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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1898)
- - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - _ ; . - - - - - - - - - , , - - . : - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - k . 2 . TILE OMAIJIA DAiLY BDTh TIrUTISDAY , MAY o , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - hAVE CERVERiI COOPED UP ; ecrotary L ay the Pr Report Am : . Don11e Correct. WOIJLDGET A WARM RECEPTION OUTSIDE IticrI'NtIflg % evi LIkcly to 1klIe - 7 ccji cil from ( lie $ oitli Const . of Cului Almoist Anr flay. 1 WASIIIOTO ? . May 25.-There cems to ' . . bo'no longer any doubt that the Span- ; lali fleet now In Santiago harbor I hernmcd In by Commodore Schlcy'n squadron anil that escape Is aItnost t not . , quite , ImposIbo. Meinbora of the cabineL I are euItatit over toJay' nqwt and although they arc not willing to make pubIIcttji soUrce ot their Information , they regardftL n perfectly truttworthy. . It IR authoritatively stated that the sttu r tion of Sanitago harbor Is auch that ourf gunboath , which are available for the purpose - . pose , couII succesfuIIy prevent tile escapc , . of the 3pnnInrd , tIiu roIIe'Ing a conIder- : able part or lotIi $ ninpton and SchIey tect ! ror oIoratIons elFewlicre. Meinber of ) the aIrnlnlstratlon regnrI the preont Bltua- lion as rnot favorable for our cauo , nnl (10 S nottloubt that In a very short time the 3pan- I1l fleet will be utterly de8troyed and actho operatlont bgin against havana and Cuba b both our military ( (8(1 flaVal forces. . KEY \V1ST , Fin. , May 25-There Is noth- log definitely known about tim O1)CraLIOflS ( ii r eastern Cubn , litIt the view Is ncepted at thIs n fact ifiat the SpanIsh fleet Is , T)1r'c1acd ) ( III SantIago harbor , In which ovrnt 1 tl naval Opinion here Is ( lint the spantli : fleet has "coiiflnILtC suIcIdc. ' It Is now ; no breach of contldone&to iuiy tIiat Coinmo- . tlui&ScIiloy and Rear Admiral Sampson are tjtlvod to have Admiral Cervera within . , { l.tIr , reach and if the SItLnIaItIR nro I .San- I'hgo haibor they can be blocknd d and tnrvt't1 aUto A single heavy An1erIcnIi yes- ei can 'hotd the harbor narroi ' exit , ; tifrougli which the Spalilards could emerge , onlsIuP. The Spanish fleet Is re'fast , but 1 % . is not. Composed pf heavily armored . . . srcJs. Indeed any of fdm1ral Sampson's bhttlbs1I8 C UI(1 , in the opinion of naval . oxpcrte , engogo the entire Spanish fleet with a fair ehniice of coming off victorious. The American commander has not only ships for hattie , but fur the chase as well. This is tlio view here , where the American fleet Is well known. Among navy omcinls aliti pco- plc at ICeyVcst generally there is the most thorough conflOenco in the skill and energy Of both the Anmrican commanders and It is believed their triumph InVesL Indian waters is assured. The question that agitated the Navy de- partnient this morning was whether or not the Spanish squadron under .Adinlral Cer- vera is at Santiago do Cuba. The depart- meat hopes and believes it i , but so far Is not possessed of sufficIent evidence on the point. It Is also its belief tlia tile Spanish - ish squadron when last heard of ten days ago , was In that harbor. and has not been cen anywilere else , In spite of the fact that the scouting vessels of the navy fairly swarm In the West rndlan waters , and that the United States consuls on every Island - land are On the alert to watch and report the movements of , panlsh fleet. The dcpartment.qifletal. 4ejtJflg the view that Cervera 'I5.J1I Sa tIde liarbor , nrc of hq opinion that he Is Jilcaly to remain In there for a long tflne , weCks nnd months per- , fi1p1t. . ' t. L. ' ( lfl1oVt ft"r 7.Y n SiiipI , SJ.I , . , 189S , l'ress ' . ( Copyright by I'ublishIng Co. ) icpY WEST , Mny125.-New ( York World Cablegram-Special "i'elegram-A ) beef supply ship was chnscd by the 'Spahlsh for . an ) lour yesterday oft the northeastern coast or Cuba. It was made out at 4O : this morning by 'a small Spanish gunboat which headed foi thestipply ship , formerly the Illinois , Sverybody watched the race. , 'rho sUpply ship put on all steam ; unboat about ten miles off. The slllply , held Its o\vu , but as It bad nbt a single gun , Lieutenant - tenant Roberto. Its commander , dlii not take any chances arid freed the ship. The Spaniards fired no shots but suddenly veered off , probably at the sIght of an American ship , as Smpson'a squadron had just p5580(1 the same point. The chances are that the gunboat -will be captured. Prnnee Gem No Spnulli 'Territory. PARIS , May 25.-An ofticial denial was issued - sued today of the rumors of the occupation , cession or sale of any Spanish terrItory to Franco and It. was also denied that the 1st- ter Intends to occupy Moroccan territory. Keep Ensy to say , bu how shall I do IL ? I In , tlio Only corn. mon sourn Way-keep your head cool , your feet warm cud your blood rich aud puroby taking hood's Sarsaparilla. Then all your nerves , I ii the muscles , t1ssnet and organs will ho U S p r i n g properly iiourlslied. Ilooti's Sarsaparlila buIlds up the system , creates an up- petite , tones the stoniach and gives strength. It is the people's Spring Medicine , ) iaa a larger sale and cf. focts more cures thau all others. Hood's Sarsapari I I a alas. 0. 1. Iloon & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Ii ' Pll' are the favorite ro , - " ' ' ' . rIc eae. . , .ds.l. 4 The Omaha Bee . . S i-Map 01 Cuba Coupon , Present this Coupon with 4 JOcfor I I S AMapofCuba. I A Map of the West Indies. I And a Mapoftho World , I By Mull lirccnts. f pll4SalSl 4S. * CUT OUT THIS COUPON. This Ceupin with 25o WI&LSCVRL Till . Otliclal Photographs tOf the United States Navy1 Addrtsl. Addrtsl.WAVY PHOTOGRAPH DEPT. I OMAHA 1i E. . . . . SALUTES THE SPANISH FLAG .ln.n.cs Wnr $ JiIlIonnrs the Tel- lOW annrr , tt IlnnlIn , tI , . l'Irst Orrnion itinep 1)rwrj Cnmr NEW YORK , May 25.