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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1898)
- . - - - - -fl-s - - - - . 4r.p-na--7---- - - . . . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . - . . _ . . . - _ . , . . . - , r . . rtr THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. L = . - - - - - " = = - - - 1t - jsrIABL1S11i1) JuYE : 11 , 1871. - OMAnA , SUNDAY - MORNING , JJJLY iT , 1SS-TWTEN'11'V-FtJH - - - PAES. - - SlNI1 COPY - 1i'flrE CENTS. - ' I OUTING io BOYS Third Rcgmnt of NebrMka Volunteers at Exposition Grounds. ) THEIR MARCH PROVES A TRIUMPHAL ONE Wolconieci by the Mn1titudo that Assemble to Bid Thom Godspeed. CUEERED AS T'IEY ' PASS OVER THE ROUTE Boys in i3lno Viewed by Proud Relatives and Friends. ARE FEASTED AND TOASTED By CITIZENS ) ! .n l'rIs , M lI lie One Or he tIup 1'ntrIo Ic nutil IiiJn nIili. ' .VltItenNpt Upnii t lie IxI- Il ( ; rntiiiil N. Yctorday the peaceful ivenues of the 'VhIte City rosouruled with the tramp of marching battit1Ion , the clank of saber nnul ThUsct ) nnd the tattle of iietotitrumentii. Thu uaual expoNitlot , crowd wn stipple- Inented by 1,300 husky oltineers , whose blue uniforms were In striking contrast to the lairo white at the hulldtngs and by thou- aLulds of mothers arni sIter nrul sweet. hearts who gathered to help Nebrnika oy fnrowell to Its 3oIfler ( Uoy * . It was a mug- nltlccnt ovutlori that many a blue-coated Nobraaka boy vlll treasure In his memory when ho Is tar away mmnder the southern ky nod immnny a nmotlmers heart swelled proudly as she realized that her boy was alreuIy IL hero. It vmmm the emithuslastlc demonstration of tlmo Fourth of July over agaIn , except that the sentIment was . brought nearer the hearts of the PeoPle by - the prospect o ( the departure ot the sot- t ( SlUr boys anti the cheers rang with a deeper feeling than time mere exuberance of pa- trtotlsm. Time scenes that attended ( be exercises of the forenoon crc liispirlmmg and lumpresslve beyond commmpmmrlson , amid never before liaa an Omaha crowd so thoroughly merged Ita personality in such a united and unrestraIned - straIned burst of sentIment. From the moment - mont that. the regimnent entered the groummLls headed by Colonel Uryan nimil his staff until a after the last cereumny had been fu1tillet there was no abatement of the emithusiasmu. And during time exercises iii the Auditorium the vatriotic spirit rose to clln1mL\es that made sonic of the gray-haIred veterans on the stage nimmi 1mm the audIence remember the ( lays of ' 01 aim'l recognize the national spirit that had slumieIeIi for thIrty years. rroms CUIlI III , c1iI hg I ii Just before 10 o'clock General Manager Clarkson , with the I'awnee City lnn(1 ) ( , went to the north gate to formally recuivo the troops amid ndmnit them to time grounds. A ] argo proportion of the crowd folloved 011(1 when the regimental colors appeared twenty rnlmumtes Inter at the head of time long lliie of bmmsklmmed n(1 squ-browned solllcrs they were greeted by a cheer that announced the arrival to every visitor on the grounds. The Pawnee City band wheeled Into the front of the line , preceded by ( lemmeral Man- ngor Ciarkson and a platoon of 1)011cc ) , antI closely followed by Governor Iloicomh , Ati- utant General Barry , Colonel Bryan and the regimental staff cml horseback. Then came the Third regimmient iutiid and behind tben the buglers tItUS the rank amid file stretched out In coiumims of fours that extemmmleti fromn the gate clear down Twentieth street and hair way through the Midway. The street was lined on each side with ieoiie all the ivay from the entrance to time Grand Plaza mnd the alppearahlco of Colommel Bryan cmi imis handsome black mmmotmnt incited a volley of cheers that followed time advance . In a continual tim of patriotic acclamatIon. All the ttIiIwny attractlon3 su51)ended bul- ,8s and their entire establishments iincd up on the street and joimmed in time cheorm ' tm timat flCCOmnIammietI the tarale. p The line of nmarch was followed dowmi the West Midway mmd over the miortim , vladuct nni ( timemmco to the Granti I'lnza , where the troops fell into platoons. The movement was a trIfle ragged , but it was executed re- markmtbly vell for voltmntccrs , wimo imad om1y bach drilling for a few weeks mmntl the cheers multiplied ott the long columun of fours comm- tracteti Into the immoro compact commipammy formation. The regiment Immarched on to the . ' Nebraska bulldimmg , vbemm It coummtermnarcimed , - and returned to the Piza , and timemmcc to the main court , where time lInes were broken and urms were etmicketi ircvaratory to the day's rnlnvsit Inti iIl ter lit. Aul I orlimmim. All timis 1euulrecl some time ammtl itlls otter 11 o'clock when time troopu ' reached time Autlitoriumn'ilero the exercises - cises of the day vero to ho Imeld. They Ihleti Into time biilidlimg by companies and for five mInutes the mrcimes were resonant with the measured tranmp of bug imitmo hinie timat circled oroumld time lobby and intmndated the lower floor. The general public hail been excluded from tima building untIl after the soldiers sere seated , bmit cuougim people had leaked In sommmehmov to ltcep up a contintmotms cheerIng that reached Its cilmuax when Colonel liryali appeared on time platform , it required another quarter of an hour to get time crowd seated , and then the big building was jammed trout emmd to end aimti the standing room was packed clear to the roof. Timen mtt the coummtunil 'Attemmtton , soldiers timid people rose 1mm their seats timid saluted the regtmentai colors whIle the Third regIment band played time "Star Bpammglcd ilunimer. " As the last note was sounded , "Rest' was ordered umeti tito i'awneo City band broke into "Aniorlca. ' Timls vas the sIgnal for another volley of aplatmso 1111(1 thiemi itresI. dent Wattles culleit the e"owd to order uumil introduced General MammaIeu' Ciarksoum , who welcomed the soldiers lii behalf of the cx- positIon. lie declared thimtt umo ammo 110(1 entered - tered the gmites to whom their hospitality hail becum moore cheerfully tendered thaum to themselves , lie congratulated