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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1898)
_ _ _ _ _ _ , - - -i . : . . . . . . . TJIE OMAuA DAILY BETh AGST L SPECIAL TICS 1) . ) . 1lwu , , , ! oflt2n ; % .IlI Te ) nit1 ni. for ( ft , c eiiltig 1111(1 itittIl 831) for 1nflrnli . . fltIl Siiiilny 4'(1tIlfli. JLnte , 1 i-2c3 fl rurd tlrt lturflon $ ic it Sorj tltercnf.'r. otIsIng tt.kei for IesM ( linn c for lho first InNor- Iton. TIICM. ' titiiit run CtflPueCttttel ) . by rqnertlng n tiuni- ) ieri1 olicok , nn 1.nvt flnNVCrS iil- dreNq'.1 ) fl. itnt.r'i1 1ttcr lit career or The flees An.wcr,4 I ( ) ui1trtiel 'lIL Ja dc1IvcrI , on IIrCNClttfltIUfl or lftt , c1tek ( ) fll ) . I . ' . \ SITuATIONS WTIW. TYPEWRITING awl copy1n , 204' l3eo b1d l. ' . A-MS32 - f C11RKS11I1' hy a mh1dIe4t maI' hn ) in l evraI y'rtr& exrerlenco fl general 1nrcl1a,1qllMc. Cotintry jretrred , good retcreIlceN , Addreis \ % ' 47. 13cc. A-MC93 A2 YOUNG lflly bookkeeper wnflts 3)091(1011 - .1ilress liox2S.I1aveimnNob. A-M7O A6' _ _ 'VANTFfl-1'o91lon 119 collector or doing f work In ollce. ? have rofereflce $ . A11dre99 \ \ ' & 5 , lice. ; . ' 3XTF.D-M..1 i1ii.i. HAh1S11 for clgttrs ; ia month e3)OflC old flrin experlenco tilifloces. BrLVy 19 tL p1liop , c , , bt. Lp1.Mo. ' I3-1i A11SlFN to soil Qilico 93)OCiflltiC $ In Kitimrt itnr Iobrn8kst ; : l1n ld lItieij IgtIIIM iiiitkd I3.IY a iay lISc(1 ( by nit mor- elinnt9. Model Mig Co. , Dox 13 , iotitli Ilend , litil , , , j355.5 * pay men $ T tO U25 per nioiitliaiiil ox- P009CM ielllng elgarM ; exjierloncn Un110c014- ary ) Qrmnnvit , ) ptloi. 13nloy ' flrbs. , Plillndoliihla , Po : ' ' 1-t3O 2' WANTFD , flrit ela 9)100 ) 8ale9rnnn , thor- cn3ghly epdrlcned. . UOt0l3. . . . Store , OmiJJIrt' . I 'YOtJNa men , our lliU8trated catalogue uxpktl1M , 11)3' 1,0 ltar barber tinlj .ifl eight woeliiuIled. free , MolCr'8 Barber Collcgei Chicago. i3-M78 7' Ierk , 4IhlreH W & 7. : lrc floo. ; I ) fl-M731 2 : us \1El'Z mid expcnieii to ieveral good Iartios tO travel for rralI1)dllo ( ) ) iopC I' referencc. It. \Voodwartl , 13nItlmdre 13-M723 2 : - L1 IpeU to1taR ndsert1eh1g igtii1 ; Swtid 1k ( fur E lo8tage'ii4tUnpl' , etc. IClfl. lierncn1 (2o. ( . 2129 N. Colorado iit. , l'hlladcloliia. Pa. - . ) . , ) 'eir _ _ _ _ _ , 9' - :1 : hELl' . loThL 1bcrt3i svcc1 , CanadIan Ot1hc. l22 DOUg1UI. I , _ , . C-l2 y- r 000IY girl to 11el' cook and chtmbcrma1d. Lange hotel , GOl S. 13th St. EMPLOYM1NT bureau. 122 Dqtlgo ; tel 876 . C-M1000 All APPRENTICE glrlH wanted , 310 N.lith it. : ' : C-M)3S ( ) 6' I \VANTFD-Conipetent girl for general * F liouaewrIc. 1021 Park ave. C-M737 2 - - - - - - , - - . - - - - - - - - - - - ' , GIRL FOR GENlRAh IIOUSUP\'OltK. . No wuthtng ; references required. 3006 : llt81 St. , CM-66U.2 _ ? . G11i for gciieriit 3iousow rkT hood wagel. fl3G So. 3ls _ C-716 t' . * ItHL 1tix'r-IItiusis. . Cl1OEC13 i10t1ses and cottagc9 alt oer city : $3 to $15. Yidcllb , 18t Iloor. . Y. Lfe. D-513 jiousis. . Bonowa & Co. 108 N. 15th SL . ' D-514 I I hOUSES , stores. I3emls. Paxton block. l515 I MOVING household goods and idaiios. I Urn. Van & Storage Co. , ltill ½ 1arnatn. Tc. i5(3 - , ' - I-lG and loanelThld of a 7and 13. ' room modern flat for iiale ; bargain ; good 1ocatlii. . rent , , , ' low. , , Jpni1s , . Paxton blk. , : i:6oM : : modern house with atable , largo shady groundti. Bcmi , Iu'ton 133k. g ; , ; . ) , D-M221 h : A FECOTTAGES. . 433 flord Trade. j3 r , . , - ° - jii : iiiodcihal. . Southllth. 1 D-141 I 1201 N. 27th St. , liouno S rooms , suitable for two families , 2O.OO. ( iAJtVtN i3ltOS. , 1613 FAIINAM ST. , . D-M4S2 FOJt RENT , cheap , newly furnished rooms , bath in connection. 714 Mynstcr street , Council Bluffs. D-M5l A4 d 11ODJRN. detachei1 , nlno-room house ; nice . I litwtir 114tUo choice location ; 2529 Cafiitol LtVOnuo ; rental , $33.00. Tel. 573. 4 , p4 flobison , Mccaguo Bldg. D-530 Sl\1N-fltJQM 1131t , : 1orent ; fhrnlIure for sate. 2Q23Farn3i3n , flat A. 1 D-M5CSAi' I 4 tD3iTt ( tOrc i1T3 , 'cor. 25t. I3hl1 ; 3.dgt' i eitht frOnt 'lflriuir6 ' .E@ fled iildg , I D-M7lO ? ; ( , 0I3 1 iJiiisiinp nrat fl b5 pt modern 1lat latlr gistovo eti. ; ' special 1)ortunity' ) Thr'tiiort term.W 58 , lIce. D-M713 3 . T'-r- ; . 1oIL 1IN'1.-F311tN1I3) 1tOOM'J' . . o 1100MB , 1417 Douglne ; one bed in room. J.-zdDG2 Tl1It1i1 - rooms , housekeeping. . . . 1112 SOuth 11th. ' --S - - r _ E-M4TG ' F1JlNlS1IFD rooms , facIng epost1on groufldt , board it dclred , 3S14 N. 20th St. . E-631 ; A2 - I Vi i'i'oiii ' . . ; to ( lie 'VraniimhsshsIppl LlIId In. ternatlonal 1xpoiiltlon WlHhiin to secur comfortable qiuirter t11i10 tvi IIXIenO ) by vrfling tor ialling 3111031 tli Olticlal I nforflitttlon IMireap , JiIO : 1jiEflr1ii ! St. , Iho only utitborzt'd agency of thU IXhOjti0l4 1n(1Ju1enWit. ( , ttraflgor . on . arrival lii Otnahti coil Tftkd stlct cars dIrect from any depot. Olilco 0)efl day ittiti 311hIt , _ 1-217 1tFGANT14Y furnished rooms , Imthi , tele. pbono traiisleits ; prices reasonable. room i. Davidgo building , 17lghteeiithi Un'l Varnnin strct , OlihoShtI3 ) etl. ) hail. Cnr . I to dohiOts flild cxpostttop. Tel. 2070. Ir8. Jeffrles , r c . - . . . \ I Vilb furnished rooms. efntral 1ocjtton , private tLtnilt ) ; 60c i t3it3 up. I1 ' 1)d..vni- port. I-AI317 A4 " ; a3tooMS for hiousekeeplngto man and p wIfe ; rent taken in hoard , 319 N. 17th. 1-M337 fl00i113 , modern , iicar exposition groll1d9 , i ' 2112 1teust t. E-M52j A2C , . . . . - - - - i-- 4- tJilNlS1tlD rooniN with or withoUt lioir4. 2015 Douglas , l-1713A2 , I100MS , 3.OO month , 11G l"arnnm. / ) j-813 O' ' - - - ( I ROOMSh house1tiei1ng l7l2 Jackson. I F-M742 1' 1UIINISiRI1l3 BOOMS tI ) 1iO.tltI ) . I l'iF Uli1'J7FlT ! JlOUt4F. 21st nhd Plukney . . % Sts , , 5 dallithly ftlrnishcd roon ) ono square froni the rcl of tIle Stntei ; everythIng new unit , flst.cliws ; terms rcaonabhc. T1l ] MF1tltIAM , tlrst.class runihly hotel. 25th' end lotlgo t3ts. . . ---a- _ . - . 1'11 A3.1ltNy , ioi Dpugla ; fiinhl hotel : lerfltiIleflt tiuart3A ncccptl $2. and Q Ier months a s.c ! ) F.LMsstl1k : c ' T/iCldown that "for zle" or " ( or rent" s1.grt sks wIrw1 'Xho. pe f'iclies : Ziltd43F1ak tia3i ) % glll 1)35 our t wlniiow In a month ; and they coisUt ) columini wbeii thUyiViii . Q tdllS. 37 r. Snotts. 