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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1898)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MAY 25 , 1808. SPECIAL NOTICES AdvertUrmen < for thme column * trill b taken until 12 m. for the avealasr aaA mil 8 p. m. ( or th r nornlnit ncjl Bandar edition * . Advertiser * , fey reqaeatlnif - hered check , can h Te nnTfcrn aul- * * . ta m. tkered letter la ear * f The Ree. Aawem no aildre * ed Trill be Delivered oa prenentatlon of the check oalr. Hate * , 1 1-Sc a wora * rt laertlon | Ic a vrord thereafter. Notala * taken for le * than ! Mle for the flrat iMer- tlon. Taeae adv vU m at * ain * b raa cnecatlveixi . ( IJTUATIONH WANTED. WANTED , place to ploy , violin , cornet and piano. Address P 25 , Dee. A-SS2-26 * WANTED , Position as cashier at Exposi tion by responsible party ; best city refer ence. Addrcsi P 28. Beo. A-M093 2j * WANTED MAMS HKI. ! ' . CANVASSERS to take orders : new line of work ; no heavy goods to carry ; salary pi commission. C. F. Adam * Co. , 8M Botita Sixteenth street. B-838 SALESMEN to sell toilet soap to dealers ; $100 per month salary and expenses : ex perience unnecessary. Louis brnst Bt. IxUls , Mo. . ' WANTED , solicitors of good address , cither sex , to sell California Roses ; rare , hardy < ornamentals , etc. ; town and cltlei only , will pay salary weekly : be quick ; state age. The Howland Nursery Company , Los Angeles , Cal. B-MC31 31 * WANTED , foreman for a factory making duck clothing , macklnaw goods and leather clothing ; one who thoroughly un derstands material , who can make pat terns and original styles ; must know the \-aluo of cotton ducks and linings and bo able to assist In the purchasing of ma terial and the figuring of costs ; a thor oughly practical man can command a good , permanent position. Please nddresa with full references , the Mllford Shoo Co. , Mllford , Mass. D-MC89 26 * WANTED , salesmen to sell perfumts and toilet articles ; J100 per month and ox- enses ; experience unnecessary. Plumer ? erfumcry Co. . St. Louis. Mo. ACTIVE solicitors wanted everywhere for "America's Battle for Cuba's Freedom ; ofllclal war book ; tells all about Spain , Cuba , iirmles , navies , war and all great commanders ; graphic description of Dewcy'.s famous victory and his complete biography ; biggest book ; GOO largo pages ; magnlllcently Illustrated ; tremendous dc- irmml ; only $1.50 ; commission 50 per cent ; * bomnmi for agents ; 30 days' credit ; freight paid ; outllt free ; write quick. The Dominion Co. , Dcpt. 32 , Chicago. _ AfANAGER for rooming place , to hustle business for same ; down town. P. 21 , Bee. B SIC ' 'j ACTIVE workers everywhere for the "Life of Gladstone ; " over GOO pages ; elaborately Illustinted ; retail , $1.50 ; big discounts to agents , Insuring tremendous profits ; outfit and complete Instructions sent for lOo , cost of mailing ; act quick. Address Glebe Bible Publishing Co. , 72" Chestnut St. , Philadelphia , Pa. B M859 25 * WANTED , a graduated pharmacist : also young man who has had several years experience In drug store ; must give good references. Schacfer , druggist , 16th rind B-MSC325' Chicago. - WANTED. Good hustlers , sell official badges at the exposition and In the city. B. Mlntllln , 410 Bee building. B-S77 25 * BO CARPENTERS wanted. Armour & Co , So. Omaha. B-S72-25 100 MEN. railroad work , western Nebraska : long Job : good pay. White's Labor Agency , 119 N. 16th at. B-MSS9 25 * WANTED , clerks and others to take thorough - ough course in bookkeeping anil actual business practice by mall. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for particulars. St. Paul Business College , St. Paul , Neb. WANTED , Salesmen In every district : new season ; samples free ; friary or commis sion , with expenses from start , Luke Bros. Co. Chicago. III. D-MS98 25 * WANTED FIMAIK HELP. 100 GIRLS for all kinds of work ; $3 to $7 week. Canadian Office. 1523 Douglas. C 838 .EMPLOYMENT Bureau , 1524 Dodge ; rella- ' ble male or female help furnished. Tel. 876 C-437 J12 LADY agents wanted to take orders for the A. H. Johnston Skirt Co. , Perry , la. Wrltp for samples. ' C M718 25 * WANTED , general servant ; plain cooking ; small family ; second girl kept. Mrs. M. A. Hall , 118 N. 39th St. C-725 23 * BEE the Epporly corset. 1511 Douglas St. C 7 8 J21 * WANTED. Brlsht lady , not under 25 , for special outside work ; good pay. P 19 , Bee. C-S3S 2 * OIRL for general housework ; small family , , I 'IftM DoJKO. C42 A OIRL to assist In general house work. Apply at 718 South 30th Bt. C M856 25 * WANTED , a colored widow lady , with son 10 to 12 years old , can find employment for both by addressing Lock Box 235 , Grotna , Neb. C M8S8 26 * TuADIES wanting employment call Imme diately nt 14 Ware block. Miss Dm n him. C-M884 25 * LADIES to make sample patches at home ; $10 per week ; no canvassing. Send reply cnvelopp for sample and particulars. Fos ter Machine Co. . 625 West 29th St. . New York. C M901 23 * LADIES wanted to do needle work ; can devote all or part tlrrio ; easily make $4 to $7 per wcct Call 33 Banter Block. T C-M893 25 roil BENT HOUSES. CHOICE houses and cottages all over city : $5 to $76. Fidelity , 1st lloor , N. Y. Life. D-839 . . . . . . , 'Houses. Benewa & Co. . 108 N. 15th St. - . . . D-S40 ' MOUSES , stores. s , Taston block. D-841 MOVING household goods and plnnos Om."Vnn & Storage Co. , 1511U Farnam * Tel. 1569. D-843 PROPOSITIONS for the place. 