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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1899)
THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , Jl'LY 'JL1 , 1800. 11 for tlimo column * Mill lie tnikcti until J2 in. ( or tlio fVPiilnic cilflloii unil mull HiRO p. in , for iiniriiliiK niul Sunday eitltlnnn. Itnti-H , 1 1-lic it > voril firm litxcrtloni lc ii word tlu-rcufti-r , NotliltiK taken fur lean tlinn l"c for tlio IIrut limrr- llon. Th PHP rMlvcrtlHCinpiitN ninut lie run poiiNPiiiitlvpli't AdvcrtlHpr * , liy rciiupntliiR n nuni- licrcil check , * nn liuvo aiiairem nit- ilmiKcil to n niinilicr < ! il letter In cure of Tliu llee. AiiHiTpra NO nililrexni'il ttlll IMS ( lellverH-it on iirexciitntloit of I IKHi < < ! < only. W.\.VI'ii > -SITUATION9. OMAHA Employment Bureau , 119 N. 16. ret. 1112. Help furnished , positions procured. A 10 A STENOGRAPHER. When you want ono plenso call up the Remington typewriter oincc , IClfl 1'arnam St. ! telephone. 1573. A-121 WANTED , position by A thorough and com petent tinner ami clerk. Address Uix 814. Plnttstnoutll , .Neb. A MOD2 23 EXPERIENCED nbstniclor and sten ographer dwlre position , References nnd personal evidence at utility. E C2. Hen. A MMO 23 * A YOUNCJ l.icly . recently .returned from nbronil wishes position In llrst-clngw school or college lo touch French nnd art , In cluding drawing , , oil painting and water colon ) nnd inlnliiturcn. Best references. Address Miss Belt , ' 41D Piedmont nve. , At- Jantu. Ga. ' A M9S7 23' n MA1.I3 HRLP. WANTED We have steady work for a few gopd hu8tli\ra of good habits nnd appear ance. C. F. Adarna Co. , 1G19 Howard St. B-123 SALESMEN to solt Petit Ledger * . BuslncM Records nnd other olllce specialties : line Ide lines Pershtng Mfg. Co. , Box L. South Dcnd , Ind. B 123 Jy 22 * GOOD salesman' , salary or com. 1118 N. IS. , - B 124 WANTKD. ton brlcklnyers. Apply to J. F. Atkinson nt SUvry City , la. , or Mnrslmll- town , In. D MS20 21 * WANTED'flentlcnonn nnd lady deputies by n fratornnl order'for ' NobraRkn. .Address ! ; ; , . Bee.- - B-02S AMR. 1 WANTED A Rood prescription clerk nnrt general drug man. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. ' B-931 WANTED. 100 men for hnrvjflt nnd thresh ing nt"Llly nnd Bradley. So. 0nk. ' vent will commence August G. Bv COM- M1TTEK. B-at9IS 23' WANTED , salesman J"or high , c'lito food produdlfl ; wo offer a Hplendld opportunity for hnrd workers ; glvo your oxpcrlenco fully. B C5 , Bee. B M903 23 J WANTI3D. faithful persona to travel : sal- > nry , straight , no mope , no less , $780 nnd expenses ; , reference. Enclose elf-nd- dresea'Mnmpe < Tenvelope , A. J. MunsoTi , Sco'y , Caxton Uldg. , Chicago. B-M993 23 * WANTED , a first-class onlesmnn to sell our tpoptiar Ino of. mlllnery goods In th'i stirte. of Nebraska. Address , stating previ ous experience nnd references. HUT Broth ers , SOO-SOS Broadwdy , New York. N. V. B-M997 22' AOMNTSwanted to travel or locally ; easy' Helling speolaltlca ; spare or nil tlmo ; ex- nerlonco unnecessary. Cash paid weekly. Thomas \V. Bowman , & Son. Nursery men , Rochester , N. Y. H M9SO 22 * WANTED , men lo learn barber trudo. $60 monthly guaranteed after .8 wceka' prac tice , Gin p'nco COO graduates on palnce trains , hospitals or city shops nt once. " \Vrlto tod'ay for catalrfgu'6. Molor's Bar- bef'Cdllege ' , Chicago , 111. B M994 27 WAN.TISn FKMAl.E HEM' . WAjNTED OO , girls. 1621 Dodge. Tel. 876 , * ' \j 12o WANTED A good experienced dining room girl. Hotel Lange. CO ! S. 13th. ' Jy23 for general housework. 261S Popp'.e- ton Avc. ' C 8S9-23 * GfTlIj to'nfc'slst with hbusework ; gfxifl home , 830 S. SSth nvc. C 929-22' WANTED , girl for general housework ; family of three. Address' E 51 , Bee ofllce. C 9S9 22 * WANTED , girl for second work with refer ences. No. 1120 Park nve. 'C SI970 2.1 WANTED. lady stenographer nnd type writer 'Who la accurate In figuring : refer ences. Address E C7 , Bee. C M103 23 FOR HUNT HOUSES. HOUSES. Bcnewn. & Co. , 106 N. 15th St. D-126 AI/WAYS moving household goods and pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. . 15UH i'-arniim. ' Tel. 1559. D-127 HOUSES , stores ; ' Bemls , Paxton block. D-123 FOR RENT , hounes In all parts of city. The 0. K Davis Co. , 1505 Pnrnam utroot. D-129 FOR RENT , strictly modern flat In Davldgo Bltlg. , opposite city hall. John W.Ilobbns ! , 1802 Farnam street. ' - D-130 FOR JIENT , hotel In- Omaha , 120 rooms ; everything modern. Brcnnan Love Co. , 219 South 16th St. D-132 BIX-ROO5I1 modern' flat , 1112 S. inn. D-C18 HOUSES for rent In nil parts of the city , lirennan-kova co.19 South ICth street. D-131 11 AGOARD'3van'&storage. 117N15. TeM496 , D-135 240J POPI'LETON AVE. . 10 rooms , modern , largo yard and ba-n. The Byron Reed o , FOR RENT , for summer , elegant West Farnam St. home furnished. Bemla , 1'nx- ton block. , D dfiO FOR RENT , largfr house of 13 or 14 rooms , large Imrn , lnrBe..Brounds , at S , W. cor ner of 27lh nrnVJoi'liiton Sts. BUM IS , PAXTON BI..K. D-3S3 _ R-ROOM. modern , 1817 Capitol Ave. , J15.00 : 4210 Farnam , 8 rooms , barn , $22.60 ; 2S < o Burl , U rooms. $15.00 ; others , ttlngwnlt Bros. , lUrker Block. D-3S9 _ FURNISHED houaa ountral. 2000 Cnllfornla. D-A17S1 _ FOUR rooms. "O So. 17th St. D-M422 A3 * CHOICE houses. cottaeM , stores. Henry 11. Payne. 601 N. . . Y. l3fe , 'Phone , 1010. U * 137 KARGE brick barn , thirty stalls ; room' for fifty. Will repair for good tenant ; rent KiO.OO per month. l.argn fine residence. . 10 rooms , entirely mod ern , porcelain bath , In perfect condition , largo grounda , good barn , In best part of Walnut Hill , rent J35.00 ner month. 3115 Cumlnff St. . * rooms , bath , closet , city water good bnrn , 118.00. JJ27 N. ZOth St.1. more. J7.00 ; four-room Hat upstair * , JS ; city water. Omnhn Loan & Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas. B-7C5 _ S-ROOM. ittrlctly all modern house , fins re pair , 3 blocks from Hnnscom park , J23. Heniy B. Payne. 