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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1898)
- - - - - STATE FIELD DAY SPORTS I Iflterullegiatc Games at Lincoln Dmw . BmalI Atteidance. SOME CREDITABLE RECORDS AIE MADE I . . ' flttnnItr Ventu Ar CInr.r1 Con- * ruted , flie VlnIali of the .lILi 11rtnr. - flcnnty-Whtht Throwttic .Mi , 5hUM Vp Well. LNCOI ( Ma 2a.-spedal.-The ( n tcrcollc2ate field dfty porta today between \Vesleynn tinterty , Doane college and the Unlverzlty of Nebraska were wltneBe4 by ft small crowd thIR * fternoon. The eTents wern to have been brou bt of 1nit Saturday - day , but. were postponed on account of the condItion at the grounds. ' The first. eent was the 100-yard lash. Andreson of the University of Nebraska , 'Lo made the O1O record In the recent evirnts , was the favorite. The other entrIes - trIes were Ifenrtt of tbe Uflverslty of NebrAska - brAska , Price and Ellis of Doane , T3row and Israel of Ves1eTan. Andreson led at. the finish b ten feet and was timed In 0:10 flat. Ui-ow was second and Heartt was close behind. - In the discus throw only nIvcrslty o Nebraska men entered. Pillsbury won with A record of ninety-eight feet. and eight Inches. HanEen was second with a credit of Reventy-se'en feet and ten inches. In the shot. put Urew the Wesleyan strong rnan was an easy winner , making a throw of thlrty-fivc feet and ten Inches. Dahr of Donna was second with thirty-four feet , seven and three-quarters inches. Turner of the University of Nebraska ns third with thirty-two feet , eight and one- halt inches. Irvine of Wesleyan , Hansen ofT the University of Nebraska and Fisher of T Doano also contested. Irvin made a throw of thirty-tour feet. nod eight inches , hut It was not counted on account of his stepping - ping over the line. Andreson of the Universit ? of Nebraska won th 4403iird dash in 0t3 :14. : Brew , Wcsleyan , was seconti and Ellis , Doane , ( third. Hondict of the - University of Nebraska - braska led th race until close to the finish , when ho became exhausted from lack of training and was unable to cross the scratch. In the mile run , Noyco of Doane. winner of the same * nent last year , led out from the start and mainthined a strong pace dur- log the whole distance. Sawyer ( Nebraska ) clung cloo to Noyce , while Cresaman ( Doane ) . the other contestant. wns left far behind , finishing almost a lap behind. The finish of the two leaders was the prettiest ever seen on the campus. At the beginning 4. of the last lap Sawyer sprinted and led _ .uyce to the home stretch , ben Noyce took a turn at the sprinting and won out by four feet. TIme : 4:46 : 2.5. The 220-yard race was won by Andresen ( Nebraska ) . in :23 : 4-5 ; Priestley ( Wesleyan ) second , about fifteen feet behind Andre- ' sen ; Israel ( Wesleyan ) was third. Price and Ellis of lonne. and Pepoon ( Nebraska ) also entered and were close up to Israel. In the 120-rard hurdle , Link ( Wesleyan ) 'won in : IS 2-5 ; Waterman ( Nebraska ) was recond. Roberta ( Wesieyan ) and Ileartt ( Nebraska ) also entered. The hammer-throw event furnished another - other victory for Drew ( Wesleyan ) . who made a throw of ninety-five feet nIne inches ; Lemar ( Nebraska ) was second , . eighty-nine fet one and a half Inches ; Hansen ( Nebraska - braska ) , third ; eIghty-eight feet eleven inches. The 2:20 yard hurdle race was won by Link Wealcyan in 29 4-h seconds ; Heart , Nebraska second ; Priestley , Wesleyan , third. 810 Yard flufl-Priest1y first , Clinton , Nebraska , second ; time 2i : 4& in the rudn1ng high jump Pillsbury , No- braa'a ! , l'roke the record , made by hImself a few days ago. He cleared the bar loday at a height of five feet eight Inches. Water- nine. Ncbraaka , as second In this event. Benedict , Nebraska , won the pole vault , his score being nine feet six .inche. Pillsbury - bury , Nebraska. second with nine feet two inches. Atkins of the Wealcyans was third. Benedict also won the running broad junp , clearing twenty feet two inches. beIng - Ing within one inch of the record wtich he already holds. Link was second and Waterinar third in this event , which closed the series. The total score of points for the day was : Nebraska , 53 ; Wesleyan , 43 ; Doano. 14. The state records broken were in the mile run , the running high jump , the hammer throw and the disc throw. In the latter the Olympic record was also broken. Thu brilliant work of Benedict and Pillsbury - bury as polo- vaulters anti jumpers , anti An- dreson an a sprinter , Is arousing much en- tbuslnsm and there Is a move on foot to raise money to send them to the meeting of the Western Athletic association at Chi- caio in June. It is believed they form a team that will bring honor to the Nebraska - % University. Brew of the Wesleyans comes in for much praise as an all-round athlete. I. I ii t'o I n l.uen I , t es. The senior girls of the High school gave their play , "A Dress Rehearsal. " for the benefit of the fund to be used In beautify- lug the grounds of the Park school. The same play was given several weeks ago , but inst nIghts production wag much more elaborate than the first. Miss Ilanna Tbornburn left for Blogham- nADv(1 , SORE wiul J HANS Raw Sore From Finger to Palm. Physicians and Medicines No Avail. Cured by Cuticura. IThen my little boy was two years of age , ry coanntenced to a.pcar en , iitlcrent t5TtSt hli boll ) ' . Last winter it soenteti to go to his bantis , anti I was oltilged to keep his ft tee fingers tione up all the ; iuieas t .aa a raw , beginning tncxwnti down to- warti the iitn otthc banti. V.e 000hutteti three . . itilferent pitysletans , eath a cerlain iength of time , to sea ; benefit of their mellciues , , I think now. after using Ctrric&'UJ. , that bI11t3 ! of Ilte sal'.es Utat I utol .IitI more Injury than good. : A geni inan ( who sat xiext t01n0 In church ) aktti me. the matter with tny buys hanil. I tuI oil uns of thoclollis anti sliowe't btn , ho tOlil me lie bad itceti in a hospital In itostuti , where for all skin discase they tised Ctrricvu.I Bv.r.nins , I iunneiilateiy lmr. citaiett Cuucuilt CL'rzct'uA toIt. meat ) anti Cvxzctn& lthsoLvucr. i'ut ' aslilo ; bat I hail been using , anti began with theft Well I thjcureil ii.a hued. I wasairalil that tbI winier IL would break not again , but no. it ii afl cured , and I have not bail to have a cloUt on it thts winter. Mrs. Dt.MOl ) , Jan. ? , ifli limitson Itoeltester , N. Y. - . Cuticura UtticDir.s dilly perform rsorq great cure. at torturleg. dIhgOdflf. luwillsllugstiu. , t.calp. au.I blood hornet' th&n atiutlier blood snt skis rciuc din cuwbleed. In. * 11 tbe worM thvrs U no other lrestwrnt so pure , so swCe * , so speedily eltectire for dtitresstnl skin buisors of lifgnts sad catldrea U CtJTICV * , erratcit of ilu cures , bleDd puriflell , sad butuor remrdlrs. IsDrVrssTIt4sUT yes Entir Ut we. wtnz Lusici llL.fla butts vtt4.iic U 5Oer.5T. ill i.ulutigi with CI'TtCV4 1 IJIWGI Ikat skis tens. s.sI mad .i. . t4CvYtct as 1. $ , .t34t Z ble.4 sad uu.e. eui. . 