522 N. lVth St. Nice ' cool roanu : , gas , tiatti lirs ( class boaril ; rates reusor.nble. 1'-M155 A23 ? large comfortable rooms mihmttt3 lilWfl. AflCS ear line ; 5.015 ner , weuk. Aldress , stating reforemwesm \ \ 36 , lice. V-MGG I'EhtNiSlI3t ) IttO3iS .II ) 1lOtflD. . . . ( ContInued , ) EX1'OS1TO T1'FCCTS and SaratogR hotel fare f r $2JW ) per 1tt3t adjoins the grottlids Shermttn nvefltme ear line pasts the libUpo ummer resort $ tyle fanihhies o12titetI ; m odt'rn , ( ' 001 , home. like ; Imaths , gas , Piano and library. Tele. phone 195 $ . Dcttlhl. ' 3tnrlorS , lltimnhm3ttk9 , voet Vranmlfl # , mark , mment9 In the Street ears tin dust ; jolly Peonlo flhll erouct. Write or 'idmne this minute rpecial offer Is for those who do. \VFI.T filrnl9hr'd rooms , good board , rca- sonable. i1S N. 19ti. F-623-A.l' volt It1T-STOItCS Afl OI'FIC1S. FOR flENT. the 4.story brIck buildIng at DPI Farnamn St. This building has a lire. root cement basement , water on all floors , gnm , mtc. Ap'ily at the oflico of Thmo 13cc. \VOLtALE mtore and warehniise track. . ngo excolcnt shlpnlng flCillttei3. C. E. flenon , 1710 llnmge Bldg. I-M23 A20' ron UE1' , modern store In new Davidgo tildc.Oph)091te cIty. ha1i , . JOlt W . Bobbins , agent , 1S02 Farnam mit. I-MaOt iiiSK rqom , , 0. c. 'al1n e , 315 flr wn11ii .7c'1 store , ror. 21Ii and hamilton. Apply 2513 Cnm1weil , . I-M433 FOt1.ItENT , a good barn-box stall-cheap 1902 Cass et , I-i1710 .tGFiNTS WANTBD. . AdINTH anti lirnnch managers ; salary or CUifllfllmiSIOfl , Hunter Tailoring Co. , CIa. cinnati , 0. J-M917 Oct11' WANPEb , reliable agents to Introduce Leo's 130(1 Ilmig , ltoiich nail Moth 1iller.s ; exclusive territory given ; best. cheapest , largest , tiulekest , rclluhlo goods known ; circulars , particulars free.Vrltu Lee , ChemIst , 112 Monroe St. , Chicago. J-MGSI A3O' $7 1)AILY.Seillng Speclaltt' Soap. Sample outhit free. Lease onp to. , Cincinnati , , 0 , J-M73C 2' AGIN2'S.Ve Iiu.'e itimit inihllshed fastest selling book sstied iii If ) Most lit- erlil rates : treIhit irnld : credit given ; great chaneb ; aldrcss mitmtck. Interna. tiotiat News & 1300k Co. , Baltimore. , J-AL730 2' , i'A'i'E1)-TO ItF7NT. StJl'rF of tW'o or three rooms , furimished , ' for light ltoiisekoepimg in Omoha or ( lie l3ld1fs. .AddrCss flewlu , General DIivcry , City. 1C-537--30' STOltAG1. . PACIPIC Storage and ' \rarehotimie Co. , 903. 010 J0n03 , general storage and forwarding , ; . Van & Storage , 151t' ' , Parnm. Tel. 1559. . 1 V..1'TE1)-TO lillY. jj- ; arc In ee(1 ( , anything try the Want Columns of The Bee ; they will brIng you what you want. I-367 U1'ltlGll'l' plaito , 2d-hand , standard make. Give irico and make. Address 'IV 50 , lIce. N-M731 Felt S..LII-ILOUSES , " .VAOSS , E'VC. LIGhT team flfld harness. itoomn 1 , over Bhjou theater , 15th and Capitol ave. . P-M728 3 $ F1t SALl-M1SCELL.tM0OUS , 100 IUNDS mineral waters. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha. Q-M231-A1S GET cut prices on hog and poultry fence. Savdustfor sweeping floors , etc. Tel. 453 , OjIlDougIns. .Q-1l16 , . . . FOR SALE , ten 11.I.P.A.N.S. for f cents atdrugglsts ; 0flI ) gives relief. Q-52S 1IE SpanishpossessIons In both thU cast and vQst , 11) map form , with nearly 200 , photographic reproductions of th Amen. can and Spanish navles , naval command. era , etc. All for 25 centS , at The 13cc ofhlce. If ordered by mail address Navy Photograph Department , bmaha Bee. , Q-669 i . : hAVE 2 flemington typewriters that I , % s.ill eIi eheai. Frank i. Moores , City hall. Q-2U - .110G. poultry and lawn fences : all wire ; I beet. Wire Works , 14'and Harney. . I _ Q-529 FOIl SALE , smith Premier and Remington ' typewriter : second hand. Typewriters rented and repaired. J. J. Derlght & Co. , liii ; 1'arnani st. Q-M891 A9 LARGEST stock hiardvootl lumber , hog fence , waxing brushes , etc. ChiLls. it. 1eo , 9th and Douglas. Q-593 _ _ _ _ , STAMI'S , coins , bought , sold. Mortenson , 401 N. 16th , Q-MGCS AlO FOR SALE or trade , engines , boiler pumps. elevators , shafting , pulleys , pipe , valves and other machinery. Sprague Machine W'orks , 1216 Jones . St. Tel. 1535. Q-511-A25' - FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN-a quantity of cut 5.inchi Iineston m cqrblng. For i'ar. , ticulars call at 101 Bee . building. . 11ARDiAN tJarrington & Schacffer nlailos thiS weelc Ut greatly reduced prices ; vlanos timed , rsntod nail repaired ' i09S Mueller P1101(1 & Organ Co. , . .i South IStlI street , 18th and Farnam. Q-M700 4t3 Ml SCELLIANLOV $ . T\VENTYF1VFi cents wlhlbuy the latest publication Illustrating the U. ' B. and Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. ; almost 2Q0 photographic reproductions , with IL large map of the East and West ndiem , at the pplco of The lice , It or- derd by mail addreks Navy Photograph Deptirtment. Omaha lice. 11-870 ANfl-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. , cleans CC5SI)00h13 & prL'y Vallits , 621 N Ill. Tel. 1779. R-243A17' , iLAIl1VOYA1c'Vl. 'DR. F'IlEDRICK MILTON , the clairvoyant macilium , who gave stili 1'am1tlertul reve- hiLtions mitid test.M to ( ho people in 1119 flu- dlcnce Qt Patterson halt Sundiy night can , lo consulted daily on mill affairs of itr * , 131151ne95 and disease ; if you arc contClliplnthilg cungeH , nmrriage , divorce , in fact. anything you want advice on , Ohflces 1f23 Dodge St. , cor , 17th. frame house. 13 a. in , to 8 ii. in. S-M725 2' MASSAG ! I1APJIS , ISTO , 13A'1'11 , ladles only.lilrs , Porter , 203 Doug bllc. 'F-M889 A9 M13DICATED baths , nassage also vapor liuthi , Mmn , Jirissomi , from I'mirts. 107 N. 22h. , T-M128 M5 . LAURA ' ELISON , bnthi , hassage and magnetic treatment. 119 N. 16th. room 72 , upstairs , ' T2d289o' 4ADAMF SMI'l'll , IlS North 15tITiiemit , massage ani4 buthis room 2. T-S9'A1' iiiii ; , Aii1S , 507 5 , 13th , It , 10 ; mnassagc , baths. rr-M507 A2' MIlS. 1)11. . LtON , electric massage bath parlors ; rest ul 1111(1 curative , II ? S. 11th , mistithrs , 'i'-M711 7' - l'IIIISONA I. VIA'\'I \ CO. , 346 flee hiulltling , $3OIIIJPTURE $ cured fer $30 , No detention ( rein business' U yeors Iii Omaha , Caller or write for circularmi. 1miira Rupture Cure , 93.U33 New York L.itc Didg , , Omaha , Neb. U-531 : . LARqI7 Map of tlt 'Worl'l , ope of' Cuba ailil , dnothler of the entire 'Vi est Ifldies. . showhmig Cuba. I'orto Rico , Ilayti , San Domingo , 7i1artU1iqi an4 all the other \Vset liidltim lsirt4 ; 10 cents itr itie , olEjcc.,3Jy mail , 14 eents , A.ddress Cuban Map tdnt.Omaha' lice. ' U-MS iATI1 roi' 319S35th , TurMsh bt1is1 MaiC , Post , 9l9 ' 1117OMMIA SOCIAL C1.M1) furnIshes ppr nal introdusltions nutS cprrepcmdpce to suitub1 iiart1v. ( 'all or address , sith , stfiLnhl. 