-A cablegram from Manila bay , via hong long. to the Evening Telegram , says : "Arriving liars yesterday On the MaCui. loch I found the American squadron anchored - chored oft Cavite , except one ship. 'which was patrolling the outside by turns. The foreign war ships lmmortallto ( Rngllsh ) , the llrlnx ( French ) the Irene Commoron ( German ) , and two Japanese war shlp , were anchored of ! the city of Manila. "The Japanese boat Naiwa bad arrived tue night betorO , and at noon saluted the port with twenty-one guns. which salute as returned by the shore battery. Title is the first salute the Spanish flag has received from any war ships sInce the blockade was established. One Japanese vessel leaves to. .nloTIoW for hong Kong. "General Aquinaido anti twelve other in- r surgcn. who came from hong Kong on the McCulloch , landed at Cavito yesterday. They tell nio the rebels have taken passes- 'sian of Bubig , and have aO,000 men ready to fight against the Spaniards as 25011 as they can got armsi report was brought to the flagship last night that. the rebels had attacked the Spllls1u outposts of I1aniia. The Spaniards were found to have turned the guns of their shore batteries landward for protection against the insurgents , and the rebels made nothing more thati a rcconnoissanco in force. " AFTER THE YELLOW JOURNALS % Vnr fl..utrd tstsfor , t.rglsItiliu * to Sip.r. , . tI. ( l'.llIent iou of 0 I" . , rt ifl.nt I on p 1y Papers. WAShINGTON , Mny2.-Secrotary Alger sent to the house today a cocnmuiulcatlon , enclosing a letter from a publishing house In Philadelphia. In which it urged a corre- H1)olldeflt to adopt moans to get photographs of the defenses , despite the prohibition. Tiis concern , in tills lettCr , which was turned over to the government. said it had emphatically been reftised permission to make photographs of the League Island navy yard and Fort Mltflin , but the next day It hircl a tug boat , and its photographer , stopping in front of the yard. took several views , and urged Its agents to secure pile- tographus of all the fortifications by these or' sImilar lUCflflB. Rear Adnlrai Sicard , president of the war board , recommends that the publication and exposing for saho of vIews of the navy yards , fortlilcations , new ships , and other government. aeructures for military or naval service , should be forbidden by law during tile war. Chief of Engineers Wilson , U. S. A. , adds a recommendation for an act making pho- tographus of fortifications , or publication of descriptions of works of defense a penal Offense. INSURGENTS ENROLLING MEN ltcrsgees frou , * J1zxnua JIn the Rebel Ai.ny and Puree 1.4 helter jtrutieul iluti Eiuipjed 'Than Ever. KEY \VEST , May2.-a courier direct from Brigadier General Rafael do Cardonas , commander of. the insurgent forces In ha- vans province , has arrived here. I-Ic reports that there has been no dimculty in main- talninj .communicatlon between the coast and the' interior. s thinerM Cardenas has been Tat the rate of twentI'.a day , most of them coming. from flavana"city. Tue insurgent forces In that province now attunber 3OiYl , bettor mounted and armed than ever Ieforu. They move almost up to tim outskirts of the city. S According to the courter the Spaniards ilava massed their troops in the cities nud on the coast. abandoning offensive epern- tions against the Inaurgeilte. The insurgents are plnchej.i for food , but wIll wait eagerly for the order to cooperate - ate with the United States army iii a movement - mont against the Spanish troops. sociulss JERRY AS A COLONIal , . Asks Guv'rnor for Autli.rlty to liaise . l hteginiejit. TOPEKA , Han. , Ii.iay . 23.-Congressman Simpson wants to go to war as a colonel of a Kansas regiment. Immediately after the publication today of President McKIn- lay's call for additional volunteers Congressman - man Simpson telegraphed to Governor Leedy for authority to raise a regiment and ask- lug for a commission as its colonel. Governor Leody is out of town and what his answer will be Is not known , but. it Is probable Congressman Simpson's request wihi be granted. Mr. SImpson was nominated for congress last week by his district. s'rouy FIIOM Sl'AWiSU ( 'Ai'ITAL. ' Says Insurgents liu l'laiIIpiije , . trt- .JOEIiPIg with the $ latilsli , MADRID , May 25.-An olflciai ( hispatcil from ManIla announces that the majorIty of the chiefs Who took part in the last insurrection - tion ilavo lresented themselves to the Span- islu governor general , offerIng their services to Spain , 1t is said there that tile Spanish prisoners of war in tIle United States have agaIn complained that tlloy are treated as convicts , BRING REMAINS TO LONDON All . 'l' Is Mirtalof Mr. ( ( % , , uy Rests 10 Vcwtminst'r Abbey _ ti.itiii Viiaal Cercnuiles , LONDON. May 2G.-Mr. (1iadstono' remains - mains arrived at Westminster , London , today - day , accompanied by herbert and Henry Gladstone. Mrs. Gladstone vIli come to attend - tend tile public ceremony. A group of thirty or forty flea , who are connected with tile ceremonies , 'includIng the duke of Norfolk , awIted the arrival of tIle train at the ala- tion , About 2,000 of th public looked on. Thu coma has been plaoed In posion ! for lying In state , T1is was done about 3 o'clock this morning. when Canon Wllbei- force conducted a secisl service In the presence of henry aiti Herbert Gladstone and Severn ! nuembers of the 110usd of Coal. mont. . LONDON , May 2G.