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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1898)
: - : - - . - - . - - . . - V - _ _ . ( i ' TI U OtUIADA1LY IIEE : STND AY , JULY 8 , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - ' : Tim Otui Suirn4i Br& K uosi\vA'rEIt , Idltor. I- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'UI3hISII1D VVI1Y MOJUUNU. TI1tMS oi'SUJJSCflIl'TION. Daily Uee ( Without Suntlay ) , One Ycar.i.Ot flally heft and Sunday , One Year 8.O mx Month5 . Three MnthM . Bunday Iee. One Year , . aturtMy I3ee Ofto Yiar . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Weekly flee , One Ynr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oFFqCES. OmIia : Tim l3tilldlng. nuth Ornntia : Singer Iltock. Corner N and 2111i Strot. Council IJ1tjfCi 10 Pearl Street. l tThlcngo omce : Chnmbcr of Corn- merco. New York : Trni1o Court. % Vn1iLngton : Oi Fourteenth Street. COflItFHL'ONiINCF. All eoT1IrnunIcatIon rentIftg to nowg unit uiItor1nl matter nhoud be acdrcMued Ti ) the IItor. flUSTNISS 1.FTTF1tS. V All liusInes lntter zuu r'mlttnfl0fl uhotuhl b nulilreuieul to The flee J1JflSI1Iflg company , Oninha , TrntS. vlik. OXl1TC ftnl Jotlfllce money or(1er3 o be madv payatli. to the order of tIIP CflIfl)1tflY. . TIlE I3El T'UflI1SlT1NG COMI'ANY. SrTlMF4'r oi CIHCUI..V1'ION. Stati' of NchrnHkn. 1)uuIgltlu County. u4. Celrge 11 , rzcIiuck , necretory ot The lIce ? I'ulillMuluig cirnpntlY , being duly vorfl , . ot full nud ra.R thnt the actual nuinlier complete copicu or 'Fho Daily. Moruuing. Evening anul Suuuulay lIce , prIuItOl during i the month or June. 1S9. was us follows : I IM ) 16 24,542 ( ) ' 2 . . . . . . . . . 8 3 . . . : : IS . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,1I ) 4 . . . . . . : tn.osT 1I . . . . . . . . . . . i i ; . . . . . . , . . : tuo $ ( ) 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . : ) .t)1HI 21 . . . . . . . . . t .z . . . . . . . . . . . . : tfltuuI . . . . . . . . . II ) B . . . . . . . . . . . : tI,7fl , ) _ i . . . . . . . . . . . . II . . . . . . . . . . . . . t.7.Ii ) 2 $ . . . . , 9.M IM . V II . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.MI ! ) ) 2u , . . . . . . . . . . 15 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11) 7r1 ( ) 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . $1) I it : . . . . . . . . . . . 21,75I : 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.,8H11 2J . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 4 , ISO t ; . . . . . . . . . . . . 211,1) ) IS ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total , Less returns and un9old COIlC8 . . . . . Net totnl Net dudly : tVelflge . . . . . . . . . 29234 oroitCi 13. TzSCltUCF. stihscribcd In " Sworn to before me and this Otli day of June , 1S. j my presenca : ' . FEII , ( Seal. ) N. 1' Notnr l'ublic. . NI ) ' . ' for the glorlouM Fotittli ! Let tln plasc sup press tlii ( lPltllY giant ctulcr : IVOI1dCV liov 11111(11 utIIOIII , I IuttliutII , .1. UI8Il f)1 ( et : tl. en it ttuucltVtllItiu : for tIle ISUS en IlupI : gII ? V I f tlei' Is to be aity linp'rln1luui In this cotititty 1lIig Corn ought to be 1)roIuotl ; front kitug to etIlPClr. V If ITliele Siiut : is to luteolue stelufathuer to all hun waifs , Lil'iit : vnhits to ht fldOlte(1 ( itito tite fnIIIlly.Vliy itot ? Although but out' 1'aiisis : 1)uIk : hIlts coed Oil IleCotlUt of the war tux. the ( 1aiisaH 1)011tCIttS lliIi.t to be grenUy eiteotirngid by the imhltlelh outlook. And iiO\s' the hitrt1-woiked : pastor Is nbout to tOkO his SII11t11e1 ! VflCltiuifl : and V to lea e luis hod : vlthtout SIlrittIal guld- tiice or thie comfort of lo1I serlflult5 that r boothie thut' weary and mit 111cm to SlePt ) . A year ugo one of the 111013t lrogtCs- ) sive citizeils of Oiutlua : lost his life ly the CXIlOSlOfl of giant lIrt'crtcker. st . . Tlunt lessiuli SliOlIhul 1:1st : at lenst hieyond . ; s - a ieLIod of twelve II1tItIIl5. Just tlIII't3-IIVO yeiIs : : Igo the tiiiiiluig point Iii the destiny of tile IeriltII republic was nutde : at Vickshtirg tuid at Gettysburg. 'i'oulny the ulestliy , of the Culuin rOIflIlii ) ( IS hieing SllL1)el : at Stn : tiago and ? uItiiIlt. : - President ? iIeKliiley Is laIiig clItIcIsel : for keeping late hours. lie reituahlied :1 : .v # _ Juts desk thu II I uf&Ioek , a in. tllt othiel ijighit. , 'ViIIehI shiovs tlIltt ( lie elIl'iy-tO.lIl habit is CIISIIY Pitt off by a luau in- tCIISel7 in COtiluist iii hits wok. It Is itOliIllY ) ) tub that I he bnrdeius of I 1 - - the \1L1 Will fuilt lueaiest on those least ; V V ltllC to letr : thueiii , halt ly the vny snub ( other chuies of lI5uIs ) 1110 couiuiluIIIIIubg I it lippelIrs that tlit' StittesIuIPui were very inuecessftul iii dLstrihiut lag tli ItItleUs. ) ( Tue Declaration of IInThleIbdenee was poeIut LIII eu I a l'li tltdelphi In. I t Is 011 u I - ileuttly littiuig ( . ( ( thiitt all elIlitlulult V and ( ? iOIIIICIltV orator from the icli.tUIe V ttte sliotulti llViiVL' the I IIhje1IieIbCe ( day oration :1 t the 'VrauIsunIzlslssIllI ) Ex- psI tion. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \\Tero it not fututlit vuur till ? alpliL1- ) ) V ntioii for tilt ) 1 IldiltIl COIIgru..i 'voiuld have leen niatultj ufloultilS lI.u , I PIll llio congress lMeuu opened to the hulublie viIli V tiut oJellIng ( If the eX1)OSItiOII. ' .fiiI Is 0110 ilulCtb whore the Itr 1111(1 ( thu eXPVS. . tloui liltYc Collie In colilliet. 'J'IIC grlindst SiCtllCtIllLI utugt'autt ever / avitliessed wtt of the MissIssippI will take 1)111CC OIl tim CXlosItIl ( ) grotlIluis OIl llllepeJllCbbCP ( ( ( lIly. I I goes VitiIiUt $117. I lug that tills eveiit vilt leCOIflC lilelnor. able for every 1111111. JlIbuLII aluti child VIIO l)81t1C1Lltt5 In It or hio vievs it. , ! 1'IlO Ill tt fl'fI'Ill hegLlaturo enacted It insv to lruuhiihit ) corIoratiolL'4 frola COIl. t rihu t I ii g 111011 ( ' 7 01 Iblell II Il I ( ) I U ii uence 0 1 V C0l111i electors. 