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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1898)
- - - - - - . ; - - - - - ; - : - - = = T- - , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . - - . _ . . . A _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAhA DAILY BEE : TUESTAY , ALJ(4 UST 2 , 1SUS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I POLICEARREST 1 ' ' Palpabift Attcmpt to Thart thQ E ds of Jutico 'toes a railuro. . ' I. ' TLSjIMO4Y AGMNST JACK NORTON : CItFIfliIO11nI VeflnrcM f 1II ( L'relltu- - ttinr 1IcnrIi lhc Jsitt tClIMtt of 1tinnhti ii ) lt ( : tiiic on 7 i Stxccntlt 4treet. The hanti ot the O1co Was RhOWfl plainly , ' nugh yeRtcrlny at thi vrelIrnnnrY hear- , Ins ; o ! th gambling cnsc against Jack Norton - ton in County Judge BaxterR court. The two matn w1tneses natnat Norton had been rrestc4 by the 1)011CC Saturday evening and : kept from commtinlcatlng with the oUt8ide World. This eircurntanco had fortultouBly q ieakcd nut anti DepUty County Attorney Phil Winter had been apprIcd of It. No hnrge whatever hltI ( icfl entered on the tnOk at the polka station and the men vere placed In IL cell Iiere their condition and WIinrcabouts wotild not ho given away. ; Fbece Inca were James PhlIllpe and John lIanen. They had testified in the case against IClrschbauin , Dwyer and 'Mnck flnrns' and bad been subpoenaed to give evidence against Norton , i'liLiip ; however , bad been away from the city since his tcstt. t inony in the other case , and tt telegram had ? been sent to him to Wichita , iCan. , whither lie hn0 gone. In rcsponso to this telegram he irr1vcd here Friday night , and the next night lietectivo Tom Ormsby arrested him nod hansen , who had been In the city all the tlnrn. I When they were needed Mr. Winter had . to go to the police station for them. lie saw t them yesterday morning for the fIrst tune I idaco the trial of FClrschbaum and the others. . The two men were sent lip to the court i house with I'ollcc1nan ICirke as a. guard ( luring the morning , nail for the afternoon . scssioii of the hearing , they were sent up I th a patrol wagon , nailer chirgo of Pollee- i man alover. They weic kept under guard , all the time they were in court by the 0111- cers who brought theii there. Just a little before 5 P. m. Captain Mostyn sent up . I'atrolman Itelgelman in cidlian clothes to relieve alover , but at that irnint Judge flax- Fl ter sroilcd the scheme of the police very nicely. 1Iu'.ter ft Ilnhtti. . / An effort had been made by Mr. Winter to get beforu the court the evident plan of ) the police to Intimidate the two witnesses , iflit inasmuch as an objection from the do- fens was made and Mr. Winter could not iositLvel connect Norton with the coarse work of the police , the julge had sustained the objection on the grounds of linmate- rinlity. However , when an ndjourmnent for the lay was taken , the judge concluded that , the county jail was a better place In. which to have the two men kept as witnesses. First ho told Itelgelnian he should walk the . t- two men down to the pollee station instead I of taking them down In the Patrol wagon , 41 but on second thought ho said that they , , . , would be turned over to the sherlffs custody , as witnesses for the state for the reason that tim county jail wns in a better sanitary condition than the Police station , taking care , before making this orde : . to ascertain from the two men just how they had been conflned and treated during their incarcera- tlon over Sunday. Judge Baxter then told Mr. Winter to make out a commitment In : . tltIe form and have Slit rift McDonald come ( loWit flild take charge of the two inca. , The judge dictated the commitment so as to makN It read that they were so held subject - ject to the order of the county court as witnesses in the case of the state against Norton , and advised the sheriff that they wore not to ho removed except on a demanl trom the police for their appearance at some hearing or examination by the police court , If any , and then only upon Judge Baxter's order. lie told Iteigeirnan he could go back I to the liollco station without. the men and I convey the message from him that the men were held iii the sheriff's custody , subject to ' L . the demand of the police for their appear- \ anee at a pollee court bearing. The pretext made by the police for arresting - resting the two men so opportunely and keeping them locked up and without corn- , 2nunlcatlon with the outside , not oven al- ] owing them to see thou' attorney , Is that they vcre suspected of the street car robbery - bery of Thursday night. Phillips at the timii of the street car robbery was still In icansas. lie (11(1 not arrive in this city , as : . his ticket , which the police still hang enter , -r shows , until Friday evening. Then when I , tile street car robbery suspicion would not \ I ' bold water , when the conductor and motorman - man sall they were not the robbers , a vague charge was trumped up , but not en- trcd in any vay , thnt Phillips Is wanted I by Chief of Police Bayes of Kansas City. ' I 'j ThIM nOW serves us tito pretext for re- 1 straining the men of their liberty. . I'relIIII'IIt hi City ) ziul. Phiillps anti hansen were both seen at the county jail after their commitment and PhillIps told his story substantially as the , , foregoing. Asked if It was true that the , vollee had abused the two men , both at the . station and In the patrol wagon , as had ieefl the story circulated around the court room , ho said every ottort had been made to keep theni 1mm letting anyone know of ; tIm fIlet of their Imprisonment and , though the loiico , dill not openly abuse them , the oileial manner had been decidedly dIsagree- , able. Once PhillIps had nskcd en what ground ho had been locked up. The reply v lie got was the very Indefinlto one that "lie would Iltici oUt vhieii hayes came. " phillips I imid ho had beeii In Kansas City 'ery little it nntl only knew Chief hayes through an In- trodnetlon from a man named Duif ) ' . fur- lug his examInation the attorney for Nor. ton hal thrown out an Interrogatory