time yolun- teers on tile manhood numil imatrlotlsm timey hail simown In leaving theIr coumifortabie homes for time dangers and hartlsiilp of a eoitltor's life and declared that ime should I ' exptict to hear nothIng titut good frommi time Third regiment. lie pld an cioqiment tribute to the soldIers ( lilt ) ' mmnti declared that the tlgimt In a imoly ause was time greatest honor that immanhood could attain. It was better to wear the ilttlo bronze button - ton of the Grand Army of the Relmubllc amid be u pauper thami to be a. umiliiionaire and d fuei that they had fulled to answer when r theIr country called. The cheers timmtt had greeted every sentl- ruent vero renewed at time conclusion of Major Clarksout's spoccim amid the ThIrd rcgl- mental band knit thu catbuslusun alive by time InspIring strains of the "Uattle Cry of 3 reedoma. " (1Oermmsmr l.4'eiI ) 'M ( mvs'thiI , ( lovermmor JV Leedy of Kansas spoke briefly andoxpressed Imts grailficattos thmu , . : _ , . , ( Contlnuettoa 1ourh Iaae. ) CERVERA IS AT ANNAPOLIS MiaIsim , ? nvnl ( ) meers Arc .NNigIe.i tu ( ' 1)111 forfm.IhilmarferN I mm the Aezutleu. , UrosmtliiN. A Ai'OhlS , Md. , July 1)-Admlral Cer- vera and about fouty panisim otflcors were Imrought to this city today and are now prisoners of war within the historic pro- cincta of the United States mmavai academy. Time auxiliary cruiser St. Louis brougimt time foreign vIsitors up Chesapeake bay this afternoon. Time black hulk was sigimtetl by the tmugs off Annapolis at 3 o'clock this afternoon and Immediately mu fleet of small craft which hind boomi waiting far outside the city since curly morning lint oil mmli Stoarmi and Imaif an hotmr later \vore stir- rounding the great cruiser iii the Imopo of seeing thit' SpanIards. Soon after it caumlo to anchor time St. Louis signaled for time government tug Standish , wimlcii Imail been tied to the wharf at Annaim- oils wltim her tires up simmce 3 o'clock this umorning. Time tmmg it mmcc mit to sea. About 4 o'clock it had tied up to t1e star. board side of the St. LouIs , and for nearly an hour there was a transfer of baggage and bundles imetween the two vessels. Thou three voundcd Spanish olilcers were swtlng tiowmm to time Stnndiahi in lItters , Adnmirai Cervera took courteous leave of the officers of time St. LouIs and marched down the gangway of the ship. lie wore a black derby hat and the dark c1othe of a civIlIan. On lila heft arm be carried a brown overcoat. immedIately following him cre time recent governor of Santiago , also 0mm old man in civilIan clothes , Captain iUlate , late of time Vizcaya , and the rest of the Spammisim ( mEilcers. A few of them were iirt'ssed itt the Spnmiisim uniforms but most of timcm were m'iggcd out wholly or in part wIth ( luck tmnhforuns that had been furnisimed by time American oflicers. Cimalrs had been provided In the rear of the tug for thu accommodation of the pris- oumcrs , mtimd timere they sat white time tug atcaimmoil tip to the old city of Annapolis. At time wharf Coumimamider Edwin White. witim a detachmneumt of United States marines , ivas awaiting timeir comnlng. lie received tito ndmlrai imm vcrsomi mind escorted hint imumnetilately to time superintendent's car- rlage. Commnumder White , Admiral Cer- Vera and lmi son then drove to the rest- denco of Admiral MeNair , time superIntend- eat of time imavai acadeumiy. A brief formal call was made there , at which courtesies were ezchanged , anti Ad- mImI McNnir explained to time visitors the nrrammgermient that imad beemi made for timeir comniort. Admiral Cervera was timen escorted - corted to hIs qtmnrters , a plain brick struc- tore of three stories in what is known as Ilmiciummian row. The house imas beemi wehi ftmrimlsimed aumfi is In nil particulars similar to that of the olficers on duty at the acad- emmmy. Soon after their arrival , wlmleim was at 5O. : dimmner was served for the admiral and ImIs staft in timeir own quarters. Time other officers sIgned time parole and were con- dtmcteti to quarters imi Stribling rev , which is used by time cadets 1mm term tlmo for dor- initorles. They spent the evening after dinner strolling about time grounds. All vIii attend St. Mary's Catholic church tomnorrow noon. The naval academy yard , where the omccrs are qunrterel , is carefully guarded nitti mme civIlians ivere permitted to enter. I.h't ui'ii.irtpi iii Jinr1nr , \\rAS1IINGTO ; . lily 1G.-At the War and Navy departmemits it wns9tnteml tills morn- lag that they knew abeolutely nothing of reports first that Sampson'e fleet , and see- end. that mimi AmerIcan Red Cross boat had entered Santiago harbor today. They discredited - credited time reports. ZOLA IS HEARD FROM AGAIN F'rcmmclm Novelist J'tIbliMimCPS fln Opemm LeCter iii Crlticlsmmm of : tu , liriNNoli , ( Copyright , 1S93 , by I'ress Publisitimig Co. ) PARIS , July 16.-New ( York World Ca- hlegramn-Speclal Telegram.-Thme ) Aurore publishes cmi open letter from Zola to Brie- lion. whIch expresses stmrprlse at not having seen any member of time ministry and chambers or mmmcii known to literature , act- enco or art , in wimomu ho had placed con- fimience to join time defenders of Dreyfus for time love of hunuanity , truth ammd Justice. " 1 thougimt you too wail advised , M. i3ris- semi. not to be comiwinced that no ministry can live ito lommg as this affair Is not set- tied. There itt something rotten in France mind its mmormai life will only he ec-estab- halted when Dreytus' trial has been revised - vised , " he writes. M. Zoha fortimer reproaches rhrisson with hayIng allowed the truth to be murdered under lila eyes. "You have just killed the ideni. It Is a crIme. Iverythlng has its reward mind you will ho punished. " As for time documnent bearlumg the name of ircytua , Zoia declares it to be a most Iummptmdemmt , most criminal forgery by which simple people can allow timenmselves to be mieluded. lie does mmot beleivo anything nmoro false comm be found in history. Time two otlmer documnemmts producemi by Cavaignac cannot be ascribed to Ireyfus. "Moreover , the necessity of a revision romnalna absolute aumd since timeso documents were not corn. nmummicatcd either to time accmmsed or imis coun- sd , time Illegality is established. It is pain- ( UI for me to thInk you imseessed so little Intelligence as to have a simadow of dotmbt regarding time innocence of Ircyfus , But to ailumilt for time umiounemit that you sacrifice truth aimtl timat you consider a lie to be necessary - cessary to save Frammee , it appears to me still moore iimsulting. You are making time goverumimment utterly ridIculous. Germany is not the emily ceuntry to be amnazed , Russia is also convinced of time innocence of Drey- ANIcN limP miitIImI for 11'ip , ( Copyright , 1IS , i > y Press i'uhlisimlumg Co. ) LON1)ON , July 16.