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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1899)
THE OMAHA DAILT BEE : SATURDAY , JULY 22 , 1800. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL "Wheat Declines a Fnll Cent and Closes at the Bottom in Chicago , LARGE SHIPMENTS CAUSE THE SLUMP Corn Advance * on llnyliiK by tbc There In Little Trnile III Onto ProvUloiin Arc Firm. CHICAGO , July 21. Wheat declined a full cent today end closed nt the bottom. Largo fihlpmcnta from Argentine caused the elump. Corn and oats lost US c and pro visions closed unchanged to 2 ! c higher , the Jattcr In pork. Wheat opened easy and Uo lower at 70T4o for Scirteml > cr. Liverpool wan slightly higher , but receipts were largo and crop prospecttj ( rood , September sold oft Immediately to 70c. Argentine ship ments for the week were reported at 1,314- 000 bushels , art compared with 16,000 bushels Jast year. A continental demand was re- TKirtcd not large but still a demand , and predictions of showers m the northwest following other predictions of more favorn- l > : o weather caused some buying , on which September milled to 71Uc. Spring wheat , on which all speculative eyes ore sot , was re ported damaged in Wasnlngton , The de mand -was soon llllcd In thu pit nnd after holding for a. 'time around 71c , September Htarted upon an Irregular decline , which ended only wJth the adjournment of the board. Puts at 70-ic served to check the wlldo only tcmirararlly. Receipts at primary TKilnta were 816,631 bushels , compared with ; I17,43S Im&hcl ! ) a year ago. Duluth and Jlln- ncnpolls reported 411 cars , compared with 48.1 last week and37 / a ycnr ago. Local re ceipts were 113 cars , seven of contract grade. Corn advanced onriy on buying by shorts. September opened unchanged ut 32Q32HC and advanced to 32ia32"/iic. but the gain iwas lost In sympathy with wheat. The weather was reported favorable nnd re ceipts were again liberal , Chicago receiving f > 77 cars , with primary western receipts of 762,000 bushels , against 393,000 bushel * a year ngo. Arucntlno shipments exceeded last wcclc'H and Danuhlan shipments were 436- 000 bushels , nil of which aided In ten de cline. September opened at 32Q32'.fiC , sold between 31if/31T ! / < iO and 32l > S32V4c and closed nt 31 iffj 3170 bid. There was very little trade In oats , July closing at a slight advance. September opened steady and slightly under yesterday nt 197MJ20C nnd O-'OWM ! y c off at 19o. The weakness of wheat was the Inllu- once exerted. Local receipts were 171 cars. Snow's report saild the crop this year was larger nnd better than expected. Provisions were llrm early with a , lOc ad vance In hogs. The edge was taken off the market , however , by liquidation. 2V < ; over yesterday , at J9.20 ; September lard nnd September ribs ruled dull , closing at $5.55 nnd $3.20 , respectively. Estimated receipts Saturday : Wheat , 100 cars ; corn , 610 cars ; oats , 150 cars ; hogs , 20,000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows : Articles Opon. lllffh. Low. lUioao. Yest'rty Whrat. July. . , 70 70 Sept. . . " 09J7U 71 Deo. . . . 73 38 71t 72H Torn. Julr. . . Sept. . . 33 OH 32 C4H Deo. . . . SOU 31 SOU 30MOH Oat * . July. . . 24 H Hopt. . . IVH ia May. . . 21 > 4 Pork. Sept . . 020 020 017 > Oct. . . . 027H SJo 9-JO 017H Lard. Sopt. . . BBS 660 835 555 Oct. . . 5 US GU5 560 CCO COO lllba. Sept. . . S22K 520 520 520 Oct . . . 030 530 5 25 025 No. 2. . Oaah Quotations were as follows : FLiCim Easy ; patents $3.50Jt,1.CO ; Btralghta , $3.20@3.30 ; clears , $3.03.13 ; I Bprlng wheat specials , JI.33 : hard patents , J3.003.70 ; sort patentB , $3.305(3.40 ( ; Minnesota utrnlghts. W.10&3.30 ; bakers. $2.30 ( 2.45. " \VlII3AT-fNo. 3 spring , C6gC'J'/.c ; No. 2 xcd. 71ic. GOIIN No. 2 , 3233c ; No. 2 yellow , 33V. fiJSlo. OATS No. 2 , 21c ; No. 3 white. 24ft27Vic. ' . SKKDS Flax , ODcljm.OO ; cash , northwest , fl.0314 ; cash , southwest , $1,00 ; July , 90c ; September , 8G'ic : October , 93Jc ; timothy , J2.47& ; AugiiHt. $2.00 ; September , $2.35 ; Oc- itober , $2.50(0'2.1) ( ! > ; clover , contract grade , JC.EO. PHOVISIONS Mesg pork , per bbl. , $5.03 ® 0.10. Lard , per 100 Iba $5.37'/.fi5.50. Short ribs ) aides ( loose ) , $3.1&f(5.30. ( Dry suited ( thoulders ( boxed ) , $3.32iilf3.50 ; short clear Bides ( boxed ) , $3.4005.45. > WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per cnl. , $1.26. SUGARS Cut loaf , unchanged ; granula ted , $3.6 ! . Following are the receipts nnd shipments : Recelpta.-Sh'p'ta Flour , bblS' . 11,000 8000 "Wheat , bu . 9,000 43,000 Corn , bu . " 417,000 6)7,000 Oats , bu . 7" . . 220,000 207,000 tRye. bu . 2,000 . tBaiMiy , bu . 5,000 2,000 On the Produc.o exchange today the buttur market < wna weak ; creameries , 13V4il7iic ; dairies. llfflGc. Cheese , SHflOo. Eggs , fresh , llVic. Poultry , weak ; turkeys , chickens , 8&iaOc ; gprlngs , K13W YOUIC ( SKM'.HAI , SIA11ICET. QnotntloiiB for tlic Day on A'arloun CommoilltleH. NBW YOniv , July 21-FLOUR-neceipts. 17,2o4 bbls. ; xeports , 7,844 bbla. ; weak nnd nhndo lower ; demand mostly for spring patents in sacks ; Minnesota patents , $3.7b CiS.KTi ; Minnesota bakers , $3.0003.15 ; winter Btralghts , $3.403.50 ; winter extras , $2.4'Wi > L'.SO. ye Hour , easy ; good to fair , $3.00 ® 3.20 ; choice to fancy , $3.2503.45. COKNMISAk Dull and easy ; No. 2 west ern , 7707Sc ; city , 7Siff71c. IlYK Weaker ; No. 2 wcstein , 60 > 4c , f , o. b. . allott. spot. BARLEY Dull ; feeding , 42c. c. 1. f. Buffalo ; malting , &U30c , deliver at New lYork. IJAHI.BY atAIT-Qulet : western , M0C3c. AVII10AT-Ueceiiits. 223.723 bu. : exports , 8.0IQ bu. Sjwt , weak ; No , 2 red. 75T < .c , f. o. ili. , , spot ; No. 1 northern. Duluth , 77Hc , f. o. b. , , spot ; No , 1 hard , Du- Quth , Sl'fcc , f , o. b. , olloat , to arrive ; No. 2 rwl. 74'io , elevator. Options opened sMndy mid experienced a sharp rise on unfavor- nblo crop rumors , reported destructlan of the Chili crop and covering. Subsequently , Oiowevcr , a growing disposition to unload rvvJ-nkoned the market nnd .the advance was lost. Closed weak nt Tic net decline , July opened at 76tf'76'ftO | and closed at 7f > c ; Sci > - teinber opened at 75V < .ir7Gc and closed at 75'.4u ; Decemlver ojiened ut 77G78Ho nnd closed at 77o. OOHN Receipts , 127.725 bu. ; exports. G.180 bu. Snot , weak : No. 2. 3Sn. f. a h eilloat , ntwl STlic , elevator. Options opened Htoady nnd advanced on covering and less favorable crop ta'lk. ' The market broke with whtcat. Closed weak nt HftVfcc decline 'July closed at 37'/Sc ' ; September closed ut B7V6a ; December opened at 3 < % Q37",4c nnd closed at 3Cc. OATS Hecelpts , 119 bu. ; exports. 