3124 N. 2m st * , Including house , barn nnd three acrei K - * of ground. Apply to W. K Holden , can ; . of Urennan-Lovo Co. , 219 8. 16th St. ' > D-M773 * FURNITURE And leasehold of n 7 nnd 13 \ room modern flat for sale ; bargain ; gooi - locution , , rent low. Bo in Is , Paxton Blk. * ' - * D-MS11 .p -i L'-- . -U-ROOM modern house. 131 So. 23th St. , ho water heat. J. N. Frenxer , opp. old P. O v- ' D 658 T FOR RENT , 7-room modern house , $30.00 S2d and California. 606 N. Y. LI fa Blilg. * D-MS30 FOR RimT FURNISHED ROOMS FURN18HKD rooms. &M 8. 26th ave. E-1II5LM2J' EXPOSITION VlBlTOKS-1,000 furnlshei rooms. Write to 'Exposition Roomlnj Co. , .Douglas c block , 16th. and Dodge. * " * , _ E M4S4J14 * ALL persona desiring rooms or board cal 610 Brown block , 16th and'Douglas streets Information free. Special attention glvei strangers. ' 13 C78-25 * mOOMS-for'aeajion ' at 2411 N. 10th. , * S - { -f E-M638 24 * : BK4IJTIFUL front rooins. 3SK4 Harney. V . , . E-701-36 * S FURNIBHRD rooms for housekeeping fo man And wife ; rent taken In board. 319 N ITtB. E-724 FOR RENT , Two front rooms. 310 N. 22d 1AIH > 1 * * THE Farnam Terrace , now open ; nev .brick building ; pleasant , neifly furnished aPM-EMf JFarnam Bt. * ! - * & J1H * ' ' BEAl/TI UTJ "furnished rooms nt reason - m.J118 Capital av. , or ] FOR RENT FI'MNIHf.Kn ! HO OMB. ( Cuntlnucd. ) Jt.noANTLY furnished rooms ; mml rn. C20 8. 19lh. K M900 J2I * FURNISHED HOOMS AND HOARD. THn Mcrrlam , Unit-class family hotel. 2Sth and .Oodgo Sts. F SIT NEW ALBANYtm Uinneyelegant : rooms , flrst-Oass board ; terms reiison- nblo : transient trade solicited. P-MJM 31 * PLEASANT rooms ; moucrn. slHctly flrst- class beard ; reasonable rates ; transients taken. CS2 N. 10th st. F M429 J12 * VERY nicely furnlshed rooras ; all modern conveniences : for 2 or 4 gentlemen ! price , $10.00 each : without lunch , $25.00 raoh ; pri vate family ; on car line , near Ilnnscom park. P 13. Bee. F 793 UTOPIA , 1721 Davenport St. ; rooms , first- class board ; transients accommodated. F M810 28 * TUB ItOSH. 2020 Hnrney ; nlco cool rooms with board ; transients a < uommodjted ; ratpe reaBoiiable. ' F 797 J21 PLEASANT , -rell furnished room ; nil mod- crn conveniences , with or without board ; prlvnto family ; near Hanscom park. P 12 , Bee. . F-792 HOMELIKE rooms , with bath , largo yard with shade trees , near Farnam car. 120 N. 32d ave. F-MS11 2S FUIINISHED rooms with board : tran sients accommodated. 2015 Douglas. F-M864 26 * < " " "for rent" TAKE down hat "for sale" or sign In your window : Tno Bee reaches more people In a d.ay than will pnss jour window In ft' month ; and they consult these columns , when they want to buyer or rent. pen RENT UNFURNISHED noosis. 'OR Rent , nlco south front unfurnished rooms , with bath ; Wlthnell block. F. W. Carmlchael , No. 6 , Wlthnell block.O . O 548 VERY Pleasant apartments ; six rooms and bath : fronting park : most desirable of anything In the city for the price to right . M. J , Konnard & Son , 310 and 311 rown block. G 729 UNFURNISHED rooms ; modern. 1 < B1 Lenv. Flat 4. Q-M899 J24 FOR RENT STORES ATin OFFICES. 'OR rent , th < 4-stnry brick building at 91G Farnam St. This building has u fire proof cement basement , water on all iloors , gas , etc. Apply at the office of The Bee. 1-910 PINE STORE ROOM ON 2ITI1 ST. , NEAR exposition , with living rooms In rear and cemented basement. Sen Fidelity Trust Co. ut once , 1st floor , N. Y. Life. I M124 SPACE to rent , suitable for job printing or other small business. Telephone and desk. Rent cheap. 1517 Burt. I-6S1 AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS wanted. Murat Halstead'B Great AVar Book. "Our Country In War. " All about Armies , Navies , Coast Defenses , Maine Disaster , Cuba , War -with Spain , and relations with Foreign Nations. Nearly COO pages. All written sittc-3 Matno Disaster. Magnificent colored Illustra tions. Agents making $10 to $11 per day. No experience necessary. Most liberal forms guaranteed , 20 clays' credit- price low , freight paid. Handsome outfit free. Send a two-cdnt Htampii to pay postage. Educational Union. 324 Dearborn St. , Chi cago. J M1S3 .Tune 5 MEN or women , $6.00 dally ; new Invention ; Inexperienced succeed. Dozler Co. , Omaha. J S17 29 ENERGETIC Agents are malting 518.00 to $20.00 per day selling our new book Just out "Great American-Spanish War Scenes , " 200 full-page half-tone pictures of our navy , Including large ofllclal map ; send lOc postage for free prospectus ; very best terms. W. B. Conkey Company , 311- 351 Dearborn St. . Chicago. J M803 25 * AGENTS wanted for "Our Naval War With Spain : " splendidly Illustrated ; only au thentic book to be published ; free outfit now ready : act quick. National Pub. Co. , Lakeside bldg. , Chicago. J-MS55 30 * AGENTS Wanted , Gon'l Fitzhugh Lee's own and only Book on Cuba and the Spanish-American War. Tremendous de mand. Profits $15 to $25 a day. Credit given. Freight paid. Write for terms and outfit quick. A. B. Kuhlman & Co. , Cax- ton Building , Chicago. J-M854 28 * AGENTS Wanted , We want ono shrewd careful man In every town to make a * few thousand dollars for himself quietly at homo and not work hard : private In structions and valuable outfit of now goods sent free. Address Immediately. P. O. Box 5308 , Boston , Moss. J M897 25 * LIFI3 of W.Ti. F % Gladstone ( five years In preparation ) , " now ready. Extra terms to agents. Grand opportunity for earnest