1' ' I I THE OMAHA DAILY HE13 : SATURDAY , At'OVS 'JO. 1801) . 11 SPECIALOTIOK for tltVMO UOllllltllH tnkvn until 12 , „ . rr ( | lc edition , , , , , | , , , ,111 sl ; ( , „ . , „ , for inuriiltiK ; nnil Simdiiy rilltloiin. Htilc * , 1 i-ao it T or < l flrdt liiNcrtloii | ic a oril thi-rvnftcr. . .Nodilng tnUcii f ir UIMH IlintiMo for the llrnl Inner- lion. riirnr nil\crtlncincntn iiumt lie run . AiUorflNcrn , | i > - rciinrnllnu n nuni- licrcil flicuk , can liuvc niiHwern ml. ' " " II" " > T 'il letter In en re "ce AiiM - - - - < * nv > trriv no IIUfirCNNCII MIIU lie UHUcruil on iirvHCiitutluu of die clivnlc oul- . WANTHII SITUATIONS. ° 1112. Help ImPI ° ypFnt lliircau , 119 N. 16 Tel. furnished , positions iirocurcd. A-401 . When you want one up the Remington typewriter . 1C10 Farnam St. , telephone 1573. A 102 _ _ WAVrUII MAMS 1II2LP. PU13PAUB Von A PAYING SITUATION oy attending that most popular and sue- uessful chxil , 1 KOYLL'S' COMCRCIAL , SHORTHAND COLLEGE , uuu UUILDINO. TYPEWRITING COURSE , . - - Ca.MPL.HTE KNGL1SH COURSE. „ 'FALL TE1UI OPENS MONDAY , SEPT. 4. Catalogue , and full Information furnl.shcd on.application. Students vho desire It assisted to positions to earn bo.inl while attending. 373-29 , Wo have steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits nnd appear ance. C. * \ Adams Co. , 1615 Howard St. B-403 GOOD Bolcsmen , salary or com. 111R N. 18. B 101 S wanted everywhere ; big money.write Honio Comfort Sad Iron Co.f OniaJia- B-M310 A27' MATT'vmntitl. Illxanhnugh , BOO Ware block. B-M2M WANTED Twenty fli t-class stone cutters at Helena , Jtoht , ; $5 for.nlno hours Ap- Building Co. B 401 WANTED-SK oollcllors , ladles or gentls- nieu. Gco , W. Beatty , Midland Hotel. B-330-27 * - - YOU CAN travel nnd make big money. Ask Frank. . 1621 Farnanf. " B 114 29 WANTED , at oncc'rl good all-round black- amltli , ont > that can work In wood pre ferred. Addrd'fi W. A' SWelgard , Sharps- Iurei-T < iylor Co , , ' la. -n B JI4CO 2S * WANTDD , a goodRCneral blacksmith ; no other.niiod „ apply , i SroUU Bros , Blair , Neb. " B M4S6 WANTED , ofllco' Hey } must write well , be atimrrftte"Atiil' nertti 'nnwer In own hand writing , stating ago.and salary expected. O 61 , Bee , , _ v _ _ _ B M1S4 26 WANTED , llrtit-clufis experienced Bilk salesman for head of "silk" department , none but- such Qtuhave had years of ex perience find first-class references need apply. Boiton Store. Omaha , J. L. Bran- dels & Sons , proprietors. B M493 27 WANTED , first-class experienced shipping cl"rk on vho liaa hnij experience in < i retail dry goods store. Boston Store , J. L. Brandels & Sons , proprietors. . B-M49I 27 - > a- * > * WANTED , good paying and permanent position can be secured by experienced and competent traveling specialty salesman , with old , established live stock remedy . anil toodconcern. Address Jos Unas. V. S. , IndlanapoJIs , Ind.- References required. B-497-27 WANTED , party to handle our line of ladles' wals.ts iyd lalieA"miuslln under wear In 'connection with -other llnps , Schwarz & Wild , 715 N. llth St. , St. Louis , MQ. _ . B-M510 27 * WANTED , A good printer who is nn. ex pert cornef player , at once ; good job. Write to Lock Box 313 , Oberlln , Kan .1 . B M608 27 * MORE advertisingdistributers , also coffee .salesmen ; salary. Triumph Information i Co. , Pallas , Te\ . B-MoOG 2S WANTED FEMALE ! HELP. WANTED , 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 876. C 403 i INTELLIGENT , middle-aged women for ) useful , prolltnblo business. Call between 11 and 6. Jl.fl. K. E. Alle-n , 7Z1 N. Y. Life. C-M137 Sept 14 * A GIRL 521 N. 20th St. C 39S-25 GIRti lor general housework. 2G10 Popple- ton 'Ave. C-153 29 * GIRL for general housework , 2401 Ca s ' ' ' 3-452-25' WANTED . good girl for general house work ; no cooking. 2211 Howard. > lf * > C-M45727 * CIIAMBEJIMA.ID wanteil at once ; must bo clean and. comn well recommended. Ap ply nl the Creche. C 471 26 _ Li i _ . WANTED , a bright middle-aged woman who will devote all her time to a good paying business ; a flue opening- for the right party. Address G CO , Bee.lrf lrf " I453 27 WANTED , experienced lady for mall order department in1 dry KQotH ptore ; one using typewriter preferred. Inquire at Boston 1 Sroro , J" L. Brandels & Sons , proprietors. C-OM493 27 WANTED , five first-class , thorough , cx- cloak nnd suit Balesladles ; must ave larfire experience ; state where and how long-employHi ; good salary to com petent people. Address G63. . Bre. WANTED , Rlrl to aRfllat with light house work ; a only In family. Mrs. C. M. Eaton , 162M'lnkney st , C-iM51G 27 * WANTED , nt Union Depot hotel , two ex- peilenced dlnjngroom girls. C MB15 27" GIRL for general housework. 4129 Lafayette - otte ave. C-M519 28 * WANl'BD , nn experienced girl for ficcond worlt. AptMy" on Monday at 1724 Daven port st C--MBOI - 27 * FOR lin.VT HOUSES. HOUSES. Bfinewa & Co. , 100 N. IBth St. D-403 ALWAYS moving household goods nnrt pianos. Omahi Van & Storage Co , 1511ft Farnam. Tel. M. D-407 HOUSES , stores , Bemls , Paxton block. D 403 FOR RENT , houses In all parts of city. The O. F. Davis Co. , 150j Farnam street. D IOJ _ SIX-ROOM modern Oat ' 1112 S. llth , D-fil8 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Bronnan-Lovo Co. , 219 South 16th street. MAGGARD'S Vdliistorage. 117 N 15. Tel NOG ! p-3 ' LL . _ CHOICE houses cottages , stores. Henry Ii. Payne , 601.N. . . Y. Life , 'Phone , lOlii FOR RENT. D6S South SSth St. . 10 rooms. modern , * good rrpolr. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 Sc > A14th Bt. . _ D-M719 1103 POPPLETON AVE , , , 10 rooms , modern , large yard ana bsm , ISO. The Byron Ree4 Co. D-413 _ ' _ MODERN 7-ro.om ho'us.e. 1009 N. 29th St. , $20. 605 Ben. D-M90C _ FOR RENT10poom ! modern crick. 