TTTT MAT \ 17 \ \ I T V TTT * . V TT"P \T > 1TT WOO 1 1 ESPECIAL NOTICES \il rrtlitirlit tor thr c colnium iTitl be tnkrH nntll IS ni. for the r rnlnc cilllliin nnU nnlll * > ino p. ni. r ritnrnina nml nnilnr rtlltlnn * . lt t - I l-Sr itnrj Hr t ln ertlonj n ril tjiorrnfter.othlnir tnkrii r Iran itinn - ' < for ttir flmt lti fr- < n. TJte - niHrtl em fnt mu l be ran c < in rrnlvrlj | . V < M rrllr . > } rrqnr.llnc n nntn- Itrrnl chrrU , cnn lim - nn ner n < l- ) rr ril to n ii u mile mi letter In fan- f Thr Her. An n < r < 10 ntltlrrd lll lie ilrllirrpil on jire'i-ntntlon of the chrclc only. WANTBtl MTt . . . - _ _ _ - - - - - „ „ - M * HA Employment Bureau. 118 X. 16 T l - - H II fu.n.shed. poslii a * procured -w en yno want rme a e call up the -mlnrton .i'- * . ISIS Farnam St . telephone. 1ST * . . . . A-j * _ _ \XTED. situation on ranch by Intel limit in C y ar old. Address Auru t U be , : adwood. S. D. A M K J4 U \XTED. situation * * housekeeper by In- lllTit middle ay d Oerman widow , peed k. ranch preferred , Mr . Roe ler , L. adwood. S. D. A M-U7 $ iVA.vrin MALIJ WANTED , we have steady work for a few " -r > < xj hustlers of good habits and appear- > nce. c. F Adams Co , 1 19 Howard St. B-3IC SALESMEN for cigars , 25 month and ex- > > nies : old nnn. experience unnecessary ; ndnrementB to cu tomerf C. C Bishop & Co. St. Louis , lie B-flS W NTED Man la ev ry county to sell the Best" I-cande&cenl Ga * Llpht Fixtures ; makes own jraa. 106 candle power. Hcht 7 hours for 1 cent. The Bt Incandwptit Light Co. , 1SH So. 15th St. . Omaha. Neb \ B-M41S-A-13 T vo j alaajeD. salary or coin. * Ware Blk. B 77S MRX t3 learn barber trade.Vrtte. for free Western Barber Iiwtltu4e , B M74S WANTED , three thoroughly experienced bargwar * and tinware men : must have had several years' experience ; will not alk with men unless they understand his ouslnesa perfectly : must be seed rtock keepers , pleasant and aCable aales- m > n : want men whf > are 'ooklnr for ! -ady employment In this line. * oed Fi'.arles after your ability and worth Is 'emonstrated : namrs and aiidres es of -ef renc < s must accompany your appllca- tn or no attention will be paid to me. \ Idress W 63. Be * o lce. B-M7MS PAXTSMAKER wanted at once Gusl Abrahamson. Neb. B M7S7 a WANTED , phvsiclan redstered In Ne- i > ra ka i > ! nce 1 3. experienced in advenls- nst specialty : cooil salary to widv awake nj f-er. Address W 60. Bee. B M794 Z2 WANTED Competent party to tak * charge of harness factory 5U te airc. experieni-e md salary expected. Address \Y 6fi , Omaha Bee. BOS a WANTED Experienced salesmen. those having- had successful road experience only. Good chance for { rood men : large. ird reliable business house. Answer Rlv- incasre. . experience and salary expected. Address TV (3. ( Bee oiHc . B < i04 IB WANTED First-cla-is carriag * blacksmith and carriage painter. 1409 Dodge t. A J Simpson. B 809 2 WANTED , men selling charts and school -unp'le * In Nebraska to write the Diamond mend Publl'hlns Co. , 10S N. Sd su. llln- - . Minn. B-M7S6 K- WANTED , younc man to take care of norfe , n < l work In parden duHns1 summer. The o F. Davis Co. , 1505 FarnaniB B MS24 ! W ANTED , pants. kne > pants and child's jacketmakers : also barters for ready made lothin ? ; wor'K steady : work the year around and union wasres. Write or apply ' olorado Clotlilns Mfg. Co. , 123 15th st. . Denver. Colo. B MM5 U A GOOD coat maker wanted at once. Ad dress Mumby & Harrison. Atlantic , la. B-MS17 25 * WANTED Two peed agnL W' pay pal- iry and commission. 415 Sbely J. JL Smith. * B STI7 MEN to learn barber trade. Will assist vrith transportation ths month , rive com- ] i ete outfit of toola , allow commlwion and piy Jlil weekly when competent Two Tionths completea Two years saved "an't jupplv d.-mand for Graduates Write i' once. Molrr Barber Collece. hir-iSD. 1,1 B Mv33 r * WNTED. . plasterers , new Capitol building. Sinta Fe. New Mexico Lennox & HaJde- man. Santa Fe. New M-x.Ua . B M544 n- MAX or ladv to trav 1 and app iint acents. F" rabllshed firm tjO "er * rt > n1 , i'.l PT- penses to start. Mfr. BIX S2ii. f'hi ace 111 B-MSJ3 " V WANTED FIMALC IIKLP. B'lYLES' ' SHORTHAND SCHOOL , BEE BUILDING. IX SESSION ALL SUMMER. TELIGHTFUL PLACE TO STUDY. The most pupular and successful school de nted exclusively to shorthand and type writing. Call and see our equipment and sp&clal fa- c illties foe the rapid training of fl st class st-nograpbers. Ask to see list of calls for fenographers from Omaha's leading bus- i-.e-s men during lost few months. Four calls Monday of this week. Results speak louder than -words. .Get circulars and particulars. C MT 4 H * WANTED-160 clrls. 1K1 Dodce. Tel. S76. c sa WANTED Hotel cook : famale pr-ferreil Commercial House , St. Paul. Neb. Frank Gruber. prop. C M5S4 SI * BASTED , pirl for general housework , 22 Miami St. C-779-i WANTED , experienced Irl for ceneral h5u cv.orkSmall family. SfS So. Z7th st. tl'UL far yeneral housework. JOSO Emmet St. * C-Al- ' ANTED. * Road girl to wash and Iron 'n ' small family. Mrs O. E. Pritchstt , ; ii C * B st. C-MSS M WANTED , a Klrl for general housework ; must give ref < r ncea. Apply to N E cor. : ! rd and MafKWi. C MS H WANTED. fHil general housework , small family , modern boiuie , wagev. $4 uO week. C l H ) S JJn ! t. C-MS1 * S' \ \ ANTED Experienced salesladies in the iwwelry department at Boston Stare. J. L. Rmndeis & SOBS , proprietors. C * ! > 23 WANTED middle-aged w man. good pav for faithful servicta. wholeal < - house Ad'- drw X i. Bee. C MSW H roil HI\T-noi' > n . . * . flOICE houses and cottaee * ail ovr city W to J7i. Fld ty. lit flJor N. Y. Life HuUSES. B newa < t Co. , m N. P a AI WAYS moving household good * and piano * . Omaha Van & Storage Co , ttliu Kantara Tel. Utt. D 01 1 ! < > USES. store * . Oeml5. Paxtoa block. -ROOM aeuM. bath. Mraucf , JM.CM. lit lat Xit'l. Baak Bhtir. D-HS R XEXT-HouMs in all parts of city. Th O. F. DavU Co. , IMS Farnajo St. Houses for rent ; a specialty mad * of : oktiup aft r property of noa-r ld ot . J HVaMrwaoa. 