Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1898, Part III, Page 19, Image 19

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Harper's Wrokly Expert Reviews tlie
Situation Oritiwilly ,
< > | i | > nlllnti nlvi-n nn In-
u ; tin * Olixlni i'li'w In III *
< ) iTronii- lit I ln > I
uf Onliloor > | i rl .
Caspar II Whitney will present In the next
Itsuo of Harpfr's Weekly a very thorough
artlrlo on "The Athletic Need of the Ml -
iiourl Vnlltj " Prom advance proofs of this
article the /allowing Is furnished. In the
HKiln his criticisms aocm fair. Had the
article been written on November 30 instead
of September 30 Mr. Whitney could hn\e
ndded considerable evidence to the Indlct-
nulit o pa in st. the Kansas university foot
ball turn. Ho cites several Instances or
vidatlon of the amateur code of cthlca by
that tcoiu In the ( ) lalng of old players.
Oca wonders what he would have said had
be been at Kansas City vv'.icn Mosse , the big
guard , war taken from the game against the
Medical university eleven , and In his foot
ball pants wuro found great pieces of lion.
Or what he would have said when ho learned
that Coarh Woodruff of that team said
that such a practice wax all right and would
bo : omimui1ed by any competent foot La 11
critic ? The article , nearly In Us entire
form. Is itoroduced heiowltb.
N.iturtlly the Missouri vnlley Is not ntb-
Ictlt'iillj Inclln il , unil although tlu-ro arc live
busv , prjsp.'rous c-ltlcs on tlie il\er e'ounull
IlluilH , Omiihn , St Joseph , Kansas City , St.
Ixiuls and uinli | > upiiortitnlty for wpoit ot
cver > ilPHc-rlptlon In point of fact there Is
ICM ' of It than In any other p.irt of tno
I'li'ted ' Btntes vvborp Mlmllnr fnellltli-s ofToi
The iclatlon or cilltuiu to u MU ( -
cmsful life. tliL- modern Inturpi edition of
iiiftis HIIIIU In urpore sunu , bus al > 3oltitel >
no tiKiiiili hiicn for the avi-r.igL' .MltHuiu lui
Hu Is liicllni'il to vlrw all time Hpcnt awa >
from the "itoie" .is wasted , and to look
upon pti > telaxatlons of anv kind as
soiiii'thlni ; to be put a lile with Hi-liooUlaja
nnd marhlus
I Hh.ill alw.iys remombiT my Hrst encoun
ter vvitn Mistourliin InioliM IIILO of liealthttil
H | > il It followed upon in ) I'lidivivoiH to
organize n toboggan chili ( in one of I hue
I'ltlus , when- I was wlnttrln about ton
yeius > IKO ) , and to i ilsienutiiih moni'y to
build a.H'.lilf It took two months of 1011-
tlnlloiisUitul most Impoi tunate rffjrt to ui-
KiinlJ'.caliolul ) and to ral e thu $ MD ) nerd-
Mil for ItM 6qulpmi nt The .slide ( umplotuil ,
ami th' oxbllnr.'itluii of the spoil Known ,
however , there v. is not a i-luli member who
fulled to uv Ml hlm elf of nls Htock privl-
le'rfe'i. TTO MI'-xjiirl in Is further pi one to
musiur | ruling in an ilinoiplu ro that Is all
rorlilildliiK ami but moio of tin
tbnn nut In' Is it In irt one of the li st ot
follows , nnd when his Ideas coiu'ei nlliK the
utlili-M of M > oit aio ck.n , amoiiK the most
loyal of sj.oilsmon.
He tiiinod .ils face against the modern
nthlctle inovemtiitvhcn llrst It t inched
the .Ml-jsouil vnlloy , he scotilecl the Idea
that system ttlc tialnlng of ttio nitisolos
Icoi'iH tin- brain cleai and clean anil tin-
bod.v hiMlthful and vlr.oiDUS , ho denounced
foot bill as .mil the blc-jelo no pro-
el ilmed .IK \ihlile of the dovll This vva
about ulglit jc-ats .igo and oven no moro
thin tlitoi' > oarti nco In yoino Mcctloiih foi
thpio ne curt.iln pirls of thl.illey where
moil , in id * , is fall upon Mullo .soil and
vvhc-io llnii-honoiiid pruludlc-es aie upheld
with nnoiiltuicil pel tin ic-lty. Only U\o ye.ns
ago a slttf li Islamicwnose sympatli >
with aesthetic piogioHs leaehed no fiutlic-i
Hi in It tonceinc-cl the most fattening feed
foi hoKH dlseiisxcd a I iw prohibiting fool
bill , .in I voiild hue in id" such a one but
foi tin lad that the Slule university eleven
bad reason bei n soundly tinunc Jd b\
n s'lstor st itc tinlvoislty leim , and the hon
oitihle cdiu jtlonul number : * tlnusjil It best
to poitpano i roscilptlun of tbo tf.ime until
\lctoiv losteit vslth tin ir unlvoiitlt > teim
Hut this doji not stand for enlightenment
ilt the \iilh \
has made Its vv.i > blovvly , It Is true ,
but much tasloi than one vv juld Imvo HUP
r - in cd , taking Into eon-lderatlon tiho innount
of li oii } to tin Mn.iiiro nilio. MUsour.
v illc-y bo > ' ) who have ono east to collito
have bn litjht b u-K the lo = soiis ot Whole
some spit loirnod at Ino alma matei i ,
and eiihttfin men who hive accepted west
ern eolliB-1 l > rolcs"iishlp * ba\o planted the
prod of w boh some j-port That this seed
ling- has not Imjilabl } has Indeed , onlj
oic isloiiallj levviiidod the solleltuile with
v. blob It was phi n ted and tno onio bestowed
upon Hi oirlv nourishment Is not to lij"ac
cepted In token of fallnie. nor could jin\-
lous jirlde ilvi way to dlsconrarement and
ch iiiln.
Tli it tbeic Is any amateur tpoit In the
MiSHoiiri \ illej attest.s the lium.iii
Intel < rst and benellcence In the modern ntn-
loilc movomeiil , vshlch Is too stiong to fili
held back by piovlni-lal piejuillce ; that
iiomi * . most , of the poi t Is wholesome If
duo to the mill iKgliif ; Interest and dibits Ifof
the nujoiltv of Ameiliaii boys. 1 he ofU
oi , inl7i'il uiniiteiii poit of the Missouri
\allcy was vij picpiil > at the colleges '
but , vci > Impiopcrly , It was not of n whole
some character
Tiose won- the dajs of the Kansas , Itulcnr
nt'ilaBbbiun colb . < ; ' tilaiigiilnr league
which liotan In I\S ! > and , 1 believe , cx-
ttiuKd to 1VJ , vvben It was mice-ceded b >
the liesdit foil -OJi i in-red lo.muo , which Is
iiumbeud by the sute unlvci.sltlcs of Kan
sas. .Missouri , Nebraska and Iowa. The
titaniul- i IIMKIIC eoiu-c-incil Itsoll mar.
v.l.h the \\lniiliiK of font ball games tb. i
with tbo liiiiluntliK | ) of a Healthful .srlilt
Teums wcie. In uoiiroiiuence , got toKother
with tin main puipos. of winning Kolol } In
\ltvv ] ' ikei unlveisity , being left out Inor
III ? fom-coinoied It-ague , .set out as u tlee
laiii-o In isl'l ' with a.s titioug a team as OfIt
total dlaniiurd of the ethics of am.itmr
.spoil v. 'Hid p ° imlt , and defeated about
every cb-ven em ounleiod. The folowlnt
your the faculty of ll.ilor ttnlvoMllv IK.T-
Iii'tuatod Homn oharnc'oi ' Istlcally .Mlssouil
vallev k i"litlon by fuiblddliiK foot hull lu
st id of fiappluK ) with the pi ) -inloii.illsiii
that llulr own connivance In thu beginning
nnd Indlffi lencc toward the last had per
mitted , even cnoouraKod , to thrive. Ot
thd Itimniiv Hake i clovnu - have not
h nrd tin- end cvon to till * day. It has left
Its piofesNlonnl tinll In widely 8 ° -uatpcl i
dlMtrlctij and Iboio has been mich | ilHtuib-
nntv' In collt-ue athletic circles nt illffcietil
times bc'iaupe of name of Its best plavers.