-Noy ( York World Cablegram-SpecIal Telegram-Inenso indignation - dignation its manIfesting Itself in liberal circles at the action of Queen VictorIa in omittIng to make any wentIon , , of Gladstone's death Slid ubilc services In "the court circular , When a statesman or man of eminence like Tennyson , iwrsonaily knowp to the queen dies , IL is alway her custom to pay some graceful trlbuto to Ills memory written by herself. In the case of Gladstone the queen has merely sent a tel- cgram of sympathy to Mrs. Gladstone Witil- out ailuslona to Gladstone's colossal services to the state , It is now asserted that the prInce of Wales baa advised Ills mother of the bad effect created by her silence and it is expected he may retrieve the Position to . Beune extent by repairing the olniFaton after the fuuerai. The truth Is the queen Iover forgsy Gladstone for adopting homo rule for Ireland and was stIll further ejubitteretl S against him by his last sPeech in the house of Commons , when ho urged hit iarti' teA A crusade against the House of Lords.Viien Gladstone took leave of the queen on his resignation she never ccordcd him even a formal word of thanks for his lIfe-long servIces - Ices , although Gladdtona's sincere loyalty to the throne did more for the preservation of the prestige of the monarchy of Rngland thea that of any statesman of the century. I ORECON IN FLORIDA WATERS Secretary Long Oonflrnts the lhport of Its Safe Arrival. TRIP AROUND THE HORN AN EXCIflN OUE .tfter Leaving ilnilin Captain ClStrle Kent Jiverytluing In itenuhineips to lo hattie rvltii Sintisiu Fleet. ' % VASIiiNcITON , May ' 25-Secretary Long 1153 received an omalal dispatch announcing the arrival of the battleship Oregon In Jupiter Inlet , Fia , Its sefe arrival in the inlet was reported ImmcIiately to the jrcsi- dent , At 9:45 : Secretary Long said no word had been received regarding the bottling up ef tile ipsnlsh fleet at Santiago. The only In. formation of tills kind had been received from tIm pread and not from official sources. The Oregon loft Marc Island , Cal. , 13,000 miles away from Jupiter , on March 19 , so It line averaged 0O miles a day for izty-flvo days. As a matter of fact tii vec.ei has made much better speed , for a good many days were lost In taking coal at the South. American ports. The Pacific coast con- tlngent in Vasluiuigton cannot restrain their enthusiasm over the remarkable perform- alice of the creation of the slope work- 8110115 , Representative I-hlihorn allei1 at tlio NUV3' department to verIfy the news of the ship's arrival and ho found the omcinls were fully ( IiHiOSel to agree with him in all that hue haul to say as to tile Oregon's greatS. record , lie says that by this performance the ship lIne silenced forever tile congressional - sional crItics of battleships , who had da- elareul that no battleship ever had or would cross 1110 AUantic , for the Oregon's run was fenught with more peril and involved straightaway stretches of greater length than the Atlantic passage In aiiy season. The locating of the Oregon came about in a peculiar way , by means of the beach watchers , who are On the alert for the np- preach of hostile ships. These beach patrols continue nIght and day and last night the patrol was rewarded by sighting tile big American battleship , Signaling was begun by the USO of torches and In tills way messages to and from the battleship were exchanged through the night. In turn these messages were sent to the Navy department , which Is connected by wire with the signal station iear Jupiter inlet. NIIW YORK , May 25.-A special dispatch to the Evening World from Jupiter , Fla. , says that Lieutenant A. it. Davis ot the battleship Oregon came ashore there host night. "Our race , " said Lieutenant Davis , "was a moat exciting one , especially after we left Ilailin , for we then know of the possibility of interception , Captain Clark , however , kept the little lieet In constant readiness , and hind we run into the Spanlii fleet we should have been lieartl from. As It Is , we are all happy that our race from San Francisco Is now ended and that we will have a chance to take part with the fleets now looking. for tile Spaniards. " The Marietta and Buffalo are wIth the Oregon , JUPITER , Fin. , May 25.-Tue United States battleship Oregon , which arrived here at 10:30 : p. in. inst night , has left Jupiter. I'ARA , lirazll , May 25.-9:1O : a. m.-New ( York World Cablegram-Special Telegram. ) -No verifleatton is obtainable of the report of Lloyds' agent here 'that three war ships alleged to b flying the 'Untied Suites flag had beenl sighted off this Place dorlng the Inst few weeks. Seveial' ' reports f the np-5 preach of war ship have been bruited around w1tii'oit any fotiddafloh. Neither Spanish nor American war ships have been seen here yet. ISNGI.lSlI i'IIESS COMMENT 'VARIIaS. Mtv ui : : Contruts of Oplnloi Itenr.l- . lag the United States. LONDON , Nay 25.-hi the newspapers today - day there are several striking Instances of American and anti-American feeling. While the majority of the papers allude with pleasure to the references to the queen In yesterday's celebrations at New York and Tampa and In the prayer of the chaplain of the senate , the Morning Post has allowed to appcar In its columns a violent denuncla- lion of' America from the Hon. Stewart Ersiclne. a brother of Baron Erakine , who alludes to America's "present Immoral warfare - fare against Spain , " and asserts that the sentiment of the country , which Is worth havIng Is for Spain , On the other hand , the St. James Gazette , uvhich has hitherto been bitterly nntl.Anlcr- lean , seems to be becoming much more friendly. It says regarding the disposition to blame AmerIca for the slow progress of the war : Sailors who know thb Pacific and the Caribbean seas are well aware flint delay Is the essence of a naval war. They remember - member that Nelson found it diliheult to dIe- cover the Spanish fleet somewhere between Jamaica and Cadix , and they realize that this slow procession Is not interesting. The presence of the gunboats around the sullen islands means that tile American omdors are getting the range of. every gun of the batteries that will later oppose the landing of the troops , Just as Nelson ( lid on a aim- liar occasion , Tile Weetnilnlater Gazette strongly advocates - cates a distinct understanding between the United States and Great Britain. It says : The AmerIcans are not going to step out of their continent without raising a variety of questions which will Involve them with the European powers. Their Monrooiam , Insofar as it relates to South 'itinerica , Is likely to be questioned anew and a Euro- penn squeeze Is likely to be applied to them from many 1)arts. Therefore , it is highly desirable for them , as , a'raii as for us , that tllero should ie a flritisil-Amerlcaul understanding - standing , and it' behooves both countries to consider botlmea some of the essential bust- I' ness aspects of the matter. S The fund being raised by the Countess 'Valencia , wife of the former Spanish am- buesador here , for the relIef of the SpaoWh I wounded has receIved several Important contributions from aristocratic sources , In- eludIng $300 each from Lady Claawiiilain and the duke \ohiington. . illissourlans I.u'ave for ( ; nui , Alger , ST. LOUIS. May 25.