Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1899, Page 11, Image 11

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    1' ' I
for tltVMO UOllllltllH
tnkvn until 12 , „ . rr ( | lc
edition , , , , , | , , , ,111 sl ; ( , „ . , „ ,
for inuriiltiK ; nnil Simdiiy rilltloiin.
Htilc * , 1 i-ao it T or < l flrdt liiNcrtloii |
ic a oril thi-rvnftcr.
. .Nodilng tnUcii
f ir UIMH IlintiMo for the llrnl Inner-
lion. riirnr nil\crtlncincntn iiumt lie
run .
AiUorflNcrn , | i > - rciinrnllnu n nuni-
licrcil flicuk , can liuvc niiHwern ml.
' " " II" " > T 'il letter In en re
"ce AiiM
- - - - < * nv > trriv no IIUfirCNNCII
MIIU lie UHUcruil on iirvHCiitutluu of
die clivnlc oul- .
° 1112. Help ImPI ° ypFnt lliircau , 119 N. 16 Tel.
furnished , positions iirocurcd.
. When you want one
up the Remington typewriter
. 1C10 Farnam St. , telephone 1573.
A 102
_ _
oy attending that most popular and sue-
uessful chxil ,
Catalogue , and full Information furnl.shcd
Students vho desire It assisted to positions
to earn bo.inl while attending.
, Wo have steady work for a few
good hustlers of good habits nnd appear
ance. C. * \ Adams Co. , 1615 Howard St.
GOOD Bolcsmen , salary or com. 111R N. 18.
B 101
S wanted everywhere ; big
money.write Honio Comfort Sad Iron
Co.f OniaJia- B-M310 A27'
MATT'vmntitl. Illxanhnugh , BOO Ware block.
WANTED Twenty fli t-class stone cutters
at Helena , Jtoht , ; $5 for.nlno hours Ap-
Building Co. B 401
WANTED-SK oollcllors , ladles or gentls-
nieu. Gco , W. Beatty , Midland Hotel.
B-330-27 *
- -
YOU CAN travel nnd make big money.
Ask Frank. . 1621 Farnanf. " B 114 29
WANTED , at oncc'rl good all-round black-
amltli , ont > that can work In wood pre
ferred. Addrd'fi W. A' SWelgard , Sharps-
Iurei-T < iylor Co , , ' la. -n B JI4CO 2S *
WANTDD , a goodRCneral blacksmith ; no
other.niiod „ apply , i SroUU Bros , Blair ,
Neb. " B M4S6
WANTED , ofllco' Hey } must write well , be
atimrrftte"Atiil' nertti 'nnwer In own hand
writing , stating ago.and salary expected.
O 61 , Bee , , _ v _ _ _ B M1S4 26
WANTED , llrtit-clufis experienced Bilk
salesman for head of "silk" department ,
none but- such Qtuhave had years of ex
perience find first-class references need
apply. Boiton Store. Omaha , J. L. Bran-
dels & Sons , proprietors. B M493 27
WANTED , first-class experienced shipping
cl"rk on vho liaa hnij experience in < i
retail dry goods store. Boston Store ,
J. L. Brandels & Sons , proprietors.
. B-M49I 27
- >
a- * > *
WANTED , good paying and permanent
position can be secured by experienced and
competent traveling specialty salesman ,
with old , established live stock remedy
. anil toodconcern. Address Jos Unas. V.
S. , IndlanapoJIs , Ind.- References required.
WANTED , party to handle our line of
ladles' wals.ts iyd lalieA"miuslln under
wear In 'connection with -other llnps ,
Schwarz & Wild , 715 N. llth St. , St. Louis ,
MQ. _ . B-M510 27 *
WANTED , A good printer who is nn. ex
pert cornef player , at once ; good job.
Write to Lock Box 313 , Oberlln , Kan
.1 . B M608 27 *
MORE advertisingdistributers , also coffee
.salesmen ; salary. Triumph Information
i Co. , Pallas , Te\ . B-MoOG 2S
WANTED , 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 876.
C 403
i INTELLIGENT , middle-aged women for
) useful , prolltnblo business. Call between
11 and 6. Jl.fl. K. E. Alle-n , 7Z1 N. Y. Life.
C-M137 Sept 14 *
A GIRL 521 N. 20th St. C 39S-25
GIRti lor general housework. 2G10 Popple-
ton 'Ave. C-153 29 *
GIRL for general housework , 2401 Ca s
' ' ' 3-452-25'
WANTED . good girl for general house
work ; no cooking. 2211 Howard.
> lf * > C-M45727 *
CIIAMBEJIMA.ID wanteil at once ; must bo
clean and. comn well recommended. Ap
ply nl the Creche. C 471 26
_ Li i _ .
WANTED , a bright middle-aged woman
who will devote all her time to a good
paying business ; a flue opening- for the
right party. Address G CO , Bee.lrf
lrf " I453 27
WANTED , experienced lady for mall order
department in1 dry KQotH ptore ; one using
typewriter preferred. Inquire at Boston
1 Sroro , J" L. Brandels & Sons , proprietors.
C-OM493 27
WANTED , five first-class , thorough , cx-
cloak nnd suit Balesladles ; must
ave larfire experience ; state where and
how long-employHi ; good salary to com
petent people. Address G63. . Bre.
WANTED , Rlrl to aRfllat with light house
work ; a only In family. Mrs. C. M.
Eaton , 162M'lnkney st , C-iM51G 27 *
WANTED , nt Union Depot hotel , two ex-
peilenced dlnjngroom girls. C MB15 27"
GIRL for general housework. 4129 Lafayette -
otte ave. C-M519 28 *
WANl'BD , nn experienced girl for ficcond
worlt. AptMy" on Monday at 1724 Daven
port st C--MBOI - 27 *
HOUSES. Bfinewa & Co. , 100 N. IBth St.
ALWAYS moving household goods nnrt
pianos. Omahi Van & Storage Co , 1511ft
Farnam. Tel. M. D-407
HOUSES , stores , Bemls , Paxton block.
D 403
FOR RENT , houses In all parts of city.
The O. F. Davis Co. , 150j Farnam street.
SIX-ROOM modern Oat ' 1112 S. llth ,
HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city.
Bronnan-Lovo Co. , 219 South 16th street.
MAGGARD'S Vdliistorage. 117 N 15. Tel NOG !