workers. Send 10 cents for complete out fit , or write for circular. P. W. Zlegler & Co. , 322 Dearborn Street , Chicago. J M896 25 AGENTS : Dewpy. United States. Cuba or Maine patriotic buttons , 100-J2.25 ; 2 sam ples , mailed. lOc. Memorial Mfg. Co. , 118 6th Ave. , Chicago. J M886 25 * WASTED TO RENT. ALL hotels , boarding houses and private homes with rooms to rent call 510 Brown block. K 6SO 25 * LIST description of rooms for exposition visitors vflb ( Mrs. Jeffries , Board of Trade building , corner 16th and Farnnm streets , flrst floor. K 781 24 * A LARGE nicely furnished room or suite of rooms , with or without board , by man and wife ; modern conveniences ; private family preferred ; terms , location , etc. , address P 23 , Bee. K 873-24" WANTED to rent , room near Information Bureau ; will pay $30 ppr month for 5 months. Address Information Bureau. K-873-26 * WANTED to Rent , Cottngu In good nolgh- boihood. not too far out , with yard and barn. P 27 , Bee. K US9I 26 * STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage ami Warehouse Co. , 908- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. , . M S50 OM. Van & Storage , 151114 Farn'm. Tel. 1559 , M-S51 BEST trackage and storage building In Omaha , U. .B ) gov. bonded ; Household goods stored ima cared for : lowest rates ; two show cases for sale , suitable for ex position. 1Q13 and 1015 Leavcnworth. W. M. % , M-M965 31 VENTED TO BUY. SECOND-HAND books bought for cash at the Antiquarian book store. 1519 Farnam. N M77G M2G VACANT LOTS , Within half-mile radius of Twentieth and Vlnton Sts. ; also lots south of California and west of 23d Sts. Berals. Paxton , Blk. N MG95 WILL nay $100 for set of character sketches of "Grant Men and Famous Women , " unbound. P 20 , Bee.N33924 N-33924 * WANTED to hire , a good , strong team , without driver. Karr 4 DavfdBon Coat Co. , llth fe Nicholas. N M333 S5 IF You are In need of anything , try the Want Column ! of The Bee ; they will bring you what you want. N SCI VOH ALB .FURNITVKE. BELLING out at 131 South 25th street , household furniture , carpets , ranges , cooking Moves , gas stove , etc. May ba seen'from 2 to 0 p. TR , O 118 NICE , good antique oak wardrobe costing $50 will sel | cheap ; want of room reason for selling. Call 2311 Locust street. * . * - O-78t 34 _ _ IIALTREK. couch. carpets , dishes , stoves , etc. . for sale cheap. 2605 Woolworth - worth ttv. FURNITURE of I We- room house for Male. SOOT Lake. Q-837 95 _ FOR sale at a bargain , GOO pillows and KK mattresvea ; new pillow * , 25 cents up ; new BMXttrexHus , 75 cents up , . , > H9S-10 Dodge. O-MW7 KMBQflBED portrait.,5x8 f Adaih-al'Oea Dewey , wtta autograph , heavy enamel mount ( the only -aaUtentln and eMelal . _ , u < _ jk _ i-r tlKi D wer faaiUyV , AWrt < Brooks ail > BMJ JK < J-Ma v * FOR SAMIMHtSKS. . WAfJOSB , . ETC. JPAN young nlro baysh2-person carryall , nlco harneus ; nearly nil now ; chpap , this week. Addr M P W , Ifto. P-8 , < 26 'AIR of five-year-old bay mares ! well matched ; free drivers : sound and gentle ; together with a flrst-cloiw phcaton. Frank Hart , 63d and Center streets. P S73 29 * [ OR SALE , one pair fine , heavy drought horses. Smith & EasttnanpKlTPInkney St P-B71-30 * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. JOG nrid poultry ience ; better than wlro netting. Fine sawdust , for floors. Tel , 468. 901 Douglas. . i " Q-WC iORSE cllppliur machines , knives nd re pairs , all standard makes on hand ; grind ing razors , shears , clippers ; prompt scrv- Ice. A. L. Undeland. Q-SS3 _ FOR. BALE Ten a.I.P.A"J.S. Wr 5 cents at druggists ; ono gives relief. Q M7SO BALE Three return Tubular boilers ; 80-horso power each. Apply to the super Intcndent. 100 Bee building. g 885 _ HALL'S Safes now nnd ond'-hana ; safes repaired and rentoJ. 1115 rafnam. Q-M444 J13 _ 3IX Second-hand steel ranges , suitable for restaurants or boarding housps , for sale at great bargain ; must ba void , 1410 Dodge. Q-B85 J16 THE best mixed paints , at Sherman & McConnell - Connell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha. Q-M636 J17 _ HOG , poultry and lawn" fence * ? ; nil wire ; is best. Wlro Works , 14th .inO Harney. Q-S34 J10 _ FOR SALE , very cheap. 12 shares Union Llfo Insurance Co. , of Omaha , P. O. Box 10S5. Q-M6I7 FLAG pole * for sale. Omahp. School Sup ply Co. , 1023 Harney St. Q-676-23 FOR SALE , cheap , 50.000 feet of lumber 2x4 , 2x6 , 2x8 , sixteen feet long. Smith & Eastman. 1617 Plnkney St. Q 697 26 * FOR SALK , English setter pups , eligible for registration. Fred Gougeon , 22nd and 8 ntreets , South Omaha. Q 700 2G 1898 BICYCLES down to $5.00 ; new 1S33 model ladles' and gents' bicycles are now being sold on easy conditions as low as $5.00 ; others outright at $13.95 , and high grade at $19.95 and $2250. to bo paid for after received ; if you will cut this notice out and send to Sears , Roebuck & Co. , Chicago , they will send you their 1S93 bi cycle catalogue and full particulars. Q-M659 J13 _ FOR SALE , 10 head gopd , fresli cows and springers : call afternoon. Jester's yard , 25th and Burt Sts , Omaha. Q 841 25 * F.OR SALE or Exchange , . .smith-Premier typewriter ; nearly now. J. Horrlgan , Bloomfielo : , Neb. , Q MS52 31 * THE SpanUh possessions In both the east and west , In map form , with nearly 200 photographic reproductions of the Amer ican nnd Spanish navies , naval command ers , etc. All for 2T cents , nt The Bee ofllco. If ordered by mall , adurcs > s Navy Photograph Department , Omaha Bee. Q-SC9 SEC Om. Van & Storage Co. about hauling to exposition ; no concessions to pay : low rates. 