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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1898)
- : L : : - - - - - . , . 'r-- . .k-c-- : : z : . - ' - - . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . , -THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. _ , : _ - _ ' _ _ : _ I : .ESTABL1SIIED 1UE 19 , 1871 . OMAhA , IVEINESIAY MoRNLNG : , AUGUST 3 , PAEs. ; SIXG ii COPY : ciit's. r FLO\VER \ DAY PUT OFF'lul ' Inclement Weather Forc a Postponement of , A Omaha'3 ' Artstk Spcctac1o 'S t , RAiN iNTERFERES WITh THE I'ROCESSION r Manager3 Deciao to 'Avola the Thk and \Vait untiirriaay. GREAT CROWD IS MUCH DISAPPOINTED I - flouands of People on the Urn Watch the Pageant. I I I HASTY ARRANGEMENT 01 SUBSTITUTES tnIitter CIlIricNiIus II ii vrtciIIr 1'lnt , br IIrevurks H liii ieeIL1 , : IiIMic to 'L'zLkc ( II ( ! I'I&ttc or the Iii- terril liteil 1'rrttitL. * ) On account of the meteorological cornU tions that mndo the execution of the prO- jected program Ifl1pOSflJ1C. tiw florat pa- genut nfld other exercBeS of Flower LtY were pvtponed rnt11 1rk1ay at I o'clock. This Is the first postpoiicnlcut ot ony of the SPeCktl cvent o the cxpostton alit the tie- , ccsslty svaa regretteil alike by the manage'n i-zient nml the big crowd oi vooPIe that con- grcgatcd on the grounh to see the leautt- ml pcctnclo. In vartlal conhIonsatlon ) fur tile lo9 Of the ilemonatrathon of tlio evening hurried lIreParatlolls were iiiade to jUt PU the , pectacuIar fantusie , "From thtttlefluh'l ' to Fireside , " which ras entirely new to the out-of-town vialtors that matte up a large ' proportion of the crowd. , * The rattle of mm .lrovs . on roof unit Ic. . .4r lingo In the early morning Inspired dismal foreboaI1g In the pcople who have been - , working for wceks to make Flower Day one 1 of the hletlngulshiIng events of the ox- IOSlttDfl , bit os the rain disnppenred with the ( larkneMs anil the lulli odcaslonnhly broke through the clotidn to flash a pr01111130 of brighter stte later in the day , they worked on In the expectation that the conditions would ho more favorable in the evening when the grand pagccttit ot the day was to : occur , As the inornhlig wore away and theof ( . l clouds still gave no signs of clearing , the I committee decided to postpone the event. I The certainty of rain made this actIon un- .i perative. It was stated ly the passenger ofliclais or tim Omaha teroilnul lines that thatT . IU all probability the name intes that were , made for Flower day will be offered on . Friday , to vhtch day the Flower parade has been l)0StP0lCI. ) There will be recluce . rates Itito Omaha on Thursday on account , ' or the opening of the Indian congress , and the plan suggested liy several of the tms- senger officials Is to make these reduced V rate ticketa good for return on the Friday evening trains , allowing the holders to atny over to see the parade on Friday afternoon. V The matter will ho decided at a meeting : hero this morning. Vrr CIPOIL 'rott Vr'MI'llt. The number of people who vere on thc grounds yesterday was significant of what the result VOU1d have been It the condltiom I . hiatt been favorablc. it. was by some thou. . sanils tile biggest crowd since July 4 and I 1 large jroportion of It was composed of out. . I of-town people who came carrying a ! I i amount Of baggage that Inlllcated that the3 proposed to remain in the city for tile ful I limit. allowed by their tickets. 'rue niorniii trains brought long strings of coaches loalle ! I ' to the doors and by tile mitidle of tile fore - ! lOOfl tile arrivals \vero iii 11111 progress to - ward 1110 grounds. From 10 o'clock unti I some time after noon every north-bourn I . motor train was packed with people nIII I they poured into the main court hi contin - IOUS lilies. Tile eXteUt or the attCfllflnC a .J wal hOt perceptible In tile lImit ! court. as tii (1 ( is T soggy atnIosphere kept the bulk of the pee - pie in the buildings. 13111. tile Midway street 5 vero densely PopUlous and inside tile build - hiiga the aisles nnU corridors were crowie ( d until scarcely a foot. ut space remained. Till , feet that the anticipated event of UI e - day would not occur was not geiieruli y know ! ! lIntil vehi into tile afternoon. Tiler ye was a disposition on the part of some c the visitors to criticise the action of th C management , but as the eloulis became stE ii more tlireateniiig null rain finally ( cli I It ' \'a5 apparent that the parade could not hia e V leen stlCCeSllfllhly carried out , anr most If tbeni took tile JIlisfortUno IllIlosoPiIicaII . r I Tiley follIld more thiaii enough to oetip y their uttention and absorb their interest an d - found the cool atmosphere ( iCCldCdiy 11101 'e $ comfortable tilllfl tile blazing sunshine tin it WoUld have assurcU the success of the p I- 111(10 , liI4tS 01" 'I'ItIiIiS ii IItI , . itcire.'ii , 4 II t 1VCN lPtIle (1 rigI ii , * I L.i ru Is of lI. ' I.utiuuI .tNMu'IilIill , . AltitoUgit Inuttaii day at the expOsittOll Is not to ho observed until Thursday , It. is ti to ' talk of tile PeoPie vi1o visit tile expositlol a dUO , no doUbt , to the fact tilut Captain 'uIcl r- cur Is daily receiving and looking after U 10 wants of tile delegates who arc arriving to participate in the lnliarl congress , wiilc il will cont1tie ( luring tue exposition. Ti 10 large space vest of tile Tralisportatic In buillhing aiiotted to tile Indians Is rn1li(11 iy becoming a city of tents Roll evcrywhe re Withlill the enclosure the copper colored m 'n dId women , boys 110(1 gIrls , attired ill gI . blanlets. are viBibie. Tiley ore coating Ill . largn parties tlfli it Is certain that tim ca i ) It. taIri estimate of all ItttOlldlInCe of 800 w iii ' Ilot be fDr out of the Since Iti0ldfly ! a large number of India : 118 have arrived 011(1 a stiii larger number w iii arrive tOlly ( nOd tonight. witlie others w ill continue th cone in during tile b.llallce of tile week , Yesterday the Cilcyenno Rlv en Sioux C51l0 , bringing eight 1)001)10 ) , aIld we Into CI1l1I oil tile south side of tI grouiicls near the ilrulo Sioux , They' a ro hue BIICCIIIICXI $ and lIrtEent a striking a P' Iarnlca ) iielng weaitily Iiidana , they wr an flue appzrei ( hat is Intended to throw in lIt ) 5110(10 some of the garments owned 11) other tribea Frank Taylor Is tlio interpr 'O- ter and is a Perfect fund of inrorinati Oil hien it COIIIVS dev to 4eiilng hair-ralsi ag tales of life among 11111 Indians. V 1 Tile rapahoes and Cheyennes from Oki taI - I Itoma have COllIe in , They number twent y. tive liersOlis lu.ttd arc large atIti btrong 11 ( o. Pie , especially the 111CR. Those Indiaus Ire farmers mId cultivate large tracts of is lid UI1OU theil' reservation. Many of them spe alt the EllgiiSil iangungo quite svehi , Thu lIldians that attract collslrlerabie I It. tentlon are tile .1laCi1t'8 front au Car' ' los I'tgVllC ) ' , Arhi. Tiley are smaiier thall I ho liortilurn Il1hiallll , but what they hack In Ltaturu they niake up in activity , They i lre strong and 'wiry fellows , being as guick as cats , Their biankets are tile envy of I lile 'llit0s who visit tile CAlll. Made of I 1110 tillest wool 011(1 ( WOYCU by Ilaud , tile > ' art , 118 soft as silk aud as Illick as a board. 