' LL . _
CHOICE houses cottages , stores. Henry
Ii. Payne , 601.N. . . Y. Life , 'Phone , lOlii
FOR RENT. D6S South SSth St. . 10 rooms.
modern , * good rrpolr. The Byron Reed
Co. , 212 Sc > A14th Bt. . _ D-M719
1103 POPPLETON AVE , , , 10 rooms , modern ,
large yard ana bsm , ISO. The Byron
Ree4 Co. D-413
_ ' _
MODERN ho'us.e. 1009 N. 29th St. ,
$20. 605 Ben. D-M90C
FOR RENT10poom ! modern crick. 3031
south SOtli a\e. , hardwood floors and
finish. D-M63S
, il : ' i1 , ' j 'i '
( -ROOM upitnge. furuliibad ; modern. Sep.
tcmber 1. t > 0. ! So 30th St. _ D-4ii..v !
FTN13 residence , choice location. 11 robins ,
all moilfr.ll.cellent stable , Uemla Pux-
toTi block. D-MS7 !
'llV. certainly , wvo coal , gas. water and
servant worries by li.tvlntr a home In the
Brunswick hotel , heart of the cltv
roii HUNT nofsi- * .
.1 ROOMS , 701 S 17th Ave. Inquire upstairs
t _ _ D 530-Sep ! >
FURNlTURi : anil leasehold of If-room ) al -
i P.O'Iern house , only 4 blocks from N. Y
Life bldg , , entirely Illlcd with good room-
i ers nnd boarders , for Rale at a Mrcnln
price See Henry 11 I'.ijne , COl N , Y. Life.
pered , walking distance , $26 & 0.
lie-room house , modern , walking distance ,
An elegant 12-room furnished house for ISO
Only one of the line apartments In the
Normnndle , 15000. |
Call and see us.
Paynu-Hurdcr Co , first floor N. Y. Life.
D-393-27 |
FOR HUNT , six-room cottage. 1'nqulre 842
South ISth street. D-M 453
plOHT-ROOM , moilern. 514 N 32d St. . ll.
Seven-room , modern , 3112 Corby st. , J13.
A few cheap houses nt II to J6.
Homes on monthly payments , Jll to { 50.
Better buy ami stop moving 'round.
D-M479 26
2227 N 20TfrST. , store , J7.00 ; 4-room flat , up-
Rtnlrs , J-soo ; city water.
26th and Dewey uve. , small cottage , mod
ern. J23
2iW S. 17th st , 7 rooms , city water. 114
Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , loth and Douglas.
FOR RENT. 10-room hoiiHo nt 813 Worthington -
ington Place , all modern conveniences , In
cluding electric light , etc , nelghborhopd
unexcelled ; one block from Farnam car.
Apply H. J. Windsor , 1624 Capitol Axe.
D-M520 23
THE BACHELORS , family hotel ; best $1.50
a day house In the state ; take Harno ) nnd
Farnam st. cars. E S6
FURNISHED rooms ; housekeeping. 2623
St. Mary's. E 285-1 *
CLEAN beds , EOo week and up. 710 S 14th.
I NICE icoms , housekeeping. 1112 So. llth.
J2 6t 7
509 S. 23th ave , board If desiredES02
E-S02 Sep. 7
THE BRUNSWICK , with new furniture
and new management. Is the most de-
alrablo place In this city. E M419 Sep21
ROOMS , with or without board. 1512 Daven
port. E M742 SeptS *
NICE rooms for rent. 311 South 26th st
FURNISHED ROOMS , private family. 2003
Hurt E-M& 2S *
DESIRABLE front alcove room In quiet
family to one or two gentlemen. 2303
Douglas. E M507 27 *
KLJ3QANT rooms Ss board. 1903 Capitol ava.
F-41 >
THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and Dodge.
F M592
ROOM and board , modern , 1618 Hnrney.
F M591 Sept. 1
PLEASANT rooms with good board. 2206
Douglas. F-M357 27 *
DESIRABLE , furnished , southeast front
room , private family. 702 So. 29th st.
BACK parlor for two gentlemen with first-
class .board. 1722 Dodge. F M503 31 *
THREE unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping , 602 So. 19th. G M466 26 *
FOR RENT , store In first-class location ;
rent reasonable Apply R. C. Peters &
Co. , ground floor Bee Bldg. 1 266
FOR RENT , a ground floor ofllce , specially
suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid
vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap
ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor. Bee
Building. 1-267
AT SOUTH OMAHA , several new stores
"JUst blJng completed ; excellent openings
for dry goods , clothing , boots , shoes and
other lines. Inquire C. A. Van Wasmer ,
24th and M. South Omaha. 1 288 276
SMALL store , 222 North 11th. 1 450-25 *
WANTED , agents to sell Doctors Conger
and Crane's ( private ) book for women ;
just out ; everybody will buy It. American
( Publishing House , Chicago. J M503 2S *
LADY agents wanted to take orders for the
A. H. Johnston Skirt Co. , Perry , lu.
Write for sample outfit. J M509 26 *
GENERAL agent for Nebraska , or will
make terms for royalty for the new Acety
lene Gas -Generator , "The Holmes. " No
more -smoke , no more wasting carbide or
gas. Write for terms and description.
Approved by lire underwriters , HolmeH-
Bailey Acetylene Gas Co. , Qlanton. Mich.
J 'MSll 26 *
GENEALOGICAL map of Ireland , showing
the family names ; price 20c. James
Sheely , publisher , 5 Murray st , New
York. J 'M513 2S *
AGENTS set up in paying business ; $2.00
outfit free ; all easy sellers ; big prollts ;
continuous business ; exclusive territory ;
write quick. Hunter Co. , 251 Ann St. , Ra
cine Junction , WIs. JM-502 X *
AGENTS , we set you up In a paying bust-
npsa nnd furnish $2 00 outfit free ; all easy
sellers ; big profitn ; continuous business ;
exclusive territory ; write quick. Hunter
Co. . 219 Ann St. . Racine. WIs. J MM ! 26'
WANTED 8-room house , furnished or un
furnished ; no children. G 57 , Bee
K 172 2o *
WANTED Two furnished rooms with
breakfast , 6 o'clock dinner ; adult , two
children. 13 nnd 11 > e.irs State location ,
terms and conveniences. G SS , Bee
PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , BOS-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
2ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged ,
Boston Furnlturu Co. , 1414 Dodge , Tel. 223S.
ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. ,
In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur
niture Co. , 1400-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020N
N 126
1,000 BASE BURNERS and other stoves
wanted. Don't sell before sfeingfJoo Le-
vlnc. Drop n caid and a man will call.
Highest market price guaranteed. 304 N.
16th , cor. Davenport. N M263 Sep. 18
STOVES , STOVES and furniture bought
and sold ; best prices made ; see us before
you deal. Nob. Fuinllure Co. , 1419 Dodge ,
0-S79 Oct-10
OLD buggies taken In trade on new vehicles
Andcrbcn Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport ,
P 428
FLAG poles ; sawdust , cneapest and best
hog fence. 901 Douglas. Tel 45i. Q 129
CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman &
McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodee St.