3,070 bu. Spot dull : Xo. 2 , 2UUo ; truck western , 290 > BOVto Options , dull. IIAY Wevak ; whipping , f)5QCOci good to choice , 760830. PliOVIs'lONS-Ueef. nrm ; family , $9wra 30.60 ; extra mesf. $ a.OO : beef hams. $ : u DO J 28.PO ; pneket. $11.50010.00 ; city extra India auoss. J14.00016 W. Cut meats , nrm picked nhouldcrs , $3.75 ; pickled hams , $3.755iio.50 3ard. easy ; western steamed , $5.70 ; July S5.76VJ , nominal ; reflivd. steady. Pork , tlrm Tallow , llrm ; city , 4s5J4'ioj ' country , . HUTTEH-Ilecelpts. 5.331 pkgs , ; steady * CHtorn creamery , 1501Se ; factory. 120liyp ClIHBSK-Kevelpts. 2.703 pkgs. ; llrm largo -white. 8o ! small white , SHOWc ; larso colored , SHc ; small coloreu. . IMOS Hecelpts , 4,933 pkgs. ; Irregular ; western , 14ij'15c. U Win-ill 3I rket. iJJINNKAPOLIS. July 21. - WIIKAT - Close In store : No , 1 northern , July , OCHc ; September , 6 > iH ; Deoember , OStlc. On track : No. 1 hard , CS o ; No , 1 northern , Cliic ; No , 2 norrhern , Cfi e Hrulii Ai'nrket. MIMVAUKKK , July 21. WHEAT - Bttady ; No. 1 northern , 73c ; No , S north ern , 71&c. HYK I wer ; No. 1 , 634c. 1JAHLBY Steady ; No. 2. 40Ho ; sample , B5040C , ICaimiiN Clt > - Cm I n anil 1'rovlnloim , l i u , tft UOT UVIU , ICL'riIII9 , J-U Ultl'M. COUN September , ! $ o ; Dicember , 26e ; L cnJ > h , Xo , 2 mixed , 30H30ic ! ! Xo. 2 white , OATS No. 2 white , 23i402tc. UYB No. 2 , Sfie. HAY Choice timothy , J7.600S.OO ; choice prairie. $ < ! .25flfi.60. IlUTTUn Creomery , 14'.4t/16MiC ' ! dairy , 14c. 14c.KGGSGood movement on storage ac count ; fre. h Missouri nnd Kansas stock , firsts , 9V4c per dozen , cases returned. HECnfPTS Wheat , 72,000 bu. ; corn , 46,20' ' ) bu. : oats , 5,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 31,800 bu.j corn , 12- SOO bu. ; oats , fi.OOO bu. _ OMAHA < JKMHAI , AIAHICRT. ConilUlotm of Trade mill < ltiotntlon on Staple and I'nncr I'roilucc. KOOS Good stock , -weak nt lie. IHTTTKIl-Common to fair , 11012c : choice , 13014c ; separator , 18019c ; gathered cream- err , 160 17c. I'OULTKY lion * , live. 7',45TSe ; spring ehlckens. 14J15c ; old nnd stagey roosters , live , 3'S05c ' ; ducks nnd geese , live , 606 icj turkeys , live , 8c. PIGKONS Live , per doz. , 75cQJ1.00. VEALS-Cholce , 9c. VEGLjiABLES. WATERMELONS Texas , crated for shipment , 16020c. CANTALOUI'13-Per crate , Jl.EOSl.6o ; basket , CW'Sc. . TOMAToES-1'er 4-bai ket crate , C5c. UKANS liana-picked nnvy , ncr bu. . $1.50. POTATOES New Potatoes , 30040c per bu. CUCUM HERS Per doz. , SOe. . CELERY Per doz. , SOc. KHOI'3. ' RLTIEnERRIES-Per 16-qt. case , $1.75. APRICOTS CAllfornln , per crate. $2.00. nLACKBERRIES-Pcr 24-qt. case. J2.500) ) 2.75. 2.75.ULACIC RASPBERRIES Per 24-qt. case , $2.75. PLUMS California , per crate , $1.50. CALIFORNIA PEACIlER-Hnlo's early , Jl per box : freestones. J1.15S1.25 per box. CIIERRIES-Oretron. 10-lb. boxes , J1.75. APPLES-Pcr bbl. , $1.5002 00 , TROPICAL FUUIT. ORANGES Mediterranean ewcets , $4.50 G6.00. LEMONS-Callfornla. fancy , J4.C004.75 ; Messina , fancy , $5.0005.Du. BANANAS Choice , cratnd , largo stock , per bunch. $2.5002.76 : medium-sized , bunches , $10002.2 ! : . HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIDES-No. 1 green hides , 7Hc : No. 2 green hides. fiic : No. 1 salted hides. SV4c : No. 2 salted hides , 7l4c ; No. 1' veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. . 10c ; No. 2 veal cilf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , CTALLOW , GREASE. ETC.-Tallow. No. 1 , 3V4c ; tallow. No. i , 3c ; rough tallow. Hie ; whlto grease , 21403C ; yellow and brown grouse , l ffjiHc. SHEEP I'ELTS-Orecn salted , each. 15 ® 76c : green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , 15o ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 405e ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 304e ; < lry Hint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 405c ; dry flint. Colorado murrain wool pelts , p r lb. . actual weight , 35J4c. St. I.otilN Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. July 21. WHEAT Lower ; No. 2 red cash , elevator , TOUc : track , 71 { ? 72c ; July. 604c ! : September , 70 < 40 > 70-l&c ; ; De cember , 73'4i73 : > 8c ; No. 2 hard , 63c ; receipts , 78.017 bushels. FLOUR Dull -and unchanged. CORN Lower ; No. 2 rash , 32c ; tracks , 33c ; July , 31c ; September , 31Hc ; December , 20c. OATS Lower : No. 2 cash , 24c ; track , 2414 < ? T23c ; July , 23jc ; September , lOftSJlSftc ; May , 22-Vic ; No. 2 white , 2S2SV c. RYE lOIrm at 54c. PORIC Firm at $9.23. LARD Butter ; prime steam , $3.30 ; choice , $3.35. METALS Lead , quiet at $4.55 ; spelter , dul" at $3.75. POULTRY Easier ; chickens. 7&c ; young , 10710',5c ( ! ; turkeys. Oc ; youns , 15c ; ducks , 6Q ) 6'.c : geese , 6V4ip7c. ( BUTTER Steady ; creamery , 15@lS&c ; dairy. 12015c. EGOS-Qulet at 9' c. SEEDS-JPrlme timothy seed , $2.50 for new , August delivery ; flaxseed , nomlnaj at 96c. CORNMEA'L-iSteady ' at $1.8501.90. BRAN About steady ; sacked , cost track , 61 c. HAY Steady ; timothy , $7.00011.00 ; pralrlo , $3.5007.60. WHISKY Steady at $1.2 . COTITON TIES AND BAGGING Un changed. PROVISIONS Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , $3.12'A ; extra shorts. $5.23 ; clear ribs , $3.50 ; clear sides , J3.C2V4. Bacon , boxed shoulders , $5.50 ; extra shorts , $5.75 ; clear ribs. $6.00 : clear Rides. $6.12' . n-ECEI - ITS Flour , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 10- 000 bu. ; corn. 93,000 bu. ; oats , 21,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Kour , 8.000 bbls. : wheat , 10,000 bu. ; corn , 63.000 bu. ; oats , 17,000 bu. ritlliKlelnlila Market. PHILADELPHIA , July 21. BUTTER Steady but quiet ; fancy western creamery , IS'X-c : fancy western prints , 21c. EGGS Firm ; nearby , Is013',4c ; nearby western , 13H01-lc ; nearby southwestern , 13c ; nearby southern , 10011c. CHEESE Firm and higher ; New York full creams , fancy , now and small , 809o ; fancy fair to choice , new , 8H0 % c ; Ohio flats , fancy , SQS c ; Ohio nats , fair to good , Toledo Mnrket. TOLEDO , July 21. WHEAT Lower and active ; No. 2 cash and July , 70c ; September , Co'RN Dull but steady ; No. 2 mixed , 31 Vic. OATS-Dull and higher ; No. 2 mixed , 25V4c. iRYE Dull but steady ; No. 2 cash , 53c. SEEDS Cloverseed , nctlvo nnd higher ; prime cash , new , $4.00 asked ; October , $4.47i. ; Liverpool Mnrket. LIVERPOOL , July 21. LARD American rellned , In 25-pound palls , bteady at 28s 9d ; prlmo western , steady at 2Ss. AVI I EAT No. 2 red western , 5s 5d ; July. 6s 6d ; September , 5s 0jd ; December , 6 lOlid. CORN Futures , July , Ss 4V4d ; September , 3a 4Jid : October , Is 4d. AVool Murket. BOSTON , July 21. WOOL-The Boston Commercial Bulletin will say tomorrow of the wool market : The sales continue very large , though showing a slight falling off from last week. The American Woolen company Is buying wool In big blocks , The feature ot the week has been the improv 1 demand for washed lleece , Ohio XX has sold freely at 31c and 32c Is now asked ; No. 1 Ohio has advanced % e nnd unwashed Ohio has advanced to 25c. Michigan X has advanced to 25c ; western wools are being soJd In the bags to a considerable extent and lines of old wool held hero for a year have at last been sold at a profit. The London sales closed fairly steady , with pur chases of 2,500 bales for this ct-untry. Ship ments of wool from this Country for sale in London did not meet with much success. The sales of the week are 8,991,000 pounds domestic and 1,174,000 'pounds foreign , a to tal of lO.lffi.OOO pounds , against 12,100,000 pounds -Jast week and 3,419.000 pounds for the same week last year. The sales to date show an IncreaHO of 73.554JOO pounds do mestic ami 14.900,400 pounds foreign from the sales of the same data In 1S98. The re ceipts to date show an Increase of 184,315 bales domestic and 45,371 tmles foreign. ST. LOUIS , July a. WOOlj-Uncihanged. JIOVI3MK.VT.S OF STOCKS AND IIOXDS. Stock Mn.rket Dull lint a Firmer Tone with llluher I'rli--H. NEW YORK , July 21. The stock market was dull today for the general list , but there wna a linn tone and linal prices were higher than those of lost night. The grangers were especially In , good demand and ruled for th greater part of the day at about a point above yesterday. Burling ton and Rock Island showed special strength and thora was some evidence of manipulation in thcso twu stock- ] . Much talk was hoard ot Burllngton'8 largo earnings for Jun * nnd rumors were alloat of a coming Increase In Rock Ifliind's dividend rate , which was , however , vlthout olllclal sanction. London was n decided factor In the day's higher prices ftnd buying for that account In New York was estimated UH high as 20,000 shares , principally of Louisville & -Nashville. Money conditions were apparently much easier In London and the sterling exchange rate hero worked lower in sympathy , In spite of lower tend-ncy of locol money rates. All apprehension of shipments of gold tomorrow was dissipated early in the day with a bcnellclal effect on speculative sentiment. The Inllti'iicea from abroad were all fa- vorablu except a fall in French rentes nnd u decline. In the sterling exchange rate at Paris , which suggested Increased money nseds at that center. Considering the dull- wss of t'ho ' local stock market the scope of the dealings was remarkably broad , a large number of usually inactive stcrkn coming Into activity and registering sharp gains. Among these were American Tobacco , Colorado rado & Southern pr-fcrred , Mobile & Ohio , Twin City Itapld Transit. National Biscuit end Dos Molnett & Fort Dodge , Plttsburg. Cincinnati. Chicago & St. Louis. General Electric , Continental Tobacco preferred. Oo-torado. Fuel , .tho smelting stocks , Illinois Central , Lead. Malting preferred , Pacific Qlall , Iowa Central. Chicago Great Western preJemd and American IIocp preferred , which rose between 1 nd 2 points each. American Linseed Oil preferred gained 6Vi. Not all of these galno were held , the mnrket dropping away somewhat In the In- U * , dullness of the late trading. The local traction stocks were all in pretty good demand. Brooklyn Transit rising an ex treme li and eluding up 1 % , Sugar was inclined to be 'heavy throughout the day on rumors of now development * In the op. position. Some hesitation was caused la the Into dealings by doubts as to the. chtir- ncter of .tomorrows bank statement , 'he changes In the cash item oMng problemfttl- cnl. Prices were marked up In some cases Just before the close , giving a steady tone to the final tr.intmctlons. Bonds were dull , but prlo's were slightly higher. Total sales , par value. $1.60'.000. ' ) United States Ss , registered , und the new 4s , registered , declined i. whllo ths oM 4s , registered , advanced lie in the bid price. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial rsiblo ram says : The markets hero were slack todav In view of the Im pending settlement. The tone was firm. Americana were che-Tful today , hut busi ness In them was of Iniln'tesfmnl proper tions. The following arc the closing quotations for the leading stocks on the New York exchange today : Atchleon . 10' Southern Hallway. ilo pM . Gl i tin pfd v Baltimore & Ohio. 47T Texas & Pnclflo . CAnArtlnn Pacflo . 97 Union IMclllo . . . . CnnmlA Southern . 5r H do pM Central 1-acltlo . . M % \Vnh.-inli Chef. K. Ohio 23'i ' do pfd Chi. Qt. W . } < AV. & L. B . C. . B. & Q . 1S6H do 2d 1'f.l . JUi Chi. . I. * L . D > WIs. Central . 1U do tifi ! . 41 Adams Kxpross . . .112 Chi. fc K. Ill . 7J'.i ' Atner. Kxprewi . . . . .137 Ohlcnco & N. W..159 U. S. Kxprce . W c. , n. i. & r \VclN KIIPRO Ex. . .1SS c. . c. . c. & st. i. . A. Cotton Oil . 41U Colorado Southern. 4i do [ > f < t. . > . 02Vi ilo pta. . ) . . . . 41 Amcr. Malting . . . . 174 do B < 1 pfd . 16'i do pfd . CM ; DM. & IluOiwn . 122 Amcr. S. & n . 3U Del. U & \V . 1M do ufd . S8 Den. & U. O . StH Amor. Spirits do PfJ . 7o < do pfd Krlo . 13U Amor. WP | H. . . . do 1st nfil . 30 < j ilo pfd 7C Great NJT. prd..l05 Amer. 8. & \V. . . . rn HoAklnR Coal . ll < 4 do pfd. Hocking Volley . . . . 21 Amer. Tin Plate. . 3S Illinois Central . . . .116 % Amcr. Tobacco .H. 57 Iowa Central . 121 do t > M .143 do pfd . 51 Anaconda M. Co. . K. C. . I * . & G. . . . 7U Itrlc. Hap. Tr L. U. & W . 18 Colo. K. * I 45 i do pfd . 75 Con. Tohmoco I ako Shore . 200 do l-fd f-14 I < . & N . 73U Federal Steel Manhattan It . 118'4 do pfd. . . . . . . . . Met. St. Us . 212U Ocn. Hlectrlo .KO',4 Mexican Central , , U\\ \ . ( S Minn. & Kt. L , . M'i do pfd .107 do pM . ' . ) Int'n'l Pnper . 41 MX ) . 1'aolllu . Wt ilo .pM . . 754 Mobile & Ohio . 45 I/telcde Oas M ' M. . K. & T . US National Ulseult . . 47Ti do pfd . 34 > i ilo pfd ' . .100 N. J. Central . 116H National Lend . . . . 30 > Ji N. Y. Central . 1M do pfd .112 Nor. & West . SOVi National Steel . . . . . 494 do pfd . TO'.i ' ilo pfd . 81 No. Pacific . M4 ! N. Y. Air Drake. .3)3 do pfd . 77'i ' No. American . . . . . ll'.i Ontario & West. . . . X\i \ Pacific Coaat . 38 Ore. II. & N . 40 do 1st pfd . St ilo pfd . 75 do 2.1 pfd . M Pennsylvania . 1.15S PaclHc Mall . 454 Ilonillng . 10 > i People's Gas 118 do 1st pfiGOH Pressed Steel Car. . 