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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1898)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - . - . . - - - . - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rr . . . . , I , . - ' _ - 2 _ _ fIE OMAhA _ DATrY (8tE ( : MONDA1JVLY 18 , 1898 ; \IAcIIIXII \ : AI1E11S 'f ( ) c1oc ibraka Popii1ist. Give Evklonco o Doing Their Own Thinking. i READY MADE TICKETS NOT IN FAVOR , . ; . ( ( ) Hr 1)1,1 H lOll frutli % 'PMfrrIt : I'iluiIlti Nut . , , * * lug lu I lie I , , , lit lU. Slsti. IliitIN ( : ; iiiiIuin1 Iiui ilusviitti. . ; LINCO1N , JIil ) 17.-Spceial.-Tho ( ) I 1lst who tirirt Ilito t12c state house from i'OUfl(1 ( nhoLt the stat , am oxlilhltlng COfl I lltrable , ntixlnty a to the procelure of the : ornlng state convention , tUlh thin state I 11o1120 mn'hint' h exerting Iteht to lrelaro I thi way for niiothicr thirce-rlngcih Perform- , ni1tj Mmihar to thint ot ltt year. Enr naiks of IL ork me ceti In the batch of hetters : lVlHtcIl ) In [ lie Inst lstie of in ( recognizeth dflhclal organ , the Independent , purporting to rejrescnt the cntIment of the Part ? In rshccL ) to ( lie platroriu aiid the attitude tosard the themorntIc iin.l . the shIver to- V pubhlcaa couv'ntIohl5. called to meet it the Eaflie tiiiit zttih Iii the iaiiio ihac. Ag might ho t.cpeted , whithu some ( hITer- . once of OJIHIOU is ccpressc(1 ( , the echoi or the iiiachine are ahh for filon at niiy price , gvelI at thu risk of nldIcating the hiOwers of the convention to nnotlior combliuttioli ronferenro c'onit'iIttvt' . of the ( hlIenting OhIUIOHH ) Olle IS flOtlhle , ho I ii g thin t _ ( ) I .ue I t a St hIh na , t hi e hfl1l ) IIML WhO rPIr'seIItch ( the lI ( ty-rourthi dis- Irict Jo the hcgilature. liii ys , iirt as to the leading articles In the iihittforin : , , I'Iatrornt luiiiiatorhal es long as demo. .1 atic lawyers run party ; " sccIIIh , , as to ttittichi ( owni d the s ar : "Let time P01 th1'3 hmn i'Lnrtcd tIme \ar sorhc it awl'lIe. I'ol- uh ists wihh do vhI to take care of their own I hmimslmmtism ; ' ' thirih , us to. term of action to- ; . urd demtior'ratlc and silver r'htmbhirnn ) con- . ' entloits : ' 1'tae matters are already flxd from the hrl'arIes till. Time pohicy Is dnin'i- matic contusdon , no matter whether itralghmt I loItmiIst , fuMlon or itralght democratic , it Is all tIme samlie otltflt nominated by thu ilemnocratic chub in Ommniha. They will no muoro ahantlon it. thmumi will rats abandon freshi cheese. " Another shznlflcnnt answer Is that of 1thmtheIItfltlVO ) Snyder of the Fifty-seventh district , who Is saId to ho a nreahmer , but who ends his communication as follows : L "No more such damnmi fooling as we bad a 'S ' year ago. " Wt'N'flhItN II.'t'nmiItIsiii , , Another significant movement. conies In ti am thin western Dart of the state , Whoso , ilelegates to the loPUhist. convention will doubtless mle'mnand recognitIon eu the tlcI < et , L For e\ammmIle , Lester 0. Clough , chairman of the Cimi'ycnno county committee , an- flounces throuhi time same source that the vcstern part of the state vIh1 certainly combine to ( Icamnil Its rights In all parts of the state government. lie continues : . ; \Vii gt lractlcaliy no share In the pat- lonago at the hands of the legislature each session : umd we WhlOol ) her up for the state k oflicers in iNtchl camnalgn , and after they are elect'.l . they elcct m.hI theIr appointees fremi , their own county , or nearly so. 1ost of thmcmii are not oven satlstled with that , 1ut go into Jic next stitr Lcmmvommtion and trade time PO'Ver ' blob we i'avt. giveim timemn for inhimiemice to help re-elect theniseives. Men that are iii 0111cc flOW have no greater rights thmntm Ihmoo who put them there auth the last statt corivcuillouu definitely settled ' the ( itlCstiul ) that time lJopLtiiHta do not con- , shIer a re-nonuluntlon : m matter of courtesy , and they do not tahco kindly to efforts out of time Ustmal line by niliceis to hiolul theuii grolves in , W'o are going to as1 at time next 'tate . , convention a proper distribution denzmndetl by fairnos , and we lwilevr' I iuuulm grealer and inure worthy of consideration thutu lulero courtesy , nail time w' t 'nj Of , I thin state vhIi not long subnuit to tue , , cs- eat unfair conditions. The S8LUC sentiment i eximrescd In tin , resolutions recently aioitcd ) by the Lincoln county jopulist convention , which formally ucquests the mmcmi umatloum for governor to ho givcn to the western end of the stuh , amid denounces as inmpoiitic and unjust the : t coumtiuucI refusal of time eastern and central . counties of time state to give the vest mid : Its constitutional rights by Just reappor- . c tionmncnt of the state Into senatorIal and reiicscntativt' ) districts. : stiii another evidence of the revolt is that vhuicli talce ( lie form of a protest t against the exclusive nomination of lawyers for the highest ! ihoccs of liomior mural trust * by a Party which has Its strength with time farmers and preteuuils to rlrcseuit the produsing clnses. tI 4) bJei' s 0 l.It'flI' rs. An Interesting exauuiplo of the outcroppiimg - of thIs sentiment Is found in the following i letter , entiorsirig tiut' candidacy of I ) . Cicmn Icnver , whuicli stuuius to have eseaiwd. by 4 accident , thin censorship of the nunchuiumo y gauig that Is sUpiiO.ft'd to control the noiI I tmHst organ : t GlLJ\ I ) , Nob. , July 3-To the lditor of $ time ludepeuiclont : Ag ( lie tinie for holding time state couuveiutloii amid time icopie s'ili a)4flt be en I I cml upon I o 501 ccl t ho I r eta ad ard iteai ei , I \v iii , tim lot , glu . I h t' tel a in as of 2 your rcchient papr , to