Athl lie uctlvilj In Hi JIl-HOUli valUy Is
ronllmd almost exoluslvoly to the colli-Kos
U Is an IIIUHtiatiin of the lack of sporting
s-l.lrlt In thlH hcctlun Hint thcieIs not one
iitblullc club deseivbiK mention as n me0 [
liilioicr In the caut-o of honest amat tii
upoit. KiiiHUH CIi > and St. JoHeph havi-
1K > athletic club ul1 any di < crltln | , though
cacib IUIH a thorouKhlv apprei luted Vouiu ;
Mon's Cbllftttiji AuHCclntioii nyiiiiiaHliini
which heio does tb j"od woik for tbo
montiil and muiul welfare of JOUIIK men .lull
do n wlieiever It Is loiatod. Omnha pre
tends to an uthc-tlc ! club , tint It Is haidl >
hfaid of at' home , much Itss abi mil.
St I.ouls has .sh.imcfullj abused Its op-
porlunltlet ) . H ban had two t-xcellent clubs
within live > eais and both panned Into
ntliliitlo deca > beiause their olllclnls vvcio
wniitllig In g. indue wnoloooniii amateur
npli It nnch at ono time held gameH and
WIIH well .support , il , onu bad a handKonie
club lioiiHt- and fni a time ombitod the
Sunday " .sporting" element , the other was
dDiiilnnU'd fiom the very boclnnliiK by the
nnd Iiotli full Into ; among tne right
j > ort of people beuitihe of It. An effort Is
now malvliiK to icvlvo one of these c-HibM ,
( jut inr.e n tla- Sunday sportlii' ; clement Is
c.iHt out , success will not rovvurd Its njion-
BI rs ,
KniiK.iH Clt > IHIH novei had nn athletic
club , to my Know ledge , though It linn fol
lowed the lend of IU olili-t rival down the-
liver nnd pstnbllsbed n country club wltb
n very excellent golf link of nlno boles
Kan.i.iH City , too , IUIH just Indulged In Its
Hist lioi show wbli-li VV.IH most credita
ble affair In quality nf exhlbllii und quantity
of exhibitors nnd -
xtu-ctutorH. Her e slows
nie no novelty In Mlspouil , liowevcr , for the
Htnte liohlH I know not how many f.ilia dnr-
IIIR the year , nt vvblcb lioro Is the chief
ntlnietlon und prlnclpil topic of conversa
tion. Besides , ever ) other Mtatiotirlan loves
n good horse nnd knovvx ine when , ie HCPH
It , Still horse Hhows on thn modern plan
aie new In Kansis City , nml peihaps they
miRpcat n new era In xport generally ,
I doubt , howevir. If nrhletlo cltilw will
thrive at KiinsiiH Clt > , Omaha or St. Jo-
for Bt-vernl icurB to come , oi , to be
Homewlmt more drllnlte , until the Kchoola
have developed sulilclnit nthletlo Into cat
to mnUc uci clubs pnsul' ' ) ! ? If the coming
live years mark tbo pronu-jH In this dl-
recllm re-coidcd In the hint live then within
that time may we look for the establish
ment of such clubs. I somntlmcs thlnVc It
\vould be well for the cause of nmntciir
Bport vvi-ip there let bu no nthletlo clubs
until a clearer conception of Its ethics Is
Mini by the clns of men usually responsi
ble for their orK-iinlrntlon , The clulm at
uresent In rvUti > nce vvhlcli miy : bo said not
D bo a positive mcniii-i ) to healthful fort \
niu HO few that they may be counted on
thu lingers of onu hand However , that will
nil bo hottei'd by-and-by. Mtiintlmc the
popular conciptlon of tbo cthlca ofMinnleur
Murt IH growing clt-urcr and more vvholc-
xrimo. One muut miiko the complete ! tour
of tbero I'nltrd Slut's , a I twlc ? liavr ,
to rcully atipreclxto t > ie Knit Impr vinent.
or I uttouM say the treat upread of Knov.l-
[ IK on tlki.i mibj'-et In thd la * ' h iif dir.itt
luihoiiKh nlhleMp i Inl.s In Ih' MlMonrl
Miliiy nri nn liir < in f-fiiPiitlMl | fm tor in thr
nthlotliHltmitlon , yt-l then-nrp iimny tPiiniH
nnd tniub pl > otitufile ( lip c-ntlrvm In NPml
brirku , MlHsoiirl nnd lown , but ( xirili-ulHrly
In Knnttns Within the piKt t o ycnrs Ihi-
> v ( r-prpiwnt rivalry bi-iwrpn tovvnn of the
minejitme nnd the unwin * sporting uplrit.
ImVf mullril In the urn miration of town
foot ball clevi-lm nnd Imsc ball nlnt-s , which
hav < pi.ijrd on > niiothur not. however. In
any pnprrlnl ord-r oi under any IpnRiif's
Hii plcp . Thene ienmn are not profoiinionnl .
, they prptpnil to Ho niimtetir , anil
nie sto fi.r thf most pirt. The b na tide
resident * of the town nr depfiided upon to
sutiply tie tPiim with ciindidateii , but the
custom of pcrsuudlnB nn expert to tem-
porury re-Mdenro U not untisinl efpcelnlly
If the liume talent falls to equal MP'etnIhoi
tlons nnd the rlvnlry runs high The e
tennis iitpnrently ) owe nlle liincp to no usI.
zoclntlon ; they follow the phiylnx rules of
thev - .strn colliges , hut th'tr ctblcM uro
Individual , nnd to the eastirn m I nil , tttilquc.
The reed of these sc.ioolH nnd the nciM
tbrniiKhout the collegi's of the .Missouri
vnl ! < y Is much cloaer fuciilty supei vision
In Home Insl.inces , imd In otherH hon MI
faculty Intention. It Is n fact f-nt Home
faculties In this section hnve deliberately
lived thi'lr foot lull initns as u nipalia of
advertising thr-lr colleges It la entirely
true , nnd nbundnnt evidence supports Inc
Htntcnipiit , thut some of the college presi
dents consider the winning of their team
paramount to the health of the K.IIIIO or
to tin- ethics of the te'im's personnel. The
rivalry between lUnto colleces and between
colleges of the same state is very ke'ii
This Is not to sny thill the ethlrs of csl
iitblotu-s In this section are Kenernlly bad.
The reverse IH tine , since Ibcy are f encr.xlly
quit" KJod. I'ncb one of the four slulp
iinlvpralllea hits made strenuous efforts to
belter Its Hport nnd clear Us athletic nt-
mospht'ie of Impurities , and eiicli bus had a
priitlfylng degree of siiccuss. Nevertheless.
evidence Is every now and again forthcom
ing of a Inxltv of faculty supervision , which
in nulls of Hie return of ono ot man foot
bill plttvcrn on very easy terms for them.