4ttN. Y. LifeO - t M VOGARD S Van and Storage. 117 N. Uth. - 11 < > USBS for real ! all twrt of the city Uretuua-Lcvc Co. . a Sooth Uth St. D-JM FOR RENT. WBT CMcaco * t. t reoau. od- M. 136. Svt S ath ' S ro"m m lern. I-i m h > J e K } R'rgvi. ' H- > i arker b i k. I M vi : . -r.c M * - ' -m - - ! i - * . \ ti , it Uu t j.j a. roit jtiT not n . VIM I.K - ho.amlly aafr > - a.1 the fur- - l * . " . nf j w S ulrV > l Story ' ' " -j.iwii Bluff * will be f-r rot f < > r i \ . \rtrt. HOUM has nine room * . ! M br hot water Evwy modern ron- < -i inte D < * g F' ' > R RENT. I0 roorn house and barn in * > -1 loatioa. . with large will shaded S'rK'i ) modern flat In Okvldge bldg. . op- s o it ntv hull , aiay 1. J > hn W Bobbin * . 13 F nu * StD D 3rf M 1505 Wiiiiaaw strf good flat , city wtttr. JJ.6 * . 6 ' vms. cHy water , llth and Marcy it. . Hi * wt rw i arJ it. T room * , city water in yard , ti * oo li S loth i. . 19 room * , entirely tnodern. n w furnace. now being put la thorough I repair , narered and Bunted. i30W pr month. Will rent to one fattHf only. 1 7w s h st. i r * hon * * . will rp r to suit tenant. Sow per month. a U Seward. cltj water. JIOCO. , ssSH S. Wh * t. 4 rooms : J7 I OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO. . l th aad Douglas Su. , , . i 1 j S SOUTH 17U rt. . 10 room * , city wt r In yard , irnod condition , no per taonth. Oeo. Forr n. SIS N. Y. Life Bid * . D-M4U FOR RENT. 14-room house. 43d & Cumin ? Sto. suitable for two families. A. P. Tukey. Board of Trade. D 551 MODERN t or 10-roota brick house , close in ; vacant May 1st ; Rj 00. J. li. Sher wood. 423 N. Y Life. D-7S1 NINE-roosn modern house , newly papered and wood rerarnlnhed. & .w per month M. J. Kennard A Son. 110 Brown block. D-MSO NINB-rooa house , modern in every re- ppect.xcrtlent repair , JJO.W per month. M. J. Kennard & Son , 310 Brown block. D-MCT LARGE , handsome home of A. P. Hopkins , < C9 S. nst , large barn , lease. 36 U. S. Bnk. bldg. D M77S 54 TO RENT Until July 1st , to small fam.'y without children , four rooms an-1 ba'h. furnished for housekeeping. central ; < leI slrable. KOOO. Addres. * with refer * nces. X L Bee FOR RETNT "f th > f beautiful Nor- man.l e apartnvntan he r r'"d 7 rooms , everything modern. P.nne-Harder Co. D MN 1 ron itE.tT Frit.MSHcn ROOMS. J NICE rooms ; housekeeping , in : S. 11. E 5SS ROOMS , modern. U80 Harney st. st.E MS85 23' FttONT rooms , modern. $1.50 up. 514 N. 13. E M47i M12 * ELEGANT furnished rooms cheap , with or wlthoui board , lli So. Sth St. St.E E U4-A30 FURNISHED room : ererythlng new and nrst-class , 1S11 Case. Mrs. Reed E M7C3 15 * TWO pretty summer bedrooms , just fur nished. qui"t business men. close m. % & . * . bath ; reasonable. Inquire oSlce 1G , second floor Crounse Block. E 7C IKK CAP AVE . rooms. E M7S3 M 1ST ! DODGE , choice front rooms with board. E M7 % 23 MAKE the undersigned an orr--r on In " . block IS. Orchard Hili. Omaha H C. Cheyney , Sioux C1t > . la. E M47 2 FUIlMsIIBD ROOMS AVT ) HOARD. NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , free bath. Jl 50 per week and up. Klondike hotel. ISth and Webster Sts. F 6JS GLENCAIRN. transients $1.25 ( lay 1603 Douglas. F 599 DESIRABLE rooms with all modern con veniences , best location in city. HI 5. Stb st. F 431 REASONABLE rates. Clover Hotel. 161S Harney F ST. A3J * FURNISHED rooms , modern. 5:4 S. 15 Ave. F MSS1 Myl' LARGE front room , furnished or unfur nished. Utopia , 173. Davenport.FMS31 F-MS31 25 * A HANDSOME larze front nom with board , references2'G N l th t * -t F-M-wO M itn > T ixrriiMSHED ROOMS. 3 ROOMS , 70S S ! 7th st G M3S3 rori RENT - Tonuso OFFICES. FOR RENT , smre .n ' ' --t-c'asr lication. rent roannb > AppnR. . C Peters & Co ground floor Bee Nag 1 701 FOR REXT. a ground floor office , specially suitable fo' real estate * etc . splendid vault buiit for use of city treasurer Ap ply R.r . P.-ters < t Co. . ground floor Bee building. I 701 OXE go d rfilce of i rooms to rent in Con tinental Blk. 15th and Dougls. ? . K > Phrsi- cian preferred. Will arrange to sui ; . Omaha Loan & Trust Co. 16th & Douglas I-E ? AGENTS WAVTED. DESK room fDr rent on ground floor B- ° Building Farnam street side , rent reason able. Apply R. C. Peters Co , Bee Build ing. J M413 A GEX'L AGENT. "L-fe of Admiral Deiwev' and "America s New Posses sions " 5j : > e-rbly illustrated Sample. 2a t . -tarap or coin Catalogu- free F Tennyson NJely , 114 Fifth Aie New York. J MS42 : : AV.V.VTED TO nn > T. MORE houses to rent. Wallace , Brown Blk , K 950 WANTED , to rent C-room cottage or 7- room house. Address , stating particu lars. W 53. Bee K M7K 3- GCNTLFTMAN and wife , no children , want completely furnished hause. six rooms or over. In Hanscom park territory. Refer ences. Addre ? W 55. Bee. K M767 S * WANTED to rent. 