-New ( York World Cablegranm-Speciai Telegranm.-Sir ) Flhls Asitmucail Bartlett , brother of flaroumess liur- dctt-Cotmtts' husband. has arriveit at Constan. tinopie en a delIcate mission , Bartlett is in trouble tiqit numless Ito can extricate - cate hmlunst'it he nitist retire from Parlia- mmmemmt. ills brotimer , l3urilett-Coutts , has behaved - haved generotmsly to him for years , but imas at last witimdrawn his support. Bartlett is time ommly lmolltlciaui in the inglIsh House of Coummmomms who vill olmenly champion the sultami's cause amid imis wlthmilrawal from ltarlianwnt would heave Turkish misrule without a ( lefezmtler there. it is understood that Sir lllIW ournc'y to Constantlnojmio is to discover viuetimer time sultan Is prepared to reeognio 1mm a practical manner hIs dIa abilIty to it comitinuanee In time ilrttish Par. Ilaniemit. The result of his mIssion Is awnhtel WIth keen Interest , but it Is fully expected tlmat time habItual eautlomm of time suitaum vhih provemit imini coming to hIs 1nghish admIrer's rescue. ( 'risker t'i'iIi'i nt 114)101' , ( Comyright , 1b9 , by Press Publishing Co. ) LONION , JIll ) ' 16.--Neiv York World Cablegrammi - Special Telegram. ) - Croker has ummado arangements to sail for ev York Saturday next it circumstances do. mmianti itis return. I imeur lie has hail coni- inunlcations from his New York friends wltimlum time past week pressing bini to re' turn. Ho is most anxious to watt for time C.oodwood races , but may even abandon that I Pleasure to thu call of duty. TOAL QUITS TODAY Terms of the Surrender of Ills Are , Agreed Upon. . _ IllS FLAG COMES DOWN Till ING - At the Same Moment "Old Gb 1 Be Hoisted Over Santiago STARSANDSIRIPESTOFLOAT CITY Spanish soldiers Are to March Out of the Gity as Prisoners of War. GUNS WILL BE TURNED OVER TO OUR ARMY .lIrrI,1pr , of tIll' City Spelim , . to lie CIII ill et e , No tvi t ii , to till 1mm t lie JiimrgIIti. Over letmilhs by time S.ahi isit Cuimuimnui.ler. \'ASlUNGTON , Jmmly 10.-Time following message , Just received , is given out by Ad- Jutammt Geumerah Corbln : CAM1' NlAit SANTIAGO , July 1L-Tbe ( surremider has beemm definitely settled , amid the armus will be turumed over tomorrow nmorning , amid time troops wIll be marched out as Itrisommems of var 'rime Sjmmmish colors wili 1)43 imatiled dowmm at ti o'clock , and time Aimmericami flag itoistati , ( Signed. ) SIIAFI'Elt Major Genermml. The following niessage has just heoum received - ceived at the I'hite house : l'LvrA ID1 ESTE , July 16-To time Presimleumt : I thummk you , autmi immy army thanks you , for your congratulatory telo- grammm of todmmy. I nimi Imrouml to say everyone - one in it performed his duty gahl.intly. Your message will be read to every megi- uncut in the army at noon tomorrow. ( Signed , ) ShiAFTlit , Major Genor.U. \'AShi1NGTOr , July 16.-The War ole- partmnent tins posted time following : PLAYA DEL EST1 , July l0.-Adjutamit Gemmeral United States Arnmy'i'ashlumgton : Time conditions of capItulation include all forces and war immaterials In time mlescrtbcti territory. Tite Ummited States agrees , with as hittlo delay as possible , to trammsport all troops in the district to the kingiomn of Spain , the troops , as far as possible , to emnbark nearest the garrison they now oc- cupy. Officers to retain their side arms , amid offlcers and men to retain their 1Jer- sommai property Spanish commander Is authorized to take the nmliitnry archives belo1miImg to time stir- renueretm ommatrict. ItIi panm5lm rorces tnowmm as volunteers amid guerrillas , who wish to remain in Cuba tony (10 so under imr.le miurimig 3mresent war , giving up their arms. Spanish forces unarcim omit of Saumtlago with imommors ef war , tIepo3m1ium titmir ammmmmm : tt a point in itually agreed upon , to await lime dlsrnitlttomm of time Unitl 3tuttcii govern- nient , it being understood he UnIted States cornmmmissioners will reconmomend that time Spanish soldiers return to Spain wltim time arms they so bravely defended , This leaves time question of return of arms entirely in the hands of time govornniemt. I Invite attention to the fict that several thoimsand i'ave surrendered , said by General - eral Torah to be about 12,000 , against vhommm a shot has not been fired. Time return to Spain of time troops to this district amommnts to about 24,000 , according . to General Toral. .w. it. SIIAI'Tflht. Pornl SYritpN IL Letter , The War department has posted the foh- lowing : PLAYA DFll ESTE ( Near Santiago ) , July 16-The following letter has just been received : SANTIAGO Di CUBA , July 10.-To his JxcehlcncComnnmammderinCimief Arnericami Forces-Excellent SIr : I am now authorized by amy government to capitulate. I have the honor to atm apprise you , anti requesting that you designate hour and pitmco where mmmy representatives aimall appear to compare with those of your excellency to effect tbo articie of capituiatio'on the lasis of what has been agreed upon to this date in due time. I wish to manifest amy deslmo to know the resolutions of time United States govermmmemmt respectiumg the return of armn ) ' , (10 as to note on the eapltmilatlons , niso time great courtesy of your great graces amid return for their great generosity and iimmpmmlse for the Spanish soldiers and aliow tlmemn to return to time peninsula witim ( be houmors of the American army 010 theimi the honor to acknowledge as ohutlfully ole- sceniled. ( Slgmmed. ) JOSE TORAL , Coumimnandlng General Fourth Army Corps. To General Shatter , Commnnmmding imneri- comm Forces. Time arms surrendered by the Spanlarmia at Santiago to General Shatter will be kept by time United States government. This conciusiomi , reachmeii late thIs afternoon by time prcsidemmt amm(1 ( Secretary Alger , was nmamla iublic by limo latter as Ito left. his Othlco Ut t ; o'clock tonight for lila home. "All timoso wimo have arms will turn them over to this government. This is final. " Timosewere time secretary's words when asked for immformation. "Anti , " he added in response to further inquiry ammd to clear any doubt timat might exist on time stmbjett , "time rifles will imot be returned to Spain. "'tt'r llt.tiuNPM to Gi'o' Jim. ( Copyright , IS9 , by Associmm ted Press. ) I3EFOItE SANTIAGO DE CUIJ/ , July 1L -Via ( Klimgstoo , Jumnuicmm , July 16.