ffr\ : ' " "f xSII _ II "J THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.PAGES 17 TO 24. ESTA3JLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , MAECH 20 , 1898 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. "TIT PRETTY SOUVENIRS FLORAL l < DECORATION best tailors and manufacturers MAMMOTH most elaborate trimmings , Come and admire , even though you have no thought of buying. SPRING OPENING Grand ' / LADIES' ' , ' * Opening MISSES' CHILD'S , ' DRESS GOODS SILKS ' Ladies' Fine Tailor Made MEN'S ' MONDAY , TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY SUITS COSTUMES ISIew Dress Goods , , At our Hosiery Department A matchless assembling of high class fabrics , plain and DRESS will be found the very best New Laces , In all the latest . The . SKIRTS that made in staple , fancy weaves up-to-date colorings. Spring beauties arc all here. , things are Covcrte , broadcloths , whipcords , bayadere stripes , dentclles , prunclles , poplins , silk mix and fancy hosiery. Every Embroidery tures , cheviots , Henriettas , etc. , etc. A few Hems at random will show that , as usual , our prices ore the lowest. i , I TEA GOWNS pair that we sell at this de partment is guaranteed in and Veiling Bpcclnl offering of 100 pieces , 38 Inch 40-Inch Dress Goods ALL WOOL FRENCH VI60REAUX every way. Hoyelty No At Lace will other All the lovely assortment so complete and no other styles so perfect and our department Icvely - < of tprlng Kreen coloring and olil , rose mixture - , shades of gray , new tan. spring mode exclusive , No other prices as low as ours. The style , quality and COTTON Ladles' HOSE HerniBdorf , made dye with fast double black solca MACO and be found all the newest things brown and tan , blue , white and Illuminated colors , mix price features of this department starid unrivalled in Omaha . spliced l.cls , at 19c , 25c and 30c pair. that are shown in plain and nnd red , etc. Goads worth and tures heliotrope of blue and , etc. gray ; value , tan 25c fancy laces. Some of the 19c 39c GOc ; Opening uargaln G3c. Opening sale price most dainty patterns in cream 4C-lnch Import 62-Inch and black silk chantilla , silk Ladlca' lisle thread fast black and French Novelty Curls French Broadcloths tan. al.'o . French FANCY PLAID AND STHIl'BD applique , silk blond , silk gui choice colorings , pale blue nil the new shades of blue , HOSE , at 39c , 49c. C9c cud 93c pair. pure Jace and all widths of and ' gray , green and blue , green.-gray , tan , mordore , 39c 49Q 69c 98c plaited , Normandy and French Valon- ta'n nnd gray heliotrope nnd cicnnes , not top orientals , point Giwc , Nile , etc. , etc. , nil brown , etc. , etc. , good d'Aloncon green up point , point Arubo , not top to date , woith Jl.W per yd. values for J1.23 ; Opening Especially Attractive . . ' nnd Children' * fast black andjan cluny lace.ni'd a full line of insertions hi Opening sale price sale pi Ice JL ' v j ' i - - ' -o * - , r , ' < , pain fine ribbed , 'meillirium rlfibed nnd 1)1- ) black , cream and ecru. In this depart CYCLE HOSE at 10 ? , 15c and 25s pair. ment yon will find all the latest For 75o , We purchased from the manufacturer , while in Nev York" the choicest most in fact very , , stylish , novelties in lace at about half other French Poplins , fine quality of Covert At 51.25 and $1.75 the highest priced ready made suits to be found in that city. lOc 15c 25c Btoro's.prices . , from . lo to the very llnoat at $2.00 pur yard. In gray , blue , castor , olive. In fact all the new colorings SILK AND WOOL NOVELTIES We are showing some elabor " Men's Half Hose , la fast black nod tan , ings , also whl'pcords , all at ? 5c In Bayadere , Brocaded and Jacquard effect1 ? , ately At $25 French checks , and balbrlggan LISLK , THREAD fancy plaid HOSE , stripes , at lOc and , New Spring Styles 73o yard , actua'ly worth lit all the newest combinations ot colorings , 12 c , 19c , 25c , 39e and 40o pair. $1.30 worth up to ? 