Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1899, Page 11, Image 11

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    TTTT MAT \ 17 \ \ I T V TTT * . V TT"P \T > 1TT WOO 1 1
\il rrtlitirlit tor thr c colnium
iTitl be tnkrH nntll IS ni. for the
r rnlnc cilllliin nnU nnlll * > ino p. ni.
r ritnrnina nml nnilnr rtlltlnn * .
lt t - I l-Sr itnrj Hr t ln ertlonj
n ril tjiorrnfter.othlnir tnkrii
r Iran itinn - ' < for ttir flmt lti fr-
< n. TJte - niHrtl em fnt mu l be
ran c < in rrnlvrlj | .
V < M rrllr . > } rrqnr.llnc n nntn-
Itrrnl chrrU , cnn lim - nn ner n < l-
) rr ril to n ii u mile mi letter In fan-
f Thr Her. An n < r < 10 ntltlrrd
lll lie ilrllirrpil on jire'i-ntntlon of
the chrclc only.
. . . - _ _ _
- - - - - „ „ -
M * HA Employment Bureau. 118 X. 16 T l
- - H II fu.n.shed. poslii a * procured
-w en yno want rme
a e call up the -mlnrton
.i'- * . ISIS Farnam St . telephone. 1ST * .
. . . A-j *
_ _
\XTED. situation on ranch by Intel limit
in C y ar old. Address Auru t U be ,
: adwood. S. D. A M K J4
U \XTED. situation * * housekeeper by In-
lllTit middle ay d Oerman widow , peed
k. ranch preferred , Mr . Roe ler ,
L. adwood. S. D. A M-U7 $
iVA.vrin MALIJ
WANTED , we have steady work for a few
" -r > < xj hustlers of good habits and appear-
> nce. c. F Adams Co , 1 19 Howard St.
SALESMEN for cigars , 25 month and ex-
> > nies : old nnn. experience unnecessary ;
ndnrementB to cu tomerf C. C Bishop
& Co. St. Louis , lie B-flS
W NTED Man la ev ry county to sell the
Best" I-cande&cenl Ga * Llpht Fixtures ;
makes own jraa. 106 candle power. Hcht 7
hours for 1 cent. The Bt Incandwptit
Light Co. , 1SH So. 15th St. . Omaha. Neb
\ B-M41S-A-13
T vo j alaajeD. salary or coin. * Ware Blk.
B 77S
MRX t3 learn barber trade.Vrtte. for free
Western Barber Iiwtltu4e ,
B M74S
WANTED , three thoroughly experienced
bargwar * and tinware men : must have
had several years' experience ; will not
alk with men unless they understand
his ouslnesa perfectly : must be seed
rtock keepers , pleasant and aCable aales-
m > n : want men whf > are 'ooklnr for
! -ady employment In this line. * oed
Fi'.arles after your ability and worth Is
'emonstrated : namrs and aiidres es of
-ef renc < s must accompany your appllca-
tn or no attention will be paid to me.
\ Idress W 63. Be * o lce. B-M7MS
PAXTSMAKER wanted at once Gusl
Abrahamson. Neb. B M7S7 a
WANTED , phvsiclan redstered In Ne-
i > ra ka i > ! nce 1 3. experienced in advenls-
nst specialty : cooil salary to widv awake
nj f-er. Address W 60. Bee. B M794 Z2
WANTED Competent party to tak * charge
of harness factory 5U te airc. experieni-e
md salary expected. Address \Y 6fi , Omaha
Bee. BOS a
WANTED Experienced salesmen. those
having- had successful road experience
only. Good chance for { rood men : large.
ird reliable business house. Answer Rlv-
incasre. . experience and salary expected.
Address TV (3. ( Bee oiHc . B < i04 IB
WANTED First-cla-is carriag * blacksmith
and carriage painter. 1409 Dodge t. A J
Simpson. B 809 2
WANTED , men selling charts and school
-unp'le * In Nebraska to write the Diamond
mend Publl'hlns Co. , 10S N. Sd su. llln-
- . Minn. B-M7S6 K-
WANTED , younc man to take care of norfe
, n < l work In parden duHns1 summer. The
o F. Davis Co. , 1505 FarnaniB
B MS24 !
W ANTED , pants. kne > pants and child's
jacketmakers : also barters for ready made
lothin ? ; wor'K steady : work the year
around and union wasres. Write or apply
' olorado Clotlilns Mfg. Co. , 123 15th st. .
Denver. Colo. B MM5 U
A GOOD coat maker wanted at once. Ad
dress Mumby & Harrison. Atlantic , la.
B-MS17 25 *
WANTED Two peed agnL W' pay pal-
iry and commission. 415 Sbely J. JL
Smith. * B STI7
MEN to learn barber trade. Will assist
vrith transportation ths month , rive com-
] i ete outfit of toola , allow commlwion and
piy Jlil weekly when competent Two
Tionths completea Two years saved
"an't jupplv d.-mand for Graduates Write
i' once. Molrr Barber Collece. hir-iSD.
1,1 B Mv33 r *
WNTED. . plasterers , new Capitol building.
Sinta Fe. New Mexico Lennox & HaJde-
man. Santa Fe. New M-x.Ua .
B M544 n-
MAX or ladv to trav 1 and app iint acents.
F" rabllshed firm tjO "er * rt > n1 , i'.l PT-
penses to start. Mfr. BIX S2ii. f'hi ace 111
B-MSJ3 "
The most pupular and successful school de
nted exclusively to shorthand and type
Call and see our equipment and sp&clal fa-
c illties foe the rapid training of fl st class
st-nograpbers. Ask to see list of calls for
fenographers from Omaha's leading bus-
i-.e-s men during lost few months. Four
calls Monday of this week. Results speak
louder than -words. .Get circulars and
particulars. C MT 4 H *
WANTED-160 clrls. 1K1 Dodce. Tel. S76.
c sa
WANTED Hotel cook : famale pr-ferreil
Commercial House , St. Paul. Neb. Frank
Gruber. prop. C M5S4 SI *
BASTED , pirl for general housework ,
22 Miami St. C-779-i
WANTED , experienced Irl for ceneral
h5u cv.orkSmall family. SfS So. Z7th st.
tl'UL far yeneral housework. JOSO Emmet
St. *
' ANTED. * Road girl to wash and Iron
'n ' small family. Mrs O. E. Pritchstt ,
; ii C * B st. C-MSS M
WANTED , a Klrl for general housework ;
must give ref < r ncea. Apply to N E cor.
: ! rd and MafKWi. C MS H
WANTED. fHil general housework , small
family , modern boiuie , wagev. $4 uO week.
C l H ) S JJn ! t. C-MS1 * S'
\ \ ANTED Experienced salesladies in the
iwwelry department at Boston Stare. J. L.
Rmndeis & SOBS , proprietors. C * ! > 23
WANTED middle-aged w man. good pav
for faithful servicta. wholeal < - house Ad'-
drw X i. Bee. C MSW H
roil HI\T-noi' > n . .
* . flOICE houses and cottaee * ail ovr city
W to J7i. Fld ty. lit flJor N. Y. Life
HuUSES. B newa < t Co. , m N.