5o14 throehost Lb. uciij. Purici Usta LID Cu . , Coir s-I. in.p. IfU.iv to szs : ftC7 U * U , i..t txss. - / _ f - , , ' toe , N . last tight. In a fsw days site will proceed to New York anti from thers go to South America by way of the line of steamshp. Mitts Thornburn the tong trip for the purpose of bringing home the remains of harry Ilotcbklss , who died In Ca.thagena. Colombia , two years ago next month. The laws of Colombia make It impossible to remove the remains of anyone dying there to another country sooner than two yesrs after the death. Mr. Ilotehkiaa went with a party from Lincoln and vicinity , and before his departure was eagagc4 to be married to MIss Thornburn. Prof. H. W. Caidwell of the American history department of the University at Nebraska left today for the east , where he will spend the summer in looking up ( ho American history documents at han-aid university. Last night he entertained the members of his ciaues at home , and all united in wishing the utmost success in his researches. In district court yesterday Nehemlab MU. Icr wa given a verdict for $450 in his ease instituted against the city to recover $ .000 damages for a fall received on a detective sidewalk several months ago Graduating recithis are given almost every night at. the UnIversity Sehool of Music , Miss idIth 51mw gave the program tonight being assisted In vocal numbers by Mrs. Monlan Treat Taylor. Sorosis held its last regular meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. D. A. Campbell - bell yesterday afternoon. The only paper was on "Women in Music" and was given by the hostess. Several vocal and inatru. mental pieces by women composers were rendered by Mr , . Iladden-Aloxander. Miss Woods and Mrs. Campbell. A tournament of checker players was held at the rooms of the Commercial club yesterday afternoon anti evening. A nunt- her of cbeLter players from over the shtte were present nflil contested for the medal. 'fho winner was hi. .1. Wilcox of Grand Island , who made a score of 2 poltits. The other scores were as foilowa : L. 3. Brook- ings , Funk , 23 points ; I. N. Whitealdes , hlavelock , 211 points ; C. W. Chambus , Table fork , 17 points ; George Constancer. T.incolo. 19 points ; H. St. Martin. Have- lock , 15 % poInts ; J. 11. Pepoon , Table flock , 13 points ; A. F. Oeder. Lincoln , 10 points. A statc organization was formed by the election of M. J. Wilcox president , I. N. Whitcsldcs vice president and George Con- staneer secretary. The next annual bomb- moot will be held on the third Thursday In tiny , 1StW. GrnsIuntIng ExerCise' ! . BELLEVL'E , Nob. , May 2.-Specinl.- ( The second annual comntencement exercises of the Bellevuc High school were held in the assembly rorm , this afternoon , In the vres- once of a large audience. At the close of a carefully prepared anti well rendered program - gram , B. It. Stouffer. chairman of the school board , made a brief address and pie- seated the dIplomas to the class. The tel- lowing are the names of the graduates : Olive Ilurtch , salutatorlan : George A. Hood , Corene M. Conley , Carl B. Bolen , flarvie Jewell , DoHle M. Trent , and Margaret Peters vaiedictortsn. The present corps of teachers , Mrs. L. M. Guttery , principal ; Lucy Learn- lug , Intermediate ; anti Jessie 9. Flynt. , pu- tary , hare been re-elected for the ensuing year. year.NIOBRARA NIOBRARA , Neb. , May 25.-Speciai.-- ( ) Closing exercises of the Nlobrara shool take place June t. So class will be graduated - uated from the schools this year. BLAIR. Neb. , May 25.-Speclal.- ( ) twenty-third annual commencement cxci- cises of the Blair 111gb school will take place , t the opera house in the evening of June 11. The class of 'PS has fourteen members , eleven young women and three young men. FREMONT .Neb.May 2S.-Special.- ( The graduating exercises of the Fremont High school were held at Love's opera house last evening. Instead of the usual orations and essays. by members of the class a lecture - ture was delivered by Dr. H Wright Butler of Omaha , after which diplomas were given to the following named members of the class of 'i8 : Arthur G. Christensen , Charles R. Crowell , William' T. Fried. Wayne M. French , flay W. Hammond , Harvey Milliken , flex It. Moe , Locke Moe. Paul W. Roseman , F. William Seitz , Ethel L. Orchard , Hal- lie IL A. Atwood. Agnes M. Connell , Nina G. Foote , Anna C. M. Furst , Daisy L. Golf , Clara L Gaas , Louisa M. Hudson , Mar- gareto M. Hicicoy. Marie Jones , Amy H. Kennedy , Anna M. Maxwell , Daisy McGir- em , Julia B. Noyes , Mattie B. Reynolds , Bertha Rune , Hildreth Sisson , Dora Tunburg , Phebe B. Wilson , Henry S. Carroll , Bert sv .May Robert B. Noyes , Rudolph B. Schurman , Florence H. Foote , Louise Meyer , Arthur Hansen , Robert C. Knudsea Frank H. Nickerson , Elsie V. Baxter. elCnNi1L ! Cli ) School , . , NEBRASKA CITY , May . -Specta1.- ( ) The Board of Education held a meeting last night and elected teachers for the city schools for the ensuing year. Some sweep. big reductions in salaries were made by the board , beginning with the superintendent , whose pay was cut from $2.000 to $1S00 per annum. The principals of the ward schools also suffered a reduction from $ S5 to $75 per month. Teachers from now on will receive - ceivo $4 per month after the first year , dur- lng which time the salary will be $40. Prof. W. H. Skinner was re-elected superintendent - ent ; Prof. A. 0. Fling was again chosen principal of the 111gb school , with Misses faker , Williams , II'eise , Dixon and J. J. Thornborough as assistants. Fixirtin SiaieTnlhs. BLAIR. Nob. , May 2.