'I he coloring is artistic aud gaudy , red prove iii. lug , : viIero are wo delegail9us or Chippe as on tue grounds , one party coining from the L.a c ill Fiambenu and the other from the lul l ] River agency , both IU Wisconsin. They are % OO(1 ( intiuns and are skilled in boating an d boat bttiidlng. These are the people anWh Wh o will construct the birch bark canoes an d use ( hem for racing purposes ott tile La goon. LaT T ile liruio i0t1X from Lower Urulo Agency , S.n Ii. , lIMO COlIlO Uii five people. They are n mpcd in tilO neighborhood of their cousins , the Rosebuds and the Cheycnncs. Like them , the y are strong , hearty fellows and wake a tin e ntpearance. C oaling from near by tile Sacs and Foxes of Tama City , lit , , are sought. after by most of thco visitors. Witlie these Indians arc ire babhy more aboriginal than many of tile oth ers they arc good friends of the whites nt l have been for a great many years. The 10 tribe ilas been handed down .1 * said 1Ji , . Is the Fox version. _ _ I lllfll years before tile white man a en the Arncricau sh ores they were a grrat nation , tile warsta rie rs being as numerous as tiic leaves of til e forest , their domain extending from th e sea. veii over toward tile Great Lakes , Th ey were bravo allul as a result they entil gath ged ill war an' ] Willie often victorious th ey lost large numbers of their young mc ii. On account of. their cunning and tilFa eir fleetness tiley say that the Great Fa ther gave them tile name that they still ret ain. The Sacs , as laid down by inlian ( tra dition , occupIed the lands in the vicinity or tile liloUth of the Mississippi river , but ev entunhiy tnoveui 11Oct11 aild Inter on bega Cfl lflC involved in nr witil the Whites. They ve re under the great Indinu leader and Co lIncilInan , Chief iliackilawk , flInt after the 'n r that bears huts flalIle formed a union th at has been retained Ulltii tills tiny. Tlley' re gard i3laclchiavk as tile greatest leader Wl lO ever hived. After tile flinekhawk var tit e 111CR and women of the two tribes marca n ed and lnterlnarl'ied. 'l'iley quit the war pa th and became tillers of tile soil , the m ain body of tile tribe being'rcinoved to in dian territory , but tile ones now Ilere ere located upon tile reservatloll which th ey now occupy in fowli. FF0111 It powerful tl' Lbo they have gradually dwindled down un til the nulnericai strength of tilC tribe is flow hut about 400 , including men , S' OfllCll aDd children. This branch of the Sacs and Foxes , known ns MUsqtlflkieS , are camped Just to the east of the olflco buildings and instead of liv- ili g in tents , as do the other Indians , on- ClI PY wickiups. Tlleso dwellings are con- st ructed of wiliow poles and mats. Tbe Po les fIG piaced In the ground In tue form of a square and the toils tied together , fo rming a framework about fourteen feet . sq uare and eight feet iligil. Over these arc I sp read thick and lligllly colored mats , con- . st ructed by the Indians from tile rushol I th at grow in the SWUlUPS and iowiands . T ile material Is woven by hand and showt I a high degree of skill , The Sacs and Foxel 3 ar e artists and as evidente of tills It. I ! I o nly iecessary to see soUlo of their bead. . w ork which is llPOfl their fancy hiankets , th eir leggings and bonnets. The beads art I SO WCI Oil with sinews and nrc arranged Ii 1 p erfect sqtlflreil and geometrical figures . figurest T ile Sacs and Foxes are anlahi Indians , bul t u nusually wcli built. They are straight a I a rrows , bread -shouldered and very strong . T hey hsvo unusuaiiy email feet and hands , of which tllcY feel very proud. The Interpreter In charge of the Sacs an I F o\CS is a man with a history. His flamI I is Joseph Tosson , now Ilear 60 years of age , b ut ( (5 supple as a boy of 15. At tile tim I o t the war of the rebellion lIe enlisted ii I t he Second Nebraska regiment of volunteeri 3 a nd served with distinction for three years . l Ie is a nlclnber of the Grand Army P05 t a t Tama City afld is regarded as one o f ti le best and most influential fllenlbcrs II a ll as lived with tile Indians nil of his lit a n ull is rich , owning a large tract of thud , m any cattie and horses nnd a good sizei ii b ank account. lie has raised a fnmiiy o f s ix children , all of whom have died , witi 11 t ile exception of one SOIl , wile is now ii 1 S ciIc.oi at Lawrence , ICnu. Mr. Tosson feel 5 v ery prouut of this boy and will do every . - t iling ill his power to give him a finishe ci e ducation. Josepil Tosson's father was a f ull-blooded Indian and always a. warr a f riend of tile Wilites. lie died last sprin g a t tiuo age of 05 years. Tue cider Tosso n \ VilS a bcoUt under General Ilarney dunn g I lls campaigns against the Sioux when the y r aliled tile early settlers of Nebraska. 0 n a ccount of ills bravery ho was given a medal by the government. wlliCh Mr. Tos - 110W has ill his possession. CXCIiit't' IN 1.L1U O1'T1Lli l'iLt 1)1 . - Sieciuii i'erfonu.lzlllca of 1 Ii. ' Dali .1 I'It'IlM SI l Ill t I tultie of I'cojIe. In tile absence of the floral parodo thi 0 s pecial concert that hastily Improvise a ( or tile elltentainlllent of tile expositio a C losed last nlgllt. did much to rcconciio tl : IC P eoPle Wile Ilad come expecting to see a mci 'O unusual spectacle. Tile Plaza was packc ' 11 with one of the biggest audiences that ill is congregato(1 there since thu oxpositic In opened , and in SPite of the disagreeable ai L- mosilbero tile peopio seemed to titonoughi Ly enjoy the pertonmance. Tills ilcltldei ! ( sei , - oral of tue features that have previols ! ly : ) roved most popular , and as they ren or I- tinciy new to the hulk of tile. crowd th 1y took it Witil ciii tile zest. of a first presentl t- tioll. Tue descriptive ( alItaslo , "Front lie t- tioflehi to Fireside , " evoked hearty deli :1- : onstratiulla , aild as a partial cornpcllatic 10 for tile PostPonement of the parade , the l ) V. roteeilXllCai finale was somewhat uore cliii ) . orate tiloll usual , 'Fhu Exposition orchestra and Phinney "a nd contributed a very enjoyable first pci .t , ivilicil Incitided a ilUnibor of popular sole C. tions , fluId tile WflX Ilguno of lhlsIllarcIt w as unveiled us an ctccnrnpanlnont % to tile so ' 1- Clllfl straills of Chopin's funeral Inanch , Bel 1- iiterlt's tieseniptivo composition , "The Indi in War Dance , " isas aIo repeated anti eve ry feature was vigorously applauded , Aft en tile concert tile hulk of 1110 crowd left t he grotlIlds , ilUt 000tIgil ronlaint'ti to keep I Ito Midway lively during the remaillden of I ho evening. .iMDNG : S , tiirutsle.i , 1ti'ii , I I i ilifliN , : u 114uulri Ill Iii ICuIINII.t it Iii 'Ii' III ltIll1uits. Tue usual degree of activity continues to prevail in the horticultural buliding and all of the states are getting tilcir fruit exhib ita in first-class condition , tilus convincing ho visitors from thu far cast cOIl other rerni ito points that tue transmlasissip1li country Is the great Orcilard of tile UnLtd States. .A. I" . Coliman , in Cilllnge of tile b Wa fruit exhibit , is giving Nebraska a dc ISO Chase when it comes to showing Ollythi ug but 510011 fruIts. lie lies put on a doz en varieties of apples during tlio last couple of days and 110W be has ills tables fitted i with fruit that Is as tempting as any c : ; seen. lie is also shoWing 110w grap Cs , PiUlila and cherries , \'anui Atwood , son of Cilairmail iitivc iou of the Missouri iftato Horticultural socie ty is lu tue citto remain several weeks. lit ; is assistieg Supertutendelli Nelson in ke4 p. ing tile Missouri fruit exhlbi in good c ) fl. dIllon , Missouri has added to Its fruit d Is. play in tile Horticultural building by phd lug IlpOn thu tables a large exhibit of iieacl lIes raised by J. 0 , McNair of } Co3bkonong , L ast - ( Continued on Fifth Page , ) P OiNT11t FOR COVERNOR Bo ono County Statesman Will Be 0hoen to Lead the Fusion Ticket. IN TENDED TO PLACATE THE DEMOCRATS Sf1 1111' uf tin' IlotIrilohiM Are ? nt ! 'tntiui- flei , 1.uit luut nf t111 l'ohfterniPi SCeill ISP He i'Inu'd iItii 1 lie CilolIe. LINCOLN , Aug. 3.-Speclai ( Telegram.- ) Th o nomination tonight by the tripartite co nventions of W , A , Poynter of Boone to oc cupy the place on tile ticket filled two ye ars ago by the name of Governor lloi- co mb is the result of contributing forces Wh ich made it imperative , if the fusion emIl- bin atlon were to continue to nlnkc the fusion sta ndard bearer for iSIS a popilist iiflti a pO iUiiSt ) otdcInocratic antecedents anti protio cil vitics , ' While soinc of the democrats , especially til ese who foiiowed in tile wake of the pop- oc ratle organ at Omaha and were pulling st renuously for CongressInhill Stark , are not en tirely satislied , tile choice of l'oyiltcr is an effort to julacato the democrats anti aliay so reness over the small share of tile spoils all otted to tileifl. Tills ' \'as done iy tile bi gger icailers of the populist party , tile Po PUlist members of the congressional ilcie- ga llon who were jiresont 111111 constantly pro. te stiilg that tlley were taking no hand in th e fray flIlui Whose covert iniluence Call be re adily 50011. The sciectioli of i'oynter to ilead tile l)0P oc ratic ticket must. be conceded by nit to ha ve cienlents of strcngtll as well as veak- 1112 55. I'oynter is au old-tilne uienlocrat wllo ca ine to Nebraska from 111111015 IlinctecIt ye ars ago 01111 settled on a farm in 1300110 co unty. lie is fifty years of age , old enough to have served in the war for tile preserva- ti on of thu union and not too old to have se rved In tii war witil Spain , ilut , Im served in neither. lie says lie cast ills fir st vote in Nebraska for Hancock , but , so nn drifted into the alliance niovelneIlt. In 1S 85 ho went to the legislature , tile only 1Sm m elilber elected us an lndepclldent. In 1SSII lI e. WaS a Cafldlhflto ( for auditor on the dm11- oc nat state ticket and of course was deth fe ated. In 1890 he vent to the legislature ag ain , this time as a populist anli state 6011- , at or , and became president of the senate. , In i84 he ran for congress as a populist iii I a three-cornered figbt , eiccting a repub- ii can and carrying a democrat to defeat witL I 11 1111. W'Iletiler with his kaieidoscopic record I h o ivhll bring strength or weakness to th , ti cket Is the problem that the returns will I s olve 23O a. Ifl.V. . L. hand , impatient ovei . ft delay of the democrats to come In , trict to get the conference agreement rescinded b ut It only resulted in another unaninioul ; b allot for PoylIter. It Is only a questlor I o f tiflle until the conventions unite oi I P oynter. Then the fight for lieutenant gov. - c roon will foiiow. The aOmIflatlOilS of till o ther candidates will COfllO easier. Tin : . c onventlone seenl bound to stick it out , bu it will be inornillg before the whole tlcke t w ill take shape. . 5 ' ( ) i'II.IS'I'S 1tU BY , LtC11INiiItY . l ) rglLxlIzulIuull ofihitCo11s'll ( 11,1 % Ac ( ' , , nllIINI.c.L 1 , ' ut Little IU1itiZill. LINCOLN , Aug , 2.-Speeial.---The ( pop . O ust convention was , as usual , slow gather - l og in the Oliver theater , where It was P tI h ave Ulet at o'clock. it was nearly 13 o 'clock before the seats wore even fain : V fi lled. Chairman Edmisten called the meet . t og to order with a few remarks in whilci ii h armony and assured success were tb C w ords enlilihosized. The tileme of tll 0 o pening music was "Tho Jollyl Popocrat , ' , , l ed by Dr. 13. J' . Lang of York , s'lio hcep t j oiiy tUne to it with his popocratic too t a nd succeeded In winning an encore. Tb 0 I nvocation followed by ReV. Gibson of Lec : - I ngton. For temporary chairman Wither F. Dry - a nt of Cedar. W. L. hand of Buffalo , 0. Ii : . Kretsingcr of tinge , Judge Adams of Kear . n ay and M. F. lharrington of 11011 won C v haced In nomination. Krctsinger and ibai . - n ington declined and on noii call Judg 0 Bryant was elected , the vote standing : Dry , - a nt , 570 ; Adaflis , 466 ; Kretsinger , 16. Bc I- f ore the result was announced hand witi 1- d rew in favor of Bryant. Tile vote on toni 1I I- p orary cilairman indicated an agreement be , - ti Weell the principal gubernatorial aspirant : ' i iIclUdtrlg Edmistea , I'oynter and Nevili 0' ltt Bryant anti that theIr slate lInti we ; out bitt OiIiy by a ilttie over 100 votes , IL also Showeli that eleven CoUllties Were ci 1- tirely unreprcsenteci to the poplliist stat 1to colIventloll. On motion of Senator Aiic 'a ' Bryant was made the unanimous choice it the coaveation. 