601 N. Y. Lift. D-416 FOR RENT , furnished house , near school , till October 1. The O. F. Davis COj , t . D-M7JO FOR RENT. K8 South ISth si. . 10 rooms. modern ; good repair. The Byron Reed ( C"9V 212 Bo. Hth 91. D-S17I9 SIX-ROOM cottage , bath. 43 S. 18th st. . D M72 < _ J.40J POPPLKTON AVE. , 10 rocm , modern , large ynrd and. bnrn , J30. The Byron Reed Co. ' D-M624 _ _ TWO strictly modern 7 and 9-room liouses , line rrpnlr , } 2S to 127. 5 < \ ; walking distance. 2iio-M Cnpltol ave. Henry U. Payne. C01 . , N. Y , Life , ' D-MS72 T MODERN 7-room house , jW3 N. 28th St. " , 1 li.OQi ) . CM. Pee. P-MSOii _ FOR IU3NT , S-room furnl he.l hcuso. with modern conviMilencos , near nrownell hall. JOHN W. BOBBINS , 1S02 FARN.VM.ST. J1-MW8 FOR KHNT. larvn H-rooin house. N.V turner > 9'll nd I.eavnvrorth utreelsr will put In' first. class repair for coed tenant. Apply H. M. Rogers. 923 N. Y. Llf Bide. f voii RI : > T S1 < IA'nhlc"cnt' for ; tenants who , , , , w(5-h ( Hals In the Wlnona or the Nor- mnndlc Apartment Holmes. 4J0.1 Farnnm St. . now. C rooms , $ J2.M. A beautiful 3-rotwn hoimp , near Hansrom park , worth WO.UO , only { I5.WO to good tenant. Finn S-room modern house In Hill newly pnlnted , only f22.fiO to good ' nnc locaion- , t you do not nnd nnythlng to suit you In thin list call nt the oincc ns we have n line lUt of houses nt present. Harder Co. U-.Msrn 2.1 FOR RENT , n-room house for JC.SO per month. 1405 South ICth si. Enquire Jos. Goldsmith , 1205 Fnrnnm st. D M9C5 23 * FOR RENT , the lower floor of 2Mn Woolworth - worth nve. Inquire after S o'clock. D-.M103 23 * KOH IIEXT I'I'HMSIIKU ' IIOO.MS. ROOMS , modern. 23SO Harney St. E-M5S7 22 * LARGE south front , with alcove. 2110 Lnko E-752 21 * GOOD sleeping accommodation , rtoom 1 , Davlilge building. E SH09 A3 * FU'UNISHICD roinis. private house , nice ln\\'n , fclngle rooms or Htilte , newly fur nished. 2215 Dodge St. E 9S1 2J * PLEASANT furnished rooms , hous-'kecp- Ing ; fill conven'JencM. vm Dodge ft. E-JI9JO 23 FURNISHED rooms , either up or down stnlr.i , for houaikocplng ; bath nnd modern conveniences and on street car line.825 Park n venue. -E 927 22 * THE BACHELOR'S HOTEL. 2006 Fnrnam St. Double south room , suitable for man nnd wife. E 630 A-9 FURNISHED rooms. 1521 S. 20th Ave. E-M7S1-22 * FURNISHED rooms ; housekeeping. 2623 St. Mnry's. E M843 25 * TWO front rooms furnl.'hed for light house keeping , near Hnnscom park. $8.00 month. Furniture for sale. 2S03 Woolworth nvc. E-S421 * PLEASANT rooms. 2402 Cass. F-9S3 31 * FURNISHED room. 6uO S. 2Sth. Call cven- Int9. E-M978 22 * UOOMS AMI HOARD. ELEGANT rooms nnd board. 1903 Capitol Ave. F-139 NICELY furnished room with breakfast ; near Hanscotn park ; modern house. Ad dress C 13 , Bee. F 686 FIRST-CLASS rooms nnd board. 2107 Douglas. F M332 A2 * FRONT room with nlcove. with all modern conveniences. 212 S. 23th St. F 901 SUITE rooms , furnished or unfurnished. Utopia. 1721 Davenport St. F-CS1 FURNISHED rooms and board. Hid S. 2 th. F-M791-22 * ROOMS and board , 2112 Emmett street. F-M790-22 * - - ELEGANT room with board. 1909 Cnpltol vo. F MSS2 22 * FOR UEXT U.VPUHNISIIKn ROOMS. S UNFURNISHED rooms , newly papered , up stairs. 222C So. 12th. G M363 B UNFURNISHED chambers for house keeping to man and wire. 319 N. 17th. Q SlH ) KENT STOHES AND OFFICES. DESK room for rent on ground floor Bee Building , Farnam street side , rent reason able. Apply R. C. Peters Co. , Bee Build- Ing. I M413 FOR RENT , store In flr t-closs location ; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co. , g.-ound floor Boo Diag , 1 266 FOR RENT , n ground floor office , specially suitable for real entate , etc. ; splendid vault , built for uie of city treasurer. .Ap ply R. C. Peters i Co. , ground floor , Bee Building , . . . ' I-2S7 ONE largo fine office of two rooms to rent In the Continental block ; will put In con dition to suit tenant. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. . 10th & Douglas Sis. 1-931 STORE for rent. 301 South 16th St. , fine room suitable for Btora room or ofllco purposes , $65.00. George nnd Company , JG01 Farnam St. 1-M566 31 FINE location for drug store , only J15 per mo. Henry B. Payne , C01 N. Y. Life. I-M74J AOE.vrs AVAvnan. AGENTS , wo set you up In paydng busl- nesa and furnish J2.00 outlH free. All easy sellers ; big profits ; continuous busi ness ; exclusive territory. Write quick Hunter Co. , 249 Ann St. , Racine , WIs. J M99G 22 * STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 908- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding- . 143 WAXTE1J TO IIUY. WE WANT several nice residences and resl. denco lots for cash buyers. Wo have th buyers , what have you to offer ? O'Neill's Real Estate Agency , South Omaha. 2ND-HAND furniture bought & exchanged. Boston Furniture Co. , 1414 Dodge. Tt 1. 2238. N-147 ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , In largo or small quantities. Chlcngo Fur niture Co , , 1406-10 Dodge. Tel. 2020.N N US STAMP collections bought , sold. Morten en , 404 N. IGtb. N-MI17 A3 WILL nay cnsh for 1 or i ncres with small house' J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. WANTED , to buy , n. farm within 60 miles of Omaha , ICO acres or more choice .table land or upcoud bench ; spot cnsh for a bargain ; give- full description , location , price , E 50 , Bee. N-M973 23 WANTED , to buy. n liorse , gentle nnd safe for Indies nnd children to drive. Address "E C4 , " care Boo otllce , N-JM971 23 WANTED , 'to buy. for cnsh. Omu > ha Sav ings bank accounts. E 48 , Bee ; * 3 A NEW or good second-hand four-wheo ) pony buggy. Address V. Bwnnwiii. An- js MsaiI * , rora , Neb , - WANTKD. to buy for cash , one burglar proof enfe'Wlth time lock. W. J , Crandall. Firth. Neb. N-M991 2C FOR SEE our 2nd-hand furniture , stoves ; lowest