1toopl ZO 2thi Aille 'i'wnoy , , ! , ' , U-1Gi ,1 , , A cw1T iihysician'a cure for , mexvally weak men tqa ; ivo' VSrtIcUlarB 2c. Box 38 , Omaha , ' - 15-732 A4' ' _ I'fl1LqNtl. . --I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' - . ( Continued. ) I'ILlS cureil in 7 to 10 days , without pnhii oI1 treatment doe tiit' worki cull or senti for cireniars. The Empire I'ile ( "nrc , 972 New YorltLifl building. U-M9i9 11OS to become l.iwful ohystcltins , law. yers , dentists or pharmacists. Lock box 196Chicemgd , Q-M763 M' _ _ STItL IN TIIF I4EAD-Uetyour shoes half soled and heeled while you wait 15 mlii. utes for fiOc , Work guaranteed. 710 N. 16th , U-317-A.2' . ! - L1T1ST bic'clo or hotii waist at ( lie Fp. perly corsei parlors , It. 10 , Creighiton 131k. U-M330 A23 BATHS for ladles : far superior to Turkish baths ; at 2117.220 lIce I3ldg. U-M333 TIL1 okt reliable matrimonial bureau anil social club still extends a cordial lnvitm. tiolt to alIt especially strangers , Don't be lonely , come and meet many young ladles arni widows anxious to marry. 311 Karbacli bik. U-M720 St WA1'4TED , oriental ilancers and perform. ermi. Long engagement out mif Otnaha , Call 1311 Farnam , U-M732 2' loNli % TO LO.-RtAL BTATC. \VANTED choice farm and city mans. it. C , l'etcts & CO. , U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. - _ _ _ _ - _ _ special fund to loan on first class improved Omaha property , or for build. ' in purposes. Fidelity Trust Comjnny. PER cent money. I3emis , Paxton Ililt. SV-3U $1,000 and ulwards to loan on improved proliorty , Vi. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 .Farnnm St. ' C I'ER cent cIty and farm loans. Gnrvln Bros. . 1613 Farnam St. W-53S ANThONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. ; quick money at low rates for choice farm muds In Iowa , Northern Missouri , East" em Nebraska. MONIYtO loan on.improveml Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 5. lttli. ' W-540 MILLIONS eastern money for tnvestment ; scum ) for circulars. Investors' Directory , N. Y. W-997 $200.00 and ill ) . F. D. Wead , 10 and Douglas. \V-Au-25 ON MORTGAGES. 0. 0. Wallace , 313 11rovn blk , W-M733 MoNE' : TO LOAN-CII.tTTI3LS , $10 To' $10,000 TO LOAN ON IIOUSEI1OLI ) FURNITURE AND PTA. NOS , hORSES , WAGONS AND CAR. I1IAGES , WAIIEIIOUSIO RECEIPT3 , etc. , at 1oWe' rates in Omaha , South Omaha and CouncIl Bluffs. No removal of , 'opds : strictly oni1dential ; you can pay ( lie loan off at any time or in any amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 306 South , 16th St. TIlE OLDEST. LARCIST AND ONLY IN. ' CORI'OttATID LOAN COMPANY IN O\tA1IA. X-542 - MONEY loaned saldried Teol)1O holding permanent positions with responsible cpncCrns upon their own ilame , without security : easy payments. Tolman , 11. 700. N. 'I' . Life bldg. X-513 IIIJSINESS ClIA7'iCES. FOR SALE or rent , a No. 1 good blacksmith - smith and wagon shop , consists of build. Ing 60 feet front by 40 feet deep. two stories high. Inquire P. 0. 130K 13. 0. W. , Norfolk , Neb. Y-407-A-6' WANTED , a miiii witim $1,000 cash to talto a half interest in the best PaYin8f concession - sion on the Midway. Must bo willing to devote nart of his time to the concession. Can show protlt for ( lie past two mouths. . Address 'VS 51 , Bee. Y-MC9S AS' FOR SALTI , hotel furnIture and saloon ilo- Ing good business , at a sapriilce ; rent low : owner must. leave country on account of sailing health. Address It , Bee otilce , Council Bluffs. Y-700 Al . - - - - - - ' ' 4AN , making Colorado , western territory , would ljke to handle a sneclalty for' Omitha house. Address . 'W 51 , lIce. , . . ' ' ' Y-.7181 ' i50 INVESTED earns 53 per cent * eelcly ; estabiimihel 22 cities ; thIrd year ; particim. lrini free , 1) . Sloane , 110 St. I'atil. haIti. more , Md. 'V-M7IS 2' ' , FO1t'l0XCI1MGB. FOIl SALE or trade , house and lot renting for $0.00 monthly , for team. W 33 , 11cc , Z-541 :3' : FOR EXCIANGE nice quarter section of good turin land and clear lots for savings bank certificates. State amount and what bank. Address .W. , 31 Bee ofllce. Z-5l6-5. WILL trade an east front , well located lot , In excellent neighborhood , for acres or lots rurtlier out. Aldress W 31 , Bee office , Z-552 FOR SALE or exchange , light open surrey in first-class condition tot' a heavier stir- roy or carrIage ( top preferred ) or vill trade for stylish driver , I 100 Ilis. or more. Tel. 33. suite 101 , l'rtxton blk. Z-M559 AS' TYI'F1VJLITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rc'nt , $1.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typcrler Co. , . 1625 Farnam SL. ; Telephone 3281 , 554 REMINGTON Stm1ndar TypewrIter and SUlillieS. 1019 Farnam. 121-All' \\'ANT stenographers to liwestigate "The Olivet' : " typewriters bought and sold. Ifl9 Douglas st. 122 A22 WE rent and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of good supplies in Omaha. United TypewrIter arId Supply Co. . 1612 Farnum et. -449 Foil. SALI3-UE.tL ESTATE , FOLLOWING desirable troperty : business lot corner , flOxiSO ft. , in So. Omaha , lavcd. Business lot , GOxlSO ft. , Improved , South Omaha , street paved , Tract (24 lots ) , 3thi St. Tract (20 lots ) , 30th St. For vartlculars apply 10I Farnam St. : . IIE-541 hOUSES , lots. farms , lands , loansalmio flr iiisuraace. Bemis , I'axton blopk , - hAVE you some lots to sell ? Now is the timne to 'dispose of them ; let time people know that you want to dispose of them. 'rue 37cc reaches the people who have ( ho money. 1t1-S60 FOR 3ALE , desIrable residence 10(0 , I2ix b3 , in ilrst.elasq location' ten minutes walk from court house ; cheap for cash , Address 0 61 , lIeu , lIE-Mb ? $300.00 FOR 6 full-sized lots on electric car line. J , lit , Fronzer , Opp. old P. 0. RE-M7132 ion HALE orexchnnge for choice inside rental lropemt $6,500 first clasi ( 'seven per cent boiitl miccured by llrst mortgage , Can ho tlivided , In nnss'ering give ) ocn. tioti and iiiCfl of property offered. Am1 dress P. ' 42 , lIce office. RFI-626--S' NORThWEST corner Eighth and Leaven- worth , 66x132 , two-story brIck building , track in rear of lot ; price , $12,000. , Inquire of owner on preimmisos , 1113-719 4' - - ' _ , . - :3 DOUSES , newly laintell , renting $160.00 tier ycari ilricu for all , $1,075.00. $10.00 cash , balamien 7 per cent. 5-r. house antI good sized hot , $150. $ Owner about to remove to Des Moines. Fine Douglas Co farm , 120 acres at $45.00 , Fimie residence , 32nd , near Park. F. D , Wend , 10th anml Douglas , RE-Rb 3 , _ _ _ - ' - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - II/tltl1VOtD I.U2IIiIli. OMAHA hardwood LuniborCo. , oak , hickory - ory , ash , cypress , poplar. etc. 13 & Call , 499 t.25 I't.tWOS 'VUMII ) , iiATOS uncd , $1.50. Rose , 1521 Dodge. 