P a
AI WAYS moving household good * and
piano * . Omaha Van & Storage Co , ttliu
Kantara Tel. Utt. D 01
1 ! < > USES. store * . Oeml5. Paxtoa block.
-ROOM aeuM. bath. Mraucf , JM.CM. lit lat
Xit'l. Baak Bhtir. D-HS
R XEXT-HouMs in all parts of city.
Th O. F. DavU Co. , IMS Farnajo St.
Houses for rent ; a specialty mad * of
: oktiup aft r property of noa-r ld ot .
J HVaMrwaoa. 4ttN. Y. LifeO - t
M VOGARD S Van and Storage. 117 N. Uth.
11 < > USBS for real ! all twrt of the city
Uretuua-Lcvc Co. . a Sooth Uth St.
FOR RENT. WBT CMcaco * t. t reoau. od-
M. 136. Svt S ath ' S ro"m m lern.
I-i m h > J e K } R'rgvi. ' H- >
i arker b i k. I M vi
: . -r.c M * - ' -m - - ! i - * . \
ti , it Uu t j.j a.
roit jtiT not n .
VIM I.K - ho.amlly aafr > - a.1 the fur-
- l * . " . nf j w S ulrV > l Story
' ' " -j.iwii Bluff * will be f-r rot f < > r
i \ . \rtrt. HOUM has nine room * .
! M br hot water Evwy modern ron-
< -i inte D < * g
F' ' > R RENT. I0 roorn house and barn in
* > -1 loatioa. . with large will shaded
S'rK'i ) modern flat In Okvldge bldg. . op-
s o it ntv hull , aiay 1.
J > hn W Bobbin * . 13 F nu * StD
D 3rf M
1505 Wiiiiaaw strf good flat , city wtttr. JJ.6 * .
6 ' vms. cHy water , llth and Marcy it. .
Hi * wt
rw i arJ it. T room * , city water in yard ,
ti * oo
li S loth i. . 19 room * , entirely tnodern.
n w furnace. now being put la thorough
I repair , narered and Bunted. i30W pr
month. Will rent to one fattHf only.
1 7w s h st. i r * hon * * . will rp r to
suit tenant. Sow per month.
a U Seward. cltj water. JIOCO.
, ssSH S. Wh * t. 4 rooms : J7
l th aad Douglas Su.
, .
i 1 j S SOUTH 17U rt. . 10 room * , city wt r
In yard , irnod condition , no per taonth.
Oeo. Forr n. SIS N. Y. Life Bid * .
FOR RENT. 14-room house. 43d & Cumin ?
Sto. suitable for two families. A. P.
Tukey. Board of Trade. D 551
MODERN t or 10-roota brick house , close
in ; vacant May 1st ; Rj 00. J. li. Sher
wood. 423 N. Y Life. D-7S1
NINE-roosn modern house , newly papered
and wood rerarnlnhed. & .w per month
M. J. Kennard A Son. 110 Brown block.
NINB-rooa house , modern in every re-
ppect.xcrtlent repair , JJO.W per month.
M. J. Kennard & Son , 310 Brown block.
LARGE , handsome home of A. P. Hopkins ,
< C9 S. nst , large barn , lease. 36 U. S.
Bnk. bldg. D M77S 54
TO RENT Until July 1st , to small fam.'y
without children , four rooms an-1 ba'h.
furnished for housekeeping. central ; < leI
slrable. KOOO. Addres. * with refer * nces.
X L Bee
FOR RETNT "f th > f beautiful Nor-
man.l e apartnvntan he r r'"d 7
rooms , everything modern. P.nne-Harder
Co. D MN 1
ron itE.tT Frit.MSHcn ROOMS.
J NICE rooms ; housekeeping , in : S. 11.
ROOMS , modern. U80 Harney st.
st.E MS85 23'
FttONT rooms , modern. $1.50 up. 514 N. 13.
E M47i M12 *
ELEGANT furnished rooms cheap , with or
wlthoui board , lli So. Sth St.
E U4-A30
FURNISHED room : ererythlng new and
nrst-class , 1S11 Case. Mrs. Reed
E M7C3 15 *
TWO pretty summer bedrooms , just fur
nished. qui"t business men. close m. % & . * .
bath ; reasonable. Inquire oSlce 1G , second
floor Crounse Block. E 7C
IKK CAP AVE . rooms. E M7S3 M
1ST ! DODGE , choice front rooms with
board. E M7 % 23
MAKE the undersigned an orr--r on In " .
block IS. Orchard Hili. Omaha H C.
Cheyney , Sioux C1t > . la. E M47 2
NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , free
bath. Jl 50 per week and up. Klondike
hotel. ISth and Webster Sts. F 6JS
GLENCAIRN. transients $1.25 ( lay 1603
Douglas. F 599
DESIRABLE rooms with all modern con
veniences , best location in city. HI 5.
Stb st. F 431
REASONABLE rates. Clover Hotel. 161S
Harney F ST. A3J *
FURNISHED rooms , modern. 5:4 S. 15 Ave.
F MSS1 Myl'
LARGE front room , furnished or unfur
nished. Utopia , 173. Davenport.FMS31
F-MS31 25 *
A HANDSOME larze front nom with
board , references2'G N l th t * -t
F-M-wO M
itn > T ixrriiMSHED ROOMS.
3 ROOMS , 70S S ! 7th st G M3S3
rori RENT - Tonuso OFFICES.
FOR RENT , smre .n ' ' --t-c'asr lication.
rent roannb > AppnR. . C Peters &
Co ground floor Bee Nag 1 701
FOR REXT. a ground floor office , specially
suitable fo' real estate * etc . splendid
vault buiit for use of city treasurer Ap
ply R.r . P.-ters < t Co. . ground floor Bee
building. I 701
OXE go d rfilce of i rooms to rent in Con
tinental Blk. 15th and Dougls. ? . K > Phrsi-
cian preferred. Will arrange to sui ; .
Omaha Loan & Trust Co. 16th & Douglas
I-E ?
DESK room fDr rent on ground floor B- °
Building Farnam street side , rent reason
able. Apply R. C. Peters Co , Bee Build
ing. J M413
A GEX'L AGENT. "L-fe of Admiral
Deiwev' and "America s New Posses
sions " 5j : > e-rbly illustrated Sample. 2a
t . -tarap or coin Catalogu- free F
Tennyson NJely , 114 Fifth Aie New
York. J MS42 : :
AV.V.VTED TO nn > T.
MORE houses to rent. Wallace , Brown Blk ,
K 950
WANTED , to rent C-room cottage or 7-
room house. Address , stating particu
lars. W 53. Bee K M7K 3-
GCNTLFTMAN and wife , no children , want
completely furnished hause. six rooms or
over. In Hanscom park territory. Refer
ences. Addre ? W 55. Bee. K M767 S *
WANTED to rent. 3 or 4 unfurnished
rooms for light bouifkeeping. or small
cottage. Address TV 57 , B = e office.
