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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1898)
- - - - - - - 10 LOMA3TADATTJYBEE $ TUESIAY , ATYflUSP , iS8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y I COIIERCIAL AND FiNANCIAL Wheat P11c3 ; Are Tonca Up and Market i Activa at the OIoe. CORN AND OATS ShOW U1PROVEMENT eteni1n'r WI , nt CIo'ies Tirec- . EIKIIIII ? . ItIgIir 'I'Iann Snurdn j . -l'roslnlniui tre , rtiid Strnitly. CHICAGO. Aug. 1.-A docreno In the thb1e uppiy toilay. together wRh a rally In corn , strengthened wheat. 3eptemher closed 3c higher aud December rose 1 Sc. eptembcr corn ndwtuccd 1-Sc. 0at5 lct L oft 14c beUer. Pork l uncliangct Lard bat 2fri5c niitl rIL , arc 2c lower. iteat wn4 deprw3etl In the first part ot the LC48IOfl by the fine progresH heliig made wItIi the cutting ot the spring wheat and ; the cominencezient already of delIverIes from the new crop. MInflealOlIa received iiie cars of new spring wheat niul there 'were about fifteen carloads oftred and tolil In the namp1t mnrlcet here. The viIhle 13U3)ply 1ecreated 2SOQO bu. , compared with fin increaie o 1,782,000 bii. the correpond- Ing week last. year. Primary market re- 'coiptB Wcre 8t111 much tielow those at the imiiar period Inst year. Shorts crew 2ervoU when thii became known and covered freely. It tonic t strong corn mar- 3et , however , to intwie a little nwre buy- Ins spirit into the wheat crowd and It got thRt about nit hotir from thio cioi. S&w- tember , which had , wld us how as 61 5-Sc , recovered to 6 $ 1-Sc lifteen minutc9 from tile cad. Chicago received 1Si cars , against 248 carH Inst year. Minneapolis nail 1)ultlth iot 217 cnr. nil but one car of which wai' r'eeived at Mtnienpolls. The Atlantic port clearances of wfleat and hour were 202,000 )1I. ) Heptemler Ohefled 1-Sie higher at tl'/26I ; 3-Ic , roio tO 6tc , sold oti to 6.1 5-Sc , illeli recovered to SI _ Srdtl4c niked at. tim ( 'loHe. December began 8-Sc tip at GI 3-S E1 ½ c , firmed UI ) to 6I4e ! , declined to 63 % c,3 7-Sc. then advanced to 642j61e , the c1oi- ng price. Continuanca of Taln throughout the west where ( Irouth iiai been feared starteti corn casy. The bullish ardor suffered in conseg ( luence and short ia'Ilers were emboldened In Increase their hues. The pit was vell tilled with offerlng3 and this , in addition to a rather tame deinami ar1y , forced 1)rlce ) vff. Near the cloiio oC the sesLon the tie- 'china was nioro tlittn recovered on Intluen- tial buying by bulls uniter the conviction that the rains had come too late to remedy thc damaga niready done. September be- gtLfl 1-8t 1'4c down at 83 1-St3'4e ' , declined 10 32 5-8l132c , then lirmed UI ) to 33zc asked t the close. Unfavorable crop reports , accompanied rwlthi buying orlers from tue country , caused tim tlrmness In oats. 3arly the mar- Icet was sold off by jrofesslonals , but later the decline was more than recovered , September - tember OiCfletl 1-Sc higher at 20 7-8c , rose to 20 7-SJ2lc , tiecllni to 20 a-Sc , then recovered - covered to 20 7-Sc. PrnvisIn started easy Ofl sehhIn by 1)acker4 and ruled dul nearly nit day. Tel riviird the end of the sessIon prices rCcov- reI , with the closing rally In corn. Sop1 tember lmrk started 2Wc lorer at $9.t5 : ( I 1l ) to $9.40. declined to $9.5 , then ml. . ! ] lcd to 9.47 ½ , the cloclng flgnre. The rangc In lard 1111(1 ribs wru4 InconsequentIal. Fstlmntetl mcceipt for tomorrow nre ' \Vhieat , 2.15 cars : corn , 760 cai ; oatS , 46 , Ears ; itog , 20,000 head. Tile leatling futures ranged as follows : iiie. Open. lIIrh. Low. CioBe. Sat'y. ' . .1Ill % . . . . . . ; . . l34 ; ( ; 5S a4L . Sept. . . . d4hGh U4 63s O4ct ti4SI . Dec. . . . ( ! ( J4hI . J4St ( i4@i SCorn. JUly. . . . . . . . AUC. . . . . Sni. : . . Sept. . . ( . 33I J2M at : :3114 : : flee. . . . . 33t1 :4 : J:3't : ' :14 : : lahiGti Nay. . . . . . . . .Itlly. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Snit. . , . 201t . .0W21 . . 203k 2O9 I May. . 231 28' ' I 23 23PL 23Pi . . . . ; Itltfl. Sept ) , . . 0 35 0 t7 } . 0 33 9 473 P 471' ' Sett ) . . 5 45 5 $71-i i ; 40 5 45 650 0,31. , . . . 5 47I b t 4' 5 24 S Lard. Selfl. . , 542w 145 540 145 547k Oct. . . . 545 65t ) C45 550 552 . 'No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : ; FLOUR-Dull : winter patents , $3.S0213.0 ; straights , $3.503.(0 ; clear , $3.407j150 ; sprin pcclftlS..oct , WHEAT-No 1 , spring , GSj75c ; No. 2 red I , CORN-No. 2 , 3333 1-Sc ; No. 2 yellow , 3 Z334 ° . oA'rS-No. 2 , 21125c ; No. 2 whIte , 267j27c : RYE-No. 2. 1040c. ItA1L10Y-No. 2. 32ti.'t5c. S10FDS-Flaxseetl , No. 1 , 8cc ; prim 0 timothy seed , $2.57. I'ROVISIONS-I'ork , mess. ler bbi. , $9.4 0 t9,45. Lard , per 100 lbs. . $5.W.40. Shor t 'its , sides ( loose ) , $5.:3(5P5.t5. : ( ; Dry alte (1 ( &hoiilders ( boxed ) , $1.75j5,00. Short den r 610CM ( boxed ) . $5.75ji6.00 , lJGAitS-Unchunged. Artle1es. lleccipts. S'pm't 3. .Flour. bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 8,5 ( 8) ) 'sVlieat , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.000 117Ot )0 ) Corn , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5S1,4 ( OatS , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 298,5 )0 ) t3'e , by. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,200 , . llttt1e , ' , lU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 7 ( 10 the Produce exchange todny the bet LOn L- icr market was Ilrm creameries , i14lt18c : ; : daries , I2tlCc. Eggs , steady ; fresh , lie. Yoltlc (1NEltAI Nt1L1CF'I . ( jiotud lfJtl for I hat III ) nit Generzi CllIIllOhlIt k's. NIW TORIC , Aug. 1.-iLOU1t-Recelpt < , iO.OO IblS. ; exports , 092 1)3)15. : iilcs , 5,0 { jo 1)1)15 , weak ind a shade lower ; closed somt , - svlutt steady with wheat , ( 'ORNM EAL-Steady ; yellow weston : 74c , HA1tt43'Y MA1.T-flull ; wt'stern , bTtiIG.14 . WI ii4'1'-tecdipts , 205i50 , bu. ; export < 58,50 1)0 , : spot , t3teltdy ; No. 2 i&'il , 73c , f. 0. I ) , itIloftt , export grnth' , to arrive. 01 linus opened lairly steady , but told a Cf iliitlen favomabla crop news and titsappolni L- ng visible SU1)II ) , ' rciltlctloii , A sharp aftei upon IltIVILItCO iii corn , however , nltrlnc ; ; ig i itliorts xlilil Prices rallied 'lgorous1y , ctonili g PartlY 1-Se hot higher. ; September , CS 5-S ij G9 5-Ifk' , ClOslllg 69Vc. CCIIN-iteeelpts ) , 152,575 1)0. ) : exports , 03 , - 59.3 1)0 , ; spot , steady : No. 2 , 9S'e , I' , a. 1 , ) . lijIout. Options lit first ( I cci I nial i ltttler hen r- Isl crop hews , but later ( tinted strong o II rllniored frosts and ciused llndllILtlge(1 Se ) - tttlIlbt'I. 37 9-8i3W4 ( , , closed aTc. OATS-iteeelpts , 22Ii,0G ha. ; exports , 181 , - 711 bu. . spot , tiull ; No. 2 , 27fe : No. 2 whIt ( , 3le , OPtlOfl $ tolloved corn ttll eost'ci ! du If but tttellti ) ' at unchanged prices ; Septcmb r cIoed at 23 7-Sc , I1OPS-titentiy ; state , common to ehoic C , 1S : ) crop. 4915c ; lS5 ; crop , GtTc ; 1597 cro 121113c ; I'aciIlo coast , 1595 crop , llJie ; 18 crop. j7c : 1897 crop , I012c , \ OOh-.Dull , ClIt0ESF-Steady ; largo wliIt , 7'4c ' ; snut lI WllIte , Sti ; laRge colored , 7 3.Se ; siui h1 colored , Sc. 'l'AbLOW'-Easy. fl1C'i-Steady ; fair to extra , 5 1-Sj6 % c ; 3ulntn , 5 7-h9di i-Se. iO1ASS1S-teijdy : New Orleans , oie 13 kettle. good to choIce , 2SiIfllo. 1 IU'l'TFflt-lteceIlLH , 9,920 lk85 , : wt'stel i n creamery , 11tJ19c ; LlIns , We ; factor ) ' , 11 EdGS-Ttecelpt , 9,552 pkgs , ; nuirket flrr n ; tvetern , u'e. Mi'1'ALS-Tltero Seine sIgn of IL , t- teL' 1c'oliIig in tito tetai narlcvt today , hi Lit business iltlflg Itrt to IL most unsatistnctoi ) ttcIIt , t the close the 1etat OXcIILLUJ r. ? Cttll'tt pIg' lEon vlLI'mants i quiet , wit II $0. 