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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1898)
- - - - - - - - , - . - - - - - - - . - - - -----u----- . _ 7 - - - - _ _ DE1THE ! OMAHA SU N P Y B E1 ; i , . , , , . . r JUNIVi9 1871. OTIA SUNDAY MOmG JULY 1895. StNGr.ii FE c \YONIERFUL \ ) CiTY OF IA PAZ Qaccr reatu of Lifoand Business In the Hears of Bolivia , ' FI.AUKED BY WAILS 1,000 FEET hIGH 'i . % Vlserc Mttlci nud 1)ntt1icU Act flN IItr % 'ngflhl s , Hrent Ciir' tint ! ' JIeirue-Odd CONItII4.N tutu toIii-.Prfl,1UCtJI of tiLt ! InrtIi. t CoyrIght 18 , by frank U. Carpenter. ) LA PAZ , Bolivia , May 30.-I3peCiaI ( Cor. : rpO11eflCe Of The Bec.-Tliere Is no city tn the WOtIt like La Paz. Away lnck from time ! 'swlflc ocean , across the highest range ot motmntalnB on our ImernIRplIere , In the 1ent.knov'n country of South America , It 1k In it little basin on one of the highest plntcatlff of the earth. I have seen the witlis of I'cldii , of 3erusnetn and of Sfoul , the capital of Corca. None of them Is over , fifty feet. high. La 1'a has walls a thousnntt feet imigim , and upon one attic of It towers . the tnme(1 snow.cappel peak of Iflirnani , ( I of time three highest of time Andes , which d3ses the nwrnimig ztmmd evening suns at an nitituJo of more than four miles above the ECX' . Man maik the walls of other cIties. GflI ( matte the walls of La Paz , The great . Itoilvian i1atcmmu , which stretches away to time north and south almost as level as the 'watcrm of Lake Titicaca , abruptly drops at La i'nz so as to form hero a. basin which by actual , meaaurernenta Is obout 1.000 feet deep. In timis haBin time cIty Is built and , thu green PreciPitous HlOlCS ) ronn ItS walls except on one side , where the Ammilea , ragged I anti torn , misc in ragged grandeur lit all the colors of the Colorado canyon. Conming to La Paz on time atage fromn Lake Titi- J caca you ride for forty-five miles across ' ft plmtin , by villages of mud Imuts , through . little farums of barley , qulnoa and potatoes. 0mm one sIde of you Is thu mountain wallet j ot tli great Sorati range , time highest of the Antics , aimd you gallop on amid on over a ncmrnlngly endless plain. Time team Is I one of eight mimics , clmarmged every tlmreo hotmrs. If you sIt with the driver , as I I dId , you grow tIred at Inst and look In vain I thmougli the clear air for the cIty. It Is xmowhero in sight. At last on the brink of I , Precipice the mules are Pulled back on r tlmelr haunches , time stage stops and there , ) I below you lies La Paz. it Is so far ( lowim timat you can mnako out only time outlInes. You see a idaln covered with terra cotta- ! nofcml imotmses , jummmbled together aioimg muir- , row streets. here and there Is a church , at one eimml Is time big svimlto building wimlelm forms time iinimltemitiary , nail just under you the vallctl inclosurc muade of wimito iigon . ; Imnies in ihilcIi the dead La. PazItes are _ _ ittowed away at so much rent per year f - untIl theIr descendants forget to pay anmi time imoicH are wanted for time generations to come. The tago winds about over a ronU : , tlmat curves in and out in looims and figure - S's In getting dowmm to time city. You see parallel roads far below you , anti at last , ; havIng left the imoights , gallop over the cob- blo.stone pavements of La Paz. The town you tmOw find to be omme of lulls and valleys. Ha streets go up and down and time aItI- tudo is such that you can walk but a very iev steps wItimout stoppIng to breatime. A 1'erienaI lmmLstIiIerImmI- . Thto sigimts of La Paz form a perPetual masquerade of brIght colors and curIous scenes. The very houses look as though timey were intended for the stage rather timaa real life. The roofs of terra cotta ' tiles look so clean In time clear air that you can count every piece of wimich they are made. The walls of the houses are Painted In tile macst delicate tints of pink , sky blue , lavender , yellow , creams and green. They are of one and two stories , so open to time street that you can see much that goes on witimln. Thu colors on the strcts are eveim brighter theim those of the houses. There are 1mm the city at least five Indians ( to every white , ammd those dress In the brlgimtest reds , yellows , blue and greemma that ammihlrmo dyes combined wIth time Indian taste for the gaudy can make. Th. espe- daily brigimt garmaemmt is time pommeimo or blanket , with a hole In time center for thmo neck , which every Indian man and boy wears. These are usually colored in stripes ammii are worn ahimmost cnstantiy day and nlgimt. Every IrmdIap has also a bright- colored knIt COl ) with knit ear flaps hanging ilown omm each side of hIs face , and ime sonic- ; iimmcs has in addition a black felt hat. lie wcara Imautaloons wlmlch malta one think of the days when our gins padded their lmlps and panulers were iii vogue. Ills panta- 100mm are cut full at the hips and time tops of the iocketmm stick wIde out at each side , Thmo lefls of time trousers arc full and from the knee down at the back they are slit 'wide apart , showing what at first seem to ho wide drawers , which flop about time ankles. Investigate timeimi , lmoweyer. and you find they are drawers made on time ( liCkey simirt order , or macrely a half leg of white cotton sewed fast to time inside of the legs of tue troimsera , in order timat lie may the easier roll tip the latter when In the wet grass or crosslmmg a stream. The Indiamm vonmcn wear hats amid theIr dresse3 are as gaudy as thu blankets of the men , anti everywhere - where titers are other queer costimrmmemm , as we simail see In tue markets ftI timr on. . Vimere tiit Csil.iuiittm Iues Nut little , La Plaz has about t0,000 people. It Is the chief comnmerclul cIty of Ilolivin , but , U has not a street car , a cab nor a dray. I doubt If It immis a dozen vrlvnte carriages , : ' and cmi ror one and two-liorite wagons these t are tll town , In going about towmm every- L on WI 4kit , cmiii all of the heavy traffic Is 1 carried on by mnules , donkeys , hitmimmas or Indians , My trunks are carried front cue t place to anotimer on the backs of Indians : ; and I pay each man about 8 cents a trunk. Time brt'nti carrier of La Paz is a donkey h with skin boxes , In