cxpres lay hmrufer- t OII ( 05 to vltoiui hue shall 1w , as a goal mnaumy otltor have unite. For governor of a ytuuuig uiuiul trowiumu state , \ itl her varied , m taouI coa ILke Nehrauiha , uuta 1 a nian 0 f ox pm' I c ii Ce tInt t l umows seam et ii I lug a Ito Ut luo w icoPie earn t hid r i iviuig an ii how they t muuuule their mnouloy ; a mmmii that i abreast of time tiuuiea antI is keeping then' . I ij. . I ieve ! l r. Ed I I or , we lim ; v a sum cii a muon Iii time in'rsouu of time lion. 1) . Cicumu Jh'avcr of Omaha. I Ia has hiecum one of liii' early lila- : ml Cl I'i of Jo lfcrioui a imui iim a yet' eon mu t I es a nil vos ii uumomig tiit uuiost sUet Isl ; ( ii I a f on r en ny . fa nuuuous , I Ii uimv Ii I in I lieu , I k a e v ii I mum vhmcn lie was r1mairuumnn of tImt P'tPle'H ( ) party state ceuitnai commumnittee mmmiii muiso In his : ireselmt situation , auth hits huai aianya beemi i Are gmimulmug f.tmr rJmtiiy , . ! jtumhum's . : tILvtl. i. : ' i i.i I kr carry tImni . t'.t Li . ) . . . . l01'irtS , I.illti I arry I lvin ; It ! itumre1 , , , ' : , , l..ip ttietii In mneL n . . . . . . ' .fl.1 t f..4 , , ; ; . - - - - - - - - . . cI..1' ou'l' 'l'I I IS CIUI'N , . 'rue Oiiinlin laily Bee I3xpoiitioii Piotogrttvure ! Coupon 'I'ItIs coupon anti toim cents will L obtalum ( Ii tco ) htttogiu'uui'es ) of time . By flail , 2c extra. I - . - - - - - - hr. . 0 .wra .o. Ilie Omaha flee . , : 01 : ; : ; oiwon , Present this Coupon with lOcfor . A Map ofCuba. t A Map o th West Incite ! . * And a Mapot'tho World , e By JUttil ir cents. E..a. . , the ntno IL Clemu lenver , with a heart true nail inetiuuu 511(1 P. hmmuuul osr reauly to as 'ist time nmm'mly. in view of tiueci facts anul luinwing his experience In nlmot nil the w aika of life , I believe , Mr. lditor. he would make us a most exemplary governor. I notice omuie time ago nme of ( lie frleni wanted ft farmer for governor. Now , let t1 nomimmnte anti elect 1) ) . ( 'leuui lcavcr for goV croon and in him we will have a counhiioa- timi that I lsiieve will suit tu nil ; auth tinn again if any of ui old fcllowuu should Imp- pen to ho in Lincoln and wanted to coil oil time governor we cotilui do so with an mt surance that we woulmi be treated to as goott a. chair n timcre was lii time governor's of- flee regardivss at a little hayseed in our hair or coal dust iii omur v1uiskers. flespect- fully , i , . x. 1'Iltl. All of this inches It plain that It viit ho clue of time macst dltflcmmit tasks to tumaice time mnachuimmo program ummove smoothly in time coining conventions. ( 'bnl rims. ( 'mmml t 1i ChlAtiLO , Nob. , Jmmly 17.-pecin1.-An ( ) adjoin ament of district court for Tas es I county vns tnken mmnlil Ion-morrow. time same iieitrg ordered by Juilge W. 11.'cstover I upon recript of a teiegrammt trommi Capiain . Alien ( L lisimer of Conipany 11 , Speouiul e - braska reginment , mit Chmiekamaumga. stating I that ho otmlul he In Chadroum by that time. I Captain Flsiirr is cotmnty attorney amid a mmumnber of imumportamit cases demand his at- tntlon lucre. hmtnImui time term of court o far a ntttnber of cases have been mhl'imoscd a' . ( ) mme of timemn was time State against George lcaulrman , a farmer hivlmmg uicar Crawford , who was arrested omm comumplniat of time Corn- ummercial iltimte bank of Crawlord , citarglng huimmu itim forgery. It scorns ( lint ICatmifI I muon's wife , a returned missIonary from LitutiI America. received a du aft for $ IiO for mnissionary services. Time miraft caine thromigim ( liii mail anti tIme husband securemi the l'tter. lie also secureml the draft , easimeti It after having signed his wife's name nail itroceedeil to have a glorious ( hue. hleforo hue hind flmmlshed lie spent a neat sLimui of time muaumey amid his v1to liehil time batik for the u.inmo mmmi t that he itqti a iou cmi . iCautfimmamm appeareti befort' the court mmml plenuiemi guilty. lie is an olul soldier amid a light scmmtcnce vas Imposed upon him-one year at hard labor iii ( ho peoltentiary and a fine of $100 amid costs. Time Fred Krtmg Brewing cciii- imany of Omaha appeared in two cases as time iilahmtlff. in ommo time brewers brought stilt against Framik I ) . Moommoy of Crawford to recover - cover on two imroomissory mmotes of $10 each , amid time jury awarded time verdict to time iulaintiffs. Time other case was against G. \v. ilaragrorer and Frammk D. Mooney , vimo were formerly partners tim time saloon lamsi- mmess at Crawford. 'Fime stilt was for over $900 , money the plaimutiffs claimed due , anti thmy attenmptcd to recover time entire nmotmnt from Ilarmmgrover , who Is veii fixed titian- daily. Time jmmry , however , deeldeml that iiarngrover amid Mooumey should each bear ono-iiiif tue amount , flunking $454 against each. Judge Westover bammded dowum a decistout itm two cases which are commsltlered quite Immi- Irnrtamit lucre. Time cases vere the Cimadron Bulithing nmmd Loan Association against P. II. hayes and II. P. Sioumons. W'lmeim the cases were tried both ( lcfemmdaumts showed timat they hail paid into the association moore timan time aummount or time balm , still foreclosure pro. ceedings were instituted. Time judge mleelareti the building anti baum act of 1873 unconstitutional - tional amid imeiti for the tiefcmidammts. The annual soldiers' and saIlors' reunion , wimtch was held at ilordeaux last week , was ommo of the mnost successful affairs In time history - tory of timis sectioum. It was attended by an average numnher of iO')0 ' ) people and time Ses- iomms tcro most interesting. A number or simietidid features were Immtroduced 1mm the Itrogrammi of the scssiomm , J. Ii. Crowder of Gordon was re-elected as ceammander of the reunion. ANIc f4I IteNtrim imul mmg Ouder. COLUMBUS. Neh , . , July 17.