-The Spantartha timIs mimorning ore still haggling over the terms of time capituintiomi , They now claim that there hums been no surren. tier , ommd allege timat the work of the corn- nmissioners is entirely ; wehImlmmary and nimmat be ratified by time government at MdarId in order to ho effective. TimIs is clemmriy bail faith and mmot in accordance with General Toral's represermtatlon to General Simafter , that CaptaIn General fliunco had authorized the full surrender of imis forces , 'Fho corn- nilasioners , in time meautlnme , ima'o comm. clmmdcd ihe arraumgenmenta of time termus coy. oriuug time evacuation entirely of time province - inco of Sammttago. Timeso imavo imeen signed by both aides , and now awmit time approval of Malrid. In time umieanwiiilo time two arummies remaIn in time trenches. ( leimeral Slmafter said thIs nioruming , refer. ring to the situation : "Time Sjmaniards claimed that time surrender must he con. firmed by iiadrId. I refused to consider army sucim contention , for time smirremitlor was conipicto and ordered by Goicrnor General lilanco , ammd was ummacle by ( eno.rmml Torah. This morning General Llnares sent me a letter begging that time Spanisim soldiers ho permitted to take timeir side arms back to Spain. lie asked lao' to intercede with the president. mind , if ImossIble , arrange for a return of time arnis to tire prisoners after they had surrendered tlmeni. ' Io'tmi h ii of iimrrt-iioJo'r. N1'OtK ! , July 10.-A special dispatcim front Santiago , ptmbiislmed hero thIs after. umoon , gives tme ! following as the ( urine of surrender of the Spanish forces under Gimn- oral Torah : Thu 20,000 refugees at El Caney anti Sibommey are to be turned back into the city. Mi Mnerlcamm infantry patrol is to be vested in time roads surrounding the city. Our hospital corps is to glvo attention to any liossibie sick and wounded among the Span- Isim soldiers in Santiago. All the Spanish troops in the provInce , except General Luques' 10,000 at iioiguln , are to come to the city to surrender , Thu guns and de. I- tenses of thc city are to be turned over to the AmerIcans in good condition , The Americans sire to have full imse of the Jurngua railway , whIch belongs to time Spanish - ish government , All Spaniards ore to be conveyed honme by American transports with time least possible delay nnti they arc per- nmitted to take portable chtmrcim property with timenm , Timis Inst concession is interesting , becatue at time first timreat by time Americans to bounbarol the city the archbIshop , priests and nuns came out and demanded a safe convoy. They were told to go back and point out to the Spammiards time foolishness of theIr resistance. The Spaniards are to surrender tlmeir arms , lIlTer 4) , ' Ictmiis , WAShINGTON , Juiy 16.-Time fact that appeared least satisfactory , anti which was established timis evening after another twenty-four hours' active tniiio correspoumil- enco , with ( feneral Simafter , wmis tlmat time Spaniumlm nrmmmy bait surremitleretl. About timat tlmere could be no dommbt , hut unfortunately the details are still a good deal becloutieti as ct out lit General Stmmtftt'r's last dIspatcim. It remains snow for our goverulmmiemmt to decide wlmetimer it is willIng timat time Span- Iou soldiers shall carry off thmcir arias , anti while Secretary Alger says ( tint the general tem'mmis of tIme agreement reached by General Shatter ore satisfactory , the government is not bound to miehiver these arms , so much desired by our ordmmnco oiflcers Just at this time. Of course , the recommmniemmdnttons of the commntsstoners who signed time capitulations nattmrally would hare great cight Itlm time lrcstdemit ammd the secretary of var , but timeir Present dIspositIon is to insist atm time retentlomm of the armmms , imrIncIimali' be- catise of time difference in moral effect that vouiil bo hiroduced by the rcturmm to SpaIn of armed or dismmrmed soldIers. It is realized here timat time terms immm- posed by time conmmnlssiomiomrs as to time ro- tuoval of time Spanisim troops , mmow aug. immcmmtid to a formmmidable total , immvolve gmavc responsibilIties for otmr governmcumt. Still time staff corps of the \'ar mlcpartnmtmnt has risen so iell to mimeet every emergency us it occurred timat there can ho mm doubt of Its ability to solve the large question imrescmmted by the necessity of reniovlimg this rmrjny across the Atlantic. Fortunately , Secretary Alger , in antlcipa- tlomm of heavy denmammds import the olepart- nmeumt in the matter of transportation , has created a mica' bureau to take elmarge of timat subject alone. This will ho knowmm as the lhurcmmu of Trammeportatton , amid will ho thirectomd by Coionei ihechier , who imas in the simort timmmo he has been at the War dehmart- meat proved his executive abilities. Ills chief assistant will be Colonel Biroi of time quartermastera dcpartnment , wimichi was for- nicrly charged with all matters relating to transportation. l'rrpnro' for l'i.rto , Slice , Time appearance of General Brooke at the War olepartmnemmt today gave token of ttmo purpose of the departnmemmt to begin im- mmmcdintely an expedition against I'orto Rico. \\'lmat is regarded omm time whole as a satisfactory - isfactory report mis to time sanitary comudi- tions exIsting at Camp Tlmormmas imas