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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1898)
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Eli tIItip.INIC 1)elUUIH rfttl.,1L : ti 1't.urciitIi. - - -i : rhe cod ntmoaphrc thnt hung ocer the eXlOS1tIOt grcUndB yesterilay was In strik- InitotItrnct to tile torrkUty UIftt. pravnlled urtng week and the slight dash of rain u the ear'y ' inortitng eniphasizcd the bril- t Itafit co'ors ' of the Ianbcnpc. ( The ap- . ( proncli ot the big day , Monday , has a tendency - - doncy to relueo the local attendance , bUt there WItH Still n fairly good crowd on the grounds nil .Iay arni a docitletily bigger one , ftt the evening. IL WaH ChrleUan Eneavoror'B ( lay , bUt t t occurreI thit very few o the ciideavorers : J arrived lU the city in time to get to the grounds y.ster(1ay AB they do. not leave Omaha for NRA1IVI1I0 until Monday night , they will constitute still another addition to MondnyB ldg crowd. A few scattered - i-- delegateS who arrived yesterday made their . t headquortor4 ht tile Nebraska building , wlIre the organization baa a permanent ' ) adqiartnr and rested after their Jour- - noy. . The nn.nS City ecureion trains will arrive this morning and with favorahle veatber jul exceptioiinhiy heavy Sunday at- tenlflnrC Is anticipated. Then vIll come - ? the big 1"otrtlt of July celebration that 1ini been the main subject of interest In xiusltIoIt circles juring the week. Fvery Indication Is that lor.tlny will not only lie tile higgt ( lay yet experIenced , but thnt it will set a pace for sonic tinu to come. Reports - ports from every direction point to a tre- nitilou attendance train other points and it Jrexected that the Omaha licople will . toni out loyally to help 'celebrate the occa- InIi. .None o tlit cxppsttion offleinls arc willing to lie cOntented with an estimate ot c8s thaif 300,000 people , and sonic of them iiisist on suggesting an even higher figure. The reports received by Manager ] bLIJcok of the Department of Transportation from the various railroads are to the effect that every nrtlclo o roiling stock that Is In aight will be utilized for the ocesslon. A St. Jbcph business m'an , who was on the grounda yesterday , says that pretty nearly the entire population of that city is going to taku advantage of the rnnrkab1y low rati from Kansas City nod Intermediate points and , the Kansas City excursion promIses - Ises to bring 0(10 Of the biggest crowds that was over taken out , of Kansas City at one time. Then there will be siccinl trains running - ning In from every other direction und the ticket agents at Nebraska antI Iowa towns report the mo3t flattering Prospects for a big crowd. The railroad men generalize the prospect Ijy declaring that they are going to have all ( ho people they can haul , and with anything like this local attendance that Is cxloctecl , the crowd vi11 be something epoi moue. CeL.,1rniun ( I.ViIl He Vorth SeeIng That thio PeOPle will find something worth cornIng to see , not considering the exposition - tion Itneit , Is aPparent from the enthusiasm with which everyone connected with the L affair is assisting to make It go. The con- El e.ssIonista are particularly active and the ' rradu of all iiathons viIl be one of the ( i iost Interesting featurcs that has evtr heen organIzed at flU ) ' exjiosition. General Man- sgor Chjirksoii has rccei'cd assurances that every concession on the grounds will be ruhly represented nOd most of them are makjng elaborate preparations to make the znost of the opportunity. They realize that their Interests arc hlentlcai with these of 'I tlio exposition in this case and they arc going into the affair to make it a wJnner. ThuVonlen'H departiiietit of tile cxposi- - ' . . . tioa t iiiennwtiiho preparing for the big - juvenile celebration that viii mark the dedication - . - cation of tue Girls' and loys building July 14 , The exercises viii be held at 2 o'clock in the afternoon ittiti svlil ho varied rather than irolonged , Rachi of the ten cities who , ' made the highest contributions to the fund for the erection of thu building wIll pnxticl- veto In the program. These cities in the - : order of their liberality nrc Omaha. Council Jilufi's , South Omaha , \Vcst Point , Lincoln , Norfolk , Blair , 4shland , ICCrney ( (11(41 ( ( llatIiig8 , An Omaha. speaker will deliver r tile address of weicowe and in view of Its : excellent showIng , \Vest Point will lie given ' , this honor of itinking tue response. Tue re- Inainder of ho program will be composetl of IOUSIC , recitations and addresses , which wilt be contributed by the other cities men- 'U'- tloactl. No speaker vIll be allowed more s than three minutes and the musical and I ' other numberl3 vhll be Strlcti ) ' limited to fIve minutes each , CII.M.tN IJtt.tWS A luG l'htIZEi , 1141 $ ( lit Aiilgaii.r * nilil ) )411'NII't ICIIO'V 110W ii ) ( ct 11141 of It. Superlntimdent A. F. Cohiwan , in charge ot the loan exhibit in the horticulture building , is tue Puzzled iiossessor of a young 4 allIgator anti 1(0 ( is offering a reward for tlio best recipe for disposing of tile saurlan , Thu "critter" eano by express yesterday froli Dr. F' . M. l'owehl , subierintenllent of tilt ? Institute for the Feeble Minded at alenwuod , , Ia. It was enclosed Ill U box fliOtlt three feet bug , ix inches In whitli and about six Inches high. The top of the box was made in sections with hinges and as an Innocent hooking affair. with a few sniali holes In 0110 cliii to admit air. Noth- lug about the box betrayed tile nature of its , , J tolitetits , the oiily marks usitlo froiii the address and nanie Of the sender being a sentence in lead PCIICII reading : 'Thrce years old , " Mr. CohItnai supposed the box contained rObe rare species of fruit which had becil lL grown by 1)1' , POWLil , who Is wideir known I , horticulturist , and he remoied the . . calls III the hinged portion of the covey very carefully , to guard against bruising tue I delicate contents , \\'beii lie turned back the sectiOfl of tue cover there was a whisk t striped and sieCkli1 tall I'S the reptile CXtelidct its imprisoned caudai appentingo to lt full irtIgit , slid a hissing sound like a liest of rattlt'aiiakes iiiado Mr. Coihnans 't , stand up. His vigorous exprtssioll5 of - surprise attracted Il&e attentiun of the occupants - : ' pants of the building cud tIni box was coon I the center of a Curious ClQvd , There were ninay jokes cracked about the btrangc fruit whIcJi grows on Iowa trees and Mr Coiitnnu . . ' , - -L _ _ _ ' _ _ _ - - _ _ _ 1 WIlS unable to explhln wlicther the contents of the box represented the result of a new metlioti of grafting fruit trees or wes Intended - tended to Illustrate the 1Ivcstok Industry of the state. The little saurlan threatened to grow into a white ciephant and Mr. Coilman was in a quandry how to dispose of it. Superintendent - ent Taylor of the Horticulture building suggested - gested that the rptIie be placed lit the big basin north of the building , which Is filled with water lilies , snyIn it would 500(1 clear the basin of the frogs which in- test tile place. Florist Rrfhlng , who lies charge of the flowcr beds abouf tile building atlil titti lilies in the basin , overheard this suggestion and he entered a vigorous objection. "I have to get into that basin to or three times ft week , " exclaimed Mr. Rrfllng , "to get nut the wccds , and do you think I want that thing taking a piece out of me ? " Tue " " stlr'eylng "thing" had been quletiT the situation while the ciiscuasloii was gollig on and its little beady eyes seemed to snap as they took in the rotund proportions of Mr. Eriling Willie he was objecting to fur- niahlng a meal for tile object of the discussion - sion , No one could think of any better suggcs- tion to niake end the new arrival was poked back into Its craulped quarterB until some better place could lie found. Superintendent Collnian ( lechlell to get a larger box for tile reptile in order to give It an opportunity to move about anti It ihl be kept in this tintil some better means of cnrin for It is devised , The creature is audIt four 'feet long tinti has jaws which open about six or seven inches. It was in- ChillOd to be 4very cross after its long Im. prlsoninent auth resented any attempt at fatnillnrity. It will torii a part of the Iowa horticulture , exhibit. for the present. I'AlI ) IiAltI.V Pit JIllL IIl.ON. GUt siSlice , of ( lit' I'riIt nilil LUMt 11cr 1)lai.iu.L I'Iii. One , woman , virn was the "head push" in the crowd which led the charge Ofl tile Texas vntermelOllS Friday afternoon , paid pretty dearly for the small Piece of tile lUSCIOUS fruit with wilich she joyufliy emerged from the crush. This woman had attended bargain sales 1Lld Silo was lii her clement (18 ( she crowded and pushed , do- terlililletI to get a geOl bargain whether SCilool kept or ( lot. She distanced nil coin- petitiors and was soon In tue front rank wheio ho was rewarded by rect1vilg a gen- cr0118 slice ot rich , red juIcy melon and as lie marched vast her less fortunate corn- vetltors there was gleam of exultant eatl- faction In her eyes which mnde the ether WOUlCl , look sad. She stepped off to one 51(10 to enjoy the result of her victory and , before commencing operations , adjusted her necktie that had become disarranged in the crowd. It was then tiiatsho discovered that a $100 diamond pin which had llOld the tie in place when sIlo entered the crowd. hail disnppcnrcil. The taste for water- nieloti vanlsilel forthwith and the woman abaniloned tile tempting morsel to rush back into the crowd. h'ushing the people aside she looked on the ground she had so lately passed over , hoping to see the pin among the gravel , Of course the search was fruitless , but Bile iiung around umitit the crowd had gone and askeil the people in the Ilorttcllture building to assist In looking again. AU took a hand , but no trace was discovered of the jewel and the woman went away , declining to give her nalne. MIIE MUSIC FOIt ' 1'1l1 F.Xl'OSI'l'ION. IlnuliM 'l.VliL lie the AttractIon iimrlm.g time Nct Few ' % Veelin. The Theodore Thomas orchestra will give Its farewell concert Tuesday Ilight of the comning week and for some thuc the Public will regale its taste for music by listening to band concerts 811(1 ( oUt-of-door choral con- ccrts whIch will be given from time to time. The Sioux City band , which Ilas been delighting - lighting large audiences each afternoon and evening with its excellent concerts , will re- nialti at the exposition until Tuesday even- 111g. gIving a concert in the afternoon at 3 o'clock in front of tile Governlnont bulldtnd and at 7:30 : p. ni. In tll pavilion on the biulT t ract , Wednesday of this week Phinney's ljnitei States band wili commence an engagement of four % 'eeks at tile exposition. Tills hand c9nlpriscS fifty xperIeiiod musicians and tile name of tue Ioi'a State band 1155 ( IC- cluIrcl a iliost elivlabie reputatIon tilrough- out tile middle vest , Tills band will give concerts mcli afternoon In front of the Covernnient buildlllg nail each evening in time pavilion Oil tllC tililif The PltVlieC City band will come to the exposition July 11 for an engagement of one week. Tile usual Sunany concerts will be given at the grounds today , tue Sioux City band lIaylng ) ill front of tile Government build- hug at 2:30 : ociock nilti on the iltllf tract at 7:30 : p. Ill. , alld the Tlionlaa orcllestra giving its usual Sunday concert in the Auditorium , conuneneing at 4 o'clock. . IiIuiiltiirs' ( JImil , ( , The ExhIbitors' club has reached an agree- meat with tile CXpOI4itiOll Illnflagemnent by wldcli the ciub wihi lie given quarters in tue gallery of tile Electricity building , A moot- lag of tile execIltivo committee of tue club