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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1897)
0 TTT13 OMAITA DATLT BEE ; 3J.QyDAY , : 11 , 1897. GLUT OF MONEY IN THE BANKS Effective Argument in Favor of a Low Money Mnrkot , CASH HOLDINGS ARE UNUSUALLY LARGE Flmitiolor of X > TV York IH'Hnri-n tlml CiiiiilllliiiiN l"iiMir IIOM Motii-j and HlKliur llritrx for Tor- Nn\V YORK , Jnn. 10. Tlio rinnnrltr The otatcmcnt Issued by the tlcav- IIIK houio banka of New York City for the wrck ended January 0 Is a moio oftcctlvo niRUincnt In favor of an Immediate low money mniUet limn columns of tlieoretlrnl discussion. The IncrcitKO tn depOHlts nnd cnsji holdliiKS has been equaled only once , nnd that was for the week ended Novem ber 14 , finccccdlni ; tlio election. These ex ceptional gulns , It is needless to say , wcio the reunite of thy January dividend pay ments , the continued flow of money to this center and the largo luircnso In savings do- poillB As there Is no outlet for this money , the usual winter gold expoits having been postponed , the total cash gain appears much linger than during any previous > ear. The expansion of deposits , unaccompanied by an Increase In loans , as Is usually the cage , also shows clearly ( lie soilicc of the accumulation , and the icsult of the week's opt rations has been to Incrcnso by $10,701- COO Idle rash In the New York banks , brlng- Ing the total excess icsene up to f 1.1,991- 450 , which Is laigcr than for Ivvo yenis past. It Is only logical , theieforo , to look for a continued low money market nnd higher rates for foielgn exchange , the conditions favoring both circumstances. H wan from almost similar causes that the large ster ling loans were made In ibis inarUct ic- ccntly , and If money rates abio&d go higher , ns appears piobablc , dome Inte-rcstltiK de velopments may bu expected to icsult. The large gains rcpoitcd for the cm lent week wcro foreshadowed In this analysis not long Blncc , but the very gient Incieascs have surpassed all expectations , and It becomes Interesting , therefore , to watch how the banks will endeavor lo employ seine of their surplus funds nnd whether Europe will not endeavor to bcncflt through the oppor tunity presented. HAS iti : > iwnn PA mi INTHIJ WHST. Slrvct Se-e-H WcNlern IlorrottiTN Steadily I'a.ilnn De-blH. NKW YOUK. Jan , 9 New York specu lators have apparently gotten through with their foolish worries over Chicago A ueclc ago nothing but Chicago was dis cussed In Wall Direct. Rvury western In terest centering In Chicago was under crit icism nnd suspicion. Such extravagant fill- llncts n Uien prevailed on this account was without precedent. The change e-.ime suddenly. Today confidence hn wholly routed distrust. .Tho very men who n we-ek ngo were ski-plica ! and hypercritical are now outspoken In their confidence. Prac tically c\ery advice from Chlcaco during the * last week has been reassmlng One Important Chicago coiporatlon hav ing largo loans here was called upon on January 2 to take up M ) per cent of Its ob ligations this demand being nccomoanlnd by a patronizing letter to the effect that If the Chicago borrow cis were unable to do HO at once they "ix'tist nt least rend on Jl'iO.COO to margin do.\n the loan , " the total of wilcii was $ .00,000. This was last Saturday. On Monday the lenders here re ceived a brief dispatch from Chicago sayIng - Ing : "Sond over entire loan to our New York representative , who will make pay ment In full. " This loan was on call at nbotit I per cent rate. As soon as the New- York lenders discovered the Independence of the ( . 'hlcago borrowers they began at once to M > nil telegraphic explanation ? , anx ious to keep the loan nt a higher rate- than luid for some tlmo past been prevailing The Chicago borroweis received such prop ositions coollv. but after some lively cor respondence the whole loan was left standIng - Ing with no change In It except that the late was put down to 2 per cent. This Is not an exceptional Incident. So pro nounced wa.s the feeling hero against Chicago cage credit nt the close of December that It seemed practically unavoidable to reach nny conclusion other than that an organ ized anti-Chicago crifnde was being car ried out In the llnanclal world. The changes which have , taken place In these ppeclal conditions at the close of the first business week of the now year are so material and slgnlllcant that they must bo considered as of Inlluentlnl Importance In any consideration of the general llnan clal outlook. TltADHRS SWITCH TO .OHAIN. So far as the stock market directly Is concerned , Chicago seems nt the moment lo bo doing little. Sue.i traders ns were In the stock market have all pretty gen erally whipped over to grain. There are , however. Indications of the nppronch of n number of Important financial deals here In which Chicago operators will bo con spicuously Interested One or two of these bavo to do with corporations and prop- eitlos whose headquarters arc In Chicago , one such practlcnllv arranging to transfer Its llnanclal control to Wall street. Current rumors are very imien to the contrary but fen * risks will be taken In predicting close relations soon to bo openly t'stnbllHhed between Mr. Yerkes and Mr. J. I'lerpont Morgan. On the surface these two financiers arc supposed to bo alto gether nt cross purposes. Conclusions of this sort are sometimes calculated to help nlong parties with millionaire Interests who , having large projects afoot , hope to accomplish more bv apparent competition than In open combination. Wall street Itself has during the week nail Its chief Interest In action taken by thn Delaware .t Hudson board of directors. 