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms for light bouifkeeping. or small cottage. Address TV 57 , B = e office. K-M700 - WAXTED. addrets of private families who will board and room students for IS 50 pr week or less. State exact terms. Boyles' Schoo : . B e. K Msl4 3 * WANTED. ftrelas boarJ. front room wK locattd : all conveniences : gentleman 1 and wife , references required A < llres.s X 4. Be K-MS34 I4 SIX-ROOM cottage , or seven-room house- must be on car line. Address X ' Be - K PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co , 395- S19 Jone * . general storage and forwarding ' OM Van Jt Storage. 15114 Farnani. TeL 1ES r GOP.DOX baggage IH N I * Tel 1195 ' M-M47S-10 STRIVES store' ! < ! urr.g : 1J07 Doug las. Ttl. S * ' . Omaha Stove Repair Works. M-I1S-M7 WAVTRD TO HI V. SECO.Vlj-HAND books bought for cash Antiquarian Book Store , lilS Famam X .6S WE WANT several nice residence * aad res idence lots for cash buyers We have the buyer * what have you to offer * O'Nll's Real Estate Agency. South Omaha SBCOND-HAND typewriter , Denzmore nre f rrtd. T f. B * . N C7 HIGHEST PRICES paid for good Varle.y Furnitare Co . llO-li * S 14th * t STAMP coUacliaRj bought. * old. 401 N Uth. N-3 MS ALL kiad * of household goods , hotels , et : . , ' in large or * nH quaatltirc Chicago Fur- nitur * Co. Tel. SAM. ! * * - ! Dod ; . N MU1 Mt - S WANTED , to buy , a buin * * * lot on Far- Bam or Dou ia * b t en Tw Uth aal Siite nth tret . advise wtth fuH ' tiojlar * bv ma : ! un v i * N r r N { - ' s' L ' . tit WANTED i v ral h'in < lr l xi-l r.f enr'h at th * ' 'hiraeo A f T Jtiej. * , I ' . Tr < 3e N SSG . HOf5E ] and 4 Vn. ; < r 6 dl t nce po " - fflP * > c ca , h. HI to * 15 pr m > nh. . BARGAINS In r V. t or house * > mov. . F D W L ] ; h * Df > j ia * N-'OE K * i _ OOOt ) end hand carr'ajte h m ss nr trad * heaw hack harness for am * X 7 , Bee. | roil j-vt-is r I I NEW aad S-l-hand fnrnltur * . stores , e'c . sold at ntiall pr..nt ; bet prices paid for good id-hand so oV. J. L wia , 1M S. Uth. O -tt ? MS 1 GREAT BAJIOAINS la aew and tad-hand furniture. stovetc. . Bcgtoo Famitur ; Co. 1 4 Dorfg" . O 448 I WILL sell at privat ? sale all of tar household foods , beginning e on Mon- < 1av April , J < . i air mridence. JSZJ Caldwell ft , Omaha , Neb. Gilbert G. I PUU- P-MS30 25 * < HANG&S. coffee urns , water tanks , ice , hose * , counters , tables , chairs < * * ! de- board * , dr'wers , nomm tl s , iron springs and attr iwe at le than fac j ! ' tory cost , for cash. 615 No. Mth'I run --\LIJ non nAMI BUGGIES VU it our repository ak for pnces w 11 do th * rest Omaha Imple ment and Transfer Co. . 9th ami Jickson P-45- A-4 SALE , a nice assortment of hand made vehicles painting , repairing , trim ming a specialty , bring your carriages f 3i rubber tires : prices low , work guaran- I teed. Wtn. Pfeifer s carriage works , cor I CTth and Leavnworth P M3H MS ! j A. J. SIMPSON has ( ! n connection with h's ' work ) the exclusive agency for the cei - I bra ted Columbus Buggy Co. vehlc * also S-d-hand phaetons & Concords :4dg DoJg - j _ _ P M540 Ml4 I CARRIAGES , "phaetons , buggies. road wagons , harness. An leron Buggy Top' Co , 15th and Davenport P S1& MIS FOIl VLB 3IITGLL VNEOU * . ALL kinds harne , old harness , n exchange Drummond Carriage Co . ISth & Harney ' O 454 A l PURE Plymouth Rock eggs for jetting , 50c ; rasters. Jl no 031 N ISth St Q 71S HOG , poultry , lawn and field fencing , all wire Wire Works , 1617 Howard St G-Tll FOR SALE , ten R I P A.N 3 for 5 rents at druggists. one gives relief. Q 710-A. IS * SAWDUST , hardwood crlbblnz and hog fence at lowest prices. 931 Douglas St Q-70S COLD IN HEAD. Sherman's Catarrh Je/Vy , Se. Middle of block. Omaha. Neb.O O 713 B. HAAS. Flonst. 1TO Vlnton St. Tel. 776. plants , cut flowers , boquets. hall , rerlj dence. wedding and grav- decorations ; orders by mail or express promptly filled , O 709 IND-hand safe cheap. Dfiright. 1115 G-71S SAFE 3 , buy. tell , exchange. 114 S. ISth St. G-714 HORSE clippers and repairs for all stand ard makes. We crlnd clippers , razors , shears , etc. A. L. Undeland. Omaha Q 715 GRAMOPHONE talks talk. Catalogue. Western Gramophone Co. , Council Bluffs. Q 237 GREEN House , also cash register. B R. Ball. 92 N. Y. Life. Tel. 150-1 Q-23D VEHICLES , haness. . swlng machines , at wholesale prices. Western Mercanrle Co , 10th and Farnam. Q US M7 GOOD excnd-hand Calisrraph typewriter lor sale cheap. Room 101. Bej BuJldinc. Q SCS ' FOR SALE A flne. fre > h. registered Hoi- stein OOTV- . Inquire at 5305 Burt street. Q Sll II * AT great sacrifice , flne cabinet Grand piano , good as new. Address W 67 B e Q-644 M15 GOOD surrey at 1 Like street , cheap. O S2C-I3- mdin fine condition , very cheap if taken quick Owner and goods her' for a few da\s Tnok it in tralh nre big bargain. 36 U S. National Bank BWc Q M 45 21 XOTICE. ceuntry dealers Id hind furni ture i Move ? sold at lowest price ? , car load lots or leES. Chicago Furniture Co. . 1405-10 Dodce R MI5I M5 WILL ship u carload of furniture to i'hi- ca ? " on Ap'il Si or IS Parties ha\-tng u carload or itss to ship will av mon y by calling on Albert Cahn. 1222 Farnam R-MW1 2 ; CLAinVOYA * T5. MRS FRITZ , clairvoyant. S17 N ICth. MME Gyltner. genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge. MA-WGE. OATHS. ETC. HATTIE BERTR.A.NDE. thermal baths , niasage. 1E15 Howard , 3d floor , room L T M251 MS * FRANXES de Seutorious of K. C. . 107 N li T 437 Alt' MRS. F. BERRY , bath , massage Attnd- ants. 119 N. 16. R. U. Ind floor , opp. P O T ME20 A17 * BEATRICE HARLOW. elegant massage , baths. Egyptian treatment. 1701 Leaven- worth St. T MS3C H * MMS. AMES. R. i 607 S. 13 : mas.ige baths. T MTS1 M-17 * MME. SMITH. Room i 11SH N 15th I T-753-M17- 1 MRS DR LEON , electric bath parlors , flrst-clafs assistant. 