777-A .19' AUC'l'lN. J.R.MAXCY & 2O. , auctioneers , room 5l Paxton block , ivant your auction sales of retil stte , mereiandise , Zurnitu , live * tock , ctc , . VUHNITVRI3 I'ACC1D. $ M 5 , WLbI4lN , 'I1t Cuintng , TeL 1331 , . VIOLII' lAltING , _ : -xCASh , vIolins repalred.416 SmeelVfllk. LOST. LOST. gent'agold wnt2 , , tcie by James Mahn , No. 10100' left iii' ejoset at ljnloii I'neiflc tlepnt , liberal reward for return to U. I' . tlt'ket offIce. 1.OST-483 STOtEN , 'brown mare , weight about son , with 7 brandetl on left shoulder : gohlnr scid on top of heck. $10 reward for return - turn to 31st and 11 , South Omaha , Loimt-720 LOST-Passbook with 7)155e9 and motmey. Keel ) money 511(1 rettirmi book anI passes to S. U. htutehlnson , 1' .0 , . , i : ' + ; - - - - ; watch and chain In lndiem' toilet room lantifncttircs bldg. ; liberal me- ward and no questions nsked for return to candy booth in S. V. cor. Mnntifae- turc's bldg. Lost-Mill 3' r-- _ _ _ FOhJNi ) . FOIINDon July Il , gold watch , Call at 1105 hlarney st , Faund-M733 2' SllOltTIiAD AND TY1'EWItITITG , VAN SANT'S'chool , 717 N. 'Y. Life , . ' The chooi whoio sttldentmi ' get employment. Conducted by an experienced reporter ' ' AT OMMIA..IJus. College , 16th & Douglas. ' 837 - _ ' _ - - SITOI1T-13A74D. up-to-date , taught by court reporters , l3oylcs' School , 403.5.7 13cc bldg. ' 655 ' PILLVA'I'E I1O'tT.U , , - BIt. LIIIIIEI1 , cancers , eniule diseascs , 1912 , Lea'enwortli. -M26 A19 . l13ItCAI , ' ' i.AD11S , If camt't tell a doctor your troUble address P. 0. Box 39 , Omaha , Neb. , for InformatIon. 7it-S9A9' , 'ALT4 women who can't raise family should consult the renowned German specialist , Dr. Pnies , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents , -13:3 A23 LADIES. Chlclit'ster's EnglIsh l'enny'oynl Pill ( Diamond Brand ) , nra the bemit' safe , reliable : take no other ; send 4 5tinips fr particulars. "Relief for Lmtlie , , " im letter by return mail ; at druggists. qlii. chester Chemical Co. , I'hiladephhit. ) Pa. -.35737 2' STIIIthO .t2l ) EI.IICTILOT'fl'ISG. , ii , si STARK & CO. , mO Dodge. 53S-A28 ; _ _ - . _ - - - - BICYCLES , NEW wheels , $17.50 to $25 ; secondhanmj wheels , $3 to'l5. Omaha Bicycle Jo. , 16 & 'Chicago. 552 STAMMEItlN ( Al ) STUTTEItING. SC'L'iOOIJ for euro of these defeots JulIa i. VuilgImall , 300 N. 'V. Afe Bldg.M300 M-300 AOt STtINOGILt1'hIIIRS. S'E SOLICIT and f'nt'hlmiui pommitthns , ft . stenographers ( roe. The SmItli.Premier Typewriter Co. Telephone 1234. 559 t'A"VNIJII 0 ICEItS. Ii. MAROWITZ loans money. 413 N. 16th. 553 VOlt Ll0.tSE. LAItGtyard , with trackage , centi'ull ) ' 10. i'atetl. Address Box 5 , City , 727 - hOUSE MOYEtt ' _ removed to ' 1116 St. Mary's Ave e29-A.29 ' , SUES CO. t- . , ' ( ) ) . , ' . LAflATLORS ! ! _ -'I fleei bldqQmahe Nob. - ' . invent. k. . - . Clienji Iowa. Sale In Madison county. I lave ( lie cbeapes and most ( leSirabI9i farms lzi southern iowa. Prices ranging ron $2ato $50 per acie. Comne ahi'sce tlL'm 'or i4'ehd for list , Mention Omaha Bee. Address. ' A. W.CIIAWFORIYintset , Ta. POSTOFI'a3h3 NOTICIh. ( Should ho remul daily hy alt lnteested , as changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign mails for the week endIng August 6 , 1SOS , vill close ( PItOMlTLV in all cases ) ILl the General l'ostoillce as roiiows I'Alt. CELS POS1' MAlLS close one hour earlier than closing tirno shown below. Traimn-Atlmntic Malls. TUESDAY-At 11 a. m. ( supplementary 12:30 : p. in. ) for EUROPE ( except Spain ) , per s. s. Saab , via Southampton and Bre. men ( letters for Ireland must be directed "ver Saab" ) . WEDNESDAY-At 9 a. ni. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. rn ) for EURQl'1 ( except Spain ) , per s. s , Teutonic , via Queonstowmi ; at 10:30 : a. ni , for EURO1'FI ( except SpaIn ) . Per s. 8. Southwiirlt , via Southampton ( letters must be directed 'per South- w'ark" ) . ' , SATURDAY-At 6 a. m , for EtfllOPE ( cx- cept Spain ) , jmers. _ s.ucanhzt _ , yilL QtmtOfli- tQwfl ( letters for FranCe , SvltzerlanuI , Italy. Turkey Egypt amid British India mtiltt be directcd "pee Lucanla" ) ; at 7 n , m , for ITALY , 'per s. ii , Ahicir , via Naples ( letters must hO directcd "per Ailer" ) ; at 7 a. in. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND ITALY , TURKEY EGYPT and I3ltlTISJi iNDiA , per s. 5. , La Touralmie , via JIa'rc , ( letters for others parts or itmrgpc ( except Svnin ) must' be directed 'per La Tou. mine" ) ; at 8 a. in. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. Amserdamn , via Rotterdam - dam ( letters must bo directed "icr Am- stordam" ) ; at. 10 a , in , for SCOTLAND direct , 1)01' Ii. 5. Anoioria , via Gljisgov' ( letters must he directed "Ier Anchoria" ) ; at Ii a. in , for NO1tSVAY dIrect , pi' s. s , Island ( ietter Inuet be directed "per Is. land" ) . After ( lie casing of the Supplementary. Transatlantic Maila named above , dtli- tional supplementary malls are oJaned on tlio pler of the ? .mrlcan , bngblsh , French and German steamers and rmaln open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailIng of steamer , 5Ziills fur Sent ) , nndcftmlral Aznvsica , VeNt mutes , Etc. TUESDAY-At 10 nm , for LA PLATA COUNTIIIES direct. per H. H. Linila ; at 8:30 : p. m. ( or NEWFOUNDLANI ) , iier steamer from North Sydney ; at 10 p. m. ( or JAMAICA , per sttanier from Phila tlelnhin. \VEINEBDAY-At 1 p. m for NASSAU , N. I ) , , , CAMPEl 13 , QII1APAf3 , TOI3ASQO and YUCATAN , von s. ii , qatanlii letters for other puns of Mexico must be di. recteil "per Catania" ) ; fat 11 p. in. ( or JA- MAIC. . , her steamer from Baltimore , FRIDAY-AL S it. m. for JI1IAZIL , pet' mi. s. I bevelius , via Perna mbuco , Ilaliia and Rio Janeiro ( Iettsrs ( or North Brash 'itimil La Plata countries must lie directed 'per 1Ievelius" : . at S a , In , for LA. J'LA't'A COUNTIIIES direct , per s , s. 3ollucla ; at 10 a. in. ( supplementary 10:20 : ii. iii. ) for AUX.CAYEtJJACMIIL nimd SANTA MAII'I'IIA. 