-Speciai- ( ) Late last night a petition was flied In the dIstrict court here by County Attorney O'Brien miskimug for a restraining order 0mm- joining the Great Fastern Caimmti company from rummnlmmg time Columbus lateral along nmmd arni I el v itim time ni cmi d I aim It tie ( so en I led imccatmso it Iii the sixth principal moridiami Of time Uumited States ) , This action was taken as time result of two unsuccessful attempts siteimt in tryimmg to adjust mnattcrs 1mm an anmicabie manner. Time mmecessary imoumtl flied vIth the vetitiomi % 'mtS signed by Supervisor Benaler , cimairumman of time board. The lateral strikes the line about two miles annUm of the city anti runs parallel wIth It for a milstmnce of about two miles. This is henhmapmm One of time worst hoimes of con- tmntion that the irrigatiomm conmmmimmy imas strtmck , aitlmouglm their path immus not tmccmm a bed of noses In l'iatto county. Time macnm- bers of time board nrc cii adyocatcs of Irri- gallon anti do not wish to ho understood Os trying to thmnow water umimon time eimter- imrisc' . A large nmummuicr of farnmcrs who are locateth nloumg the ihme of time lateral were present at the nmeetlmmg of time bonri amid tine rrigatton mccrs. Mammy of timoma are 001mm- pinining of tine proioscd route. It is thought Jtmiige Aibert. 'viii give the case imis Inmmne- miinme attention. .u.c . , , ui ( 'm.mmmmy Iti.uibl lenmis. FAhiLim : Y , Nob. , July 17.-Special.-- ( ) 'Fimu Jelfcrsomm coummty republican convent- tiomi yemiterday afiernoomi adopted a resoimm- ( Ion imntrtict ing time uleicgatlomm for Jummhgo I I. S. linker for go vcrmm 0 r. A resoi mmtlomi ti ( . ciririmmg for E. ii. liimmmmiuav for commgrcsa nmmd extoumiilumg lii mu time courtetty of soiertinmg imis cmvii mieiegntiomm W7S imased amid great cmi- timusiasmum. iloim. Peter Jaimsen was nioumui- umatemi for time legislature , C. ii. 1)m'miny for ceummuty ii ttormmm.y amid Joe McCormi for comunmty eommmmnissiommer. iclcgates niciecteui mmre : Stte-l't ter Jammsemm , George E. , Tenidns , J. F. Aumiurummi , I ) . It. ICelley , sc , Ii. J. Newell , George ilanscim. ii. ( ' . lUmwsoim , C. \v. I.nnmimert , I. i. Timonmpnionn , ( h'orge hag- gnmnul , I ) . Lewis , 1) ) . 13. Ci opsey , \ ' J' \\'am'm , ( icone Cross. ( 'onmgressiommai-C. B. Letton , T.V. . iiuy garti , i'crm'y ( 'moss , T. L. lmvimmg , , iay ii. Mcioweil , Joe Cramnub , C. W. harvey' , A. L. . Cross , J. T. Ewing , itobert Ciapim , Eiyromm Ciarl. Joseph Sareacim , Cimester Aniirows , .1. v. F'flis. Float Semmutonlimi and itehmrestmnmtativ'- . F' . Lelglmtnmtmr , J. II. ' [ 'nit , P. L.i Iiior. 'F. L. Ftvimng , A. AhleimV. . .1. FIormIammlm , J. 0. Crmmimmb. iIuiO ( ' t''tImmg mI * , tlilutmum'e. ALLIANCE , Neli. , July 17.-- u 1we'ai. IA mimeeting was imeiti Iii the councIl eimammm1r mmmi It vas decided to imolui a tlmreo ulays' iii ceti tug U nmd or t Ito mm in sluices of time A I linun cc 1)istrlct l"mmlr association ' on Timurmimlay , Fm'I- tiny amnd Sattmrtiay , October 13 , 1 I ammti 15. it. M. hlammmpton iircsided over time ameetimig as imnesitlent , mmmmml W. W' . Norton was scent- tary. uhme foiiowlmmg olilcorum amumi coinmummit. tees mt'eno selecteui : l'rc'siileat , A. J. Slumnomm- somm ; mice no t a ry , F' . ih . hi rocimme ; Ii mm a mire Cm itt - nuittee , I. I ) . ! mloiiriumg , 'mV. ' 'tV Norton , Ii. C. t\rnmmmmtrommg , I. 1' . MeCiure. 'IV. 1) . ittmrmmer ; mrgranmm coiuiraittee , A. J. Siminommsoni , Jmieit ilmmrmms , George \V. Clark ; mmimmtimmg , N.mtc hurt. L. . A. Berry , F. Al. iiroommmo ; treasurer. It. \l. iimmummptanm ; grotmmmds , Jack Hunmms. At least $1,000 st'iIi ho nlferemi In purses. nmtd it Is imroiablu thmat time nmmmmnmumt will ( i'eet'ii timmmt. 'Fimo assoelatlonu Is emmtlrely out Ut debt now atmd Imot imnmnmuilemmimped in ( mis ' ummaummiem us incretofore , so ( lint time nmeotinmg Is maine to be time mmmost successful ever imeimh. ( . .uuimly ( 'muutruil r.iuuuimItm'ms t1t'e' . COIlfltIiiUS , Neim. . July 17.-Speclal.-- ( ) Time deimmoeratle nmimd P001110'S Immdeimcmtdcnt couttLy central eommmmmmlttee met here ye'ster- 'buy ' aftenumeoum In separate sesslommmm amid each ehmoso time sammie dale anti idacu for Imoitilnmg the county comuvemutlomis. 'i'Imoym'lhi both be lucId at tluumnpimnoy out Ju1) 10. Thu free silver repuimlicamms met yester. day mmfertmoomi ( mit the 0111cc of Dr. Clark amid selected eleven delegates to muttenti time state couivemitlon. 'Fhey also recommmmmemndcm ] \Ylhiilammm O'flrlen , time present immcummmbent , I for coummty attorney. IJ1VERS1TY SUI1Ell SChOOL Most Prosporoiin Session Ever Ibid Oomcs to a aoso : , ATTENDANCE OVER TWO HUNDRED FIFTY tlmmmi y Nvst 1.1 lieu or I itil rmn'i limmu 'l'nlLeim Up liumul IlI ci r Sim.eeni. A . .tiua rem. 'I'heir Cmmuup.termntiiimi-t'm'ilmm- gng' tmi 110 'I'nimgiit , LiNCOLN , Jmmiy 17.-Spccial.