417 S. llth. upstairs T M773 MIS VU VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 34S Be BMr. U-73 ! BATHS , mas.age. Mme. Post , 31S > - S. 15th. T * - . I u ' - ' SUPERFLUOUS hair.wrinkle..moles warts , freckles blar-kheads , pimples removed for ever by elevtr ! < _ lty ; bu. t developed , nerk. ' arms , cheeks made plump. MmPayne's bairdre-sms parlors. I l Lcavenworth. Tel. SZ U US , PRIVATE hospital for l&die. before Sc durIng - i Ing contlnemest ; bebl&i adopted. 113C X 17 ' i i 1 U-7 | MONHEIT rhiropodist & hair dressing , Douglas Blk. opp Hayden's. U Sll A DR. ROY. chiropodist ; corn ; removed. So and upward , P.oom ji Frenzer block ! ! HORSES clipped with electric clippers. Omaha Stables , cor. llth and Howard ' GIVE your order for cut flowers and plants i to B R. Ball. J N. Y. Life. Tel isr ; | ' LIEBEN , 1J13 Howard , all kiaiie hair goods ' , i U-7J5 I WALL paper cleaned. F. E G S 1SS4 V ' Sd ft. U-MJ33 Mil * ! ' LADIES In trouble end proraot relief , I dr5 with staaaps. Box 4 , Osgaha. Neb i UMWlNeb ) HOW to win at poker , a surt system fu 1 I , particulars. 56c. Address Box J * < Omaha. . U M J0 9 * j MOXHEIT leader In hair goods and toilet ' preparations. S > ) Douglas Bik . opp Hay. d S f U-5 AIS * A RELIABLE horn * aad trwuaent of ail 1 trouble * peculiar to woaieo. aoj for i ladle * befor * and during c nnaeiBfcnt. ! i Addrtu Box 757. Omaha , Neb , U-70J Mli * BUY throush O aha Purchasiog Acaacy. 151 ! Davvoport St. U * * Mli' SHIRT WAISTS to order MC fco 17th U-M744 MT Y J EAN'N * , - ' -e i * r - - - - & . " \ - J c I * * F3'-a F'- , v - " : i. * * t > \i . 51 1 KTtFI TiiTS h T war1 * and n > f > 'e ' fr and tun dentla. A.I w > rk ( ruaranteed. M'm Allfnder , 174 A VERY de irafcle girl foadopt' n. i : years" i of a * ' , .lark * > rot > ryf * a lif > cirl . rear'v > month * iM. m thea Catholic . nd wi h > her fhlUI t go Into a Catholic j home. Child S rln InMltute. 9 S l h it. i U S < B S * i BIG pay to men of chifietw. pu h end I abintv to repro ont a work which man * 1 rinoh the state aid wh ! . ' * ! li heinjt pro. < * .j - il br th * be t men in tbe tat Ad- dre W g. Bee office. U-MTK B , i J& ; ATT R Ki ? f < noVfl ilfijC K 9 , u t mi T ti"i ? rim I i i A furnlfirr r p lrinc 7 S S. 16h. T-i 1SK , . i ' HYPX' TISM. heallnc and med-jtn ! hp ! taurht M Prof Barnar ! or writ * . 1 JEO N 16th st . room SS. Omaha U-MMO iii J _ ' _ . ' _ _ ! ! . . . . _ ' _ - " ! i MOMSV TO L0.HEL IS TATIS. I . l JIW : "no.on special fund to loan on arv-"lass | improved OSIBW ! property or fr > bui'dla * i purposes. Fidelity Trust Cmapany ' W 7J6 J1W A v'D up. F. D. WeaJ. ISth and Douglas. W-7 4 'I tu. PER CENT taonsy. Bemls. Fasten Blk. WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm i in lows , eastern Netu or Mo , it will n v ] you Anthony Loaa & Trust Co , J15 N. YL. ' | ' WANTED , choice farm aad city loans R c 1 Peters & Co. , 1'K Farnam , Bee Bldg. ' : 11.009 up to lonn on improved city property ' & farms. W. Farnam Smith & Co ; ia o ' Famatn. W c Sir ' Ct. Chas E. Willlaasoa , C. S. Bkbldg W-787 > O < . . --L. . CHEAP money for investment ; arents wanted. Investors' lists for sale j Investors' Directory , N. Y. W J69 ; ' ' MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real , estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 59 So. 18th. I w-7a ! $10.000 PRIVATE money , low rate. J H , Sherwood. 43 N. Y. Life. W SC3 MORTGAGES. Wallace. 113 Brown Block. W-7 LOANS. Potter-Sholes Co. . 310 X Y L'fe ! I ' W-743 1 6 per cent loans. Garvln Bros , 1613 Farnam. ' ' | W-SIO I ' I MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms , lowst ra'es. Brennan-Lov Co. , 119 S. ISth , Omaha. W 744 MONEY TO LO.V.N CHATTELS. ! MONEYTO LOAN ONMONEY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES CARRIAGES. WAGONS. ETC * LOW RATES-EASY PAYMENTS. j You ran pay the money back in any amounts jou wish and at any time. j each payment si made , lessens the cost of carrjing the loan. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN co. . 30B SOUTH 16TH STREET. MONEY MONEY X-733 _ MONEY loaned salaried peop'e holding per- tnan'nt position with responsible con cerns upon their own name , without secur- itj . ea y payments. Tolman , R. 703 N. Y. Life Bldff. X 745 MONEY LOANS MADE TO SALARIED people holding permanent posl- MONEY tins on their personal note without indorsement MONEY LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS Room IIS Board of Trade Bldg MONEY 16th and Farnam Streets. X 7S5 MONEY loaned confidentially to high- classed salaried people , without endorser. mortgage or security of any kind other than their onn names , can repay in In stallments : call and see me and you will receive courteous treatment- Omaha Credit Co. . C. E. Jennin i.Tm "iager. suite S25-5:6 Xew York Life Bldg. X 73tf MOXEY loaned on piano ? , furnltur" . horses , cows , jewelery. Du2 Green , B. E , Barker blk. X-745 MOXEY loaned on pianos , furniture , jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Rted. 219 S 13. X 256 MOXEY loaned on furniture ngs bcycles. diamonds watches , etc . payment * un known to friends Bergers' Loan Bank , 1416 Farnam. . X III CHAXCE5. FOR QUICK return * Ite ; your bargains a : O'Ne'.li s Real Estate Agency. South Omaha. Y " 45 IF you hav ? idle money and want it busy see Glover , Real EstBrokr. . 3K Karbach. E. M. CLARK , slgcsi Tel. 1701. 