-The Fourth reginient , MIssouri volunteers , Colonel Corby corn- mansling , struck its tents at noon today and left Jefferson barracks for Camp Alger , Va , I Colonel MIlton sIoore of the Fifth Missouri roglnlent has received notice that his corn- I unand would be furnished cars In time for them to leave tonight for Chilekaumauga Park. There Is still one regIment ki camp at Jef- S fcrson barracks , the Third. This regiment will follow the Fourth to tauip Alger as aooz , aao transportation can be secured , Vuppiiiga'r Loi'att'n a Ni' I'ENSACOLA , Fla. . May 25.-Major Gun- oral Coppinger reznatnd here until noon to- I uhay , lie spent the norniog with his staff locating the ground at Magnolia Bluff for a camp for about 10,000 troops. Well. will be sunk at once to give an abundant suppiy , of Iuro drInking water. Magnolia Bluff is I about one mile east 1of the city , is nearly 100 feet above the bay and Is one of the I finest locations for an encampment to ho found In the country , S Start for ) Jnu FrluIIsI'u , IIEI4ENIu , Mont. , May 21i-Tho First Mon. tana regIment , 1,130 men , under command of Colonel ICesler , left for San Francisco this muoraing at 8 o'clock , DespIte the early hour seveai , thousand people , including inaqy school children. cheered tile soldIers heartily as the trains pulled out. Vith the tour troops of cavalry on the way Montana bat turnislled 1.400 troops , Its proportion muder the call beIng GZ4. - -p - - - ' .it flu QUAKERS REACH THE COAST I'eOle of time Ooldn ( Inte Turn Oat lItumnIurns , 50 Get Cite Sol.hicrs From the Ilast. SAN PRANOIJI , May 25.-The first battalion of th 'tbath regiment , Pennsylvania - sylvania soiuntoiJiiu ib rihg 002 men and thirty-eight omcth,0arrIed in this city this morning , They flniYed at Oakland fate last night , hut did nbI'cme the bay tO this city until this noraIsg As the ferryboat neared this city all time steam whistles on the water front blew a gi ¼ ieting and the men on the Monterey and thosatia the transport steam- ore CIty of Pekth'Ctty of Sydney and the .Austraiia added their cheers to the noise of the whistles and bells. The Pennsylvanians answered cheer fdr cheer. The women of tIle Iteti Cross , as isuai , took charge of the soldiers amId took thorn to the rooms of the society , wllero hot coffee , sandwiches and fruit were served to the men. They were hungry and thirsty and the work of the lied Cross was greatly appreciated , After breakfast each man was presented with a small boquet of flocrs , whIch the men placed in tlueii gun barrels or wore on their hats. The streets were thronged with pcopio who welcomed the soldiers Withl the wavIng of flags and gifts of fruit niiut flowers , which the donors passed to the men as they muarchetl along the street on their way to their camping ground at Fort htichnlond , whore the volunteers are camping. CltlVICAI. IN 'i'iiia I'll il.ll'i'INlS , Necessi tfor ilurritijr lleinforce- uiun9t ( ( I levey 1 $ Appnriiit. NEW YOIIK , May 25.-A special to the Times from Washington says : Important and disquieting IlOWO has bean received from Europe and Dewey. It catised an mtne- diate and Strenuous hifort to be made to hasten tim farwarding of troops. One re- pubhican senator , who discussed tile PhilipPine - Pine situation witt the plesidellt , said , after after ho camb out of tIle WhIte House : "From the ilrcselt outlook I do not cx- poet to see tile Monterey in these waters again Ill toil years. 'If It becomes a matter of decldilig wllethler troops shall first be hurried to Manila or Cuba , they will go to tile former , as tile situation there is vastly more criticai. " A special to time Tribune from Washington - ton says : Ofliclai advices received from MI- nllral Dewey , while confirming the belief that his supreme control of Mallila harbor Is as firm as over , indicate that tile necessity for reinforcing him with a powerful mill- tary force Is daily increasing , and Is not safely to be delayed through any drdinary ditliculties that. may be encountered. General Merritt's foresight in demanding 15.000 men for time first expedition and securing - curing tile presldents promise that 25,000 additional soldiers would be cheerfully fur- lltShCd , if they were required , to Indicated in the opinion of military authorities , and throughout the day preparations to expedite the departure o.tiie advance guard and to secure the necary transports for the remaining - maining force uvfe1ggressively hurried by War deparment.ptflplals. The reference In Admiral Deweyp , dtpatch to the forces he- lag organized b1Agqlnaldo had the effect of disturbing the equanimity of officers whose advocacy of the Udau1atIon of the Philippines has developed ifiT'tbo last week. No disposition - position is'manifhtteO to place too much reliance - liance in insurguW mi glstance after the discouraging - couraging expeu1enc& with the Cubans , who were unable tofUiflI1 the promises made in their behalf befo hostilitIes'bdgan ; A deter- minatlon was expieiied on all sides to make Admiral Dewey titflcpentle t of all foreign assistance - sistanco at thetealiest.tinie. I t It ( IILOC1CAhIJa 'UIaCOMES MONOTOYfOhJ , No Eeit&ng IiicIdei4 , . to AlToril Diver- 1411)11 for the Fleet , ( CopyrIght , IS98 , by Associated Press. ) OFF HAVANA , 5May ,24.