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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1898)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ , rj OMAHA DAILY DLTh TUEsDAUUST , 89S. . _ - : BROVNSVIN \ \ ANOThER CAIE eton Drops Ono En1 of' a Double-Header th the St. LOUIS Organization. UMPIRE O'DAY ' FIGURES N TIlE SCORE Alleged tn 1tn % Won ti ( nine for ( I.e CJlIsnIpIcn. Wliett The' Vcrn UianIIe In Iu It IIt Their J511ft , . ST. LOUIS , Aug. 1.-lloston anti St. Loul mplIt even In their tiouble iteatler today. The first waa practically PreCnted to the chnni iIonB by UniIro ODay , The Reconci went to the flrowna on IlugI.oys . good pItcliIng who allowed Iloston but three bUs. Score first Caine : flogtoii. ST. TAflIIS. RJt.O.A.I. 1L11.OA.t. Liflig , I 3 1 0 Dnt1. It. . . . I I 4 I I taITord , rf.U 0 2 0 OStneI. cf..1 0 I fl 0 1) I 300Cr.r.pIb..I 2 32(1 ( ( ? oIIItu 3b..I 1 0 2 IClmeflt , 0,0 0 I U IMwfl , 2h. . . . 0 0 1 L I rttrker. lb. . 0 1 7 1 U Ilergen , e , . . I 2 z 1 0 . , lb. . . 0 1 1 1 0 Yeagr. lb. . 0 1 0 1 I I3itdefl , fl. 0 0 0 0 0 'Iehot , . U. . 0 1 1 0 0 CroIt. ' . 0 0 3 4 2 . I.evIi , p. . . . 0 2 0 3 0 r.tylor. rh. . 0 0 1 2 t ) I Totni. . . . . . 4 0 7 13 3 Totals . . . . 3 t 2 12 3 Itoston 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0-4 3t.LouI Ittrnet1 run : St. I.oiilti. I. TItrco.ttac hit : Dowd. ilaito on hahN : Off LCWIR , 4. Sacrifice Iit : tartord. Lowe. I4triiclc out : ily ' [ 'ny- Icr , 3 ; by Les'I 1 I3tnleii basee : DaffY. 1)owd , Cross , i'ici < ctt. Time at game : Two i hntirt. UnIIrM : ; O'Day Rilti McDonald. At- tOtllflflCe , 2,000. ! ScorL' , itecouti game : 1JOSTO. s 1' . 1/ItTtS 1t II.o A r : fl.II.O..t.U. xng. e 0 ( , . . . . 100 Ltaffnrd , rt , I 2 0 I t4teflzel , ef. . 0 2 7 0 I ) 1)UfT ) ' , ef. . 0 3 1 0 Cru ! . 3b , . . . I I I I 0 Collini. , alt. . o 2 0 U Clement , ' , C 0 1 3 0 0 : Towe , 2b. . . . Ii 3 1 0 Tuclo'r , 11. . . 0 0 Ifl Ii 0 3ergen , C. . . A 0 t. 0 I ) QuInn , lb. . . 1 3 ) 1 0 } tlett , lb. 0 0 7 1 0 luglen rt. . 0 1. 0 0 0 I'Ickett. ir. . 0 o I 0 (1 axtltt , eL. 0 1 2 4 0 3llckman. . 0 0 1 1 0 lIuglicy , ii. . 0 0 0 1 0 iltiger , lb. . . 0 0 0 0 0 - Totale . . . . 3 8 27 7 0 Totals . . . . I 324 6 I Bostoit St. LotlI't . . . . . . . . . . 1 (1 ( 0 0 1 0 0 1 ' -3 Etrieti : ruii : : St. LouI $ , . Tvo-bue : Ilitit : Stafford , QuInn (2) ) , CrasH , Sugden Double play : Crooks to 'Fticker. Uaie on ball 011 ] ltighey , Il at ! illcktnau. 4. I'nsscd ball : ( 'lemotitH , Sacrillco lilt : Cro. Struck out : Ily iltighoY , 2 ; by hickman , 1. Stolcti 1):1140 : : Bugdoi. : . 'limo of gntnt : Ono hour utul fIfty mlflUtC5. Umiilren : McDonald and O'Day. IItIII II(4 ( VIt 1tevaMlt Vt.tult'rtrs. i'IIILADEI4PIIIA , Aug. 3.-PhiladelphIa ttitlt ( ) tlt ( .Jlevclautl today Iii a. fast anti linoly lltLYed game. 110th PItchers were very , effecUvu. Attendance , 2,4S9. Score : ClFVlf.A I 1'l1ITA1)EIl'1lIA. It.II.O.A.l.I R.ILO A.F 1ttrkett , If. . 0 0 2 0 0 Cooley , Cf. . . 0 1 1 0 0 ( h11,1i ( . 2b. . . I ) 0 2 3 U IottRIiu'5. lt U I 12 0 0 ' ltlciCr'nn. FM 0 (1 ( 1 4 0 le'hanty. If 0 0 3 2 0 WnIItic. . . : u U I 2 2 0 Ij.ln1e , 2b. . I 1 2 4 0 Tebenti , lb. ( ) I II C ) 0 lIIck , fl.0 I 2 0 0 ' O'Connor. t-0 0 2 A 0 MeFarI'.l , C. 0 1 3 0 0 itinlo' . rt. . . (1 ( . , 2 1 0 hauder , 3b. 0 1 1 0 1 tleAIeer. vt. I ) 0 1 0 0 Croa. a. . . 0 0 3 2 0 WIIi.on. p. . . 0 2 4 0 PlaIt , P . 4 0 _ _ _ _ TOLnIK . . . 0 424 14 0 Total. . . . , I 62711 1 Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 I'hiltuielphin . 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' -1 FurnetI run : Philadelphia. 'rhree-baso hIt : 1'flson. Sacrifice hlt : McKeuii , Douglast. Left oii bateH : Cleveland , 5 ; PhIladelphia , a. Struck out : fly Wilson. 8 : by Platt , 2. 3)atItlo PlaYs : IBake \Vullaee ; NcFean tO CIthIdt4 to T'heau. First ltaso on balls : Off Platt , 1. UmpIres : Lynch and Alidrevs. Tune o game : Otic' hour and forty ninutes. P IT'r SIII.JRG , Pa. Aug. 1.-The Plttsburg- 'tViutliingtun game Isas Postponed Ofl uc- count of rain. STANDING OF' T11F TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. I'er C. CincInnati . . . . . . . . . . . .91 G2 29 68.1 BoHton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 67 21 61,8 ( leveland . . . . . . . . . . . . .SS 114 21 61.4 ] Ialtlmore . . . . . . . . . . . .S I 60 11 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 0(1 ( 40 55.6 i1ow York . . . . . . . . . . . .7 47 4 51.0 Vlttsburg . . . . . . . . . . . .89 45 41 5I.fl hiltulelplila . . . . . . . . , 8 42 43 49. I ; rooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 f 52 8.8 \'nshi1tigtoit . . . . . . . . .8 ? 85 56 as.6 LOUISVIIIo . . . . . . . . . . . . .1(1 ( C OS St. Louitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02 25 Ii ? 27.2 Games today : Baltimore at Chicago : ew ' 5ork at. CincinnatI ; Clovelanti at Philadel- 3)hIL : : Boston at LouisvIlle ; \Vasl.lngtoii . at Plttsburg ; flrooklyii atSt:2ioUIs. : 0COILIOS O1' 'I'IIIO WLISTE1IIN LI5.'C UE. IllilupliM JOIICH I'rocu 'l'tU SlilOOtli for ,1- , Fishier miii ii , . ST. JOSEPh , Aug. i.-Jonett t1of.ated Ilte Saints today by clever work on the ahab. Score : St. Joseph . . . 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 1 2 Coltatnbus . . . . . U 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 1 0 BatterIes : St. Joseph , lVtidswoi'th aid Mccauley : Columbus. Jonct anti iluckloy. MINNEAPOL.lS , Aug. 1.-Tile hits made (1ff PhilhipI were s'ehI icattered anti limo hIhIers' fielding was perfect , while tlo or- oTi4 of the lndIan svere combined wth itIttt off P1111111)8. Score : Tt iI I lII1I1eapolIt3 ( . . . 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 1)6 ) 10 0 IndianapolIs . . 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0-4 9 4 1atterhemm : .lInnemtpolIs , iImihhhI)1 and 3'Im.hier ; Itulianapoils , P1mhIIII ) , Iynchm and Xnhoe. , , S,1 . PAUt. Aug. 1.-Two slngIe was nil St. I'aUI could get off flcttgor. 1km gave three baHes on bnhit , everyone of which mm.clteti immto a run , nitleth by Dttly'8 errors. Crosmi pltchel ( gooti ball until the eighth limiting. Score : ] L1T.E. Iiti'aui - Milwaukea . . . , 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 2-6 10 2 flatterIes : St. i'aui , Crosm anti SpIes ; 7hhIvmttikee , ltettgor and Speer. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 1.--Notwlthntanding the tact that 'i'honms struck out eight muon , the Blues pltteeti their hitt rIght mind Well. Score : 11.11.07. 3'CIIISttS ( City . . 