1'ui.uIlst Ic Sjut'cI , , George A. Mngney of Douglas and IL I L Siltck of Seward escorted tile temporai ' 1' ciuairnian to the stage. Ills speech w Cs cllaractenistlcaiiy iloPulistic. Among otht r tilings lie said : "The ilopuiist party has i divine fllissinfl The Aillenican republic ill : mission that is the reformation of ti IC vorlil. The ifliSsioll of tile populist part I is to carry forwarti tue llrincipics ape ) ; which the republic is fOllIllierl , I deny tii : 'it ' tile popuiists are aiInreilIsts , They ci 'r dellIOCratlI of tile Andrew Jackson strij , l auiul republIcans after Abraham Lillcoi n . When some one COnieS anti camps on oi ir ground wo allould not drive him away. " Dy suspension of the rules J. J , Ilwenin , 11am of iouguas was elected secretary nit 'I ; Foster of I'Lercc. II F , Alien of Cnss or ci Warwick Sauntiers of I'iatto arsistant scent . ' . tunics , Tile usual committee oil credentials wi 1 dispensed svitii , tllcro being no contests. I delegate tried to get a committee on PC : r- mllnent organization , but Chairnian un : ant refused to hear 111111 and deliberate r recognized a machine representative 1 offer ailti PUt fl motion making the ten ii- ponary organization permanent , This no IC action was rushed through so hastily Ill it Mr. Bryant forgot 01011 to stop to tile ! ik the convention for the now honor so U : Ii- CXiCCtt3diy hjeahled upon him , lie iniiiied Ii- ately got into a new snarl when a Dougi 'is C0lflt' 1111111 PersIsted In amending the pr 'C. arranged plan for a resolutions comnlitt Cu of toii , to consist of six , one fronl each eo 0- gressloillli district. Rather than hazard a roll call tile anieauimeat was accepted iu Senator AIctiano of Booiii' . tile author oyf the original motion. Tile conlrnittoc Is by districts ; First , Jay Burrows ; BeCOtll ( , E B , Thomas ; Third , John Ii. Felber ; Fount h , W , II. heroes ; Fifth , Ed Ii , Adams ; 51st ii , N. F , ilarrington ; with Judge Aulams as chairman. Cu.utu-r.uiet u ) I St. Senator Spreciler of Ccitax propo ! ted that the chairman appoint a dOUltlitteO ! of tilnee tfl confer with a ailllhar cojiiuiltI Leo of the sliver republican convenlion. 'iii en small bediaol broke loose. Douglas cout ity wanted to kflotV wilether tile silver rept lb. licana were to be recognized as of equ Jal ViOltht wilb the iOiltIltSts. I was PTOPOI ted that the populist coilunlttce be Increased to sIx anui again to nine. An original refora er wanted to know if this was a populist c m- Ventioti. General Barry tried to pour ii by appealing for generosity to the popul I5t allies. After several yotes the original it 05- olu tlon for a committee of three to confer wit h the silver republicans and democrats pre vailed. The following were named as the co mmitteet John C , Sprecher , 0. E , Iret. sin ger , George Abbott , T he elhairnian had evidently mlsplncetl the cornmittco lists and willie he retired to flx them up , Senator Alien responded to Up roarious calls and was Introduced amid ap Plause as the icatler of tile Populist party of the United States. Senator Alien said ; Alien's 4eeeit. The populist party not dead , as Is pr oven by the fact thht It Is cciv 110111- lo g the most ntlmerouay attended conven- tie n In years. The pricip1cs of tue party ar o destined to last forver. The irsucs of til e party are the samolas In tue past , anti tu e party will lievcr $ urrender until tito mo ney ( Ile5ti0il is finiiy settled , Legs th an four months ago I crc was a conspir- co y on part of tile 111 ney vower to var- tin ily recognize the in 'pondenco of Cttha , nn d tllus saddle the S aflisil debt on the Pe oPle of this country , tile scheme beilig ub antloneli only. after t us members of Tile sli ver Parties had pub In their ioutl pro- te sts. The ioliuilsts itiggestect the war io : iicy adopted by the atlonili alinlinistra- tie n. Meil of all poiii I are at the front , 1111 (1 the omeers WilD u the flifllieS are no t cii republicans Tii 111011 are not ilartito sa ils , but American cl zoos. All parties ha ve been loyal and ue , hut the great ec onomic questions Ct remaIn titisoived. Th e lOilUiist panty Is pledged to the 16 to I po licy , 1111(1 to tue driving out of cxlatcn"o th e aationai banks. The issuance of war bo litiS was % innecessary lip to six or seven ye ars ago the Ilationft1 debt liati bectl gr eatly reduced , but 'the corporate money po wer secuncti Its expansion by tile Issil- 1111 00 of bonds lltldcr Cleveland's nuitninis- tr ation. An explanatIon. wac fvcn by the speaker . of the VarioUs seilemesfavoretl by the popt- li sts In congress for 'rdtsing a revenue tc ca rry on the 'war Ia place of tile preseilt . rc venue measure , anoig them the income I ta x , mu the issuance of 1OOO0O,0OO. lie I ti epiorecl the present 'trend of legislation t a nti says tiio money pwer will keep It Ui I u ntil the peoPle of tlii conntry are in th I sa me condition as the common Peepie lit I l iiglanul. Outlining the platform of the I p opullsts. Senator iiCll said : A demand will be made 011 SpaIn to furl h er flag ill Cuba , i'onto 111cc , the I'hiiip- PI tIes , tile Ladrones and the Caroilnes , and I ti lat all tileSe colonies will be made free I en d independent. A denuatud will also b in ntie that Spain pay an indemnity equal to all the money Spent by this country t I th e present war , and In addition to thu I fli l intielllnitY SlleUiti be denianded to pai th o WOUilded soldiers anti the relatives pair : r tl loSe killed in battle. lie declared iiimsc'lf opposed to tile polic r o f annexation , detailed tim increased cx . that VOUil1 be entailed by this coun . t ry , none ot whiilt would be paid by tilt 3 o titiyillg colonies , and charged that the an . n exattoii schenlo Is being concocted by till s ugar trust. in closing Senator Alien salt I th ere is a' hard figilt In prospect this fall , bu t h e Is confident of victory. Tile delegates applauded frequently a I fi rst , but tired perceptibly toward the ciosi a o f Senator Allen's atidress , They waked iii ii t o applaud a few references to Bryan apt .1 a gain to applaud the senator as ho with - d rew. After Senator Allen Congressman Green a w as called for and responded promptly ha t b riefly and witlIout. special potilt except I it p lea for barmoniotls fusIon , ttter Greene's speech the convention tool Ic a recess to 73O. I'l,1)t1i1t Nut " .V.-Il l'ICIIMCII. 