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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1898)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - , - _ _ _ _ . . - - - - - - T ' - - 1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ' _ q ; ESTAi3JISUED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMATIA , SATU11)AY { MO1NING , JULY 10 , iS9STWE1XE PAGES. SFNGLE COIY ] fIVTI OEN'FS. ,1 SOLDIER BOYS' ' DAY Program Is Dvothd to the Third ebrMka Volunteer Infantry. ' ) I ROYAL SENDOFF READY FOR TIlE SOLDIERS Ji - . . Exposition Managers Prepare for the Pubilo . Farewell to the Regimcnt GREAT INTEREST IN TIlE EVENT SHOWN . : People of Nobrasa Generally Take Up the Idea Most EnthusiMtically , GOVERNOR LEEDY GOES ON TIlE PROGRAM Ktitpsn' 1eeiitIe 1'IIL Tnke the J'Ini p III ( qiieriiL 'I'Iine-hitueIt tu Bc er'I lit ( lie tinI I turlu n t to the 4iIt1Ier , , . There vni ; no feature at the 'xnosltlon yoItorIay WIIO from thU banI ( coneert , end a fairly good crowd for an 01 ! day. There bea hCOfl a marked Iiproveinent In the at- trntlance since last week , flfld It s CXCCtCd ) ; ' that tih ) will culnilnate In a trementloud crowd oii the occaSIon at the farewell to the Third regiment todny Every detail ha been perfected for the demonstration , and there IH no longer any douIt that It vI1I be coai- rncrn8urato with the Iniportanco of the oc- ciuIon. The soldier boys will irobahly Ietve ; for thu front MOflIay. and this will bo the Inst opportunity for the people of Nebrahka to give evidence of their patriotic soc(1 wiRheR. The raliroatle will nil run cii innn trains aa clay be necesBary to carry the A crowd , anti with the very liberal rate of I j I relic that Iiai been offere(1 ( there ts no reason why anyone should neIect to come end hclp to tIve the volunteerA a characterlsttc 'ebraska farewell. The cx- position nuiliugetnent hen ( lone everything in itH power to make the event a success and the rest remains with the people. The management has made several changes In the progrnn for the exercises that will A be hold In the Auditorium at 11 oclock. It will be lznposlblc for General Thayer to t attend anti Governor J. W. Leeti ) of Kansas has consented to occupy the vacant place on the program and deliver a short address. General .1. C. Cowln has been called to New York oil business , and will be unable to speak. but as there stilt remain four addresses - dresses , it was not thought advisable to schedule enotlier. I."i' Jtiiir1t Ii , IIC Seryetl. The Idea of serving the dinner on the Granil J'lnza has also beeti abandoned , as It . was decided that it could be done more conveniently In the Auiltorluln. ( mime- tllately after the exercises arc concluiled tile audience vtlI ho requested to retire while the EoJmliers remain in their seats. Then the women of the bureau of entertainment vi11 bring their lunches to them In their seats , while the regimental band and the Pawnee City band alternate In musical se- Icetions , The wonien who . are In charge of the dinner vIsii to again urge the omen of t1i ( city to deliver their contributions at ho American District telegraph office , 15O Iougias street , before 9 oclock tomorrow morning. It is not expected that there will be any lack of material for the spread. but In order to satisfy 1,300 hungry soldiers the women viI1 be obliged to contribute liberally. In the afternoon the soldiers will be left ( pretty niuch to their own resources and to the attentions of their friends and rein- tives. Nearly all the Midway attractions 4 have given notice that all soldiers In uniform - form vi1l ho admlttcl ( free of charge , and several of the managers have even written to Colonel Bryan to extend to himself and regiment the hospitality of their resorts. There Is some doubt whether the regimental officers will allow the men to remain on the grounds until after the fireworks , as while the occasIon will lie a sort of holiday for 1 the men. they will still be under discipline , ' ' 'which looks with little Savor on into hours , This matter will he left to time tliscretioq of Colonel Bryan nnd his staff. and In any event the bulk of time pyrothechinics vill be visible front the camp at Fort Omaha. MISfl4t'I'.t' ! $ PIAX 3 N1)tlS'VILY. Oiie IiIiibit dlIfltIIflM ' ( ) ( ' ( Of Great i'tpislnr littereNt. There is one point In time Agriculture building 'lvlmere there Is always a crowd. . . i This is at the flax exhibit which coimstitutes - t a part of time Minnesota exhibit. From early morning militti late at night a crowd tnnds about the iron railing wblch vre- serves a small open space within which a vonmahi sits at a table immaking "real lace. " This woman represents an industry of Mm- nsota which is little known outside of the section in which is situated the town of New 13mm. a ( ernman settlement in time south central portion of the state having a popu- Itaion of about 10,000. New IJIm is PeopietI exclusively with ( icr- mans who vreservo time customs amid tra- dttidns of the fatherland with fidelity , transmitting - mitting to their ( iescendnntB the language undeifled by Ammmericanisnmii , atmil the ens- loms of living hahlowel by the light of ages. 'rho yonmen work in time fields with the mcii anti return to their homes at mmightn to prepare - pare the frugal meal. This is nmndo ready in a pot and when the Ingredients are sus- pendel over time fire of logs or Placed on t the more amodern steve , the good housewife site ( Iowa to her lace cushion and weaves 0 an inch or two of lace whik vniting for the macal to cook. Lace inching is a diver. slon for old and youimg anti the little girls learn time acemingly Intricatu work at. a tender age , nctiirIng a facility which Is bewildering to those uninitiated In the art. Time woman in the Minnesota exhibit was Procured by Mrs , Olberg , superintendent of the flax exhibit , to ilustrate this little kilowil art of the state nntl the attention which the woman receives is evidence of time Immtcrest which is taken in industries of this nature. Like immost of thu oiier inhabitants of New Ulm , time woman eanimot speak or understand a vord of English amid the great immajority of time visitors who congregate about are unable , to talk with her , but a comparnttvely large number of the visitor8 are able to converse in German and the lace maker nhmows her enjoyment of