'er 5 , mi , h1. Dumnois ; at 10:30 : a. n , for hAITI , per a s. Prins Willemn hi. ( letters for Vemiezucln Curacap , Trinidad , British antI Dutch Guiana must be tlirected " Prins'Illem ' "ier Ih' ) ; at 2 I ) . rn for BARI3ADOt3 tlir'o ( mmii NORTh IRAZII4 , via Para nitil Mannos , er a , s , Ornagense , IIATUIIDAY-At 10 a , m. ( supplenientnry 10:30 : a. m. ) for FOIITUNP7 ISLAND , JA. MAICA , SA\'ANILLA and G11I1YTOWN , Per 5 , 5. Mint ( letters for Costa Rica must be dIrcte ' "mr Altal" ) ; at 830 ; 3) . m , for NE\'FOtJNDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney ; at 8:30 : P. rn for ST. PIERItE.MIQUELON , per msteqjner from North Sydney , Mails ( or Newfoutii ; : ; ; d , by rail to hall. fox , and thence by steamer. Close at tliS office daily at 8:50 : 3) . in , Mails for MI. quelon , by malt 10 Boston. and thncc by Steamer. close at this edit's daily at 8:30 : 3) , Tn , irt1iiu fom' Mixi t" C'tty , overland , unless specially addressed for riespatrbi by steamer , close at thIs otfll't ) daily 'at 2:3 a. in , and 2:30 : p. mn. "fleghateed naiI ciosca at UQ0 ; p. in. lmroviout day , Tranw-l'noltlo Muls , MAils for Clmlnaand Japami , per mi , 5. Tacoma ( from Tacoma ) , close hero daily up to August " 4th it 6:30 : P rn Mulis for AuSII'atitt ( except ilibs for \Vest Australia , wlliehi 'are forwarded via Ilurolie ) , New Zealand hawaIi , 1'hji anti Samoan Islands , per s , s. Mariposa ( from Sn Francisco ) , close here daily UI , to August ' 6 at 7 a ni. , 31 a , m. and 6:30 : p. m. ( or emi arrIVal it New York of s , it. Etruria with British mails for AutralIa ) . Malls for china. Japan amid hawaii , per 0 , 5 , Porte ( tram San Fran- ----s & _ _ . S 1iO5Tr1rl7 : cft1jn. . ( tiflUn etL ) ' ' : . _ cisco ) , close here daily tIp to August 711 ; at 6:30 : 3) , m. Jails for .Chln and. Japan ( seclaliy utldrc4sed only ) , per . 9 , 1'.mn. bre of .Thiiiin ' ( from VAflt'oti't'r ) , elamid hero dnll9' U ; ) to' Atmgust " 15th at 63fi ; Ph , Mails for Atstri'tlitt 'lex'eit W'tt Atms. tralin ) , New Zenlahd , h1it'eaIt and Fiji Is. hinds , per s. mi. 4orniigi ( frommi 'ViThcou'r ) , close here ilady mtfter August 6th miii 'ni to A 'tmst ' 1htIi at 0:30 : p. in. Maiis for the Society Islands , per ship Galilee ( from nn FrancIsco , close here daily rip to AU. gtmst 25th at 6:30 : p. in. Trans.l'aeltlc , mnallsarofor'ms'arded to port of sailing daily anti the schedule of closing is arranged on the preautnption of their nnintcrruiited overland transit. "fleFIs. tored mall clomie at C p. in , previotis tiny. COI1N1ILIUS VAN COTT , PoImnaster , I'ostofllce , New York , N. e' . , July 29 , 1503 , I1AII'A % ' ' 1'l3lI , ( hAiti ) . ST.PATJI. . MIN- , & " ' : neitpolls Omttha flallwiy -General OflIcs , Nobraskft' I Dl'isldn. Fifteentit and Wolister Streets. Clt 'ricket"1imce , 1401 Fnrnrtin Strett : Tele- ' phone. 861. Depot , Fifteenth antI 3Vcbster Strtpits. , Telephone , 1,453.Leave. ' Leave. . .Arrive. Sioux City Atd6ni. . " 8:30 : an " : Sioux city Accom. . " ) :5Q : iun " "BS. znn flIrtir , Emerson , , . SIQtIX CitY , l'onca. ' 11artintcin and . I3omtleld . . . . . . . 'I 1:00 : , pm Siou 'City , Man. ' kato , St , Paul & Minneapolis , . .i. , " 6:00 : urn ' ' 0:019 : am Daily.'S Daily except Suntlay , " Sun. day only , "S DoeS not step at DeSoth cr Coffmami. . - F'REMONT , ELTflOhtN & MiSstmrt Valley B iiway- General Oflloes , United ' States National flank Ukig , lIouthvcst Cornet' Twelfth and lriirtm Streets. Ticket 0111cc , 1401 Fitrnain Street. Telephone. 561. Depot , Fifteenth and 'iVcbster Streets , Ielephtone , 1453. ; , , # ave , Arrive. hiiack. } hills , Toad. wood , hot Ilprt'ga ' 300 pat ; 00 pin Wyamlng , Cnper nail Dougli , . . . , , " aOo ; pih "P'5:00 : pm Ilastimigs , YoritIDa- vid City , ' Superior , Geneva , 'Exoter & t3thyard ' 5 Norfolk , and Fremont' . . . . " 815 am " 10:45 : am Lincolh , Wahoo & Frtmont , ' . . . . . . . . . . * 8115 am " 10:45 : am Fremnt Local , , , , " 7:50 : m York I'asseuger. . . . . . 6:10 : pm ' 9:40 : am S Daily. " Daily except Sunday. " Sun. day only. " Daily except Saturd yl "S Daily exceOt 1oiay , c11IICAGO & , NOwrHwi- , Oii ltnilwtty-City Tikt ' . 0111cc 1401 , l'arnom Street , I Telephone , 561. ' Depot. Tenth and Mason .5t.reets. , ' 3cic : . Lchve1 . .rrlve , Daylight' Clicago . . .peeiaj . " ' . . . .5 4O'an 'ljiSS pm Mo. ' Vtills"5odx . 01t3. , Si : . Pai3i & , ' ' ' Mthneiw lis ' . . . . . . . S c:4O gal . ' 10:45 : pm 310. Vitilcy , loux City , , , ' . , 7:43 : . im , ' ,9Q0 pm Boone , . Council Bluffs . . . 10:10 : pm , ' ' ] D':0 : mn Eastern FIx. . Des Moines , 3tarshall- ' ' . town , Cedar flap. Ida and Chicago. . ' 11:03 : am ' 4:20 : pm Atlamitlo Flyer , Ciii. cage and East. . . . . ' 4:55 : pm ' 4:20 : pm Fast Mail , Chicago to Omaha . ' . . . . . . . , . 3:15 : pm Northern 1iirss 5:30 : pm 8:40 : am Om..Chicago Spe- chat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c&s : pm 8:25 : am 0 Daily. ' SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC flnilrond-Oftneral Offlees , ITnite States NlttbOal ) ( IthIJW ilank BuIding , S. W1 aci' Twelfth and 1'itrnnni icket 0111cc. 1401 FarpaniStmoti Teleplone , 1301. Depot , Tenth and-luson Streets. Tee'phone , 629. , , , . . Leave. 'Arrive , SiOux City , 3Iin- ' ' ' kftto. St. Faith , 640 am ' . ' am MInneapolis . . . . . . ' 5:30 : pm ' ' 1045 ppi Sioux . Daily' City Local . , , " , . ' T45 , . . urn i , . . ' 9.0 - irn' ' - ' : - - - - ' . . . _ _ _ , at' : : ! td't'G'O , 11LWAEE 4 CNCAc - , St. . 'Pgul ' fluJlway'-.Ci. a ; ; ; 't'Ick'et' . utlIeoe.'ni43r.lrhrnnm 4 _ Ak $ , rj'efltlfn1l 'Masotj'treet. . ' . _ _ . , ' _ _ , 'r4heplione539 . . , _ , . ' ' 'l.eA\'o , ir Chicago . . . Expres . . . . . . . , . 5:4pm : am Omaha & 'Chicago Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . , LI00 am ' :15 pin Sioux .ity aqd Des ' Molnts Eipresq . , , . "hlflO : am ' 't15 ; pm . _ . ! JLl ? , "Daily excoptSunday , , ' . WAflA.tln rrto Ticket 0111cc , l4l5Farnam , \ Street. Telephone 892. Depot 'l'eth uhicl Masoli.iStreet , . Telephone 629. Leave , Arrive. St Louis 'Canofl flaIl" Express 4:30 : pm ' 11:30 : am e Dully. .1IIICAGO , BURLINGTON & ' Quincy Railroad - 1luton Burlington Ttoute"-TIcket Ojhlce 1502 Farnam Street. L A Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth auto and Masolt Streets. TcIe' _ _ _ _ _ _ phone lh. . Leaye. Arrive , .Chicago Veetlbuled Epreus , , . , . . . . , . S 5iQPm 8:10 am Chicago Expes. , 9 : am , 4:10 : pm ! Chcamp , & Louis Express , , , ' I 7:43 : jim , S10 am tirestoii Local . . . . . 