'rho delegates were taidiir In reassom - b llng tiltln they hlad been getting together I 0 t he afternoon. Messengers came troln th 0 t Wo other conventions to answer tilO adop - l ion of the conference cOinillittee , Sena - t or Sprecher then read the report to tb C p opulists. A motion to table was lost. Th 0 m otIon to adopt met. with BtlCh a. vigorou S p retest tilat a roil call was denlanded. Tb C r eport was openly denounced as "a reguun r s teal. " and as "ritig rule. " A volley of ques - 1 10115 pertInent and inlpentl1100t. lieu' betwoe ci d ifferent delegates. But tile ways ilaul bee n vo1l greased by tile machine and 011 ro ii c all the conference report was adopted b y ti cs to 170. Tawney of Pierce and Baker of Cede in vere sent as messengers to notify tile 01111 , r C onventloils. At 11:15 : the convention vrc t- c eietiod to ballot ( or governor. The first ballot resulted : I'oyntcr , 170 Edmisten , liSp ; Neville , 147 ; Gamn , 127 ' Yeiser , 115 ; Dec11 , P2 ; John it. Thompsor I , 8 2Velr ; , 711 ; Deavct64 ; nest scattering. Tile announcement that the democrats ha ii u nanimousiy noinlnateti Smytil for govornc Ir was received With laughter. As the vote o n t he second ballot proceeded It was plal 11 t hat. I'oynter was gaining faster than hi Is competitors. Ho made good gains fret il Buffalo Butler , Cedar , Coifax , , Fnanklii , lioit , Otoe , 'rhayer and York. The defee . - t ioiis to Poynter caine from Yciser , Spreehe r , Deaver and OniOn. Douglas passed once anti then E. I - , ' Monunrity protested vehenloatiy against ti IC reported vOte. "Tile circus might just is vcil begin now In the populist ring as ac l titlIe , " cnied Monianity. "I protest againi this chicanery and treachery antI demar Sd I a you of tile delegation. " VIlI Not lie SlppruMNe.1 , Chairman Bryant tried to suppress Mot r- iarity , but liii refused to be squelcileul. I" 0 suell contingency IhatI been expected and i so the secretary hurried to the hotel to feic : li the list of delegates nertifleul in tile crcdet l tials. After a long vait tile dt'inand for a Poll vas withdrawn at the solicitation aof Ieaver ami the vote allowed to stand as at 1- nouocetl , Lancaster broice away from \Vcir , scattc : r- lng its strength , although it still gave i ( a favorite twenty-nine votes , Sauncle : rs county , OniOn's home , also went tilroughI tI ic tilroes of revolution on this ballot and win 311 It CatlIe out Gaflin hind lost eight votes to l'oynter , Tue vote on tile SeConli ballot I s ; I'aynter , 312 ; Nevllie , 174 ; } clmlsten , 14 4 ; Galfin , 141 ; Tilonlpsoll , 82 ; Yciiuer , 4 2 ; Beaver , : iS ; remainder scattering. o tile third anti decisive ballot Poyni er continued to gauti ( rota the start , It 'a 'as past midnight , 'Fiie seats were iii aif empty. but tue cihairnlen kept iinnounci ng the full vote of their delegations. As he probability of Poynter's nonhllhation becal ie more eertaiii ida gains were vigorously e , lt- pauded ) , All rushed to cilmb into ttio circ tutu band wagon , leaving the other star p r- farmers In tile lurch. Douglas county , wbl cli hind lassel , flnisilcd the job by giving Pay a- ten IC out of its Si , Tilen came tile ligi it- ning changes which took tltu , result out of doubt , Morlarity of Iouguas managed to get ill the motion to uspeot1 the rules and ma he unanimous , hut it was withdrawn out of defercnco to the other rings of the circus . 1'oner Neni I iiiil i'i , The result of il0 third ballot as a Ifl iloUilCed was almost unanimous anyi'ay , folioss : Out of 1,077 , I'oyater 767 , nvI lie 105. Galfla 77 , Thompson & ( , Ednlistea 48 , Ilolcomb 12Voir 6 , Bryant 4 , Stark 2. Chairman Bryant explained that the sit Lu- alien then was that tlte democrats lied no in- hosted Snlytb , the sliver republicans Nevi lila and the papuhists l'oynter. Tile itC50I asu clearly Indicated that nothing but an I In. dorsemeat of 'the populist nominee ire uld go down With tile popuiists , The motion to make it unanimous could be kept back no b0t'gt' , It weot thraugil with a whoop ar old yells for I'oynter , McKinley of Buffalo , Mulct of Wayne a nd - ( Continued on Fourth 1'nza. 1 ERRuTTVANTS \ IORE 1E Th inks rif'ty Thonsand Troops Arc Needed at Manila. AS KS TO HAVE IllS COMMAND INC..ASED A ttitiltie of . .tgllitlflltiu ) tile CflltC itt -t 1111 It (4i1teMt-leMlreM ) to lie ilenuly for .tuiy 1iIle'rgL'ltO ) ' ( hut lity Arise' , SAN FI1ANCISCO , Aug. 2.-hi reilly to a di spatch received froiti General MerrItt , how at Cavite , General Merriam today cabled tlh at since the departure of tue go'enilor ge neral of the Philippines five transports Wi til 1.S97 men lIed sailed from this port , Scarcely ilaui tile inessago been 50111 before Ge neral Merriam received worti from tile \ ' ar department that General Merritt iiati as ked to itavo ills coifltlhalld increased from 20 ,000 to 0,0O0 troops , Iti order to be able to meet any emergency which tlllty arise on ac count of tile ilOstlie attitude of Ieguituaido 011 (1 tile insurgent forces. NF'tV 'YORK , Aug. 2.-A cablegram to the Jo urnal from Cavite , July 30 , via iIt"g 1 eng , reports that the correspondent has 51) ) 0111 two days tn Interviewing insurgent le aders. As ii. resuit tile correspondent says 110 discovered et'itlCIlCCS of jealousies of the A tuerlcati invasion , but no actual anti- A nienicnn feeiing. The dispatch aduls : Aguinaido Is respectful towards Atitnirni D ewey , General MerrItt 1111(1 ConsuiS'ilci - ifl ntl nlu.i iili go nty leiigtit to retain C onsul Wiidnlan's good 011111100 , but he 110 1dB back from giving energetic help to th e United States forces. lie will give only a negative sort of flssistallce titltil lie knows th e exact fornl viticit tie American policy w ill take. lie is distut'bcd by telegnnpltic re ports that tile United States will abandon th e Islands to Spain. There arc SOIflO intlicatioiis of a clash be- tW eell General Merritt and Agulllaitbo , ( ; ul'rlllllI'ult Ft'ilrs 'l'ruuiiiii , WAShINGTON , Aug. 2.-Tile ollichals h ere make 110 eonccaltnent of theIr ar&lrc- h eusion of serious trouble to follow tile CX51 e cutloti of our program in regard to tile P iiihlpplncs. The reports of tile hililitar ) ' a nd naval COtlllllalldens of late ilavo con- t amed warnings of expected conflicts with t he insurgents 011(1 110 sunilntse would be f elt at the receipt of jiews of an entllreak a t almost any Inoment. The Ullited States g overilment. feels that. it 11115 assitined a n leral obligation toward not only the foreign r esidents at ManIla , hut toward the anla p rotected classes of the Spanish colnnlu- n ity'olflcfl , children , nutis and priests. T ileretore , when intllllntlon canle that the i nsurgents were threatening tile lives ot s one helpless inotilca orders were soul to t he American military commander to look i nto the nlatter anti to act in the interest , o r civilization and humanity , As , accord. i ng to report , the insurgents have alloWn P articular ilostihity toward tile monks , it Is a reasonable expectation that before long : a voliisioii ivihi Ihave occui'necl between t lletnaelvcs and the American troops if tilt I l atter undertake to Interfere In tile CXC' , c ution of tile vengeatlec of 1110 insur- g oats. t'Zzii l1tNtiertt of Cu t liohiet. . CHICAGO , Aug. 2.