Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1898, Part III, Image 19

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    ffr\ : ' " "f
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best tailors and manufacturers
most elaborate trimmings , Come and admire , even though you have no thought of buying.
* Opening MISSES' CHILD'S , '
Ladies' Fine Tailor Made MEN'S '
ISIew Dress Goods
, , At our Hosiery Department
A matchless assembling of high class fabrics , plain and DRESS will be found the very best New Laces
, In all the latest . The . SKIRTS that made in staple ,
fancy weaves up-to-date colorings. Spring beauties arc all here. , things are
Covcrte , broadcloths , whipcords , bayadere stripes , dentclles , prunclles , poplins , silk mix and fancy hosiery. Every Embroidery
tures , cheviots , Henriettas , etc. , etc. A few Hems at random will show that , as usual ,
our prices ore the lowest. i , I TEA GOWNS pair that we sell at this de
partment is guaranteed in and Veiling
Bpcclnl offering of 100 pieces , 38 Inch 40-Inch
Dress Goods ALL WOOL FRENCH VI60REAUX every way.
Hoyelty No At Lace will
All the lovely assortment so complete and no other styles so perfect and our department
Icvely - < of tprlng Kreen coloring and olil , rose mixture - , shades of gray , new tan. spring mode exclusive , No other prices as low as ours. The style , quality and COTTON Ladles' HOSE HerniBdorf , made dye with fast double black solca MACO and be found all the newest things
brown and tan , blue , white and Illuminated colors , mix price features of this department starid unrivalled in Omaha . spliced l.cls , at 19c , 25c and 30c pair. that are shown in plain and
nnd red , etc. Goads worth and tures heliotrope of blue and , etc. gray ; value , tan 25c fancy laces. Some of the
19c 39c
GOc ; Opening uargaln G3c. Opening sale price most dainty patterns in cream
4C-lnch Import 62-Inch and black silk chantilla , silk
Ladlca' lisle thread fast black and
French Novelty Curls French Broadcloths tan. al.'o . French FANCY PLAID AND STHIl'BD applique , silk blond , silk gui
choice colorings , pale blue nil the new shades of blue , HOSE , at 39c , 49c. C9c cud 93c pair. pure Jace and all widths of
and ' gray , green and blue , green.-gray , tan , mordore , 39c 49Q 69c 98c plaited , Normandy and French Valon-
ta'n nnd gray heliotrope nnd cicnnes , not top orientals , point Giwc ,
Nile , etc. , etc. , nil brown , etc. , etc. , good d'Aloncon
green up point , point Arubo , not top
to date , woith Jl.W per yd. values for J1.23 ; Opening Especially Attractive . . ' nnd Children' * fast black andjan cluny'd a full line of insertions hi
Opening sale price sale pi Ice JL ' v j ' i - - ' -o * - , r , ' < , pain fine ribbed , 'meillirium rlfibed nnd 1)1- ) black , cream and ecru. In this depart
CYCLE HOSE at 10 ? , 15c and 25s pair. ment yon will find all the latest
For 75o , We purchased from the manufacturer , while in Nev York" the choicest most in fact very
, , stylish , novelties in lace at about half other
French Poplins , fine quality of Covert At 51.25 and $1.75 the highest priced ready made suits to be found in that city. lOc 15c 25c Btoro's.prices . , from . lo to the very llnoat
at $2.00
pur yard.
In gray , blue , castor , olive.
In fact all the new colorings SILK AND WOOL NOVELTIES We are showing some elabor " Men's Half Hose , la fast black nod tan ,
ings , also whl'pcords , all at ? 5c In Bayadere , Brocaded and Jacquard effect1 ? , ately At $25 French checks , and balbrlggan LISLK , THREAD fancy plaid HOSE , stripes , at lOc and , New Spring Styles
73o yard , actua'ly worth lit all the newest combinations ot colorings , 12 c , 19c , 25c , 39e and 40o pair.
$1.30 worth up to ? 3.DO yard.