3 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 -6 7 5 Detroit . . . . . . . . 000000030-333 Batteries : 1ansa CIty. Meredith and V.iison : ietrolt , 'I'honmas and riueIow. STANDING OF TIlE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. Per C. IndIanapolis . . . . . . . . . S8 57 32 64,0 ICUIlSUN City . . . . . . . . . 91 54 37 69.3 St. i'nul . . . . . . . . . . . . . DI 5th $ 58.2 Mhhwatikeo. 91 64 40 57.4 Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 48 :18 : X.S 1)etroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S8 : ii -t 38,6 fit. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . SI 31 53 26.9 7\Iinn.'apohh . . . . . . . . . 92 27 t5 29.3 ( lames totlimy : IUIIwmttIi8eo at Minneapolis , Intlhlinlilmohis at St. Paul , Columbus at ICan- sas City , 1)ctrolt at St. Joseph , Iitfi'r..iiite J.i'ugue. DAYTON , O. Aug. 1.-Score ; 11.11.07. ) ayton . . . . . . . . 0 3 0 1 0 5 6 1 ' -16 16 2 'ortVayne.l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-i 4 Batteries : Dayton , Strelt iit1 Lmtttinmer ; InrtVeyne , Norcom , O'Meara ummit eamni- bell. 3lure tuition 'IctorIeN , ORION , Ill. . Atig. 1.-Spccimmi ( 't'elegrani , ) -'I'Imo Nebraska ilithhaims defeated Oneida Sattirduty by a score of 7 to 4. lillelirist dofeuteti them In elt'Ven Innings yestertlay by it score of 7 to 5. 'l'hmo red macmi won romthu , Orion tetiin today by a mcoro of 1) to .1. 7IfltrUnI us 111W 67) i'Ii' Ittt'i' . TORONTO. Oat. , Aug. 1.-Montreal has been selected nit the Imitico foe tilL' % Yoriti's championship blcy'io races III 181' ) . Ahiegor VIiip. .Jitve.ille I'lne , LONION' , Aug , 1-At time first day's ac ( of the llirmingimam August meeting PILES " 1.uflered thetorture ol'i.o dumaiied with protruding pllc brought cm b conatipa. tion with which I ta aflhleted for twenty yetr8. I ran 501o88 your CASOAI1F.TS In the town of Newell. Is. , and never found anything to equal them. To-day I ara entIrely tree from plies and tool ilkit a new man. " C. 11. KEITZ , 1611 Jonea St. , Sioux City , Ia. 'cNDv 1'AD1 MAR11 potigyw - Pleaiant , Valat&blo. l'ownt , Tssto 0004 , 1)0 Good. I4evur Wekun , Sycaken , or Uripe , i0c,25c , We. . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. m.rII. , tt.m.4 f up.ij. CbtssSi , IRflij , Y tI. $11 KO TO IAO , . . - i _ _ today thA Loriitard-fleresford ptb1e'5 chestnut fillY AIigory won tim \Vehlem ; bourne Juvenile pinto of 110 sovereigns. nvflsrs ON'FiIfl iit'cii TflClChi. lint ( hip Vn'orhtict ITnsirr thr % 'Irc FIrt on Si , I.otI ' 1'rnk. Sr. LOUiS , Aug. 1-Tue track wn In the worst condition today at the fair grounds than It has bsen In thia season. Eva Rice was time only winning favorite. Weather , cool , Ilesuitaf First race , elhing , six furlongs : 1owal. sky won , Nora S second , Correspond third , Time : i:20i. : Second race , for 3-year old fillies , six furlongs : liva Itice Won Annie Oldhleid second School Girl thirttl. Time : i:20. : 'rimiri race , selling , one mile : Anger won , Ransom second , Serf third , Time : 1:42. : Fourth race , Mix and one-bait furlongs : Clibrahtar won , The Chemist second , Per- ris ilartman third. 'rime : 325 % . 1'itth nice. six furlongs : llehie Bramble won FIreside second , Wiggins third , Time : I :19' : ? . Sixth race one mile nnd seventy yards : Creit. won chiiier second Sunburmt third. Tinms i&d. : IIAIIATOUA , N. Y , , Aug. 1.-Inclement weather affected the grandstand attend- f11ICO at the Saratoga track , I'testitts First race , live furlongs : Vays anti Means won , Colonel Tenny second , hand- cLiff' third. Time : 1:03 : % . Second race , one milel Hamster won , Candlebinek second , Iioy Orator third , 'l'imt' : 1 :11. : Third race , live furlongs : Ben Ilmiad WOfl , Loiterer ecOfld. The Winner third. Time : I:01. : Fourth race. handicap one mile : Impern- tor won , I'ooteas second , Sir \'asaar third. 'l'Imn : 1:42t1. : Fifth race , one mile : Twinkler won , Ben lim secoitti , Jacknapos third , Time : 1:41 : % , ChICAGO , Aug. 1.-linrIth ) results : First race , six furlongs : Queen of Song won , l'.iaz ' ( ) second , l'riilce McClurg third , Time : 1:02 : % . S'contl race , one mile nod one.eigbthh Moncretthi won , 'rranby second , l'rosecutor third. Time : 1:17 : , Third race , one mile : Etitlie Joneim won , \VIisOn second , F'litlad third. Time : i:441 : , F'ourth race. cieven-sixteentha of a mile : Sea Lion won , Clauntiet second , Volancis third. 'i'lme : 10S. Fifth race , seiiimmg , mile anti one-Six- teentim : Dr. Sheppartl won , Candelaria sac. anti , l'aui Kau'ar third. Time : 1:49. : Sixth race , six furlongs : Abuse won , Storm } Cing SeCOfli , Fair Breevem' third , Tltne 1l41 : , NJI1\V YOIIK , Aug. 1.-Brighton Beach ) results : First race , mile nad one.sixteenth , selling - ing : Tamis won 1.ansdalo second , Our Johnny third. ' 1ime : 1:50 % . Second race , dvi' furlongs : Campus won , Ben 131mm second , Somers third. TIme : 1:03. : 'rhmirtl race , six furlongs : Kcnmoro Queen atmil 'l'aioUret , dead heat ; Lady Marion third. Time : 1:14 : % , itun off : ICenmort' Queen won , Tabouret second. Time : 1:144. : Fourth race , one mails : Royal Stag won , Decanter second , Giorian third. Time : 1:42 : % . Fifth race , seven uriongs : Exception won , 'rentiresse second , Chorus Boy third , Time : 1:291. : Sixth race , one mile , selling : Mnrlto won , llt.rlemmque . second , tiongster third. TIme : 1:12. : IINTIIIIIS FOR TOILONTI ) IIEGA'ITA. Offlelni 1.1st of Piirtielpamila4 In North- 't'st 1towiii Anooh.ttioii. DETROIT , Aug. 1.-Secretary William C. Jti1mit of the Northwestern Amateur Row- lag association reports tile following entries - tries for the thirteenth annual regatta to be held at Toronto on October 10 and 11 : Junior single sculls : Argonaut RowIng club anti Don Rowing club , Toronto ; Ilrock'iiln RowIng club , Iirockvhhlc , Ont. ; Leander Boat club , Ihamilton , Oat. Senior sIngle sculls : Argonaut Rowing club anti Don flowing club , Toronto ; Vesper - per Boat ClUb , Philadelpha ; Mutual Boat Cliii ) , Detroit ; Vachusett Boat club , Worcester - cester , Mass. ; Toronto RowIng club , Toronto - ronto , Jtmnior double sculls : Argonaut Rowing club anti Toronto Ilowlng club , Toronto ; Ilrockville MowIng club , lfroekvihlo , Oat. Senior double sculls : Detroit Boat club , Detroit ; Wachusett Boat club , Worcester , Mass. Junior paIr-oared sheila : Argonaut Rowing - ing climb , Toronto ; Detroit Boat club , Be- troit ; 'i'oronto RowIng club , Toronto. Semmior Pale-oared shells : Vesp.'r Boat club , PhIladelphia ; Argonaut Rowing club , Toronto ; Pennsylvania Ilargo club , Phila- dolphin. .Iuntot' four-oared shells : A rgonnut Row- lag club , Toronto , has two crews : Don Rowing clulm , Toronto ; Detroit Boat club , Detroit ; Toronto 1owing club. Toronto , two crews ; Iirockvilie Rowing club , l3rock- yule , Omit , ; Ecorse Boat club , Ecorse , Michi. ; Leander float club , hamilton , Oat. Senior four-oared shells : Argonaut Row- lag climb , 'l'oronto : Vesper Boat climb , Phil- ndelphia ; Pennsylvania Barge club , PhIla- tloiplmia ; Don Itowing club , Toronto ; Mu- tutu Boat club , Detroit ; Ecorse Boat club , Ecorse , Micim , Four-oared gigs : Detroit Boat cltib , Detroit - troit , has two crews. Single canoe : Argonaut Rowing club. To. ronto ; W'yandotto Athletic 01(11)Vyan - ilotle , illicit , ; DetroIt Boat climb , Detroit. Tandem canoe : Argonaut Rowing club , Toronto ; Detroit float club , Detroit. FIT'/.SIMMONSI IIISUES A CIIALI.ENGE. Otters to Meet Jr'rles by October 1 1)51(3 Pupils a ForfeIt , NE\ YORK , Aug. 1.