1)1(3 antI $0.G iu'ked. Lalco coiuwr. ( lulet itl $1150. TIi. qulot mIt steady , with $15.6 'I ' hid and $15. .0 tisked , 1oatl , tpilet wl ; I . bId flhli $3,9 ns1Ll , Siuitor , ( p11 < , tI < \ ltIt Sl.5Vij bid Ituti SlG2L askett , Tim fir fl )1UIHIflg I ho settling ptlco for lentlijig t'et It- erlI n3lnert anil bnlelters COIlttfltItYS to que to Ie < tti Itt $3.60 , 01 1-C'ottonseed oIl , inarlet qtilot WI Ut PrIces railer more In sellers' favor on t Ito late IitreIgtIl itt ltrt3 Itrltno ertiile. S. . ( p. p. 1111115 , ltii ITo ; prianc ) YelloW , .1i2ie ; ) rr sununer yellow , ,38j23c , lcItlSNllN CII ) ' G mm nIIII ' ( ) , < ) IlpI : iA , NIIAS C ITY , Aug. L-W I i IAT-Acth , .e , 2o higher ; No. I hard. & 9 ½ J62'.c ; No. 2. 5 S % , 5f614c : No , 3. 59fJG0e ; No. 2 roth , tS72c ; r o , :3. : CMC.Sc ; ; No , 2 spring , 5SJ'59c ; No. 3 si'rx ) g , 59I 590. COItN-Aettve , higher : No. 2 mIxed. 3 t ; tf31'ie ; No. 2 whIte , ' ; No. 3 , 3 001 303to. OA'I'B-Lower ; No. 2 whIte. old , 27SJ27 , oor , 25c. itVFI-Illgher ; No. 2 , 45',4t116C. IrAY-CImIco praIrIe. $5.2 ; No. 1 , E. ( to ; choIce tImothy , fl,007.25 ; No. 1 , $6.0010.5 ( 13UT1'I11-1lrn3 ; separator , 14ilUc ; dcl ry 13c.lC.GI3Firm lC.GI3-Firm : fresh , 8c. Itl0llP'.l'S-\Vieat. ) 251,400 bu4 corn , U- coo ho. : otK. 14.000 bu. 1411 L1t 1NTS-Wl3eat , 131,400 bit. ; co no , 4,200 bu. ; oats , none. ( lrlcultl MIIrlLe. NI\V O1tI4NS. Aug. 1.-l100 PRO ifl. Vt'l'S-Qulet hilt : itcncly , Pork , stanti. IrIl z.acJs , fl.0O , Lard , refined tIerce ; * * .C J' ' J'l l ' _ . _ - - - - - - 1 , ' . t4 : 1)1II 1 < trii , Boxed meat ! , dr y .a1t houldeii , I.121Zt.25 ; Ide ct' i.o ) . BACnI. : clear titai hie Gd&ii.00. t1 nm. . choice i < g.1r eurcd , S9.7. ( :1 : < SE1--Itzil ; lUll , ordinary to f'tlr , S3'1c : enhlnnry to gooti , 5 34i54o , 1 l.Vtlk. ( fJ.iN Ab 11EISTUPF - L' till ; < xtrn f(1IC ) ' $3i5'U4.00 ; atentc. $ .00I1 4.2 . ; . t0rtflIeaI , Iiran , 0.C , 1U. . _ i'oh1e. $11 'flJ12.0U choice , $ i3.03 1a &cnN-No. ; 2 sac'kcd , mIxed , 40c ; shIte a nd yvllotv. 41c. < IA i'S-Na. 2 N'd , 31'.4c. OMAhA , MIIICITS. C otiditloll Ut Trnsirnn.8 QuogtInhi ! on Stittile nud Iane ( itocor1e ! . EOGS-tiood stock. Dc , fltJTTIJt-Coinmon to fair. lGill2c : sep. ar ator. lIe ; gathered creamery , 1&lCc. bI'fl POULTItY-Ilens , 6c old roostflu er s , 4c : spring chickens , lie ; ducks , not w onted ; geese , not wanted , PIGFONS-T..Ive , per doz. , C0S75c. VEAl-Cholo , S < tt9c. I IAY-Uplanti , 5G0 ; midland , $5 ; lowland , $4 : rye straw , $5. V1GFTAUL1S. ONlON-New sotithiern , per lb. , 1lc. IIEANS-I land-picked navy , p.r bIt. , $1.25. 1'O'l'ATO1S-New , nor btt. , 4E4i50c. CA131JAi1'-Por crate her lb. . Ic. ' 1OMATO1g-l'er tour-basket crate , 5OJ CO c. CUCUMI3ERS-liomo grown , per doz. , 30 GJ. ce. % vA ; iiIs-i. ha , tmx , 40c. TI1OPICAI4 F'ltUlTS. OflANOFI3-Seedlings , $2.0tj2.751 Valen- cI a , er box , $3,2 ; Mediterranean sweets , $3 .00 , t.EMON-C'alItomnla , $1.75135.00 ; fancy 1 e'sIltt , $5J.Otlr,00 , 1iANANgSCloIce large stock , per b unch , $2.OOtj'2.25 ; medium sized bunches , $ i .75'1j2.00. FRUITS. 11LACF flAS113lflRIIS-Per 2I.qt. case , $1 .75. flIACKilfl1tflhIS-$1.75. ItJI ) flASIl3I3il1t1ES-Per 24.qt. case , $1 . 75i2 [ , 00 UI .t'I lIflflItl rs- : Per 1C-qt , ease , SI. i5 C11i1t1LIES-1'er 21-qt. Case , $ I.Wtl.25. CURItANTS-l'er 21.qt , case , $1.258p1.SO. % ATEItMFroNs-crate < i , 1S8I20c , CAN'l'ALOPE-Cratcs , $1.23 ; er basket , DO e. l'liACIIFS-Pr .1-basket crate , $1.25 ; C al I fortjitet , 20-I , vase , 1.e 1'LIJMS-Californlns , $1.1S'71.25. PEARS-Bartlett , 52. MtSQ1LLANEOUS , NUTS-Almonds , per lb. , large 517.0 , 1Z8J li e ; small , lie ; I8raaIlt , per lb. , 93i10c ; EnW g ush walnuts , per lb. . fancy soft shell , 11@ 32 0 ; tnndard , 89c ; filberts , per lb. , lOc ; p ecana , polished , medium , GJ7c : extra la rge , SrijVc ; large liiclcony nuts , $ I.OO1.10 P er ho. ; stntll , $1.15ii,25 er 1)0 , ; cocoanuts , l ) O 100 , $1 ; peanuts , raw , G@6'4c roasted , 7c. MAI'iE SYIIUL'-.F'ive-gnl. can. each , $2 .15 ; gal , cans , pure , per doz , , $12 ; hair-gal. c sns , $0.25 ; quart carts. $3.50. I lONE V-ChoIce whIte , 24l15c. IATES-llallowee , GO to 70.tb. boxes , & ½ c ; S aIr. Sc ; Fart ! , 9-lb. boxes , Dc. FIGS-Imported , fancy 3-crown , Il-ib. b exes , 10 < : : 5-crown , 44-ILi , boxes , 11c 2-lb. l , oxe , 22cij2c er box ; California , 133-Ib , b og. $1. ClDFR-Per halt bbl , , $3,25l3.50. hIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES-No. 1 gren hides , 71e ; No. 2 g reen hideS , Gc ; No , I salted 1iide , Sc ; No. 2 salted hides , Sc : No. 1 veal cell , S to 12 l bs. , Ito ; No. 2 veal cslf , 12 to 15 lbs. , To. TALLOW , GREASIO. ETC.-Tallow , No , 1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2c ; rough tallow , 1c ; w htt grease. 2'Vj2e ; yellow and brown g rease , I ½ 'jj2c. ' SLIflEP PEt/PS-Green salted , each , 15 7 5e : green salted shearings ( short wooied e arly skins ) . each , 15e ; dry shearlngs ( short w ooled early skIns ) . No. 1 , each , 6c ; dry Il ilIt , Knnsas and Nebraska butcher wool l ) P1tS , per lb. , uctual weight. 4j5c ; dry flint , 1 nnsas an(1 ( Nebraska murrala wool pelts , pr er lb. , actual weight , 3J4c ; dry hint , Cob- r atio butcher wool ucits , ver lb. , actual elght , 11j'5c ; dry flint , CoIrnd murrala w eel pelts , per lb. , actual weIght , 34e. louln tlnriLet. ST. LOUIS , Aug. i.-FLOEJR-Duil and U flchaflgetl. \Vl-3lA'1'-FractIonally higher , with Auga 1 35t C , tcptember % c and December % bt etter than Saturday. Spot , flrmev No. 2 : t ed , cash elevator , Oac bId ; thack , 0Wt67e : August. 64c : SePtember. 633fc ; December , 6 4e : May. bid ; No. 2 hard , cuh , 5 5C6c. CORN-Futures fract1onnly higher ; spot , better : No. 2. cash , D1LL.o bid : August , 3lc ; : September , 32Stc : December , 328-Sc. OATS-About steady ; No. 2 , cash , 23 : bid ; track , 24'25c ; August , 23c : Septem. bel20Y4'j20c ' ; No. 2 whIte , 2S30C. lIVE-Steady ; I5c. S10D-F'lnxseed ] , better. S5S3 ½ c ; prim < I J'S' BRAN-Steaay and llrni ; sacked , east L track , 5l353e , ] IAY-Qu let , steady ; timothy , $9.50@i1.00 prairie , $ I.50017.00. UUTTER-Steutly ; creamery , 1Sj1Sc daIry. ] 3hiC'C. ' ! EGGS-Steady : 5. loss off. WI-IISICY-Steady ; $1.25. METALS-Lead , dull , $3.S2. Spolter , quiet , $1.30. ' IIOVISIONS-Pork , easy. standart mess , Jobbing , $923937t ! Lard , dull , item . inal ; prime steam. $5.1l ; choice , $5.27' ' Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , $5.00 . shorts , $ .S71 ; extra shorts , clear , $5.62' : ribs , $5.75 ; shorts. $5.S7. Bacon , boxe I ChOUltItIS , $5.80 ; extra short , clear , $6.331 . rhls , < L25 : HhOi'ts. $6.Zi74. RECEI PTS-F'Iour 0,000 bbls. ; wheat bus. corn , 40.0t0 bus. ; oats 32,000 bus S1h1PMi3NTS-Vlaur , 6,000 bbhi , ; wheat 18,000 bus , ; corn , 4,004) bus. ; oats , 0,000 bus : IhItItlIllore Mnrkt. I3LTI1tI0ltE Aug. 1.-FLOUR-Quiet . ReceIpts , 5.640 bls. ; exports. 109 bbls. WhEAT-Easy. Spot , 70U0 .3-Se ; month , C9i691c ; September , 68r468e ; steamer , No. 2 red , GStijCSc. ReceIpts , 107,310 bus. : exportS , 78,294 bus. : soutbarn wheat , b sample , 621fi71 ½ c ; southern wheat , , n grade , 6S'71 c. CORN-Dull. . Spot , 30 7-te37c ; month : i.)4rg37c : September , 37371 , < c ; steame : mIxed , 35 7-S36c , ReceIpts , 16.400 bus. ; ex - ports , 120,200 bus. ; southern white and ye ! - low corn , 4Oj4lc. OATS-Firm. No , 2 whIte.35l.f31c ; No . 2 mixed , 318j32c. ReceIpts , 5,450 bus. ; cx . vorts , none. HJTTIOU-Steady Fancy creamery , 19 20c ; creatnery Imltutlon. iic ; creamery Ia - tile , 142Jl5e : good ladle , 12r1j13c ; stor a paclced , 101lc , 1OGS-Steady. Fresh , 12c. CIIERSE-Steady. Fancy New York large , S < S'4c : fancy New York , medium I , S40j8c ; faticy New York , small , 87j9c (3liieliillnil 1tlnrket. CINCINNATI. Aug. 1.