Embroidered Chiffon A large variety of IOC , I2JC , I9c , 25c , 39c , 49c Embroidery
BLACK are in high favor We Wo guarantee to save you In this dcpnrt- In this department will be
are showing
Trisnmsd Silk Costumes a exceptionally ment 25 per cfat on all guaranteed goods.
this ' \inod found of
vor season. tionally fine , " > Silkinod Throughout some the very finest
with all the newest effects ' ' Embroideries and Insertions in
For 29c For
, strictly 3ic ) plain black
ideas , Embroidery Trimmed CHILDREN'S AND BOYS' Nainsook , Swiss , Jaconet and
A i Wool Skirts and Waists
Black MOHAIR BRILLIANTINE On Clcthabd , Hamburg. They are in all
iSacquards Whipcord , satin burbot * Sale tja styles , widths and patterns and
Mack fl < * brilllantincs juequardH , etc , worth 75o either fly front reefer style or
uro , Henrietta Coiturnes. Our stock Is now complete In all the new in match sets. We are
Oponintr price 29e yard. . yard , opening price , yard at . open blouse front suits. things for early spring wear. In long and
some of the finest high class
Abort elcevo balbrlsgan , medium and light
For 50c yd exceptionally fine 75c for 50-inch weight JERSEY KIUBED VESTS and I'ants , embroideries that were ever
German Henri- at 5c to 50c each. put on sale in the west , at
ettas Imported , Drap d' ' etes - Prunelle Gioih SPECIAL SALE "CARPETS 5c to SOo Each from lOc to 49c yard.
etc. all in this lot .
$1.00 quality , opening - , granite , , new 75c Many ore worth up to $1 yd.
goods , at 75c yard. . in jm YARl )
ing price 50c yard. . Infants' spring weight all wool VESTS u *
Smith's ' AND WRAPPERS at 23c , 3Dc and 50c each. from HIP t imp Mnnr
Axminster worth
01 ffl ) 44-Inch Bayadere Stripes , mohair and Moquette Carpets 25c 39c 50c * PU riPU dollar yd a
QltVU French poplins , brocaded drap d' alma.
with or without border , the regular $1.25vkind , in all the new '
alQQ Pure Silk and Wool Priest this season's patterns , over 50 patterns to select from , PANTS , 25o and 50c. L VEILING Dept.
4 > | vv i > - n go Monday at only S5c yard 25c and 50c At our Veiling Department
9 ) Manufactured in Bradford - Sanford's and Roxbury ten wire g * r sail lord ' s all wool faced will be found all the latest
ford .England . Thcso nre pure silk and wool In n variety of styles , bro tapestry carpet , regular OUc kind , all 75n , Ladles' long and short elccvo UNION 1898 styles in volllngs by the yard , in
caded grenadine effects , silk Jucqunrds , Melrosa ; beautiful . for ladles' now patterns , go at Coo yard OOC Tapestry Carpet , regular .Monday only kind 47Jc ! SUITS In cotton and llslo thread , from 25c Chonilld Spot , Silk Illusion , Silk Brus
entire .33 costumes , separate sklrin , or waists , worth J2.50 yard. Opening to 59c each ; worth up to $1.00. sels Not in plain and fancy weaves , also
Good union Strictly all wool I" ft . Go.xl heavy strlucd Jute Carpet , a full line of ready-mado Veils with bor
Ingrain Carpet INGRAIN CARPET 5)UC worth 19u yard , go ut llcyunl lie 25c to 59c Worth up . tea ders , in sill ; and wash blonds , ranging in
NEW heavy , worth 75c , go at oOc yard . . * * " * * a dollar. price from lOo up to 81.00.
PARIS SILKS very quality
lust year's patterns , Very heavy WOOL ' Venetian Stair Carpet74c Ladies' plain and fancy SILK VESTS ,
season they sold CARPET , the regular handsomely ellk trimmed , 39c , , From
at 40c C9c
, tomorrow at
MONDAY , TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. go ttdc kind. 3'Jc yard Straw Matting lOc I2c I5c 9Sc each.
J1.50 yard for p
heavy COO pieces black of , brocaded exceptionally nllk , batin stripcJ Block Plaids5 Over 6000 Fairs all kinds of Velvet and
nlao tafTtttas and other fan ombre plaids and stripes , 1.50 Dress
cy silks In brocaded effect ? . over 1,0.0 yards of satin These Nottingham Lace Curtains
a I changeable combinations , paa. ! ! ! These arc all new .
every for our yard Op-nlng worth sale Jl.OO , , yird but : them fresh sale at only novelties $1.00 one per , pittern yard. many , on of are all in soft lacey effects , regular Brussels 0 . Trimmings
foi > ew Black Silk Grenadines in Bayadere patterns and worth up to § 5.00 a pair ; they goon sale At this department no are able to uavo KID GLOVE DPt
Monday for the first time at § 1.50 a pair. Thisis the most you about 33 > / & pcv cent cu all h.'gh class
checks worth , A Pair worth Will
stripes or , 1. Opening price , gooda. be found all the well
phenomenal curtain offering we have ever made 1. up to $5,00 \Ve will sell > ou SILK VELVET for 11.00 known brands and best makes
for the best $ | ,25 FANCY WAIST SILKS including all colors yard that sells everywhere eUe for $1.60.