-I. . a statement lB. uetl tonight over his signature Robert FItzmmimmons , champion heavyweight pugil- 1st of time world. unnouncps that he has posted a forfeit of 12.500 with the sporting editor of a Now York imewspapcr for a tight with Jim Jeffrles of California , the contest to occur before OCtober 1 , ' 'l' t'iitiis 1'l.i ftt llinhiefl1Olt _ MINNIOAPOLIS , Aug. 1.-The twelfth an- mini Northwestern tennis tournament opened In MInneapolis this afternoon , Play began with a dozen matches In singles In which six of the vIsIting players were vie- torious. The matches were : Bond-Werner , 6.0 , 6-3 ; I9eidon-Brooka , 6-0 , 6-3 ; Caswehl-Sawyer , 6.1 , 6.2 ; hlale-Mc- Coilon , 6.1 , 0-1 ; ltogers.Lymen , 6.1 , 6-0 ; Myers-Crandall 6-0 , (1-3' ( Ilopkins-Dlckin. . 51)11 , 6-1 , 6-2 ; eabury-1tIshmlller , 6-1 , 64 ; Street-Cole , 6-0 , 5-6 : Jal'ne4lreer , 6-1 , 6.0 ; (3. Beiden-Jones , 6.0 , 6-1 ; MeCaskey-Bates , 3.6 , 6-2 , 9-7. Miss Pound and Mitts Cios.s will arrive ( rota Chicago tomorrow to play In singles atid inixed-donimles with Belden and Jayne. Thu tournament will continue until Bat- urday , Fight to ii Draw. NEW YORK , Aug. 1-A draw was time tlt'cislon rendered tonight at the Greater New Yoric Atimletie club , Coney island , after Tomnzy White of Chicago and Sohly Simlith of ho Angeles had fought twenty. Ilvo roulids to decide the featherweight ciinnplomisliim of tIe worid , The men met at. 122 pounds. Dave Sullivan was at the rIngside to challenge the winner and will deposit $ l,00 tomorrow to bind mc match ss'lth White. Time s'ery best Judges of box- era who witnessed time Light all agree that Wimito hind won fairly and squarely. Shiat-'ut liecord Lowered , OTTAW'A , Aug. 1.-George TI. Gray of Coldwnter , IL member of the New York Athletic club , at the Caledonla Scottish gaines here today lmtmt the sixteen.pound slmot forty.elgiit feet five Inches , breaking the vorltl's record of forty-seven feet mmmdc by hlnmselt , lie milso Put the tourteeim.imound shot fIfty-two feet ten lncimes , breakng the world's record of forty-niim.i feet eight inches , also nmtmde by iiinmselt , Preihi ( lynlist IrfeuteJ , BOSTON , Aug. 1.-ill. A. MeDufilo won imis seycmmthi consecutive victory of the sea- soil by defeating OMounri ) Tayloro In a twenty mile Pared nlatch at Charles River Imurk toimigimt. lIe also secured uhl the com- l'etitive records frommm ten to twenty miles II1&'itlBiVO nmmd lowered the % vorld's record for time ilistammee of 15:15 1-8 ( lmeid by Tom Linton ) to 31:50 : , hlilics Beieiisetl , 1ANSAS CITY , Aug. 1.-"liflflkCy" limes thu not Imlal' svith. . Detroit today omitS I'resi- iheimt Van Der heck statrI tonight that lilacs had imeemi released , lIe will be sue. ceedeti at cOimti base tm' Clancey , late of time Iirockton , Mass. , team , ihiislu for ICisusas (7lt Day , Time orehimninary plans for the celebra. tion of Kansas City day at the exposition on Saturday next , August 0 , and the thor- ougimuess with which they ore being executed - cuted indicate that the occasion syiil be a success. Two well known Omaha musIcians left hero last evening fur Kanias City to accompany tlo excursion of Rouses City folk UI ) here on Friday , l'rot. Adolf Ed- grea ammO Colonel C , A. Jacobson will help to enliven the triii northward for the via. itors and before the excursion leaves ICan- 'as City will distribute a considerable amount of xpositiu literature. Small PIn' . A somali dro occurred yesterday afternoon in tlmo itarbar shop of Phil Mcflo'rn , 722 North Sixteenth street. caused by the careless - loss tiso of immatches. The stock ammd furnish- were damaged to a small extent , hENRY IS PUSIIINC FOR\\TARD \ \ Fiud a Number of panhh Woundeti Abandoned in the HospitAls. REPORT OF EXCESSES BY TIlE SPANIARDS Miles Issues Immsraetlnns far time Ad- mninlstrninn of Chit Affairs It ) Cnpturest Portioh ( If I si a mmd , POi'CFi , Island of Porto Rico , July SO.- ( Via the Island t St. Thomas , B. V. " . I. , Stlnc1y mornlng-Major ) General Miles hourly expects the arrival of the transports having on board Brigadier General Schwnn'8 division of C,000 men , and also the Mohawic with the Fifth regular cavalry. tienermml Henry's divialou , consisting of 3,400 men and Immcitiditmg twanty-alx pieces of artiliery , has been ordercil to march 11mm- mediately ftom Ynueo to Ponce , to be ready to Join the movement north to San .luan , The Sixteenth Pennsylvania regiment was soot tlmis morning toward Juana I3laz , eight miles north of l'once , enroute to San Juan. Word reaclmeA Imere this afternoon that the Spaniards were murderIng native Porto Iticans , violating % vomen athi Indulging In general outrages. The Sixteenth Pennsylvania regiment will be reinforced It necessary. The first real resistance is expected when our troops reach AIbonito , tblrty.flvc miles Imorthmeast of here. Ahimoolto has 1,000 feet elevation. General Stiles says ho baa no Intention of making a landing of troops at Capo San Juan , especially an the place Is only a road- sted , where transports are liable to euffer from the prevalent storms. The railroad from Ponce to 'Yauco Is now in the posses- sian of our troops. General Stomme toiled five mines on the track , These were tie- stroyed anti the track Is uninjured. Our troops found zeventeea Spaniards in the Ynuco hospital , all of whom had been wounded in Tuesday's tight. Two of them have since died. United States City. Proclamations have been issued by time authorities of Ynuco proclaiming It as a United States city , expressing delight at annexation anti the administration of Gee- oral Miles nod woicomlng our troops. 