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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1898)
I:1 : : : :7 : : I BLUE AND C1I1i JOIN hANDS Oountry Stands Unit at the Urave of Ith Iloroio Dead , DECORATION DAY A NATIONAL EVENT Veti'rnnpi of the % nrtIi nitst South .tftre , Sub J'r ShI It Ilunurl 111 the Yntor ut ZIteIr Fiillcn CchIrnuIp , . IVM3IIINOTON. May O.-in the center field of the "flivowtc of the Iea& " the great rnnphflheater of the natonat cemetery at Arlington , I'rcslilent McKinley and three fllomberB ot hIS cnbtnct tothiy jotne 6,000 oilier citizens In doing honor to the pa- tiiotk dead. ; The ceremonlen wore held simultaneously t In several parts of the cemetery. but the : main cermonics were in the amphitheater close to the ild Lee manston. There some o0o or more twoIin smtheretL while on the platform was a dIstlriguIshe % company lioailed by President MclCinioy , Vice I'resi dent itobait , Secretary of War Alger , Secro. tar ) ' of the Treasury Onge , Sccretnry of Ag . ricutture Viisou and United States Senator Thurston , the orator ot the < lay. ' Just hack ot them sat commissioner 01 Pensions Ians and other omcials , the C1i1 . nose minister and the Corcan minister and parties of their Icgatlona. Vrlor to the services there was a proces aba of members o the Grand Army , tlit < Sons of Veterans. the Woman's Itellef corps , ox-soldiers and salloi s and the general pub . lie , headed by the Fourth Artillery band , halting for a minute ror brIef services at thc "tomb of the unknown , " tlio band mcnn . v1rllo playing a dirge , and then marchln ; through the grounds , proceeding to t11 u work ot decorating the graves. The president anti varty were prompt 1 I arriving , and Foon alter they reached th < I tlntform ) the assembly was cnhied to order b r omtnaudcr Arthur ilendricks of the Do . partment of the Potomac arnnd Arniy of tli < , Republic. Tl exercises embraced a num - her of addresses. poems. singing by t quartet nhiil the customary reading of or . d cr5. cr5.The The feature of the ceremonIes , however , was the z1ldress of Senator Tliurston o f Nebrnaka , who was lntrolueed as onu at . ways ready to loii < l his alt ! to thu cause o f titietty iut < l patriotism. Ills oiatlou Wa : S listened to most attentively by the audience , and vrolnnged applause greeted his reference . once to the absence to sectionalism and ti tire tlrcscnce of Admiral Dewey In the liar - bor of Manila. Senator Tliurntonsaid : JtleN < . . , I _ re I ! u 1)tii1. 'lIow rteep the brave who alnk to rest , Iry all tItcir cttitry'8 % vH1Ie 1)IeSt , ] W faIry IuLnd8 their knell Is rung , By 1oriii uhlOen their dirge Is srrr. " Blessed are the dead whose memory Is per- petuateti by the flower servito of a rratefut 3)001)10. flU ! iiov trulY lniinortal are those who give their Jives for liberty To have lived long. purposeicas. neutral years is nothing-to have lived a few glorious hours , to have bravely faced the h1Ihlnite , to hate calmly met the Master In humanity's cause ts sublime. Why mourn these dead of ours ? They Sleel ) in thy bosom of the land they loved. Hero where the ground once shook benealhi the tramp of conteiidlng hosts they are at rest. The sentinels no longer vatrol the banks of the l'otomae. Crant and Lee both lived to attest the goodness of a God who ijreservcd ( lie uiiiloii. Jnc1 over the river on the beauteous dome of the nation's capltol.itftcd up toward the ethereal blue- kissed by the sun of day , wooed by the stars of nigh-tranquilly Iloate the uncoiiquereih hag of the greatest iiition of the earth. \\'hy inoutn for those vlio slumber here ? Their elitflphis ) are written In the grandest history of the ages. Before them viIl reverently pass the procession of the ecu- turks. Mitt every headstone roundabout. even those without a linino , will be given honorable jdaco in the mighty inonunlent that is to coinmeniorate the ennobling anti UhittIflg of the human race , A third of a century has passed since our heroes fought , siiico our loved cites fell. A third of a century In which the reunited peojiho of a common country hare realized the inestimable blessings of peace , have shared together in the beneficent fruits of a ) rogrssivo development and prosperity which stands alone in the annals of all the word. From this vantage ground of the years , in this sacred spot , on the borderonti ' whore Internecine conflict raged , In this hour when the hit'arts of the People nr thrilling and thiobbing as never before at the bugle call of thi world's humanity and L the natIon's duty , we wilt offend no Emcri- can when we llttingly honor our dead. Cli I Lii of I'rii yldenee. My countrymen , these mcii we may not . have known , but. you and I know that their . Pure Every thought , isort1 and action takes vitnlity train the biooil ; every nerve , muscle , 1ono , organ and tissue depends on the blood for it qunlity arid cohIthitioll. S 'I'Iioroforo priro pring 1)100(1 ) ( S absolutely Rr 11 necessary to right us eLI ici ne liviiig 1111(1 ( healthy bodies. IlOo(1'HSItrsnlitLjllL ' ) is thegreat blood inilifier iturl tire best. Spring ! ChlCill0. ( 'I'hereoro it is the great Cute fur scrotum , salt rircuni , huniors , F0rcs , rhieuinatisrn cntnrrh , etc. ; the great riervhrie , sttthigth builder , nppe- tizci , Stolnach blue anil regulator. Hood's Sarsapari ha six for . 