cal- etilated to have the court believe that I'Iill- I lips Was wanted \VIcliita , Phillips says , ' \Vichita is his hioizio and that ho has too . many friends tbero for anything Ilko the I intention of the defense to hold good. Ozieniisc dl's' Ciisi' . . The case against Jaek Norton is for keep. ing ganthling devices , such as the "miniature race track game , " a game and the "put ganio. " at No. 215 North Sixteenth - teenth street cii Juno 3. It came up for pro- llmlnury examination ioforo County Judge Baxter yesterday morning , to which time it had been continued The prosecution Is conducted by leputy County Attorney Win- tee , and J. B. lvlkenney represents the defendant. The maIn vltness against Norton was I James Phillips , who , with John Ilnnscn , had been arrested at the place on the evening of the date mentioned simultaneously with : the arrest of Ktrschibaum , Lwycr and "Jack I hitirns' at 311 North Sixteenth street. $ I'bihhlps was also the principal witness , , against Kirschbauni nail the other two inca KINGSFORD9S SILVER GLOSS ' STAHOII I Unsurpassed for fine Linoim MuaJins and Laces , - - - - - In the case against them which resulted in their being held ovorto the district court. lie nnt hansen are joint defcndsnts In a separate ease' which has been ' cOntInued until the October term of the distrIct court at the request of the vrosecution , Mr. Winter placed Phillips on the stand as the first witness. The buren of his testinion' was that after he had quit the employ of Iirsclibaum , Dwyer and Byrne at 314 North Slatconth street , In the black' smith shop , where ho had been conducting the "pin game" for them , Norton had met him on the street in front of where Ed Smith , formerly of Arkansas , bad been running - ning the "race track game , " namely , at No. 2l , and engaged him to put his "pin game" In the place there In the stead of the "race track game" which SmIth had been operating. The way the arrangement Was inatl was likn this , ho said : Norton caine up to me in front of the place and said to me : "You are just the lana I want to see ; I want you to go to work for me. I want you to Put the pins In there insteal of the race track game. " I said "All right ; I'll ' go to work , " Norton told in I'd "be treated right. " Viit 10 Vork for % ( , rtoJi. There was no stipulated compensatlin , the witness explni neil on cross-examination. Norton had asked him if he had quit the other vlaco becaUse ho had not been paid enough for his work. Phillips had replied that such had been the reason , lie worked there that afternoon , and in the evening he was arrested in company with hansen , who , at the time , was In the front Part of the house , whIle he ( l'hiilips ) vah ; operating the "pin game. " Smith was not caught because he bad quit the "race track game , " and it was no longer running , For that reason , too , Smith was not present at the time. Witness contiuued In his tea- tiniony : I was working for Norton at time time of limo arrest. I was running the ala tramp. When I went in with Norton ho told the man who vaa running the "race track ganic"-it was Turner I think-to turn the lunacy over to Inc. There was about 360 In silver. I asked him it he did not have some paper money-some $5 bills. lie asked moo if I hatl any on inc. I told him I had $50 in paper money. flo turned to Burnett and asked how much ho hind , i3ur- flett said 25. Thus money altogether con- stltuted the bank roll , The "race track gnimio' hail been closed simultaneously with the opening of the ' " 'pin game. I was running the "pin game" on the annie cloth and with the same pins I had used at time other place ( in time blacksmith shop for Kirmmchbaum and time others. ) Norton told miie to take tim "money mit time wheel" when I started In to work. In answer to some questions from the court , lie explained the exact location of No. 2i North Sixteenth street. Air. Keilcennoy subjected hint to a severe cross-examination , but the witness seemed on the alert for catch questions and answered every interrogation as though h did not prqpose to let the other side catch him happing. Ills answers were laconic , direct : .nd positive , Ilin Fixperkncc in Oiiinhn , 110 had comae here to Omaha , he said , shortly before going to work for Norton ; bath got acquainted with Norton after corning - ing hero ; had come here from Arkansas ; dkt not apply to Norton for any work : had come here to do the best he could for hImself - self ; made application to Klrschbauni and Dwyer for mm position of some kind ; had been engaged by theni to run time "pin game ; " was working , however , for Norton at the time of his arrest ; time settlements with the other three men were made in a room over Jack Norton's saloon in his presence ; Nor- tori hail each time handed him his money ; once ho was told "to go ; " Norton had told hint he would ' 'treat him all right" after lie quit working for Klrschbaum , Dwyer and IJyrne ; there hind been three settlements all told with the three. men him Norton's pres- once. An interestIng dialogue between Mr. Kelkennoy and the vitness ensued : Q.--Did you ever see these pins and cloth before ? A.-Yes , sir. Q.-Whmere , A.-In Arkansas. Q.-Who owns these pins and cloth , A.(10. . Q.-You made thiem ? A.-Yes , sir. Q.-You brought them with you to Omaha ? A-Ycs. sir , Q.-Did you ever run the "race track gammio ? " A.-A little. Q.-Did you over work at anything dee other than the "pin game" after you came to Omaha. A.-No. sir. Q.-You are one of the very few mn who know hew to play time game ? A.-Thi're are plenty of ot'iera. Q.-Who arc seine of the other ? An objection to time last question caused Mr. Keikonney to change its wording. Witness - ness said there was a boy with him , but ho did not know what his name was. Q.-'mVero there people around there ? A.-Thmero were somne. Q-What ( liii timoy do ? A.-They played. , -'rhese people wer' there to keep the game going ? A.-Thioy played the game. Q.-What do yet : gcn ( JahIy call them ? A.-I don't , Q.-Arc they not usually called "boost- era ? " A-Sorne times , Q.