'I hat pronerty vias been avlnir 7 ner cent dividends for'years past. These dividends have not always been earned. Neither last year nor the year boforn wore the not reve nues cnunl to Mich a distribution. Hut as the company had a "surplus" some of Its Inllnctitlnl managers Insisted on a mainte nance of the high dividend rate. This they also contended for when they got to gether this week. Hut of a sudden con servatism ' .md developed on the Inside of the dliectorv. nnd , by a majority of one vote. It finally was determined to cut the dividend rate from 7 down to 5 per cent. Wall street was caught unawares. Uven the blgeest holders of the stock had not nxpccted such action could go through. Delaware & Hudson stock tumbled about 10 points. So far as the professional element - ment In the street was concerned , little speculative profit wns made out of the trouble. The dividend reduction cnmo so unexpectedly nnd the consequent drop was so like a spontaneous explosion that even the quickest wlttod bear traders had not tlmn to got out f.iort lines. The stock at the moment stays at the low level to which It Immediately fell and there Is no sign of nn early rally. There seems , how ever. Upon the other hand no developing disposition upon the pan of owners of the stock to soli out. OTiinu COAL STOCKS punn The other co il stocks have not been nf- fccled. None of them can bo considered In a happy situation. Much 'has been heard about n coal trust , but Its opera tions have not been showing In nny In- rrwiFcd earnings for the big coal produc ing nnd carrying companies.- some Wall street quarters there Is. however , u lurking suspicion that bad statements from the big coal companies nro Just now advantageous features of a now policy In the conduct of the chief anthraclto prop er ! IPS. "Tho operations of the coal trust" I quota nn Important Insider "will show In the catly future. It can be counted upon as a lUcil fact now that every one of the leadIng - Ing anthracite railroads Is In line , and sub ject , virtually , to n unllled control. There may not bo sharp advances In the prloo of coal , but there are plans of fnr-rcnchlng consequence which will ninko Ib97 results tdiow ui > magnificently. " This bit of rhetoric , I take it , signifies If It signifies anythlng-that coal prices arc. to bo set owed up. There Is reason to bo- Hove * , however , that not much will bo at tempted on this account till after congress Hhnll glvo us a revised tnilff law and con sequent business activity. Today's statement of the associated banlci of Now York , llrst business week of the now year , Is In many ways remarkable. It shows an nbxolnto glut of money nt tliLi center. Deposits udrlng thn week hn\o In creased over $17,000,000. Surplus ioser\o llgures have jumped up .over $10000,000. In thu fncn of such tremendous accumulations , Htich nlmoht unprecedented ability to ac commodate Hie business world nnd semi thn wheels of trade whlrlhin , the statement shows that dining the week thu banks of rework cut down thtlr loan accounts $300,000. HUSINHSS MI3N HUS1TATK. This Indicates the feeling of hesitancy which pervades nnd dominates the business world Just now. In Wall street tlu-ro In np.ithy , , but It reflects only fairly what outside conditions nro. Our widest awake business nieii nro disposed to do nothing but wait , Ni'ivoiiHiioH over congress has disappeared , though much lurid war talk Is expected next week. What business In tercuts wiuit Is some stable basis on which to round calculations , If the tariff la to be rp\lscd Ihfi blislno s world must know what the revisions nro to bo before II will go In noimnl ways. Nothing1 being ex- ptctod from Washington on this account tilt Ilir- now congress in special session shall hmo opportunity tu nct , thcio Is n gtowlnrr feeling- Important financial nnd commer cial tlrclos itmt till after the last of Mnich wo rrei l.kely to Sec little Hade nttlvlty. With uncertainty out of the wny , with n i xihcil tailff cstabllBhcd , with stability iiMttrcd for four years lo oomo , there will bo no hesitation In development nnd ex pansion. The whole business world Is simply .now rrrorvliifr Un cnoitlc * for a definite basis upon which trnnencilons can bo safely and Intelligently conducted ; when that Is at hand wo will hn\t' activity In evoiy branch of eutt'ipi No. Thoio Is no question whatever - over Hint the country IntrinMcnlly Is