1'ret < trut only by C. I. lined . Co. , Lowell , Mas. America's Greatest Medicine. H fl'fl $ I'Ili3 taben after .1htr id digestion. ! , t Tht Omaha Dec Map ol Cuba Coupon p I , , Present this Coupon with p pI iOcfor I , t r ATIapofCuba. , t A Map oftho West Indies. IL I And a Map of the World , p L t ft.y Mnil 14.cciuts. L pI I u : CUT OUT TillS COUPON. This Coupon with 25c WILL SECURE nit : OfflciI rhotourdphs of the United States Navy. Addres , , NAVY PHDTOAII DEPT < C.Ltthl4t BEI. - - - -S hattie wn < t but the echo of fled's footsteps marching on. I am a believer in evor.ru1tn Providence. In the infinite wisdom that , gtii < les the destinies of nations as of men. I am deeply impressed with the thought that this great Western liemisphero of ours is : tinder the especial guidance of God's great . plan ; that. we as a people are struggling onward and upward to the fulfIllment of a supreme purpose. It was aods Providence that kept the now world in all its virgin strength nUd besuty until the testles races I of men had reached a civilization flt to be r transplanted here. It was God's providence that. gave strngthi and courage and , tctory to the little band of Sturdy vatriots who wrought the mighty miracle of American Independence. It spoke in every line of the Declaration of Independence , it Inspired the principle of emancipation and the sword of Appominattox. Columbus , Washington , LI n. cola , Grant ! Did chance select them ouch for hulB glorious work so gloriously lrnr- formed ? Let the tool answer how ho will , I prefer to see the finger of supreme design. That finger may he , is oven now niovirug toward another man ; a man who shalt lead our triumphant hosts to a glorious victory for liberty and litimiutity. who shall wreak (1otl' Vengeance on wicked , cruel , merciless Spain , and drive from this hemisphere ( Ito laut vestige of tyranny and oppression. Anil It may well ho that some sword sheathed In defeat by the judgment of Und , that lilt- erty niigu. no too gieritagu Ut every ImerI- c an child , wilt now , by command of Jc- h ownhu himself , leap from Its scabbard to g ivo liberty unit self-government to ( ho op. p rcsse'h ' and down-trodden people of the beautiful Island of Cuba. What an Inspiring sight to see those whence o nco fought against each other now rally- l ag ilutlor the one flag , exulting and reolc- ) h ug that the azure field of the union banner h olds Ia equal honor every star of state- hooit anti singing together the rearranged il ntisle of the union-Yankee Doodle and l ) ixlc-tho favorite airs. 011 < Ustiforin , Out' I"Ing. Once more upon the soil of old Virginia the federal bayonets are agleam. From < lay t o day ( lie boys in blue puss by ; the reveille , t he bugle call Is henrd oetu In this city o f ( ho silent ulead. This time , thank God , t he war Is not sectietinl. There are no i trotheru arrayed against brothers , no Amer. l oans against Americans. There Is only otto u niform In all ( lie land , one [ lag iii all tire s ky , one scittintent in the breasts of all the h earts of the republic. War is a terrible thuig , to be shunned and avoided whenever and as far as possible. flirt I have no 8ymiuathy with those who be- h ere that war shoulul be avoided at the a ncrifico of national honor at the expense f humanity or the loss of liberty. I can. not love those who turn dent ears to ( tie Un- ccnsittg cries of the victims of tyranny in humatilty and barbarity. because liberty arid relict can only come through ( Ito slte < 1- dIng of blood. If I wad God's history arlgiut , civilIzatIon and Christianity have not coma front the survival of the fittest , but by the sacriflee of the best. What puny tin- mati iuutc1Iiucuce dares to assert ( lint the blood of Le. < iiigton was not sacred , even n the blood of Calvary.arren at Dunher 11111 , lIcker at Pails lihuiff , l.tagley at. Cardo- t ins , all gloriously < lieu to hasten ( hue coinIng - Ing of Ucti's kingdom on outtli. Yea , anti Devey ! lit the barber of Manila vuia the blesseti messenger of Ged 3ust wrath. I do not know when title vnr with Siatn .IiI cease. i (10 ( UOL 1 < 110W vitat sacritices ve may yet be culled upon to make. I do tint know how many headstones nutty yet ho added to this cIty of the dead. I do iiot know how runny mother's hearts uuua' mourn. I < to not know how many altars may be desolated. flut I < ho know that whatever the cost , the delivering of the new vorld from the barbarity nad Inhuitnaiuity of Spain's merciless despotism will ho worth it nil. I do kite that the cementing to. gether of the heait < < of all the PeoPle in enduring - during friendship < tad abiding love ; I do know that the consecration of American en- crics. ( lie uphiftitig of Americnu sentiment lit Ito atnsclllsht nn.1 holy it cause : I do know thuitt this touching of elbows under ( ito one flag by < non anil the souts of men who faced each oUter on our battlefleitis under two flags ; I do 1(110W that ( lila accomplisluniont of God's great purpose vlhi bring to the tinericaui people God's choicest blessing and reward , And I have faith to believe that ( rout above the open heavens , the great war president. Abraham Lincoln , leeks down up- provingly upon our great < ar president , W'ilhiam McKinley. while Grant and Lee , could they hut seutk to us today , would flre their hearts to their old lieutenants now In command of the armies of the United States 'with the inspiring cry , "On to Cubaf" Rest in pence. Oh mighty dead. The cause for which you fought can never be as- aniled again. Stoat in Peace. the race whose freedom you achieved will bless you with their latest breath. Rest in peace-the Union you preserved remains forever. and liberty , equal rights and justice is the hen- tno of your descendants to the judgment day. day.God God bless the men ho followed the flag. I'realdeithitl 1'nr1 The vresidential Party left at. the conclusion - sion of Senator Thurston's oration , driving almost immediately back to ( lie city. lion. John C. Chancy. ox-assistant attor- cy general of the United States , glso do- hiverod an oration , In the course of which ho predicted that no mition whose most glor- bus boast is the feats of its bull fighters can tong withstand the advancing eolumn of n- , , ,4iIfn Simultaneousiy with the exorcises in the oniphtttheator , a smaller assemblage gathered on the front porch of the mnnsieu whom the Confederate chieftain , Leo , sPent tichi of itia life , to attend special naval services at the tenth of Admiral Porter , tx-Sccretary of the Navy Hhlary A. Herbert of Alabama vas the speuuiccr of the day and an address was also delivered byV. . IL Michael , chief clerk of the Stnt. ' department , Sceretery herbert said in Putt : "Here rest the hallowed remains of heroes of the army oath navy of the union , butt h'ro also nra the heroes of th' confederacy , all sleeping in tht , same soIl atid covered by the same flag , and ox-union and ex-eonfedrate soldiers and sailors are here alike to pay united tribute to the ( heeds of those who iUol0 forever glorious the ep'uehu of our late civil var. 