1511',4 Farnam. R 525 31 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. cleans cesspools & privy vaults. o2l N. 16. Tel 1779 _ . R-618 J16 FOR RENT , ground on 2lth St. , opposite Exposition entrance. .Kcaick Bros. & Co. , 318 South 15th. T R M709 27 TWENTY-FIVG cents will buy the latest publication Illustrating the U. S. and Spanish navies , nuval commanders , etc. ; almost 200 photographic reproductions , with a large map of the East and West Indies , at the office of The Beo. If or dered by mall , address Navy Photograph Department , Omnlm Bee. R 870 MONEY to loan. H. Gross , loan office and watchmaker , 518 N. ICth. 71IS91 J24 \inVOYAMTS. . THE only "Gipsy Queen" fortune teller. Ladles , 60c ; gentlemen , $1. 1901 Farnam St. ' ' S-M824 2b * MASSAGE , I1ATIIS , ETC. ORIENTAL Turkish baths for ladles and gents. 107 Bo. 14th. , tel. 1891 Open all night. T M29t ) J6' MEDICATED baths and massage. Mme. Brisson , from Paris. 107 N. Uth St. T-M497-J-14 * MADAME AMES , 607 8. 13'room 10 ; mas- aago bath * T M720 27 * ELITE Bath and Massage parlors , for men and women : Swedish gymnastics ; electric light Turkish ; and other baths. Everything first class. H. M. Hanson , Mgr. , 2018 Farnam. relesftibne , 20GS. it J T-M768-2S * LAURA Ellison , ' 119 N. . Uth ( upstairs ) , room 12 , Turko-Russlan and plain baths , masnagc. T 704 J19 * MRS. Dr. Leon , electric massage bath par lors ; restful and curative. .417 8. llth , up stairs. T M835-29 * MME. SMITH. 118 N. 15th St. , hot spring and vapor baths.1 T 874-80 * PERSONAL. VIAVI for uterine troubles. 316-8 Bee bldg ; physician consultation or health book frces ' U 853 BATHS , massage. Mmc. Post , 21914 S. 15th. U-85S $3 < \ RUPTURE cured for $30i No detention from business : C years In Omaha. Caller or write for circulars. Empire Rupture Cure , 93J-933 New York Life bldg. , Omaha , Neb . U-943 THE Pantorlum. clothes cleaned , pressed and repaired , day or night ; special care given ladles' tailor made gowns ; dress suits for hire , N. E. corner 14th and Farnam. Tel. OC3. U 857 A LARGE map of the World , one of Cuba unil another of the entire West Indies , showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Haytl , San Domingo , Martinique and nil the other West Indian Islands ; 10 ( tnts , at The Bee otllce. Bymall. . 14 cents. Ad dress Cuban Map Dep't , Omaha Bee. TJ 868 LADIES and gentlemen desirous of secur ing profitable employment call at 113 So , ICth st. , room 13 , from 7 to 9 p. m. , Wednesday , Thursday and Frldnv.W90I -W90I 27 MONEY TO LOAN 11EAL ESTATE. AVANTED. choice rarm and city loans. R , C. Peters & Co. , U. 8. Nat'l Bank bldg. W-859 i $100,00i.00 ) special fund to loan on first-class Improved Omaha property , or for build ing purposes. Fidelity Trust companv. W S60 LOAN on Improved & unimproved city city property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 132C Farnam. W 8 2 6 PER cent city and farm loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. W-S68 ANTHONY Loan'ft Trust Co. , 316 N ( Y. L. ; quick money at low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri. East ern Nebraska. W-861 6 % PER rent money. Bemls , Paxton blk , W-865 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. . 211 S. 16th. W-864 EASTERN money for western Invest ments : send for circular. Investors Di rectory Co. . New York. W 290 J7 WANTED , to loan , $2,500 ; one loan pre ferred ; also wont to loan $500,00. F. D , Wcad , 16th and Douglas. W 881 MONEY TO LOAX-CHATTELS. $10 TO $10,000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS , HORSE& , WAGONS AND CAR. RIAGES , .WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , etc. , at lowest rates In Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs No removal of goods ; strictly confidential you can pny the loan o * at any time 01 in any amounts. piAHA MORTOAGH LOAN CO. . 868 South Uth St. THH OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY IN CORPORATED LOAN COMPANY Ih , OMAHA. H X-4N * yoKWf > o ayi salarM penaaaeat posKlon * . ' wtth _ _ M roneerns upei Utelr own.tiania. " * * rt < /7 < i. \ \ - * -rM- * ' * " . . * * , J - IT. , Ji. > i > * * t HCHINKAS CMAltCK . FOR. solo , a bargain , feijr entire dnig stock , show rnses , niMla fountain * and couaters ; will rant store at roUson- nblp rrnt ; located Union Depot hotel , ono block from U. 1' . and Burlington depots. Krnest Sluht , proprietor. Y 479 TO GET In or nut of business go to J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l bank. Y &C7 ELEVATORS for sal.a line of six pl - vators on the f * pfel > "can- > Valley branch of thci U. P. R. R. ; extending south from Lincoln , Ncfe.d'throtigli an excellent grain producing renlonr Will bo sold together or separately , as desired. In good repair nnd nno worklnq order. Will b sold on asy term * . ' Apply to Ed B. MIllT , Bea trice. Neb. fTTT ) 1 Y MW4JSO ' FOR BALE A-map 1 A nacrlnoe ! On ac count of hpaltlrjawst give up best paying business In OmpJNii Will sell for $1.200,00 cash ; househoMnods , Including furniture , carpets , dlghqv et > ? . , .which cot over $3,000 last fall , Owneftieonductlni n first-class private boariltafj , house and Is making money. Location is central. Owner ia renting a betuitlftA 12-room modem house , largo yard , shade and fruit trees. Houie Is full of choicest roomers and boarders