the op. portunity for talking by cplaining the work. The lace is made on a cylindrical cushion about one foot in Iengtii anti clx Inches Iii dianmeter , This rcst In a. base which keeps it stationary and the lace Is formed about the periphery of time cylinder. A number of Lulls are tituck in the cusbiop anti threads are tie4 to these. These threads are contained in bobbins vhichm lool ; , iiko diminutive temm.pmn , time thread issuing from the small caLl. The vms are utuk in the cushion , the number of pins and thuir Imositiona. together with the mitini- ii&r of bobbins used , regulating the pattern - tern to b immade , Whea all is ready , time little bot4miims are Thrown front hand to lined1 the threads turned and twistei , time 1 bobbins rolled over and back , up nnti dowa , this wy anti that , until it. seems as though the result must be a tangled mass of thread with no intelligible result , but. at time same time time lace is growing anti icwiltlering patterns appear on th4 cushion like the ( lelicato web of a Emider as he weaves his trap for the unwary fly. Time patterns of lace turned out by this woman vary in ilesign anti In width. The length turned out in a day ( lepentla tlptn the width. but the process Ia a very slow one , notwithstanding the cxtrema rapidity of the macthong of the bands and the whirl- lug of time bobbins , A pattern four inchcs in witlth is turned out at the rate of about one yard per day under favorable circumu- fitancee. As fast as a mattern of lace Is completed It Ii ; placed on exhibition and another pattern is tarted. The number of different designs which are contained in the head of the ormerator seem to be without limit anti the collection is beginning to its- slime formidable proportions. The lace is not for sale , the purse of the exhibit being simply to Illustrate the Industry. 'I'Lxtss : C1II.iIlIItA'l'Fi , 'i'll IIlL S'i'.tTl. ( lrles of the LomieStnr ittitI lips lie. . hit iiii l ) tiia 'l'rutIMlIi Isp.IssiI. The resources amid the future of Texas furnished a theme for a very enthusiastic meeting of Texan visitors ami t'heir friends at time Audltoriuimm last imlght. It was given by the members of time San Antonio amid Aransas I'as Imnnmlgratlon comnpany and time Ilusiness Men's league of Iloustoim , who are responsible for time very creditable ox- bUilt of timeir state , and ex-Gorernor ilvitm Saunders of this city , who took a imromni- mment hart in working up exposition cim- timusiastn iii time Lone Star state , participated In the proceedings. It. bad been originally intended to have a lug meeting with brass banti accompaniment and other Incidentals , lint time Texas people very sensibly concluded to lmostpone their big denmonstration until after harvest. when there were more farm. ers on time groimntis , and last night's sessloit was a purely informal but. very Interesting affair. I'residcnt Charles Peterson of time Im- migratioim association mresitied , anti Secretary - tary M. J. flenney of Yocmmnm briefly stateti that. they tcre timere for time purpose of saylmmg somnetlming about Texas amid in- eidcntnlly to discuss time best means ot pro- immoting a fellow feeling and stimulating time people of Texas to come to time exposition. C. I. Swan of Normanima was then Intro- dilceil atmil soko at some length. Ito de. ciareil that when Texas was added to the uninti the national tliadeni secured its brightest star. No otlmer state has cx- perienced so severe a struggle iii its efforts toward imdvnmmcenment , but it Is rapitily he- coimmiimg time greatest state In the union. lie illustrated its vast exteimt nimd limitless resources - sources by a number of pertinent corn- itarlsons , anti draw a viviti word picture of its immrvelous fertility and promise. Secretary Thomas Itlchardson of time Btisl- ness Melt's loammo of Houston spoke mmmore parteularly of his state in its relations to the eximositlomi. He commented on the muon- her in which time Texnns wimo had visited tlm grotmmmds imad been captivated by time mnagniflcent spectacle that they imad witnessed - nessed , and declared timat thousands of timeir fellow citizens would follow them to Omaha during the sumnmer. Texas constituted one- sixth of the entire tranamlssissippi tern- tory , anti no state , not even Nebraska , is more vitally Interested In the success of the exposition. Mias Forest T-ubkt'of Texas tCtiAt'd vith a. brief but very iIecttvo narratloim of her eximeniemuco in assisting to secure the means wIth which to provide the Texas exhibit and then coimtrlbtmted a recitatiqn that was cx- ceptionally well rentiered atmtl warmly applaud - plaud cmi. A very Interesting feature of time evening was the imresentatlon to Miss Elsie Asmus of Norfolk , Nob. , of a imaadsome gold medal as a temmtiimmommlal of her honorary membership - ship 1mm the Immmmigration association. Miss Asnmus was visiting iii Texas thea time ques. tion of representation at time exposition was first tinder discussion , ammd started the fund with a subscrIption of $20 , besides which she afterward raised $100. Tue medal was presented In recognition of her emmtimusiastic assistaimce by the people of Texas. Short speecimes were made by ex-Governor Sauntiers anti otimers , and time meeting ended with a short social session. During yesterday afternoon time Texas people heil a reception at their booth in the ignIctmltunumi building , where they were visited by a large number of friends and general visitors. Ex.Governor Saunders rendered - dered valuable assistance in this ftmnctiomm as vell , aimil a very signlflcaimt feature of tile afternoon was his nmeetiag with George F. Lmmptoim. assistant geimeral passenger agent of the San Ammtonio & Aransas Pass railroad. Mr. Lupton was a boy when the war broke out , anti time first confederate hag titmit was ever captured was taken imy Geimeral Low Wallace from imis imamud. As ox.Governnr Saunders is the only surviving war governor. the incident was nmatie the occasion for a general expression of good fehiowsimip between the soutberimers anti their Nebraska hosts. LI i'ii SAVIIIIM' I'IitS'1' iiXhIIflI'ViON , ; ; ; : ; 1c ( ) Ile JL ) Nett lie Uttile a NiititJi1i OeisIoii. It is prozed to make a gain occasion of time first exhibition of 'time 'operation of the life saving service of the sea coast and lakes as simown by the crew anti station at tiw 