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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1897)
8PEG1RL NOTICES , Ailvi-rllnriiii-iifn fur Uiexr cnliimn * lll lit : Inki-ii unlit JSittl ) 11. I" . , (01 ttio rtcnlttK ninl iinlll H it. in. for ( lie iiiiirnliur mill Similit } ' edition * . Ailvorllnprn , liy ri'iinonlhiK n limn * 1irr < * il Hicfk , can Imvo niiMwerN nil- itri'NNiMl t < it iiiiinlirriMl loiter In run of Tlii ; HIMAitHtvrrM no nililrritni-il will tic tlullt orc-tl on iiruncntiitlon ol ( lie * cliccli ( inly. Union , t 1-Si n word ( \r t liixcrllnn lo it troril tlicri'iiftcr , NotlilnK liiKi'ii for I CNN tlinii Jifiu fur the llr l Innor- ( Ion. Tin-Mr nilvt-rllHniiiMitn inimt In f- run iMitin \VA\Tiil _ : > IALi : WANTKH. AN IDEA , WHO CAN THINK Ol acme simple thing to patent ? Protect youi Ideas , tlicy nmy bring you wealth ; wrlto Johr Wmldcrhurn & Co. , I ) nt. \ ' . , Patent Attorneys. Washington , II. C. , for their tl.SW prize nffei and ix Hut of 200 lnve tlonn wanted. It 833 TAILORS WANTED. CONTINENTAL CIX3TI1. Ing Company. _ B M176 WANTED. TRAVELINO SALESMEN KOH CI earn ; old rcllnblo homo ; experience unneces eary , cxtrn Inducements to customers ; 173 t < JIM per month nnd expenses. Clms. C. lllihoi & Co. . Kt. Louis. I1-M320 Jli * t30 A WII-K SALARY AND EXPKNUKS PA IE salesmen ; experience not necessary ; permancnl position. The \V. I * Kline Co. . 8t. Louis , Mo. H-M733 Iff WANTit > . MiN TO LKARN HARDER TRADE only clglit Weeks required , find you can hok nny position ; outfit of tools Riven cucli eur tlcnl : write for 1837 catalogue. Molor's Rnrbci College , llth ntul Franklin nvc. , St I.otil.i. 1I-M < 2S 11 * MEN TO T.nAIlN 1IARI1ER TRADE AND FILI good paying positions nftcr 8 wcckV practice tools given each student free upon entering wacei made Saturdays while learning wrlti for free catalogue. Molcr llarlicr ColleKC. 22 : Washington nve. S. . Minneapolis. H-M8M ! ! tToTpKR DAY MADE SELLING OUR PAT cntcil adjustable kettle co\crs ; cost Jl.OO am tl.2" per iloz. ; pell for 2'c each Richards f lllrch , SCO Nlcollct vc. , Minneapolis , Minn. 11 M913 1C * WANTKD MEN TO PRICPARE IJY MAIL KO11 IntPiTial revenue , ctiMtonn and railway mat examinations ; "we light the way ; " "pointers" frre of Columbian CUII Service lust. , Wash. , I ) C. ; the only exclusive correspondence civil service hint. In U. H. ' 11 Man 11 * WA.\THnl''IS3IAI < : 10 PRIVATE FAMILY COOKS ; OKNKRAI house girl ; two In tinfamily. . $ ' . .M ; Mncc car ponters. Canadian Olllce , 1522 l > uugla . C-M929 11 WANTKO. A LADY WITH OOOD JUDOMBN1 of business affair ! ) to 1111 a vacancy. I ) .11 , llec C M927 12 KOII uuvr iiousiss. HOUSl-a : IN ALL PA11TS OF THE CITY. Till O. F. Davis Company. 1 ! > 03 Fnrimm. D C35 HOUSES : UENEWA & CO. . 108 N. 15TH ST. D-C37 MODE11N HOUSES ; C. A. STAHU 925 N Y LIF1 D-C33 CIIOICE HOUSES AND COTTAOES ALL OVEI the city , (3 tu 130. Fidelity , 1702 1'nnnun nt. U-C39 HOUSES. WALLACE , IIROWN ULOCK. 1CTI nnd Douglas D 610 HOPSES. FIIOM J3 UP ; LAIlGE LISTilc Caguo Investment Co. , 1WC Dodge street.U . U C41 A HEAUTIFUL HOME IN LAFAYETTE PLAC1 8 rooms , nil modern , splendid rendition , neve bfen rented before ; now offered nt a lov rental to first claps tenant. Fidelity Trjr Company , 1702 Farnam st. D HI HOUSES FLATS , GAHVIN DUOS , 1613 FAItNAX FOU IlENT , SI2N. 50TH ST. 7-HOOM MODHIU lioiiso. J.'i ) per month. Inquire on premises. D-GH FOU P.ENT IJY W. U. MEIKLE , 1ST NAT1 1 Hank liMtr. I3.1J Dnvcnnurt , 7 rooms , modern IIS. 1316 N. 13th. 7 rocn > , . modern. JN. 331C Spencer , 7-rooins' mc'lirn. ' 115.- HOUSES FOR KENT. HEMI3 , PAXl'ON'llLK D M3S4 rou iin\Tvinxisumi IIOO.MS. FUIINISHKI > JIOOMS , 1708 Douglas. U-taSSl-i : " HEAUTIFUL. LAROE FRONT ROOM ; I1A1 window ; modern ; with or without board. 61 North IDlh E-M7W 11 _ _ ' _ FURNISHED IlOOMS/'nOUSEKEEPlNO. 2C2 : St. Mary's. _ _ E-JIS3I 11 NICELY FllRNiailED ROOM , I1AV WINDOW one small ro < m , f3j modern. 17CO California St _ _ FURNISHED 5 ROOMS FOR HOUSKKEEPINO 3 for light housekeeping. Cll S.17th Ave. E M906- ROOM. MODERN , \Vn-li oTt without board. 03 N. 23d St. IJ-M873 I3 NICELY FURNISHED FllON-FlioOMT A USO : for liuimckceplnir. 60C North 17tli. U MMI 13' 1'Mrit.Msiiun itoo is AMI HO.VUII. SOUTH PIIONT IIOOM : ALCOVC : STEA"M heat ; furnlahtMl ur unfurnished ; boiiril : private family. I ) 26 , llee. F-MS51 FI'RNISIIED ROOMS Wmi IJOARi UTOPLV , 1731 Daxenport St. K-wa-11 * NICELY FUItNISIIED ROOMS. OOOD HOARD. lates ipusonuble. The Itoao 21 > J ) llarney K-SI507-2J - - _ _ _ _ HANDSOMKLY FURNISHED ROOM ANn iHinnl for tv.-o ; stiletly private family. 1701 _ _ ROOMS AND IIOAUP. FROM MT60 , l P- MOT ) . cm cum enl. n is. SIS N. 19th. I'k-ilisi K * TWO S1NOLK SO IT H "Jj OMa" : STK.VM- boar.l , lefeieiuoB. jMH N. ISlh tt. F J19jt 12 ' KOU 1IKAT KTOIIKS AMI OKKICKS. FOR RENT. THE Ts lilt"lcTc"i7ui'LIIN at 918 Kainuni n. T.iln ImlMIni ; linn u lliem.ior. cement baycincnt , rr.mpletu steam heating llx- tures ; nntvr on nil lloora : gas , etc. Annly at the otilcc of The Hie. 1-910 A ( J iTSVAA T HI ) . WANTED , CA'PAIILK "ANnTuiccnssFur. i'Dii" trlct , rrvulul nnd locnl oiftntu to represent the Manhattan Life Incnnmce Company of New York In Nvbriu > l.u , lo a mid South Dakota i-rcrlal territory Mill ! > Riven U > each asent with Iho niort liberal Inchcuse. or a long nnd vnluat to renewal vtmtract , ninllth suoh > pe- help In thu Held a will luniru th largest incature of success. For further IntVirmallnn pl-HJc aJJr < 3 J. W. Dean & Sons. General Agent * , liee bldg. . Oinnlin. Kth. J-MI-JC J1J hTOIt.lfilj. o > t , TEU iw _ _ _ M-CI5 TACU'IC HTORAOE AND WAREHOUSE CO 9US-910 Jones. Uencial btoi-JK * and foiwardlns' _ _ M-CIO AV.\\TKI'ro IIUV. WANTED. SECONDHAND SAFE ; CHVn IN- Mdu menBiiimentt ; make ; prlc fer cash. Address Wheeler lliollirrii , N ulu , lu. _ _ " N-fC7-12 WANfin."To"iiijnrbii : nuv. " A"nt..vcrv - smith shop ; nuTeriuil In lonu. A > I < | | PHH c. T. IlelJ , Emerson , lu. N MiiK } ; FOU SAM : CHIAI'IST IIAUUWOOD wovu.v coit.v l-tlrg inml C. It. 001 Lfo. Doughi * . Q-CIS coi > l. Druninioiiq Cnrrlata Cu. SAM : . . - : . i-lc ; V3V. Onnha lllcyclc Co. , 522 N , lith it. _ Q-3H ron HAI.U. N-I : B.\-.TONiio\viMioppnu w.nei ! new. AiKlit-n * 1) ) S3. | j . . Q-1I8I U .IIASSACI : HATIIH , ITO. " * " MMIJ. SMITH , lltl DOUULAH. "il6flt"i MAS- j | , ' nnil Mcum b.itlm , T itws H MISS AMl MAHSAOIJ. 607 B UIh it , , room 3. T MS13 ! } IMJllSO.VAL. JIUPTURB CURED ; NO PAIN ; NO DBTKN- tlon fiom butlnns ; we refer tu hundred * of patient * cured. O. K. lllller Co. , 717 N. Y. Llfo Lulldlnv , Omaha , Nob. U-CO WANTED , MEN AND WO.MKM TO ADVEIl- tlM our irooUs In rrtiy county In Nebrankii ; ooi | pj > j Bend it mini for pnrlloilari. 1C. a. Co , , 1013 llarnty t. , Omuh.i , Neb. - . . . - . U-tllJJ l'iit.SO.