prices. Boston Furniture Co. , 1114 Dodge. FOR SAI.H IIOIIHUB AND VEHICLES , OLD bugglet taken In trade on new vehicles. Andersen Buggy Top Co. , 15 & Davenport. P Mw > S FOR SALE , small new livery stock , rubber tire vehicles and ( jood horses. Address R 27 , Bee. P-759-21 * FOR SAI I&- FLAG "POLES : nawduut ; cheapest and best hofi fence. DPI Douglas. Tel. 458. Q-I59 1'IANOS , organs. wlnp machines , wholesale - sale , ratal ! . CollU Piano Co. , 205 8. Hth. Q-872 Jy2l CUTTERS of drug Prices. Sherman & McConn ll Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge Bt. Bt.Q 158 FOR sale , patent for Nebraska : big money : Addresa A , Boo otllce , Council Bluffs. Q-8S1 HOG , poultry , lawn and Held fencing ; nil wire. Wire Works , 1017 Howard St. St.Q154 Q-154 TOR NAI.U > ll.1ClilANKOtS. B. HAAS , Florist , 1813 Vlnton St. Tel. 776 ; plants , cut flowers , bonnets , hnll , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations ; orders by mall or express promptly filled. Q 151 FOR SALE ten R-l-P-A-N-S for 5 cents nt druggists. One Rives relief. Q 152 FOR SALE , 2-Inch oak and plno plnnka , suitable for sldewnlks , and other second hand lumber from the Ifitli st , viaduct. Apply to the Associated Chnrltlej' ' , 1S10 St. Mnry's ave. Q-M596 22 AT a bnrgaln , 12 large steel ranges ; sultablo for hotel and restaurant. 1410 Dodge St. Q-7S9 Jy23 * 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght. 1116 Fnrnnm. WI1\ get second grade bl yclea when you can get hlxh grade Crescents for J3i cash. Flfscher , 1622 Cap. Ave. Q 153 THOSE Wonderful Douglas Shoes , J2.60 nnd J3.60. FlJhcr , Park Ave. & Leavenworth. Q-625-A-9 SAFES , buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th St. Q-157 INDIAN relics ; mounted gamehcads. 1118 Farnam. Q-M695 A12 CASH register , nearly new , cheap. 1118 Farnnm. Q MS03 FOR SALE , 10 head good fre. < h fnmllv row ? , 2nr \ > young Jerweys. Call afternoon. Jester's ynrd , 25th & Burl 8t. Q-035-21 * FOR SALE , nt a iMrirnlJ. , my nnc upright plnno : office , hours 10 to 12 nnd 1 to 3 p. in. Frunz Ade'mann , room 1. Wlthnell Block. . Q-9.1S-22 FOR SALE At bargain , good row , will be fresh In few days. Inquire 3321 Webster. Q-951-22 * BICYCLE. "D3 model , shopworn , cheap for cash. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th and Hnr- uey. Q MS72 28 FOR SALE , four large wiinn air funinces ; O.irton No. 184 ptecl radiators : also sev eral hundred feet of piping. Apply Her bert M. Rogers. 92.1 N. Y. Life Bldg. Q Mire's 2.1 FRESH Jersey cow. B years old. 133S Pnrk uve. Park Avo. barn. Q 9S2 23 SIX show cases for stile. Edholm , jeweler , 107 N. ICt'i ' st. Q 9S1 FOR SALE , three St. Bernard puppies 2 months old ; very cheap If pold Immedi ately. 2122 Wlrt st. Q-MDtH 23 * MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE , country dealers , 2d-hnnd furniture and stoves sold at lowest prices , carload lots or less. Chlcngo Furniture Co. , 1406-10 Dodge R-160 FOR RENT , n goi.d barn. 1902 Cass.R R 159 NEW YORK building , Bluff tract. Greater America Exposition. Crclghton hn'.l nnd Morand's Academy , boclal functions , conventions , etc. 6)5 ) AS DOGS trained for field work ; satisfaction ruaranteed. G. S. Rumbaugh. 1821 O street. Lincoln , Neb. R MS07 22 * CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. GYLMER , genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge. S-M477 SIRS. FRITSC.clalrvoyant. 817 N. Ifith.S161 S-161 MRS. F. DORSEY. life reading. 1023 N. 21st S-937 A3 * MRS. DR. MOSS , the greatest progn'osti- cater of the age , In unetliiled as a I'.fo reader and clairvoyant ; see her nnd be convinced ot .her . wonderful power. 1704' Oarltol ave. S-M9S6 22 MASSAGE AND DATHS. MRS. BERRY , BATHS , MASSAGE. PARLORS BEST equipped In city. Porce- Inln tub ; lady attendants. 119 N , 16th , , opp. P. O. , 2nd floor. T 965 Jy26 * FRANXES Seutorlous of K. C. 107 N. 12. T MM6 Jy25 * MME. LEE , batha , massage parlor. SO ? N. 16. T 937 Jy25 BESSIE DECAMO , ' thermal baths , mas sage. 1615 Howard , 3d floor , room 1 , T-M613 29 DR. MALMQUIST , massage , baths. 110 ' Bee Bldg. T 67S-A11 * ELITE parlors. 2025 Fnrnam , upstairs , flrst- cla n baths ; massage and magnetic treat ment ; lady attendants. T M809 29 * MME. AMES , R. 2. 5073.13 : massage baths. T 915-Aug.-17 * MME. SMITH , room 2 , 11SV4 North 15th. T 931 25 * PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing confinement ; bablca adopted. 1136 N 17 U-162 BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 31DV5 S. 15th. U-163 DR. ROY , chiropodist : corns removed 23o and upward. Room 12 , Frcnzer block. ' U-164 MONHEIT , leader In hair goods , toilet pren- orations. Paxton blk. Farnam st. entrance ' U-166 THE best assortment of bicycle lamps Is at Louis Flcscher's ; prices low. 1622 Can Ave ' U-169 MONHEIT , chiropodist , halrdressing. Paxton - ton block. U 167 VIAVI Is woman's -way to health. 346 Be * Bldg. u-171 MORPHINE habit or disease ; positive nulck cure : greatest discovery of the n ere charge unless cured. HIIMate-Rla-Co 410 Sheely block , Omaha , Neb. ' U-S59-Jy24 1,000 CARDS > 1 Nlchola & Broadfleld 4QS Sheely b'.k. Tel. 1942. U-M2M OMAHA Phonograph parlor. 321 N 16th st cor. Chicago , phonographs , records sun- U-M478 A6 $25 REWARD ! For the return of two runa way boys. Left home July 9. Oldest 15' years , scar on left cheek ; youngest 1" pmall of his nge. Both light complected ! 1 Address Hans Jorgencen , Paxton Neb U-M731 25 * LADIES , nttentlon ! Do you want to be beautiful or remain to ? If so 10 valuable secret * nnd recipes will be sent upon receipt - ceipt of 25c In stamps. If not satisfactory money refutfdcd. Address E 36 , Ree 2D-IIAND sewing machines from JS upe - braska Cycle Co. , cor. loth und Harney U-932 21 HITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken- babies adopted. 2211 Seward. Te ) . 