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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1897)
THE OMAITA DAILY UEE : TONNES DAY , SLAT 26 , 1897. 5 GET OFF ON THEIR GOOD TIME Oonviots Who Will Bo Sot at Liberty Dnring June. REAP THE BENEFIT OF DECENT BEHAVIOR \Viirili-ii liflilluh Certified n Lint of 1'rlnoncTNVlionc ' 1'er iii.i lime Jlci-ii .Muli-rlnlly Mnillltcil li ) ' i of I.m . LINCOLN , May 25. ( Special. ) Warden I.rlrllgh of tlie Htato pcntcntlary has certified to the Hoard of Public Lands and ItultdlnRii that a number of convicts will bo entitled to ilLscliurgLTi In June , under the provisions of the ln\v which allows the shortening of the term for good conduct. Among .thrso ! Harry Smith , who was convlutnl of murder In Wheeler county oil September 25 , ISS'J , mid oeiitciucd to serve n twenty-year turui. Qovernor Ilolcnmh has commuted the term to eleven yean , and the warden certifies that under the KOOI ! conduct clause Smith Will bo L-i.tltlrd to a dt charge on Juno 25 of this } Snmiicl VlncenU , sent up from LaiienflCtr rornty for two yeira for Kriuid larceny , will be entitled to release June 28 ; Ida Kins , Dounlas county , laiccuy from the pci.son. sentenced .May 15 , 181)6 ) , to two > eari acid ihrpn monthn , June 28 ; S. K. Ingrain , GURO county , horse stealing , sentenced An- Kuat J3 , 1896. to ono year , June 2S ; Charka Often S.iuiidera county , recrlvlnf , stolen propertv. aentonccd Kcbrimry 15 , 1S8G , to one year nn < l six monthn , June 20 ; P M. Martin , loUKlas lount } , possessing burglarn' toei's ' , BentPiici'd September 23 , U95 to Uvo years , Juno 12 , Wyatl I ) . Sinclair , DtwslaH county , burglary , seiilenccd Juno 2.1 , 1890 , to one } oar and tun months , Juno 13 ; Charles Adaiiiw , burglary , l.niicasler county , sen tenced February ( ! , 1890 , to one year and sK innntau. June 22. The following notaries public were coniinls-iloni'd today. 0. H. Klnt > ey , Ar- cadU ; Hlchiiid Coryell , Ilroclc ; Mar tin II. Li.iny , 1'lercc ; Oils 0. llccher , Cnhiinbus ; Orlando 11. 1'rlce , Holdrege ; Augist D. IloiKett. Lincoln ; \V. I ) . Cuurle. Archibald Achraim , Cphralm D. I'ratt nnd L. > 1I. Kent , Omaha. Tlio fnlo\\lnR ! members of company E , First icKlment , N. N. G. , located at bavld City , have been ginntul dlscli.Um | on their on M applications , the reasons il\cn belli ) ; that they live too far away from the meeting plaro of the company : Joseph Kudlack , Joseph V. .Max , Fred .1. Vanlcek , I2d- \vard R 1'latek and Charlea Stava. John Kosluiet of the namecumpniiy buy been discharged on account of non-residence. Lowls O. Cainer and Krai McMlndes of com- luny 11 , Second regiment , located at Kearney , have rcci'l\rd discharges , their tunns of scrv- Ice having e\plied. M K. Stanley of Auiora and J. n. Wcn- nter of Lincoln , attorneys In the free high school case , are preparing an application fern n rehearing of the case bcfor.0 the hupremu court with the hopes that the former de cision may bo molllled. The dec-talon affecta about 3,000 pupils In the stile who have taken advantage of the provisions of the high Hchool law. J. C . Thompson , county attorney of Har- lan county , was In to see the clerk of the BUpremo court today to protest against the acceptance of n bond In the case of ex- County Treasurer Whitney of Ilarlaii count } , who line been , convicted for embezzlement The bond has not yet been presented , but Thompson \\anto It to bo a good one before it 1 accepted. LINCOLN NOTCS. The eleventh annual convention of the Woman's Foreign Miflslonary society of the Lincoln district Is In session at Giace Metho dist Episcopal church today and tomorrow This afternoon a number of papers bearing upon various phases of the mission work were read and discussed. Hcv. Mr. Halstcaii will deliver an address this evening. About 101) ) of the young men of the State university went out on the annual "ehlrt tall" parade last night , and visited the cen tral part of town. The chancellor wae captuted at the corner of nievcuth and 0 streets during the evening and compelled tc make a speech before the fantastically dreHied students would let him go home. Frank Mauritius' place at 1330 F street was robbed last night and a number ol valuable articles carried away. A couple ol mackintoshes and eemio other clothing were taken from the Alexander block. Councilman William Lawlor accidentally fell down some steps at the rear of a busi ness house a few evenings ago , and wat badly bruised. His condition has grown worse , and he Is now reported to bo In a precarious condition. Omaha people at the hotels : At the Llndell D. P. Hurd , G. S. Hood. II. U Wilson. Al the Lincoln : A. J. Webb , John. A. Krug Otto fi NOT an I.-UN.VV AS THHY THOUGHT , Old Mint Dim HH tinIli'itiilt of Treul- iiu-iit liy Sonic Yoiinpr FVllonii. NORTH PLATTB , May 25. ( Speclal.- Calvln Iloso died at the county hospital nt this place after an Illness of a week , re- BUlt'ng from exposure and a debauch , In which ho engaged with several young men of this city. About a week and n half ago Mr. Hose , who was a farmer/ living In the southern part of the county , 'came to town and It Is said drank heavily. A number ol North 1'latto young fellows thought thej would lm\o some fun with the old man , he being about 05 years of age. They got him EC full of whisky that ho became stupefied and then shaved one side of his face an 1 clipped the hair from ono side of his head The old man was then placed behind a cur tain In Guy Lalng's saloon and a free show was established for the crowd. Ho war kept In this condition for a day and nlghl and then placed In his wagon nnd utartcil homo. The next day ho was found In the bottom of the wagon unconscious , and the team WOH roaming over the country. He was In n very bad condition , nnd ho grew worse us the result ot Improper treatment , lloso waa then hi ought to town , where the doctors relieved him. Since then ho lias been lingering between llfo and death. Quito a mini of money has been raised to prosecute an action against the persona concoiiHMl. and It Is thought that both civil and criminal prosecution will bo commenced , Clnli Women ICntrrtiilii , STIlOMSmma , Neb. , May 25 , ( Speclal.