\AL. : ( Continued. ) I'IU.MANINTLY : when cured ; no nnln , no ilcn-ntlon from I > u l new. Kldcllty Hupturc Cure. 301 lies bldR.Omnlu U 02 OtmniNiJ | : TiouniKaw-s m. . lihlir. 1'hyilclAn , connulatlon or health Imol free. U-7 _ _ I1AT1IS , MASSAiaU. MMi : . I'OST , 310 % S. 15TII , WANTCD-HV AN nXl'IIItinSCP. ! ) tor , two or three tirlvnte pupils. 19. rice. U-934-13" 8 K I UTS , ArroiiniON I'LHATKU. FOR T5C KOI IS clnyg only. 201 DuuKlns blk. Ij .Mi'l il M \DAMU IIOYIJ , TlimtMAL 11ATIIS. 1C1 : Honnril ft. I' MDID 1C * SIO.MJV TO I.OA.V UUAI , IJSTATI5. ANTHONY LOAN & TUUST CO. . 315 N. Y. U quick money nt low rates for choice fnrin Innni In lonu , northern Missouri , eastern .Sibrnska VV-CM CITY LOANS. C. A. BTAUll. 9J3 N. Y. L1KH . \ VC5I MONKY TO LOAN ON IMt'UOV'KD OMAHA real c tntc. Urennnn , Love Co. , 1'axton block. W-C55 LOANS ON LMI'IIOVIU ) & UNIMHIOVKO CITV property. W. Farnam Smith & Co.,1320 1'nrnnm. W < W > . OMAH/ prniwrty. U. S. Mnrtunnc & Trust Company Now York. l > o cy & Thomas. Agents. No. M First Nntlonnl Hank IJMg. _ _ _ \\-trt MONKY" LOAN AT LOW IIATKS. THI O. F. IJnvIs Co. , 1503 Farnam St. W k7 MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PIIOI'ISIITY AH lowest rntcaj hulMInK lonns wnnlcil. rtilfllt ] Tnml Company. 1702 Fnrnnm St. _ > > f c pint CINT MONKY TO IJOAN ON OMAII : liropcrty. Neb. farms. W. B. llt-lklo lit NiUI. Ill JIOXUY TO LOAN ClIATTIiHS. MONEY TO LOAN ON ininNITl'Ili : , PIANOS linraci , wnRons. etc. , nt lowest rntcs In city no removal of roods ; strictly coiidlentlnl ; yoi can imv thn loan off at any time or In an : amount. OMAHA MOHTOAOK 1/J.VN CO. , SOS So. ICth St. X-CC1 MONUY TO LOAN. SO. M. 00 OAYM ; FUHNI lure , plnnos , etc. Duff Qieen room 8 IJarker hlk X-CCZ HtSI.\ICSS ; CIIAXUHH. FOU 8ALK. A11OUT 2.000 LltS. MINION TYPK 700 11) ' . nKate , 110 pair two-third cnscti. 4 ilonblo Iron Btnmls for two-third races. Thl material was used on The Omaha life , tint ! I In fairly irnoJ condition. Will l e tohl che | in hulk or In quantities to ttilt purclmFcr Apply In person or by nmll to Thu lice Pub llshlni ; Company , Omaha , Neb. Y 713 IN Oil OUT OF I1US1NKSB GO TO J. J aibEon , Oil lit Nufl Hk. HullJIng. Y-36C rOU SAL1J OirilxCHANaB-J20.000.00 PAID VI stock In n jobbing house of excellent rcputa tlon with n good trade. Tlie party offerlr.ff the - stock Is n salaried olllcer and thp purchaser If n man of gnnd cxtcutUc ability nnd dc slruu.1 of accepting nn netlvo position , may b ( clcctuil to t.ic olllcc. Aildrcm 1'owcll & I'oltcr , 1017 Farnnin street , Omnha , Neb. Y 72J 11 t'Oll SALU. A OOOD PAYING OIL In Omaha ; \\ill trnilo for land In Iowa 01 eastern Nebraska. AUJrets U 17 , Hep i.Illcc. Y MSli 13' FOIL ixcn.v.\ni. : . MONKY LOANID ON IUCYCLKS pcuplf expect to make an exchnnge In spring Neb. Cycle Co. . ISth nnil Harney. 2 213 J3 FAlTM"NTlAH SNOHOMISlI."A\ASHINriTON. . for property further cast. Selby , 1C03 Fnrnum V5 331 TO KXCHANGi : . FOR DEPOSITS ACrOUNT Kv ca\lng < ) bank's ; rnttcge , homes , ; pilci raiiKinK Irom 5ICO to Sl.OOO. J. J. aib&on. Dl First National Hank Ilullillng. Z733 FOU SALKOII TRADH rou KAIIM , A class hotel of 24 looms , ulth all m , lern I in proxements. well furnls.ieil , at Woodbine , Iowa Waoilblro has one * of the best patronize * Nnrmal schools In the state. Inquire .1. A. Roberts , WooJblne , Iowa. Z SOS-11 TO iXCIIANGB FOH"t3.000 STOClv"HAKU - wnre. 1JO ncres limit , two miles out ; 100 acre ! uniler plow ; gooil .title. AJJreis llox SO. Cor rectlonvllle. la. * Z MS11 13 FOH TllAUU. 3 CHOICE LMPUOVKn" FARM ! tn eastern Nebraska , to excluime for genera mcrthninllsc , bnnlwnre. Implements , furnltun ami boots anil shoes. I'or partlcutarH aililrcsi Oeoi-ge W. Huttun , Coleridge. Nfb.ZMSC2 Z-MSC2 13 FOR SAI.K UHAI. 12STATI3. AHSTItACTS. T1IU 1IYHON nUKU COMPANY. HI : CC3 HOU.SiS , LOTS , FARMS. LANDS. LOANS- tico. f. Ucmla : Estate Co. . 1-axton blk. RC 6C-1 KOH nXCHANCil r.KHIT-IlOOM MODUHN house for claims ngaliut Omaha Savings bank. G. M. Nnlttngcr & Co. . 1701 Farnnm St. UK CC3 12 OMAHA SAVINGS 11 VNK ACCOUNTS TAKEN at par In cxchangu for houses and IOIH. ( All or part. ) The llyron Heed Co. RK-S10 ron sAi.n-4-nooM not'sn AND LOT. uoo. t-rooin hotiMo ami lot , ItbO.GO. on easy payments. The Byron Heed Company. UK S33 14 ONI : " e AND ONI : S-IICOM COTTAGK iw north 20th , near Cliarles street , for Jl.COO.CO ran trkc < ! rposlt In Omaha Savings ban I ; a : part payment. 2ir. Hurdelt crttnsc nnd lot , C0xl6 , for II.2JO.OO ; W. II. OATKS , CIS N. Y. Life. UK MM ! 12 FonTsALi : CIIKAP , iiorsi : AND LOT. 2721 ISIomla Inqulic on premises. Hi : M933 11 * DANOI.Vtt SCHOOL. MOHANIVS. 1MO HAHNnY , FOH 1'RIVATB and clats U-twonK dally ; always open. SOO-FI K1.\A. > CIAL. L1FK INS. POLICIES IIOUHIIT. W. F. HOLDKN ecu ItlJILDINC. AM > LOAN ASSDC'IATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & II. ASS'N PAYS C , 7 , S per cent when I , 2 , 3 > ca old ; always re deemable. 1704 ramani St. Nattlnger , Sec.CCS CCS IIO'.V TO GUT A 1ICMU OR SKCUHU CiOOO Intorcit on uavlngs. Apply to Omaha L. & II. Acs n. 1704 Fnrnum. O. M. Nattlnger , Src. CC9 MUSIC , AUT AMI GEORfin F. OKLLKNHKCIC. HAN.IO , MANDO. Un and guitar tc.iclitr. Room 412 lice Hldg. Tel. US. 1'jO iiKcirfOLi.pniNTin.DRowN RLK. TEL. ion. M237 J-ll SI3WIKG .MACIIIM3S AMI SL' HOl'SKHOLD A NO sewing machine oll'.i-e , 1514 Cap. Ave. Tel , 1574. 667 SIIOHTIIAXI ) AMI TVl'P.WKITIxb. A. C. VAN SANT'-J SCHOOL. 513 K. Y. LIFE. , 673 AT OMAHA UUS.COLLnOn. ICTH & C73 KUUMTL'ltn 1'ACICIJI ) . OKT M. S. WALKIN'S I'lilCIIO ON I'L'IINI- ture packing , rep.ilrlng , nrliolnli-rlnn ; mat * treK t rnadu anil rcisovntcd ; 2111 Cumlng. Tel. Ml. 671 TYI-I\VHITIHS. aiT THK REST TVI'UWUITKRS ; Sl'l'PLIKfi 'ruiiali-D. United 'l'jpi. ' rlttr ft riurpllo Co ' Farnnnt Ct. . 1(12 C7C.-June-30 1-AWMIHOICnilS. : COSTU.1IK.S. .THIO UUIIUN. AK-SAU-HIN , S. Uth ; largeiit Dtovk miiniuerailt nnd theat rical good * in tl < woft. M& ! ) V * NUW AND SKCON1MIND BAFKS ; HAFII'ltK- J. J. UrrlEht , 1110 Faitiam.MT10 MT10 W O. IN rAMlLIKH. MISS Btuiily. 41'H ' Uunlolte. M - 483JU UllBSHMAKINtT UY T1B DAY ; WO It K < 1 U A II. anlfvil. C : , ltc , -npie 15 * WAXTKll TII IIOIIHOW. TO RORROW , 1150.00. SIX MONTHS , GOOD security ; EOCH ! rate of Interest. Aildrcs * C U , llec. 6K 0 LI'.T I'H SKLL YOU A MORTOAOB OR MAKE n loan for you on either farm or city prop erty F. l > . XVead , Gilt Udge Securities , Mill nnd Dmmtii * . C20 31 IMIYSICAIi CULTI'Hi : . KIJOCVTION , MRS. W. N. DORWAHH. C23 N. 13th. -M7CS 1-2' SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICITOUS , Den Ilulldlns. Ilulldlns.Onmlm. Onmlm. Nolir Advlco nnd I'nluut llout 1'IIKK Q-OO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O jj ( Y I TO TRADE I A" > lllln9 § iTORENr DO YOU \YAVF APOSITIOM SOME HELP TO BORROW MONEY TO LOAN MONEY IRY THE COLUMNS OF IMF . . . OMAHA BEE. Omaha advertisers da this successfully Vihy not you ? The Bee Publishing Co. OMMU. O-OOO-O-O-O-O-O-CKX ! ) EVERY WOMAN Sometimes neecu , a rpllabU monthly regulating medicine DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL RILLS prompt. Rnfb nnd ccrUiIn in result. The cent ] DO ( Dr. iv-al's ) tinviirdlBaDiximt , tk-ntnnywoera U.COdheriiinn & McConnnel Dniij Co. , 151 Dodge Street. Omanu , Nco. RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves imniLINOTON & MO.'IllVRR.tArrlvi > s OinaliaUnlon | IViiot. 