3031 south SOtli a\e. , hardwood floors and finish. D-M63S , il : ' i1 , ' j 'i ' ( -ROOM upitnge. furuliibad ; modern. Sep. tcmber 1. t > 0. ! So 30th St. _ D-4ii..v ! FTN13 residence , choice location. 11 robins , all moilfr.ll.cellent stable , Uemla Pux- toTi block. D-MS7 ! _ 'llV. certainly , wvo coal , gas. water and servant worries by li.tvlntr a home In the Brunswick hotel , heart of the cltv roii HUNT nofsi- * . .1 ROOMS , 701 S 17th Ave. Inquire upstairs t _ _ D 530-Sep ! > FURNlTURi : anil leasehold of If-room ) al - i P.O'Iern house , only 4 blocks from N. Y Life bldg , , entirely Illlcd with good room- i ers nnd boarders , for Rale at a Mrcnln price See Henry 11 I'.ijne , COl N , Y. Life. D-M262 pered , walking distance , $26 & 0. lie-room house , modern , walking distance , An elegant 12-room furnished house for ISO Only one of the line apartments In the Normnndle , 15000. | Call and see us. Paynu-Hurdcr Co , first floor N. Y. Life. D-393-27 | FOR HUNT , six-room cottage. 1'nqulre 842 South ISth street. D-M 453 plOHT-ROOM , moilern. 514 N 32d St. . ll. Seven-room , modern , 3112 Corby st. , J13. A few cheap houses nt II to J6. Homes on monthly payments , Jll to { 50. Better buy ami stop moving 'round. W. H RUSSELL. C16 N. Y. LIFE.DM479 D-M479 26 2227 N 20TfrST. , store , J7.00 ; 4-room flat , up- Rtnlrs , J-soo ; city water. 26th and Dewey uve. , small cottage , mod ern. J23 2iW S. 17th st , 7 rooms , city water. 114 Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , loth and Douglas. D-M415 FOR RENT. 10-room hoiiHo nt 813 Worthington - ington Place , all modern conveniences , In cluding electric light , etc , nelghborhopd unexcelled ; one block from Farnam car. Apply H. J. Windsor , 1624 Capitol Axe. D-M520 23 I'Oll HKM < FIIRMSIIEI ) UOOMS. THE BACHELORS , family hotel ; best $1.50 a day house In the state ; take Harno ) nnd Farnam st. cars. E S6 FURNISHED rooms ; housekeeping. 2623 St. Mary's. E 285-1 * CLEAN beds , EOo week and up. 710 S 14th. K-2S3-S-19' I NICE icoms , housekeeping. 1112 So. llth. J2 6t 7 509 S. 23th ave , board If desiredES02 E-S02 Sep. 7 THE BRUNSWICK , with new furniture and new management. Is the most de- alrablo place In this city. E M419 Sep21 ROOMS , with or without board. 1512 Daven port. E M742 SeptS * NICE rooms for rent. 311 South 26th st E-JMIS'J SJI * FURNISHED ROOMS , private family. 2003 Hurt E-M& 2S * DESIRABLE front alcove room In quiet family to one or two gentlemen. 2303 Douglas. E M507 27 * KU11.MS1IEU UOOMS A.ND HOARD. KLJ3QANT rooms Ss board. 1903 Capitol ava. F-41 > THE Merrlam family hotel , 25th and Dodge. F M592 ROOM and board , modern , 1618 Hnrney. F M591 Sept. 1 PLEASANT rooms with good board. 2206 Douglas. F-M357 27 * DESIRABLE , furnished , southeast front room , private family. 702 So. 29th st. BACK parlor for two gentlemen with first- class .board. 1722 Dodge. F M503 31 * VOll IlEXT UIVFDHMSIIICD UOOMS. THREE unfurnished rooms for light house keeping , 602 So. 19th. G M466 26 * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT , store In first-class location ; rent reasonable Apply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor Bee Bldg. 1 266 FOR RENT , a ground floor ofllce , specially suitable for real estate , etc. ; splendid vault , built for use of city treasurer. Ap ply R. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor. Bee Building. 1-267 AT SOUTH OMAHA , several new stores "JUst blJng completed ; excellent openings for dry goods , clothing , boots , shoes and other lines. Inquire C. A. Van Wasmer , 24th and M. South Omaha. 1 288 276 SMALL store , 222 North 11th. 1 450-25 * AGENTS WANTED. WANTED , agents to sell Doctors Conger and Crane's ( private ) book for women ; just out ; everybody will buy It. American ( Publishing House , Chicago. J M503 2S * LADY agents wanted to take orders for the A. H. Johnston Skirt Co. , Perry , lu. Write for sample outfit. J M509 26 * GENERAL agent for Nebraska , or will make terms for royalty for the new Acety lene Gas -Generator , "The Holmes. " No more -smoke , no more wasting carbide or gas. Write for terms and description. Approved by lire underwriters , HolmeH- Bailey Acetylene Gas Co. , Qlanton. Mich. J 'MSll 26 * GENEALOGICAL map of Ireland , showing the family names ; price 20c. James Sheely , publisher , 5 Murray st , New York. J 'M513 2S * AGENTS set up in paying business ; $2.00 outfit free ; all easy sellers ; big prollts ; continuous business ; exclusive territory ; write quick. Hunter Co. , 251 Ann St. , Ra cine Junction , WIs. JM-502 X * AGENTS , we set you up In a paying bust- npsa nnd furnish $2 00 outfit free ; all easy sellers ; big profitn ; continuous business ; exclusive territory ; write quick. Hunter Co. . 219 Ann St. . Racine. WIs. J MM ! 26' WANTED TO KENT. WANTED 8-room house , furnished or un furnished ; no children. G 57 , Bee K 172 2o * WANTED Two furnished rooms with breakfast , 6 o'clock dinner ; adult , two children. 13 nnd 11 > e.irs State location , terms and conveniences. G SS , Bee STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , BOS- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 423 WANTED TO 1IUY. 2ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged , Boston Furnlturu Co. , 1414 Dodge , Tel. 223S. N-425 ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , In large or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co. , 1400-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020N N 126 1,000 BASE BURNERS and other stoves wanted. Don't sell before sfeingfJoo Le- vlnc. Drop n caid and a man will call. Highest market price guaranteed. 304 N. 16th , cor. Davenport. N M263 Sep. 18 FOR SALE STOVES , STOVES and furniture bought and sold ; best prices made ; see us before you deal. Nob. Fuinllure Co. , 1419 Dodge , 0-S79 Oct-10 TOR SALE UOIlhEH A.M ) VEHICLES. OLD buggies taken In trade on new vehicles Andcrbcn Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport , P 428 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FLAG poles ; sawdust , cneapest and best hog fence. 