HOG. poultry , lawn and field fencing ; all
wire. Wire Works , 1U7 Howard St.
B. HAAS. Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St Tel. 776 ;
plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , resii
deuce , wedding and grave' decorations ;
orders by mall or express promptly lined !
FOR SALE , ten R-M'-A-N-S for 6 cents at
druggists. One gives relief. Q-431
SO-HAND safe cheap , Derlght , 1118 Farium
Q I3o
SAFEST buy , sell , exchange , in s , 13th St.
CASH register , nearly new , cheap , ing
Farnam. Q-MS6S
ICE for sale In car lota. Gilbert Bros.
I Council Blufts. Q-M311
FOR SALE , .heap , heav > wr.ipp n paper ,
good for batten or lading under carpets.
Omaha nee press room , Q 271
INDIAN relics , mounted gamehead . IMC
Fornan. Q M9S5
ioO WATCHES left in pawn for snl cheap
Diamond Loan Olllce , 1315 Doiig'ns
Q M61 Sept 2
MUST sell Hnrdmnn piano ; make offer ;
lima or cash p 20 , Bee. Q-214
TYPEWRITERS for nlc or rent Nrbr.
rycle Co , 15 & Harnrv Q ( ls-i >
NE\V wheels. $1.130 up , 2nd-hand wheels $ >
up ; repairing A. supplies Omaha IVi vcle
Co. Q-M4C5
FOR SALE On account of driving our ma
chinery ontlrelv by elortrlr motors large
assortment of wood nnd Iron pullfvs b ii.
Ing , shafting , hangprs nnd head blocks
four friction clutches , one exhaust fan ,
one Crane elevator , one hoisting i-rane ,
etc Bcmls Omaha Bag Co. Q AH77 31
BEST fall heaters and cook stoves at low
est prices Boston Furniture Co , 1414
Dodge R 427
WANTED , room and board In private
family , reasonable ; state full particulars.
G fi2 , Bee. K 493-25 *
NOTICE , country dealers , 2ndhnnd furniture
nnd stoves sold at lowest price's , carload
lots or lea ? , Chicago Furniture Co . 14M-10
Dodge. R-ISS
MME. GYLMER , genuine palmtst.lW Dodge
Mil's ! DR ! HART , famous MEDIUM
PALMIST ; card * . 25c. 1707 CBSB st.
S-M432 26 *
Good news for all So sure am I of my
power of telling the past , present nnd
future I will gl\e a few free tests to all
who wish a rending , skeptics Invited.
Seer , phrenologist , nstrolotdst , palmist ,
Prof Elmer Hall Known from oi-pan to
ocean as the White Mahatma ; asking no
questions , he tells name of > our future
husband or wife , whether the one you
lo\e is true or false. Seventh son nnd
has the powei of any two mediums ; tells
you what > our trouble Is , ever\ hidden
mjstery revealed , when jou will marry ;
what Is needed for success In business ,
lo\e , marriages , speculation , changcrsT dl-
\orjce , losses , wills , pensions , etc. Thou
sands of my patrons have been made
happy that I have never seen Stamp in
sures prompt answer. Private parlor , 1615
Chicago st. S-492 23 *
PARLORS BEST equipped In city Porce
lain tub ; lady attendants 119 N 16th ,
opp. P. O. , 2nd floor. Daisy ri'turnrd
T M S6 A2G *
ELITE parlois , 2025 Farnam , upstairs , first-
class baths , massage and magnetic treat
ment ; lady atctcndants. T JIS09 29 *
MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponge baths , mas
sage , magnetic treatment ; expert attend
ants ; Ist-claBS patronage solicited. 1615
Howard. 3rd floor. T M230 Sep 17
MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; massage baths.
T-239-Sep 17 *
BEATRICE HARLOW , elegant massage ,
tub baths , Egyptian treatment. 1701 Leav-
enworth. T M207 27 *
MME. SMITH , room 2. 118V4 North 15th.
T 151-23 *
MME. Lee , baths , massage parlor , 302 N. 16.
T-779 SG *
M. MONHEIT. leading chiropodist , treats all
ailments of fset , both ladles & gentlemen.
Ladles' halrdrcsslng , hair goods & toilet
preparations. Treatments on scalp , face ,
hands or feet ; 20 years experience , 10 yean
In Omaha ; best equipped establishment In
city. 1516 Farnam ; take elevator ; 2nd floor.
DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns , superfluous
hair removed by electricity. Jloom 12 ,
Frenzer block. U 441
PllIVAT E hospital for ladles before & dur
ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N 17.
U 140
SUPERFLUOUS h lr Instantly removed ; no
electricity ; no Instrument used. Room 4 ,
Wlthnell block. U S45
VIAVI Is woman's way to health. S46 Bee
Bldg. U 442
HOWDLL'S LHle Anti-Bilious Pills. Cure
BIHousne s , Dizziness , Indigestion , Sick
Headaches. Constipation , 'iorpid Liver and
all derangements of stomach and bowels.
Being entirely vegetable , they operate
without disturbance to system , diet or oc
cupation. For sale by all druggists.
Howell's Antl-Kawf cures cough.
U-677-A31 *
RUPTURE CURED. We cure all forms of
rupture without pain or detention from
business. Send for circulars. Empire
Ruptura Cure , 932 N. Y. Life Bldg. ,
Omaha. Neb. U M561 AS1 *
RESPECTABLE young lady would make
the acquaintance of honorable gentleman
with good business prospects ; object ,
matrimony. G 45 , Bee. U 358 27 *
WANTED , Midway and other attractions
for Street Carnival. Sept. 14 , 15 , 16. M. J.
Halne , secretary , Fort Dodge , la.
U-M410 29 *
LVRUyB0.DY lnter9ted in Phonographs
talking machlnea send address to
? , ? 1h.ono > Co-M No. 16th. Hear
something to your advantage. Names and
address must reach us by Sept 15
. U M404
2ND HAND sewing machines , $5 up ; Nebr.
Cycle Co. , 15 & Harney. U 447-25
SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and moles permanently -
> manently removed by electricity ; consul
tation free and confidential , all work
guaranteed. .Miss Allender , 1613 Douglas
. U MS12 28 *
MONEY to loan on first-
6 PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Bik.
MONEY to loan on Improved Onrnha real
estate , Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 Bo. 16th.
W 41 $
J100 TO 2.000. F. D. Weud , Gtn & Douglas.
W 149
$1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city
property and farms. W. Fainam Smith
& Uo , , 1320 Farnam. V 150
BROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers
wanting eastern money should write for
circular. Investors' Directory , Now York.
MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa
farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. .
219 B. 16th , Omaha , W 452
LOANS , Pottor-Slioles Co. . 310 N. Y. Life.
6 per cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam
W 456
WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds
nnd warrants R. C. Peters & Co , 170i
Farnam St. , Bee BIdg. W 457
WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm
In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; | t will pay
you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 316 N Y U
MORTGAGES , Wallace , 311 Brown Block.
W 459
5 , 6 $ , 6 per ct. loans In Omaha , So. Omaha.
W. H. Thomas. 603 1st Nat. Hlc. Tel 16IJ.
W 460
G PER PENT ; also private funds. Chas.
E. Williamson. W MCCO
6 PER CENT money on or before 5 years
on Nebraska lands and Omaha real cs-
tate. W. B. MelUle , 401 S , 15th at.
EASTERN money to loan on Al security at
low rates W H Russell , loans , real
estate and Insurance , 016 N. Y. L'fe.
W-M481 29
WANTED several first applications for
loans JSOO to J2000 W. H. Russell , loans
and Investments , 618 N. Y Life.
\V-M4S2 31
JOHNSON Osteopathlc Institute , CIS N. Y
Life BIdg , Alice Johnson. D O . ladles9
dept Gld E Johnson , osteopathlst. mgr
M E DONOHUB D " 57 , oFsIlTT echool
KiiksUlle , Mo. , 601 Paxton blk , Tel. 1367.
49. !
MONEY IcmiPd on pianos , furniture , horses ,
, cows , Jewelrj Duff Green , U. s , Barker blk
I . X-151
holdlnj : permanent position * on their per-
* onal note without indortemeiK or secur-
Hj , strlctlv contldentlnl , nnd nt
before borrowing see us. a von will nnd
It greatly to jour advantage \\0 nre t,0 | ,
- ' and onlv
ciciesi , InrgisH nm v/i. ' Incorporated . loan
I 1 company in Oinnlia r. \ \ Trunv , Mgr. .
119 Board of 1 rude Uldg. lulh and inr :
\ nam Sts Telephone 2.V > y-462
I MONEY loaned on furniture , r Ss , bicycles"
| diamonds w niches , ere , pai tnenm un
known to friends Burgers' Loati BanK.
1416 Farnam , iipstnlrs X IC4
MONEY loaned salaried people holding per
manent position with responsible con-
I cerns upon their own name" , w'thout se-
I curlty ; ensy payments. Tolman , R. 706 ,
N. Y. Llfo Bldg X 163
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew
elry , horses , cows , etc C. F Reed 310 S 13.
confidentially , holding permanent posl-
lions , on their own name without en.
dorser , mortgage or securlu of any kind
Can reply In easy weekly or monthly
pavmcnta. Omaha Ciedlt CM . C 12 Jen
nings , Mgr. . suite 62.1-526 N Y. L4f < > BIdg.
X f9G
Loans returned In easy weekly or monthly
payments u suit convenience of borrower.
No Inniilrles of their employer or friends ;
everything guaranteed confidential.
MONEY loaned on filrtilture rigs , bliycles ,
diamonds , watches , etc ; payments un
known to friends. Omaha Ixmn Bank ,
1416 rarnam , upstairs. X 461
111'bI.VK.SS CII \ > LES.
FOR SALE or trade , City Hotel , Onawa ,
Iowa. Y-M726
THE New Snow-Church Co. has become
established In Its olllces , fifth floor Kar-
bnch Blk. , with facilities to promote Its
collection department to the best In
terests of Its patrons. Call and see us on
collection business , prompt attention as
sured. 'Phone S93.V , H. GreenPresident.
Y 214-29
THE Snow-Church Co. bu > s nnd .sells real
estate , rents houses nnd give particular
attention to collection" . Ofllce Eth floor
Karbach Blk. W. H. Green , President.
Y 213-29
IF YOU are a caterer and want to make
money you loose the chance of a life
time if you miss the Brunswick. Cafe.
Y-M41S Sep21
INVEST JG.BOO to start new business ; will
net $18,000 yearly. Address G 60. Bee.
Y M439 27 *
FOR SALE , paid-up concession for soft
drinks , lunch. Ice cream. In four buildings.
Address John McC10Hk > , International
hall , Expo , grounds , Omaha. Y M4SS S7 *
AN all modern 7-room house In the. finest
residence portion of clt ) , being n corner
lot , 50x130 , for the low pi Ice of $ JJW , If
sold this week.
A highly Improved ranch of 1,720 acres In
Wyoming , with Irrigating ditches , good
house , barns , blacksmith shop ; all fenced ,
at a great bargain. . For further particu
lars write or call on J. A. Lovgren , U41-9I2
New York Life. RE 134 27
FOR SALE , 010 acres of land , worth J35
per acre ; will sell for $21 per acre. The
Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. Hth st.REM997
IF South Omaha real estate you want to
buy or sell communicate with O'Noll's
Real Estate Agency. RE M628
FOR SALE , best residence , 'slte In Omalia ,
160x127 feet , southwest , corner 26th st. and
Poppleton av. ; both streets paved ; all
regular and special taxes paid to date ;
make offer. Address F 66. The Bee.
RE MS43 Sept S
SNAPS in real estate ; money to loan. L. Ii.
Johnson Co. , 314 S. 15th street. RE M659
HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the
time to dispose of thorn ; let the people
know that ycu want to dispose of them
The Bee reaches the people who have the
money. RE 866
The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St.
HOUSES , Jots farms , lands , loans ; also flre
Insurance. Bemls , Paxton blk. RE 472
B-room house , modern , J1.200.
7-room house , modern , J3.500.
9-room house , modern , J4.000.
Others , { 5,000 , SOOCX ) $7.000 and } 10,000.
All In Hnnscom Place
Two pleasant homes , West Farnam , cheap.
Bargains in any part of the city.
M. J. Kennard & Son ,
810-11 Brown Block. RK 533
Real Estat : , Rentals , Loans , Insurance.
LIST your property with mo. I have the
buyers. II. M. Christie , South Omaha.
RE M629 Oct. 3
9-ROOM modern house. Inquire E21 S.
26th avp. RE-904 Sep. 11 *
$3,800 WILL buy the beautifUl S-room mod
ern house at 2611 Pierce St. RE 397 27
TWENTY-ACRE tract fruit land nine
miles from Omaha. W. II. Russell , real
estate and rentals , 61G N. Y" . Life.
C-ROOM cottage , city water , good barn ,
corner lot In Clifton Hill. 1 rubber tire
ColnmbuH phaeton ; 2 sets single harness.