-Wero there not six or aoven of these "hoaster. " a"otmnd imil tbu.tIme to keep ho game goi.'g ? A.-Tlmor were ommo or two. Q.-Did you have liamiseme employed ? A-llo was not emnployeil by me. Q.-Norton never gave you niy pins or any cloth. ( liii lie ? A.-Nat till after I went to work. Q-Norton never gave them to you ? A.-They were there then , Q-ls it not a fact that you have no use for Norton becnuso yet : were arrested anti he did ant get you omit at as early as you thought lie should ? . A.don't know as to that. Q-ilaven't you any antipathy against Norton ? A.can't say that I nra in love with him. Q.-You don't like him very much ? A.-I can't say that I have anythIng par- tlcuiar against hIm , hi ii ( I rciis Voiloscer. In reply to nimnmerous qur'stions , Phillips said lie had followed circuses ever since 1886 , and generally , operated time "pin game" whenever he had an occasion to do so , He did not limiow that hIs testimony tended to criniinato himself. lie ilid not know lie was going to testify against Norton until this very morning , Then Mr. Winter hail told him be would be called upon. This bail been about p o'clock , lIe had first heard of Nor. Lou's arrest emi Friday evening , ( Norton was arrested oim July 23) ) . lie hail 1nown Eu Smith of Arknnsas-say him around time place on the day of his arrest once and then ho 'vent to supper. ( Smith has left town , ) Time miext witness rns Larry Mourning , ( room wimorn Norton had rented the piece at 2l North Sixteenth , Mourning said Norton had agreed to pay him $1O a month , lie hail it but a short time when the place was closed up. Of the amount agreed upon , Nor. ton had paid Imini 50 , TIme balance was to have been i'ald ' ut tIme tinmo the place was vulld. lie did hot know any other man in the transacUomi than Norton , lie had hmeen informed that tIme Place WitS vautpd for a "miniature race track , " but he hiatt forgotten 'vhmetlier It was Norton or Smith who had told him this. IIiiiisii gn lust Xnrttiii , liansemi pioved alin st as trong a witness - ness tmgainst Norton in the afternoop as I'hiiipps hind In the forenoon. Ills dlr ct testimony Is ; Saw Norton a this place 2l North Six- teentim street ) iii thir afternoon bci9ro Pbl lips weat to work The race truck was not then iii operation , 'Fife tables ere set up ready for time starting of time "p1mm game. " hail seen the "rmce track gains" In up- cratiomi two ays before , Nortoi vau pr"- eat fifteen or twenty mInutes wble the "pill genie" was going on. I used to go to Norton's place every oven- leg with Phillips while the tatter wits ( 'a- gaged lii maiming the pin game in the blacksmith shop at 314 North Sixteenth Itiect , Phillips went Iimete to get his pay. On cross-examination hansen testified that ho is a tailor by trade1 but had not worked at It since coming to Omaha. lie said Phillips - lips was wont. to turn over the money to ifirschbaum , Dwyer and Byrne , st the time ho was working for them. lie did not think ho ever turaeii any over to Norton , Sometimes he had gone to the other place with Phillips and sometimes went with PhIllips to the room over Norton's saloon , % viCro the settlements between Phillips and the three men were generally made , Q.-When Phililpa would go to the room ovtr Norton's saloon what did be ilo ? \S'here ( lid lie go ? , -lio went up stairs , QWell , wlmat did ho do and where did ho go then ? A-ile would come dowmi again. Q.-You don't know what lie did ? sir. Q.--Didn't you know there was a large percentage against the player in this game ? A.-No. sir. Q.-Diiln't I'hllhipa ever tell you there sns ? A.-No , air , .tbout liii' Gnimmeu. Witness said be dfdn't lnow how many times ho had played the game didn't think he had played it ten times ; didn't know how much money ime had won or lost ; had won some. Hail seen Turner on "one side" of the "race track game : ' Smith owned the "race track game ; " Smith was niso front Arkansas ; hail known him down there ; bad not come hero with Smith ; hail not kmmown ho was to testify until that mnurning : ( liii not know his evidence was sclf-crlmi- eating , mior ithat he could have refused to testify ; was also a defendant in a case for keeping a gambling tlevico ; had an attor- nay , J. Xml , Macfarlamid , but had never been promised , immunity or assured that his case would be dismissed it he gave evimlenco against Norton ; had always been friendly with Norton , Q-Wasn't you confined two days anti two nights in Jail ? A-Yes , sir , Q.-You believe Norton hail something to do with keeping you there ? A.-No , sir. Q.-You think Norton is a pretty good fellow ? A.-l don't know anything about his being a good fellow. Q.-Yott expect to be tried and prosecuted - cuted ? A.-Yes , sIre I do. At ithis point Phillips was recalled for redirect examination and the apparatus used in the "race track game" was admitted as evidence. It. is a curious device , consisting of a sliding rod in a slender cylinder , tIme latter beimmg grooved spirally so as to allow - low the "horses" to rotate , There is a spring attachment to the rod and by means of a lover under the floor the do. vice can be operated at vil1 so as to cheat the player. The "pins" and cloth used In the game Phillips ran , ho said , lie had simb. stituted for others that bail been there in the hlacksmith shop before ho went to work for the three men. The "pins" there originally were "clumsier , " he explained. Nortoim I'romniel Protection. While lie had Phillips on the stand Mr. Winter made the most of the opportunity to show that Norton had boasted of police protection , Phillips testihleml : I asked Norton about protection and was told everything would be all right. Q.-Who told ybu so ? A.-Norton ; he said I would be protected - tected , Q.-When and where did lie tell you this ? A.-l can't Just exactly remember time time. but it was when he asked me on Sixteenth - teenth street If there was anything wrong with me except that I had not been paid enough by the other three men , I said no , Ho asked it everything else was all right. I told him yes. Ho said : "There can't anything - thing happen to you. " Ho told me if I could fInd a place on Sixteenth street he'd go and rent It and declare the other peo. plo "out ; " that ho would put me "In with him. " My understandIng was that we would divide up the proceetis and that Kirsch- baum , Dwyer and Byrne would be "out. " Q.