'scmtmth side of the Mirror , which con- sfltutt IL portiomm of the governmneimt ox. hiimit. It 'is expected that the apparatus will ho in gooti working order by V'edimes- tlay of iuoxt week and an exhibition 'whli ho glv'en ae soon as all is rosily. The ot- ficimmls connected with the government ox- liibit anti the exposition management are co-operating In time effort to make this first exhibition a big attraction anti it. is ex- peeted that large be attracted by the novel sight. Time ° outfit" of time station on time ex- positiomm grounds cuimsists of a thirty-four foot boat and two smaller imarges , together with mmii the equipment of a first class ste. tion. It has been found that time big boat is entirely too large for the crow of nine mmmcii assigned to duty at. this etatiop anti Captain Knowies lies telegraphed for a smaller life boat. The one on hand re- ( mires eighteen macn for its operation , or twice as many as are available. One per- tioim of the exhibition require $ the capsix- lag of the boat. which is so constructed that it rights itself and empties out time vator. 1mm order to show this feature a smaller boat wilt be sent here at once and by the time 'this arrives the remainder of time equipment will be In working order , Time big boat will be rigged up as a yacht , as it imas two masts with sails , and vihl be ticeorateti with flags , forming a pretty sight. The equIpnmeimt. of the station ns shipped direct to Omaha from the Nashville exposi- tiomm. and It requires a eonmplete overhani- Iimg before it could be used , This ta nearly comnpieted anti the men of the crow now Iniiulge in daily practice at the oas , The amen comae from different parts of tue coun- ivy , anti are strangers to one another anti the practice rows on the lagoon are to make timemmi familiar with one anoUmen's style , etc. Lxperiinents witb time mortar which ( Continued on Third Page. ) GETTING READY TO U1T Spain Putting Itself in an Attitude to A8k for Peace. CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEES SUSPENDED i'rnsipt't , for aim tinny iItmdin uf tIme 'nr Appears tu lie " ' .tvor- ttlie fromim a tI. , ii Slandpoi ( Copynigmt ) , 1ti % iiy ' Co. LONDON , July 1.-N ( _ k Woniti Cabiegrain-Simecial 'l'cieg p e Cimrun- ide'a Matiniti dispatch s tittmtiommal gtmarantces are stispende - . owiia are reading the official notic at Pucrta Sol Perfect , Order lmrev mmmeasure checks time Caniist ngit4l Ii is ru- nmonetl on the Frencim f0b rreo i't- vaimol was hirohiimitei tode' t'er . insulting article. Peace Imr slmects increase , limit everything - thing dcpenmls on time atittmtie o time arnmy. Time press urges l'oiivicjmm to help his cmiii- try. try.LONDON LONDON , July 11.-Ncw ( 'York World Cablegram--Specini Telegram.-News ) of definite imeace Pmopnsais Is imow imominly cx- pected from Madrid. Stmspension of constitutional - tutional rights thmrotmgimout Spain is ac- cepteti as a precautionary measure adopted by the cabinet against tile imminent open- log of negotimttiomms. A leading ingiish imoii- tician told me today that Sir liemmry W'oitt , British amlmassador at Maiiniii , minimizes imm his later dispatches time likelihood of revo- iution following upon time caimimmet adopting a peace policy. Prompt anti flnmmt action tvoulti , in Wolff's opinion , paralyze the projects - jects of the revolutionary imarties , wimose organization anti funds are alike deficient. Time Caniists lie regmmrtis as potentially a most troublesonme PartY merely because wimen a rising is ( ieclded upon Canios is expected - pected to provide time sinews of war to keep it going. lie simeaks enthusiastically of time regent's courage , firmness. patience and resolute hmersistence in peace counsels. ! 'rzlMe for tmiierlei. . Timero Is no question that time stmrrender of Santiago is regarded in political and nmiiitary circies here as a coup for which the United States generals deserve great credit. The piight of time Anmonican forces helcagumening time city was appnreimtiy so serious timat amazement is expressed that time Spanish commammders diii not attenipt a sortie before capitulating , btmt inter advices of the frightful conditioim of affairs iii Santiago give aim explnnatioim. Time deportation of the Santiago forces to Spain is also commended as a. brilliant expPdient for dcnliimg with what must have been an awkward problenm. The return to Spain of this large hotly of its best soldiers , defeated anti disarnmcd , will servo as an object lesson to the Spaniards that their soldiers are as incapable as their fleets to cope with time United States forces. Sonic fear is expressed that the Santiago troops will be attacked when landed at Cadiz - diz anti it is suggested that they be tahemi to the Canaries instead. wimence timey could be drafted In small bodies to the peninsula. The Immiiy Madrid correspontient says : Preliminary negotiatiotms for peace are un- tier way in time shape of indirect inquiries regarding terms which America and Spaimm mIght accept. It Is staled that the French ambassador at Washingtomm and the British ambassador at Madrid , actiimg respectIvtiy on behalf of Spain and America , are con- dimctimmg these inquiries , which are at pros. eat quite informal. 1VflIItP4 Iimiginmmtl to Intervene. VIENNA. July 15.-New ( York World Cablegram-Special Telegrimm.-A ) leadimmg Spanish tilpionmat here describes time situation - tion in Spain tonight timus : "Spain wishes Emmgland alone to Interfere , hoping much from England's present influence at Wash- imigton. Spain Is prepared to give up Cuba but not Porto Rico. Hard cash war iudemmm- nity Spain would willingly pay. tmmgantmt hopes Europe will help Imiin prevent time Philippines becoming American. Sagastas oppomments wish for continuation of time ' .mmv- , which is abetted by the Carlists. fronm whonm Sagasta fears auoro for the dynasty than from the republicans with daggers di awn ammmommg thenmselves. I'ARIS. July 15.-New ( York World Cable- gram-Special Telegram.-Temps ) In a leader highly applauds the repatriation of tile Spanish army of Santiago and says time act is not for the first time an nvpeai to time ticilcato sctitimentmm of hotmor anti courtesy wimiclm Spaniards justly claim. Aurore cmi time otimer hand imopos the powers will not immtervene to Imrevent the independence of Cuba. the Phiiippiiios and tIme establishment or a republic in Spain. SIIgIINIII 'I'iill.N ( if I'euee. MADIUD , July 15.