10th A .Mnacm SU. | Omulia 3:3."nm : . Denxcr Hipress . 9:53am : 1.3Spm.llk Hills. Mont . 1'UKCt Sml I3x. 4:01pin : 4'3.'imi . Denver llxprezs . 4u"pn : 7.05pm Lincoln Ixjcal ( ex Sunday ) . . . . 7:43im 'J.bpii..LncolnLjcal | _ _ ( ex. Sunday ) . . . . 11:30,111 : , HL' 11 LING TON" TTaTArrlveT OmnlmUnlun | Depot , 10th & MajL ! > _ Sts. | Om.ilia 6:00pm : . Chlcngo Vcstllnle 77 . . . SWan : S:4Snin . ChlcaKO ixpi ss . 4'Spm : 70pin. . Chicago & St Louis nxpieus. . S:00i.m : UMOam . 1'aclllc Junction Local . GIOpm : . . . . Fast Mnll . rOOpm Leaves | CIIICAOO7"M1LT& ST. PAUL. | Arrives. OiiialialUnlon Depot. ICtli A : Maxm ritj [ 'Imx.'m fi'SipTn . Chlcnco Limited . 5:03.111 : ir.Oonm. . . Chicago Kxpiejs ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 3:23pm : Leaves ( CHICAGO & NOItTHWlISTN.IAirlvos OmahaiUnloii Depot , loth & M.uo-i Sta. | Omaha " I0 nm . . . . . .Eastern Express . , " . 3:40pm 4:4' > p.m . VestllmloJ Limited . 5iopm : 5:53pm : . St. I'nul Express . 9S9im 5:40nm . St. Paul Limited . 9:03pm : 7Oam..Cnrroll & Sioux City Local. . . . ll:10pm : S'JOpra . Omaha Chicago Special . 8:00um : . Mlspuurl Valley Local . : Leaves ( CHICAGO , " uTT" &T I ACIFIC.JArrlv < > s Om.ilmUnloii | Depot , tOlh & M.iiion Sla.f Oniain " UAST. . . Atlantic Uxpress ( ex. Sunday ) . . T:00pm : . NlKht Express . Si.un 4JOpni. . . .Chlcaso Ve. ( lluc.l ! Llmlteil. . . . l&'ipm 4Mpm..St. Paul VeHtlbillcd LlmlteJ. . . . lMpm WEST. 1 .4"pm . Colorado Llmlteil . < :00pni : I avpsj C.7 ST. 1 .T"M. . " & O. | Arrives OniuhalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Stt.l OnMhu l:30pm. : . . Sioux City Kxpre Sun..llt3am ; 8lSam..Sluux : Clty Accommo < latlon. . . . S:00pm : 6:15pm . St. 1'aul Llmltei : . 9llam ) Leaves I F. , E. & Mo. VALLEV. ( Arrive Omahaf Depot , Utli und Wcb > ler Stt. | Omnha 3 :00pm : . Fast Mall and Express . 5wpm : ( 3:00pm.ex. : Sat. ) Wyo. Kx. ( ex. Mon. ) . . ti:00pni 7-r.Oiiin..Krcniont Local ( Sundays only ) . . 7:00am. . . .Norfolk Express lex. Sun.10jnm : Expresc . 9:10am : Leaves I K. C. . ST. jT&"cTir fATrlevcs Omalial Union Depot , 10th & Mason Stg. | Oi. . ' l.a 9:0uam. : iV.Kanfai Clfy Diy Express. . . 6:10pm : tOOOpin.lC. : C. Night I'.K. via. U. l'Trana. _ C:30am LenvesTj MlSPOOliri'ACIPtC. iX"9 OnmiQ ! | Depot , 13th an J Webster Sis. | Onialm iToOpm . . .NebrueUo" & Kansas lirrnlteil..l2J3pm 9:0pm : . Kansas City Express . ) 2:15pm. . . .Nebraska I icnl ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . 9:00am : leaves I SIOUX CITY & 1'ACIFIC. ( Airtvcs Oniaaal Depot. 15th nnd Webster Sta. I Omaha 6:15pm . St. l'aul _ Limited . 9:10am : r.en\es | SIOUX OmahaiUnloii Depot , 10th & Mason Ht . | Omaha iM'Kun ' . St. Paul Passenger . llIOpm 7:30nm . Sioux City Passenger . 9t pi7i 5Mim ; | . St. Paul Limited. . . . . . 9:20am " reaves I UNION PACIFIC. JArrlvf * OinnlialUnlon Depot , 10th & Mngon Sta. [ Omaha StZOiiin . Overland Limited . 74.13pm 3:3lpm.llcat'ce ) & Stromcb'R Ex. ( ex Sun.3:0pm u:33pm. : Grand Ulaml Express ( ex. Sun ) . ? 5-n'm 3:30pm : . Fn B t _ Mall. . . . HKOiin reaves I WA11ASH HA lHWAYl | 7rr I v e OmihajUnlon Depot , 10th & . Mason Sts. | Omaha 4:30pm : . ll:0am : PHOl'lQIl CAIin OF OUR IIO11IIOS. I'rt'eiiiidiiiiH NfOcHNiiry to Aliindirc In Cold Wfntlicr. In cold weather the same frosty Influences which cau&o metal rall.s to snap by nhrlnk- agc and water pipes to burst and deluge the hoiuo act powerfully on bodily con ditions , says the Philadelphia Record. Ks- pecially Is this true In the cases of persons who are advanced In years. It always taxes the heart somewhat to run for a train ; but csvcclally la this eo In cold weather. The athlcto'H heart Is taxed In every contest Into which he enters , rowing or running or putting tlit allot ; but he has learned the laws of right breathing , and Is , or ought to be. eo trained that there will bo little shock. U taxes the circulation and In creases the heart beaU to taKe alcoholic stimulants In any weather which Is the reason why all athletca under training are forbidden to use them. For a motorman era a railway engineer or fireman or a police man on- duty In bitter cold weather to take a drfnlc of whisky simply lucrea cs the chances of freezing to death. Increasing years make the walls of the blood vessels more brittle than they were In youth , and render even the stoutest heart Iras able to respond to a sudden demand upon It. Consequently , in bitter cold , weather to hurry or overtax one's self In order to "ci.tch" a certain train Is simply suicidal. The belated person had better wait tran quilly and tnko the next car than run fran tically after the one which he haa just missed null ? * ) ho have an Important en gagement with a "funeral director. " A man may well bo content to miss a train , oven with n detention of an hour , In pref erence to dropping dead from sheer heart failure after having caught It. The easy manner of restoring circulation to u benumbed body while waiting on the Btn-ct corner every cabman knows who thrasht-H bin arms about ; and ho knew It , too , before there were any "Swedish move ment" cureu. Hut you can warm the hands without such violence simply by extending them at arms length and ilrmly closing the imgcm to make a fist and then spreading them wide open again. Repeating this vig orously , and then standing on one's toes will drive the nccsssary blood to hands and feet. Thcsu are nature's own processes , whereas a drink of liquor that drives the circulation from the skin or surface of the body U Just the opposite. When the mer cury itands nt from IS above to 2 ilrgreia below zero the human mnchlno which Is oxponi'd to siirh cold must not bo tampered with. It roust bo "humored ; " above all. It must be iindcratoqil. To take Just as keen an Interest In the game of llfu as most Atm-rlcaiu do In the game of base ball Is at least common souse. The weather counts against the . "Strike " " man. one , "strike two , " "ctrike three , " ami then ho goes out. All liccaino bn ilocu not know how to meet Its attack. The klnc or nllU li Ucccoam' Ucccham'i ECHOES OF THE ANTE ROOM | Cotnnmndcr-ln-Cmef.J(3. , ( Olarkson of the Grand