901 Douglas. Tel 45i. Q 129 CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodee St. St.Q430 HOG. poultry , lawn and field fencing ; all wire. Wire Works , 1U7 Howard St. St.Q43J B. HAAS. Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St Tel. 776 ; plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , resii deuce , wedding and grave' decorations ; orders by mall or express promptly lined ! Q-433 FOR SALE , ten R-M'-A-N-S for 6 cents at druggists. One gives relief. Q-431 SO-HAND safe cheap , Derlght , 1118 Farium Q I3o SAFEST buy , sell , exchange , in s , 13th St. Q-437 _ CASH register , nearly new , cheap , ing Farnam. Q-MS6S ICE for sale In car lota. Gilbert Bros. I Council Blufts. Q-M311 TOR SALE WfCliM < VMOlfi. FOR SALE , .heap , heav > wr.ipp n paper , good for batten or lading under carpets. Omaha nee press room , Q 271 INDIAN relics , mounted gamehead . IMC Fornan. Q M9S5 ioO WATCHES left in pawn for snl cheap Diamond Loan Olllce , 1315 Doiig'ns Q M61 Sept 2 MUST sell Hnrdmnn piano ; make offer ; lima or cash p 20 , Bee. Q-214 TYPEWRITERS for nlc or rent Nrbr. rycle Co , 15 & Harnrv Q ( ls-i > NE\V wheels. $1.130 up , 2nd-hand wheels $ > up ; repairing A. supplies Omaha IVi vcle Co. Q-M4C5 FOR SALE On account of driving our ma chinery ontlrelv by elortrlr motors large assortment of wood nnd Iron pullfvs b ii. Ing , shafting , hangprs nnd head blocks four friction clutches , one exhaust fan , one Crane elevator , one hoisting i-rane , etc Bcmls Omaha Bag Co. Q AH77 31 , VNEOUS. BEST fall heaters and cook stoves at low est prices Boston Furniture Co , 1414 Dodge R 427 WANTED , room and board In private family , reasonable ; state full particulars. G fi2 , Bee. K 493-25 * NOTICE , country dealers , 2ndhnnd furniture nnd stoves sold at lowest price's , carload lots or lea ? , Chicago Furniture Co . 14M-10 Dodge. R-ISS CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. GYLMER , genuine palmtst.lW Dodge S-M477 Mil's ! DR ! HART , famous MEDIUM PALMIST ; card * . 25c. 1707 CBSB st. S-M432 26 * FREE TEST1 FREE TEST ! Good news for all So sure am I of my power of telling the past , present nnd future I will gl\e a few free tests to all who wish a rending , skeptics Invited. Seer , phrenologist , nstrolotdst , palmist , Prof Elmer Hall Known from oi-pan to ocean as the White Mahatma ; asking no questions , he tells name of > our future husband or wife , whether the one you lo\e is true or false. Seventh son nnd has the powei of any two mediums ; tells you what > our trouble Is , ever\ hidden mjstery revealed , when jou will marry ; what Is needed for success In business , lo\e , marriages , speculation , changcrsT dl- \orjce , losses , wills , pensions , etc. Thou sands of my patrons have been made happy that I have never seen Stamp in sures prompt answer. Private parlor , 1615 Chicago st. S-492 23 * MASSAGE AND 1IATIIS. MRS. BERRY. BATHS. MASSAGE. PARLORS BEST equipped In city Porce lain tub ; lady attendants 119 N 16th , opp. P. O. , 2nd floor. Daisy ri'turnrd T M S6 A2G * ELITE parlois , 2025 Farnam , upstairs , first- class baths , massage and magnetic treat ment ; lady atctcndants. T JIS09 29 * MISS DE CAMO , vapor sponge baths , mas sage , magnetic treatment ; expert attend ants ; Ist-claBS patronage solicited. 1615 Howard. 3rd floor. T M230 Sep 17 MME. AMES , R. 2 , 507 S. 13 ; massage baths. T-239-Sep 17 * BEATRICE HARLOW , elegant massage , tub baths , Egyptian treatment. 1701 Leav- enworth. T M207 27 * MME. SMITH , room 2. 118V4 North 15th. T 151-23 * MME. Lee , baths , massage parlor , 302 N. 16. T-779 SG * PERSONAL. M. MONHEIT. leading chiropodist , treats all ailments of fset , both ladles & gentlemen. Ladles' halrdrcsslng , hair goods & toilet preparations. Treatments on scalp , face , hands or feet ; 20 years experience , 10 yean In Omaha ; best equipped establishment In city. 1516 Farnam ; take elevator ; 2nd floor. U66 DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns , superfluous hair removed by electricity. Jloom 12 , Frenzer block. U 441 PllIVAT E hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; babies adopted. 1136 N 17. U 140 SUPERFLUOUS h lr Instantly removed ; no electricity ; no Instrument used. Room 4 , Wlthnell block. U S45 VIAVI Is woman's way to health. S46 Bee Bldg. U 442 HOWDLL'S LHle Anti-Bilious Pills. Cure BIHousne s , Dizziness , Indigestion , Sick Headaches. Constipation , 'iorpid Liver and all derangements of stomach and bowels. Being entirely vegetable , they operate without disturbance to system , diet or oc cupation. For sale by all druggists. Howell's Antl-Kawf cures cough. U-677-A31 * RUPTURE CURED. We cure all forms of rupture without pain or detention from business. Send for circulars. Empire Ruptura Cure , 932 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha. Neb. U M561 AS1 * RESPECTABLE young lady would make the acquaintance of honorable gentleman with good business prospects ; object , matrimony. G 45 , Bee. U 358 27 * WANTED , Midway and other attractions for Street Carnival. Sept. 14 , 15 , 16. M. J. Halne , secretary , Fort Dodge , la. U-M410 29 * LVRUyB0.DY lnter9ted in Phonographs talking machlnea send address to ? , ? 1h.ono > Co-M No. 16th. Hear something to your advantage. Names and address must reach us by Sept 15 . U M404 2ND HAND sewing machines , $5 up ; Nebr. Cycle Co. , 15 & Harney. U 447-25 SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and moles permanently - > manently removed by electricity ; consul tation free and confidential , all work guaranteed. .Miss Allender , 1613 Douglas . U MS12 28 * A10.