic check only. SITUATIONS. OMAHA Employment Bureau , 119 N. 1C. Tel. 1112. Help furnished , positions procured. A 401 A STENOGRAPHER. When you want one please call tip the Remington typewriter ofllco , 161 } Farnam St. , telephone 1573. A 402 WANTED MALE 11 KM * . September 4 September 4 September 4 September 4 September 4 Tlmt excellent School ope n H I In fnll term. Boylen' Commercial and Shorthand College act n catalogue. Bee Building. September 4 September 4 September 4 September 4 September 4 711 WANTED , Wo have steady work for a few good hustlers of ( food hablta and appear once. C. F. Adams Co. , 1619 Howard St. GOOD salesmen , salary or'com. 1118 N. 16 , MAN wanted. Hlxcnbatigh , 600 Ware block 13 " 12GG WANTED Twenty first-class stone dutters nt Helena , Mont. ; $5 for nine hours. Ap ply Montana Building Co. .B 401 WANTED , nn expert soda water dispenser. References required. Address P. O. Box 223. Omaha. R-HOo 31 WANTED , 10 experienced brick yard men ; peed wages paid. Krltenbrlnk Bros. . So. Omaha , B 31(07 ( 4 WANTED , brldgemun. laborers and team sters at Sioux Rapids , In. ; wages , labor ers. < 2 per day ; teamsters , J30 per month and board straight. John Scott & Bonn. B All 01 1 * WANTED , experienced bill clerk to operate typewriter , McCord-Brady Co. B 315-31 YOU CAN travel and make big money 'Ask Frank. 1S21 Farnam. B-822-G' WANTED , a first-class salesman , one from First Nebraska regiment preferred , Call nt 'once. The- Smith Premier Typewriter WANTE5D , experienced solicitor , to trnve. In Nebraska on commission : big pay to a capable man. 633 Puxton bldir.B . B 11829 1 WANTED , a drug clerk' registered In Ne braska. Must bo a Pober man. Address Cyril Svobodn. Prague , Neb. B MB27 C * WANTED , agents to travel ; good profit Call corner Park ave. and Leavenworth over drug store. B M826 4 SALESMEN for Petit Ledgers. Bill Regis ters and other ofllco specialties ; fine s-lde lines ; quick sellers. Model Mfc. Co. , Box B , South Bend , Ind. B MS23 Sep30 * i SALESMEN WANTED , competent ami experienced men ; salary or commission' ' permanent position. Merchants' Oil Co , Cleveland , O. B M845 6 WANTED. comnctcnUdruK. clerk. one who knows the drug business. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge fit. . B MSttl 1 WANTED FEMALE HELP. INTELLIGENT , middle-aged women fo usefii' profitable business. Call between 11 aim o. M.u. E. E. Allen , 723 N. V. Life. C M137 Sept. 14" WANTED. 200 girls. 1621 Dodge. Tel. 878. C 105 GIRL ; general housework. 2020 St. Mary' Ave. - . C-527 GIRL wanted. Apply 2222 Miami. C-C95 WANTED , housekeeper , middle aged lady preferred ; no small children. Jas. Peter son , Mnrquctt , Neb. C M540-S-9 * WANTED , an experienced girl to do secon work In family of three. 2240 Lando Court , near St. Mary's und 24th st. st.CM637 C-M637 WANTED , girl for general housework. 221 Blnney St. C-609 OIRL for general l.ousework. 2616 Popple ' ton Ave C-Cfll 4 WANTED , girl to art as housemaid an1 nurse. Mrs. M. A. Hall , 118 N. 39th st. C M711 1 WANTED , a good girl to do general house work : good wages paid. Mrs. J. O. Marti F and 23th Sts. , South Omaha. C 813-1 A OOOD laundress wanted ut oncp , at Th Creche. C 824-1 * GIRL for general housework , 2517 Capita Ave. C MS30 2 REFINED lady wanted to nil position o trust ; good pay ; references required. F. A Mowbiay. General'Delivery. C 842-31 * WANTED , at once , a gcod cook am laundress ; small family ; Hillary $4 a week mtint have good references. Apply at 230 Davenport St. C 390 WANTED , girl for general housework ; n washing ; good wages ; 2C39 California. n MUSI WANTED , a competent cook and laundress at 124 S. 19th st. C MS59 FOR RENT HOUSES. HOUSES. Bonewa & . Co. . 106 N , 15th St. D-406 ALWAYS moving household goods nnd planoa. Omaha Van & Storage Co. . 1S11V4 Farnam. Tel , 1659. O-407 HOUSES , stores , Bemls , Paxton block. D 103 FOR RENT , houses In all parts of city The O. F. Davis Co , , 1503 Farnam street. D 109 " BIX-UOOM modern Hat 1112 8 , llth. D-S1S HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city , Urennan-lvovu Co , , 213 South 10th street. D-411 JilAGGARD'S van & storage. 1419 Dodge. Tel. 1490. n 4i CHOICE houses , cottagen , stores , Henry B. Payne , C01 N. Y. Life. 'Phone , 1016. D-417 WHY , certainly. MVB coal. gas. water and servant worries by having a home In the Brunswick hotel , hrurt of the cltv. D-M430 Sepll MODERN 7-room house , 1009 N. 29th St. , | 20. 605 Bee. D-M90S FURNITURE and leasehold of 10-room all- modern house , only 4 blocks from N , V. Life bldg. , entirely tilled with good room ers and boarders , for sale at a bargain price. Bee Henry B. Payne , C01 N. Y. Life. D-M282 , NICE fl-room modern cottage , 120.00. In quire 2710 ParkJT r\ , D-597 FOR RENT , nix-room cottage. Enquire SI2 South ISth street. D-il 455 1737 PARK AVE. , S-room. detached , line condition and modern , J30.W ) . 1031 S , JOth ave. , 10-room , laundry , oak finish and floors , strictly tlrtt-class , modern In every respect , W. D. Mead , Jr. D-M7K FOR RENT , 6SS South ! Sth Bt. . 10 roomi. modern , good ropclr. The Byron Reed Co. , 213 so. nth st. , D-M719 1103 POPPLETON AVE. . 10 rooms , modern Urge yard and barn , 130. The Byron Reed Co. W-W FOR RENT HOUSES. 1 1 ENRY lu7pAYNrE1S UAltaAlN"LIST ! 2618 Hoes st. , 4 rooms , city water , f3. B-room modern cottage , nicely furnished , > 'nno ' , year's If.ise If desired ; only J2i. 7-room modern home , flno repair , clusu to car In Dundee ; only > 15. 7-room Tnodern house , Walnut I'lll , KIM. 8-room modern house , Walnut Hill , $21.50. 7 nnd 9-room , all modern houses , easy walking dlMnnce , for | 2S nnd J27.DO. 309 N. 25th St. , 10-room , all modern house ; will paper to suit tenant , for 30. 