-FtOU1l--Qu1et . fancy , $3.2I'3.05 ' ; family. $3.O0P3.25. \VIIRAT-Steatly No , 2 red , 67c , CORN-Easter ; 2'o. 2 mIxed , t54c. OATS-Active anti easIer ; No , 2 mIxed II 2Cc : new 23lJ24c , 1tYI0-tliet No , 2. 42c. 1i1O\'I5lONS-Lard , . ' . . - firm at $5.17j'5.2O I. , bulk moats , steady at $3.55 ; bacon , In fat tlentancl at $0.65. \vJ IISICY-Steatly at $ l.2. ] 31'I'TEIl-Qutot and In faIr demand. SUGAR-Quiet ; hard refined , $4.47016.10 , EGOS-Dull at Dc. ClIlFS1-Fbrm ; good to prIme Ohio , 8 4III Ill lt4'eI I M nt PrI nelpal Miteketi . MI NNEAPOLIS , Aug. 1.-Recelptt ' : wbl'Lt. ; 216 cars. ChICAGO , Aug. 1.-ReceIpts toda ' : Wheat , ISS cars ; corn , 502 cars ; oats , dl ) 'J ears , listlmatet3 receIpts for tomorros . : wheat , 235 cars ; corn , 760 cars ; oats , di 5 carS. DULUTH , Aug. 1.-ReceIpts : Wheat , I ear. LOUIS , Aug. . . 1.-Receipts : Wheat , JJ cars. KANS\S CITY , Aug. 1.-Recebpt 3 : Wheat , 419 cant. l lii ui.'upotlts tlirIet.'I 11NNI'O11S Aug. 1.-WI1FAT-Du 'I and firm ; August , 7Se ; Scptetnher , 625-SI . December. 62 ¼ e. On truck. No. I bar , ii : Sc : No. 1. northern , 7Se ; No. 2 northeri , 73)4c ) , . 1"LOUR-llusiness , fair ; first patents , $1. 10 5J4.25 ; second patents , $4.lOj'4.20 , 1tR1N-Iii bulk , $9.002j9.50 sacked1 $10. $ 00 @i0.Q.I I ( II t'du ) lgirhet. TOLEDO. 0. . Aug. i.-WIl1AT-1Ilgl3e r , fil No , 2 cnsi , 67c ; September. 0Gc. CORN-1)ull , higher ; No. 2 mIxed , 31'Ac ' , OA'I'S-luil ; No. 2 mixed , 21c. lIVE-Dull. lower ; No , 2 cash , 43c bId. CLOVi0hiSIED-ActIvo , easy ; prim 0 , cash. $3.20. OtI-Uncbianged , M lIvn iilci' G rain ) hitrkct , M I lt\'Ai1lCI'1 , * ttig. 1.-WI IEA'l'-Dul 1 ; No , 1 northern , 82o ; No. 2 northern , Tic. ltYF-1over ; Na , 1 , 42c. i3A11IEY-Noinlnal ; No , 2 , Septembe r p Still Prti iII'IM'I ) 11iat Inrlet , SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 1.-WIIEA'T , . - Active : December $1.22 3-8. UAlt1El-1naciive ; December , $ l.164. 1'tbrln. Mgir1et. , i'EORIA , Aug. 1-CORN-Inactive at id easy : No. 2. 32c. OA'rS3-Quiet : No , 2 whIte , 25c , \'JIlSKY-FIrm on basIs of 1.25 , S'ishhilo Grain i5IIp5)b ) , NlV YORFr , Aug. 1.-The statement of the .vlslbbo lUllly ) of graIn In store ttI Id alboat Saturday , July 30. a compiled by ti lo New ork Produce exchange , Is as follow 8 : I- \S' hient , D,0)i,0OO ho. , an increAse of 29Sf htl . corn , 17,755 000 bat. , a. < ieetCnso ot 1,101ha ( I0 bu. ; oats , 3,44,000 , bu. a decrease of 150- 000 bii. barley , 43,000 , iu. , a decrease of 2,0 00 ho. IIgin lItattcr titirkt , E , .Iug. 1.-I3UTTER--l'irm : offer- In gs , 193 titus : sales , 121 tubs , at 23 ½ c. Sa le3 of the week , li,000 tubs , l3nitlt % 'Itent Market. DULUTIT , Aug. 1-W1iIAT-No , 1 no rthern , cash , 78e : August , 66c ; Septem- he r , G4c December , 6,3c. STOCKS AN ! ) lbOIS. M arket 11 < 1111 ! F1rinAgnIni ( Secrnl AiLnnce InflutOtteeN , NEW 't'OltK , Aug. 1.-Tlto stock market he lti firm today against several advance in- flu ences and showed greatly improved de4C rn and 1,3 , the later dealIngs. The supply of A merican stocks left in tIm foreign cx- ch ange hns become so much reduced and de alings In them are so InsIgnIficant there th at little account was taken of the fat th at London was closed toIa ) ' for Its bank ho liday. Railroad stocks in the early de alIngs hero continued to stIffer from the ne glect whIch has recently made the mari ke t almost stagnant. The bears avaIled themselves ot the qI letudo to make nit aggressIve nttnclc , dl- re ctlng their efforts chIefly against Brook- l ti TransIt and Ilubber preferred , because tn ese stocks have recently none up sharply an ti there were known to be heavy specuT ba tlvo commitments to the long side in th em , There wu.s besIdes a dIsposItIon to ta ke profits , so that prices shaded off ea sily ' and uncovered Stol ) loss orders. Peom pi o'a Gas was bso subjected to 'igorouB at tack and Was sold down t 98. Tue meg ti vo offered for selling Brooklyn TransIt w as the fear that the Profitaiplo trat'tbc ov er the lirooklyn bridge would be Il ) te rfered wIth to allay public apprehension re garding tile strain on the bridge. The sllecubatlon In Sugar was also ery fe verish. though the price did 1101 get far a way from 139. The benrs , in addItion litul re ports that the raIns in the west had co me too late to Prevent serious harm to ti m corn crop , Prices fell Quite materially be low Saturday's close under this combined at tack , but Inside support was fortheom- la g in the Stocks which were most severely , af fected anti the shorts were driven to , co ver , makIng the recovery in these stocks al most complete. Of the grangers , itock Is land and Burlington , the distInctively ; co rn carryIng roads , rose from I to 1. 3-8 pe r cent from the lowest , and tite South- W estern as a group were strong. The flubI he r stocks chned today with gains of 1 , l ) ir coat anti 2 per cent , respectively. , ? cw York Air Brake , I'aciflc Mall , Lead , a nd ' Tobacco Were strong features all day 11IO stock market was also materIally ai ded by the increased demand for bonds In I th e afternoon , In which there was active I b usiness , especially in the 4 per cent bonds of lately reorganized roads and the junior l sues which are gaining in security from th e recent increases in earnIngs. Total L sa les , $2,120,000. ( ] overnment bonds were strong on the p respect today , although tills factor had 01 )1) ' a small influence in stocks. The new g overnment : Is ' ad'anced to a new high le vel , allotments of subscriptions selling at . 10 4'L. United States 45 both tile new and ol d issues advanced ' , , the 3s Issued 3-S I n ull the Ss regular per cent in the bId I p rice. The following are the closing quotations o f the leadIng stocks on tim New Yori . m arket today : _ _ _ _ _ _ I T , I' . cuzn. . . . . . . . . . . :34 : ilaWall C. C. . . . . . . . Ii rooklrn It. 'I'ran. . & $ St. P. & Omajia , , . . S A tchiam . . . . . . . . . . . . i ; do preferrnl..i2 A tohli'on preferrei. 84 % St. P. , M. & M..100 B ibtIm'oro & Ohl. . 14 Southern Petflc . . . C na4t1I. Pacitlo . . . . . SI Southern Railway. . S' C anajL ( 6outttrn. , , & 1 do preferred. , . . 31 % C entral Pacitli' . . . . 16 Tea & l'aClfle. . . . C Iesatwakt' A 0 , , . . 22 tinIa Pmctttt pfd. . Ot % , CC hicago & Allen. . , .l&0 13. P. D , & 0 . . . . . . C . , 1 % & Q. . . . . . . . . . lG0'at'arlt . . . . . . . . . . . . . , C . .Si 13. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 do prerred. . . . 39L C . C' . C. & St. I. . . . . 41'w. . & I. . Ebb. . . . . . . 1 % , io pr.terrt'4. . . 53 do preferre4. . . . 1I D elaware & 31..IOEi Adams Expreit9 . . .142 1 ) ektware 1. . . & W. .150 AmerIcan lxpress.,135 P 4,1 , & 1110 0. . . . . . 1214 Uttc'd 5tate 5x. . 41. D el. & We. G. ptd. . 0 % Wells-Fargo E. . .113 E rIe ( new ) . . . . . . . . . . . 1a ) , A. Cotton OIl. . . . . . . a rts. tt llreterret. . 35 do prerred , , , , F ort Wayne . . . . . . . . . .0 AmerIcan Spirits. . . 12' ' , , ' . 0 . North4n pt'1. ' . . .1251,4 do preferred. . . . I H ocking Valley . . . . 5 . &merIca 'robaeeo. .12a , I llinois Cntral . . .107 , jo Drererre.1294 , Lake irt. & W. . . . 13 People's Gn't . . . . . . . . I do preferrtal. . . . 1 ColuolIdated One . .19I Lake Bhore . . . . . . . .19O Coat. Cable Co. . . . . . Louts. & Na9h. . . . . . 53 C& . F. & li-on. . . . . . 2D4 Manhattan . . . . . . . . . ½ do preferred. . . . 93 Met. St. . . . . . . . . . Genral P1ecttt . . , 39 Mich. Central . . . . . .io : IllInois Steel . . . . . . . tO 2 .1.1011. & St L. . . . . . 