Sometimes the Inducement comes from locnl
iiliimnl , Hometlmes It comes as the result
of a Htibserliulon which the locil trnd'cnieii
without co'.lcKe alllllatlons and the local
aliiiiTnT w'lnVoiit etlVlcal"a' > n e' lm\t- jointly
rnlHi-d. Sne-h maneiivi-rlng Is not the rule ,
but the exception , which proves that occa-
alons d3 nrltu when more rcsolutj oppoil-
lion by fnculllcs would be timely nnd hene-
Tlie duty of high school principals and of
colli-Ke fiicultles In the Mlssouil valli v Is
plainly nmrked out. It Is to stop t' se
lapses Into profcsslot allsm , and to educate
tlulr pupils along the lints of nonc-st iimn-
te-nr sort | ntblcal Ignorance Is dense and
widespread , and must be enlightened If tin-
Htnndaril of amateur spori In the .Mlssouil
vatlpy Is to reach tKil inlsed , a little
fnither ( MHt. at the Iu idliw unlversltl s of
thu middle wist The Iowa colleges app ir
lo have maintained tbo hlqbi-n Bland. ml
of UIOM * In Hie Missouri \aliev s.cllon , and
Ihe only leim to h.ivcbeon fiom llrst to
last above ciltlclsm Is that of the Has-keU
Indian tc-.iool , which puts fortber > goad
te-iinis In both base bill nnd , foot bill
Tinmosi notable Impiovcmi-iit in nie 1 > >
111 = colleges of this BPctlon since my Insl
vlsll. iwo years ago , Is In the now almost
( .eiieial .iliinilonment of the pine-tire of
plivliiK co.ithi-s us icgnlnr members of Hi-
( .ollege foot ball teams. A limit rule of
four yours bits nlso been maiKb > the col-
liKts of the foiir-cortipiod state leimio
Both lic-so lilies are filrlv well rcspocted
The mosl Important uilc , however , to
heiilthfill college snoit-l. u. . a sohularshlp
st.imhud which uthletes must malntiln to
bi > eligible to an > tentn Ins nit > ot been
adopted. This and a one jc-ar's residence
till" an- sorely needed , cspecl'illy wnoie
sueb an Institution Is to bo encotiutoied as
the I'nlveislty i.Mi-dlcal rollogo of .Mis ouil
The ' 97 eleven of this college Is tin extreme
illustration of the course of spoi t In this
section , white faculty supei vision Is lax , m ,
as In this case , eiitlrolv wanting On the
team I H.HV wore Holler and Te'iil'i ' ton ,
both professionals , as is well known In the
went And liiil Met , tuo of Iself , Is nn-
olhcr Illustration of faetiltv tolcianoc- .
line .iro tliosp ivvo men , we-11 Vnown to
hiive coichod foi money , and to bo what
we of the east call foil ball loundeis , and
jot they me permitted to phi > without n
vvoid of protest Horn any one of Hie Ho\onl
Mlssouil valley college picsldcnls who pio-
fiss much eaincstness In their wisa to i.ilse
the seii"i il athletic tone.
The lippiosslon 1 ti-lnlti most vlvldlv aa
tbe result of my piescnt visit to the .Mis
souri vnlloy Is the evident and piesslnfj de
sire tint the teams b' ( ibovi- nil ) winning
one * This desire , so urgent tbat It I ) comes
llrst Intention , sweeps ttrouKh the tiwn.
ilinniil , undorginduatcs , and , except vv.'ioio
Us numbers are most resolute , through t' ' > .
i.uultlos It Is ovbU-iucd larKolj in th
ictuin of old players , and In the effort- .
made to sr-curu tlu-lr iititin. And this Is
iippuont at some unlvrisltios wh ° re , I a-n
convinced , the genoial trend Is , whole-some ,
pud the faculty desirous of milntalnlng
neiiithfitl spart. Kansis unlvei'lty for in-
htance , l..ns a piesldent who It- fully In sym-
nnth\ with clc in sport , and works contin
uously In that direction. But whether lie
Is outvoted In the faculty or outwitted I bv
Tliunnl and tbo undertiiaduates. It is a fact
Hint too many old plajeis lettirn to Kan
sas apinrentlj for foot ball at least such
Is Imprisslon Kl\en by the exploitation
if men like OnlneH and Hammlll ,
G.ilnes pHjo.1 In ' ! 12 and ' 91 'with ' Baker ,
' ! ) ! he- loft college 'if. pi iycd for K insa * .
' % ho settled In business , and now In 9. ,
bo Is back again at Kaiibas. ll.immlll !
pbijed ' ! > 3 and ' 91 vltb Kansas , In 'ill he
Joined the notorious Ottawa Athletic club ! ' ,
> 'i nc ii-turned to Kansas , and In %
tapt lined tl'var lty eleven. At the open
ing of the pie oiit yeni thoiei vvc-ie no old ,
plnjcis tutiirned , whereupon Woodiuff ( e\-
ri-niisylvanla guard and present K-xnst.i-
i o ipb ) sot forth on a recruiting taur , ami
n turned with about ha'f a dozen of the
old men Na c inon of the ethics ofport
imi > have boon violated In all this , but II
looks sti'-'pioloUF ' , and , | Ahat Is > ot more
i.iprohenslb'e. It oxeits a tiuly dc moralizing
Inlliienco on .Missouri valley college aport.
Of the quality of foot ball and bis < > ball , It
Is much Improved , although coiHderabl )
below the jjride iilayed at Chlcigo an I
Jllcbltraii unlvoisltles. Base ball does not
atlr.iclo much as fool ball , and track
at ill lies draw but attention
Hai h of tbt. four stale universities h is a
Hi Id-day , but there Is no meeting.
Tlie font bill Is too fiequently tin-
rough I. o , slugging Is too
prominent In. Important ir ime . This Is bc-
i-insu of the ciudlt.v of the playeis and the
lack of decision on the part of the umpires
Oood olIlclnlK nreorv haul to set. and
poor olMclil ire plentiful and demoralizing.
1 Ispuli.s off the field of plav nro giatlfy-
ItiRly Infrequent , bchcdiiles nnd discussions >
ever rnlos belli ? settled well In advance. nsA
most healthful condition.
Ilcally t o sltiiitlon In the MI'Fourl vnlley
Is nn si liope-ful , but It cannot rivm iln
ht.illonai v. nitlur It imust change for heir
< ivoivo , If Iho faculties continue Indlftcrenl
or Impotent , or It imiist Improve Imnionsur-
ibly If the faculties and school prlnelp lUt
exert authority and Inllueiue authorltj to
Insist on t-omo 11001104 ! revision of rults mil
their enforcement , Inlluenco lo insllll mln
bLiitlmetit of sport foi its own Bake.
\sr 11x1,7 ] AM > f'nosiMiii'y. ;
KhiK < > f ( iiniK-N Si-oiiiM In lln ; < - lUt It
OPT .Mlh " ( Inieiiiiiil. . "
It Ii becoming very apparent that the gen
eral Impetus that has recently been acquired
b\ business enterprises Is extending to base
ball and tluit the season of 1S9S will be one
of ( he most notnble In the history of the
game. Prom evorj quarter come assurances
of cxtMordlnary Interest in base ball arid -
falis and base ball organizations are extend
ing and mulHplvIng In a manner that prom-
IrcH a verltn.lile boom In this department mof
out of door sport While base bill may still
be classed as a sport It Is none thu less a
lecoznlzcd and legitimate business enter
prise It Is governed by the same condi
tions which Inlluenco other business pursuits
and nn thct > e depends In a large meabure
the question of profit cr 10 = 3 ? The most siib-
sianilal support Uiat base ball clubs receive !
comc-3 from the business element of the com
munities that they entertain. When business
men arc bard pressed and when men are un.
omplojfd or working for reduced salaries
the most astute management cannot keep the
pate receipts up to a profitable figure This
has been abundantly demonstrated during
the last two or three years and the fact has
been distorted In some quarters 4o Indicate
that the game was losing its place In popular
regalii ! and that It must sooner or later bo
succeeded by some popular form ot athletics
Hut the error of this conclusion ls now ap
parent. As opportunities for employment
have multiplied Interest In the game hag
been renewed In localities where It had ap
parently disappeared and new organizations
are bprlnglug up with the most gratifying
prospects of success.
While the magnates of the big leagues are
anticipating an especially profitable season
the most significant feature of the situation
Is the gicat Interest that Is being developed
In minor leagues This U In evidence In al-
u.ost every state In the union and scarcely
a week paxsea which dors not chronicle a
forward irovement along this line. Doth the
New England and Southern leagues are con
sidering thn aSOHIon of two new cities to
make an eight club le-aguu a mil the step teems
to bo warranted by the situation , The
Southern league piopoaes to take In Augusta
and MootKMii'ry , vvbllu Lowell and -Manches
ter are candidates for admission to the Now
Unelaud cigaultatlpri , The New York State
league In an assured fact , with a member-
fihil > ce-mpokeil of enju.of | tto | hustling towns
In tie central part Jirilhor state , and a nalarr
limit of J900 or Jl.OOO. The SlIeM n
IOHRUO | v III tihilnuhlnlly lie merged Into n
more prt'etillou * niRitnlrAtlnn li whlth . * <
Innw ; llty city nint Port Huron will Join will )
j tiOiKloii nuelpli n > l > Hamilton 1o form All
IniprnaMonnt lfniue Propft-lii for it Tcxnn
league art nnld to bo promMlng , nnd even In
Florida | | there In an excellent prospfr-t tlirtt n
league . _ ; will ! H > orKnnltPd Thp mine eontllc8i
\ tlons , obtain In a dwpn other Mate * In vhlrh
} {
the prosper ) ! * for mioco fiil hi no hnll on .1
small se.ile nre tempting managers to beginet
the vvcrk of organisation.