-A special from Wash. ' i ngton to tile Daily News says : TIle War aild . Navy tbepartnlents have ro- c eived through Cardinal flampoiil , ilapRi I s ecretary or state , a cablegram mroiii the I p pt expressing tile keenest anxiety for tllc I s afety of the bishops nod clergy at Cavite , I nformation received at tile vatican Is IC ; t ile effect that Aguinaiclo anti Ills forcc I h ave pianildti the massacre of tile Catholics Immediately Upon the receipt of the In. : f ornlation cablegrams were sent. to Genera M erritt anti Admiral Dewey , ulirecting then t o take every means pessihlo to prevent tlit i nsurgents from harming Catholics. Tilt r eceipt of the news has caused much tin c asiliess here. If an attempt of thIs kind it ; macin by Aguinaillo It wIll ttui'ely load tu ) c onflict between tile forces untier 1dm ant I t hose of ( lie United States. WAShINGTON , Aug. 2.-Although UI 0 \Var department. omcuals will not admit lila tilcy have any idea of reinforcing any fur - tiicr General Merritt's forces at Cnvitt ( hero is reason to believe that SOtlie of ti I ; troops now in eastern camps who desire 0 aetivo service will soon [ Intl tile oiipor - ( unity Unless the government allah cluing 0 Its present PlanS ii'ith respect to the 1'llll - ippines. It is belicved to be necessliri r , eveil if our clainl Is limited to tile term It stated in the condItions submitteti to Spahi I , namely to military occupation anti govern - meat of the territory on the shores of tit ' 3 bay of Manila , to furnish General Mcmii : t a larger force ( lien lie has now at his eoiii I. muild. Is realized that 20,000 soldIers en a scarcely be expected to maIntaIn Unite ti States Possessions and protect th inhabi I- tants over a territory of this extent , for It must be remembered that tile bay of Mnnil a iS twenty Illiles long ( rota the entrance it Corregidor islantls to the city of Mnnil In at Its head. It will aiio ho accessary I 0 protect a zone extelitling some distniic I0 back of the city Ill order to make sure ti : to JlresernatIoil of the water works. Of court tea a cotisitlerable force would not be necessat .y i tile Insurgents under Aguinaldo could i IC broughlt to realize that their interests 1 ie In permitting undIsputed lIossosslon of tii is territory by the Unlteti States. lint it. would be expecting too macil of tile natl o character to keep before tile eyes of the it 1- surgents tile rich loot to be had in Maili in without an adequate force to protect ti to puaco. Then with tile growing heat or id dampness It is to be expected ilinesd wi Ii develop atapng tile troops , 1101 to the extci lit ; that. it tipilcareti at Santiago , but sltihicici nt tO require some of the nen to be invalidu u1 iiomo and their places to he taken by trei iii troops from the United Stales. At preset at. tile large majority of General Merritt's fop cc f conlposed of troaps drawn frill tile It a- elfin Coltst or far western states , It is pr U- sumed that. if tie alioultl be reitlfarced tl 10 eastern troops vihI buu given an opportunl ty to lilako tile long voyage to Manila , as thu Is will ho in accordance with thu policy til at the War department has now adopted of taking geographical coositberathons into a 0- count Ill allotting tile troops for active ser V. ice at tile front. V TROOP SHIPS AT HONOLUL U % 'Itt , of ii llull'OllI ( iiuutici SJlttiggJI "I' Jicriucif Aboard tutu Itt'uicjte's I iuluuu. iuiti-hiuttiul uns , t't' Hit's , 1IONOL.ULU. July 26.-Via ( San I'rai II- cisco. Aug. 2.-TIlo ) transports Peru at iti City of I'uebls arrived on tile 23d , Thr cc mcii with typiloltl ( ever were renloverl fro in the ships to the hosilitni , Lientena nt Hunt of the Fourteenth infantry iii one or sick , Charles Watson , iuandmaster of thai Thirteenth Mianesota regiment , di ed In this city on the 21st of typhoId fevt ir , coiltracteti on ( lie voyage front San Fm a. ctsco. Airs. Itecvc. wife of ColotICi Iteoleut of the Thirteenth Minnesota regiment , ma n- aged to secret herself on board the ( ransil ( th't steaMier City of Phobia and a0000tnaal ml her husband as tar as Honolulu , but wInItlu as. TE MPERATURE AT OMAHA Ho ur , ) , r , leg. : ; t , tt . . . . . . 02 1 ii. iii . . . . . tIlt II 8 , III . . . . . . liii ii P. Itt , . , . . , 7 a. iii , . . , . . titt 8 p. in . , . . . , 113 $ a , iii , . , , , , IIIP .1 ' . Hi , , . , . , II it , iii , . . . . , ( ii 11 Ii. Ill . . . . . . 1111 II , a. Iii , . . , , , ( Iti II t' . lit , . , , , , till 1 I it. iii . , . . . . IIa 7 p. in . . . . . . Ru ill , , . , , . . . ( ill S I' . ill . . . . . . Ill U p. I * . . . . . . rt , 'i't ) iA V A'I' 'I' I I Il i'tS l'i'i ( ) . At 11ii G ruiiiulst 8 1 , l'hiIiinl'3''M itatisi , iItis ltuiiluihar. 7 1:111 : l. ill. . I'hiltttie"M lilitid , ( rtiiltl l'iiisn , . li Ill I'.leii , 'l'htis 1lsul I uiw. 211 ( 't'ilts. sh e wfls Permitted to continue tue voyage to Manila is 1101 made clear , S ANTIAGO HEALTH JEORTW 't'i iuse "iVito Art' Itce'u'ort'ui ititti Ito- turn ( tu fluit' ilccel liii , . Vei. ( 'list's WASI1INGTON , Aug. 2.-Tile detailed co ndItion of affairs at Sailtuago , togetller wi th a list of tile tleittiis Ott each day , Is sh own uI tile following teiegl'ntlls from Gen- cm i Shutter : S anitary coittiltion for July 2P : Total sick , 4I GI ; totai cases of fever , 3,212 ; now CuSOS of fever , 603 ; cases of fever retained to dit ty , 79T. l ) eatll list Private P. 1) . acarney , CCIII- iha ily 0 , Sixteenth tiufantry , July 2S , tlyssti- tor y , OIl .Jttly 29 : l'l'inciltal Mitlllciall Ge orge lioldertiess , TllIrt-tourtil ) Micillgnn , ' iiow fever ; l'nlvate Max 11. l'nuiscr , Coni- 1)0 113' C , Thiirty-tiiirtl Midiligail , ycliov fm'til' , i'r ivatc tVihilain Brent , Twenty-fourth infa fn ntry , ycilow fever ; Private Iiitwtird Ileilia- Ill I ii , ( 'CIII lIallY 1) , 'l'hirtythird d idil igati , ( ly sctltcry ; Private Daviti MeCaffei'ty , Cotli- pa iiy F , SeCoild infantry. erniclofls muhar- iai fever ; PrIvate Gus Gracill. Crntlpaily L. SeW' venty-llrst New York , ulengile ; Sergeant W' hlhirtin A. S. Young , Cotnpany II , Serelity- fir st New York , detgua ; Private Itinaido IC SlI ced , Company II , Thlirty-fourtil MiCiligan , nc ute tlysetitery ; Private IV. J. lolllti , CoIn- lllt ilY H , 'l'hirty-fourtil Miciligath , tllilaEi.'ll re mittent fever. Sanitary conditinn for Jitly 20' Total silc , 8 , S2 ; total diScs of fever , 7,269 ; new eases , 51 1 ; cases fever returned tit duty , Sl' ' . D eaths eu Jtiiy 20 : Captauil Clmrles Iollqe. 