400'pm ; ' 10:45 : am . Paciflc Jupction . . Local . . . . , , . , . . . . . " 11:55 : pm C 540 ; pm 'FaSt Mail . . 2:50 : pm Chicago Specbtl : : 12fl5'am 1I:50 : pm S Daily. " Daily except Sunday. mUitJNGON' & , IIS. sotlri River 1tahlrda-"The llUfIiBtOfl Ilurlipgton' Route'Con. . oral Ofllces N. W. Corner L i II oute : Tcnth'tniPFarnam Streets. ' Ticket 0111cc , .1502 Farnam Street Telephone. 25Q , DO- potTTiii an Mqson St.rets. Telephone 12k , Xsave , Arniiro. , Lincoln. IJatIngs . and McCeok. . . . . . ' SI5 : am 935 am Lincoln , Denver , Colorado , Utah , ( allfornin , Black Hills , Montana & - Ptmet Sound . . ' , , . 4..75im 4:00pm : Lincoln Local , , . . ' 7:00 : pam ' 7:40 pm Lincoln Fast Mail , " 2:5 : pm "iI0am ; Denver , CploTado , " 'Utah Caiifo nia ' and 'Puget Hound 1l'SS pm " 11:55 : pm DilIY , ' , 'D311y OXCCfl ( Sunday. CITY , ST. JO. 'miep'n & Council Bluffs Rail. B UfIito II road -"The Burlington F flouto"--Fleliet 0111cc. ' l02 El fiLito Farnath Btreot Veiephonq ' 25O. DL'p t , 'Tefltliafld Mu' - . SQ.n Streets , Taopiope 126 , ' Lonyc. Arrive , ICaflst s CltyDny. s Express . , . ' , . . . . . . . e 995 ; am 5:40pm : Insas City Night ' h.xprcss . . . . . . , , , , , 'llQO : pm 6:30 : am " } IxfInsItionFIper : e St. 1auis j S 4 39 pm 'I2lOG , pm for hIt. Josopi ) and 'Daily. 4 . . . . ' - . ' 1 UNION A 'VACWIC. . - Ovorlan1 Itotlte"-Qonerjjl Of. fides , . W. corner Ninth and ' F4Lfnam Strat , City "l'Ivket , Ott or l30 . Fnrnam f3trtet , ' 'Dolepione ' $16. Depot , Tenth and Mason 8treetsTolephoe Iieavo. , 4rrivc. . , "Time Overland U. LimIted" for Deli- ver. Salt Lake , and western liLt. . : r.3 am 4:45 pm Thu Colorado Sno- cial , ( or Denver & all Colorado im'ts. 11T5 ; pm , O:40 : a in Fast Mali Train for Salt Lako. l'aclflo conet and all western iolnts , . . 4:35 : pm 640 ; arm tIncoln , Beatrice & i3tnornaburg Ex. , ' 5:00 : pm " 12:20 : pin Fremomit , Colum. lUi , Norfolk , Gr'd Island & 3earney 4333 vm " 1220 ; pm Grand Island Ex. , , ' 5:00 : nmn " 13:20 : Pin S Daily. ' Daily except lundny , South Omaha Local I'A.-Lea'jes , 615 ; a. in. ; 1:00 a. in. ; 9:1l : a. m. 3:10 : o , m. Ar. rlves. 10:15 : a , ln013Q ) PIn. ; G:0I : n. in , Council Bluffs Locitl-Lrts'cs , :55 : a..m , ; 6:50 : a. in. ; ? ; lii IL. m : 1:40 : a , in. ; lOO ; 'a , in. ; 2:15 : p. in. ; 4:35 : p. in. ; 5:55 : p. mn.8:20 : n. m ; 10fi'p. : ( in. , rrlve. G mt in. ; 7Q a. in. ; 8:35 : a. in , ; 330 , q ; . $ : l0 p , in , ; 5:40p : 1'i p.n ; 9 : p. n.i9f ) ; : ; p y. ' M1hraUht1 'PACIFiC BAIL. , ' roail-Uenerul OffleCs arid I Ticket Qmce , SoUtheast Cor. ' nor 14th and 1)ouglat , StToet , . a 'l'elephomiu. 15) ) . llepot , 11ii I ' and Webster ts. Telephioni 1459. Lvo. ' Arrive. asnd Ntab , Llmite i , . $ ,0 pal i.5 ppm Haia , Cit c Louis Eales . , 9:20 : pnj . a 6:00 : am Nebrjeica Local . , , e a45am ; Daily , ' Daiiy exceat Sunday. SUiPLY ' ShIPS ' OF THE , NAVY , , . : ' Nw retur. at , 1vat ' Wfttro Dcveoped , ' by' Uncle am4 OLD NECESSITY AROUSES THE FAMILY Colliers. Vnter llonims , iti'frlgurntors , Iloimitiala Mnclmimie Shi'im anti .rsemmuls-Uni' a Pluitling lry luck ? ectled. The present tendency toward spnciallza- lIeu is ii'ell exeinpllfle(1 by tile special yes. miels which have come to ho regartled as more or lcium necessary adjuncts to a fleet of niotlern war sliipmm , lii vnrtae upon the Ron , relates the New 'York Sun , the United States ' has niWn3's bcen a pioneer-a fact which is thoroughly' appreciated by the large lumber of niilltiry and naval attaches cn gaged In 'wn'tchthg our opratlons. These arelgn omeers are pai'ticularls' ilnpi'cssed by' ( lie novelty of seine of tIme classes of Ships 'hIcti hitivd been nimtdb a 'part of ( lie iiienitan navy , amul many exhaustive me- Ports concernln the omcleiicy' of our boa- ; iltal , repair , suippls' atid reserve ships have been mualled to foreign countries. In former days ships were built of wood , with coppered bottoms , Chit carried large supplies of water mind vrovlslons , If repairs to ( lie sails ic'e needed tlit'y were ftected by the sailniaker antI hits mates ; the car- Pefltct'a gatig sufilced to replace broken spars and evtn to reilt the ship to a consul- erable extent after an action ; while time rIggIng was kept iii order by ( lie seamimon , Under' the supervlsiomm of the boatmiwnin. 'I'i 1)ecesmmlty ) for coaling did not exIst , and mililps Were rarely dockvd. If ( lie necessity became urgent a convenient Island was selected - lected , ( lie ship wn earecnd , anti time bet- toni was overlmtiled vttlm miufilcient thor- pughness. The edmisemluenco was tliitt ships vote hot SO dependent upon navy yards , but t'shtett upon their own resources. and could keep ( lie seas for mutiny mouths , or even years , It required , Today it becomes neces- mi ry , 'attet' so 'ninny' ( lays , to renew tIme coal supply , or the power to hroced Ii ; lost. An effort is being macdo In the Anierican navy to mnaiittnin what. nilphit almost be ternicil a iloating base , A libat Of colliers ticcorn- nnnies ( lie fleet , anti aft soon as one collier dIscharges her coal iuto the yawmiimmg bunk- urs of a battleship or cruiser , she Immune- dtately stearns to Norfolk or mine other 'pace having good coaling facilities. reloads 'phil rejoins ( lift fleet. Tliusu colliers are c6nstantly coining unil going , timid the war ships are liever lii danger 'of coal ( amino. Inidentaliy , tolliers carm'ylng lubricating oil amid waste , both very necessary to it muoderim steimiiier. Among the rolliers attached to ( ho North Atlantic station are ( ho Sterling , Lebauoa , Justimi. Scindla , Alexamider , Cris- stu , Scipio , Leouldas , Pomnpcy , Abarenda , Cacsar , hannibal and Niagara. Several of ( hee vessola are armed with rapid.flre Silas , to enable them to seIze as a prize it merchant vessel of the enemy , should omie ho encountered at sea. The colliem's form by far the larger nuniber aiiommg ( lie vessels CmflllOyelI solely to supply the fleet. Pi''sli ' % ' , 'mter. Tq.maintain the ciliclemicy of a vcse1 prorn ehlet1 by stoani machInery It is almost , if : mibt ; qtmIc ( , as nccosliary to renew the fresh wat&r ( Or the boilers as it Is to supply coal for ( ho ftmrna'ves. It is generally known thaf,1n the equipniept of the majority of senghlng ( eainships there is included nit evaportlng plant , TIme object of ucli alt , evaorator' i merely to dIstill fresh water br drinlt'ln , antI culidary purposes. It Is ' 1mpractieitblt ct intuit ) ' 1liee evaporators sufficiently large to keep the water In the 'hollers fresh , bause about all the space Ia a war Shil ) that cita , be assigned to the steai madhiinery Ii ; utilIzed in time plnnt for protelllng the ship. Before leaving port. 