was held in the Canadian club parlors this forenoon , at Which the Nub-committees that wore appoInted to arrailge for quarters , fur- nlture tintl otiler illeldoutals , reported. Tile details are 110W practIcally arranged and final action will be taken at a meeting of the chub WiliCh ivill be hehti In the Montana iittliding this evening , The exllillitors state that they llOPOSC to turilisil tlleir quarters iii ii manner that will ha highly creditaiile to tllo CXhiOsIU0fl as vell as themselves and tin'y will OCCtlpY tilefli as soon us tile ICCOS- sary Preparations CIil ho attended to. 1nimm.'lics , I hi' L.Ifft ihint , Secretary Cox of tile governillent commission - sion ofilciated at the launching of the life saving boat into the lagoon yesterday. The boat was beginning to show tIle effect of the hot sun of tile last few days and it was found Ilecessary to drop it Into tile lagoon (0 save it from serlouij imljtlr ) ' . As the craft Is fur froni being a delicate 011(1 tIlls liroveti to be a ratiler heavy undertaking , but it . % .aa slmccessfuily acconlihIsil ' ( l and tile boat Is 110W mlloored to tIle mast that rises from tIle center of the mirror , Secretui'y Cox Is still witllout. Iflformnatioml as to Wiloil the goverfilIlent 'will lie able to Provide a crew , hut 110 ilOhies to secure Omie soimletimuc during tile 11100111 , Gotrpiisvit llmsiiI I m. mmii.l SillI.Illy , Tile exposition nianagenlent ll alaking an cifort to have tile gOverIlllllIt building kept UIOn Sunday afternoon antI evenings. Tile request will be formally llllbnlltted to the CoIlIluisslOll at its uext Illeeting. but it is regarded as doubtful whether the vrcvious actiOll vi1l 1)0 rescimided. At the 'orItl's fair tile matter was taken clear up to Pm'csi- dellt Cleveland , but tile Ileterlllillatioll of the commissioners to keep the building closed on Sunday iu3 Ilot shaken , s himmisi llellNhIc Cr.4pN , ATWOOI ) , Kan , , ' July 2.-Siecial ( Tele- gralil-OVlleJl ) I'iiifl fell today all over tile flurlimigten iirancll fronl SI , Francis to Orleans. Nortllwestera Kansas oitl south. iveatern Nebraska wlleat 10 secure. The yield will be heavy ; acreage larger than last year , Corn dolug well , FLEET TAKES PART Joina the Army in the Attack Upon the Olty of Santiago. ENGAGES IN A VIGOROUS BOMBARDMENT Forth at. Agiiadorea' Are Convexteil Into a Masa of Ruins. SUWANEE SHOOTS DOWN SPANSLI FLAGS Tremendous Oheers ( rein the Sailors When YeHow Rag Fal1. NEWARK IS INITIATED AS A FIGhTER IIIr1ll Cite littervals of Iteport. . froimm the 1lciiv Imlls lIf ( lie Slut , , . CuimtL tic ltcmmrl the Firluig i , time ImufIlmltr ) Oil Shore. ( Copyright , 1S98 , by Associated Press. ) OFF' SANTIAGO DE CUI3A , July 1.-VIa ( Kingston , Jamaica , July 2-lieforc ) 5 o'clock tiliB morning tile crew of the hag- ShIll ) WflS eating a hurried breakfast alld itt 5:60 : general quarters" was sounded nlld , the flagship headed In toward Aguadores , amout three miles etst of Morrb castle , Tile other ships retained their blockading sta- tioll. Along the surf-beaten silore the sIflOke of an approaciling train from Aitares was aeon. It was coniposed ofopen cars full of General Duffleld's troops , At the cutting a Iflile east of Aguadores the train stopped and tile Cuban scouts procedeci , along thO , railroad track. The troops got out of tile cars and soon formed in a long , thin line , standing out vividly against the yeiow ! , rQcks that rose perpendicularly above , shiuttilIg them off from the main body of the army. which is on the east sIde of the bill , seyerai miles north. From the quarter or the liagatlip mere was a signal by a vigoroqsiy wig-wagged letter and a few minutes Inter , from a clump of greeti at the water's edge , caine , an an- snor from tile army. This was ho first cooperation - operation for offensive inmrposes between the army and navy. The landing of tile army at Biaquiri and Altares was pureiy a naval affair. With the flag in his hand , the soldier ashore looked like a butterily. 'Aro you waiting for 115 to begli ? " was the signal made by Adnliral Sampson to the army. 'General Duflicid is ahead with tile scouts , " caine the answer from tile 8110cc to the hlagslijp. fly tills time it was 7 o'clock and the nil- mimI ran tile flagship's bow within three- quarters of a mile of tile bench. It. reniaiiieil almost ns iiear during the forenoon nuil the daring way it was handled by Captain Chad- wick within sound of the breakers made the Cuban pilot on hoard stare with astonish- fllelit. The Suwanee was In company with tile flagship , still closer in shore , and the Gloucester wns to the westward , near Morro castle. From the southward tile Newark came up and took a position to the west- ward. Its decks were .biaek with 1,600 or more troops. It wont alongside the flagship - ship and was told to disembark the troops at Altares. WuIthiig ror tilt , ' % Vord. Then AdIniral Snmpson signaled to Con- eral Duifleid : "When do you' want us to commence firing ? " "In a little while a white flag on shore sent back the answer "when the rest of' the command arrives ; then I vili signal you. " It 'as It long and tedious , wait for tile ships before the second fifty carloads of troops came puffing along from Aitares. By 0:30 : tile last of the soidiejs had left the open railroad tracks , disappearing in the thick brusil that covered tile eastern side of Aguadores inlet. Tile tvnter In tile SOflO tubs under the breeches of the big guns was growing iiot in th9 burning sun. tshore tiier was nO sign of the enemy. They were , believed to be on the western bluff. Between the bluffs runs a cocky gully loading illto Santiago city. On the extremity of tile \vestern arm was an old Castilian fort from which tile flags were flying and on a parapet of the eastern lull , commanding the gully , two stretches of red earth could easily be seen against the brush. These were the