'ihie iOitlhIHt ) ItultC lIOLIMO laltehlIlIli , lUSCver ) , sav to it eare- V _ fully tilult Its right to lL'7 fotceil tIihtlte ) 0 II St It t 0 otil ttrs , t'i lb ihYes ) , J iiuiges 11 71 ii COlIgIesduIlltl ) uejreseiitnt lves vuis hot Interfered vltii , -V Olunlut 11115 i'utertnIneuh tile tliilu VlIlhiI , 1110 initulist ) PohItIclhhlIS , tile ethi. tort $ , I ioi Ieottloers1 tile ) ( ( , tile tolrllen4 81141 fl ghiltt 111111)7 ) VISItOrS Iii tlou. , tlhleihIlOtlIll'tl list , nulul 11118 its reputation for ioosplt.tilty vvlt estuilulislietl'lI. . . V tors ulnriug thou rest. of the 711F 1111) ) ' he Zl.SStlreil , hlovevcr , that 0111:11111 : vlll flOt rest 111)011 tilIt 1ejtltuItIolI ) , - 'I'Ioo POstotllCO doitrt : Ifleilt is gollig to ? - i-ehievo eoiigreiIIbeIi of tile 1111t7 of passing on 1)ro1)uel ellahlges of location \ of lOSt0l1)tt ) III tile loVfls In their I- V spectlt ti dlstrlct ( 1121(1 ( leave Such buIlt. , - ' teru to tilt ) lOStQtilti ) Iol41)eetoru. Iow If I tilt ) colIgressIllelt eouhd get rid of tiut , 1 botller of rocolulhIcIuhloIg pOStlfltlstCl.3 they iutI1lit be able to live linppy'4 - V ! .fOICING ) Von IVt Ub. Tim advocates of territorial ncqtulsl ( loll iay thirtt tiio tlrno Illis come for the luilted States to look forward niud flot Isteicts-aid 011(1 to Ieuid a hand In the VOVIl5 great Wrk of trade 1111(1 ctvhIi7t- tioul , as If tiiet'e lund over been a tillbe iii the ilLstOlV _ of tills lbritlOil wlieii It % Vflu lint Iookluig foivnrd 111111 lIelpIug In the sork of cIvllIratloui. AlnetlCIthl progress ) ( ' ( lOOt thIs cotintry 11:15 : been Coil- StltfltiJ hooking forward. lt * advance ill IndlIstrial ootrengtht oitnl comuierciai power 111)5 been greater tllnn that iiclik'sed by IIIIy other uintlon. Its con- trIltItiOII ) tO ) civlhIzitIoii : 11115 eqIllihieth tf It Iits not sllrpnssed tlint of any other Cotlil tlY' LookIng forward and Inovi ug forwntd loa.q always been clitracteristIc1 % of tue Alllericllfl pefljIC , hut most for. ttlihoIteiV It hIllS not taken the direction of uictuIriiig relibole ( errftoiy.Vn IlILVU VOll : t coinlIballohhhIg lOSitlOn In the vorid's trI ole--a position frolu wiileii cItlIllolt be drivcll s ( long as 4\llbericnuI u uuergy anti etltclIrISe ) rulilnolil tilbilu. lShIel-WltilOUt ) ilaving to absorb this- tltilt Iauuois or eIltt'r 111)011 a luro1)eutbl cOlOllIlbi lOIICY. ) \\e ilfl'e gone on doing It great vork III Ilb4 Ctttirt' of ciIhiatioti vItiiotit hthSeSSIltg ) a foot of territory Ill ohistittit sets 01 hOlblOtL 1)arts of ti'e ' world. ltit ; it is sotid that collditiolls lllbVO clutngcd : auth tIllIt tile IlIttioti intist 110W "look forvttl" In : t direction v1bIch It has iihtlietto sedulously livoluled , tinder the gtiIoltIIee of the wisest StIltesnihthl- , llIj ) or the Past. Tile Coollisci of liii- ht'liUhIS'ilt IS thlhtt we $111111 tCflOtlhiCO thOu ) lurIltIeli t 511(1 ( safe cotl15tj tllltt 11115 been IIlLlletCl to for 111010 tIlotil a ceflttlry anti follow tile IOhICY of Etirope ; that ve slithh : nhntlldoli the lt-ilIch1)Iu auth ( lie hue of couitltict so iollg ( lCCillCh to lie esselitlIll to the sectirity of the reptubhie iiiiti atlopt the Eutopean 1)11111 of tcrtl- toI.iihl el)1tilSiOIb ) , all that It lii- volves. Thtt : such it ( lCItrtUre : would IIIuVitalb' ) ( hrlLW the United States Iiito Uic L ° ) tI ticti : C011llIICattiohiS ) of the old oritl ; that \Votlld. . ColuhEuci tills coollitry to hllaluta iii gicat ntvtt : : :1 lId iiiihittry : eStltbhIHllIflUIlti4 which would enormously iuicrettse tue tnatIoui of our people ; that it votiid 1)1:1CC : 115 iii lt lOSItIOlt viiere our leace s'otiItl be almost colisttiitly : IIlunuceuh ; that It tVotllI ITrllIht In 1uro- 1 > etii nations leflusilIg to Itirtlier ne. u1tllesi in our IlSSetIlt of the ? ilonroe uloctrillu : i ial tIltt It ivothitI OPen.tlu dour to lIhIhillIitCtt lOhitictl ) jobhujry : tumd cor- ltlltiOul-ltll ) tiiee : tro lfltttjrs of hIttl ( COulSt ( hlielbCe to the hhlOStles of ihiIleiiah- ) 15111. . 'uiiogttluig to tiiciiiselve a Stulelt. OlIty ( If wisdom flIId of ' - 1)atI'IOtlItl , t1ie- _ chari etetize its han-ow--ni I lldel , Ii 111)10- gressive : liid even cowarohly those who still 1uS1)et ) the tttchiImmgs : nn(1 ( eXaillIlP ) of hoc fotiunleis of the relullie ) : tuitl ( lie gieit StlttCSllbCuivloo SliCCeClei tleumi. 'J'iiose who iceogiili.e tile dtllgers : nuud Polhlt out the COSt of 2111 IuhllIerial Iohh ( ' 1110 scotitech as tin foleuuhly to % u1berietuu : 1)uogr , 85 PCSoi1S who t''ould ictaiti hue advaulce of tile nation. ' : I'o atlOlt the Etli'opetuo : 1)OliCY of tern- loilul eXliIlIOl1 ) : Is not to look foi-wtrtl : , bolt hackvtrtl. I t vouuId l > e a disthutetly tt'tiogiessivc Stej ) Oil the hilt : u ) this reinullic. ; huoitltl fall Ill wIth a Euto- 1)'ittl PttCtiCC celituries ohul , a h)1tetICe ) : VIliellVe have : ilvtys : couitleuiiiied auud vhicli is tutti'tlsiltugiua ) lit to t's'ety i1ilU- ci ide o f otu i Pl i t ict I syste ii I. l'hue Ilieli - call Ie01)le ilL1e : tlsi3Vi'l)11)iatel : tile lamiti grahbiulg policy at Eliropeami lilt- tloiis nilil the ioultoe doct lilbeVL1S III teuideol to ) ( ) ! tIme nI)1)hieatioul ) of that lOlkY Iii the vcsterui hicimiLsphiere _ Now the AimieiIcan [ ) CO1)he ant' cotunseleth to liutittte : the ( 'xaIumhlt ) of Europe In this lesileet :111(1 tllhi to sttultlfy ilucir whole ICVIWI ] , tunuiIiig their hiehs : upon the w-ise alid ilttbiOtiC advice of the great luteut of tlut' 1)lst : and iIoelailll ) jug that tVhltt : hll been OOl ( I'or the tejubhic dutillg niore tlltIl It CCllttIry is no longer or ituiy valtie. ituit we ( Ii ) not telleve tiitt : a IllajuIIty of the 4il1iOtiCahl 1)001)10 vihi be tieluded : tuid. beguiled by tue cry for tetritorlil : aeqluishtioll.'hueui they sliiihl luitv careftuliy eouishuieieii tilan- geus 811(1 the of sucil a iohiey V0 iutve 110 doubt they will OVet'Vhlelllllllgly it. 10JCCt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIfl'I.i ) ! 'c ! ; 110111C. SonIc zealous fll1ulller of the \\01111tUt4 Chutistla ii 'Ituil1)Clt1lCC uumloui IIIIS heeti seitohhuig ( lilt elttuIit' tt tuckhuig Lady henry S0111e1S0i , vhuo 11115 h)000lbie sluice the death of 1issVilhttih thai head of tIle 11111011. It IS chiirgi'tl ( hunt Lady I bury hIltS uiot been itud is lint lL0\ ' title to tue 1)l1iiCiilt ) of the uuilon II ) regiuul to tile hlquor cvii iii tillit ahthiought lCi ) sonuthiy an IttbsttIIlet shun hiuei lthloVell % iI1Ol to hO ) sets-eul : tt Ill-n thhtie silo tloes not think 1t uitcessnuy for all llM50Ih4 to btcoine hllSttlillt ) $ , hie oloes not 'ault all "iOlhhiC ) hitluSt' . ' ' closed , uiot that they shiotild be closed uhtiviiig the entire Still. thay , she Is tuuiortiiodo lli her iOSItiOlI Iii uegltrul to tiut' Slthtt of 111111cr to vhhhihlelu hull SILO receIves i-eveuitie ( rout t'o ) or tlbu00 beer lIttuseS nit le1 ) OVlb estttte. 