K-M700 -
WAXTED. addrets of private families who
will board and room students for IS 50 pr
week or less. State exact terms. Boyles'
Schoo : . B e. K Msl4 3 *
WANTED. ftrelas boarJ. front room
wK locattd : all conveniences : gentleman 1
and wife , references required A < llres.s
X 4. Be K-MS34 I4
SIX-ROOM cottage , or seven-room house-
must be on car line. Address X ' Be -
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co , 395-
S19 Jone * . general storage and forwarding '
OM Van Jt Storage. 15114 Farnani. TeL 1ES
GOP.DOX baggage IH N I * Tel 1195 '
STRIVES store' ! < ! urr.g : 1J07 Doug
las. Ttl. S * ' . Omaha Stove Repair Works.
SECO.Vlj-HAND books bought for cash
Antiquarian Book Store , lilS Famam
X .6S
WE WANT several nice residence * aad res
idence lots for cash buyers We have the
buyer * what have you to offer * O'Nll's
Real Estate Agency. South Omaha
SBCOND-HAND typewriter , Denzmore nre
f rrtd. T f. B * . N C7
HIGHEST PRICES paid for good
Varle.y Furnitare Co . llO-li * S 14th * t
STAMP coUacliaRj bought. * old.
401 N Uth. N-3 MS
ALL kiad * of household goods , hotels , et : . ,
' in large or * nH quaatltirc Chicago Fur-
nitur * Co. Tel. SAM. ! * * - ! Dod ; .
N MU1 Mt
- S
WANTED , to buy , a buin * * * lot on Far-
Bam or Dou ia * b t en Tw Uth aal
Siite nth tret . advise wtth fuH '
tiojlar * bv ma : ! un v i * N
r r N
{ - ' s'
L ' .
WANTED i v ral h'in < lr l xi-l r.f enr'h
at th * ' 'hiraeo A f T Jtiej. * , I ' .
Tr < 3e N SSG
HOf5E ] and 4 Vn. ; < r 6
dl t nce po " - fflP * > c
ca , h. HI to * 15 pr m > nh.
BARGAINS In r V. t or house * > mov. .
F D W L ] ; h * Df > j ia * N-'OE K *
i _
OOOt ) end hand carr'ajte h m ss nr
trad * heaw hack harness for am * X 7 ,
roil j-vt-is r
I NEW aad S-l-hand fnrnltur * . stores , e'c .
sold at ntiall pr..nt ; bet prices paid for
good id-hand so oV. J. L wia , 1M S. Uth.
O -tt ? MS
GREAT BAJIOAINS la aew and tad-hand
furniture. stovetc. . Bcgtoo Famitur ;
Co. 1 4 Dorfg" . O 448
I WILL sell at privat ? sale all of tar
household foods , beginning e on Mon-
< 1av April , J < . i air mridence. JSZJ
Caldwell ft , Omaha , Neb. Gilbert G.
I PUU- P-MS30 25 *
< HANG&S. coffee urns , water tanks , ice
, hose * , counters , tables , chairs < * * ! de-
board * , dr'wers , nomm tl s , iron
springs and attr iwe at le than fac
j ! ' tory cost , for cash. 615 No. Mth'I
run --\LIJ non nAMI
BUGGIES VU it our repository ak for
pnces w 11 do th * rest Omaha Imple
ment and Transfer Co. . 9th ami Jickson
P-45- A-4
SALE , a nice assortment of hand
made vehicles painting , repairing , trim
ming a specialty , bring your carriages
f 3i rubber tires : prices low , work guaran-
I teed. Wtn. Pfeifer s carriage works , cor
I CTth and Leavnworth P M3H MS
j A. J. SIMPSON has ( ! n connection with h's '
work ) the exclusive agency for the cei -
I bra ted Columbus Buggy Co. vehlc * also
S-d-hand phaetons & Concords :4dg DoJg -
j _ _ P M540 Ml4
I CARRIAGES , "phaetons , buggies. road
wagons , harness. An leron Buggy Top'
Co , 15th and Davenport P S1& MIS
ALL kinds harne , old harness , n exchange
Drummond Carriage Co . ISth & Harney '
O 454 A l
PURE Plymouth Rock eggs for jetting , 50c ;
rasters. Jl no 031 N ISth St Q 71S
HOG , poultry , lawn and field fencing , all
wire Wire Works , 1617 Howard St
FOR SALE , ten R I P A.N 3 for 5 rents at
druggists. one gives relief. Q 710-A. IS *
SAWDUST , hardwood crlbblnz and hog
fence at lowest prices. 931 Douglas St
COLD IN HEAD. Sherman's Catarrh Je/Vy ,
Se. Middle of block. Omaha. Neb.O
O 713
B. HAAS. Flonst. 1TO Vlnton St. Tel. 776.
plants , cut flowers , boquets. hall , rerlj
dence. wedding and grav- decorations ;
orders by mail or express promptly filled ,
O 709
IND-hand safe cheap. Dfiright. 1115
SAFE 3 , buy. tell , exchange. 114 S. ISth St.
HORSE clippers and repairs for all stand
ard makes. We crlnd clippers , razors ,
shears , etc. A. L. Undeland. Omaha
Q 715
GRAMOPHONE talks talk. Catalogue.
Western Gramophone Co. , Council Bluffs.
Q 237
GREEN House , also cash register. B R.
Ball. 92 N. Y. Life. Tel. 150-1 Q-23D
VEHICLES , haness. . swlng machines , at
wholesale prices. Western Mercanrle Co ,
10th and Farnam. Q US M7
GOOD excnd-hand Calisrraph typewriter
lor sale cheap. Room 101. Bej BuJldinc.
FOR SALE A flne. fre > h. registered Hoi-
stein OOTV- . Inquire at 5305 Burt street.
Q Sll II *
AT great sacrifice , flne cabinet Grand
piano , good as new. Address W 67 B e
Q-644 M15
GOOD surrey at 1 Like street , cheap.
O S2C-I3-
mdin fine condition , very cheap
if taken quick Owner and goods her' for
a few da\s Tnok it in tralh nre big
bargain. 36 U S. National Bank BWc
Q M 45 21
XOTICE. ceuntry dealers Id hind furni
ture i Move ? sold at lowest price ? , car
load lots or leES. Chicago Furniture Co. .
1405-10 Dodce R MI5I M5
WILL ship u carload of furniture to i'hi-
ca ? " on Ap'il Si or IS Parties ha\-tng u
carload or itss to ship will av mon y
by calling on Albert Cahn. 1222 Farnam
R-MW1 2 ;
MRS FRITZ , clairvoyant. S17 N ICth.
MME Gyltner. genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge.
HATTIE BERTR.A.NDE. thermal baths ,
niasage. 1E15 Howard , 3d floor , room L
T M251 MS *
FRANXES de Seutorious of K. C. . 107 N li
T 437 Alt'
MRS. F. BERRY , bath , massage Attnd-
ants. 119 N. 16. R. U. Ind floor , opp. P O
T ME20 A17 *
BEATRICE HARLOW. elegant massage ,
baths. Egyptian treatment. 1701 Leaven-
worth St. T MS3C H *
MMS. AMES. R. i 607 S. 13 : mas.ige baths.
T MTS1 M-17 *
MME. SMITH. Room i 11SH N 15th I
T-753-M17- 1
MRS DR LEON , electric bath parlors ,
flrst-clafs assistant. 417 S. llth. upstairs
T M773 MIS
VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 34S Be
BMr. U-73
BATHS , mas.age. Mme. Post , 31S > - S. 15th.