Army of 'tho llpnbllc has Irsucd general orders No. 4 , from which this par- agr&ph la taken ; J The comrcnnder-ln-phlef dcalros to com- nu-iul to the kindly ojUcra and co-oporatlon of tha comrades the loyal , patriotic and self- sacrificing work of our Rreat auxiliary so ciety , the Woman's Relief corps. This bodj of devoted women has expended In relic ! work for out organization Jt.H71.S32.03 , ami they have , by their aid In post work anil watching over the sick and ivecdy , endeared themselves to us. The orders contain the Hat of a number of minor appointments for the jurisdiction , among them being : To bo aides on military Instruction lu public , Colorado anil Wyoming , J. H. .Mandcrvlllo. Kt. Collins , Colo. ; Nebraska , II. A. ha Scllc , Ilratrlco. To be assistant Inspectors general : Colorado rado and Wyoming , Deles L. Ilolden , I'ucblo , Colo. ; Iowa , Charles Mackenzie , lca Molnw ; Kansas , B. A. Waterhouse , Lcavcnworth ; W. A. Gearhart , Dulutli ; Montana , A. I ; . Oloyd , Vltglnla City ; Nebraska , 0. G. Ilalley , Blootnlngton ; North Dakota , E. Southard , Cashpl ; South Dakota , Mnrccllus U. Kent. Elk 1'olnt ; Utali , C. O. Karnawortli , Salt Like City. Td be aides-de-camp : Iowa , W. T. Hlgby , Mt. Vernon- Nebraska , H. K , 1'ontl , Red Cloud ; A. N. Thomas , Aurora ; II. C. Uus- aell , . Lincoln ; Major D. D. Wheeler , U. S. A. . Omnha. Oeary peat No. 81 and the Women'a Hellel corpj of Jttnlata held a joint Installation of olllcers laat week , A. V. Cole acting as In stalling ofllcor for the former and Mrs. W. II. Stephens for the latter. The olllcers of the pest were Installed as follows : 0. A. Uttz- zell. C. ; John Kent. S. V. C. ; A. S. Dally , J. V. C. ; W. T. Drake , S. ; S. L. Bross. Q. ; H. J. IHrd , C. ; A. V. Cole , O. D. ; G. O. Ilrown , O. G. ; K. J. Hanchctt , S. M. ; W. H. Stephens , Q. S. : H. W. Hewers , I. G. ; George Hreckenrldgo , O. 0. The following wero' . the officers of the corps Installed : Mrs. George Breckenrldge. ! > . ; Mrs. H. R Smith , S. V. I' . ; Mrs. J. C. Wlltrant. J. V. P. ; Miss Lola McCrackon. T. ; Mm. J. B. Konkrlght , S. ; Mrs. Lamoreaux , C. ; Mrs. W. C. 1'reston , C. ; Mrs. W. C. Frew , A. C. ; Mrs. John Coulter , G. ; Mrs. Oscar Wooila , A. G. The North I'latte peat Women's Relief Corps and pest of Sons of Veterans engaged In a Joint Installation of olHccra. The serv ices passed off very nicely and a very pleas ant evening resulted to the audience , which packed the hall. The olllcers of the post were Installed by A. M. Mason , and were as follows : W. T. Ilrown , C. ; J. J. .Myers , S. V. C. ; J. W. Voodry , J. V. C. ; F. 1'calo , A. ; George Nauman , Q. M. ; W. II. Gould , S. ; A McMIchacI , C. ; Patrick Ruddy , 0. D. ; Kd Myers , O. G. ; T. C. Patterson. S. M. ; G. W. Russell , Q. S. ; Ell Rldgley. C. S. Mrs. W. W. Ulrge Installed the following ofllcers of the Women's1 Relief Corps : Mrs. Mary J. Vodry. P. ; Mrd. lla Dickey , S. V. P. ; Mrs. Clara Smith , J. , .V. P. ; Mrs. Sarah E. Mason , C. ; Mrs. Mary Patterson , T. ; Mrs. LouUa Orr , & . > Jlrs. Delia Conner C. ; Mrs. Anna Church , A. C. ; Mrs. Lota McMlchael , G. ; Mrs. Mary'McMIchacI ' , A. G. ; Mrs. Etta Uonner , 0. . The officers of the ijons 'of Veterans were Installed by W. P. Park , and were as follows : W. V. Hoagland , CtiA ; , K. Huntlngton , F. L , . ; J. S. Hlnckley , S.'iL..John A. Davli T. ; G. A. McMlchael , C. ; A. H. Davis , R S. ; L. A. Nauman. L. S'i'Alllo ' Smith , C. S. ; C. P. Rose , S. G. ; R. 'R. Peale. P. M. ; C. A. Drown. C. G. ; J. F. Campbell , C. G. ; J. A. Dav's ' , jr. , P. G. ' The following officers of Phil Kearney No. 2. South Omaha , Mrere Installed Monday night. John S. Wooil of Fort Omaha om- clatlng : J. O. Eastnian , C. ; Nathan Gor don , S. V. C. ; Daniel' Ifafeby. J. V. C. ; A. II. Merrill , C. : J. M. GlabKPW. S. ; M. Mahcry. Q. ; Fred J. Etter , A.J J.lCress. . 0. I ) . : J. D. Dennett , O. G. ; J. B.aKrlou , S. MJ Jeffer son Ogg , Q. S. 'i ' William Daumer poJt'No. 24 and William Daumer Relief corps No. 107 of Nebrnoka City held a joint Installation of oirlccro. Mrs. John C. Watson was made the presi dent of the latter. At the conclusion of the servlco- baked beans and other edibles were served by the members of the corps. The Elmwood post Installed olllcers last night In the opera house. The evening's entertainment Included a short literary pro gram. At the conclusion of the affair a sup per consisting of hard tack , halted beana and coffee was served In Grand Army of Re public hall. The affair was largely at tended. The Installation of officers of Scward post No. 3 , Graind Army of the Republic , took place last week and the following officers wora Installed by Past Commander Alfred Illllor : J. W. Woods , C. ; Lemuel Castle S. V. ; Orln Squires. J. V. ; J. W. Gladwlsh S. ; W. Redfonl. Q. ; W. R. Davis. C. ; Honrj Crelghton , O. D. ; D. C. Conlcy , O. G. ; D. C. Work , A. ; C. K. Humphrey , S. M. ; Johr Woods , Q. S. At the close of the Installa tion ceremonies an oyster supper was served wl.'lch was highly enjoyed by all. After the supper had received sufficient attention the inowly Installed commander rapped for on\tt \ and short addresses were made 'by ' a number of members of the post and Invited guests Some discussion brought out the fact that the oldest soldiers In the post are W. II. Davis and Robert McCrosson , each being 72 years of age , and the youngest Is W. II Ashton , Who Is 4S years old. The post and relief corps of Osceola last week Installed ofllcers , II. T. Arnold acting as Installing officer for the former and Mrs. T. II. Saundcrs for the latter. The officers of the post are as follows : T. II. Saunders , C. ; H. F. Dense. S. V. C. ; II. W. Kcnnard. J. V. C. ; G. W. Gregg , A. ; C. M. Pulver , Q. ; II. T. Arnold. O. D. ; Rev. W. R. Adams , C. ; II. A. Scott , D. The following are the of ficers of the corps : Mrs. Lou Is i E. Ken- nard , P. ; Sarah Hefllobower , S. V. P. ; Mrs. Mary E. Wilson , J. V. P. ; M. E. Saun ders , T. ; Mrs. C. M. Pulver , S. ; Mrs. Lydla Strong , C. The feature of the affair was a feast , which was enjoyed by 200 members of the two bodies. Aiicli-iit Order of fiiltnl Workmen. The South Omaha lodgea held a joint In stallation of officers laat Monday night. A large crowd was present , though the night was rough. The Icstallatlon was preceded by an excellent musical program and an address by Robert L , Wheeler , D.D. Acting Grand Master Workman C. W. Miller per formed the Installation 'ceremony , with the following grand officers aa assistants : W. Hi Stonslolt , P. M. Conncll , J. Macln , D. J. Sullivan and Robert L. Wheeler. All the officers of South OmaaVPxleo ) No , CC. Ne braska lodge No. 227 anjl' Praha lodge No , 323 were Installed. Atlhho conclusion of the ceremony the past grand chief of honor of the Degree of Honor. Mrs. j. c. Graham , Installed the officers of tno % Degree of Honor lodge , Upchurch No , 2. The affair wound till with a hop. Refrcahmcnts wore served. On last Thursday * Workmen of Lincoln dedicated Gemtapla hall as hcad- r | i'art era , The rooms liave been remodeled and transformed In many ways. The dedi catory oxerclsca werd" OJWld In connection u-lth the public Installation of officers of edge No. 80. which ifi-ideA Itself on being the banner lodge of the state. Addresses were mode by H. H.CflaHley. James Farrell - roll and W. C. Mllllgap/aml a vocal solo wan rendered by H. J.iDVt Seamark. The edge Installed the following ofllcers : George II. Moore. P. G. M. ; MUfeOMHllgan , M. W. ; lullus Detrlclt , F. ; Darr Parker , O. ; James Parrcll. U. ; 0. D. Hertfuk. 