1312 S. 27th st. , 8 rooms , strictly all modern , with new plumbing , porcelain bath , new furnace , new gas fixtures , newly painted and every room newly papered ; all for J25. } \ liter tax paid by owners on each house. HKNRY B. PAYNE , C01 N. Y. LIFE UDO. D-GOO _ FOIl RENT , largo twelve-room house , N. W. corner 19th and I.eavcnworth. In strictly Mrst-clnss modern condition. Steam heat. Apply to H. M. Rogers , 923 N. Y. Life Bldg. UNEQUALFO-Stenm heat , all modern i-room houirf. TIzard , 221 N. 24th. FINE residence , choice location , 11 rooms , all modern , excellent stable. Bemls , Paxton - ton block. D-M227 S-ROOM flat , close to shops , on'y ' J7.00. net.ry 11. 1 syne , COl N , \ . Life. D-MM1 ! 2 FUR RENT FURNISHED IIOOMS. L'HE ' BACHELORS , family hotel ; best 11.60 n day house In the state ; take Harnoy and Farnam st. cars. E S64 "URNISHED rooms ; housekeeping. 262 ? Bt. Mary's. E-2S3-1 * CLEAN beds , 60n week and up. 710 S. 14th. E-2S3-S-19' 509 S. 25th ave ; board It desired.ES02 E-S02 Sep. 7 'HE BRUNSWICK , with new furniture and new management , Is the most dc- alrable place In this city. K M419 Sep2l ROOMS , with or wl'hout board. 1512 Daven port. E-M742 Bept5 NICE rooms for rent. 314 South 23th st. E M4S9 S2I 'HREE ' furnished rooms for housekeeping ; man nnd wife ; rent taken In board. 319 N. 17th. ' E-BS6 'OR RENT , elegant S-room house , all modern Improvements. 402 N. 23rd St. Inquire at 410 North 23rd. E-819-1 * 'HIST floor of brick flat , range , yard , com plete , housekeeping. 614 N. 19th.E E M853 3 'URNISHED room , modern ; private family. 513 N. 22d. E MS37 3 FUUMSIII2M IIOUMS AND IIOAIID. If. LEG A NT rooms & board. 1DOS Capitol av F 41 THE Merriam family hotel , 23th and Dodge. ROOM and board , modern , 1618 Harney. F M591 Sept. 1 ' "INEST roomF , In the city ; steam heat ; ex cellent board ; 1909 Cap. Ave. F 693 4' NICELY furnished front room , private family. 702 S. 29th St. F 84 < M FOIl HKNT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT , store In first-class location ; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee Bldg. I 2C6 FOR RENT , a ground floor ollce. specially suitable for real estate , etc. : splendid vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor. Bee Building. 1-267 AT SOUTH OMAHA , several new stores Just bilng completed ; excellent openings for dry goods , clothing , boots , shoes and other lines. Inquire C. A. Van Wasmer , 24th and M. South Omaha , I 283 276 SEVERAL first-class stores from $10 to $30. Furnished barber shop , with 3 chairs and 2 baths , heater and everything ; only $10. HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE BDG. 1 631 31 SMALL store. 222 North 13th. I-6I1-4 * STOHAGF2. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 903- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. .423 WANTED TO 11UV. 2ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged. Boston FurnltUM Co. , 1414 Dodge. Tel. 2233. N 425 ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , 1400-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N N 428 1000 BASE BURNERS ana other stoves wanted Don't sell before seeing Joe Le- vlnc. Drop a card and a man will call. Highest market price guaranteed. 304 N. 16th , cor. Davenport. N M203 Sep. 18 \VANTED , to buy , a 'bus or wagonette ; must be cheap for cash and good as new. Address box 462 , Shenandoah , Iowa. WANTED , second-hand engines , boilers and other machinery. Address H 21 , Uee. 2 WANTED , 4 to 6-room cottage In north part of city. Small payment down , bal ance monthly. Answer , giving full de scription , etc. Address Box 779 , Omaha , N MS31 3 FOR SALE FURNITURE. STOVES. STOVES and furniture bought and sold ; best prices made ; see us before you deal. Nob. Furniture Co. , 1419 Dodge , WE CARRY the largest line of second hand stoves. You can buy them for little money. J. Lewl , 104 So. 14th st. O-M855 SepSO FOR SALE HORSES AM ) VEHICLES. OLD buggies taken In trade on new vehicles Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport. P 123 FAMILY carriage , extension top , all h good condition , cheap. Address H 18 care Bee. P M077 3 FOR KALE MISCELLANEOUS. FLAG poles ; sawdust : cncapcst and best hog fence. 901 Douglas. Tel. 4ii. q 121) CUTTERS of drug price * . Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. Q-430 HOG. poultry , lawn , and field fencing ; all wire. Wire Works , 1617 Howard St ? Q-433 THREE Rood first mortgage farm loans for i-ale , J4CO. JfcOO. Ji.000. Room 1 , Con- tlnentul block. Q-M599 S3 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlsht , 1110 Farnam Q-435 SAFES , buy. sell , exchant-e. in 3. lth St. Q-437 CASH register , nearly new , cheap. iu < Farnam. Q-MSC8 FOR SALE , ten R-I-P-A-N-S for 5 cents at druggist * . One elves relief , Q 431 ICE tor sJle In car lots. Gilbert Bros Council Bluffs. Q-M311 B. HAAS , Florist. 1S13 Vlnton St. Tel. 77s plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , rest- dence , wtddlng and grave decoration * orders by mail or express promptly lined. Q 43J FOR SALE , cheap , heavy wrapping paper , Saod for batten or la > lng under carpets , maha Bee prt-ss room. Q-271 INDIAN relics , mounted gamehoads. 1118 Farntri. Q-M9S5 MO WATCHES left In pawn for sale cheap Diamond Loan Ofllce , 1316 Douglas. Q M613 Sept , 3 MUST sell Ha-dman piano ; make offer time or cabh. P 20 , Bee. Q 214 NEW wheels , (13.50 up ; 2nd-hand wheels , K up ; repairing & supplies , Omaha Bicycle Co | Q-M465 FOR SALE. IOOOX red cedar posts. J. P Brewer , Texurkana , Ark. Q-MS19 IS * MISCELLANEOUS. BEST fall hcatcM and cook stoves at low est prices Boston Furnlturo Co. , 1414 Dodge. R 427 NOTICE , country nealers , Zndhand furnltur and stoves old nt lowest prices , carload lots or Ics. . Chicago Furniture Co. , 1404-10 Dodge. R 153 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME , GYLMER , genuine palmlst.lCOS Dodga S-M477 MRS. FRITH , clairvoyant. 