2S' tack4 OB' ; . . . . . . . . ' t3o 1st preferrel 59 Leai1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 1 , tlieourt l'acIStc . . . 35 { , Lead preferred . . . . .iO9' .tbIe & Od. . . . . . 27 Net. Linseed OIl. . , . ( 1 ! . IC. & 'I' . . . . . . . . . . . O ! t'ettlc Iatl . . . . . . . . do preferred..4 , puhlrnan Palace . C. 1. & 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 SIlv'r ccrUflcates . . Q prvterred. . . . 35 5. itope & Twine , , 5k , : . N , S. Cq3trsJ. . . . . . . 0 Suar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N' . Y. Central..itl8 Sugar preferrecI . . . .11ti : v. . c. & St. L. . . 12't ' , 'Feun. Ootl & Iron. 2i1 I 1st ptd. . . . . . t0 U. II. Leithicr. . . . . . . 7' dt , 2d pro. . . . . . . 13 do prererre1 , , . . (3 , NorUtwetern . . . . . . . Ii'4 ' U. k5. Rubber. . . . . . . . . No. Amerlean Co. . . G 40 vrercred. . . . 99 Northern Polfte . . . i % Western Tirilob . . . 'I do petrred. . . . 1I' C. & N. . . . . . . . . . . . Ontario i : V. ' . . . . . . . . , So pr.fLrr'i. . . . . . Oregtn 34. 1 N. . . . . . 414 ! cml. at. wear. . . . . . Oregon . iAae. . . . . . 28 . It. C. & tv. . . . . . . . . , I 'tttsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Rwa4tag 1t lIft , . . . / ' I leatling . . . . . . . . . . . . . l7U St. L. & . \S' . . . . . . . : ' 1-tocic jlatl . . . . . . . . 98 % Ob pr"tcriet. . . . 2j4 St.L.&SgF..T ½ St.l.&S. F.2i9..29 do ! st pfI. . . . . . 1 .30 prenerrea , . . , 4 St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . .10.914 U. 1. & W , p01. . . . 4 do prarerred.i5i Ex-div. - Total sales of stocks today , 235,400 share : 1 i ncludIng , Atchison prtferred , 3,720 ; But . l lngton , 7,279 ; Manhattan , 3,050 ; Norther n Pacific preferred , 5,847 ; flock Island , 5,481 L ' St. Paul , 9,533 ; UnIon Pacific preferre 1' 7 ,135 ; Tobacco , 12,930 ; People's Gas , 3,48 : General Electric , 3,525 ; Lead , 14,1182 ; PaclIl Mail. 7,570 , ; Sugar. 22.050 ; Leather preforret I , 1 0,015 ; Rubber , 23.455 ; Rubber preferre , II . 6 ,555 ; 't\'estorn Union , 3,252. New York Moiiey Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 1.-MONEY ON CAL Li -Sotninlly % per cent. PRIME M1i1tCANTILE PAPER3t , 18 lC Cent. STERLING EXCFIANGE-Steaty , wIt lt actual busIness in bankers' bills at $4,851 ( ltI ) 4,85 for demand and $4.S314.3 for slxt y days ; posted rates , $4.844.S5 and 4.S01 commercIal bills. $4.S21'4.s244. SILVJO11 CEflTIF'1CATES-5S',659c. BAR SILV1OII--58 9-lOc. MEXICAN DOLLARS-45 ½ c. GOVERNMENT BONDS-Strong : new 4 registered and coupon. I2lQi2S ; 4s , regi : : bred , 1iG'.2ll ; coupon , 1111j1l2 ; 2s , recit - 55 , regIstered , 11i8j)312 ) ; coupon , 1ll : , ii2l , ; Pacific 6s or ' 99 , 102. ClosIng quotations On bonds were as fo I- l ou's : U.S.new4sreg. . . . . . . < . . . . . . . . . . . .132 Si - ; U. S. do Coup . . . . . . . . .7 ( N. 0. Ca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U.S. ds , reg. . . . . . . . . lZO3 N. C. 4K. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:3 11 S. . . . . . . . . No , Pacific lHlsj1'j 11 U. 5 , 2(111 , re . . . . . . . 064 No. Paclac Sti. . . . . . ( $4' $ ' 11. 8. 6 , retc. . . . . . . . . . 11111 No. l'aettlc 4 . . . . . . Ott U. S. apt , ( ' ) . . . . . . . N.Y. C.J St. r , 4RlOa 14 DislrIct : t. uss . . . . .110 N. . W. i : . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Ala , clasS . . . . . . . . 'N. V. Coasols. . . . . lii : _ AFt , , class . . . . . . . . N. W. fleb. . . . . . . . 4't Ala , , CIa ! ! U. . . . . . . . 90 Ore , N. . . . . . . . . . ) Ala , , Crrency. . . . . . 510 Ore. N. 4 ! . . . . . . . . . . . 971 . Atchison 4i < . . . . . . . . . 1 < 5 % ' 0. 5. L , flit t. r . . . . . . . . t AIO1IIAOn aOl 4 . , . . 71 0 , 5. i. tij I. . . . . . . . . lots Caa'lziSo. 2tls. . . . . 10814 PacttlcOsojUi . . . . .102 CItI. TermA. , 45 . . . . . 53014 1teacitn 4s. . . . . . . . . . 82 1 C.&O.ts . . . . . . . . . . , 115 R.tLIS.I.uit. . . . . . . . e ii. & 1) . 4Sjt.10494 St. 1. .lc I , 10. < 'on Ss 9t1 1) , It. U IBlIt. . . . . . . 1A94 St. L. & 3. P. CCII , 0.115 ( p. , , t , a , 4's. . . . . . . (1814 ( SI. i. ConMoI . . . . . . .148 4 Nast Tone. IsIs..i0flG St. P. 0. & P. kits , . l1I Erie Gen. dtt. . . . . . . , , : IH St. I' . C. & P. Its..11(1 1 I' . W. t U , istit , 1. r , 74 So , fly. Ss. . . . . . . . . . . 04 I ( leti. BltC. 55. . . . . . . . 1I5l ( 'S. B. 3i T. ( is . . . . . . . . 07 0 , Il. & S. A. < Is. . . . . . 104 Tenit. new Set 8 , , , 131 a. ii. & S.A. 20s , .1(15 ( ' 1' , p , l. 0. lst . . . . .100 84 II , .tT. Cent , ti. . . . . . 110 ' 1' . 1' . 11g. 2ds. . . . . . . "IL. & 'F. (3. coo , s. I 1 1 13. 1' . P. & a. IMs , 74 Iowa C , 18th , , . . , , . . 101 % % 'iti. 1st . . . . . . . . . 14 La , New Coa , it , . , .103 'Wab , 20 ! . . . . . . . . . . 88 8 L. & N. Thu. 4e. . . . . . 8 : ( W.Shoro . . . . . . . ( ; 1tIbtAotlpt Os . . . . . . . .100 Va. canturks. . . . . . . I ' $4. IC , & P. 90s , . , Ut8 : Vu. dtferrcd. . . . . . . . II , i. . .kT. . . . . . . . tlittOit l'acilto LB. , , 07 , L N.Y.C. _ . . . . . . ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * tOffered. - llolton Htoei Quoftiouis , BOSTON. Aug. 1.-Call loans , p cc cent ; time loans , 2l4j4 Pr cent. Cboslt ig quotatIons on stocks , bonds and 11111111 lIt shitres : A , ¶ 1' . & ( ft. F' . . . . . . 13' ' Atchon ( pieftrred. , 3 American iugar . . . l lioston r1e.'trlt , . . , . do preferred . . , llt 12. tI. 1Iltnol . . . . . . . . Bay Stale ( $ . . . . . . ' 1.16 c3eneral llevtrlc l' ' I I Pelt Telephone . . . .278 AtchIson 4s . . . . . . . . . 'J l'4 IIoton & Altll ) ' . . .32l' : AhIout'z Mining , Co. . Ii liuston 3.Iolne.163 Atlantic . . . . . . . . . . 2 ; I < . . 1. & . . . . . . . . . . % IJotn & itlolttana,3Q ( Fitebburir . . . . . . . . . .102 flutte & iloslon , , , . ,14 , Gainl Fectrlc ( . . , 31I % Calurnet & ILecIaSTi ' Illinois Steel . . . . . . . . rsI L'tntcnnlaI . ILecIaSTi'I . . . . . . . . . , ! , MexIcan Central . . . 4 % FranklIn . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 N. Y. & N. in ; , . . , ill OcroIa . . . . . . . . . . , , . : Old . .obon ) ' . . . . . . . . .ia Qulney . . . , . , . . , , , , , , ll Itubber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4354 Tamarack . . . . , , . , , , ii : I Union l'acltte W'cjlvt't1ne . . . . . . . . . 2 11.4 1.n&l . . . . . . . . . . t5 Parrot ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S iv \\'ebtInglk. 141t'etilc , 214 Old DomInIon . . . . . . S 1 do preferred , , , , Iq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - I'orclgit 1"lilIiit'Iil , PARIS , Aug. 1.-PrIces were firm on I he beurse 1008) ' , III ittttlcpatioit that IIOUCO I to- twt3en 51)11111 and the United tntos v 1h1 be coitelutbeti soon. lilo tlntos and debe 'Ii- ' ( urea were in special favor , owing to lie belief tltiit they vibl be lamttculttrIy be , : IC- Ilted Ity the conclusion of peitco , Spatii sit 45 Iluettlated consllerabi3' , 'rltree per c ' 15t l'eIltCS , 103f ISo for the account ; exchan go ( Ill Lnntloli , 25f 23c for eheeks , BERLIN , Aug. 1.-Business was quiet a nul lris'eS ( ere firm , on tile bourse today a there was a general recovery of TOllt chases. Coal , iron md seumhip har 'Cs . - - - - - - - - - - - - at tracted attention , iitlo to the favorable ha lt yearly report of the Itnuso compnny. San l'rnleIoo Mining QnoInlnnN , SAN 1'1lANC1Sto , Aug. 1.-The oIflcirtt d osing jtintatlons for mining stocks today w ere as follows : ltft , . . , . , , , , , , , . , . , . . , is Itenitlek Con . . . . . . , , . , 4 A lpha Con . , . , , . , . , . . , . 4jtsxleaa . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . Ia A rtris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t OccIdental Con. . . . . . . , 59 AB ekher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Ophlr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IlIl eet & ilelcher. . . . . . . 19 OveFnm9fl . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Il uhlIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4 I'otoel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 C aledofllft . . . . . . . . . , , , II Savage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 d iaPer . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . It ScorpIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 CC on. Cain. anti Va , . , II Srrit ( Nevada . . . . . . , . 56 C rown i'otnt . . . . . . . . . 11 5ll't'r 11111 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 ehequer . . . . . . . . . . . . I t'nhon C'.m. . . . . , . . . . . . . 23 (3If 01111 & Currba. . . . . . . IC ) Utah Con. . . . . . . . . . . . . . C If ahe & Noreros ! . . , , , CO Yellow Jacket . . . . . . . . 51 .T UIIa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 'Standard . . . . . . . . . . . .iC5 Jt I.tlCp 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Asked. Silver bars , 57c ; Mexican dollars 4G 4C ' ,4c. Drafts , sight , ISo : telegraph , 171c. 7ct 1'rk IIiiiiig QlIlfltIDhlN. NEY0ltl , Aug. 1.-ClosIng quotations Cl i mining toeksI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C helter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 OntarIo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 CC rown I'alnt . . . . . . . . . .S Ophtr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 C on , 1a1. ILnI Va . l'lyniouth , . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 i. ) esdweod . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 QuIcksilver . . . . . . . . . . .190 G ould anti Curry..I .90 preterred . . . . . .4k ) h ale anti Noreross. , , 83 SIerra Nevala . . . , , , , 50 . i ( om'stfllte . . . . . . . . . .4,500 , Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it i ron Ilter . . . . . . . . . . . 70 UnIon Con. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 t lexlnnn 15 Yellow .Iacket Financial otM. OMAhA , Atlg. 1.-'rhie clearIngs for the d ay were $ lOSO,018.I9 : balances $100,816.75. T he clearings for 1597 ware $ S3.G6l,11 , nfld tl lO balances. $1t7.139.S7 , increase in clear- In gs , $214,387.08. \VASHINGTON , Aug. 3.-Today's state- m eat of the COfldItIoli of tile treasury s hewn : Avatlablo cash balance , $254,941,215 ; g old reserve , 3189,444,714. ChICAGO. .Atig , 1-Clearings , $13ICO,100 : b alances , $994,200. New' York eXClinhige , Sn l ) renllum , Sterling exchange , vested , $ I.SI 01 4.86 . : actual , $4.83'.i4S5 sixty days , t 't4.S4' . Stocks , dpil llIscult , :11 : : Biscuit , tp referred , 91 : DIahtlOfld Match , 133 ½ : StrawO b oard , 26Vcst ; Chicago , 94 ; North CliiT c ago. 211. Pb IILADE LPI-IIA , Aug. 1.-Clearings , $ 7,800,930 : balances , $1,429,4S6. hAhn MORE , Aug. 2.-ClearIngs , $2,200V , 5 22 : balances , $371,567. MIIMI'0lIS , AtIg. 1.-Clearings , $1SG,359 ; b alances. $69.469. New York exchange selllC t ag at $1.50. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 1.-ClearIngs , $ i,418,1S4 ; b alances , $670,1121. Money 5118 Per cent. N ew York oxrdlatlge , par Lid , lOc preiniula a sked. cINcINNATf , Aug. 1.-Money , 2 to 6 p er cent. New York exchange , par. Clear- I ngs , $2,373,300. N1OW YOIIIC. Aug. 1-ClearIngs , $72,902- , 1 58 : balances. $5,654,593. BOSTON , Aug. 1.-Clearings , $13,125,714 ; b alances , 2Q90,40i. CottOn Miirk.'t , NEW YORK , Aug. 1-Today's cotton m arket made a slight gain as to prices , but , w as without improvement. as to demand. T he Liverlool cotton market remained , c losetl and this fact checked business. , O pening qtilet but firm at an advance of 2 81 points , there was but little further , , c hange. The tmprovemont resulted chIefly f rcnu further reports of crop deterioration I n the 71113SSsip9)i ( 'alley and east of that t erritory from renewed rains , where clear w eather was needed. The force of this UllJ f avorable Intelligence was weakene,1 , by m ore favorable conditions Ia Texas , Okia- ii oma anti Arkansas , where needed mIlitIa I Il ave made their appearance. TIle market c losed steady at a net gain of 35 points. S pot steady ; middlIng , 0 1-16c. Net receipts , , n one ; gross receipts , 291 bales : exports. to F rance , 300 bales ; to the continent , 1,002I I b ales ; forwarded , 198 bales ; sales , 2,6S4 I b ales ; SPinners , 350 bales : stock , 89,070 bales. , T otal tdoay : Net receipts , 1,305 bales ; ex- p ortS , to France , 100 bales ; to the continent , 1 ,002 bales ; stock , 251,584 bales. Consoll- : ri ated : Net receIpts 4,694 bales ; exports , teI G reat BritaIn , 10,421 bales ; to France , ICC I , b ales ; to the continent , 3,091 bales. Total s titce September 1 : Net receipts , 8,512,811 b ales ; exports , to Great Britain , 8,476,42 , b ales ; to France , 915,303 bales ; to the con fl uent. 2,964.513 bales. NIOW ORLI1AN8 , Aug. 1.COTTONA F utures. dull ; August , 35.58115.60 ; September , $ 5.584t$5.C0 ; October , $5.6lllj3.62 : November $ 5.65i5.67 ; December , $5.70715.7l : January $ 5.74tb.76 ; February , $5.775.79 ; March , L 0 j5.82. Spot , steady ; sales , 500 bales ; ordi. . n ary , 4c ; good ordInary , 4 5-Sc ; low mId' . t iling , 5 3-lOc ; good middling , tic ; mlddlin T f air , 6 7-ICc. Receipts , 28 bnIc's stock , ae . t ual , 83,557. ' 1ST. LOUIS Aug. 3-COTTON-QuIet anc I u nchanged. o sales m'oported : middling , : ; 3-ICc. Receipts , 011 bales ; shipments , 6 bales ; stock , 3I75 iiea. Coffce'iunrket. NEW YORT , Aug. 1-COFFE1-Optton I o pened steady , at 10 potilts advance or I Europan iltinnQsfl ; ruled barely steady ir I absOncO of npCcUtattvo supply and unilci - , l arge Brazilian new crop movement. in different speculation , small warehouse dc l iveries and ick spot demand. Close ; barely steady , 51jlO points higher. Sales , 1 2,000 bags , including September , $5.50 . Sltot coffee , Rio , inactive : No. 7 InvoIce , Ge . No. 7. jobbIng , 7ic. Mild , business of L j obbng flntUro ; Chrdova. Sfi5c. RIO DII JANIOIRO . . , Aug. 1.-COFFEE- - Quiet ; exchange , standard. 7,350 rels ; me - Celitta during the week , 60,000 bags ; ship - fllelltS , to the United States , 30,000 bags ; stock. 809,000 bags. SANTOS. Aug. 1.-COFFEE - Steady ; good average Santos. 7,500 bags : receiph a t luring tile Week , 139,000 bags ; shIpments , ti . ) the United States , 59,000 bugs ; stock , 437 , . 000 bags. New York Dry ( oodii Market. NEW YORI , Aug. 1.-There were adOl - ttons to tile ranks of dry goods buyers Ii I towa this morning. The heavy buyers hay a not yet arrIved , but there are many of tbt ! ma.ller purchasers and the operations o t these made quIte a. showIng In the loca 1 market. At least they counteracted th a falling off In trade from nearby polnh :3 : traceable to tIme bad weather. Mail order : a were received in faIrly lILrge numbers an : :1 : aggregated heavier amounts than have here - tofore been the rule. The days operations , therefore. reached a fairly good total. Sta - pie cottons 31)0w no change. The marke I for bleached cottons has shown less gail t than vas expected. 'rho demand is stli 1 conilncd to narrow lImits. Printed cotton I ; are generally ( Pilot , Reorders on fall fancte S are not 0 $ heavy flI W:33 tile case a monti :1 : ago , _ _ _ _ _ _ oil Marhet. OIL CITY. Pa. , Aug. 1.-Credit balances I , 9Cc ; certificates opened no bid. The firs t sale wasof _ cLSh * at 91o ; closed at Sic hi I for cash ; sales. regutar delivery , 2,000 libltIS at DOe ; total , 20,000 ithIs. ; shipments , 113,2 IS bids. : runs , 176,894 1)1)15. S.&VANNAII , Ga. . Aug. 1.