3.DO yard. Embroidered Chiffon A large variety of IOC , I2JC , I9c , 25c , 39c , 49c Embroidery BLACK are in high favor We Wo guarantee to save you In this dcpnrt- In this department will be are showing GOODS few Trisnmsd Silk Costumes a exceptionally ment 25 per cfat on all guaranteed goods. this ' \inod found of vor season. tionally fine , " > Silkinod Throughout some the very finest with all the newest effects ' ' Embroideries and Insertions in and LADIES' MISSES' , For 29c For , strictly 3ic ) plain black ideas , Embroidery Trimmed CHILDREN'S AND BOYS' Nainsook , Swiss , Jaconet and A i Wool Skirts and Waists Black MOHAIR BRILLIANTINE On Clcthabd , Hamburg. They are in all iSacquards Whipcord , satin burbot * Sale tja styles , widths and patterns and Mack fl < * brilllantincs juequardH , etc , worth 75o either fly front reefer style or uro , Henrietta Coiturnes. Our stock Is now complete In all the new in match sets. We are showing Oponintr price 29e yard. . yard , opening price , yard at . open blouse front suits. things for early spring wear. In long and some of the finest high class Abort elcevo balbrlsgan , medium and light For 50c yd exceptionally fine 75c for 50-inch weight JERSEY KIUBED VESTS and I'ants , embroideries that were ever German Henri- at 5c to 50c each. put on sale in the west , at ettas Imported , Drap d' ' etes - Prunelle Gioih SPECIAL SALE "CARPETS 5c to SOo Each from lOc to 49c yard. etc. all in this lot . $1.00 quality , opening - , granite , , new 75c Many ore worth up to $1 yd. goods , at 75c yard. . in jm YARl ) ing price 50c yard. . Infants' spring weight all wool VESTS u * Smith's ' AND WRAPPERS at 23c , 3Dc and 50c each. from HIP t imp Mnnr lUli Axminster worth 01 ffl ) 44-Inch Bayadere Stripes , mohair and Moquette Carpets 25c 39c 50c * PU riPU dollar yd a QltVU French poplins , brocaded drap d' alma. with or without border , the regular $1.25vkind , in all the new ' Ladles' LISLE THREAD VESTS AND alQQ Pure Silk and Wool Priest this season's patterns , over 50 patterns to select from , PANTS , 25o and 50c. L VEILING Dept. 4 > | vv i > - n go Monday at only S5c yard 25c and 50c At our Veiling Department 9 ) Manufactured in Bradford - Sanford's and Roxbury ten wire g * r sail lord ' s all wool faced will be found all the latest ford .England . Thcso nre pure silk and wool In n variety of styles , bro tapestry carpet , regular OUc kind , all 75n , Ladles' long and short elccvo UNION 1898 styles in volllngs by the yard , in caded grenadine effects , silk Jucqunrds , Melrosa ; beautiful . for ladles' now patterns , go at Coo yard OOC Tapestry Carpet , regular .Monday only kind 47Jc ! SUITS In cotton and llslo thread , from 25c Chonilld Spot , Silk Illusion , Silk Brus entire .33 costumes , separate sklrin , or waists , worth J2.50 yard. Opening to 59c each ; worth up to $1.00. sels Not in plain and fancy weaves , also Good union Strictly all wool I" ft . Go.xl heavy strlucd Jute Carpet , a full line of ready-mado Veils with bor Ingrain Carpet INGRAIN CARPET 5)UC worth 19u yard , go ut llcyunl lie 25c to 59c Worth up . tea ders , in sill ; and wash blonds , ranging in NEW heavy , worth 75c , go at oOc yard . . * * " * * a dollar. price from lOo up to 81.00. PARIS SILKS very quality lust year's patterns , Very heavy WOOL ' Venetian Stair Carpet74c Ladies' plain and fancy SILK VESTS , last season they sold CARPET , the regular handsomely ellk trimmed , 39c , , From at 40c C9c EXCLUSIVE SHOWING AND SELLING at 4jo and , tomorrow at MONDAY , TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. go ttdc kind. 3'Jc yard Straw Matting lOc I2c I5c 9Sc each. A RECORD BREAKING SILK BARGAIN GRAND ISPEOIAL OFFERING 39c 49c 69c 98c . J1.50 yard for p heavy COO pieces black of , brocaded exceptionally nllk , batin stripcJ Block Plaids5 Over 6000 Fairs all kinds of Velvet and nlao tafTtttas and other fan ombre plaids and stripes , 1.50 Dress cy silks In brocaded effect ? . over 1,0.0 yards of satin These Nottingham Lace Curtains a I changeable combinations , paa. ! ! ! These arc all new . every for our yard Op-nlng worth sale Jl.OO , , yird but : them fresh sale at only novelties $1.00 one per , pittern yard. many , on of are all in soft lacey effects , regular Brussels 0 . Trimmings foi > ew Black Silk Grenadines in Bayadere patterns and worth up to § 5.00 a pair ; they goon sale At this department no are able to uavo KID GLOVE DPt Monday for the first time at § 1.50 a pair. Thisis the most you about 33 > / & pcv cent cu all h.'gh class checks worth , A Pair worth Will stripes or , 1. Opening price , gooda. be found all the well phenomenal curtain offering we have ever made 1. up to $5,00 \Ve will sell > ou SILK VELVET for 11.00 known brands and best makes for the best $ | ,25 FANCY WAIST SILKS including all colors yard that sells everywhere eUe for $1.60. All kinds of MOHAIR IIIIA1U3 In plain of Kid Gloves that are manu 69c ors of changeable taffetas , satin duchesso , in all the and fancy colors , jet and Irrldcscfat trim- m In Ed , pain and fancy llk applique trim factured. Gloves for street new colors , turquoise , burnt orange , etc. also black. mings. In fact everything that IB ae\v In the On account of the great reduction In trimming Hue will be found at this depart wear , evening wear , dress 39c 39o for a 7ocqtmlltv of 25cfor Changeable Brocade by the manufacturers of the Waltham price and made gin We show the most complete ment . ahvajo at the very lo\\C3t postlble gloves and party gloves. PLAID SIIKS , all ' movements , we will soil Monday , ( rontb1 Wal line of Ladles' Gold and Silver Girdles , prices. snitablo fur linui'rs or wnst ! . SilhS , new combina'ns tham , both jeweled and plain , at half seven jVvol movements , with the celebrated - . regular Our Specials at ted Due'our eao , at $3.3i > , positively worth 87.00. price. At Our CORSET DEPT. . Pine KU1IN MUVEMENTffwItli Leather Belts New Sang goldTnlnd Uuobcrp A , case" . Including aontH'Jtnllcd I'lato Chain , iD4 Wo Boll the boat dollar f. po-jlUyely ' wcirth fO.o'j. . . . * 500 styles to se cortct manufacturea. LADIES' 0 sr/.E'WAI/ffnTM fl /H lect from Ladies' tllleil cotil c-isuii , ii iranteed for 10 years , Tftll / s At this department you will fln < l all the . poslnvuly north tlg.M . tJVr * elegant Seal Leather new shapes end lengtha In 1SOS models of the In this department wo nre showing ' /IC. bHtln finished cases , with 7 Jewel fine i Dolts , lined 25c best brands of Corsets that are manufac Wo consider the best gloves thu newest nnd movt dainty designs AniBrlcun iiioYeiuonts , Incliidl.ig line plated clmln , fti and Btitehnd c.25c tured , ouch as W. n. , n. & ( } „ Schilling. that manufactured In early titj(3. ( l ) , Jeweler'ii price $10.0) Worth 00 c. Dr. Warner's , W. C. C. , Kllto , Loomer's , are to sell Kabo. American Lndy , etc. Tl.cte lines at these prices. in The AMERICAN are They come earlySpring YANKEE WATCH , warrantLi OH Military Bolts complete lu , . , every style elze. In Ions , every Hats. Spring . eel QUO year , a perfect time pleco PM.\J\J the latest fad ahort and medium lengths , at Jl.OO , fl.23 , black , brown , English reds Ladles' STERLING SILVER THIMBLES , each , 1.50 and | 2.00. and all the leading The lovely bloom of newness U on thimble " ' representing n 1 1 spring stamped everything ment. easily In the our largest .Millinery und depart ( meat Inhllverwiiro e "StorUny1 are shoulng lac the ouch latest dobUus In Tea t-ct , Aftcr- sta'cs of the Union , $1,00 , $1.25 , $1.50 , $2.00 shades every pair is guaran In Omaha. ninncir tots. Chocolate Sets. Nut IlouU , Uako Ilnskni * . PuiUlliiK UuUurs , CO styles to select teed to fit and fitted NUi | TourcoiiB. llruart Trays nnd all the lutcn novelties , ut luilf jewel from , 2c to Some Silk , by Satin Corsets OS ers' prices. and from $2 to 81.00. J5.00. expert glove fitters. Millinery Opining 16th and Douglas Of this season \vl 1 take place In a I fiw days. Due notice will be glxcn. Omaha. Watch for It , for to miss seem ; cur I . Openlnx Millinery Show In al ! Its oompletcneR ? , beauty and Rlory woul I be to forego cno of the great est s'trhts ot the year. PROPRIETORS.