817 N. 16th. S M710 MRS. DR. MOSS , the greatest prognostl- cntor of the age , is unequnled ns a life reader nnd clairvoyant ; see her nnd be ] convinced of her wonderful power , Ii04 Capitol avenue , S 814-1 MASSACSE AND 1IATIIS. MRS. BERRY. BATHS. MASSAGE. Parlors best equipped In city. Porcelain tub ; lady attendants. 119 N. 16th , opp. P. O. , 2nd floor. T M64S B26 MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponge baths , mas sage , magnetic treatment ; expert attend ants : lat-class'patronogo solicited. 1615 Howard , 3rd floor. T-M230 Sep 17 MME. AMES , R. 2 , fa7 S. 13 ; massnge baths. T-39-3ep..l7 * MME. Lee , baths , massage parlor. 202 N. 18. T 773 S6 2LITE PARLORS , 2025 Farnam , upstairs , Ist-class baths , massage , magnetic treat ment. Lady attendants. T M702 S .1MB. . SMITH , room 2 , 11S',4 NorUi 18H PERSONAL. M. MONHE1T. leading chiropodist , treats all ailments of foot , both ladles & gentlemen. Ladles' halrdrosslng , hair gooda & toilet preparations. Treatments on scalp , face , hands or feet ; 20 years experience , 10 years In Omaha ; best --quipped estnbllihmont In city. 1510 Farnam ; take elevator ; 2nd floor. U-45G6 5R. RO\ , chiropodist ; corns , superfluous hair removed by electricity. Room 12 , Frenzcr block. U 441 RIVAT E hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N 17. U-440 SUPERFLUOUS hair Instantly removed ; no njectrlclty ; no Instrument used. Room 4 , Wlthncll block. U-345 VIAVI Is woman's way to health. S48 Bee "OWELL'S Lltle Antl-Blllous Pills. Cure Blllouunesg , Dizziness , Indigestion. Sick Headaches , Constipation , 'lorpld Liver nnd all derangements of stomach and bowels. Being entirely vegetable , they operate without disturbance to system , diet or oc cupation. For sale by all druggists , Howcll's Antl-Kawf cures cough. U-577-A31 * EVERYBODY Interested In phonographs and talking machines send address to Omaha Phono. Co. , 319 No. 18th. Hear something to your advantage. Names and address must reach us by Sept. 15. U-M401 WANTED , refined home for a little 4-year- old boy , where there are no other chil dren , In vicinity of Sacred Heart day- school. 27th st. and St. Mary's ave. Ad dress 1112 , Bee. U 641 SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and moles per manently removed by electricity ; con sultation free and confidential ; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender , iui3 Douglas. U MOM 4 , , paper cIeani"S. 1402 tlouglas 'Phone349. . u69f ( 7 R1TTER hospital ; confinement cases taken- babies adopted. 2214 Seward. Tel. 2233. ' U M710 Sepia IARIS EXPOSITION French class held two evenings a week. For terms and par ticulars address W. Banister , Omaha P. O- - U M70S o RUPTURE CURED. We cure all forms , of rupfuro without pain or detention from business. Send for circulars. Empire Rupture Cure , 932 Now York Life BuildIng - Ing , Otnaha , Neb. U M862'Sejl30 MONEY TO LOAN REAL MONEY to loan on flrst-dlass Improved cltv 6 PER CENT money. Bemls. Paxton Blk. W-447 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 So. 10th. W 44S JlOO TO J2.000. F. D. Wead , iCtn & Douglas. AV 449 $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W 150 BROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers wanting eastern money should write for circular. Investors' Directory. New York. W 451 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms : lowest rates. Co 219 S. ICth , Omaha. W 452 LOANS , Potter-Sholes Co. , 310 N. Y. Life. W-454 6 per cent loans. Garvin Bros. , 1C13 Farnam W 450 WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonda and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnam St. , Bee Bldg. W 157 WRITE us If you want a Joan on your farm In lown. eastern Neb. or Mo. ; it will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 316 N.Y.L. W-458 5 PER CENT money on or before 5 years on Nebraska lands and Omaha real es tate. W. B. Melkle , 401 S. 16th at. W-M774 WANTED , several first applications for loans , JSOO to { 2,600. W. H. Ilusiell , loans und Investments , 010 N. Y. Life.W W M482 31 MORTGAGES , Wallace , 314 Brown Block. W 459 6 , 5H > c per ct , loans In Omaha , So. Omaha. W. H. Thomas , 603 1st Nat , Bk. Tel. 1613. W-460 r'PER CENT ; also private funds. Chaa. E , Williamson. W M5GO MOXEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible con cerns upon their own names , without se curity ; easy payments , Tolman , R. 700 , N. Y. Life Bldg. X 4C3 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE on their personal note without security Rates reasonable , J. W. Taylor , 403 Kar- bach block , 2 to 6 p. m. X M704 Sep. 29' MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS. ETC. LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 836 SOUTH ISTH STREET.X X0 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent posi tions , on their own name without en dorser , mortgage or security of any kind Can repay in easy weekly or monthly payments. Omaha Credit Co. , C. E , Jen nings , Mgr. , suite 625-520 N , Y. Life Bldg , X-6SS MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Horses , cows , Jewelry. DutI Green , R. 8 , Barker blk X 461 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions on their per sonal note without Indorsement or secur ity ; xtrldly confidential , and at ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES ; before borrowing t > ee us , as you will find It greatly to your advantage ; we are the oldest , largest and only Incorporated loan company In Omaha. F. W. Truax , Mgr , , 119 Board of Trade Bldg , , 10th and Fnr- nain Bis. Telephone 2295. X 4C2 " TO SALARIED PEOPLE MONEY LOANED AT LOWEST RATES WITHOUT SECURITY. PRIVATELY. QUICKLY , TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN HOLDING SALARIED POSITIONS. Loans returned In easy weekly or monthly payments u- suit convenience of borrower. No Inquiries of their employer or friends ; everything guaranteed confidential. AMERICAN LOAN CO. , ROOM toi UEE BUILDING. X-M177 MONEY loaned on furniture , ngt , bicycles , diamonds , watches , etc. ! payments un known to friends. Omaha Loan Bank , 1U9 Farnara , upstairs. X it MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew elry , horses , cowfl , etc , C , F. Reed , 319 8.13 , X 465 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , pianos , horses , rows , etc. J , W. Taylor , 403 Karbach block , 2 to 6 p. m , X M7IVJ Sep. 29 * BUSINESS CHANCE ! * . FOR BALI3 or trade. City Hotel , Onawa , Iowa. Y M726 IF YOU are a caterer hnd want to make money you loose the chance of a life time if you miss the Brunswick Cafe. Y M4 Sep2t I. FOR j SALE , paid-op concession for soft drinks , lunch , Ice cream. In four buildings. Address John McClosky , International hall , Expo , grounds , Omaha , Y M4SS S7 * MERCHANDISE stock , ft clean Mock of dry goods , furnishing goods nnd cloth ing ; owner will exchange for farm or city property. Lock Drawer , 1201. \-M71i FOR SALE , only billiard room In city of IG.OOO. F. J. Downing , 638 Broadway , coun cil Bluffs. Y-M8392 FOR SALE , meat market In good , live town of 1,500 inhabitants ! two railroads , town growing ; market two floors from postofTlce. Best of reasons for soiling. Address E. R. Hemln. Woodbine , la. C js.ono TO $10,000 Will secure nn Interest In an established farm Implement manufactory ; profit nnd fr.xde good. Would consider a proposition lo locate elsewhere. Address Manufactory , Sub Station , No. 2 , Kansas City. Mo. Y * MS4D 1 FOR EXCHANGE. FINIS 12-room residence , beautiful grounds , near Hnncom Park , to exchange for lands or city lots. Address H 2) ) , Bee. / M853 FINE carriage team and harness to ex change for real estate. Address H 25 , Bee. X MS31 3 FOR SALE REAIj ESTATE. FOR SALE , 75-foot corner , with 40-room hotel nnd two stores In South Omaha ; will bring good Income to Investor ; prlco $3,000. J. A. Lovgren , D42 N. Y. Life bldg. RE-610 S3 3109 SEWARD ST. , 6-room house and full lot , $300.00. easy payments ; adjoining lots sold for $500.00 last week. Byron R. Hast ings , 212 S. 14th. HE-615 FOR SALE , 610 acres of land , worth $35 per acre ; will sell for $24 per acre. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th st. IF South Omaha real estate you want to buy or sell communicate with O'Nrll's Real Estate Agency. HE M628 FOR SALE , best residence site In Omaha , 150x127 feet , southwtut corner 26th st. and Poppleton av. ; both streets paved ; all regular and special taxes paid to date ; make offer. Address F C6. The Bee. RE M843 Sept 8 * C-ROOM house. Spauldlng St. , $1.100.00. G. E. Turklngton , 605 Bee. RE-C71 29 * SNAPS In real estate ; money to loan. L. . L. Johnson Co. , 314 S. 15th street. RE-M659 HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the tlmo to dispose of thorn ; let the people know that ycu want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who have the money. RE 866 CASH CUSTOMERS FOR FARM LAND. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St.RE RE 979 HOUSES , lots farms , lands , loans ; also fire Insurance. Bemls , Paxlon blk. RE 472 HENRY B. PASTNE , 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. RE flOl LIST your property with me. I have the buyers. H. M. Christie , South Omaha. RE-M629 Oct. 3 9-ROOM modern house. Inquire B24 S. 26th ave. . , RE 904 Sep. ! ! 6-ROOM cottage , city Valer' , good barn , corner lot Ir. CllftonejHill ; : 1 rubber tire Columbus phaeton ; 2sets single harness. Address G. A. Wlese , ,1009 Howard St. RE 199-31 FOR SALE My elegant home , 2020 Webster st. , small amount down , balance same ns rent If desired. Address C. D. Blbbins , Hotel Spokane , Spokane , Wash. RE M715 Sep29 A NICE comfortable 4-room house , good well and stable , with 2 % acres of ground , 4 or B blocks from street car and paved road , and good school , $900 , on reason able terms. A nice G or 7-room Jiouse , nil modern , lot 60x130 , south front ; only one block from fine school and In very fine neighbor hood , nt the low price of J1.100. 60x250 on 18th St. , near William , with good well and fruit trees ; facing two streets , for $750. Thl * Is a bargain. J. A. LOVGREN. 941 and 942 New York Life. RE MS56 3 WOODMAN & BAY , surety bonds. 2 : Barker block. RE-M853 1 FOR SALE. 6 acres choice garden land near city , $675. Hicks , 325 Board of Trade. RE-M848 3 LOST. $2,000 REWARD und no questions asked for return of fur garments , etc. , stolen from my store August 13 ; am willing to comply with any reasonable arrangements , ns goods aid mostly storage. G. E , Shukert , 315 S. 16th St. , Omaha , Neb. Lost-600-3l LOST , August 19 , high school diploma , 1899. Plcasn return to Jean A. Campbell , 1511 S. St. * 29th Lost-823-1 REWARD at Bee office for pocketbook ns found In Hnnscom park just north of lllle pond In walk , Tuesday evening. Lost M847 ! STRAYED , white roan steer ; will weigh about 1,000 Ibs. ; brand on left thigh , wine glass or Bhoe sole ; liberal reward will be paid for Its return to Union Transfer stock yards , Council Bluffs. Lost-MS02 4 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier .Typewriter Co. , 1625 Farnam St. Telephone 1284. 473 WE RENT and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies in Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far- num. 474 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and. sup. piles. 1619 Farfinm. 475 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing , heavlo.Ht m.imfolclor and cuts the finest stencil ; see exhibit Liberal Arts bldg. , Greater America Exposition. Tel. 2278. J , S , Ptewart , Special Agent , 218H 8. Fif teenth steet , Omaha. 