-OIL--SpIrit S turpentine , firm at 1'5'c bid. Rosin , iIrr a antI unchanged. w'ILMINGTON , N. C. , Aug. i.-OIb. - Spirits tilrpentlnt ? , firm at 21 ½ c : crude tur , - 3)L'ntlfle , firm at $1.ij1.50. ) Tar , firm at $ I.1 ( It Sugar Market. NEW 'YORK , Aug. 1.-SU(1Afl-Ra ( t ( liltet but very steady : fair refinIng , 3S2 i centrifugal , 90 test , 4 1-Sc ; small busines : 011 private terms , NEW O1u.EANS , Aug. 1.-SUGAR' - Steady and tlnitt : open kettle , 31j4 1-sc : ccii - irltugal white , 4 I1.16c ; ) 'cllow , 444Ji1 : . , seconds , IC. MOLASSES-Ery ; centrifugal , dij'llc , Callformilu DrIed l'rtlItM , NE\V YOI1K. Ally. 1-CAL1FORNI. % . DRIED FRUITS-Quiet ; evaporated at . plea , cointoon. GOISe ; prIme wire tray , 8 ½ 1 ( I 8c ; ( ' 1)01CC , 81t9c ; fancy. 9e : Prunes. iISe ; apricots , Itoyal , S ½ ijlOe : Moor i'arli ci , 108j12e ; peaches , unpeeled , 57j8c ; iCOted , I ' - ) OjilIc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'I'Iil3 itE.tI.TV M4thIlCiO'I' . INSTI13Jt1ENTS placed on record Moutla , , August 1 , 1898. W'arrniity 1'ei ! . .9. B. Lounsbei'rY npd husband teAl Al , S. 1a1inqtiist , uq lot II , block 10 , Itoed's Ilrmtt add. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,21 , 10 F. J. LeGeyt to It. A. Iterry , 5x165 feet on 8outh Itle , lot 2 , block 8 , sinulu's add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 10 , I' . BIkIna 111)11 cItn to N. S. Brown , ( ' lot 9 , block Ii , OlUtsiliL VlI\ % ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SI : o Erick Neisoli anti s'ite to C. S. Sluep. art ] , lot 6 , block 6 , flelvedei'o add , SI )0 C. J. Flack and i3UaiflLlld to A. < 2. Monteiilm , lots 1 to 20 , block 1 , lii ! . leko's ttticl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . Omaha SavimIg PanIc to Vt' . If. TIIOPIIsoiI Ct al , lots 54 1.0 57 , Stow- art Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stow)0 \ , jf TholUlIsOll et al to CO. A. josselyn , SlIflIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 , 10 J , 3 , Bryan and wife to C. M. fly- lander. lot 10 , CaIn Placu. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,4' ' 30 Theo Olsen ot ci to Job111 Stoft. lois It aimtl 12 , block 2 , 1 lumninond I'laco ( rellbe ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,1 , 00 F. C. Tym und wife to 0 , C. Diets , north 55 feet of east 140 feet lot 4 , block S. West Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,1 , : : Quit CInimit I.eiis. E , I'S. IIo'tt nni wife to J. i. Car. SOil , lots 1 anti 2 , block 2 , Orchard I lilt , and luroPent ) ' lim 11t'aiilciiii couiity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 W. H. Olmatead to i'd. II. Olmatead , se' seq. 21.16-12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 K. 11. Curtis aittl husband to C. 11. Fleming , UnthI'1td ( ½ lot b. bloclc Orchard liii ) , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - , i icedM , J. Ij , Carson et al to E , k1 , 1103(11 , lots 1. tIflhl 2 , biork 2. Orchard 11111 , and property Ia Frunkijil county. , , 1 - Total amount of trtiiisfers , . , . . , , ,1t,7 tq . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - * O IAllA LIVE STOCK ! ARKET W eek Opens with Stiff Bun o Cattle anti Sheep an Few Hogt. C ORNFED STEERS SHOW SOME WEARNESS I ) rylot" hlnrclT Steitl3' nIlil UDIICr4OILCM Miieit Lu-cr-t3rilpuor In ( boiL HernatlIl-liogN Strolig to . Vito Ccnhl higher. - - - - . .a . - , a. .13- . _ _ i SOUTh OMAIIA , Aug. 1. Cattle , hogs. lueep , R eceipts today . . . . . . . . . . 3,064 3,549 4,104 O fllciai Saturday . . . . . . . . 1,426 9,627 2,145 O mio week ago . . . . . . . . . . 1,545 2S33 3,290 T wo weeks ego . . . . . . . . . 3,735 2.693 1,671 O ne year ago . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,794 2,101 1,431 T wo years ago . . . . . . . . . . 3,453 1,902 1,132 Average price paid for hogs for the last fe w days , with comparisons : I The olllclai number of ears of stock b rought in today by cccli road was : Cattie.Iiogs.Siiecp.IfotseB.w C . , It ! . & St. P. fly , . 2 1 . . 0M & St. L. ity. . . . . . . 1 2 . . M o. I'ac. R . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. . u nion l'aetSla System 31 32 . . 17 C . ; N. W. fly. . . . . . . . . . I . . . . F . , E. & itS. V. It. It. , 39 12 9 1 C . , St. P. M. & 0. It 4 5 . . . , 13 . & M. it. it. H. . . . . . 6 13 11 C , , It , & Q. fly. . . . . . . . 2 . , , . C . , it. 1. & 1' . Its' . , E. 5 . , . . C . , .11. 1 , & 1' . fly. , W 10 . . . . . , Total receipts . . , .109 49 20 39 : The disposition of the days receipts was a s follows , each buyer purchasing the n tlniber ol head indIcated : Iluyers. Cattle , hogs , Sheep.I O maha l'acklng Company 5 : ) 528 ( ; I T ime ( I. 11. Iiamnniond Co 245 . 721 . . , S wift and Company.100 893 . . , 'I' iio Cudahy Packlii Co 720 59 925 P . D. Armour , Chicago. . 490 1,311 1,161 V ansant & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 L ehman & Itotliscltlid8. . 359 \ v. I. StCLhefls. . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 lC rebhs & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 1 1111 & Huntzillger. . . . . . . . . 120 . , L ivingston & Schalcr..15 . O ther Buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 . . . . 911 , , L eft Over' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 . ' Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .853 544 3,06 . 11898.11597. 1896. 11595.11891. 11893. 11592 _ _ _ _ J' uiy 14. . . 3 77 ! 3 151 001 ' J 7'3l 5 74i 5 Ci 3 013' 16 . . . 3 82 3 20 3 07 4 81 4 86 ! ' 5 5 ) JJ uly 17 . . . 3 25 2 97 4 82 4 9fl 5 SD J uly IS . . . 3 S2 2 95 4 53 4 90 5 65 5 5 I J uly 19 . . , 3 89 3 32 , 4 89 4 79J 5 35 5 6 4 .l uly2O. . . 386355297 491474 51995 J uly 21 . . . 3 81 :3 38 2 93 4 79 5 39 5 SI J uly 22 . . . : i ' :9 : s 2 2 801 4 88 5 53 5 61 J uly 23 . . , Ii 82 3 25 2 S3 4 81 4 741 5 6' ' J uly 21 . . . 3 31 2 (12 ( 4 76 4 81 5 59 J uly 25 . . . 3 89 * 3 59 4 81 4 76 5 59 5 6' ' I J uly 213 . . . 3 S7 3 37 4 88 4 SI 5 33 5 0 7 J uly 27 . . . 3 72 3 43 2 85 4 89 4 86 5 28 5 6 7 J uly 28 . . . 3 67 3 29 2 76 4 76 5 06 5 5 7 J uly 29 . . . 3 72 3 36 2 71 4 93 5 01 5 5 3 J tiIy :10 : . . . 3 71 3 44 2 77 4 74 4 58 5 5 1 J uly 31 . . . 3 50 2 77 .1 67 4 60 5 02 A ugust 1. . . 3 79 2 77 4 4l 4 5 02 6 41 2 - S Indicates Sunday. Total arrivals of stock numbered itS cars n gninst 101 cars t week ago , 109 cars twc ; w eeks ago and 117 carS three weeks ago I t was the largest run for a Monday sint ; May 0. The gain ' 'as due to tile large : I. r eceipts of cattle and sheep. CATTLE-Today's total receipts nUmn - b ered 109 cars , mostly grass westerns , w hIch was the largest run of cattle for r L Monday silica June 13. Cornfed catti were very scarce and thert t W OS only ltle bunch which was good enoUl 1 t o attract any attentIon and it soid at $5.15 . E ven the medium grades of cornfed catth ) Were 1101. at alt Dlcntittml. The marlcet ot I t he best dry lot cattle could be quoted a : I s teady , but not especially active , and en I. I tnishod kinds 1015c lower than last week . A s was explained last week , there ha b een a heavy decline on time common ant h alf fat cattle at Chicago and other mar - I cets are feeling time effects. Unhlnishet a nd half fat cattle come into direct corn p etition with range cattle , and , as corna l atter are becoming more plentiful , th I h alf fat cattla are naturally dropping dowi I I n price. There vere more western grass steer : a t itan have becit here before this season , b ut they were In fairly good demand , a : t hat tito market was reasonably active ala t he mnsst of them ald earls' , local killer : a b eIng good buyers. The prices paid wer j ua about steady , there being no quotabl c hammgo on that kind of cattle. Cows and betters were in liberal supply t he most of the offerIngs consisting o westerns. The market was without ch'tng ' a a nd time otfenlilgs vere taken in good season I. Some western hcifers soul up to $3.90. in the stocker and feeder division thor a was more life than has been witnessed to r some time past. In time first p1ac then e wel's more cattle to sell Shalt On most day S of late and at tlmo same time there ver e more buyers. The rains out in the stat ee have caused a renewal of confldenco an Li pecuiators were all free buyers tills morn , - t ag , in antIcIpation of a larger country de ' - natud during the next few days. The price a paid were fully steady and In some case I1 strong Ofl the more desirable kInds. 