In better shape today tlmn It lias been for joats. The- chief factor upon which boar traders lm\o for Home time past been basing de- pres lng claim ? , and whlen tney still mnko much of , has to do with railway earnings. There nr < - Indlintlons that there- may bo n buoinerang In ! hl Already figures begin to Ineiinso. ruiieiit tepoits are. by a sub- ' nmjoiiiy , ruvornblo. wo me tie- glnnllu : , too. to e'omparo with a period ol poor trafllo last yotr. For the next month or moio there tuo Jtotty sure to be general cam hum 1'icroHscs , wholncr miriness ns n rule picks tip much or not. Apropos ot prospective impiovcmont In rojlvvny cam- Ings I. II. Wnggonn of the New York Block e\chnngc decently of Chlongo ) points out In nn Interview lo bo published hero tomorrow thtit theic Is ono fnctor which Is not yet gcnernlly considered Ho says : KUID COUN TO CATTLI : . "rVvnners nir- finding moio pioflt In feedIng - Ing com to cattle than In selling It. ( Ircnt piopainllcns ale being made throughout the wcsuni country for the botf nnd pork business during the- coming join. Thetu Is reiiBOtt In bollovo that the xhlpmeiita of both of Ihese are fiulnr to be very Inige. That menus money fet the fanner , and I' nlso means big earnings for the inllronds. " Air. Wnggoncr pays tin enthusiastic , tribute to Chicago , but says : "It Is nn undeniable fart that business In the west Is Inflated ; It line been given too much wild speculation. Financial methods have born too reckless. T ho Diamond Match and the Ameilcnn niscull episodes evidence thin. Theto has been too much money put out on unworthy collatciai. The wo t suffers from this and cannot ut once expect to 10- colve n full monsuic of prosperity , which ot.herwl.o should icsult promptly from natural conditions. " These statement ! ; from Mr. Waggoner aio vciy much In spirit llko stntcmonts which come from Other Chicago authorities , most of whom talk much more freely than they will consent to bo quoted On every side , however , thcic Is ngiecment now thai Chlongo Is wholly free ftom nny ot the sus picions which vvcte > o fieely huckstered In nnd out of Wall street n week 01 so ago , when the failureof the National Dank of Illinois was still sen Ing ns n text for h > percrltlcal folks to sormonlro upon. II ALL A WAY. LONDON MOMY MAIIKHT rum. piiliMl Intervention in Cuban \fTnlr llraecN pntilili Socarlticx. .LONDON , Jan. 10. A firmer money mnr- kct has caused a reaction In Investment se- curltlos , which wcrei mostly easier , foreign securities continuing strong. Spanish se curities were largely bought on the expec tation of the United States Intervention In Cuba being accepted. Tuiklsh securities were firm on the report that the Imnqite de Paris had purchased a largo pircol of bonds from the Ottoman bank. Uruguay securi ties were down on the reported revolution. The upward movement In Argentines ap peals to hn\e ceased lor the present , but Hrnilllniis arc advancing. Mines wcro stng- niint. Amoilcnn securities wore qultt nnd r.-eneiall.N * ( Inner. Grand Trunk advancing The Increases Weic : Chicago , Mllwaukcn & St Paul. Louisville & Nashvlllo Is , and Rend ng IH , VA per cuit ; othei change * were fractional. Loiiiliin riraln. LONDON , Jnn 10-Tho weather foi the lust week has boon mild , foggy nnd damp , and the ciop accounts nro promising. An Increase * ! area has been sown , but no defi nite estimates of the yield have yet been made. Wheat in the market varied In pi Ice In iespouse to American news Trade has been quiet , but the offcrH of moderate hold ers were fairly stonily California wheat , prompt delivery , was quoted at Ms Cd. Northern , spring whe-al , parcels , January and February dellveiy , wns quoted nt 33s Cd. Flour wns firm and not active. Malzo was qnlot ; American Is now easier ; mixed steamer nt destination asked buyers nt 13.S Gd. Harley wns firm nnd not active. Oats were firm ; American white , clipped , February delivery , were quoted at 12s Cd. Miinolif'Htri' Textile Market. MANCIinSTKK , Jan. 10. The market has been quiet nnd firm , > nrns selling readily for .Madias , Japan , China , the Levant nnd homo tisois. Prices show fair profit mar gins , with no stocks nnd some orders re turned. Cloth for Domtmy and Karachi was Interfered with' by the plague and famine , Calcutta and Madras taking some , but business being very spotty. The Levant and Lgvpt showed a good Undo , China was taking more shirtings. South America wns buying more freely The homo trade was very healthy. Hotien wns quiet , but fairly engaged. Germany wns dull , with very few orders growing out of the strong competition for Australian spinners , who sell at a loss to get rid of heavy over production. London Wool Haricot. LONDON , Jan 10The arrivals of wool to d ito for the first series of the colonial wool sales , which open January 19 , arc New South Wales , 51,198 bales ; Queensland. 3J.19. ' bales ; VIctoila. Cl 903 biles , Tasmania l'H bales ; South Australia , 20,970 bales ; West Australia , 7.S65 bales. New Zealand. 