170 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 1116 Farnam. M 991 SANITARIUM OR HOSPITAL. FOR SALE or for rent , 3-story and base , ment brick ; 80 largo rooms , averaging 20x 16 ft , each ; grates In all rooms , transoms , both room on each floor , steam heat ; large lot and very central location In business part of Omaha , Addresn H13 , Bee , 610 TAILORING. WHO'S your tailor ? See the Twin City Tailoring Co. ; fall line now ready for In spection ; prices right. 1609 Farnam st. -343 319 LADIES' JACKETS , men's clothing , altered in latest styles and cleaned. Max Fogel , 307 8. 17th. M-719 Sep29 OSTEOPATHY , JOHNSON Oateopathle Institute , 616 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Alice Johneon. D. O. , ladles' ' dept , ; Cm 1C. Johnson , oiteopathbt. inter. M-6W M EDONOHUB Do. pf Klrksvllle. Mo. , COl Paxlon blk , Tel , 13671 492 MONARCH guneratorn have no equal In construction , operation or price ; huetllng nalfninen wanted. Address Monarch Acetylene Qan Co. , 1022 Douglas nt. , Omahi , N b. -M8W Bep30 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWIUTl.tO. NEBRASKA ' "SHORT- 7n'8INESS AND ; - HAND COLLEGE. BOVD THEATER. METHODS MODERN. AN fl'-TO-DATU SCI TOOL. Ofilclal court reporter , A. C. Warrlck , prin cipal shorthand department. Prof. J. T. Dnlley , the "Master Penman , " principal business department. STUDENTS GH'EN POSITIONS LAST WEEK : Mr. Tyler , American Exprew Co. Mr. Blllhart. Wemern Union. Miss Richards , Metropolitan ins. Co. MIffl Carlfon , crnnn & franc , attorneys. Mlfs Graham. Welnhano & ilolbrook. Mr , McCiirnoy. Holmes & Morgan , ally's. Three positions In line next week. A class of twelve recently took positions Inside of ten days. If you wnnt nn aswrance of the best paying positions when you have finished your course , attend a school that qualifies. Student ! ) of shorthand have free access to all classes of the business department ex cept the bookkeeping. Call or * end for catalogue. A. C. ONG , A. M. , Pres. S' A. C. Van Sant's School. 717 N. Y. Life.4S3 4S3 AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas. BOYLBS' school ; court reporter principal ; Bee Bldg. 490 NEB. Bus. & Shorthand Col. , Boyd Thrnter. 843 ARCHITECTS. TIFE undersigned having micceedod to the business Of the late C. F. Bolndorft. archl. tect , have removed from his former olllco to 422 Be6 building and will continue the business of architects and superintendent. Patronage of the public nnd Mr. Belli- ilorff's former customers respectfully so licited. R. W. Baker , A. D. Baker. M-695 Sepl RICYUI.ES. ANDRAE bicycles , KU. 1116 Farnam.M900 -M900 BARGAINS In ne-w nnd second-hand tilcy- clcs this week. Louis Flcschcr , 1622 Capitol tel avenue. 645 2 TICKET 1IROICERS. CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets ; excursion tickets bought and sold. P. H. Phllbln , new locations 1309 and 1603 Far nam. Est. 1889. Member G. T. B. Assn. M-100 MAKNETIG HEALING. MR. AND MRS. A. GILLET , Woltmer tem , 24th nnd Cumlng- ; entrance on 24th M456 Sept 12 FOR SALE FAIIMS. FARMS near So. Omaha and Lincoln for sale. J. T. Clarke , Board of Trade , Omaha. 870 SepMO IV ATE H FILTERS. "STANDARD" In Machinery Hall. expo , grounds , or room 6 , Board of Trade bid ? , -M790 Sep-7 TRUNIC FACTORY. BEE OUR trunk traveling bags , suit cases. Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk factory , 1209 Farnam. 662 O16 CONTRACTORS AND IIUII.DCRS. HEALY & SONS , 1622 Clark street. M3S5 Sept 20 NICKEL PLATING. BASEBURNERS replated ; all kinds of plat- Ing. Omaha Plating Co. , Bee Bldg. 216 PAWNBROKERS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Office , 418 N. 16. 4S1 EAGLE Loan Office , tollable , accommodat ing ; all business confidential. 1201 Douglas. 4S2 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughan , 430 Ramge Bldg. 435 MATTRESS RENOVATING. M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 486 HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room $4.00 per week ; gas , steam heat and baths. Ninth and Farnam Sts. 4S7 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. HARRIS Abstract Cu. , 423 Bee Building.4S3 4S3 DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy , 2216 Davenport. M-706 Sep. 29 LAUNDRY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towel supply ; shirts , Sc ; collars , 2c ; cuffs , 4c ; underwear. 6c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 647. M463 Sepl4 RANCHES. FOR SALE , cheapest and best cattle ranch , 200,000 acres. For description address Eu gene Williams , Waco , Texas.M203 M203 Sep. 1C * HOUSE MOVER. W. COY , located at 1718 St. Mary's Ave.4SO 4SO POSTOFFICE NOTICE. ( Should be read dally by all Interested , as changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending Sep tember 2 , 1899. will close ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) at the general postolllce ns fol lows : PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown be low. TrniiN-Atluiillo Mull * . SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE , F-WITZEULA.S'D. ITALY. SPAIN. P. > H- TUGAL , TURKEY. KOYPT and BRIT ISH INDIA , per s. s. La Tourulnc' , via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe mu t be directed "per s. B. La Touralne'O ; at 8 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per B , s. Werkendam , via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "per s. s. Wer kendam" ) ; at 10 a , m. for SCOTLAND direct , per p. s , Ethiopia ( loiters must be directed "per s. s. Ethiopia" ) ; at 11 n , m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s , Is land ( letters must bo directed "per s , e , Island" ) ; nt 11 