T * - .
I u ' - '
SUPERFLUOUS hair.wrinkle..moles warts ,
freckles blar-kheads , pimples removed for
ever by elevtr ! < _ lty ; bu. t developed , nerk. '
arms , cheeks made plump. MmPayne's
bairdre-sms parlors. I l Lcavenworth.
Tel. SZ U US
PRIVATE hospital for l&die. before Sc durIng - i
Ing contlnemest ; bebl&i adopted. 113C X 17 ' i i 1
U-7 |
MONHEIT rhiropodist & hair dressing ,
Douglas Blk. opp Hayden's. U Sll A
DR. ROY. chiropodist ; corn ; removed. So
and upward , P.oom ji Frenzer block !
HORSES clipped with electric clippers.
Omaha Stables , cor. llth and Howard '
GIVE your order for cut flowers and plants i
to B R. Ball. J N. Y. Life. Tel isr ; | '
LIEBEN , 1J13 Howard , all kiaiie hair goods ' , i
U-7J5 I
WALL paper cleaned. F. E G S 1SS4 V '
Sd ft. U-MJ33 Mil * ! '
LADIES In trouble end proraot relief , I
dr5 with staaaps. Box 4 , Osgaha. Neb i
UMWlNeb )
HOW to win at poker , a surt system fu 1 I ,
particulars. 56c. Address Box J * < Omaha. .
U M J0 9 * j
MOXHEIT leader In hair goods and toilet '
preparations. S > ) Douglas Bik . opp Hay.
d S f U-5 AIS *
A RELIABLE horn * aad trwuaent of ail 1
trouble * peculiar to woaieo. aoj for i
ladle * befor * and during c nnaeiBfcnt. ! i
Addrtu Box 757. Omaha , Neb ,
U-70J Mli *
BUY throush O aha Purchasiog Acaacy.
151 ! Davvoport St. U * * Mli'
SHIRT WAISTS to order MC fco 17th
U-M744 MT
Y J EAN'N * , - ' -e
i * r - - - - &
. " \ - J c I * * F3'-a F'- ,
v - " : i. * * t
> \i .
51 1 KTtFI TiiTS h T war1 * and n > f > 'e '
fr and tun dentla. A.I w > rk
( ruaranteed. M'm Allfnder , 174
A VERY de irafcle girl foadopt' n. i : years"
i of a * ' , .lark * > rot > ryf * a lif > cirl
. rear'v > month * iM. m thea Catholic
. nd wi h > her fhlUI t go Into a Catholic
j home. Child S rln InMltute. 9 S l h it.
i U S < B S *
i BIG pay to men of chifietw. pu h end
I abintv to repro ont a work which man *
1 rinoh the state aid wh ! . ' * ! li heinjt pro.
< * .j - il br th * be t men in tbe tat Ad-
dre W g. Bee office. U-MTK B
i J& ; ATT R Ki ? f < noVfl ilfijC K 9 , u t mi T ti"i ? rim
I i i A furnlfirr r p lrinc 7 S S. 16h. T-i 1SK
, .
i ' HYPX' TISM. heallnc and med-jtn ! hp !
taurht M Prof Barnar ! or writ * .
1 JEO N 16th st . room SS. Omaha
iii J _ ' _ . ' _ _ ! ! . . . . _ ' _ - " !
I .
l JIW : "no.on special fund to loan on arv-"lass
| improved OSIBW ! property or fr > bui'dla *
i purposes. Fidelity Trust Cmapany
' W 7J6
J1W A v'D up. F. D. WeaJ. ISth and Douglas.
W-7 4
'I tu. PER CENT taonsy. Bemls. Fasten Blk.
WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm
i in lows , eastern Netu or Mo , it will n v
] you Anthony Loaa & Trust Co , J15 N. YL.
| ' WANTED , choice farm aad city loans R c
1 Peters & Co. , 1'K Farnam , Bee Bldg. '
11.009 up to lonn on improved city property
' & farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co ; ia o
' Famatn. W c
Sir ' Ct. Chas E. Willlaasoa , C. S. Bkbldg
> O < . . --L. . CHEAP money for investment ;
arents wanted. Investors' lists for sale
j Investors' Directory , N. Y. W J69
; ' ' MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
, estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 59 So. 18th.
! $10.000 PRIVATE money , low rate. J H ,
Sherwood. 43 N. Y. Life. W SC3
MORTGAGES. Wallace. 113 Brown Block.
LOANS. Potter-Sholes Co. . 310 X Y L'fe !
I ' W-743 1
6 per cent loans. Garvln Bros , 1613 Farnam.
' | W-SIO I '
I MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa
farms , lowst ra'es. Brennan-Lov Co. ,
119 S. ISth , Omaha. W 744
j You ran pay the money back in any
amounts jou wish and at any time.
j each payment si made , lessens the
cost of carrjing the loan.
MONEY loaned salaried peop'e holding per-
tnan'nt position with responsible con
cerns upon their own name , without secur-
itj . ea y payments. Tolman , R. 703 N. Y.
Life Bldff. X 745
people holding permanent posl-
MONEY tins on their personal note
without indorsement
Room IIS Board of Trade Bldg
MONEY 16th and Farnam Streets.
X 7S5
MONEY loaned confidentially to high-
classed salaried people , without endorser.
mortgage or security of any kind other
than their onn names , can repay in In
stallments : call and see me and you will
receive courteous treatment- Omaha
Credit Co. . C. E. Jennin i.Tm "iager. suite
S25-5:6 Xew York Life Bldg. X 73tf
MOXEY loaned on piano ? , furnltur" . horses ,
cows , jewelery. Du2 Green , B. E , Barker
blk. X-745
MOXEY loaned on pianos , furniture , jew
elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Rted. 219 S 13.
X 256
MOXEY loaned on furniture ngs bcycles.
diamonds watches , etc . payment * un
known to friends Bergers' Loan Bank ,
1416 Farnam. . X III
FOR QUICK return * Ite ; your bargains a :
O'Ne'.li s Real Estate Agency. South
Omaha. Y " 45
IF you hav ? idle money and want it busy
see Glover , Real EstBrokr. . 3K Karbach.
E. M. CLARK , slgcsi Tel. 1701. 115 ttth
DRUG STORE for saJe in good town in
northeastern Nebraska , flne opportunity.
AdJress T 44. Bee Y MIC
ATTENTION. MILLERS' For sale or rent ,
the Anchor Mill property , a 75-tbl. im
proved roller mill , wa'er power situated
4 miles from S--uth Omaha and 7 mil-s
from Omaha , close to the Rock Island
and Union Plfic roads For further par-
tlculars address Box 115. Papillion , Ne
braska. 1' M50S 17
UNUSUAL opportunity to invest J3X > or
more , securing large permanent income.
capital safe ; profits sure. H. GrlfSn. 11SO
Broadway. Xew York. Y M78I M2
BIG chance for a hustler with a few hun- j
dred dollars ; large profits , big future.I I I
SO X Y. Life. Y-M755 i
DRY goods and clothing stocks , hardware I
grocrrtes and drugs for sale or exchange. I
we can find you a buyer or can sell you i
goods. Write 5Ierchandle Broker 5u3 '
Brown blk , Y-M7J5 13 j
WANTED , business man with some money
to take positicn as secretary- and tr > a-
urer with con-rolhne suvk in w.ll estab
lished and profitable bu. 'ness in Chit igo
Address H A. Kaastelntr. 359 Wt M . .dj j
ison t . Chicago. Y-MS33 23 *
. I
WANTED. mjn with KW. Good business
BU-cess ar-ured. Call between 9 and J. or 1
address H. L. , Midland Hotel.