'thu mayor of Pence has called upon all the residenta of that place to exercIse calmness and circumspection tinder the new and tie- sirable conditions. Ho also urges forbear- ammce toward conquered enemies. The following is the text of the mayor's proclamation , Issued at Yaucoa , declaring it a United States city : Citizens : Today the citizens of Porto Rico assist In one of her most beautiful feasts. The sun of America shines upon our mountains and valleys 'this day of July , 1898. It Is a day of glorious romemhranco for each son of this beloved isle , because for the firSt time there waves over her the flag of the stars , planted In the name of the government of the United States of America , by the major general of the American army , Seaor Miles. Porto Rienna , we are by the miraculous intervention of the God of the just giyen back to the bosom of our mother America , in whose waters nature has placed mis es people of America. To her we are giv&n back in the name of her government by General Miles and we must send our most expressive salutation of generous affection through our conduct toward the valiant troops represented by distinguished oil- cers and commanded by the illustrious Gemm- eral Miles. Citizens : Long live the government of the United States of America ! Hall to their valiant troops ! Hail Pqrto Rico , always - ways America ! Yaucoa , Porto Rico , United States of America , FRANCISCO MIAcIA , El Cable , Much enthusiasm Is everywhere mani- tested at the sight of the Stars and Stripes. General Miles has issued a lengthy order of instructions to General Wilson , who will be military governor of Ponce province and city until General Brooko' arrival , It is of the same tenor as the instructions which General Miles gave to General Shatter at Santiago , 130th orders are based on the administration instructions given to lIen- oral Merritt regarding the government of the Philippine Islands. The local mayor end judges and police will remain in authority , subject to the orders of Qeaerai Wilson. The custom house will also be conducted as formerly for the present. Their r cetpta amount to a considerable sum ot money. The qticstioa of the proper discount on Porto Rican Buyer gives same trouble to General Miles , but he says this will settle itself in due time. Chaplain Cbidwlck of the Cincinnati , for- nlerly of the Maine , iimtroduced to General Wilson this morning two of the heading Jesuits of Ponce , representing 1,000 churches and their dependents in this province. 'rime priests wanted information regarding their support and General Wilson said that under the constitution of the United States it was not possible to apply any governmental money for church purposes. Father Child- wick said It would be oil the bettor for the church If its own people learned to contribute - tribute to its support. Spanish volunteers continue to come In and give themselves up. The health of the troops so far is good , though the weather Is hot. WASHINGTON , Aug. 1.-The War depart- meet has received the following : PONCE , Porto Rico , July 30.-Transport Cherokee , 'with General Sehwan on board and part of his brigade arrived this after. noon. The remainder expected soon. MILES. CIUTISEII DIXIE A'L' S'I' , THOMAS. Siiaiilnrdu IhtveTnied to flock Eu- inflict' to SUM JUIIM harbor. ST , ThOMAS. D. W , I. , Aug. 1.-The United States auxiliary cruiser Ilxie left hero Saturday morning for Ponee , It scouted along time north coast of Porto Rico , spoke to the Prairie , Montgomery , PurItan , Now Om'leums and tour transports , overhauled en English bark and , passing 1mm close to San Juan , fired a defiant aix-pounder , strllc. lag the base of El Morro , The Simaniards made no reply. In time entrance to San Juan harbor , the DIxie saw two masts and a chimney , evidently of a steamer , sunk by the Spaniards to block the passage. Time Dixie arrived at Ponce Saturday evening , where it found the Co. lumbia , the Massachusetts , th Cincinnati , the Gloucester and ten transports. The cruiser Now Orleans orrived here yesterday ( Sunday ) , accompanied by a col- her. The latter remained off the harbor , the New Orleans signallimg , her not to en- tsr , as the cruiser would not be iermitted to take Its coal. Later 1mm the day the cal- 31cr proceeded westward , hAS A GOOD OI'ISION OP ( 'UlI.NS , lIe , ' . henry hie'elem-Asst'rts 'l'hui. , ' Are Intu-Iligi-at aiuii luuilusrlous , CINCINNATI , Aug , 1.-Rev , Decry J. hiecicer , general traveling agent ium the field of the Ohio Young Men's Christian nasocia- tion , baa just returned froin a tour of the military camps throughout the south. lie says ; " 1 have viBited 90,000 of the American soldiers In tue camps at Chtckamnauga , Tampa , DeSoto park , Cuba Libre , Panama anti at Key WeaL I have also been among the sailors and matinee of the ships of the various squadrons that come and go from the great supply station of the government. I have also had numerous interviews with leading Cubar patriots , soldiers and statesmen - men , among them being Infante Oatriot of liavonmu , Colonci flaza , chief of the start of General Comes ; J , M , Haven , secretary of the Cuban junta at. Key West , and John F. Jova , United States vice consul of Sagus Ia Grands. They are types of the Intelligent Cubano who desire independtnco from the 4. _ 3 - - - - - - - - - yoke at Spanish oppression. 'life statenmeimt made by certaIn Sphninrds and etimer symn. pathizers that ime Cubans are Incapable t sclf-governnment is false and lmouId be set aside as one of the numerous attempts of the entmlcts of our government to subvert the cause of freedom atmil thereby gain selfish ends for greed and glory. "The Cubans are an IndustriomiS , peaceful and sober people , who want a goVernment. like our own , a 'government of the people , for the people and by time people. ' Such a government they have the courage and abii- Ity to make and maintain. " 1to' , Mr. liecker baa traveleil extensively throughout Cuba and baa for nammy years been a close observer. BRINGING IN MORE PRIZES Svcrnl Smell iilnelcntu liunmiers i'iekcii Vu . &lniiW flue Culunhi ( _ 'ont. 1- lCE\ WEST , Aug. 1-Time Spanish schooner Dolores , sixty tons , loaded with corn nail. provisions , and bound fronm i'M. grease , Mexico for flatabano , , has beemm added to the list of war prizes. It was captured by the gunboat Eagl' , imear Cor- rientes bay , a week ago yesterday , amid was brought In today by Ensign Craven , The Iladger , which took Its lmrlzes to Tortugas a few days ngo , is tihl there awaiting ortiers. It prizes nra a barge , a brig and a towboat , which were trying to get from Nuevitna to Havana. Three bun- tired and e1ghty-to sick and wounded Spanish soldiers , some ot whom have lost legs and arms , are aboard the prizes , which are held In quarantine. At time Tortugns rbports of the bomb8rd- macat anti surrender of Ndet'itns are also current , but no one is pern'tittcd to approach - preach time Badger or itt brizes and tIme details cannot be lcdrnad. SOUTH DAIOTA'S FINE CROP hlnrveat , limst Complt.feui i. one of tile Finest t7vi'r ltnovui In lime State. YANKTOI"T , S. D..Aug. 1.