n. m. ( supplementary 12:30 : p. m. ) for EUROPE , per s . JJtru- rla * , via Queenstown Printed Matter , etc. German K tea mere ualllne on Tuesdays take printed matter , etc. , for Germany and nneclally nd- drezsed printed matter , etc. , for other parts of Europe. American and WhJte Star steamora on Wednesdays , German steamers on Tnursfluys. and Cunord , French and German tjteamera on Satur days take printed matter , etc. , for all countries for which they ore advertised to carry mall. After the closing of the supplementary trans-Atlantic malls named above , addi tional supplementary malls are opened en the piers of the American , English , French and German steamers , and re main open until within ten minutes of the hour of calling of steamers , Mull * for South nnd CViieml Aint-rlun , * \\'et Indie * , Etc. FRIDAY-At 12:30 p. m. ( supplementary 1 p. m. ) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and AVJNDU'ARD ISLANDS und DDMERARA , per s. . Madlana. SATURDAY At 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:80 : a , m. ) for BERMUDA , per s. s Trinidad ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10SO : a. m. ) for FOJITUNB ISLAND , JA MAICA. SAVAN1LLA , C'ARTHAGBNA and GREYTOWN , per a. s. Atlnl ( letters for Costu Rica must be directed "per v. e. Atlal" ) ! at 10W : a , m. for HAITI , per s. B. Oranje Nassau , via Port uu Prince ( letters for Curacao , Venezuela , Trinidad , British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. s. Oraiijo Nassau" ) : at 11 a. m. for CUBA , via Havana , per s , s , Havana ( letters must be directed "per H. k alavann" ) : at 12 m. for LA PLATA tOUNTRIES direct , per s. c , Honorlus ; at 1 n. m. for NEUVITAS , OIBARA. PUERTO PADRE and BARA COA , per s , * . Ollndu. BUNDAY-At 8:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE POSTOFKICE r ( Continued. ) MIQUELON , per steamer from North Sydney. Molls for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , and thence tiy steamer , close nt this olllco dally nt 8:30 : p. m. ( connecting close hero every Monday , Wednesday ami Saturday. Malls for Mlquelon , by rail to Boston , and thence by steamer , close at Mils office dally at 8:30 : p. m. Mails for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Fin. , otid thNice by steamer , close nt this of fice dally ( except Monday ) nt * 7 n. m. ( the connecting closes are on Sunday.vVednes day and Friday. Mails for Cuba , by rail to Miami , Fla. . and thencp bv stciimvr , close nt this oltlre every Monday. Tues day nnd Saturday nt " 2:30 : n. m. , ( the connecting rinses nrc on Tuesday and Saturday ) . Mall * for Mexico City , over land mile * * specially addressed 'for dls- patch by steamer , rlosp nt Mils olllco daily nt 2i30 n. in. nnd 2:30 : p. in. Malts for Costa Rica , Belize , Puerto Cortes nnd Ountrmnln , by mil to Now Orleans , nndx thence by steamer , close at this ofllco dally nt * 3:00 : p. m. , connecting closes hero Sundays nnd Tuesdays for Costti Rica nnd Mondays for Bellzo , Puerto Cortcz nnd Guatemala. 'Registered mull closes at 6 p. m. previous day. "Registered mall closes nt G p. in. second day before. * Trnnn-Pnolllo Mnllx , Malls for Clilnn , Japan nnd Hawaii , per s. s. Doric ( from Pnn Frnnolrso ) . close hero daily up to August " 28 at fi:30 : p. m. Mails for China and Japan , per f. s. Ta- ronin ( from Tncoma ) , close hero dully up to August " 31 at 0:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( except the for West Aus tralia , which arc 'forwarded via Europe ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Snmoan Islands , per B. s. AlnttiPdii ( from Sun Francisco ) , close hero dally after August 18th nnd up to September " 1st nt 6.10 : . p , m. , or on dny of arrival of s. s. Cum- ' pnnla. which will probably arrive Scptem- her 1st. Malls for China and Jnpnn , per s , s , Empress of Chtnn ( from Vancouver ) , . close hero dally-up to September " 5th nt | 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Hawaii , per s. H. Australia ( from San Francisco ) , close hero , dally up to September 15th at 0:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( except West Aus tralia ) , lluwnll nnd FIJI Island * , per s. s. Warrlmoo ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally after September " 1 nnd up to September " 15 at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for the Society Islands , per ship Tropic Bird ( from San Francisco ) , close here dnljj up to September " 25 at 6:30 : p. m. Trans-Pacific mails are forwarded to port of sailing dally nnd the nchedule of clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. 'Registered mall closes nt B p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. oslofilcp ! New York , N. Y. , August 25 , 1S99. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS' . PROPOSAlJS FOR SEWER SYSTEM.- Ofllco of Chief Q. M. , St. Paul , Minn. . August 30 , 1S9 . SEALED I'ROi odALS , In triplicate , will be received at this office , un til 11 o'clock , a. m. , September IS , 1S , and opened then for the Construction of a Sewer Syftom nt Fort Monde , S. D. Plans nnd sppclllcatons may be seen nnd blank proposals , with full Instructions , hnd upon application here , or to Chief QunrtormaFter , Omaha , Neb. , or the Quartermaster , Fort Meade , S. D. United States reserves the right to accept or reject nny or all pro posals , or any part thereof. GEO. E. POND , C. Q. M. A30d4tS15 10M. RAILWAY TIME CARD. CHICAGO. ROCK 1SL- and & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route. " City Tick et Ofllce , 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone , 423. Depot , Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone , (29 ( _ , r , - , , Leave. Arrive. Des Molnes Local a 7:05 : am bll:35 : am Chicago Express bll:16 : am a 8:10 : am Chicago Fast Express. . . ! 