-VIa ( Key West , Fla. , May 25.-On ) ( Board the Associated Press dispatch boat ) Vanda.-The situation on the blockade from Cartlonas , east of Matanzas to Marich , west of the city of flavaun , remains unchanged. The Amen- can squadron continues to maintain a strIct blockade , and for the last five days there has been no fighting at any point and -no Incident worth noting except that one of the large cruisers fired three shots at a schooner off Havana on Sunday morning , znd brought her to -proved to be an American vessel. and after It had displayed its colors was permitted to proceed without there being anyb6tly .seat on hoard to cx- amine its papens The light of Memo cas- tie , which It Is supposed has recently been burning at night for the benefit of the Cape Verde fleet under Admiral Cervera , was ex- tingutehed on Monday night and baa not since been lighted ; There are no signs of military activity along the coast of the blockaded part of Cuba. The lights Ut Cardenas are also extinguished , An an- known boat is lying off the entrance of that harbor near Diana key , and some of the cruisers are patroling outside Matanzas bar- bor. ONLIr A5 FEW ia'i' 'ro iiLS'i'IaR IN. One ! Inuidreil , iiil 'l'welve Titousnuid ' ( , tuhat'u-rN NaV it t'stiiy , WASHINGTON , Nay 25.-One hundred and twelve thousapd 111011 have now been' mustered Into the volunteer army of the United States and limo omelal reports show that tile greater number of these are ready to mayo to the- front Over two-thirds of the states have entIrely completed their musters and should the emergency arise are prepared to begin anew the work just corn- pieted. The failure of some of the states , notably four or five In the south , to furnish the men called for up to this time Is a surprIse to the army otflcers on duty here , but is ascribed , not to a lack of patnlotisun , but to a 1ellef , probably shared by many of the national guardsmen who had home ties and business connections which they could not well afford to give up , that plenty of other persons not 80 encumbered voUid readily be found to take their places.1 , Ampie time will ho given the states referred to to flu time apportion- meat made by this. 'Var d partment and the expectation heroJ.8 4.bis will bo acconlpilahed without , further unnecessary dIay. Should any of the stateabdetaubt , the probability is that the fnct wIll be reported to congress formally by thtiflabcretary of war for such action as may betidemed best under tim cir- cuinstanecs. No resort can be had. to draft Ineasues witbouttuxIuresS authority therefor from the nxtlonal legislature. -5- Sl'AYtIMU FllattT UWAS A'r SAN'l'IAGO. I , U4.- 'l'iuut Mui'lu lIa.q lJe.u lirlImLitely Aaicer- tnnt'il 5Aiout It , ( Copynigllt , ltI.uby Associated Press. ) PORT AU PitlNCi , liayti , May 2L-Tlue report of the arrival of the Spanish CIe Verde fleet at Sanitago de Cuba is torrocL , The correspondent here of the AssocIated Press baa been able to obtain definite cqn. firmation of tills news , but up to the preb- eat it has been Iiupoulble to obtain any do- - tails. The dlspstchru sent from hero to Santiago do Cuba asking for information on the subject remain unanswered. . Mumilnugi' CnnIr'uut'n ) iuirouIt. BILLINGS , Mont. , May 25.-Troop 1.1 , Third United States volunteers , departed or Chiclcumauga ' today and Will pick up troop Ii at Miles CIty , The other troops of the Montana battalion from MIesoula and Butte left the latter city yesterday In command of Major , Montelth , their horses accompanying theul , horses for troops M I and I. , have not yet been purchased and a I detail of tea muon and the quartornlaster of each troop will remain to take them forward - ward as soon as Major Cam and Lieutenant Iligelow arrive and select theui - - ECACE IN ASIA1 ! BATTLE Customary Oarnahy Beaults from Iho Moot Conflict of Forces. LIEUTENANT BAll ? SERIIJSLY INJURED Soldier Fires at Iiit.u l'oIut Illank , tue Ci.nre StrIkIu ills Face , nn.l Neck and lii , . Ifycalghut Stay Ut , leNlroyed , CIiICICAMAUGA NATIONAL I'AIIK , Ga. , May 25.-The sham battle at Chickamauga Park this morning , in which the three brig. adee of General Wilson's First arny corps participated , was one of the most thrilling military spectacies that has been witnessed since the clvii war. After seven hours of nimost continuous maneuvering , iii WlliCh vns oxonlphifled almost every phase of mill- tam ) ' tactics , General A. S , Burt , command- lag the First brigade , was outclassed by thu Second and Third brigades , wilicll were Pitted against 111111 , . .At 4 o'ctock this morning the. call to arnie was made. The FIrst brigade , General hurt commandIng , compoeel of tllo First Ohio , Fifth 111111015 and Third Wisconsin , was posted at McFarland Oat , , unilor or.lers . to hold the Gap If possible , and If ilIlpos- sible to retreat ill good order. Against the FIrst. bnlgado vero the bee- end and Third. The Second was emllnmuded by Genorat Compton , composed of the FOUI'th Ohio , Third Illinois amId Fourth Pennsylvania ; the Third , conmmnanded by Gcncrai liulings. and conlposeih of the Six- teciltil Pennsylvania , One hundred and FIfty-seventh Indiana and Second W'iscon- sill. sill.The The maneuvering was deternllned from the start , and during the progress of the nlovcinents portions of the command were scattered to various larts of the field. Here a conpany would charge and put to retreat a detached squad of the opposing command ; elsewhere skirmish lines were thrown out and at times forced back. As timbered ace- tions Were reached , skilled movements were made to gain shelter of the trees. Repeated charges were made agaInst General Punt's front , only to be gnUantiy repuiai'd. The dougllty conlnlallder hind lost none of the spirit that characterized him upon the same field when it ran red with the carnage of the actual battle a third of a century ago. At last , Generals Compton and Rulings decided upon a combined front alld flank attack. Time Second brigade attacked time