-Did you not hear something to the effect that if there was any Interference there "would be h-I a-popping ? " A.-I heard it second-handed. Mr. Winter then brought up the whole cIrcumstance of the arrest of Phillips upon hits arrival from Wichita to give testimony in the case In response to a telegram sent hIm by Mr. Winter , and , to meet Mr. lCd- kcnney's objection , he offered to show to the court that an effort hail been made by the police to prevent the witness from testifying - fying against Norton. There had been no charge lodged agains Phillips up to 3 o'clock that very afternoon. The police were endeavoring to intimidate the two men , said Mr , Winter and had kept them from coin- inunicatImig with anybody in hopes that they could bo prevented from testifying against Norton. The court had to sustain the ob- jectlon of Mr. Kelkenney for thu reason that Mr. Winter could not dictly connect Norton - ton with the acts of the police , Norton 'Wouiit See About It. " Mr. Winter then recalled Hansen , and In redirect examination , interrogated him on the point of the police protection of which Norton hind boasted , Mr. Hansen said : On the day before Nebraska day Norton was asked if they were going to work. lie said : "If they don't , I'll sea about it. " Mr. ICeikennoy tried hard to shako the testinmony of the witmiess on this poInt , but hansen was not to be caught In any trap and reiterated several times that such had been the utterance of Norton in subslanc.e , 110 said he was quIte well satisfied as to what Norton had meant , seeing that there had been a great deal of talk about closing hmini lip. lie explained further : I think it was Burns who asked hIm , though I cannot say for sure. I knew what was meant by it because they , Kirschbaum , lwyr nail hums bail been working right along , Time conversation took place right in front of time bar at Norton's place. I made it known to Phillips and It was after that that he wont to work at 215 North Sixteeimtti , Again Phillips was put on time stand by Mr. Winter and his testimony became still more damaging to Norton anti time police. lie said he hind gone to work for Norton otter that because of this assurance of protection - tection , anti he related n conversation had with Norton , "Norton said the money had to go in so immany different directions , ' was the startling inormnation ( ho gave to the court , "dint it hail to go among a good many people. Once more Mr. Winter endeavored to have the court allow him to Produce testimony to show that the arrest by the police bail been because of the "pull" of Norton witn them ; that , to use Mr. VInter's words , "the irotecilon guaranteed is changed Into persecutIon - secutIon , if a man squeals , and every manner - nor of indirect intimidation was resorted to to prevent anyone froni exposing the hmrovalcnce of gambling. " lie would show that Nortoim had boasted of his connection with higher powers nail had therefore made uironmises of protection and Immunity , But stilt Judge Baxter felt conipelied to sustain Me , ICelkenney's objection unless Mr. Winter was able to connect Norton directly or in sonic satisfactory way with the mactb- oils resorted to by the polIce. Nortou Soul it , On cross'exampation Phillips tolil bow Norton had conic to make the statement about time "money having to go in so many diffcrat directions , " It was madq at the Iliac lie ( Phillips ) was running tIme game In the bhicksmnlthi ahop , and 'vita in the rooni over oron'l saioon In ttiepresenco of Rirsci1jjuip and , Uurqr , Another effort was made by Mr. Keikonney to eunice it appear , lust I'hilllpa bad seine animus agatnst Norton because norton had V - - not bailed him out whenhe was arrese4 at Norton's game. "Had he not promised to get you , out of jail if you go In ? " Mi' . Kelkenney asked A-Yes , Sir , Q-lliit he didn't do it ? A-so , sir. Q--'Stili you think he Is a pretty good fellow ? Adon't know anything about him hieing a good fellow. Phillips denied that he hail come bore by pro-arrangement to run the "pin. game. " A man named I1atlmawtt had been employed on the opposite watch at. the pin game in the blacksmith shop , Hathaway was working - ing at that before Phillips went there , Thmo prosecution had need of Burnett , tim South Omaha saloon maim , but , though he hind been subpoenaed , ho was not present. Judge Baxter signihicantiy asked Mr. Win- tcr if be wanted hinm rouglmt to the court. Mr. WInter said ho thought ho had enough testimony without , but. upon explaining the character of the testimony lie had expected Burnett to give , the defense showcil light and it was apparent that a continunnce of the case until next day was necessary , A brief statement was made by the attorney foe Norton , Mr. iCelkenney , in which he ndmitted that lie would submit the case without argument atid simply ask it reasonable - able bond until the matter would come up in the district court , i'hmis was taken to mean that the ( lefenso admitted that the evidence was stimcient to have Norton bound over , lii the Slierlff"i Charge , Time court then turned the two witnesses , Phillips and Ilnmmsemm , over to the custody of Sheriff McDonald. Ono reason given by Judgq Baxter for not allowing Me'Intcr : to make the damaging showing he hind threatened ngaimmst the io. lice was becnuso his province as an exanm- ining magistrate wits merely to ns crtain If there was probable cause of Norton's guilt sufficient. to hold him to the district court. and the acts .of the police were not materiatin , the preliminary hearing. When Phillips anti linnsemi are through giving. estnmony in the county court they will probibly be arTested by the police on warrants imurrledly made out yesterday nmorning charging them with vagrancy amid being suspicious characters , It was on these warrants that they wore to be held