-Premier Sagasta is quoted mis saying that Spain wants peace , but that "it must be an imonorablu peace , us Spain deserves. The army , " the premier is said to have added , 'is anxious ta resist to time last , but. the govermmmnent cannot consent to such a use- hess sacrifice , liami we our fleet , time situation - tion wouid be very tiifferent. " Time lacific tendency is increasing , The general lmUbhic take a favorable view of the suggestion that time imowers should attemmipt time re-establishment of peace , but it. is said , commtrary to time reimorts current , France has not taken the initiative. Time iiminlstor for war , General Correa , is quoted as saying in en interview that he thought peace might ho arranged on tue foilowiimg termmm The Ummiteti States and Spain agree to let time Cubans decide by a plebiscite wimotimer they desire independence or autonomy under time suzerainty of Spain ; the two governments to agree to abide by the results of the plebiscite , In time evemmt of time Cubans voting for independence , time United States to allow Spmmhm nine immonths In which to 'ithtiraw its army , gradually aimmi ( iignifiediy from Cuba , A deeree of time captain gemmermmlot , Madrid , which has been afflxetl to tile valls of this city , says decrees suspending time eonstitu. tionai guaranties throughout time kingdom have imeeim puimiished amid , a state of war existing , It is ordered that no meetings take place without time previous authorize. tion of the mliitary authorities , it is also forbidden to imublisii without previous au- thmorizatiomm any writings , engravings or do. sign whatever , Time decree commcluuies with specifying the punishment which vill be immotod out to those who disregard the orders issued. Continuing the mniimister for 'war said : "Wo ought to retain Porlo Rico at nil costs , iii order to ho alwa3'a imear Cuba , of 'hich the Americans ivili be able to despoil mma in course of time , anti in order to more easily communicate with time South Amner- iran republics. which dail' display the greatest eathusiasmmi for Spain. "As to the Philippines , it Is certain we wIll rotaimm them , even though the Mimer. leans succeed in occupying Manila , An of- ilcial disimatch announces that the rebel chiefs and time Anmericans viii not always agree , which is 'to Spaimm's advantage , The govcflmnuent has formed a scheme which will mmot oimly secure to Spain time Philippines , but will establisim tranquillity. " LONION , July 15.-The Madrid coma- simondent of time Times says : "Itegardiug limo prospevts of peace , Senor Sagasta , interviewed by a representmitive of El Comrespontiencia Militimim , is represented as saying : 'It is certain , most , certain , that the government has endeavored to ascertain - certain extraofllciaily the disposition of the Washington cabinet respecting a pacific solution , but for time moment I can say ab- soluteiy nothing because the preqident might wrongly suppose that we desired peace at any price , and accordingly show himself more exacting. I have read the proposals cabled to El Imparcial. which are uppoed to have been comnmnunicateti by President Mci < iniey to M. Cambomu , the French am ba.sador at Washington , These conditions are so hard that I consider them inadmie- siblo. The goverimment has aews of other proposals that are much lucre acceptable. " In reply to a question as to whether lie Intended to remain in omco to tonclude peace , Senor Sagasta said that such was his intemmtlon , and ho etitled , respecting time ministerial crisis , this statement , "I can affirm categorically that it does imot fomnm- ally exist , and there is mme danger of It arising easily as the press indicates. " M'KINLEY HOPES FOR PEACE Pall of Semi t ingo Dci ievetl to i'orteimii nmt Ianrl' Settleieimt ot Ilte lVnr. WAShINGTON , Juiy i-Presldent ! McKinley - Kinley gave expression today to a strong imope for aim early ieaco. flespontling to congratulations on the success of time Salt. tiago campaign , he said : "I hope for early Peace now , " In time cotirso of other inter- % iews lie gave voice to the same sentiment , not expressing his entire belief , hut. a strong bOime that peace vouitl conme , The dispatch frommu Madnimi announcing the royal decree suspending Individual niglmts in Spain was quickly communicated to the iresident anti was read at the cabinet meet- lag. As in Madrfti , it , was generally taken to nmeam time inmnuiaence of a move of the Spanish goverimmnent for a cessatiomm of boa- tilitles. It was received with this immter- pretation with great satisfaction , but in time absence of a definite official itssinment of Spanish motive time adnministmation , while strongly hoping for it , it not entirely coim- fitient. of so satisfactory an outcome , One nmeimiber of the cabitmet. expressed imis opinion that the issuance of the decree at this time Indicated time emmmi i'as mmot far off , but he was not sure that that vmis time Spanislm intention. lie cited the frequency of mmuisconstructloim of Spanlslm motives anti the misleading ideas of the course it intended to Imursuc. At. the same tinme lie took a hopefuL view of the situatiomm and thought that the royal prommunciamemmto migimt , in the exlgcncy of time Spummish case , prove to be the entering wedge in a peace movement. Senator Canimon of Utah had a talk witim time president , mmd does not take an entirely rosemute view of the otitlook , "I hope for jtcace early as a necessity , " he said , "but ot by the willing and voiuimtary actiomi of the Spanish mmmiimlstry anml royalty. Whoever imiakes the first proposition there ruimms him- self. lie only builds a bridge on which others will cross , There are few with. the nerve anti courage to undertake the initia- ttwo iii the present temimper of the Spanish iopulace. " lie believed , however , that the royal decree possibl' signified a move In that direction. TORAL'S DEMANDS DECLINED SPammisil Soittiers VJIII Not lie Allowed to ] In't'e 'I'heir Arimi , , 'SVimen 'I'Ime ) Iteneit pnin. WASHINGTON , July 15.