-Special.-The ( city authorities are busy fixing up sidewalks - walks anti urging the citizens to trim up their shade trees now in order to get the city looking nice for Decoration day. The largest demonstration ever held in Washing- tOO county is expected at the unveiling of the monument in memory of the veterans of the Into var. A special train ( rem Fort Meatle passed through Blair yesterday at 3 p. in.carrying several hundred rough nide , . for Uncle Sam. The boys setrnetl in the heel. of spirits. About 200 citIzens went to the depot to cheer theta on their way. They made a stop of about five minutes. I'ruot it. . , Exercise , , , hASTINGS. Neb. , May 25.-Speeial.- ( ) Promotion exercises were held In the Meth- otiist church last. night. Before .S o'clock the large edifice was crowded to its utmost. The program was carried out as follows ; Invocation ; chorus of forty voices ; recita- tion. "The Polish Boy , " Kate Stiebtor ; recitation - citation , "The Lover's Errantl" htena Ieetu ; chorus. "Greeting Spring ; " recitation , "The 111gb Backed Chair and the Blue Wool Dog , " Mabel E. Stone ; recitation , ' \'hen the Nets Come In. " Idailopkins ; recitation , "Chris- tie Joliastone. " Grace F. Edwards ; piano duet , Luell Bunch and Matige Bailey ; pres- enlation of certificates ; chorus , "Come to the Daisies. " ( 'cop h'r.i.tie-ct , , 12x.'elleta t , WALNl'1'A. Neb. , May 25.-Spoclal.- ( ) Another heavy rain fell here yesterday afternoon - ernoon , during which considerable hail tell , but did little damage. It has been very wet for the last thirty days , . considerably t'o- larding corn planting , Crops never looked so weii at this season of the year as they do now. Farmers and cattlemen are lubi- loot over the prospect for an abundant harvest - vest and a heavy yield of grass. Chilit Ibrenks ten .trtu , CULBEI1TSON , Nob. , May 25.-Special. ( ) -A young daughter of C. 0. Bwcdberg. living - ing north of town , while playing fell and broke tier aria , After Monday' . rain a heavy wind began to blow antI about 150 feet of billboards s.nd fence wco blown dowa. . ' CETS \VARCRAPII \ OF BRYAN' ' Keeper oftlic Sacred B.ttio Poe for a Moving Pictnie Show. STATESMEN IN AN ABSURD SPECTACLE Gnscrnop ) ItIcnml , , ( encrnl Yifrinnin , ( .en4nl IiflTr3' and Colonel Brptn 1'orns an Hiatort C.rnnp for the Cnnsern. A correspondent of the Kansas City Star who happened in Lincoln last Monday witnessed - nessed a remarkable serb-comic procession in the vicinity of the state capitol. The reason for it and the attendant sccaog are thus detailed : Colonel William Jennings Bryan stood for an animated picture on Monday that will show the ages the patriotic Nebraskan in the act of receiving his commission as colonel of the Third Nebraska voiunteers tOnl Governor Hoicomb. The way it came about was after this fashion : About a month ago the proprietor of a show of 'war- graphs , " or pictures of Jie 'war , sent an agent to Colonel Bryan asking the privilege of taking n vitascope picture of himself in some stirring action. It was suggested that a picture he made showing the colonel kissing - ing his wife anti children goodby just pre- viotis to his departurs to the front. In the baakgrounti the regiment was to be grouped anti at the appointed time , when the colonel spurned his weeping wife away , it was to swing Its hats and hoarsely shout : "Three cheers for the colonel. " Some of Mr. flryan's friends heard of this anti advised against it , and he therefore sent word that he woulti not "stanti for it. " There was woe in the 'wargruph" show. Then another idea was eroireti , It was to have thn regiment march to the colonel's house , line up along the walk and as the colonel came do-n the steps to greet it to present him with a broad ribbon to tie across his breast. This was considered more feasible , until some one discovered that. only generals wcar ribbus across their breasts ; so that plan was abandoned anti Colonel Bryan gave out that he would allow a plc- ttlre to be taken of himself anti his family in front of his house , but that it must be 'still life , " lie positively stated that he "wouldn't walk around and act out anything - thing , " Negotiations were once more opened. This time it was that the picture be made at recruiting - cruiting headquarters and that the colonel be presented with a set of regimental 'cal- ors and that he make a speech acknowledging - edging the flag. . This was received more favorably , but the colonel still insisted that he be caught unawares as he could not talk if ho thought his picture was being taken. Arrangements were being made to carry this out to his satisfaction when he kicked over the traces and said he would not stand in front of "anybody's camera and be made a monkey of , " M'rel , front the Catlh. Monday two men arrived bee from Kansas City with a cloth-covered box that looked like a coffin. They drove to the residence - idence of Mr. Bryan to reopen negotiations about the moving picture that was to prove Colonel Bryan's patriotism to future gen- eratlons. They were Informed that the colonel was at the state capitol , talking with Governor Holcomb. When they found the colonel ho was disinclined to be photographed - graphed at the rate of forty-five pictures a second. However , the workings of the vitascopo were elaborately explained to him. To assuage his timidity it was au- gested that theregiment beleft out and that he be photographed with a solid back- lag of Governor Holcomb , Adjutant Pat Barry and General Victor Vlfqualn. It was planned to have. this quartet march down the capitol steps and walk across the paved court. Colonel Bryan was to receive his commission from the hands of Governor Holcomb , everyone was to smile contentedly - edly and march out of focus. Governor Hoicomb readIly assented to this , as did the other parties to the hietoriral ptcture , It was to he made at 2:50 oclock Monday aftcrnoou , at the west entrance of the state building. To explain