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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1898)
_ _ . - - - - - - - - - _ : : :44 : 1)AILY 11I : NONDA , MAY no , 181P8 , hILTON CkISE UP TillS \VEEI \ ( rtci1 ; P1ad on Trial Again. ; CASE TO BE CONSIDERED ON ThURSDAY lfUtii IN IFV fi 1'uvrait niial 1ie l'itpcrn ut ihut FfstIi tIns c 1.Ittle 14) $ i the t1itllcr. LINCOL.N , 1ny 29-Speclnl.-The ( ) cne of the i3tnte ot Nebrrnika against hilton vtIl come tI ) In dIstrict courL next ThurRdny. hilton , while ofl Inspector , retalnc4 about * 5.000 In fees that siou1 ) have gene to the tnto , In a former trial or tI'e ' case the jury ( liRagreeti. Iiio retiring from the htisIties of InwcUrig oils lillian has beconie a ieg- tilatlon popocrat , anil the newsnpur ot that faith have little to say nbottt the case , at- though hi nrnfty rcspccts It Is lthiiLIcaI with the Eugene Moore emlczzlemeut case. 'Flie Neiraska and Kansas tate tiniversity hail teams will meet on the campus toinor- row ofterneon , nncl on interesting game is cx- Iectc1. Heretofore this senson the ball gameg In Uncolti linvo not drawn very large crowds , but tomorrow blng a tiolkiny it Is cxpectel ( tint there will be a big turnout. The annual coiflrmatIon nt the Jewish temple , corlier ot Twelfth antI 1) sttets , took place liis forenoon unler the direction of Rev. t.bu M. Franklin of Omaha. Tlie-e * was an elaborate program of intisic in which the bct soloists ot the city took part. The annuni fleld day sports ot the \\torth- Ington Military ncnihnny were lwought elf at the rotltils ot the academy yesterday attor- Iloon anti sonic Very creditable records were made , The ioad races that are ot be pullel off over the Llncln-Norinal course tomorrow arc arousing much Interest among the wheel- ItC11 ) , IBId it is expected that sonic fast tlmo vii1 be itinde. If the weather Is good the course rill hem first-class condition for the tvcnt. Last night , CLV. . Ulino , who operates a shooting gallery on 0 street , wns shot through tile lined by a tuan who was taking aim at OROOf ( ho targets. Uline waved , hII5 hand at someone outside just as the shooter hUhlCd thu trigger ami a twenty-two caliber bullet went through his hand , splintering 0110 of tile boitea and niakitig a Painful wound , Dr. W. IV. linraha of Ornttlm occupied the pll1Ilt of the Second .Prcsbytorian church today , 1)0th mornIng and owening. The commencement exercises at Cottier university will be on Juno 3 , and the grad- tinting exercises will be on tile evening of June 8. The class address wIlL be de- hivered by 1)r. I ) . 0. Mycsworthi of 1)en- ver. ver.Memorial . Memorial sermons were pracbed in most of the Lineohmm churches today. itlany of . the tmmit1ay s hoola Ilumed this an "hag day" and rendered appropriate programs. Tito new creanmery at this place , whlh e has a capacity of 20,000 pountis of butter vcr day and obtains Its supply of cream from a large llumIer of smaller creameries In the eastern half of the state , had a format - mat opening yesterday afternoon to which tile people Of Uncoln svere hjivited. There were tiiatmy visitors during the ( lay. all Interested - terostod in Iookini over what Is recognized tQ lie one nf the largest butter-making es- Itabhimlhlments Iii the world , 'J1lt- ' . ( _ ) ) hi' ' CoLwtlqUs. Nab. , May 29-SpecIa1.t- ( ) : I'hmo goVerflnlenrailt gaugeat this station , In charge or c. c , Gray , shows atotal Up to date for tile flRmth of May of C.O8 Incitea. .Tbls aniommntIs at least ( hobble the average and is treble the amount for some .yeara. L ' .istde froni the melantIng of some few piccs of corn that ; vere wahetl out no damage has , restlttacl to vegetation from thI3 unus- nal amount of rain. It has fallen at such ; IntervHls thmtt nearly all of it has gone Into tile soil and It Is claimed that time ground Is In better colidltlon than ever to with- 811111(1 ( a drouth in July tdmd August , should cotmr , Especially are wheat and rye very PrOmiSthg. , % 1miimus I 'ili'et FALLS CITY , Neb. . May ' 29.-Special.- ( ) At a meeting of the alumni df time Falls City schools belch Saturday the following of. Ilcers were elected : Miss I. C. Maust , prest- dent ; Mrs. E. ii. Fowler , vice presidenh. ; . 'F'rmmmk Schliahle. 5OCletllry Fred Keller , treasurer. % 'e'clJ' IIemor. - TflNNTON , Nab. , May 29-Spcclal.- ( ) flye Is heading omit , wheat Is making a line growth , most of the corn Is up and growIng A - Sam ' ° U rr' pctItd , ! iiI Purify and 1 Vitalize Your Eod , Overcome That Tire1 Feeling. Get a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparflla and begin to ' tike It TODAY , and realize the great good It Is sure to do you , Hood's Saisaparilla Is AmrrIca1s(1rcatct Medicine .li triigghsts , , 4 The Omaha Bee i . Map of Cuba Coupon , Present this Coupon with ' (4 ( lOc for 4 A.TapofCuba. A Mapoftha West Indies. 4 And a Mapot'the World , 4 4 By MtIL I/I / ceiit. S. . . . CUT OUT THIS COUPON. ThIs Coupon with 25e wit. SfCURE liii : Official hotooraphs DI iho United Stat8s Navy Addrei1 NAVY PHOTO6PAll DEPt ( M tHA flEE. - - - ---i. finely , alfalfa will be ready for cutting next I weck and the crop is the finest over known in this Part of the state , Garden stuff of all kinds is pleatliul. Charles l'owers of this 'ilace hiss kept an accurate gauge of all rainfall and reports that there has been a precipitation of seven inches since the first day of tIay. The ground is In the best condition ever knowif at thIs time of the. -year. ' McimirInl Meri. e , , FIU'MOT , Neb. , May 29.-Specln ( gram-4temorial ) tiny Sunday was observed hero by a Ithion service of all the churdimes at the opera house , the interior of which WItS fllfJrepTIately ) decorated for the occasion with flags and bunting. The vulpit was 'drnpe4 with a large Ihmg and the stars and itrIcmj , litmng at the rear of the stage. The post of the arand Army of the , itepublic. Soims of Veterans and Women's Itehief Corps ittcnded in a body , The sixty-one veterans occupied 5eat. in the parquet. The music was by a double quartette , and a solo , "Tlm flattle Hymn of thl lteitllhiC , " wIms sung by ZIiss Marie liens. Tiurscrmon was by 11ev. ' 1) , A. Youtzy of-the Christian church anti his subject va"E..eSsois to be Learned from time Civil Vnr. " CO1VMIlUS , Nb. , 'May 2t1.