front , while time Third was throwit to Gout- oral flurt's right flank. Right gallantly was the new mnovt'mcat met by the First , but at last the Third succeeded ill outtianklug the First , and gained the rear , cutting off General Burt's retreat At 11:01 o'clock time "battle" was declared to have been won by Generals Compton and Rulings. SerIous CasunitOceur , , A serious casualty occurred during the progress of the battle. Lieutenant natty of the Sixteenth I'ennsyivania , Ia command of a squad , was surrounded by a detachment of the First Ohio regiment , and was ordered to surrender. Instead of Lieutenant Batty ordered a bayonet charge. While at close range a member of the Ohio commnamld shot directly at Lieutenant Batty , tile charge striking him In time face and neck , inflicting painful and serious In- juries. Both eyes weme badly Injured , and the vision may be destroyed. Bad blood was engendered by the accident and the men rushed together. it was only by the coolness - ness andipresenee of mind of officers that bloodshed Wa. . averted. The volunteer army at Cblckamauga panic now numbers 35,914 men , and this will be increased by 10,000 by the last of the week. The Eighth New York infantry arrived this morning at 10:30. : The regiment is composed of twelve compqnies , with a ros- ten of 1,025 men and officers , and is corn- manded by Colonel Henry Chancey , Jr. This command has an interesting history , its organization dating back to 1673 , when It was known as the Burger guard , and was formed for the purpose of defending the New Netherlands against BritIsh lavasion. The regiment was reorganized at the close of the revolutionary war , and has preserved its organization Intact. Tile Eighth was turned over to General Vade's Third corps and will be brigaded in that command , TIme second requisItion of 4,500,000 ratIons Is being received nod distributed by the quartermaster's department , the first req- ulsition of 1,200,000 rations baying been consumed , Consigumenis are coming from Chicago at tile rate of forty carloads a day. It is eatinlated that the 4,500,000 rations will provision an army of 50,000 for ninety days. Contracts have been let for tlmo construe- lion of four big warehouses at Chicka- macga for storing supplies. DEATH RECORD. F , .1. Kurbucls. Omaha lost another of its oldest sottiera yesterday in the death of Peter J. Kar- bach , Wilicli occurred early in time morning at 1118 residence , 622 South Nineteenth street. Mr. Karbacim came to this city in the eaniy SOs and associated himself Witil tIme Iron Industry , with which line lie has boon Identified since. For the first few years of his residence here Mr. Karbach was employed as a blacksmith numfi in isal opened a shop of his own , In 1870 he 'en- larged his business to include carriage and wagon makIng , to which department he has. in later years , given more attelition. The catallllslmment has rapidly enlarged un- den lila charge and Mr. Karbach has been lcnowmT for years us one of the substantial business maca of the city , Ho was a morn- bar of the volunteer fire service of the city amid lila caine is on time rolls of the Onialia Veteran FIremen's association. lIe was widely known and respected among th older residents of the city. Mr. Karbach'a three sons , A. P. , J. If. and 0. W. Karbacim , have been associated with blot in his business enterprises , lrs , Mary ( I. Grssmiquiat. ASIUSIAND , Neb. , May 2J.-Speclal-- ( ) Mrs. Mary Christina firanquist , wife of Id. Granquist , a. prornlnezmt farmer liviimg about twelve miles northwest of Ashland , died yes. terday morning at her ilomo in Clear Creek prdblnct from cancer of the stomach. Mrs. Granquiat was born in Sweden on June 25 , 1840 , She was married In her native land. In 1865 the family emigrated to LImo United States , locating 1mm Nebraska on a farm iii Saunders county , where Mn , Orammqumiat has been one of time most promimment farmers , They lived for a while in Lane county , Kansas , but most of the time theIr rest- deuce has been In hula county. Funerni services were lmeld at 11 o'clock today at time 111ff Chapel Methodist church , conducted by Rev , A. Wlison , the pastor , Mrs. Gran- qui8t is survived by lien husband and one daughter , Henry Iluseb , IIIfELIN , Nob. , May 25-Special.- ( ) Henry Busch , an old and imlghiy respected German farmer living north of town , died at lila borne suddenly and was buried yesterday - terday , lIe was the father of ex-i'ostrnaater ClI. Busch , one of our Rroumiuent business men , Ji&iig0 Meager ( ( , CM l"lsiuIiig , Time United States court had nnnrauced a reconvening for this morning , But the In- aidlous onslaught of the fishing fever over- annie Judge Zulunger , He Is after eroppy and bass and at last reports was Imoiding a wiggling grub In one imand and a hickory 1moio in the other and had forgotten the dig- silty of Jur1sprdeace , CONFIWIED BY THE SENATE 1.1st of Clvii APiointflicnts Receive Attentloum itt ( IIC Interval IIetecn Action on tfliIais for the Arlimy. WASIIINGTOI4 , May 25-The 5011510 today - day confirmed these nomInations : .1. 0. Reid , to be ndIan agent at Chmoy- enne Itivor agency , , S. 1) , IL T. Greener of f'ew. York , consul at Viaullvostock , Russia , George 11. Jackson of ConnectIcut , consul at La Rocheilo , France , 0. J , D. hughes , consul at Colburg , Ocr- many. V. If. Noiscmn , conaui at flergon , Norway. 