who wilt sthjf 'With ' purchaser. House rents for $ SO'M' iftr month. No one but cash customcrrtipod apply. Address O 64 < Bee. nvl ' Y-707-26 FOR RENT LnjatWlvery barn , In excellent repair and ln.iflt * st location In city for TransmlsslssFpfil tfatronago. No cotnpctl- tlon. Adnresry | a , Bee. Y-706-26 $5.000 WORTH jnt htock In safe corporation for sale ; l > umn6fl well established ; If narty Is capapocan | also use services , P 6 , Bee. , - ' , Y M772.24 * DESIRE to pifrrhase'Interest la leiltlmato business where riervlces would bo 'of value ; character and ability the best ; references exchanged. P 11 , Bee. Y-791 24 * RESTAURANT for sale. 216 N. l th st. Y-M844 2S * $200 SECURES legitimate business worth $10 00 day cash to hustler Investigate. Na tional Novelty Company , 1409 Farnam. Y--883-25 * STATE rl = ht for sale of valuable Inven tion : prlco $400 for Nebraska ; Is now pat ented In U. 8. nnd Canada , it will pay you to Investigate. Address P 23 , Bee. Y M892 27 FOR EXCHANGE. VARIOUS pieces of property and farms In Nebraska to trade for merchandise. Ad dress L 42 , Bee. , Z M868 CLEAR Iowa farm for stock ranch. Voor- hecs-Manhattan , DCS Molncs , la. Z-M419 2C FOR SALE REAL > ESTATE. KOUNTZE PUce , bargains , $2,500 , $3,750 to $6,500. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l bank bldg. RE 869 HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans , also fire Insurance. Bcmls , Paxton block.RE RE 871 FOLLOWING desirable property : Business lot corner , 60x150 ft. , In So. Omaha , paved. Business lot , 60x150 ft. , Improved , South Omaha , street paved. Tract (24 ( lots ) . 36th St. Tract (20 ( lots ) , 30th St. For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St. RE-S70 GERMAN SAVINGS BANK PROPERTY. NOTHING FOU RENT IN OMAHA OR SOUTH OMAHA. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Buy nnd save rent. Never before In the history of Omaha have there been such opportunities offered to acquire lots or homes at your own prices. You make the prices. Receivers must sell. Depositors' demands must bo satisfied. I glvo out no lists. Tf you want to buy I will match any prices made by any one. Lots "in South Omaha , Jots In Omaha , lots everywhere , from $100 to $1,000. Houses and lots and aero tracts In Douglas county. Any reasonable oflcr will bo favorably con sidered. Tell wo what you want nnd 1 will tell you what I will take. If you have a customer I .will pay1 regular commissions. I huvo no agents. , New 7 per cent loans , $1,009 to $1BOO , for sale on Improved property. THOS. HTM'CAOUD. Receiver. 106 N/lSth St. _ , -.m 5E-M505 7-R. house , corrier tot ; cheap ! 2414 N. 24th. - , ? fTT RE-509J14 DESIRABLE slence lots , 124x130 , first- class locationtltOtnlnutea * Walk from court house ; cheap fbricash. Address O 61 , Bee. * RE-M891-J-19 FOR SALE. 7-roomJ modprn house and jot , 2211 Webster St. , ior $2,600. For particulars address Mrs. iBInolalr , Box 453 , Brattle , Wa h. J JO RK M711 J2 902-901 SO. 20TH ? St. , 5 room houses , price $1,500 each. Jr-Nc-Frcnzcr , opp. old P. O. li -ii RE-649 f FOR SALE , Best iarm of 85 acres In town ; a bargain , Addroas Lock Box C61 , Council Bluffs. la. otJ UJO-C52 21 IRRIGATED FARM 450 acres located-Jn Boise valley , Idaho ; will produce over-2,000 tons alfalfa yearly ; good cattle ran go .convenient ; this Is a bargain for any one interested in stock. For particulars 'address Tate & Stein , Boise , Idaho. ' - RE M776 J5 * T'OR sale , desirable residence lots , 124x130 , In first-class location ; ten minutes' walk from court house ; ch ap for cash. Ad dress O 61 , Bee. RE M691 J19 FOR SALE , three choice lots In Hoffman Terrace , $00.00 each will take them this week. Inquire G. B. Tzschuck , Bee office. ' RE-653 28 * HOMES , homes , homes , lei U9 shqw them to you. Two good ones nnd one smaller on West Fnrnam. delightful places. Five in Hanscom Placo. Prices to suit any one. One seven room house In north part of city. Fine lot. Pleasant place. Make offer. M. J. Kennard & Son , Sola Agents. 310 and 311 Brown Block. RE 721 HAVE yoil some lots to nell7 Now Is the time to dispose of them ; let the people know that you want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the peope : who have the money. RE SC6 BEAUTIFUL 10-ncro tract for $730 cash ; adjoining ground held nt $20000 per acre ; fine hnlf-ncre In Benson , $175 ; past frontlet lot , 2Sth Ht. , $3 0 : north front on Spencer St. , $600. F. D. Wcad , 10th and Douglas. RE-ST9 30 NEAT little homo for $300 ; good elevation ; near car : monthly payments. F. D. , 16th and Douglas. RE SSO 25 FOR SALE or for rent , a good hounp nnd 6 acres of garden land , windmill , outside cellar , % mlle from the city ; will rent for $100 per month ; will sell and take part payment In city property , rattle or good horses. Apply to Leonard Everett , attor ney at law , 16 Pearl street. Council Bluffs , Iowa. RE-M903 31 SHORTHAND AXD TYPtStvniTIXO. VAN 8ANT8 School , 71T N. Y. Life. The school whose students get employment. Conducted by an experienced reporter. -M418 AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas. 873 SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by court reporters. Boyles' School , 403-6-7 Bee bldg. 876 OMAHA Shorthand and - col lege , Boyd's theater.M422 J12 * TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month. The Bmlth-Prrmler Typewriter Co. , 1626 ,1'arnam fit. ; Telephone 1284. HSO OWING to the popularity of the new models. Nog. 6. 