- ) The Stromsburg Woman's club gave Iti third annual reception on Friday evening The entertainment was divided Into three parts , program , banquet and ball. The pro- Brain was presented In the opera house am ! consisted of Hamlet's ghost scene and the llfo of Mary Queen of Scots , Illustrated by tablcax. nnd several speeches nnd reel. tatlons. The club quartet rcndored several excellent songs , A most pleasing feature was th speech by Mrs. Field of Lincoln who was the guest of the Stromsburg club At the banquet In the Masonic rooms an address of welcome was given by eacli woman In her turn , consisting of lines ol poetry prepared for the occasion. The decorations were very pretty , and displayed the club colors of green und white mosl cffecthuly. About seventy-five couples tool part In the dancing afterward , nu > lil City . DAVID CITY , Neb , , May 25. ( SpecUl.- ) Hev , A. Schwlmley of the Congregational church preached the baccalaureate sermon al the Methodist Kplecopal church yesterday The graduates Of the- High school , seven Ic number , were present , supporting the claw colors Thu commencement exercises will bt held May 28 at the opera home , Utmtenanl Governor J. K. Harris making the address , Tlie graduating class of ' 37 arc : Carrlt Hunna , Delia Stowell , Alice Evans Cor ! Young : , Mabol Ilussell , Marlon French , Jai Jtlslng- , Karl Taylor and Kldon Long. Front UOI-M Ittlu ! Di DAVID CITY. May 25.-Speclal.-Ther. { ) . was a heavy frost this morning and Ice wai formed thu thickness of window glass It some spots. The ground being quite dry IltUa damage to crops or gardens will result ICiilKhfx fit 1' ) thin * Ilrliriulo MertliiK. UNCOIN , May 25. ( Special Telegram.- ) The annual brigade meeting of the Unlforn Rank , Knlghla of Pythias , of the state wai held In thta city today , being called to ordei bf UrlfiaJo Commander V , II. iec ) tro ol Klmball. About sixty mcmhoni from other points In the state arc here. II. C. Chnppel ot Lincoln wits elected colonel ; L. C , Schultz ot Howard lieutenant colonel and C. M. Sutherland of Hebron sergeant ot the First regiment ; M. A. Hover of Kearney was elected sergeant of the Third regiment. A social and strawberry nupper was held at the Knights of Pythliw' hall tonight. MTTi.n mm. nns : PHO.M A nituisi : . Struck on I In- ! . < by n Hull nnil llloocl I'olMonlntr Sol * In. IMIMM.ION , Neb. . May 25. ( Special. ) Little Grace Kmply. daughter of A. P. Urn- ply of this town , died a few days ago from blood poisoning which developed from a brulso on her left les Just below the knee , whore n ball hit her while playing with her schoolmates about three weeks ago. The Injury did not appear serious at the time , and nothing was thought of It. On Sunday , the 16th. fdio first complained of paln where the ball struck her , but went to school on Monday as Tuesday ahe was very lit , and the best local physician was called In and he pi escribed for her. Thursday she w g milch wome , and It WM the opinion ot the doctor that the bone was affected. An other phyjlclan was sent for from Springfield and , after consultation , the doctors drcldtd that the bone ot the leg had been Injured by the ball and that there was danger of blood poisoning. Ono ot Omaha's most thill- fill surgeons was telephoned for. hut In wplle of the bent cffortn ot the dor-tot * ; blood pois oning set In and the child dltd Friday oven- Ing.Tho The funeral took place on S-'undoy , the ncrvlco In Ing conducted by H"v Mr. Under wood of the Methodist KpHCnpil church , which was rrowdtd by the friends of the family. The child waa 12 years old and a general favorite. isT YOIM : iMioi'i.ivs UNIO.V. 'V\M > Dny-4' COIM < > ntloii nl lluniliolilt IN Well Atli-iiili'il , HUMUOLDT. Neb. . May 25. ( Spc-r-lal. ) A convention of the naptlst Young IVoplo's union clo ii'd hero yesterday The first meet ing was held oil Saturday morning , when J. 13. Connor of Pawnee City delivered an address. In the afternoon llev. J. S. Hadden gave a discourse on "Ways and Work , " and Mr. Cox , Mr Connor and Mr. Schoppel de livered addresses un the methods and ob- jectfl of the union. In the evening Mr. Con nor delivered a sermon. Sunday motnlng Mrs. T. U. Davis led 'hi ? exorcists. The subject for the Sunuay RohoM lesion was "The , Conference at Jcius > alem. " J. 13 Connor delivered the sermon , nnd ! n the afternoon spoke again nn "How to Study Your nible. " A question bo-c was con-l.ic'ed at thl i meeting by C. A. Schoppel ot Pawnee - neo City. Itev. O. C. Cox of Auburn was the speaker In the evening. A good attendance was present each day , and the convention was .1 general success. ouc.iM/.n AX A'niMvrio CI/UH. York lliixIiiriN anil I'rorVnMloiial .Mm Hum ! TII > IIIXI-M-N ' ! ' < > < ( her. YORK , Neb. , May 25. ( Special. ) An athletic club has been foimed among the business men ot Yoik The organbatlon was perfected last night by the