Address G. A. Wlwe , 1609 Howard Kt
RE 499-31
WOODMAN & BAY , pension agents , 23
Barker block. RE-M317 20
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $400 per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co , 1625
Farnam St. Telephone 12S4. 473
WE RENT and sell the best typewriters
made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha.
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far-
nam. 474
REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup
plies. 1619 Farnam. 476
THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing ,
heaviest manffolder and cute the finest
etcncll ; see exhibit Liberal Arts bid * . ,
Greater America Exposition , Tel. 2279 ,
J , S Stewart , Special Agent , 818 % 3 , Fif
teenth steet , Omalia. TTC
TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 111G Farnam.
DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has
brought happlnes ute hundreds of anxious
women ; have never had a single failure ;
longest cases relieved In two to five days
without fall ; no pain , no danger .no Inter
ference with work , by mall or ofllco , $2 ;
nil letters truthfully answered. The
Mansfield Remedy Co. , 107 Dearborn St. ,
room 614 , Chicago , III. 326 26
LOST niack cockrel spaniel , name Punch ;
short legs ; tag No. COJ , reward. E , D
Branch , B. & M. office , 1503 Farnnm
Ixjst 173 25 *
LOST , e dark Jersey cow with leather
halter on. Dr , Keys , 02J North 33th St
_ _ _ _
- -
$2.000 REWARD nnd no questions asked for
return of fur garments , etc. , stolen from
mv store August 13 ; am willing to comply
with any reasonable arrangements , us
goods aio mostly storage G. E , Shukert ,
315 S. 16th St , Omaha , Ndb
LADIES' gold filled watch , monogram L.
I M on front lid , suitable reward : return
to Frenzer , Jeweler , 15th and Dodge.
Lost-MtiU J6 *
supply ; shirts , Se ; cclluro , 2c ; cuffs , 4c ;
underwear , 6c , 175) Ltavenworth Tel. 547 ,
11405 Sepli
THE iinilrrslKMt'il haMnp ui ccctlrd to the i
birsne | * 0f the litf C. K Helndorff , archi
tect. hive removed from his former otllce
to 42. llt < build nt ; nnd will continue the
busne ! of nrchltctts nnd superintendent
Patronage of ihr public and Mr L > rfn-
i > t-n s fornrr ouMomers respectfully o-
llrlted R W Baker , A D Hiker
M-oJj Scpl i
MiouTit\M > AMI TI
A. C. Van Sant's School. 717 N. Y
AT OMAHA llus. College , 16th & !
UOYLES' school , court reporter nilnrlptl ;
Hoi- Hide \ < * )
IN families Mls Sturdy , 2216 Davenport.
M 197 A20 *
WANTUD , ladles' , Kentlemen'o oh'ldrpn
mending. CIS N. 1Mb. M481 26 *
HARRIS Abstract Co. , 123 Bee Building
TAKEN up. one small , red cow , wh to
star In forehoad. M P U.iscom. 2Sth nnd
Dorcas M4CI 26
in : vi , INC.
MH. AND MIIS A ClILLirT , Wrltmer KJ
teiii , 24th and Cnmlng , cntrnnrc on "Ith
-MICG Sept 12 *
bOR SALE , cheapest and best cattle ninch ,
KUO.OOO acres. For description uddicss EuGene -
Gene Williams , Waco , Texas.
MJ03Sep 1C *
WHOS your tailor ? See the Twin City
TalloiliiB Co . fall line now leudj * for In
spection , prices right. 1G 9 Tannin ft.
-313 S19
rou SAI-I :
FARMS near So Omaha and Lincoln for
sale. J , T. Clarke , Hoard of Trade ,
Omaha S70 Setf-lO
WAT-UK ru/rnits.
"STANDARD" in Machinery Hall , expo ,
grounds , or room G , Board of Trade bldq.
M79fi Scp-7
AMJ iiini.Dniis.
HEALY & . SONS , 1S22 Clark street
MJS5 Sept 20 *
ANDRAD bicycles. $ JU. 111G Farnam.MOM
BASEHURNERS replated , all kinds of platIng -
Ing Omaha Plutliiff Co. , J3ee Bldg. 215
JCFFERSON Square Loan Offlce , 413 N. 1C.
EAGLE Loan Olllce , rellalilo , accommodat
ing ; all business conlldcntlal. 1301 Douglas.
TICICHT uuoicnus.
CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets ;
excursion tickets bought and sold. P. II.
Philbln , new locations 1309 and 1003 Far
nam. Est. 18S9. Member Q. T. B. Assn.
TRY the Henderson Hotel , board niid room
$1.00 per week ; gas , steam heat and baths.
Ninth aiid Farnam Sta 4S7
SEE OUR trunk traveling bags , suit cases
Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk factory ,
1209 Farnam. 913 A2
CURCD. Julia Vauehan , 430 Ramgc Bldg.
M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumins. Tel. 1331.
nousn Movnn.
W. COY , located at 1716 St. Mary's Ave.
& Mis
souri River Railroad
"The Burlington Route"
Qcueral Olllces , N. AV.
Corner Tenth and Far
nam StteeU. Ticket
Olllcn. 1G02 Farnam
Strett. Telephone , 2.V ) .
Depot Tenlh and Mason Streets. Tele-
phone 310.
Leave , Arrive
Lincoln , Hastings and
McCook a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm
Lincoln , Denver , Colorado
rado , U'ah , California.a 4:23 : pm a 3:53 : pm
Lincoln , Black Hills.
Montana Ac 1'uyet
Sound a 4:25 : pm a 3.00 pm
Lincoln Local a 7.00 pm all:35 : am
Lincoln Fast Mall. . . . a 3.00 pm alO:35 : am
Denver , Colorado , Utah
& California a G.30 am
a Dally.
KANSAS CITY. St Joseph -
seph & Council BluffH
Railroad "The Burling
ton Route" Ticket Olllce ,
1502 Far-uin Street , Tele
phone 250. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
Kansas City Day Ex . a 9.30 am a i:45 : pm
Kansas City Night Ex alO.15 pm a um
St. Louis Flyer for St
Joseph and St , Louis a 4 55 pm all:15 : am
a Dally
- - - - - vfc „ v4. U *
Ac Qulncy Railroad "The
Burlington Route" Ticket
Ofllce , 1502 Farnum St.