2233 U-95S A19 DR. NELSON , dentist , room 9 , Crclghton blk. , 15th and Douglas. Tel. 1940 U-M969 ( Aug. 20 SIONKY TO LOAT-nt/AI. ESTATE. MONEY to loan on flnt-clasa Improved city property or for building purposea. Payne- llard.r Co. , N. Y. Life. W 173 6 PER CENT money. Be-nla , Paxton BloclT AV-172 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Loye Co. , 219 So , 16th MOO TO 2.000. F. D , Wead , 16th & Douglas. W-174 H.OOO and upward to loan on Improved city property and farms. \ \ , Farnam Smith & Co. , 1328 Farnam. W 179 BROKERS , promoters , mortgage dealers wanting eastern money should write for circular. Investors' Directory. New -\'or\ \ , W-561 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 B. 16th , Omaha. _ , ( W 181 6 per ct. , Chas. E. Williamson , U.S. Bk Bldg. W-177 LOANS , Potter-Sholea Co. , 810 N. Y. Life. W-180 PRIVATE money to loan , low rate. j. H , Sherwood , 43 N. Y , Life. W 18S 6 per cent loan . Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam. W 185 WANTED , city and farm loans ; also bonds and wurrants. R. C. Peters & Co. , 17W Farnam St. , Dta Bldg- . W ISi WRITE us U you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Nebor Mo. ; It will pay } -ou. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N.Y.L. W-1S1 MOM'.V TO LOAX III3AI. , KSTATK. MORTGAGES-Wallac * . 314 Brown Block. W-176 C , 6Vi. C Pr cl. loans In Omnhn , Ho. Omnh.i , W. 11. Thomas , 603 l t Nat. bank. Tel. 164J. W 461 SIOM-JY TO LOAX CHATTELS. MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses , cows , jewelry. Dull Green , R , s , Barker blk LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE , holding permanent positions on their p r- sonal note , without Indorsement or wcur Ity ; strlrtly confidential and at ONE-HALF THE USUAL RATES ; befors borrowing see us , n you wl'l find It greatly to your pdvnntage ; we - - " " MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent position with responsible con cerns upon their names , without se curity ; ensy payments. Tolman , R. 70o , N. Y. Life Hldg. X1S9 MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles , diamond * , watch's , etc. ; payments un known to friends , Hcrgers' Ix > an Bank , 1416 Farnam , upstairs. X1S7 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , jew elry , her s , cows , etc. C. F. Rend , 3lS 8..13. X1SS MONEYTO LOAN ONMONEY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE , PIANOS , HORSES. CARRIAGES. * WAGONS , ETC. _ * LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. You can pay the- money back In any amount you wish nnd at nny time. Each payment BO made lessens the cost * of carrying the loan. J OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 1CTH X1SS MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE confidentially , holding permanent posi tions on their own mime without en- dorpcr , mortgage or security of any kind. Can repay u ; easy weekly or monthly payment * Omaha Credit Co. . C. ! ? J n- nines , Mgr. , suite 625-526 N. Y. Lite Bldg. TO YOU NEED MONEY1 ITS EASY TO GET AND EASY TO. PAY. For high-clna ) snlnried people , holding permnncnt positions with responsible firms , without mortgage or security of any kind except their own names. Strictly confidential. AMERICAN LOAN CO. . Room C01 , Bee Bldg. I1USINESS CHANCES. FOR QUICK returns list your bargains at O'Neill Real Estate Agency , So. Omaha. MERCHANDISE stocks. Wo have listed general stock * of dry goods and clothing , shoes , hardware , groceries and drug stocks.Owner will discount for cash or take part farm or city property In ex- chnnge. If you want to get Into business write us ; If you want to sell your bus iness , write us. Merchandise broker. B03 Brown block. Y 510 WANTED-CASH BUYER. Grocery business with large caoh trade ; established ten years : good stock , llx- turen , horses and dsllvery wagons ; at In voice or wholesale price ; good will goes with business ; owner selling account health ; rare opportunity for Investment about $3,000 cash. AV. H. Russell , solo ngent. C16 N. Y. Life FIVE-YEAR LOANS. REAL ESTATE. RENTALS. Y-M914 23 PRINTING olllce , two Gordon presses. Advance - vance paper cutter , latest type , for sale cheap , cash or payments. Address * E M , Bee office , Omaha. ' Y-M961 24 * ELEVATOR for sale on U. P. R. . BIu Springs , Neb. ; horse power : 18,000 bu. cn- roadty ; no ibetter farmhlg district In Ne braska. Write P. O. box 173. Bcntrlce , Neb. ' ' " ' YM102 2S .no FOR EXCIIANGK. HALF section land Custer Co. , 130 ncrcs cultlvnted , price $10.00 per acre , to ex change for city property. Address B06 1st Nat'l Bk. X M940 FOR SALE REAIi ESTATE. LIST your property with us. Wo will sell It L. L. Johnson Co. , 314 9. Ifitli. RE M246 Jy31 t ACRES , unimproved , close In ; lays fine ; cheap. J. H. Sburwood. 423 N. Y. Life. RE M463 O'NEILL'S Real Estate Agency , South Omaha. Headquarters for realty Invest ments. RE-199 HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the time to dispose of them : let the people know that you wnnt to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who have the money. RE S66 SOUTH OMAHA PROPERTY $130.00 to $200.00 for lots 6 blocks southwest of packing houses ; small cash payment balance monthly. GEORGE ft COMPANY. CITY HALL Bide. , South Omaha. ItK .M851 31 COMFORTABLE cottage , 8 rooms very sightly and In good condition , located at 2811 Charles street. R E 116 FOR SALE Very cheap , two acres frontIng - Ing on Vlnton St. Peck & Co. , 101 S. 15th RE 19C HENRY B. PAYNE. C01 N. Y. LIFE BLDG Real Estate , Rentals , Loans , Insurance. RE-501 C. F. HARRISON A GEO. T. MORTON 912-913 N. Y. LIFE. TELEPHONE 314. RE M4U A3 * HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also flro Insurance. Bemls , Paxton Blk. RE 193 FOR SALE or trade , 320 acres good valley land In Hooker county , Nebrasku. ! x miles from railroad. Addrens J. j. steen , 2423 BInney at. , Omaha. Neb. nE-M921 AuglS * L EGA NT stock