141(17 ( JJtmory hIlts 0XIhihiIltiti ) tiiitt'ilbC huts lOut beeui eerveul oil her titlilo 5111cc tue hlrst of tilt ) lirtiselit year , when her SOIl ee8'd to hiitve tile orulerilug of ire- vislolls for tIle ( lli3ti ( ' . 'L'hlO other cotuuits Ill 1110 hitthiCtlliChit ale iuloF0 Serious , htit ilhhitlyShlI m'iiov tillot they ItillOtlilt to uiotiiliig liuoi u tintii a elltIgc : thiltt she 11(1. iiei-t' tO ) till ) Ohl-fLtSllI0l1ll ( notion that teIltiIttIlthiCt , 111011115 .4t ouullt d niuh llilhittulll ) iilollCilttlOui In nIh tlllngs nuiul tlntt vers' likely sloe hiuis dotuhts : tlatlt the fahil- bility ot tile liglith1i ) for suholulilIg ilIlIllIlul hHISi0il5 by it hiiiiul otuuch fast rule of restraiult. I t is iunt surprisIng that the uhischoiure ( It Lady I lo muuy SilleitiL'o3 ( ) 'Iev lt shloekeoh $01110 gooul telllpulllIiCt ) oriturs. Sonic of 1110111 VCt ) hiorrihhu-uh at t he dis- covvry tillIt 011 0110 OC1t514)ul 115 tue into ut issVthiarui vus ; tiiiVtiillg ill Elulohlo she tuPd wiomo , utini tiity ei-itlchsetl iitr fo r lit % - I g oith Ill I t t t'u1 I ut i IPl 1I I r yeats thiiit lr0hlibitOlY ) ifl\Vs iiitvtt Hot Ileell 11111- family $ tlCCClftli. 'I'lte critics of 14017 hlemiry Solhberset hiiivt tilils ( ltr ( bIle lit. tic illtlt thtui : given PIubhiPItY tom tilt ) fiict hIitt t0iIlitttuitC ) ) vurk lutist hue every. vin're nolapteul to elbditIOflS VllICit ttY eoustaumtly tvIt It ttutie itinl chretuttitauiee , 'i'iltt : vhiiehl vhlI ItCeOulOlhlSIl 1110 uliost guoul lit New Yok lnty : he ttsehess In 'orkshiire. Ihtbl the Preselut 11011(1 ( of thu ihit'zVOtllIthl'.u . ClIrist iittt 'I'elfljuet-hhhio tuutloii anul 11cr hittib thistiutgulshietl predecessor - cessor learned this truth by experiemiec - - - - -p and cloubt1c tileS agreed fully that there lire it great 1110117 of dollig good In tiuis world. 501110 persouls haivo yet to find thIs out. rilE ; INIIAN CON(1S)4. One of the uilost Iuitercttlilg , Instrtuct lye and attracttvo features of the ? r1uuisuu1ISSissihipI Exiosltiout slhh be the great elucamtipulient of IlbhIilIlS titider tile ausillees of the United Stnte govern- moat. Tiu bill nutilorizitug this tillique gathering of Aunerican aborigiiues Places $40,000 at the disposal of tile Uutltetl Statwi Indian blirciul for itii Iludiflut COIl- gross without procriblulg its precise 1)10111 ) atiul SCOIe. It 1 , hiovever , vehI ullulerstood that the maui object to be h-opt III view iou educational fluId historic. There are uiow about 150 distInct In- dinu tribes survivluug in ( lie United States. Tile Indian CoubgreSS as cohitelu- 1)lateh by it prollioters will coitsist of about twelu ty tlve groups , representing nil tile PrIuchlal ) types of the race , carefully - fully selected by experienced ethuuiolo- gists. Tioc olienulupunent will present ab ob- Jeet lesson of time Indian in hits priniltlve condition , each of the tnhles ) hiving in their hectihlltr form of habitation mind Illlniltllilg the eiuanicterlstlc OCCtihIltiOfl ) of theIr 1)eo1)ie. ) ) 'rho Zunis aliti Navajoes , for ) Xfllul1)iC ) , sihi be seeii weavitig tilank- ets and working Ihligree oruiiuneults , the Sioux , Pitviiecs and Citeyennes ttutning iihhe nilti fabricatIng iiioccashuis , Willie the Cilippewas vlil build birchbark CubeS. At certain 1)erods religious Cei'elhbOiiiC3 titith social festivals anti ( lululces s ihi be introduceuh to illustrate tilt ) Peculiar rites and etustoms of the aboriginal Inthinmi , The iiogress of ( hue Aiiiutlcotn lhldiltu In the line of civhliza- tion will be liltustrated by the 1)111)115 Of the best Indian schooohs itud the hiandi- work of the seluL-clvlhi7.ed and civilized red human and red woman. Time action of the United Stat congress - gress has hmcn stuppietuciuted by invlta- ( bus to tile Canadian nut ] Mexican gov- ( 'rhluflelits to co-opel-ate with the United States to tumake this Inulan a colugress of miii Noltil Aliierlcaui tribes and It l ; conildenthy e2qeCted that repIt- SulitatiVe gi'OtulS of Cannuilait auuuh ieI- cliii huidlmllhS Vill join lii the cuicanipiticuit by the tInle It is in full npeintloa duritig the 1)lesliit iuioiith. Nowhere lii ( lie world hts a sluuilhtr exhibItIon been 1111(1ev- titkeii 1)11(1 it Is thotibtfiul 'tviietlltI the Oh- ) 1)OltilIlitY ) 'iil ever ie liLeseliteti for viewluig tntl studyitig the Aiiitu'ieitn IutdIiti tulluher such fu-orahle ciriiin- stances. 'l'iue SitVitge huuditn : viih in' : t thing of the mist withi the cinse of tIle iteSelit cehittury and ( hue foull-bloutheul seuni-civihizeul I hlhlahl w-hhl 1)ecoune iIi0ie of a rarity with every stmceeeuliiug year. - TIIN ItI7SJXflSS ihI f1 YL111. Tue eomunereilh ageulcieli can liuove it 1)7 the ilgures , if 1)1oof is lOeCCSai7 , thiutt the liNt half of the current year was good one fet hntsioiess in ( lie Uiiite'i ' States. 'Flie ittimlulei ) of bhisilbess fihlures : \S ) soimail limb ( ! ( lie miggiegitte of 11111)111- ties of lrokeul linus lis than u.suth. : One leading agency ielOrtS ) the flhltulh)01 ) of failuues fewer thitn : for four years 1)tst : 111111 tliothiei says the rccorl vis better than in oily year of the past se'eii with 0110 CxceitiOil.Vhilhe ) the faIlure record is of Itself a relIable liisilie'c 1)aI'onleter it is grntifyiulg to find ( hint : is all cvi- ( leilce of 1)iOS1)eFitY ) it Is stupportoul by statisties of Iauk clenuances , iailroid earnhulgs. unoveineilts of umntiitii'aeturctl goods iuith utgriciulttiiti Ibroducts , ) : biusiiiess : iiid 01 lurteticahly : evety brmtuiehu of couiunerciah life. Buut for ' ( lie fact that the iuiilroreutueuit rooted for tue lhrst halt of tIuls yeitt is iiut a couitlntuatlon of tluit : of the eiitire lleVi ( > liS year , It lilighlt he tirguied svithi $01110 shiow of reason that the 1)ILC1bt ) buoyancy is due to special causes and .hii prove to he but a. teImIioVitiy affair. 