\EV TO LOAN REAL liS MONEY to loan on first- 6 PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Bik. W-447 MONEY to loan on Improved Onrnha real estate , Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 Bo. 16th. W 41 $ J100 TO 2.000. F. D. Weud , Gtn & Douglas. W 149 $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved city property and farms. W. Fainam Smith & Uo , , 1320 Farnam. V 150 BROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers wanting eastern money should write for circular. Investors' Directory , Now York. W-451 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. . 219 B. 16th , Omaha , W 452 LOANS , Pottor-Slioles Co. . 310 N. Y. Life. W-454 6 per cent loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam W 456 WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds nnd warrants R. C. Peters & Co , 170i Farnam St. , Bee BIdg. W 457 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Neb. or Mo. ; | t will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 316 N Y U W I5S MORTGAGES , Wallace , 311 Brown Block. W 459 5 , 6 $ , 6 per ct. loans In Omaha , So. Omaha. W. H. Thomas. 603 1st Nat. Hlc. Tel 16IJ. W 460 G PER PENT ; also private funds. Chas. E. Williamson. W MCCO 6 PER CENT money on or before 5 years on Nebraska lands and Omaha real cs- tate. W. B. MelUle , 401 S , 15th at. W-M774 EASTERN money to loan on Al security at low rates W H Russell , loans , real estate and Insurance , 016 N. Y. L'fe. W-M481 29 WANTED several first applications for loans JSOO to J2000 W. H. Russell , loans and Investments , 618 N. Y Life. Life.VM4S2 \V-M4S2 31 OSTEOPATHY , JOHNSON Osteopathlc Institute , CIS N. Y Life BIdg , Alice Johnson. D O . ladles9 dept Gld E Johnson , osteopathlst. mgr M-6M M E DONOHUB D " 57 , oFsIlTT echool KiiksUlle , Mo. , 601 Paxton blk , Tel. 1367. 49. ! MO.M3V TO I.O VN l'IIATTHI.5. MONEY IcmiPd on pianos , furniture , horses , , cows , Jewelrj Duff Green , U. s , Barker blk I . X-151 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PKo'pZij holdlnj : permanent position * on their per- * onal note without indortemeiK or secur- Hj , strlctlv contldentlnl , nnd nt ONE-HALF THE USUAL HATES , before borrowing see us. a von will nnd It greatly to jour advantage \\0 nre t,0 | , - ' and onlv ciciesi , InrgisH nm v/i. ' Incorporated . loan I 1 company in Oinnlia r. \ \ Trunv , Mgr. . 119 Board of 1 rude Uldg. lulh and inr : \ nam Sts Telephone 2.V > y-462 I MONEY loaned on furniture , r Ss , bicycles" | diamonds w niches , ere , pai tnenm un known to friends Burgers' Loati BanK. 1416 Farnam , iipstnlrs X IC4 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible con- I cerns upon their own name" , w'thout se- I curlty ; ensy payments. Tolman , R. 706 , N. Y. Llfo Bldg X 163 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES. WAGONS ETC. LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 306 SOUTH 16TH STREET X-4564 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew elry , horses , cows , etc C. F Reed 310 S 13. X 4BS MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent posl- lions , on their own name without en. dorser , mortgage or securlu of any kind Can reply In easy weekly or monthly pavmcnta. Omaha Ciedlt CM . C 12 Jen nings , Mgr. . suite 62.1-526 N Y. L4f < > BIdg. X f9G TO SALARIED PEOPLE- MONEY LOANED AT LOWEST RATKP WITHOUT SECURITY , PRIVATELY QUICKLY , TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN HOLDING SALARIED POSITIONS Loans returned In easy weekly or monthly payments u suit convenience of borrower. No Inniilrles of their employer or friends ; everything guaranteed confidential. AMERICAN LOAN CO , ROOM 601 BEE BUILDING. X M177 MONEY loaned on filrtilture rigs , bliycles , diamonds , watches , etc ; payments un known to friends. Omaha Ixmn Bank , 1416 rarnam , upstairs. X 461 111'bI.VK.SS CII \ > LES. FOR SALE or trade , City Hotel , Onawa , Iowa. Y-M726 THE New Snow-Church Co. has become established In Its olllces , fifth floor Kar- bnch Blk. , with facilities to promote Its collection department to the best In terests of Its patrons. Call and see us on collection business , prompt attention as sured. 'Phone S93.V , H. GreenPresident. Y 214-29 THE Snow-Church Co. bu > s nnd .sells real estate , rents houses nnd give particular attention to collection" . Ofllce Eth floor Karbach Blk. W. H. Green , President. Y 213-29 IF YOU are a caterer and want to make money you loose the chance of a life time if you miss the Brunswick. Cafe. Y-M41S Sep21 INVEST JG.BOO to start new business ; will net $18,000 yearly. Address G 60. Bee. Y M439 27 * FOR SALE , paid-up concession for soft drinks , lunch. Ice cream. In four buildings. Address John McC10Hk > , International hall , Expo , grounds , Omaha. Y M4SS S7 * FOR SAMS UEAI. HSTATE. AN all modern 7-room house In the. finest residence portion of clt ) , being n corner lot , 50x130 , for the low pi Ice of $ JJW , If sold this week. A highly Improved ranch of 1,720 acres In Wyoming , with Irrigating ditches , good house , barns , blacksmith shop ; all fenced , at a great bargain. . For further particu lars write or call on J. A. Lovgren , U41-9I2 New York Life. RE 134 27 FOR SALE , 010 acres of land , worth J35 per acre ; will sell for $21 per acre. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. Hth st.REM997 RE-M997 IF South Omaha real estate you want to buy or sell communicate with O'Noll's Real Estate Agency. RE M628 FOR SALE , best residence , 'slte In Omalia , 160x127 feet , southwest , corner 26th st. and Poppleton av. ; both streets paved ; all regular and special taxes paid to date ; make offer. Address F 66. The Bee. RE MS43 Sept S SNAPS in real estate ; money to loan. L. Ii. Johnson Co. , 314 S. 15th street. RE M659 HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the time to dispose of thorn ; let the people know that ycu want to dispose of them The Bee reaches the people who have the money. RE 866 CASH CUSTOMERS FOR FARM LAND The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St. JlE-979 HOUSES , Jots farms , lands , loans ; also flre Insurance. Bemls , Paxton blk. RE 472 YOUR CHANCE. B-room house , modern , J1.200. 