115 ttth DRUG STORE for saJe in good town in northeastern Nebraska , flne opportunity. AdJress T 44. Bee Y MIC ATTENTION. MILLERS' For sale or rent , the Anchor Mill property , a 75-tbl. im proved roller mill , wa'er power situated 4 miles from S--uth Omaha and 7 mil-s from Omaha , close to the Rock Island and Union Plfic roads For further par- tlculars address Box 115. Papillion , Ne braska. 1' M50S 17 UNUSUAL opportunity to invest J3X > or more , securing large permanent income. capital safe ; profits sure. H. GrlfSn. 11SO Broadway. Xew York. Y M78I M2 BIG chance for a hustler with a few hun- j dred dollars ; large profits , big future.I I I SO X Y. Life. Y-M755 i I DRY goods and clothing stocks , hardware I grocrrtes and drugs for sale or exchange. I we can find you a buyer or can sell you i goods. Write 5Ierchandle Broker 5u3 ' Brown blk , Y-M7J5 13 j WANTED , business man with some money to take positicn as secretary- and tr > a- urer with con-rolhne suvk in w.ll estab lished and profitable bu. 'ness in Chit igo Address H A. Kaastelntr. 359 Wt M . .dj j ison t . Chicago. Y-MS33 23 * . I WANTED. mjn with KW. Good business BU-cess ar-ured. Call between 9 and J. or 1 address H. L. , Midland Hotel. Y-MS41 r * TO EXCHANGE , 15 acres dear , vacant , in- plde city limits. Omaha : 40 exhanff - f T desirable Nebraska stock ranch , we 1 stocked and equipped. W SI , Be * Omaha , Y-MQv 2T j I " FOR SALE , st.ji k of drugs and fixture * I Bet fand in the cur. Invoice ab-jiit I J-i5 * ' Fn.taxla stand , no dead Ftuk.1 good pr .rt small exp-n-se * Xi cutting rea ci f. r - , ! -ng Big mining hr-om her- Am : mer * te < l in mines and de ire to g'\- v no ! - < tten'ion to mining A1 < lr - . < 4 jx ; So Mxun etre-rt. Salt Lake Cltv U-.ah Y-M-.35 Si * I FOIl n.XCHA.NOri. i FOH EXCHANGE. J400.00 stock new drugs for real est -te or horses. Address W 3" Bte. Z-M54 * - _ , A FINE modern 11-room hous wi of ' Hijh school on motor line , in exchancr ? for farm or other property Addre& < W ' 81 B * Z-M543 _ - ' I ENGINES to hprw : power Wesiinghoufc * . lw ( h. p Id * engine also 100 h p elftri generator to exrhangt for real ejtate. t Addr-ss W JJ Bet- Z M544 I Ton < t MI HEAL UsTATD. i LOG AN Valley farm lands a nd stock ranches. W H. Clement * . Lyoos. X b. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P.E-75C | PECK & CO . agenu and dea'ers in city and I , farm property . loans , rentals. J ] E jsth. _ _ _ P.e H7 j HAVE you * oroe lots to sell1 * Now U th-j ' time to i di p of them. l t the pof ; i . know that > - u waat to di po of th n. ! Th * Be * rahe the people whs have Uu > , RE-MC _ " FARMS' FARMS" FARMS' " Over IhM acres < rf Dougiac county land fur i salt * cheap Pno rant * from ISO per acr * up. wri ay you M lwe jgate The Byroo Retd c . , n * s. Uth St. Rg 759 _ _ _ LIST your property wltt us for ial - h ve the iut mra Ttis B > ro-i i < . nr- ' - - s * - - s- HE .1 T.5FS fa s .a ' - ttrs u urt Bc iS , j-ax i roii * vt.ic HIL r. T\in. O.VE11LS R s E ta- CTna K a Hea qn .r"r * f-r ret , * n\- ; man RE Til is the time to bur. * xJC ft at 17th nd Doma-ia * 5 . Bern : * . haSrt- blk PO yni think of locating in oron. th * land of rvd applet 4 rJ * * writ * to Th- ' & & * * " * * RE-MU1.MH * i FOR ! SALE. mwJers * n roe brick. S South Seventh * t-w. Coanell Bluffs , or l address 430 South Eleventh stre.-t , om h . , _ RE-MIS ; FOR - - E , everal nice vacant l ( t . c-Iear land end a few house * and lots . hea- > . will take saving * bank account * as part 1 pavment. J. A. Lovgren. room MI N Y Lift bldg. RE-M7B S , REAL estate In Omaha aad So. Omaha at i vrv low prices. B. R. Ball , 9S X Y. , I Life. T-l. l m Rg-gS j | SIGHTL1E3T i cbolesre 4drnc comer ! n city , south and east front , n w con r SSth * CalfornU : sts. . 130x1 JO feet. $4.5na. > JSclK feet , with brick building on Farnam. > i near 1,1th st. price , til.SOB. i 1 11 J per cent ( tr % Investment N. W comer ' Uth atvl California ts . tsse fully pai.l. . ' can be used for trackage purposes. IS.500 , 11SX1J4 1 f tt. northwest corner Park avenue | and Harnev ss ' : bmll offer. , S 1 full siiexl lot v ' .thin 7 blocks west of Ex- i ! position ground * for all. tio"n. j Farm laadp within S taile of Omaha from J to M per < ! ' . FTMWW. opp. old p o. , RE M4 I C31 CHARLES ST. . a nice sir-room rot- use. cly water : small bars : lot 39x140. Only half a block from the car and one block from Walnut HI ! ! schojl. LooK tins over , tben make me an offer on It. with terms to suit you. A. M. COWIE , ai South Eighteenth Street. RE M776 C. F. HARRISON. FARMS. 913 X Y L. \ I RE M586 M14- ! WHT don't you buy that S-rootn house. large barn , 3 full lots , larg' , bearing cherry trs. fruit < f all kind , J1.500. Best bargain in .de city limits. j Houses and lot all over the city at about ] your own price. | Vacant lot ftne residence lota in Hanscom , Place. JSOO to tl.200. , Ftne residence lots near exposition ground" JITS to * 4i Lots nar the Wa-nut H. : ; car line. $ > 5 each. [ Flrst-chss : quarter of land. Lincoln Co Neb . S175 cash. 40 acres fruit land in Mo. for J73 cash if sold at once. once.LTMAN WATERMAN SS N. Y. Life 'Phone. Iffli RE MS13 r * , 40 ACRES , three miles north of Floren . 11 fenced with thrte wireth : -r-"n house , barn , corn cribs , good w.j ' > aj > pie tr. commenced bearing i. st \ a plum trees , ' , acre In grap a.l u" ' . - cultivation 'n " . - ' except a acr s - -i - at the remarkably 'ow price of JT ? < pf- acre. This is a bargain One acre facing the B n. * i S : R P. Military road at the lox prKr . 