Colonel Bryan's status as a military man , it is necessary to repeat the gossip of the capital city with regard to it. In a speech some time ago in Indiana Mr. Bryan-he was plain "Mr. " then-stated that his greatest regret was that he had been born too late to fight in the war of the rebellion , but that if another occasion arose in which he could show his patriotism he would jump at the chance. The occasion arose when Commodore Sampson lined up before Havana. . The president's first call for troops passed without hearing from Mr. Bryan , stho was busy making silver speeches. On several of these occasions his audiences twitted him on his war record 1 and asketi him impertinent questions as to th war , Then he resolved to be a soldier , Mr. hleytit. the- First to Eitiist , On May 17 Mr. Bryan went to his friend , Governor Holcomb , and asked permission to raise another Nebraska regiment and that be be matle colonel. The governor gave him a provisional commission to be made good when the president called for more troops , anti the regiment was enlisted. Mr. Bryan was the fIrst to enlist in the Third Nebraska , anti his name appears first on the rolls. It was discovered In the meantime that the regiment was entitled to elect Its own col- one ! , but Governor liolcomb gave it out that the colonelcy of Mr. Bryan would stand. Lincoln Is entitled to one company , but quickly raised to to follow the sword of Colonel Bryan. It is astonIshing how soon a man can become - . come reconciled to a new title , From sil- I vor tongueti orator Mr. Bryan slid easily anti with no particular friction into a man I of war. All around town be is saluted with different degrees of grace anti called "Col- : onel. " Ills expansive and gratified smile at I the titie Is very satisfying to his friends. "Itowd'ye do. Colonel ? " his friends in the populistic state house greet him , and he salutes add replies pleasantly. - Mrs. Bryan baa absolutely nothing to say with regard to Itis new move , neither to ni"vspaper Inca nor her friendL Site is a. , sphinx the of her ' on subject husband's military - itary ambitions. However , their little daughter Grace , who is her lather's almost. constant companion In his visits to the state I house and about town , baa idecs on the sub. : joet which she does not lieitate to give out to the press. Totiayshe said to a reporter : "When the war cornea I am going to hide my papa so he cannot go. ' 11cr father smiled largeiy and indulgently anti said nothing. j % ' , rs to lit' tue " % 'aIrisrn.l. , . " As to the other persons concerned in the moving picture taken yesterday , Governor Silas A. hlulcomb was a lawyer out in Cue- icr county , which is mostly sand hills , lie is still wondering how ho ever became gov- I ernor. Iltu iii six feet lIve inches tall anti ¶ weighs 270 pounds. lie is a ponderous states- I , man with a kindly smile , and wears the usual and highiy proper broadcloth frock coat. coat.General General \'lfquain is of French descent anti unofficially connected with the Nebraska military party. He i. ° of the few aol- diers of thu late war who personally re- celved a vote of thanks front congress. lie is a typical French olticer , and looks hike pictures one sees of a retired colonel of chasseurs. his hair is silver , and so is his mustache and imperial. lie was twice In the consular service under Mr. Cleveland 1 hI Veozuela. lie Is now acting atijutant I general , at the request of Colonel Bryan. who confessed himself tmntamtliar with the art of recruiting men. General Pat Barry At ( ( a private in the late war for three yearssad was tlischarged on account of his wounds. tie lost an arm and his taco was disi'3 to action , lie is a gentle oh warrior .now anti not of much service to the state. ins. . These , then , were n aempose the new "wangraph. " Idir At 2 o'clock a carrisge was rent for Con- eral Vifqunin. It rettu-ycd empty and the messenger said that tbe general was asicep and that his wife woulI.pot wake him. it bad been proposed % oolonel Bryan that a carriage be sent. foethisa , but he pro'estrtt that he was a plain manRnti that he 'aoultl walk. The vltascopc , wse chaineti down tea a rock on the wait arouati the state house grounds and all wasrreardy. Three o'.ioek caine and Colonel Bryanthati not nppcaxcd. The bell struck the baithour. Four o'clock had passed and the central figure for the picture was not. The sun was fast slipping down the west side of the sky. A telephone i message to Mr. Bryan's house brought the Information that. he had "company , " but would be over in a few minutes. itehearseil for Mr Bryan , At 4:30 : o'clock Colonel Bryan appeared , leading his little daughter , Grace , by the band. Then the picture was rehearsed. One of the "wargraph" men stepped ott the die- tance between the door anti the camera in a dignified way to show how it was to be done. Then , when all was ready , the photogra- pher's assistant rushed across the filti of the camera's focus , pulling furiously at a cigar. This was to get action into the pie- ture. At. the same instant the manager of the Lincoln theater , in which the picture will be shown , who was a sharer in the expense - pense of taking it. , caine down thu steps with a paper in his hand and marched oil ; more action. Then came the piece de resistance , Down the steps wiih dignity anti eyes fixed on the distant camera , so as not to get out of alignment. , machod the flower of Ne- braska's soitliery , In the middle loomed the imposing form of Governor 1-loleomb. On his right was Colonel Bryan , clasping little Grace by the hand , On the left dank marched General Barry , No one spoke , It was a serious anti impressIve scene.'ben over halt way to the camera the party halted , the governor's private secretary dashed on the scene , hantleti the governor a pnpe , stepped behind the party and die- appeared. The governor looked at the paper - per , which was an ohti telegram. For soy- cml moments ha rend it seriously anti then handed it to Mr. Bryan. Mr. Bryan read it just as seriously and handed it to General Barry , vho too confused to look at it at all. "Come on , come on , " shouted the "war- graph" mnn , grinding viciously at his camera - era , which rattled like a Gatlbog gun. "Walk right along past the camera , " In an instant they were off the scene anti the picture was not yet finished. So the camera man's assistant dashed on furiously , leaving a trail of cigar smoke behind him , and rushed up the capitol steps. Then th camera stoppeth. The animated picture of the delIvery of Colonel Bryan's commission had been taken. The : - - chief actors were standing in a little group much relieveti I that the thing was au 'er. Little Grace 4 looked contemptuousrat'so ) slight anti unspectacular - spectacular a perforthnn. "I vondcr if i bolted "as big a fool as I felt , " said Colonel Btybn it - hirew'i nj. .tsstit'iijIit , Itteitritornit' , . . COLUMBUS , Nebw M1) 25.