'Never was there a civil war like ours and tiever were the fruits of a war richter or more beneficent. There was ito coinpro- misc. Secession the Issue , and slnvcry the Inchclt'nt , were aettled forever ; nothing was loft for dispute and as the giftu of nature Intended It should be we hecante at last one country. ' such a union of state and of People Os 'Wnsltingtoti and Frankhiut and Jutehison fought for , < ] rcatned of ainl plaitnerl for , hut never lived to see. "I would not pluck a lent from the chaplet that adorns the brow of tiny soldier of that twar , federal or confederate , yet it is only fair to say that while history has < lotte no inor. , tItan justice it has not done full justice - tico to the sailors of the civil war. The I union navy achieved results out of all proportion - portion to the numbers enlisted , aye , even out. of all proportion to the cost of the two branches of the service. "Certainly no one knows hotter titan tue confederates the telling effect of the blows delivered by the United States navy durlltl the clvii war anti it may he that without ( bent we should luavo two goycruments wherc I w itow Intro one and that. Wheeler and Vita. , Lee would ho today commanding army , corps on the south side of a line of fortt I and custom houbes running across this cnuu. . try from cast to west , while flrookc anil I Shafter coitiutautled on the northern side 01 I the line. "Let us unite , toy countrymen , in tin prayer that in the ar we arc now wagin , for liberty's end humanity's sake our aol. : < tiers anul our sailors ' ma ) Continue to b < I worthy of those from whoso loins they hiav 3 sprung and that the future of our hielovec I . country aiRy Lii uts bright as Is the lirolals S of today. " Ptott ( 'vs fur 'i'2ttiii All , ChICAGO , ? day 30.-lit addition to tb S great number of graves of union soldiers , 1 6.000 coufedrato dead lie buried In conietor . lea lucre , Not one of theta , northerner o , r southerner , wus overlooked today. After the ceremonies at the cemeterics we S I ; a parade lit the city. The line o' utureb S a sea cC tintletici colorz. The city has nevo r t'efort vu Dccoratluu day seen such an en . 1tbublasttc outpouring us g.ittc'tl the old sd- dicta today. Practically the whol popula- I tion turnout out to honor th' veterans and c'icer tle volunteer ulefeirs The parade was composed of sIx divisions anti was participated In by about all the military orgnnlutlons , secret societies and marching clubs of the city. The cheers were loudest when the Ninth battnhlon of colotetl soldiers , under Captain Marshall , fell into line. They wilt ho the first to go out. under the new call and the only repro- sentatlon which this city will have In the call for 75,000 volunteers , One of the features of the parade which threw forth demonstrations from the crowd I the tattered pennant from the Ill-fated , battleship Maine which was borne in the ranks. CLtVELAND , May 20.-Tho Memorial day exercises today exceeded in ninny respects < di former events of like charucter In ( ho history of Cleveland. The present war with Spain has Increased ( ha general Interest ta the Memorial day exercises. and as us result a number of civic and senil-inihitutry orgaai- zatlons marched In the Decoration day parade for the first ( into. Appropriate cx- ercises uvero held , and the graves. of the death in all of the various cemeteries were orofuseir strewn with flowers. : . -w hitt < 'iK ( lit thug lny. ) l'ITTSIIUIW , May 30.-Memorial day was more gcuicrrthly observed 1n Plttsburg anti vicinity than for many years , due , of course , to the nr fooling. Not only tue veterans , but the Sons of Veterans , floys' brigade and all iiidepefldent organizations and niatly school children took part. The day was partly cloudy , but no rain fell. All the cemeteries in this vicinity were visited , aitil flu , soldier's grave was loft without a floral emblem. There were no special dncoratiouts at tile graro of LIeutenant Jenkins of the Maine , butt ( Ito naval reserve fired a salute. The day passed without accident or special inclihent , CINCINNATI , May 30.-Owing to tile an- rangenlents now iii progress for tIme national encampment of the Grand Army of the lIe- public hero next September tIm local 1)Dst are unusually active , and gave the largest Ilarado today ever known hero on Memorial day. Starting at 0 a. m. the line of march extended over the principal streets and then special trains took all to Spring Grove cemetery - tory , where the usual exercises tonic place. Tue division of the parade ( lint was coal- poseul of thousands of school children was a pretty feature. Rain early in the morning threatened to Interfere with the paratle , but it cleared up In tinto for the ilomonstra- tion , which was the largest ever known lucre. LCXINGTON , Ky. , May 30.-For the first time since the war the confederate vetcrntts joined with the Grand Army of the Republic - public in observing Memorial < lay and decorating - rating ( ho graves of union soldiers. The ceremonies at the cemetery were most un- press I ye. NASII\'ILLE. Toan. . May 30.-The graves of tile federal soldiers in the national come- ( cries near Nashivillo and Murfrcsboro were decorated today. ( 'iU % < lM itt Clt1'klll < iiIiIg < t. ChATTANOOGA , Tcnn. , May 10.