. The prospects for SumMy bi o b-tll In New
Vork hive decidedly Im.iroved anil It l now
leertod ' that the ucfplo I" that city who
, i have ' to work six day * In the week will boi
( allowed Hie opportunity to enjoy a couple of1
I hours of recreation on Sunday. If this proves
I. ! to . bo correct the question of Sunday b.ise
jbill : In the N'utlccMl league will be oractlrnlty
settled There Is no doubt that Ilroiltlyn
will follow the example of Manhattan and
Sunday Ramos next season would RO far to
cut down the $ . .0.000 deficit ! the nnanccs
of the club.
Omaha Is still on the anxious scat < ii Mr
as Its prospective mcmborahlp In the Western
teJguo Is concerned The widely quoted
rumor ! that Anson was to go to St. l < otilo
has received no official confirmation nnd Is
entitled to no more credence thin the usual
ni-n of winter gossip. In fact It Is not
credible that the Chicago management would
allow Anscn to go 'o ' another National league
city unless there h a decided , change In the
sltuntlcn and the promise of Von tier Ahc's
retirement Is another of thone bewhlskorcd
chestnuts that Iws been sprung BO repeatedly
Hal ' tie one icgards It as worth believing
The more reliable authorities Insist that If
Anscti leaves Chicago It will be to take
charge of a Western league club In Omaha
nnd whether thla turns out to bo the best
guess or not It Is good enough to be held
InJO happy anticipation until there Is sonic
tool reason for hying It on the shelf
Meantime Omaha seems to have nothing else
to * do but to prsscss Itself In sub patlcnco
is oosslble while the magnates work out the
MPIIH | > limit * .
St. IouU has traded Hilly Hart with IMtts-
burg for Pitcher Hughey and $1.800 In c'isti
A deal Is reported between Kansas City
cod Qulncy for the exchange at Ulll Kinsman
or rrlsblc.
President Young Is said to have 250 appli
cation * on nie for positions as umpires In t'Jc
National league.
Hilly Baker , who balls from Canada , Is the
litest addition to the pitching aggregation
of the Hock ford club.
An eight-club league las been oiganbcd In
Ohio with a schedule lasting from May 1" > to
September 1 The salary limit Is placed at
? rjO ( ) a month.
Hreltensteln Ins made only ono homo run
since ho began playing professional ball 1i 1
Meekln wao the victim , vvhcti ho was pitch i-
ing for Washington.
The New York club , after tucking away a
big surplus In the treasury , had enough
money left to declare n G per cent dividend
on the caolt-il stock of ? 230,000.
The question of a post-season scries be
tween the le-idlng clubs of the Eastern and
Western Icigues Is , being seriously discussed
U has boon a more or less unsettled question
which of theno organisations is entitled to
precc-deiico and It is contended that nothing
bi t an actual contest can settle It sitls-
> iii : < ; n KOWIYK covriiovnusji > .
IletMCM-u Yitle- mill Cor-
111-11 ( l > III * 'KOIIIMV ' Oil.
During the coming week negotiations looU-
I'lig ' toward a boat race next spring to be
participated In by the 'varsity crews of Co-
nell. Yale and Harvard will be renewed
They were susncnded during the Christmas
lecets of the students of nicsc universities
What the outcome will be Is merely con
jecture. Yale has emphatically expressed Its
preference lor the New London course and
Cornell has jurct as emphatically declared It
self against that course. The latter would
lirobibly be generally conclcn.ned for cpro.-
1ns : the choice of Yale were It not for the
f'ct that Itvon the Intercollegiate chaailon-
shlp last spring
Airopos the contro\ets > now being waged
In this natter tlie following letter frcm a
prominent athletic advisei of Cornell unl-
\eisltv to the E'.iortins ; editor of The Bee Is
of aomo interest. It Is us follows : "I
read jour article in Tbo neo of December
20 and it's Round , except tlat Harvard should
noi bo linked with Yale Harvard's atlltude
toward us Is entirely different fiom Yale's
Yale by the way , has merely expressed In
the challenge Its natural prefciences. I don'l
see much use In Jumping en it for tl at and
In Impugning Its motive , although we maj
suspect an ulterior design Nor do I see
any reason whj we should not quietly coirect
Its as3utritlons by Indicating our preference
J'HaiuT-d , on the other hand , iias chal
lenged us , without naming time or place
iOur relations with Haivard for the last few
years have been very pleasant In all branches
and It has given us the most satiGf'ictor )
private assuianccs for the future. Wo have
eveiy reason to distinguish between Harvard -
vard and Yale In this nutter. That the
u.idergruduatcs of bolh institutions are drift
'tig toward the dual league Idea again Is bu
nuluial , but I do not think that Harvard
will be permanently snared Into It. Of counic
Yale gets most of t'ae yrestlge out of it. We
shall take up the matter again next week
The delay in the negotiations Is caused bv
us. ciot by Yale.
" \\'e look for a good base ball season here
In the Biir'ng. Harvard , Princetcci and I'enn
sylvanla are all to play In Ithaca and 1 hope
that wo maj capture two out of the three
games "
The announcement' that * Edward Hinl-ci
Ten Ryck would coter the ilcnl > < I dopartmeril
of the Uiilveisily ot Pennsylvania has set
the carping crltlc.9 to writing Innumerable
sciDEds agaloFt the athletic policy of tint In-
st'J iitkn Theio criticisms In tie main arc to
the effect that the yoiiR champion amateur
curs in c cf .bo world 'has ' had iro't ; Induce
me'it'j offered him to enter Pccnsjlvanl'i , am
will probabl } pull the stroke oar and captain
the next season's 'vaisltj ciow there. No
facts aio ret forth to prove the fairness o
these criticisms , but the la'ter are morel )
sent out from New Ivnglnd college towns foi
what they are vvoith These critics shouli
look up the athletic i tiles pievalling at the
University of Pennsylvania. iAs a matter o
fair hhould > oung Ten Kjck c-.Her the Quaker
university ho will not be eligible for the
'vatslty crew next season and will not row a
t'tioko or at any cither position in the boat
It Is prcbablo tb'i : Ten Hjck will aga'n go
to Henley ta defend lilu claim tothe pos
sesalon of the diamond flculls , emblematic o
the amateur sculling championship of the
world. If lie Eh on Id crohs the p&ciil while a
student at the dental school of the University
of I'civnsylvatiU.ithero would seemingly be m
Impropriety In nli < wearing thu colors of alia
university. A . for his entrance Into tin
American Intercollegiate bout races. The Hei
i < i. ' a Btateil mat sucli an event is Impossible.
| j Kn If It were there Is no reason why Hie
| howl of proTst should arlco from Harvard.
Yale and Princeton. The latter lias tie pan
In aquatic matters. Neither Harvard nor
Yale IH likely to meet the crcvv ot the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania , At the presen' '
w riling It seems probable that Pennsylvania's
only boat rotes will ho with Cornell and
Columbia , and as long as these universities
do not object to the presence of Ten IJyck
en tlio IVmiBjlvanln crow It Is hard to see
why three Institutions not the least bit ron-
ceroed shauld push Into the ijamc.
dealt them any carJe , anyway ?
l.i-ml of tliu rourtli Ili-Nl mill
fur .Suit blruiiKlh.