'I'iie IIilirovIneult ) 11111 ; mint iVo11 ( lU ( to ) tile hleliVy exportatiouls of ginin-nu liii- 1)lt1lhit 1(0111 ( nuihong ( lie causes , it is trule -1101' to the 'iitWillell has 11ei1)ed ) iii SOhlIC ( htilirters , nuid inurt Ill others , mnut is the luuuproveineiit gratifying iii con- tIlISt niOlle With llllIlSilthly : haul Couldi- tlouis inevaiiluug mt few yeats ago. 'Ihe hruuuiises of the past are Ieing Iuililheth toulty : iul a vuty ( lint letves : 110 doubt of I hoe gentiiuieoues auth PerlltallefleY of tile btusimless IilirOVeullemit. [ 'Tile reL0141 for tilu half your just ended nhso lL0'S , :1)5 uiothiioig eLse eotihh , the rcsourcefiuines' or this ( 'otilmtIy , the elasticity fluId hidlihllltldhily of the vilot fluinuiciuti 1111(1 ( COlillIilJrCiflh $ ysttlll and tue aldi lty of tile itISilltuS ) iulteiesLs to sue- cessftuily voslst the htpresimig hullitucllee of a , 'ro. it fouelgui war or other calamIty. 'i'hlftre is IlltlCil lii I lie itIsIneSS ) history of tile I)1t5t ) six uflOuitlis $ atlsfyiIlg to the Aumlericaul PeOiIC. 1USP1C1011S 0 ? ( ? lIl.If.INY. The uiict that there are five Gel-until var 141111)5 atIaiiiia , a nuuinler iuot iteeuled to IuOtOCt ( ietlltiii 1111u1t'Sts there , is caushlig $01111) 51u51)ICiOlu of ( lee itla uly'i good ( ml I t hi. Al I lunuighu it hIll S I ) et'li seiuti-iuthiclthIy : stated thlllt the adunillhstr I- tloit ioot1 l'cCChVei Vllltt I t iegaudeti mis gorni flSSiiIllilC(5 of good ftithi : OIl hIP jntrt of (1 erullll 117 1 a 111:1 : I ii tIl ill lug t io e .sl rictest nototrality , uuevi'rhhieht's tiel0 15 a feuul iulg iii SOlIlO Iilll et t'r ti lii t I iiese aSSltltllCeii'Oilil : lb eootitieul to greater eouilhuleuiee 111)11 ) not tile t ieruuiin : govelit. ilb'll t St'Il t SO foo-uu i idlthh' ) :1 sIllulul ron to ? uIhtillilt luiy. ; NeYulk ( hiSitthl ) : 5:175 : thll t I II ( MI Ill uutrcha I a ui oh II II auteha 1 ( 'II l'tloS there lihitlost 1 , eu7 (1110 Is sttsphe1olu' of ( ievullauoys good t'utit ho n lud ( ho gt.Ilt.rah olIlliOlt 14 that ( trml1ltll ) desires to ' ) ) Ill it P0SI ( lout Vilt'ifl she vihl iji' OliLi ) to oh- tit I II 501110 1)11 ) it of t h IC I 'ii lii huh lies. 'P1 l(1 ( ) is build to ie eOliSIdeiLtIle ) nuuxlety re- ganthiiig tile liossIhliiit of ( lermiunu iuiter- frull ( ( LulblUr.Jllle ( lhhIiOhlllttIC ) atsiu' ' ( iOtls 1)101 ) (1xt , diieveuit 1)csey utitit ( huieraiIeuiltt froni olutalioluig thin full victory 1111(1 tile ( till uesluiti umf vie- tory. it Is POsSihihe thlnt it 111117 III. ? found inter on thitit tiuts feehillg is not unva rutuoteul , htu as yet tilere doc Ilut hlijeitr to he ittiy good i-ensout ( or it. it Is true ( lint ( lerunaut Interests a t otaulihl1 do not roqtuhro the iresnee ) thieve for theIr juru. teCtimll ( of lIve vnr SIlhlsI , Jiut tIleutI IllIly 1)0 1111 eiitireiy Sati3fadO1Y CXlOh&&llatloiu of tiou seuithiig of so large a iitvnh force litto tilose waters. Great liEhtldll is represeiitetl at Manila ty Iireu war Shlhl ) vimIcIi ate really uinro thinui the protection of hiritishi Interests require , ltit of coulr no one is tIle least hit ( tIuxiotis i-egnrhlng the PrceItce tllere ( If a iargcr i3rIt1h1t1 tiaval force than Is Ileetleth. ' - that ( hue comumialuler of the GorluIhi shiftdroil lund declIned the request o1 the SiauiIsho governor geil- cmi that iiojtakb trorhionnh ) charge of Mauiiia , If tntmtworthuy , is certaiumly re nssuuring , esfkdnIly wllemm associated witil iltterflllt1 of the eunI-ofilcini Ocr- 111511 1)C.5 , h Jrecatiulg sinteunents u-c- Ileetlug tupohi Uogood faith of Germany. It is of coturide JimipwsIbie to kulow what viei or pileposes ElupetorVihiiniut unny hutvo Iii mmiInoj egardhiig tile I'ilIiipinCs [ ) , when tile tIini slunil coluic for making a 111)111 dIsposition of the Ishiulds , but tuiitil then It is not Probable flint lIe will take any action thlat would vlohato tile nsstlrauice of strict neutrnhity lie hiui given. lie tindeistatitis fully tile Cettutill consequences of ally intertercuuce vItii ( lie United States In tile Pillhlppillet Willie the rniIs in progress. It. WOlul(1 ( 10 ? vIgorously resenteul by this cotiuitiy anti Ifse should require the tit1port of Eulgiutlid it would undoubtedly he proimiptiy given. 'Flint wouhtl not only be a very loulg step toward tile Anglo. Aunericnui alliance viiIch Gerillany does ubot WmtIlt to see COllsililuhllatCd , but it unlght lead to a European conflict tilat voult1 iiivohve itll tue ioWeiS. ) 'I'Itero Is a rehlort thiott Germany , 1111- sin and France lntvo agreed upon a POlICY In regard to tile Nliliplines when tile war is elluled , but tIlls Is hrnrdiy ilrobahJle. At all events we do iuot. think tIlIlt thlern need be auiy flpreilChiSiOht Itt ireent ) In regard to Gernially's good faith. Circtinustances coInlch her to observe - serve a strict muetitrahity. OPflR1ITIONS AT S.4TMGO. The battle before Santiago oui Irk1ny ( lemoiistratcd thuc superb courage nn(1 admIrable discipline of tIle AmerIcan soldiers and also the stubborn fighting qiunilties of tile Spaniatds. It was a Stflgiuihiitry : fight , though tile reported losses on tile Ahulerican side were not so great as was to have been exleeted Vilefl it i considered thlat the cimeuny \srihs strouighy Intrencited : tmioi had every nolvmintage of hiositIoll , leSitleS beilig ijiup- 1)0110d by the wii ships In Sn utlugo harbor. 