Y-MS41 r *
TO EXCHANGE , 15 acres dear , vacant , in-
plde city limits. Omaha : 40 exhanff - f T
desirable Nebraska stock ranch , we 1
stocked and equipped. W SI , Be * Omaha ,
Y-MQv 2T j I
FOR SALE , st.ji k of drugs and fixture * I
Bet fand in the cur. Invoice ab-jiit I
J-i5 * ' Fn.taxla stand , no dead Ftuk.1
good pr .rt small exp-n-se * Xi cutting
rea ci f. r - , ! -ng Big mining hr-om her-
Am : mer * te < l in mines and de ire to g'\-
v no ! - < tten'ion to mining A1 < lr - . < 4 jx ;
So Mxun etre-rt. Salt Lake Cltv U-.ah
Y-M-.35 Si * I
FOIl n.XCHA.NOri. i
FOH EXCHANGE. J400.00 stock new drugs
for real est -te or horses. Address W 3"
Bte. Z-M54 *
_ ,
A FINE modern 11-room hous wi of '
Hijh school on motor line , in exchancr ?
for farm or other property Addre& < W '
81 B * Z-M543
_ -
I ENGINES to hprw : power Wesiinghoufc * .
lw ( h. p Id * engine also 100 h p elftri
generator to exrhangt for real ejtate. t
Addr-ss W JJ Bet- Z M544 I
LOG AN Valley farm lands a nd stock
ranches. W H. Clement * . Lyoos. X b. '
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ P.E-75C |
PECK & CO . agenu and dea'ers in city and I ,
farm property . loans , rentals. J ] E jsth.
_ _ _ P.e H7 j
HAVE you * oroe lots to sell1 * Now U th-j '
time to i di p of them. l t the pof ; i .
know that > - u waat to di po of th n. !
Th * Be * rahe the people whs have Uu > ,
_ "
Over IhM acres < rf Dougiac county land fur i
salt * cheap Pno rant * from ISO per
acr * up. wri ay you M lwe jgate
The Byroo Retd c . , n * s. Uth St.
Rg 759
_ _ _
LIST your property wltt us for ial -
h ve the iut mra Ttis B > ro-i i
< . nr- ' - - s * - - s- HE
.1 T.5FS fa s .a ' -
ttrs u urt Bc iS , j-ax i
roii * vt.ic HIL r. T\in.
O.VE11LS R s E ta-
CTna K a Hea qn .r"r * f-r ret , * n\- ;
man RE Til
is the time to bur. * xJC ft at 17th
nd Doma-ia * 5 . Bern : * . haSrt- blk
PO yni think of locating in oron. th *
land of rvd applet 4
rJ * * writ * to Th-
' & & * * " * *
RE-MU1.MH * i
FOR ! SALE. mwJers * n roe brick. S
South Seventh * t-w. Coanell Bluffs , or
l address 430 South Eleventh stre.-t , om h .
, _ RE-MIS ;
FOR - - E , everal nice vacant l ( t . c-Iear
land end a few house * and lots . hea- > .
will take saving * bank account * as part
1 pavment. J. A. Lovgren. room MI N Y
Lift bldg. RE-M7B S
, REAL estate In Omaha aad So. Omaha at
i vrv low prices. B. R. Ball , 9S X Y. ,
I Life. T-l. l m Rg-gS j
| SIGHTL1E3T i cbolesre 4drnc comer ! n
city , south and east front , n w con r
SSth * CalfornU : sts. . 130x1 JO feet. $4.5na. >
JSclK feet , with brick building on Farnam. >
i near 1,1th st. price , til.SOB. i
1 11 J per cent ( tr % Investment N. W comer
' Uth atvl California ts . tsse fully pai.l. . '
can be used for trackage purposes. IS.500 ,
11SX1J4 1 f tt. northwest corner Park avenue |
and Harnev ss ' : bmll offer.
, S 1 full siiexl lot v ' .thin 7 blocks west of Ex- i
! position ground * for all. tio"n. j
Farm laadp within S taile of Omaha from
J to M per < !
' . FTMWW. opp. old p o. ,
C31 CHARLES ST. . a nice sir-room rot-
use. cly water : small bars : lot 39x140.
Only half a block from the car and one
block from Walnut HI ! ! schojl.
LooK tins over , tben make me an offer on
It. with terms to suit you.
A. M. COWIE , ai South Eighteenth Street.
RE M776
RE M586 M14- !
WHT don't you buy that S-rootn house.
large barn , 3 full lots , larg' , bearing
cherry trs. fruit < f all kind , J1.500. Best
bargain in .de city limits. j
Houses and lot all over the city at about ]
your own price. |
Vacant lot ftne residence lota in Hanscom ,
Place. JSOO to tl.200. ,
Ftne residence lots near exposition ground"
JITS to * 4i Lots nar the Wa-nut H. : ;
car line. $ > 5 each. [
Flrst-chss : quarter of land. Lincoln Co
Neb . S175 cash.
40 acres fruit land in Mo. for J73 cash if
sold at once.
SS N. Y. Life
'Phone. Iffli RE MS13 r * ,
40 ACRES , three miles north of Floren .
11 fenced with thrte wireth : -r-"n
house , barn , corn cribs , good w.j ' >
aj > pie tr. commenced bearing i. st \ a
plum trees , ' , acre In grap a.l u" ' . -
cultivation 'n " . - '
except a acr s - -i -
at the remarkably 'ow price of JT ? < pf-
acre. This is a bargain
One acre facing the B n. * i S : R P.
Military road at the lox prKr . 'f f.'j *
Lot SOxlW. with 7-ro in house , in r > i-
t'nn in Hanscom Place onlv i. b o k -
Ftr-et car. Has eleven fruit fee * a- , < ! * . - -
shade tr-e : good barn and ci-t rn 52 sm
This ! s worth Investigating Ur ar. > r.i
w'shing a nice home.
6-roucn house , city water ind good ba-- ' i
44x1 f > . near 2 ( > th and Bancroft s' Jl I" "
Lot Wt'XlSO ' 7-room house. In fin" ln. itio" .
SSth and iSeward sts . h" use cast Jl f , " t' >
build. pri ! Jl $ nn. Th'-s i a snap
Lot 3 x115. 7-ro > m hous * , jj : ; iae""ft1 a"1 !
paint-ij. on.y one Nock f r > m > t .a-
and "W5 hlccks from ? ch - > ! 4ust STJVT
Jianscr > tn park $750 Thl Is n b 'tra -
J A. LOVGREN HI i MI New Y"'H Life
HARRIS' Abstract C4.U" Bee t-i ) ! :
M ' °
DR. PRIES , rennwned German = ; > eca. s'
diseases of wom n : n.j fa.ure = sriv r--
llef. twenty yrars' experience r"ferere-s
1513 Dodge. Omaha ; letters , stamp"
1'V ' SI-3
DR. IIAXSFIELD'S monthlv r cut - va
broucnt happiness tn hundrrds of ar.x „
trornt-n. hav ne\er had a : n--le ' i .r'
lon e-it cases relie\ed In two tu fii '
without fail , no pain , no dans-r "O .r----
ference with work bv mail " > " "ffictJ. .