-Oit no- count of the volunteer array being en- COittlCd on ground where thousands of union soldiers buried lucre lost their lives < luring the civil war the decoration cxer- cises today were unusually impressive. The 13,000 graves in the National cemetery were covered with tiowers and flags. At 3 P. ill. a long Procession formed and to the strains at martial music , furnished by the Fourth Ohio Regiment baud , marched through the streets to the cemetevy , where ( lie exercicesvere held. The antittal oration - tion was delivered by ? uptain Iletiry A. Ca3tle of 'Washington. The benediction was pronounced by Frank U. Uniuner. hunp- lain-ill-chief of the Granil Army of the Republic - public , utud a salute was fired over the graves by a < htachttnent from . Camp Thomas. INDIANAPOLIS , May 30.-Memorial day was generally observed lucre today. Tile Catholic children decorated the soldiers' and sailrirs' monument in Monument square. Iti the afternoon there was a Parade and elaborate exercfzes were held at Crown 13111 cemetery. lx-Jutige E. W. Howe , who delivered the principal address , dwelt on the close relations between the north and the south and advocated the returning of the southern flags. DETROIT , May 30.-Memorial day was celebrated hero in ( lie usual way today. At the base of the soldiers' monument at Camp Martius were beautiful floral ( rib- utes to the victims of the Maine , as well as to those of the rebellion. Governor Phuigrec and staff rode at the head of the Parade , where the naval cadets , in resplendent - splendent uniforms , took the ulaco of the National Guard. The veterans aitti their escorts proceeded to the Autiltoriumn , which had been deco- orated with national anti Cuban colors. Tilcro Mayor Mavburv and others ittatlt ad- dresses amid eulogies in honor of the itag t iolt's < lead vore pronounced. One of the : s triking features at the Auditorium was the s irIging of patriotic sotigs by 400 school c hildren. The decoration of the graves of s oldiers was looked after by committees f rom the Women's Relict Corps , most of the fiowera being furnished by the school child no ii. On Gettyslurj Haiti dclii , GETTYSI3URG , Pa. , May i0.-The attendt a rice was larger arid the exercises more In- t eresting at the Memorial day ceremonies l ucId here today lImit on nay etnuller occasloti i ll tile PlLst dozcn years , The parade formed on York Street and moved proullittly at 2 1) . lIt. to the National ecitlotery , where after iltlpressive services by tlto Grand Array of thu RepublIc and amid the booming of tlt cnnnon of Houston post of Ciiambt'rshurg , the school children. La- < lies' Aid Eociety atui.l others strewed flowers over the graves. This work over the crowd thronged about t he rostrum. lion. George J. Ihenmuer , mciii- her of crjmtgresa from this district , presided , anti the opening prayer was offered by 11ev. I I. C. Ahieman of Christ Lutheran thurehm , Chairman Benner read a letter ! ronl h < rest- deilt ? lcltittley regretting his inability , ow- i ng to the condition of natloutal affairs , to be prt'sent on 'this ' occasion , lie then introduced the orator of the day. 13011 , Webster iavis , assistant secretary of the ittterlor , vhto itch ] his audience for forty t ubtutes ill ut masterful oration. ST. LOUIS , Mo. , May 10.-Tho Memorial day celebration today contained a feature that heretofore has not generally been obI served , The veterarla , who turned out to stow flowers upon the groves of their dead contraules , carried small thugs in addition to the usual basket of floral decorations , and the procession \u'as one of flags and flow- era , unliku any other itarade evet' wititeased in St. Louis , Exercises were held at Jefferson Ilarraclus. after viiieli ( Ito lute of niarchi was taken 01) to tire cemetery. where thto monument brected by the Annie Witteiinieycr tent of laugiitera ( if Veterans. was dedicated. Thu COlLtItttl lvLs thiell brokeit anti the graves of IC,000 Utitoit soldiers who rest in the cemetery at titis barracks , were decorated anti three volleys flied ly a detachment of hulled StAtes troops. PlllIADELPIIlA , May 30.-NoL since time year of its insItutiou ( hues Memorial day line more linpresbivo observuinco than that 01 to- tiny , t tile Lincoln ntonumcat , In ialr- mount juark. services were held by the ( ieorfe 0. Meade iost No. 1 , after which the ) oat visited tue grave of Cominunder ( Mcatlo , An address was delivered by Aueimdeacotl Cyrus 'F , flrady. At Laurel 11111 ceuileteny General Daniel I' . 8lck1e was orator of ( lie < toy nail an address was also delivered by General St. Cinir A Mul- holaud , At the tomb of Anna M , Ross , Ia Itlonumneut cemetery , marked honors were vald , 'oIouel Vied rayior Itost Na. W , after attcndlutg services , titarebed to Odd Fellows' cemetery. In the niade was a pony' pline. I Ofl 11tio girls. one dressed its Amends' itMl thd other as Rngland. A float capable of seating suxty-fivo lripils 0 < I the public schools , ticoratcd with the us- tlonai colors o(0tiio ( United States and Hng' mail , was also , a feature. ! DIVRl"M'ny 30.-Veterans at the .unlon anti confederacy marched together In the parade joday and decorated thte soldiers' graves In tile htkmo < i5 city emeLcrles. no- fore the parade the voteraas assembled at the capitol ronntis , where they received floral tribuIt < Afonl thousands of school cliii- , dren. In Th'\irbcossion , besides the vet- crans , wetFthia T'enlflflnt ' of the Colorado , National Guari' now in the city , Uniform Itank , Knights of Pythtas , anti other civic societies and the iollce and fire depart- , meats. This afternoon a concert ot tnt- tniotte songs cns given at the city park , and it. will be rallOliteul this evening. Memorial exercises werealso , held in several linus. I. , ii otnhhi , lrt Nl'uV YOltl , May 30.