19.227 bales ; Cape of Good Hope and Natal , 57337 bales ; making a total of 2fil , 7 bales In cluding W.OOO bales sent direct. The Imports of the week nggregnted 101.- 077 bales. Including New South Wales. 49012 bales ; Queensland. 11,918 bales. Victoria. 11N.1 bales : South Aimtr.illn 1 nrn ) , . , i . New Zealand , 5,173 bales ; Cape of Good Ilopn and Natal. 3162 bales ; Singapore , K03 ii-'i'S8' ' ' l ra"r ° . i.3 * laic's , and sundries , - , (12 ( bales. lCe > tom > Mute llnaUor MiuotH Illinxcir LHHANON , Pa. . Jan lO.-John M. Goss- ler , aged to years , cashier of the Leba non National bank , attempted to commit suicide today by shooting himself In the head. Ho will die. His wife and two chil dren had gone to church , leaving him in the house alone. The'ball lodged behind the right ear.and when found a few min utes afterward ho was unconscious. He- sides his connection with the bank Mr Gosslcrwas the teacher of a large bible class In the Lutheran church. For some tlmo past his health bus not been good and to Is , It Is believed , prompted him to end hla life. His accounts with the bank arc said to be correct. \VI3ATIIiil FOUI3CAST TOR TODAY. lllKlier 'IV in p era lure anil SoiitliiM-Nt- t'H WliuiH for AfliruNlcn. WASHINGTON , Jnn. 10. The forecast for Monday Is : For Nebraska , Iowa , Kansas , South Da kota nnd Missouri Fair ; warmer ; south westerly winds. Lot-ill Ileeoril. OFFICES OF THI : WIATHI : UUP.EAU. OMAHA , Jan. 10. Omaha record of rainfall and temperature compared with cor responding day of the past three years : IS97. 2S90. 1895. 1S9I. Maximum temperature . . 3 ( ! 61 37 46 .Minimum temperature . . 2" > 31 17 6 Average tcmpcintuio . . . . Mis 27 20 ll.llnfnll CO .00 .00 .00 Hecord of temperature nnd precipitation at _ Oiiialui for the day and since March 1 , l&jO ! Normal temperature for the day 17 Uxcoss for the day 13 Accumulated excess since March 1 5S Normal picclpltnllon for the day. . ,02 Inch Deficiency for the day OJ Inch Total precipitation since Mch. 1. 35 Gl Inches Excess flnce Marei 1 SOGInches Deficiency for cor. period , 1S90..11 52 Inches Deficiency for cor. period , iMTi. . 13.15 Inches Uoiiort * from SliitloiiM at K i > . in. Beventy-llftli meridian time. BTATION8 AND STATE OP WEATHER. Onmlm. clenr North I'lalle , part cloudy . . . Hull I , ike City , part cloudy , . C'hcrnne. part cloudy ltui > | . | city , clear , Huron , cloudy Chli'iiBo. vlvnr HI I-milH , clour , , , , , . , . Bt. 1'uul , cloudy Duunpoit , part cloudy lli'U'iiu , vicar KuntuH City , clear . , , Jliuir , clenr , , . lIlMimrck , clear WlllUton , Hurt cloudy Uuhuilon , purt cloudy "U" ' Indlcult * trace of | irrcl | > ltallon. U A. WltLSIf , tx > cul t'or catt OlCvtUL OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Ends with the Customary Light Run of All Sorts. STRENGTH OF CATTLE TRADE NOT TESTED IHMiintitl Cinoil ami 1J orj ( lilnn Soli I'arly nt Slfiuly I'rlrcn U < IKN mill Soiiii * Time * a MvUi-l SOUTH OMAHA , Jnn. O.-llccclpts for th tlio days Indicated \\eiu : Cattle. HORS. Sheep. Horses January 9 1,128 4OVi u7l . . . Jnniiniy 8 2is3I.MJIJ : ois . . . January 7 1,970 0,100MM ) . . . Januaiy G 4,0.7 3,119 222J January D 730 202 l January 4 Nil 1,831 2.CU7 January 2 l.GM 2,740 1,20 January 1 812 3,000 1,608 . . . . December 31 1,324 5.9S6 2,313 Tlio olllclal number of cars of stocl brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C M. & St. l . Uy 4 O. & St. L. Hy 1 1 Mo. 1' . Hy . . 1 U. r , system 6 10 , r. n & M. v. u. n G IB s. c & iny ! C. , St. P. , M. & O. lly. . . II 8 U. ft M. U U. II 10 7 2 C. H. ft Q. lly 7 K. C. ft St. J 6 1 U. , R. 1. ft. 1 > . Hy. , cast. . . . C. , U. I. ft 1 > . Hy. , west. . . 1 Total receipts 47 03 The disposition of tlio day's receipts was as follcuH , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Uuyen. Cattle. HOBSheep. . Oinalm 1'ackhif ? Co 1,000 O. 11. Hammond Co SO 910 S\\lft and Comp.iny. . . . 423 70S Cudahy Packing Co 310 1,902 102 II. Decker ft IX'Bim 21 J. U Carey 13 Hamilton S Hooker ft Dffiun , K. C. . . KG Cudahy P Co , K. C 72 272 Other buyers KM 2 Totals 1.1S9 4.CS1 cTl CATTL13 The receipts of cattle were llfiht as usual at the close of the wok , and thtro wcro not enough of any ono kind here to make very much of a market. The trade , naturally , under such conditions , \\as devoid of especial Interest , the buciM lak- Inp the cattle at about the same prices as were paid yesterday. The demand \\ns peed and everything changed hands early In the morning. The cattle market of the past week \\as largely under the Intlucncu of the snow storm , which occurred the llrst of the week , nnd which cut down receipts very materially. The light receipts of Monday and Tuesday gave the market a sharp upturn , values on Tuesday being recorded 2jo higher than the previous week , on beef cattle. Uy Wednesday the roads were open and the cattle came In large num bers , breaking the market badly that day and the day following , until at the close ° r the week the advance was nil lost and possibly a little more. The demand was good