been received , and shows time troops mire ready to leave for Porto Rico if cimlied upomm. It is Understood two weeks will be required to assemble the trummmsports anti got the troops and supplIes aboard at omme of time most available seaports whlclm , in this case , is hikeiy to ho N.'wport News owIng to tue aucccsstmml OLtcoxmio of the imist expedition frommi that pomt , and sail away br l'orto rtico. Ltmckiiy for time nay ) ' Santiago has capitu- hated Just. on time eve of the hurricamme sea- son. The big battiesimips are able to carry through this weather witim discomfort , but time smaller blockade boats yili finti the task of continuing the blockade fraught with positive danger. It is , however , the intention at any cost to tighten time hines of biockade , particularly at those ports conmmectcd with Havana by rail. Time surrender of the east. em end of the island will afford some ports of refuge for our naval vessels in case of absolute imeed. Secretary Long has decided that Admiral Cervera may secure a parole if certain tie- tails can be arranged , lmmml hme wishes to do so. Time admiral is exjmected , with imis tel' how otflcea and prisoners , at Annapolis tonigimt. Commmmandcr Ilrownsomm of the auxiliary cruiser Yankee was in conference with 13cc- rethry Lomig today , arranging for the trip of imIs slmlp witim the large cargo of am- nmunition for Commodore Watsoum's squadron in lila attack on time coast of Spain. The Yankee is at Norfolk and will sail tomor. row ( or Santiago. It will reachm there about next Tuesday ammd the big stock of animu- mmition will be placed aboard the battleshIps zmmmd cruisers. The issuance of powder anti simeils reqmmlre time and it is timoughmt the coallmmg of the 'Yankee will enable the squadron to speedily get under way for Spain. Sei -Sloelccl I vitii .tmnmimusmlf ion , Time sailing of Conmmodore Watson's squadron - ron and its Possible lommg stay away from Ummiteti States waters necessitates the filling of every magazine. Aolmuual Sampson re- Ceotly mnade the requisItiomm for ammunition Btlpimhicmt , as these had run low as a resimlt of time engagement with Cervera , mmmmrl the frcquemmt shmehiing of Santiago , Otto hand lma already been takmm dowmi on a supply ship , ammd time Yankee rmcmi' fills up the full quota. Each battleship will intro about 200 tons of powder , s'iUm fifty to seventy of the htmrg- cat 12.inch or 13-inelm shells , according to time size of the big gmmns ; seventy to eighty 8-inch shells ; 200 to 300 of time simehis for six-pounders anti otimer medium sized gmmna , anti 000 to 800 rounds for thom mmmmmaii rapid fire gmmns. The cruisers carry up- proximately the same allowance without time shells for the 12-inch and 13-incim guns , Aside fionm this eqtmipurment of shells , the sqmmadron Is veli lrovidotl with solid urnmor piercIng steel shot. There has been no call for a renewal of time supply of ( lie armor imiercers , as Admiral Stmmnlmson's fleet seems to have used few of them tItus far , confin- immg its vork to time big exphoivo shells. Time hatter , although not made for armor pierc. log , are tested by the Navy ilepartumient to pass tlmrougit four incites of solid steel , riot exploiiirmg until timrougim tIme steel. They have done such execution that Admiral Sarnpsoum has reserved almost his entire stock of armor idereera. The Navy department will not set a time for the departure of Commodore Watsomm'a sqummdromm , but with tire olchlvery of time Yankee's sulmply of ammunition , tow days will be lost before this forimmidable squad- ion will ho headed for Spain. itlNiiZVOUS ltXiIhIt SHCONI ) O/o Li , . hIt-piii't 'Vhimi I .Ietfrrsnn 11mm rrnt'I.N I. . to no. ( lit. I'immo'c ST. LOUIS , July 16.-A specirmi dusprutcit from Washington to the Bepublic states that Jefferson liarrmmcks , south of timts city , proim- ably will be L'olectel by the War olepartnmemit. as the rendezvous for time troops under time second call. The government grounds are large enough to comfortably accommodate 50,000 men , Yot.o.mnl ttm Stiffer , . ( room Ph re , ST. ThOMAS , I ) . W. I. , July 10-Durln its servmce on tlm blockade ( ho auxiliary cruiser Yosemite was discovered to have a fire in its coal bunkers , whIch burned for three days Some repairs to the vessel will be necessary , The govcrarmment will permit it to purchase OO tons of coal , GUNS FOR CARLISTS Followers of the Pretender import Qtiicft Firing Arms from France. GETTING READY roR A REVOLUTION Government Supproses ] cws Concerning Movements of These Insurrectionisth , WANTS TO MAKE ARMY SUPPORT DYNASTY Sagast Exerts Himself to Gain the Good Will of the Military. SPAIN IS GETTING VERY NEAR TO PEACE Selio'iiit' IN hironeimeol I , , i'nrmii an lit- lt'rtmei In ry Ctiimmet , 'b'Iflttt' Sole : i Is.i.m Siimm ii lie 10 Cmmrry ems I'Cl'e : % l'gmt latiomma. ( C0p3'rigimt , 1S93 , by I'ress I'tmblisiitmig Co. ) MA1Ji1IIJ , July 1&-Vln ( time Fromitier.-- ) ( Now York \Vorld Cabiegranm-Speciol Telti- graumm.-Aumioumg ) news Stophmeil by the iiress censor mire data comicornlng the serious Car- list ogitatioum reported in Catnlomiia , Valencia - cia , Aragoum , Navarro , Ihiscay , Guiposecot ammd Astumias , wimeroi time local jtmumtns amid imoitiiar leaders of C&mmiismnimmmt & to take advammtage of public irmtllguiation dIrectly conditions of peace are ummaile knowmm to ummiurl the Ihmg or the llretcmmder. hits imriumclpai agents in SmIn-grnmmthecs like Marquis Cerraibo , Iuku of Solferirmo , Marqtmls Castrillo , Generals Cavero ttnd iherriz mind several oieputies-are making great efforts to prevent it prenma- turo rising , but time govermmment has received inlimrmmmatiomm slmoving that the second vIfe of Domi Curios , Doimmt hlerta , lila son lioum Jmmimno , time religious orders mmui the pnro- cimial clergy advocate notion. Arnie imavo been iumtroduceti front France , iumclutiiuig quick firing gmmna , In Nuvarro time Carhlsts are aliowetl free access to the Froncm ( IC. partmnent on tili' Pyrenees amid the pretender makes lila resldemmco at hirtmssels , healqummr- ters of the lmroiiaganda of civil war. Dc- spite time representations of