-The ( ) most irosieroums stiunmor srsion tine Umuiverimity or rebraska has over hmclmi closed yesterday. The mttteimdnumce was over 250 , wlmicim lii comu- siden d very good Iii view of time fact timat ( mere are so mnnmuy attnmtetiona calling for boLim time Lonelier's ( hue anti immommey this year. Many mew lines of Instruction rcro taken imp , anti thmt'Ir success assures timely contlntmatiomm 1mm ftmttmre muessioums of tIme stmmn- mimer schmooi. This year Limo scssiomi later- ft'remi somewhat wIth the varlotms coin- mumemneemnent exercises , amumi It Is timoumgiit it vlll begin a reek or two later mmext year. it is thu lntemmtiomm to tatco imp higher work Jim eningogy inereatter , leaving time mmmore practical imio of tIme work to the l'ertm slate nornmnl , wiutcim , begInning t'itim next seasomi , ill haiti it smmmnimiem' school evemy year. J. V. mlclonnlti hugs brett ntmtlmonizemi liv time conmmptrohier of te ctmrremmcy to take tcummporary' cimaigo of time receivership of tine Capital Natlommal nmnd Germanium Nattommal bamnls , t lmicim Imositiomu is heft 'neammt by time .ntmdtiemm miemtim of iCenmt K. hlaydemm a few days agolr. . mhclommnid immul tecemmtly mimado mum exaimmimnatlon of the receivership trmmsts 1mm his capacity mis sPecial exmmmnulmmer , mind Is timoroimgimly famIliar w'ltim all time detaIls of ( lie busimmess. lie viii have emmtiro eharme u.mtIi Coin'f rohier lawcs aces fit to appoint a successor to AIr. iiaymlcn. flicimard F. Finnmmy , a young nina wlin imas beemi inaitilmmg a responsible posltlomm iii time First Natlommal bammk of \ \ 'ecplngVater , but wimose bonito Is itt thuis city , mas strIcken with nettLe Itmsatmity a few days ago aimd yesterday was commveyemi to time state nay- itmimilr. . Fimmune ) ' mmmcml the Third reginmemmt with the conipany front i'tattsnmouth but failed to imass time necessary examination at Ommmaima , owing to his inavlmmg suffered from a severe cold auth boitmg umider weight. Slmmce lila return to Lincoln Inc has hecum inmucim dejected , amid time first of inst weelc mvas taken Ill with vhmat terminated tin via- bunt Insaumity FrIday mmigiit. This is ( ho first smmcim attack known in time fanmlhy amid It Is holied that with rotmmrn Irmg imenitim thu unfortummate young unman wIll recover Imis am in ml. ml.v. \v. E. Cobb , charged with embezzlement by Ilergreaves liros. , has been released froumm custody by time sinerlif taking his owmm reogn- trainee ( or $2,000 to appear when wammted. Cobb has turmneul over all time property owoci by both lmiinmmelf amid wife , amid as this satis- ties the ammmoummt said to have been takenm front mis emnmimioycrs , time lmosecutiomi mazy hot be pressed , Mrs. W. J. Borgers is In time county Jail cimargemi with insanity , and her case mviii be passed upomm wtimlmi a few days. For saimme mmiomntims lasL sine has beemi acting strammgcly anti has been careil for partially hy friends. Abotmt tinrce years ago her imtmsbamal heft tine city to look for work amid has mmevcr since been imearti from. This , togetlmer with straiglmtemmcd fimnaumcial clrcmnummstanmces , has ovldemmtiy brought about time preseimt sad at- tlictiomm. Chief J05ti00 Lewis of Kentucky is mumak- iimg his yearly visit to his daughter , Mrs. S. Ii. flurmmimamn of timis city. Jmmdge Levi has becmm mm time stmprome bcimch of iCeimtucky for Limo past Sevciiteeim years , anti during timat timmue but two summummmers have passei without lila mmmakimmg a vacationn trIp to Linicola. ilulsy'eek for I'mirimmt'rm. , COLUMIIIJS , Nob. , Jnmly 17.-Special.- ( ) Tinis hmtis been a very busy week wlthm time farnmen-s who have 1)00mm harvcstinmg a heavy cmop of rye mmd m'lneat. Time oat crop is rcatly to cut ammd will be taken care of next week. in soimmo iocahltics the ( mats are inn. mired hy rust imnmt time Per ccItt is vemy sinnahi. Corn has made some rapid strides time past ten days , hut tt 15 generally commccded ( mat unless mum conmes along within a week It will suffer imnaterially. Prospects just mow , however , are very ( lattening. ( OIms mm iimii Imm I e Fl , ,1 , hASTINGS , Nd > . , July 17.-Speciah.- ( ) Time Atianmms coumity republican cemmtral coin- mmuittec met yesterday afternoon nnmi fixed tine ( line for imoidimmg tine varIous conveunCons. 'Fho coniventioum for clectimng delegates to tine State ninth comigremuslonal convemmtlomns will be meld omm 'rmmesday , August ti Time convemi- tion to put aim a fmmhl county ticket wlii be hick ! abotmt two weeks later , ( 'ii ni ( i i i , 'i' Ii j en e ii oil. M'COOt JUNCTION , Neb , July 17.-Spc. ( cial.-Tlmo ) imrolongeml dry weatinor Is semi- omnely thmrcatcning tine cnrmm crop. There has leon mo rain here for over ( onmr weeks. W'iicat is lirctty' mmmucin all hum ( ho shock or stack mmnd imrotmmises a good yield. No thresh. lag has beenm tiomno 1mm this vicinity. ( . .Ieirnut.Smuuilimt , : .uirri'mid'r. YOILK , Nob. , Jimmy 17.-i Specinh.-York ) licolile ceielmratetl tine snmrrennler or Santiago imi aim entimmisinstic style inst mnigiit. Speecines mtcre mmmdc tnomum an lumiprovlsc'ii Imiatform nut one cormuer Of th square by promimimment ciii- zens. Music was ftmrmmlsimed by time York Glee club , nod fireworks anti firecrackers added to time liveliness of time occashmo , Xelmrmishzi m % , m4t' , Time Cimimso commmity fair will be hell O"to- her 5 , 6 amnd 7. I bit cotmnmty daunts to move time best crop > irsIcct inn tiio history of tine commmmty. 'i'ime Nortim Platte milmitrict carmup nnectmnmg m1ll be bud at Cnmrtls , Nob. , July 27 to August 8. An Oakiammnl nmuiiler is nccused of having ox- Iressetl itnn-Sintnmlsim mtemutiumicmnt antI mis a re- suit itcoPlo mmp timt'ro refuse to imatrommizo tine mmmlii. mmmlii.A A lmmrge Imortion of the Onmahma tribe of immtliamms is olt on a visit ; sommmo humivo gomie snutim to time territory mmmi sonic north to visit with time Sioux. Joint Yonmt of hiuoc'lc fimmishemi tinmcshmiimg Imis " lncit last m'cck , the yieiii imeluig timirty. four hiumslneis jit'r acre and tcstimmg sixty-t an hounds to the busimel , Time hmity cnop , time emitting of which Is aow in progress , will be the heaviest ever known In Lincoln county. To find a amarket for ( ho surplus iii mnow botiieriuig time prodimcers. Ncmmmahnn coummty svtil ul , . again cmi I ( luestiomi of kmntmlumg bonuil to 'amild a roum t house. Time propositlomi whilcu was 'oteti tiowum % i as ( or 0)00 ( ) amid tL'a itresemit one I'm for S 10.000. Jaunea itay. south