-After an cx- tended commferemmco with the rcsideimt tonight - night , at which three other cabinet mama- hers were jmresent , Secretary Alger said : "The situation fe this : The Spaniards at Santiago are prepared to surremmder , but they want to carry timeir arms. We are determined - mined to grant no such concession , nor no concession except the generosity of this goy- ernment to transport tbemn to Spain. " Secretary Alger was asked if it was not tile expectation that when it was known no other terms would be granted the summeimder would take iml000 , and he saiti such was the case. lie saiti no other concession would be offered by this government. It was nearly 1 o'clock when the conference - once adjourned. Besides Secretary Alger there were present Secretaries Bliss and Wiion and Postmaster General Snmith. Ad- jutnmut. Gemmeral Corbin was present during time inst hour of the conference. Secretary Alger did not say how much time would be allowed time emmemy to reacim a conclusion , but it is knowmm the adnuin- istration viii make it short , anti submit to mme turtimer parley with General Torah. Time next nmovc is surrender upon the terms which the Ummited States govomnmnent proposes - poses or bnimmediato attack on the Spanish forces by time army anti navy. 'ttre on the MsittIm.'vm. Matter. ( Copyright , Jilt , by I'rcss Publishing Co. ) LONDON , July 15.-New ( York World Cablegram-Special Telegram.-As ) authoritatively - itatively stateti yesterday the United States embassy here absolutely repudiates all knowledge of time alleged transaction with British Naval Signaimami William Matthews - hews , wlmo has been imimrisoned for steal- iimg the confitiemmtial signal code from time training ship Gammges , Sonic indignation is felt that the story ahouiti be 'persisted in by the imewspapers lucre and that. the al- iegatlon against the United States naval omeera in charge of the cruiser Topeka and torpedo destroyer Somers itt Falnmouth last April should. lie allowed t pass without of- ficiai contradiction by the British amimir- aity , Even if Wfleeler is confessedly a mix- ereant of time lowest class and did make titicim charge against the United States time officer's motive would be too obvious to make It credible unless corroborated by uniinpeacimablo testimony , Such testimony or iimtieeti any testimony is not forthmeom- lag. Still certain papere here return to time question today with furtimer elaboration , 'i'iikiiig Vouisdeti to Nt'v York , Nii'iVl > OitT NFI\VS , Vim. , July 15-The United States transport Olivotto arrived at Old PoInt this afternoon , basing emi board a number of men who wi'o ' dangerously wounded at time battle of Santiago , None of them were landed at Olti Point. The vessel saiieti at 5 o'clock for New York , whore time injured men will be treated. Among timoso seriously wountled aboard are Major Brodie , Major Ball , t1ajor Mcciin- tock , Captain Knox and Lieutemmats flever- aux , Nichol , Fiscus anti Rogers. Time Solace is due to arrive In Hampton Roads some Limo tomorrow. Spumi lards lt'st'rt ilgmysitin. ( Cnlmynighmt , illS , by J'ress I'ubhimtliimg , Co. ) KEY \VEST , Fla , , July 15.-New ( York World Cablegram-Special Teigram.Tiiree ) Spanish sailors off of time gunboat Aguila in havana harbor deserted , taking a boat at midnight , leaving the harbor until imickemi up anti brought. here by time Castine. Timey wore transferred to the Lancaster to be kept there ten days in quarantine , Affects lii. , Stock l'itclsungi' , LONDON , July 15.-The settleimuent on the Stock excimango here is over , Time stir. render of Santiago immaterially improved time tone of lmusinesb , which is t'Xmanding , nota. bly In the case of American securities and Spanish fours , ON TO PORTO RICO NEXT Another Inmportint Move to Be Made by American Po. ARMY AND NAVY TO UNITE IN ONSLAUGHT General Miles 'iil lenil the Soldier , , anti Aiimiirni Sammmlmolt ' .VihI limk After tlit' .tssimmlt 1I ) tin' 'fl'nr , ( Copyright , 1S9 , by l'ress Ptmhhisiming Co. ) I1EADQUA1tTE11S GENERAL MILES , FIVE MILES l"ltOM SANTIAGO DE CUBA , JIll ) ' 14.-Via ( I'ort Ammtoaio , July I5.-N'ew ) ( York World Cabiegratmi-Speciai Telegram. ) -There is probably tie miiitary mamma in existence who is imappier thmmn aemmemni Miles at time stirreimmier of the Spanish forces at Santiago anti iii eastern Cuba. it is ulim- tioubtedly a fact that his appearance uptmmm the scene of action , altimougim at a late tiay , imati a salutary effect umpomu General Torah and timat time Aimmerican commander's imres- dice at the flmmai conference totimuy , when the capitulation was agreed to on the part of the Sianislm general , even thought Miles hati little to say , vns a strong eiemnent ilm settlimmg mmuatters. General Mile , , however , is immodest itt his conversmmtiomm 'itlm officers and corrcspontiemmts anti mmmakes imo effort whatever to datum undue credit , but he is iulainly imighmly Pleaseti. As soomm its Sitmmtiago is occupied lie ox- poets to lmeatl aim expetiitiomm to l'orto Rico made urm of 15,000 of time best troops imm the regular aiim ! volunteer service. Sonic of those who fotmght at Santiago will be takcmm auth time othmers will be drafted from tbb differemmt camps 1mm time Umiiteti States where they are imow concentrated. Time cx- pedttiomm vihl be aecompmttmleti by time Now York , the Iowa , time Immdiamma mmnml several of ( ito smaller gunboats amid converted simips. Of cotmrse it is emitirely too early in the proceedings to formulate time vlan of cammi- paign against l'orto Rico , but imm all imrob- ability Salt Juan will be bommmbardeci anii it is knowmm ( lint Sampson is eager to have a try at. this Simaimish strommgholti again seas as to reticeni imimimself for time poor showimig made at time previous elmgagemmment. it is hot unlikely tlmat the troops viil ho Inmitied on the sotmtim side of tue island ammtt mmmmtrchm across to San Juan wimile it is being bomn- herded , html. this nba nutty not be atiopted. SpSIIIL's I'tiei's I it l'orto Itie , , , There are emi time islnmmrl of l'orto Rico 17- 000 Spanish soldiers , incluiiimmg time regulars amid volunteers. They are mostly located about Saim Juan. Timere are enougim of themmi , however , to offer serious tiiscourngememmt to aim immvading anmimy of 15,000 milan. A more likely progrenm will be for time war ships to totally demnolish the fortifications of San Juan , timen the troops \vill land anti occupy the city , usimmg it as a remitIezvous for the American forces which it may be necessary to send to Cuba later for time investment of Havana. The