at time police station despite the fact that they vero wanted as witnesses in tIme county court , The verbal order for their appearance was disregarded by the police and only time peremptory subpoena from the county court caused their transfer to that court , It was with much reluctance that the mnen were sent to the county court yesterday afternoon - noon , When the time came for their transfer - fer they with three others were. filing inti the police court to answer to the charge of vagrancy. Hiul not the oillcer from the county court put in his appearance the mon would have been 1mm the midst of their hear- Ing. Ing.Time other mon arrested with Phillips and Hansen on suspicion of having been mph- cated In the street car holdup are men who are said to be gamblers and frequenters of Norton's place. Their arrest as suspicious characters and possible holdup men was made as a blind. T1eo men are : William Meyers , Richard Haskoll and - Jackson. They are coatimmed hi the city Jail and their hearing on vagrancy charges is set for this mornimig. Ammotimer Cunt'imiiit Case On. The contempt ease ngninsb President Holmes of the Nebraska Children's hlomnu society to the Dodd children habeas corpus meatIer came up again before Judge Scott yesterday morning , end Attorney Mont- . gomory's motion on behalf of Mr. Holmes to' quash was promptly overruled. Mr. Montgomery - gomery then made a mention to transfer to some other dIstret1judge , supporting his mot3n with an atibjavit , setting forth all that had transpirod.Ibetween . the court amid the attorney for the r'defendant abd during the prevIous tittompts of the court to get a hearing of the merits of the affaIr. Thi $ motion was also overruled and time court granted a continuance to the next day. ? otcN fromis time CourtM , Robert S. Young has been appointed administrator - ministrator by County Judge Baxter of the estate of Ellen Morris. Suit for $1.0,000 damages for breach OF promise has been begun in tli district court by Lizzie Griffin against Willard C , Wilkins , Cleveland H. Ware has begun a suit for dIvorce from his wife , Emma B. Ware , on the ground that she has refused to conic here and live with him as his wife during all the thirteen years ho has been in this city. In his petition lie sets forth time facts of hits marralgo in 1877 at Wrenthamn , Muss. . the birth of a boy and his leaving Massachusetts for Omaha in Juno , 1885. Notwithstanding he has made a bonmo mind established a business he alleges that his wife has never answered any of hI let- te.'a and that ho has never heard from her directly save once. BAND OF BICYCLE THIEVES Deteativo Keytsor Arrestii tue Leniier. niiil CetM 'l'rnele of Mnny Stoleli Vimt'els. After several weeks of clever work on the part of lotoctlve Keysor. three young men , the heads of a well organized band of alleged - leged bicycle thieves have been arrested and twenty of the forty bicycles said to have been stolen by the hand recovered. The men under arrest are John flolney , who lived with his parents at Thirteenth and howard streets. PhIllip Zinsella and 0. J. Murdir. Rodney is held at the Central ata- lion. Zlnsella La in custody at Knnsas city and will be brought hero and Murdlr is in the hands of the Des Moines police but vili ho extridited and givemm over to the Omaha police. Five of time stolen bicycles were recoypred In Council Bluffs , The gang has been operatiimg in and about Omaha for three months past. Its methods were systematic both as to the thefts antI disposition of the wheels. The men , after stealing the wheels , removed the caine plates and altered the numbormi In such a manner that identification by that means was well nigh impossible. After getting theme ready for sale the whmeols would either be ridden or shIpped to sonme small town or to sonic city end soul , him selling tIme wheels , the men who hail cimarge of that hart of the vork , would turn over to the purchaser a bill of , sale alleged to have been given time thIef by the former owner of time wheel. A pad of bills of sale designed by the gang vas found by the doteitive in the pocket of one of the prisoners , Forty wheels have been traced directly to the gang , but the police believe that theIr stealing will run up to nearly 150 wheels. Zlnsella , the man In custody mit Kansas City , s'ns arrested on a telegram sent by DetectIve lccysor. When arrested ho was in the act of ( iisposing of some of time stolen iropcrty. A complete list of forty stolen wheels iiiiil their numbers and owners is in the bands of the polIce. The alleged imead of the band , Rodney , Is but twenty years old , i3o Ilitteim lii a liorMe , Jimmie Hicks , a 5-year-old boy , whose parents live at. 1016 Capitol avemmue , was bitten - ten 1mm the face by a horse yesterday , Time animal's teeth tore a great gash in the left side of time little feliow' ( ace , Time horse was eating its noonday , feed and the boy was playjng nround it. The owner of the animal is a peddler whq lives near. IIiiciieii'N Arnica $ fllc , The Best Salve in time world for Cus , Bruises , sores , Ulcers , Salt itheupi , ? evcr Sores , Totter , Cbimpped Hands , ChilblaIns , Corns anti mmli Skiim Eruptions , and poitIvey cures Piles , or no pay 1equlred , It 13 guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction .r money refunded , I'rlco 25 cents pe box. For sale by Kuhn & Co , NEWT BOiS [ AD . OLD FIGhT , : . 