'I'ile Sptnisii : fotces were netlly : Its ) trouug iutuuiietlcaiiy as 1110 Alnerlcalls and Cubliuus nuid. they slioweti nil tilt ) bravery vitii whuichu they have Imeen c1lIteh ( , mit thley 1iid to give way lIe- fore the dIsll : 1111(1 valor of our tI-oops , Wild ) steadhhy ndvauiccd toward $ l utlago. Thieve sere stime thirihhhuig ilicItleilts In tioe latthe aimd ilothuhlig occurred to lillir tue iiigim reputation of tue American soldiers. Figlltllig wits resliulled yestertlay , 1)ut at this Vritillg 110 illfolutittioIi : has 1)0)011 received as to tosults. Thue fall of Sumtl- : ago , tiuuiess rciliforceilleuits hitve reacluid tile 1)110CC ) , l uuldqiubtchly oiuy a qiuestioii of days and lIerIlaPs huotut-s , iiut ) the (115k iiLs : hlefl to lie quite as dithietilt as was apIreheuhded nail should tetCll : Uiose \Viio ) tiouuiglit jJIu cilqlhcat ot Cuba womiid 1)0 ) eiislIY aL-tplllplisIietl the holly of their conlideitce. ) sacrifice uuecessary to the caitui-e of Santiago vlhi be gucat , but the rsiiit vlI1 be of great luimpor- tauice fuoiit a. military poluit of vIe' nuid 111117 cert a ( heckled Inlluciuce favorable to : tii eaniy ietec. ) Thieve is iiope for the ineuhical piofes- ion after thl. At the recent meetIng of I the Aiuierlcnn Imistittite of IIoIneolttiiy : hit thIs city the fohiowluig iiotest ) \-ls uiiatie iuy aim ezitinciit O1)tiCiiIli agaluist tue nib of tlc so-called IilethiClui code tviilehm lIars tile reIutahie illYsiCItii ) frotit exuIu1iilg lois tusofuhiiess ililenuis of iiC\S1)itICi advenhlslumg : Advertlslng-iegttimato advcrtIsIng-hts a great deal to do with ( lie success of the optlcluu , nail vo arc so 'hldc-bound" by oul. code of ethics that we calIliOt let tim people know what we can do. Our most succesfu1 optician has the trade of the city , and gets It Iy ) advertising. Motucy talks , and if you advertise the iCOPlO wIll know where to get better work at as rcasoiiaWe prices. Adyortisluig 1 a reeoguh'.ed factor In StlC1l5S in ; uil hues of bushuiess mtiiul no gooti reason hil.S ever leell athvutuced W'IIy tile IiOfeHslOlllil hllahi should not itvltih ililIlseif ( It' its 1)W1uhtS. ) ( it is cer- titillhy an elucourughlig slgu wluomu a l)0(1 _ ' of the iuuost iUiteselitiitive hlonleopaths listuout w'It ii aillIloYltI to advice hike this , wiiichm a fe\ ' years ago would have en. COtlhltCitJ(1 ( 1111 lIlmhllChhtte ( aomd siiltii ) 1P. btike. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Jhie teuliimiatry restriIhiIIlg : order is- eiued by Jiudge Keysoi oil time applies.- tiolt of tile Ilorolmula 1)011CC COillu11laOu1 iyioieli ( Ito suplelule court iias deciatred to be w'Ithiout It SillIdoW of tithe is by no ilielthls to lie toikemi Ols a. jtnhiclah rccoguil- tioll of the defunct COlhllliisSlafl. It is issijuti 111)011 Shlithit't'ltS tim t unisreIreScil ) the facts and ( oulhItiOils ( h)1'OViiilllg. As IL lltlLttet of fOrIllIthity the judge inity lmtve : ( lPOuuleI I lie Shiol-iilg uiiode : sih1- , eleIlt to ) justify a teunporairy writ. lViieuu the tiuie stitte of affaIrs Is exhibIted to time colurt tilt ) rnstrniniimg orlur vhhI ( iollhtiiSS ) he dissolved :11111 tIle defullct coumuiiiisitloii oiuiul Jul ateIiie ( lehegateui to time poiitlcai cellletcey , It is to be louIph MIlyor tioorcs' inmmuutiou cu111114 : ttttemition to tilt ) oodi- Imlince ugalust 1Ie thishlurge : of 1hrustrill ztlu1 other e\1)loIsives will bo ] mtieileul by till ? cltizeuis Of ( JIlliLhli : S'lthi tltoustluuls : of visitors III ' tilt. ) illihiic tiuooollghIfnros tie animuni cIns'oih of reckless eciobra- ( loll shlullIll lu ; epui.ssed as fimmis i ° - 511)10 , 'J'iitiq ) \II ic ahniinliumt Oii)4)r- ) Uinity for jithhhatloul hi thu old fashliouIid ' . tiuiiler ' 1)014)01 itt t lie 'lt3. , 1il11it'1 ) riilierv ) ) ) t'XhoSItiOut gi4 tltltl , vhieie I lIe irolmiisuui dIsplay of siioudul satisfy iuli silto imitust iuIy jiyrotcciiuiics with thou giorious Fullrh , I liStPlil ( of ( lie Lihliteh ( S1nt ( govermi- llOllt ilavllig trotlhle hol-rovillg 2O ) , . 000,001) for war PUPOSUS tue patriotic tuileiiLLhl i)10iie have oiTurtai $ S1)OtUO- 000 , If thou goVtlIlultiIt ) eouuhd necoiouumuo- date itil , thu boumdhioiiliiug Cills4 % 0illl iC ellilurged to Ineltuic nearly the wluolo hotly of i0Ji ( . 'l'ho Iowa State Board of 'Cout'oi , vloleht illUl Just taken ciuurge of tue state iIlstItutI000s supel-seIilmg the control of it uiown or lilore boards of varoou and ( hegrees of efilciency leas rtarted - - - - - - - - - - - with the hlllltS'Ittloil of tlxiutg : tlnrleR ole' corllng to the viiltin of ( he selviCes tell- dered nilul igllorhilg the uIt(1dult % of sex- Men nuid Wolulell W0iidIil in ( ho stnt instItutions viIh receIve tilti 511111 ? i'Y ' for tue i5111C sor-c. ( 'IlirS IS tuiily OliC of tile llluhicmttlolos tiuutt t1 board will t IeIii Its Intumleluse POlier 111111cr tile sole guhih- alIce of coulilubon 501150. Tile umlaulagels of western nlollntahut alid 1150k resoits report that tIle tIltVCl Imint stured : ( earlier this year tiinul evtr before auth promises to be uiiuchi itirger. Yehiowstoubc Pitrk is rccehvhuig ilillll3 V1s1. toes , and the resorts Iii Coiordo , Molt- tiuuiot , Sotuthi 1)akota and other VPIeli1 states nuticipate good biushuless for the season. hut little of this huteremised business is reniiy title to tile War , hut it 11157 be nttrlluted to the fmtet tiitt : ( ito Alulerienhl 1)001)10 ) nrc slowly icarluilig of the beauties of theIr Oyli great ectili- try. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ If it is trile , its has lee11 ) mtssertetl , that ( lie hew 1)011(15 ( are ieIllg ) lougiltVitll ) 111011e7 that huts ieen hid : twuty hut strety : deposit vaults , old tetIliks , etc. , tile effect 011 1iiuiness gemlerltily wIll be about the 5111110 ItS thitit of a hit-ge issuue of new clIrreilcy , btit tue effect OIl the goveIn- lItelot Wilell 1)117 ) tIny CollIes wihl be dif- feren t. Tile AfllerlctuI sehlool of iniosic Is smulh : , but it is ii school , 1111(1 tIm A111'iiclttt Peoiuie V'hbO tiike stuch dehigiot in uulllshe amid arc vihiiug to silelid their tloiltu : freely for time best in the world are ivililuig that ( lie niiisiciaiis sliotuld apply 501110 of thleli cilelgies to deveiophilg the AhlitriClihl ) school. 1'uiuuiiInr ' ( ) i(1I ii "Sbu4utIiil Silclc. " G iob.Denbocrut. General Merritt used to be a printer and ought to reailzo the importance of scud- tng thui forms down on time. Ynirluiuig Uu ! 