rifle pits. At 10:15 : n. sIgnal flag asilore wig-wagged to Admiral Sampson to commence firing and a lilinute later the New York's guns blazed away at the rule pits and at the old fort. The Suwanco nod Gloucester Joined in the eCiloos which rtlrnbled nround and filled the gully. All the stored-up tiluntler of tile clouds seemed to have broken 10030 and snlOke soon rose over the illhls and. th9 gully was silllt out from view. Then the firing he- came more deliberate. Of our troops ashore In the brulb nothing coqld be seen , but the "ping , ping" of the small arms of tile army floated out to sea durIng the occasional luiia in the firing of tile big guns which peppered the rub hits untIl clouds of red earth rose ahovo them. An eight-inch shell from the Newark dropped in the massive olil fort antI clouds of white dust and huge stones filled the aIr. WhIch tile huge shells hit its battlements , almost ilidden by green creepers , fragments of masonry came tumbling. down , A shell from itit , Suwanee hit the eastern Ilarapet ann IL crummiieu away lIKe a mummy exposed to the air after long years. nhtl the smoke and debris tile flagstaff was sceil to fall. SI(4)Ot Ai'iiy ( lie F'lng , "Tile flag ilna been siint down , " shouted tile silills' crews , but when tile smoke cleared away the emhlelll of Spain was seen to be still flying and blazing brii- hiantly ill the sun , tiloUgil the flagstaff was benllng toward tile earth , Apparently tile flagstaff ilad been caught firmly in tile wreckage of the fort , A few more Silots' leveled tiio battlements until tile old castle was 8 ilItiflil sigilt , \'hen tile firing ceacd Lieutenant Dole- hanty of tile Suwanea was , anxious to finish , his work , so lIe signaled to tile New York , asking liermnissiqa to knock down the Span- Isli fieg , " 'es. " replied Admiral Senlpson , "if you Cflil do it in tilree IdIOtS. " 'i'iio Suwanee then lay phout .GO nrds front the old fort , Its guallers took their time , Lieutenant Blue carefully aimed the four-inch gun and the crews of l1 th Silills watciled tile incident amid intense cx- Citelilent. When the smoke of the first Idiot cleared away , only two streamers of tile flag were left. Tilu shell had 'none through the center of tile bunting. A delighted yell broke from the crew of tile Suwanee , Two or three imlinutes hater the Suwanee tired again and huge clouds' of"deiiris Tose from the base of the flagstaff , , or a w se pntls it was 1mpaslblc to toil what ilad boon the effect of the shot. Then It was seen that tue ailell had only added to the ruin of the tort. The flagstaff seemed to have a charmed cxistellco and the Suwunee bud only 0(141 chance left , it seemed hardly vossl. blo ioz it to achieve Its object with the big gpo , at such a distance and at such a tiny target. There was breathlesssiIeneo , among tile crows. They crowded bn th skIps' decks and all eyes were on'that , tflered rug , bending toward the enth fminho top of what had once been grunilold castle. hilt it was only bending , net yet dou-n. Lieutenant Comnlandt' fleibanty anti Lieutenant Blue took their time. The Suwanee changed its position shightly. Then V. pUff of smoke shot outkom its side sail imp went a spouting clout of dmbrls front the parapet and down fell tii banner of Spain , Such yells from the flnship will probably Ilever be heard again. There was more excitement than Is witnessed at tile flnthh ot a college bent rice o * a Popular race between first-class thoroughbreds on some big track. The Suwanee's last shot had struck right at the base of tile flagataft and lind blown It clear r the wreckaqt which hami beith it. "l'eli ( lone , " signaled Admiral Sampson to Lietltellant Comlnandar hiclehnnty. At 11:30 : General Dumcll sIgnalled that his scouts reported that no damage hri.l . been ilono to the Spanisi siflo pits by tile shells from the ships and Admiral Sampson told illin they hInd been hit. sev ral 'times , but that there was no cmi In the ptts , however - ever , tile Suwane was ordered to fire a few nore 511018 in theip'tlirevtion. hurls 1Iglit-ItueIL Sluei1. , At ih:18 : p. m tile Noi York , liaving dla- continued firing at Aguadorea , comnlenced firing eight-inch shells clear over Ule gulley into the city of SalItiago de tuba. Every five minutes tile sheila Weilt roaring over the ilihiside , Wilut destructioii.tiley wrought. it was inlpossible to tell , as the biuffs hide everything. Ill reply to General Dufileiil's question : "Vt'llat is the ilows ? " Afinlirni Salllpson re- Plicill "There is not a Sfiaoiard left in the rifle pits. " Later , General , Dtlmeld' ignnlled that his scouts thougllt reinforcemCnts were march- lag to the battered old fort , .and 'ulmlrmtt Sampson wlgwagged him : "There is 110 Spaniard left there. Ifftlly COnIC , tile Gloucester will tllke care of tilem. " A little later the Oregon joined tile Now York in sending eigllt'inch shells illto tile city of Santiago. Tills fl8 kept up until 1:40 : p. ' n. By that time GenCral Dumeid had sent a message , saying his troops could not cross the stream and woUld return to Altares. in the nlcantinie tue Spanish troops were still in tue gully and the New York and Gloucester silelied it OIICO more , and the Newark , which had not flrfl , signalled : 'Can I fire for traget hirimojiuc ? have had 110 prevIous opportunity. " Permission for It to do so was signalled antI it blazed away , shooting well , its six-inch shells cx- pioding with remarkable foco among tile rocks. At 2:40 : p. m. Admiral Sampson hoisted the signal to cease firing andthe tingsilip returned to tile blockading squadron. Oil the railroad a train load of troops had already left for Altares. MADRID S' tETTIG ANXIOUS UiuitiIc II ) Ei,1nin the Dearth of r'l'e' $ , frpuui 1(44 Arzuuy llcsclget , 't'Ithilti Sai.ttiimo. ; .4 MADRID July 2.