-Specinl.- ( Articles of incorporationjhave been filed with County Clerk Pifljpe , whereby a new organization has been geffected which will be known as the Coumers Brewing asso- elation oL Columbps. . ' Nebraska. William Brown of Genoa and. S..JqRyan , Carl Rhode and L. J. Lee of.thts city are stockholders anti olficers of the asaocation and the capital stock is placed at $ I0,000.When they corn- inence operations thuyfll taint charge' Of anti operate the Columbia brewery of this city and the pian'wlll be enlarged. This move is mode wIth th object of building up home industry and protecting the retail- era against the foreign combines. The twenty-first annual session of the Platte County's Teanhers' Institute will be held here June 24 to July 1 , inclusIve. The session will be conducted by Superintendent I . , H. Leavy and Prof. W. J. Williams , assisted - sisted by an able corps of teachers. There will also be a course of lectures , and among others the following have been given dates : Lieutenant Governor Harris , Lincoln ; Prof. Eastman , Fayette , Ia. ; S. Wright Butler , Omaha ; James W. Bowlus , Lincoln. l.oe , a Font , GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , May 25.-Spe- ( cial.-Arthur ) Osborne , a young man resld- log at Doniphan , this county , tried to board a moving train at Hansen In order to ride to his home at Doniphan , fell from the side of the car and had one foot so badly man- gied by the wheels that amputation was necessary , and the other foot was very badl ) bruised. Manager Ferrar of the sugar factory anti a carpenter named Struck were the victims of a bat ] runaway aeident near Wood River yesterday morning. The vehicle was upset , Mr. Ferrar's right foot became faa- tencti in the lines and he was dragged some distance before the team was stopped. A badly bruised limb and shoultier are the only injuries. A force of men is busy putting.the sugar factory in readiness for the fall campaign. If the crop will be at all favorable there will be a sufficient tonnage to operate both factories In this state , H itrcJti ri's Ftt I Icti. ROgELAND , Nob. , May 25.-Special ( Tele- gram.-Two ) Suspicious looking characters were seen on the streets last night anti J. H , Walters , one of the firm of Miller & Walters - ters , tiecideti to sieep in their general mner- cimantiise store. About 4 oclock ( lila morning - ing the would-be burglars succeeded in unlocking - locking the door , but Mi , Walters had las- tened the door latch down and they awak- enid him. It was a tlark night , but one man was seen looking in the window and W'aiters shot at him , but it Is not known whether be was struck or not , The shot Went through the window and as soon as Mr. Walters codlti ge to the door he fired two more shots , A skeleton key woe left in the door. ilhrrn 1eiws ItetuN , NIOBIURA , Neb , , 'Moy 25.-Special.- ( ) District court adjoucnhde today at noon , The session has been dna of the longest heltl for several yesrs'.Judge Robinson liar- lag cleaned up the stiocket prettythor - oughly. 3ti - Agent Iiuirtl of the fantee agency is miik. ing an jndtiatrbous ruining out of thieves among his Indians. , A.gang is organized and has stolen a great'ctny harnesses and agricultural implements that have been Is' sued to the Santees arei'lncas' ' , I , ! ltit , Ic Si , lhs e 'Hip to r Xeus , BLAIR , Nob. , M11y'125.-Speeial.-So ) many false reports asw1eircuiati'd now In regard to war' news ihat'lit ' is getting so that it is nearly lmposaibie to get time people to believe anything now , \Vhenever there Is a report clrcuiated now there is no crc- dence placid in it till The Omaha Bee is teiepboued for confirmation. Even the pope. Orate are disgusted with the fakes that come out in the their Omaha organ and request some one to "call up The Omaha Bee , then we will know for sure. " Pttitrlur Drass- , Eight Years. ST. PAUL , Neb. , May 25.-Speciai.- ( ) Otha Warwick , the second burglar , who jointly wit'.i Otis Auselow , last ftll , robbed the Boel'de bank. had his trial in district court 1455 week , was found guilty and eon- tcid by Judge Keudnil to the peatenttary for a term of' eight years. Otis Ansel w his confederate pIeded iillty at the last term of court , ansi for so doing escaped with thee-a rears and six months , which he is now serving. _ _ _ _ ierrer Enthnrset .trinln , T1LAITL , Nob. , May 21.-Special.-At a meeting of the republican county central committee , held here today , the following resolution was unanimously atlopted : "lIe it resolved by the chairman anti members of the county central committee of the republican party of Washington county , Nebraska , it is the sense of the party of said county that liOn. I ) . H. Mercer , our congressman from the Second congressional district within and for the state of Nebraska , fully merits the indorso- meat of his party in said district for the efficient work done by him in the eongrea of the UnIted States anti the faithful representation - sentation of said dIstrict ; anti. be it further "Resolved , That it is ( ho wilt of the republicans - publicans of saiti county that lion. T ) IT. Mercer be again elected to the same position for another term. 