A 1 lt'er l t"Jthfullv an were1 Th
Man = fl-M Rem-Jy Co. 157 Dearborn st
room 634. Chicago 11'4 ' i !
MEXERAY BROS nurrymen. . of Cr - < -
c nt City are here In CowM Bluffa anJ
Omaha with their fire 'ine of fruit -re
crarvln - - = . rii and ail k.r.ds of fine
shade trees flownne shrub. an > l roses
their ao prouni" ar- located at S15 East
Broad-vay Cnunc'l Buffs and cor ! > th
and Cumms Sts and 21st and Far-
nam sts. , Omaha where vt.a will be
wait-d on at .ill tm-s ! with p'.easu"We
= 11 all ro is vor heap and guarantee
all srood * ftr'ta ! ? Omaha tel 15K. I
Councf. Bluffs tel 4SO Mil *
TYPEWRITERS for rent. H 00 per month. 1
Th < > Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. 1C25
Farnam St. Telephone ] JS4. 5 I
\VE rent and tell the bept typewriters ,
I made. largt stock of supplies in Omaha.
. ! I l'nit"d Typewriter & Supply Co. 1CU
1 Farnaia 755 ,
i RE5IINGTOX Standard typewriter and
supplies. ISIS Farnara 757
EAGLE Loan rfflcts. remoed to 5 W cor
13th and Dougijs. We a-e now r id\ JT
' business an i we r > ro-n se to itCtiri.e our
reputation , as has always b en known a
the most reli biv and aciommxiitng in
the city All ar'- inv"ed to 'i-
spect cur new store. Sol. Brodkey. pro ; . .
JEFFERSON Square Loan Office. 415 X _ IS. ,
A. C. Van Sant s School , 717 X. Y. Life.
AT OJLYHA Bus. CoiJ-ge. ICth & Dou ? . . =
BOYLES' schoo : , uaurt reporter principal.
Bee B.df ' !
O-TEol'ATin. ;
JOHX5OX O > teopaiviic Institute suite SIS X.
Y Life Bids T : 16 1 J W Di : M D . D
O. cjnsulttnc pnrl > . . < in Mrs Alice John-
oa , D. O , Ma'v HohsjT D O zradua'.ei
of Anieiican SchooJ o ! Osteopathy. Kirks- I '
\-Hie , Mo Cld E Jr > r.r.son Mr 929
THE rt1re tork "f turn f.rar.'J etis
left trom tne fire is now on sale at a Sdiri-
ficti pri. t. must be c > .j w.thia M la-1-
POT t fa. ! to * ( > ' * il * stcx-k. Wolf Za n-
urJJ7 Farrara > 674
TS th ru'-er-.y master the waltz and
twofep in private le jns. J5. Slice
dUK-sn t ugi.t iU-y pu ; . Is of this
school arr jn the stage now Moracd E. |
U10 Harne\ : bSH-AK
SEW wheels { .SMup ' 'i-r.and ne ls K
up ; repairing * supp ! e um-inatiJ-jcJe Co
- *
Anythicg Sterling ! Wjrks JS X :
US *
C A. CASE violin * repaJrejd 416 Shee y b , *
TRY til * Hmdersin Ho el baarl and roon- .
M'JO ptr Hern ; aam neat and ba n-
Xin'h and Farnaw Si 7C7
DRESSMAKING M fc S.-ri. Jl.s.
cjiooi. or
* NCH GermiS' a- . J. pir m < nth
i" ' na e " . L * A' r ' l
it S Y Ai. i
( illl 1) MINIM. .
FIVE W ba * > i.f
.iuit he n r Cf-H-l ftj the l *
tniniif ( . 'onpjini < > f BJ1tt h < "j It
1s fmflj thj 1C-foot > vrt In ilii.
stixf : and ajis .T.i from tX3 : ? STi ' < : he ton
( raid The ven t n * r * va f et and in
a puff met a ; lie sulphide forirtatk-n ami
coni'Mj * * t i irr"w r i h r wuh * Jei th
Th-- ! ennu h rre in ttht t i fe .1 t n-
* t * p ttti'.i. which will BOOTI be puriht ) d I
The tnmp n > 1 > > ff rift s only > ( * snares
at IS c'erts In ! of ! l rf < > - tnor
r.d when ; his ls ue ts sold the pM ( f will
be ad\an , .i . The ujfration .if * mill * M
s an m k < - the t k worth t-nr if. ' "
ther * BI > owr 11 tons n the < J"mp sr.d
the < nznpant l aJ.lin to thl : the ra'e
of V ions a da.i A rire - > p [ nrun.t > No
k. Ca'.l a : : v > B < e BuH1 ! nc an ! ee tie
MATTRESSES < r newed 707S ISth. Tel 7S1
! > T V tJIUHlM ! AMI
CCSED , 3oC N Y Lift. Julia aJC > - . : )
* .T\rt \iTom. .
MANY ne designs . 'u t fem Piri i-
tnenta. . work a j > ei.ail > G nne..a ; . ' ? j
MIDI : uniiimo. .
HALF SOLES 35c J Pulone. Sli X : ' "
* 6 AJ.i
Kit I'l. VTl\O.
GOLD & all k.nd * of p'.atlcg ' 13" : Fi-iam
41 -
not -i : > io > nit.
W Ct'Y. ' knai-J a : ' . .6 5 : Mit Av
GASOLENE < ; f-1 .s. - a - - ' l.'OT '
fo-S Te. r- i * K. W ) i
, L
Bee Bldq , Omaha , Seb.
Sen-1 for fre ? invent-
orn1 cuiae. Tel 1613.
2 tna. .
? ou-i R xer Railroad
' T - * B-irl ncton RDUte ' i
< ; nt > a ; < > B1ces X W.
- : Tenth and Far- '
na.n Streets. TKket
. > ! * ; 1502 Farnam
Str "t Telephone , 150
Depot fen-n ar i MasDn Streets. Tele-
; - - C.V
L ' HJ"c anj
M ' k " 3 5.40 am a 7:40 : pm
L'T r IT' * -r " " '
n - ' "o'o-
a ; , ' --r.a a 4.13 pra a 2:55 : pm
L.- - E > . k Hi'ls '
M " a- i < s Puget
P r d a 4.15 pm a 3:00 pm
Lir - . LCK , a 7.00 pm alO.35 aaj
L' " - F Mi. a I 03 nin alO.33 am
Den\-- i" -a.o Utah.
i ra. . ' rn.a a 6 0 am
a 1'ai.v b D-i' y Except Sunday.
& w Railroad "Th ?
Burl ncton Route" Ticket
< -tfi t 150 * Farnam St.
Te' 2.V ) Depot. Tenth &
Mas-in Streets. Tele
phone. HOLeave.
Leave. Arrive.
s t h i Council BluCs
P.aj-'D.i 3"The Burllnt-
, r K-"jt - ' Ticket Offlce.