-Special.- ( ) linker Post No. V. ( hrnmmd Army of the Itepub- lie , attenmiemi In a holly time Memorial service at the ( lernian lteformemt CImtmrhm today. Rev , Mr. leGehinr , pastor , , dchivcred a very touching and impressive sermon In English , 4t large crowd was in attendance. SllNEY , Neli , , May 29.-Specini ( Tlo- grani.-Tlio ) Wonman's Itci ief Corps , Sons of Veterans and ( irandtrmy at time ] tepub- lie attended niemnorialservices at the Metimo- ( list chitirchi ( his morning , Time sermon was by Rev. It , S. Moore. The musIc for the occasion was specially arranged. II Ii1 ( ' ( , , ( rstsIiizmtt' , . NOILTIL BIND , Neb. , May 29.-Spcciai. ( ) -The eighth annual ctmnmmncmmcomnent of tlu' North flenl high school was held Friday. .The gradtmatcs : , lessie Smith , Jiirdie E. lCelcr. Phtirenen itt. Sneneer. Clarisan. T. Trcadwcll , Laura Ithump , Elilyn Itaverficld , fllithl ( Copelanti , Earl d. Edsoim , Harry A. Chainmers , Joimmi S. Cusnck , Robert MeVicker. Rev.V , T. Meioy , D. D. , of Chicago addressed - dressed the elass , IIA..Y SPRINGS , Nob. , May .29.-Special. ( ) -Time fourth nnmmuat commencement exer- climes of the Hay Springs High school were hmeid Friday. There were two graduates , Misses Ethel llury and Lora Makier. Two vacant chairs were lmammlsomely decorated with flags , being time places made vacant by two of time young men of the class , \Vii- ham A , Iloatin amid Jesse U , Fruit , who joined the army and are now at Chmlcka- mange. CITADItON , Neb. , May 21)-Special.- ) ( ) Time High school graduating exercises were held FrIday rmigimt. The graduates were : Margaret M. Satterlee , 13db M. Quinn , Minnie Mossnman , Mao 3lossman , Hal 11. Fryott , Charles II. Farr. 1II.1 , SOIool ( rniuntes , ARAPAIIOE , Nob. , May 29.-Speclal.- ( ) Time commencement exercises of the Arapahoe - hoe high chool ocurrcm1 Friday evening. 'Fibre 'wore thirteen graluates. Prot , Graham - ham has beemm retained as PrinCiPal for time conming year. TItENTOM , Nob. , May 20.-Speclai.--- ( ) The seventh annual commnencenment of time Trenton high school was.held Friday even- tug , The graduates were Cheuney Jones , Frank hell. Leora Harper , -John flaiding and Locke Burton. l'nm'r II I Cli nlrm ii. CHADRON , Nob. , May 29.-Speclal.- ( ) Chadron now Imas two papers , the News having been established here this week by w. u. Kerns , lateeditorof time Casper , Wyo. . Ierrick anti formerly editor of the Burt County Herald at Tekamab , 'Neh. The New3 i a opuhlst paper. The repubhicah newspaper fold is covered here by thoDaves County Journal. ILm iim' , n (1)IlIlIlI ) . FALLS CITY , Nab. , May 29.-Spcclal- ( ) Au enthusiastic nmeetIng was held Saturday to perfect arrangements for organizing a conmpany of volunteers for service under the Pmestdclmt's second call. The brick building ( lonated to the lode- vendcnt Order f Odd FeIlow by S. B. Mltcs 501110 tIme ago Is undergoing repairs for a lodge room. t11V,411111 , SIllIM II q'rzmiim 1) , RUSIIVILLE. Nob. , May U.-Speetal ( Tciegrnnm.-In ) attempting to arrest a tramp last nlglmt Marhnl P. C. Sorensen simot.bim , thebail entering the back. It is-not thought that the wound will jrove ftai. The InJured - Jured maim gave his name as George Bensoim. hut declined to further diEcloso his identity. He is about tlmtrty-flve years old. NchrisIi N.'vN Notes. The town of Arcadia is going to put in electric lights. 'Fimo Qralg creamery will start up again in tIme imear future. w. v. ilavins oZ Lortette. Iloommo county , lies lost a number of cattle train black leg. The Elkhorn Valley district reunion of time CurantlArmny 9f tholtcpubllc will be held at i'manviov ! Julie T11 to lii , The Ilanimer County Stock association Is issuing a hrnnrl book containing the brands of thu nmombers of the association , Tlmo Mimimmcola church 'as blown half vay oft its foundatiomm during time wind storm oil Tuesday evenIng of last week. The editors of time Iteti Cloud Argus and Chief indulged in a little Ilstic war time other day , TiQ editor of time Argims was ref em cc , There was ommly ommo criminal case on time Morrick county docket at th. presemmt term , 'l'lmo detemidant pleaded guilt ) ' amid 'ihl go to time penitntinry. The almeep macn In time vicinity of Bayerd leport great luck witim timelr lammmbs timts snImig , as lmlgim as leo lr cent in some cases hiOln Faved , Thu beet fields near Stanton are in good elmapa timis year mid time nrremmge about one- third that of last year. ! I'imere'is every pros. PtCt for a large yield. Iteports from over the state indicate that a lm go Iart of the cormi Is mmow Ilammted emil munch of it Is up. As a general timing a good stand is r.portcml , A lroiOitlol1 ) ima been made to time peo. plo of Oaring wlmich will probably be ac. cepte'.l for Limo construction of a telephone 'line ' to connect timet tmvn sithi Alliance. In the naval , battle before Manila a Co. lummibus ( Nab. ) immaim was engsge-Janc Klnmmemmr---omm the good ship Baltimore , 011(1 on time slmii , Petrel there is a Madison iminim imamed ll Blip. The Nebrmmakmi maim is Pretty mooch in evidence everywhere. II. P. Sutton of McCook reciycd from imis umother In IAdisljmmma a young Imot alligator. Time sauriami is but a tow Inebmes in lengtim and its teetlm are as snmmmhi and sharp as needles , it will be quite an addition to t time boya' umemmagerle , aimd will give time slmow busine gmim Impetus , I'ii-U'I' $ . .t Nt' ' smimml iIII1mIyNmtrIlII4 Imod. The odd botmndlng name is used to desig. , Imato a icetmlimmr food , omade imot exactly in time simmmpo of nuts , made imot exactly in I nut. Uthtty flavor and crisp