-Intile m4sence of any omclai' dispatches giving idetlIs of the nt tack on Santiago do Cuba , the newspapers ilere express 'Nat anxtcy , which is increased - , creased by tile report thnti1O relnforcemeilts have reached the besieged bity from Man- zanhilo or hlolguln. The papers colnplain of the 'extreme br vit of tuii : Iian1sii advices , "leivlng nil Europe at the mercy of Amer- lean exaggerations. " 4 Every one here seems to fad that tile do- elsive game is being plnyed around Santiago do Cuba and that the fall of ihat city cannot fail to nffect the existence of the govern- meat here , but thus tar perfect tranquillity prevails. Tile Madrid newspapers , also severely censure - sure tile return of the threeSpnnlsil , , torpedo boat destroyers and the Liyo coal laden trans-Atlantic steamers , iVhicil are said to be back at Port Said , and niuch Indignation is expressed at. the tinle , lot by Admiral tamara's fleet In Egyptian i ters , Tile minister for foreJgi affairs , Duke Almodovar do Rio , has caused It to be announced - nouncod that the only difficulties met with ill Egypt were due to the. representations of the American consul agaIn the duration of the squadron's stay aid tie purchase of coal. The passage of the canal , the minister explained , could not Present any difficulty. A dispatch was received today from General - eral Augusti , dated Manila , June 26 , vIa Hong Kong , in Wilich lie says : "TIle situation COntillues flu critical as announced in my dispatch of , lune 15 , FIt- teen German , French , Japanese and British war ycaseis are anchored In the bay. Through thorn there Is frequent cominunicn- tion Witil Hong ICong. Operai Monet , after fighting several batqee , . ias 'arived at Macabore with 1,000 men , 'here lIe is entrenched , Iii the event of the enemy ad- vaucing on tue capitol , I have ordered Con- oral Monet to force hIs wn through to my help , thougil I regard such an operation as difficult. " 4 NIGHT STOPS THE FIGHTING AlIlericahl .Armmuy lleiy lo Itemiciv It ' 'uvlthi flue Comni II of IL. Nei" I ) : ' ? ( Copyright , jt ; fi ) ' Asiloefatvd Prets ) SII3ONEY , Province of Santiago de Cuba , July J-Via ( I'lnya Pci Delayed In Trallsnhlssion.-At ) this 'hihur 0 p. in. , tile fighting lies practically tt1pbd. It will be resumed In the morning , ! Our trcops have gained several brcastworls ? They encountered - tored a barbed wIre fence 'elgit , feet illgh. At 8 o'clock the fighting IIl continue3. Tile entire reserves of the American army have been or'lered to tile ifront at once , apparently with the Inteltlon of forcing our way to Santiago do Cuba. 'Php troops have advanced nearly to the cur , hut the fortifica- lions are very strong. ur losses are ileavy , An officer from the fiei4 e3Linlates our killed and wounded at over 1,000 , men. Shells , supposed to be fm tile Spanish fleet , did heavy execution' iong our troops. Durhng a lull Ill tile fighting aq tlupre3sivo Incident occurred , Tbo Tw aty-fir3t intall- try was out in front and buffering loss from the Shmanish fire , but the men sang "Tile Star Spangled Ilanllor , " even the wounded joining in the singing , HELP COMES TO LINARES ( enernl ( iireIui ( Lmotcd as $ miImug l'nlolu' , 'l'rooms hIll'e , hitnvhiet NEW YORK , July 2.-A special dispatch from l'laya del Eats to ti'e ' Evening World qilotes General GarcIa. ai mnltllorlty for 1110 stz4teinellt , tllat General lan1o has eutcl'ed Santiago wltit 6,000 soldls , reInforcIng General Liliares , General Panda heft ManeiIlo on June 22 with 8,000 or iOOO nItfi nd a large train of Pl'OVIiOns anti emmunitlon. General Shatter - ter sent 2,000 Cubao bek to Aecerraderos on the transports to thu west of Saatlago to head elf Paodo. but tiey cyideutiy failed to accomplish that eaJ , , - - - FIGhT LIKE hEROES Shatter's Army Makes a Brilliant Battle , Before Santiago. FQRCE THE ENEMY TO STEADILY RETREAT Spaiiiard Are Driven from Their Strong Position at El Cancy. ROUGh RIDERS lIRE AGAIN IN EVIDENCE Genaral Wheeler Stirts to the Plaid in an Ambulance Wagon. MANY ACTS OF GREAT PERSONAL BRAVERY lllittle huge , Fiercely icr flue Greater 1'4)riIlt of tluc Iiiy , mittil Its Close Fluids the AIIICrICIIUN tile % 'Ietora. PORT ANTONIO , Jamaica , July 2.-On bard Associated Press lIspatcll Boat Dandy , oltJuragua , July L-The ) battle of Santiago has raged all day nail at 4 o'clock this afternoon' 15,000 American troops are tllundorlllg at the outer fortifications of the ( loolneil city. 5111cc tlayhreak General Shafters arny has fougilt its way across two and a half 1111105 of bItterly contested and strongly fortified country , and the entire - tire iillC , froiii left to right , is within gun Sllot of Santiago town. The American loss thus tar is estimated at hospItal corps ileadquartera at twenty killed and fifty wounded , but it will be ilours before the death roll call be accurately given. LieUtellnnt Colouel i'atterson of tile Twenty-second infalltry Is the only officer kilown to have been wundcd and he Is not fatnhiy hurt. Tile Spanish kIhitd and vouiiiled are Un- ( lOubtCfiiy numbered by llundreds. The Spanisil strongholds of El Caney and El l'aso have fallen and tile fort at Agua- dores , just east of Morro castle oh the coast , Ilas been blown to ruins by the gulls of the fleet. fleet.WIth WIth tue exception of about 1,000 troops , WilO are guarding Blaquiri and Jurngua , tile entire army is engaged , together with 4,000 of General Garcia's Cuban troops , The Inon fought Lioriously and if the same mcasuro of success willcll attelIdeil today's engagements follows tile fighting ef tile next twenty-four hours the Aillorican flag will fly from Santiago's walls on Sunday , 0111- cers and men are fully convinced tllat the city wilt be tilelrs by tomorroiv Iligllt , Tue battle began just at daylight at a POilIt about eight miles ( rain Juragua antI four miles northeast of the outer fortifica- tiolls of Santiago. The general order for an advance rtr issued by Generai Shatter