'all th hollers are BIled with fresh water , ltit in a few days , through leakage of steani joints amid other unavoidable waste , time wat.ep iii the boilers runs low and more , ntist ho pumped in. All boIlers are fitted wHim a sea. injection , and as a last resource tIme Sea is drnwmi upon to keep time water ip to ( ito workIng level. As ( his process is repeaed from time to time , the water becomes imiteiiseiy salt , scale is deposited , and rapid deterloratiomi is inevitable , fiuially resulting in leaky tubes , fallIng crown sheets , and tIme ruin of ( lie boiler , unless repairs can ho had , Thu necessity for the came and 3)reservation of the hollers is very lmrgem3t amiti ( hid problem of Ieepimig tmp ( lie fresh vater supply ha beeii solved by our iavnl englmicers , 's'ho have designed a tue. 'tilling ' sbp , time iris , 'ivlmh1ll is fItted wIth a inonatdr , cvnporatiig } plant , capable of con- vrting lummidreds of thousamida of gallons of sea water Into fresh water every week. Time. 1FI is fitted wIth powerful punips to enable her rapidly to transfer the fresh watdr into tIme hollers of nn'y vessel that reqptro rofllljng. 1Vlmvmt Wftsoli visits Spain to bombard the coast. cities and thereby liii- Press UPOP tIle domis the folly ot their fur- 'timer contending with the United States , lila fleet will be accompanied by the Iris , whatever - ever other veseel may be left at home. Care of time Voimmithei , , TIme' care of ( lie woundeil in battle ban always been mm important prohlem , Before the outbreak of the present war tIme surgeon gon'eral of the navy , Dr. Van Reyieim , tIe- termined to spare no expense in vrovitllng , a hoBpltni shmlp , 'mYitli ( lila cmiii In view , ( he Solace was purchased and trammeformech into a floating hospital. This lmip is equipped with the'most approved operating tables , and every appliance known to modern surgery Is included In Its outfIt. The docks have been partittobed ift Jut9 waril , in which are 'arramied bug rows of cool and inviting looking beds. Everything likely to conduce to tb's comfort of the sick has beemm thought of- . 'olectrlq fans to Iccop tile air in clrcuiatiomi , a laundry to Insure a constant supply of clean lumen , itnd a refrigerating machine wIth a capacity ot acypral tons of Ice a. day , The 'porsonmmel4ncludes a lurge corps of surgeons 'uniter Dr , Thomas 11h , Streets , U. S. N. , amid a numither of traIned nurses , After the born. bardinent of San Juan , the wounded on hoard RAILWAY TIMIS ( Mliii. ' ( Coimtlnmied , - CIUCAGO.ROCK ISLAND . , & PacifIc Italiroud-"l'ho Great Rock Islanmi Itoubi" , . I I ClY 'J.'icket OiIlco , 1323 I ' I FLrnam Street. 'rolehone 429. Depot , Tenth and Masofl Streets , Tulephion 629 , Leave. Arrive , Rocky Mountain Llmnitcd , east . . . . 130 am 1:25 : am llocky Mountalfl Limoited. Welt . , , . 5:20 : am 5:15 : am Chieago & lIt , i'atmh Vcsibuled B press , , , . . , . . . , , . . . . I 5:00 : pm 1:25 : pm Lincoln , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Isnvur arid west. . 1:30 : pin 4:25 : pn , Chicago , Des idotmmes 1tok Ie'.apd 7:00 : pm " 1225 ; am AtlantIc I for Doe Moines acid eastern ponta $ ' 7:20 : am ' 8:50 : pm ColorttiIo Flyer . . , , , " 7:00 : in ' b:5U : am S Iaily. "DIIW ( except ' . QMAIIA & ST. LOUJS 'tA1r. P'Onl. ro.ut-tJristtp , 4ansus City & Eastern RaIlrouil-1lie ' - , J'ori ARTHU I Arth'ur 1outo"-'I'uchet Oillc , 1415 Fam'lutm tVCet , 'l'eio. ihoimc 822. ' Deno ( , 'renth and ' ascii Iltreets , Telephone 29 , LeaVe , ' Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express , , . . . ' 4:35 : pam 11:80 : am , Uunsumi City & Quincy l.onui , . . . ' 7:40 : am ' 9CG ; pm Iansas City Ex- m'rQss , , , , . - , . , . . 73am ; Port Arthur Ex. xrss iBOpm : . DaIiw ( tie Ameritan chums wttre traiisfcrremt to tlt Soleed mind l'ntlerly caretI for. incb 'her arrival at SantIago she has been constantly in use anti many of our abidlers , wounded Iti action hivc undergone successful' operation - tion on board. Ths nrmn Is also iroiled with a hospital shili , ( he Itellt'f , designed to accoinpammy ( lit' trnnmipartL Thai Solace is painted whlte , wIth a very bronit green strIpe rtinnlimg fore and aft-n marked coflnct to the dull flghthimg gray of the war vessels. She displays at the tore truck ( lie lied Cross Ilag of tile (7cmiei'a convention , antI Is ilnnuimm ( roam capture. Time Solace has beemi wzmrmiiI ) Praised by foreign experts , nail wIll servt , aim a model 1mm future wars , Time fleet's stock of lmrovislomms is kept re Piulmielmed liy time Supply nail the CeltIc , vessels of a type iinlqlle In mmaval warfare. and fitted up for ( lit ) solo Purlioso of titln- Intorimig to the comfort of our sailors , They Inn ) ' be described as vast Iloatlmig rcfrlgeC ittots , thin Imiterlors hetmig mimodeled alter ( ho mimonster cold storage rooms ( lint arc to be fotimiti iii lnrge cities. Thousands of temis of beet antI vegetables are stored lii tlm frigid Chtalmmbers of these novel ships , i'IIerO they can be kept for months lii a sweet tutu fresh condItion , even lmi ( lie Imottest ellmimate. Tle cost of lirovitlmmg ( hg crews of Sampson's ships at Santiago wIth f.'eshm llrovthioims has been enormimous anti the foreign critics nrc immiable to coumprehmoipt why time goverliluent Is so lnvitdm iii time exnentllturo of iiioite' for 1w oIlier ptmrpnao thatm ( o supply Its salters 'ithi iahmmtable food , Fresh beet onmi vegetaimles are served out to Sniupsomi's bravo bltiejachteta suit maclimes tie rcgulai'ly as though their ships were anchored off New \'orlt City , llmmiteati of cruhmhmmg along nit cmtcmii ° s coast. It is said ( lint Sanmpeou line more beef Iii Imlim fleet than ( here Is in ( lie entire Isiammil of Cuba , Ice is nlvayn served out with ( lie beet , 'rho ' cclii storage uximerimiment lies lroveth alt entire simeccas antI ( lie mimedhc'nl otilcers declare ( lint the good health which lirevalia lit the ilct is lnrgoly attributable to the excellent dIet lirovilleti for ( lie liloil. Time old sitylmig ( lint aim army travels upon its belly irotmabl' aphmhics vitlm cihtmmil force to a navy , utid limo results of ( lie great Sen. , fight off Santiago would seomu to warrant time retemition of ( Lie refmigcrntor supply hip Os permanent adjunqts to ( lie fleet. PigIitIii Admiiirzml Cervorn , after surtni1ering himself - self a lit'isoucr of war on hoam'ih ( lie ( hlotm- cester , e'mprcssed hmls nstommislimcnt tlat the Amimericau tlm.'ot should be so atiutidantly supplied vitli amnnumnitlon. 