51 do S.1 pfd . 33 ilo pfd . SI4 n. o. w . 30 Pullman Pal .1594 do pfd . 79 Standard 11. & T. St. U & S. F . 1015 do 1st pfd . 63 do pfd US ilo 3d pfd . 37(4 ( Tenn. C. & I 694 St. U & S. W . 14i U. S. Lnnther . 6i do pfd . 36 % do nfd . 73 St. Paul . 132 U. S. Hublwr . M i do pfd . 1T3V4 do pfd .115U St. P. & Om . 107 Western Union . . . . 904 Sou thorn Pacific . . . 31 j Yorlc Jlnncy .llitrlcct. NBW YORK , July 21. MONEY ON CALL Steady at 3V ® 4 per cent ; last loan at 2ij per cent ; ptllmo mercantile paper , 3V401V5 er cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weaker , with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.S7 % @ 4.8714 for demand and at J4.S4ViiiM.S41 * for lxty daj"s ; posted rates , $4.S5Tf4.is6 and $1.83 ( g-l.SSH ; commercial bills , $4.S3& . 'SILVER ' Certmcates , 60g61c ; bar , 60c ; Mexican dollars , 4Sc. BONDS Government bonds. Irregular ; state bonds , Inactive ; railroad bonds , llrm. The following ju-o the closing quotations on bonds : U.S. 2s , rec . 100M M. K. tiT. s 03 U.S. 3s. ree IttSli N. Y. C. Ista ll'JK U.S. 3s. coup 100 N.J.C. As 121 U. S.now4s , rcf. . 129 N. C. Us 135 U. ? . do coup . 130 K. C.-Is 109 U.S. old 4n. rer . . . .ll'JM No.Pacino Ista . . . .Hi ! U.S. aocoup . 113 No. Paclllo 3s 107 U. S. ? . 11 m No. Pacific 4s 103 U S. Bs.couo . U2i N. Y. C.JiSU L. 4s .10714 Districts. 05 Ill ) N. It W. con. 4a . . . U5 Ala. , class A 10R N. Ji W.gen Us. . . . 135 Ala. , class B 108 Ore. N. ists 11SW Ala. , clans C 108 Ore. N. 4s 101 Ala. , Currency U8 O.S.L.O t.r HUH Atcmnon49 O. S. L. 5s t. r. . . . IH'J Do.adJ. 4s ncadlnir4s 8HS-6 CanadnSo. 2ds. . . HHj U. G.V. . IBIS 1104 C. , tO. IHs 07k St. b. ALM.conS 11314 c.k o. r > s . no St. I * &S. F. Gen. 0.124hi C.&N.\V.con 7B. 145 St. I'.ConnolB 170 doS. P. deb. Oa St. T. C. &P. Ist3. . 121 Chi. Terms. . 4n . . . St. P. C. iP. Ss . . . .121M U. ill. O. lats . . . . Hy.fiB ions , D. & . R.O. 4 . . . . . .100 S.R. &T.OS Hfi KastTenn. lam . . . 10'J Tonn. new sot as. . Oiiii ErlnGen. 4s 729i T. P. IBIS 110 P. W.i D. iBtg. t.r. 78H T. P. 2ds 50 Gen. Elec.Os 118 U. P. 4s 100W G. H. & S.A.Us lti : Wab. Ista 110 O. H. &S.A. 2ds . . .108 Wab. 2ds 12K H.&T. Cent..fii 110 W. Shore 4s 114M H.&T. O.con. OB. . .112 Wls. Cent. Ista . . . . 75H lowaC. IfitH 11 : ) Va. Centuries 80K La. New Con. 4s. . . .10(1 ( Va. aeferred 8U L.&N. tlnl. 4s Colorado South'n 4a. Si < M M. K. A T. 2d Offered. Ilontoii Stock Quotation * . BOSTON , July 21.-Call loans , Z'tH per cent ; time loans , SQl'/i per cent. Closing prices for stocks , bonds and mining shares : A. , T. & s. F . 13TS do pfd IHVi do pfd " \V t. Electric . . . . 43V4 Amer. Suunr ! l57" \Vla. 14 > A do pfd * .nsii Atchlron 4a lOO'.i ' Bell Tel - . - . .346 Adventure 9 IJos on & Alhany , 2C3 Allouez Mln. Co. . . . 7i Boston nicvated , .100 Atlantic 30 Boston & Maine. . . .193 Boston & Mont..305 c. . n. & Q .136TJ Iltitte & Boston. . . . 76 Ed. Dice. Ill .200 Calunvet & Hccla..S10 FltdhburK pfd .117 Centennial 34 Gen. Blectrlo .120 Franklin 13 Federal Steel . 6SVi Ilumboldt 2 do pfd . 79 % Osceola S7 Mexican Central , :5 , I'arrot 5. ( Mich. Telephone ' ' * Qulncy 165 OH Colony . : Santa Fe Copper. . . U'/j OM Dominion . . . . 3- Tamarack --i Hulibcr " ' 343 Wlnona 31 Union Paclflo . . . . . 43 % Wolverines 4Ci4 Union Uind . 711 Utah 43'i West Bnd . . . . . . . . . Ex-dlvldcnd. London .Stock ( tnotntlonii. LONDON , July 21. 4 p. m. Closing : Consols , money. .104 15-16 X. Y. Csitral 1 do account. .107 1-16 r nnavvanla Panadlan Pacific..100 Erie Hi ; U , P. pfd do l t pM 3i % touts. & Na-sh Illinois C.vrral . . . . .lli ' Orand Trunk 7Ti racincn't Anaconda . .f ll'.i St. Paul. i'ommin..l.U1i , BAU SILVER -Steady at 2711-lCd per ounce. .MONEY Two per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills IB 3j , per cent and for three- montha bills 3Q3V4 per cent. \ < MT York All n I IIR QuotntlonH. NEW YORK , July 21. The following are the closing quotations for mining shares : Cinllor 23 Ontario co Crown Point SO Ophlr 100 Con. Oal. & Va.,190 Plvmoutli IS Deadwood CO Quicksilver 210 Gould & CuiTlc , . . . S4 do pfd sno Hole & Korcrojfl. . . 31 Sierra Nevada fS Homwtnlte COO ) Btanrtanl 2IU Iron ijl'vor ' M Union Con 32 Mexican Do Yellow Jacket . . . . 3) . HKRLIN. July Sl.-'Prlces on the bourse .today were quiet but generally firm. Mlno shares were strong , owing to * speculative demand. FRANFORT , July 21. On the bourse to day prices were llrm , especially for Iron shares. American securities were harder In , sympathy with 'New York mnrkot. VIENNA , July 21. Prices were firmer cm I the bourse today. PARIS , July 21. Prices were Irregular on the bourse today , after a strong opening. Subsequently a reaction set In , owing to realizations , and the market .closed luavy. Spanish 4d and Spanish railroads wore In etrong demand on 'the ' Improved Interior ( situation In Spain. Knfllrs were main tained , -the declaration In regard to * < he Transvaal made In the House of Commons yaterday by the Hrltlsh secretary of state for the colonies. Joseph Chamberlain , be ing well received. LONDON , July 21. American securities opened firm and moved meddlly up to the closo. with Bt , Paul nnd Louisville the notnbl ! features. The final tone was steady and the demand moderate. Spanish 4s closed at D9.C2H. Amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England on balance today , 101,000. PARIS. July 21. Three per cent rentes , lOOf 85o for the account : exchange on Lon don. S5f 23o for checks ; Spanish 4s closed at 60.33. I3ERLIN. July 21. Exchange on London , SO marks 4514 Pfg * . for checks. MADRID. July 21. Spanish 4s , CS.70. lliinU ClrnrliiKM. CINCINNATI , July 2l.-Clearlngs , J2.530- 400. NEW YORK. July 21.-Clearlnga , J172- 337.003 : balances , $9.911,333. BOSTON. July 21.-Clearlnir , J25.S43.24J ; balances , J3.731.471. HALTISIOHK. July 21-Clearlngs , J3.950- C31bct'nncee. . 515,302. PHILADELPHIA. July l.-Clearlns , JH- 937.9M ; balances. J2.B4,051. ST , IXJUIS. July 21 Clearlngs , $4,2(4.CS $ ( ; balances , J617.277 ; money 4i(6 ( per cent ; New York exchange , par bid. lOc premium asked. CHICAGO , July 21. Clearings. J18,191,6 j . J1 , MC03. Sterllni ; e-xchnnge , * I.S5'4y .SS4. New York exchange , 25c dis count , CotulKloii of llir Troninrr. WASHINGTON. July 21. Today's state- men ! of the condition of the treasury nhows : Available cash balance , $279 , ! > 97,613 ; gold resjrvc , 24lCOKj9. ! Ciiltoii Mnrkcl. NRW ORLEANS. July 21.