whicim time bread is kept , tiwuimg across itIs back. The beer wagon Is it nmtmle who Imas a large case of bottles upon each of its sides , and time furniture mmrnvers , wimctimer the timing muoved be a table or a piano , are Iimtlinmms , mime carry the articles upon their backs , Imeatis or shoulders , ( rota omit. ) house to the other. Freight is brougimt . tmo the city ott mules , ilanmas , donkeys ammd mmdIatms. Time fuel of the city is , as I have said , Ilamna manure. This all coimmes in on time backs of llamas 1mm bags. Coco is brought chiefly ott tionkeytm auti l'eruvlan bark and k rubber from time imotter latmils lower dowim comae time same way , I saw an odd load on mm. mnuio yesterlay. It was a lilmil ) bummtiio about five and a half feet lotig and ver- baps eighteen incites In tilanmeter tlmrown over the mmdc , so that time ends hung down at time saute distance froni time ground on each sIde. , ileside it on another mule redo a imolicetnan anti a crowd of Indian wommmcn . cutno walilmmg belminti , It was time dead body of a woman rolleti up In a blanket. Sims I - luitl been mmmurtlered a few days before ( or about 5O which sue was kmmown to have saved , ammd time loiiccuumm , was bringlmmg the , ' corpse ammd the criminals to 14i Paz , ? The stores of La Paz are immany and some , carry large stocks of goods , These are , , however , chiefly In tint hands of the Oez- nmans , who , hero as elsewhere , scent to have Tmlotmopolizetl the trade In all foreign good , . ' .l'he most of time smaller stores are Ia the . . bands of the Ciioioa , or hs.1t breed. , the off. -u springs of time indians and the whites. These cople tie the real business of the city , Most of their establishments are little more titan boxes or imoles in the walls. In a space from six to ten feet square a tailoring , a dusstmmaking or a satidiery business will be carrlcl 00 , There are no windows to these stores. Time light comes in through the door and you can look in and see the employer anti his hands at their work. Nearly every merchant is a manufacturer as well. Many of time establishments are manage4 by women , All of the fruit of the city is oiti by them and I doubt if timero it a vimlcima beer saloon in La l'az which has not Its Cholo woman as proprietor. Chicima Is , you know , the beer of the flollvlarms , iii lime Mnrkelt of Lit i'ng. A vast deal of the bmmsiness of La Paz Is done in the markets. There is one square in the center of the city whIch is filled wIth stalls anti in whlcim all week long the buy- lag anti selling goes on , On Sundays the rents outside of this for many blocks are taken tip with market women and ever- thing under the hiohIvian sun Is bought and sold , It Is Sunday tbnt Is the chief market day of La Paz. Upon that day time Indians comae from mIles around. They buy little outside of that wimich lucy In the markets , and iiero we hali sea all time cimar- actors of La Paz , anti Its life , better tlman anywhere else , We leave our imotei on the Plaza In time center of time city anti walk past time police station , down the hill to the point where Market street crosses our way at rigimt angles. Time streets are filled wIth buyers anti sellers anti we pick oimr way In anti out of three blocks of l3oiiviamm humanity before We take our slanti in time center of a livimig cross of nil time hues of the rainbow made imy time market people and theIr emma- tommiers. In frommt arid beimimiti mis , on our right ammtl on our tort , time streets are filled wIth timeso curious rtcoluie movlmmg to anti fro in vaving lines of kaleidoscopic colors such as you will see nowhere ele in time world , We talk of time oriental hues of Cairo anti Calcutta - cutta , La Paz has a dozen different colors to Cairo's omme and the costumes of Calcutta would seem tame It nmiued wIth these about us. Iteds , yellows , blues and greoums are ever immixiimg one with time other , making imow conublnatlons everysccommml , The moat delicate tints of the Antican summsots seem to have bcemm robbed to ftmrmmlsim time dresses for time Cimolito girls , Timere arc bummilrcde of thorn clad In shawls of rose red and skirts of sky blue. There are hundreds who wear skIrts of sea 'l'lIt ! itOhiSlImIt lltil , . \\'imat a lot of babies there are all about us , We lmave to Pick our way about carefully - fully to keep from treadIng upon thmemum. Sumac lie aim the colt ! streets anti paiv at time cobbles or lday witim time mmmercimammdiso their imiothers are selling. Sonic are too youmig to crawl and they muro lIeu up in shawls out the backs of theIr mothers. who go omm wIth their business with apparclmt disre- garti of time irecloums fri'lglmt on their backs. Timere Is one mmow peepimig out of that ret ! simaui below us. Its face is tmrowmm as a berry anti its little black eyes blink at us fromn ummder its yellow knit cap , time ear- laps of which statmti omit hike lmormms out each sub of its face. There is another baby a few nmommtims older being tiamidicti on time streets by Its Immtiian father , mind on the dtlmer side of time street we see two little tots who arc taking their meals at theIr immotimerim' ' bare breasts. Most of tIme babies we See are laughimmg , one or two are cry- jug. Sonic are quIto pretty , tommie are Imonmeiy , amid nearly all arc dirty nut ! Lausy. There is one whose head is mmow undergoing - going a search at the hands of its mother , wimo first cracks anti then eats the product of imer chase as she catches themn. This business is not , however , eoimfinetl to time heads of babies , It is common to both time Indians and the lower class Cimolos , and men , 'ivomemi and cimlidremi unite in the hunt , and time feast , time rule beIng that the hunter Is entItled to nil time game that lie catches , no matter umpon whose hairy gaimme iircserves he Is pursumlng the cimaso. In this connection I might relate my ati- ventures as I carried my poor Spanish wIth mmmc fromn store to store In La Paz in searcim of a flume comb , but the subject Is too rccemit and painful , and I desist. ( Lteer 'l'ii I mm M SOt ii I a time aimi rIces. Let us stop for a moment anti make notes upon sonic of the queer things solti all about us. The goods are sprcnd upon blankets or timey lie flat on the cobble