brittlemmess tlmat nmakes timem a cham'mmming favorite witim the tmclate. Of vet , imon vmmlue tlman time taste Is the fool value of ( ] rape.Ntmts. Timey are largely COlmiOcd of drape-Sugar , ( your dictionary cmm % tell ou about tlmat ) nmmd those wimo use thenm wml tinmi time mnornnmg immeal has not aol lieemm Ideasant , but has beau quickly and easily digested ; for grope sugar is an crude i reduced in time lmUmnmmn body at ammo stagi' ' or 11mm , dIgestion of food , and is at once I ready for transformation immum good healthy I blood and nourishment. lu mmcl understanil that time grope-sugar , o2 Wi'iLlm Grape-Nuts is nmade. imaim been pro- I lucem.l 1mm the imuimman body , But timis grape. I bugar is mmuuio by much ( lie sammmo trocoss as time body enmploys , Timis grape.sugar Is luoduced by mmaturnl treatmmment of groins ' without any foreign substauco ivimatever. I rime result is imerimaps the most highly nutritious - tritious food over produced , I Grocers keem Orapu-Nuts. . ) EFIES TIlE IWLES OF iuiiR1 General Oiriora1sucd by Prcli1nt lincoln Bopnblihed. THEY GOVERN OUR AUMhES IN TIlE FIELD lust m * lCtiOtlM nM ( l 'l'liings 1'CrmniMMt- i.e nmmsl to 'tletlmusi mitimI , inimmmer * if tm1timimaisteriim iiv nmmmt I'atmIslm itig Its Violators. % ASI1INUTON , May O-Gencrnh orders No. 100 of April 21 , 18G3 , comprIsing instructions - structions for the governnmemmt of arimmica of time tjrlited States in time field , have bet-n reissued anml are beimig sent to the variotms conmimmatmtlers for their guidammee iurhmmg the Ircsemmt conflict ivitim Spain , Timese Instructions vere prcpnrel , by Frail- dc Lleber , Lb. D. , time fatimer of the trescnt Judge alvoeato general of time army , ammd vero publislmeml at tlm direction of I'rcstdent Llncolmm , after beimmg formally revised by a board of ofhicers of wimicim Major General E. A. Ilitcimeock was lresitlent. Timey were adopted by both France and l'russia in time wnr between those countries five yomirs after time civit cattiest hero , and were time basis upon wimich a general Eim- ropean conference afterward ncted in draw- 11mg up an agreenment or this subject. Thd instructions make twent-four pages of prirmt mmml cover almost every conccivnblo feature of nmilitary eommduct ammd tmsngo in timnO at war and a deflmiition of mammy df the termims mised. They embrace ten sections as follows : Section 1-MartIal law , nmilitary Jurismllc- timi , military necessity , retaliation , See , 2-Public nnt ijrivato jripetty of limo enemy , irotection of persons and ospeInlly ofvomnomm , of religion , time arts amid sciences , punlslmmmmemmt of cm'imnes ngainst the inimahi- tnmmts of hiostifti coumitries. Sec. 8 - lcsertcrs , trisoners of war , lmostage , booty on the battlefield. Sec. 4-Partisans , nenmed enemies miot be- longimig to the hostile army , scouts , nrnmed prowlers , war rehels. See. 5-Sate conduct , spies , ivar traitors. captured messengers , abuse of time flag of truce. Sec. 6-Exchange of prisoners , flags of truce , flags of protection. Sec. 7-The parole. Sec. 8-Armistice , capitulation. Scc. 9-Assassinatiomm. Sec. 10-Insurrection , civil war , rebellion. 1iNimin Immimig Inr * liii Imi' . Martial law is explained as simple miii- tory law exercised iii accordance with the laws amid usages of war. A place , district em' country occupied by an enemy stands , in consequence of time occupation , under the martial law of the invading or occupying army. It extends to property amid to Ier- sons , wlmethmor they ama -subjects of the en- camy or aliens to that govornnemmt , Whenever feasible , martial law is carri.'tl out In cases of individual offenders by mlii- tary courts , but semmtcmices of death shall he executed only ivitim the approval of the chief executive omeer , , provided the urgemicy of the case does not require a speedier oxe- cimtloim , and timen only witim time approval of the chief commander. Martini law should ha less stringent iii places and countrie fully occupied and fairly conquered. Military necessity admits of all direct de. struction of life or of limb "of armed one- mica , " and of other persons ivhoso destruc. tion Is incidentally 'unavoidable" in the armed commtests of time war. Military neco- sity lees not admit of cruelty---timat Is. the infllctton of sufferIng for time sake of suffer- immg or for revenge nor of maclaming or wounding - ing except in light nor of torture to extort. confessions. Itadnhits of deception , but disclaims - claims acts of perfidy. When a commander of a besieged place expels the non-combatants to lesseim the calm- SUnhltlOlm ) of his.stock of provisions it is imiw- ful to drive them back , Conminanders. whenever admissible. simould inform the on- emny of their Intention to barnhard a place , iUt it is no infraction of the comnmon law of war to omit thus to inform them. Sum'- pilse may ho a necessity. Cmtiims Jim flelzillzitfoim , Retaliation will never be resorted to as a measure of mere revenge , but only as a means of protective rntrlbumtlon. and moreover - over cautiously and unavoidably , that is to say retaliation aimall only be resorted to after careful Inquiry Into time real occurrence aimfi the character of the umisdeeds that may demand - mand rctrlbutiomm. The marc 'vigorously it is pursued the better It Is for lmmmmanity , Shari wars are brief. A victorious arnmy appropriates all pubiic money , seizes nil public movable property , until furtimer directed by its government , and sequesters for its owmi benefit , or thatot its govornnment , the revenues of property ho- longing to the Imostilo government or nation. Time title to such real property remaIns 1mm abeyance ( lUmiimg military occupation and until time conquest is made complete. lme United States acknowlemlges and proteCts - teCts , in hoStile countries ocupiei by them , religion and morality , strictly private prop- arty , time persons of the inimabitammts , cape- daily those of women , and the sacrelness