'f f.'j * Lot SOxlW. with 7-ro in house , in r > i- t'nn in Hanscom Place onlv i. b o k - Ftr-et car. Has eleven fruit fee * a- , < ! * . - - shade tr-e : good barn and ci-t rn 52 sm This ! s worth Investigating Ur ar. > r.i w'shing a nice home. 6-roucn house , city water ind good ba-- ' i 44x1 f > . near 2 ( > th and Bancroft s' Jl I" " Lot Wt'XlSO ' 7-room house. In fin" ln. itio" . SSth and iSeward sts . h" use cast Jl f , " t' > build. pri ! Jl $ nn. Th'-s i a snap Lot 3 x115. 7-ro > m hous * , jj : ; iae""ft1 a"1 ! paint-ij. on.y one Nock f r > m > t .a- and "W5 hlccks from ? ch - > ! 4ust STJVT Jianscr > tn park $750 Thl Is n b 'tra - J A. LOVGREN HI i MI New Y"'H Life ABSTRACT OF TITLK * . HARRIS' Abstract C4.U" Bee t-i ) ! : M ' ° MEDIC VI- DR. PRIES , rennwned German = ; > eca. s' diseases of wom n : n.j fa.ure = sriv r-- llef. twenty yrars' experience r"ferere-s 1513 Dodge. Omaha ; letters , stamp" 1'V ' SI-3 DR. IIAXSFIELD'S monthlv r cut - va broucnt happiness tn hundrrds of ar.x „ trornt-n. hav ne\er had a : n--le ' i .r' lon e-it cases relie\ed In two tu fii ' without fail , no pain , no dans-r "O .r---- ference with work bv mail " > " "ffictJ. . A 1 lt'er l t"Jthfullv an were1 Th Man = fl-M Rem-Jy Co. 157 Dearborn st room 634. Chicago 11'4 ' i ! MEXERAY BROS nurrymen. . of Cr - < - c nt City are here In CowM Bluffa anJ Omaha with their fire 'ine of fruit -re crarvln - - = . rii and ail k.r.ds of fine shade trees flownne shrub. an > l roses their ao prouni" ar- located at S15 East Broad-vay Cnunc'l Buffs and cor ! > th and Cumms Sts and 21st and Far- nam sts. , Omaha where vt.a will be wait-d on at .ill tm-s ! with p'.easu"We = 11 all ro is vor heap and guarantee all srood * ftr'ta ! ? Omaha tel 15K. I Councf. Bluffs tel 4SO Mil * I TYPEWRITERS for rent. H 00 per month. 1 Th < > Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. 1C25 Farnam St. Telephone ] JS4. 5 I , \VE rent and tell the bept typewriters , I made. largt stock of supplies in Omaha. . ! I l'nit"d Typewriter & Supply Co. 1CU 1 Farnaia 755 , i i RE5IINGTOX Standard typewriter and supplies. ISIS Farnara 757 EAGLE Loan rfflcts. remoed to 5 W cor 13th and Dougijs. We a-e now r id\ JT ' business an i we r > ro-n se to itCtiri.e our reputation , as has always b en known a the most reli biv and aciommxiitng in the city All ar'- inv"ed to 'i- spect cur new store. Sol. Brodkey. pro ; . . JEFFERSON Square Loan Office. 415 X _ IS. , . llOnTIIA\D AND TYI'EWniTIXC. A. C. Van Sant s School , 717 X. Y. Life. .j3 AT OJLYHA Bus. CoiJ-ge. ICth & Dou ? . . = _ BOYLES' schoo : , uaurt reporter principal. Bee B.df ' ! O-TEol'ATin. ; JOHX5OX O > teopaiviic Institute suite SIS X. Y Life Bids T : 16 1 J W Di : M D . D O. cjnsulttnc pnrl > . . < in Mrs Alice John- oa , D. O , Ma'v HohsjT D O zradua'.ei of Anieiican SchooJ o ! Osteopathy. Kirks- I ' \-Hie , Mo Cld E Jr > r.r.son Mr 929 B SVLE. THE rt1re tork "f turn f.rar.'J etis left trom tne fire is now on sale at a Sdiri- ficti pri. t. must be c > .j w.thia M la-1- POT t fa. ! to * ( > ' * il * stcx-k. Wolf Za n- urJJ7 Farrara > 674 U.\M.I\C "CHOOL. TS th ru'-er-.y master the waltz and twofep in private le jns. J5. Slice dUK-sn t ugi.t iU-y pu ; . Is of this school arr jn the stage now Moracd E. | U10 Harne\ : bSH-AK HICYCL.I > . SEW wheels { .SMup ' 'i-r.and ne ls K up ; repairing * supp ! e um-inatiJ-jcJe Co - * \KKHI. 1'H.TING. Anythicg Sterling ! Wjrks JS X : US * \ IOL1.NItK C A. CASE violin * repaJrejd 416 Shee y b , * M75M.s HOTELS. TRY til * Hmdersin Ho el baarl and roon- . M'JO ptr Hern ; aam neat and ba n- Xin'h and Farnaw Si 7C7 DRESSMAKING M fc S.-ri. Jl.s. cjiooi. or * NCH GermiS' a- . J. pir m < nth i" ' na e " . L * A' r ' l it S Y Ai. i ( illl 1) MINIM. . FIVE W ba * > i.f .iuit he n r Cf-H-l ftj the l * tniniif ( . 'onpjini < > f BJ1tt h < "j It 1s fmflj thj 1C-foot > vrt In ilii. stixf : and ajis .T.i from tX3 : ? STi ' < : he ton ( raid The ven t n * r * va f et and in a puff met a ; lie sulphide forirtatk-n ami coni'Mj * * t i irr"w r i h r wuh * Jei th Th-- ! ennu h rre in ttht t i fe .1 t n- * t * p ttti'.i. which will BOOTI be puriht ) d I The tnmp n > 1 > > ff rift s only > ( * snares at IS c'erts In ! of ! l rf < > - tnor r.d when ; his ls ue ts sold the pM ( f will be ad\an , .i . The ujfration .if * mill * M s an m k < - the t k worth t-nr if. ' " ther * BI > owr 11 tons n the < J"mp sr.d the < nznpant l aJ.lin to thl : the ra'e of V ions a da.i A rire - > p [ nrun.t > No k. Ca'.l a : : v > B < e BuH1 ! nc an ! ee tie IMIVTIIKU niovTOII * . MATTRESSES < r newed 707S ISth. Tel 7S1 ' ! > T V tJIUHlM ! AMI ; CCSED , 3oC N Y Lift. Julia aJC > - . : ) * .T\rt \iTom. . MANY ne designs . 'u t fem Piri i- tnenta. . work a j > ei.ail > G nne..a ; . ' ? j . MIDI : uniiimo. . HALF SOLES 35c J Pulone. Sli X : ' " * 6 AJ.i Kit I'l. VTl\O. GOLD & all k.nd * of p'.atlcg ' 13" : Fi-iam 41 - not -i : > io > nit. W Ct'Y. ' knai-J a : ' . .6 5 : Mit Av 8SS- , GASOLENE < ; f-1 .s. - a - - ' l.'OT ' fo-S Te. r- i * K. W ) i , SUES & CO. PATENT , L / U'-OtRS * > D SOIICHOKS Bee Bldq , Omaha , Seb. Sen-1 for fre ? invent- orn1 cuiae. Tel 1613. 2 tna. . BURLINGTON & MIS- ? ou-i R xer Railroad ' T - * B-irl ncton RDUte ' i < ; nt > a ; < > B1ces X W. - : Tenth and Far- ' na.n Streets. TKket . > ! * ; 1502 Farnam Str "t Telephone , 150 Depot fen-n ar i MasDn Streets. Tele- ; - - C.V L ' HJ"c anj M ' k " 3 5.40 am a 7:40 : pm L'T r IT' * -r " " ' n - ' "o'o- a ; , ' --r.a a 4.13 pra a 2:55 : pm L.