; .02 Farrn Street. Tel
ephone , 250 Depot. Tenth
aa Ma cStreets. . Tel-
e , - . r.c. 3 : .
i-eave. Arrlva.
Kansas " 'T DaET a > "yam \ a S'45 pm
N * " . > Lx aij.j pm a 6.30 am
F . r
.a 4.33 pro all:30 am
a Da .y
4 : MissD-iri Valley Rall-
roaJ "The Northwestern
Line jeneral OClc9
United States National
Ear.k Bide. . Southwest
Corner Twelfth and Far
nam Str eTicket Offir1401 Famain
S"eet T- -r-n ne in Depot. 15th and
Webster Strts Telephone. 1455.
Leave. Arrive.
Back H'll ' Deadwood.
H t Spr.r. ? . . . a 3. pra a s.00 pin
W > m.1Casper and
Do'-rlas d 3:00 : pm d 5:00 : pm > Yo'k. David
CH > Sup roGntva
Exe-er ana -warJ b 3:00 pm b s:00 pm
Norfolk V'rjigre and
Fremont . .b 7.30 am blO5 : am
Lincoln \\au o and
Fr m > r. : b 7.30 am blO : am
Fremont l.o. a ! . . c 7JO : am
a Da. : . : ! > - , ! ' } Eit.ep ; Sunday , c cun-
day on x d t > a ! Exr-tpt Saturday.
M -n-apolic & Omaha
Ka. . way "The North-
Wei..ra Line" General
< itfl' es Nebraska Dlvl-
s n. lith and Webster
S-i C.ty Ticket Offlce.
Tek-i.hone . , 561. Depot , 15th
Leave. Arrive.
" err a C.10 am a 7:00 pm
# iojx
. b 1 W pm oU:15 pm
. ! . 1 a 5.10 pra
-n.- ' . a 9:00 am
i- ' t Sunday
Ka.'road "The North-
- - --n Line" Genera :
i * t-s. United States
Na Bank Building.
s- \ \ Cjrner Twelfth
anrl Farnam Streets
1401 Street. Tele-
Depot Tenth and Mason
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux city Mankato &
Paul. Minneapolis .a 0 3 am a S-40 am
St. Paul Minneapo 1 * .
Mankato & Sioux CJiy.a 5"I5 pm llt : > J pm
S oux fny Lucal a 75 : am a 9:05 PR >
a Dauj
-rn Rallway-"The
t.iwestern Line"
Ti ket Offlce. 1401
t arnum Street. Ttle-
t r.'jCl. . Depot Tenth
aMason : Streets. Tel-
Leave. Arrrlve.
go Spe-
a . am alliS pm
Va .f. ' Pi' . x t'll > ,
St Pa . ! t. M nr.ti i > -
ells . . . a 5.50 am ! ! * ) ptn
Mo. Valley. SlJUX City a 7:48 am a : W pm
Carroll Lo'al . - b 5:3 : pm bJOUS ajn
Es.'tern ) Extrecs. De *
Molnes lU'shai town.
Cedar Rapids and Chicago
cage . . . . . .all.'team a 4:06 pm
At.antic Flyer Chlcaco.
ar.d Hast a t.K pm a | :0i pm
Fa.t Ma 1 ' ' . .ago tj
' .n iha 9 , I.4i pra
X , v. < r- F.Lvi a S pra a 6.49 am
i a 7.05 > pm a 6 15 am
MS srn
> Except Sunday
PORT KJ 'jaj Omana. Kan-
f C > y A : E * ttrn Rail. l
ARTHUR 'an 'The Port Arthur '
Hjutt TioHM
OOte *
ROUTE Uli i'arnam Str tt Tel- 1 ,
, -I nune. 3 = . Depot. Tenth
u d MaxiB Str * > U. .
Leave. Arrive ,
S I- . . Balls
Express a 4. p j a S J6 aw
-s Cry jnd Qu.nry
* ai . . . a :50 TO a tM pw
Lai v
r ai-'Jeneral ' Office * aad
T rt uaic * * . Southeast Cor-
: r li'h aad Dou M ti
j. v , . tic 104 D-oot. '
et < s' " ' Bt-
tii *
Ltavt. Arrive.
C --3 il
* * - * r rr > . 1. 15 pq
. - 9 a - > a „ "
ttn \ \ \Kn
UN , N r \ riKTi'THKnVK' -
> J : Cor Ninth nd JFirna -
alii str M Tel-pic'
Depot. Tenth and Ma . <
Strt Telephone. < V
Le ve Arri t.
_ Limited"
lor I'tah. Idaho. Mon
tana. California i > r -
( ro i it > j Wa
pain's S Irflrm
Th * Colorado
for Denter and ail
Colorado points a ft ti i am
Pa. iflo Expresd for
Iflc Coait and a'l
wefliern point ! < < 4J : ptt ft IM : am
Lincoln. Bistrir * and
Stramsburg Etpm * ' - 1.8 pa bUJt pm
Fremont. Columbus
Norfolk Grand Island
and North P aite .a 4.K pa b 4:41 pm
Columbus Loral b 5 pm bU JD pm
North Platte Loral . a : H pm
South Omaha Loral Paj-L * vs. lli : a.
m. . 7.-00 a , m . 10.10 a a . S.-t * p. m. Ar
rive * . 10.48 a m. . lit p. m. ; p. m .
6 p ta.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves ES5 a. m
C 40 a. m. ; 6.50 a. m . 7.40 a. m. . b ft *
m . 12.2 * P m. . : 15 p. m. . 4 35 p. m. . 4ti : i
m , 6 ' 2K p m . 5 ° tt p m. . 6 * SO p. m ; 8 : JO i >
m . i" K > p m. Arrive * ( Si m : 7 * n.
m .5 a m * 4i a tn . 11 SI a nt , IXS p.
n 4 ' p m i "S im 5 3 < p rr. , tA > ,
r 'i , r- " f i n . : : ) p m. ; 11.1 ;
x ei t Sindiy
Brrtf ! " ' & 1'ariflr Rallron i
T " lr. ! at Rock 1 -
Rocklsland a 1 H. ' , . ' , . C tr Tltk-
. '
t I'CS Farna'n
S---- . . t T-lephnne. 4.
1 - T-nth & Mason
! 5- : ts TfUphone. t > 29
I.eav" Arrl\
M nat - * b 7 % am bll-U a-n
at > t.xir-j - oil 15 am a $ .10 am
. , . 1- i t K . . a a i > ptn R l S put
r i . ' . Fa : K- * a 5.W pm bll J6 am
i 0 n. Colorado . .
Denver. Iueblo and
\Vest . a pm a pra
Des Moines Rock Isl-
anl nna Cnlrdfe-c . a IS pm a 5:50 : pm
Colorado Flyer . . a .SO pro a 8 JO am
a l > * lly b Daily except Sunday.
St. Paul Ralway Ci'v
Ticket Office. 1304 Farnam
Street. Telephone SS4. D- -
rot. Tenth and Mason Sj. ;
TeleBbone. 629Leave
Leave Arrlvo
Ch. ape Limited Ex . .a S 45 pm a 5 JO &m
Chliasro i Umaha Ex . .bll:00 am h * .o pa
Sicux Clt.\ & Des Molnes
Express . bll : < 0 b40u.a
a I'siily b Daiiy except Sunday.