-Tile celebration of Decoration day itt this vicinity was the unost notable since the nation ltns titul the graves to decorate. Organizations wlilcit ordinarily taio tie part in the exercises turnout out today and in addition to thto Gratud army men % hiero were auxiliaries of .ur'hinnl n,1ni nnl oilinr niitttarr orezittian. ( bits. According to custom , a iletachinient of the old guaril luoistetl thta American flag at tite buttery at suftnise and other detneltinontS of war voteratms'infurled the Ilag at the ohil block house a Central park anti Fort Hunt. Thou caine tim parade , 'liiclu was reviewed - viewed by fletterni .t , S. flobin of PennsylvanIa - sylvanIa , couttmnnrer-in-chief ] of the Grand Army of ( lie flehiubhic.'Ithu him on ( lie reviewing stand were Mayor Van Wyck , tictieral A. 1) , Shaw ntid Cieneral R. 1) . At- klitson , imst tielamtmeilt commander of the New York Grand Army of time Republic. flrnijne flY , l.n,1 lnrnno I , , 'nn,1intv , , ( ! nL vary , Cypress 11111 , Trinity , Greenwood anti all thu cemeteries In the vicinity' of the city Were visited by the solihlors and their families. Lafayette post No. 140 ymi to Fort Mill to unveIl a statue of General La- fnyetto nod to present it to the Daughters of the Hevolutiout , Joint A , lix host Itati a rosran whichi in. eluded services at Trinity cemetery' , The statue of Farragut , itt Madison square , and the torah of i'lill ICcaritey , in Trinity , the sohihiers' mnonuntent itt the same 1)15cc ) , the Ericsson Ut thq battery and nIl ( Ito statutes and tombs of martys itt the city were decoI I < rated. U. S. Grant post Itcld ntcmorlal services at the tonib of General Grant tufter the I parade. Typographical union No. C went to Mount 1 Hope ccntetery in the afternoon to ticco- rate graves. h3AhJI'IMOltF , May 30-DecoratIon day was generally observed today. Ihuiks antI huelness houses were closed , na were Public olflces. TIuioughiout the state there was tite same general obsrrvanee as In the city. At Atitleturn the services were held on the fatuous battlefield and addresses were nlaulo by Mayor Mulister o Baltimore and Cout- grossman McDonald of flockviile. tls'iitoitl,1 iii ii ( ltieluiii < .itd. IhICJJMOII ) , Va. , May 30.-Fedorni Dec. oration < lay , , was observe < 1 lucre by the local Grand Army post and others by going down to ( lie Natoai ( cemetery at Cold hanoi and decoratiug th1o graves there with flowers : alIt ! huenriutg , t , patriotic oration from Cap- tam ii. C. Cook. Tue obscuvapee of hollywood Idounorlal day will long be rentenlbered. The memorial L ncsoclntions1of ( lie city , the Confederate Veteran - eran catnliS , < tbe oits of Veterans , Daughitoru of the Confeduracy anti soveutecil of the i companies of Virinla volunteers how at CanIji. Leo. searched to ilotiywoodIn e I drenching taut nntL after ( lie cerernotty ot decorating th graves the organizations no- turned to tue city and the program wat r coaciuded at. the Second Presbyterian u churcht. Prayer was offered by Rev. Dr , Hofle nn ( lIen Joseph Bryan itctroduced'tlie orator ol the day , Governor J. Hoge Tyler , wllo apoke r as follows : - "For the first time the confederate so. . tiers arid thic of sons confederate soldiert I have lnuih an opportunity to show that they , let unison vith ( lie sons of the union sol. titers , have a common country , .a common I cause , and right nobly have they responded , . Where has there been a discordant note How gloriously loyal have been all ( lie statet ref r of this union. "Our dead comrades shamefully done tc I death , our flag unavailing to protect thom , , alt oppressed lcophe stretching out then . hands yearningly , tonrd the light of out . glorious hiberty--t.lesc timings canto hiome tc the hearts of th southern heroes and the ) , were ready to follow' the flag and march t m the music of a eunited country. hlowevet : g reat the sacriflcs , required , we nil stooti r eady to turn front our siuops , our Iloltis , o ur desks and. give up our land again to d isturbing war. "When unholy ambition or avarice draws men together in common warfare we can vchi expect ( Item ( a fall apart again In biter - t er strife , but wlmeil a pure and noble hit- I tUlse of patriotism. when a desire to succor t he suffering people at our door and avenge t he ruthless slaughter of our sailors called n orth arid south , east. and west together in o ne south phalanx ( lien ( Ito ties are knit for- o - ver and to such a cause we can tvelh ro- p ent the refrain of the soldier's song : "l'luere is never at Iond of love like tlmis : \Vo have drunk front tInt same citflteeit. "Then liertcttforthi , tot us love one another i llo citizoirs of tlue'satne great country. Let I ts today comnilt to tim heads of impartial h istory ( It cause nlifi deeds of the confeder- a te soldiers. Tlma chapter. in our country's l ife is closed , May the < inrk clouds of pas- s ioim nail the bewildering togs of sectional p rejudices ito longer obscure the clear visIon of truth , aiil . have ito doubt when that hour comes , and I. trust it is already upoi m is , that tliqso bmavo spirits whose mortal < lust lies sleeping here in Hollywood will Btailh ( forth reltphCludeat lit time iiurit of their motives arfil in ( lie hieroisiti of their deeds , " 1 l'iCIiily Seitits hlegt.'N. Ilefore intrdt ± itmg Governor Tyler Mr. h iryan rend Pip1 tehlowinu letter from President - dent McKitdey to the governor : W'AShIlNU"1O > t May 28.-Governor Tyler : : I have your 4ejeq of the 25th inst. 'cite kuiim I nvitation which you have so courteously ex . ( ended tee lrtbtalt of the women of Hollywood - wood Meirionial asecciatiton and personally i s cordially apirL'Ciated anti I ant very sorry ( bitt I caunot aqmd an acceptance , but it is i nipossiblu for ifb to leave Washington ju't now. 