climate of Porto Rico is far and away ahead of the yellow fever , malaria , plague spot of Saimtiago. Yesterday before the splemmdimi news of time surremider of General Torah , General Miles went down the line of the American troops through a pouring rain. I accomum- paaied hmimn on his journey. We saw amen bivouacked who uvero wet to the skin but ready to fight. We arrived at a point where Santiago was less than a amiic away. We could see the Spanish troops in time tremuchea surrounding time eastern anti southern ap. preaches to the town. They were bailing out water that ran knee deep. General Miles turned to toe nmmd saiti : "I am comm'inced 'n.e will have Santiago before many days. I hope we will get it without further sheddhmmg of blood. The loss of life already imas beemi great and disease ivlli increase it. " , , \'ili you remain here , general , after time capture of Santiago ? " "I do not think so , " was time reply. "I will stay , of course , mmntil the surrender or capture of the town , but I will then go on , " "Will yotm go back to Washington ? " "No , I hope not until the uvar is over. I ama hopeful we will get time army away from here In a ( lay or two. " lever on time lncrene , SAN JUAN HILL , OVERLOOKING SANTIAGO - TIAGO , Jtly 14.-Via ( Port Antonio , July 15.-Ncw ) ( York World Cablegrammm-Speeial Teiegmnmn.-Today ) General Miles assuimmed directioim of the troops , including the Cuban allies. General Shafter remaimma in corn- mantl of the F'ifthu nnmny corps , uvhmichi in- eludes mull time troops 1mm tIme field , General Miles' intentions nra to coimdimct time siege of Santiago porsommally , General Shatter co-operating , Gemmeral Miles , omm his arrival , learned the status of time miegotia- tloims of the Spatmiards , tbe existence of fever and time starving of the reconce'ntra- dos mind the refugees frommm Santiago uvhmo are now at El Cmtney. Geimenimi Miles cmi- tereti on time work of relief of time suffenimmg and of bringing to a close time siege of Semi. tiago with tile tmtmost seriousness. lie was greatly shocked to leartm that time fever immi broken out. lIe expressed a , ireni of it to the lresitiermt before ieavimmg Vmtsimington. It is reporteti that ho foimntl timirty cases at Siboney on his arrival there amid that. since then time number bmms quadrupled. The cases , however , are niainly confIned to Si- honey. General Miles at once notified Wash- ingtorm timat time situation demanded the best doctors anti experts in time treatment of time disease anti ndmhitiommai mnethical supplies , At El Caney we found indcscrilmubie male- cry anti much sickness , Time town mimidur ordinary circumstances is a smmhl village of less than 1,000 lnimabitnrmts , It has grown in jmopuiation since time women anti cimiidren and nomm-conmbntantm left Sammtiago to 18,000 souls. Timey are berthed in iO0 nmis- erablo Imuts anti tents , There are ratiomis for only 5,000 persomimi serveth. The food supplied consists of rice , beans amid bard bremtd. There are many cases of actual starvatloim , SYLVESTER SCOVEL. Sohtilera ( iit'r , * lum Genii Nt'mvs , AT TilE FRONT , July 1i-Noon ( , Via Port Antonio , Jamaica , July 15)-Nsw ( York World Caumlegrumn-.9peclnl Telegram. ) -Time news of the surrender of Sammtiago sproatl like lightning along time three miles down time road toward Sibommey. 'rho regi- imments cuimmped along this roati wore cheerIng - Ing for time surrender even before it was acconmpiished. Time Eiglmth Ohio gnthmcrctj cii masse mind mimade the hills ring. Time fever lmatieimts in the ambulances simouted time gooti news to one another. After time first jubilation mnmmny sorrowftml remarks wer heard. "Time Spaniards are getting out of it dead easy" seems to ho the burden - den of time Amaericmmim soldiers' remarks , Time fever is now omm time increase. Surgeon goon Jones reports two deaths on account of the men himms'ing been brought to time hospital from the front In a moribund con dition. SYhVESTIII ( SCO'EI4 , It'ue' C , . , , , liii itients tli' , ( J jut. , , , , WASHINGTON , July 15.-The State tie- partmncnt posts a bulletin stating that Atimirai Dewey pays mu high tribute to time Chinese on ijoard the Ammienican ships at the battle of Manila and suggests that they should revolve recognition by being mnado citizens of the United States , TEMPERATURE AT OMAHA ilur iie , ; . ilnmmr , Ilete. a , , im . . . . . . 119 1 p. iii . . . . . . " 12 G ma , iii . . . . . . ILtI IX p , iii . , . . . , M'.i I' it. mit . . . . . . 4Il 8 im , in . . . , . . Si S mm , mit . , . , , . 7l .5 p. tmm . . . . . . . ii ii , ii , , , . , , . l4 IS ii , iii . . . . . , 10 a. mm , . . . . . . 7'tj 4 ; 1' , iii ' . ' . . . " ' 41 ii H , lii , . . . . , 'M I' I" mmi . . . , . .SL : l : mit . . . . . . . . . MIt hI mm. mm , . , . . . . .41 t ) p. lii . , , , . . 71) 'FOI.tV .t'i' 'I'iiil llNl'tSITION , At t lie ( mouth , m iIiitnr lii , It ) ii. iii. , ti riimii Ilimi ry of ii , tnt Xe- 1rft'i'1lt 'iiiiimtt''i' 1mifnimtr. :1 : 1 a. iii , , l'ntriot Ic 1xert'ie , at tim , ' .tmii Itrjiin , 8 ii. iii , , i'lt I itiii. ' , t liii mmii , tioverm uim'iil 111111(1 lug , ti I , . ill. , l'umsviue , ' t'lt ) linmiml , Gruummil ( . . , , m , r t. 7 ' . Ill. , l'lu immmue' , , liii miii , Grimumil l'lapit. MANY STARVING TO DEATH Priglut tiui ( ' , , , , it imm , it time li'fuge , ( ' , , 'lu .trt I tmmild led 't'tig ( 'timer iii Citutt' ' . ( Copyriglmt , 1ms , by Press l'tmlmlimthimmg Co. ) EL CANEJtily I i.-'Vimt ( i'ort Antonio , Janmmmica , Jtmiy 15.-Now ) ( York World Ca- ilegralmm-Speeinl 'Felegratmmm.