7-room house , modern , J3.500. 9-room house , modern , J4.000. Others , { 5,000 , SOOCX ) $7.000 and } 10,000. All In Hnnscom Place Two pleasant homes , West Farnam , cheap. Bargains in any part of the city. M. J. Kennard & Son , 810-11 Brown Block. RK 533 HENRY B. PA STNE , 601 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. Real Estat : , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. LIST your property with mo. I have the buyers. II. M. Christie , South Omaha. RE M629 Oct. 3 9-ROOM modern house. Inquire E21 S. 26th avp. RE-904 Sep. 11 * $3,800 WILL buy the beautifUl S-room mod ern house at 2611 Pierce St. RE 397 27 TWENTY-ACRE tract fruit land nine miles from Omaha. W. II. Russell , real estate and rentals , 61G N. Y" . Life. RE-M4SO 2G C-ROOM cottage , city water , good barn , corner lot In Clifton Hill. 1 rubber tire ColnmbuH phaeton ; 2 sets single harness. Address G. A. Wlwe , 1609 Howard Kt RE 499-31 WOODMAN & BAY , pension agents , 23 Barker block. RE-M317 20 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $400 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co , 1625 Farnam St. Telephone 12S4. 473 WE RENT and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far- nam. 474 REMINGTON Standard typewriter and sup plies. 1619 Farnam. 476 THE Oliver Typewriter , visible writing , heaviest manffolder and cute the finest etcncll ; see exhibit Liberal Arts bid * . , Greater America Exposition , Tel. 2279 , J , S Stewart , Special Agent , 818 % 3 , Fif teenth steet , Omalia. TTC TYPEWRITERS , secondhand. 111G Farnam. W-991 MEDICAL. DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happlnes ute hundreds of anxious women ; have never had a single failure ; longest cases relieved In two to five days without fall ; no pain , no danger .no Inter ference with work , by mall or ofllco , $2 ; nil letters truthfully answered. The Mansfield Remedy Co. , 107 Dearborn St. , room 614 , Chicago , III. 326 26 LOST. LOST niack cockrel spaniel , name Punch ; short legs ; tag No. COJ , reward. E , D Branch , B. & M. office , 1503 Farnnm Ixjst 173 25 * LOST , e dark Jersey cow with leather halter on. Dr , Keys , 02J North 33th St _ _ _ _ Lost-198-23 - - $2.000 REWARD nnd no questions asked for return of fur garments , etc. , stolen from mv store August 13 ; am willing to comply with any reasonable arrangements , us goods aio mostly storage G. E , Shukert , 315 S. 16th St , Omaha , Ndb Lost-600-31 LADIES' gold filled watch , monogram L. I M on front lid , suitable reward : return to Frenzer , Jeweler , 15th and Dodge. Lost-MtiU J6 * IAUMIIY. OMAHA STJEAM L'AUNDRY. city towej supply ; shirts , Se ; cclluro , 2c ; cuffs , 4c ; underwear , 6c , 175) Ltavenworth Tel. 547 , 11405 Sepli AIUIIITKCTS. J THE iinilrrslKMt'il haMnp ui ccctlrd to the i birsne | * 0f the litf C. K Helndorff , archi tect. hive removed from his former otllce to 42. llt < build nt ; nnd will continue the busne ! of nrchltctts nnd superintendent Patronage of ihr public and Mr L > rfn- i > t-n s fornrr ouMomers respectfully o- llrlted R W Baker , A D Hiker M-oJj Scpl i MiouTit\M > AMI TI A. C. Van Sant's School. 717 N. Y AT OMAHA llus. College , 16th & DotiRl.is ! UOYLES' school , court reporter nilnrlptl ; Hoi- Hide \ < * ) IN families Mls Sturdy , 2216 Davenport. M 197 A20 * WANTUD , ladles' , Kentlemen'o oh'ldrpn mending. CIS N. 1Mb. M481 26 * AllSTIlAfTI 01' TITMi HARRIS Abstract Co. , 123 Bee Building TAICUN t I' TAKEN up. one small , red cow , wh to star In forehoad. M P U.iscom. 2Sth nnd Dorcas M4CI 26 in : vi , INC. MH. AND MIIS A ClILLirT , Wrltmer KJ teiii , 24th and Cnmlng , cntrnnrc on "Ith -MICG Sept 12 * bOR SALE , cheapest and best cattle ninch , KUO.OOO acres. For description uddicss EuGene - Gene Williams , Waco , Texas. MJ03Sep 1C * TAM.OHIMJ. WHOS your tailor ? See the Twin City TalloiliiB Co . fall line now leudj * for In spection , prices right. 1G 9 Tannin ft. -313 S19 rou SAI-I : FARMS near So Omaha and Lincoln for sale. J , T. Clarke , Hoard of Trade , Omaha S70 Setf-lO WAT-UK ru/rnits. "STANDARD" in Machinery Hall , expo , grounds , or room G , Board of Trade bldq. M79fi Scp-7 AMJ iiini.Dniis. HEALY & . SONS , 1S22 Clark street MJS5 Sept 20 * iiici.ci.ns. ANDRAD bicycles. $ JU. 111G Farnam.MOM -MOM PLATING. BASEHURNERS replated , all kinds of platIng - Ing Omaha Plutliiff Co. , J3ee Bldg. 215 I'AWXIIKOKUHS. JCFFERSON Square Loan Offlce , 413 N. 1C. 4S1 EAGLE Loan Olllce , rellalilo , accommodat ing ; all business conlldcntlal. 1301 Douglas. 4S2 TICICHT uuoicnus. CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets ; excursion tickets bought and sold. P. II. Philbln , new locations 1309 and 1003 Far nam. Est. 18S9. Member Q. T. B. Assn. M-100 IIOTlJIiS. TRY the Henderson Hotel , board niid room $1.00 per week ; gas , steam heat and baths. Ninth aiid Farnam Sta 4S7 THUMC PACTOIIY. SEE OUR trunk traveling bags , suit cases Trunks repaired. Omaha Trunk factory , 1209 Farnam. 913 A2 STAMMnUING Arill STUTTKRIJX.C ! . CURCD. Julia Vauehan , 430 Ramgc Bldg. MATTIinSS IinXOVATIXfi. M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumins. Tel. 1331. 4SS nousn Movnn. W. COY , located at 1716 St. Mary's Ave. 480 IIAII/WAY TIJIK (5AIID. & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route" Qcueral Olllces , N. AV. Corner Tenth and Far nam StteeU. Ticket Olllcn. 1G02 Farnam Strett. Telephone , 2.V ) . Depot Tenlh and Mason Streets. Tele- phone 310. Leave , Arrive Lincoln , Hastings and McCook a 8:40 : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver , Colorado rado , U'ah , California.a 4:23 : pm a 3:53 : pm Lincoln , Black Hills. Montana Ac 1'uyet Sound a 4:25 : pm a 3.00 pm Lincoln Local a 7.00 pm all:35 : am Lincoln Fast Mall. . . . a 3.00 pm alO:35 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah & California a G.30 am a Dally. KANSAS CITY. St Joseph - seph & Council BluffH Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Olllce , 1502 Far-uin Street , Tele phone 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310Leave. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex . a 9.30 am a i:45 : pm Kansas City Night Ex alO.15 pm a tl.jo um St. Louis Flyer for St Joseph and St , Louis a 4 55 pm all:15 : am a Dally mSS CHICAGO , BURLINGTON - - - - - vfc „ v4. U * Ac Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Ofllce , 1502 Farnum St. Tel. 250. Depot Tenth & Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310 Leave , Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spec- clal , a 0:40 : am Chicago Vcstlbulcd Ex a 5 Oi pm a 8:05 : nm Chicago Express . . . . . . , a 9:30 : am a 4.05 pm Chicago A : Ht. L Ex . a 745 ; pin a it.05 ama Pacific Junction Local.alO:45 : um Fast Mall a 2:45 : pm n Dally UNION PACIFIC "THEOVER- 'and ' Routc"-Gereral Offices , N. E Cor , Ninth and rarnam Streets , City Ticket Ofllce , 1303 , Farnam Street. Telephone , 318. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. A"lve' ' " "The overland Limited" fet Utah Idaho , Men- tana , California , Ore- eon and Washington i'olnta . . . . a 8:40 : am a 4:36 : pm Th Colorado Special for Denver ana all Colorado points alt:65 : pm a 630 ; am Pacific Express for Denver , Salt Lake , Pacific Coaat nnd all western points . . b 4:25 : pm a 6:30 : am Lincoln , Beatrice nnd Stromsburg Exurcss b 4:25 : pm b 1:20 : pm Fremont , Columbus , Nor folk , Giand Island und North Platte a 4'23 pm b 4:35 : pm Columbus Local b 7.JO rm b 9:30 : pin North Platte Local . . a 1:20 pm South Omaha I ocat Pass Leaves. C20 ; a. m , ; 7:00 : a m ; 10:10 : a m , 3.03 p. in , Arrives. 10:43 : a m , 3.15 p m , 5:25 : p m ; 0 p m. Council Bluffs Local-Leaves , 6:20 : a. m 6.40 a m , 6:50 : a m ; 7.35 a in , 9.30 a. m. b 10:15 : u m , J.25 p m ; 2.if p in ; 4.55 p. m. 6:25 p m. ; 6.55 p m . 8:55 : p in , 10:30 : p , in Arrives , 6.20 a. m. ; 7.20 a m ,8:15 : a m. SH : u. m. ; 11.30 a in , 3:05 : p in ; 4:05 : p. m 5.51 p. m.j u:30 : p m ; 7:30 : p. m ; 9.35 p.'in. 11.00 p. m ; 11.53 n in a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , W A BASH RA1LROAD- TJcket Ofllce , 1415 Farnam Street Telephone. 692 De pot , Tenth and Mason . streets , Tolpchone , C29. Leave. Arrive. St Louts "Canon Ball" Express a 4.50 pm a 8.33 am a Dally. RAIl.WAl TIMI3 CHICAGO AT . .ORTH- wesUrn Railway "Tho Nor'hweatfrn Line" City Ticket Olllee. UOl Farn.-un Street. Tele phone , Ml Depot , Tenth uiul Mason Sirec t < . lole- phon Leave. Arrive. Da > light Chicago Spo- ctil Spo.a G.IO nm ail : ' * pm Carroll 1/ocal b 5:25 : pm blO:10 : am Eastern Express , Des Molnos , Mnrshalltown. Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage all 03 nm n 4.03 pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago and Eapt . a 4 35 pm a 4:03 : pm Fa l Mall. Chlrago to Omnha . n 2 43 pm Omaln-C'hlcnBa Spcol.il R 7.23 pm a S.15 am Fast .Mail . . . . 8:30 : am a Dall ) b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omnln. " Northwestern Rallwaj "The western LitP" General Olllces , Nebinskn ll\l- slon , 15th and Webster Sts City Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnnm St. Telephone , 661. Depot , 13th nnd Webster St" > Leave. Arrive. Twin Cltv Express ( for Sioux CIU Si Paul As Minneapolis ) a 6:00 : am Omaha Passenger a 7 00 put Ululr , Emerson. Sioux City PoniM. Hnrtlng- ton nnd Bloomlleld b 1 00 pm b2-10 ! pm , No 2 Twin City Ltd a 5 55 pm I No. 1 Omah'v Limited . a 9.00 am a Dallj b p.ill ) except Sammy. FREMONT ELKIIollN A , Missouri \ alley Rail road "Tho Northwestern Line" General Olllccs , United States National Bank Uldg , Southwest Corner Twelfth nnd Far nam Streets Ticket otllee , 1401 Farnnm Street Telephone , 661 Depot , 15lh nnd Webster Streets. Telephone , 1433. Leave. Arrlx'o. BHck Hills , Deadwood. Hot Spring a 3.00 pm a 6.00 pin Wyoming , Casper nnd Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 5.00 pm Hastings York , David City Superior , Geneva , Exetci nnd Kcwiml b 3 00 pm b 6.00 pm Norfolk , Verdlgre and Fremont b 7.DO am blO:25 : am Lincoln. Wahoo and Fremont b 7 30 am WO 25 am Fremont Local c 7 30 am a DTlly b Dally except Sunday c Sun- day only. d Dally except Saturday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Rallroid "The North western Line" General Olllcea , United SI UPS National Bank Building , S. W Coiner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket umce , 14D1 rarnam Street , Tele- phone. 661. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Sioux Cltj , Mankato & St Paul , Minneapolis a 5:50 : am a S,4ri r.m Si Paul M'nneapolis ' , Minkato A\ Sioux I'ltj .a 5 23 pm all CO pm Sioux Clt > l.oca\ . . a 7.45 am a 4.20 pm a Dall > CHICAGO ? ROCK ISL and A , Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Isl and Route. " City Tick et Olllce. 1323 Farnnm Street. Telephone , 423 Depot , Tenth & Mason btieets Telephone , US. Leave. Arrive. DOS Molne-4 Local . . " a 7.05 am bll:33 : am Chicago Hxpiess bll ir > am a S 10 am Chicago Fast Expiess..a 5 00 pm n 1.J5 iim St. Paul Fast i\prcss. .a 0:00 : pm bll:3o : am Lincoln , Colorado Spgs , Denver , Pueblo and West a 1.30 pm a - > : a pm Des Molnc- , Rock Isl and nnd Chicago . . a 7-2T. pm a 6-3T pm Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 6:40 : pm a 9:00 : am a Dally b Dully except Sunday. MISSOURI PAcTiFlC RAILroad - road General OITlces nnd Ticket Olllces Southeast Cor ner 14th nnd Doug-las Sts Telephone , 101 Depot. 15th and Webster Sets. Telephone 1458. Leave. Artlve. StNeb. & Neb. Limited . . . . . .n 3-00 pm n25i ! ; pm K. C.