0. ; J. S. Ilur- ivlck , I. W. : M , Ilanra 0. W. During the early part of last week the hrco lodges at Grand Island publicly and olntly Iratallcd thfr | new officers In the irtsenco of a big audience , Ileforo the ccrc- iiony a musical and Jlterary program was cndcrcd. In which the following took part : lev. Mr. Plnklmin , , Mc&sra. Poo. Egge. Konilg , Olsen and J. 'M. Mullin. Grand -ecturcr Vandyke , MUs Neff and the Ltcder- tranz Maennerchor , The presiding officer wan 'aines ' deary. Last night the HartlnRton lodge Installed ho following officcru ; B. Dordwell. M. W. ; I. H. Eby , P. ; H. C. Drum , 0. ; T , U. A. YAtaon , R. ; J. C. Robinson , P. ; Frans Ncl- on , R , ; Herman Gallun , G , ; Steve I'll ' n . W. ; John , Greenwood. O , W. : I , O. Ding- mm. trustee for three ycara ; B , 0. Hogua i-iiMre for ono year : Or , W , T. Oerlsch , P NIB ceremony was accompanied by a shoft irocrani , i LnilgR No , 19C and Decree of Honor lodge I 4o. 122 of Sidney held a joint public IniUlla- I Ion of ofllcera laat Thursday. The attcndau.'c 1 was largo and the ceremonies were made very Imprctilve. A banquet wc.i afterward given , and many spercht i were delivered. The Wood River lodne was favored wllh n larg > > number of dUtlngulihcd delegates last week Among others present were Sovereign Grand Master Tate ; II. Harbor grand secretary of Nebraska : J. H. Erford grand trccuurcr of Nebraska : Grand Lcc tttrer O. J. VanDyke , and Officers Durnham Fuller and Root. A number of delegate , from Cnmcion , Shclton , Gibbon ami Grant Island were In attendance. The object o tills unusual gathering was a lodge trial o some Importance. On next Tuesday evening Social lodge No 102. Degree of Honor , this city , will holi a public Installation of officers In Myrtle hall. A literary and musical program has been arranged for the evening. \\ooilincn nf Hit * World. During the past week a new lodge of the order was organized In the city. It starts out with a charter membership of 12(5. ( The following officers have htcu elected and In stalled : W. M. Dorward. C. C. ; R. L Forgan. A. L. ; Thomns W. Durchmoro , I ) . H. C. Miner , C. ; Charles S. Connoyer , K. Charles Calannan. W. ; Van J. Morris , S. Dr. II. M. Stono. P. ; C. M. Rlchardj , II. J Root and J. F. Flyiin. M. Moutefloro camp No. 82 has elected officers aa follows : Herman Cohen , C. C. ; K. True- haft , A. L. ; I. Demoratsky , C. ; L. Levy , II. I. Rcaenthal. F. . ; S. Newman , W. ; II. Good man , S. ; Charles Rosewatcr , P. : S. Novltsky E. Motz , M. Schwartz , M. ; I. Demoratsky delegate to the convention head camp ; II Cohen , alternate. Seymour camp No. 57 has elected the following officers : J. W. Adams , C. C. ; 0. A Sashs , A. L. ; R. E. Wlnklcman , H. ; E. T Lowry , C. ; George H'lrman , E. ; J. J. Ilolden S. ; J. W. Finncy , W. ; Dr. H. D. Wllaon P. ; E. L. Harmon , J. McLanoy , Chris Nlel sen , M. ; R. E. Wlnkleman dclegato to con vctitlon head camp. Commercial lodge No. 107 Installer/ / the newly elected officers last Friday night the affair occurring In the Royal Arcanum hall In The Dee building , where the lolgr meets on the second and fourth Fridays of each month. The following are the officers D. W. Marshall , C. C. ; W. W. Umatcd. A. L. C. O. Fuller. D. ; J. Q. Durgner. C. ; John C Hawood , E. ; R. W. Conncll. P. ; George Dovercl , W. ; Frank Durman , S. ; Henry K Durket , M. Rosewood camp No. 27 of South Omaha has elected the following officers : A. D Schmidt , C. C. ; A. E. Spear , A. L. ; Thomn- McMahan. D. : E. T. Reid , C. ; John Dcvancy W. ; John J. Dillon. P. S ; Theodore Offcrnan E. ; John E. Fleming , Thomas O'Connor. Jo Bcph Hunpal , M. ; Dr. W. Slabaugh. P. During the past wcclc C. C. Farmer of Mt. Carroll , 111. , chairman , and S. L. Walde a member of the board of sovereign mana gers , were in the clt. on business. The lodge at Weston gave a gram ! ball New Year's eve at Dolczal & Ohnoutka's hall. The affair was largely attended and was one of the meat enjoyable events of tin- season. The following are the officers elected by Camp No. G5. at Leigh : M. S. Arnold , C. C. ; J. II. Wagner. A. L. ; G. C. Hull , C. ; S. S. Smith. B. ; R. F. Arnold. E. ; Arthur Arnold , W. ; G. Soverln , S. KnlKlitM nf PydiliiH. On last Thursday evening Omaha lodge Nf 2G and Planet lodge No. 4 Jointly Installed officers at Fuller's ball. The services were conducted by John T. Lund. D. G. C. . whn was assisted by the following officer. ! Julius Treltschke of No. 4 , G. V. C. ; Ilcnrj Hornherger of No. 2C. G. P. ; Charles Hall of No. 20. G. M. W. : Charles Schml'j of No. 4 G. M. A. ; George Hclmrod of No. I , O. I. G Peter Drockman of No. 20. G. O. G. At thp conclusion of the ceremony vefrefhmcnt < - wera served by .Mr. Karpler. The affair war very enjoyable. The offlccra of Omaha lodge are : H. M Johamien , C. C. ; Joseph Karpler. V. C. ; L , Metz , P. ; F. Gioyaman. M. V.r Paul Somer M. 13. ; T. Hlnz. M. F. ' . A. I. Hartlng. K. R S. ; H. F. Empke. M. A. ; D. Kramer. I. G. Henry Ehlers. O. G. Planet lodge'n officers are : William Harlt , C. C.J Ed Gurky , V. C.- Giis Fries , P ; August Karztrs , M. A. ; Jacob Frank , M. n. ; Samuel Motz. M. F. ; Jultii' Treltschke K. R. S. ; Paul L. Wagner. M. A. ; Henry Mccller. I. G. ; V. Frederlcksen. O. G. Apollo lodge No. 30 of Lincoln publicly Installed Its officers last Tuesday night In Castle hall. The officers were Installed by J. B , Barber , cKglrlct deputy , assisted by John J. Angleton , acting grand chancellor At the conclusion of the ceremony a luncheon was served. After that the evening -\va sptdit with cards , dancing and music. District Deputy Grand Chancellor W. T Maurk Installed the following officers of Hie Weston ledge last week : A H. Lelim- kuhl. C. C. ; N. C. Pedcrson. V. C. ; Petn famplwll. P. ; R. C. Carpenter. M. AV. : C. F Stokert , K. R. S. : Nfs , : Tuverson M. A 0. E. Lllllbrldge , M. E. : J. R. Webster , M F. : Sam D. Mauek. O. G. ; Fred Johnson. 