Tel. 250. Depot Tenth &
Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310
Leave , Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spec-
clal , a 0:40 : am
Chicago Vcstlbulcd Ex a 5 Oi pm a 8:05 : nm
Chicago Express . . . . . . , a 9:30 : am a 4.05 pm
Chicago A : Ht. L Ex . a 745 ; pin a it.05 ama
Pacific Junction Local.alO:45 : um
Fast Mall a 2:45 : pm
n Dally
'and ' Routc"-Gereral Offices ,
N. E Cor , Ninth and rarnam
Streets , City Ticket Ofllce , 1303
, Farnam Street. Telephone ,
318. Depot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone , 629.
"The overland Limited"
fet Utah Idaho , Men-
tana , California , Ore-
eon and Washington
i'olnta . . . . a 8:40 : am a 4:36 : pm
Th Colorado Special
for Denver ana all
Colorado points alt:65 : pm a 630 ; am
Pacific Express for
Denver , Salt Lake ,
Pacific Coaat nnd all
western points . . b 4:25 : pm a 6:30 : am
Lincoln , Beatrice nnd
Stromsburg Exurcss b 4:25 : pm b 1:20 : pm
Fremont , Columbus , Nor
folk , Giand Island und
North Platte a 4'23 pm b 4:35 : pm
Columbus Local b 7.JO rm b 9:30 : pin
North Platte Local . . a 1:20 pm
South Omaha I ocat Pass Leaves. C20 ; a.
m , ; 7:00 : a m ; 10:10 : a m , 3.03 p. in , Arrives.
10:43 : a m , 3.15 p m , 5:25 : p m ; 0 p m.
Council Bluffs Local-Leaves , 6:20 : a. m
6.40 a m , 6:50 : a m ; 7.35 a in , 9.30 a. m.
b 10:15 : u m , J.25 p m ; 2.if p in ; 4.55 p. m.
6:25 p m. ; 6.55 p m . 8:55 : p in , 10:30 : p , in
Arrives , 6.20 a. m. ; 7.20 a m ,8:15 : a m.
SH : u. m. ; 11.30 a in , 3:05 : p in ; 4:05 : p. m
5.51 p. m.j u:30 : p m ; 7:30 : p. m ; 9.35 p.'in.
11.00 p. m ; 11.53 n in
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday ,
TJcket Ofllce , 1415 Farnam
Street Telephone. 692 De
pot , Tenth and Mason
. streets , Tolpchone , C29.
Leave. Arrive.
St Louts "Canon Ball"
Express a 4.50 pm a 8.33 am
a Dally.
wesUrn Railway "Tho
Nor'hweatfrn Line"
City Ticket Olllee. UOl
Farn.-un Street. Tele
phone , Ml Depot , Tenth
uiul Mason Sirec t < . lole-
Leave. Arrive.
Da > light Chicago Spo-
ctil Spo.a G.IO nm ail : ' * pm
Carroll 1/ocal b 5:25 : pm blO:10 : am
Eastern Express , Des
Molnos , Mnrshalltown.
Cedar Rapids and Chicago
cage all 03 nm n 4.03 pm
Atlantic Flyer , Chicago
and Eapt . a 4 35 pm a 4:03 : pm
Fa l Mall. Chlrago to
Omnha . n 2 43 pm
Omaln-C'hlcnBa R 7.23 pm a S.15 am
Fast .Mail . . . . 8:30 : am
a Dall ) b Dally except Sunday.
Minneapolis & Omnln.
" Northwestern
Rallwaj "The
western LitP" General
Olllces , Nebinskn ll\l-
slon , 15th and Webster
Sts City Ticket Olllce.
1401 Farnnm St. Telephone , 661. Depot , 13th
nnd Webster St" >
Leave. Arrive.
Twin Cltv Express ( for
Sioux CIU Si Paul As
Minneapolis ) a 6:00 : am
Omaha Passenger a 7 00 put
Ululr , Emerson. Sioux
City PoniM. Hnrtlng-
ton nnd Bloomlleld b 1 00 pm b2-10 ! pm
, No 2 Twin City Ltd a 5 55 pm
I No. 1 Omah'v Limited . a 9.00 am
a Dallj b p.ill ) except Sammy.
A , Missouri \ alley Rail
road "Tho Northwestern
Line" General Olllccs ,
United States National
Bank Uldg , Southwest
Corner Twelfth nnd Far
nam Streets Ticket otllee , 1401 Farnnm
Street Telephone , 661 Depot , 15lh nnd
Webster Streets. Telephone , 1433.
Leave. Arrlx'o.
BHck Hills , Deadwood.
Hot Spring a 3.00 pm a 6.00 pin
Wyoming , Casper nnd
Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 5.00 pm
Hastings York , David
City Superior , Geneva ,
Exetci nnd Kcwiml b 3 00 pm b 6.00 pm
Norfolk , Verdlgre and
Fremont b 7.DO am blO:25 : am
Lincoln. Wahoo and
Fremont b 7 30 am WO 25 am
Fremont Local c 7 30 am
a DTlly b Dally except Sunday c Sun-
day only. d Dally except Saturday.
Rallroid "The North
western Line" General
Olllcea , United SI UPS
National Bank Building ,
S. W Coiner Twelfth
and Farnam Streets.
Ticket umce , 14D1 rarnam Street , Tele-
phone. 661. Depot , Tenth and Mason
Streets Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux Cltj , Mankato &
St Paul , Minneapolis a 5:50 : am a S,4ri r.m
Si Paul M'nneapolis ' ,
Minkato A\ Sioux I'ltj .a 5 23 pm all CO pm
Sioux Clt > l.oca\ . . a 7.45 am a 4.20 pm
a Dall >
and A , Pacific Railroad
"The Great Rock Isl
and Route. " City Tick
et Olllce. 1323 Farnnm
Street. Telephone , 423
Depot , Tenth & Mason
btieets Telephone , US.
Leave. Arrive.
DOS Molne-4 Local . . "
a 7.05 am bll:33 : am
Chicago Hxpiess bll ir > am a S 10 am
Chicago Fast Expiess..a 5 00 pm n 1.J5 iim
St. Paul Fast i\prcss. .a 0:00 : pm bll:3o : am
Lincoln , Colorado Spgs ,
Denver , Pueblo and
West a 1.30 pm a - > : a pm
Des Molnc- , Rock Isl
and nnd Chicago . . a 7-2T. pm a 6-3T pm
Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 6:40 : pm a 9:00 : am
a Dally b Dully except Sunday.
road General OITlces nnd
Ticket Olllces Southeast Cor
ner 14th nnd Doug-las Sts
Telephone , 101 Depot. 15th
and Webster Sets. Telephone
Leave. Artlve.
StNeb. &
Neb. Limited . . . . . .n 3-00 pm n25i ! ; pm
K. C.-St. L. Express a 9:50 : pm a 6:00 : am
Nebraska Local via
Woeplngy Water b 5.00 pm a 6:00 : am
a Dally , b Daily except Sunday.
road Omaha , Kansas Cltj
& Eastein Rallrojd "The
iQuincy Route Qulncj' Route" Ticket of
fice , 1415 Farnam Ptreot.