-St. L. Express a 9:50 : pm a 6:00 : am Nebraska Local via Woeplngy Water b 5.00 pm a 6:00 : am a Dally , b Daily except Sunday. OMAHA .t ST. LOUIS RAnT road Omaha , Kansas Cltj & Eastein Rallrojd "The iQuincy Route Qulncj' Route" Ticket of fice , 1415 Farnam Ptreot. Telephone , 322 Depot , Tenth fcJ t and Mason Streets. Tele- * sH K phone , 6J9.Leave. Leave. Anlve. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 40 : pm a A:1j : am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 6:50 : am a 9.35 pm a Dally. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City Ticket Olllce. 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone , 2S4. De pot , Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . . .a B:45 : pm a 8:20 : am Chicago & Omaha Ex , bll:00 : am b 3:5 : > pm Sioux City ft Dea Molnes Express bjl:00 : am b 3:53 : pm a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. ( ; O ViitMI3Vr MITICIJ. PROPOSALS FC-llL SUUSISTK.SVE STORES Olllce Purchasing Oommls arol Subsistence , Omalia , Neb , AuguHt 23. IS'Cl Sealed piojosals subject to the usunl con ditions , will be received at this otllce mull 11 o'clock a. m , September 4 , Ik99 , at which time and place they will be publicly opened , for { mulshing subsistence stores as fol lows : Polk , bacon , sugar , canned goodw , etc. Pieference will be given articles of domestic production. Blank proposals and speculations can * bn obtained at this of fice. JOHN 11. DUVAL , PurchiBlng Com missary. M Allg23-2l-25-2G 1'OSTOFFICEOTICIC. . ( Should bo read dally by all Interested , as changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign inallw for the week ending August 2(1 ( , 1S99 , will close ( promptly In all cases ) at the general poHtolllco as follows : Parcels post malls close one hour eailler thun clos ing time shown below. TrilllH-.Xdillitlr MnllN. SATURDAY At 5:30 : a. in. for EUROPi : , per H. s. Lucanla * . via QU13KNSTOWN ( letters for France. Switzerland , Italj , Spiln , Portugal , Turkey , Egypt and Brit ish India must be directed "per H , B Lu canla" ) . nt 0.30 a m lV > r FRANCE. SWIT ZERLAND , ITALY , SPAIN , PORTUGAL , TURKEY , EGYPT ami BRITISH INDIA , pei H. t , IM Normnndle * . via HAVRE ( letters - tors for oihcr purls of Europe must be directed "per n H , Normandle" ) , at 8 a m for NETHERLANDS direct per H s Amsterdam , via ROTTERDAM ( letters must be directed "por s n Amsterdam" ) . Printed Matter , etc. Oerman n ton mom Hailing on Tuesdays take printed matter , otc. . for Germany and HrioclnlJy nd- rtrecsed printed mnttci etc , tor other parts of Europe , Ameilcan and Whtn ! Star Hteamers on Wednesday , German KtuamerH on liiurHi'ayu , and Cunard , French and German steamers on Satur days tnl e printed matter , ftc , for all countrltH for which they are advertised to carry mull , After the closing of the supplementary trana-AtlnntIo ninlla named above , addi tional supplementary malls are opened on tliu piers of the American , Kngllsh , French and German steamers , and remain - main open until within ten mlnutcH of the hour of sailing of steamers MnllN for South nnil fYnrriil Aim-rlcn , VXVxt IiiillH , Kit' , FRlDAY-At 2 p. m. for NORTH' BRAZIL , per H s Hilary , xla Pnra and Mnnaon SATURDAY At 10 a , in , for NEWFOUNDLAND - LAND direct , per s. a. Silvia , nt 10 a m. ( supplementary 10.3U a , in. ) for FORTUNE ISLAIND. JAMAICA. 8AVANILLA ami CARTHAGENA. per ft R Allegheny ( jct' torn for Contn Rica must be directed "per s K Allcghany" ) ; at 10 u. m ( supplementary - mentary 10:30 : a m ) for HAITI and SANTA MARTHA , per B. H. Alps : at 1 a. m for CUBA , pur H n Mexico xla Hax-una ( letters must be directed "per s a. Mexico" ) . Mails for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , nnd thence by steamer , close at this ofllco dolly at 8 "a p m ( connecting close hero every Monday , Wednefidaj and Saturday Malls for Mlqudon , by rail to Boston , and thence by steamer , cloHe ut this olllce dally ut h.30 p m Malls for Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa Fin , und thence by stcMmer , close at this of fice dully ( except Monday ) at * 7 a in ( the connecting closes are on Sunday. Wednes day and Friday. Malls for Cuba , by tail to Miami , Fla , and thence by Hteuiner clone ut this plllco everj Monday. TIKH- day and Saturday at * * 2:30 : a in. ( the connecting clones are on Turnday and Saturday ) Mull' * for Mexico City overland - land , unless Hpeclully addressed fur dis patch by steamer , close at this olllce dally ut 2-30 a in and 2.JO p m MpJIs for Costa Rica , Belize , Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala , b > ru'l to New Orleans , and thence b > Bte-umer close at this ofllco ( i-i IU at M.OO D. m tonneiiliii. clusua here rosTorricn VITICE. ( Pontimiid 1 Sundnx * and Tue dnxs for Costa Rira Mild Mondays for Retire , Puerto Cortex nnd Uuntennln MleKbierPrt mull closes nt 6 p m prexlousday "KpglMcrod mall closes at fi p m. spcond dnv before. I rniiN-IMicltlc Mnlln. Mall * for China. Japnn nnd Hawaii , per s s China ( from San Fr.inc'seo ) , rlos here dnlly up to Augu t * * 20 nt C iti p in Malls for the Society Iclnnds per ship Galileo ( from San Francisco ) , ole o here dnllj up to August * * J6 nt 6.30 p. m. Malls for China and Japan , per t . Tncoma ( from TnconmV close hero dnllv up to August 'Mist at 6 30 p m. Mails for Australia ( except these for West Aus tralia , which Ate forxxardod via I'uropc ) Now Zealand , Hawaii , Fiji and Samonn Islands , per " s Alnntedn ( from Hnn Franrlsco ) , close here dally nfter Auguxt MMh nnd lip to SeptPinber " 1st at B . 