adoption of a constitution and election of olllcers. Arthur W. Ulchardiou was chosen president ; W. W. Wyckoff , secretary ; T. W. Hamilton , treaa- uicr ; W. H llojtr und Clydo Waterman , directors. .The ofliceis and members com prise soms o the most substantial and In fluential business and professional men In the city and the movement Is an assured success. The membership has a minimum limit of forty and the Initiatory fee Is $10. Articles of Incorporation will probably be filed soon. It Is pioposscd to lease a largo suite of rooms for the purpose of furnishing a gymnasium , baths and reception , reading and amoking rooms. CUUAMI3HY UOUS A 1IIG HUMMUS. iTM Around hrlmylpr Snriirlse tlie MHIIHK < 'I"I liy Tholr.ual. . SCHUYLEH , Netb. , May 23. ( Special. ) The Schuyler Creamery company has far more than met Its most sanguine expecta tions In the starting of Us creamery. The wheels were first rolled for active operation Thursday , May 20 , upon which date 2.6SS pounds of milk were received , being more by all over 2,000 pounds than the mauageis expected. The second day 3,031 pounds were icccived , the third 4,0f > 5 and today B,2G1 , aud It Is known that , the number of patrons will very materially Increase during this week. This one being the first centrifugal system plant near here , the visitors at the plant from day to day are many. The In terest the farmers are taking augurs suc cess. Three 3Ii > n Sent to the Penitentiary. FREMONT , Neb. , May 25. ( Special. ) Judge Marshall held a session of the district court here today for the transaction of eenilty and nonjury business. Ernest Yarrlngton pleaded guilty to stealing a horse fiom Albert Jonas and was bentcnced to five years In the penitentiary. Since Yarrlngton has been tit jail here ho has contested to taking several horses. Albert Liens pleaded guilty to forging Ed M. Mahon's name to a check for $5 aud uttering the same as true and genuine. He was sentenced to two years. George Schaeftcr also pleaded guilty to breakIng - Ing into Peterson Urea. ' store on Sunday moining last with intent to commit burg lary. His headquarters will bo In Lincoln for the next three years. Old 91iiii IiitHen a IIiiiul , FIID.MONT , Neb. , May 23. ( Special. ) Peter Ivesen had hla right hand taken off In the machinery at the hemp mill last night. He was feeding ono of the breaking machines when some of the hemp twisted around hla hand drawing It between the rollers. The machinery was stopped ns teen ns possible , but not before his hand and wrist had been drawn In. Ho was taken to Dr. Smith's ofllce and It was found necessary-to amputate the arm just below the elbow. Iveseu Is over CO years of age and Is In poor clicuui- stances. Flllfll fillItfSlHtlllK OlIllMTN. FREMONT. Neb. , May 25. ( Special. ) A gang of four men who caused a dis turbance when Ofllcer Lydlck attempted to arrest thorn on Saturday night were up before Judge Cowan today. Two of them pleaded guilty and were fined , one $20 and costs and the other $15 and costs , which they paid and were dis charged , The third ono was fined fl and costs and the fourth atecrted that he WAS not Implicated In the affair , but after hearing the testimony of several witnesses the court fined him JIG and costs. Ho took an appeal. Doimlil 11 I'mniUfM u Train. DAKOTA CITY. Neb. , May 25. ( Special. ) Donald McLean , the promoter of thu Pa cific Short Line , was In town yesterday and Informed The Ilco correspondent that com mencing Suuday , Juno C , the Pacific Short Line railway would commence runnla su burban trains out ot Sioux City , la. , to the Crystal Lake pleasure resort , two inllfa north of tula place , giving a half-hour serv ice. If this ta done It will probably Inter fere 'With the extension ot the electric rail way from South Sioux City to thp lake- , for which a right-of-way on the public highway waa granted by the commissioners at th * lr last meeting. siinitirK TIM : MAUSHAI. . Ilrnilntinw Hunk KoMicm Tittceii to HnnllnK * Hit llonle to York. HASTINGS , Neb , May 23.-Speclal ( T-le- gram. ) Tonight's train brought In Sheriff Price of York county with thj two Hradihaw bank robbers. The marshal nt Davenport captured the robbers and had emplojed an attorney to go to Hebron to secure a writ of habeas corpus. Sheriff Price heard of the scheme and drove with hli prisoners to Edgar whcret the St. Jete & Grand Island passenger was caught and the men biought to Hajtlngn. The prtaoncM will be taken to York tomor row by Sheriff Price. lloiiielirraker I'lnod Kite DoIlnrN. UKATUICE , Neb. , May 23. ( Special. ) In the hoiiscbrcaklng case against Fred Car- pontcr and Cal Raines the defendants were let oft with the payment ot a fine of $3 and The case against Kdward McConnell , charged with house burning , was begun In the district court thlii morning. The prore- ciitlon will Introduce a confession signed by the defendant nt the time of his arrest , admitting that he was responsible for some five or six fires , nnd the defense will bo that McConnell was < scared Into making the conte.3lon. . Owner Till. en CluirKf Illnixelf. SCHUYLER. Neb. , May 23. ( Special. ) Today ot noon J. L. Klnney , who has had charge1 of the Togg house during the pant two years , dropped out of the management. D. N. McCord , the owner , ot Dei Moines , U In the city , and will have charge of the hntol In the future. The hotel will undergo repairs and Mr. McCord will bring his family from DCS Molnca In a couple of weeks. Mr. Klnney has not decided upon what ho will do , declining health prevent ing him from resuming hotel work. Veteran * Will > > | ienU < o tlie School * . 