- - E > . k Hi'ls ' M " a- i < s Puget P r d a 4.15 pm a 3:00 pm Lir - . LCK , a 7.00 pm alO.35 aaj L' " - F Mi. a I 03 nin alO.33 am Den\-- i" -a.o Utah. i ra. . ' rn.a a 6 0 am a 1'ai.v b D-i' y Except Sunday. CHl . \ BURLINGTON ' & w Railroad "Th ? Burl ncton Route" Ticket < -tfi t 150 * Farnam St. Te' 2.V ) Depot. Tenth & Mas-in Streets. Tele phone. HOLeave. Leave. Arrive. KANPAs CITY , ST. JO- s t h i Council BluCs P.aj-'D.i 3"The Burllnt- , r K-"jt - ' Ticket Offlce. ; .02 Farrn Street. Tel ephone , 250 Depot. Tenth aa Ma cStreets. . Tel- e , - . r.c. 3 : . i-eave. Arrlva. Kansas " 'T DaET a > "yam \ a S'45 pm N * " . > Lx aij.j pm a 6.30 am F . r .a 4.33 pro all:30 am a Da .y - . ELKHORN 4 : MissD-iri Valley Rall- roaJ "The Northwestern Line jeneral OClc9 United States National Ear.k Bide. . Southwest Corner Twelfth and Far nam Str eTicket Offir1401 Famain S"eet T- -r-n ne in Depot. 15th and Webster Strts Telephone. 1455. Leave. Arrive. Back H'll ' Deadwood. H t Spr.r. ? . . . a 3. pra a s.00 pin W > m.1Casper and Do'-rlas d 3:00 : pm d 5:00 : pm > Yo'k. David CH > Sup roGntva Exe-er ana -warJ b 3:00 pm b s:00 pm Norfolk V'rjigre and Fremont . .b 7.30 am blO5 : am Lincoln \\au o and Fr m > r. : b 7.30 am blO : am Fremont l.o. a ! . . c 7JO : am a Da. : . : ! > - , ! ' } Eit.ep ; Sunday , c cun- day on x d t > a ! Exr-tpt Saturday. H7TToa ST"PAUL. . M -n-apolic & Omaha Ka. . way "The North- Wei..ra Line" General < itfl' es Nebraska Dlvl- s n. lith and Webster S-i C.ty Ticket Offlce. Tek-i.hone . , 561. Depot , 15th Leave. Arrive. " err a C.10 am a 7:00 pm # iojx ng- . b 1 W pm oU:15 pm . ! . 1 a 5.10 pra -n.- ' . a 9:00 am i- ' t Sunday T'.UX ' CITY * PACIFIC Ka.'road "The North- - - --n Line" Genera : i * t-s. United States Na Bank Building. s- \ \ Cjrner Twelfth anrl Farnam Streets 1401 Street. Tele- Depot Tenth and Mason Leave. Arrive. Sioux city Mankato & Paul. Minneapolis .a 0 3 am a S-40 am St. Paul Minneapo 1 * . Mankato & Sioux CJiy.a 5"I5 pm llt : > J pm S oux fny Lucal a 75 : am a 9:05 PR > a Dauj ; CHICAGO & NORTH. -rn Rallway-"The t.iwestern Line" Ti ket Offlce. 1401 t arnum Street. Ttle- t r.'jCl. . Depot Tenth aMason : Streets. Tel- Leave. Arrrlve. go Spe- a . am alliS pm Va .f. ' Pi' . x t'll > , St Pa . ! t. M nr.ti i > - ells . . . a 5.50 am ! ! * ) ptn Mo. Valley. SlJUX City a 7:48 am a : W pm Carroll Lo'al . - b 5:3 : pm bJOUS ajn Es.'tern ) Extrecs. De * Molnes lU'shai town. Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage . . . . . .all.'team a 4:06 pm At.antic Flyer Chlcaco. ar.d Hast a t.K pm a | :0i pm Fa.t Ma 1 ' ' . .ago tj ' .n iha 9 , I.4i pra X , v. < r- F.Lvi a S pra a 6.49 am i a 7.05 > pm a 6 15 am MS srn > Except Sunday U.MAHA & . ST LOUIS PORT KJ 'jaj Omana. Kan- f C > y A : E * ttrn Rail. l ARTHUR 'an 'The Port Arthur ' Hjutt TioHM OOte * ROUTE Uli i'arnam Str tt Tel- 1 , , -I nune. 3 = . Depot. Tenth u d MaxiB Str * > U. . i Leave. Arrive , S I- . . Balls Express a 4. p j a S J6 aw -s Cry jnd Qu.nry * ai . . . a :50 TO a tM pw Lai v ailSSOI'hl PACIFIC RAIL- r ai-'Jeneral ' Office * aad T rt uaic * * . Southeast Cor- : r li'h aad Dou M ti j. v , . tic 104 D-oot. ' et < s' " ' Bt- tii * Ltavt. Arrive. C --3 il * * - * r rr > . 1. 15 pq . - 9 a - > a „ " ttn \ \ \Kn UN , N r \ riKTi'THKnVK' - > J : Cor Ninth nd JFirna - alii str M Tel-pic' Depot. Tenth and Ma . < Strt Telephone. < V Le ve Arri t. _ Limited" lor I'tah. Idaho. Mon tana. California i > r - ( ro i it > j Wa pain's S Irflrm Th * Colorado for Denter and ail Colorado points a ft ti i am Pa. iflo Expresd for Salt Iflc Coait and a'l wefliern point ! < < 4J : ptt ft IM : am Lincoln. Bistrir * and Stramsburg Etpm * ' - 1.8 pa bUJt pm Fremont. Columbus Norfolk Grand Island and North P aite .a 4.K pa b 4:41 pm Columbus Loral b 5 pm bU JD pm North Platte Loral . a : H pm South Omaha Loral Paj-L * vs. lli : a. m. . 7.-00 a , m . 10.10 a a . S.-t * p. m. Ar rive * . 10.48 a m. . lit p. m. ; p. m . 6 p ta. Council Bluffs Local Leaves ES5 a. m C 40 a. m. ; 6.50 a. m . 7.40 a. m. . b ft * m . 12.2 * P m. . : 15 p. m. . 4 35 p. m. . 4ti : i m , 6 ' 2K p m . 5 ° tt p m. . 6 * SO p. m ; 8 : JO i > m . i" K > p m. Arrive * ( Si m : 7 * n. m .5 a m * 4i a tn . 11 SI a nt , IXS p. n 4 ' p m i "S im 5 3 < p rr. , tA > , r 'i , r- " f i n . : : ) p m. ; 11.1 ; m x ei t Sindiy H-G.i ROCK ISI - Brrtf ! " ' & 1'ariflr Rallron i T " lr. ! at Rock 1 - Rocklsland a 1 H. ' , . ' , . C tr Tltk- . ' t I'CS Farna'n S---- . . t T-lephnne. 4. 1 - T-nth & Mason ! 5- : ts TfUphone. t > 29 I.eav" Arrl\ M nat - * b 7 % am bll-U a-n at > t.xir-j - oil 15 am a $ .10 am . , . 1- i t K . . a a i > ptn R l S put r i . ' . Fa : K- * a 5.W pm bll J6 am i 0 n. Colorado . . Denver. Iueblo and \Vest . a pm a pra Des Moines Rock Isl- anl nna Cnlrdfe-c . a IS pm a 5:50 : pm Colorado Flyer . . a .SO pro a 8 JO am a l > * lly b Daily except Sunday. _ CHlCAlia MlLWACKEE & St. Paul Ralway Ci'v Ticket Office. 1304 Farnam Street. Telephone SS4. D- - rot. Tenth and Mason Sj. ; TeleBbone. 629Leave Leave Arrlvo Ch. ape Limited Ex . .a S 45 pm a 5 JO &m Chliasro i Umaha Ex . .bll:00 am h * .o pa Sicux Clt.\ & Des Molnes Express . bll : < 0 b40u.a a I'siily b Daiiy except Sunday. T ABASH IIAILROAD- Tlcket Oface. 