-Spcclal- ( ) weelc has boon spent touring the state 1mm- simecting the grain crop anti ' 1tnssIng time great harvest muow but just completed in South Dakota. The real situation Is so fav- rable that time truth seems Incredible. Wheat , the prIncipal crop , Is immense both in yIeld anti in acreage and atmrpasses the best ox- pectatiomma. Unlike previous seasons , where the state invariably showed up localitica a'hero crops were poor , there is hardly an acre of land under proper cultivation , where It cannot be justly satfi that time yield Is good.'heat fields where grain stood 30 Inches high wIth. a heavy stand , Is moos- uring out over twenty busbeis to an acre ammd it is rare to find a field where the yield faIl below twelve bushels. . Time antIcipated loss through lack of harvest hands baa been overconme somewhat by the emulloymcnt of more machinery , and while the threshing facilities wIll be severely taxed , the greater part of the grain vIIl be in the stack before it spoils. The presence of twelve mowing machines in a BIngle field is not an unusual sight , thu united energies of the farmers being directed to getting the grain under cover. The corn crop of South Dakota has npt been neglected. Throughout time state , In early iart ot the season , the weatimer was not propitious for corn , btmt contrary to all theories advanced , and predictIons that the corn crop would hardly be up to the standard , there Is 'avOry indicatIon that time yield lviii not only 'be large , but. will exceed the "bumper't yield of tuirec years ago. Time extensive - tensive cattle raising industry , in which the farmers are now ongaget1 , will demand a large amount of corn'tor home consumptiomm , and the presentcbnliltion of tbnt'c reai would seem to leave othiu further for the farm- era to desire : - Forty-five bushels per acre of corn for the core raisIng section of South Dakota , is the lowest OStifllat made by farmers , while many experts declare that eighty-five bushelmi will be time average 'yield in the southern counties of the state. The differemlt machine companlea which have done a thriving business thmrnughout North nnd South Dakota in mowers , binders and threahora , and vho have bad many meim busy since early In the season sellln ' "ll now In a great measure realize the cash from these sales and much additional money from outstanding notes. As a result of this exceptionally fine crop there Is already a general feeliimg of cx- htiaration in all lines of business in the state anti predictions are mode that a better - ter fall and wInter busIness will b done than over before In the atato's history. KING AND KANSAS EDITORS . ii0 Ak.Suir-llem * IV 1nt of Situ- tIo'er SImile Quiildrivtmre hiito Ills .Klmmgj.iumii. Time Knights of Alc-Sar-flen ontertaine1 the visiting editors of ICaumsas In regal style at the big Den last evening , The scrIbes of the Sunflower state , to the number of twenty-five , under the leadership of Charles E. Styles of AtchIson , ICaim , , immvaded the outer cotmrt shortly after 8 o'clock. Wimat happened to theta timiring the next hotmr , whemi they were struggling to gaIn adnils- sion to time inner court , can best be told by the visitors themselves. To fully ap- predate the war reception one meets at the king's hand one should cross the portcullis tmimnself. 'rho editors eavofted around the big Den like schoolboys , as soon as they svcre released - leased from bondage. The' appenreti to enjoy , themseives to time ! iniit ammil eimmm it was all Over they feasted and felicitated with their Omaha' friends right merrily. An immcident of the evening's entertainment was the eager desire of the Kansans for hard showers , to umaice sure of their cora crop. Their want was made known to Icimmg Ak- Sar-lien IV , who issued a SIUCIni edict for the occasion anti the vislors' ( wants were abundantly satisfied. 'i'cxns ieioeratn 3leet ' 1'o.3a . , HOUSTON , 'rex. , Aug. 1.-The democratic - cratic state convemitiomm mviii be held at. ( ml- 'eston tomorrow , The ticket will be hooded by Commgreasman Joseph B , sayers , who was one of four candidates for thu guborna. tonal rmomnirmation to be announced last Fob. rurny , but whose popularIty swept time county primaries in such a mnsnner that his opponents withdrew early. J , N. Drowning - ing of Amnrillo will be th jmomlmmee ( or lieutenant Kovcrncmr ; F' W. Finley for comptroller , succeeding imirns lt , the ommiy member of time lmcsent state governnment to retain otlico ; 5 , T. SmIth will he time at.- torney general ; T J. Drowmi , Justice of lme BuIrenio court ; Allison Mtmyfllcd , raIlroad conmmniumsioper , Timero are contests fpr time rest of time offices , wlmiclm wili be aettled by the per- sommal qualities and popularity of the , mrl- ous candidates , There will be bard fight. immg , wimicim nmmiy engender bitter feelIng , over the cimairmmmammalmip of the executIve committee - tee , as Citairunaum J. W. hhiako desires ro- oiectioim to that position , vlmiio Congresanmumi Sayers has selected ex-Congresamnan Boiler ( or tIme place , Territorial expaumalomi will also cause Bottle friction , as time imarty is svcll divided oim the question. An effort will be made to imavo the platform silent on this immut- ter , Vs'uter flcservoir ihmirats , ST. LOUIS , Aug , 1.-A special to thm'Ie. public from Dallas , Tex. , Ba's : A newly finished water tammk on top at a tower eighty-fIve feet high , to be used for gmrivato fire imrotection , collapsed thIs evenitmg , fatally injuring \'i1liam Pierce , a workman , and dolmmg damage to ( lie exlt'imt of 850.000. The tunic imad just been OIled wIth about 1.000 barrels of vat r and Pierce was adding the finIshing touchea to 118 top when . It suddenly let go , The debris crushed through the roofs of the lIowiih Drug company aud Scarif & O'Connor Prlumt- era' Supply company , the mvater swceplr.g both concerns out clean. CLIFFORD'S GAIETY CLOSES hinriesqume 'l'i.entet''i'entsure Pniim nntl hit' ( 'reslitors Take Clunrgc. of ( hue hmfstitutiotm. 