03CEOLA , Neb. , May 25. ( Special. ) County Superintendent G. W. Crozler has got out a very patriotic program that all of the schools In the county will use next Friday afternoon. There will bo a detail ot veterans to make a short address In each of the schools. At the school In Osceola the following named veterans have * been de tailed to do the talkingJ. . II. Mickey , B. C. Campbell. II. F. House , Hov. W. H. Adams and T. II. Saunders , ono to each of thu rooms of the High school. fleet with Little hiieceMi. BEATRICE , Neb. , May 25. ( Special. ) Some men are here from Chicago endeavor ing to arrange for the erection of a large sugar cane syrup plant. A couple ot Informal meetings were held yesterday and the matr ter will be presented to the council this evening. Quite a bonus Is asked for and It seems doubtful If anything will result from the attempt. HrliiKM ii Uiilek. IleHionai > . M'COOL JUNCTION , Nob. , May 23. ( Special. ) About eighty letters were re ceived by the secretary ot the Men'a association here from newspaper men In response to the statement published In "The Bee , " calling attention to the need of a newspaper in this town. The fiiet number of McCool's newspaper will be Issued about Juno 10 , next. Sllpw nnil IlreiikH Ills lt'K- FAIRMONT , Neb. , May 25. ( Specnl. ) Joseph Fltzpatrlck , the 15-year-old eon of Timothy Fltzpatrlck , met with a painful ac cident yesterday afternoon whllo unloading a load of corn from a wagon. Ho had Just let the end-gait down to commence unloading when ho slipped and fell to the ground and broke his right leg near the ankle joint. Dr. Plumb reduced the fracture. llnnk CiiMhler ( JetH i Divorce. FREMONT , Neb. , May 25. ( Special. ) Carl Halm was granted a divorce from his wife , Julia Hahn , on the ground ot desertion , but the custody of the child was awarded to the mother. The plaintiff procured leave of the court to file a supplementary and amended petition. Mr. Hahn Is cashier of the State bank ot Hooper. Ainu ( our TlieatrlealH at .Nelirimkii City NEBRASKA CITY , May 23. ( Special. ) The charming little operetta , "Bonnie Bell , " was given at the opera house tills evening under direction of Mrs. F. D. Spinccr , as sisted by young people of the city. The affair was well attended nnd was pronounced a success by those present. Sin nil Iloeket In Clny County. CLAY CENTER , Nob. , May 25. ( Special. ) The May term of the dlstr ct court for Clay county convened yesterday , with Judge William Hastings presiding. The docket la small and , being an equity term , the attend ance Is not large , there being no cases of public Intereat to bo heard. Corn HotH In the Groiiiul. ASHLAND , Nob. , May 25. ( Special. ) Re ports come In from various sections of the farming districts that some of the corn has rotted In the ground and will have to bo re planted. The cold , wet season Is the cause assigned by some ot the fanners , while others attribute It to Inferior seed. ii DainiiKe Claim. HASTINGS. May 25. ( Special. ) At the regular meeting of the city council last night the claim of Chris Peters for $1,200 for damages was disallowed. The claim of the school board against the city \vas returned by the claims committee and filed without action. Horne anil Cart Are Stolen. TECUMSEH , Neb. , May 25 , ( Special , ) A horse und cart , the property of Robert Llmpka , a Tccumseh tailor , were stolen from a hitch rack on the public square last night , Joluifeon county offers $50 for the return of the property and apprehension of the thief , KnU-rtalii Their Krleiuln. SHELTON , May 25. ( Special. ) Mrs. George Melaner and her sister , Mrs. S. H Smith , entertained about fifty women , mostly from Shelton , at the Melaner home , about one evening. Flvo o'clock tea was served and mile north of town , yesterday afternoon and OHirnoil'H Cane Coined Up Next Week. TECUMSEH , Neb , , May 25. ( Special , ) D. F Osgood's arson , case will bo tried In the Johnson county district court next week , Tha ! arrangement waa decided on between the court and attorneys yesterday. Normal .School Contract I rt. PERU , Neb. , May 25. ( Special. ) Hayes of Peru was today awarded the contract for rebuilding the dormitory of the State Normal school at this place. The retail dealer who advertises "We always - ways give Ju < u what you ask for , " and lived up to his promise , Is certain ot a good trade. There Is not a day passes but that wo have something new In our art depart ment tlmtri why wo ask you to come lu our store every time yon pass the door You nro sure to see BOIUO new and pretty picture that will repay you for the time spent You need not buy wo want you to feel that you cai > come in hero at any and all times nnd look over our stock If you do want to purchase you will Und we make Uio prices as they should bt > Ont-oMown visitors are requested to make our store headquarters while in the city , A. HOSPE. Jr. , Music and Art. 1513 Douglas. win PTP MILL uMjL Presbyterians Dcoiilo Not 'to ' Soil the New York Strtcttira , ONE SECRETARY FOR1HOME MISSIONS In Ilrtiorl of llonril Of l < 'OfflKII SIlMtllltlllllollll U'llll- ninnlipr a Knllurv IIM I're- HAOLU LAKE. Intl. , May 25. The Pres byterian general assembly here today set tled two Important questions. The first was not to sell Us building In New York , and the second to have only one secretary of homo missions. The latest echo of the con troversy over lr. Ilrlggs and the Union seminary came up In the report of the judicial committee , which extended to all presbyteries the order to exclude students of that seminary from their care. It was apparent that tew commissioners knew what they were \oting upon , ns the matter came up on appeal fiom some unnamed action of the s ) nod of New York , the niuno of the case nlono being given , The devotional services of the as sembly today were led by Dr. William G. Alexander of Washington , . 