1' - ' , Board of Education Ordermi Some Changes , Despite Vigorous Opposition4 AFFECTS EOGRAPUY AND IUSTOY 'I'e % hook Coimmimmittee lcei4lt' : ( iit to W'nlt Till the \Vmr is Ovcr-ome Offers of lor& ' troiiiiil amid OIlier tlimttcrs , Not to bo outdone by time council , ocr- tam members of time Board of Education last night enjoyed time vrlvilcgo of being dubbed di. candidates for the state peniten- tiary. While not being cimarged with rob- bcry , they wcio accused of being brIbe takers , Member Vanoilder , bacletl.mmp by hess , made. such charge yitlmou mentioning - ing any names , but suticiently implied who they were. TIme accused parties wore the immembers of the text book committee. which 'recoammended certain clmanges in ionks ntiw in aiso in the schools , pint all rnunberm of time board wbo.favorcd their reports. Thmi wasthe feattIu of.tho meeting , which , however - over , Was more full otahi sorts qf business timami ntiy other that has been livid for weeks. . , . Under time rules of the board the hotly was comnpolleil Inst nigimt to desigimato tito text books to be used by time schools next year. Time lIrst bit of trouble arose over thin report ot time comnimmittee on text books rccomnmenrling a change fronm time geogra- pitIes now iii use lottie National EIemuentr geograpimy and' the Natural Comnplete geog- raphy. These tmook are to be furnished by time Amerhcnmi hook commipimimy at. it price of 41 cents for. tIme former and 94 cemitS for the , latter , with 21 cemmts and 4 1 cehts exchange - change , respectively , for each of the geog- rapimies now in misc , which wore furnisheil by time same coampammy , Tim other proposi- tien received b the board was from time Omaha School Supply conmpammy , which of- bred to furnish agramnmnar anti clernemmtam'y geography at an excimnimge price of 35 and 20 cents , respectively , or at a contract price of 75 and 40 cents , IrO ) ' VnhitM to 'Keel ) l'c. Member Irey kicked omm tIme charge ; first , because the United States Is making geography - raphy fast and because emi this account time geography would probably be worthless 1mm six mouths' tinme , this necessitatIng the purchase of now geographies ; secondly , because - cause he considered tile Rammtl-McNnily honk time better anti cheaftet' . of tim two. flc therefore , moTeti that the report of tile coma- mitteo be laid on time table. This mmmotntm was dotvbeth by the following vote : Yeas-hess , Irey , Vnmm Gilder- . Nays-Bantlhaucr , fluchnnaim , Bmmrgss , Demmimis , Oratton , Johnson , Ktewit , l'enfoid , Scars , Thomas , Jordnmm-h1 , Before another vote was called for Morn- her l'enfolti declareti that a committee should miot be allowed to select a book by a superficial examninatlomm , but hint time mat- tem' should be left to a dozen or so of school principals. 0mm request Superintendent Pearso cx- pressed himself as of the epimmion that the propoerl geographies are ttm mnore mnoilern of the two that wert , offered to , thq coin. . mitttt. . . . Member Van Gilder muade a Jengthy anti impassioned speech against the reperL lie Insisted that time lowest bid mad not beemi accepted amid' charged that tIme committee and other nernbers of the bdarii hatI been bought up by the .Aumeri an , 1100k conmpany. lie therefore moved that the nmatter , of so- heeling the geographie be postpommed. Tlmia motion wa .lost by time same' vote ns the . ' other , . ' Pcnfohtl , mqvei1 that time ho k'cornpany lie asked to 'exchange tIme mmew book for those now imseti on even terms , but this motion was lost , . . 0mm the call fpr a vote on the report of time commilittee , Van. Gliderngnln.arose and more vigorously charged some of the mOm- bors of time board with being' bribed by the Anierican Book company. . He was called to order and cut short. Time vote resulted in time adoption of time report , Iless , Irey and Van Gilder emily voting in the iega- tive. Chamige in liINlrIes. A similar light arose over a recomnmen- datlon of th committee that McMaster's history of the United States be adopted 1mm place of Andersoim's Gramniar School history - tory now in use. This book is to be intro- tluced gradually-to be Inireimased as more histories are needed or as the books ate needed to replace the presemit ones , as tlmey are worn out. These books are to hrn turn- ished by the American Book company at 75 cents each , There are to he mme ox- changes. , Tolmnson , as ho had riot considered this matter ; moved that this ehano be postponed - poned , necessarily for a year , lint time mao- lion was lost. TIme report was adopted by time following vote : Yesis-l3andhmauor , Hess , lChen'lt , Penfoici , Sears , Tlmomns , Van Gluier , Jorilan-9. Nays-Buchanab , Burgess , Dennis , Grat- ton , hey , Johnson-C. 'lime eommnitteu muovod , further timat no oilier changes in time text hooks be made. I " substitute. Thomas moved that time Rand-McNally copy hook be adopted In place of the present copy hooks because tue for- amer cost 60 coats a dozen , or 17 cents less than those In usc. Oratton was opposed to this on time ground that the change would neceimsftae ( a change from a vertical lmnntl , noV used , to a back- hmantl ; also that time caper in ' time nro- posed books is not asgood as the present book. The motion of Thomas' . was lost anti 'the cnnmmnittee's report was adopted . by a vote as follows : . . Yeas-fladillmaucm' , 'Bijchmamn , Burgess , Grntton , Hess , Johnson , Kitiwit , I'enfold-S. Nays-Dennis , Ivey , Sears , Thomas , Vaum Gilder , Jordami-7 , OIYers flu' nitiiies Aet'piiteii , TIme board also acccpteti the folhnvlng bda for supplies for the scimogl district diii- lug time coming year : Fuel-Anthracite , Victor WhIm , $ C,7 tier ton ; soft nut coal , Coal 11111 Coal cpmpaumy , $2.97 for Clierokecm nut ; soft. lump coal. Omaha Coal , Coke anti Llama company , $2.85 for Walnut block lump ; ' wood , Amisocluiteii CharitIes. , $6. amid $6.25 , per cciii for hard yood anti 5.lO per cord for kindling , I'rintIng-mjlsceJigneoum , blanks , Klopp & Bartlett Co. , $291.40 ( or the entire list ; an- anal report of the board , Onimijia Printing company , $1.15 per page ; prIntIng iind book , Omaha Printing company , 75 ceuits n page ; prIntIng rules and regulations , American Publishing company , 87 cents a page ; lithiograpiming letter lieamis mmliii var- rants , Klopp & Bartlett Co. , $7.10 Item' 1,000 letter imeud anti $15 for 10,000 warrants ; for eighth grade ccrtillcmmtcs timid hIgh scimool diplomas , Itees PrintIng comnlany , 20 for the certificates and $112 for time diplomas. Time stationery supplies tom' time schools will be furnlsimed under contract by time ( oh. lowing : Klopp & Bartlett company , Omaha Printing company , Megeatim Stationery coin- Paul and the Onmauta School Supply corn- paumy. Time contracts for ( lirnialileg hmards'aro supplies for tbq cimools score awarded to James Morton & Son company , Mlitqmm hiogors & Son un i Thonmsen Bros. . . Per tiit JiLvItn II4)I' ( Sdlmohi , ' The foilowlng propositions ( op ( lie'eala of liroiterty near time Darenijort' sctm ol w'o offered : I'otfer , Sholes compAny , ycst 171 ( ect , lot 13 , block 4 , i'prk la e corn r . iowo avenue Anti Cass street4 $ , i0o ; : .wii- : 11am S. I'OilieOn mau1 hthi rs , lotd 1 , 2 , t , 4 , 1 amid 6 , inppleton itak , . , c0u , . or $600 each for lesser nunmbr lots , , JO. , 11. 