9 luuiHilteuN. IflllSRS City Star. of nearly all the first- class foreIgn voweus accounpnny tim Aunerl- call navytocehow the business Is trans. licted , We iuva not heard that any other nation is taklo lessons from Spain. No Clinnce fur it Chicago Nevs Tile Ohio coal trust Is In a bad 'ay and will probably collapse. The coal trust gen- erahiy getu In a bad way abolit thus time of the year , 1)rcpIrntory : to mikIng the miiiuboruu live on 'vegeinhlcs ( or two or thirco months for thu benefit of their health. This year , owitig to the fact that Uncle Sam is iii need of a goodly number of macn , the tiust may fail In citlcuiatioiis. Jlo'I'lier move IJuieie Szuuui. Now York Tribune. The nations are rullululg over one nnothei In their eagerness to testify utITtction for the United States. Thu eagle looks on placidly , oiot uiiwIliIng to respond to senti- meats of amity. even wheii It kliows veil enough that they are inrely velbai amid conventionni , and the mask of quite aiiothier act of feelings. ] t Is not so easy as It may hook to Pull the fulcous hood over the eyes of our wary and watchful notional bird , Just now in more need of all Its rcources of visIon than over. 5inso.uu iii e A ulie , ( i-uuIuu. Ilaltiniore A ineiican. Keep cool , don't worry , dolnk no ice water , diluik nothing but water , don't swear at the weather nian , be patient , I ma1o no coulpiatuit of the lient , ask no mimui It It is hot ejiough for lam , never corn- suit a theruiiounetcr , never go In swiinunlng viien heated , don't shut chico doors behind you and miever lese your temper , are tile tselvo labors in siiich even licicules would have failed , had his taskmaster been clever enough to have made his test undeu these conditlomis with the mercury in the iiliictlcs. t A 'I'oou-huiiug iuuellt uut iii tnr. Detroit Flee l'rcss. ' , Vhiat more ilathictic Instance of the moral worth of these rough iidcrs than that aol- dliii iCCliO On the hilltop , W11Ci1 tIlISO men of thu wcst-iough In iianie , but teililer of hucart-huicit around tim grave of thi'ir fallen conlrades , sithx bareul heads bowed , while their chaplain Performed the funeral rites which consigned to a eoldier's gluive lii a foreign laud the heroic dead of La Qua- ulna ! Nor can a moro impressive lilillie to this opcnliig tragedy of the land compalgui be conceived than the blending of the manly voices of these rough riders in tim sacred words of tiuc familiar hymn , "Nearer , 1y Oed , To Thee. " Suco MM oV d Ii t I Iou. Pliilndclpliia Priss. The attendance at the Omaha FxposttIoo shows that the urojeetors ( liii iot nhiscaicu- late when they decided to go on with their hans notwithistandillg the war. 'rho gates have been 01)0 ! ) but a little over three weeks azul In that tiune tile attendance has aver- nited 6000 paid adInissiolis a day , The running - ning expenses have been met and somethIng added to the fund for paying tile orlgiiial cost of the exhibition. This 11 an encour- agluug beginning. 'rile first veeks are al- WaiVe tile critical ones in stuck cuuteruuriscs If they are passed safely the future may lie nonsiulereil secure. Judgeul thou by all precedents time Ounahla 1xpositIoil can Iool forward to a good degree of success. : lIALL. W'Il tNXIX Si'tmN f Nut , % VliNi' ( fMareii'slruuiIc 1iuuu ii , ( % % 1)1 , ( li. Ilu II I tiuIui ( 'U. Smuringileid ( Itinsi4. ) Rcpublicun. llut there Is a contingemicy to thluilc of in case we pitch Into Siiaiui at home. Shall we have to annex Spain ? If we must nuiucx the Philippines , wiiy not go so iuuciu further ? It would muot be a 110W experience for Spain. It has , in fact , been a frecjuent feature of its hllstory. Charles V auiuuexed it to flermnauiy , auiui Napoleon annexed it. to the Ilouiiliartlb family , it mIot to France. lletou-e the Chris- thin ealnuisioll of tile iloors it never had an imlepondont history. i3liain could stolid It. lcrdtiinuuh auuml Isabehia , j'hlilp 11 , Alva aluil Margaret of l'arrna might object , but tile ) ' are dead. Iouu Calloli would moo doubt object as InIleil as tibo pathetic queen regeuut aui'I her boy. hut , after oil. why sluould we care ? Let Us SflflUX 115111. Time couuitry has hardly a more stable government than the I'liIlip- % sciulul iiaie If Aguinaldo sere left ill ciuare of tilcull. In fact , there is scarcely a doUiit ( hint a uasoui of conflict , practically auuarchiirai , will fohio the defeat of Spain ill this vnr. 'l'heui why Siiollid we not take Possessioll of Sliallu ? There is no real argument against It oIl Imperialistic grounds , CXeClmt ( lint we should be afraid to. because the rest of Europe uuligilt Ilot like it. here COhlICS Ill time Anglo- .Sazoui alliance. W'hiat an alnuzilIgly provi- dental ollortunit ) for Initiatiuig such Cli ahiianco ! There is England already lIantei ( solidly on ( hue rock of libraltar , the strong- eat fortress ill tlutm 'ouid , priclicaii7 hut- pregnabhe. And we should be ill the family on the very first stroke of dome. We nuid the liritish brethren would quite dornillate the world , The key of tIm Mcdhterm-aueall would be part and parcei of tile great nih- ance. Oh , yes , Anglo-Saxon umuity mould lie deomioustrated In that case. It is far superior to the Philippines as a huosscsiion. toad it would put the Ummited States where time Imperialists desIre-lu the very midst of the flghits of the world. - - - ! lul' ; IltTS 'L' 'l'll1 VtIPIl' . lhlffnio lxpreEllt'tVnS : a professor of moral philosophy who set fire to l'niilee ball at Lafayette college. flilt ict us I-CJQICO that no doctor of divinity was guilty of the fell d ceil. St. Paul Pioneer Presum Another embryo clergyman hues been rash CIICUSh to vohuin. ( err ( lie informantinul , oluring huh CXitilliflfl tion , that he (11(1 not believe the whole of the Jonah story lie lies therefore been u-c- fused ordinatIon in huts deflOminatlOil and Is 01 thologtcal waif nuid stray , so to MWS1 ( . Undoubtedly ( ho sorhil does move , halt some- tiiilCs it Is a little ( liflicult to cntciu it in the act. I3ringfleiui ItepuhhhealIm Tue southern Methodist book concorui Is riot nuikilig a hlartktlinrly Impressive moral uhleetucie of Itself before the senate iuivesthgnthiig corn- illittee. itr , Harbee , tile ilgeIlt of tim von- yen ) , nliilittttl to tue committee ) -estcrdn ) ' that it. hail bceii agreoul hwforeilauld to pai the attorlle'y uiiiuh lobbyist \'tnhuhuigtol1 $100,500 , or 3 Per CebIt of the elnilil ngnluist tue govcrnmlleut oil aceotunt of dalliulges ill- iilctcuh ulturiuug the civil war , hilt lie ( IC. dared that ( lila was a matter which affected Oflly the book concern. lie was iindeu no OilhigatiOtl to inform the setuato about it. hut