of iftmrcinmmrd , tiureshneil lila wimeat this veek , wimicim mmnnthtt twemmty Immmainels lieu aQre. It saa expected to mnmnke tinirty-five or forty.'Imeat Is unot ummnmkiimg time ylelmi that vmms expectemi of It. Time simipmnmeuit of mooi train Iclmnbahi Inas already mimmnoumited to about 100,000 pounds this sensmmmi mmliii Icily imaif as mmmcii umnoro Is yet t a be tint rk cLod. Tine revimi mmmi ( momni t ii is somircmm wIll be mme somali tiding thIs year. it is reported tlmat there is sonic tromibie between the cat tit'uiien uumd time \\'arrcmm Live Stock comnupammy's simeep inertlers sotmtim A IA I.s'I' ISIS ) ! , s'itIi iii' ) . ' * ' met mit Gruipe S ii gao Time macat eater anti time vegetarian alike mire cinonmmmeti with tine mncw food , Grape-Nuts. ' ( lucy have a crIsp taste , with time delicate llavor of grape sugar , amid arc vmmtirely rtudy for tIne table without any necessity ( or cook- ling whmnmtever. Grape.Nutnm furalsim ommim of time dmilntl st dishes over Idaced oo a breakfast table , of the Klnm17hi commnty line , A petition 1mM beemt sent to t140 Warren Company musklung It to take ltum/blfIm omit , as , It Is said , they' are causiummcmt'carcity of feed for time cattle , The cornerstone of the umiagnlficent CaLm- oilc chnmmrcim at.Orionns was laid Timtmramlay , Timis cimtircli is' ) to be nmttdo of Colorado browum stonq1mn vlien commipleteti will be one of the handsomest In time state , costimig $15,000 , Patimer Preemami of Wymmmore of- ficiateml at ( Imp coremnoumics anti l"athier Mc- ifonmuna of lhd I'iotmml delivered time address. Last 'l'tmcsmlnuy the directors of tine i.iumcoitm arid Dawsomu cotmnmty irm'Igatiomm distrIct tact and destroyed. the $27,000 worth of bonds Voted about .twmnyears ago for time immillioqo of coimstrucUj1 a thilm'ty-five-nniio camial to water all the scetloum of country north at Gotlmeiminmrg. There imas becum expounded cmi surveying nmmd organizing tIme dIstrict almommt $8,500 , amid Probably ( lint imutmeim moore Iii gramilmmg canal , 'FIne first will be haItI by tue district , 'hmllo time courts will ProimablY tIe- lmi as to viietiier time district or directors simmihl ima' for ( lint iaimr prrfnimmtcil omm time caitimi. EXTENDI1G MAIL DELIVERY Sysiemiu of Fiem' Ser'li'o fuit the II imriil 'I'pimM Is lii' I mug itmmmI tlly W'ASIiINGTON , Jmmi3'17.-Timo extension of the rural free mlehlvery postal service au- thmoriceti iuy time Inst commgress is beimig hushed aioumg as rapidly as commtlitlonim will . it. Otmo lmumnmlrenh amnml tifty-seven petitlomis froni thirty-five states mmmiii territories imavo beemi meceived askimng exteinsiomma of time service - ice as to mmnmmmiy towmms mummd specIal ageumis of time deitaTtimiomit arc miov iii the Iic'iml in New York , New Jersey , Mntssacimmmstitts , North it- kota , Veinmouut , Illinois , imndiamma , Iuta , iCami- ens muumi Colorado layimng out additionmal routes tot' tiiis service. First Assintaunt l'ostmnmnster ( lommcral heath Is emnmkavorimng as far as possible to adopt time onigiummmi nimpiopm'irutloim atmthmomizod hmy eoumgicss for tine dilferenut states s'iuere the additiommal facilities for delivery are tIme Poorest.Vlthn this end in Vie's' me has until mm tnhit.mlar statemmmc'mnt imrepared shnowinmg time population of time miiffercmmt states served t'itin fm'ee ( leil'i'ei'y tmmmtier cxistimmg laws ( wlmlclt restrict time regular free delivery service of cities of 10,000 lumimabitmumits ) anti time mnuimmincr of hiCOpie Iii each state who receive - ceive ho free delivery at all. These tables shmm' tinnt the followinmg iiumnber of persons ar now absohiutly without free miehivery of immails excehmt where furmnislmed 1mm allots by time exhmerimnmemmtai free delivery service , Time foliowinng extracts arc tnkemm from tine tnuiles : Nebraska , T'J3t'71 ' ; Minnesota , )02,7S7 ) ; Coi- orate , 201,155 ; iowa , 1,5ti,204 ; Kansas , 1,217,047 ; Mibsourl , 1,942,739 ; Iilontaiua , 28,913 ; South Iakotn , 207,121. I'a I cii 14 In rY. . st'riu I mmvt'mm tu rs. WAShINGTON , July 17-Simccial.-pnt- ( ) emits have becum issued to northwestcrmt Iii- vontors as follows : Neimruska : George flerck , flocius , scoop- hmandi&m attachmmmment. iotva : Joimim ii. Syrimart , fledlnammm , rItlimmg ammd foldinng marrow ; Thmomnmas Caswehi , Cimer- olnee , commmbimncd may rake and bathing press ; John S. Cooper , as1gmms omme-imnIf of patemmt on gum mmighnt 10 A. C. Savage , Adair ; Wii- linnm 'V , 1)odge , hitmrilmmgtonm , game appntr- atus ; flutimicage Warns , Cedar Falls , roil guide for towel mmthchlimes ; Nicholas Kauff- immaul , 1)mmbtuque , cat'in basket for lawmm nnow- era ; Fm'amilc A. 'flnonmns , Cedar itmpids : , hue- mayling hcolc , ' South Iakotn : Micinnel Ackernman , 110w- ard , fly brush for scrcemm doors. DEATH RECORD. ( . 'iuerni % VIIamus. It't Icmmmm Vnr Ilero , MOUNT Si'IMILING , Ky. , July 17.-Con- cmi .Joimn S. . \\'iiimnumms , ex-Ummited States senator tumid imemo of the Moxicaim aimd civil tViLI'S , tIled at 7 o'clock this mmmormmiung at lila hmoiTme mmear thuis city. lie will be bmmrlcml at \Vinclnestt'r ; , Ky. toimnornow afternoon. 'Ccrro Gordot'm'iihiamnms , so nicknaimmeth on accotmmnt or his innn'ven'y at time battle of ( lint mmannie imi time war wIth Mexico , has bornme mint active part In Anmericaim hIstory , but for sonime timmmo past has bcemm lIning quietly out imis ( aria mncar Motmmmt Sterhimmg. lie was born In 1820 , in Momntgommmery conmmnty. lie served iun tine 2dexicaum sar with dlstimmc- ( loin , im'mnmg first a captalmm ninth hater a cob- mmci , nmmd'as iii cminmumaimtl of time Fourtim 1Cemnmn'ky at the capture of the City of Mexico. in 1S50 ammtl 1852 lie vmms a mmiennber of tine Kemmtmmcky legislature. lie oiposetl accession , yet malseti a confederate regimmmenmt. anmil wnms mnmade a brigadier general nimmd was ummmier ( enem'ah Johmmmston at time surrender. lie \ts ehcted Uimitcd States senator 1mm 1871 and served tmumtti March 3 , 18S5. lie was defeated by Joseph S. C. Blackburn for time renmoimmimmation in a mnomnorablo con- test. Sirs. II. A. OSCIOLA , Nob. , July 17.