stone street , Time vegetables and grains are tli- vitied up into idles. There are neither weights nor measures , and almost all timings are soiti by time eye. You pay so much for such a number of things or so mtmch a pile. Time plies are exceedingiy smnail , anti timings mure bought in small quan- titles , MarketIng is done hero ( romn day to day. I iiotibt If there is a cellar in La l'az , anmi time average cooking stove would hardly be big emuoumgh for a doll's lulay house in America. Thimik of carryiumg home a unit tiozen potatoes from immarkot. Timla is time size of many of the potato viies offered for sale hero. And such potatoes ! Ilere is a brown-facet ! limmilnu gin who is sellimmg some mit our feet. I venture you never saw such lIttle potatoes before. They are not bigger timan nmarbieum , and she offers us eight for 1 cents , What queer potatoes they are ! S.mne are of a bright violet color , some are as idnk as the toes of that baby who is playing amnommg them , and some are as black g the feet of the Intiimmn cirl who has timem for sale. I'otntoes do umot grow large at time altItude of La Paz , and , though timere are also large ones 1mm time markets , these conic from time warnmcr lands hewer down. grceii and imot. a few wIth skirts as red as the emma at Its settIng , Thler skirts are proppeti out with hoops anI they reaclm only to the full curve of the calf. Seine of time Cholitomm wear shoes of bright yellow kid with Parisian imecis mmnder time insteps anti with hugh tops whmichm eimtl , In some cases , in rose-coloreti stockings , but more often the bare skin of a rose.colored leg. There are scores of Intilan women imi still brighter tiressea carrying buntiles on thoii backs iii striped blankets of red , hmlue , yellow and green , anti there are Iumtiian lumen and boys wcarimmg poimeimos of time seine gorgeous Imues , There arc ivolmion in black with black crepe shawls wouuid tightly about their olive- skiuiied , faces witit fur prayer mats amiti prayer books in their imammtis. They have stopped at time nmnrkets on theIr way homo frolmi church ama ! sonic are accompanietl by time mcmi of their families dressed in imigh black imats , black ciothea anti black gloves. 110w ( iuilet It isi There Is time lmumn of conversation , time chatter of gossip anti now and then the jangle of bargaining ; but time crowd moves in ammd out without frIction , and timnmmgh there are tlmotmsaads about you hear searcly a footfall. 'Fake a look tiowmmward , Most of the feet about you are bare , anti a iargo number of the Immdians wear leatimer sandals , wimleim immake hardly a sound as their owners pass over the streets , nut time nmmost curious of all time potatoes sold Itt l.a I'az are those known as cimummo ( chmoon.yo ) . These are olti in largo qualm- tlties ammd you immay see plies of thiemn at every step as you go through the market , There Is it woman wimo has a large stock spread out upon a blanket before imer. The potatoes - toes are as white as bieachctl bones. They are almost as hard , imnd when you break thorn apart you timid them almoat as tougm , They are ordInary Imotatoes froza anti dried , aXtr whIch process It is sail that they can be lept for a year wIthout spoiling. Time metimoti of preparatIon is to soak them in water anti allow them to freeze night after night until they become soft. Then time iskins are rubbeti off by treading upon them vitii time bare feet , anti the potatoes are thoroughly dried in the open air. After drying - ing they are as white as snow and a hard as stones. Such liotntaes fornm one of the cimief foods of the l3olivians. They are a staple article among time Indiana of the An- ( lean highiantis. They have to be soaked for three or four days before timey can be eaten anti are often served .mm the 'orm of a stew , I hays tasted them several timmies. All time life of the potato seems to rme to have been taken ommt of them and I tint ! them 1mm- sipld and by no means appetizing. Perhaps I might be able to cat them If I dId not sb frequently see the thirty bare te t o time hum- diamms with which they are sauced , In amitil- tion to the above potatoes lioilm'in has a number of varieties which we tl not hmruVe. It has bitter potatoes of a tlirty yiio. color , wlmicb will grow on time highest plateau , It has timbers which look like potmioel , but which have an nciti taste and must be cx- poseti to the sun before cooummg , nut ! others which hook like dahiia.roots ann whicim taste BOlflCVhmTht like turnips. Immd limit Cortu of lie ! Isiti. I nun much interesteti also in the Indian corn wimicim I find here. There are innmiy species of maize imere which we never see in North Ammmericn , Iloilvia has varieties of corn thmo grains of which are twIce as large as those of the largest species of corn grown by our farnmers. Some klmmuis arc of ft bright yellow color , every grain being as big as my thumb nail. This corn , whemi I bIt into it , crumnbicui up alnmost like flour , alit ! I eami see that it can wltim a slight bruisitig lie turneti Into mmmcmii , Another va- ricty is wlmito , anml a third is of a mumiberry color , bcimmg called "maize imioratlo. " It also has a very iloury kernel mmd I nmn told that it Is useti In mmialciumg anti coloring liquors. Time ummost of timese varieties of corn are grown in the Tumngas coummtry , to the east anti far iowem' dowmm timan La Paz. Time corn there grows ( mum ten to twelve feet in height. It seemims to ale the varieties migimt grow \meli lii the Umilteti States , and I have forwarded sanmplcs to oimr secretary of agrIculture with a view of testing time mattel' . Another plant , of which I have already spokemi as growing lmtitc , Is time qtmintma or quminea ( pronounced keen.wah ) . It mIght be gromri at Leativille or on sommme of time imlglmest Imarts of time Rocky imioumi- tam piatenim. Yotm see it almost everywimero Oll tliesmt Andean lmiglmiands. It is carefully ctmitlvatetl ammtl its grmuimis wimuum timraslmeti oumt are of time size of lmitmstartl sceds. Timey arc sweet to time taste and mmmake amm exceliemmt ltmtmsht wimeim cooketi , 't'Iie l"rimlu , of tIti' % imsles. It sceimma ctmrloums to lint ! all sorts of flume fruits away ill ) imero on time roof of time m rid , Timere