'therefore , the delegates elected today by saiti committee , be , nnti they hereby arc , instructed to ( tee all honorable methods and means to secure , his nomination. " The following is the list of delegates elected by the committee to the convention to be helti in Omaha Saturtiay. May 2S : F. hi. Mathiesen , N. II. Weber , A. C. Jones , it , lIinco , F. S. Howell , F. U. Pawling , Vt' .1. Cook , Isaac Coon , Ileriammn Aye , .1. L. Cook , William Wilson , liu h Stevenson , J , F. Curtis , Cues Mead , John Nissen and Charles Cole. flisitttett $ hinulittar ) ' l.inr NIOI3RARA , Nob. , May 25-Speclni.- ( ) Judge Robinson has given over two days to the hearing of the dtputid bountinry line in township 32 , range 7. growing ont of a dtfference existing in the plot , flelti notes and staltes. The Ponca Indians were located - cated by the stakes made by the survey in 18tI2 , in the then territory of Dakota , but a continuation of the Nebraska survey. Aftee the Intliana' had made their selections whites were then permitted to go on the lands anti they were located according to the stakes and in harmony with the Indian lands , Later it developed that the land omen field notes did not agree with the Myers survey made in 1S62 , but. did agree I with the Nippel survey continued from that ' simn'oy In 1SPO. It makes an eighty-rod jog difference and the suit brought is to recover the crop from the land that laps upon the settler that wail located in harmony wttb the Indian lands , which the government refuses - fuses to molest In their possession. The jutigo gave twenty days in which to file briefs in the case. Cuininir Ctusttty Ilstriot Court. WEST POINT , Neb. . May 2.-Special.- ( ) -rho tpring term of the Corning county district - trict court was atijourneti sine die last evening - ingCmiii Cmiii Isdi'cbl , living north of the city , met with an accident last night which may cost him his life. He was watering his team at the rear of a store , in the alley , and had the bridles removed from the horses. By some means the team started anti in endeavoring - deavoring to stop them the unfortunate man was carried between the near horse anti the tongue a distance of a block , when ( be team collided at full speet with another team tied to an electric light pole. The teams anti wagons were jammed together and in the collision Mr. Raduchel was tern- bly crushed. His injuries are internal and are expected to prove fatal. Ithilen Itcitis. ITHACA , Neb. , May 25.Speclal.Rev. ( ) . a , A. Barnes of Cedar Bluffs lectured In the church here last night on Christian citfr"ship. - The Ithaca roller mills are now running by steam. The high water of last week took out about forty feet of hejnlll , dam he. dam will be-'rebuilt. fleelnnitttory Contest , EDGAR , Neb. , May 25.-Special.-A ( ) tie- claxnatory contest wac given last evening in the Methodist church by six members of the junior class ot the High school. A first prize of $6 was won by Miss Winifred Christy and a second prize of was won by Miss Emma Donahoo. Drttiieti ut Pt'ntit'r. PENDER , Nob. , May 25.-Speciai.-Last ( evening about 5 o'clock , while In swimming in the lagoon at this place with a companion , hiollie Kuhn , about iS years of ace , was drowned. The body has ant yet been recov- ered. Mnele 'ritht a Jntkknlte. MEAD , Nob. , Ma ; ' 25.-Special.--Peter ( Jefferson , a farmer living northwest of town , took to Omaha this morning a model of an ocean sailboat , which he will place in one of the exposition buildings. It is the result of four year's work with a jackknife. Fa Inv itt flerli it. BERLIN , Nob. , May 5.-Specia1.-Flag ( ) day was very appropriately observed here. liit'khln's Arniegi Salve , THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts. l3ruttes , Sores , Ulcer. ' , Solt Rheum , Fever Sores , Totter. Chapped Hands , Chilbisice. Cce'os anti all Skin Eruptions. and positively cures Piles , Or no pay nequired. It Is guar- talc-ed to give perfect s.itisectton or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale V Kuhn & Cc. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST ' . Citntd' % Ventler TIter. ' ' , VIII lie l'g.rtly sritht S.t tiered Siatyi'rs isitil titthi Ci ) IInt ' , S'ititis. WASHINGTON , May 2.-Forecast for Thursday : For Nebraska and Kansas-Partly elou.iy weather and scattered showers ; south to east winds. For Iowa anti Ml8sourtFatriveatlier ; easterly wlods. For South Dakota-Partly cloudy weather anti scattered showers ; variable winds. For Wyoming-Fair anti warmer , winds becoming southeasterly. Itt'ni ltetor.l. OFFICE OF THE WEAThER I3UREAU , OMAHA. Ztitiy 5-Omnha kecortI of temper- attire and rainfall compared with the corresponding - responding day of time last three years. 1itis lMtl ibtiG lS Maximum tenlOratUrEt , S7 67 73 ( .6 Minimum temperature , . 67 49 7 57 Average teintwrature . , 77 & 76 2 Rainfall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 'P liecorti of temperature anti precipitation at Omaha for this tIny and since Murch I , ltS : Normal for the tiny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ExcettS for the tiny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AceUmflhihtted excess since March 1. . . . . . . Norintil rainfall for the . . . . . . . . . inch D&'tkiency for the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch Ttittti rainfall since March 1..7.61 incht's DeilvIeflty bince March . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch Excess fur cor. penioti , , . . . . . . . . . . . inch Excess for cur. period. 1b96..5.73 inches lteiortN trittu Stiti huts nt H p. iii. , teventrtlih Meridian tIme. - -t- , s'IS.p 1 " ' ! i 'I t STATIONBANDSTATEOF : W'lJATHER. ; . . -5' ' 'a.0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : Omaha , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t . - Nonth l'isttte , cloutly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ott 7" Lu Snit Ltke City. cloudy. . . . . . . . . . . : o3j Cheyenne , uiuutly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b Rupid City. ojoudy . . . , . , , , . . , . , , . & , 7 ! ( C Huron , larliY ciouti ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7& i Chicago , choir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wiliiston , cle , . . , . , , . , , , , , , _ , , . , , , tim . - .20 St. Louis , clear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Paul , clear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Lu Davenport , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 oo Helena , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vj . Kansas City , iotrtly cloudy. . . . . . . . 