1-top , - resentativo alcs : STEERS. No. y. Pr. No. As' . Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 2..1O15 $4 40 20..103t $1 75 20..1079 $ i 80 8 7. . ' .00 4 5(3 ( 109. .1130 4 75 22. .1150 4 90 2 1..100I 4 50 20..12l0 4 85 17..1311 S 15 CO'vS. 1..3000 2 25 1. . 830 1. 75 1. .1000 3 25 2..i0C5 250 l..1200 275 1.11SO 325 2. . 350 2 50 2. . 955 . 75 1. . 814 3 25 2. . 910 250 2. . 985 300 3..309G 835 2. , 935 2 50 1 , , 1150 3 00 26. . 871 3 45 1..l0i0 250 .1..1190 315 ii. . 970 375 1. . 870 2 6.5 3 , . 970 i5 2. .1105 4 25 1 , $80 2 70 2. .1050 15 MILKERS AND SPRINGERS. 1..1250 325 2..C40 315 8..1155 360 30. . 650 415 2. . 750 :1 : 25 2. .1005 3 60 1. 870 4 25 2 7. . 603 3 3 3. .1006 3 60 1. 970 4 25 BULLS. , , . 30 2 80 1. .14S0 1 00 1. .14(0 ( 3 05 1.1170 2 S5 1. .1300 3 00 STAGS-FEEDERS. i. . aso 350 CALVES. I. . 280 3 50 1. , 220 5 20 1. , 170 75 1. . 100 4 00 1. . 200 5 50 1. . Si , ) U ( :0 : 1. . 90 5 00 2. . 160 5 75 1. , 140 600 1 , . 200 525 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 , . 53(1 ( 2 65 1. . 500 4 00 22. , 903 4 30 1 , , 530 3 : s 10. 627 4 15 29. (375 ( 4 40 2. . 920 3 75 23. . 547 4 20 1. , 550 4 65 WESTERNS. NEJIRAHI < A. No. As' . I'r. No. As' . Pr. 1 cow..11:10 : $3 15 1 heIfer. . .1810 $1 10 I steer..11:90 : 3 25 22 feeders. .1207 4 25 I bull..1200 3 25 19 feeders , .1039 4 10 1 siper..132(3 ( 3 60 5 feeders , .liY22 4 4 : ) I cows..3315 3 65 13 str. yig. . 760 4 55 1 feeder. . .1lS ( ) 4 ( tO 14 str. ylg. , 789 4 155 1 SLeet' . . . . . 760 4 00 Frank Conic. 7 Cows. . . . . 965 .1 85 1 stag. . . . . 500 3 CO 1 bill ! . . . , , .1' .i90 3 00 167 steers , . . , 859 4 25 4'J cows. . . . . 991 .1 60 c , ii. Coffee , 51 helfers. , 910 8 75 78 steers. , . .113S 4 28 Ii holLers , , 9150 3 SO 75 steers , , . , lI3 4,25 'I stecrs..1015 i 15 13 steers , . , ,1OS1 4 25 9 steers , , . , lU75 4 15 1 steer . . , . , I i20 4 25 12 steer't . , , . 1137 4 215 14 steers . . . ,1' .117 4 30 19 steem',1iS0 4 25 WYOMING. Swan Land amId Cittlo : Company , S cows. . . . . DU 3 10 44 steers , , . .1075 4 20 32 cows..1001 'it 90 24 steers. , , , llIO 4 10 21 reerbers. .3149 4 00 40 steerS , , . .l3015 4 10 211 mtteersllitl 4 10 64 stecrs,1i42 4 30 TEXAS. 30 cows. . . . . 690 3 45 11005-The receipts of hogs today were about time same as < 1130 and two wecics ago , tile arrivals belimg of very moderate roor- 1101)5 . , US usual on a Monday , All told thei'o wel.0 01)1) ' forty-nine cars here , Time muarket OICflCtl aluout Sc hIgher , and tue most of the ofluriligs ehuangeil 11:111:18 : : Curl ) ' . TIle ilogs sold largely at 3.77 ½ ij3.S0 , as ogalnat $3,72',1lj'J.7& oIl Saturday. hood IleflVy : timtl liutctler s'clgluts sold as high us $3.95 , while on Saturday thu FflIflO kInd of hogs brought $3.80 , Later advlces from eastern nmanicets were not encouraging , aimi : the mnarktt : hero cio.u with tile midvaitco lost. But the bogs lye ) o Irmost till sold before time mnuket WeuiiCflCd , A glance at tite table of averages at head of columil vili 5110W that tOiIly's hogs sold at jmrlces tlit : : ( Lveraged tile highest inco Tuesday of lust week , in oilier worils. time lieclille Oil Vetlnestlmiy lunti Timursda' tC lust weei has been recovereil anti macro , too , l)3P the advance at tile close of last veeic and at the oleulng : of the itrcscnt 'i'itu month of August OC1lH with time mar- hot it strong IOc hIgher thtit : it was on July 1 , but 42c lower tilun It. % 'us Julue 1. Repro- m < entatlvo sales : No , As' . 511. Pr , No , isv. 511. Pr. 'Ti..233 40 $3 $ 75 10..251 . . . $3 75 13..251 . . . 75 80..256 16d ) 75 Si..268 160 fl % 70..27t ) 4" 77 ! , . 78..228 . . . 771A , 69..271 40 77 ½ . . . . 219 . 120 7it ? 24..212 40 77 ½ 10. . . . . . ts9 , . . 3 771,3 79..203 50 7i' j . . . . . . , , , 7714 , 7j . . . . . .220 120 iiCo . . . . .1 773/i 57..0.1 . . . nIh 86.'J 80 .1 77i 50 . , . . . , 221 120 17 74..225 321) ) .1 77 64..205 160 77 58 . . , , , . 219 40 3 772 GD..229 320 77 53 , , , . , .2' .13 WI 3 80 74 , , , , . , 255 . . . 51) 711 , , . , , 240 320 3 80 75..210 184) ) .1 80 7l..245 so a so 71 . . . . . .220 40 380 75..25:3 : ito ; 380 03.205 , . . 35 : ) 73.250 80 3 50 14.315 , , , $ 80 12. . . . . .260 . . . 3 80 57 . . . .2. 53 ICO 't 80 56 . i. . , 212 50 3 80 14 . , . . . . 277 . , . 3 8(1 ( Cs , . . . . . 210 40 8 80 tS..8i6 210 3 80 78 . , 2011 40 3 80 F1l..904 160 38(1 70 . . . . .289 60 380 60 . . , . . . 251 160 380 70 . . . . . .275 , . , 'I ' 82' 81..306 so 3 S2l 77 . . . . . .236 80 3 75 76..211 120 375 59 , . , , . .209 SO 75 f.S . . , . . . 520 160 3 75 It . . . . . .268 (0 ( 80 E(1..302 80 3 80 lo t.,5 200 ' 1 S21 , 6 < 3 . . , . . . 2S1 * 0 3 85 66 . . . . . .295 1CI 3 83 WAGON i.OTS-TIIROW OUTS. 1 . . . . . .14(1 . , , 80 3..293 . _ 1 % 7S . . . . . .350 72I4 . . . 3 75 S . . . . . .216 75 ; . . . . . . ' , . . 3 75 9 . . . . . .280 40 lii S , . , , 202 . . . S 75 C 281 . , 75 8 , . , 317 40 : ; 7 8 . . . . . .158 75 1..260 . . , 3 75 2 . . . . . .330 75 . . . . . . 192 . . . :1 : iti 4 . . . . . .295 . . . . 77 % 7..221) . . . 3 77t 5 . . . . . .294 :3 : 771t 5 , , , , . , 284 , . . (1 ( 776 a . . . . . .220 3 nt 4..3s2 , . . : i 77l c ; .ISO , 8 80 6..238 . , . 3 80 S . . . . . .213 380 SIlflEl'-Ali told there were twenty cars o f shrell reported itt the ynris today anti , W illie there were more received on 1.trltlay o f Inst week , tIle ncttlrtt offerIngs today vero tile largest of any day In a inontll. Tile receipts were made up almnost en. u rn ) ' of grass western Ilileel ) , seine of ( Item pretty good. 'rho market as it whole w as in lair shripe. Vaities on all 15111:15 were about the same a s at tile close of inst week-that is 15'IlSc l ewer tlutn tile best time inst weds. 'rile i nlycra seemed to want tile SlICop , (111(1 , w hile the market was no especially active , t ime sheep kept selling and It Wtta not so v ery long tlntil tIm big bulk lIed ellanged 11 011(15 , itepresentatlvo sales : N o y , l'r. 3 tittclt'u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 11.1 $275 54 ewca anti wethors , . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 ii 30 4 cnll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 3 50 4 45 Nebraska grass wctilerq. . . . . . 101 4 05) 7 30 Nebraslca yearlIngs , mnixeti. . 77 4 (55 41 Nebrneka Iambq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 4 50 6 \\'yomhng , mixed fectlerq. . . . . . 80 i 88 7 \V'omIng eves and wetlmers. . 120 4 00 ChICAGo 1.l'lI ' ' ' ' % S'I'OCIC M.thLlCI'L' , ActIve 1)ellInhIdlteeelptM Large anti l'rIee St roli 111111 Stend y. CHICAGO , Aug. 1.