'r'a wenty-fourtii itihantry , yellow fever ; l't'i- 'a tc S. 0. Joiinsert , Company F , Seventh in fantry , nstiieiiiit , followilig yellow fever , Ot Iti ( liarriloen ; Mrijor i'r&tnlck J. Gauly , N Inth MliSsaCIlthSettS , funetiotini disease of tit e heart ; Private J. I" . Minnis , Coullllaly , Ii , Twelly'second infailtry , Pertllcioiis tlla- , la naI fever ; i'nivate Joijii II. Clease , Cotn- P1 111) " Fi. Sccond itifailtry , Perilldiotis iou- , la nai fever ; Private Ailulrew' Thorn , Corn- laPfl Pfl tlY 0 , Ninth infantry , inrilarlal fever allul tli amniioca. III ii dispatch received 111th ( huts after- , 110 00 General Shatter gives tile sanitary re- po rt of ills fltll for July 31 , Wltil a state' ni ent of additional deaths on July 30 and de aths On July 111 as follows : Sanitary feport for July 31 : Total sick , i , 25 ; total fever , 3,164 ; 110W CIISCS Of fever : G5 1 ; Cases of fever returlied to duty , 722. leaths oh July 30 : I'rivate flergil , tree 1 i , ' , Sixth cavalry , malarial fever ; Prlvntt I E dward Suttons , troop G. Nltitii cavalry , m alarial fever : Private Slaflings , Cnilllail 1 : B , Twelfth infantry , clysenter ) ' , On Jttl3' hI P rivate J. Koshing , company H , Tilirty-tillrt i M iciligail , yellow fe'ei' ; Private Sam .1 , P ewers , troop F , Second cavalry , yehio , fo weti ; Sergeant Churie'u A. CoohIs. (0mpafl y ii , FIrst infantry , typhtlltl malaria ; l'rl v ate harry Hague , company i-I , fligliti t O hio. malarial fever ; Private Louis Kot c arnik , buttery F , Fourth artillery , guinsho t V Outld of clicilt 1111(1 heart , evidently sill . c itie ; Private F. J. Vivian , company BI Tfe hirty-fourth 'Mlcilugtiil ' , rerilittetit malaria I fe ver ; Private John A. Mcionaltl , Conlilalll y ii . ThIrty-fourth MiCihigull , rcltlittdnt lllU - l anaI fever , F INE WORK DONE BY OREGO1'h ' I I C apful Ii ClnrlCMSIngn I Ilet'mit tiul t ito - Mliii. flently . , ii.lI.hIutlu's thu Smili a iNtl .triuuiiti. CHICAGO , Aug. 2.-flev. Joseph P. Mc - I ntyre , chaplain of tile battleshlip OregOl Il d uring tile iictloii Off Santiago , who Is ii Ii C hIcago on sick leave , said today of UI (5 b attle : " was oxcee'iingly fortunate in my vie v o f the battle. Time Oregon was witili : Ii t hree-quarters of a mile of tile CliCillY II it t imes and tile Brooklyn was the only othc S llip itt all near. I had ilotilitlg to do bu w atch tue struggle. As tlto oiilcers won a ll iusy ivltli their duties my opportunitic : t o ollservo uletnuis wore better than thlos o f any other wItness. "Too great praise cannot be givetl ( ii Le O regon anti Captain Clark , although tilel d oes not seem (0 ha great IlilBto to aiim l i t. The Oregon dlul It nil. 'file fhngsill p l lrooieiyll wait the only other ship that lcej lt U compatly Ill the ordeal , anti as soon as a h eavy uuilOt penetrated her bow at the waU 'r l ine and Oiled tile front iunkerut irlth watt .r C onlnmotbore Schley turned further out to at a t o livOill a repetition of that flhisllflp. Iii : ar h iolva lowereti aiicl her speed was 11111011 Id 4- efleti , so ( hilt she Wlhtl tIot lii the race no : in t he 1101511 , Wlttili the Cnistobai Colon Wi Cs beached , Commodore Sciiiey uulgtitiiicd (1 ho Oregon to go ill closer to allure anl Li 10 ncnly , as the Brooklyn put out to tIe ID water , knowIng that our armor could ni lit ho penetrated. We went ill anti dlii Li 10 l ighting for ( lie fleet. 'rue truth muuut sooth , er or later be kaosvtt , and lhlstory wIll croti It Captain Clark anti his crew with annihuua t- t1. l og tile .Svhillsll : urnlatia. Atiullirai Scuni 1. son , of course , fronl hIs position away iloyot utl the sqthatiron , was debarred fmoni the vri' I'- l iege of even witnesshtig thu Ilgilt. I I'io wits suninioiietl ly tllspatCil ilOIht anti r C- turaeci Ill time to 110am the artillery , but ci id not. reacit tile 5)0 ( tiiitil an ilour after II 10 figllt was over. "Tilo Oregon itm action exceetied liar tn iii slIced , anti Is ( hIll only war 511111 afloat lb at ever did thIs , She is beyoill ) qUestioll LI do most magnificent flgiltiilg aiachiine ow or buIlt , amId the goverarnent ill till hikdliilot d wIll duplicate her for tile 110W navy. ' ' iIIithI.tSIiil i'OLiTJCA J I'hIlSONilit S , - Jul11 Ioors ( ' , , . tin' its it.uuii itt , tliii'I'U'uil IN 'j'iil.t' 1'tNNt'Nint ) , , WAShiNGTON , , Attg. 2-The 'nr d C. ParthtCilt ilall posted the ( olioivlng toiegra in from Getlet'aI Shatter , dated Santiago let Cuba , August 1 : MI Political pnIsoors ilavtl been lawn us. duately released as 50011 flit we reach ed them , Have not heard from ( lthantzlttalr 10 , but fIctional Esvors went there tlirt'c dii ago to recehytu the surreniier of arms ci ti political llnisonorut. 'rile ) ' iveru tiiltlOUbtCti Ily released on hits arrival , hIuuiijuL 'J'iiiuihes S'uir . % Iuosul ( ) s'er , CLL'VEL4NI ) , Aug , 2.-Setlator han na stated today tiuat an extra sessiout of co fl. gress i'ill undoubtedly be calhtiti early in the aututiiti. ' "I'lio beginning of ( liii oath of tile war is at hand , " Said the senator. "Au extra ut 15- 51011 WIll have to bu called in'ortler ( U co fl. sitler tb ratification of the terms of pvo cc , I dci not know witon President. McKIpl cy i'ihI assehnbe ) congress , Its far nut I kmui Pw 110 rail lIes been Issued nut yet for Utl cxl , ra segsuon , hut It is suru to come utoou. ' Mr. iianntt Is of tt.e opinion that tue Si V il' will soon ho aver. " 1 bciIoS'3 that lice a gothations for vvnco itill be luccoplable both this governinrat anti paiu , " said I lie. "This iiar will LODIVI be over , " A , S PAI SENDS REPLY Do cument Forwarded to Washington Late Monday Night. DIF FERENCES ON MINOR MATTERS ONLY Ph ilippines Settlement the Main Thing Yet to Be Arrangea. PE ACE APPEARS TO BE FAST APPROAChING Mo no Curiosity Thnu Anicty Exp'csscd by V V V- V General Public , W EYLER CAMPAIGN IN TIlE PhILIPPINES I't , nty 't'hutiniiui Suuii icr , . tVIii lie ills. itlehiiL I 0 I li ! siiiiiuls t ii.iii'uit- , ittt'l - I lit' l'clR'el 'i'rent y III Igttt'iI l' hot it i'nrt It's , ( C 0u13'nigllt , IiI , Icy 1'rei l'ulllii.ltltlg ( ' , i.l MAlIBu ) , Aug. 2.Neiv'ork ( \'orltl Ca- biu . , grani-Speeini Telcgrain-Tiiti Spanish i'e jllY Was llollhtiVdlY forwarded Into lust tul ght. Objections were otily rttiseul in niitlot' hil atters 111cc ( lie l'hiiiipithihes