of domestic relations , Deserters frommm the Amerlcamm army having entered time service of time enenmy suffer death it they fall into time hands of time United States. It is against time tisago of modern war to resolve in hatred and revenge and give mme quarter. Outposts , sentinels or pickets nra not to be fired upon except to drive them in , or when a poaltiveorder , special or general , has been issued to that effect , \'hoavor lntemitlonally inflicts additional wounds arm an enemy already wlmoliy disabled - bled , or kills himmi. or orders that tlmis Rhali be done , shall suffer deatim If convicted , LOCAL 'MILITARY MATTERS Ne'mv Comnpnmmiu-s Formmmii.gto Go to time Front-Sone ' . % 'oTl trummm 0111 There has boon a great amount dr local interest in tIme second call 6f President Mcittuloy for volunteer troops to , 'go tO war against Spain. The IndicatIons are that two amid poszjiily mqoo compa'miemm wIll go to the front train Om lmi. A iarge number - ber of young znen imavo iniliCaed thelm hm- button of osponding to time mmpcommd call miami active work in orgammizing four corn- imaules here will soomi be begun , Timero will be a immecting of ax-members of time Timurston Itliles and others desirlag to enlist him a iew company that is lIkely to go to time frommt on Monday avemming at S o'Ioek at the Timpraton ltihlcs' ummory , Seyeiitentim mind Douglas streets. 'lime corn. pamw is being organized by x-FIlst LIeu. tenant Ilaywarul of time Thuraton Rides and will commtoin a number of young men who imava drilled under him before.The invi. tntion for recruits i open to cli , There will be nndther nmccting 0mm Men- ( Ia ) ' cvcnng at thO law ollica of Oenermml Joiimm C. Cowlmm , in time Wgre block , Fifteenth mmimd Farnanm streets , for time ortptmllzatioa of a comupany to be krown a time Omaha Light infantry. One nmeeting of a number of young men lmmtereated tim limo fornmattomm of timis company imea already been lmeld , and it Is umulerstor'd thmtt at tomorrow evemmiug's meet- iJi' a large mmurnber of rm'crultmm aill ho ac- ceilted , Lymile I , Abbot , V. It , 'ebStor mtn'i ' oilier young attorneys are back of time mayement to forimm time Oiaaimmt Ligimt lufan- try. try..t good start lots been nvmth , toward the organIzation of a colored company Iim Omimlu , antI it is altogetimer vrobabhe that tIme move- meat will succeed. Victor 13. Walker , a coiored attorney and politician , 1mm raisiu - - the company Vgt1)cer ) imns hint , , ttie , , imeri- elIte a llrlhiIgjtter ) snd snY lie lute Iti lmnmes et fifty iyvlA imuilt colorcil men wite will go to lime , mc ° E witim Iihiii. The eomiutnju4 ) Is being orgnnlzrih by leptmty State Strtmey Smith for W. r. Bryan's regimnej ip getting nloag In 'onmi simnpo anti it LImo mllificultiemi o.imcl'l- eimced imy time conrnny In sectiring en anti- cry for drill Iitlrpqscs haul bvc'mm entirely smnootimetl ovcr1Compnny C was organietti at the drill rooju 411 South Tenth s rent on Friday evorngwith twenty-flvn n'emi. The following qfl1oor were nicoted' lthwar.i I ) , Simmitli , CapttIt1 f , 11. Ilarple , first hell. leimammt ; % 'Iiian 1 Domino , second lieutenant , 'itlm timeso scrgenntsI J , A. Fitzpatrick , Harry Morrow , TIiormmas l White , .VIhiism . * Cowitm and Alonco Towmmicy. TlmoVcbster Zoutivs were lined imp iim Limo rotimmitia of time Now York Life building Inst Friday evening for inspection antI hrcselita- tioim to their patron , John L. Webster. The Zouavcs had becim somewhat 'liscourageil of late because ( lovernor hlolconmb was unable to Issue time necessary arias , owing to time call made upon time state in eqtmippimmg time volunteer rcgimmmemmts. On Friday evetmimmg , however , the Zouaves were made luipmy in being Prcscntcti with a act of breech.ioadinir rifles ntmd bayonets. Time rifles are those usually carried by zommavo comnpammics ammd are balanced so that they can be readily wlmitlcd in time execution pt the zouavo muammumil. Thu mmmen are now lmarl at work getting timern- selves in shape for time exposition parades. TIme board of directors for time next six lnotmtims i'lll be as follows : 1' . J , Tebbins , .1. 0. ittmhn , F. C. Slmelhimnrt , 11. S. Esktiui- calm , W. J. Slmtilcross , It. 13. Yard and Ed. vard Lafferty. Sergeant M. 1' . Coodrlch was elected secretary mumul Qtmartermnster' Sergeant Tebbimis treasurel' , Time armory committee is composed of Sergeant Simeli- imart anti Zouaves 1) , II. Dunimam , I. Gil- mere anti ii. Meyers. Time Zouaves lost several enthusiastic niemn- bars wimo enlisted in other companIes and arc miow members of the m'oluntcr forces at tlmo United States. Percy Jensemi Is now first lieutenant with time First Nebraska on tIme way to the PhmIlippimme. Zouave Grant Wiggins Is with time Cody Guards at Samu Francisco , whuio Zotmmmvcs II. Good , \V. F. itippeto anul Trumpeter B. S. May joimmed companies at Kansas City. The following Imavo bcemm promoted : Fourth Sergeant F. C. Shellimart is non' second sergeant - geant , Corporal M. P. Goodrich is third ser. geant , Corporal AntImony fourth sergeant , while It. 13. Yartl is first corporal , Captain 0. Ij. . Sites , adjutnmmt of Colonel Orlgsby's rough riders mind a brother of Cap- tam C. W. Simes of the Zouaves , imassed tlmrough Omaha inst week enroute to Chick- amaugn park. The 7ouaves will assemble at time armory , Twentieth street , near Fnrnnnm , on Monday mmooim at 12 o'clock to particIpate imm the Dee- oration day parade. Yommmmg men of good immoral character vimo 'woUld like to Join time Zouavcs are rq9uested to comuniunicato with Captain Sucs or4tcdi at time armory omm Moo- day orFrlday evimIpgs. The following were elected to nmemlcrship Inst Friday evening : \v. Haney , 'WSccore , E. 