-Timere was an active d emnrtnl ( for Cattle today. Prices were mItrOlIg' f or the bettor class and steady for others ; c hoice steers , $3.2155.G5 ; medium , $4.759P 4 .95 ; beef steers , $ I.0C)4.70 ; stockers and f eeders , $3.007J1.75 ; bulls , $2.754'J'l.30 ; cows nmtd b ielfers , $3.0Gfl.2O ; Caflilel's , $2.OO1j'2.90 : cnlVe , $ 3.251j7,00 ; westenml steers , $3.859j5.25 ; Texans , 2.tiOl4.85. ; Trade In hogs was active with a good Il lelnnntl ( rota lackers and eastern shippers. l 'rlces were largely 2 ½ e higher ; faIr to c hoice , $3D2,45j'1,015 ' ; packers2 83.71570.90 ; b utchers , $3.802j4.00 ; mixed , $3..55j3.93 . ; llgimt , $ 3.707(3.95 ; pigs , 82.75113.00. There was IL fairly active demand for l ambs flInt 511001) . Choice flocks were dla- c rlmlnated against and sold badly ; coinalolt t o irinle : lambs , 84.00116.25 : western ramigu s heep , 83.90114.25 : natives , $2.504i.90. Receipts : Cattle , 16,000 head ; hogs , 35,000 I tend ; sheep , 15,000 head. JitllMitti Clt3 Its'e Stock. 1'ANSAS CITY , Aug. 1.-CATTLE-Re- c eiLtS , 2,9150 ilead llfltiVes and 4,100 blend ' rexalls. LIberal 8111)1)1) ' consisted largely o f common grass steers that sold from 570 i De lower. l"ed natIves , butcher steers amId f eedIng cattle , active : no prime dressed beef cattle on sale. Medium steers , $1.90 4 75.10 ; lIght wcigimts , 81.25935.03 : stockers nn(1 f eeders , 83.50715.10 ; butcher cows and helf- e ra , $3.00414.eS ; bmtcller : bulls. $3.00ijl.S0 ; western steers , 83.00715.05 ; 'rexts : steers , 8 3.25114.35 ; Texas butcher cows , $3.00113.70 ; , n ative antI range cannIng stock , $2.50703.00. HOGS-Recolpt , 5.230 hmoad. Demand good ; light i4ttppl ) ' soon absorbed at strong t O Sc hlgller prices : heavy hogs , 83.7575 3 ,92 % ; mIxed , 83.70113.55 ; lights , $3.5573.75 ; , pigs , $3.O073.G0. Sl-IEEI'-fleceipts , 4,775 head. Willie sup. ply Was liberal , the demand was corro- spomidlngly good. Market active at stoutly prices. Spring lambs , 85.00715.65 : natIve s lump , 83.75114.40 ; ramlge 1s'etilers , $4.0070i.35 ; eues. 83.005733.90' western stockers and feed. I ng lambs , 3.6')701.25 ( ) ; feeding sheep , 83.6511 4 .00. _ _ _ _ IoiiIi < II'c Stock. ST. LOUIS Autn. i.-CATTLE-flcelpta , 3,500 imet:1 ' illiuldilig 2,800 Texans ; ship- meats , hOD' I 'ad ; market steady to a shade : lower ; fair to choice native shipping and export stecrs , $4.60ljS.60 ; bulk of sales , $4.75 115.40 ; dresEeLl beef and butcher steers , $1.00 115.85 ; bulk ( If sales , 84.20115.15 ; steers under lbs. , 14.00704.75 ; bulk of sales , $423704.50 ; stockers 11110 feeders , 82.80704.30 ; bulk of sales , 83.60704.10 ; cows and heifers , 82.0070 4.75 : Texas amId IndIan steers , $3.23704.40 , with iIetL' ) ' ones u to $4.80 : bulk of sales , 3.5O714.30 ; con's anu lielfera , 82.60703.45. HOGS-Receipts , 4,500 blend : shipments 2,500 hetd : market Sc hIgher ; yorkers. $3.8i 703.95 ; puicers , 83.75113.95 ; butchers , $3.9570 4,05. SIIEEP-lleceipts , 1,000 head ; shipments , 1,30(1 , head ; market steady ; native muttona , $3.50111.50 lambs , $4.75705.S0. Nt-tv York ilve Stock. NE\V YORE , Aug. 1.-BEEVES-Receipts 3,811 head : top grades , stc'atly ; others , 101 lower ; bulls mtntl cows , 157j25a lower : nativt steers , $160705.23 ; Texans , 81.35704,75 ; oxen and stags , 82,75014.60 ; bulls , * 2.50703.55 ; cows 81.75703.50. Cables were slow and lower LIve cattle , 10'10c per pound : rerlgcratoi beef , Sc per pound. Exports today 15) ) cattle. CALVES-Receipts , 2,173 head : market ac tlve and Sc lllgller : venis , * 4.50706.50 ; tops 86.03470.75 ; buttermiikt. 83.50704.00. ; ShEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts , 8,791 head : prime 5l1P04) , 1070l5c higher ; other : steady ; lambs , 5070715c hIgher ; sheep , $3.0) ) 704.75 ; lambs , 85,00716.00. : HOGS-ReceIpts , 11,703 ilead ; steady , 84.21 704.55. Cliieiuiati 1Ii'c Stock. CINCINNATI , Aug. 1.-hOGS-Active , $330714.10. CATTLE-Aetv ( , $2.S54,85. 84.75700.10. SIIEEI'-Qulet , 32.25704,00 ; lambs , hIgher , , Stock In Sight , Record of receipts of live stock at tin four Principal markets for August 1 : Cattle. hogs. Simeop Omalma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 3549 4,7 ChIcago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16,000 35,000 15,00 Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . . 7,080 5,250 4,771 St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :3,1,00 4,500 1,00' ' Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29,608 48,299 25,47 : I 'l'ni , Miiel * for IOnltrtnlpimeit , DETROIT , Aug. 3.-A preliminary In. junction was sorvetl today upon CIty Treas. urer Thonipsoml end : Comptroller PietIes , re straining payment of any portion of till CUal of $ S,000 recently appropriated by tIll city council for entertaInment of the Leaguc of Alilerican MunicipalItIes. Time complaIn- ants are ujarence il , 130cR antI a ( lozen 0511cr luromllment citizens , The city charter per- huts RI ) appropriation of $2,000 as an enter- tainmcnt fuintl. The $5,000 whIch Is en- jollIed is a balance received front a lighting ( lebt owed to the city by the Count ) ' . Tue complalmmaits aver that ( ho use of tills fllOllO3 for such purpose is unnutilonl'zei. : A shmmulinr injunctIon usa receiltl ) ' served umpon the city school authorIties , The circuit jlilge : decIded that the entertainment ap- prOinlrttioll ) b3P time school board Is iilegai , but the question whether lalvato citizens fla ) ' brIng such a suIt is still lenllng with time court. hOnil of iu Iong SoilIng 'I'rlj , , SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 3.-A letter ro- celved in this city from CaptaIn J. A. Way. laud of the brig harrIet C , whIch 11115 am'nivcd at St. Miciiacls , from New York , with mcnlbers or 11:0 Munhattuml and Con- tlnentai MInIng companies , states tlmat the long voyage fronl the east was 1110(10 In safety. Tu'o river boats , wlllcll were brotmgllt traIn the east 11) sections , are being put together , anti , It Is saId , uvill soon be 011 theIr way up time Yukon , Most of the macn on board time harriet C ) will engage in nlIning. the remalnller hoping to enlbal k In trading 'PnttlIC3. Captain \\'aylani : c' ' poets to return to Sun FlaIlcieco before Sep. tenliJer 1. lilt migeil fu , ' I'iPiit , < ) lilig' II Sexton , ST. I4OUIS. Aug. 1.-George Thmonupson , colored , was imaged at 6:15 : . rn , lie wns cut down about eight. mInutes later , death imaving resulted from strangulation. Tlt CCRdL'lnhICd tnmi tliei : game , protesting lila Innnent.e io time last. Tile crime for V1lICim Thompson died was time poIsoning at Joseph Cunnlngllarn. the white sextomi of St. Peters Episcopal church , September 20 , 1691. - JAMES E. BOYD & Teleplioiie 10S9. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , 11ROVISI ONS 1111(1 STOCKS IIOMII ) Ot TRADI ) . l9lreet wire' ' . 10 CilIC0 1110 N.s York. Corr.pondentm Jobo A. Wrrn Co. 'l'tIIIiI'iIOIi 10)58. H , R. 113NNEY & CO. . tooiii 4 , N. V. Life Bldg. , OIIailu , Nd , . StocksAII raiarrovisions Direct % % 'irtut New York , Chicago and Veitcr I'oImsdi , A The Political Pot 14' I Be1111llg ! ! ' : t o Boil. i . I The battle of Nebraska - braska that will culminate - ate in an election next November is on. The Opposing pout- ical parties are already lining up and strengthening - ening their organiz tion. The candidates pre sented to the favor of - the voters are entering the field and the active work of the campaign about to be begun. For the latest reliable - able news of the battle of Nebraska in 1898THE OMAHA BEE will be unex- celled. . Although a republi can newspaper voicing the principles of the republican partyTHE , BEE prints all the news of all. political p a r ties. No one who wants to keep informed regarding - garding the progress of this great political bat- tie can afford to do without TI-fE BEE. ' - Subscribe 101 TheBee ' 1 No . . From iiIl ncwseaIers ' 15c a wek1 i By mail 50c per mouth Without Sunday. , $2 for three months with SunUay. 1111 ini : PIJIILISUING CO. , ' Omaho , Neb. il - - - - -