The balance o ( power In whist should bo
held by the principle of common < ? aneo , and
rules observed to excess arc llttlo better
than no rules at all The precepts general ! )
observed however , are sufllclcntly exhaustive
to satisfy the average pla > er In hid de lro
to adhere to rule. Following are a few tech
nical notes used for the Information of the
parlcor. Holding queen , jack , nlno , eight
seven , six , In a plain suit , most authorities
advise the lead of the fourth best , the eight
Drajeon loids queen from queen , Jack and
any four smaller. Potter IcaiU queen from
queen , Jack and any three smaller , also from
nny two smaller , unless the fourth best or
smallest Is a rcvcn or higher. In trumps
most authorities advlc-o the lead of the eight ,
but Work advices ( he lead of the queen
Cvcn In a plan suit ho Inclines to lead
queen late In thu hand , but suggests thai
although the question Is a ckae one. It Is
tetter to open originally in the usual way ,
wli'i ' Ihr fi'nilli In t wln-ii tin IK 1 1 - < H 101
ft 1 i < f Hi li i r 5vp curd * hrid" ! by | IHP'I
Jick filn"
t ktoif queen and two mtviHrr not
Inr Jnrk IT ten , mofly pMy > p ntf no
IM thp fourth brut Thr e > , ivi > ntlifii l
i piny In Iho kl- ! to dhow four < rd The
1 conlilnntlon I ? a vpry .iwlctftrrt onj to op . ,
nnd If flomp other pl yi oppm th- * ut ! the
ch s ! nets of making thp klnR und quren ate
very much improvpl St.irnc * mikes no met.
tlon of the rest of the hand , but It In proba01
bio tlat the fourth best opening Ix
only when the hind con m In ? trump strength
or coinblatlort9 favorable to be led up to
In all thp nulls Holding king queen. Jack
and at least two smaller , the IMC ! Is the jirk
to show five or moro carffl. Whether thp
Jark wins or K-aes tho-next lead nhould
be the king to show fiveexactlv. . the queen I
to show six or more neglancrs cinnot be |
brought to understand the "fol'ow" until
tht > > have lest ir/uiy tricks to crafty ad-
vertarlM. If It Is understood that the leader ,
when Ills jack wins , jumps to the conclusion
that his partner has the ncc and consequently
quently aiwavj follows the wliinlng jack
with a small card , -in mherjarv who ho'.cte
nee , ten and one or more,1 calmly allows the
jack to win , nnd then plajs the ten to thu
probable ruin of the loatfcr's'1hand. '
In accounto of matched 'We frequently see
tral such and such a. club "plavod ' ho
regular long stilt game < w UK ft His. " or the
"modified game with frllls'otc. Now , what
are frills ? Thc y are no > 'mentlcned ' In joy
of the bosks on whLst Why ? Simply be
cause their name is Iculcti , anJ a book on
frills would ccuMIn many pages and would
so ocfudille tbo braid pf iiuhlolora that Ht
would do moro harm .hnniKoc < l. Some frills
aio recognized Innovations and Nuo been so
thoroughly treated that to nici-.itlcn them
would bo mllllclcnt , but unfortunately mc'iy
are but another nnmo for "private convena
tlons. " Some of the recognized frills are
Iho Albany ; lead of four ( i best from king ,
Jjck , tc i suits , the lead of ten from queen ,
jack , ten aults. The "rotarv" discard as
originally announced Is a rccognl/ed frill ,
but when a team announces that It plav3 the
rotary discard und then changes the ac
cepted order of cards. It is descending 1o
slurp ppjctlcc , and as a rule the majorltj
of frills used are used because It Is believed
that tno adversarj Is unfamiliar with them
and that ( ticks can be gained Some plavcrs
have a frill that has been found quite sue
cctuful ; Is , leading a sul' cf the op-
poslto color to the trump ao a call for trump
or tadlcatlc'i of strength. There is a frill
to this. Paibner takes the trick , but Instead
of leading trump , ho kids a tl' leton thus
asking his partner to lee 111 in make a small
trump before lending. In fict , so eager are
teams to win tnat they do not hesitate to
resort ' ( to any scheme. It will eventually
drive self-respecting members fiom the clubs
Injure the game ,
To show how easy It Is to demonstrate
tbp advanlago of a particular ujstum by the
publication of hands , 1 give the following , In
which the hands north and i'ou ' h jie llrst
plajed by long suiters and seconul by h
suiters Poster characterises this hand as
c'.io cf the mciTt remarkable ever pla > cd.
Wr t dealt and turned thp lirai t , queen.
Xoith. Uist. South. West.
.IS. S 10 8. * Q S.
i D. S \ ) . S 1) . K 1) .
.f D. ! H. 1 1) . 2 D
2 il. 9 U. .1 II. A II.
A U * 7 11. fi 13. 7 D.
0 S. S S. IS A S.
1C 11. 7 S. 2 C. ! > U.
K S -I C. r. S 5 II.
fi n. . - c. : i n. * Q ii.
10 C. 7 C' . S H. U II.
J S. S C 0 S. * Q I ) .
CJ C. V C. 0 C. * 1U O.
K P. * A C. J C. 3 C.
* Takes tlick
Noith nnil South tlikq euo trick onlv
This is buw tlio Short sulteis p'.ajed noitt
nnd south :
North. Hast. South. West.
K P. * A C. 2 C. ' ! \
.IS S S. IS * A S.
2 11. 9 11. M II. u II.
Id C 4 C. .1 C. 'JO II.
fi II. -I H. 'I II. 'A II.
It F. 7 S. H S. Q S.
K II. 7 II. S H ' U 11.
Q C. 5 C. < ! C. i 1 > .
, ) S. 2 S. ( . S 7 1 * .
US V I ) * 10 S 0 I ) .
r , ii. 7 a. o n * Q u.
j D s r. : i u. 10 n.
A IX V. 1 D. K D.
Takes tilcv.
North nnd South win eight tricks In'the
first pla > notice bad plaj.s ot North at tilcks
2 ccid 7 , and of South at trick 1. In second
plij notice tad plaj 6f Ilast at Hick 2.
Suppose North and South plaj sound vvhlat
and that East and West mike a few errors
In Judgment In the flifrt ccheme and the
play Is as follows :
North. Hist. South. West.
J S. 2 S. 10 S. , * Q P.
A u s i ) . a , n. K-D
0 S 7 S. h S , * A S ?
2 II ' 9 H. M H. 3 H.
10 C'A C J C. ' 3 f.
Ill 111 XII. * A H ,
1C II 1 II. K-H.i 10 II.
KS ' S S. C S. * Q H.
50' 1C. U. 'U IX
M D -C 1 D. 10 U.
K C. ' C. fi C. 2 IX
Q C S C. - C. 'X '
js : ic is ] an.
1 tl IVl.1 * * LI 1V.J\ .
lly this plav North anU South rrnko seven
tricks and not a play that Is ically bad.
Now take the second scheme' and play it
this waj * ;
North. Hist. South. We't.
K C. * A C. 2 C. 3 C.
A D s D. : s n. . Q u.
QC -t C. .1C. * " > II.
r , D. ' . > s -ti ) . * K D.
J D 4 H. fi O. T P.
IOC r.C. CC. * 10 II.
K ii. 7 s. -4 s. ion.
CH 711. J II * QII.
211 ' MM " > S , ' ) D.
3118 : ffi > ZX :
.1 S h S. 10 P * A S
K S 8 C. * S H. Q S.
* Takes trlclc.
Xoith and Poiith make but three tricks.
Tli's ' Is not given ab the very best play of
tbo Iniidi. but as an Illustration howa few
nucv'iomble p'ajs may nvke a creat differ
ence In the scores and that fact ascribed to
the bi'perlorlty of the system rather than the
buperiorltj of wo plajeis.
Ixist Satuiday belnR Christmas , the resu-
lar meeting oC the Omalu Whist club
pos'ooned one week. Wednesday belnp ;
"visitors' night , " quite a number of local
whlstcrs were present. The siores for thu
rvpiiliic worn ns follows :
North nnd South
Alleo nnd Shea 211
Shipley .mil Comstoelc 237
Hi uner ami I'ojie 2 %
Iteed nnd GaliueH - - !
] ' 'unl'hoiiKer ; nnd IIa\\key 211
McDowell nnd Jordon ' * - '
Stimney and Stanford US
Iluriies * nnd Mcrno '
Stnbbs .mil Hoblnson 2J.I
i / i
A\ornfa 231
Kast and West
Itlnebart and Stchhlns 2-ln
Jone.s and Melkle 210
Huikley and biwrence 2.55
IliiFlimaii and T.ionias 2S !