'I had thought , ' ' lie Is said to hmnvm remmnrketh , "that after your fraqimemit aimd thorough bomubartllncimt.s of thio forts , your stm3lply of lmrojectllea ammil gun- lowtlor mniis have liccoiimc faim'ly well cx- lmaused. ( ' ' ThIs coiiltiaIon , perhinpa , hail home weIght iii dotermimmimig time Spanish mmdmlral (0 run ( lie gauntlet of our ships. Time terrific amid proiommged fire wIth lie ii'aa received soomi caused lilmmm to nbamiilon tills theory. 'l'imo secret of time nbmmmiitamice , as Cervera iiow kmmotv , is timat the Arnieria aimil time Fermi have liocim especially fitted out to carry spiire anmmtimmition for ( lie flglmtummg ships.Vliemicver , for instnimee , ( lie stock of 8-incim and 13.imieli shells 1mm ( lie Indiana's magazines needed rcpleimishilmmg , time 4rnioria was slgmmnlleti to come alomigelde , amid tIme tleficiemicy was eoomm remedied. The Fermi was equally ready to supply 3-potimider anti 6.pounder iroJoctlles to vesseLs needing them. The tact that niiirnunitlomi ivoulti riot low had been foreseen and provimleil for , lt was not necessary to tibail a. lmttlcship hiundr ids of miles to i'enew bar stiply of ( lie death-deallmi missiles. On board all steamiiers mInor accidents to ( lie machinery are of ( lail occurrence , The complements of our nicii'of-war immcltmde a force of mnechnmmics , ammd in the larger vessels hattie amid other macblue tools are furmitsimed , amid amm attempt Is made to do repair work , Time facilities , however , ore mmever good , mti frequent trips to navy yards br/c always heemi nccessnry. To lrc'vemit our fleets bCJfli' crippled .1mm limime of war limo 'tml.a hiaS heen , addod' to thd navy. Site Is , lii effect ; . it floating macblue ihiop , bier outfit , including a fommimdry , blaclcsmmiithm's shop , boiler shop amid a shop fitted with muncimimme tools , such as lathes , Ilammers , boring miiachines and liato rollers , The coniplement is made up of mnaclmimiistmi , electricians , gunsmiiithi , blacksmmmitlui , copporsniitiis , phtmimibers , brass workers. corpemiters auth shlpwrights. SImo is commimtmammdeth by Licutemmammt Commander Harris , amiml amnomig 11cr oillccrs are Chief Engineers Shins amid Aldrich amid it number of the other niost pronmimmommt miiochinmilt'aI engIneers iii tIme world. The Vulcan makes it , practicable for very oxtemmeive repairs to time fleet to 1)13 nmmuio thmousammtle of miles away ( roam a mmnvy yard. There arc a Vulcan mmml a hlecla in time hIritiahi navy , lint less conm- Plcto Iliumi oui'a. Front time ships enumneratetl it will he clear Gmat Sampsomm can keep the semi for mnommtims at a time , aim Immtloed sommie of his ships limivo actually done , hlimt the Vuloan ommhy enables imiterior reualrs , Jo be nmiule , Iii case of exterior work being deniaiimled recourse must be had to a dry dock. hit- fortummatoly we hayc not at. prcsen ( any floating dry iloek iii our imuvy. There is. however , a very good one iii Ilavamma that belongs to Spain. taniiaon , line hii eye on It , amid believes lie can Immdmico Blamico to part with it. After horrowimig it Sanpsomm will put it to good usu in , reflttimmg the Cristohal Colon. Uamdor the circmmmimstamices , it would be no more titan polite to send that timid vessel back to Spain , 'in care of Schmley orVittsqn , say. ilOSQlIi'i'OjIs hoE' ! ' A. .lllIIIII. Miugitrnf , him'jstumyjtis (111'rjcs amid Iul ici'mmiumt Are Forimesi ( ii hot remit. Mommy are ( lie marvelous aehiiovcmmmemmts of tle ; irrepressible nmesqullo , AggressIve di'uds of time doughty insect without numnher have been tolil in soimg ammtl story. but so far. sivs time Now York Herald , Imimitory contcIm ; no record of ( lie nmosulto'ms nmiglmt coinparwl with the victory won thU other imiorimimig by the winged wonders , wham an army of laos- qtlitos mid siege to time Fjatbusli police court anti succeeded Iii utterly routimg : judge , clerks , prisoners antI big polIcemen , so ( lint ( lie at.lpmlniatrtitlon of justice hail to lie sue- Peademi uimtll such time mis thm6 victorious hmotim chose to s'acllto ( lip stroiighpiti they had won. 'Fhio moimient that Judge Brisow ( took lila seat It was seen ( lmat there was trouble In time air , Time atmosphere was so thickwitim , it that lie himimi to light ; lila way to time bencbm , nail omm arriving there 1o tlmmltmedlately do- tidied two stalwart peIlcmimt mi to clear the court of all immtruders , 'Ihiis they mitteimipted to do with time aid of towels amid coats end api avnilbble weapon , whIch they ss'ung vigorously about tlmemmm , But time wily Insects - sects merrily fhittoil from niace to imhace , bmmz- zimmg awhile around tIme unkempt beads of the early lmmorpimg $ drunks ami dlsortlerhies , or eu the eXlmamislvc imecks of ( he Ioilcenezm themmmselvoa , only to return agmmlmm mind cirejo gayby aroimmid tIme attructlve scalp of the presiding magistrate , liege imithmn leaf amis vore secured snil two athletic Poilcommien were mitatloncd aim eIther sub of thai judge i'ltli order ( o keep timemmi Iii perpetual motiomm , StIlt ( lie ublqmij. bus Imisects snug their songs of victory in tIme cal's of justice , Candles vere higited around tIme altar of time tilled , gomk 'ss and cieerul himvttatiomi was extended to the in- 3oct11 to singe their wings him ( lie fuscInutIrmK llamime , limit they didn't see It lii , Uiitt higlm. Eventually , when time cqut end jmLtndant4 ralled ( limit titers was no eseqpe hut flight , books amid papers were Imastily'plled together mmii after the prisolmer mtiii bmt r turned to their pescoful cells the scssloii was ndjouaed until hitch tinie as ( ha mziue. qtiitos should decide to seek fresh fleitle anti pastures new. ' Do you like a dry , fruity ( ) harnpagne "if you mb an have ; l gone so , tr Cook's Imperial Chompaane , t - -