0 R. : C. R LUllbrldge. R. C. Cr.rppiiter am ) Will T. Mauck. T. District Deputy Grand Chancellor W. T Mnuck Installed the now officers nf St George lodge No. f 5 of We-jton. as follows- A. II. Lchmkuhl. C. C. ; N. C. Pedcrsen , V. C. ; Petsr Campbell , P. ; Dr. C. F Stokert. K. R. S. ; Nels Tuverson. M. A. ; R. C. Car- pcjiter. M. W. : C. E. Lllllbrldge , M. F. ; J. It. Webster , M. E. ; S. D. Mauck. O. G. ; Fred Jnhnuon , I. G. On New Year's eve the knights of Crelgh ton enjoyed ttclr usual annual banquet. lilil < MK > iiili-iit Order of Dilil IVIIcnvN. Golden Link Rebckah ledge No. ! IS In stalled the following officers : Mrr. Mary Mansfield , N. G. ; Mlsa Jennie Watts , V. 0. ; Mrs. S. Welrbroad. S. ; Mrs. R. Peterson , T. The lodge has moved Into Odd Fellows' hall , at Fourteenth and Dodge streets , and mecM on the first and third Saturday nights cf each month. Om last Thursday night lodges Nos. II and 133 , Odd Fellows , and Nos. 2 and 90. Daughter ? of Rebckah of Lincoln , hold a Joint public Installation of officers. The ceremony lasted until 10:30 : , and was fol lowed by a musical and literary program , consisting of a recitation by Miss Daisy Smith , a acng by Air. Slgournoy , an ad dress for the good of the order by Gcorgp L. Loomls. two selections by the Ideal Mandolin club and a violin solo by William Lamprecht. The presiding officer was Wal ter A. Lecse. The affair wound up with a banquet and a dance. Goolrlch encampment No. 1C of Dpatrlce Installed the following officers last Thurs- ' Grecnwood , T. of W. ; H. C. Stoll , F. W. A banquet closed the ceremony. Otoe lodge No. CI of Syracuse Installed Orili-r of tin- Last Monday evening the novvly elected oni- ccrs of Omaha lodge , No. 200 , Order of the World , -were Installed by Past President Mc Donnell , After the Installation a pleasing musical program was rendered , followed by p. I'.ancc. A grand midwinter hall will be given by Omalia ledge tomorrow night. Thn affair 1 In the hands of an active committee and promises to bo n rare treat to all who attend. Last Tuesday evening Iho following ofll- cors of Illvcrvlcw lodge , Vo. 121. were In- etallol at the headquartern of the lodge , Keystone hall. Eighth and Pierce streets T. P. Mulvlhlll , P. ; Mrs , Kate Hardy , V. P. ; Waller Urandes , T. ; James Hardy , M. ; W. K Ilolden. S , ; Mamlo Holilcn , P. P. ; S. H. Don * chue , 3. ; Mrs. Moore , C. ; C. ! ' . Moore. U. ; I ) , Tonir. 0. II. Long. Frank Mulvlhlll. T. Illvervlow k-dgn la QUO of thn most en- thuvUntlc and promising tf thu ludgci of the city and to growing rapidly tu member- ililp and Increasing Us popularity. On Now i'car's tvo a ball wca given , which was well ittumlud and In every way succcmiful. 1'ren- ileut Mulvlhlll na master of curomonles and Walter llrandcH as Hoar inanaKCT proved .htmsclvu * well worthy of tliMr positions und .0 their unt'lrliiK efforts the ledge can at tribute Iho BticctHs of tha affair. In spit ? of the Inclemency of the wrathor : monthly eulcrtalnmunt of Myrtlu ioilge , Xo. SOD , was fairly welt attended. Prof ulmrnoek'a orchestra furnished cxeellpn musto for thci dancers , while those- Incline to moro sober amusement Indulged In hlg' five. Tito greatest Interest centered In th ralllo of the thirteen-pound cake , which wa won by Miss Slamo . TWs entertain incutR3 In. the hands of the women of th lodge. Mrs. Volland was chairman of th committee nnd was assisted by Mesdamr Standlford. Schamcl , Wells , KlecUnor am AuaMn. The next entertainment will taK place Kebruary I and \\l\\ \ \ consist of mln strel first part and olio , followed by dancing Dr. J. Frank Perry of Iloslon , medlra director of the order , spent Friday and Sat urday of last week In this city. MoilcinVooiliiMn of Ainrrlcii , List Friday evening Walter V. Chnpln. pan venerable cprsul , Installed the folowlng oin cera of Ilceeh camp. No. 1151 : A. P. John son. V. C. : A. A. Smith. W. A. : P. It. Cook i : . H. : Frank Whltmnrsh , C. ; Lfster McCoun A. C. ; Charles H. Shufelt , 12. ; Hans Uarkcrt- non , W. ; Chrla II. Long , S. ; Clroriio H. Par sell. P. ; W. 0. Henry , A. P. ; P. S. Swlck. M The Installing onirer was ably and Intclll gently afshled by the chief forester , Charles L. Hopper , nnd the tram of foresters , and as a whole the Installation ceremonies were con ducted In n most dlgnllled and Impressive manner and received merited npprobatlot from nil numbers of the order present The retiring clerk. John S. King , presentci a full and exhaustive report of tin- business of the camp for the last six mouths , suple- montliiK It with pertinent farts In cornice tlott with the history nnd growth of thu camp The camp was chartered wllh seventy-live members In August , 1S99 , and today It num ber * 163. The banker , P. II. Cook , and the board of ivanagers , also , presented their reports , showing the affairs of the camp to be In a healthy condition. Next Friday evening the camp will dlacim the reserve or emergency qucatlon. This question la agitating the mlnfa of the mem bership of the order moro than any other question wllch has been brought forwan for several years , and aside from the mattei of the election of ofllccrs , will mcst llkel > bo the predominant question to be consldcrei by the nt head camp , which meets In Uu- huqut' , la. , the first week In Juno next. Friday cvct.ltiB , January 29 , the camp will Klvo an entertainment to which the wives families and feminine frlemls of the mem bcra arc invited. The entertainment wll consist of a musical and literary program followed by dancing. Deceit camp and Maple camp have ap pointed committees to make arrangements to give a melodrama at Hoyd's theater , ou the ovcnlngs of February 4 and n. The ilromr Is llustratlvo of the beneficial and fratcrna features of the Modern Woodmen and la en title ! , "Friendship's Ilonds , or the Wood man's Daughter. " The reports presented nt a recent meeting of Omaha camp Indicated that the body has been Journeying on a wave o ! prosperity since Its beginning. It waa or ganized In October , 1SS5 , In the undertaking parlora of M. O. Maul On Its torter at present appear * the namet of such men a& : Hx-Mayor Hernia , Mayor llroafch. W. U. Dennett. H. J. Penfold , H K. Hurket. E. K. Uryson , Hon. John ; Ihit- ler , Hon. Lov I Cox. J. M. Qlllan. nccretarj Hoard of Education ; W. E. Hltehrock , O. M Nattlngcr , Dr. W. O. Itogcra. sovereign plijal- clan Woodmen of the World ; Peter Klsanscr register of deeds ; J. K. Van Gilder. M. K Zimmerman and W. E. Cody. The camp be gins the year of 1S97 with COO members and over $1.200 In the general fund. The repot t of the retiring omcora sho\\a also that Clorl ; George Rice collected from all sources over $10,000 In 1S98. Of this amount about $6COO was paid Into the heed camp to