-COTTON- Easy ; sales , COO bales : ordinary , 311-16cj good ordinary , 45-16c ; low middling , 46-lGc ; middling , Bftcj good middling , 66-lGc ; mid dling fair. 612-ltic ; receipts , W bales ; stock , $6.01. ST. 1 > OU1S , July 21. COTTON-Steady nnd unchanged ; middling , 5\c ; no sales re ported ; receipts 175 bales ; shipments , 993 bales ; stock , 71,407 bales. LIVERPOOL , July 21. COTTON Spot , quiet ; prices favor buyers. American mid dling , 3 jd. , Sales , 10,000 bales , of which 1,000 were for speculation nnd export , and Included 9,600 American ; receipts , none. Fu tures opened easy and cloucd dull ; Ameri can middling , L. M. C. , July , 3 1S-64-53 19-6ld buyers ; July-August , 3 1S-6I5I319-C4d sellers ; August-September , 317-64P3 IS-CId sellers ; September-October , 316-64 317-Cld sellers' October-November , 35-64y31G-6U1 sellers ; November-December , December-January , 314-64R315-64d sellers ; January-February , 314-640315-64d buyers ; February-March , 315-64jj316-G4d ( sellers ; March-April , 316-64d value ; April-May , 316-640317-ftld buyers ; May-June , 3 17-04Jf3 ( 18-G4d sellers. NEW YORK , July 21. The nmrkcJt for cotton future * showed more or loss Irregu larity today nnd while prices' ' nt one time were lower than yesterday's closing llgurcs by 2H points , the. market demand reflected the favorable reports on continued buying on Investment accounts , led by substantial AVall street ( houses , who have for several days past been consistent and persistent buyers' . The market opened steady at un changed to a decline of 3 points , further declined a point and then braced up with shorts somewhat on the anxious seat In view of the fact that our market had not made the dccllno that many expected In view of the disappointing character of the cables , the feature of which was not BO much the , loss of one nnd one-half to two- Blxty-fourths In futures as In the smaller sales of spot cotton at Liverpool. At the same tlmo crop advices had a more favora ble average and they have exerted u de pressing Influence upon the market , but they failed to do so to the extent which shorts had calculated upon. Covering , therefore , became more or less general , nnd while the market was not nt any time par ticularly active , a very fair business was done with outside Interest down for a larger proportion thaw usual of < lait * . The market was flnally steady , with unchanged prices to an advance of 3 points. Just before the close the market was bulled on the expecta tion of a bullish report tomorrow by the Chronicle. Oil Miirkct. LONDON , July 2l. OILS-Calcutta Un seed , spot , 37s 3d. Turpentine spirits , 3S3. NEW YOUK. July 21. OILS-Cotttmseed , prime city , 21' c ; prlmo yellow , 20V4&27c. Petroleum , steady , Rosin , strong ; straight , common to good. $1.30. "WILMINGTON , N. C. , July 21. OILS Spirits turpentine , llrm at Sfl' gMOc ; crude turpentine , llrm and unchanp3d. Rosin , stc-ady nt DO < Ii93c. Tar , flrm at $1.10. SAVANNAH , Ga. , July 21.-OILS Spir its turpentine , firm at 40c. Rosin , firm nt advance on palls ; A. B. C and D , $1.00 ; E , $1.05 ; V , $1.10 ; G , $1.20 ; H. $1.25 ; I. $1.30 : K , $1.55 ; M , $1.3 ; N , $2.25 ; WO , $2.40 ; WW , $2.GO. XCTV York Metal MnrUet. NEW YORK , July 21.-METALS-Tln con tinues to attract leading attention In the metal market. Today there was a further advance of GG to ( TTH points. The close was strong , with prices Bill ! tending upward on heavy demand from consumers and very favorable reiMJrts from 'western and E.U- ropean markets. At the clot-o the Metal ex change called pig Iron warrants nominal at $14.00 ; Jake copper , unchanged nt $15.50 ; tin , unsettled at $20.75 bid and $30.25 asked ; lead , unchanged at $4.Co bid and $4.57' < . asked ; spelter , unchanged at $6.25. The brokers' price for lead Is $4f.3o and for copper $18.60. CoflVo Market. NEW YORK July 21-COKFEE-Optlona opened qule-t and unchanged , ruled Irregu lar , advanced 5 p-oonts in sijme ponltlons on covering and lost 5 , points In others under weak cables nnd continued heavy receipts nt Brazil. Trade only moderate. Closed steady and-5 polnt * lfrtier'to 5-polnta lower. Sales , 15,500 bags , Including August , $4.33 ; October. $4.50 ; Xovfnibof , $4.E5 ; December , $1.75l.90 : February , $5.00 ; March , $3.03. Spot coffee , Rio , dull and easy ; mild , qui-3t. iMnrkct. CHICAGO , July 21. The Shoo nnd Leather Review tomorrow will say : The packers' hide market Is decidedly stronger ; 83,000 hides were sold durlnff the week and the big cutto ! slaughterers felt that all the lildes they re likely to make this summer will bo wanted this week. The stocks are so much depicted that prompt deliveries of some kinds of hides cannot bo made. \ew York Dry Good * Mnrket. NEW YORK , July 21. There has been no change In the cotton goods market today In any department. Business has been good and prices with Tare exceptions are well maintained for botth staple and fancy varle- llea. Woolens nnd worsteds are ilrm in staple lines for both men and women's wear. Burlaps are llrmer but not notably higher on reports of damage 'to Jute crop. Snirar Miirkvt. NEW ORLEANS , July 21.-SUGAR Dull ; open kettle , 3& < i745-lGc : centrifugal , yellow , 45TlTAo ; ssconds. 2l ff4Kc. Molasses , dull ; centrifugal. Gr14c. ( LONDON , July 21. BEET SUGAR-July , NEW YORK , July 21.-SUGAR-Raw , steady : fair refining. 3 13-l&W36c ; centri fugal , M test , % ® 7-16c. Worlil'N Supply of Cotton. NEW ORLEANS , July 21. Secretary HeB- tor's statement of the world's supply of cot ton shows a total of 2.677.7G7 bales , against 2,803,843 bales last week , 2.167.270 bales last year and 2,014,182 bales in 1895. Of this the total of American cotton Is 2,462,757 bates against 2,633,843 bales last week , 1,903,270 , bales last year and 2,573,982 bales In 189G. California Dried Fruit * . NEW YORK , July 21. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Quiet ; evaporated apples. common. 6'/47I/4c ; prime wire tray , 8 > ,4@8J4c : choice , S 409c | ; fancy , 9 ! < ifi9 ! c. Prunes , SVi © SV c. Apricots. Royal. 