all the week , and it was no trouble current08) ° f C"ch dny > 8 nrrlvnls llt tnc ) ! HOGS .rihe murket opened strong nnd In nonic casei Co lilKhvr nnd the trnilc was active nt the mlMincc. After the most of the IIORB were sold , ho e\er , tlie innrkct caned oft and closed wenli , with the ndviineu loM. Homy IIORS sold \cry InrBfly nt 30" ( f < 3 15 , as nRnlnst J3 Wnii3 10 jester- day , while the llKht and medium wclRhts today brought 317'4C1SO un I jesterday J3.13ij3 27'i. The market closed In reasonably good "capon , with practically c\erjthlnfr Fild HoK" , like cattle , commanded high prices dur. liiK the early part of the | iant week. The market started out \\ltli an advance at the com mencement of the week nnd went still higher on TuiKday and Wednesday. On the last mentioned ilnynlues touched the highest point reached since November 30. On Thursday the market l > tokc a strong lOo and on the day following' 5o The week closed with the market 15c loner than the high point and n strong ICc lower than the opening 11m market has ranged from 25JJ40c lower than n > rar ngo. The demand was good nnd the mirkct active on most ilnjs of the week , the receipts moving off freely at the prevailing prices. SIIIIIJI' There were n few sheep hero today which met with ready sale ut full rteady prices CIIICACiO IjlV12 STOCK MAIIKCT. Cattle Too Scarci * lo 'Make n Mnrkct ( infill Demand for HOKN. CHICAGO , Jnn. 9 Ilecelpts of cattle today were too small to make much of n market. The few rattle In the pens sold readily enough , but > ] iiotntlons were mo-tly nominal nt jcnterdas'B figures. With a good demand prices for hogs were stronger and largely 5c higher. Sales were at J3.IW1.15 , with the bulk of transactions ut 13 2 ( > ' ( J3. < 0. Heavy hogs were discriminated Against to some extent Ir sheep the few offerings sold rer.dlly at bteady prices. The sales were on the basis of tS.ZSQJCO for very common sheep , up to U SOU 175 for the best Ilockp. 1-unbn t-old nt 53.15 for tO-lh. lots , up to J5.CKJgD.30 for choice , to 78 tu 3C-II ) . lots. Receipts : Cattle , & 00 head ; hogs , 22.000 heacij slice ) ) , 1,000 head. KuiiNiiH City II\c Mode. KANSAS CITY , Jan -CATTLn-llecelpts. . 1,000 head , xhlpments , 2,900 head ; market steady aii'l unchnngcd ; only rctnll trade HOGS-Ilecelpts. 7 , 00 head , shipments. 1 SM > head ; market aleady tn strong , bulk of sale * , } 31M325. | heavies , JJlOuSSO. packers. J3 05H3 2U , mixed. ? 3 l.f3 L'7'A. lights. 13 0083.30 , Yorkerx. tl ir.flJ U. plgd. (3 0003 10 SlinnP Hecclpts , MO head ; shipments , 1 ECO head ; market steady ; lambs , J3 254/4 75 , muttons , t2COi37S. _ St. I.OIllH I.lStOClf. . ST. I.OU1S. Jnn 9 CATTI.i ; Receipts , SCO , market quiet , native shippers , } 3M > fi5 j. stockers anil feeders , J2.C01i3.75 , c. ws and heif ers. } 1753CO , Texas and Indmn rtccrs , 52 CUif 400. 400.11OC5S 11OC5S llccelpts. 8000 head ; market steady , but slow , light , J3 2003 30 ; mixed , J3 OJff. 2 ! heavy , S3 0003 30. bllHKl' No innrkct on ncciru of no iceelptu. , Sloe-k In Hecord of receipts of live stock nt the four prin cipal markets for Saturday , January 9 , 1197 : Cattle. Iloirs Sheep Omaha . 1.12S 4 CK C7 < Chicago . f.00 22000 1,000 Kansas City . 1,000 7.000 000 St. Louis . 00 8,000 Totals . 3,128 41.K5 5.174 CHICAGO OHA1AM > PROVISIONS. niiil CIoHliiK Prlee-N of butur- iln > 'H Trailing. CHICAGO , Jan. 0. Wheat today recov- cied about % c of what It lost Friday , duo almost entirely to the advance at Liver pool , which was totally unexpected. Other markets exhibited various degrees of strength or weakness , corn declining Vic , oats closing unchanged and provisions making n trilling advance. In wheat a fe > v sales were made at the opening at about Ic higher than yester day's llnal llgures. Mny , which rested yes terday at from MVio to Sic , sold sparingly nt the start at Sl'ic , but there v\ero nu merous sellers at Slc. Hut Inside of half an hour the price had dropped back to Sl'/ic. Liverpool showed unexpected strength In view of the weakness which prevailed he-ro yesterday , futures there be ing quoted % d hlphcr , nnd to this was duo the opening advance. There were other en couraging ; features for the recently dis heartened bulls. The receipts here wi-ro only i'J cars and nt Minneapolis and Iu- luth only 174. Minneapolis nnd Uuluth got 393 a week ago nnd CS4 on the correspond ing day of last year. The weekly ship ments from both coasts were : i,10SnSS Ini , , against 2.70S.CK.O . bu. the week before , Ar gentine shipments wcro only 8.UOU bu , , as against 40,000 bu the similar week of last year. The shipments for the last tiwenty- four hourn from the Atlantic ports were remarkably light , being equal to about f.O- . 