'i p m , or on day of arrival of s H Cum panla. which will prolnblj arrive Septem- bet * * lsl MalN for China and Japan , per s Empress of China ( from VancouveO. dose here dallv up to September * 5th at C TO p in. Malls for Hawaii , per o s Austialla ( from Snn FrnnclscoV cloco hern dally up to September IJ'h at 6 30 p m Malls for Australia ( except West Aus tralia ) , Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands , per s s. Wnriliiioa ( from Vancouver ) , clooo here dally after September * * l nnd up to September 16th nt 6 30 p m Tians.Pnelllc malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally nnd thn schedule of do * Ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit "Registered mall Hoses nt n p m prexlous till ) CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postoltlrc , New York N. Y . August IS. UW. rur.M'ii Cliniitcr of ( lip Pniuoin Trlnl % In ProKtran. All unknown nnd obscure correspondent of the Memphis Cotnmen'lal-Apppnl Krapp- \lnr the following sample of testimony la the Prejfiis trlaf Judge Did jou sa > > our namn was Alfreil Alphulisc Urejfus ? lie rarcful how jou i eply. Dre-jfus Alfred DrejfUR la my name. Judge Ah. 1m' ' Why did yon nay "Alfreil Uiejfua Is my name" Instead of "My nnmo Is Alfred DrcjfiisV" Urpjfus Really , raioti Colonel , I don't Judge You hesitate. You look confused. I nolp the fact that jou unciossed your legs whoii I iisked jou this question. That Is proof of an uneasy con cleiice. What huvo you to eaj' DicyfiiB I can't judge llo can't. This Is n confession. Ho Is guilty. ( Sensation. ) nrejfus No , tnon Colonel1 , I nm Inno cent. Judge If j-oti are Innocent , perhnpn you will tell where jou were night before last at flftein minutes past 10 ? Urejfus In Jail. Judge Where were you on Jnunnry 11 , IS'IC' ' Drejfus In Jail. Judge Whcie wcie jou on the nlsht of .March 3 , 18-.I7 ? Dreyfus In Jail. Judge Where were jou when the Subur ban wai > run In 1S9S ? Dreyfus In Jail. Judge ( trlimiphiintlj ) Ahvnjs In Jail , yet this canaille claims to be Innocent. Once more , where were you on the 2Hh ! of Fcb- itinry , IS'i'l' DrujfiiB In jail. Judge Sacro bleu1 You convict joursclf. There WHS no 2Hh ! of February , ISlfl Wo shiul see. You wiato the bordereau ? Dreyfus No , mon Colonel ; 1 am Inno cent. Jiidgo ( .sternlj ) How long have you known William Patterson ? Urej-fus I do not know M. Patterson at all. Judge Are > ou not the man who struck him ? Dreyfus I ne\er heard of him. Judge He never heard of llllllo Paltorf > . the man who was struck. He dlsHcnib'cu. Do jou smoke clgnrets ? UrcyfuE Yes. Judge Is the tariff a tax1 Dreyfus It Is. Judge You are a traitor to Frnncc. Fiance Imposcn a tariff , n il you Bay It Is a tax. Ha\o you ever felt like 30 cents ? Dreyfus Yes , mien colonel. I feel like 23 centos now. Judge Do you still deny that you wrote "Curfew Shall Not King Tonight ? " Drejfus I never denied It , because I iiexcr hcnid Judge You see , he claims that he wrote "Curfew Shall Not Ring T n'ght " Dreyfus But , mon colonel , I know noth lug about "Curfp > w. " I do not claim JiuUe Hut you don't deny. Perhaps you also wrote "The Deautlftil Snow ? " Dreyfus Really , mon colonel , you do not allow me to explain. Judge You see , lie cannot explain. Do you UPC Blank's hoap9 Dreyfus I do not. Judge The reporters will observe that ho does not use so.ip. Do you believe In the free coinage of slher at 1(1 ( to 1 Independent of nniy other nation on earth ? Dreyfus I am nfrald that . Judge He Is afraid to speak. Ho Is op posed to sound money. Whom do you con * slder the greattwt military genius Mcrcloi or Ksterlmzy ? Dreyfus I cannot say. Iloth of them , po slbly. Jupge Ha\o you not been In correnpon * denco with Jack Quinn und Ueadliorse Jak since this trlil began ? Dreyfus I have not. Judge Do you deny that you received a cipher cablcgi am from 11 Inky Dink yesterday morning ? Dreyfus I do. Judge You change color Your guilt l now establlulied. You can explain nothing. You claim the authorship of poems which were written by Mile. Ella Wheeler. You are always In Jail , and you can't even prova an ullbt on the 29th of February. It In therefoio retablished tlmUyou communicate ! secret documents to ( he German govern ment , and that you wrote the bordereau. Great applause In court , mingled with th pollto Invitations to "conspucz" and "has" evorythlug and everybody , and followed by A few cheerful assassinations on the outMda , A HKAVY CLAIM. Solli-il DII-NN More linportiiiit ' 1'linn ilrnUru llonm , "Just settled the strangest claim for dam ages that I oer had , " laughed tbo rullroad claim agent to a Detroit Frco Prpt > a roan. "I was down tliu road the other day to look up an accident that wo had. We had run Into an old farmer's wife , breaking 'both ' of her legs nnd an arm and using her up gen erally. I received orders from the general manager to go pout liasto to tbo point of th accident and settle for It on the beat terms I could get. "Just before I left the manager handed tnt a letter and said with a sin llo that I had better look Into thnt , too , while I wan about tt , as It would not take mo out of my way. ' When I was settled for the Journey I took the letter out of my pocket and looked It over It was a claim for five yards of calico , with the- threat that If we didn't soUlo It Immediately suit would be commenced to compel us tq Tlio claim was very vague , no re-ason be IiiK given why wo should pay for flvo yards of calico , and I resolved to look the mutter up to satisfy my own curt- oulty If nothing else. "However , the other case was more seri ous , so I looked tlial up first , and as I en- tared the hausn the old man , whose wife bad been nearly killed , said grimly " 'So you're hero tor rottle that thur claim for damages ? Wul , It IB mighty lucky that jo have come , fcr I wui gain' ter start cult agin jo right away. My wife hadn't worn that 'tliar ' dross inoro'n twice an * It wuz jot * ez good -z new.1 "Like a flash It dawned upon me that tba two claims were Identical. I managed to gettlo with tlu ) old man without falling dead and when I left b shook hands with mo cordially and said that lie guessed all this talk about robber railroads wan iuot > tly newspaper gas for political c-ffctU'1 1