are fruIt metitilers on mmcarlv every sqtmare of La Paz , and time umarket is fillet ! \vltim flue vnmietii's of quinces , pears , oranges nmmti Iiimmealples. Timerti are sweet aummi sour lemoms and timero are whmito grapes emeim berry of svhiclm is time sIze of a tiamumsomi plimmn. Timero are ciiimgstomme peaches as big as time wimito heath , anti timere are figs. nut ! otlmer fruits wimicim we do mint have. One pcctmiiar article Iook like a immanimmuotim green imcan p0th. It Is known as time "i'icae. " \\'Iiemi opemmeti it shows big black beans incased - cased In a pulp whIch looks like tile fimiest of whIte spun silk , You eat timis puip , numul when coiti it tnstes to you mmmcii like a flmmeiy Ilavored ice ereani. Timese fruits conic from forty to sixty unties away froumi time eastern sioIes of the AntIcs , perimaps a mile lower down timnum La PIai. tVithiuu train fifty tea a huntireti mallet from here you cami get iimto tropical BolIvia , amid by golmig timat distance can imavc all of time ciimnates tromii tropical imeat to ( rigid cold. Time smmow never melts on Illimammi. The ciimmmato hero is about tlmat of Paris anti in the Yungas anti the IlenI regions not far away time pineapples and the Palm trees grow. There are wilt ! oranges and wIld cotton trees. There are coffee , Plantattomma anti in tile forests the Intiians are gathering rubber to be shipped down time Anmazon to Pam , whence iome of It perhaps will go to time United States to be used in your bicycle tires. FRANK C ] . CARI'INTEit. - l'ECULLtIt i'l'i liS ( ) i' i'lIOl'LK. John hoyt ! Thacher of Albany , weii known as a collector of American historical matters - ters , has sonmeiiow acquiremi four wampummi belts of the Onontlagas , Senecas and other York state Intilans , atmd refuses to give them up , though It would seem lie got themmi without - out the knowietlge of the chiefs. One of the belts is of time time of hiawatha , tile lamnous Imoqtmois cimief. The famous Shelley guitar imas at last ieen preseumtemi to the iiotiieiaim library at Oxford by E. W. Shisbee of Ihostoum. Much ilIUm been written of this interesting instru- meumt and Mr. Siisbee' purchase oft cx. prcssly for the library. It was originally gven by time poet to Mrs. Williams , wife of Lieutenant Williams , who was drowned with imim off Viameggio , in time Mediterra- rican , cmi July 8 , 1822. Time guitar partly inspired the beautiful poem , "To a Lady vith a Guitar. " The meanest man turns tip in our highest latitude , which hums has lately vacated. lie was a miner anti caine out of the ICiommilike with postage money to mall about. 2,000 letters given him by men there or on time trail otmt. lie kept time postage mmm000y and went , leaving all time letters at Dyca , where they have just been founti. It is true benevolence as well mis enterprIse whIch prompted a San FrancIsco newspaper to ctmd for all tbose letters anmi mall timem to ieopie all over the world who have beemi waIting for themn. What police magistrates in Now York do not know , or pass upon witit the air of knowing , wimilo on time benciu , is very lIttle , but recently in a suit betwson a dressmaker anti a customer , in which tim uasatisfactory dmess was protitmeed In commrt basted , tiagistrato Kudiicim was forced to atlmnit timat lie was a inero man and ignorant. Time seanma were ctooketl , the cmmstomner said , anti In despair of unulerstammtling the umigistrate called up three women who were spectators anti asked their olmimmiomma , Those were so unaumlmously against time dressmaker - maker , as far as he could interpret timem , that ime suspected time womenm of being friends of time customumer , anti , pronouncing the whole question as too deep for him , lie put time clse off in a imope that time parties to the suit would comno to a scttlcnmeut. . Time Philadelphia Record tells of a rich man of that city wimo has a queer fad , lie neiiher gives nor accepts any money that has ever mreviousiy been used as legal tender , Wimether Ime fears contamination in the excharmgo or only likes to bandlo the bright new coin3 amid bills fqr the pleasure of it is not dlvuigetl , hut , whatever the reason , the rule is absolute. lie carries with imimmi a stock of undimmed coimms of every denomination imp to imaif-doliars ; beyond timat crisp bills to the amount ho coimsiulers neces. sary. That which imo buys he pays for with tbo exact chammge , and , should he by elmanco ho caught without nmeans of such precision , time seller Is entitled to time full amount given hIm In excess of his bill , It is a sanitive measure , no doubt , and very interesting ; but to cleave to it strictly one must needs have obliging bankers or & lien on the mint. = COIIANDlNC BIli1Sl ! FICURE Personal Side of Joe OiaThi1ain ! , Minister of' the Oodioi1e , -4 AMERICAN NOTIONS IN DR 1SII POLITICS Sacstmmnti f lInItd , l'upulnrllbut Vtimilieis l'titiilc Adnmiruitlosi ttmmtt Simport-iI I. , L'tuli lent Mtit- oil , , stud Su ce , , . The most commanding fgimro ) in British public life today Is timat of Joseph Cimam- berinin , time amen who huu innuic popular the celebration of the quen's birthday In Aummerica amid of time Fourth.ot July itt Eng- lamiti. in many quamtsra ho is regarded as time greatest conservative hnglish statesman of time Period and the imopeof Britain's ccii- timmueti coloimial eimlIire , Twcimty-flvc years ago , iiowe'rer , the pres. emmt coiommiai secretary was , considercd a very dmummgcromms ummnn Ills sork as uminmyor of ihirnmlngimammm hat ! a thmm4 of socialistmm , if 1101 comummitimmisnu , about it , amid to be oremi suspccte of a leaning ivard sociallamim in those days when time. excesses of time Fremich colmlmmmune were fre1m in mmmcmi's imiimmtis was to Imavo nil time propertied classes lii England nrrayed agnimmat one. It was rhmls- pemeti , too , timat Cimamimbeiain wemit evemu furtimer thmamm this , that him was somethmlmmg worse timan an extreme radical ; that Ime was 1mm fact nntt-monnmcimlcal to the itoitit of re- pubhicanisin , Intlectl his repimbhicanisuum ias said to be such timut his rneieetomm to time ummmiyoralty of llirnmingimnin wrms actimaily op- posemi on the grounds tima4 his primmclpics might be consitlereti aim insuit to time priimcc ofVnies , wile was payimmg mn olflciai visit to time city that year. It eenms odd now to think that the qumeen's fmVorIto nmimmistcr , time statesman whoumi sue maost deilgimts to entertain at Winuisor , muimoii courted anti flattered by Loimtlomi societmms ierhmaps no public man ever was bee hum , should immivo been locketi upomm , iess than a quarter of a ccmmtury ago , us at id1emit imicentilmiry with whom it. was mmot safe o be seen talk- big In public. That is reail time repimtatlon Mr. Clmanmberlain once enjoyd. It was said at time tune that if Englammq'ouiti by some mumiraclo be changed into a 7ptmblie , , Cimamn- bemlain would ho its first. p'reiuldemmt , It , s ( nit t Sumecess I ii Vaui I a utteum t. , W'lmen Mr. Chatmthemlaium nerct1 Parila- meat , imo fount ! that the fam of his "Ammierl- can notions , " as they wer Ipalleti , Jmatl pre- cedeti hmiumi amid nmatlo biig'uin advance unpopular - popular with both sides of the House. Time old-fashioneti liberais , immen bike ( liatistone and Johmm ilmigimt anti Lord lIartingtion , tlis- trusted him as aim extremist. Time tories ro- gamuleti imimn with a ( letestatloim timat caine near to being frenzy. Gladstone was imarumi- ioss anti John Brigimt respectable by time side of timis low-class , BirmIngham agitator , Men who had never set eymm on Chamber. lain , wiio knew imim oimly by his peeciies amumi opimmioums , hated him frem the depths of timeir hearts. Time surprise was complete wimon from his seat in tue House rose a view anti Imagination thmt Is essential to the best oratory is very hard to obtain anti Mr , Chamberlain did not obtain it. ills speecimes , first anti last , are those of a bus- ness man who knows wimat he Is talking aboumt anti has a consummate gift for lucid and concise expression , At tinmes lie can be frigidly , brutally sarcastic , but it is not the sarcasm of a poiIheti , cultured nature , The Itouso likes to hear lmlmmm because ho has always something to say worth bearing and never talks over the heads o ( , his autliemmce. Men who wore frightened by Glatlstone's earnestness anti invoivet ! semitemices founti it a relief to come down to Chamberlain's plain , straightforward way of putting things. Ills voice is as clear as a bell , but cold tint ! hart ) anti precise. Every word , every syl- labia isimeard and beard dlstinctiy , but tlmey leave the listener unmoved. The gestures are few and neither natural nor dramatic. They remiumul one rather of the ebtormic I spasrmms of a railroad signal. Ills great merit as a debater is that lie Is always ready with an argument and aiway able to tirlvo it hommmc with point antI directness , Imagine a very clever presitlent of a conmnmerclai company setting forth time results of tIme year's business at an annual mmmecting anti doing battle frormi time to timmie witim an in quishtive or ( lisappointed simarelmolder anti. ynmm get a very fair itlea of Cimanmimemlain's Immanner anti imiotimod of atitiressing time house. No lumterrmuptiomi can flurry hini ; no disorder drag Imlmmm frommi his point , lie Is always , as lme omice remarketl 1mm time l'toume of Corn- mona , as cool as a euci'ummbcr , To see Chain- beriaimm witim Imis back to limo wall in the l'arliammicmmts of five or six years ago , Imateti by imis old allies , tilstrusteti by lmis mmcmv ommes , cuttimug and slashing at limo Ciiatlstommiamms in - 1 . - . 1 14' , i tt ' 4 1b' . ! t- t - JOSEi'II C'iIAMIIERLAIN ( REPILODUi'ED IROM IllS FAVORITE I'IOTOGRAI'll , ) cican-almaven , boyisim-lookimmg man , fault. lcssly frock-coated , wearing a. rare orcimid amid tito single eye-glzmss of aristocracy , and begnim In a quiet , convincing manner anti a perfectly clear , weii-mnbduinuted voice , to speak on the subject ummder , tiiscussion. lie made his mark at once. Atthme close of imia maiden speech imeavy coqseryatives wimo would have willingly have ciappeti 1mm into prison as an anarchist , found timemumseivi's crossing over time 1Iouso ID imake lmaumtla witim imimn amid offer their ctuugratulatinums. It is not a amniuhl or easy tiiog to catch time ear of time house of Conmmpiu. Chamberlain imot only cauglmt it at tiu' 14st attelnlt , but imas never lost lila hold oh U , Whenever time word goes round that "CiuariThermiin ) is imp , " men como tuummbiinmg out of 'tIme library anti lobbies anti smoking room in their eager- fleas to hear imirn , The limaci of parliamneum- tary speaking , by iaabfllty to learn which nmany a clever man has ruium d imis career , is with Chamnbcmlain an insttiict. Within time lsst ten years tlmero has not been a single nina on eltlmer sltie of the house who could cross swords with imitmi in a ( sir , stand-up debate anti come off the victor , As it 1'imbii Leuiisrr. In time way of oratory one does not ex- poet ummuch from a man of Chmamberiaium's surroundings anti up-brinBing , Until lie entered Parliament at the pgc of 38 his life was thmat ot a business nina and to this day Imia tbougluts ammti habIts pat ! Immstinctlyo way of looking at timiuigs are founded on the busimmess spirit. Somebody once said of liadstono timmit he was Oxford above mind Liverpool below. Chamberlain is Liver. pool all through , Ills educatlomm as a boy was strictly commercial anl be mnissoti something by aot gotuug to citlmer of time two great English unI'ersIties , where his rmar- rowness might have beemi rubbed off and a Certain degree of tolerance forced into 11mm , Fronm the school room ho went to ' the counting office arid there be Tewained for twenty years , building up a large fortune by means that were neither above nor be. how thu morality of ordInary business maca , Under these circumstanCes the breadth of time coolest and most. confident manner , kmmowhimg that wimemi hue sat doWn . he woulmi be ovemwhelnmeti with it storm of aimuse and Contempt anti wimat was far worse. qtmota- tloims from his former speecimes , waa to see 0110 of time finest Parliamentary performances of time last hmalt century. Time eupreme courage of the imman was patent anti admir. able , Cligiimmleritilim' , . llmmml tul ImmM. It sitouuiti be added timat there breaks out in Mr. Chainberiaimm ( rein time to time a Vein that is not lovely to look upon. His cleverness and atlaptablilty keep him from nmany