7-and S , Remington type writers , they ihare ! had to secure more room and hafe removed to 1619 Farnam Street : Call and see them. 674 J-18 DRESSMAKING In families. 2504 Daren- Port. vft -MJIOJ7 * ' " 1.O8T , - JERSEY COW , otje-half ear cone ; reward _ for returnito tgvfaxlge. Lo t-M903 CARIMA'IUK MAKING. P. J. KARBACX * 00NB , 11U Howard. Tel. 1101 - - -UM7 J17 at UAXOW1TX IMM moa , C r * ' > \ , r'v tf II0TRL8 FORHKMT. ( WANTED , Capable hotel man or woman with $2.on ta take U Interest In best payIng - Ing hotel within exposition radius ; cen tral , 45 rooms , dining room seats CO ; snnp for right party ; house will clear $12,000 to $15,000 during exposition ; If you are looking for R. bonann Investigate this nt once. Bemls , Paxton Blk. , Omaha , Neb. > ' . . -M69I KID OLeVK CLRAN1NO. KID GLOVE CLEANING. D. C. Mldcllo- - , ton , practical glove cleaner , 813 N. 20th. t MS90J2I % BRICK. W1THNELL Bro. A'Smlth , paving , sewer , building capacity 100,000 a day ; 22d and JHIckory streets. Tel. 425. E20 SHOEMAKERS. LYONS & BERGQUEBT Mot d 3flfT B. 17 , Patterson block. 439 J 12 STENOGRAPHERS. WR SOLICIT and furnish positions for stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. Telephone , 1JS4. 882 BICYCLES. BARGAINS In now and second-hand bi cycles : easy terms. The Safe Store , 1116 Farnam. - M443 J15 HARNESS AND SADDLERY. S. D. CASAD , 519 N. 10th. 843-J-22 TAILORING. MAX FOGEL makes , cleans and repairs clothes. 307 S. 17. -438 J12 FURNITURE PACKED. M. S. WALKIN. 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 878 1 JUNK HOUSES. ALPIRN. OmahA. Junk house , 1C1 So. 10th , paying best price for all kinds of junk. 818 M2S ALFALFA pasture , board fences. A. W. Phelps & Bon , 207 N. Y. L. bldg. Tel. 1054. 61S 122 * RESTAURANTS. HOME meals ; ull hours. 1619 Dodge. I , 401-J.-11 EXPOSITION FRONTAGES KOIl RENT. GROUND leases fronting exposition. Bemls , Paxton block. 881 JUSTICE OF THE I'EACC. D. B. HOUCK , justice of the peace , 300 Karbach block. 9G8 _ HACKS AND COUPES. HACKS nnd coupes promptly furnished at all hours , day or night , by Hackmcn's union. A. D. T. , tel. 177 , 863 and 770. -M391 Jll * BEARING DEMSMORC exclu sively by the exposition. Wo sell every thing truly good in typewriters - writers nnd supplies. UNITED TYPEWRITER & SUPPLIES CO 101" Furnant St , Omalin. THE REPUBLICAN CALL FOR CONGRESSIONAL - GRESSIONAL CONVENTION. The republican electors of the Second congressional district of Nebraska arc re quested to sent1 delegates from their re- upcctlvo counties to meet In convention In Omaha , Neb. , on the 28th day of May , 1898 , at 4 o'clock p. m. , the delegates therefor In the several counties composing the Second congressional district to be selected on or after May 21 , 1898. . Said congressional con vention will place In nomination one 'candi date for representative in congress , pro vide for the selection of a congressional committee and transact any other business which may properly come before It. Ihe several counties are entitled to rep resentation In the convention as follows : Douglas county , 128 delegates ; Sarpy county , $ de\egatcs \ ; Washington county , The baMis of representation Is the vote cast foraHpn. David H. Mercer , representa tive In congress In 1893 ; giving one dele gate at-large to each county and one for each 100 votes and major fraction thereof. A qualified elector under the provisions of this call is a known republican elector who believes in republican principles anil will vote the" republican ticket at the coming election , ' It Is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention , but that the delegates present bo authorised to cast the full vote of their respective delegafons. T. W. BLACKBURN , Chairman. JOHN L. CARSON , Scretary. MaylO d E O D-Ct POSTOFFICE NOTICE. ( Should be read dally by all Interested , as changeH'timy occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending May 2S , 1S9S , Will close ( PROMPTLY in all canes ) sit the General Postofflce as follows : PAR CELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. TrntiN-Atlntttlc Mnllx. WEDNESDAY At 9 a. m. ( supplementary 10JO : n. m. ) for EUROPE ( except Spain ) , per s. s. Germanic , via Queet.atown ; ut 10 ft. m. for EUROPE ( except Spain ) , per f < . s. Southwark , via Southampton ( letters must be directed "per Southwark" ) . SATURDAY-Al 6:30 : n. m. for FRANCE , HU'ITi-.KHLAND. ITALY. TURKEY , EGYPT and BUITISIflNDIA. per a. s. La Navarre , via Havre : nt 6:30 : a. m. for GERMANY , DENMARK , SWEDEN , NORWAY ( Chrlstlanla ) nnd RUSSIA , per B. s. Trnve. via Bremen ( letters for other parts of Europe ( except Spain ) , via Cher- i.ourg and Southampton , must be directed "per Trnve' ' ' ) ; at 0:30 : n. m. for GREAT BRITAIN. IRELAND , BELGIUM , NETHERLANDS , PORTUGAL , AUST RIA and NORWAY ( Bergen ) , per s. s , Umbrlu , vlu Queenstown ( letters for other p.uts of Europe ( except Spain ) , must bo directed "per Umbrla" ) ; at 8 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. . Amster dam , via Rotterdam ( letters must be di rected "i > er Amsterdam" ) : ut 8 n. m. for ITALY , per s. s. Werra. via Naples ( let ters must bo directed "per Werrn" ) ; nt 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. n. Anchorla , via Glasgow ( letters must bo directed "per Anchorla" ) ; at 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct , per B. B. Hekla ( letters must be directed "per