11 , II , Clifford's hutksquo conmpany , tlmat has been at the ( Iniety theater , 'Fifteenth street and CapItol avenue , for some weeks , Ivas withdrawn Sunday and Is now on its way to Chicago , A stop was made at Coon. cli Bluffs Sunday night , where a show was given with indifferent results. It was time original intention of playing two weeks between - tween Onmahta and Clmicago , but time plan was abandoned. Time withdrawal of timis company will probably see time end of Mr. Clifford's career as an Omnaba theatrical mnammagcr. Time tlmeater , which never was a payimmg \'enttlre , is 1mm the bands of a horde of cred- item's , time Schlitz Brewing company being the imeavkst , nod Its ( attire is a Immatter or tlotlbt , it was rumored that the bron'lImg cnnmpany vould , in artier to get Its mono ) ' out of time velmuro , place a maim iim charge and comiduct , a show of some sort , but this rummmor COuIl not be verlfled at time browimmg company's offices. Somnethilng definite will be known Ttisday. TIme credulor8 represdnt carpenters , painters nlmmi several merchants of the city , who furnished tile theater's in- tenor. The performers , many of whmommm have been witii Mr. Clifford for several years , re- mnaiimed loyal to him , although be Is In arrears - rears for salaries. Mr. Clitlord has two mcmm , one of whom is J , F. Kelly , the come- tiiamm , representiimg what remaining interests he has here. An entcrtnitmmnent of time vaudeville character - actor Is being imresenteti under Mr. ' 1Celly's direction , anti hffalrs ate still conducted under Mr. Clifford's name. One of' ' Mr. Clifford's promimment creditors eximressed sorrow for the fahltire of the von- tore , and for Mr. Clifford , wlmomn be desig. minted as a good fellow , and one wimo is the- serving of a better fate. Wimile Clifford plunged others in debt , ho said he vent In deeper hImself , and lost what lie had with- omit a mnurnmur. lie Said lmc hoped affaIrs would be so adjused ( that the place' could ho put on a paying basis and all profit by It , Mr. Clifford included , CAPTAIN PERRY'S ' NEW DUTIES Assigutctl as Qimiirierimtascr nmmL Act- log Coimimnissiury of Subsistence at Smut Frautelse , , , The following order was received at army headquarters : Captain Alexander W. Perry , assistant quarttmrmuster , United States volunteers , is relieved from ala present dilly pertaIning to tIme Philippine expedition and will repei't to Major Oscar F. Long , departmmmeot quartermaster - master , San Francisco , ( or dmmty as assistant quartermaster anti acting conmmnissary or subsistence on board time quartermaster's steamer Arizoima , now in San Fraimcisco. For thIs imtmrimose be Is detailed as acting commissary of stmhslstenec. Captain Perry will assume charge of the steamer and perform - form all iltutles pertaining to the quarter- master's and subsistence departments while on board and will proceed tlmereon to such paints as mnay be designated by Major Lomig. The future movements of the steamer will be govo ned by orders given by proper authority after. Its arrival at its destination. When troops. arc embarked on steamer named , CaptaIn Perry will be under the direction of the commmindtmmg offlcer tlmereof. The work of recruiting men tor the cavalry has almost. come to a standstill 1mm Omaha. Most of time mnatorinl lies been exhmmiusted anti men think the war is about over and do not cam to be 1mm time service in time nt peace , Only One mmegro imas been re- crulted for the Temmtlm cavairy , and very few colored men have o'en immquire4l concerning time terms of enlistnment , . - ROBBEDIN BROAD DAYLIGHT Siums Bailey 11ee1tn. Very Realistic lntroiluciun to time W'ays of . a Great City. ' Sam Bailey , a stranger in the city , was inveigled into th old cold storage imoimse at Eighth and 'Capital avmnue , Sunday afternoon - noon at 2 n'clock by two memm and robbed of $9 at the point of two revolvers. Dailey , Who had just reached the city , was walkIng past time btlildlmmg when he was accosted by the men , wbo invited him to conIc In and joimi them in consuming the can of beer they exhibited. Not suspecting ammytiming , BaIley walked into the buildIng. hardly had ho crossed its threshold than one of the men leveled a revolver at his head and told him to throw UII lis hands. Ho did so and while a pistol was pressed against bi face by one man the other made a timorotmgit search of his person , partially disrobing him to do so. After securing his fllene ) ' the men drove Bailey otmt of time building and ran among a nmmmber of freIght cars Imi the yards and getaway. CLEANED OUT THE HOUSE 'l'lieves with aWugoms hfisul Away time household ( ioods of Irs , lCute Thmuuiiaui , 1)ariimg the early hours of Sunday morn- lag atbief broke through a screen window at the residence of Mrs. Kate Tbonmaa , 1310 Chicago str met , and carried away nearly a wagon load of plunder. The intruder , from time disordered condition of the lower rooms of the house , spent considerable time look- lag for valuables. Three big bundles of laummdry. a quantity of wonmen's clotiming , fourteen pieces of silverware , a clock and $3 In money was carrloq away , wimile the inmates - mates of the house peacefully slumbered. 'Vukeu Ahomlia do the I'iilliiuplnes , Those who have r iatives and friends in time ieveaI expeditious to time Philippine islands will be pleased to know that a good supply of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholara and Diarrimoea Remedy baa been taken along amid more will be pro ured ( roam the agency 1mm lioug Kommg mis required. The great uc. COBS Of tills rcmneuy ma mime treatment or bowel comimlaints baa made It standard over tIme greater part of time civilized world , Iuriug tile epidemic of cholera In Honolulu It proved more succeufimi than any other treatiflei3. For sale by all dnmggists. 'tiuurritige Jiv.'mmses. Time following mnarringe iIcenmes ware is- Slieti by County Judge yesterday : Name and residence. Ago. Charles hlornielt , Omaha . . . , , . . , . . . . , . . , Anru Malashock , Sioux CIty , Ia , , , . , , , . 13. Greenberg , Sioux City , In. . . . . , . , , , , . 22 DaIsy ICatnakee , Omaima , , , , . , , , . . , , , , . , is Otto Aimilerson , Kansas City , Kan , . , , . . , Ida Sanders , Kaumsas City , ICon , . , . . , . , . 19 Lminncs Ruudell , Sioux City , Ia . , , , , , , . 