0. The report on bencvolcnco was made the second order for Thursday afternoon instead of evening. The 1'rcsbyterlan building matter was made the special first order llils afternoon. An In vitation to visit the city of Fort Wayne was refuircd to a committee. Permission was gi anted to the synod of New York to change the name to the synod of New Yoik and New England as boon as the necessary legislation can bo secured. Applause greeted the an nouncement that the grant for a Unman Catholic chapel at West Point had been de clared Illegal by the attorney general , him self being a member of the lloman Catholic church. Sabbath observance was made a special order for devotional services Thurs day morning. The complaint of the members of the Pres bytery of New York against the synod of Now York with regard to llcensuro of stu dents was withdrawn upon the answer of the Judicial committee that the action of previous assemblies applied to all presbyte ries who were thus "enjoined and Instructed" not to take under their care any students who are pursuing or purpose to pursue their studies In seminaries not approved by the general assembly. The report of the Judicial committee was adopted without debate. Ilio regular order was the report on for eign mUtiioiis , which In the abstract was as follows : CURTAIL EXPENSES. The report showed that efforts had been made to curtail expenses us far as possible In view of the reduced iccelpta , but In splto of such efforts an Increased dellclt was re ported. A large part of It was due to the tailing oft In the Item of legacies. It wan suggested that the extra eltort to extinguish the debt of the board had an effect upon con tributions to the cause of foreign missions. Special pr.xloe was given to the work of the women's board and to thr young people s societies. Mention was made of necessary retrenchment , but thq basis of it was not Six foreign missionaries died and eighty- three were sent out during the year , a large proportion of whom , however , returned to loimer llelds of labor. . The receipts were , ns , follows : From churches , $270,479 ; ' Women's boards , f2TO.llr ) , Sabbath schools and young pcoplo'a societies $ S4H9 ( ; legacies , $ S9- 7M ; miscellaneous sources , ? 93- 349. Unused appropriations and the sale of properties on the Held Increased the assets The 'total expenditures Were J02G.001 , of which J57.C21 was for administration nnd printing. ' The total debt amounted tto $113,239 , which was reduced by receipts from the anniver sary reunion fund to a net debt of $97,451. The largest appropriations were made for work as follows : Cliliin , $171fi97 : India , $107,373 ; Japan. $78,145 ; South Ameiicn. $ SO.- OSO ; Syria , $ Ti9OG5 , ; Slam , and Laos , $71,111 ; Persia. $73,19' ? ! Africa , H1.3S3 , The board has securities to the amount of $2i7,5 ! > S , the Interest of which Is available for current work. It also owns securities of $3S,102. upon which it has not yet realized and special funds aggregating $3GGSCG , of which $13.- ,4.Vi belong to the permanent fund. The Presbyterian bul'.dlng In New York stood the board in $ S29.Si5. of which $ Til,710 belonged to the interest account and $14,203 represented taxes. Loans on the building aggregated $010,000 and $17,034 had been re- colvpd from rentals. The gifts made toward thp building amounted to $270S93 , The selection of Charles W. Ilnnd of Brooklyn as treasurer of the board was an nounced. At the opening of the afternoon session the following reply to a cablegram to Queen Victoria , sent yesterday , was read : "The cjuecn thanks the assembly for Its kind telegram. EDWAUDS. " KEEP THE BUILDING. The special orders for discussion were two reports on the Presbyterian building at New York , and the report of the special com mittee of conference with the Board of Homo Missions. Several speeches on the former subject were made under the flve- mlnuto limitation , and then the floor was granted to Ur. Wlthrow , chairman of the committee , who entered upon an exhaustive review of the conditions surrounding the property In/ Now York and the report of the special committee appointed to Investigate these matters. The Introduction of sectional Issues ho deplored , particularly when the four synods of the east contributed two- thirds of all the benevolent funds of the church. Ho urged the adoption of the re port returned by the majority of the com mittee. A motion to lay the minority report and all substitutes on the table was promptly carried by an Immense majority. The ques tion of the adoption of the majority report , which does not favor the sales of the build- lug , was put to a rising vote and only two coinraisjloners were seen to bo on their feet , ono a minister who ducked down too quickly to bo recognized , and the other an elder , who was BO dazed by his loneliness that ho ( stood longer than his nimbler fellow conmilutoiicr. The final result was celebrated by singing the doxology. As A sort of compromise measure- the fol lowing rule was IntroJoccd and accepted to KOUTII Iho action of boards : When nny board re > elves n. legacy , the no of which Is not Indicated in the will of the testator , the funds