-i ) wltmmesseti time ( histnibtitinmi ot rations last ' niglmt. I saw Immcmm amiti wommien figlmtimig for food , ehiltiremt dyimig iii timely mothers' anus while time let. tom imicatied for food mmnti mmuetlicimmes. Omme wonmnn , time mother of four cimiidremm , clasp- immg omie tim her arias , timrt'uv herself at mmmy fcet wimilo I was taikimig with Captaimi hirico , iii clitirge of time commmmmuissmmry at El Cmummey , imimd hushed mumost particularly for food , Time clmihil was dying auth. timotigim medicine 'u'ns given it. it. died later , Mmmmm ) ' white women or reflnomnemmt , Frencim , ( lermmman mmti English , nrc nmmiong time sufferimmg , thought timey bear up bravely. Time personal misery is mnost patimotic. Emmghislm , Germiman anti Frenclm coimsuls living - ing in tents mmmc' simnning their iiimmited stores with time Culmamma amid Sruumiislm aimmi time cliii- tiren whmo swatmu time public utqtmares anti clammier for fond. No slmops are opemm. Miutmy who have unlImited supplies of nmoney calm iitmy muotiming. A Fr'nch gentlenmamm's uvife , mmim lmmvalid , offered ten gold Imieces for a can of coiitiemmeti milk , More titan 200 are sick frommi tyluiioitl , nmcasies mumti literal star- vatiomm. Omie ten-room house La crouctieti with 2.0 jersomms of all cinases , includimmg many wimite and pretty 'omimen , Timere are temm cases of sickness , Time touu'mm is pohicetl b ) Oime troop of the Secommit cavalry. There are oimiy four doctors mummd eleven lmriests. Clara Barton says she visited El Caney ammti was ebocked mit. the condition of time 'omnemm and cimiltiremm , wimci clung to hier skirts for food. She said 1,400 tomis of stores mtro omm trammsportmt clustered timick in time imarbor at Slboney , but there are ito mmmeans of getting - ting thienm ashore imm sufilciemit quantities. The neglect of the govermimmm&'nt to provide lighters anti transports over roads deep in nun ! is outrtmgcous , Unhes relief comes there will lie immammy , ieatiis. Good medicines to save ammml lurolomig life are twelve miles away aimmi thio people are stnrs'immg to deatlm. English Consul Itarnaden asked mae to describe - scribe the iftifumi commdition of the people that his government aught learn of the phiglmt of 160 of its own subjects. SAN JUAN ' HILL , July 14.-Now ( York World dablegrmmni-Simnciah Telegrminm-Thme ) Poiutmlation of Sammtiago Is Imumlmiled at Cane ) ' in huts. Time cotmntry is destitute and starv. ing , the 1)001)10 livIng in filth nmmtl eorrup- ( ion. Time worst feature of this crime of the century is the total imintietjummcy of time tJmmiteti States to cope with the mtituatiomm , Only 5,000 rations arc issued daily to feed 18,000. Their presence threatens time Imealtim of both armies by corrupting time drinicimmg vater. The spread of disease in time tirniy is alarrmmimug. If the ratio of increase coti- tinues it is only a quostitmn of a few weeks before the t'mmtire arnmy Is sick. GEORGE IIRONSON I1EA. IlL CANEY , July 14-Via ( Port Ammtommio , July 15.-New ) ( York World Cablegrmmni- Special Telegrarn.-Footi ) riots occur tiuily at Cammey. Eighteen timousant.i Santiagoites are there. Major Alien , Second cavalry , is Coiimnmandammt of 'the Red Cross directors. lie is cximmmtmmitcti btmt dolmig Bplemmdil work , Seventeen are ( lead , mostly of mstarvatioim , Nearly all chmiitlren are starviag pitiably. Satum'day morning timousantis fulletl time atmt'et adjohiming time church. Scores crushmeti time soldiers , kmmtmcketi tiown Inca who kimockt'il dowmm cimildren to steal food , There is hmardly a siimgho ration at Cane ) ' . Saturtiay afternoon - noon 1,000 cianmored vmminly In black tie. spa ii' . Lieumtemmmmnt Miles brought time news of time Spaniards' surremuder. Aim intvrlmret'r an- aoummceti tlmat our people would be in mmmm- tinge lii forty-ehgbmt hours , Time people mobbed thu ollicers for joy , I menrti simotit like a roaring sea a mile away. A hhmotoi- replier ttnd myself were cmmmmght by lmyeer- lcah lmuntlrcds anti cmtrriemi to town , , Vomi't'ii emmibraced amid kissed lmanis. Ioafemmimmg clmeers of "VIva Ia Amrmericannmi , " "Viva Cuba Libre , " fihleti time air. Girls cimammtth Cuban songs , boys parademl imimfi starvimtimmit wait forgottemm in pimroxysmns of joy , Caney diti not 61001) . The morning after the clamor for rood by sehfishi men begami. Alleim ordereti mmii immlmmi from tovn and tlmreatenod shooting 'ilium oil return. Timere was awful suiferimig romim Monday's storm. Death , starvation and mhi. ease are on an alarming increase , A wealtimy vlammter imahmi $30 tom' six biscuits. Time roaml'1 are fearful. There was no foomi Thitmrmmtlmty nmormmlzmg mmimti some are eating grass. GET A SCARE AT P01110 RICO I''oi , I t' Fl Itt tl.tiii terlr , Fi'i ri uig liii tltU'k frouui tim , ' itiimer- I'iit , I'rt's , ST. ThOMAS , fl W. I , , July l5.-Athvlcs received hero from San Juan do l'orto lilco simon' time hmmimahitants of that imiaco are greatly alnnned. 'I'hey expect the port will be attacked by time Amnericummis today. 'I'ime terrified immhmabitmmnts are Ilecing Immto the in- tenor miami l ( is said 'today ' the city amid stmbtmrbs are practIcally deserted , 'l'utktCliii rgm , tif Ym'iluuv Fever , CAML' ALGII ( , Va , , July 15.-Muter Timnimiami Somers ahd twenty-five inca of time First 'l'ennesseo have loft Camimp Aliic'r en route to Cuba to take charge of time hoe- pital for yellow fever patients at Santiago. Major Soimmors is aim expert him time mnatLer of yellow and mmmlurial fevers. lie treated anti saved 1,500 pattents durIng time t'lmi- demic of 3878-70. The twenty-five inca whmo go with htimi are yellow fever imunmunes multi will ho trummsterreml to time regular army lmospitai service. Iii , rei'iiuSuu Ft'i , rs It iliiiImiariIuieiu , I. LONDON. July 15.-It is announced lii a special Cronm Barcelona this atemnoomm that time inhabitants of that city are panic stricken. They believe time Americans will celect tiefeneciesa Barcelona we the first point to ii mmibard. The local banks are removing - moving their specie to the country , each the merchants are scmmciimmg goods to places of safety. Tim governor of Barcelona hoe Infomnmod 'time people that they caonot cx- poet help from the government. - - iqxIM ; ui DETAILS Shatter's Oommsioncr Busy Agreeing on Santiago's Capitulation. TAKES TIME TO COMPLETE ARRANGEMENTS Surrender of' the City as Absolute anti Complete as Poasiblo , T\VENTY-FIVE \ ThOUSAND TROOPS GIVE UP Of that Number About IIaf Arc In the City Ithoif. OTHERS ARE IN TIlE SURROUNDING DISTRICT % 'Ieter Fumuu luu , ' is I uuu uuu lmmemm ( iii Snmit i- utiuo , as & 4IiiifIi'r itt'Ilurt N t hut . lIe liii , tim , ' Sumjuuiy , i . - ' Cut OtT , WAShiNGTON , July 13.-Time following bulletin Ices imcemt iiosteti at thio'mtr ilepam'L- icmvcit frommm Ueimermmi Simatter : 11 lA1)QU4 it'i'i1 , SANT1AO'tut ; i'Imtyn , Jtmly 15.