Spanish diplo- niacy it is nut open secret that time Spamm- lslm governnmemmt would like to have a Car- list conflict to imitlmmco thin army to gather round the present regency. Sumgiistn I'uimis liii. htmtum,1. Directly the government was consulted by Torai abel t time fial aurrentier at Santiago , Sagasta perceived time expeillemicy of mmtiliz- ing the event in time inteuest of peace. To prepare time minds of time armmiy In Spain and Ctiima for time inevitable termaination of time war ito telegraphed Ilianco and Torai to commsermt to capitulatioim if the American gemi- erala allowed the garrisomi to return to Spain eveim on Americami vessels , whicim Spain promnised to respect. His object was to allow - low the Spanish forces to understand time fate awaiting them when provisions and aninmuumitlon fail , u.s the mother country camm- mmot semmd time assistance reqimired. The main- Intel's and , coimrt icei't the secret , aitimough it was known by Bluumco and Torah. Trio- grants of the fate of Smmmttiago were seaiemi but this was deemed necessary to conceal the news from the people until the Gazette Could spring timermi. Today a royal decree was issued suspend- log time constituttomi ammd placing time whole kingdom under a foil state of siege , smms- pending nil riglmts and liberties subject to civil lav amid the courts being r.j''aceil ' by dictatorial nmilitary rule. Time regent anti liberal ministers deem thIs extraordinary regi'no indspensabi3 to time untied. A prommmlmmemit member of thmo liberal party , Count Remnanez , a member fromim Madrid , saId today that time government's chief rca- son in suspenduumg time constitution is its olesire to muake peace. proclaiming sponta- neotmaly time immdependemmce of Cuba as time lire- Ilminary mmegotlationa vitit time United States , in wimIcli it had received assurammce of time help of France , Russia , Germuammy anti Austria , It also suspended time constitution - tion to pmmt a stop to time press camnpaIga of time nmiiitnr } ' resisteumce to Carlist anti repmmbiican agitation anti to limit time parti- saums of time Alpimonsist dyumasty in a better position to defend time regency , wimich vas dully losing ground. 'iie atmdden mesoive ot the ca'miumet leads boat Simaniards to suppose that they are nearer to peace than generahiy expected , om timat time interior situation of the otmotry offers moore Immiminent peuiis than admitted by time otliclal world , Time incilumation for peace in Madrid anti the provinces hits made so munch progress that Sagasta came to time conchumsiomm thoU , imo could risk a suspen- sloum of time constitution using the simrremmtler of Santiago as a pretext most miccisively witim time councils amid regency to urge the cx- pediency of direct negotiations wltim Amnur- tea , timieatcnhimg to resign if hits advice was not followed by Chmristimra , 'rime first step was taken today by nuthmorities ium Madrid and provinces in time 'imolcsalo stipproission of iroincial anti foreign press tclegrarmms. Tlmo rule lmencetortlm svihi ho strict censorship - ship for all outside of pmmreiy official imews. Republicans , Carlisle , independents , anti time oppositioum press will be inorcilssiy horse- cuteci mind suIpressed , . .tioiil 1,11MM of I'reat Igc' . With a view to lot time two great olynastic parties , time liberals amid conservatives , avoid the responsibility of time loss of prestige anti popularity which is sure to be iumeurrod by time party which . mumko's peace omm uuu. favorable conihitlons , tire idea hums been started of ftmrmniuig tin iumtermmmetiary ] cabinet whose solo mission will bu to miegotinto for imeaco and get time treaty ratified by time Cortes , Title cabinet imas been presided over imy Poiavieja , Oucen Christiumrm's favorite gen- cr01 , vimo was the forimmer chief military Imouiseimolti governor of thom PlmiiiimpInes imm 1896 , Polai'IeJa is a. stern , honest , ciii sol- oiler , a sceptIc in politics ammd ire olesimises most polIticians , lie is a devoted Catliumlic , but admits that if Spain retains time l'imihip- Iminca it amust curtail time Influence of the fmiars. l'olievja ten years ago married mmmi Auimla. lusiauu , its bentmtiftmi as she was nummbitious. She is a fanatic Ccmtimoiic , always desIrous of pushing 1mev husband into great positions. 11cm is now at Springs Bourboule , 1"rance , uitI wIll not return here for a fortnIght unless time qmleen regent calls imirmi. Time great obstacle in time wpy of I'ohlev. ja's mmumtlertalcimmg to (0mm a cabinet witim Canaiejmms , time other liberal conservative , is time dissension in smmch mniaimitry , the immeumihiera of wimicim will be considered coin- idetely those creatures who are favorites of ( lie court if they failed or mantle uuupopular ternms of umeace. Naturally time queen regent would come Iii for a large ucimaro of time ira- tional milItary tilsplcusure , thus virtually playing Into time Imantla of time Carhistmo aumd republicans. wiioot audacity 1mm their attacks - tacks on the monarchy aumd tire dynusty of time rogommt daIly grotis uumoro iittcr Srmgasumm does utot miare to citek timermi , especirmliy time Cariists , because ire knows ( lint army repression - sion wouicj immediately cause outbreaks La the main provinces whore time Carhist - - ' - - - - r---- THE BEE BULLETIN. "i'eatimer Forecast for cbrsa- Fmilr Variable \'Inds. Page. 1 S.ll Ier n I I ime Hpl'it ' hum. Snot iutt , Stirr.'nio-r. 'l'oin , ) , 'i'iio- ( II rl Are ( h ott hug G lOiN. St'rhuuma ( 'end it Imi at tlnul hims , 2 II epiurt ( ' 41 i'emt'P Overtu res , S'uit.umm to , Smith Souui. 8 % o' tIii N , Suit fir IIcny lnuumngcu , iver ft'ini eiurnkui oinmitCc'rN , 1 ( iii i-lit louts of 'rLmi ' , % 'ek ; ; % 'eu-thm'u. iirns''r' sit 14ntiimtgo , I.hNt I , f Visndrii ( , ,'t' . , 0 ium..t ' .Vck I uc ) uumnlri $ cut'1t' . 7 'l'hIrd hl Itmtnt hIatuL ti. ( 'nmmip , Ura $ ( 'so , . . 45. ' , 'IuI , ( ( Imnahll , . Atfniru lit tiuib ( ) nifthi $ , , Si.Iehr'it ftonmr 'utu time Midwti' . S C4tuu4'h I III nil. ls-ni tit l Cs , ioii ) IL 'ui iitui t'itite , mit , I ) I.Ol'lmi , % 'sih lot. tiio 'ytii ours's , hi'lmii of * 11cm 1 to thou , , , II ) Si'om'huis. lt.vti of thi' W'eek , I I 'I t ii tue'u'Imesi' . cmiii Vime.4uiteim , I .i 1 ii tioui I virm'u ) ins'k'vs 4)4,415. liouite l'rsimmh. It. Stns'klomi. 