shall either be used for curient work or Invested In nccord- nnen with laws provided foi the care of the trust funds In the state vtlieie the board Is located. Hut If not " o n l , they shall be held until the Keiieial assembly upproves of = 01110 different use of them than that which the b m i el may propose to make. ONLY ONR SGCIICTAUY. At this point John Wftnamaker took the inolerator's chair and parllimcntary confu sion began. Dr. Kane , chalimau of the spe cial commlltpo on home missions , look the floor on Hi icport and moved the adoption of the 11 rut resolution , which directed that the work of the board be committed to one secretary Instead of two , ns heretofore. The motion ns put without opportunity for de bate and declared carried. A motion to reconsider was lost by A largo vote. The motion to reconsider was followed by a moi'lon to rescind and several other votes \\ero Dually had , but the recommendation fern n single secretary prevailed. Iho other recommendation referred to the making of appropriations for each year , which were dliectcd to bo made on the basis of average tcoelpts for se\erjl years. The board was directed to avoid debt , and ordered to pay ( he sainu from the nssct.s of the suc ceeding year. Home missions again uccupled the atten tion of the assembly In thu evening at a popular meeting. Dr. John Hall of New York presided and dellveied an address. Addresses were also made by Dr. George L. Spinning of New Jersey , Dr. H. Hilrd o : -Montana and Huv. S. U. Hush of California. < ; ivn cossim TMI : coi.u HIUHJMHIII. DoiiiiitiMtrittliut lit llCNrnliiicnt fur AN- Hiiult oil HorUi'ft'llcr. PlTTSIlUUG , May 25. The llnal session of the North American , Baptist 'May ' anniver saries , which have been going on In the Fourth Avenue Baptist chuich of this city since May 17 , began at 10 o'clock this morn ing. The delegates In attendance say that the nnnUerearlEB Just held have been the most profitable and enthusiastic of any held for years. Before the meeting wa'i formally opened all foreign missionaries , with one ex ceptlon , were Invited to seats on the plat form. The- exception waa Hev. W. U. Coii- sum of China , who yesterday caused a sensa tion by his remarks on John D. Rockefeller. Whether the omission was accidental or In tentional la not know. Mr. Cosanm occu pied a seat close to the front , and there was a rather set expiesslon on his face. After devotional exercises , Hev , H. P. Cochran of Burmah and W. H. Leslie , M. D. , of the African mission , gave Interesting ac counts of the mission work In their respective fields. Addresses on missionary work were also made by Hov. George Warner of West China , Hev. K. Tribolet of Burmah , Dr. J. S. Grant and Hev. Dr. Blxby. The latter offered a resolution favoring a fuither and fetrongcr union of the various bodies. This was passed. A resolution was also passed requesting the foreign secretary to prepare for next year's meeting a comprehensive survey of the work abroad , with a view to ascertaining the best methods of carrying on the work. Dr. Burnam of the Colgate university , Hamilton , N. Y. , gave n five-minute address on the work done at the university. After prayer the Missionary union ad journed to meet at the call of the executive committee. An Informal reception was held , farewells said , and the anniversaries were ended. Most of the visiting delegates left for homo tonight. WORK AMONG COLOUISD PEOPLE. Southern ProNhytcrliinn Iloi-niiimeiul mi IiiiI < M piul'-iit Chiiroli for Them. CHARLOTTE , N. C. , May 25.- After the opening exercises of the assembly today the report on education for the ministry was taken up , pending consideration of which the report on colored evangelization was dis cussed. After an explanation by the chair man , the assembly heard a strong address from Hev. 0. B. Wilson , missionary to the colored people , showing how fitting Presby- terlanlsm wao to their needs because of Its Intelligent and spiritual worship , Its Godly ministry and the spsclal responsibility of southern Presbyterians as a debt of justice and gratitude. The assembly also heard Hev. E. W. Will- lams the colored Presbyterian of Ferguson Williams college of Abbeville , S. C. , who spoke eloquently In behalf of the organiza tion of an Independent colored Presbyterian church as absolutely necessary to the eelf- development of the negro. These addresses made a deep impression and secured a lib eral collection. The report urges vigorous prosecution of work along the lines already approved by the assembly. It provides for the early or ganization of an Independent colored Pres- bytcilan church upon the motion of the col ored people themselves , to to aided by the general assembly as In the past. The report was unanimously adopted , An paii. of the Westminster celebration , "Tho Old Man Eloquent , " Rev. M. D. Hoguo , D. D. , delivered a forcible address on the relation of the Westminster standards to missionary labors. Great crowds waited hours patiently to hear this address. I.uUicriiii MlHslunnry Convention. DAYTON , O. , May 25. The tenth general convention of the Women's Homo and For eign Missionary society of the Lutheran church Is In session herq with 200 delegates present from all parts of the country. The ofllcors of the convention are as follows : President , Mra. A. V. Hunter , Columbia City , Ind. ; vlco presidents , 'Mrs. ' A. G. Bond , What wo are all after our money's worth coupled with the satisfaction of knowing we've got it you can't buy any thing in our store no matter how smaller or how large