at ilark last night and by mIdnight every iat , in thio army knew that a desperate struggle would'eoine wIth the dawn. The news put the troops in a fever of excitement nail tile night wasspent ill cheering and singing , the popuarstrnia ! being , "Tllere'il be a hot tIme in SantIago tomorrow. " lImke OIL Icairly Stnrl. At 4 o'clock tills morning hundreds of bugles - gles rangotit the reveille and before the sun had riseil , the great 11110 was complete. To the extreme left was General Duffleid with the ThIrty-third MichIgan , his comnniand having reached tue Aguadores bridge by train. Next , to the nortileastYas General Kent's divisIon , a mile and a half from the sea and 110111 no a reserve force. The center of the line was held by a cavai'ry division WiliCil , tliitil General Wheeler arrived at flooll , was commanded by General Smaller. Owing to General Young's Illness. Colonel Woods of tile Rough RIders coinnlallded his brigade , Wlkicil consistetl of the First rcu- hnrs , the First volunteers , tile Tenth regulars and 0110 battalIon of tile Ninth regular cay- airy , all dismounted with tile exception of two troops Oil tue extreme right under Con' orals Lawton' and ChalIce , fully five miles from thm rear , it hd been arranged that General Dulfield should milke a feint of attacking Aguadores in order to draw attentIon from tile main movement and at 5 o'clock ( lelleral Lawton's troops moved forward , led by a battery of the First artillery under command of Cap- taRt Aiiyu Capron , Every niai In the army carrIed tilree days' rations and ammunition to lllatCii anti every one knew that lIe was not expected to return - turn to camp until Santiago had fallen. General Lawtoa's division opened the bail wltil a thirteen-pound shot , quickly fohloweil by others , tile infantry opening immediately. Then General Garcia advanced through the brush in tile valley , meeting with no opposition - tion , anti General L.awton , advanced along to the north slope , the infantry and artillery firing heavily. Captain Grimes' guns had just galloped to the plateau in grand style and opened fire. The teiegrnpil line , La Bruneile superintending - tending , kept up with the advance In fine style. Tile observation balloon was inflated ycstertlay for the first time antI made tiIro successful experimental asceilts , tile car holding six men. Tile first shot was fired from tile battery at 6:40 : by CaptaIn Capm'on , whose soil , a captain of the liough Riders , was kliftd In tilu battle at Sovhlia , The allot was direced at El Caney , where the SpanIards were In force , and it fell in the heart of tile town , The firIng lasted twenty rninptes without response , 1m.cmam ilttlrcs fronl Ih J'nso. Meantime tile cavalry division had moved forward on the nlaln Santiago trail. Under the musketry fire of tile cavalrylllen tile Spaniards In tile little town of El Paso retreated - treated and Captain Grimes' battery took up a position there and began a rapid firing into El Caney , The guns of the two batter- 103 made tile place so hot that the enemy finally retired , llaving no artillery. Tile towil was surrounded by rough enrtilworks and ilnes o' barbed wire. After the eaemny hInd been driven from El Paso tw'iity-ono silots were fired by Cap- thin Grlnies cml Captain Capron from that Position Into the outer fortifications of Santiago - tiago before a response Caine , When it dId comiie , however , it came with unexpected accuracy - curacy , tile allots being from 3-inch anti 5-Inch rapid fire rifles , evidently taken from Cervera's war ships 1111(1 lnoUllted beiiinii the fortifications , The Spanish gunners raked the 11111 on whicil El Paso stands nail willch meantIme ilad been made the headquarters of General Sumner and the Cuban generals , Garcia , Castillo , Capole and Until , One sileli struck a large sugar storehouse on the red corrugated - gated roof on whIch stood ten Cubans vIew- ills the fight. Tue roof fell anti all the Cu- balls were WoUllded nail tilree of them will die. die.A A detachment of 200 Cubans went from El Pcso and. . then Colonel Wood , witil the itougli Riders , tile First and TelIth cavairy , started down tile lull straigilt for tile ene- ( fly's fortifIcations , Captain Cirlmnes' battery poured a fire Into tile Slianiards to lirotect Colonel Wood's 'advance. 'I ¼ AiIl.Qunt(1 cavalrI paused on Its way - _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ - 4 THE BEE BULLETIN. \\'enther l'nrc'cnmt , for Nebraska- Fair ; Warmer ; Northerly \\'ItldI. rage. 1 l'rogrca , . Of lh' ' SlilIlllOst'PI ( I no l'ln' ii" I ittg , , Sohllcrs L'Iglut Iike P'l LINt Of Casmunltlepi a ago , ii W'IlstuIlIgOll AsmlitM -us. Shutter ( 'Itils for S . a eIrmNliI 1tuk 151111111 PIles . ' . ciltile , Ilurhillgtoll' , . L"lnu : tioll , .1 I.n.t'et'k lit Own ; Iuiuigs of hut. tllN Fourth ut tIle Ixll' C Council ltilllTs 1 , , , ( . ' cr5. 1(4111 % ICTN itimil Ci , 7 'l'urmer , Coat little to 'I'irit , Spo1t ilIg lIven I , or Smitur.lny , N ltepubllcnuis lliumtil for Oitlum , , I ) ( tlmaker' . % 1iI * lie hoot Ititee. I'VCSldt'Ilt ilurt iii n ' % % 'reek , 1c'siir tilt' Pnliee lionril , Jizlrv.s CoullllmlieM itt Vnr , 10 "tsles of lmillire. " I 1 Ceiitiiercinl mimi.l Flminmi'inl Niii'N. Coii.ii ( ton if ( ) iiualmt's 't'rnle , in Eilitorlnh flild Comu IlleIlt , 13 I''Ultitiuui uif tile Fomrtl. , Sketch .if 'l'hl.llmn , , ) eTrrMfllL ( 1.1 1mm tlllllMclIteld 1'lines of I lit' Allte-ltII,1II. 1(1 4"I'iie 'I'u'u Stripes , " lv " . % ' , i.lcrfmi City' of La I'iis , Sketch of josclll Clintuilerinin , SiuL lliu.e itt 'tll ( ' , itii. 18 In the iiIlIllIII IIf % 'OhllllI. 19 SInIrtItig lle'ipw of t1e % 'e'ek , .AIlleriCliIl Sohillers SIcil till. 21) 'lth the Vlueeis Ilild'lIecllllell , 'I'cllItleriture Itt Oniniia I Hour leg. ilollr , Ier. : ; , i , Ill . . . . . . 711 1 ii , Ill . . . . . . Ii ii 'Ii . . . . . . yr. 2 i , III . . . . . . ' ; II Ill . , . , 77 8 I , . Ill . . . . . . 