'Ilio obsorvuace of Memorial day is a fit- tinig arid hucautitidi tribute to our heroic < head. Every citIzen tuld consider it a privilege to take part In titeso ceremonies. Thu epienutuji panIotiatn exhibited in every part of our common country exalts limo American name. anti the spectacle of the north an < i the south marching under the oil flag nt the tIntlon'S cull fills all hearts with Pritlo anti gratitude 'rhunking you liCartily for your gracious offer of the hospitality of yonu' home , be- lloye mc , respectfully yours , hi.hjt4\ M'llNhlY. st I'ItANCISCO , May 0.-Tho Mruor- hut day celebration In thur city was observed - served vIthi greater enthusIasm than usuinl , owing to ( lie hiresenco of 12,000 voiuntees who have gathered In response to tue PresI- < but's call for voitiriteet-s to fight itt the war against Spain. l'hte parade mvag a most impressive one. Gnizziel heroes of ( I.e . clvii war acted nut a gutarti to the niu < irig generation of war- niors , anti ( Is they' tunrehied along tire thou- nnui of hieoitho who hail gnthiereul to wit. hess ( ho tiitlofl of ( lie old atiul trots' fightimig forces greeted ( item with cheers , unit an- hUed theutu with volleys of California flow- vrs , IIOSTON , May' 30.-Decoration tiny was observeti in flostoit nimil other places ill NOW Rngland today s itit uuitisual Interest , ow- trtg , it would seem , to the etnoUorms excited by the. existence of war at ( Ito hiresont time , auid time recent immobilization and tlepartuuy of troops from this section for the south , whmiclu linus vividly recalleul the sceiles of former years. KANS/tS CITY , Mo. , May aO.-Totiay's cerennouties on this RihO of ( lie Icaw were Ilnititeti to tue usual decoration of tIme graves of the union auth confederate veter- ntis. In 1Cnnsius City , Faui , , it hcngtli iizi. . mile , composed of veterans of the blue and gray , civic ocietlcs ntiul firemeti was the fenture , At Oak Grove " celtietery , ( lie "Mother " Sturgis" tannuinetit , erected by the inenibers of ( Ito ' ItoVoninrt'a leilcf ( corps , with the nsaistniicc of the Cirarid Army of ( Ito Itepuibhic , was ttiuvtiiieul , I ( < 'en hoe < I it tIM . , f C' . , , t. I n 0 , MOIh1LF , Ala , , ' May 30.-For the first tlfllo In local history there was a getlenuul publIc : participation in Decoration day services at the National cemetery. hitherto the services - ices were almost viiolly in charge of the calored militia nimmi tIme other societies , ai- though occasionally the southern veteranum I have taken part. Today there was ft minion of sentinienut and a testimonIal of appreciation by the People of the courtesy of General Coppinger , tvhio yithi hubu staff attended ( lie cenenmanies last niontli at ( lie confederate rest , Those true Participated today were : Goitiwood post , No. ii , Giand Army of the itepuiblic ; Freaioiit post , No. 1 , United States Veteraims ( colored ) ; lthphuncl Seittiuies camp , No. 11 , United Confederate Veterans ; Licutemiant Perry and Ciiaplautt Sutherland , represent- lag General Coppinger ; ltrlgadier General Wheaton anti a large nuitimlier of olhlcers of the _ rcguint army niid of ( lie Alumbaruta nini Texaa volunteers. The ceicinnni s were inipressivo ( brought- out. Colonel John Ii. l'ago of the Third iii- farmtr' marIe a I'atrlotlc ' address , which was frerruentlr initerrontoth hv , , . iii n 1.1 lii part : . " T.'Iay in yonder growing camp , amidst thin Piiies of our iruitny south , the new goricration-tho sorts of veterans of time blue amid the gray-stand side by side , an ] they will figllt their ' country's battles shiouliler to , shiouhuler under our beautiful banner of hlbcriy ; and Goti grant they may Ilever realize thu terribhrm ( asIc that was heft to their fathers by our fathers. " s'r. PAUL , , Minim. , May O.-Mounorinl day was generally observed today , ( Ito morning iteing ( lOVOted to tile decoration of the graves of the soldier dead , the parade anti formal celehiration conning in the afternoon. School ; cltlitircit helped the veterans in ( lie parailo , but tile National Guard was missed. That immaittitiuth nuidutonitim was crowded with veterans anti their friends. A chorus of 1,200 children sang , l'ast Commander-in- Chief Walker of the Cranuh Anal ) ' of ( lie Republic - public dehivcrcd the principal address. Ite- ports from all over that northwest are to the effect that the observation of the day was , more general titan for many years. SJdItYIORS A' ! ' 1Ai.t' ; ii'P'i'i'S 'I'Onll. lit'lht'iLim ClfUi itt i'iuris IstrleiilerN I tic Grs'ut Freitt'Iiiiuu's I'zutrlojlsiii. PARIS , May 30.-With a view to check the biatatmt lwo.Siianisht feeling lucre and enlist I the sympathies of Frenchmen on the side of i Amerler. a special effort was made by the Amenicait coloay today to do honor to the . memory of Lafayette. A big gathering proceeded - i ceeded to hmis tomb , which was decorated with wreaths and mutual flags. The United States ambassador , Qeiierah Horace Porter , deposited thin American vreaths and in run eloquent speech referred to America's debt to Lafayette and the "un- breakable ties between the two peoples. " Ho was warmly applauded. M. flarthioluhi followed in the same strain , but hue said hied pIored the fact that it hind been revealed ( hint there existeul a now spini among moaern Americans wnlcri ( lie- fered from "the traditions of the founders of the repubile. " Continuing , M. l3artluoldi said Frenchmenu looked to General Porter arid AmerIcans like hint to "keel ) thie United States faithful to ( tutu great principles of liberty aol juustico which prevailed at the birth of tIme repub. hic" Thip nmihitary bari < i present played ( lie American and French anthems and all those tt'lio attended the ceremony flied before the tomb. lh'e'oi'itf his - ' , ilii- xi t I'ierr < ' . PIERRE , S. D. , Mumy O.-Special ( Title. grant.