when the ehahuli as pending Ii ) the 501111(0 Mr. Barbee teieguaiihied in response to iintuhrles floull iflhiVithiltll seulntnrs that tIle cinhun agent or agelits vero to get nil Part of the ciulmuf. His present tCstltiituny Is to the cffcct that if lie lied atiotit the uuuattcr It was none of tue senate's or tue goverilunelut's business ! Nuv York Tribtille hI a lCii oral way It is recognized thlat Chltliell- goiuig is a good nuid desirable thing , amid many cveui o so far as to say that some specinh otuthrniirllig of Divine grace follows It. ( hut it is gelueu'aly lucid that unless a man Is in a receptive religious uilOK1 his goIng to chureiu ili uho hilal 110 good. Moucove'r , in l'rotL-stnntislil it is cofli- lug to be widely believed that the true fune- thou of Ciitllchi services is to arouse the nioral i1111)UhSrS ) of those vhio take port In tiieuii. If that Is so , then gohlu to church is unnecessary for those whose moral iiui- Polices ale already in a state' of great nctiv- it ) ' . llidec&l , culurcll-going for such uColllC Inigilt become altogether too stillltuhatillg , We do uiot say that thIs is a correct view to tolce of churchgoing ; but it is a view that has lleconlevcry cOinnlOll auliong l'loteatallts tolny. It elilniliates alunost entirely the old lulea that ill SOflIC way or other Gaul wouks Oh the hearts of ( Ito assenibli'd worsilipers nail turns a church service huito a lectttue l'cOtliil , tue value of which depeuuds oIl the ILiihit ) ' of tile minister nun ! osiblY also on tue effectIvefless of tile ui1UiC. It. ' .ould be Idle , of coturse , to cilect PeOlile so hi'- having to attend eunuch on a hot day , or , iiuieed , on nuuy ( lIly WliOll their doiuig so wuold cause thumli discomfort or trouble. ( : lllt3i..N- l ilIm CA N Sl''Pi ) i thilwnuleeVisconslii : ' 'flerlnall-tui1cr- icons , ' ' SitS Carl Schuuirz , 'are Illotiul of theIr fatherland and hlio' hios' to new , : appre- cirte its advnuutages nuul great qualities. Now that war Is going eu , they stalni with their new CotIntly. Its frieullhs are their flIculds , fluid its enemies arc their oluomles. " Good for Carl Schurz ! llldialiaflOlis Journal : A Berlin papeu lUblISlieS a letter from lion. Carl Schiurz couideninlng tile course of a pertloll of the G.ruiiiin P1055 toward the United States "German-Americans , " he says , "are ilOUd of their new fatherland and kiio 110w to appuc _ elate Its aulvauitages amid gloat qualities. Now that war is going on they stand with their new country. Its frlcuids are their friends and its enemies nrc their enemies. " That In the sentiment of all Gerlnan-Alneiicana , luo are fully as patriotic as native-horn , z1ut'r' lcniis Globe-Democrat : Carl Schurz , in a letter ptlbhisiicul iii a hlerhin Pallor , talks plainly about the "malevolent antipathy of tile Oar- 1111111 1)rCSS' toward the United States , says that thIs spirit , it imrststed in , viii eradicate oh the Sylrlpathly of tim Gerunahl-Aunculcalls for the fatherland , nail declares flint Amer. ica's 'friends are their friends , and its en- ClUbS are their enanuies. " These are selial- ble and Patriotic ords. The attitude of the nuajority of Gcruiiany's uiewspapel-s tolvald the United States must he ns offciisive to Ocrunan-Aniericans as IL Is to Anmcrlcaius of ally other hiuicage Tue authorities of Germany - many 1)l'ofCSS friendship fur the United States. but this attitude is antagonized by tue exprcssios of most of the German nes- papers. which afford a better Indication of time feeling of tim Gerunan people than the perfunctory and guarded utterances of the Gerunaui oflicinis reveal. Astule from the so- cialint ulewspaulers , luractically all of Ocr- ilially's press is hostile to the United States Tue press of Germany , as weil as of every other cOtliitI'y , is usually a fairly accurate oxpolient of the views of its constituency. Those' ( icluilan unniiufacturers amid exporters % iio are cornlilaiuillig of the falling off of their trade in tue United States can find the cilumo in tue vindictive and foolish ailti. American utterances of their principal noes- PaIers. i'flitSONim . % m ) O'I'IiEhl1.'ISl. Senator John P. Jonc is said to have 1i1&ide 110111 hIs Alaska iiiiumiag ilivestluhentS a fortune equal to ( lint he Inaul out of tue famous Comatock bonnuuza and whIlchl lie afterward lost in various Investments. Ciununcoy Jo ! . Iepuw Is said to ho earthen- lamly iiCllSttIVC , just at tills time of hula to- mariablo : jlerforiiinnces on tile other side , to any inference to the striking rosemliauico in appearance between hilnseif and tim lute Adam FOrepaUgil , the great circus and illeliagerle man. Four tile fourteentim consecutive tune lion , Richard Parks hihani ! has been noiniuiated for congrcss. Time dIstrict he rho , , represents Is practically hue Caine COIl- StitucilCy Wilich first sent illIn to congress tWeulty-Six years ago. Itichard is the father of the sliver dollar. Tiumlo was When tue air wo lhreatilo wile couuiposed of oxygen mId multiogen , vithu a diusit of ClilboiliC acid ; now it contains be. siule cryptoll , uueouu auid mnetargolu. It is ul- iiiost impossihilo to get nuiytiiimig unadumlter- ated miowadays , SO great is tue comuipetition ill all tile necessaries of life. LiOUteilitilt 1101)5011 gave on ortler to a press chImplng bureau inst November for clippings of all newspaper Inemution of hiul , allul frommi tiit ; tilile uuhtil lie saileti with SuihuIpsoil's tlact ouuhy forty such cIhipiumgs were collected. Now tiucy are beiuug gatll- ored at tile rate of about 100 a day. Arlothier heartrending Item about hiobsoul nnd lila followers , as ghycui in a letter from a sailor oil ( lie New York , who got it fuoni limo Spanish olflcer tillit' boarded thus iiIp tulnier a flag of truce , Is to tiuc effect that Cervcra tas so impressed with the iueroisun of ( lie Merrilnac's crew that he kissed the 511011) lilirty. Cohucorulilug the suggestIon once iliatle tilat Great Britain ettiv the Alabaiuia chaimna by trausIem-riuig her Canuliiaul coloulles to us , Senator Sumuiuier said : "lie knows our coHn. try little , unit little also of that great hub- ( ii ty which is ours , who stposea ( hInt SWO couid receive shell a transfer. Territory way be conveyed , but not a luCohlie , " An officer on jle monitor i'uritaiu , which is iii thue blockading fleet off iiavauua , writes ( lint tile teilihlerattlru in lois stateroom is from 52 to ti5 , but considerably over lOt ) be. tween decks amuul from 140 to 160 in tlue eulgillo 100Db. 