1U5 Farnaia Street Telephone , SSI. De pot. Tenth and Mason Streets. T'lephone. Cs. Leave. Arrive. uis "Canon Ball"a a 4 50 cm aS 53 am \OTICE. ( Should be r-ad DAILY by all Interested as chantes ma } octur at an > time ) Foreign mail- for the week ending Apr. 2. lvi9 will > ' 'ISP i PROMPTLY in all case * , at the General PostorSce as follows : PAR CELS POST MAILS close on- hour earlier than closing time shown below. Trnii'iitlniitic Mull * . SATl'RPAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND ITALY. SPAIN. PORT- VGAL. Tt-RKEY EGYPT and BR1T1S11 1XDIA. ttr s s. La TouraJne * . via Hax'e ( letterf for others part * of Europe mu t b < directed "p r La Touralne" . at S a. m. foi NETHERLANDS direfH. per s. s. Maas- dam via Rotterdam litters must te < 1 reoteJ "per Maasdam' I. at 9 am. . foi ITALY , per 9. s All r. via Naples iletten mitt b airw-ted "per Aller" ) ; at 10 a. m for SCOTLAND direct , per s. s. Ethlop' ' i via Glasgow ( letters must b3 directed "p-i Ethiopia' i. at 10 a. m. ( supp ementar > 11 M e. m > for EUROPE , per a. i. Cam pania * . via vueenstown. PRINTED MATTER ETC.-Germa- steamers sailinc on Tu-sdays take printed matter , etc . for Germany , and specially addressed printed matter , etc. for othf-r parts of Europe. Am Ttcan and v\n te Star steamers on Wednesdays , German steamers on Thursdays , and Cunard. French and German steamers on Satur days Uke printed mail"ftc. . . for a 1 countries foi which they are ailvfrtked 10 carry mai * After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic mails nAnied aoove. ado.- tional supplementarj' malls are opened nr the piers of the American. Encli 'i French and German steamers , and remair open until within ten minutes of the houi of EaJllng of steamer. .Mail * for -ontli nml Cvntrnl Ainrrlca > V - t I ml ItKte. . SATURDAY At 9.30 a. m. ( supplementarj 10 a m i for ST THOMAS. ST CROIX , LEEWARD an.l . WINDWARD ISI AND ? per s. s Caribbte ( letters for Grenada and Trinidad mi t be directed "jx-r Caribbee 'l , at 10 a m. ( supplementary 10 3 < a m.i for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA. SAVANILLA and CAR.THA- GENA. per s f Adirondack ( letters ! . r Costa Rica must be directed "per Adiron dack' ) , at W a m , ( supplementary lu : e a m.i fT K.VTr 2"i = A > * T4 MARTHA. Dtr * . s Andes , at 11 a. m for CUBA , per s. s. City of Washing-ton , via Havani ( letters must be directed "per City o ! Washington" i. at 11 a. m. ( supplemer. tary 11.30 a. m ) far PORTO RICO , i i San Juan. VENEZUELA and CURACAO. also SA VANILLA and CARTHAGENA , via Curacao , per s. s Philadelphia. SUXDAY-At " 1:30 : a. m for NASSAU. N. P , per steamer from Miami. Fla. Mails for Newfoundland , by rail to North Sydney , and thence by steamer , dose dt this otike dally at 30 p. m ( connectir. close here every Monday. Wednesday ard Saturday * . Malls for Miquelon. by rail to Boston , and tbeno by rteamer close < sl this ci2c = daily at ' .35 p. in Mails f i Cuba , by rail to Port Tampa , Fla. . end thMiee by steamer , close at this ofic dally ( extent Monday * at " ' a. m. , con necting clo - * here every Sunday. Wedn > - . - day MX ! Friday. Malls for Cuba , by rail to Miami. Fla. . and thenne by ttoamer close a * this onlce everv Monday. Tues day and Saturday at " 1.30 a. m. . C" . nesting c-lojes here every Tuesday ar J Saturday. Malls for Mexico City. ove' . land , unless specially addressed for d * patch by st-ame-r. close at this ofllce dai.\ at 1.30 am. . and i 30 p m. Reglster'-l mail closes at p m. previous da < Registered mail closes at 6 p. m. e < rend day before. Trnn | i cIllo InlI , Mails for China and Japar. , per F. . " . Glen- Ofle ( from Ta < omc. 'iM = > ire dally ug u Aori' * "i7th 6'10 . at p. m. Mails for China , Japan and Hawaii , per s. 6. Copt ifr m San Francistoi. cluse here daily up to April " * * 2d at 6 3u p m. Mails for th * Society Islands , per khip City of Papi i ( from San Francisco ) , close here daily up to April Jlth at 6:30 : p. m. Malln f r Haw-ail , per e. B Australia 'from S..n Franc'sco ' ) flo , * ; here dally up to Apr l * * 27th at 6 30 p. m. Mall * for Austraii.i excpt West Australia ) , Hawaii and Fiji Islands , per s. . Aoransl ( from Var- couvert tluse here daily after April lith ind up to April " 2Sth at 6:30 : p. rMa'U fur China ami Japan , per s a. Empreua of CWna ( from Vancouven , clo * here dally up to May * * 'Jd at 0:30 p. m Mails fur Au > iralla ( except thce for West AuKraila which are forwarded via Eu rope ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , Fiji a ; 1 Samoan lalsnil * . per 9 Means < fr < m San Franc'ievj ) close here daily afur Aj > rt' Ssth and up to May " 'Utb t 6.30 p. m on day of arrival of g. c. Cam pania , which will probably arrlw May Transpacific mails are forwarded to porf of ailing daily and the schedule of elating la arranged no tee presumption of thr uninterrupted overland transit "Res - tered mall c r&e at C p m previous day CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster postofflce. New York. N Y . April 14. IsW. ' ! ' < I ofVlrrir. . Tl -Krnili | ; . CHICAGO , April 51 On Saturday ht Is regarded as a supreme iet of the Marconi syttem of wireltfs telegraphy uill be maj In thi city under ibe auspice * of the Tribune. Tfae z4vocatee of the system bate never tried it where large a s6 of ste-i are pr eat to exert an icSuence upon ibt elenric current and If the ngnal * can < .made to paw or r th * high bnildlngf u large citife * it will b a luccwts Tbe flrtt attempt will b made from the top of the Matooic Twnple to tb Auditoriuw. a < 1U- tinr of oathlrd of a mile. If thi n successful trialc will be made tetwium the temple and one of the water crib * la the 1. } iit'tilne Cnf io < - to Jur > . CHASLHiTOX , S. C , April : i. TJw Lake City lynching caw * TFM s-i eii to tfco Jury in Judee Bran ley ' § < eoim st 1 * 15 o'clock this afitrr.ocii. A di4fre oient U generally ex- pelted Jjdge Braer ! a del \er'ng hi > ihirge t t > . .1 t- ' A * * ! " . ft err , " r an * rb. 1 , - n r ' " g . j * - IT f > T 1 - -rv ' - 4 a' ) t-4a - j , t " i-.e vl LJk' ; t i