'F. Blair , C. II. Jones , C. Iloag,3C. Iimmldermnen nod M. Wit- llama. , Frank Paddock , eon of ox-Senator Pami- dock , was mustmed at SprIngfield , Ill. , into company E , Seeondregiment , Illinois volunteers - teers , on Monday , pimml Is 110w eimroute to Tampa. lie lies the distinction of being time first enhistmentifrom the Bureau of Animal Industry In Chicago. C , II. Darnell ot.Kaaruay , Nob. , writes tlmat thio mcmi who ore rpjccted on llmysical Inspection - spection at Camp dulvin Saunders have re- cei'vcd uoinoaF'to cover tlmeir exienses nbc any pay. lie gays time men rejected by time Second regiment have received neither their pay nor their discharges and feel -that they are being treated very 'unjustly. A private belonging to Captain Jacob H. Culver's cavalry troop from this state , troop K , 'Third regiment. United States 'Volunteers cavalry , writes to The Bee from Camp Thommmas , Cimlekanmnuga park , Ga , , as follows : ' \Vo left Camp Saunders , LIncoln , amidst a hard rain , on the' evening of May 20 , to join the regiment on the historic battlefield of Chickamauga. The writer ta only a private , but what must be the enmotiomms that thrill the heart of Captain Culver as he moves forward once again to tent on the old battle ground ? From 'Nashville to Chickamauga we 1)5850(1 over' battlefields In wimich the blue 'amid the gray struggled for supm'omaey over thirty years ago. In timeso fierce contests all along the line from Nashville on Captain' Culver took a part. Ho was a member of the First Wlscoimsin infantry antI stood with Thomas timroughout the engagement of September - tember 19 and 20 , 1863. It was timere that Thomas earned the title 'The Rock of Cimickarnauga. ' And now Captain Culver Is time leader of a troop of boys wimo arc to tent on time old hattetleld side by side witim those who wore time gray and as brOthers side by side to contend for the freedom ot the west- era world. " Time following is an extract from a letter recently m'eceived by'Cadet Taylor fronm imis eomm , Captain "Buck" Taylor of time Thurs- ton itiiles , now emmcanmped at San Francisco : "We are canmpeti west of IFnisco in a bed of sand , hut as we have had no hot weather time mmmd has not been stirred up i'ery munch , 'V/c are all getting 0mm nIcely and having plenty to eat-timat is time amen , for you kmmow the ofilcers Immure to simift for thenm. el Yes. "Our trip timrougim California 'was like a festival , Ladies and girls at every station showomed our boys witim flowers , cimernicim , orammges and inatie them feel mis though timay were time only people on eartim , It Was grand Indeed , and our boys appreciated it to time utmost , The ladies of San Francisco mat , us at time depot , filled 'our stoniimcims witlm good timings to haItI us up for oimr lIve mile walk to cnmimp. Van Ii. Lady Is here and is to go omm the Brat lmips with Major Jones of time quamternmaster'a dcpartnment. Our old friends of time Texas trip , compammy Def of St. Paul , fl ? lmre and timeir captain is now mm major. We glad to see tlmemmm , 'and they lmavs p1mb ] us a very mmice visit and are as good friends as over. Our Nebraska - braska troops m''roceived timeir share of favorable comntnq ! $ from the curbatonea ammd we bardlyhSliiivoWo , will take a back seat for any otttmem. We are all well mmnI- may sail before another week , but 'shall write again , " - 'J1t-rn ' it limj. for 1temiIjir it rmny , Lleuienatmt Sexton of time Eigimtim cavalry has opened imp a recruiting station for time regular ermy atiiioPark hotel , ammd for two days has been bea1eged by amen who are anxious to enter time service. TIme recruiting officer Is now s'twIng men for tim Eighth cavalry and tinder imis present orders can take only about forty-five men , but cx- poets to ho orml i'ed to secure more macmm as , soon as time Eightim cavalry is flied up , Of time numerous applicants who immmve taken time examinations so far only live baye been taken , and tbcsq were aemmt last imight to Fort Sill , Congress recently passed a measure wimieh allows inca wimo enlist in time regular armay at timia timmic ofvnr to leave the service as soon us the war is ended If they Choose , and since that law wept Into effect time 'nunm- bar of almithiCanta for ndmmiWslomm , to time army Imas been "greatly Increased , So mnmmmiy men are seelcing a hilaco in time army that time exaimminingimurgcOna are very strict arid take only meim' wimo are physically perfect , Of 5,000 ineit who sought admission to time arimmy last xcar less than 10 pam' ccmmt wore accepted. 'I'm ) eiIiti : ( ( ) ld ) l OC 1)t1' Take Laxative Brunmo Quinine Tbleta , All druggijti ; refund the money if It fails to cure. 25e , The genuine has L. 13. Q. ou each tablet. ENJOY A SNM'ITII \ \ ' 1VCi1 ( ) Duck Xoltb'n ' OrIgInrtl On'y Oil Abotit n TIInyPIOMO , EDDtE LAWLER GOES UAC } ( TO PITChING ii I. Nice. ' , Vorlt sii .1111' Mini , hIm'hiN I iii. ioimii 'l'emit ' ID 'lctor'-lii'y- IiIcrN 1)ni I rry .1 mist time . IIliiit $ ort. iamiager ihmclcerino iCeitim's rejuvenated Originals lnycui horse witim tin aggregation of ball tossers from Aoca , in. , 1mm a very decemit game of hell at time'mmoW ball park yesturtiny atermioomm. Timey tore eleven great big 'fat mimims out of thmonm , wimila timd htmsly visitors were occupylmmg itm gnn immg off a little mmmoro timami a quarter of timat imum- her , Superior battimig of time Originals and time Imico box work of Utldio Lawler were ro- spoimsible for time result. For time "i'isttormi ileymimer. ivimoam Tom McVittio cntmtmmred one day about tout' years ago wimeim Onmaima was in time Western zmssociatiomm , nmmd vhmu siriimklcd a few gray hairs into Imis cranium covering of time hiccmmse inspector as a ro- stilt , muamle imis reappenrammee amiti was given . right royal WClconme , Time Keitimites landed UIOmi hint wimen they wammted to mitiml sommme- tinmes n'imcn timey didn't. Timore was a very fair crowd in attendance atmd time ) ' imad all kinds of fmmmm , Yet they were givomm hmlemmty of entertnimmmnent , as timi-re were but few errors nmmd imienb' of batting. Time santo two teanis imavo it out again this , aftermmoomm , Score : 01110 INALS. All. It. if. 51m1'O.A. E. \'tihicr , as. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 1 0 2 2 0 WhItmIe ) ' , 3b. . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 0 1 1 0 Scully , it' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 1.owis , lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8 2 0 11 1 0 Jeilems , muf. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 Bradford , 2b. . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 3 4 1 Shntmnnmm , C..1 1 2 0 7 1 0 Lawler , 1).I ) 2 2 3 1 4 0 Ittirt , rf..4 . .1 1 0 2 0 0 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lt 11 ' 12 3 27 1i I AVOCA , Ah3. Il. II. Sfl.PO.A. E. Franklin , rf..4 0 1 0 1 a 0 ltobimmMolm , lb. . . . . . . . . . . 'I I I ' 0 14 1 1 Zimmlc , 3b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 1 1 2 1 0 'Riley ' , c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1 0 ' 0 0 2 0 1 Beynmer , 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . 0 0 0 1 o 0 Ilmmgolbeck , 2h..1 1 1 0 1 3 0 teeIe , mf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 2 0 0 1 t ) Woomi , sq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ' 0 1 0 1 3 1 Blake , if..4 0 1 0 2 ' 0 0 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 4 8 1 21 15 3 OrIginals . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 3 1 ' 4 0 ' 3 0 -ll 4soen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000020011-4 Earmieml ruins : Originals , 6 : Avoen , 1. Tvo-bnso hits : itmmff , Jeiiemm , Simmunmmon. Timree-ljtmae hit : Steele. Ilome rumi : Lewis. 1 lit 1) ) ' pItcher : ileymner. 1 , 'liases mm halls : B ) ' Lawler , 1. Struck ommt : By l.miirler , 0 : 1) ) ' ] tymimer , 2. l'assed balls : Shammimon , 2. Umpire : Creiglmtoim. 'rimmic of gammmo : One hour amid iifty nmirnmtcmt. SCOILIOS OF 'I'lIIi WlmS'i'lmitN .LFAGhIII. lt. Paul Gets tIe Lust fromm ( 'olmimmibais I , , . liittlliijr F'rleimd. COLUMBUS , 0 , , May 29.-St. Faiml won today by timely battIng , assisted by or- rors. Score : 1LH.E. Columbus . . . . . 0 0 0 1 02 0 0 0-3 6 3 St. l'mutml . . . . . . . 0 0 ' 0 1 0 ' 2 0 1 -4 9 1 liatterios : Columbus , Friend nod Buck- hey : St. Paiml , ' Pimyle antI SPies. MILW'1 UKEE , 'Wis. , May 29.-Knnxis ; City lost the fourth game of the series w'Ith time Brewers by costly errors , Score : Itl1. : E. MIli'aulcee . . . . 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2-7 18 0 Kammsmmm4 City . . 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 3 0-6.11 7 lhatteries Mliwammlee , Taylor and Speer ; Ktmmsmimm City , Suihi'amm and 'Ilcnsemm. STANBING- 1'liI' TEAMS. l'layed. Won. Lost. 'Per C. Indianapolis . . . . . . . . . .29 ' 22 7 75.9 St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 21 10 69,7 Cohumbus . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 . 19 11 63,3 Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . .33 18 15 51.5 Kansas City . . . . . . . . .30 96 14 53.3 Detroit .32 13 19 40,0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , itlinneapolis . . . . . . . . . .31 9 2 23.0 Omnaima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 5 25 16.7 Games today ( tao mit caclm pince ) : Ommiaima at Coiumimus . St. Paul at ] ndiunapoll3 ; 1nnsas City at Detroit : Mimmneapolis at Mi lwauIn'e. 1n'terNEiml I' 1'ttgliP. TOLEDO , 0. , May 29.-Score : It. 11. Fl 'l'oiedo . . . . . . . .0 0 2 1 0 1 2 0 0-0 11 3 Manalielml . . . . .0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0'-2 5 5 , Batteries : 'roletlo , Neenan and Artimur ; lmtonmdieltlIiiier nmmmh Belt. DAYTON , 0. , Mmml' 29-Score : B. II. B. , Dayton . . . . . . .5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-S 5 2 Youngstown 0 0 0 i 0 1 0 0 0-i 7 2' ' flatteries : Daytoms. l'tosebroualm .mnd Bynr8 : Ynumimm'lt'lwmm. ' Braille anti Zinrmtnm. SPRINGFIELD , 0. , May -irnre , 'I-i. ii. B. Springfield , . . .0 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 l-d 12 3 Newcastle . , . .0 1 0 0 5 0 0 1 47 6 4 Ilntteries : Sprimmglleld , Grabiii mini ( lmmmf- ' 'fltms Nei'castie. ( luase nod I lmtrciay. FOH'l' W'AYNE , 'Ind. , Ma ) ' 29.-Score : 3m. It. B. Grandflapldmi2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-3 6 3 Fort Wayne , .0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0-2 6 0 Batteries : Grand Rapids , Lucas antI Cole ; Fort \Vnymme , Ahioway mmmi Cmmmm'mpbell. Ves1.'m'm it MMellmt lomi. PEORIA , Ill. , May' 29.-Score : ii. II. Ii. I'enrla . , , , . , , . 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1-1 4 1 Ottimmwa . . . . .0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0-3 7 4 Ilmmtterieit : Peoria , Iloaclm alid Qimirmn ; Ot- tums'mm , W'eimner and iCoefe. U lJUhJQt'i ! , Ia. , Iihiiy 29.-Score : it. II , B. luhuquo . . . .0 2 4 0 1 0 0 6 0-12 8 2 Quincy . . . . . . .0 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 0-0 Il 4 flatteries : 1)imlmmque , Cimrney and hedge ; Qmmlmimy , Hoover. Swmtrtz nmmd McLean. I1OCK ISLAND , May 29.-No gimmo ; 'rain , ( 'FirAlt IIAPIDS , May 2)-Ommme ) imoSt- pommed ; rain. ( mum , , , ' P1 , Is % fhi'm'iiooim , Captaimm hlnyrner of time Avoca tennm is Ic- terminod tim wIpe omit time defeat of yt-stor- tilt ) ' t im is n fterneomm. l.imt nager ICehtim ( ) Iimloi thmtt im 'mviii not stand forit. Cooseqtmemmthy them'tm mlummiEl he n varnm time out mit time park. The tmnms will go mit It iim time follow. lug 81,111mm' , , ( omlmnmcnoitmg nt 3 o'clock : Origiimnlt4 , Vositlqns , Avocn. LewiM . . . . . . . . . . . . .Flrt hiatto , , . . , , , flobimmeon lhrimmiford , . . . . . . . Seconil iiam' . , , . I Ingermisack : Lim vi . 'r . , . . . . , . , . . 'flu rd base. . . . . . . . . . . . . i iml 'Vmmhier , , , , , , . , , , . Simortm4top. . . . . . . . . . holmes , Wilson , , . . , , . . , . , . Ltft held , . . , , . , , , , , , . Blake Whitney . , , , , , , , Center tlnlml. . . . . . . . , . Steele Uhmif . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Right Ibid. . . . . . . . F'raimkhltm Simmimnomm : . . . . . . . . . . .L'atclmer . , , . , . . , . . , , 1tile7 Scully . . , . . . , . . . . . . . Pitcimer , , , , . . . , , , , e , . "Wood YIim.i Clmechcs % 'ImeeIiiieii. Timere , was it pretty hmigim wind biomvlng all ( Imi ) ' ynsterminy mmnml tiilmt alone ivaut enough to make bicycle rimling a ratlmem' dismigrec- able pleasure. 'rime country roads , too , were rotmgim and in Inmti Himmulie , Tile natural result wa timat timero were but law wheel. meim mIt amid most of timoo cooilnetl timem- delves to the Pavements , fume only ono of the wimoel climbs that tried to do nmiytiming in the way of mu run Walt time 1'uner ag'gregmmtiun , wimiiu went OmIt to ltuser's iii time atterlmooms 4tlmOUt tu score of time lidlnims turned oUt. Time Ommmahmu club was mmot imblu to scare up a very big FACE ON 'FIRE ' I imad Eczema of the scaly , itchy kind seven yCrs. I thought my taco anti grins ecro auto. My taco was full of large wimito scales , amid , nyimeam1ra5 fuliotsOrcit , I was simained to o in comimpany. I took live bottles of Curl. cvm1. ltmsoLvEa'T , washed 'mvitlm CvTmculmA BoAt' , Pmmt omm ( 'UTICUII.t ( oiimtinent ) , and found Ureat reIInacpitlu , snil got a clean face sgain , thanks to CimimoumlA , VALENTINE EGNEII , lmiarclm 7 , l89. 108 StaggSt. , Brooklyn , N.Y. 5rvvT Ceas 'ruu IITW&flflbathl vIth Cur. CUSA Sosm'gnml. .ithminlItm csTicesAOr.unnt ) , rput.meImoUem alitzm eMrsmnhtA d-4' . ( l 1Ir1cv14 : ftgsoa.TRSm' , giSittilot bto.4pur1ltI sDd bunoiCUftl. ts..14 tmtmuhnet th.14. l'nfvi BiroiiDCiii5. CQLr. , i'sup. , 1901W5. BOWlS $ 'IttS ta jnK&eu lt , , ; , _ : : : : : _ _ _ - A , . rrpt'rsnn tti I It , Il , iii it ti few rude ii si itm'l I h b. . . - . lIlt it.imim VI.i . ,4.imIi'r , ( , , it'lthI , , % % 't'tt'i I lit' ) 'tPIlt t t9 ark ilaim rust ii hf hltlymlt'hi iIttittmeiW l.shi , . teelim , ( 'atmn ' ) uirtilMi t'tjtliI' fhtise I , , , hlIlitlllt , ( till sltmiisgnr I I is t rI' itt fl' Pt I l'l * Iii ft , r I lut sr'enlm.h I I mile I lii N 4Nmi'nIl ut JIpis itlii j'ii't , ( minima grimnimils ym' I j'i'ml it ) . n ft I'ntIeiti , leur snynli i Ii lii hiis ii n tmlmmnki'il ils.mtl , mm,1 , thIn 4'sst'tl , ism it lilt rmllmi 8ilns'pil , t in'tn to Mnnn I tuiri'lNIthti ( mImi 'i'l ( ' Ii 's 1,1 1 'h In g I Imii ri-ti t ii res of i lit' mImi limit WI' ri' I I mm rnisumi's iirst Imssn ilfl'i ) iig , t lie Ibid immg ii C Jeil , ' m I si'eoii ml tiliti a them , fIt It - nhmmg t'aiu'ii by Ian'Ci ) ' henry I Ia'ilm'n llrmmtlit'm-s , , . .2 4 I I C ) 0 1 0 4-0 Ztiotx lirotimers . . . . . .C ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4-2 rvn-bmusft hilts : lehly , immngar O''nnmmmmr ' ( , IhimIeltl'i , iIrst imtc , oil hmtiim * : liv Himytlur , lifT IVelcim. lilt imy lmiteImeJ : fly ftm'der , f' Struck titit : IiVelcii S' by Himyih-r , 6 , iumiimlii imilmym tmtliger t , lnrrIuim tO OCoIm. nor. hits : lift Veleim , 4 , off I4mtytler , Ii. 'l'l ole of gu tilt' 1 Tvu imnth m's nit ml fort ) ' Its I ml - mites , Utnm'lre : ittmmhnmatm , ' * , , * iln I ( lit' ihiisna Stare , 'rime I'muxtnn iumtei humso timihl mmmc mmiid the iiosiiim Store nggregatlmmn bath it lull Oil thut mmciv immmll groilrmiis 3e5tcrda ) ' , imorniimg. Time furnimer % viln 1mm a. tiio-td&-ml gnome il ) ' time $ cCU mit 22 to 10. 'I'Iw l'axtums , mantle tour errors mmmmti tiii others tiIx. I hinmiler nod Froiimhmergcr mormn'l , till' lmattery of time former nmmd Stnnhieil , Mmmnnlmmg oiitl 0' I lemmrn ltmimked utter time lnmttery 'onlc of time other tcnmmm. Time score by immnlmgs , mtM : l'axtona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 f I S I l3cmthim St re . . . . , . , , . , , . I I ii 4 2 1 1-10 : 'i , Iiiil ft I ieii gao 'Cu liiu' a y. Ftmrcmmmitmmm'-Cimicmmgtj mit Boston. Ciimciimnmiti at iirunllymm , Cievolnofi at New York lomm lxvi Ii e n I i'll i imilini imhin , I isti t I more a I l'ittsbmmrg , St. iomtis \'mmeimimmgtumm , Attertmnomm-Clmlt'iio it liomiton , Cincinnati at ilm'ookl'mm , Cleveimtnd mit Ness' Yoric , LouisvIlle at l'imilmiihelpimimm , ltnhtinmore itt l'ittsintmg , St. Luitis \'S'tmslmingtomm ' , 'I'll II from , , Ills ii. , rHo , ASIILANI ) Nob. , May 29-Spcciai ( Telo- gmnmmm.-Timis ) umormmimmg about 1 o'clock Allen llentz , young ftirmmmer resimhing mmcar Memmi- plmis , rode a imose into Aslmlammml to get a doe. tar.Vimen imear Henry M. Flammtior's house aim time mettmrn from time doctor's Imouse licmmtz'a imorse tiipimeil in 'a decIm rut , timrowilmg him imeavily emi time groummil face itomvimwnrd , Ills harm rami ais'ny nod was eaugimt at ltohert Fl Moon's lmouae. llentz's fatimer was nharmmmetl at imis prolonged ahisenco and about 5 o'clock drove in to immvu'stigate. TIme ) 'oummg mann wns foimimil about imnlf a 'nmtie out on time road lemmil. immg mmortlm of town , wimcro lme immmd started to walk anti Imad fallen tmmivommsclous , blond trickhiimg frommm iiis mmose and ears. Ito nmay die trotmm imis Injuries. tmr. niid t11's. 31irt" ( % ' thmms'imem'i-il , IMNDON.hny \ 20-Time governor of Sierra Leommo cables to time colonial offIce Imero timat time 11ev. and Mrs. McGrew , time Amnorican .ntisslomrnrics , were massacred about May S at Taianma. iscar time scene of the otimer maca- sacres. Time govermmor's immfornmntlon conies from Colonel Wooulgate , time conmrnander at a Britislm 'mVest Afrlcamm force , whicim imas just captured Tniammmn witlm the loss of tlmreo mmmcmi killed ammd five -wotmimuled , ility P'Mtl iih. COLUMBUS , Neb , , May 29.-Speciai- ( ) . At time 111gb school groumimhmi yesterday after- mmoon amid at time opera house last evening was 'imeld a May festival by the scimools of timle city. Over 600 scimool cimiidremm took inrt 1mm time exercises ammd ammo of the cimief mit- tractiomma was a hiviimg flag rcpresemmted by 200 cimiimlrem , dressed 1mm the miatiommal colors , About timirty wearing large white stars oim a blue field. The programu consisted of sing. big , spenkimmg amid drilling. I0ighmt-I.egged Calf , COLUMBUS , Nub. , May 29.