millinery and business ; best county seat eastern Neb. ; cheap for rash o exchange good property ; 1m- medlatu disposal iipcegsary. Address E 39 , Bc < ? . RE 919 J3 * $ CT.O IF sold this week , 3-room cottage , cel lar , city water In yard , water closet nnd sewer connection , shade trees , brick side walk ; nil special taxes jKild ; brings $8 per month rent ; on Grace street near 223 ; Wyman , Shrlver Cp. , N. Y. Life Bldff. RE-950-23 YOUR choice of 160 nicely located resi dence lota on motor line at $180 ; monthly piymentw , If desired. W. H. RiLsnell , BIO N. Y. Lite. RE M975 21 FOR SALE , Improved 100 acres In central Nebraska , $5,000 ; easy terms ; might tnk $1,600 In South Omaha property. John Casey , South Omaha , Neb. RE M977 23 GREAT bargain , tine garden tract 5 acres close to city , only $075 ; call Saturday and see It. Hicks , 325 Board Trade. RE 980 21 * CASH CUSTOMERS FOR FARM LAND The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th st. RE-979 TUKEY'8 BARGAINS. OFFER WANTED FOR WHOLE BUNCH. Lots 10 , 11. 12 and 24 , Waverly Place , I > ots a and 9 , Ludwlck Place. Lota 8. 9 and 10 , block 33 , Ambler Place. Part of lot 3 > > ' , 'Burr ' Oak , I/at 9. .block . 12 , Kitchen & Waugh's. l.ot 7 , II. 15 and 18. block 9 , Walnut Hill. 1/ot S3 , block 1 , Pullman Place. A. P. TUKBY. HOARD OF TRADE. RE-M101 24 FINELY finished 8-room home , modern In wry detail , electric light , gas. laundry , barn , lot 78x110 ; one at the best bargains Jn Omaha ; owner leaving city , 3711 N. IHh , half block south of Manderson street. RE-M305 24 * NEW wheels. $18.50 up ; 2nd-hand wheeli. $ $ up ; repairing supplies. Omaha Bicycle Co 20J SEE Louis Fletcher for bicycle repairing , enameling and sundries. 162J Cap. Ave. 2 < H ANDRAE bicycle * , f0. 1116 Farnam. -MC93 A TYPEWRITER * . TYPEWRITERS for ront. JI.OO per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1C23 Fflrnom St. Telephone 1231. 202 WE RENT nnd r1l the b - t typewriter * made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Fnr nam. 201 RBMtNOTON Standard typewriter nnd sup plies. 1619 Fafnnm. 204 TlfE Oliver Typewriter , vHb'.e writing , heaviest mrtnlfolder nnd ruts the finest Mtncll ; tfc exhibit Liberal Arts bide. , Greater America Exposition. Tel. 2279. J. S. Stewart , Special Agent. S1SU s. Fif teenth St. , Omnhfl. M 364 TYPEWRITERS , secondhand , lllfi Farnnm. -M691 A12 MEDICAL. DR. MANSFIELD'S MONTHLY UKOU- Inter has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women ; have never hnd n sin gle failure ; longest cases relieved In two to five days without fall : no pnln , no dun- ger ; no Interference with work ; by mnll or ofllce , $2 ; nil letters truthfully an- sw ml. The Mnn lleCd Remedy Co. . 167 Dearborn strict , room 614 , Chicago , III. S18 22 * LADIES , harmless monthly regillntor ; can- mu fall. Mrs. B. Rowan. Milwaukee. WIs. MSWO Allg20 * 1,0 ST. LOST , heavy gold chain bracelet , July IS , i on 4 ( > th. between Farnnm nnd Dve.v < avr. R.'turn to 424 N. 2.1rd st. Reward. LostM104 < 23 * LOST , n hetirt-shnped key ring coutnlnlng desk nnd P. O. keys. Finder will be miltn- h'y rewarded unon returning came to clear stand , N. Y , Ltfa building. Lost M9JS 22 * LAUNDRY. OMAHA STEAM LAUNDRY , city towel supply ; shirts , ? c ; collars , 2c ; cuffs , 4c ; underwear , fio. 1730 Leavcnworth. Tel. B47. M-465 FIFHINO RESORTS. HO , ye fishermen , go to Langdon. Mo. , for bass and crnpplc ; stop at Adams house , $1.25 a day , $ j.00 a week. Including boats. 431 A4 IIVCIEMC THHVTMESTS. MASSAGE , electricity , hydrothernpy ; grad uates Battle Creek , Mich. , sanitarium ; references ; Indies only. Phone 2193. 707 A12 * SHORTHAND AX1) TYPEWRITING. A. C. Van Sant'o School. 717 N. Y. Life. 210 AT OMAHA Bus. College. 16th & Douglas. 211 BOYLE'S school ; court reporter principal ; Bee Bldg. 212 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Osteopathlc Institute , suite 515 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1664 , J. W. Dill. M.D. . D. O. , consulting physician. Mrs. Alice John son , D. O. ; Mary Hobcon , D. O. . graduates of American School of Osteopathy , Klrks- vllle , Mo. Old. E. Johnson , Mgr. 208 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O. , of Still school , Klrksvllle , Mo. , CM Paxton blk. Tel. 13S7. 209 PAWNBROKERS. JEFFERSON Square Loan Olllce418 N. 18. 213 EAGLE Loan Office , reliable , accommodat ing ; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 214 TICltET I1ROKERS. CUT RATE railway and steamship tickets ; excursion -tickets boirght and sold. P. II. Phllbln , now location , 1505 Farnam street , Omaha , Established 1SS9. Member G , T. B. Association. M100 NICKEL , PLATING , ALL kinds plating. Om Plating Co. , Bee bid ? 433 HOUSE MOVER. W. COY , located at 1716 St. Mary's Ave. " 211 A11STRACTS OF TITLES. HARRIS' Abstract Co. . 423 Bee Building. 200 FEATHER RENOVATOR. MATTRESSES renewed. 707 S. 16th. Tel. 781. 218 SIDEWALKS. ARTIFICIAL stone and brick aldewalks. A. R. Heel , 2622 Hurt Btrefct. Btrefct.M6CO M-6CO All * TRUNK FACTORY. SEE OUR trunk traveling bags , ault casea. Trunka repaired. Omaha Trunk factory , 12OT Farnam. -993 A26 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED Julia Vaughn , 430 Ramge Bldg.219 -219 ATTORNEYS. W. F. WAPPICH , attorney , EOJ Brown Blk. I C32 A9 SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED. BY Joseph E. Phillips. 2519 Corby at. , Omaha ; best of city references given. 4C2 AS HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room { 4.00 per week ; gas , steam heat and batha. Ninth and Farnam Sta. 215 MATTRESS RENOVATING. M. S. WALKL1N. 2111 Cumlnc. Tel. 1331. -216 MIRROR FACTORY. DAMAGED looking glasses resCvered. 