1 4 ii iii . , , . , 78I I' . lit . . . . . . I ) a lii . . . . . . vv i- ii. Ill . . . . . . 11) fl. ill . . . . . . 70 (1 p. at . . . . . . (1S 11 a. lit . . . . . . St 7 p. Ill , , . . , . 12 iii. . . . . . . . . 07 'I'l.t.Y . % , 'l' 'I'lI , t IX L'OSI'l'i ON. SItim SII1I.lnyu 2m14) ) l. mi-l'iirt1 It t'glmmicllt Ilititti , G.i ( 'rillulent 1111 lId I hg. 4 I' . iii.'l'Ii4illis' Ort'lmcstrmi nt ti- tlIlol'lIhIII. S ii , iiu.-Fti rtl lteglIllelLt Ititiuti ; ( r.uii.l I'inr.It. through time tangled grass nod ulilcrhirusll 1111(1 ilnlt % t'ny down tile hlllsido selected a good spot to ilalt and from there opened and Innintained or twenty minutes a hot fire , The opposing batterIes bailged away , Cap- tnin Grimes sending n storm of leaii tlown illto tue outer fortIfications 111111 tIle Span- lards pounilillg away at the 11111 top with vicious PersiSteiiCC. , , ' Ciilnmmp. % re IVtlll,1cu1. Moat of the Spanisil shells vent oyer tile hIlltops 1111(1 fell in a ravIne beyond. here several detacllnlents of Cuball troops were StfltiOllel as reserves flild before tiley could be nIOved seven insurgents were fatally wounded and several slightly WoUlItleil. At tile $ lflC time tWo , \lllericnns 'ere kIlled amid 111110 were woulIcioci. The Spaniards used umuokeless powder nail witil more accuracy tian during tile previous - vious engllgeInCilt. The wonder is that Iflally more lives were not lost , as the oppo- sitloii batteries vere less tiiali two mIles apart. Colonel Wood's commuamld behnved with great bravery , firing steady anti deadly yol- ieys , with the ehienly's 5110115 screeching allil bursting over their heads. Twenty minutes of fearfully hot work against Spamlish bat- teries. Tell shots were sent into tibIa after 'they ceased firing. hut there was no response - sponse and it is presumed that tile gulls were ilisnioullted or the gunners driven off. Away to tile left General Lawtoml's divt- sion , with General ChalIce antI men and Capron's battery , was in the meantime fighting - ing fiercely Witil the enemy entremlcllcd in and about El Caney. Tile Silalliards contested every ilIch of ground bitterly , amid fougilt with unexpected coolness and Courage , but the irresistihie onward nlovement of tile Amcricnns slowly forced them back upon and beyond Caney. About 11 o'clock tile terrible fire from Captain Caliron's gulls amId the muskets of the inca broke tile Spanish line anti a retreat - treat began toward the line of outer fortill- catlons. Time ellelily took tile trail known as tile nlaln Santiago road and Captain Grimlles' battery Immctilateiy began hlitcll- ing shells in ahcnd of the retreating Inca , Willie a detacilnlent of 2,000 Cubans , Ileaded by General GarcIa , were started to cut off the retreat. No report has yet beell cc- celveil from tibIa. A large ( hetacillnent of General Kemit's reserves was sent to aid General Garcia in this s'ork anti It. is probable - able that fierce fighting occurred , General VJicclor Caine , . U1 , All this time General Sunlner hail corn- luallileti the center , owing to General Wheel- r's illness , but nbou't 11:30 : General Wheeler started Oil the two-mile jourlley to the front in an nmbulttllco , About halt way to the front he met a nunll4cr of litters hearing WOUlIded , The veteran , under protest by the surgeons , Inlnlediately ordered his horse anti after lersollaliy ) assIsting tue vouncleii into tue ambulance , miloumlteil and mode onward , Tile macn burst 11110 frantic ciluers , wilicil followed tite gemlerni all along tile line. By noon , nlthiougll still Ill , General Whecier had cstabhisilod ileailqunrters at the cx- trerne froilt antI center of the line and still iioltls his position , The harilest fighting of tIle tiny 5001118 to iiave been on tile rigllt finnk Ilnhl heavy casualties are reported thorn there. 'rime ad- vamlee there was mole rapid tilan at Otiler Ilolilts OIl the 11110 antI General ClIaffee and brigade was tile first to cross tile little San Junil river , close to tile line of outer fom'ti- ilcntions. At 2 o'clock El Camley had lIOt been entered by the Anlerican troops , but tiley lIed pllsiled on past it ( Intl it was theirs at any timno they chose to Illarcil into It. At that hour General Shatter , wilose headquarters - quarters for tile day had been tilrac miles to tile lear , wcimt forward to assilimlo personal cOnlIllItIld of operations , 501110 surprIse iii expresso.1 that lie dlii not wait for tile siege gulls before beginillag tile filial attack , as tile siege guiis are stilt on the beach at lila- qulrl , but lIe decided yesterday that they Were umnecessary and determined , to strike at once , Tile only Inovomilont of tile day which mild hot macct witil success was General Dufileiil's attempt to occupy tile sea village of Agua- dores , 'rile New York , Suwaunee nail Gloucester sileliel tile old tort alld the rifle pits during the forenoon , drove all tue 8anIards 1o'l tue vicinity and bowled over the parapet' from whIch flew tile Spanish ilig , but owing to tue broken railroad brIdge General Dufliold's troops were unable to get across the rIver whIch separaled them ( rein the little town and were compelled to go hack to Juragua. It is probable that an effort will be made tomnorl'ow to repair the bridge nmmi a coin. plete new movement attempted. Today it WU reported Ut Juraguu that Generahl'UflieJd bail been deteateii , hut tills is zot true , .as he did not ellcounter all ) ' large , iiody of Spanleil , MIlny ( lr&lulutie ilICIdeIlta occurred tlurlug the day , with Ilunierous evidences of splendid - did versonai bravery ( It tile Anlerlcan tltil. ( Cofttinuc4 on Sce nd I'agc , ) - - p , - - _ , IANY IEET DEATh Brave Mon Fall Before the Fh of thc Enemy at Santiago. ' PROPORTION OF OFFICERS IS LARGE Great Number of Them Are Wounded anL Some of Them Seriously. SEVERAL ARE WELL KNOWN IN TUIS CITY Lieutenant Colonel Patterson of the Twenty- Second Among Theni. LIEUTENANT ORD IS AlSO WOUNDED ComllIledc list of the Cn.umltemt ClIll. llt ( Iii lIe lIt.l millil it Iliiy lie Several litys ii'fOrtt it IS l'erfcetctl , ( Copyrigilt , lS9S , by . .Associnteti I'rcss. ) GlNEltAia Sl1Ai"T1lt'0 hiRAIQUAIt- TEllS , July 1 , 4 P. lll.