-Decoration ) duty was ohserve < l in thiia city hiy ehoacti buiimmess houses aitul Ken- oral display of flags and hunting. Tue pa- ratio drove to ( lie cemetery in the morning , decorated the grnv s , and in time afternoon I ( lie address was delivered at the state homusi by Rev. W. A. Lyman. Time parade in time afternoon was taken Part Iii by the oiii I soldiers , fire compaimies and school cliii. < Iron , Time crowi is estimated to be tIme iat'est ever taking jart in the exercises in title city , hleeiu'niui lii . zu Ciie'sit lit' . CiIRuiNNR , ' < ' < 'ye. , May 30.-Siieciai ( Telegram . ) -Impressivo niemonlal services were held hero today , TIme Parade conupniseti the local Oraniti Army posts , tIre depart- macat and Alger light artillery , Memorial exemeises wore held at F'ort Russell , attended - tended by 800 of Torroy's rough riders. whuoso iirecision iii marching arid accuracy of drill created a ( lecided imimprosslomi , l.oorntlii J- itt illziis. MILAN , Mo. , May 30.-Svccial ( Telegram , ) -hundreds of l < eoplo witmtt'ssed the most Inmpresivo Decoration day services in this city today ever before scott bore , owing in 'a great nicursuro to tue country's present . struggle with a foreign nation. Rev. It. Vorster Stone of St. Louis delivered time annual memorial address. HYGIENE OF THE YIOllTH AD STOMACH. 1'1io grcai inportanco of attciiion to the Hygiene of the motili and stomach is insist(1 ( 111)011 ) by the Medical Pi'ofes.sioii. No bottei' IUCI11ISCflU ho adopted tilan the regular lisa of about a wineglassful of " " 'W'ater on first rising IIl the floi'Iiiug , < I < lit.niouth . . should be rinsed s'ith it before (1I'inkihlg , . , " " "APENTA" THE BEST LAXATIVE. OF ALt DRUGGIS2'S ARD MIXERAL JrA2YJ ? DE.1Lt./ ? < 1 MEETS IN OMAHA TONIGHT lti'isniltcnn , Stnt < ' ( ustsnIttei' I idesitis to l'i : N lii i' tutu I'IIiO < ' fur - : % et ( nnvt-istIn , The reputiltean state comuntittee mviii nuect. in Ottinira this evoitlng for the liurlioso of fix. lag the < hate earl llnce for iiai < ilhg the tmext stitto convention. 'TIme timenibership of the committee at present 1sf First iistrlet-V , ' . J , lhrildernuman , hunch- anti , Second 1)istrIct-Tltonttmt J , Majors , Perut , TIm led 1)lstnlct-ll , C. Freontiani , Nebraska City.Fourth Fourth iistrlet-\V. If , Newell , l'intts- mouth , Fifth hlstrict-Jnrnt's hlnctutctt. Papiliton , Sixth IImmtrict-i ) . Ii. Wheeler. W. A. Sntmnrlers , Onmnlma ; A. it. Kelly , South Omimnita. Sevctttli llstrict-Jolin ) II , Nesbltt , Te- knttnlu. Ihighithi District-h ) , C. haled , Colerlilge. NInth llsrlct-S ( , El. ? ulooreiieatl , Albion. Totitit llstnlct-F' . II. Ciary , ihinir. Clevenithi llstnict-Johini T. liressier. \Vaynio. Twcifthu District-henry ltagatz , Colunt- ThIrteenth lIstrlct-l ) . 11. Cronin , O'NeIll. Fotirteciuh llstrict-lt. ) ' < V. Montgomery , Alilance' , Fl fteermt Ii District-F. it. htublee. lirokOil 110w. Sixteenth hlstriet-John T. MahLmiieti. iCearumoy. Soveiiteeimtht lIstrict-Georgo 11. Thium- inch. Grattil lslaimd , fllghiteenmth ljistrlct-j , Il. MIckey , Osco- ola , Nhimetecntht llstrIct-Oeoigo W. Lowley , Sewztnrl , Twentieth histrict-J. I , . Greene. Uulver- Sit ) ' Place ; It. J. Greene. Liticoln , Twenty-first Distnlct-\\ . Rdgar , ileat- rice. Tvent-seconhi District-JoInt Van luiyn ) , WhIter , Ttvemuty-tlmlrtl 1)lstrict-Potor Jensen , Jon- semI. Twenity-fouteth Distnicth. . York. Twenty-tiftlm Ilstnict-ih , E. hinirgrore , Twciity-slxtlu Distniet-J , Omtlusha , fle.l Cloud , Twcrmty-sovcnli ( listrlet-C. I" . Metln'w , Hastings. Twenty-eighth District-i. 14. McPliecloy , ! miitdt'mi. ! Tu'en'.y-nittthu Iistrlct-lf , 11. Troth , MC- Cook. 'rtlet" fl'trlet-.O. ' II. Dowman , Mruiriul : Cluanles Cal lulimtn , Si < iiiey , Memitbonis of ( ito coiiintitteo saiuh last night that. ( lucre liii been no conference lit regard to tIme matters to conic rip and thiut no fore- east in regard to them was tluerefore tos- sible , EXPECT AN EXPERT THIEF ( ) iiimthii. l'ol % ii rued of t Ii e I , t'IUI it I i u f ut'o iii ii ii V ii ii S t en ) s U11ML't 1)1 : tiiloiiIM. ICittie W'clls , an expert Ciiictigo dininonil thtIof. ts itnotun In t' in Otumnhun. SIte left Chicago n veek ago with ( lie avowed intuit- tioul of coaling to Outmala. On her leaving Chicago ( lie police there notified the Omaha 1)011cc ) of her departure. Hen nucihuod of stealIng dinmntonds is pc- cuiliar to herself. Site cilters it siore anti asla : to sec unset stoites. Site pretciuds to be nvuur sightteul amid hioltis time Ira ) very close to Item face uvltile inspecting ( hue jewels. ThIs is simply te ruse as lien method is to < hart out her tohigue aimfi wIth it pick up a steno wltieht she conceals hI tier cheek. The tummatis- pecting cleric has secit lotlu of her imati < ls , consenuieiitiy returns time tray to itit idaca after ( lie tvoman has decided ( hint she will not iiurchnse. The V'tulls wetnaeu is of slight build , quite handsome ailI ( dresses very tyiihnly. lIeu hair mmiii eyes are black. SIte always Wears a. profusIort of diainoiud jewelry. Get a taap of Cuba and get ( Ito best amid most complete. The flee's corubitmation lfll ) of Cuiba. ( hoVest Indies antI of time world. With a Boo map coupon , emi page 2 , 10 'tents , at 13cc office , Oniahua , Souitli Oniiuulia at' Council Bluffs. thy mail , 14 cents. Address Cuben Map Department. t'aitiler Gt'tM ii Ilurmi Pith. Chris l3roderson , a painter , met with a serious accident yesterday afternoon tvhutie : at work on the Archu of States at the expoutl- tion grounds. his laduier'as swung iiear : the sumuiiit of time arch and lie was engaged In puttltig thin ilnlbliiiig touches to the 'lee- orations. The sustaining rope on otto side t was insecurely fastemied and slipped throutghu ( tie itulleys , throwing liroderson front liii scat. He made an chart to grasp time rope as it passed anti his hiumads were painfully burneul from the contact. Ills hold relaxed and the painter fell to the nought ground be' low , a disiance of twenty feet. It was found that Uroderson was injured seriously in th back mid otherwise bruuhsed about that hotly. Ho was taken to St. Joseph's hospital and the surgcons