54i t6 : Lu H.tvre. clear . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p ; - Iliamarck , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : OS 7t . ( % J Galveston , clear 7S b2 .o T Indicates trace of precipitation. I. . . \WELSH , Local .Forecaet. Official. REPUBLICAN CLUB NEETING Committee ot Armxigeme.ntn Will Meet in Tomorrow. - SECRETARY M , 1 , DOWLING HAS RESIGNED 'A'rirk of Senntnrq tUrn nitil Tlturson anti Reprcseiitntive Mercer in Behnlt of lh , Indian Con- isress flenrs Fruit , WAShINGTON , May 25.-Special ( Tele- gram.-Tlme ) committee of arrangements of ( Ito national republican league meets in Omah't May 7 , aecordtng to a letter just received from President Crawford. Mr , Crawford announces that Secretary M. J. Dowhing of the league has tendered his resignation. to take effect June 1 , and that he has appointed D. H. Stine of Newport , Ky. , secretary ad interim. Mr. Stino will not. be a enntiitlate for secretary at the annual - nual meeting of the league , which is scheduled - uled for Omaha early in July. The work of the Nebraska delegation anti particularly that of Senators Alien anti Thurston anti flepresentatlve Mercer on the amendment appropriating money for th Indian congress has borne fruit , Congressman - man Mercer today being authotit for the statement that Chairman Shertaan of ( ho house committee on Indium ; affairs would support the amendment In congress , as would flepl'esentative Curtis of Kansas. To overcome Sherman's Oli'Ositiofl ' required consltlerabie finesse , bulL he was attneke'i front nil sources anti finally yieltietl to pressure - sure , but not without a parting shot ihat he thought the congress woulti prove tie- moralizing to the Indians. Congressman Mercer as chairman of the house eQ ' mit- tee on public hullldin's an'.i g'-ountis had It within hi. power to export certain measures highly acceptable to both Curtis amid Siitr- man anti it may be a mutual untierstauting come about through the determination cf Mereer to hold a meeting of his ecniniittee shortly for the purpose of acting iipomi pub- lie building bills. As for Nebraska , It is believeti it will have to wait for any public buiitibngs until the war is over. It is expected that there will be no report on the Indian appropriations - tions bill so far as the conferees are coil- corned until after the war measure is out of the way Congressman Mercer has recomumentieti to the weather bureau the name of Albert Gaines of Waterloo , Neb. , for a position with the weather bureau at the University of Nebraska. The position pays $300 per year and will permit young Gaines to take a collegiate course at the university , paying - ing his way through by his work with the weather service. The appointment is effect- lye June 1. Assistant Superintendent Hill of the Long Distance Telephone is at work preparing for President McKinley's atitiress on the open- lng of the Transmlsslssippi ExposItion. Mr. 11111 states that ho has hnti several talks with Omaha relative to arrangements and has no doubt that everything will move along harnuoniously , that there womilti be no fluke in transmission anti that the president will be gtven every facility knowit to science to make himself heard 1,500 miles away on next Wednesday. Ensign fi. M. flower of St. Paul , Nob. , has been transferred ( rota the Scandia to the Vulcan and ordered to join his ship in Neuv York harbor. Colonel Rhodes of Washington has on fo9t a scheme to organize a regiment of sharpshooters , anti so enthusiastic is Oliver H. P. Belmont over the matter that he tele- graphed Colonel Rhodes last. . night ( list it the president will accept a regiment anti name the .satue the . .RelrnontRutiesche will fornish each member with a Winchester rifle , 1SDS pattern , . being the finest arm made , capable of shooting a bullet one mile with long cartritige , and penetrate eighteen inches of oak , chambt'ring seven cartridges. The cost of this equipment will be in the neighborhood of $40,000 and is consitiereti an especially generous offer. So sanguine are the promoters of this regiment that already I one company to he known n.e company G , has been organized at Crete , Neb. . which will be captained by H. H. finley. The regi- fluent vIll be recruited from all the states. Among those interested in the companies are Senator Lodge of Massachusetts , Con- greasmen Sulzer of New York , Graft of JUl. nois , Cooper of Wisconsin. Stark of Nebraska - braska and Northway of Ohio. Congressman Stark has returned from his hurried visit to Nebraska in answer to a telegram from Governor Holcomb. Ottitilpa Batik Stat 1st it's , The comptroller of the currency has re- celved a report of the condition of the an- ( tonal banks of Omaha at. the close of business - ness May 5. Compared with tIme previous report , in February , it is noted that the banks have materially strengthened their loans and discounts and intlividual deposits , while a shrinkage is shown in tli holdings of gold coin. According to the present statement the loans and discounts are $9- 907.720 , against $9,695,532 in February. In- ihividual deposits have increased rom $7 , ' PSG.612 in February to 8,060,5IO. while gold holdings have dropped from $1,159PSO to $ St.4,522 . , and the average reserve increased from 36.19 per cent in February to 37.73 per cent. cent.Postmasters Postmasters appointed ; Nebraska-Wli- ham A. Harrison , at Phillips , Hamilton county , vice J. F. Kirkpatrick , removesi , and Ezra J. Newton , at Pleasantdale , Seward county , s-ice Ella Lynch , removed , Iowa-Levi J. Mulkins , at Dumont , liut- her county ; F. W. Hailemay , at lioughton , Leo county : Mrs. Emma C , Ifowarri , at Krurn , Jefferson county , and C. D. Roberts , at Marsh , Louisa county. Soimbli Dakota-Eaten Johnson , at Orness , llrookings county , anti Thomas Olson , at Penn , Hytio county , T Mrs. I. C. Cummings was today appointed charwoman In the Sioux Falls. S. D. , public building at 1270 a year. Arnold's Ilromo Celery cures headaches , tOe , 25c , SOc. All druggists. .4. Map tf Ctihti for 