settleinetit and .l llericlul citizens' eiaitnsVcst luttli& ' fluId Cu iblitI 1101116. The tihitler secretary of stale ns sutretl Inc toilS ) ' tilat lie lirnily bclieveti in fa st allproadluing peace. though details are ye t to bu fixed , itiitl ( ho labors or a illixeti Co thlifliSltit'il ) might uleilty the tiettual slgtlittlro of a tt'eaty ( tlr 601110 titihe. TIm iovcrtluhlollt ulo es not eXIlCCt a liiiai reply fmonIVtuili - ln gton until late VedtIesuIay , iilt everythitlg le ads it to tiiiilIlOSO it will lIe favorable it ( ic e exiiectittionui of French tliplonuaey tire re nlizeti , There Is milorO eilniosity : thuti nthx- ie ty in tim general public. Frieiitls of tlto cn bltiet are optlthtstie. Public OIitliOn , itaving nothhilg to go ( dii bi tt lIrdss telegrams to forte 1111 estlltlate of th e isignificailce of vcaco conlittlils ! , is nluch it oniti cx cii , 'a' I II I ogi ) ' i ad I II I ut ; t 0 thte boi let ( l int tue Pessinlistie report of ( ho govern- iil titlt iiiClileS to veil the true niltttre of (110 n egotiations , Ircfernlng to let I'resiilent Mc- K illley publish tile Spanisit reply to his cii- sc atial eontlitioiis for a. suspensIon of iiostii- It ies naIl opcnhilg of tlegtttauierls whicii wlli d eal ivithi the details of Lite exectitloit of tu e tennis. It is agrecti that competent authoritIes in S paIn iCiiCvO it ii'ill requIre 1110mG tulle null ot Ter inure tlitiicUiticu ( hut Aillerica ship- 11 0505 , both ill tli \\'eust Intlies 1111(1 ( lie l' hiiippiimes , though Spain is tllsposeti to gui's tl lO utmost asshittllilce. Tluo press Patriot- ic nhly aiiti pei'forco abstaIns front too utihlimp ci 'lticisni , 501110 opposltioti orgatis weakly in sliiuatiuig that It is folly to await devel- Ol bilients iviieii nloro official informatlohi iii s' ouchie&l , but between tile hues it Is evident to see ( lint they are ( iisappointotl , Tile go'ernmotlt is likely to iluve its own w ay in tile lilitlSt of the gemlcrai ilitlitTer- C hICO of tile country , collided with eagerness f or vcaco ; uid loss ( It illusions and confi- d ance in tilO press , whih is getlenauiy an- c used of itai'lng ClIlcIli' cothIrlllutet to the i nr. Sagasta ccrtaIrul' iinutlles ( ho reins s killfully tImid lus not lhleoly ( ii he ougtc'ul now li i his mnIBllhOl ! of lthRCts atld reorganhzatiohl a t home nut long as lIe retains ( ho coniltlence o f the regent. Tile Financial Prcs lluhlislles ofBinl sta- t istics showing that thte cost of is'nra , colon- i al and foreign , from March , 1SP5 , to August , V l SiS , ececds $100,000,000 , is'iiilict tile loss of l ife cxcectis 100,000 men. LONDON , Aug. 2.-Now ( York \Vot'ld Cmi- h 7egralli-Stcclnl Teiegntiin-4' ) Gibraitcur ui isllatchl to tile 'News ' ' repoi'tut : Tile whole p ublic attention in Spain Is eciltered upon tut ime i'lilhlhlpitle questions , e'hmIch it Is nolver- ut tihly thought Spalul iimny retaiti. The olflcuais o f tIle I 1. r tl.ittiatr' 1llLS'e lIOOtl working Iy a nd lilgilt (1113 past week , owing to tile in- c rease of tIle ormy iiit1 the llroiecteti ox- i lctlhtion to tile Phlillpphnes , A repetition of Weylcrcc exploits is contemnpuateui in tim P iliiIlltlneS. Tile inlntite the ItCitCe articles a re signetl an expeditIon of ' 10,000 111011 will s tart to cihastiso Aguhihailio's followers , CONDITIONS GIVEN SPAIN 3iuist tli'l ( In I of I tu' 1'eut I , iil irs at ( ) la'e zulu A I I ' So'ert'lgui I y I ) s'ur Cu Putt I , , ik It . .i Iiiuj iitsiit'i , WAShINGTON , Aug. 2-Time followIng Is oiiiclai lltlitdilietlt given by Ihlttilority' of tile prdallient as to terms of veaco olfurect by ( Ito Utuitcul States : V In ortior to rL'nlovo iutiy misapprehension In reguurti Ii ) ( lie negotiations its to lucace between - tween tite Umtitetl States attti Spain , it is deenlcti vroiuer to say tile temnis of- ( creel by tiuti Ulliteul States to Spain in tile note huulded to the Freneil ainliassatiom' art Saturday lttst arc in uudilututico art follows : Tue rcsident tiocut not now iilt forward an ) ' claim for pectittlitry ithtieilltllty. Requires the relinquishment of all tile cliiini of sovereignty over or title to thus inland of Ctjbii , us itch nut I 110 lnitmicchuntet evacuation by i5lauin of the island , 'The celuilioti to tile United States itilul ha- metlhato evacuation of i'orto Rico atiti othter isilinthic tinder SPanish utovereigttty itm tiiu Intlictu , Like cession of 110 isiantl in the Latironc's. Tue United States will OCCIII1Y tttli 110111 the city , bay anti hianirnr of Manila , luermul- log ( ho concluslomi of a treaty of tieace , iiiliclt shall thetctrniinu tile control , 'hispost. tfoti ailti gos'ernmaeult of the i'iilllppines , f tiieuto tertuls are accepted by Sptuiti lit titeir entirety , it lii iltaiol ( ( hut commissioners wIll lie mmmcci icy the Utiied ( States to meet cIiuimlItSutlOnorH tin tile hart of Spiuiti for ( Ito Ilurposa Of eoncititling it treaty of peace on. ( ito Iisfs ubove inuilc'itted. NI. % Ynr.t fn.iu , , 'itn.hrhi , . Althouglt timis was ( lie tiilrth tiny utltlen the preslulent dehivereti to .51. C'aunboti the terms offered by tue Uniteti Stttte to SpaIn as a basis of jucace , 110 amtswer ( 'limo from Muttiriti mid , lii ( act , wits scarcely expecteti , Time liress reports of tue Iritug eabinet meetings held Iii the Spatlisil clipilal yestcday bull- diltvi that the SIlilUltili cabinet was timipro- parch , mu ( least , to acceilt ( ho tennis offere1 at ( sliCe anti Witilolit aIlearbtlg to attdnmilt to secure some modIfIcation hI tile ittteit of Sihaitu. It is felt that such a cotmiuto is tib- sointely lfllhuOSeul on tilt ) Sogasta ulilnistry by 1110 exiatittg conditions in .Slatinltl , Never- thelcuts it. Is not to ins aeon that the pros- hulemit. cherishes thu iuilglltest intention or conuientitlg to any essential : liolilllcatioti of ( its conditions , and ( lie slight doiay tliiit has occurred in amakitug answer itt hot believed to be discouragIng our to be taketi us a iuhgut of till ) vurposo of the SPanish cabinet. hill- itiatrly to re'jeeI ' tile propositiomi , Secretary Lolig stated this afternoon ( mit change haul been untie Ip ( lie orders to Vatson'it squadron , so ( hat i thu Brooklyn iuc to be attached thereto tilut. fuel Is not kulo'ml at thu War dellartinent , it is mote licIy . that the htrookiyti is coming north , us it ii.atu reponteul to tue departuieuit a long tuna ago ( list It was the prIncipal vessel of the squadroml ted muecti aul ovenisauiiumg anti clenaing. COtlul I I hills iii I'J rio II lt'u. . Some reports which have been rccelye from I'otto Jibe , itit ; ylulnli tom' jlOIilieIIi ! C ' -