h lp pay th- Insurance of deceased membera. and be tween $ SOO and $000 was paid to sick neigh bors nnd those out of employment. Nurse fees for forty-nine weeks were allowed nick members during the year. AH of the camps of Omnha and South Omaha are much Interested In the discus sion of the reserve , or emergency fund , nnd n Bchemo has been started looking to n Joint discussion of this question. Committees arc being arranged for from nil the camps to make arrangements for a Joint debute. In which nil the camps will be represented This will probably take place some time In February. Through n discussion of this kind It Is hoped to enlighten the members who have not the tlmo to make n thorough study of the question for themselves In order that all may glvo Intelligent expres sion when called upon to vote on the ques tion during the latter part of March next. Next Wednesday night Dr. Clarlc and D. Clem Denver will debate the matter before Omaha canu > . The members find cause for congratula tion In the present condition of the order. It closed the year with 223.000 members , which. It Is said , entitles It to the claim of being the largest fraternal Insurance body under ono head In the world , although It Is confined In territory to the twelve central states. The medical examiners arc becoming , If anything , moro careful nnd every ono admitted must bo both physically and morally sound. The public Installation of the ofllcers nl Hays Center last week was n great success. After a supper was served the members marched to the church , where n large au dience awaited them. The program Included recitations by Misses Itees , Lugar , Strat- lon , Pember , Axtell , Dotty , Darker nnd Mc- Cullttm , nnd Messrs. Wilson and Pember ; a dialogue between Mr. and Mrs. Hoe , songs by Messrs. C. M. Kccs nnd Clarence Stokes , Instrumental music by Messrs. Uostock , Crosby , Lugnr nnd Dlxler , nn oration from George Stratton and nn address by Hartley Ilofer. The Installation was conducted by A. L. West. Silver Cross camp. No. 5CI , Modern Wood men of America of Columbus , held Its In Unllatron services last evening and Installed [ ho following offlrors for the ci.-ulng year- Frank Matthews , V. C. ; E. P. Dussel , W. A. ; L II. Frevert , D. H.V. ; . H. Notestlne. clerk \ . P. Illel. escort ; W. S. Gardner , watch- nan. Fruit-run ! L'lion of Ami > rlci. Hanncr lodge. No. 11 , elected officers Thurs- lay evening , with J. H. Whldden , F. M. 1'ho onicurs will be Installed next Thursday jvcnlng. The lodge will give an entertaln- ncnt nnd social ono week from Thursday. : o which the public will be Invited. Five lew members were Initiated nnd twelve were > alloted upon. Svormost lodge. No. 71. will meet Monda ) mining in its ball on South Thirteenth itreet. A number of new members will be nltlatcd by the degree team from Vernost odgo. No. Cof South Omaha. The supreme reorctary has mailed n com munication to nil the lodges of the order jongrntulntlng them upon the work accom- jllshed during the year 1S9C , nnd announcing .lint the war cry for 1S97 will bo " 10,000 nembcra by December 31 , 1S97. " Council Uluffs lodge. No. 79 , will hold nn ncreaje meeting sonic.time within ton days. In ) date to be fixed and announced within hrco or four days. American lodge of South Omaha will hold > . meeting this week to elect olflccrs for the : nsulng year. Last Thursday evening State Deputy Waf ers Instituted Lincoln lodRC. No. SO. at Lln- ohi , with the following olllcers : J , E. Doug- ns , F. M. ; C. A. Wolcntt , J. ; Mrs. Llllle J. Glcapon , T. ; Mrs. ] ; . C. Walters. M. : A. I. Gleason. S. ; J. V. ' . Smith , T. ; C. W. Hlalr , ' . ; W. M. Dlxon , G. : J. G. Guild nnd John Jundcan 3. ; PlinyMle , I. G. ; J. M. Pcr- [ Ins , S. ThU ledge tarts out with a flut- crlng charter lint , which ppcaks well for he deputy organizer. The chniter Is left ipen for thirty days , when the Indget expects o commence series of cntertalnmenu that TO expected to bo Instructive nnd enter- alnlng. Improved Order of 11 ml Mm. Last Monday evening the ceremony of alslng up the chiefs-elect to their rcspcct- vo stumps won performed In Ynli-niui-ilah- la trlho No. 2 by 11. P. Knowlton , D. 0. S. , .sslsted by I' . E. Hodges , William Lnnder , I. ; A. J. Pugue , S. S. ; O. P. Thompson , . S. ; J. II. Collins , P. ; Dan McUratli , K. V. In addition to raising the chiefs one ati'llilato was adopted. Notwithstanding the hard tlmcx , the trlbn an hud A most prosperous ytnr nnd starts n the now yeir with bright proiipccts for ho futtirf. Preparations nro being made or nn entrrtnlnmmit'and ball , which U to 10 glv < 'n en I'Vbruary 10. Tl'o trlbo nt 'orth riutto proj-cmCH to give n mask ball n the evening of January 'il. Urent prcp- rittlons nr < > being inAdu for the affair. Lllllll'K Of I 111' MMIMllllll-UII. The beautiful home til M . Kuthrlna.Im - icrinan , 1013 Pierce street , wan thrown p n Inst Thurmluy cvclilPK to Gate Oily Ivo No. 9 , who gave a eoclal which we decided ( tucccus. An Informal prom-am sa ronJcred durlnt' ( be ovcitliiu , vonibitlug f vojtl sulou by Mini A. ( iraco Crawford nnd Mr. William Houk , noloctlons on the tlthrr nnd Atitohnrp by MlM Tllllo Ougler nnd Mr. Ous Miller. Mrs. Hex presented the hlvo with n beautiful hoquct , which vas milled off for a neat sum. Itcfroshmunts were norvrd. of Mnrliln | , < tx. Omnha lodge , No. 31 , will give n literary and musical entertainment In U\lor ) Temple next Friday evening. He rcRhmrnta will ho served. The program of the evening la ns follows : Platin solo , Robert Llndburg ; rerltntlon , John McKcnna ; barttono olo. Thomas luirst ; mandolin nnd platui. J. Trlsko nnd It. Llndlmrg ; recitation. Miss May Sawyer ; banjo duet. 0. Gellenbeck nnd Guy Oellen- bcck : mj-sterlea , 0. Hnsgorehek ; piano solo , Miss Mnrle Swnnson ; recltntlon , Master Jolux Jacobs ; violin. Master Thomas Clark ; nolo , Miss Grace- Crawford ; recitation , J. M. Welshans ; Troubadour Mandolin club , F. Robinson , 0. Robinson , Alton Fisher. L , U. Sharp ; b.-us jolo. 1) . 