6:00 : pin a 1:23 : nm St. Paul Fast Express..a 5:00 : pm bll:35 am Lincoln , Colorado Spgs. , Denver , Pueblo and West . . . . . . . . . . . . .a 1:30 : pm a 4:26 : pm Des Molnes. Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:25 : pm a 6:35 : pm Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 6UO pm a 9:00 : am a Dally b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Offices nnd Ticket Olllces Southeast Cor ner I4th nnd Douglas Sts. Telephone , 104. Depot , 16th and Webster Sets. Telephone . . . . . Leave. Arrive. St. Louls-nnKsas & Neb. Limited a 3:00 : pm a2:55 ! : pm K. C.-St. L. Express..a 9:50 : pm a C:00 : am Nebraska Local via Woeplngv Water b 5:00 : pm n 6:00 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City Ticket Ofllce , 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone 2S4. De pot , Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex a 6:43 : pm a 8:20 : am Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:00 : am b 3:53 : pm Sioux City & Den Molnes Express bll:00 : nm b 3:55 : pm n Dally , b Dally except Sunday. BUULINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route" General Olllces , N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Far nam Streets. Ticket Offlcft. 1602 Farnam Street. Telephone , 2'K ) . Depot Tenth and Mason Streets Tele phone 310. Leave. Arrive , Lincoln , Hastings and McCook a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver , Colorado rado , Utah. California.a 4:25 : pm a 3:55 : pm Lincoln. Black Hills. Montana & Puset Sound . . .a 4:25 : pm a 3:00 : pm Lincoln Local a 7:00 pm aiu:35 : am Lincoln Mall a 3:00 : pm ulO:35 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah & California a 0.30 am a Dally. KANSAS CITY , St Jo seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Olllce , 1502 Farnam Street , Tele- phono. . 250 , Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tile- phone , 310.Leave. Leave. Arrive , Kansas City DA > ' Ex . . .a 9:30 : am a 6:43 : pm Kansas City Night Ex..alO:15 : rm a UtfO am Bt. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St. Louis..a 4:55 : prn all:15 : am a Dally. CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Quincy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket OHIce. 1502 Farnum St. Tel. 2M. Depot Tenth & Mason Streets , Tele phone , 310. Leave , Arrive , Daylight Chicago Spec- clal , , , , , . , . . . . .a 6:40 : am Chicago Vestlbuled Exn , 6.05 pm a 8:05 : am Chicago Express a 9:30 : am a 4:05 : pm Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7:45 : prn a 8:05 : nm Pacific Junction Local..u0:43 : nm Fast Mall , , , . . . . a 2:45 : pm a Dally. ] OMA1IA & ST. LOUIS RAILroad - road Omaha , Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "The OiiincyflouliQ Quincy Route" Tlclcot of- rtre , 1415 Farnam Btreet. Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tele phone , 029.Leave. Leave. Arrive , St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 4:50 : pm a S35 ; am Kansas City and Quincy Local a G:50 : nm a J33 ; pm a Dally. UNION PACIFIC--THEOVER- land Route" Gereral Offices , N. E. Cor. Ninth and Tarnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllco , 1302 Farnam Street , Telephone. 310. Depot , Tenth and Mason Street * . Telephone. 629. _ , Leave. Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Utah. Idaho , Men- tana , California , Oregon gen and Washington points a 8:40 : am a 4:35 : pm Tim Colorado Special for Denver ana all Colorado points all:65 : pm a C30 ; am Paalllc ! Express for Denver , Salt Lake. Pacific Coant and all western points b 4:25 : pm a 6:30 : am Lincoln , Beatrice and Stromsburg Express . .b 4:25 : pm b 1:20 : pm Fremont , Columbus , Nor folk , Grand Island and North Platte a 4:25 : pm b 4:35 : pm Columbus Local b 7:30 : J in b'9:30 : pm North Platte Local a lZOpm South Omaha Local Pass. Leaves. 6:20 : a , m. ; 7:00 : a. m. ; 10:10 : a. m. : 2:05 : p. m. Arrives , 10:45 : a. m. ; 3:16 : p. m , ; 6:25 : p. m. ; C p.-m. Council Bluffs Local Leavts , 6:20 : a. m. 6:40 : a m. ; 6:60 : a. in. ; 7:35 : a , m. ; 9:80 : a. m. b 10:45 : a. m , ; 1:25 : p , m , ; 2:16 : p. m.4:53 ; : p. m. 6:25 : p , m. ; 5:55 : p. m , : 8:65 : p. m. ; 10:30 : p. m Arrlvw , 6.-20 a. m. ; 7:20 : a , m. ; 8:16 : a. m. S:43 : a. m. ; 11:30 : a m. ; 3:05 : p. m. ; 4:05 : p. m , 6:65 : p. m , ; B:30 : p. m.j 7:30 : p. mj 9:35 : p , m. 11:00 p. m ; 11:65 : p. m , K Daily , b Pally except Sunday , RAILtVAV TIMIJ CUIM. , & Missouri \alley Rail- rend "The Northwestern Line"OentTnl Olllces , United States National Hank IlldR. , Southwest , _ Corner Twelfth nnd Fnr- i nam Streets. Ticket olllcp , 1401 Knrnam Street. Telephone , 661. Depot. 13th nud , Webster Streets. Telephone , 1I5S. Luavc. Arrive. Blnrk Hills. Dendwood. Hot Springs . a 3:00 : pm n 6:00 : pin Wyoming , Casper nnd Douglnt . d S:00 : pm d 6:00 : pm Hastings , York , David City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter nnd He\vnrd..b 8:00 : pm b 6:00 : pm Norfolk , Verdlgro nnd Fremont . b 7:30 : nm blO:25 : am Lincoln , Wnhoo nnd Fremont . b 7:30 : nm blO:2S : nm Fremont Local . . . . o 7:30 : nm 1 a Dally b Dally except Sunday , c Sun- ; < dny only , d Dally except Snturdny _ ' \ sioux CI'TY PACIFIC I Railroad "The North ' western Line" General Otllce-s , United Btntea National Bank Building , ' S. W. Corner Twelfth i _ nnd Fnrnnm HtreoH. Ticket othce , 1IU1 Fnrnnm Street , Tele phone , 601. Depot. Tenth utid Xtason Streets. Telephone , O. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mnnkato & St. Paul , Minneapolis. . a 6:50 : am n S:40 r.m St. Paul. Minneapolis , Mankato & Sioux Clty.n 6 ; 5 pm nll:00 : pm Sioux City Local . a 7:15 : um u 4:20 : pm a Dally ( CHICAGO * : ORTH- western Railway "Tho Northwestern Line" City Ticket Ofllce , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 661. Depot , TentU and .Mason Streets. Tclc- , . , , , Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe- . > ral : : ; ft 6 : < 0 nm nll5 : Pm Cnrroll Local b 6:25 : pm blO:10 : am Eastern Express. Des Molnes , MurBhalltown , Cedar Rapids nnd Chicago cage , nll:05 : nm n 4:05 : pm Atlantic Flyer. Chicago and East a 4:55 : pm n 4OS : pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha n 2:43 : pm Omnlm-Chlcngo Special.a 7:05 : pm n 8:15 : am Fast Mall 8:30 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Line" General Olllces , Nebraska Divi sion , 15th nnd Webster Sts. City Ticket omce , 1401 Farnitm St. Telephone , 661. Depot , 15th nnd Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express ( for Sioux City , St. Paul & Minneapolis ) a 0:00 : am Omaha Passenger a 7:00 : pm Blair , Emerson , Sioux City , Ponon , Hartlng- ton and Bloomllcld..b 1:00 : pm b2:10 : pm No. 2 Twin City L'fd..a 6:65 : pm No. 1 Omaha Limited. . . n 9:00 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. W A B A S H RAILROAD- Tlcket Olllce. 1415 Farnnm Street. Telephone. S92. De pot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Tolpehone , 629. Leave. Arrive. St. "Louis "Canon Ball" Express a 4:60 pm a 8:35 : am a Dally. REVOLUTIONISTS WILL WIN Aincrlonii Returned from Sntilo Do- iiilnuo Rrjiurtn Moiit-r the CRIIHC of the Trouble. NEW YORK , Auc. 31. J. H. Balch. an electrical enclnccr In the employ of the Santo Domlnco Improvement company , and who has been In tbe Dominican republic for several years , has just arrived In Now York , having left Porto Plato August 21. "On Wednesday , Annual 16 , " said Mr , Balch , "the governor of San Francisco do Macorls , a town sixty miles from Santiago , In the interior , surrendered the town to the Insurgent chief , General Ramon Cacores , the assassin who killed President Hourcaux and who has not been captured since the murder. Cacores had but 300 men with him. The governor of Ban Francisco do Macorls had a garrison of only fifty Infantrymen armed with Remington rifles. The governor offered no opposition , consequently there was no fighting nnd no bloodshed. Uyon the sur render General Cacerca at once telegraphed to the governors of other Important cities In Santo Domingo , who were appointed by the president , that he , Cnoores , was then In supreme command nt San Francisco do Macorls , adding with a fine sarcasm that ho held himself at their command. This message was a subtle defiance for thorn to come and take him. His invitation was not accepted by any of them. He then marched toward Porto Plata , of which General Emlllo Cordero was Kovornor , and I see the papers state that Governor Cordero surrendered Porto Plata. 1 think It Is quite llkoly that nil the larger towns of Santo Domingo , nnd finally the capital Itself , Santo Domingo City , will surre-ndor. I say this because a state of great dissatisfaction exists In such cities as Santlngo , Lnvega , Moca , Dajnbon , Mao and Savanotta and the M'tuoorts of Santo Domlnco , Porto Plata , San Pedro do Macorla , Sanchez , Damana and Monte Crist ! , "Tho chief cnuso of dissatisfaction and up rising In Santo Domingo Is the currency question. A man who liai prestige nnd who can obtain loans Js the man the natives nro looking for ns president. Jlmluez in hardly the man. He Is well known In New York , Hamburg , London nnd Paris , where his banking houses bavo suspended. "Notwithstanding the present Insurrection commerce Is not affected. Santo Domingo was never so prosperous as at the present tlmp. The present generation does not In herit the revolutionary propensities of tlio last nnd farmer generations. The country penplo do not want to fight , cither for thn government or against It , nnrt not infre quently , In order to avoid military service , they take to tl.o bush. " Tuo Hiiiuiy TlioiiKlt < fl. From fnr awnjr Ceylon comes n funny little ntory. A tea planter who hud n Rlnsn eye was doalroiiB of going awny for n day's shooting with a friend , but he knew that ns soon as the natives who were at work on the plantation heard that b ? was gene they would not do n stroke of work. How WPS ho to gut off ? That WDB the question' . After much thought nn Idea struck him. ( lolng up * o the men ho addressed them thus : "Although I myself will bo absent , ynt I shall leave ono of my eyes to BDO that you do your work. " And much to the sur prise end bewilderment of the natives he took out the clous cyo and placed It on Hie stump of a tree and left. For some tlmo the men worked industriously , but at lant ono of them , uelzlng his tin In which ho carried bin food , approached the tree find gently placed It over the eye , Tlia ( done , tliuy all lay dawn und slept sweetly until sutmot , Artificial Li-jf tliut U lullntril , An KngllsU inventor has devized a very ingenious artificial l g and foot Intended for ueo In coees of amputation below tbo knee joint , H U mainly composed of a hollow rubber cliamber , which is Inflated In exactly the same way as a bicycle tire. The skel eton of tbe foot is of wood und contains within it a rubber-faced Joint which permits of movemrntM like those that take place nt the nnklo. A pair of rubber pneumatlo pads Nurround the end of tbe amputated limb , BO that no undue preeaure la exerted on the tleauo. Htuiinoil with "U'ot- , Indlanapollii Journal ; The gentleman with the rod , red nose got aboard the trailer car , which , by itomu. mischance , liad ( topped for a moment , The silence was Intense. ' ' T'li'o llttlo boy looked at the man with the nose , And the little boy didn't nek hli fattier anything , "Merciful heaven ! " muttered the fond , parent , "I &m tbo father of a freakl"