14c ; Moor Park , 14c Poaches , impeded , Miuirlionter Textile Knbrlm. , 'July 21. Cloths flrm but rjulet ; yarns advanced. Tr ; nHiirc from Central America , SAN FRANCISCO , July 21. The Pacific Mall company's steamer Colon , Just arrived from Panama and way ports , brought the largest consignment of lrea&uio that has como from Central America In uomo time. It came In the form of concentrates , qllvor ore , slugs , bars , Peruvian soles and Mexican eagles. In Hie consignment there were 10,483 BoIcB. worth about $5,000 ; fifty cases of Mexican cngles , valued at $100,000 ; forty- three bars of silver , valued at $32,843 ; ono bar of gold , valued nt $850 ; ono bar of gold and silver , valued at $7,300 ; twelve sacks of sllvur slugs , valued at $3,600 , and 400 bags of coucentrates and 149 bags of silver ore , OIIPII XV w SuxpeiiHloii IlrlilKe. NIAGARA FALLS , N. Y. , July 21. The formal opening of the now suspension bridge across Niagara river , connecting Lowlston on the American side with Queenston on tbo Canadian side , took place at noon to day. The ccrflmonlos were In charge of Hon. W. C , Ely , president of the International Traction company , and General Manager Hurt Van Horn. Many prominent citizens from Buffalo , Toronto and frontier towns and cities were present. A luncheon waa served at the base of the monument erected to the memory of Oeneraf Brock , ClirlHtlan MlH loiifir > - Alliance. CLEVELAND , O , , July 21. The twelfth annual convention of the National Christian and "Missionary " alliance opened at Beulah park , east of the city , today and will last ten days. Fully 1,000 people from all sec tions of the country will bo quartered at the camp grounds hy next week. Exercises will be conducted under the direction of Na tional President A. I ) . Simpson. It is an- nbunced that the usual opportunities 'for "dlvlno healing" will , bo offered llils year , Only Jim * Accept. CHICAGO. July 21. Only nine of the democratic national rommltteemen , who , after yesterday's meeting here were Invited by the sanitary trustees to visit the drain age canal , accepted the Invitation and boarded the special train today , W. J. Bryan was ens of tbs purty , . . . . _ . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattle Rather Slow and According to Sellers' Ideas a Little Uneven. PRICES ARE LOWER IN FEEDER DIVISION Cooil SlilpiiliiK Drinniul Help * to SlrrtiKtlicii tlic UOK Slnrket mill Trn li Sunn HcootiK'N Active nt SntUfiutorj1'rlccn. . SOUTH OMAHA , July 21. necclpts were : Cattle. HOBB. Sheep. Ofllclnl Monday . . . . . . 1.55S 3.521 4,347 Official Tuesday . . . 3,699 7,71'9 ' 1.97G Olllclal Wednesday . . .3,134 9,765 1,43. ! Oltlclal Thursday , l\M 10'M Olllclnl ttxliiy 1,610 6,419 2,5So So far this week 11,510 3S.213 11,320 Same days last week. . . . 9,313 41.139 12.9J1 banio days week before. . 9,715 32.5M 3,100 Siuno tln-co weeks aBO..12S19 00,672 6,146 Average price paid for hogs for the last several cays with comparisons ; July 1 373I 357 3 23 2 9t > 4 63 6 40 July 2 I 3 61 3 18 2 4 63 4 73 July 3 3 7S 3 21 2 SS 4 70 4 64 6 4S July 4 July 5 3 78 3 GO 4 S3 4 S3 5 70 July 6 " 3 S3 3 66 3 2S , 297 4 91 601 July 7. ! . . 3 SI 3 76 3 2S 2 US 6 32 July 8 3S6 3 87 3 321 301 491 July 9 * 3 78 335 ] 296 4 76 E 01 July 10 3 90 3 2S 2 S7 4 63 D Oti 6 92 July 11 3 96 3 70 * 291 4 67 4 79 6 97 July 12 4 04 3 73 3 IS * 4 72 4 96 5 S7 July 13 4 09 3 82 3 14 2 9' 4 7S 4 SO 6 87 July 14 4 05 3 3 (0 4 73 5 74 July 15 3 " 317 3 05 4 SS < 5 69 July 18 3 S2 3 201 3 07 4 SI 4 S6 July 17 4 01 3 25 197 4 S2 4 97 SSO Ju.y is 4 16 3 S2 2 Sol 4 4 90 5 65 July 19 4 2-S 3 89 3 32 4 S9 4 79 5 35 July 20 4 19 , 3 SO 3 35 ] 2 97 4 94 4741 529 July 21 4 21 3 SI 33S | 2 93 4 79 6 39 Indicates Sunday. Holiday. CATTLE Of the seventy odd loada of cattle reported In the yards some sixty loads consisted of beef steers , four loads of them Texas. The market was rather slow and , according to the Ideas of sellers , a little uneven that Is , some cattle sold at prices that looked strong , while some other fales did not look so good. Taking the sales as a whole there was not much change as compared with yesterday. The Texas cattle I brought J3.90 , which was 15c less than the I same kind brought yesterday , but It was 1 generally sigreed that the cattle were not so i good today. I The market on cows was slow , though i the offerings were light. As noted ycster- 1 day , they have been getting the market i on cow stuff down very rapidly this week , especially on grass cows. However , there was seine pretty good dry lot stuff here today and buyers' bids were lower even on that kind. Bulls were rather scarce and the market did not show any change from yesterday. Veal calves , as > good as any one could wsk for , broug-ht JG.50. No stackers or feeders of any consequence were In llrst hands and the offerings were hardly largo enough to make a test of the market. Out in the feeder division there were plenty of cattle in th hands of specu lators and there was no mistaking the feelIng - Ing there that prices weie lower. Repre sentative sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av Pr. No. Av. Pt. No. Av. Pr. 1. . 510 $3 00 21..1190 JB 05 15..135 ? J5 30 1..1150 4 25 40..1207 6 10 40..1305 530 4. . 467 4 50 23..1245 5 20 57..1165 530 10..1135 4 75 44. .1237 5 20 G1..1318 5 40 7..1035 4 SO 102. .1162 5 20 22..1320 5 40 21..1168 4 ST. .1113 6 20 22..1131 a 45 6. . 910 4 S5 1..1150 525 9..1447 6 45 22..1175 4 95 1..1303 20..1146 5 50 14..1115 5 00 63..1344 5 35 69..1310 E 35 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 5. . 4 40 9. . S12 4 85 17..1000 5 05 19. . G92 4 50 8. . S50 4 93 COWS. 1. . SCO 200 1..1020 2 DO 12..1013 3 35 1. . 930 2 25 2. . 9SO 3 00 12..10SS 3 35 1. . 939 2 10 5..1165 3 10 2..1015 3 .t\3 1. . 920 2 50 S. . 810 3 10 1. . 830 3 40 1. . 820 250 S. . 3 20 2..1325 3 50 1. . S10 2 DO 2..10GO 325 1..1170 3 CO 1. . 710 2 C5 3..1113 3 ? 0 1. . 9CO 350 2. . 2 65 1..1130 3 30 2..1285 3 SO 1. 810 2 75 1..11SO 3 30 4..1067 3 SO 2. . 9SO 2 75 1..1090 3 30 3..1193 3 90 1..10SO 2 75 4. . 937 3 30 3..118G 4 00 950 2 75 10. . 975 3 S > 1..1100 4 00 630 2 00 HEIFERS. 515 3 40 2. . C93 350 1650 4 00 910 3 50 2. . C95 3 70 1. . 900 4 30 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 750 2 50 7. . 941 3 30 2. . 423 373 S73 3 30 1..1030 3 43 2. . 300 4 50 . BULLS. 1. . 950 2 75 1..15GO 3 23 .1190 3 7ii 1..1570 290 1..1290 3 35 .1500 3 M 1..15CO SCO 1..1210 3 40 .1G09 4 00 1..1300 305 1. . COO 350 .1530 4 15 2. . ' 1315 303 1..1500 3 TO . 430 450 2. . 1460 3 20 4..1395 3 GO /VES. 300 4 60 1. . 110 6 25 1. . 150 650 COO 4 90 1. . ICO G 23 2. . 115 6 50 270 5 00 1. 130 G 50 2. . 165 6 50 220 G 23 1. . ISO G50 2. . 203 6 GO fcTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4SO 250 4. . 4fi7 4 EO 6. . 271 5 00 010 3 00 2. . 400 ,4 75 HOGS Tlie market opened tnls morning no more than steady and wiUi some packera talking a little weak. The llrst sales , how ever , were generally steady with yesterday that is , $ l.l7 < 4iif4.20. From the way the market was yesterday It looked early as If sellers wouM do well to get steady prices. Later on , however , under the Influence of bettor reports from Chicago , the market picked up and closed 5c higher. There was also a good shipping demand , which helped to strengthen , up the market , so that the trade became active and the most of the hogfl sold early. There were quite a good many sales at $4.22V204.25 and as high aa $4.30 wa paid for good butcher weights. It will bo noted from the table of average prices that while a part of the decline yes terday was recovered the market IB still considerably below Wednesday's mark , though better than on Tuesday. One week ago today the average price paid for all the hogs 1n the yards was only $1.03. Repre sentative " < " Xo. AV. b'h. IT. . = . " SD. Tr , 64. . 