11. U , Moran of Louisiana , colIsul at Aarau , Switzerland. liounseylilo Wiidnlan of California , consul general at Hong Kong. George F. Lincoln of Connecticut , consul geimeral at Antwerp. ii , C. Hagorman of Colorado , to be see- end secretary of the embassy at SI. Peters- burg. ft. A. Lane of California , secretary of the legatiomi to Nicaragua , Costa itica mmd Sal- wador. . - \V. W. htockhlili of time DistrIct of Column- his , minister to Greece , Roumnania aml Ser- via , to take effect July 1. To bo assistant quartermasters vritil ranker or captain : (1 , 11 , Holden of Zuiinlleaota , C. \'ortllington of loa , To ho coumlmlllssarios of subsistence with rank of captain Eben D. Fenton of MichIgan - Igan , Id. Id. Marshall of Iowa and H , Ii. Ileckhimun of Texas , MNLiY VOlt FitIfNUIl lfXl'OSiTION , Iellcnte fliplonmulk' Situintimmm In- 'Ol'Pi imu t.prairint Ion , WAShINGTON , May 25-While thin provision in time sundry civil nhlilroprlation bill for time proper ropresemutatioml of tills country at time I'anis exuositlon , wilIcit Was inserted by the senate has not yet been taken tip In a formal way by time coilfCrrnlCO comnnmittee , the subject has had more or less umttontlon front the mnemmubors of time comu- nuitteo as Individualo. Tile mnemnimers np- Imreciato the delicacy of ( lie situation , They realize that they are aetin ; largely in a diplomatic capacity in dcnhimlg with this sub- bet , and accordingly are inlpreased with the necessity of proceedIng with caution , Their attention has been called to bothl aIdes of the question and time fact imas developed that there Is an clement in tilts coummtry opposed to making amiy 'approilnintlon at nil , because - cause of the alleged partiality of Fralmce to- \vard Spain in the present war. The fact has also developed timat at least one nmembcr of thue conhmnitteo is personally of tIme opinioll that no appropriation should bo illado under tile circumstances. Tile Indications are , however , that thmis rule will not prevail unless - less SOnIC OOfl act of imositility should hi committed by the French veoolo amid so long as tIme French government continues to declare its good will. The prevailing opinion among tile corn- mitteemen seems to be that the wise amId proper policy is to proceed in tha matter just as would be done if there were no war on. Some of the representatives of the house on the conference are of time opinion that the senate provision looklmmg to the ultimate expcndituro of about $750,000 Oil the exposition is too liberal , and that It would be at any time more timan this country - try would be 'justified In expcndiimg upon a foreign exposition. They are advocatimmg a reduction to the extemmt of a third of that amount , placing the limit at $500,000 and it appears probably that this chahge zimay ho made. However , tilts Is not decided upon , nor is anything in connection with the provision. All that can be said dell- flitely now is that the committee as a whole is favorably disposed to snake provialoirfor an exhibition of American products at Paris that W111 do credit to our couhtry amid be an earnest of our good will toward France. It aay be added that some mcmii- bers of the commqtce oven feel that the diplomatic situation is such as to render It more expedient than ordinarily would be the case to act liberally in , jhe matter now and it Is understood that the administration has quietly presented this view , There is a feelIng that time appropriation should be made , and If subsequent dcveiopnlommts should prove its expenditure unwise the president can be trusted to act in uccord- anco wIth the best Interests of the country. ANNEXATION IS TO IIAXIO A Itif ST. ILCIUillCiLfl Senators , tgree Not to I'imsh the 3leasiire , WASHINGTON , lutay 25.-The active op. ponenta of Hawaiian annexatIon in the semi- ate , It is learned , ngrced to the arrange- mucilt for daily sessions of the senate begin- iming at 11 o'clock only after an understand- lag wIth a number of republican semmaturs that the Hawaiian question should not be earnestly pressed In the senate in any form thrommgh time session. Democratic sonatonc were appealed to to expedite time considers- tion of the revenue bill , and as a colmnter proposition asked that HawaiIan annexa- lion be dropped , No party arrangement rc- suited from these propositions , the meptmb- henna being disinclined as a party to leave the HawaiIan issue go over , but a number of republican senators gave assurances tlmat Hawaiian legtslation should not be serlousiy pressed at this session. These assurances , democratic senators hostile to anmiexattoim say , are sutilciently numerous to warrant timema in believing an adjournmmmemmt of con- gm'osa will be taka without action by time sonata on hawaii. The advocates of ha. wallan amimmexation say a republican caucus of the house on that Issue will be Imeld ira- mediately after adjournment tomorrow. They were active tod'ay amid a sufficient iiurnbtii of senators foi the callIng of a caucus - cus have subscribed to a paper now in time hands of RepresentatIve Grosvenor of Ohio , ciiairrnaml of the caucus committee , but the call has not yet been Issued , tIcrmi.iiims Joiy the Siory. BERLIN , May 25.-It is aemxmi-olliciaiiy denied that there Is any truth in time story fronm Itlarmila regarding time Geraman consul threatening hear Admiral Dowe for not penimilttlng the landing of provlens from German ships , It being asserted that the comisul said he would laud them with time aid of Gcrniaa crumisera amid that the Anion- can commmmnander In return timreatenod to fIne Son the 4ierrnan war ships if they interfered , liei'ozmmnieudpi l'romnotluu for Iiovvun , WASHINGTON , May 25.-General IdIles hiaB reconmrnended to Secretary Alger that Jirst Lieutenant A. S. Rowan of time Nine- tcentlm Infantry bo pronloted to the rank of lieutenant colonel , This General Miles does as a recognitiomi of thu valuable services performed by Lieutenant ltowan in his nocout perIlous mmilssion to Cuba and valuable service to the government. Nmuilimntiomma 1y lime l'rt'siileu.t , WAI3III NOTON , May 25-The president today sent these nominations to tile senate : Postmasters-CalifornIa , F , B. Cuelming , Red fluff ; WIllIam George , Grass Valley , Illinois , M. C. Murray , Saybrook ; W. II. Steen , ijraldwooul , Iowa , i , L. yen ( IC Stegerton , Orange City ; F , ( I , Atlierton , Oaao ; uenjamimm A. Nichols , \S'ost Liberty , Kiummssl. , T. if. ilurlcy , Minnealmouls ; J. K. Morgau , Neodosha ; If. F , Johnson , Seneca , Jilissourl , C. Id , Alger , Hummnlbal. Nebraska , Johun N , liasaler , Pawnee City ; Andrew Iticlummond , Orleans. Oklahoma , William N , _ _ - - - - uhstituIe for Lemons1 llorsfords Acid Phosphst is cooling , quenohea thirst , end ota Os a Tonic , I S5bue Isultalioni. Sold ou1 In Lottie. . _ _ _ - . Walker , Stiliwater , South Dakota , John H'er , 1)cadwoocl ) , North lnkoia , Almon I. Loonmis , h'am'go. Colorado , John 'mV. ' Wilson , S Dcl Norte , Texas , Henry F. Aaway , lulls- bore : Charles IL , liilnmlkamp , La Grange ; lfvcrton ICensley , Giddings ; 0. III , hook , Van Alstyno. Interior-John Jensen of Okiaiiolila , In. diami agent , Ponca , Pawnee , Otoo and Oakland - land agency in Oklahoma , . Crnrt Auljntmrns Next Tnesdny. \.4Si 1INOTON , May 25.