-Special ( Teie- granmm.-Mrs. ) Ii. A. Scott , hmast grand mmm- train of ( ho Ordcr of tine Eastern Star of Neimranmkmm , stiffened a stroke of apoplexy last mmlgimt itimmi tiled ( lila nnmormmImig at 11 o'clock. 'Fhie fummeral will be Imelmi tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock ninth time remains will be takemm to Varsav , iii. , for , . % , . .iI It miom : uii n mm.'aimiiIs IllIIoium im'e. M1NNlL POLlS , July 17.-George Aifremh i'ilisbmmm'y of time firma of l'iiisbmmry & Ce , , lreslticmmt of time Nmrtlu'estormm batik and one of time bOat knowuu : mmmcii Iii tine item tlmmvest , tiled home today aged 112 years. lie leaves a lange fortuime nimml mis itmihilic iwquesta 1mm time itast have nggregateti over halt a mniiilomm dollar , ( , 1' Iiuimmu1y ? nOCIC I1APIIS , In. , July 17.-Speclnl.--- ( ) G.V. . liammtiy , aim old resltiemmt aumil vcll icmmowmu Iii tlmls countty , was overcoimie with time heat yesterthmmy aftcrmmoomi amid died troma Its effects thnIs cvemmluug. lie heaves a wife mmd four stimuli ehmihtlremn. Iui'mIor imIIim md by' Suilt'Iuht. WASiI1 NU'I'ON , hind , , July 17.-Saraim Cole , colored , was mmmum'demetl imy her ill- vomccd imusbaumil , James Cole , northm'eSt of timls city last might. Time mnmmmrtlerer timeum mmmade several attempts aim time life of hula fotmr cimlitireim , wIno actomnmpanied timeir mnmotimer , but imis bullets flew wild. Seeimmg thmmmt imo imad killed imla m'ito Cole fired mm imlstol ball Immtq imlm heart . Cole inami just u'tmtunmmcl froimi , Jcftersoo'Illc , wimere inc served tunic to forery. ONE OF BRYAN'S ' BOYS FALLS Ii. C. lllllert lIie'VluI iii Is Culuiglig Stemulimug . mit ii ( 'nvltnl t.cqsiiii llestmuuirsmuit , 11. 0. Milier.J mm vqlmmuteor In time Timlrd No. brasica regInnmtuut , inmto tronnimie yester- dm : ) ' ilmroughm bEimmg iumlmndfui of hula contrades , lie was ott levtt. lunlmmg time day munich hmuil amount immuclm otJ imts' ' tiuao damt'mmtomvn ninth Iii s'lsitlmmg tIme pttrls. I4ate lii time aftermmoonm lie emmtered a reatstmrammt at 1321 Capital aye- hut , anmd ordered a mumeah. As lie was slttlnmg at time counter aimib that waiter was absent iii time } Utchmcn atteunhlnmg to time order Alli- icr notlcetl a smmmall suck of eggs witimin roach just over tine cotmumter. lIe thmouglmt of mis mimosa comrades , In wimose bill of fare eggs emily appeared at time immost Immfrcqueumt Imiter'ais , amid temmmptatlon seized hmlmn , Time waiter prolommgeml lila absence In tine kltchmemm ammmb Miller fell. hut as it turned out hmo fell too hate. lie Imati Ilshmcml tine eggs over time eounte and was just dIsposing of ( lucas lit various harts of his nmlmimarel whmeum time swlumglng door t'ns thrown back aumd In rosined time welter. ills V'e catigimt tim last 'anlshiumg egg anti time emmibarrassumemmt of tIme soldier. Ie ran to tIme door mmliii suimmmnommetl a joiicemnsamm. MIller was taken to jail antI is wooderlag what they will do to hmImmm utinen ho gets back to camp , I I)1S1AL ) sicitis iN SAN11IAC ( ) ronuino .ro1ows HOIlOrS of War in the Boleaguicred Oity. NAKED AND STARVING REFUGEES It'nui ( 'nuummo lie 11usd 1mm t1i. ( 'ily fur , . Nor limmmi'y-irIg1mt tumi ( 'mmii- mlii hum of flit' SiiiuimIMIi Car- risiuim 'I'ri'm. S1N'FiAGO 1)l CUhh , , Jmmhy 17.-Sluice I o'clock tlmls niormulmug a strenmmi of refugees hmas been hiomiring lute the cit ) , soumim , miaketi , all hmtimmgry , akeleiomms aiuml footsore. Tue townm of SamuUago lireaetmts a milsmmial slgimt. Most of time imomu'mes imnive hocus sneketi ninth the stores have all beemn looted amid mmothmlimg to eat enum lie luau for love or imuommey. lii tIme atmeets of ( lie city tlmis mmtonmmlumg mit time cmmtieumcimnmmcmmts , at thmo br'astworks * anti at every Imumummired feet or so of tIme hanlueti wire fommco vem'e time hivimug mikeltens of Spanish soitilrs. Amnommg time arrivals today were time ( icr- mmmii. Japammese miamI Portugmucac comn'mmmls mmmii timeim' fanmullies , time hinitlaim ammd Pm'cimeit coin- antIs hmavlmmg ni'rivmai hrltlny. ( lemmeral h'amtdo was never here lint 850 men frommi 'il aim zmmmmil I o am'ni 'et1 J mmly 8 , mnmait 11mg tIme total gnu risoim lnem'e 7,000. ( 'mmmii mui'f SI I jut's 1t'uuuim'il. The Oomutnct mmuimmes In tine imnrtuor 'erc ronmoveti tIme day Aminmlral Cervera loft , imtmt t\\.o citnimus of electrical mmuiimc5 , nine from ls- trciIa Point and time other fnommi La Socmtpa arc yet dowmi. Tiio nrmuammsc'nt of the shore batteries of Samitlago commslsts of five brass il-mom unmuzzle loaders iii tIm 2ilorro fortlficaticims , tu o 0-hick hiommtom'ias , frommi time Cruiser lteimma Mem'cedc aniti ( mice 21-temutlmmieter mnmortars , uneven' tiseti 1mm time Soenpa tqmpcr battery ; two tmsebcs 21-cemitlimnetem' mmmortars , two 8-centlimneter nmuazlc headers amid fotmn' 8-ceumtlnnn'ten' lieu pieces , iii the Estreila batter ) ' , one 57-mull- meter amid one 25-eeuntlmmteter Nortlenfeltit anti anne 37-immihllmueter ilotchikiss in time Socapa lot'er battery amid tvo 0-huncin liontonias , tt'o 'J-cemitimmmeter ' iCruplms and tvo 1-cemmtlmmteter mmmortars , nit Ptimitnt Cartla. Fotnr Spanish mmmercimamnt steamers , time Moi tern. time iteimna tic Los Amugeics , time Tomnmnttm Ilreoks ammmi the Mexico , amid the gima- boat Ahvarado are now Iii ( ho harbor. TIme mmmarket imlace imas been sacked by ( lie troops. Twtmmmty-ts'o thoimsamid refugees arc qimartered nit El Cmtmuoy. 