immistnkcs timat his immstiumcts woulti be likely to lead hini into ; hut timere arc situations - tions that canimot ho saved by mere clever- hess , situations \vhich strip the natural man of imis veneer anti set imim before tIme world as Ime really Is. 0mm such occasions Mr. Chain- bemlain does not cut an advantageous figure. It was noticeable , for instance , timat Mr. Chmanmbomlain pronounced no funeral oration over Mr. Gladstone. Mr. Baifour spoke anti ir William ] Inrcourt spoke , hut the man who was ( or ten years Mr , Gladstone's most promnhmment colleague aimd for another ten years ont of Imis foreummost olpouments ) said nothing. The fact Is , Mr. Chnniberlaium sinmpiy cannot ticilver a funeral oration ; he imas not time right instincts , lie tried to , once , whmeui John lirighit dieti , anti lie made a pitiable mess of it. lie told the House timat Birmingham iuiul umever allowed Joimim flmighmt to pay his election expemmses , and time Ilotmimo writheti tmtmdcr time tactlessness of a rnnum who coulmi tirag in such a reference on I , ticlm aim occasion. Mr , Chamberlain has otimer qualitIes besides a tiuiiness of time artistic scimse which provoke honorable members against. imimn , The house foils him a little too bumptious. It was remarketi that wlmen Ito became colonial secretary he began to speak abomit the British empire as though I lie imaml created It himself. Sonmetimimig of thIs arrogance appears when things are goIng his way in a debate. 110 has not time art of taking victory modestly. A triunmpim is no triumph to 1mm unless ho can round it off with time tomahawk mind scaipimmg knife ; anti it has imappemmeml again anmi again thmat imis ferocious mmmd trucumiont cleverness imas driven supporters away. Melt walk limb time oppo3ite lobby to veto agaimmat imim , jmmst for time pleas- urn of "dlshmiimg Chaummberlmiin , " It is saij timat in imis yomunger days Mr. Chammiberinium onto asked an oiti parliamentumry imantl imow best he might iunprove his position in time ' house , "S'ehi , Mr. Chamumberinmn , " saitl the veteran menmber , "if I m'ere you , I simould try to make a failure now anti then. " lie Is a little too "cocksure , " and time House takes as unkimmdiy to cocksuroneas as it does to genius. hut timeso detects arc easily cx. plainetl wimen It is reunembereti that Mr. Chamberlain Is a immami who imas hind to hew out his own success , with a strong self- assertive character , c'nmpimasized by imis life in a imarti anti narrow provinmciai towmm. ! tNt Amut'ricnut 3iumui iii Ilimghiumtl , It is almost a comnnmonpimmce in England to say that Chuamnberlain is time rnos Amer. baum nman 1mm Eumglisb public life , By that is meant that Ime approacimes inure nearly thman ammy one cIsc the ideal of a political boss , Wimeum ito was mayor of Illrmnlngimanm hue took everything in hula own Imands-gas works , water works , slums , sewage , farms , parks , libraries , art galleries , evorytiuleg ; so much so timat a hmelplcss opponent used to growl out : "lie is not only mayor , but town council , too. " Later on when lie sat in J'ariiarnent for one of the Iiirmmmingimasmm divisions , he allowed no public nmmanm of any Prominence to mmhmaro time representation of time city with him. Lord Randolph Cburchiii attempted to and was turned down. Lord Charles Bercsfortl tried to break through the hedge atm ) ) ' three years ago , lie even issuetl his electioum address anti commenced a canvass. Sutidcnly "Urimrnmngeumi Joe" up- pearcd ; there Were mneetimigs , aba1s , warnings - ings , threats ; timings imnppcnetl-mmobotly quite knows iihiat , but the enti of it was that for the first time in imis life licresforti turmmed tail ant ! fled. Before ho hat ! beemi imi Parliament four years time irrepressible Joe hiatt organized a nmacimlne in the Mimi' lands on time recognized Anmerican lmattern anti owned a little over sixty votes-enough to titru time scale agaimmat any mnitiistry-as commmplt'ely as the mmmost astute boss imm the Uniteti States , That shows how Chamberlain - lain can work thmimmga , lie worked time Ilir- lmminghnnm town council ; hue worked both time liberal nnI time conservative Imartics ; now lie is working time liritish eunpire. , nti the secret of his success Is imniuly timis-that he hums always known precisely what he wanted and time quickest way to get It. II I tiumi Iplummmmtle lletlttis , 'limo colonial secretary is sommmethmlag of an Anmerican , too , Iii lila dislike for ret ! tape ammtl the piotltling ways of omclmildoun , lila business instincts rebel ngmilumst the cuumm- brous immaclminery of time lumghishm govcrummmment offices anti the vintling Pathms of ditmionmacy. lie likes to go straight to time point in time eyes of all time people , lrnrtiy because it keeps him well Iii evidence amid i'artly because - cause lie really believes ( hint a good deal of iumternntionni nmisummtierstaumtling is due to tue ivnumt of a little frammk speaklumg. lie hint time uicmv diplomumacy to a very immncticai test only time oilier tiny , ivlmemi at a imumbhic ummeetimmg iii time lmrovimmccs ime mmmdc ami oiemm , bit ! for time friemitisimlim of time Ummiteti States numti nit eqimahly undisguised attack tmpomm itimasia. Time SPeech was tlmoroimglmiy cimarac- teristle of time mmmnmm. It startled amid Bean- dalizeti by Its boltiumesa ; bumt It lund its ef- feet nut ! atitleti to hum imuiportmimmec. Thmat is time way vitlm ulmost of Cimtmmmiberiaumm's nc- tiomma. W'hmcmm time excitemmient has died away , it is usuaiy fomund that time did hue hat ! in 'iemm' imas been rcaclmetl. 