-Special. ( ) - F. II. Gllmore , a printer of timis city , wIll leave miext week for Onmaima , wimero lmc imas mmmdc arrangememmimi to place on exlmibitloim at time great sideshow tue eight-legged calf belommgimmg to Supervisor Carrlg of Lost Creek towmmslmlp. Time animal is now over two mnommtims olti and has eight well-developed , full-sIzed feet svhiclm all , touch the ground and are used 1mm locomotion. 'More Itialmi at PIerre. 'PIERRE , S. 1) . , May ' 20.-Speclai ( Tale- gramn.-Amiotimer ) inclm of rain fell here yen- terday and with the'soaking'of inst wool : has filled all the .wator holes on time rammge amid wiil.iimsuro'it large grass crop. The crops are doimmg well and the wheat prospect is ro- vortcml as never Ba good at this semmsomm. - r. , -w7 1tgmtuo , dMza ' ' : 'L FREE BOOK 1' ° 'tWEAK ' MEN. MY hittl book , 'litre ? Classes of 8len , " 'sent to mini Only It tells of my 30 years' experience as a specialist In all nervous disorders resulting lronm yontimful indlscrc. tiona Lame Ilack , sic , and tells why I3LI3CTR [ CITY cures With my invention , time Dr , Stnden Electric Belt , knowmm anti mixed time world over , I restored lust y'ar 6,000 nitum , young antI old Beware of cheap imitations Ahmovu hook explains all ; sept smaie.I . Write todmy , Di' . A. ft. Sandeii , No. 183 5. Clark St. , Chicago , Iii. - AMtlSi'3MI2N'1'4 , BASE BALL 'OMAHA vs. DETROIT June 3 ; 4 , 5and 6 Ladles' 1)a'H-'I'ucsdtm y ii iid Friday JlTJII,14 , THE MILLARD ; lath iiid DoliglIms Sts. , Omnlia. cTIt.LLY LOCA'l'gD. . .A3IIilllGA ANI ) IlUItOl'FIAN l'ltN .1 B. M.tItJIIl , . .t SON , I'rimpa. -HOTEL BARKER- Colt , 13TH AND JONES ST. , OMAhA , IIA'l'ES i.6O AND ilOO I'EIt IOAY , Elsctrlo curl direct to exposition r'ua5s. ti'1iNi 1J.IiIfLit , Caihler. . . . . . lAM IIAUMAi CnlC ( : ierk. Thi ImnrI I flU UUUIIUI U J.odgliigs , 1510 hiarney St. . olmp , Creigimtomm Theater aimmi Cotmveimtiorm hail , WM. it.MOIIANI ) , l'ropm , MUIt5RAY Ii OTI3L , 14th ammO ilmmrney Si , American l'Ian-3 to 4 dollars hem day. Street ears from depots and from hotel to Exposition Grounda' 1mm sitttmemm minutes. 13. SIL.LOWAY , Manager , . ' ' - - - , tlI NPIhi1m'l'M , - All Roads Load to HACENBACK'S4 ' ; -4 Tralnod Wild Animal 'Show. ' Now Shtunteil o West Midway To ltcnmatim Front ' Jiic 1st to Novciiil.jei' ' 1st. J-1agellhltck' ' 1i'aiiied . .Atiiiiial Show ii ; n i&1ioo1 ol' just l'ICIIOII. ( l'oi , ' all that 1)1Y ' hi. visil ; , iii ; the 1CCInl-o Oil the lilhIllrtj(1t ( of flhhihiUl1 of all kihl(1i never .fllLlS to intei'est all classes. _ _ _ _ _ : i- y -J _ : _ , ' : l'liis is Iio largest collection 01 flflhiiUllS o\'er OXlliIiOl ! iR 0110 enclosure. Au itI'liIy of Inch iLI'C (3ih1)IOyCl ill all ( IC.- ' lartmenls ol' tl1fl aiiniseneiit iflStttlltiOll. Trained aniniahi of all kihllS. Lions , , . ' Tigers , 'Leopards ' , Seals , Wolves , Bears and E I epli a iits , 'SYaBace tito ulitalneable lion , is a llaI'liSOlfle allililal. Prices of adiiiissioii are as follows : To the Menigerio ; , O1)Ch1 all clay- clayAdults Adults - 25 Cents Children lOCents rro the Arena- Adts - - ' 25 Cents Children - - 10 Cents Box Seats - 50Oenfs CHIQU'iTA. ; 'L'Ime Simmimliest SVomnzmmm 'an 'Earth. "f ' ! ' ' , , . .i . , . ' , : . Cimiqultm : , the imandsoimmest mmmi mmmost attractive - , tractivo iiillputiamm sjnce time hiogimmmmimmg of timmie. Itceeptieims at imer parlors , \Vest Mid- Wa ) ' , Expositiomi grounds. itliiLiUlil ) Ah)3IISSJOS ) - 10 (1liiN'l' $ . OMAHA MLJSLJM AND TIIATI1 [ , iniriii : V'sirilsimmm Street. Ollils lAiL ' ISIIOM I 'ho 1(1 ( 1' . N , , \simm. 11. 'J'roommt , Maimmmgcr. ( iremmt Jhlil for Bxjosi huh % 'm'cJe it ) lll . : mo , Gient Sotterlek Family fund , oigimt pee. imie , mlireet 'frommm Europe ; Primico Fmmrlo ' 1 ulo ( 'irc'assimmm iirimmco frmnm Asia 2mhinom' ; Virgil GritVes , spotted h ) ( ) ) ' Allle. Ollivet ti' , imumm'umm gas jet ; Kiciat Throtimerm , eleetrie idacdc art. iim time 'i'Imc'mmtoritimn-iittie Ilelhm , time chili ! ivo mmtlcr , I ii lmi'r Cmihim : mm-A oh mm rico n lit mmccii , ' a elc mm mmii I I mm in irmi , en nmed imi mis ; I 'ro f. I 1mm r- imol I , jmmgg I er : Cia yt aim am nih 1)i shmomm , t ii u Ciii . nimmi thu sotibrette ; Eleetmo ihiuiniminteml Va. cailmit. lOt' Amlliiils tO All , ilemits 1St' , mmid Jib , : ' i' 'Oraild OpenIng , . 0 u S ExpositIon Week. 'i'd , 1910 , , J'ONUIi'I' , 14lr. ( . ? , lt'l'lNliii S.t'l'iJitlIt' , 'Itt'tiii'im ' 'lllUImOiliUiit lit M'R. TIM MURPHY : in OLD INNOCENCE and 'SIR ' IIENI1Y 'HYPNOTIZED. Prices-Lower Floor , $1.00 , 1c. ' Hal. 75e , O0 , ' ? mlatimmee-LoWer Floor , SOc. flal , SOc , 25c , rn. ' " ' 'h" f ( ' & BureO , A 5e I Mamisgeri. T.i. 1111. 0. P. Woodwamrd , Amuoimcmm , , Ihireetor , 'h'OJAY , Ii try. 'roivgGlp'r , SmOU. 'i'1J19 " .VJlVAIII ) $ 'l'OIIC CO. I'rommonthrmg Young Mrs. Winthrop Sl'i'llXAl/I'i 11m4-'I'Imc Hloimlclhmm mimil flu , Vlltlunis , Parties llvlmmg out of the city who desire to visit tile theatre nitoubml 'irder semlts by mmmii or telcgrmmplm nit seats arc olci two weeks in advance , state positively wimat performance amid date. Address 0 , D , . . - ' ' Yoodwal'd. GUhI.L'S CONClil'I' GAIIIFN ihoutient Cur , I ( liii amid Pn''ispnrt. I , Cciii , Prop , anl , Muhmdger , Attrmmctioims far wok ! mlmmy 30 ; jIU ( ihyde lcudgers-I'retolttr Irlbim sarg4trPsi , Omtrroil & ( lardmor-"I , wonder whmit'ms time meatier with item ; ' ' 'J'ito Jolt mmi.omit-Ymm y mm p so mmml mmii il ( I mm mmcc urtists ; Nemmimlimimim & lmlmrreil-'ll'.lIImui , ' skt.jli I I nrIIt.'i ; ( Jlhhiliiii & Julmimmiru''I'lmo fmivorlt. ommku.WitlkOrt. Frmd Siiimmmorm-Iamiuihi , gent. ly , N. li-noma't full tO bOO dIr great tIriIt. mmrt--iJskn\Vmmhk-I1immiO , 'flauly , I - ' - - mmitimmom,3 except ioudmsys'simtmrp _ _ _ i BIJOU 'r HIAi'ER intl. 11,1.1 Capital Av. ' , 3 , 13. IIIiNRY , MANAGER. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE AiL ) $ I'ECIAI/l'IJIS EVEflY NIGhT AND SUNDAY. 830 , Special ' 1atinoo today , 4:30 : , Adamission leo. 1