are umnahle to state as yet the probable outcome of his Injuries. flro'lcrson lives in Dallas. Tex. , and came to Omaha several mouths ago to work on ( lie exposi- lion grounds. rl , , , .i I ii in Nimy Co iii iiiu ii I < 'H. JoInt Hayward , a former lienitemiant of the Thurston Rifles. bums conmilleuccul the organization - ization of a volunteer conmputniy and is ri- ceiviuug ( hue ilutfllC5 of those what trisin to en- hist at the Tiiurston Rifles' armory. Last night Ittty.six minutes hail been handed 1mm arid these men nih ho examined as icoomi as Iosible zad , drlhh will be beguin. Several tot men nuommht'ie , of tlm < ' itlileut 'tIil cuter time compami 1 at sergeants anti coi'jmraiui and ho- girl wart withi ( lie new macn at dcc. About forty colored young naomi , including seine who had sorted Iii the regular umrnty , have perfected a military company of volun- teens. Time following oUhcem'e teem ehectcii umianinmously : V. II.Vulkeu' . captain ; 11. V. l'iun.mner , first llouttemiamit ; J S. ilryant , see- and lieutenant , Ciiorcd irmen between that ages of IS mind i5 nitty sign ( lie roil at re- ciulting iucmtdqtmartei's , room 12 , hanker iocl : . I -I Drink : $ Loidrnider in the morning , anti the daywill 1)C full of health ( ( ) and comfort. L- - ( s'vit A 11 (1 $ 1t31 PS'1' , t UI Ll'S CONCJfl'I' ( % fl lEN 51,111 Ii s'iht Car , I ( It ii a miii iIn' < 'ulZurt , I , I ( huh , Prop. atit A1anagr. Attrmictinmm't for weuk i < ly ; , 3m ) ; hlIs Oiy < io lfrnL'crut-I'rcmi < IUr Iriii . , o'igt ' nl'butf Girnihi .c ( iumrd < cr-- ' ' ] woirl , tm r Wi I ti L's I Ii 0 < tnt ( ter wi m ii lit' i'i' Iiu .Johti'omm's , - ' V.ty : < mmm . . . . , - ' - ' - , , . . ' . , , . . , , . . , , , A' ti . , . . . , . , , . . . . , trig , , , , , < . < . , miii , ubmucu . , , . iii'jIt.t' . ( iltithuir . icluaru'i'Iio ) , fuuvmrite , en iuu wa I ku rs ; i'ri'd i'i lmmrn'.oni - Ii mmIi ci ii iv , N. Ii-.ion'L ) fall to cci olin greut : Pa nit1ik ; < iVut i ikii tin ic , I In I ly ii uu.e , . except ) loiidnya ut 2:10 : ii. mum , iatii. JIJt iION'J' hiitJtS'iG CEhhI'i.y'f I I IL % I ) ( ( It i'l'Hht ( $ , LADIES' (1NTS' ( i CONCRT IIAU. I 5 1 : h 'i. ieiitu tt ; Snuitti Side Jeff 'rain i5uuumra. GlANl ) (1)NCER'i' LS'iU % ' NIhI'j' ( ; Alisiif' < SihN I'Iiilh , A. JIFhit ( , l'i-uj , , - BASE BALL OMAHA vs. DETROIT June 3 , 4 , 5 and 6 Ladks 1)ayui-'I'iittstlay mid Friday htI Sl3ilh'l'S. HAGENBACK'S ' Trained Wfl Animal Show Is r1i11im STAR ATTRACTION OF TP1I E BXPOS1'J. ' < ION. 'Ilto only h'eeoguizcd IthO\v o lhltriI1 of its kilfll-tO ( ) strong for imitators-too great for rivalry , IILIflIredS of Trained and Untrained Aniiiials From Every Forest , Jungle and Desert 1JNIIR I'IIF : sun. L 'l 'I' ' \'W -1 " - - _ ADMISSION : To the i\rollngel-1G \ performance - " i1duIs - 25 Cents Children < 10 Cents r1o the iVi'oiia- ck' - - 25 Cents Children - 10 - Cents Ox Sens - 50 tents CHQUITA. 'l'lu SiuiiuLIs1 . % 'smtiiitit < iii hhuvhu ( , * rr : : ; J ; s1 j ; ' - Chiquita , ( hue Imantleoniest and nmlost attractive - tractivo hllllpumtian since time beglimnimig of tIme. licceptlomus at her parlors , \Vest Midway - way , Rxpositiomm gioumnids. ILHIt't 'cl ) tIiISSlOX in iAIIA 11USUJM AND TJftATI1 [ , iii aI a i 7 Psi rillitil i I i' < et , ( Ji'IiN u.t n.Y FitoM 1 'l'O 1 < 1 1' . M Wnt. hi. 'h'rooat , Manager. Gre-jut liii i fur tiiisi t % ' < - < 'L of : ttmt , ' : im , , Great Settenick F'immuiy Unimil , eight peo. p1 e , ( I I rect from Hit rope ; I'rl lice Ita ri o 'I tim ci rca uti < iuu fl m < nint < e ( tutu ft it : 1t1 hini r . Vt rgl I C ; raves , sit ) t t'tl luy ; tI lIe , ( Jill vet t e , Ii um ir ii it guts Jet ; KIcist hrrutlmc'r , eiectiIc llmck iii'I In ( Ito 'J'lieat < irluin-Lltle ( I3ethi , tin' cluilil vomnl er , I it hi'r , Cu buu 1A 1 < iiierlta mm < In tires , il a cl ( uutiti I Iow'nr < l , cotnoil lii nis ; Pro I' . I lit antI , juggler ; ( 'iutytnii anti ltaItitu , , ( Ito ( 'cit , . .l. . . anti tile rsoubretti' ; Eleetro lllninniiimt' : < i list Hh , % , lipits , t' ) tii. S < 'nts ' uiui liii' . I ) , ' 6rand Opening , Oyu xposition Week. Tel. hUll ) . 'iONi6Il'V , tu < ia. : ilt'I'INihm : S.t'J'tItl.tY. iL < 'tiirii fliigigeiii < 'ii t of MR. 'fJ MURPHY iii OLD INNOCENCI aiid SIR IIENtY [ IIYrNOTIZD. i'ricos-ItitCr Finer , $1.00 , 5c. hitui , hr , hOc. ! latlnee-I.oWer Floor , &tJc. lial. i0c , 25e Tlie Oreighton I I ) . iiVtuti Wit rti . i I' ( l'tIuU' ( ii I I hi < < c I ci 'm'i > : ' ii ti'h' Mmlii ) , 'i'Iiib % t1)IiV.t It fl i'i,4Jt'iC Ci ) . l'ritsentitug Youiig Mrs.Viiitlirop f4I'It't.t l.'ilI-'ihi < ' hil < ii.di'him 111.11 Giii , i ' Vlrliiiuiw. l'ummhlPmt living nut of ilie city who desire to visit tue tiieuitnu simiillil order < < 'tim Iiy mail ci' telegraph as $ euits art ) still tmvo svt'eks I it tnt vii nici' , at ii to i osI t I mely' tviuu I iiertui'mimaimcu tumid diute.tddieuts ( t I ) , \'otnitvutr d. BL1JOU T1-IEA'i'E iatl < siuul CnpIll .tt , , S U. IIENItY. MANAGER. I-ItoH OLSS VAUDEVILLE , tNJ ) s1'ICI.l.'I'JFs : : IhVHRY NIGI1'i' AN ! ) SiiNi'iY , 8:20. : Himeciul I ! tiin I imice I ads ) ' , 2 :21 : , A < I mmtiseioii too , - - hll'I'iimM ) , ' ( I'uruputiumi ; , ) The Bamora iitfli9nhi hflo hlaniiey St. , ulip , ( 'reighilon 'riteater arid Coimyontioti Hail. s'u1 : , Ii , MOlt ft Ni ) , i'ropr , , . . - - - ' THE MILLARD 1 3thi mimati JuiiIiss Sts , , ( I mmmli ; . . eiNTltitLm.Y wCA'ryD , . _ , tmi HIti.t . % .i1 liIJIIOI'iL % _ ' l'L.tX. . . J lh. 1iClitt ( ) 'tI'r.s , _ _ _ _ _ _ . : ! ± , ! _ -HOTEL BAIKE1-- , COil , 13111 ANt ) JONIS ST. , OMAhA. ) t.ti'is : 1.fII , % , S ) Itti.II ( ) I'Eit ) letric cars dmre"t to cxpoailicn grouiids. i"1t.NK lkitlCli { , ts.n < tsr , . , . . , . . ,9li iUMAN rni.c ( Ierit , MURit.i Y JJoTJL : , 14th amid ifarney St. American l'Ian-3 to 1 dollars iuer day , Street cars front depots aitti from to Exposition Grounds In fiftevmm minutes. AYlnnager.