Hedlclc and iMor4in.ui - > '
Gainer and Jowph Joplln 230
MnMnllnn mill A At .lunllll 2fi
Kunk and A. w. Scrlunur 211
Hotb and Cahnv _ 23j
AvcraRO 237
The for the month of IX-e-om-
ber Htnnd as follows :
Helndorff 23 Ilurrell 11
Ilrwli 2C I/ivrenco K
Rlirehait V. . , 'JO SJhoi a
ScrlUner , O. O. , . . runkhouser C
Snmney H McDowell 4
The ten highest for Iho six months ending
December 31 , 1837 , ure :
Ulnolurt 153 Melkle 93
Heed 14G 90
Uclndorff IIS Alleo 87
Sumncy 101 Scrlbner , G. O. , . . 7'
Jones 100 Ilnrrell CO
I.i-fl to Shoot \i-IiriiHU-n lull
Siiulrrt-lM nnd CraiiM.
The open ) fceason. Jn Nebraska closed Krl-
day night and now the onjy Icgttlmato shoot
Inu in sight nro aaulrrels and craps. In
upito of the unusual number ) ot quail the sett
son'has not been particularly notable from ,
a sportsman's standpoint. T'io severe
weather and successive snpwatorms came
along at ) the best part of the seasan ant
during the greater par of December there
has been comraratlvely | jttlo ehootlns b ;
these who thoot aa a oastlme , and not to
depopulate the game territory for the bone
at of the commission men. The markc
hunters have kept popping away In spit
ctho snow , and there , bas been no tlmo
when the commission ipej ; could not bu >
quail for from 75 cents , to a dollar a dozci
atid jack : rabbits almost for carrying then
away , ,
The local gun clubs are doing verj lilt !
at present and absolutely the only event li
sight It thu contest between the Crabll
| hiollurs Pi .1 IIij ilul I \V Urn ! lI'P '
Cniinill llltllTn Ktmiiphi , Military IB I'm nn.l .
Kmtilt Crublll will dhoul n tm-blnl mop fnr
line l n Klip , ntiil ninrr tbi imitrh n itinilc
j > ' A iltnlhr rnrr IMR brrii nrrnnitvit hi-twern
Jftkn ( "iihlll am ! "lln > ' fur the same1 rlnkc I
I 1h > MiPtiinni vury ovrnly mnleh \ In. Itoth '
| I cvrntn. ' tmiw \ It will In' In thp iintttrd o I
i AI Intcrntitr eit-nt , nllh the ( Vnblll botn |
rcptcftentlim nnd their opitonentn Me-
brislM , there In likely to be n Road crowil
out to see the MI P.
Hello O Helkrs Idllwl soveiity-slx xpnr-
rows out of elfihty at IcJUnnpolli. the tvher
day , an nvt'rngo of fl. per cent Hello ban
nlso won the l.iurcls for th" best record
j for the Me has won thirty-thru-
Hist averages , llftccti soooiuls , five thlrilg and
one fourth for single dnjs' hootlni ; . In grn.
crnl ivcr H"a 'or ' from two to five ( lavs'
rhootliiB. be has won nine firsts , seven vc-
mds and two thirds , besides scoring the
ilshesl average for n single day.
. D. Pnlfont ot Utlw , N. Y. . shct
throuch nn entlte day's program nt IndlAii-
ipolls without loslns ft bird and killed
twenty-four out of twenty-five In the big
event on the following day. Jack Fanning
of Kan Kranc'sco won first money In the
Grand Central Inndlcap by killing twenty-
five birds .straight.
II Is Mid that certain New York parties
ore talking of backing Captain J. L. Ilrewer
against Fred Gilbert for the Kansas City
Star cup. The crptaln ca > a that If such n
ni'itch : ever takes piose ho will K\\V \ "the
itudcnt" ' a few lessons In pigeon shooting
' : at the other fellows who shjt matches
with Gilbert never knew.
R. D. Fulton ! and Clnrlle Iludd divided
sccopil money In the flnnd Central Hindlcap
at Indianapolis December 15 by killing twen
ty-four out of
twetity-nvo birds.
It. 0. Hclkcs has accented C. M. Grimm's
challenge to shoot for the Cast Iron Modi !
and the match will be shot at Uavton , o. ,
on January 1 1S9S.
Here are the principal events that are In
slpht In the imincdhte future1
January 13 to 22 Pourth annual sports
men's exposition cod bicycle show , Madison
Siuare Gardeni.
J-tni-ary 18-20 lUmlllon. Out. Live birds ;
$1,000 guaranteed.
February 15-19 Hot Springs , Ark. , second
nnnuil midwinter tournament ; $1.100 ndilo.l
In cash. Pour tlaja targets , ono day live
Marsh I und G Klvetlon. nrth amual 100-
blrd Inndlcflp
Mirch 14-2(1 ( Inclusive N'ew England
Foortsmen's assoehtlon exhibition , llcston.
March 22 , 23 , 21 The Interstate aasoeh-
tlon's Grand American IlandlerD at live
bbds , HlkwoDd lark , Long Ilranch , N. J. ;
$1,000 K'-vunteed ' b > the Interstate assocla-
tlcn and all surplus added.
March 29 , 30 , ; ! 1 and April 1 I'cnnsjlvanla
State Spoilsmen's association tournament , at
Kc-idlng , Pa.
Tiio Rflsuwnco > cstcrilay that Harvard had
wen iho ulxth .imii.ul lutercollegate ches.i
championship was received with Interest In
local c'lers circles. Haivtrd won a merited
victory as the representatives of that util-
veisi'y were undoubicdlj among the brightest
jounf , ' chesit amateurs in the country
Southard cf Harvard made the unusual record
1-at jear of winning eveiy game he plajcd
cnl Howliti ? , ihls pan ncr , who has been leiu
active of late , made a gooil recorl in a
Eimllar c it st throe-cars ago. This makes
the fourth nnnual vlctorj for Harvard , w ilch
Is a good start tovvrd the tcci consecutive
tilumplis neceasnrj to the permanent pc
session of the clnmplonshlp t'llver cup.
Problem No. G , by La Hue Williams of
South Omaha ; White to pa ! > and mate li
hiee moveu Ganictf and problems are iu-
Ited from other pbera and will be pub-
ishcd If suitable.
Pioblem No. G , clone by II to-K Kt , C
jolvcd by II. B. Hammond and J. H. l.ittj ,
Vvniore , Nob. Propc-sed .solution , Kt to
31 , by A. G. , Omalu , admits of the escape
capo , K to K Kt 4.
Deb Hose , a Chicago couit stcmographcr ,
vas dews In Texafa lasl summer and formed
ho acquaintance of State Chairman Illako
if the democratic committee , rc'ater tno Chl-
igo I'cst lilako Is hlmsalf a character ,
but bla father Is btill better The old man
s now a preacher , but he used to ho a
awycr , and rothing pleases him more Ihan
o lell of the old coclo that obtained when
was "at the bar"
Kor ono thing Cider Blake apologised for
he t-nseomly tale he was going to tell , and
hen told it.