Telephone , 322 Depot , Tenth
fcJ t and Mason Streets. Tele-
* sH K phone , 6J9.Leave.
Leave. Anlve.
St. Louis Cannon Ball
Express a 40 : pm a A:1j : am
Kansas City and Qulncy
Local a 6:50 : am a 9.35 pm
a Dally.
St. Paul Railway City
Ticket Olllce. 1504 Farnam
Street. Telephone , 2S4. De
pot , Tenth and Mason Sts.
Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited Ex. . . .a B:45 : pm a 8:20 : am
Chicago & Omaha Ex , bll:00 : am b 3:5 : > pm
Sioux City ft Dea Molnes
Express bjl:00 : am b 3:53 : pm
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
( ; O ViitMI3Vr MITICIJ.
STORES Olllce Purchasing Oommls arol
Subsistence , Omalia , Neb , AuguHt 23. IS'Cl
Sealed piojosals subject to the usunl con
ditions , will be received at this otllce mull
11 o'clock a. m , September 4 , Ik99 , at which
time and place they will be publicly opened ,
for { mulshing subsistence stores as fol
lows : Polk , bacon , sugar , canned goodw ,
etc. Pieference will be given articles of
domestic production. Blank proposals and
speculations can * bn obtained at this of
fice. JOHN 11. DUVAL , PurchiBlng Com
missary. M Allg23-2l-25-2G
( Should bo read dally by all Interested ,
as changes may occur at any time. )
Foreign inallw for the week ending August
2(1 ( , 1S99 , will close ( promptly In all cases ) at
the general poHtolllco as follows : Parcels
post malls close one hour eailler thun clos
ing time shown below.
TrilllH-.Xdillitlr MnllN.
SATURDAY At 5:30 : a. in. for EUROPi : ,
per H. s. Lucanla * . via QU13KNSTOWN
( letters for France. Switzerland , Italj ,
Spiln , Portugal , Turkey , Egypt and Brit
ish India must be directed "per H , B Lu
canla" ) . nt 0.30 a m lV > r FRANCE. SWIT
pei H. t , IM Normnndle * . via HAVRE ( letters -
tors for oihcr purls of Europe must be
directed "per n H , Normandle" ) , at 8 a
m for NETHERLANDS direct per H s
Amsterdam , via ROTTERDAM ( letters
must be directed "por s n Amsterdam" ) .
Printed Matter , etc. Oerman n ton mom
Hailing on Tuesdays take printed matter ,
otc. . for Germany and HrioclnlJy nd-
rtrecsed printed mnttci etc , tor other
parts of Europe , Ameilcan and Whtn !
Star Hteamers on Wednesday , German
KtuamerH on liiurHi'ayu , and Cunard ,
French and German steamers on Satur
days tnl e printed matter , ftc , for all
countrltH for which they are advertised
to carry mull ,
After the closing of the supplementary
trana-AtlnntIo ninlla named above , addi
tional supplementary malls are opened on
tliu piers of the American , Kngllsh ,
French and German steamers , and remain -
main open until within ten mlnutcH of the
hour of sailing of steamers
MnllN for South nnil fYnrriil Aim-rlcn ,
VXVxt IiiillH , Kit' ,
FRlDAY-At 2 p. m. for NORTH' BRAZIL ,
per H s Hilary , xla Pnra and Mnnaon
SATURDAY At 10 a , in , for NEWFOUNDLAND -
LAND direct , per s. a. Silvia , nt 10 a m.
( supplementary 10.3U a , in. ) for FORTUNE
CARTHAGENA. per ft R Allegheny ( jct'
torn for Contn Rica must be directed "per
s K Allcghany" ) ; at 10 u. m ( supplementary -
mentary 10:30 : a m ) for HAITI and
SANTA MARTHA , per B. H. Alps : at 1
a. m for CUBA , pur H n Mexico xla
Hax-una ( letters must be directed "per s
a. Mexico" ) .
Mails for Newfoundland , by rail to North
Sydney , nnd thence by steamer , close at
this ofllco dolly at 8 "a p m ( connecting
close hero every Monday , Wednefidaj and
Saturday Malls for Mlqudon , by rail to
Boston , and thence by steamer , cloHe ut
this olllce dally ut h.30 p m Malls for
Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa Fin , und
thence by stcMmer , close at this of
fice dully ( except Monday ) at * 7 a in ( the
connecting closes are on Sunday. Wednes
day and Friday. Malls for Cuba , by tail
to Miami , Fla , and thence by Hteuiner
clone ut this plllco everj Monday. TIKH-
day and Saturday at * * 2:30 : a in. ( the
connecting clones are on Turnday and
Saturday ) Mull' * for Mexico City overland -
land , unless Hpeclully addressed fur dis
patch by steamer , close at this olllce dally
ut 2-30 a in and 2.JO p m MpJIs for
Costa Rica , Belize , Puerto Cortez nnd
Guatemala , b > ru'l to New Orleans , and
thence b > Bte-umer close at this ofllco
( i-i IU at M.OO D. m tonneiiliii. clusua here
rosTorricn VITICE.
( Pontimiid 1
Sundnx * and Tue dnxs for Costa Rira
Mild Mondays for Retire , Puerto Cortex
nnd Uuntennln MleKbierPrt mull closes
nt 6 p m prexlousday "KpglMcrod mall
closes at fi p m. spcond dnv before.
I rniiN-IMicltlc Mnlln.
Mall * for China. Japnn nnd Hawaii , per
s s China ( from San'seo ) , rlos
here dnlly up to Augu t * * 20 nt C iti p in
Malls for the Society Iclnnds per ship
Galileo ( from San Francisco ) , ole o here
dnllj up to August * * J6 nt 6.30 p. m. Malls
for China and Japan , per t . Tncoma
( from TnconmV close hero dnllv up to
August 'Mist at 6 30 p m. Mails for
Australia ( except these for West Aus
tralia , which Ate forxxardod via I'uropc )
Now Zealand , Hawaii , Fiji and Samonn
Islands , per " s Alnntedn ( from Hnn
Franrlsco ) , close here dally nfter Auguxt
MMh nnd lip to SeptPinber " 1st at B . 'i
p m , or on day of arrival of s H Cum
panla. which will prolnblj arrive Septem-
bet * * lsl MalN for China and Japan , per
s Empress of China ( from VancouveO.
dose here dallv up to September * 5th at
C TO p in. Malls for Hawaii , per o s
Austialla ( from Snn FrnnclscoV cloco hern
dally up to September IJ'h at 6 30 p m
Malls for Australia ( except West Aus
tralia ) , Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands , per s s.