Hekla" ) . After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above , addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the pleri of the American , English , French and German steamers and remain open until within ten mlnutea of thu hour of sailing of steamer. Malls ( or'Soath ' and Central America , . West Indies , Etc. , "WEDNESDAY At 11 p. m. for JAMAICA- per steamer from Baltimore. ' FRIDAY At 10 n. supplementary 10:30 : a. m ) for GONA1VE8 , ST. MARU and SANTA MARTHA , per B. s. A. Dnniola. SATURDAY At 9'30 a. m. forCAMPECHn , CHIAPAS. TABASCO and YUCATAN , per s. s. Kennett ( letters for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per Ken nett" ) ; at 9:30 : a. m. ( supplementary 10 a. m. ) for BARBADOS and DEMERARA , per s. B. Fontabcllo ; at 10 a. m. ( supple mentary 1030 n. m. ) for FORTUNE ISL AND. JAMAICA , 8AVANILLA and GRBYTOWN. per s. a. Altai ( letters for Costa Rica must bo directed "per Altai" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for-HAITI nnd CARTHAGENA , per s. B. Holoteln : nt 18:30 : p. m. ( supplementary 1 p. m. > for ST. . THOMAS , 8T. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS ( except Barbados ) , per s. s. Pretoria ( let ters for Grenada , Trinidad and Tobago must be directed "per Pretoria" ) ; at 8:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney ; at 8:30 p. m. for BT , PIEHRE-MIQUKLON , per steamer from North Sydney. , j Malls -Newfoundland , by mil to Hall- fax : and thqnce by steamer , close at this , office dally at 8:30 : p. m. MaUs for Ml. quelon , 'byruH to Boston , and thence by _ teaater.- clone at tats office dally at t-M K m * MaUs for Mexico City , overland , umil mr poetalljr addressed for despatch by . < , NOTICE. ( Ctontlmifit. ) steamer , clown at thl office dally nt 2:30 a. m. nnd J:30 : p. m. "Registered mall closes at 6:00 : p. m. previous day. Trnnn-Parlno Malls. Mails for Chlnn , Japan nnd Hawaii , per s. si Dorln ( from Han Francisco ) , close hero dally up to 'May 2td nt 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Chlnn nnd Japan ( specially ad dressed only ) , per s. s , Empn > * of India ( from Vancouver ) clone hero dally up to May 23d nt 6JO p , * n. Malls for the So ciety Islands , per qfelp Galilee ( from Ban Francisco ) , close hrro dally up to May 25th nt 6:30 : p. m. Mails for Hawaii , per s. 8. Zcnlnndla ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to May 2 th at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , Now Zealand. Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per s. s. Aorangl ( from Van couver ) , close hero dally after May ISth and up to May Wth at 6:30 : p. ra. Malls for China nnd Japan , per s. .s. Victoria ( from Tncoma ) , close here dally up to June th nt 6:30 p. m. Malls for Aus- tra la. ( except those for West Australia , which are forwarded via Europe ) , New Zealand. Hawaii , FIJI and Samoan Islands , per s. s. Monna ( from Ban Francisco ) , close here dally up tri June * * 10th at 7 n. m. , 11 a. m. and 6:30 : p. m. ( or an ar- rlva nt Now York'of s. s. Campania with British malls for Australia ) . Trans-Pacific malts arc forwarded to port of sailing dolly and the schedule of rloslng Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Regis tered mall closes nt 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. _ , _ Poitmaster. Postofrice. New York , N. Y. , May 20 , 1898. RAILWAY TIME CARD. .CHICAGO & NORTHWEST. ern Railway City Ticket Offlre. 1401. Farnam Street. Telephone , 661. Depot , Tonlht and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. r.i Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago SperJal . i.f 6:40 : am * 11:50 : pm Mo. Vn'iloy. Slous , Minneapolis . * 6:53 : am * 10:45 : pm City , St. Paul & . , Mo. Valley , Sioux City . 7:10 : am 9.U5 pm Dennlson. Carroll , Wall Lnko and Council Bluffs . . . . * 8:40 : nm J:15 am Eantprn Ex. , DCS Molnes , Marshall- town , Cedar RapIds - Ids and Chicago. . 10.30 um 4:3 : : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago cage and East. . . . 4:45 pm * 4:33 : pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha . 8:10 : pm Mo. Valley , Slour City , St. Paul and Minneapolis Llm'd 4:35 : pm 8:50 : am OmChicago Spe cial . . . . , . 6i45pm 8:50 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. IFREMONT , ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Railway- General Oinces. United States National Bank Bldg , _ . . _ Southwest Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office. 1401 Fnrnam Street. Telephone , 661. Depot , Fifteenth and AVebstcr Streets. Telephone , 1.45S. Leave. Arrive. Black Hilts , Dead- wood. Hot Sprl'gs 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Wyoming. Casper and Douglas . 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Hastings , York , Da- v Id City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter & Seward . 3:00 : pm * 6:00 : pm Norfolk , W. Point and Fremont . * 7:50 : am 10:23 : am Lincoln , Wahoo & Fiemont . 7.50am 10:23 : am Fremont Local . . . . * 7:30 am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sun day only. * Dally except Saturday. * Dally except Monday. RCHICAOO , ST. PAUL. MIN- neapolls & Omaha Railway General Offices , Nebraska Division , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. City Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 661. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets , Telephone , 1,453.