"I wao on the grand jury that jcar , and
here was little or nothing to do. Texas was
quiet as a Aheepfold So we watched for
nfiactlons of both law and custom It Is
a well known rule of law that a man letting
lown a i air ofbars must let down the top
llrst. Well , the judge came across my
lot that morn tag , and let down the bottom
bar first be-fore he led his saddle horoe
"So we Indicted him. Helng the accused ,
of course he couldn't bit on his own caao ,
so the bojs elected me. judge to fill the va
cancy , and wo let him have counsel lie
ivoule'ci't plead gulll } , so wo found him
ulltv , and twelve of the grand Jurv , sitting
s a , petit jurv , fined him a gallon of
"In Tevas half of the fines go lo tin
county , aid c wo woto the lepresontatlvco
of the county In that trfosacllon we col
lected the line- and turned It Into the general
fund a glassful at a time. "
An attorney of Columbus , 0 , recentlj bad
a foreign collection of scveial hundred dol-
latis fora man led lady , who now lives In a
vuvUoiii town Her husband bcemed very
Impoitirate In his demands en the attorno
to hurry up the collection , and wrote fre
quently , each time signing hla wlfeV name
to all letters. The attorney finally sent the
sum collected by certified check , payable to
the order of his client , only to avoid any
possibility of less to her thu cheek was
collected through a bank 'a a city In Ohio ,
where she had formerly lived , and by the
pa > eo hereelf. Not having any word ex
cept the returned check , a note wau ad
dressed to his client , calling attention to the
same. The reply vvat. as usual from the
husband , ' who was by this time thoroughly
waa OB follows , verbatim ct
"Mrs. II. received another card from jou
and requests mo to answer It which I wl 1
by glv'mg > ou my opinion , which la that jou
are cither a penurious piacticlng pet-ifoger
of the poveroy prlvaleged class , or you know
just enough to eat when hungry and vote
tbo republican ticket. Hevpectfully
jours , H"
. Upon receiving this smashing blow the at
torney lost hjs courage and Btronglj thought
of retiring from practice.
A joting man In fit. Louis had such a
passion for knowledge that ho procured books
by fraud anJ baa been bprvlng a term In
prison. The authorities consider that ho was
thu victim of a genuine thirst for knowledge
A situation that the comic opera writers
have not thought of was enacted In real lifo
In Newark , N J. , when the puller-ln of a
rrady-niado clothlp.1 ? store Inadvertently
tackle J a deputy sheriff , who promptly served
an attacl.iront on the whole stcok of goods
as soon as he had been hauled Inside I
A Sacramento man hapepned to examine
the gizzards of a brace of mallard Clicks
which he bought a few dajs ago and found
In them gold nuggets to the value of $1 50
each As tie ducks cost him only -10 cents ,
ho cleared $2 GO by the operation The gem-
carl Impression lit that thu ducks must Imvo
picked up the gold In the far north j '
Thelcfcbharn A Charest a 34-year-old giant
of MX ftet four Inches , who reached -Haiti-1 ,
nn IVIitnr AM n nlonnnay nil tlio
l'illi Ha frntn ( Ihutgfln , MJ he .
pmindft iu tti'iRht in HIP rMMtuf Imvinic
itikfil n wrpk or no nK with n ii > tp r < 'rtl
hurdrrt of SIWI rmumlft.
lirl t'ttllrti of JMIcklmvll o , Drl wild
for nwrly ii > n > wm hnt bcmt Irwpil for
potmimptlon li ) thp dc-rtntu , In n rough 11 <
fit Hi o other dn ) brought upn tenth vvhlih In
hud KW.illnwnl ill most tin JMIR nRii It luit
stuck In hl wlndplpp then Thu | > hv li Ifltn
now i iy thni It got down Into hU limns mil
that It l thp tooth which In * cuiiopd what
they trotted s cotntiitlStl | ii
An athletic vouni ? wonuin of S i Jose ( Ml
wbiMi flt nnlcd ( by a hlRhwnyiinn .1 few
ovetilntw are , strtirk . 'ilm i blow between iho
eyes Hint knocked him * eii pU .
Mrs. Thrrpsa O.irdo i who < lled h t Situr
day In San Pnnrlseo , vvplRhed over COil
| ) DUtula. She VMS ao largo that the under
taker had to brejk down the st.ilr railing *
and lower Hie holy with chains A SHVul
casket , bound wltb Iron , was maile nnl u
furniture vim hid 'to be used In plicc of .1 In taking theroinaliM to the cemetery
Nexir llriagevllle. Mil. , lives a colored
family consisting of i\arcm Quail , .his . wife
and twcnty-fouf children. Twetvj-thrco
years ago Quail married ' .Martha Aim Itogcrs ,
and twenty-four children were born One
child died Tucre were three eels of twins
Two je.irs ago his wlfo dleJ , and 010 > cir
later Quail jnnrrled again. On child Is the
result of that union. When the meals are
served two tables ure used , fourteen sitting
at ono and twelve at the other , to avoid the
unlucky thirteen.
Recent high water In Florida has taken
all liie hyacinths out of ( ho St. Jo'm'.s river
Iu the tipper portlci'H of tbo stuititi the
water rose several feet higher Mian usual
and landed hundreds of acres of the
hvnclntlia back In the woods , where the
receding waters left them ta ale. Tils Is a
great relief to the boitmen , as the eirller
months of tJie summer found the river so
barrier to commerce- for da } s at a time
"Where do jou want to go ? " naked the
elevator boj.
" 1 want to go to Jicavcn , my boy , " smll-
ngly answcircd Ihu Salvation army mitn who
Mil Pepped inside , "but jou may put me off
at the top lloor. "
" ou must Imvo got In the wrong bulbi
ng , mlutcr , " rcjolsied the boj. "T eic
fl.In'1 nobody but luwjera on the top lloor"
The following defense was made by u Sa
vannah ( Oa. ) ibrkey In the elt > court-
'I stole dent britches , I 'now ledge di * corn ,
Hut 'twnn't no crimesho's jou boin ;
lf do motif am rls'ht , dcMi whir's de Bin ?
1 .stole dcm biltchoij ij be biptlze lii
'lo chain gang's got me , .iiul do coal ml'ie.
too ,
But what could a "fuli'.eles * cule'r&l maiii do ?
Whende judge and de Jury 'lowed It was a
To steal dem britches to be baptl/e In ?
'In do lodgement , old Gabriel gwlne to M > -
Pomp's atrolg1 t as a uh'ngle atul clemas
day ; '
IIo'll shout to the world d.u Ittwan't no
To bteal dem britches to be baptize In"
CnnsiiiiiiiU" " riihllltolv Cured.
Mr. U. B. Gieeve , met chant , of Chllhowle ,
Va , certifies that ho had cciistiinptlon , was
given up toidl" , sought nil medical treatment
that money could procure , tiled all cough
remedies he could hear of , but got no relief ,
rpcnt many nights sitting up In n cln
was Induced to tiy Dr. King's N'ew Discov
ery , and was cured bv use of two bot'los
Per past three > c irs he has bcru attending
to business and Eavs Dr. Klng'a Ne-w Dis-
covoriIs the grandest icmcjy ever made ,
us It done so much for him and also fc"
others in ills community. Dr King s Now
Dlscoverj Is guaiantc'cd for Ooughs ,
and Consumption. It don't fail. Tilal bat
tles fice at Kuhn & Go's drug store.
Take Time
by the Forelock
And have > our ejcs examined before It la
too late Many a sufferer from a diseased
nntlp r.r-rvo or .1 lebs ei ious affection of the
vision have lapsed Into total blindness uy
neglect of the eyes Have your eyes attended
toot the least Indication of weakness , uud it
will \ save you much annoyance.
( lint. I'nvlon Hotel. St.
eeoiulurj oi Tertiary 11IXDOB
pc iiiunc-iitlj
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You can be ticatc-il nt homo foi Eimi-
pilce under name ftuar.itnj If > ou pn f > i
ti feme licit' WP will lotiliaet to pu > rall-
roail furp ami hotel bills , .mil no charge
If we fall to cure
laUcn inrruir } , loillile potiiph anil sllll
Imvp nnlim anil punMIHIOUH I'jilc IIPH In
mouth Sure Throit I'iinples ( MIJJI-I Cnl
un 1 "pi IK , tliprh on uiy pirt uf the
| K.I\ llalr or l- > i'li w fulluin i < t n u
tl ! > . hcnininr ! >
We Ouacantee to OUSTS
Wo nllit | the most obsUnnto ratcx nml
chnlletiKi- the world far u cane VYL i.nm i
euro TlilH dUoaxo h.ix ( ihui > billlcil tin-
ckill of tlio jiujBt eminent lih > elclriiiH
r-OOOM capital liehlml our uncoiiaillonnl
fruiininty Absolute jnoofa n'lil pi-ili-il
on application Id ) PIIKP hook ct-nt fur.
A.i.itt-sj . COOK HIMIII : ; co. , inn
> IiiNiiili > Teiuiilr , Chli-iiKO , III ,
& Se rles.
mm , cionic ono
AH I'rlvoto
tt Dlsordorn of Moil
Trcntiuont by Mall ,
Conoullutloii free ,
Oared for life and the poison thoroughly cloanae4
from lliunystoni.