2 aumil 11 , block 8 , l'opitleton pur ) , $ ,3Omi , 4r $600 cacti br lesser flUmiter ; lots 5 , 6 , 7 < 8 , V ' fI anti 10. block 26 , i'oiipioton park. $ iO0 , or $600 each for a lesser number ; lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 anti C , block 20 , l'opplcton park , 3,00O , or $50 each for a lesser number ; , , . Mt't''hortcr , lots 2I 28 anti C , Stewart pIace cortmer Iota , $ ,0O0 ; George (1.Vni lace , sublet , tax lot 1 ? , sc'ctloim 20-15-13 , 1 % feet at. TimIrt'.eIghth anti 1)avemmport streets , . 5t00 'John N. Frenser. lots 5. C and 7 , block 2 , Ottawa place , near Catifor- lila : nimti ThmIrtyeihth tttreets ; A. I' . Tmmkey , lots C , 7 , 8 , 1) ) anti 10 , block 6 , itiiey place , Forty-third 'nati ledge streets , $5,000 Cleorge I' . hocus heal 1stato company , block 3 , I'ark 1)111CC , Thirty-eIghth and California - ifornia streets , $1,000 , amt any additional frontage on California street at $21 imer frommt foot : same company , iota 39 , 0 auth 41 , Stewart place , on Fortieth street , $3,125 ; iso feet at Thirty-eigimthi amutl flavemiport rutrcets , $2,700 , 'itlm atithltionmil mini at $10 11cr front foot omm lavenporl street ; ( imirvili liros. , Tlmirty-eigimth amid California streets , lot 21 , block 3 In l'ark place , $ ,000 ; liar- via Bros. , lot 1 , block 2 , Brennan place , Thirty-eighth anti CalifornIa streets , $6,000 ; C. C. Simriner , lots 15 to 25 , Creston mmimox , on Davenport tret , betweeui Thlrti'-sev- emmtii ned Thirty-eighth streets , $10,250 ; ( lau'vin Bros. , hots 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 mmml 25 in Crestomi ammno at iortimcAst corner ThIrty- eighth ummd Davenport streetS , $7,500 ; C. C. Shrimnou' , lots 23 , 2 I aliti 25 iii Crestoum aim- uex , Timirty-eighmtim antI Davenport streets , $6,300 ; N. .1. iCennaid and semi , lots C , 7 , 8 , p , 0 ½ ammil 10 , Stewart place , $4,500 $ , or numy Part of saul lot at time rate of $17.50 her front. foot ; Grace ii , Stmtiborouugiu , lots 1 , 2 anti 3 , Stewnrt 1,15cc , at northwest. coimmel' flmlrty-cigiitlm amid Ihiveimport streets , $7,600 ; McCngtme Iimvesttmicmit eanipaimy , lots 13 , 11 , 15 , 10 nnd 17 , block 5 , IccIby place , Forty- first street , between 1)avenpnrt amid Lethg'i streets , $4,000 ; McCnguio Invest macmit cciii- pan ) ' . lots 11 , 12 , 13 , 1 1 numd 15 , block I" " , Kelby place , northeast corner Forty-first numtl Dodge streets , 45,000. Cull iii g iovn .Jniiitmn's. ( iratton introtltmcetl a resolutiomm lmmstmiict- ing time smiporintelmtieimt of schools to imsct'r- lalut at once whether or not time janitors recently - cently selectcii are gtviumg the work for which they ere elected their persominl hum end attention and that lie be atuthurize'l ' to umoUfy all jammitois that. they must devote thelV entire tinmo to their duties or their places will bo ileclared vacant anti others eiectetl In their Imiaces. In explaumation i113\'Cilmi : mneummbers testified timat a mmtmmmmbor of time recently eIectcil jami- hors nrc holding omm to bcttcr jobs amid are hmii'lmmg substitutes to work for timeumi until they are called upoum to take their posltioims. For example , one ii ; actiimg as imoliccnmimn aimd notlmcr as guard. Time resolution was ndOltQl , Peuold introdtmceil a resolution , which ntis atlopted , calling on time school treastir.'r to rotajmm 1mm hits iossesslomm soumme $20,000 to ho invested by time board iii Interest-bear- lag securities nntl placed imm thin sinkiimg fund , which shalt be further increaseil frommi yen : ' to year to meet time dcimmauitls of bouuils nmattiring ten years hence to time nimmoutmt of $200,000. This action Is necessary from time fact timat time state lmt' requires timat a siuik- ing fumiti shall be provided for time rciieummp. thin of outstammding bonds wiiemm one-imaif time time for wimicim tIme have been issued OlaisoS. Another rcsolutloim by Penfold , wimicim also was adopted , called mipomi the ircsileumt to appoimmt a committee of fIve , wimicim witim time auperlntendent of immstructloum , time secretary amid the superintendent. of imumildiiigs , shall formulate a proposition to be presented to time People of time city looking to the issu- ipe.o . if bnmids for the erection of a miew hIgh school building nail two or three otimer hew school buildings. This cornimmittee is to report Ot time next mmmeetlng. A.rcsblutiomi. by Sears autimorized time proc. blent immid mmecretmmry to re-invest time fumidim beloimging to time insurenco ftmim < l , which have been invested In city warrammts me- cently called in , to the heat possible au. vantage In city , county mmd state warrants. , The resolution was adopted. Niimmmbers hint 1'mssetl. The examination comnniittee recomniemmdctl that tlm appilcammts re'pi'osemmtod by time ( oh. idwing numbers in time recemit teachers' cx- eunination be granted certlflcatcs . Primary gralcs : Nos. 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 2 , 26 , ( iraunmar grade : Nos. 1 , ii , 16 , 17 , 20 , 25 , 28. high schmool English : Nos. 17 , 27 , 30. 111gb scimool LatIii No. 1. high school mathenmntlcs : No. 31. Secretary Gihien presentetl aim Itemnizei , statement. of time receipts anti oxpommulituros of the uuclmooi district for thin year cimiling July 1. Accortling to this the receIpts utmoummtod to $438,929.05 , Inclutling fines of police court imummounting to $6,0S6.25 , liquor licenBes of $253,000 , state npportloummeimt of $51,136.31 , tax collections of $108,124.70 auth miscellaneous licenses of $16,201.42. 