5,000 at El Cubitas , El liommita anmtl San Vlimcemnte , v1mero they htas'o been iivlmmg for a fortnight. lit otto case 500 were erowtied unto omno btnihmhiuug , vhmieh was a regular pigsty , with a inor- ribic ateimclm. A'.vnit Itemi SimImmm. . They used the water front time river , where soiled clothing is washed and mmli mammimer of filth Is floating. Thm Spammlsh troolus ( knit laid down their nrmns at 9 o'clock this mmmoruming will be campeti two miles oumtside tine city himmmits uumder guard unsthl thmoir enibarkation takes place. Time docks are crowdeti vithm Immeonning refugees in a starvinmg condition , aiaiting the arrival of time Iteti Cross ships. There are umo eatables to be bought iii time city , The entrance of tlne retmngees was quiet and peacefmmi , they viewing their wrecked hmoimmes philosophically mis tine torttmuo of war. Admiral Sampmtonm's last bombardmimeat of Santiago wrecked Ofty-sevems houses 1mm tine city , cammaing hmeas'y damage. ST. PAUL ARRIVES AT 'FRISCO ' ; ; ' ; : ; ; ; Ii i'i mi gm. T'res1m , reM frotim time . - ' II 1.o - , ( ) , ( ) ( I I it C o I d Co mum- imitt' trout St. tIk'Iimtt'Is , SAN F'itANCiSCO , July 17.-After being eagerly mi'atchned for hour by hour durimmg ate lust. toni days the ateaimser St. l'aul arrived - rived today from St. liliclmaeis , brimmglmng mmmcmm anti treasure front time Kiommilike. 'i'imore were 170 passengers on Its list amid ( lie aimuommiut of them' earniimgs , In golil dust , nuggets amid bnmimk drafts , is estlnmmatcti by time imiim's omeors at $3,000,000. Time iargcst nmnotmmt brought out. by a siinghe prospector Is in time Imossesslon of N , I. l'ichett , who ima $ $ .O,00O , iurlmmclimaily 'iii gold dmnst aimd , It 1 gut S. 'l'ino ietuirnlng namers say ( lint It Is Idle ( om' prospectors to go to time Klommdike cx- celnt to locate chalmmts , as all tine muiimlag lanai of amy value has olrcnmiy beemn staked out. The ommiy mmmanimer iii wlmiclm clainuss can mmow be actinnim'cd is said to be by immirchase. Donmmimmiomm creek Is imroimoimmnced time richiest of time iClonmtiilte streaumsa iii tine precious inmetni , Eliloramlo and Iionammza cm'eelts being conaidem'cil by tine proIectors only seeonnd 1mm inmpomtannce to lomninien. ) Anmioimg time passcnmgers ant time St. I'amml Is Brigadier General ltnntltmhi , vimo as coionei of ( bitt Elghmtlm United States cavalry hiss heemm 1mm commmimmaimtl of tine troops at St. Mlclmmmcls. lum'immg mis absence inc ' ; as pro- mnotcd to be Itrigatlier gcmmcm'al , the news of imtnm advancenmmont imaving bcemu tnken to l'lnn by tIne simip Itornmmoke , vimielm arrlveti tnt St. Miciumtein4 on June 27. Later eatnilates of tine nmiuommimt of gold brommghmt down by tine steniumer St. l'ammi trout time iCioimnlikt' mmmako tIme total nammeim larger tlntmin at first u'oporteti , Joseph Lehick of Ncw York CIty , shmo iivemi five years in S Alaska , and wino imimseif linus about $ S0,000 1mm mhmist , mbeclaics ( lint tine Alaska Coiimuumer- cml connmpamiy sinlimpcmi mat less tlmrmn $5,000- 000 trans St. Itiieimncls. TUIOIL EXPEILED. Unqualified Succona o1 Lydia fl. Pliilthatn'u Vogotubo ] Compound , Imirs. Er.lAmmITmr : Vm'iumnn.ocmc : : , Mmmgno. liii , Iowa , iii the following letter tie. beribes her n'cc'overy from a very cm'itl- cal coummhit'momm : " 1)ttit ) : imhmus. i''Kumt1-t : have been taici uug yotmm' Vi'gc'tabitm Coummpotmmmth , mmmiii amum umow' ready ( ii sound 'I : . ' . - . its praises. it r . = . hunts done won- ( lcrs for inc in relieving me of a tumor. 'i My health hiatt been poor forthirceycumrs , Chmaumge of life , lvmIs tvtmrhiing U1)Ohi Inn , 1 . , . . w'ns very muncim bloated amid was a htmi'- tien to In'sClf.Vnts troubled with mmmotimerinig spells , also Palitithttiomi oi tine imemnrt anti that beni'ing-lotvnt foci- iimg , mnmimi couiml not lie oum may feet immmmclm. I' J growing 'orse all time tinmne , until I tonic your mnuthlelumo , "A ftcn' tnikitmg timree boxes of bydia E. l'imikimnumm's 'egetnbItm Comnpouumd Lozeumges , time tumnnor ; nssetl ( mum lime. ' ' My lmeultli imnts becim better ever sinmt'e , caim nmow walk quite a distance ninti ttims ti'ouiileti mo mmmortt s'itIm jsaiplta- tion Of tine intitirt or iiionitiimg. 1. tee ommimend your immetliciuttt to all sufferers ( rein founsulu troubles. " it is hardly reasuinublo to suppose tlmnnt ntny one calm ( built time efficiency of i1rs , Piuskimnumm's mmmethomls mind mcdi- clime in time face of tine tremendous vo1 umo of tesUrnouy. 4 ARE YOUI WORN OUT ? THESIN PRY 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . MAIII\llI ! \ WINEThe Fafflous Iooic for 8od aDd halo , fleneral Sir Eve'yn ' Wood Says : . 4 ' iliii'lnuiiVlmme giVi's buo\'i'r to time , bi'mi In , sl rmligtii nlld t'lnist Icily to tIme ; ; imllbici's Illul l'lt'hIllI'SS to titi' hmloomi. I I lH f It 1)i'OIumOleI' ) of gout ! health itmid iouige'Ity. ' m111 t'lmtiti \\'Iiie ii 0l1iOl''ui ( ( liv : ' t . tbmalm 8,0X ( ) Aluto1'lcnlI iulusIeInulms. I t I . Shu'CinhiiY liltileniteui rot' ( loiut'rni' . it'itii- -a , . Ii V. Ovt'i'vmmi'k , iml'ofttllui ( I ) ejui't'tiomm . ' ' t".a ilimmi 'ximnitistloii , 'i'iit'ontt illid i.uuig ils. I'tst'it : , ( oimSullImptlmflm ninth 'i1miimll'lnl. mlnmitmi'ini' : ( It ; itut'nullniie ( ( ) fot' over- \'ki'il iman , ti t4 kmi I e ssimm eim tin mi 4it'k - iy clulimir&'mm. 1 t sootiit's , strcngthieuis , , : ' itimmi siitmtIuis time systeuum , aimit britecH Regard I m ill tin a I mm L&iii I ry mmmii cli I mm p I mu tine m'ecemit mmmaimoemmvl es , it was lmet nmt'mm dtun'iog ittt1i ) mimmul iuinthti. mimy ctummmmnminiti attltiersiiot. . ? thmmmuy ollhct'rmm avallcti tlnemumsei'cs of tInt , ( annie amid recoum- recoum'I'm timtmse vimo w'ill klmitily s'rttc to stttueimt Imm000rtles of the vcll kmmown Marl- Iiti1Ni . 