9 140 $1 17V4 .284 SO 4 20 47. . .297 120 4 17'Xs . . . 420 8S 211 ICO 200 4 20 81 221 280 4 20 C3 2)0 80 4 20 95 243 ICO 4 20 22 34G 4 20 69. 42215 4 22V5 4 22'/ 4 22 % . .420 4 15 . .310 4 20 . .420 4 20 , .3)0 ) 4 20 . .2SO 4 20 . .HO 4 20 . .SCO 4 20 .2C6 422V4 2 190 SHEEP Values todiiy were without quot able change , the market being just about steady. The quality of the offerings was not ( julto BO good as on some days. As compared with eastern markets the prices ot which fat sheep am Belling are high. The demand for feeder bVieep Is still light , but to far few have arrived. Quotations : Prime native ' .vethers , $ i.2S if/4.60 ; good to choice grass withers , $1.15 ST-4.30 ! fair to good grass wethers , $3.759 4.10 ; good to choice grass ewe . $1.40fi3.CO ; good to choice spring lambs. $5.GOf(6.00 ( ; fair to good spring lamba. $5.0MS.50 ; common spring lamba , J4.0001.2o. Representative sales ; X MV York l.lvc Slork , NEW YORK , July ! l.-nEBVKS-Re- ceipts , 3.320 head ; good cattle nrm ; others nom- | but steady ; cows strong ; the wholft market cloK > d Ktrontr and top grades a nhade higher ; steers , $4.&OQ3.CO ; grans bull * . $3.33.15 ( ; ( rood Co choice fat buUa , ll.luij 4.00 ; cows , J1401T3.50 ; cholco , II.2S. Cnblwi slow ! shipments tmlny , S cnttlo nnd 3,400 quarters of beef ; tomorrow , 03 $ entile , CO sheep nnd 4,757 qunrters of beef. CAtiVIM-Ilcccliita. 337 hrad ; veals , higher nt J5.OMf7.00 ! buttermilks , 25c higher at $3.2M/3."o ; common southern grnscers. $2.50 SIIUKP AND l AMHS llecelpt * . MRS head ; sheep moro active , but not higher ; lambs steady ; sJow owing to late arrivals ; closed dull without a full clearance ! necn , $ J.OOM.62H : export extra wethers , $ . > .12'4 ; lamba 5.12i4g7.00t one deck , $7.1oj culls , HOG'sRecelpts , 2.S75 head ; quoted weak at $4.SOffl.90. ClllOIIKI ) I.IVP StOClC. ' CHICAGO , July 31. The cnttlo market was unchanged with the usual small jrl ; day recrlpts. Good to fancy broupht II.4o { ( S.Jo ; commoner grades , $ I.4W5.20 ; Mockers nnd fcvdort * . J3.0i ? < l.76 ; bulls , cows and heifers. $2.0 1.10 ; cnlvcs. $ 75 ; west ern fed steers , $4.00 6.65 ; Texas steers , J3.60 5JC.25. Hogs sold at about lee ndvanc * from to day's opening. Hogs brought JI.10g4.GO ; mixed lots. $ r20I4.60 ; light hogs , $3. Oyl.Ul ; pigs , $3.75i4.42\4 ; culls nnd rough lots , $2.00 ( if 1.10. > Sheep weld nt about unchanged prices at $2.2503.25 for culls up to $ S.O ( 06.23 for prime ltt > cks ; western range frheep , $3.fiO < /l.fio ; native ewes. $ .1.7504.25 ; ytMrllnss , $4.BO&o.60 ; feeders , $3.50flfi,73 ; Inmbs , $3.50115.00. , Receipts-Cattle , 2,000 head ; hogs , 2t > ,000 hend ; sheep , 5,000 head. St. ImiIx I.lvo Stork. ST. I OUIS , July 21. CATTLE Receipts , 700 head. Including 300 head Tcxans ; market steady for Texnna , with natives strong ; fair to cholco tmtlvo shipping nnd export < ltcrsi , J4.5Mfri.BH , with fancy grades worth up to $5.75 ; dressed beef nnd butcher steers , JI.OMJ6-2S : steers , under 1,000 Ibs. , JJ.6lXfl4.i6 : stockers and fcod-rs , $2. > 5T4.fi5 ; cows nnd Jiefer ! , J2.SSfl6.OOl bulls. JS.Wff3.60j canners. J1.25fi2.75 ; Texas and Indian steers , J3.G081 4.M ; cows nnd heifers , $2.25'iT3.SO. ' HOGS Receipts , 7.WO head ; market opened wenk ami clos'd lOo 'higher ' ; pigs nnd lights. $4.IOi4.50 ; packers , J4.35fT4.-to ; butchers. J4.40JT-t.65. SI1E1-JP Receipts. l.SOO hend ; mnrket dull and slow ; native muttons. J3.60JM.25 : lambs. $4.0t > ffG.2o ; Rtockers , $2.50fi3.20 ; culls and bttclcs , $2.50J4.00 ; Texnns , $1.30. City lilve Stock. KANSAS CITY , July 21. CA1TI-.E ne- cclpts. 2.21K ) head natives , 1,720 head Tcxans ; desirable stock sL'ndy and other grades weak ; heavy nntlvo steers. $5.2006.oO ; lightweights , $4.S50C.25 ; stockers and feed ers. $3.5004.SO ; butcher cows nnd heifers , $3.0005.00 ; cnnncrs , $2.5003.00 ; western steers. $1.2305.30 ; Tcxans , $3.C5f4.10. HOOvS Ilecelpts. 7,430 head ; market slow . , . . . . 51 1 l'jil. irvvH' 1C * H vv m i f w \ dt-mand nt strong prices ; spring lambs , to.OO fl 00 ; muttons , $ ! .15(5f4.50 ( : stookcrs and feed ers , $3.00S'4.00 ; culls , { 2.00 3.00. St. .Innfpli Live Stock. SOUTH ST. JOSEPH , July 21. ( Special. ) The Journal quotes : CATTLE Receipts , 600 head ; market steady to fltroim ; natives. $4.505T3.-IO ; Texas nnd westerns. $3.UafTu.40 ( ; cows and heifers , $2.PO4.90 ; bullo and stags , $2.30Q'I.75 ' ; year lings nnd calves , * 1.1 < jf > .20 : stoclcers and feeders. J3.f.0g4.75 ; veals , J3.OOirfi.GO. HOGS Receipts , 5.700 head : market steady to strong ; heavy and medium , J4.oOjf4.40 ; light , J1.20WI.33 ; iplga , * 3.90if4.10 ; bulk of sales. $4.2G4.35. , . SHKDP Receipts , 1,800 head ; market steady. Stock In Sight. Following are the receipts at the four principal markets for Jmy 21 : Cattle. HOES. . Sheep. Omaha 1.610 Ml 2.6S5 Chicago 2.000 26.000 6.000 Kansas City 4.100 7.430 2,040 St. Loula 1,000 7,500 l.SOO Totals 9.710 40,349 11,425 PENSIONS KOIl WESTERN V15TBRAXS. Soldier * ot ClrllVnr Remembered by General Government. WASHINGTON , July 21. ( Special. } The following pensions have 'been ' granted : Issue of July S. 1899 : Nebraska : Original Ferdinand Hoffman , Itagan , $6 ; Thomas H. Goodwin , Central City , $8 ; Adam Kmikle , dead , Shelton , 12 ; John Jackson , Grand Lake , $6. Iowa : Original Dillon B. Greer. Wln- neM , $8 ; John M. Linn , Inwood , ? S ; Clarkson Godfrey , Elliott , J.8. Additional George Lansing , Brayton , JC to $10 ; Frederick L. Perstln , Al'toona , $ G to J8. Restoration and additional Myron B. Hadloy. dead , Camp- ton , $ S to $10. Restoration and increase Klbert Spencer , dead , Keosauqua , $17 to ? 30 ; Jacob W. Main , dead , Mount Ayr , $ S to ? 