000 bu , In wheat and Hour together. Tnc advance nt Liverpool , however , did not mnki ) altogether plain sailing for the bulls , and , though Its effect was mnrlu-cl at the opening , rumors that that market wax be ing manipulated In the Interest of a clique on this Hide , coupled with frco realizing by operators who wen- satisfied with their profits , caused the reaction to 81'&o al ready noted. Hut the fact that the foreign demand for wheat Hho\u'd no signs of abating Indicated un Independent strengthen on the part of thn Liverpool market , and from M'fc there was u quick rlto to islc. The remarkably flno showing of the New York bank statement had some effect In fuvor of the hulls. The market held stead ily between Sl c ami 81 > < c. bid In the last half hour , and closed at Sl < c. Corn was quiet nnd easy , The exports for the week were liberal , but1 rabies were easy nnd operators nro looking for In creased receipts as the western railroads uro expected to reduce frrlghte from west ern points. There was conslde-rablo pres- fuirn to Hull for this reason , and prices gradually declined , May opened unchanged nt 25c , declined to from 25 u to 25a and L'losed easy at 3 > ic. Oats WHS fairly active , with offerings moderate and quite a demand from , shorts. The feeling was linn early In sympathy iwlth wheat , but an cut-ler feeling dovnU Opul later , although the chungu In prlco was slight. May opened a shade higher nt i9c. declined to lt > ? ia and closed at from ItM to IDo bid , yiic provisions market was stiff at a over yostrrd'a'y'i ! doling prices. The decrr-ase In imolUngiifor the week tended to onlnrgp tlie rftilntlvo demand , and there was less pressure to sell from the packing Interest. No Important price chatiRps were rcrjirdor , but the undertone was linn all da M the close pork wis a shade higher ntrnfin $ " . ! > " > to J7.i'4 ! ) ! May lard 2'o higher at $ l.0's. May ribs a shade Jan. . 4 00 1)7 May. . . I Q7' < 1 it ) 4 U ) < ID No. 2. Cash quotations were us follow * : n/MMt Quiet , winter imtcnlf , Jl 50fJ4 75 ; BtrnlRlitM , J40 lfO , spring patents , H.1W4 CO ; pprltiK fltrnlKlili" , f.1 Mfi3 ! X ) : bnkrtu , 13 10H3 DO. WHCAT-No. Z Kpilni ; , "S'itnbttc : NO. 3 vprlng , 7CH77c ; No. 2 red , & 7H U8 C. COUN No. 2 , ! 2'4tf22V. ' OATH No. 2 , IfH-o : No. 2 Willie , f. 0. b , 200 20 0 : No 3 while , f. o. b. , IS'tOfc. HYC No. 2. 3So. IIAULiY No. 2 , nominal : No , 4 , f. o. b. , tiff 34c. 34c.TIMOTHY TIMOTHY Snr.D 1'rlmc } 2.Ci > { ? 2.Ci. I'MOVlSlONH-McFB pork , per bid. , J7.75fJ7.SO : lanl , per 100 Ibs. , $3 M > jj3 tC'4 , Miort ribs sides ( loofe ) , t3 fiOflt 10 , dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , $4 2"W4 TO ; fhort clear sides ( boxoil ) , Jl 00 4 12 > l. \VlllSICV-niftlllerB' finished goods , , , ir Ka | II IS. HtTOAIlS-Cut lonf. j ; 2C ; granulated. J4 C3. The following were the receipts and shipments today : Ashland Land nnd Live Stock company against Woodfoid. Hrror from Saunders county. Reversed and remanded. Opinion by Chief Justice Post. Wheto to ii counter claim wli pleaded the plaintiff Interposes no reply , a verdict In his fnvot In excess of the nmount claimed in his petition , less the amount of such counter claim , should be set aside is unsupported by the pleading Hylcy against Snndcnn Appeal from Douglas county. Decree afllrmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Post. The evidence In this case , although con flicting , held sufficient to sustain the de cree appealed from. Chnppcll against Smith. Appeal from Dunes county. Decree nlllrmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Post. Held from nn examination of the record that the decree complained of Is war ranted by the Judgment or tnls court on n former appeal , and agreement of parties nade pending such appeal. Ilarshmau ngalnst Hose. Error from Cass county. Afllrnicd. Opinion by Chief Justice Post. , It Is in u civil nqtlon for assault nnd jattc-ry unnecessnry to specially allege such damngos ns nro the necessary and isual consequences of the act complained of. i 2. A petition chnrglng the defendant with mlawtully beating and wounding the plaln- ItT on the head with a pitchfork , whereby he plaintiff "wan.wounded and Is , and for i long1 time will be , flick , and has suffered mil will suffer great bodily pain nnd dis comfort , " states online of action for such ihyslcal nnd mental suffering ns Is the mural and proximate result of the wrong so nllc-gcd American Water Works com pany against Dougherty , 37 Neb. , 373 3. One who has commanded an Intruder o leave his premises Is authori/ed to use such means as may be reasonably neces sary to enforce his demand. Hut If In so lolng he excce'd the bounds of reasonable force , ho will bo jrullty 6f an assault. ' 4. Evidence examined and held to sus- aln the Judgmc-nt of the district court. Western Wheeled Scraper company aialnst Sadllek. Error from Saline county. Vlllrmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Post. A customer's bank check is not Intended for circulation ns n medium of exchange , nnd should be presented for payment with he dispatch consistent with the circum stances of the case , nnd the transaction f otlur commercial business. Miller aa'nst iMrst National Hank , 37 Neb , COO. 2 A bank which undertakes the collec tion of a customer's check Is guilty of 1 negligence In sending