703 N. 16th. M231 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. ( Should be read dally by all Interested , aa chnngcH may occur at any tlm . ) Foreign malls for the week ending July U. 1K 9 , will ck > * o ( PROMPTLY In-all cage/ ) ut the General Postofllce as followa ; PAR CELS POST MAILS close one hour curlier than closing time shown below. TrniiH-Allimllo Mnllu. SATURDAY At 5 a. m. for EUROPE , per s. a. Umbrla * . via Queenstown ( letters for France , Switzerland , Italy , Spain , Portu gal , Turkey , Egypt nnd British India must be directed "per Umbrla"j ) at 7 a. m. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORTUGAL , TURKEY EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per R f. La Bretagne * , via. Havre ( letters for other parlH of Europe must be directed "per La Bretaene" ) ; nt 8 u. m. for NETHER LANDS direct , per u. s. Amsterdam , via Rotterdam ( lettera must bo directed "per Amsterdam" ) ; at 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct , per a. H. Thlngvalla ( letters must bo directed "per Thlngvalla" ) , Printed matter , etc. Gciman steamers galling on Tuesdays take printed matter , etc. , for Germany , and specially addressed prlntr-d matter , eic , , for .uner partb of Eu-ope. American and White Star steam ers on Wcdnesduyx , German "learners on Thursdays , and Cunard , Finncn and Ger man sti'iunera on Saturday * take printed matter , etc. , for all countries for which they are udvertlxed to carry mat ! , After the closing of tlio nuijp'.ementnry transatlantic mulls numeu above addi tional supplementary mails arc opened on the piers of the American , English , French and German steamerh , and remain open until wlkhln ten minutes of the hour ot gulling of steumt-r , SIulli fur South niul Central America , AVenl Inillei. El , SATURDAY At 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : u. in. ) for Fortune Island , Jamaica Havanlllu , Curthagena and Grcytown , per a. . Alene ( letters for Costa Rica must be directed "per Alene" ) : at 10 a , in. ( sup plementary J030 ; a. m. ) for U rmuda , per v. s.Orlnoco ; at 11 H. m , ( supplementary 11:39 : a. m. ) for Porto Rico , via tian Juan , POSTOFFICIJ NOTICE. ( Continued. ) Venezuela and Curacao , also Snvnnlllii nnd Cnrthageiia. via Curncao , t > or s. o , Philadelphia : nt 11 n. m. C'ub.i , per s. s Havana , via tlnvnnn ( letters must bo directed "p r Havanft" ) : nt 1 p. in. for Nuevltns , Glbnrn. Vita nnd Unrncon , per > . s . Kiln ; at 1 p. m. for Mnrtlulnit , Guadeloupe and Dcmerarn , per p. . Tails- SrNDAY-At SM : p. m. for St. Pierre I Miiiuelon. per steamer from North j Sydney. for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , nnd Ihcnre by fUMinrr. do * ' at this olllce dally nt 8:30 : p. m. ( connecting close bore every Mondav , Wednesday nnd Saturday ) . Mails for Mlquelon , by rail to Roston. nnd thenrp by steamer , clo e at this oince dally nt 8:30 : p. m. Mnlls for Cuba , bv r.ill to Port Tntnpa , Fin. , nnd thfnce by Mcninrr. rlosp at this otllco dally ( except Monday ) nt * 7 a. m. ( th" connecting closes nre on Sumlny , Wednes day and Friday. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Miami. Fla. . nnd thftice by strainer. close nt this otllce every Monday , Tues day nnd Saturday nt * * 2:3 : ( > n. m. ( the con necting closes nrc on Tuesjay aim Satur day ) . Malls for Mexico ( -Ity. overland. unless specially addressed for despatch by steamer , r.nt \ nt this olllce ilAlly nt 2:30 : a. m , nnd 3:30 : p. m. 'Malls .or Costn Rlcn , Belize , Puerto CortP7. nnd Guntf. mala bv mil to New Orlcnns. nnr. thence by steamer , olose at this olllcc dully nt 3:00 : p. in. ronnpctlns closes Sun days nnd Tuesdays tor Coslu Rica , nnd Mondays for Rpllze , Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemala. 'Reglntpred mall rlosci nt C p. m. previous day. RrglMrml 'rnll closes at 0 p. in , second dny before. l'Mclllo Mnlli. Mnlls for China , Jnpnn nnd Hnwnll , per s. s. America Mnru ( from Sun Frnuclcco ) , close hero dnlly up to July ' 17th nt 6:30 : p , m. Inlls for China nnd Japan , per s. s. Olympla ( from Tncoma ) . close Irre daily up to July " 17th at fiRO : p. m. Mnlls for Hnwnll , per s. s. Austrnlln ( from Snn Frnnclst'u ) . rloso hendnlly up to July * 21 t t fiP : < ) p. in. Mail : * for Australia ( except West Australia ) , Hnwnll nnd FIJI Island ? , per P. s. Aor.inirl ( from Vnn- eiiiivcr ) . close here dnlly after July 7th nnd up to July " 21st at 0:30 : p. m. Mnlli for Chlnn nnd Jnpnn. per B. a. Empress of Jnpan ( from Vancouver ) , close her dally up to Jiuy ' 2 < th at 0:30 : p. m. Mulls for the Society Islands , per ship City of Pnpeltl ( from Snn Frnnclsco ) . close here dnlly up to July r'fith nt fi:30 : p. in. Mnlls for Austrnlln ( except those for Wcrt Australia , which nro forwarded via Europe ) , New Zealand. Hnwnll , FIJI and Snmonn Islands , p-r s. s * . Monun ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally nfter July " 21st nnd up to August " 1th nt C:3D : p. m. on day of arrival of s. s. Cnmpnnln. \vhlch will probnbly arrive August Mth. Trans-Pacific mnlls are forwarded to port of sailing dnlly and the schpilule of clos ing Is nrrnused on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mnll .closes nt C p. m. pre vious dnv. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofllce , New York , N. Y. . July 7. 1SS9. IJOVERXMMVT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR FRAME COTTAOE- Iiidlnn Service , V. S. Indian Agency. Wln- nebago , Neb. , July IS. 1S99. Sealed pro posals. Indorsed "Propwsals for Cottnge , " Omnhn and Wlnnebngn Agpncy. and nd- dr'ssod to the U. S. Imlhin Agent. Wlnne- bngo. Ncbrnskn , will be received nt said ngpnoy until one o'clock p. in. of Friday , August 11. ISM , for furnlHliIng nil the mu- tcrlals nnd labor reiiulred to construct and complete one frame 1-story cottage nt the Omn'im ' nml Wlnnebngo Agency. N.'b. , In strict accordance with plniis. specllkvi- ttoms and Instructlcms 'to ' bidders which may be exnmln'ed at the agency. For fur ther Informntlon apply to C. P. Mnthew- son , U.S. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CONVICT LAUOR. Wnnted contrnctors to lease 170 able- bodied convicts In the Nebraska State peni tentiary In nny line of manufacturing , ex cepting clgnr. < bricks nnd stonecuttlm ; , contracts to commence September 1st , 1S93 , for n period not exceeding three years. Sealed bids will bo received at the office of the commissioner of Public Lands nnd HUlldlngs nt Lincoln. Neb. , until 10 o'clock n. m. , August 10th , 1899. For further Information address Ocorgo W. Leldlsh , warden. JulylCMlSt IIAII/VVAY TIME CARD. BURLINGTON & MIS- BffiiirttonBURLINGTON Railroad Bffiiirtton "Tno Burlington Route" General Offices , N.V. . Corner Tenth and Far nam Streets. Ticket Olllce , 1502 Farnam . Etreet. Telephone , 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- phone. 310. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Haptlnga and McCook a S:40 : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver. Colorado rado , Utah , California..a 4:25 : pm a 3:56 : pm Llncom. BUck HIIU. Montana & I'ugct .Bound a 4:25 : p m a 3:00 : pm Lincoln Local a 7:00 : pm alO:35 : am Lincoln Fast ? .7all n 3:00 : pm alO:3S : am Denver , Colorado , Utah & California a 8:30 : am a Dally. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- Ecph & Council Bluffs Tta'Iroad ' "Tho Burltng- toi. Rout * " Ticket Olllce , 1502 Farnam Streut. Tele phone. 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex..a 9:30 : am a 6:10 : pm Kant.aH City Night Ex..alO:15 : pm a 0:30 : am Bt. Louis Fiver 'or St. Joteph unu Bt. Louis..a 4K : pm all:15 : am a Dnlly. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "The Burllncton Route" Ticket Office. 1502 Farnam St. Tel. 250. Depot , Tenth & Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. . . . Chicago Spe- clal , a C:40 : am Chicago Veatlbu'.cd Ex..a 6:05 : pm a 6:05 : am Chicago Express a 9:30 : nm a 4:05 : pra Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7:45 : pm a 1:05 : am Pacific- Junction Local..alO:45 : urn a 6:15 : pm Fast Mall a 2:4S : pra a Dally. FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Rail road "The Northwontern Line" General Offices United States National Bank Bldg. , Southxvest Corner Twelfth and Far nam Streets. Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , 581. Depot , ICth and W bster Streets. Telephone , 1458. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills , Deadwood , Hot Springs a 3:09 : pm a E:00 : pm Wyo..ilng , Casper and Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 6:00 : pm Hastings , York , David City , Superior , Geneva. Exeter and Beward.b 3:00 : pm b 6:00 : pm Norfolk. Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 am blO:25 : am Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont , . , b 7:30 : am blO25 ; am Fremont Local , _ o 7:30 : am u Dally , b Dally except Sunday , c Sun day only. d Daily except Saturday. 7HICAGO & NORTHwestern - western Railway "Th Northwestern Line" City Ticket omco , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 561 , Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tel ephone , en. Leave. Arrive. DayllB1- Chicago Spe cial , a 6:40 : am allG3 : pm Mo Valley , Sioux CUy , Bt. Paul & Minneap olis , a 6fX ) am nll:00 : pm Mo. Valley , Sioux City.a 7:45 : am a 4:25 pm Carroll Loral b 6:25 : pm blOilO ama Eastern Express , Dea Mcines , Marshalltown , CcdaRaplda ami Chicago cage all:05 : am a 4:03 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago and East . . .a 4:55 : pm a 4:05 : pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha , a Z:45 : pro Northern Express . .a C:25 : pm u 8-40 am Omaha-Chicago Special.a 7:05 pm a 8:15 : am Fust Mall 8 ; < 5 nm a Dally , b Dallvxo Dt Sunday. CHICAGO. riT. PAUL. MlnneapolU < fc Omaha Hallway r "The Northwestern - western Line" General Oniceu. Nebraska Dlvl- elon , 15th and Webster _ Bts. City Ticket Ofllce 1401 Furnum St. Telephone , 61. Depot. 15th and Wobsier Hli. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Expreas ( for Sluux City , Bt. Paul & Mlnneapolla ) a 6:00 : am Ornulm 1'udbenuer I'M proton Blair. Emerson. Sioux City , Ponca , H ton > nd Hloomlleld.b 1:00 : pm b210 ! ; nm No. Z , Twin City L'fd..a tK : pm Mo 1. Omaha Limited , a 9:00 : am Dally , b Daily except Sunday.a RAILWAY TIME t.\RU. SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC Rnllrflnd - "Th North. w. st rfi Lino" General Cillers , United State * National Uank Building , 8 , W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnnm StreotB. - , - . Ticket uiilce , HOI Fnrnnm Street , Tc-loJ I'liono. 6t > ) . Depot , Tenth and Maion Streets. Telephone , 629. Sioux City. Mnnknto & St. Paul Minneapolis. . 5:50 : , a am a 8:40 : am St. Paul. Minneapolis. Mankato & Sioux Clty..a Ett : pm * 11:00 : pm Sioux City Local . a 7:43 : am a 4:15 pm UNION PACIFIC "THE OVERland - land Route" General Oftlces , N E , Cor. Ninth nnd Fnrnam Streets. City Ticket onic * . 130J Pm-nani StrMt. Telephone , 3ir Depot. Tenth and Maioa Streets. Telephone , 629. Lc&vo. Arrive. "Tno Overlaid LlmltPd" for Utiih. It'ntio , Mon tana , California. Oregon gen ami Washington points . a 1:50 : am a 4:4S : pm The Colorado Special . for Lpnvei and all Colorado nolniA . nllS3 : pm a < : (0am Pncltic IivprCB for Donvct , alt Lake , Pncinc Const nnd all western > olnts . b 4:36 : pm a ( :40 : aa Lincoln , Beatrice and Stromsburg Express. , .b 4:3o : pm blt:20 : pm Fremont. Columbus , Nor folk , Grand Inland and North Plntto . n 4:35 : pm b 4MSpm Columbus Local . b 5:30 : pin bli:20 : pm North 1'lnttu Local. . a U1S ; pm South Omaha Local Pas.Lonve3. . 6:15 : u , m , : 7:00 : a , m , ; 10:10 : a. m. : 3:03 : p. m. Arrive * . 