1.i iii \'muil oil' .iiins'ticiil , tItsiitI , hht'li , ' , if time S'eeic. I Il-I 'I' I ii t lie I.inutht ur YDmulnmm. 114 1.l I lerimmi mmmiii t'iiummimmcuit I t 'i'tl4' IIe's i'rems , I ) J.cse htujcsl e in ( eruimnmt , .hl 'the Girit ( it' 4'.t" iL4uimi , l'hie uimii ln4 eillguui'c' Iluremttm , 2 : " .tshit.'s of Huimjui cc. " .i8 ( 'eliot II hi , , , ( if Ummutlumm's 'I'rnde , Cmuuiuuimt'rt'iiiI rititi I'I uiumuieimii eits , i I U. , 1(111 i'mmvi ftc hhui's fl Brmmimeum , tlmmmm F'oi'g.t to'mm iii , lmt hi , 'i'pimiitii'tmtii rc Ut tsiiniin m 111)111' , lo'g. ii uim. ; 'I' ' lit , . . , , ( If ) I ii , iii . . . . . . .II 41 mm , mu . . , , , Ill ) i. iii . . . . . . .S , ii. iii . . . . . . I'll hi ii. iii -------S S a , lit . , , , . . vi : .1 p. mim - - - - - - Sit 1) a , u.s . . . . . . T i' ii. ii - - - - - - 85 It ) a. In , . . . , , 711 ( I ii. mu . . . . . . 'Itt :1 : m . , . , . , _ . . , , , st , 7 5) . HI . . . . . . . 12 mim . . . . . . . . . SI 'i'lA 'm' A'h' 'i'll Ii HX1'ciSl'L'iON _ At time ( . , , , , , Sihm Stmi..hmi. I mOm ) ii. jim , . l'n a'.mmce CitT linitil at i - ii hioctiji , . . : m m. iii. , I'imiui ne3's Band mit (4erml- iuielmi Ito I iii hug. 6m81) ii , umm , , i'ztuipo' ( : h4 110,01 , 4rnmi.i t'hzmz : , . S ii. iii. , I'h.htiimey's Itmuumi nt Goermi- muIo'imt hi , hid lug. peasrintry viilige : priests nrc kept in leaslm by timeir chiefs witim imiucim trouble. Sn- gasta's irlmmcipal reason for soliciting time alit of time French goveromcmmt in thipioniacy stmmce last week hiatt been tIme desire to the. chIc France to keep a lookout out time l'y- renecami frontier , wiich : time Carllata are nl- ready 0511mg to bring in rtrms , nmnmunitlwm mmd even gilimmi. 'l'ito Cubun ( os'er.urmmo'mms , A sensation has been caused by time report that time Cuban loyalists are so exasperated at the prospect of having to suhimmmit to the separatists if Spain niakea peace wltim time United States by reorganizing time islands' iummlepondcice , ( limit they are moving to forestall - stall the imiammigents by getting up a govern- meat of their own. Tiioi ioynlista ammd vol- Lmnteers throughout time colony say tire ) ' pre- far to flrdclninm their own iimdepenrlence on the baits of a coalition of the autommomnists anti the Spanish Part' . They would offer to all the Spamilaim regmmlnr forces very nih- rantmigeous conditions to rermmain as a part of the nraiy of lndepeatlemmt Cuba. Tire Ummitcd States therm would be confronted by two Cubaum repmmbhlcs , one uumder Cahhxto Garcia anti Gomnez , the otimer composed of nil the elements wimlcim Initiated time former rlsimmgs 1mm Cuba from 185 1 to 1808. General Blanco evidently Is no longer master of time sitmiattomm , vlmIclm adds to time cmnbarrassnment of the Madrid governmnemmt. EXPECT TO GO TO PORTO RICO 'i'rnops ft Cii heknmmiigii . ' . llopefmui of miii En ny Order to tIe to the Frtmmt. C1HCIcAMAUGA NATIONAL PARK , Ga , , July 10.-The latest news from \\'ashimmgten imas had tire effect of greatly enthumsimmg time troops at Camp Thomas amid timere he not a regiment that does mmot feel that it is qmmtte likely to bit orilerod to Porto Rico. Time First corps is specially imopefui of an early orolor to go with General Brooke to i'orto Rico. Plus is General lirooke's eorp , and It is dcflumltely mmnderstood that it is to accomnpany Imimn wherever the government many order imim. The corps na it is now made up consists of time following regimmments : First Ilrislon-Firrit brigade : Second and Third Wiseonsimm anti SIxteenth Pennayl. vnnla , commantled by Brigadier General 0 , 11. 1rnst ; Secommtl brigade : Thmirtl Illinois , Fourth i'cnumsylvania amid Fourtim Ohmic , conirmmammded by Brigadier General Harris ; Third brigade : First anti Thmiu-d lCentmrcky mmd Fifth Illinois , comnmnanrllng brigaohier to be supplied. Secouid 1)lvislon-First brIgade : Thirty- first Michigan , Slxteentlm Indiana anti FIrst GeorgIa , comnmantliumg brigadier to be supPlied - Plied ; Secommti brigade : iitxtlm Ohio , One Iiumntireti anti Fifty-cigimth Immdinna , First \Vest Virgiumlu , cotmmmnandlnfl imeigadier 1o be aupphidil ; 'l'imlrd brigade : Second Ohmic , Firat Pennsylvania mmd Formrteentlm iilnnesotmm , iirigadter General ilosor commanding. Timiril IIvisiomm-Iirst brlgatle : Twelfth Minnesota , First Soutlm Carohirma and Fifth Pennsyivtmnf.t , Ilrhgamller General John A. Wiley eonmmiimmnthlng ; Second brigade : Righthm Massachusetts , Twenty-first Kansas mmii Twcitth New York , cornmrrimtiirmg brigadier to be .sujmpileti ; Third brigatie : Nintim PennsylvanIa - sylvanIa Second Missouri and F'irst New hlanmpslmir. , BrigadIer General A ntlrews coinmantling. ljnberni timere are changes nieanwlmtio these rogimemmts will go with General lirooke to I'orto Rico. Rush orders were .tr'umt mm few clays ago ( or nil the cmquipimagu Jacking lit timis corims , anti it will now urmtiommbtetiiy Imo supplied witim everythIng necessary by time time the arrangements mire completed for transports. Time hospital corps is in timer- ougim working order and Is ready to move at ammy time. HOLD UP PASSENGER TRAIN hi lids iifllill'Ii (4l Sei'i I 'I'Jiousgtii tetitit lm JiCNN Cii r , Ii imi ltu . , u.o * .hilo'st , I'nNuuojuitcrs , WIChITA , lCan. , July 111.-Tire Frlsco passenger train , leaving here at ti:30 : ( o St Louis , was held up tonight by two niaskemi nmoim /tntiovcr , a station term unties east of here. here.A A citIzen of Andover , wimo lcarrmett of time plan to rob the train , attempteti to mmotify time train oifltiais mmd was shot by the rob- hors. lie ivili probably die. Ills annie could not be iearrmetl Several thousand rioliars % vat taken front time express car btlt tire exact amount ha umor known here. 