Tlcket Oface. 1U5 Farnaia
Street Telephone , SSI. De
pot. Tenth and Mason
Streets. T'lephone. Cs.
Leave. Arrive.
uis "Canon Ball"a
a 4 50 cm aS 53 am
( Should be r-ad DAILY by all Interested
as chantes ma } octur at an > time )
Foreign mail- for the week ending Apr.
2. lvi9 will > ' 'ISP i PROMPTLY in all case * ,
at the General PostorSce as follows : PAR
CELS POST MAILS close on- hour earlier
than closing time shown below.
Trnii'iitlniitic Mull * .
SATl'RPAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE ,
1XDIA. ttr s s. La TouraJne * . via Hax'e
( letterf for others part * of Europe mu t b <
directed "p r La Touralne" . at S a. m. foi
NETHERLANDS direfH. per s. s. Maas-
dam via Rotterdam litters must te < 1
reoteJ "per Maasdam' I. at 9 am. . foi
ITALY , per 9. s All r. via Naples iletten
mitt b airw-ted "per Aller" ) ; at 10 a. m
for SCOTLAND direct , per s. s. Ethlop' ' i
via Glasgow ( letters must b3 directed "p-i
Ethiopia' i. at 10 a. m. ( supp ementar >
11 M e. m > for EUROPE , per a. i. Cam
pania * . via vueenstown.
steamers sailinc on Tu-sdays take printed
matter , etc . for Germany , and specially
addressed printed matter , etc. for othf-r
parts of Europe. Am Ttcan and v\n te
Star steamers on Wednesdays , German
steamers on Thursdays , and Cunard.
French and German steamers on Satur
days Uke printed mail"ftc. . . for a 1
countries foi which they are ailvfrtked
10 carry mai *
After the closing of the supplementary
transatlantic mails nAnied aoove. ado.-
tional supplementarj' malls are opened nr
the piers of the American. Encli 'i
French and German steamers , and remair
open until within ten minutes of the houi
of EaJllng of steamer.
.Mail * for -ontli nml Cvntrnl Ainrrlca
> V - t I ml ItKte. .
SATURDAY At 9.30 a. m. ( supplementarj
10 a m i for ST THOMAS. ST CROIX ,
per s. s Caribbte ( letters for Grenada
and Trinidad mi t be directed "jx-r
Caribbee 'l , at 10 a m. ( supplementary
10 3 < a m.i for FORTUNE ISLAND ,
GENA. per s f Adirondack ( letters ! . r
Costa Rica must be directed "per Adiron
dack' ) , at W a m , ( supplementary lu : e
a m.i fT K.VTr 2"i = A > * T4 MARTHA.
Dtr * . s Andes , at 11 a. m for CUBA ,
per s. s. City of Washing-ton , via Havani
( letters must be directed "per City o !
Washington" i. at 11 a. m. ( supplemer.
tary 11.30 a. m ) far PORTO RICO , i i
via Curacao , per s. s Philadelphia.
SUXDAY-At " 1:30 : a. m for NASSAU. N.
P , per steamer from Miami. Fla.
Mails for Newfoundland , by rail to North
Sydney , and thence by steamer , dose dt
this otike dally at 30 p. m ( connectir.
close here every Monday. Wednesday ard
Saturday * . Malls for Miquelon. by rail to
Boston , and tbeno by rteamer close < sl
this ci2c = daily at ' .35 p. in Mails f i
Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Fla. . end
thMiee by steamer , close at this ofic
dally ( extent Monday * at " ' a. m. , con
necting clo - * here every Sunday. Wedn > - . -
day MX ! Friday. Malls for Cuba , by rail
to Miami. Fla. . and thenne by ttoamer
close a * this onlce everv Monday. Tues
day and Saturday at " 1.30 a. m. . C" .
nesting c-lojes here every Tuesday ar J
Saturday. Malls for Mexico City. ove' .
land , unless specially addressed for d *
patch by st-ame-r. close at this ofllce dai.\
at 1.30 am. . and i 30 p m. Reglster'-l
mail closes at p m. previous da <
Registered mail closes at 6 p. m. e < rend
day before.
Trnn | i cIllo InlI ,
Mails for China and Japar. , per F. . " . Glen-
Ofle ( from Ta < omc. 'iM = > ire dally ug
u Aori' * "i7th 6'10 .
at p. m. Mails for
China , Japan and Hawaii , per s. 6. Copt
ifr m San Francistoi. cluse here daily up
to April " * * 2d at 6 3u p m. Mails for th *
Society Islands , per khip City of Papi i
( from San Francisco ) , close here daily up
to April Jlth at 6:30 : p. m. Malln f r
Haw-ail , per e. B Australia 'from S..n
Franc'sco ' ) flo , * ; here dally up to Apr l
* * 27th at 6 30 p. m. Mall * for Austraii.i
excpt West Australia ) , Hawaii and Fiji
Islands , per s. . Aoransl ( from Var-
couvert tluse here daily after April
lith ind up to April " 2Sth at 6:30 : p.
rMa'U fur China ami Japan , per s a.
Empreua of CWna ( from Vancouven , clo *
here dally up to May * * 'Jd at 0:30 p. m
Mails fur Au > iralla ( except thce for West
AuKraila which are forwarded via Eu
rope ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , Fiji a ; 1
Samoan lalsnil * . per 9 Means < fr < m
San Franc'ievj ) close here daily afur
Aj > rt' Ssth and up to May " 'Utb t
6.30 p. m on day of arrival of g. c. Cam
pania , which will probably arrlw May
Transpacific mails are forwarded to porf of
ailing daily and the schedule of elating
la arranged no tee presumption of thr
uninterrupted overland transit "Res -
tered mall c r&e at C p m previous day
postofflce. New York. N Y . April 14. IsW.
' ! ' < I ofVlrrir. . Tl -Krnili | ; .
CHICAGO , April 51 On Saturday ht Is
regarded as a supreme iet of the Marconi
syttem of wireltfs telegraphy uill be maj
In thi city under ibe auspice * of the
Tribune. Tfae z4vocatee of the system bate
never tried it where large a s6 of ste-i
are pr eat to exert an icSuence upon ibt
elenric current and If the ngnal * can <
.made to paw or r th * high bnildlngf u
large citife * it will b a luccwts Tbe flrtt
attempt will b made from the top of the
Matooic Twnple to tb Auditoriuw. a < 1U-
tinr of oathlrd of a mile. If thi n
successful trialc will be made tetwium the
temple and one of the water crib * la the
1. } iit'tilne Cnf io < - to Jur > .
CHASLHiTOX , S. C , April : i. TJw Lake
City lynching caw * TFM s-i eii to tfco Jury in
Judee Bran ley ' § < eoim st 1 * 15 o'clock this
afitrr.ocii. A di4fre oient U generally ex-
Jjdge Braer ! a del \er'ng hi > ihirge
t t > . .1 t- ' A * * ! " . ft err , " r an * rb. 1
, - n r ' " g . j * - IT f > T
1 - -rv ' - 4 a' ) t-4a
- j , t " i-.e vl LJk' ; t i