52 \\t 15th Stn'e't , NOW mmmii'ILme , the mmnost certntium as well as time 'orl ( city , wlii Inc semmt , free , hook emmmmtntlim- inmost iuniatabbu mmmethmoti of lummiucling resist11mg lmortralts i'Itlm etmtinrst'mmiemstmt of Iimnper- anco to funtigime , ' ' ors , Enipress , i'rimiceii , ( 'ntrdlnals , Ai'lmbiim- From ' 'The Lointion Simetcim. ' ' ojmsntmmnl other Immiorestimig mnmnittt'r. Mortinner St , Mommtreai-28-10 hiositbtmti St. l'onis-iI liotmievard hiaussmmmanmim ; Londonm-S 3 ; - - - - - AMtJSl0i iN'rs. ' . I'Filt i'Ii'l'Ut 1. 'nIh ) M i'll . _ . ijt ThOCADRO Teiciuhono 2217. Lentz & Williams , Props. anti Mgrs. \v. W. COLE. Act. Manntger , W'lfllC 1uIiUIcNm.G ' % Vl'l'Il lA'l'INEIS SUNDAY , JULY [ 7 AN [ XTRAORDINARY COMPANY ( , 'omitiimtmnfmiI FiceemmtriilmCM. THE 4 OIIFANS Suipremume Novelty trtIm'mts. & Ama Ramza Comedy 4tcm'o'mats 'l'IIE ICISS-NF1ItS. 'J'It1NiF ' % S5AIFi. IilMOXflS icMIilISON ANn IIMSiDN1)S. F1L1LIS ANI ) SAl,1Nt. A NI ) 0Th IIt III C lt'1A'I'InItm'iS. l'ime 'i'ri'iiilero CImmtl ieuij.e ( S m'timestrfl. 1)ircctionn Framtz jtdehmttaii. Citmimige of Hill Each % 'eL'lc. ltefrt'slmimmemits Garden iLimli 'i'Imettre. The Creighton I stanagera.T:1.L3h. 0. ii. Vt'ooti ivard , A mmust'ummommt , Iim'eetor. 'J'ONiCIiT , $ mO. 'iSlic WOIiWAILI ) m.'t'OCl CO. I'ItESENIING Long Branch. Next Week-All the Cmimnmforts of home. ! IO,1'nI'l. . THE BRUNSWICK Cor. 1i & Jackson Sts , J. C' , Grlillmm , Prop. 150 Itoonma-Ait motic'rn lnnpm'ovemmnentg , flittes-Amnerlt'mmn Plami , $2.00 to $3.01) ) per day , Fmmrmmpt'mLnm l'lamn , $1.00 item' day and upwards. Car line to ntuid from nih depots , Direct cur bimne to main entraimCo at JxposltIomm TwIUR1A17 Ii OT1iL , 14th ammmi hlarmmoy St. , nnericao l'han-3 to ' 1 dollars per day. Street cars froimt depots and from botch to Exposition Grounds In fifteens mInutes. 23 , SILLOW&Y. Mamager. -HOTEL BARKER- con. 13TH AND JONES ST. , OMAHA. ILAJ'Is $1.50 , tNI ) it.Ot ) 1'Eit i.tY Electric cars direct to ezpo8itlon grounds. . 'flANK 1J..itiflLt , Cahmier. . . . . . SAM I'IUM.N Caiet Clerk , THE MILLAD 13th and Iouiglas Sts. , Oinutsba. cnNTltALLY LOCATED. . _ .ti1hIC. ? AXIS EhJitOm'l'.tN l'ItS.- J E. ) tAItIEi. .t S , I'ruis. DUFFY'S n PURE MALT WIIISKY 1 ALL \ ) ] - - . - . . , t f 4 ' : ) FREE BOOK oIi WEAK MEN MY little itooic , 'Three Classes of Men " Sent to mmmcmi mutly. It toils of mmny 20 yentm's' experiommee as mi Hhloclahist Iii all mmmsr'ous disorders resulting from ynutimful iumtilitcrc- tionni. 1.auno itacic , etc. , flmtmi tells why ELECTRICITY c'mnrca.Vltim my lmnverutlon , ( ho Dr. i4auttlemt I'ic'c'tric itch , known auth miami time s'orltI over. I restored immt year 5OtjQ macmm , ynunm itmmtl old . iteivare of ehmoaji itnltutiomms % book explaIns mill ; sent sealed. 'rIto Dr. A. ft. Saiideii , No , 183 S. ( lark St , Cimicago , iii , 3UY THEiJQJ1' SYRUP OF FIGS , ' . itANUPACIJIIED Sty. , , CALlFOfNA FIG SYFWP Co. 111 ( ) 'I'I TIlE Nt : mu : . Lake Michigan anti Like bucueriorlrantmmotailpn Co. LuKE SLiPERIOR STEMERSI TilE GREAT LAKE ROUTE , Ce , . 'jie . , ew $ i.I , Muits.u , For yIackmm , , UDulmogs . , , i.It.I. Front , , emovmm Cimicogo. , ) ommLotIutfue. ii A,5IWed. S l'bI'jtjuIi A.'I.HatI I'M , ' lur Ciarmevoms ii.irItr 8irInm's. , I'unu.k.j , t'tC.i 'ui".U , A.Ili'fbttr 11 A.M , Set 4J'.M , Ilougittoim , Abbland , iiluitrem.4 pim.umm.t. mnaild tre , . on nmimrtion. oflct * ri tL ! , IIUH MiD II , WA1 ( lCMI1AOQ. ' ' AitSlll'I'S. - Tonight Clifford's 6aicty Ncs' llLtllesqtlC "In hay ris" 80 iennit I Immi imnillem. , Prank ( iiriinier amid Ii is nil I tug limiltuoli , .Tt'NMIe ii.'iti' t're lientlu ; " 1.111mm" mmmd lUg S'umnmdc. 'llIe 11111 , lOc-20c-30c A NIGHT IN VENICE. A Gondola i'ltlo for a bontutifimi view of the Gt'ammd Coum't and Electm'Ic Fountain -tine ' atnusewomnt. - hOilmlitt' . . ro 'I'tu l't'rfornmmmuieem. Alike , A6BACK'S [ 12TMIiI ) ANI3IAI. 5110W ON 'l'IIE MIitVAY . . . . . . . . SW'FWP BY COOL B11ErZES. TILE 1'LACE FOIl SOCIETY. 6ermn VilIae ' ' , , . CON'I'INIJOUS VAU1)1iVI1,1,1l. ccccccccoc ccc cc r cccooeo SOU'm'iI 1LN CA LILOILS 14 % 'fimo ljiggm'st , best , mmmofmt mmovel exhihnitlomu emi West tlitlwny. Adimmission emily 10 cents. herd of nearly 100 ( mitt Os- S EE trieimts , iitzetis of OstrIch cimicks only mi few ilays old. 'J'ime most gorgeous imlmnmnage omn carOm. Ostrich eggs , Utitrich umesttm , etc. } iWlN CA'STON , Prop , THE CUBAN ATOM , CHIQU ITA. , 'Fime Li'i ng Iol I. 'l'hc Feint ttr.m o 'ISIJE M1I'AY , BoNotrorget to Visit the CNSE TIlAJR , Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss House on West Midway. . T LAfEiN S . . . .A'l' 1'I1i , , , , MERRY--GO--ROUND - - - - 1 5th and Ciitoi tve , Capture the iirassjtlnng and Slide AgaIn los. 311INiII'F , Li't'mi'e miummi Mnimmiger , iii-- aniti : WILSHIR [ OSTRICH FARM August 1st I'OIN'l'fliI i ( ) 2- vii iit : 1)0 'l'iIH ' % ' ALl. . Co SCHLITZ PAVILION Fritz MmmellmtrProp.On timoMidway , ROLLER ChAIRS , JINRIRISIIAS , C'ItMI' S'FOOLS , RtA'i'S FOIt FiltH. W'OltKS CONCHIt'i'S , fl'l'C. Ask St mm mid No , 1 , ' 'Soul cy , ' ' Ad iii I mm is t rm ; t In mm Arch i3inmumml No , 2 , "leivey , ' ' \4'8t iIImlwnm ) ' i3intnti No 4 , ' ' 1 lmmImnmt' ' North s'Iatimic't Stamud No , 4 , ' 'Sntmmmpsomn , " t3otmtin viaduct. ( Jr 'l'inone CIJMMINS , [ xpositlon Orouiids , STREETS OF ALL NATIONS. hic'mmdt'zvous of SocIut v l'eulnlo , , , ' IsIi' JAPANESE TEA GARDEN CURIO STOREI N ( St Mnimsle hail - East Midway ,