It foi payment dlrce to the drawee bank , provided thorn Is In thr- name town another bank In good stand Ing. 3. A bank receiving for collection n cus tomer's check Is required lo pay Ihc wimo upon the receipt thereof during business hours , or to promptly give nollco of Its dishonor , In order to charge the drawer and Indorsers thereof 4. Held , from an evnmlnnllon of Hie oU- donee that prejudice to the defendant ns drawer of the check which Is the subject of eontioversy will bo presumed from the fallttto to gl\o notice of Its dishonor , there being to his etodlt therein suillclcnt funds for Its pnynuni , the drawee bank having In the meantime become Insolvent. B. The inilhorlty of n county trcnsurci to deposit for safekeeping In bank the funds entrusted to hla care cannot bo ques tioned In n strictly collateral ptoccedlng. lllodgctt npnlnst State. Error from Lan caster county , Alllrmcd. opinion by Chic Justice Post. A motion or objection directed to an In- dlctmont or Information ns n whole wll bo overruled unless applicable to each count thereof 2. A charge of malpractice against an at- lorncy nnd rounsclor-nt-lnw may be joined 'With ' n t > ro ooutlon for a contrmnt. nf nniirt where both chnrgcs Involve a single trans action. 3. A finding without n judgment In n sum mary prosecution for contempt of court will not be reviewed by moans of urocccd- Ings In on or. 4. TVio test by which to determine the sulllrloncy of nn Indictment Is whelhcr enough remains after rejecting all unnec essary averments thereof to satisfy the requirements of the statute. 5. The remedy of ihe accused In nn In- dlclmcnt or Information Is by plon and not by motion to strike unnecessary and Im material allegations. Scott against Overall. Appeal from Doug las county. Alllrmcd. Opinion by Judge Harrison The statute by which the clerk of the dlstilct court Is allowed to settle and sign n bill of exceptions , Instead of the Indue who heard or tried the cause In whloh It Is souKvit to innktt such bill a part of the record , must bo "Irlctly construed nnd thu method prescribed by hlnt\ite , If any , for maklnp , the facts on which the clerk s au thority to .settle and sign a bill of excep tions apparent of record , should be fol lowed , and whore the statute lonulros a showing of the facts lo be by allidavlt a statement by the clerk In the certlllcato that he has personal knowledge of the facts will not be sulllclont to take the place of the required allidavlt. Chicago Lumber company ngnlnst Ben jamin. Error fiom Custer county. Af- Ilrmod Opinion by Judge Hnrrlson. A bill of exceptions which Is not authen ticated by the certlllcato of the clerk of the trial couit Is not entitled to consldcia- tlon In this coint. 2 Where to nn examination nnd settle ment of questions argued to this court an Inspection of the evidence contained In n bill of exceptions IB necessary , and such bill lacks the authentication of the clerk of the trial court. Oho points presented may be ovi rrulod llellamy against Chambers. Krrcr from Gospor county. Alllrmcd. Opinion by Judge Harrison. "In nn appeal from the county court to the district court , the cause must be tried on the same Issues ns were tried In the county court , unless some now matter has arisen since the trial there , such ns pay ment , etc. " ( Hnlbert against Iloscnbnum , GS N. W. Hep , G22. ) 2 A covenant ngnlnst encumbrances In a conveyance ot land Is In effect that the premises then nro free from encumbrances and If nny encumbrances exist the cov enant Is broken , nnd a cause of action therefor accrues In favor of the covennntcc , which will be barred by limitation In five years. Lander against State. Error from Doug- lai county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Judge Harrison. Error In the refusal to glvo a proffered Instruction must alllrmntlvcly appear from an Inspection of the entile record , nnd If a case Is i resented on n transcript unac companied by a bill ot exceptions nnd there may have been a possible state of the facts disclosed by the evidence which would have warranted such refusal the assignment of error must no overruled 2 A Judge of the district court , within his own Judicial district , nas Jurisdiction to and may hear and dctcimlne a motion for new ttlal in a case where the judge of another district presided during t'lo ' trial , but , before the hearing of the motion for new trial , has ceascc1 to preside County of Douglas against KcVlcr. Error from Douglas county. Ucalllrmed. Opinion bv Judge Harrison. The settlement of the questions pre sented In this case Is governed by the conclusions stated In the cause of Sten- berf : ngalnst State. Opinion filed at this time. Heuther against Hemblemnn. Error from Flllmoro county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Judge Norval. A bill of exceptions will bo disregarded upon reviewing unless certified by the clerk of the i. al court to bo the original or a true copy. 2. It Is not revcrsablo error to refuse an Instruction llko ono already given to the jury. Uaker ngalnst State. Error from Douglas county. Heversed nnd remanded for new trial. Opinion by Judge Norval. A question discussed In the brief of counsel , but not raised by any assignment In the petition In error , wilt not bo con- sldcrcd. 