'lime ox- penuliturcim ammiounted to $424,678.03. By resolution of Van Glider the hoard agreed to meet time Building Trades Coumneli of the city next Montlity imlght to cOimfeu' elm tile illfferences between the bodies over tIme emimploymmient of uniomm limiter. 'l'iio board pays union prices , limit does umot confine its employee to nmcmmubcrs of labor minions , County Superintemmtient liotiwell , by me- quest , was niiowcd to usc the lhlghm cImooi ( or time ouumty examination of teachers omm August 18 , 19 antI 20. John lCowalawskl resigned lila imositloum at jammitor of the Dupont school aimul henry Fongar wait elected to succeed hiuim. Miss Eliza Atkinson i3recn den reslgnoti her positIon a teacher in time public school , SORES UKERAWBEEF On Boby's Face Nook and B roast , Ran Blood and Matter. Had to Tie 'Hands to Keep from Soratohinj. A Bad Case. Doctor Did Little or No Good. Cuticura Cured. Skin Now Clear A SWOUNSTATEMENT. _ Whmemm my nephew was two weeksoiil lie had rmmnnlimg sores on lmI ( ace , neck , breast , and hands , which continued to grow worso. 'Judy looked like raw beef , Somneilnir's blood uoiilti 00010 and Bometlimies umiatter. lie Was awfully haul , 'tViiy , we had never hearth or read of much a case , .My sitter hail to tIc lila hammuis to thu Imaniuimock to kcejm Iulimm trout scratching himself , ho Itcimeti so , 110 often rtmbheii his mieck amid Inca agaInst imis elioumitlers , Thu doctor ditI little or Ito gootl , Said " It Caine from time blood , " eto , thio heard of Cur : . emmA ( ohmutuiemmt ) , anti I bought her a box , mmmiii fintllng It gave satisfaction hmo commtimmmteii to use It , 'l'Itc boy is aI well , ioo titd Fits flies Is clrar , In order to show you mnygood faith In this matter amid how liieattetl I ani with Ccii. cuu.i limn.mEmiws , I have taken oath tontiovo statements. E3i3141. FlSiiEiif82 , W. 18th l'l. , ? tlarcli 3 , 1893 , _ _ _ _ _ Chicago , Ill. STArS 0 ? Ii.T.iNOms , COUNTY 0 ? Coom , 7 , Charles 11'oiI , mm Noiary l'imbhlo In and for .aid county iii the illatu Aforraid , do hereby certify that Emma Plsiter , porsoum4IIy knowu to me to tta ih .agic , Iueron wLoae liultie Is .imb , thi foreoiiig sttttdiiimmt , appeared Is. tore ige ihiilay tim urscn cciii nckiuowit.de4 ttst bu .igmicti ibe sane , anti that Itie scune i true ucccirdhuie to her best knowlulgi , mmmiii belief , CuiAhiLJS 1" , VOJEI , , Notary 1'bihc , 5i'iur Crae TnE4rmmswr Ctir lCisjort1sa * iiemiosirm i.mii. wIll , ( 'vticcuA br.Ar genii. . 'iniing. lit , Coi-lcC. , purged DfeiiuoliI.nt ittdg , cure. .acl miiuIdo. < aef leiici IC 8101(55 C.grIi < t el vurifl.i. sad Cantor 8g14 the.Vgboutthswcrul , Z'UTSIII DSUQAYP Cusie , o.c. , 5.1. Vropi , Seine. or " tIns in Cii , . elta.Tortund lisbIe. , " m.Ikd free. Th Oontinental CIotig OIflflEr1 To Dollars \\'ilI buy tIio lSt stilt ; rniii Oii'a1ni. . for the ' 1lOfley. I1ILOShly at rLllIe Coiitiieiita1. . They arc' ( 'll'CSST , welI-fitthig and serv- 1CC&1b1C4 Five DoHar stilts at rillie COlltill)1l- ( ' ttil , Tuesday , that are gC1tC.1 ( , gOOlV(11'CI'S 1111(1 big \rl1tLes for the 111 oiiey. Tliei'e are a lot ot nice ) ( ) , 0(1(1 O1lS , voi't1i. . Ui ) to SiO.OO. Choice , iiicsdayb3.50 A lways see the Con . l zciu'aI fi'rse. h ys. N. 1. Cur , I 5th ii1 Douglas , : L BLOOD POISON A SPECIALT'1 Primary , Secondary ci Tertiam'j DLOOD 'oit3oe. ; permient1 Cured. in 15 to 35 Days. Tots can be treated t imom for eum. price und.r tame giiaranmy. If you prcter to come tier. we Will cOmuirimot to pay rail- Told t&Uv , sad imotsi kt. , and no o1uxo Is we tail to cure. IF ThU HAVE taken moreurr. lojide potauh anti stilt tews aches s.mmtl eatas Mucous 'utchea I mititim. Sore 'throat , llnhiie. , Copu. Co ereO Spots , ulcers cii any ftimrt of the betty , HaIr 0 < ' tyebrows ( aliiimj cut , It ma the ! Reocndbry ! ! o ( uaranthe to ui We count the mOst obstinate Cesea suu challenge tim world for a case we cmnnot ctmre. ThIs disertie ha aiwayn iuatia.i the ikilu of the racit emInent phycleitut. . : moooo capital behind our uncotiulitlontil ( Usranty , Absolute i'r.ta e.iit cealo.j on ap1)llclLtlotm. 1W pea. b.oolc sent rre , , Adireuta COOK ILBIIIWY CO. , 4O1 3imuonlo Temple , 4hZengo , III , ADE IVEA iA - - AJAX TAULBTS roslTlviny Cuffi , 4Lf.ZQeri'tw , Ilut' Mui. - om , iiapcteucr , HiUuileeners , etc. oez' , , , . I ) , Ainao or ether Jzecet , , nnt liidlr , cretios , . 'Jil.9J . , % , jicaI.Iy ( St4r Sl4rc . - moet.crm Lmt. VLtalItz lfl oIJ or o'mni' , oat lit . mun for itimdy , tmulucc , or mnarriua' . - L're.eiit lmnanltj an. . ! Coinmitloa , if tim en in tine. Their , i-o tiiowi LmmoIlato Iruptt. mont nod oflsct , a CuitE wham all othir fail 1. . aleC upon itimylitur them Evuin Ajax TtlIite , Titoy liuvo cure. ! tbo'ieaeida and slIioire 700 , Vo nyc , a mao. . itiThwrItt'mrmurrttrmpo tootfoctlicro fJI If'TC in ealmcaoor , rofunti the noaey. l'rjcoij'iY U I ' . mactaco ; ci eli uka , ifull trealmantli for 2G0. Ii , mall , iii rmuln Wiuu'p.l' . , pen 7occjtof $ trir , , . ( irt'imlat. sreO.AJAX REM3DY CO. . , Ul'arl.orni ' , . Per & .amu In ( jiimaha , IeL , , by .u. 1CrsyUm , 503 N. 16th ; Kuhn & Co. , iGili and Deugas , anti In Council JiltilCu b 0. Ii. Brown. 1.Huuglsti , Lir4u22 , .J. II ; I tgln , tng lir.t'i eiz ! Wed WEAK iimslimnt Ihilef , ( 'lure him iidr.r's. Never returuia. I mviii giudlv , , nrl IC d1fl sliflirer in a plilit s'eml < ul 'iii eltipe lift I Ii ii iruerIjit , , w im Ii It'll ii roe. ili. for mm ( iliici. . Irtsam < tire r4.r 1,4)41 ltitmiheol , , Night. I.iir. . , , erYoii , hJtflhty , t'utmehi Wt.k i'aru . , . \ arleoroli' . ( 'IC , C ; , Ii , IiiaImufrj I.l , ' , ' . lins I han , 1Inr.tritl , J1ItI. . ' 5ei'i LI tt s rcrEw , Ir'w7 , A SPECIAI.IST , TreatsuliFeutasof . ? DISEASESAND a' ' DISORBERSOF ) ( ) I\Lv. : ' 4' 0iflcuh1thmt.Fsranj Ste , - Soc 766. OMAHA , HER. - . -4 UilE W12LV 'f'frs.iui's"4fL9 ; : : .Ulp IIIVCI ar 'maestn,4 I I.Sd.'ttI dtcm..rti. . lrmu1srnm4mtue Q.ussI.1 A irrit&Ii.a. cc ulrr.tIea * T . .m e atrlaesrs. of i em c a a s wewbr.onc , , .tt&tizi , 2mtii1ees , situ acm dtIiflii. T.I iItIEvmsCtttlicAtCa. ; .tm * .r , ut oiarts&na.ZT flil laj iIrnXZ.te , . 4 _ _ , u . _ _ _ _