47 Lucia Ilollmmmanu , Sioux City , Ia , . , , , , , , 47 John Larson , Omaha , , . , , , , . . . , . , . . , . , 64 Mary Llndquist , Onmmmba , . . . , , , , . , , . , , , , Henry Misfeldt , Bennington , Neb . , , , , , , 2 $ Maggie Gottitch , Bennington , Neb , , , , , , , j7 LOCAL BREVITIES , About 3,000 peoplenttentied time picnic givemi Sunday by time Ilohmemimmn societies at llaskeli park. 'rho proceeds of time picnic will he devoted to time expenses of Do- lienmian day at time exposition , Mr. WillIs , a vIsitor ( roam Stutgart , Iccim , , reporaI to the police time loss 'if a pocketbook - book containIng $40.i'iliis lost the lmurae In a big crowd that' collected just outido the west entrance to tue expoaltiomu rolurmds , . -I--- 'fl - - - . WakIness I Hirsford'ohhId PIiophate toZen $ befororotlrlng quisie the nervea anti deusea refreshing aioop. ' l'1iaea to . $ , ; 8bOdebstitut4i. . - - - - - -i- - - iATA1 , BL1ZE I A hOTEL Guests Awaken from Slumber Only to Pind , Eseapo Out Off , COMPE1ED TO JUMP FOR THEIR LIVES 'rhiree iCIIlti nail a Nimunlier huijutreil- Plretumets Suaeeeu'l lit flescuimug a ( uuinlcr Through time ChICAGO , Aug. 1.-Guests of the tlern'yn hotel , 148 North State Street , were roimsod from their sltmmhers at 3 o'clock this morning - ing to fifth that hostelry on fire. So rapidly cliii time blare spread that men nimd wonmemm toimnil themselves cut oft from escape by the stairs , Three lives vcre lost miii a mmtmmmm- bee of others were nmaImmmeti anti bi'uiseti in junmpimmg from high windows to time lave meat. Time dead : 11. A. TIEDMAN , mnhmsilamm , aged 25 ; jumped froem aim upper floor and died ( rein his injuries. ANNA PAULIN , aged 25 ; burned to iloatim , UNIDENTIFIED MAN , burned beyond recogimltinn. Time Injured : Two muon , mmanies unknown : jmmnmped ( real upper floor and are now at time hospltul tin- conscious. Edward Seaman , proprietor of cigar store at the I1altncr imouse : jtmmmmpeti ( reIn third floor rmmmtl severely injumted. 11. S. 11111 , severely braised. J. V. 1)olsoum , severely bruised. Ii , C. ItIcCicar ) ' , overcommme by simmolco s'lmile Iianglmmg on wlmmdow sill , dropped to street below , probably fatally imurt. Miss Cathmerimme : i urphy , jumped ( roam second story ; right nnlclc broht'im. 1)r. lielknap , burned. Mrs. 07. Ii. Dwight ned baby , overcommmo by anmoke ; rescued by firemen , Miss Marie iCenmmedy , prostrated ( roam cx- citement. Miss Emnma Shmmrkey , imoimsekeeper at the Imotel ; junmped fromim second-story wimmdow ; muimlcle sprained. Wheum time fire was discovered it was burn- lag fiercely on a lower floor. I'edestrians raised a cry of warning which arotised the guests anti time ) ' appeared at time upper wIndow's of time imotel in their night attire , liclow them roared the fire wlthm gradually increasing fury and cloumila of smoke made uncertain the extent of the flames , One of time guests on the second floor swung imirnaclf out umjmon the ledge of the window , peered at the flames for mu mmmommmeat and thom do- libc ratciy jumped to time sidevallc. lie landed upon his feet , but fell into the gutter lmelpless. A nummnber of others followed , amommg them Tiednmaim , who junmlci ) ( remit time fifth floor anti was kilied. Miss Marie McCable anti Miss Scimroeder were carried from the second floor by Daniel O'Leary , the well knowit race horse muon , Mrs. Earl , an artist , was rescued fromu time second floor by firemen. Morrison Jacobson , his wife anti somm , Edward , wore carried ( remit the second story by firemen , SOLD PIANOS TOO CHEAPLY 'l'hiommmns C. Howard iii .Juuli for Swum- dii uu , it l,1 ( )1 l'eoitic Out of Suinli Stints of . If Thomas 07. howard , an. alleged agent for the Kimball I'Imuno company , had been a. 'man of lila word nearly every colored family In the mmom'theast part of time city would have i grammd iminno in its parlor. Mr. Howard is now in jaiL for failing to be truthful. - Howard a few days ago nmatle a tour of the lmonmes of tue colored population in the guise of a piano agent who was fairly glv- lag pianos away. His alluring speeclmes captIvated nearly everybody he tallied to and lie completed his work vt'tim his poelcets bulging with good iron dollars , for which his victims Imad his receipt. Howard promised his dupes that emi pay- mont. of 2 lie would sell a $200 titmno for $100 , to be paid for in weekly paynments of $2 each after time first nix months' trial. The first six mnommths nothIng was to be paId em ) the instrument , the initial payment of $2 simply being to defray the expenses of ruimip- lmimmg the piano to time prom.poctivo purchas- er's residence , In addition to getting n abc months' trial usum of tIme piano a music teacher vas to be fuirnisimed who was to give tree lessons for one year. Twenty-fivo people who imald thm $2 to howard have thus far been discovered by the polIce , but it is believed 'that. ' this number does not near represent the total defratmded. howard was arrested yesterday afterimoOmi. Ten of hIs dupes tiled complaints against him. ' At % Now-a-days nearly ' " - every womami rides a . bicycle , Time majority P- . " of these who do not , have failed tel , l : , compass its diffi- cimities because of . . nervousness. . Many woumcmm af. - . ter taking immnum. ruble lessomma , . . ( and trying vainly to conquer time wheel - for weeks , have finally . given it up as a Imope. . . 'I less task for this one reason , . In nearly every in. stance severe nervous- .1- ncsm 1mm womemm many be traced to weakness and disease of the delicate amid Important orgamme distiimctly femniumitme. No other class of disorders so torture a wo- luau's ' nerves or break them dowim so quickly mmcd effectually. Dr. Pierce's Pa. 