All kinds of MOHAIR IIIIA1U3 In plain of Kid Gloves that are manu
69c ors of changeable taffetas , satin duchesso , in all the and fancy colors , jet and Irrldcscfat trim-
m In Ed , pain and fancy llk applique trim factured. Gloves for street
new colors , turquoise , burnt orange , etc. also black. mings. In fact everything that IB ae\v In the
On account of the great reduction In trimming Hue will be found at this depart wear , evening wear , dress
39c 39o for a 7ocqtmlltv of 25cfor Changeable Brocade by the manufacturers of the Waltham price and made gin We show the most complete ment . ahvajo at the very lo\\C3t postlble gloves and party gloves.
PLAID SIIKS , all ' movements , we will soil Monday , ( rontb1 Wal line of Ladles' Gold and Silver Girdles , prices.
snitablo fur linui'rs or wnst ! . SilhS , new combina'ns tham , both jeweled and plain , at half
seven jVvol movements , with the celebrated - . regular Our Specials at
ted Due'our eao , at $3.3i > , positively worth 87.00. price. At Our CORSET DEPT.
Pine KU1IN MUVEMENTffwItli Leather Belts
New Sang goldTnlnd Uuobcrp A ,
case" . Including aontH'Jtnllcd I'lato Chain , iD4 Wo Boll the boat dollar
f. po-jlUyely ' wcirth fO.o'j. . . . * 500 styles to se cortct manufacturea.
LADIES' 0 sr/.E'WAI/ffnTM fl /H lect from Ladies'
tllleil cotil c-isuii , ii iranteed for 10 years , Tftll / s At this department you will fln < l all the
. poslnvuly north tlg.M . tJVr * elegant Seal Leather new shapes end lengtha In 1SOS models of the
In this department wo nre showing ' /IC. bHtln finished cases , with 7 Jewel fine i Dolts , lined 25c best brands of Corsets that are manufac Wo consider the best gloves
thu newest nnd movt dainty designs AniBrlcun iiioYeiuonts , Incliidl.ig line plated clmln , fti and Btitehnd c.25c tured , ouch as W. n. , n. & ( } „ Schilling. that manufactured
In early titj(3. ( l ) , Jeweler'ii price $10.0) Worth 00 c. Dr. Warner's , W. C. C. , Kllto , Loomer's , are to sell
Kabo. American Lndy , etc. Tl.cte lines at these prices. in
The AMERICAN are They come
earlySpring YANKEE WATCH , warrantLi OH Military Bolts complete lu , .
every style elze. In Ions
, every
Spring . eel QUO year , a perfect time pleco PM.\J\J the latest fad ahort and medium lengths , at Jl.OO , fl.23 , black , brown , English reds
Ladles' STERLING SILVER THIMBLES , each , 1.50 and | 2.00. and all the leading
The lovely bloom of newness U on thimble " ' representing n 1 1 spring
everything ment. easily In the our largest .Millinery und depart ( meat Inhllverwiiro e "StorUny1 are shoulng lac the ouch latest dobUus In Tea t-ct , Aftcr- sta'cs of the Union , $1,00 , $1.25 , $1.50 , $2.00 shades every pair is guaran
In Omaha. ninncir tots. Chocolate Sets. Nut IlouU , Uako Ilnskni * . PuiUlliiK UuUurs , CO styles to select teed to fit and fitted
NUi | TourcoiiB. llruart Trays nnd all the lutcn novelties , ut luilf jewel from , 2c to Some Silk , by
Satin Corsets OS
ers' prices. and from $2 to
81.00. J5.00. expert glove fitters.
Millinery Opining 16th and Douglas
Of this season \vl 1 take place In a I
fiw days. Due notice will be glxcn. Omaha.
Watch for It , for to miss seem ; cur I .
Openlnx Millinery Show In al ! Its
oompletcneR ? , beauty and Rlory
woul I be to forego cno of the great
est s'trhts ot the year.