Wnriliiioa ( from Vancouver ) , clooo here
dally after September * * l nnd up to
September 16th nt 6 30 p m
Tians.Pnelllc malls are forwarded to port
of sailing dally nnd thn schedule of do *
Ing Is arranged on the presumption of
their uninterrupted overland transit
"Registered mall Hoses nt n p m prexlous
Postoltlrc , New York N. Y . August IS. UW.
Cliniitcr of ( lip Pniuoin Trlnl
% In ProKtran.
All unknown nnd obscure correspondent
of the Memphis Cotnmen'lal-Apppnl Krapp-
\lnr the following sample of testimony la
the Prejfiis trlaf
Judge Did jou sa > > our namn was Alfreil
Alphulisc Urejfus ? lie rarcful how jou
i eply.
Dre-jfus Alfred DrejfUR la my name.
Judge Ah. 1m' ' Why did yon nay "Alfreil
Uiejfua Is my name" Instead of "My nnmo
Is Alfred DrcjfiisV"
Urpjfus Really , raioti Colonel , I don't
Judge You hesitate. You look confused.
I nolp the fact that jou unciossed your legs
whoii I iisked jou this question. That Is
proof of an uneasy con cleiice. What huvo
you to eaj'
DicyfiiB I can't
judge llo can't. This Is n confession. Ho
Is guilty. ( Sensation. )
nrejfus No , tnon Colonel1 , I nm Inno
Judge If j-oti are Innocent , perhnpn you
will tell where jou were night before last
at flftein minutes past 10 ?
Urejfus In Jail.
Judge Where were you on Jnunnry 11 ,
IS'IC' '
Drejfus In Jail.
Judge Whcie wcie jou on the nlsht of
.March 3 , 18-.I7 ?
Dreyfus In Jail.
Judge Where were jou when the Subur
ban wai > run In 1S9S ?
Dreyfus In Jail.
Judge ( trlimiphiintlj ) Ahvnjs In Jail , yet
this canaille claims to be Innocent. Once
more , where were you on the 2Hh ! of Fcb-
itinry , IS'i'l'
DrujfiiB In jail.
Judge Sacro bleu1 You convict joursclf.
There WHS no 2Hh ! of February , ISlfl Wo
shiul see. You wiato the bordereau ?
Dreyfus No , mon Colonel ; 1 am Inno
Jiidgo ( .sternlj ) How long have you
known William Patterson ?
Urej-fus I do not know M. Patterson at
Judge Are > ou not the man who struck
him ?
Dreyfus I ne\er heard of him.
Judge He never heard of llllllo Paltorf > .
the man who was struck. He dlsHcnib'cu.
Do jou smoke clgnrets ?
UrcyfuE Yes.
Judge Is the tariff a tax1
Dreyfus It Is.
Judge You are a traitor to Frnncc.
Fiance Imposcn a tariff , n il you Bay It Is a
tax. Ha\o you ever felt like 30 cents ?
Dreyfus Yes , mien colonel. I feel like 23
centos now.
Judge Do you still deny that you wrote
"Curfew Shall Not King Tonight ? "
Drejfus I never denied It , because I
iiexcr hcnid
Judge You see , he claims that he wrote
"Curfew Shall Not Ring T n'ght "
Dreyfus But , mon colonel , I know noth
lug about "Curfp > w. " I do not claim
JiuUe Hut you don't deny. Perhaps you
also wrote "The Deautlftil Snow ? "
Dreyfus Really , mon colonel , you do not
allow me to explain.
Judge You see , lie cannot explain. Do
you UPC Blank's hoap9
Dreyfus I do not.
Judge The reporters will observe that ho
does not use so.ip. Do you believe In the
free coinage of slher at 1(1 ( to 1 Independent
of nniy other nation on earth ?
Dreyfus I am nfrald that .
Judge He Is afraid to speak. Ho Is op
posed to sound money. Whom do you con *
slder the greattwt military genius Mcrcloi
or Ksterlmzy ?
Dreyfus I cannot say. Iloth of them , po
Jupge Ha\o you not been In correnpon *
denco with Jack Quinn und Ueadliorse Jak
since this trlil began ?
Dreyfus I have not.
Judge Do you deny that you received a
cipher cablcgi am from 11 Inky Dink yesterday
morning ?
Dreyfus I do.
Judge You change color Your guilt l
now establlulied. You can explain nothing.
You claim the authorship of poems which
were written by Mile. Ella Wheeler. You
are always In Jail , and you can't even prova
an ullbt on the 29th of February. It In
therefoio retablished tlmUyou communicate !
secret documents to ( he German govern
ment , and that you wrote the bordereau.
Great applause In court , mingled with th
pollto Invitations to "conspucz" and "has"
evorythlug and everybody , and followed by A
few cheerful assassinations on the outMda ,
Solli-il DII-NN More linportiiiit ' 1'linn
ilrnUru llonm ,
"Just settled the strangest claim for dam
ages that I oer had , " laughed tbo rullroad
claim agent to a Detroit Frco Prpt > a roan.
"I was down tliu road the other day to look
up an accident that wo had. We had run
Into an old farmer's wife , breaking 'both ' of
her legs nnd an arm and using her up gen
erally. I received orders from the general
manager to go pout liasto to tbo point of th
accident and settle for It on the beat terms
I could get.
"Just before I left the manager handed tnt
a letter and said with a sin llo that I had
better look Into thnt , too , while I wan about
tt , as It would not take mo out of my way.
' When I was settled for the Journey I took
the letter out of my pocket and looked It
over It was a claim for five yards of calico ,
with the- threat that If we didn't soUlo It
Immediately suit would be commenced to
compel us tq Tlio claim was very vague ,
no re-ason be IiiK given why wo should pay
for flvo yards of calico , and I resolved to
look the mutter up to satisfy my own curt-
oulty If nothing else.
"However , the other case was more seri
ous , so I looked tlial up first , and as I en-
tared the hausn the old man , whose wife bad
been nearly killed , said grimly
" 'So you're hero tor rottle that thur claim
for damages ? Wul , It IB mighty lucky that
jo have come , fcr I wui gain' ter start cult
agin jo right away. My wife hadn't worn
that 'tliar ' dross inoro'n twice an * It wuz jot *
ez good -z new.1
"Like a flash It dawned upon me that tba
two claims were Identical. I managed to
gettlo with tlu ) old man without falling
dead and when I left b shook hands with
mo cordially and said that lie guessed all
this talk about robber railroads wan iuot > tly
newspaper gas for political c-ffctU'1