10:43 : n. m. : 3:15 : p. m , ; 4lo p. m , ; 6 p. m. Council Bluffs Locul Lenvci. SM : n. m. { 6:40 : a. m. ; C'tO a , in , ; 7:40 : n. en , ; b 10:45 : a. m. ; 12:20 : p , m. ; 2:15 : p. in. ; 4:35 : p. m. ; 4:55 : p. m , ; & . ! u p. m. 6:55 : p. m , ; 0:20 : p. m. , 8:20 : p. m. ; 1U:30 : p. m. Arrive * , G:35 : a. m. ; 7:20 : u. m. ; . .13 n , m. ; SM5 u. m. ; 11:30 : a , m. ; 3:05 : p. m. ; 4:05 : p. m. ; 6:16 : p. m. ; 0:30 : p. m. ; 6:55 : p. m. ; 6.v p. m . SCi : p. m. ; li:0o : p. m. ; 11:13 : 11. n- . a Dally , b jJilly exccut Sunday. \v A B A S II ItAILROAD- Tlckot Olllce. H15 Farnnm Btrvct , Telephone , 892. De pot , Tenth and Mncon ( streets. Telephone , ( ! 29. Leave , Arrive- . St. Lr-ula "Canon Ball" Express ft 4 : 0 pm a 1:35 : am a DalU , ' . MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Olllcea nnd Ticket Olilcca Southeast Cor ner Hth nnd DouglnA Pin. Telephone , 104. Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone , 115S. LeaveArrive. . St. Louis-KhnEas ft Neb. Llmlfrt a 3:00 : pm nl2:5o : pra 1C. C. St. L. Expresa..a 0:50 : pm a G:00 : um Ni-brnskx Local vie Weoplnr Water b 6:00 : pm b 9:43 : am a Dal y. b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. ROCK 7SL- and & Pnclflo Railroad "The Great Rock Isl- nnd Route. " City Tick , ct Ofllce , 1323 Karnnm Street. Telephone , 428. Depot , Tenth & Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Dea Motnc * Local a 7:05 : nm bll:25 : am Chlc&go Express blllj nm R 8:10 : nm Chlcngo Fast Express.a 6:00 : pm a 1:25 : pm St. Paul Fast Express..a 6:00 : pm bll:25 : am Lincoln , Colorado Spgs. , Denver. Pueblo and West . . . .alJOpm : a 4:25 : pm Drs Molnos , Rock lal- end nnu i hlcago a 7:25 : pm a 0:33 : pm Colorado i * Texas Fyer.a ! 8:40 : pm a 9:00 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. OMAHA , t ST. LOUIS P2BJ Railroad Omaha. Kan sas City & Eastern Rail- ARTHUR rood "The Port Arthur Route" Ticket Ofllce. 1415 Fnrnam Street. Tel- ephonc , 322. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 628. _ Leave. Arrive. St. Lods Cannon Ball Exp oss a 4:50 : pm a 8:31 : am Kansas City and Qulncy Locai a 6:50 : am a 9:30 : pm a all . CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City Ticket Office , 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone. 284. De pot , Tenth nnd Mason BU. Telephone , G29. Leave. Arrive. Chicago t.lmlted Ex a 5:15 : pm a 8:20 : am Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:00 am b 3:65 : pm SiouxClty &Des Molne * Express bll:00 : nm b 3:53 : pm a Dully , b Dally exceuut Sunday , a Dally , ASPHALT < FROM l'ciiiiK > Iviinlii Tlirriitrim o Revolu tionize u Rrrat IntliiMtry. lAsplialt rondo 'from ' fresh herring and shavings la the latest novelty In the chemical world , reports the Philadelphia Times , nnd Prof , William C. Day of Swartumoro college la the fienlus wlio has discovered this now use for < the piscatorial delicacy. Kippered herring , the smoked variety and the fresh fish , have eo long been standard dishes on the menu that thulr use for nny- thlnr ; other than as an edible nppeara almost preposterous. In fact , It suggests the Idea thnt asphalt paving of this varloty should bo laid on Friday and only used during Lent. At any rate the now flnny asphalt , ns con cocted by the professor , does not differ in appearance , weight or touch from the natural product. In fact It Is almost Impos sible for an expert to note any dissimilarity. Prof. Day is regarded as the highest au thority In the world upon the question of asphalt. Ho received , a few days ngo , a specimen of Kllsonltc , a natural variety of asphalt which exists in large quantities in Utah. The chemist made a careful examina tion of the product from the Mormon ter ritory. Ho then aakod his assistant , Eugene Learning , to eccuro him eome fresh fish and some pine ehavingB , as to Intended making some gllsonltc. The assistant greeted this assertion with intense surprise , hut , as his nuperior wns not a practical Joker , h ecurod tub ellvers of the tforest and the denizens of the deep nnd eagerly watched the peculiar experiment. Into a cylindrical iron retort Tvero Intro duced a number of fresh herring and a number of small plcccfl of fat plno wood. The retort -was connected l > y plaster of pads joints with a short ilaf ; tube , nnd this with n gas pipe four foot long. The latter being placed in on ordinary combus tion furnace , the other end of the pipe waa connected with n. Lloblg cold water con denser , lAfter charging and cloalng the retort , it was heated liy mcan of gas stoves , which , together with the retort , Troro nurroundod with looao tricks to prevent the loss of heat. Tbo gas pipe- was heated to bright rudnesa by the combustion furnace' . During the process of the distillation water and oil , together with a white iraoke , flowed from the condenser Into the receiver. The oil obtained waa lighter than water , of had odor , and very dark red in color. This oil 'was then placed In a dlntllllne bulb and heated until about half of U hd been distilled away. When the residue "wai cooled it formed a. black brittle solid. This black , polished nubstanco was of the eam brlttiencFfi , showed the immo cleavage -when broken , and woe practically identical with the Utah substance , That is : Herring plus plno equals asphalt. Upon another occasion Prof , Day suc ceeded in Obtaining slatcnlte , another form of aoplmlt , from fish alone. Although ha dooa not claim any practical value for hli now products , the experiments uro of great eclontlfio value , H la not necessary to make enormous catches of flab for onpbalt pur poses , aa the natural product can bo founl In ample quantities. In fact , thU summrr Prof. Day will visit the principal ni- pholtura bodu ID the United States , In tha Intercut of the Geological Surrey depart ment , which hag employed him an an expert in this line for several yean. Prof , ( leorsa Kldrldga of the geological survey will visit deposit * In the near future and forward specimens to Prof , Day for ( detnlcal analysis. 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