'uorlte Preacriptioi : iHn sure , speedy and permanent cure for all troubles of this de- acniption , It acts directly omm time sensitive orgamis concerned , nmakimmg tiucmn strong , healthy , vigorous amid elastic , It allays Infiatunmation , lmenls umiceratiorm , sootlmes pniim anti tones and builds up tile mmerves. It stops exlmausthmg drains. It baimishues time Indispositiomma that precede maternity ammd makes baby's advemmt easy and almost pain. less. It tnstmres the little mzew.commier's health and an ample supply of : moumrislm. meet , It transformmms weak , nervous Iimva- lids immto strong , imealtimy , nervc.stt'ady wo- muon. Timousamida imave testified to its mmmar- velomma macsits. An honest dealer will not offer a BUhStIttute. ' , My wife was troubled with femimaic vrak. lmcss' for several years , " writes James Csswehl , Req. , of Ochicitree , Jolmns'u Co. , Kamme. , (1k. ( 0. Ifox 6i ) , " Slur hail beuriimg.dowtm pains and pal. ' 'ii back. 11cr periods were Irregular , site WI. I base faimmtiug spells , the best doctors did her no good , Py lime lilac amy idle had iaken four bottles of the ' llasorite l'rrscriptiomi ' clue was commmplctely cured , r'4o moore imain. lien monthly periods are regular , she is stout imnil stroug1seu chic comuunemccd tatting your amedicines she weighed about t13 pouniis-nouv bite weights : 'o pounds. " Seimd 21 omme.ccut staimmpa , to cover cost of amailiog only , to time World's Dispeumsary Medical Associatlomm , BufT.ulo , N. V. , for a paper-covered copy of Pr. I'ierce'uu Commmumuon emmse Medical Advibcr-Clotim ; binding ten cents extra , A whole medical library in one zopage volume , Calarrk - ' , ' Mr. 13. P. McAtllstor , ITttrr burg , Ky , , says : "I omnptoyetl imu- incrotis inotliods of localtreatmont for a severe CR513 Of Catarrh , but the disease grew worse steadily , gettiiig a firmergrlp on me all the tiino Iinnliy realizeti timat this treatment diii. not roach time disease1 anti ( Iec'nled to try Swift's Specific , S.S S . , The Blood 1 vlmiclm proimmptlv got at the pont of ' the trouble , tuna ctired me porina- ' ' n en t Cntnrrh Is a blood disease and can not ho reacimed by ernys , inhaling mixtures - tures , etc. S. 8. S. is time only cure. Scud for valuable books mailed free 1)7 Swift Specific Company , Atlanta , Ga. _ _ R l A .AVIUI Eli . GRFAI' ICRA.1IV It's hot a "patent" medicine , but Is prepared direct front tim formula of 11. 07. Bartoum , 1.1. 11. , Cleyelammd' % umost etmilnent sw.riaiirt by lijalmer 0. Ileimsommj'hi , I ) , , Il. S. HA u1.5N I the great. 051 kumown restormultre anti Imtvlgormmior. It crc- ates cuilil iieilu , mummmscl nimd strmmgtlm , clears . limo brain , makes time blood lamro flimfi rich anti causes mi \ grntmrmh fceiing of f , . stmi'ngth nimil renosreti vitality - ity , vzhiile tim generative or- : gaas tire itelpeti tO regain their mmornmul poners imimul the cut- ' 'I ' I _ toner Is mmIckly nmado eon- ir I.cieus of direet beneilt. One box viil work wonders , six . I S . should Perfect a cure. Full - - - directions in every box , or fill . p. , oumt. time diagnosis Sheet you flint encloseit , untl we wIlt give yonr case special attention ithiout extra charge. Il.1t-lII1N Is for smile at nil drug stores , a 60-dose lmox'for do eermt , or we will mail it sormmrolv sealed on receimt , or price. , . - . BitS. I1AItTONANDBENSON , 31 ihar-ilcim Block , Cleveland , 0. Far sale Imy Ttilimm & ( -o. , litl amid lomig. ins : .1. . . . Fuller & Co. , 1402 Dommglnmu St. , lun ii Cl rnhimm iii I ) rug Cu. , I 5th mm 1'tt rimmtmmm Ring I'iuimrmnmtcy , 27th uimd Lett'emmvnrtlm , h'eytoum's l'hitrmimucy , cit im tumid Leavemmwortim ; 1'7. .1. Si'ykorat , South Onmnlmn , and mthl other druggists lim Onmmuimm : , South Oimmaima , Coummeil Bluffs , W'OODtitiRY'S Facial Soap , Facial Cream Fmii'inl Ptwtler , if used daily , vili Soften , W'imitcmm , Beautify tumid I'reserve time skimu iuuitl Imru'eumt'rlmkles , Freclcic's or Chomp- Plmma. Sarah 20 ( 'entS fom' umnimmpio of omichu , .iOliN \VOODIIUIIY , 127'est 42d at , , New York. . - - -S - DUrFY'8 PURE MIIhT WII1KY ALL DIWCCIST8. - - - ' 4) Patronize lloiue Industries w _ _ _ _ .w _ fly 1'zrciinsini Goods Miulle at the Fol. . omvlim&r % eirimakzi 1uctor1c ; MVNINGs AND TENTS. OMAII.t. 'l'ION'I' AI ) ILU1IIIEII CO. ( Succemmors Omaha Tent and Avning Co. ) 2Tnmmimfacturen , tcimt ! . awnIngs ; jobtOrs ladies' and geimtfi' 7.Iacklmmtohme , . 'Jents tor rent. 1311 Farnam St. , Onmalma. 1IllWERI ES. OMAIIA 1lhl1i'lNG ASSOC1.t'rION , Carload shipments made 1mm our own refrlg- crater cars. Blue Jtlbbcim , Elite Export. Vienna Export nni , Fnnmiiy h'zurt delIvered to all parts of the cty. : lJOIr..E1l $ . OM.tIIA JIOIIElt WOItICS. .yO1I , It. LOWHEY , I'rop. o1lers , Tanic , , and Sheet ron Work. Special taeihitir'ml for doing repair , . etc. 1'.l. 135) conNmcnvonig. . C. I. E'ENETJOIt : , J3.tUI.E COltSic WOligs , 4 ? Sinnufactimrer of Galvanized 1-On * Cornice , , Os'- vamdzeh , Iron Skylights , rin , Iron an8 Slate hooting. Agent for Kinrienra Steel Ceiling , ios-10-m : North IIlVP1tim Street. DVII WOI1KS. - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SO1IOFIIStCiC'S T1N C1'I'Y Dg13 lvoitIcS , miii Fuirnuti ill , Dying and c1imzmhng of Smirment , .tm ) goods of every description , Cleaning of flne xarnmemmt , , a specialty , FLOUR 1tl1.LS , 0 S. F. ( ; ILSIAN. Flour , Mcci , Jeid , Bran , 1013.15-fl North 11th Street , O'aaima , Ne'j , C. 13. Black , ? danugr Teepiione 611. IRON WORKS. DAVIS & CFt'GlLI , , IhiON vonici iroii mimuilt linuucs Foimuudt'rs. ldammfacturena and Jobbers of Racitinery. Getm- eral repairing a specialty. jIQI , 1503 and 1501 Jachison Street , Omaha , Neb , I LINSIIIIr ) OlE. i % 'OtiMtN L1XS1I1IJ ) OX li W'OIIICS , Manufactureis olmi procecs raw iinmeetl oil , ket. the boiled iinee,1 oil , ol , pro'ess rrotmmtd llflieei caimes , ground and screened fitmxsvcd for drug. gutS , OliAItA , NEil. OMitIift. hiIIIhIING CC , Manufacturers or tmigim grade Mattrccues , 1111 ltnrnev i4treet. Oflflhli. O\'EItALT , 4N1' SIII1IT FACTO1IIES. lA'I'Z-S07'I'hiNS COMP.tNY , Mtri. Clothing , ibinti. marte. Overaflf , oMAhA ijnii ' ' ' , ahliliT I'IiC'I'OltiES .1 , ii , EVANS , NTSIiit.SIC.t S ill lt'l' COMI'.tJY. Exclusive custom aitirt tailors , 1517 Farnini \'lNlCAIh 4N1) m'ICICfER.'tl.tXN % 'INIiGAIt CO. Manufacturers at Vimmetciur , PIckle , , Cataupi , Muetards , ( 'fiery antI 'orceitrnahmiro Sauce. S \VAOONS ANt ) CrtIulAa8. iii.Ii.t3l l'lehlIi"P1811. For a gootl , , 'mbutiimtiai vehicle at cay 'lescrip- lion , for repainung or rubber tires cii imew or oil wimeeie-tiue bout vInes Ii 17th amid Leavenworlb Streets. CICIML aLsNivrAcrtrnlrtS. hhitXli& CO. Largest factory In lbs weet. Leading jobbeni of Omaha , Eanini ( ' 11 % ' , Lincoln an'l SI , Joseph handle our ge'li. mOOS Fnrnstn Ittecci , A , D. T , Co. ; nmc'ssemmgers furzmisimr'd ; bag. gage delivered , 1302 Douges fit , Tel , 177. ' The finest ! c Cream Soda In the city , lOc S 0 ii d ' 'at r " a hot 4(11 1iut JC kiit , eztis that 211010 1/tcintILu / ( . ) Our St. Louis uxpoi't-M : ' . F1t'amik Ki'nt'i.or-soi'vca all of the latcot soda DrInks. 'i'i'y a "Stolm" of Hoot fleer ; cool and refreshIng utter t shoppliig tour , ! mlako time acquinintanco of Laurolla-our lutcst-You mviii lIml It , pleasan anti ugrcedbIe. Carrlilges mi'ornptly sei'vcd. Concerts every Saturday night , ii A5 FUR & CO C1 Price lrtigIsts , , 5 1,1111 aiiiii IJoilfilas Sts , a I