-Ily ( Associated I'ress lispntch Boat Cyntilia to i'ort An- tolliO , July 2.-Genernl Silatter's arilly ilas ilatl its bniitismn of fire. With desperate courage nail the mad ilasii of veterans it has conquereil the Spalliall works before Sail- tiago nmid ilt tills hour is ( lrivillg tile eflelllT illto tile streets of tile city. The victory Voll at a heat' ) ' cost ill killed amlil W'titliltletl , It is illlliossIbie to elttilflate tile loss at tills writing , hut It probably ap- Proacilca 100. Tue llrohlortioll of officers is I argo. A partial list of the oiflccra kIlled em' 'U'OIllldetl follows : Killeti : CAPTAIN O'NEILL of tile 11aug11 Riders. LIEUTIiNANT COL0NFL LO13'i'KOFF , Tit Cllt-SeCOllti illfalltry. . 94t'T4hN . 1' . MOI11IISON , Sixteentit IllIllilir ) ' . - \Voulldeil : LIctItellIltIt Scott , Tlllrtcemlth Infantry. LIetItellItlIt CoIollc'l I'attersim , 'I'Wcnty secoimil illiantry'oillltled ill the groin. Lieutenant Orde , Sixth imliantry. Captain Taylor , Nintll cavalry , WOtlIliletI I a tile St nhllacil. Licutenamlt Colonel Liscunl , Twenty- fourtil. I Captain J. B. Brett , Twenty-fourth. WOilnileil in tile arm. Captain A. , C. Ducat , TtVellty-fotlrtil , , WOtllitlei iii tile regioll of till ) ileart. Captain Charles ioiige , Twelltyfourtil. . Second Lieutenant J. II. 4'tugilstlll. wountletI Iii s'.ilc ' nilil arIa. Lieutenant Colonel Card , SIXtll illfantry \votlnded In hip. Ltcutenailt M'er , COlflilflhiY II , Third cay- airy , WoUlIlied 'Ill 11111. Lieutenant Ilepnian , Sixth infantry , spillo injuretl. , jAutcnanta ross , Sixth illtitlltry , wounded iii time ilip anti heft eg. Captain Wijlker , Sixth Infantry , wounded jil rigilt leg. Licutellahlt Robertson , eompany 0 , Sixtit infantry , VOllllilCil ill right leg. Lieutenant l'Ul'dy , comimpany C , Sixth in- . tantry , wouniled in thigil. Captain Morgan , Third cavalry. Captain Dodd , Third cavalry , wounded i head. Captain Carpenter , woulltletl in stcmach , Captaiil Kerr , Sixtll cavalry , wounded i arnl. Captain Torray , shot Ill leg. Lleuteiiant Besaro , Sevehltil infnlltry _ Major Conies , Seventh infantry. Captain Jacicsoml , SevolItlI infantry. Lleutcmlnmlt Charles E. FIeld , Seventh in- failtry , silot through tile forellead , fatally. It Is also reported that Colonel Enlory was killeil. Iii 8(11110 cases every officer in a company WOB lost. Simt is iIih'lN 1.4,50 Ilt'mtvIi. The Spanisil loss IlIlIst ilnvO been 110ev ) ' . Time Spaniards opposing General Lawtoml'a ilivislon lost ill killed , ivc'tlndctl or taken jirlsommers 2,000 men , and tile losses on tile center 1111(1 ( left Inust he double that illlmber , Most of our troops took liosition during tile nigilt , altiloflgil General Bates' reserves thu hot conic up until mornIng. General Lawtomm's ( livision on tile extreme right , sip- ported by General Cnpron's battery ; General Kent's division in tile center nUll General Wheeler's division on thIe left , supported by Captain Grimnes' battery , planteil on a lull. formed a line wilicil stretcileil across the whole Wititil of tile basin in Wlhicll Santlage lies , a distance of fully five lnlicii. llnmnc.iiateiy in front of General Lawtort lay Caney , surrounded by biockltouse sand emltrencillilellts amid against tillS point tile operationu were directed , Beyond thIc Salt Juan river , 2,000 yards before tIle center 1(11(1 left , lay a line of entrencilmemlts , lflile w'st of tile city. Tllese two divisions were covered by a heavy tamugleii nailer- growth between San Juitn and ltio Cue- Ilalna. On tihO extrmne left , on tile heIglIts beyond Captaill Grimes' battery , beiliilil which , In tile roar cavalry division wits Imlamisell , vere tile roar cavalry ilivllson was nunsacil , were ( h'nerni Duilleld's Miciligall yolumlteers , Wllo moved out mit daylight , over the line from Saboney. The Amnvrlcilna had tile ad. vantage of tile sUn In ( ho Inorllimlg , WiliCit 8110110 directly In the ememny's faces , MOVE UP FOR THE BATTLE A hhIerlea.hs lIt.gIhI 'I'lici r lIIguIgclIieml $ l'roiaiuliy ui Ii .It J.k' ftiIntuiice frommm t JI l'iiet , JLJARACIJA. Jill ) 1-Noomi.---VIa ( Cnn- . tallanlo , ileisyod in transmisslon.-Tiie ) forward - ward anovemelIt of tile Macrican troops era Salltiago was startetl atdayiigllt , Yilen there was a general illoYtlmflent nIl iliOlIg tile line , Tue order of time battle was tile First anti. TentlI cavalry , time Third , Sixth amld Tweil- ty-first 111(511r ) , wlth a squadron ot tile Ninth cavalry nailer General Lawtoa , % t'iliio the Rough Riders plIssed on tlme left , Tile piatoau t'as imeltl by four pieces of tue artillery and siege guns , A. movenlent toward Santiago to the mlortileast was Imlailo , with tile Iiltefltlon of clearing tile valley for a gemleral emlgagemnellt later , Tile telegrapil lines are following up the advance in fine style , At timis hour four Americana era reported dead and sixteen wounded , all of ( ho 'l'wenty.first ImItaIltry , \Viille tile troops were masking their nil- vance 1110 Newport , Smlwanee and Gloucester ran close into Aguadores and knocked tiltS Siaillbll forf' to pieces , Tile fort , a large stoile sIruCLIlrC , and tile surrouniling walls withstood the bombardment for over an hour , but a shell finally tore through ( ho southeast curlIer and time tower , bearing the Siallisil , liag , tell with a crash , Several bilcils were tllrown into tile rifle Pits t 1110 I lgllt of tii.i . ( oil , but tile Silanish up- part idly ' 11(1 ( at tile first lire , No shot was fired front ( lit , turret , , . . , , - . _ , , . , . _ . , ' ¼