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accom. . * t 8:59 : am 8:20 : pm Sioux City Accom 9:50 : am 8:20 : pm Blair. Emerson , Sioux City , Ponea , Hartlngton nnd Bloomfleld . 1:00 pm 11:35 : nm Sioux City , Man- " ' kato , St. Paul & Minneapolis . 6:55 : pm 8:20 : nm Emerson Passenger 5:10 : om 8:45 : nm Dally. Dally except Sunday. Bun- day only. * This train stops at stations Florence to South Blair , Inclusive , Sun days only ; on week days. South Blair only. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL. road General Offices and Ticket Office. Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Streets. Telephone , 104. Depot. 15th and Webster Bts. Telephone . . . Iieavo. Arrive. Kansas and Neb. Limited I . . . . . . . . . . . 366pm ; > * 1I:55 : pm KanRat Cltv & Bt. Louis Express . . . 9-40 pm * 6:00 : am Nebraska Local . , . 4:30 : prn 9:45 : am Dally. * Dally except Sunday. 3HICAGO , MILWAUKEE & St. Paul nail way city Ticket Office , .1504 Farnam Urcet. Telephone 281. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets' Telephone , 629. - LeaY * Arrlvo. , , . Chicago Limited Express . 5:45 : pm 8:20 : am Omaha * ; -Chicago * . Express . 11:00 am 4:15 : pm Sioux Cltv and DCS Molnes Express . 11:00 nm M:15 : pm * Dally. Dally except Sunday. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and McCpok 8:35 : am 9:33 am Lincoln , Denver , Colorado , Utah , i California. Black Hills , Montana ft Pugct Sound . . . . . 4 : pm 4:05 : pm Lincoln Local 7:00 pm 7:40 pm Lincoln Fast Mall. 3:53 : pm 11:40 : am Denver , Colorado , VI Utah , California and PUget Sound 11:68 : pm ni:56 : pm Dally. "Dally except Sunday. 2HICAQO , BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "Tha Burlington Burlington Route" Ticket Ofllco. 1502 Farnam Street. Route Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone 128. 128.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Vcstlbulcd Express 5:05 : pm 8:10 : am Chicago Express . . 9:4& : am 4:15 : pm Chicago & St. Louis Express . . . 7:45 : pm 8:10 : am Pacific Junction Local 11:50 : nm B : o pm Fast Mall 2:50 : pni Chicago Special . . . * 12.03 am 11:60 : pm Dally. Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC "THR Overland Route" General ( TP ? floes , N. W. Corner Ninth nndA Farnnm Stroetu. City Ticket Ofl'ce. 1302 Fnrnam Street. Telephone 21R. Depot , Tenth and Muson Streets. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive , , "Tho Overland Limited" for Den ver , Salt Lake , and western p'tJ. . * 8:50 : am 4:43 : pm The Colorado Spe cial , for Denver & all Colorado p'ts. 11:55 : pm C:40 : a a Fast Mail Train for Salt Lake , Pacific coast and. all ncstcrn points . . . 4:33 : pm 6:40 : am Lincoln , Beatrice & Stromtsburg Ex. . ' 6:00 : pm 12:20 : pm Fremont , Colum- bui. Norfolk , Gr'd Island & Kearney 4:33 : pm " 12:20 : pm Grand Island Ex. . . 5:00 : pm 12.20 pm * Dally. Dally except Sunday. South Omaha Local Pass. Leaves , 6:15 : a. m. ; 7:00 : ; i. m. ; 9:15 : n. m. : 3:10 : p. m. Ar rives , 10:15 : n. in. ; "liTO p. m. ; 6:00 : n. m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves , 5:55 : a. m. : 6:50 : n. m. ; 7:10 : a. m. ; 8:40 : n. m. ; 10:30 : a. in. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:33 : p. in. ; 5:55 : p. m.8:20 ; : p. m. ; 10.05 n. m. . Arrives , 6:35 : a. m. ; 7:20 : a. m. ; 8:85 : n. m. ; 11:30 : a. m. : 3:10 : p. m.j 5:40 : p. m. : 6:30 : p. m. : 9.03 n. m. ; lo:4i : p. m. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & Pacific Railroad "Tho Great Rock Island Routi > " City Ticket Olllcc. 13 > 3 Farnnm Street. Telephone. 42S. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone. Leave. Arrive. Rocky Mountain ' Limited , cast . . . . ' 1:30 : am 1:23 am Rocky Mountain Limited , west . . . . 6:20 : am > 6:15 : nm Chkago & St. Paul Vcstlbulcd E x- prcus 5:00 pm ' 1:25 : pm Lincoln , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , ' Denver and west. . 'l:30pm' ' : 4:25 : pm Chicago , D o H Molncs & Rock ' 7.00 pm U:25 am Atlantic Express , for DCS Molnea and eastern points * 7:00 am 8:50 : pn Colorado Flyer 7:00 : pm * 8:50 : um Dally. Dally exceptSunday. . W A B A S H RAILROAD- Tlcket Office , 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone 892. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. Louvo. Arrive. St. Louis 'Canon Ball ' Express. 4:30 : pm , 11:30 : am Dally , SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad General Offices , United States National Bank Building 8. W. Corner - ner Twelfth and Farnam Street : Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. .Telephone 661. Depot , 15th and Webster Streets. Telephone 1433.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Man- kato , St. Paul , Minneapolis * 6:55 : pm * 8:20 : am Dally. ' OMAHA it BT. LOUIS RAILroad - road Omaha. Kansas City A Kastern Railroad "The Port Arthur Route" Ticket Olllce , 1415 Farnam Street. Tele- ' 5 , p'hono 322. Depot , Tenth and Muson Streets. Telephone.-128. _ . . . . Loavo. Arrive , Bt. Louis Cannon , Ball Express 4:35 : pm il:30 : am Kansas City & Local * 7:4 : ° am * 9:03 9rnny " " : pm FOREIGN NOT ES OF TIlAVEfc. " ' , 5 Phil May < ln Punch. * " * " I I 1 Irish Emigrant ( energing from the steerage , feebly ) Where's the calliT ; What U It makes tbe ship 'go along ? Fellow PateBger This ain't M sal Hag ship. Tkto to a , * UanshIp , MiM ' u. F1rte n feeuMB4 her -powr. IrWi atBtarut rifte B taouMuU > ors sl TalaaVfl * that'lew f 44 V * vVV 9 VaV9 WslvVttA f i , i t i h ' r - , * n-