1mm hula owmm words lie was "time best atamseti mnaum in luuglnumtt' ' ivhmemm hum dcsertcti ( liadmmtomme anti broke time back of time hmommme rule agitation ; yet tiumme serums to hma'c jmmstiiieti his imoiic , A gtmotl mmmnmmy limgiisimimmen simeerett mit imis way of treating time I3ritisIm empire as tlmotmgh it were so mnnmuy hiimmtiles of mimerclmammtlise ; yet sommiehow or other Cimnmmibcrlaln hmamm mmmmin- aged to send a timriii of flatriotism from tmmmo cmiii of time euumpire to tue oilier , amid 1mm three years immia lmrobably done mmrnme to ccii- solitiate it tluni nil his Iiremlecessors Put to- getimer. Ills oppomiemits ucti to ny that "too clever by luaU" would he his political eimilnpiu ; but today there is lmnrthiy imny olin wimo tiocs muot look upon hum as time one .strommg mmmii iii Euuglnmmti , as time emily i'ngiisim stntesmmmami ivimo sees lila vuiy clearly auti is luot afraid to take it. A t'niiiutr 'tVu.aum. For mnammy years after the Imonmo mimic split ( 'hiammmberlain was tiistrumstemi anti thisiikcti by iui couumtrymmmen. Tpday time tiiatrust. iu.m vaumisimed , but time popularity imas mmot commme. Chammmberlaio is admired and immmrnetmseiy mc- specteti amid the naUoiu imas commiblence in iuinmi , but timere Is iittic in tIme ivay of cmi- thtlsiasnmm for imimmi arnoumg tlmo masses. lie th'eti mmomme of tlmose thimmgs whmicim Iimgiislu- muon hike timeir statesmen to do. lie does mmot play golf like Ilaifour , or breed horses like Ilosebery , or puictice wood euttimmg like Mr. Gladstone. Ills one hobby , orchid grow- lag , I not of tue kl'nti to fuiseinato tIme you. uimmcc. his only forums of exercise are amok- lrmg , getting In anti out of Imis brougimamum aiim ! mmmouimtinmg platforms. In fact , except in con- imection mi'htii politics , he comnes very little before the imbue ; anti in England a man imami to be somnethimmg more titan a politician to be really liked. in society ho is a greht favorIte , partly no doubt owing to his wife's houniless popularity. Mrs. Chmammmberlaln , formerly Miss Emmtiicott , iths heon poimmteti to again and again as time mumost popular Mimer- lean woman who ever eanme to Eimginmmd , mint I exceptiumg even Lady Itanmlolph Churchill. 11cr husband was certainly the most popular Emmgiisimman ii'hmo ever came to America. It is saiti that the only adverse conmuument on Mr. Charnberlaiim mvlmea lie was over imero I Caine from a Washington girl : "lie's nice , real nice ; html ime tloean't dance well. Ills steps are too shart. I slmouid think lie iearumed on a postage stamp. " Mr. Chamber. I lain's short steps arc hot his only llmmmita- tiomus ; but with all its obvious deflciemmcca , lie is still a strenuous amid remimarkumble cimar- actor. SYDNEY BROOKS. ItlilztU $ . fey. Etiwnrd A. Park of Andover , Mass. , is time oldest liviumg graduate of Andover university anti was grmitiuateil in 1826 , Itev. Deimis O'Callaghmnn , D. D. of St. Augustine's church , Soutim lioslon , is to ho lotion's Fourth of July orator timls year. Time United Presbyterian Gommeral as- eemnbly lli.s ciilietl time presbyteries to vote on tim question , "Is the use of tobacco a simm ? " - Time Jesuits have a cimurclm , a sclmoai house r.nti a. hospital in Dawson City , ammd Sistars of St. Aumnmo are on their way from Moimtreal to iltirse time sick , The Eadeavomers at Nashville are to have excursions to Mamumimmotim cave , Luray cay- crrs , Niagara , Natural Bridge , Lookout Mountain , Gettysburg arid \Vasimingtomm. 'Time Sommtimeun I'resbytorians have sue- ceeded at last iii getting their negro churches ommd mnimmimuters to set up for theta' Lelvea , and an orgammization has been efecteti , 'Fimu stntement of a New Jersey soldier in a lmtter to lila sister that "this mmiuip is full of heathen uumd Phi bet there Isn't a bible cmi board , " indmmced the Ilulutitt cimumch in Ciummmtiemm to imurehmaso 1,000 New Testa- mmmCumt mud send timemn to the soitlicmmm. A maim in benrimmg away a large cimlp from r. tree timat. Giamiattimue imati cut dowmm , said to imia commmramics "Hey , Intis , wimeit I dee , tlmimi shmmmli go iii my colilim , ' ' ' 'izmun , lath , ' ' salt ! Imis ivife , ' 'it timuu'd worshmhi , Gomi as thee worships ( ilamistoime , thiou'd stand a better chunimee of going where timy chip woumldn't burn , " Tue Cimurchmnman , states imat time Episcopal Hoard of Mihmmions bus been obliged to do- chums scathing young inca to mission Ileitis unless thmtiy could first Becmmre thicir own suiport , but nmow they "will tent ! every fit applicant. " The cimurchu is coiled upon to "simow huem' daring by furnishing amen and money. " CltoSSlN 'I'i1Ii HAIl , Alfred 'l'ennyeon. Ilunset and evening star Arid oume call for mci Anti may timere be tin moaning of time bar \'hcmm I mit ( tilt to semi , Hut umuchm a tithe mitt moving seemuis asleep , 'J'oo full ( or * Itlmfld antI ftmamn , 'imemm ilmat wimicim drew from out tIme boundless - less deep Turns ugitinm hmome. Twihiglmt anti evening boll , Arid after tmat ) time darki And may timemu lie no sudimeums of farewell Wimt'n I embark. For thmm' from out our boumne of Time and I'immco 'I'imu Ilooti may bear me far , I imopu to see Rim ) ' Pilot ( ace to taco W'hmemu I have crosse , ! time bar. zmrater , ' . Ictroit Journal : "She will marry me in spite of my jmovertyi" ho cried. "Bravo girli" his eyes ivero filling with tears of joy ; suddenly timey desisteti , "html im'hat , " imo faltered , "It she were brave enough to spenmd the Emuunnner at tue seasitie ? hal" Aim , he would think up many stories of promhitmg Spanish fleets , and all might yet be well. - , - - - - - - ILI4USTRATES PIONEER LIFE Bowser Sod louse at the Exposition Attraoth Much Attention. PRIMITIVE DWELLING OF MANY YEARS AGO Queer little liomimieiie limuilt of ti * , Tmmrf ( , f tue iehrnien i'rnirieo ii 1'iemotl ly 'lhmnu- nuiai , The Nebraska sod house on time bluff tract is one of tue greatcat attrmmctiomis ammmong the group of state bulimhimiga. This imoumse , representing - resenting a class of ilonmicile , unkmiown to any seetiomi of coimtmtry except the treeless prairies , is intended to represent time imabi- tatlomu of the iuiotmecrs of time vest , as time log cabimi illustrates a eorrespondutmg Pencil In time settleummeiit of the spreuuiiuig forests of time eastern nmmtl eeumtnal states , There ann still In existence 1mm various limirt sot Nc- braska alit ! oIlier iirainio states , sot ! houses , aroummt ! which cling ummauiy ( cmiii immemmmorIes of humuppy days , aiim ! whmosc malls hemir time sears wimicli tell time story of mmmamuy mu conlhict with thin Iumdimimms , who resisted time encroacimiucuits of time white settlers , Sommie of thmese oti houses were quite ; irc- temmtiotma amid boastet ! of several rooumma , but the great uuimurit were simmmilar iii every immirticular t limo sod house erected by time Nebraska cx- position comummmissiouu its nut ihitmmmtratiomi of early days in Ncbmnslumi. 