12. Original widows , etc. Maria E. Spencer , Keosauqua , J8 ; Martha E. Hadloy , Campion , $8 ; Amanda Main , Mount Ayr , $12 ; restora tion , special July 12 , minor of Gardner F. Martin , Oskaloosa , $14. Mexican war wid ows Jennie E. Sawyer , Mount Pleasant , $8. Giintemnln'H Trouble * Financial. SAN FRANCISCO. July 21. W. P. TIs- dalc. who manages the Pacific Mall Interest in Central America , and also C. P. Hunt- Ington's Guatemalan railroad Interests , was n passenger on the Colon , which has Just reached port. Colonel Tlsdnlo declared that the reports of political troubles In Guate mala recently published In the newspapers of San Francisco and New York , were greatly exaggerated , and that there Is at the present time small chance of a revolu tion In the country. He said : "Guatemala's trouble is of a financial nature. It is a rich country , but in desperate financial straits. The low price of coffco has Im poverished everybody. The reports that Americans are being mistreated and forced to leave the country are absolutely without foundation.1' Riilxe Fiirc to Five Cent * . DETROIT , Mich. , July 21. Straight G- cent fares were Inaugurated on the old street railway lines , excepting during the morning and evening hours , In which "worklngmen's" tickets are sold at eight for a quarter. The universal transfer privi lege between nil fines of all companies , which was begun during the 3-cent regime , still continues. An effect ot the raise today was to divert travel to the newer linesope rated under an elght-for-a-quartor franchise. Mayor Maynury. who is highly Indignant at the raising of fares , has called n special meeting of the city council for tomorrow to retaliate by prohibiting carrying of freight over the lines hy pushing a test of the le gality of combinations of the companies when prohibited by ordinances , nnd in other ways to restrict the companies' privileges. I'nukluK IMnnt Remimex Operation * . KANSAS CITY. July 21. The Schwarzs- chlld & Sulzberger racking plant , closed down a week ago because of trouble with Its employes , reopened this morning , in ac cordance with the Joint ngreenu..t signed yesterday. Five hundred men , or half of the force , were put to work In the killing and oilier active departments and the trim mers and other hands dependent upon the killers will bo employed as the plant gradu ally gets Into full swing. No friction de veloped this morning In I'luiiu of Pierre T.orlllaril. NEW YORK. July 21. II. D , Klngubury has been elected treasurer of the Continen tal Tobacco company , In plnco of Plerro Lorillard , Jr. , resigned. Mr. Klngsbury woa for a long tlmo connected with the Lorlllaid Tobacco company. Mortgages For Sale We have on hand a list of gilt-edge securities for Bale. Call andsee us. PAYNE-HARDER GO , , First Floor N. Y. Life. roNC ISUJ .RRPEBMEYaCQ JAMES E BOYD & CO , , Teleplionc 1030. Oiualiii , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS I1OARU OP TRADB. Dlrt't wlrtu to Cule * o od New Tort Jabo X. .Warrio * O , When Traveling Read The Bee Hero Is Where You Will Find it in the Principal Cities. ANACONDA , MONT. Jnine * 91. Uoilnrtl. ATLANTA. OA. ICImbnll llouno Jieiv * Stiind. BOSTON. Public lAlirnry. Vemloine Hotel Doilon I > rc Clnli , 14 nomrnrth it * . BUFFALO. Cleneioe Hotel XCITM StnuO. BUTTH. Win. SlilcliU. CAMBRIDGE , MASS. XInrvnril UuAvcmltr I.Hirnrj- . CHEYENNK. K. A. I.otrn.11. aia Went 10th St. Ohcj-enue Club. CHICAGO. Autlltorlnm Annex Pfovra Slnitd. AuilKorluiii Hotel Xeim flnnil. Graiul 1'nrlflo llotrl NPTTH ntnnd. OnillordiiMn Hotel yrrtm Stand. I'nlim-r lloiifie Now * Stand. Pontofllcreirn Mil ml , Xo. SIT DeiuM linrnStreet. . Aanoclntcd Advertiser * * Clnb , Pnlmefl Ilouic. CLEVELAND. \VeddcIl Houne. The Ilollenileii. Commercial Traveler * ' A ioclntlot % llaionlo Temple. COLORADO SPRINGS. Printer ' Home. DENVER. llrovrn Hotel ATcivit Stniitl. Hamilton t Kcnilrlck , UOn-OlS 17th t , ii , JMtt fc Co. , SI13 Sixteenth St. Mercantile Co. . 1S17 Iarlm r at , rite .Stationer Co. , IBth n il LuTrrcuM Street * . Wlnrinor Hotel Xew HI and. DBS MOINES. 2Io e > Jncolm , nook Inland Depot , Y. U. C. A. lleailliiir lloom. DULUTH , MINN. TVlti & Ileiinett , - ' ! W. Superior Bt. FORT SMITH , ARK. U. ft. A. Hemline lloom HAVANA , CUBA. Iniclaterru Hotel Hcudluu lloom * HONOLULU , H. I. Honolulu Hotel Heading Iloom. HELENA. W. A. Sloorc , atu nvenn * * ad Main Ot > Uulena Public Llbrarj. HOT SPRINGS , S. O. Qeorae Oilman. HOT SPRINGS , A.RK. O. H. Weaver t Co. F. C. Dovlnif. L , . D. Cooper & Co. , O2O Central JkTCb KANSAS CITY. Robert Held. 1O22 McGee St. COO.ICH * . on > eCTTH Stand. Mlmuurl Republican. Club , DOB DnltU more Ave. Public Library , nickneckrr Clunr Co. , Otb and Walnut opnpilte P. O. Rnllvrnr V. 91. C. A. , room 37 Unto * Depot , KnnmiB Cltr , Mo. Public Library. LEXINGTON , KY. Y. M. C. A. Reading ; Room. LINCOLN. TV. S. Bdmlnton , 1123 O Street , Dcllr- cry Agent. LOS ANGELES. Oliver & Untile * , 100 B. Spring ; St. F. II. Uanicoui , 422 S. Main St. LONDON , ENGLAND. Obarlea A. GIlllK'n American ISxennnsa ; 3 CocUspur Si. , Trafalgar Hq. , S. W. MANILA , P. I. Andrew F. Scboiin , Cor. Pncnte do Eapana and Eacoltu Street * . MINNEAPOLIS. Public Library , Went Hotel \err Stand. NEW YORK. Cooper Union Library. Fifth Avenue Hotel IVevr * Stand. Fifth Avenue Hotel Reading Roo4B XSmplre Hotel. Ilroonie Street Library. Holland llou e Reading : Hoon * . Hoffman Hoiine. Imperial Hotel JVetva Stand , aiocbaiilcn' and Trader * ' Free Utitmrr , No. 18 Kant Sixteenth Street. PrruB Club , 12OIIHNUII St. Weatnilimter Hotel Rvudlnir \Vlndnor Hotel Reading ? Hoftra. Y. 31. O. A. , 2Ud Street a 4th Aveawo , OGDEN. W. Webb , 2405 Wo bia te J AT * . W. G. Kind. PARIS , FRANCE. Ko-vr York Herald Rcadlngr R * M. 41 Ave. de I'Opern. The * . Cook A Son * , 1 AT * , d * l'era. . PONCE , PORTO RICO. - Zovrc A Gemtrora. PORTLAND. ORB. W. D. Jonea , 21)1 Alder St Portland Hotel Kevr Staad. PHILADELPHIA. Mercantile Library. SACRAMENTO. Public library. SAN FRANCISCO. Public Library. SAU JUAN , PORTO RIC + . Hotel rnirlaterru Reading ) MM * SAIS'TA ANA , CAL. Santa Ana Free I'nhllo Mbravr. ' SALT LAKE CITY. I F. Hainmel , Lyoeuui TkaA * V f < Salt J.nki.e > T O . ' Public Library. SEATTLB v llantern Jieiv * Co. , U10 1.0 rUM M. A. T. Ijuiidberie. George F. Wurd. SIOUX CITY. OurrettMoii Hotel NOT * StalUL Mondamln Hotel JVeir * Stan * . Hotel Veiidomn New * Staaii. Couway < Knickerbocker. 1'nblla Library , Gerald FltXKlhboii , TOO rw tk St. , Roy Allen , 1121 Center St. Y. M. C. A. RcudlnK HOOM , SPOKANE. John W. Grubnm 72U-72D MlTcrilA. Avenue. ST. JOSEPH. Urandorr' * Nttvf Sluud , Til Edmon4 trret. Junction "rer B Stand , BOl MaaiOBd M Y. BI. C. A. IlenJIngr ROOIB. ST PAUL , MIRN. I're * * Club. Wlud or Hotel. ST. 10UI9 B. J , Jett , 800 Ollt * > * . Planter * ' Hotel New * taiiS Public Library. WASHINGTON , D. O. Wlllard' * Hotel \err * fltantU Arlluctou Hotel. OonBr * * lon l Library. RlKlfp lieu * * . Arrloullui-Bl Department Llbr r/ > Rvpablluan Natluaal C uttulttB