Sparnintorrlien. Seminal Woalne , Ixiet Man
hood , NUlit KmUalona Dexiayuil Fuoultles. u
mule Wcaknem , unil all dellcalu riUorJorn pocu
llsr to either IIBX , pobltlvoly cured. l'lr > K3
AND VAKICOUBLK P eniianuntly and uuccussfully
cured , Method new and iinfalllnir.
Stricture and Gloetaiuhodn.
by iwiw method without pain or auitlni. 0 ll on
oruldreci wllhetamp
m mm " 9
llhf UMAl Mil I irn H D idi > lt * < l * i lie nf * h ml *
tinnnl ( " > , niiiln nt n t m ml i"l" i"iniiiiitw - k
furl it. . ( 'Hit iti .1 Id iirim li > i-imi tiMrriini n-
jinin InfrmiimoM ( nvndnin. H m\i. \ w uoMiiKiwini
in nny put e > f I in l > < 'y ' l | > IH I In n n IT ilo * . A
pf unptjt "il't Id nil I | -irjiinh Hlr ucf f l lnrni- ,
miniutitiir I.'nk mill M p.iln < In IM1 | nml ID < .
Chrotiio riuiiiui'iMii , KI iiiui. It tul-ngii or i-ni't m
lltPlin-K nro f.pilily rtiMd , Ititlili in fhi'Mnrlvn
rclU-f friiiiioiui ID Inn < lii , Mid nlinnO tntntlnl ty
niri-siH-furo om' iHiltlKlinlxsn Hunt. Ilio Miiioon
Iti-mi-dy nuiipntiy pri | > nro it nctnirntn rurc fur wich
illwiiw , Atnll ilrun.i H . 'ic- ii ! n\lal Ifjouiiful
nieJlritl n.lvlro v illo I'rrf .Mtinj-oti , IM Arcli
Slrii'l. I'lillmli-lplilA. U U nh < oliit ( > ly Irnv ,
Winter' sWhids
on fnco nnd hands produce tbo same ro
suits a-i nn nxe on the bark of n tree. Cull-
.hnn the proverbial blto And as It
bo " tincomfortnble to guard face and bniulj
> v u siibstnntlnl cnelosuie use
Rose nnd
Cucumber Jelly
That is better thnn n sheltering fence , Ii'i
cheaper , not In the way , unfletis , soothes thu
3'iappod Fkln. removes lodnoss mil rotiph-
io s. el ullcates wilnklcs , dosliov black-
lead" . Is no' sticky. More , II llpht" thn
vlnd and cold of winter. It Is the best ir-
nnr against the brenlh of frost , lly Iti
cool , refreshliiB 'o'ich It prevents soio ,
cruckoil Fkln. It henlB nil puts cspoaed to
he chilling blasts if out doors.
23 cents largo botlie and Mold whenever
\ Illll-t 1)1'UV )
Yonr nnme to us free pnmnle to > ou
IIMSON A > rrn\u , rr't : . co.
llelriilt , MlelilKiin.
for snle by
Boston Store
( Ml VII V.
Orniul Toll , t Cniiililnitl jn fr the bUln. Scnlp ,
Cuiniilcxlun nint TtilliV u iilliurj racial Soup.
rnolnl Crc.un , Tuclnl ro il r nnil Dcntnl Cruini
arc innni.fiiilurnl l > > 1) ) . nn ili > l Blst withi >
> e.iiH \iieilon < > tre itlim tl - " 1(111 , so.ilp nnil
comptcxlmi. lor IP t-vcn wli < - n2r.e each A
sniiiplc or end mnlliMl on u-i-lpt of Sir
\\OOUIUItr , Uiinmtol iBlsl. 157 \ \
St . N Y.
11 } I'ui-i-linsliiK ( iooilN Made- ill Ili PoS-
) llllTI.N'P \M > HDIIIIl-.ll Tt ) .
( SUCC-O"FI > IS OnMliii Tout nnil AunliiR < * " )
Mnniifacturors Unt n\vnlii , K. JoblHM laillrs M t
Bents' Mncklnliwlii-p. 'louts foi lint 1311 J .11-
nnm i-i. , Onutlii
nui\viiniK. :
( ) l\ll\ ! ltlti\MNi
fnrlonl i-bliniiPl th unite In nut own lofrU-
prntor cnr < II inIlWili m , IIIIillxpnrt. . Vluini
i\l ; iit unit Tamlb l poit ilc-llvcred to all pi ta
ol the clt >
( ! . r. ii'iMyriii ,
iv : ji.i : cintMfr.VOHKS. .
Mnnufiirtnic-r of O ihnnl/oil Iron rornlci s Oil-
xniilEt-il lion SKyllKhtf" Tin , Irna anil f- Uu
Hoollnjf Auciit foi Klnne.ii s Mcel Lcllhit ; .
10S-10-12 North lllcvcnt'i ntnct. *
\ MiiMCVIllM'l IT VM > MKlJ. Ct ) .
\VliolPmlp Oiaclur Mnnufmlurcri" " .
\ ir. > women.
's TWIN OITV m 13
\\OKKS. I'liriinni S ( .
njohiB ami ili-.inhiK f Karincnls nnil noels 'it
vi ly liPHcrlptlon ClennhiK "f H e B.irinciit a
'pecfull ' }
uovii MIUI.S.
s. I- ' . ( ; II.M.\.V
rioiir. Mi-nl Pi I'll , llrjii. 101115-17 North 17ti !
tri-i t , Omnlii , Ncl ) I' , i : . lllacK , Mnnigtr.
| eli phone MS
Iron nnil MriiNH l-'oiiiulos-s.
Mnmifm turns unil .lulilii"iH of MaUilncrs OPU.
rill rtpjlilrc n cpiiliilt > 1501 , 1./J.1 ami 1 OS
Juclisoa hlncl ) i , Ni li
on *
: on ,
M.mufii' lunrx uM pr H niw llnaceil oll.'k t-
tlilioilcil Iliihii-l ill uM pioccrH i ; ounil llnttvil
rain f uiuiinil imil niniil llnvupl for iliui-
I/I'NtliS-.MAT'llli:8HiH. : : :
IK ii. IHIlIr.
Miiiiururtunr I.HIIISIH Ciiuchci , Mntlrowpi , J < " \ > *
nt hiilttE | Iii-ls unil riMthora. 111-113 "outli
lOlh Strict
OVIl | \ lir.DDIMi CO.
Maruifni tniPm of hlnli kruilc Muttu-iKcn , 1202 < I
KleiioliiB Micpt , Oiiuhn
K Vr/-VI3Vi : > S'"C5IMIIiW. .
Mff'8 CiollihiK I'niitB ShlrU , Overnllii.
.1. ii. i :
uKlvo cUKtotn thin lullorn. 1S15 riirnani.
ll\\miVNN VIMUiAll < 'O ,
Miiiiufatturi-rB of Vlnnsiir. I'lcl.losi , C'atBU | ,
MunturilB , Cilei ) aniVS'orci - li'i hlrc Knuic
Tor a Koail fciihutunllnl vehicle of any dc crli |
linn , fur reinlntlnR r tuliljt-r lire * cm ni'W ui o < l
wlieelK thu licit place UJtli atul I avcntvuilh
Cheap , mcillum iirlced nrnl tony carrlahi-x.
Any llil"K > ou Hani , uccjnil Imiiil ur new llruil.
iiuailor for rulibvr llrm. wununted Uth unil
Iliirntuppotllu l.'uurt llouce.
i nii , 1111 notiifi- .
KulI line of ( 'urrlaKC-i , llitKKlca , I'linrlunn , I'ny
CartD.lieiln rutUcr tlreil. 'lite brat U lh <
CIOAU MANL'KArrilliil8. :
ii KM : < v , co.
I < un ! < > * t factory In the writ l.i-uillnn Jobbfrr
or Ornului Kuni-aH City , I.lnroln nnd HI Jutcpl
handle our guoilt. 10 % Furnutn tjtieet ,