'I'iue Nebraska oti house comitalumS butt mimic mcmii , thus being tilviticul by mmmeamms of a mmtoveable scrotal so 115 to imisure imartial prIvacy. 'lime house is aboumt 11x20 feet emi thin outsitho mind time walls arc six feet 1mm height omit ! two feet iii tiuickumess. II alit t'itttt ( itt' ti1ji'tt , , All kimitis of cumriotms qimeatiotma mire naketi 1)1' the emowuls of pctmuio frommm cmmstemmt states , nut ! mmmnmmy ft oimi Ommmaima who tInily visit time SOt ! house , A getmcrnl igiiom'aimcu ticeimia to lrevaii as to time mmmnimner of ctmimstrtmrtimig a mioti imoutso mimid its ticsiruibiiity aim cm tiweliltig , in title eimmiieCtiomi , a recital megmtrduumg hut ) coumatitictinim of time Nebrmislmut oti house mmuay hmemi a little light nil this sumliject. \Vhueui tim Nebmimsima exposition commmmmmis- miltum ticclded to creel a emi hioumse as a part of time Nebraska exhibit at time expoaitinmm , arrnimgemumcmita m ere mumrmtle wIth Mrs. L. how- ser of Norftmlk to erect tIme imotuse anti in. lmabit it. tltmriumg tIme exposltimmm. Mr. amid tra. hitmvser cammie to Nebramikum iii 11S I mimmti took mmli thmt'ir realdemice In Rock coututy , 1mm time nortiiemtm central hart of time state. They erected a sot ! imommse hum thtu Dlimumioimmi valley at a timno mihuen there were tin other settlers Iii thuat section of tim' state amuti liveti In time imoimso for several years , other settlers comuming iii rapIdly mud ereetimmg sail houses , uintii qumite a settlemimetul had formmmeti. hay- lag hind actual experience in time erectioti of a sot ! lmouse , as iveli as living in 0mm , Mrs. ! ! owser was quahilieul to look after time erce- tIon of a Sllecimmmemm of this uniqimo forum of dwelling. Shin s'eimL in peruomi to flock county aimd emmiistcti time nit ! of time old set- tiers aaml frientis there , wluo formuem ! a large party anti gathered time miccessary otl iii ammo day. The occasion was inmitie mu jolllfleatiomi and all time people iii that vicinity took i imummd in gathiering time sod or in Imreimanlng a big feast for time workers. Gmmilierl'sc I itt tiuitu'rInl. A place was selecteti where time virgin sot ! haul miever been disturbed by time plow numd whmere there bad been no travel. Time sot ! was turned up with a ldo' ' in long ribbons tivelve immeiies witie aimmi several hmuummtlrcd feet iommg. Gangs of cutters followed time plows anmd cult the sod in two-foot lemmgtius. Timmi ! was loaded into wagons ammil hauled to thmo railroad anti hoatied into freight cars. Time virgin prairie soul has mu stremuglim numd tenacity - ity which nmakes It easy to imaummlle and very desirable for this litrlOSe. ) ) Whemi the sod arrived iii Omaha time wails were erected iii mmmuchm tIme baum fuisimion a brick wall is Initi , time pieces beimmg laid crosswise ant ! time joints broken. Whcmm limo wails reachieti time proper imeigimt , a board roof was put eu aumti a hoar was laid iumsitie , the latter an inmmovatioim of whiiclm few of the early sod houses could imoast. The interior wails were then piastercti whim clay amid the hmoue wnmm ready for occupancy. These imoutses nro cool 1mm tIme stmmnmtmer anti warnu iii time whiter , time timick eartimea wails beimig gooti muomm-coimdtmctors. Mrs. IJowser is very ummimehu at home in her sod house , and her callers are very nuuner- ous. Old settlers of western states who imave thuemumselves lived in sot ! hmouscmm , are tile most umumerous nimiong her visitors , but large numbers of people iuuspect tbe place , who hmave never seen sucim a strtmcturo , nut ! timey usually express sumrprise thumit atmy cal would think of llvimmg in such a place. IAiiOil. A1) liIIS'i'ltY. Veronm , N. J. . imasagiri blacksmith , Paper floors gnimm favor 1mm Gernmammy. In Spain biackslmmitimmi get $3.00 a wck. A Texas ruumchi contains 10,00t ) head of cattle , 'We consume 450,000,000 pommmmdmm of coffee annually. Time Loumiaville & Namihmviilo railroad corn- pany has restoreti time 1893 rate of wages. Time immcrease bemietits 17,000 emnnmioyes. Time report of time building theparttnent in New York City ( or tue first quarter of 1198 imows 1,909 lerumuits for uiow buildings to be erected at a total estimmmnted cost of $25,414- 486 , Time new city clmartcr of Smumi Francisco , Cal , , comitaimma a pruvisiomu that eight butnmrs slmmhl : commatituto a day's labor aim all nimummic- iimai work , with $2 per tiny as the mmuinimuura wage. What will probahuly remain for a simon iliac time largest electric generator for street railways hmas becum erdereti for time hlostoum Elevatetl railroad. It will have a capacity of 5,000.hmorume , power. Time total output of coal in time Bulled States for 1897 was 198,250,000 mmimort tons , time largest over kltowmi. Ittu average value was a fraction lemma than $1 her ton , a mmhhglmt decrease as compared with time jmrcvious yea r. Time Central Lalmor uniomm of Springfield , Mass , , hums tiecitieti to start a uetmmii' simoo store to iuaumriio only utmioum mnudo almoes , as time imhmoe stores of that city mb not imeenmi to he disposetl to huammdle Umat class of goods , One unman can do time work of eigimtecn moen whim mm. now mnachimie just pmmt on timu , nmarket , to Ime used in hnyImmg aspmmtlt Pave. merits while In i'imlindehimimla , a box-mnmmkin rnacimbne imati been lmmveimtetl wimicim will turn out 1,000 boxes her hour , The Ammmeriemmn MachinIst umotemi thmmut timero is at presemmi some coummplmuiumt by time lucy- do nmakcrmt that their foreign trades has dinminmisimed in voimummme , 'lime aumsignem ! cause hero is limo difficulty of aecmmring at the seaboard - board ocean-carrying room , Time average annual output of wood umov- cities in Maine has mu value well over $1.- 000,000 , 0mm of the insist interesting branelmes of time industry is time mnmmnumfocturo of woomi nuns for bIcycles , Time factory where limo unanufacturo is carriemi oum has a floor' aliaco or 74,800 feet ; its timmihy output averages - ages about 1,800 rims , juno time value of its yearly product Is about $120,000 , Time wood umseti Is rock immaple , anti each rintm Is corn- POseti of three pieces , gluetl anti pressed togcthmer with such force ammd exactitudu that the rink appears like one ideco urmt exawIuatio Cil