-Ttio United States mmprenio court lisa annotmncei ( ho final adjournment of the court for time term on Tuesday next. The court will not macct again until Tuesday and will not macat alter timt date until next October , The meeting Tuesdny 'will be only for 'the nnnouncemiient bf opinions on cases already hoard , Au't.r Kcent. lii , HAMILTON , Out. , May 25-Thomas W. Heene , the actor , left bent' today for Now 'York , lie is sufferIng with appendicitis anti hiss canceled his thentricai emmgagcmmients. CoInmicl , . for hit. liil I Ipiimues , Colonel Poim , quarterninster of the exiio- mlitioml to time Philippine Islands , antI Colonel Llppimitott , who will be chief surgeomu of I ho samulo expedition , snout Sumimlay afternoon last imi Omahma , They arrIved hero frotim St. _ , , , _ Louis at naomi , aomit time aftcrmmoon aim th expositloim grotintIs and left at 4:35 : oter tIme Ummion l'nclflc for Samu Framicisco. Colommel Pope , who was statlommed at time \'u'orhl's fair , expressed his utmost licasurc at the prog- ness mmiade With the buildings amid groummds of exposltiomi amid said In soimie respects they excelled timoc of the Coiumrnblami exposition , ( RUPOF ri . 'pS ' w ' ! . TiIJ EXCELLNCI1 OF SYRUP OF FIGS is duo not only to time originality and simplicity of time combinatIon , but also to time care and skill with whelm it is mamiufactimred by scientific processes known to the CAIIIDOINIA Flu Svnu Co. only , and we wish to impress upon all the Imuponlamiec of purclinsing the true ant ) original remedy. As time genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CALIr0IINIA Via Svnui' Co , only , a knowledge of that fact v1hl 'assist one iii avoiding time worthless imnitatiomis manufactured by oIlier par- ties. The high standing of thmo CALl- FOI1NIA Fin Svimui' Co. with tile mcdi- cal profession , and time satisfaction which thu genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of famnihies , rualces the name of thus Comnpnny a guaranty of time excellence of its remedy. It In fat' Ia advance of nil other laxatives , as it acts on the kidneys , liver and bowels without Irritating or wealcen- ing them , and It does not gripe nor nauseate. In ordertoget Its beneficial effects , please remember the mmmc of tim Company- S CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FlL.flClSOICI ) , LDIIIRVILLF , K. Nxcw Touzuc , ii. y , AS1USEIIItIN'FS. OMAHA MUSEUM AND 1111A1D , 1815-1817 Farmmamu Street. Ol'lSN DAILY FROM 1 ' 1,0 10 P. 51 , \\'m. If , Troommt , Manmmger. Omunhilt's Popular Family Ilesort , sla'rTRlcH FAMILY BAND. S I'eoimle ; HAIILO TURO , Circassiami I'rineo from Asia Minor ItOBISlIRO , in Feats of Coil. tortion and Dislocating His Neck : PltOF. WM. WAltDlaN , Liglmtnhmmg Sketch ArtIst Iii Snmoke' BARNUM'S t'uncli amid Judy ; LONDElLO. Artistic Tattomier ; 'rho 'i'wo Hula , CUR13OW & DARltHlb , Vocalists , Buck and Wing Daiicors ; MACIC & 110W- ARD time Acrobatic Cornoflmans : LITPljlii 1IETII , tIme Chiid Dammeer , in lien Cuban- Amncrir.zmn Dances : GOIIDON SISTERS. Vocalists ' IDA DAIAY Serpenttimo Damleer ; 'MAGNlSOl'E , Views of the Malno In havana Harbor , tOC-AlMITS 'TO AIA.-100. pntoil .t llmmrgca. The Creighton I aramisgc. . Tel. 153i. 0. Li. Voomlward , Aiu'iemimont , Director. 'VONHll'i' , SmIl ( ) Thu WOOlVAltI ) S'i'OCIC CO. ' ' ' I'ISESIIN'l'UYG- CAMiLLE & ' Oracle Em- Speciaitios'-Giguere Bo3'er , - melt , i3iogrnmhm. Sunday-YOUNG MRS , WIN'i'J I hOP. Se'imtltie-lcIimtre & heath and time Blondells. S GUILL'S CONCER'I' ( ; AluEN I. N Oulli , Prop. and Manager , Southeast Cur. fIlth .iutl limaveimport. Attraetiomis for week conimnemiclng May 23d : America's iremIer favorites. iliuli Ills- tens , rag hub miimmgera immmd tlancurs , iliion & Gnmimmmmd , Irish kutclm mmrtints. Time BIg Four , Jese Ic. Eva , Komimiison's Fimtmmne , Iaisv , Gussie , "Scenes iii ) Ballet. " lvii. Ionmietta , reiined serio-eomnic. itydar te Dnytomm , always Pleasing. I dully mnatlmmees , except Mmmiilay. BIJOU THEA'1EIt 15th mmmiii Cni.itoI Avo. 3. B. hENRY. MANAGER. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE .iNi ) Si'IiCIAIJJ'lIiS EVERY NIGHT AND SUNDAY , 8:30. : Matinees Wed. and Sat. 2:30 : , itdnmiseion hoe , . - _ _ FltliSlON'I' IiltlI'INU COMI'A NY'S lilA lift litlI'i'lIJIS , lADIES' 6NTS' CONCI1T hALE : iiij.n Cliicumgo Street , South Ride Jefferson Banana , GRANt ) CONCEIt' ! ' EVERY NIGHT .iDMisShIN P111111 , A. . NYIIIIRO , I'rojh SCHLITZ ROOF GARDEN Corner 111th nud Ilnrnry Streets. henry Liaven. Prop. IIYIO1IY IIVICNING , AND IIATUItBAY , MATINEE. GRAND CONCE3RT flp' ICIIANZ Alhil.'IANS'S Oh1CihifS I'IIA. I I O'I'lC LS. MURRAY HOTEL , 14th anil llarney St. American Plnn-3 to 4 dollars per day. Street cars from (101(0(5 and fromum hotel i.e Exposition Grounds 1mm llfteeim minutes. 5 B , SILLOWAY , Manager. ' - THEMILLARD 13th mind Iouglas Stmi , , Oiimalma. ( 'ENTIIAZ..LY LOCATIIO , . _ .tlililIlCAft AN ! ) EIJIIOI'ISAN I'LAN , . . . .1 Ii , liAlIllCL . IoN , l'rops. -JIOTI3L BARKERS COn , 13TH AND JONES ST. , OMAlIk , IiAl'liS .tI.l ) I.O ( ) I'Hit DAY. Electelo car. direct 10 exposltios ground. 'ILAUIC UAIIifEJI , Ca.lmler. , . . , , . , , , , SAM ISATJMAN Cuiet Clerk. I ( European. ) The Balmo r a I Roonmim 1510 hlarnoy St. , opp. Creighton Theatea' and Convention Hail , WId , U. MOIIAND ,