-Adjutammt Gemmercil'utsimiimg - ttmmm : Semit ) 'Oti sovurmtl telegraummit ) 'emtter. tla' , as tlfti Gemmermti Miies , iii regarti to tim surremmtler. ( h'imiurnl Tomat agreeti ) ' & 'stei'- dn' lmositiveiy to surremitiom' mmli time forces immitier imis commmnuammtt itt eastcrmm Cuba tlpmmu a 'litttitmct tmmmtlerstmmmmtiimig timctt timey 'cm.e tti 1)0 ) semmt , to Slnmimi imy the Ummited States ; timut his stmrremmtier % mmm atmtimoriz'tl ( my ( lecierat hihimmico nmmti ( hint it mitmbnmissiomm ttmmmmorrow wmtm , mimereiy formmmmmi , Time commmmmmhssiommem's to arrange details uvero aumpoimmteii-Wimeeler , Lauu'tomm anti lilI , ) eu time Part of I lie United State , Poimmts were immmtmmemhimutely raisetl by Spimnisim conummilasiommers. rime titsctmssiomm lmmctteti mmmmtil 10 o'iock inst. imight. My coma- immissionors thmimmk time mmiatter will be itettleti todmt ) ' antI mnot at P :30 : o'clock ( hits nuornimug. There are about 12.000 troops itt time city mmmiii mibotmt mis immtmmmy mmiom'e imm time immrrotmmitling district ; 25Ot)0 ) iii all vill ho tratisimorteti. ( iemmerai Miles was lmresecmt amid said time stir- remmdt'r wait as absolute mitmil commiplete am , jmosnible. It canmmot be PosSlicie ( limit thieve vi I I be fail tire iii i'nimiimlt' t lim g arritmlgemiments \\'mtt em ftmmmii ime i ii city I imm imm imiemm t . I I mtve sup- mly cult ; ( lila 'as told Licmmti'imammt Mile ) ' by Emmglishu comnmmmlssimmmmer.VIll virc fre- qtmemmtly , whmen , negotiations are progressimig , SI1AFTIIIt , Major General Comimmmiamitiimmg. IIsmuntelm fioumu Mltps , W'ASiiINGTON , July L-Ahl inforimmatioc , obtaimmmtiihe from time seat of wutr is commiposeti iii time following cablegram : 1IIAQUIIi , Jmmiy 15. - Secretary War , 'mtshmington : Comnuission omm behalf of Ummitoti States was mtlmpolimtctl , cotmslst tug of Geimenimis W'imeeler mtmutl Lnwtomi amid Lieu- tcmmammt Milcy , with Spammisim coimimmmissiomi , to arrange time details for carryimig immto effect thin capitulatiomis. I uvili rencim Silmoney to- immorrow. M I LES , The itecomid thispmutcim is signed Jones , a signal omcor in chmargo of tIme terminus of time military ilium at Playa , munti is as follows ; 1'LAYA , July 15.-Time comnmimlesioners up- pointed to mirrmmnge the tletaiis of time cur- render held a immeetimig yestertlay lastimig ummmtil a hate hour. Time ) ' mmmeet agmmin this mmmoi'imiimg at 9:3 : ( o'clock , aumti it. is liulipuseti the terms will be settleti today The following atmitemmment has been issued by Secretary Alger from time tiispcmtciies lie has receivemi froumi time officers at Santiago : The comnmimislommors on time part of time United States named by General Shatter were Generals \'heeit'r nail Lawton ammit Lieumtenammt Mile ) ' . 'rlmoir discimesiomm lasteit until late last mmigimt aim'l was taken aim imy themmm at P o'ciock this momniimg. Timis stir- render covers a great area of the eastern part of Cuba. or course the details many take sonic little timne , but they arc iein imuslmei foris'urd as rapidly an posslimle. Iliugi iutlt Cuusii 'l'iui.s l'nrt. flEFORE SANTIAGO ( Via l'laya Del Este ) , July 14-Saimtiago imait smmrrendered. A comniissiotm of two Spaniards , one hog- lisimman and three Ammiericamma is now ar- raimgimmg terms. Our army will renmain outside ( ho city , imut our sick will be takeim in anti a generaL hospital hemudqumurtore will be iimmmediateiy estaimlishmed. The truce which was to enii at mmoon to. tiny was imrolongeti by a flag sent out from time Spanish lines at. I:3C : } tills amorning. General Tnrnl acteul omm Captmmium General Iimmrmcn's ! immstrtictinmms to comntntmnlcmtte by cable with Madrid , time cumremmtier of Santiago - tiago being too lniportammt a tem to be taken witimout royal autimonity. Menutinme General lhlminco offered to mmppoimit. a general commit. tee to arrmumge terms. General Shatter anti Geimeral Miles accepted a request for a per- sommal lmmterview , imis mmmessage being aiim- imigtmoumt. They rode out betwocim time hues aimtl imiOt. General Tormml , wimo ttaitl lie hmad rt'celvetl a few unlnimt'mi , before authority from Gemmeral ilianco to capitulate mind to ummako time work of time coumurnhmtsionors limiiml , The gommeral named Robert Mason , Ihritisim consul , ( leimeral Talon miumtl Imle own ( Torcfl's ) chief of staff. ( len. oral Shatter amid General Miles imcmmeci Gemi. oral Whmecler , General Lawtomm mmml Lieuten- ant. Miuey of General Shatter's staff. Time conmmission iii imow working on time tenant of time surrender. Time imewut i'tms received witim enthusiasm in time American lines. The Anmericnn war tiimiims are OXimected to pass unmier tue guns or iui : Memo this evening anti will coin. cimand time town froun tue upper hay. it in imroimabie that btut tow will remain here , orders hmeiuig recoivemi for nh time heavy yes- eels to join Corninomiore W'atsoum'm squadron for time Spaimisim coast. , , , ' , ' , g , , ( iIt' iju , ( C'ojmyright , lSJS , tty A'u'ititeti l'reiis , ) liEl"OitE SANTIAGO hE CUBA , July H- ( Vhmm Kingiitoum , Jlmncmmilca , July 15.Thmn ) rim- verse to the SPulilishi ttl'zmiii in eastern Cumlia is camnpltite. Smmntiugo hmamt fallen , iumtl witim 11. all time emstm.'ro , cliii of tue island , ( hen- oral Tonal , time Spanish commimantler , agreeti to time general terms of time stmfrenticr at a nersoimul iumterview with General Stimiftor this iiftormmoomm , at which General Miii's was preseimt. 'rime 'ictoriecms Anmericaim arnmy imait had ft caunpaigim of three weekH of almost Un- hmrecetienteti lmardslmtpum ( or imotim oflicers mmnt mmieni and accept ( lie ittcst'it with heartfelt relief. TIme victory is greater titan appeared at first. MI the Sl'nnislm troops in ( ho Fourth corps , the military thivislorm of Uumuu- tiago province , frommm a line thrawa imorth fromn Asemrcmderos , eighteen miles west of Santiago , through Los i'alinns , l'ainmns Sorimuim , Aicantuza , to Sague tie Tension , on tim north coast , amid eastwarti tim Cape Maysl , are , mtmrremmdc'reml anti time territory is aban- tinned. Between 18,00C anti 20,000 Snaumisim imrisoners tire taken , about 10,000 of whouim arc in Smmmmtlugu. Many of time remainder are at Guantanumamo anti otimormi are gnrrisoimvi , iii time towns ( if eastern Cubit , All these troops are to embark end be sent buck to Sham under jinrole. Oiui' l'rulsr for hue k'im , General Shatter bears Imiut honors mccl- estly. To a orrcspontienm ( . of tiuci Assoriateti l'rcss he said : "Time enemy has stmrrccmflereti all time ten. nitory antI troops cast of Santimmgo. Time tennis were dictated : rom \Vasbintoa , It