0. llozcl ; recitation , Hnrry E. Enston. The evening will wind "P with a dance. The entire nlTnlr will bo In the hand.j . of com. mlttres composed of the following : Kobert lllchelleu. J. II. Llndburg. O. E. Hart , George It. Lewis. C. F. Ilradford , William ( Irady. ( Icorgo Chollman. O. E. Hart will be master of ceremonies. of Vc Mrs. John M. Tliuniton tent. No. 1. the newly organized lodge of the order of Daugh ters of Veterans , lntnllcd officers In Grand Army of the Hcpubllc hall last Monday night. Frank E. Moorcs camp , Sons of Veterans , Joined In the nftalr by also In stalling Its olllcera. The hall was beauti fully decorated with potted fonts anil the na tional colors for the occasion. Thu following ofllcers were Installed by Mrs. Phoebe McCoy for the tent : Mrs. A. E. Askwlth , P. ; Ml Itoja Herron , S. V. P. ; Mrs. Howley. J. V. P. ; Miss Clarn Feenan , & ; Miss Mnry Wlldemnn , C. ; Mrs. Haley , T. ; Miss May Vanderford , I. G. ; Mrs. Crane , 0. The oillccrs of the canlp nro : S. I. Wlggans , C. ; W. S. Voder. F. L. : W. S. Francis , S. L. ; Fred Clttte , William Anthony nnd George I. Voder , camp council. After the ccrnnony speeches were mnilo by some of the prominent members of the Grand Army of the Republic. Lunch wna served , and the evening wa. ? closed with a llttlo hop. _ t H'rllli Aliriiliiiin. Nebraska Stnto lodge , No. 1 U , hna elected the following eel of officers : A. Wolf , P ; D. Prelsman. V. P. ; I. Demoratsky , S. ; H. Goldstein. T. ; M. Lunttsky , O. G. ; S. Grcctt- berg. C. ; 8. Ilavllz. K. Hoblnson , S. N. Lessor , T. ; A. K. Dctwllcr , P. The lodga meets nt 2 p. m. on the second and fourth Sundays of each month In Patterson hall. Si'orrt S u lt'ty > oliH. On next Tuesday evening the Protective league will hold Its rcgulnr meeting. 1 he Loyal Mystic Legion of America of Hastings gave tin fourth annual banquet Wednesday evening. The affair waa largely attended and wna very enjoyable. J. L. lloso of Cherokee , la. , was at Wayne last week for the purpose of organizing a lodge of the Royal Highlanders , a fraternal bcnellolary organization , with the reserve I'unil featureMr. . llcse Is Iho mest Illua- trlouj protector of the order. Ho U making a determined effort to place n ledge In Wayne. The Knights of the Maccabees of Columbua Installed the following officers : Al Samuel- son , commander ; William Dawson , first M. of G. ; F. D. Nnvlor. second M. of G. ; II. W. Illcneman , lieutenant ; Dr. D. T. Mnrtyn , chapTaln ; W. H. Notestlne , recorder nnd flnance keeper ; William Mitchell , sergeant ; H. Htodftichrcr , scntlnol ; S. L. McCoy , picket. The Omaha chapter of the Datightera of the A-mcrlcan Revolution will hold Its nejtt regular meeting at the home of the regent , Mro. Henry S. Jaynes , 1(121 ( Emmet street , at 2:30 : p. m. , Monday. Each member Is In vited to bring one guest to meet Mrs. Pound , the wtnte regent , who will give a short nil- drc&3. The meeting will be followed by an Informal reception. A new lodge of the Huslnras Men's Fra ternity was recently organized at Schuyler. The following officers were elected : Frank Sclmder , P. P. ; J. P. McCullough , P. ; Henry nolton , V. P. ; L. W. Dickinson , S. ; Joseph Suiatlan , T. : S. Fuhrmnn , I. W. ; F. E. Miller , O. W.j J. S. Johnson and T. E. Molacek , S. The charter will remain open for tho. re mainder of the month. CALll.'OIl.MA'S LAUOK.ST VIMS. II Ili'NtN on SKI1'iiHtn ninl Cm om a Tlilnl of nil Ai'rr. In the rich valley of Carucitterla. In the most picturesque part of beautiful Knnta Harbani county , Is n vitluulturnl curloalty , utmost u monstrosity , cays the San Frnn- cIsco Examiner. Its locution Is compara tively secluded , nnd , with the exception of the residents of the vicinity , few know of the location of a mammoth grapevine , Iho largest In the world. The massive trunk" of the vine Is seven feet olght Inches In circumference , Its Hlzo iitul appearaiic'o suggesting nn o.ik rattier than a grapevine. lt brandies rest on a stnlwart frame covering a space one-thlnl of an nero In extent. It grows rapidly and ivotild undoubtedly attain oven greater di mensions were It not that the owner , hav ing reached the llml' of the spice ho hns reserved for his Klnnt vine and being un- ivlllliik' to concede It moro room , cuts It back every year. The frame over which the vine Is spread Is largely built , as It Is required to mjiport the troincndotis weight of grapes amumlly fielded by the vine. Sixty stout posts , ivlt'i heavy crossbeams , form the found.i- llon for the trrano-laileii hrnuches. The vine Is of the mission variety , and Is so iirollllc that In 1S' < 3 It bore eight tonn of rape , and. last year the owner took ten tons from the vine. In addition to ns many lunlors as the neighbors cared to carry iway. This Carpenterla vine IB much larger thnn : ho rolobratcd rape-bearer of Hampton Joiirt , ICnglniul , which hni been regnnlcMl is ouo of thp horticultural wonders of t < io ivorlil and by many elalmcd to bo the larx- Ht In fxlslence. In 1S7-J a Brapovlno from Montoclto , Santa liarbara county was then ulnillteilly the InrgeBt In the world. It wna i-mnvcil In ser-tloiis and set up In the Con- cnnlal exposition In I'hlladclphlii , whcro t attracted much attention. TMe CariH-n- crl.i vine Is now one-thlnl larger th.m waa .ho Montcclto product when exhibited. During the World's Columbian exposition .ho owner of Kit ) present champion iraj > c- , 'lne , Jacob Wilson , was ofCered a round nun to permit Its removal to Chicago for exhibition purposes. 'lie wns also timed to icntl It to the Midwinter f.ilr. Mr. Wilson let-lined tn part with his olephnntlnn vine , lowever. Ho owns a small ranch of eight icres , and although MtK \ > \ urape arbor irltigH him no revenue from tnuiLsts or il/thtset-rs / ho refuses to despoil his proj > - rty of this unique feature 'IXio vine was planted In 1812 by n Spanish vorrmii , Joaiiliiii | Lugodl Ayala. Under ler earn the llttlo prapo ciittlntr nourished mil gruw to unusual proportions , although ihe repeatedly cut It bark. She retained iwnershlp of the bud and the vine until S77. when the property wan purchased by rnrob Wilson the present owner , himself a , iloneer. Donna Aynla died three ycura igo , aged XI , but to the last retained the trcatest Interest and ptldci In the inani- noth vine she Inul vlanted anil tended. lirncatb the thick leaves of the vine FOO icrsoiis could llml protection at the .same line from the miminer heat. The peopln if thi ) nclghbnrhnod li.ivo often nKxembleil mdcr the Kprea'llng branches for ptililln noutlngs. Thirty yearn ago Mio vine formed i roof over no l.tran a cparo that It waa ised as nn e-Iectlost liooth. The llrst el'-c- Ion In Santa ll.irbara county under Amerl- 'an rule wns linhl under Itn branclit-rt of Ipenlnt ; fruit. Coloiml HtiHsell Heath , the iloneer walnut grower or Bnnta lUrbnra lounty. a noluhb'ir of Mr. Wilson , \vai lion sheriff of Hanta Hnrbarn and the lection v.'Jii held under the vine by lila llrcctlon. The HJIIU-O thus ' utilized \\-un nrKt-r thnn tiny iiv.tllablo room In thu Iclnlty. Hencath his o n giant vine Mr. Wilson OVCH tn Hpmul his lelstini bours , npcoulatlnc vhnt illmenslonn the vltlcultttral monster night liavn attained If Its extrnordlnary rniwth had never hern checked. AH ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. Used 1 > y pooptb of rdlnomont for ever u qunrtur of u contury. Pozzoni's Complexion I'nwnKii producun a itofl und beautiful DUIiii It coiiiblut-3 every clement of beauty and ' jmrlly.