'Peic. Cciii , , Thu Bee is giving Its subscribers a chance to keep posted on the movements of troops and cruiser't by means of its combination map. The map of Cuba shows all the towns , nailnoatis anti tlivlmlons , while from the snap of the \\'cSt Indies and map of the woriti you can locate just where ( tnt war ships are at any time anti bow far they are from different - forent ports. Cut out a flee coupon , page 2 , anti bring it to The flea 0111cc , Omaha , South Omaha or Council Bluffs. By mail , enclose a coupon amid 14 cents and address Cuban Map Depariment. - - DUFFY5S PURE - MALTKY , i iH I FOR MEDICINAL USE NO FUSEL OIL Rcpcls the lmivndlng gcri1s that nuakc grip amid puctinmonlu If ons thcy find a lodgcmucitt lii the tandy. A ti3'spcpMhiI destroytr , just thu timing for tlutc matiult % 'IlUfiC food dock not agree 'lt1i liliti. Icot. pItitu L11Ct nddrcsg , Dully ia1t ST1iiskey Co. , t Ruciicsttr. N. ' 1' , j MOth ) er I tiers II Mat ht'rs 13 I Mrs.'inalnuv's Soothing Syrup hits been ui.eti for over 50 years by muibliohus nt mother - or , ( ( ii their chiiltirt'i , while tt'tiuitag with perfect success. It titht's the c'hiilti , soft- ' Clitt ( lict gumni' , allays all ; mnifl , cures wind colic tutu it' tltt' butt remt'tly rtit' Diarrhoea. I Soul hy tlruggists itu every part ot the wrlti. fit' attic anti ask ftir "Mrs. WImiitltiw' Soothing Syrup" anti take no oilier kind. : ; Cents a bottle. I .mn1aN nL'iLEnS FAIl. CONSULT DOCTOIIS Searles & Searles : ' _ " I - . , . , ; SPECIALISTS Gnernntet- etire speedily anti rail- ! - cally all SIRVOVS , ClIltOSIC .YD PItl'A'l'l2 diseases of Stem anti wonucu. - WEAK M SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured for life. Night Enuissiona , Lost Manhood. II- drocelo , Vericocele , Gonorrhea , Oleet , Syph- Ills , Stricture , Piles , Fiatula and Rectal Ulcers , Diabetes. BrIght's Disease cured. I Consultation Free. Stricture and Iaet : - by new method without pain or cutting. Cahion or atitiress with stamp. Treatment , by mail , - nno orani to v t'rnnirc' ' lIU. 14ta Si. Uiit ) . tiliilLt ) C tititd , oat.t II.i , . % 1113 I BLOOD d P01-SON . A SPECIALTY. Prtm&17. Becondary 0i' Tertliry DLOD VOISON permansnu , 7 in. 15 to 36 Cured . Days. 'rou can hi treated at ham. for sam. sub. under same guaranty. If lou prIl.r to tn. bars w will catract to pay nazi- ro&t fare an,1 haul bI , ' . . , laO no ezg. if we fail to cur. . 12 YOU HAVE ( skin mercury iodide potash an4 stIll Mve lchri 5Jt ? paini iiuoou.s ratcus ii mOuth Sore VISCLZ , I'iipiP , Oopper uoi. Sred pots , Ulcals on any part of th. body , Us.Ir or Th'obrows fahiin.r out , it is this 0eeonary OI'1'UWfi1 ' ' ? w Guaranfe to CUTS we solIcit Ut. mtst obitinat. esa sad chailene the world for a case we cannot SOT. . 'this dtssae hsu always b&fTtI4 flis akill at the cactit mIfl.nt phystetaits. $ cco.aDo capItal behind our uncondtttonal 50a.naatl. Absoiut4 prooto s.nt .sald On ippliestbon. ItO peg. back lent tr. Address COOK iuman Co. . 4O1 ) Tgionto Tesnle , Chicago , HI. - - - , - - - - - - - - - . - - - To Aaska Cold Fields or new ESfI'JUi 1.INF. : iaoo ton ktestlmcrs . . ( Thit , . " " l'onu5yicanls , " " thhlitole. " "InCIses , " COnt'm4ugb. " peetaiIy fltuei with ' , am beat , electric lights sfld nil modern improvements. SEATTLE TO ST. NIICHAEL , attitointed tosail atoutjune J' .JulyL'lmfl 'llit'IO iorgo oceatt tesmers. to veif known In ( be tratiahIanht. , beitneti , iii oonnectici with tur mica Ileetof iN Necv i' for theTtikon Illver tmmflc , ftirtttshby far the IJ.'It mount to Duvi.uic CIt'nnclailotber Ynisot , tLlver points. " ALL WATER ROUTE. " mti nisit hint thu imp nnatlea iuonoers to reach the tmt'artof ( lit' ( o1i PieI.I. wittiout enSur- lug mime hardihilis , cxpccusc , severe tail nitt danger to lire and itroterty encountered on LOu Oterlaud routes , A'pIy ; to EMPI TRAHSPOTTION CO. , 007 FIrNt Ave. , iSJLtT'l'LP , Y.aiil. , tIr ( INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY , 5.1:1 : La Hour Mired , C1lhAGi , IL. . 0 their atsta Ia the nailed States or Caai4& , MADE ME A MAN . AJAX TABLETS POE1TIVIfl..CUfl1j , .t LZ X.-rrous nla..ases-ywing , IIoo' - - CrlItnbot4nc7. Mitai6&1flNs3 , etc. owieti by Aba or othu' 1n-ases onj indte' Crotlon V.-i uklI amz surel - , iii odoryounguu ' ittlilnami Orsuidy , ba.taea.or mars4. . - i'rsvsat Inieuiti anti ( 'oiuumptioa it (5 enmntIme. Theiru.'i .bat' . Immediate imps-ore. mnmot and sOects a CUItII WhS' tail nther fail In. Ij _ .oa Itaijug ( ha gicimalno Airx Tablets , 'ri. , bare cited tbous&nd. aa.i iclilcarsyon , We rtri a litre wutuezi guarnutee to aSset a root fl I''P ( . In each case or rstunj lbs monet , 1nico 3.81 U I per gecks5e1 r ItS PCCOI Itoh tsrLent $ for 2.LO , fl mnaltinpialn wr.ensr. u r. -tOrertrn.'iTc4ls ' " ° 'A'JAX REMbY c&t' FOr isis to Omaha , fltb. by Jit. Forsyth , tOl N. lttln Ifulmo & Co. , 15th and Doubae ; sail to Couril UIus by 0. II , Brown. Druggists , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S - - - - - - - - - _ - "BREVITY IS THE SOUL OF WIT. " GOOD WIFE ! YOU NEED SAPOLIO _ - "CUPIDrN ! " t U This great Vcgctabls Vlnalzcrtbo irewzip. Iwtllqulddycwt , Ouofgtjl ner. VOILe OF dieILSCS of the generauve organs , such us L051 Matihoo.1 , Insomnia , t'iJflhiOtheBacI4t3eminaI Swttas,2jerus , 1'.bilty I'lmpmes , UOflthtis 10 Marry , lxhiauitlpg Vrah&a , VASjCOI'VJ , , a , . CJflltIPittbfl , I i Itot1 all homes by day or night , j'rrvente quk'ig. flies a discharge , which it not eh.eic.i heads to Hprznatog-rhw and I3EFORE apto AFItfl all tbeborrorsofltnpewncy , t'VRIDEtEdCALi5ti4It.UUyS ; , Uts kldnyesnd tbsurtrianyorg.ctol tLULmapuniUe& cuPrnEs strengthens and restores small weak orste. Tb. reason IUIu'rPN are aol Cured by Unciors is because ninety psi cent are troubled with Proetaillls. CUS'ilEtEle thsonly known rem.'dy tocuewlthuulat , operatIon. f4aotpuitxnxni. sla , / writeguarant.eoaiilwtueyreIurnrdIf six tnxpsdipi na&tUuca perwsatocue $ lhO a buxMz or 5.tO , by mad. i3.nth for sazadreular sad testImonIals , . , tddi-ers DAVOL MDIC1E CO. , I' 0 , Uoxm7S , dan 'WIcIacOcii , Ju-4-f & SlYglis-DILLON IlilijO ( .0. , s 12 Cog , 10th auti Uurutu , Owuki& , , - - - , , , - - - -51 , _ . - - , , - 2i _ _ _ _ 4