the purchase but that yon nro getting your money's worth and a good money's worth at that Wo take It for granted you know a good carpet when you see 1 and know what the price ought to be hi'iico in buying our carpets we buy only the best and we price them so llm ! ; , you know you ate getting a bargttln-r-Wo have no bargain days Kvory day. il i a bargain day for you at our store. Omaha Carpet Co 1515 Dodge St , i .til Wo have n little 'chamois skin glasa wiper curry it1 bn * your watch chain- In your poeketiiyAvhere Gleiinu your glasses perfectly Vsre slvo them away to people who use. them It lias our name on the "sll/ered" handle Our name Is on about everything Units good In the glass line nowadays HometimeH you can't see our immo tlien's the time to buy glasses We can mnko you ee > if anybody can \Vo do it Belentllicaliy no guesswork about It Wo JU the frame something others do not do W H lit tlie sight We do it all for less Hum * any other house. | Columbian Optical Co 2 AUTISTIC , SCII3.NT1KIO AKD S J'llACTIOAl , OPTICIANS , H OMAHA. A Denver. u a ICth St. Kantag City , CCCC3330 { OOTC3993 CKK > 3XJ ( CCCO CO WISE ADVICE TO HUSBANDS. These Who Have Ailing Wives Will do Wall to Accept It. Do not wrangle nnd quarrel , and finally rush into the courts and try to get m separation from your faithful wife ; but just stop a moment and thinkl Your wife , who was oven-tempered and amiable , and all that was lovely when you ' married her , has changed. Now she is poevlsh , irritable , joal- discontented nnd miserable in a word , she has uterine disorder of some kind , Law is not the rcmcely for this condition , siio needs med ical treatment , her uterine system is at fault. My advice to you is , sit down nnd write a letter to that friend of women , Mrs I'inkliam , of Lynn , Mass. , state fully and freely the whole case to her and she will honestly ad- kviso you what to do. Give your wife that chance , goexl man I If you do not wish to write about your -wife , bring her a bottle of Lydla K. I'ink- ' ham's Vegetable Compound , uutuh its uf- feets , you will MHUI see the beginning of fthc improvement ; then got her another and keep it up until she is restored to you , the satno lovely woman you married years ago. Following1 tte relate the circumstance" * of a of this nature. Mm. MKI.VA. KOUPON , of Camby , Ind. , says : " 1 have used'Lydla 12. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound and found it to be of great benefit to me. Tlio doctors said 1 had womb trouble. I had the headache all the time , also a terrible backache , was nervous , eioss and irritable. 1 looked so pale that people would ask mo what was the matter. 1 suffered in this way for about four years , until ono day about In despair my husband brought mo a bottle of Lydla 13. LMnkham't ) Vegetable Compound. I commenced its use , and much to every one's sur prise , it cured me. It has completely changed my disposition for the better also. Several of my neighbors , knowing what the Vinkham mediuinn has done for uio , are taking it , aud are much pleased with the result. " Sallna , Kan. ; Mra. J. P Marlnun. Altoon.x. Pa. ; recording secretary , Mr S 11. Ilelmer , Cincinnati ; corresponding Kcrretaiy , Mlos Mary Hay Morrl. . ? , Baltimore ; treasurer , Mru. A. V. llamma , Baltimore ; hlstoilan , Mrs. Utnma 11. School , Baltimore. CUM mm i , AM > iMi ( > mft'iuiA\.s. StiuloiitM mill I'mlutf lon ers Are Not Allnuoil to blurry. CHICAGO , May 25 Today the general ao- sembly of the Cumbt'ilaud Presbyterian church was largely given over lo reports from committees. The committee on Banetifloatlon , which has been considering doctrinal statements , or the confes-slnn of faith , to he submitted to the presbyteries for their approval , re ported their Inability to agiee and asked to bo discharged. The question \\us Indefinitely postponed. On recommendation ot the committee on education It was oidered that theological students obtain the consent of their presby teries before being allowed ( o attend other colleges than those of the Cumberland de nomination ; also that the marilage of stu dents and probationers be not permitted until they have obtained n permanent chaige. A committee was appointed to co-operate with the coloied blanch of the denomina tion In response to a rcqucct sent by J. T. Humphrey , stated clerk of the Cumberland Colored Piesbyterians. The following were appointed as a board of directors of the Hoard of Education : Rev. W. J. Darby , J. E. Wrenu and Frank Slee- mers. MOM1V KOIl SUFKI2IIEHS I.V INDIA. lU'formtMl 1'rcNli ) trrlmiM Scud n Doiill- tloii to Iti-llof Dlntrpsx. PITTSBUHG. May 25. The morning ses sion of the general sjiiod of the Reformed Presbyterian church was occupied almost en tirely by short talks on home missions and the best methods of carrying on the work. The president of the Board ot Foreign Missions announced that ho had received In structions that the editor and publisher of the Christian Herald had donated the sum of $500 lu old of the suffers fiom famine In India to be distributed by missionaries In the field. It was icsolved that the thanks of the general synod bo tendered the generous donors. The synod by a unanimous vote In structed the committee on foreign missions to cable the money at once. After the an nouncement of the standing committees , the synod adjourned for lunch. At 2 o'clock the session reassembled and the reports of the various missions were con.sldered. This work consumed the whole afteinoon and the synod then adjourned to meet next year In Philadelphia. SIIOH