'I'heue ma mm way to fhumil omit tonight Andover is a hag station arid baa about 200 pe ple , ONE \TAR \ AT A TilE So Says Admiral Dewey Ooncdrnhig the German War Ship Irene , SITUATION LOOKS SERIOUS AT MANILA Dewey Will Ask for xplanation from . German Admiral , WILL WAIT TILL TIlE MONTEREY ARRIVES Kaiser William's ' Navil Officers Cannot Bluff' America's Commander. NOT FRIGHTENED BY A DEMONSTRATION tgmluinlIn 'Veil , , Conisimi % 'II4imunmt tlmrit lie lies heels Aliiirortiiimctt 1 , , t ito Gerumma flm , hue t 1).iti ot tfl3' 110W. ( Copyright , HitS , by Press l'tmtmhisiiing Co. ) hONG KONG , July 16.-'ote ( ' \'orl W'orlti Cablegrrtnm-Spccial Tcicgram.-Tlmtt ) full particulars of the iimterference of tIme German war simip Irene at Simbig bny in hire- 'emrtItmg an attack on the Spnntrmrds Ity time l'hihipplimc insurgents camimmot be inathe ltutm- lie tmrmtll th arrival of time Utmited States immonitor Monterey at Maumiin. Tiren Ad- nilral 1)ewey viii be iii a hmositlon to ask for an cxplaimatIomm from time ( lernitmmm ati- imiiral.'imcmi time Anmerican crtmiscr italeigim , tmnder commaumd at Captain Cochmrin , op etreti In Sublg bay , time lremmo got away so quickly that it slIpped its cable arid left its ammc'imor hcimitmtl , No ammo imeiieves time Gerurinmms wilt get time better of Athmmiirai lewey. if they expect that a mmm'Lval denmonstratiomm will frighmtemm hint time ) ' tb mmt ltnow lIme oman. Mr. 'uVildnman , time Umiiteti States e'otmsul here , vimo is 'ery chose to Adnmirai 1)ewey , says : "One war at a. tinie , Timat , I timink , is s'tthmnirai Dewey's present lmoiicy. " Generni Aguinahtlo , time Immaimegent chIef , tolti Commsnl'lldnmnmum at Cavite timut lie imail heemm approaclmed hI' the Gerimmans , btmt lmo declined to say how , It is all vemy mmmys- tertous. FEEDING CUBAN REFUGEES Ciimrim hinrioti tto'inrls . , ui C lie Voric ihoijug unite lit Vieiiilty of S ii ii t I mm itt' . NEW Y01tt , Jnmly 10.-A tomlegramu want received today by the executive conmmtttee of time html Cross ! rummt uits Clara Ihmmrton , dated Play-a del lcte , .hfily 11. Time inca- sage is us follows : Sammtingo ties smmrreumnlered. Caine trout time fm-oumt yesterday in a lnommrijmg rain. Fever itt snisieCtetl ) Here , Sibommey burned. Dr. Lee- 5cr , Mrs. Lesser nmuutl all timuir mnmmrees mte 1mm tIm hospital two nmiles ihistanmt. I sai' timenm tOhtiy mmmnth mmli mire doing ivell. Foimr mmrnmy stnrgcomms of time St. I'nmtnl are with ima , tlmere being no other provistoums for tlmemmi , We are fceduumg time refugees of Sibomiey. Maumy timousantl at EtmrmnlzIa , hmy rail. Ei"s cii iii feeding 5,000 mit Fi Cancy by army wagoums , 20,000 by puck immuies , Ilftec'mi imiiIes travel. Counmmnirmnder McCnhia of tue Mrmrblehmead called yesterday for 100,000 ratIons , mcdi- elites and clothing for time refugees in time wottls tim time country surromnmmittng Gummmta. : nmummo. Nothing knowim of loats ) om alt ! of army otlmer kiimd from any otimer source. State of Texas imas fed nh time woundetl itt the front and is ineiping timemim hiommme , All rnemulmo'rs of tIme itetl Cross are 1mm Perfect imcaitim mmd tinoroughihy organized , A telegram Immet been received front Red Cross Ageimt lCemmt at Jacksonville , whicim states that Colonel Maus , eurgeomm 1mm chief , unit Just returneti front Mmmii anti reports much sickness timcrc , witim a neeti of milk ammtl ice. Time Red Cross iaunclm Moymmier imas been repaired anti iihi he ready to leave Jacksonville - sonvillo Moruday for Key \Vcst. Ativices Jtmst received from [ Coy West In- thlcato that the itetl Cross will reacim San- tlago Tuestlay next witim the much needed Simlpuies anti stmrgeons. SEND THANKS tO SHAFTER I'l't'i4ilhl'li1 nhlol S.'u'rittmr' thgcr lix- It i'IN5 A Illirce I mm I Ia ii , , t % % 'o rk of dime .trnm'i , WAShINGTON , July 1G.-Time following messages were semmt today by I'resitleumt Mc- Kiniey anti Secretary Alger : , , ] t ) Geumeriml Sitnftcr , Commimnammding Frommt , Near Smmrntlrngo , i'iaya : 'lime luo'sitienmt of time United States mienuls to ) 'otm anti youi' brave army tine imruf000d timanke of time Ammrorican people for time brililunt. nc1miec- flmcumts at thtmntiago , resulting in time stir- render ott tine city and .mli the HimanIsim troops and territory under teuurai Torah Your mtiilendtti comnmmmammd has enitlurctl umot ommly the imardsimiims anti mtacriIces ( incident to camnpaigim anti bntttie , hut. 1mm sines of heat anti weather has trtmmnmphmid over obmttn. des whicim would imave ovemcuimme urea less bravo and detotrmnineti. Omuit umd tmii hiae tiisplaytmii time mimtmst conspicuous gmiuumtry and etmraetl time gratitude of time nation , Time hearts of time people turn witim tcuulem' symputimy to tine sick uuioi ouutie'ii May lime Fatimor of Itiei'clt'it Iiroteu ntumil comfort turin \'ILLiA1 M'X1Lti' . To Major General Simafter , Frnmmt , Near Haumthrmgo , l'laya : I cmrmumot express iii wortla my gratitude to you aimd yomir heroic menu.'our work hiatt beeum well tloino , 'IoU imhcss you all. It. 't. AI.iit , h'omcr"aiy ; i' War P1N.t Li 11 Iii'Oht'I' ON CtMI7ti.'u'i us. C.urreotri , 1,1st ttitmtc It. to Ii , . leer. i lm rhc.i In ' . % 'nsli h jigloum , CI1NJiRA L. SIIA FTIDI'S I hhiAIQUA It- TIDIS , July 15.-Via ( Kingston , Jaummaica , July 10)-Thu ) fInal report of casmialtleti in thin arnmy since it lnmrideti in Cuba timreo weeks ago hue been forwarded to Wash- ingtomm. It simowa ito aggregate of ll1 of. ( leers anti men killed , wourniled anti miss- ing. Time killed number 216 , of wimorn twenty-one iero olilcers ; wounricti , i,58i , of whom ninety-cigint. were oihlcermu ; the miss- lag eighty-four , of whnont none were oill- cers. Of the womundeul cimly sixty-eight imato tiled. I i.uuituiiii's it uazluu ; ; ; ; ; Svrvho' , ' , WASiII Nr.'roN. July 16.-Colonel James L ] tettlt , camrmmauuliurg limo Fomirtim reginment of ( Jnltetl States volunteer infantry tim- mnumme5) ) , cabled umimon Atijutunt ( leimural ( 'or. bin today and irmformned bminmm timat the i-egi- mont itas fully arrmmcti aflol etlUlimImeil uumti ready anti anxious time service lit time field. lie iamb ahJCittl application for oluty witim hut , oxltethittoml to tie sent to b'mmim Juaum do I'ortt , Rico , cmiii it is more than imrobable Umat iris wishes will hc respected ilium ires- cnmt comnutuiti is cow rcmmdczvouaed at Fred- rivkabui , Va.