'flits officer is not in favor of monitors. Their discomfort in rcat , while they are slow end carry little coal , lie the- hioes the money they cost can be tititter iuuvested in nh-around Ilgiutiuug suit's of good speed and ndnptet to keep the crew ho the best coudltiou , - - ItMIM'1'lO ) lY1.4. ! Detroit Joturnal : h.lttlo EtllCh-ThlS Ii PcI LI lIlt of ihiluillullIl. before she wa IflP.C- tIel. % 'tsltou-.Alu , 11)400(1 ? Little Ftilel-Yes ; she hasn't tltno to look ' V that 110W , V. V I Iuii'r'i * flazuor : ' 't'hint are yeti going to ( hO % ii II that tilooun ? " ' l hull ) oiiig to iivc it to tue uflahl I lou' . to'ugit ) ' ' 1'oii2it ? Norsi'nsci'ii ) ' hot give It to 1110 floW ? ' Ciilento Tritmumo' : "Put ah&s sthch a qilluit r1i'i 51:0 sinus to hemI a sort of Interior IOEVV" ' "Cliii t's wily I want her. Sheil be vilhhui tO live vitlilti Icy iioe'onie' ' hiroklyn 1.itel h1o--Ther nie two periods Iii it unhhi1' life vhauu lie lievar lliidemstauudl IL % U1fllIli. ' , iulertil Atid s'iien are tlle'r' ' ' 1'foro ho is nitrried niwi nftrwald Cihhfld l'isin Dealer : ' 1 shahi call 111)011 our IlC % ' licliiihor toilay , " reuiiatked Mrs. ( irhIlluly , waving % ir , Ortiutily to sileiiU' , 'l know si hasn't hint tIme to go't u'th'ul ) 01)1 II1I tIhltt _ nutot I1h'1itbl ) ' her PlirlOf looks it fright , hilt I hieiutul iucr ( itiul mu ii I ilIg vi t I I lid' IlitsiSi huh 1 a st lug ii , tuuil I'll never foruilvo lulyselt It I inn't cait li.forc' tile ) ' mnuke till. " 1)itroit F'ree i'rem4lVifoWe'Vt' been living ilCre i'ih lilolithiS h)0\V 0111(1 hot OilS 1f lii. ' uh'igiilOrs hubS called. liusInluol-1)niu't worry , l'ii going to 1lll'e It tvliillOtiO lltlt ill time hiotuse liext week Ciiieiig Nowsl Jnggu-Vihat's good for in- stihiflla , doctor ? loutnr-hIoe' long lumivo ) 'otl been liotltileti vitiu it ? lmuggs-Ohi , I lhnvaml't got it at nih huit Ill ) itife hnu Solne thuhIehO she , loeshl't get to 5CI ) untih 2 to 3 o'clock imi the Inorluing. 1)ottor--Vt'Ili' ! Fd advise ) Otl to try glhlllg 11(11110 chIllier. 'iaitoi' ( ( I tito hirithslu museunI reports ( lint lIe mctv 11 C'Othlltl''tiiull stuinding huefolo I ho' host Of a V0iflflhi itt li cohicetion of stnt. tunry. 'l'lhe % uhul1llui vns relireuicuited iii the out of coiling her hiioir finui , as ( lie Vilitoir C 111110 iii' , ( hue ( 'otuntrynhute % % ns saying to himself : "No , sir ; that ain't ( rile to umttlre SIte ain't got her nioutli full of lhalrpins1 'l'lu , ' South' of flu' liuui.l , Chicago itecoid. 'ChIC 1411)110 of a 111111(1 Iflity bring Pleasure 01' Pain. Tile uiChthI of its meaning no sage can cx. 1)111 ill : Still , let ne remark , thbougil tile u'cilturo be rilshi , W'hien silo sIllilebi Oil lice father 'thu meant t brilig citali. A i'l..t'l'NIC "i"I' 1111 , 1(1) ' Dear Tuna : So you say at Inst Your bachelor ditys are all hut itst : 'h'l , , t vni I i ni ' .l I n ro In tin t'uI _ Si ) kiu'il of yil ) to write , instead or ! attiiig 1)10' fronl hierthia get 'J'he gritnul deuioucxaehit ; she'll regret She cohildn't conic vithi iih-shoown grace V i\uiul tell uiie , atuilyiuig Iii ) ' face For luhnts of In ) ' ouppitrent lbcrih , Now , ilollCStl ) , I iinte that girl ! 011 , , 1 forget to tuider ) 'otl V Collgratillntiouls thnt are uttic , . , , For Nell's a tlear , and quite the kind To muinlce you ilnpuy. I've a mind 'Pc love her for your own sweet silo : ; l'el'liiup i4llCtOilll Ililt enro to stake -A II ) uot-ah oil stucil fri en tIii i ps Sue Ad ores yoi , 'i'olu t Is lillu in Li , see : V. ' blonu I e I ti ( ! 'I'll I uilc 0 f I II C' brlu lie ) t Cs Veil uset to hbtuihillei' Vitil your pits. I 1(1111CM 50)S tlicre are two kinds of hlond V ihili goes to m.liuthow lie is fonil Or Olin. have you ronienhluerd that ? You used to reiuul tue Autbci'ltt YOu'Ve ant forgotteil how we made VA Pronlise ' 1)011th tue iuliihihC' Silaile , ( ltoiuiuLntic , wmtan't it ? ) that each Should tell Iii' other Svlheil wc'i reach Tue Ii1tt rinuhilial VV.'S. Veil smote Ill ( OhlsiihICuh'e of eourse ( lInt unto. NcII vuuiuld nusert. lKrtising tilts. Ere thu' comiehhiatluig kiss of 1)i i1.P , ' \\'iint leer taste. ' ' Then You'd sny-hlluist gthhCrotlS of men- 'Oh , lora's lovely. Nell , nitliotmgh No giri't ; as st'eet as one I 1(1)0w , A girl as fair as angois lure , " Etcetera i'Otl are quick int'nr Of this kind. Always be discreet , \flThd unuike a siur * ' and safe retreat V fleluiuui a innipurt : of wild praise , .Tust like' you used in the old days. 1 Tow 1 ri'n rn ! Tlierr"s mnucii to tell , ililt it will keep : my love to Nell. I'm going to tvritq a note to her- Oii diircrent lines , as you infer. Iteceive , clear 'CCIII , here ut the end , V Agnihl best wishes from your friend. i'V S.-1hffl't lot your fiancee Sea tiii scrtvl : : she would be gray \Vitiuin a. veek ; or sIlo might cry. She hoioivs not half. Goodbye. Goolbyci V cA'rllEhtlNE 1tUSII. Omaha , Nd , . V otit ; ILti LV llULlE'Z'i S. -5uubiv ( JULY 3 ' " ' 'j"j' S . 4 GUANTANAMO UAY , July 3 , 1S9S-ljnchs Simui now has tiie'best of tue lens lucre. although , In this thickly wooded , moun- talrious country , tue busiiuvhacking Spun. lards. concealed by rocks. tree , and bush. es , have , C'tll for rough riders and reguharg been hard to get at. And hard toget Another bargain like the one being offered now in our chil- dren's department. Yesterday we put on sale 5O wash suits for Little fellows of five years. V None larger and none smaller. These are sailor , blouse and Brownie suits , in linen , crash , galatea and duck-nicely trimmed - med with flat and soutache braid to match. These suits are worth $1.25 , 1.50 , 2.00 , 2.50 and 3,00. But on account of having only the S year sizes , place them before you at 75c a stilt. Wash tams to match suit at , 25c each. Our store will be open tomorrow until noon. \y JIkOWNIN6KINi&CO , ' . . . ut .04 ibsaiaa nh. I