HPT Knthpr-lii-T.nw. SAN FRANCISCO , May 25. Mrs. Margaret Moffatt lias brought suit In the superior court to recover damages In the sum of $50,000 from her husband's father for al leged alienation of affection and also in stituted proceedings against her husband to compel him to support her. She alleges that Bho has twice been married to W. M. Mof fatt , but at each time her father-in-law has Induced his son to desert her. AmirrhlNtn KeleiiHril from I'rlnon. PITTSBUHG , May 25. Henry Bauer and Carl Nold , the anarchists who were accom plices of Alexander Bergman fn the at tempted assassination of II. C. Frlck during the Homestead strike of 1892 , were released from the pen today after serving their terms of flvo years. They were given a royal re ception by the anarchists of Allegheny , who are arranging a picnic for them. Trnini > FullH Uinlt-r a Train. CHEYENNE , Wyo , , May 25. ( Special Telegram. ) John D. Barkhurat , aged 21 , who was beating his way from Sacramento to Chicago , fell under a Union Pacific passenger train from which ho wcs trying to alight in the CMiojcmio jards thh morning and had both ftet cut ofl. llalkhurst Is the tomtit tramp who haa met with nn accident of this kind lu and near the Chcjeinie jarda during the past week. Ml ) VIM ! A UimiM5V UVl'llin. All IllnhiKU r-roiil Om > Ti'imsiioi'tiil on SKIilN N curly 1 , (111(1 ( IVfl. Tboro are two wa > si of moving a chimney. Olio way , and that usuall ) followed Is to tear It down carefully and icbulld It in the dcsltod place. This utlll/es only the bilck , and means a great deal of labor. 'I he other method of nmvlng n chimney Is tu handle It much as n house would bo handled and tu move It bodily and without tearing It down by putting It on jjklds. The latter method was follow cd by a firm of contractors of Drldgtiiamptoii , N Y. , In moving a chimney for the Mahanset T.n- pio\L'incnt company < it Mahansct , N Y. The chimney Is tight } -the feet high ami ne\ou feet squat e at the base. U weighs neatly 100 tons , and jtl It was moved a dis tance ot 930 feet over lough load , ! and up and down steep grades without Injury or accident. But nix men wuc required to do tlie work. One horse attached to \\ludlasa fuinUhcd the needed power. The skids weiu well griflsod on the bottom tom , and the rate of progieai was o fast that but nine da > s elapsed from the tlmo work was begun until the chimney waai secuicly located on Itu Hew foundation. M1II.10DOM.AU KUM ) KOIl CIJ11A. Moitry IM llfliiK llnlsi-il liy IoiiuUou mill l > y hiiliirrlptloiiH ( o lloiulH. NEW 1'OHK , May 20. The Preys pub lishes the following : Officers of the Cuban league have decided to attempt the raising of a fund ) of $1,000,000 In the United States , believing that this will cnablo the Cubans to establish their Independence. The fund Is to be raised In. two wajs by donations and by the yale of gold bonds ot 0 per cent. "pajable ten years after the evacuation of Cuba by the Spanish tioops. " Alicady about $10,000 lisa been raised to ward tbo fund. Among those who have pur chased bonds are : John Jacob Astor , $1,000 ; Ethan Allen , ? 1,000 ; Dr. Seward Webb , $400 ; N. F. Grlswold , $500 , and Edward McKlnlev , $250. W. 13. D. Stokes has donated Jl.OOU. The bonds are Issued In denominations ot $1,000 , $500 , $100 and $50 , all of which are sold for1 CO cents on Iho dollar. Bonds of $3 and $10 ara sold at par. s SHOOTS mm IIUSIIAND. IIliU-M In 11 Closi-t mill HrnrH Him 1'lnrt 1 ! 2loirnlUi | AnodiorVoiiiiiu. . ST. LOUIS , May 2fi. May Campbell , a variety actress , who came here from Cin cinnati , hid In a clothes closet In Maud Dovcro's rooms yesterday. She listened whllo her husband made violent love to the Dovoro woman nnd beard him arrange for an elopement. Mrs. Campbell emerged with a revolver and put live bullets Into her liua- band and ono into Maud Dovoro. She then walked Into the police station aud gave herself up. Campbell was taken In a dylnff condition to the city hospital. When a do- tectlvo brought In his wife and asked hhn to Identify her as his assassin , ho refused ! to do so , nnd kissed her affectionately. Campbell was shot through the lungs and In the throat. Tlio woman's' wound U slight. nn Kni I MI-CM for < he Iny. DAKOfA CITY , Neb. , May 25. ( Special , ) S. Mansfield , general merchant at Homer , this county , harf made a general assignment for the benefit ot creditors. Mr. Mansfield has been engaged In business lu Homer for fifteen years past and hla failure la caused ! by poor collections and ovenitock , Now Drex L Slinonmn Is happy lie's stuck on our "Sprocket ulioo the Bhoe that Is just as good for the fitreet as for the wheel Its a dark blown HuKwIa hand sewed lloxlblo sole a new thing tills spring that has become the rngo in the cast thousands of them being sold for easy walking whom alone the price $3.00 recommends It So do we If Its not good bring It back and get your money We are sole agents for it. Drexel Shoe Co. , 1 < H FAKNAAI. Bend for our Illustrated Cntaloguc. Frea Just think of this sterling silver waist ficltf r > 0e Including three buttons a collar button and two uleevo links all for Me the new designs in enamel waist sets nro very attractive nnd cannot bo found elsewhere $2 to ? a a set They are beauties ( Joltl sets M kurat as low ns $5 a set AH the moat per fect and latest In design Our engravers are always busy but wo hiivu a faculty of turning out the llnest wedding sta- tlonery on time now designs In paperu colors new workmanship of the very best C. S. Raymond , JEWELER , 15th and Douglas.