2. A material mlsstntcmcnt of the Issues In nn Instruction In a criminal capo In crtor which will not be cured by a cor rect statement In another Instruction. 3. A false and maltcloim publication In print or writing which tends to Injure the reputation of another person , or to bring him Inlo contempt , hatred or ridicule , Is llbclous , nnd the publisher la amenable lethe the criminal law. i 1 , In a prosecution for criminal libel It Is error to so In.itiuut the Jury ns to cast upon the defendant the Burden of eslab- llshlng that iho alleged publication wns not llbclous. State , ox rcl Monlssoy , ngalnst llamsey Mandamus. Dcimnicd sustained nnd no tion dismissed. Opinion by Judge Not vat. The filing of n supcrse-ilras bond Is not essential to obtain a lovlovv of n decree or llnal order of the district court , cither by appeal or upon on or. lint snob bond I ? IndlsppiiBlble to a stn } of proceedings pendIng - Ing the review. 2. Such bond , wlion filed and approved will not operate as a supoisodeas unless U contains the conditions prescribed by law 1 A proper supersede , bond , executed , filed nnd approved In on * oausc , will not net ns u supoisodens of a decree subse quently icndoied In another action .between the same parties. 4 Averments of lognl conclusions In a pleading me not admitted by a dcinuner liana against Slnlo. Etior fiom Stnnton county. Afllrmed. Opinion by Judge Xor- val. val.AllMmllH AllMmllH for ti continuance must bo em bodied In a bill of excc-ptlons to bo consid ered In the appellate coin I. Whether the ptoscctitlon In n criminal ciiso may mold a continuance sought bj the defendant on a showing which entitles him to n postponement nf the ttlnl , on the ground of nn absent witness , by the stale admitting merely that the witness. If pics- out , would testify , as ropiosoiited In the application. Is not Involved In this case , and consequently not decided 3 The ruling of the court made before the trial commenced , di-nylng the defendant's motion to require the state to elect under which count or counts of an Information It would loly for conviction , H lovlowablo without being assigned as error In Ihe million for a now trial. I A count clinging the Illognl sale of In- toxlc'illng liquors may be joined In an In formation containing a count charging the defendant with keeping such liquors for h.ilo In violation of law. fi An firdor In a cilnilnal oasenrrmlttlng tic state to wl hdr.xv Its rest foi the puipcse of lull educing fin th'r testimony will not lo ) dlstuibed wheio tin abuse of discre tion on the put of the tilnl conn has not i ou shown \Vllorn tin , lill ) nf r.mittinu , m.fi1u that Introduced on the tilal has been omitted this court iMiinot reviewiln order denvlns1 n motion to direct 1 verdict , when to do MJ would require nn xnmlnatlon of the ptoof- . 7. In n piosocutlon for n mhdomeanor It s not o sontlnl that the state should prove the commission of the offense on tlrt- iroclse date laid In thu Information. It Is Hiilllclcnt If It be established that the crime was committed within the statute of limita tions. S The unlawful Intent with which In toxicating liquors me kept may bo ircsumed by the recent prior sale by the lefendnnt of the same kind of liquors in violation of law. 9. Held , that Iho first Instruction did not issumc the possible existence of n single fact , but merely told the Jury what were ho material averments of the Informn- lon 10. A charge which , construed as n vhole , plainly states the law applicable to ho caseIs . without error 11. An assignment In a petition In error hat the court erred In denying the motion or n new trial Is too Indefinite to bo avall- xblo whore several distinct grounds uro fated In the motion 12. Each act of keeping for the purpose of sale without a license or permit Issued jy the proper body nny malt , spirituous r vinous liquors in this state constitutes a nlhdemennor. 13. Whcro nn Information contains two omits , each charging the ktoplng for sale n violation of law of a different kind of ntoxloallng liquors , nnd defendant Is found tullty on both counts , separate sentence Is o bo Imposed for each conviction H In re White , 33 Nebraska. S12 followed pen the question of the constitutionality f chapter 33. session laws of 1SST Storz ngalnst Flnkolsteln. Error from Douglas county. Alllrmed as to O ! on nnd overscd nnd dl mlsed as to Storz & Her. Opinion by Judge Norval Commissioners Ivan nnd Kngan dissenting. In nn action on nn attachment bond where the nnsvvor Is a general denial ef the averments of the petition , the burden Is upon thu plaintiff to .show that the nt- tacnmcnt was wrongfully Issued , that Is that the averments In attachment nflldavlt as ground for the writ -were untrue. Rynn and Itagan. C C. , dissenting. 2 An Instruction In Eiich a case which permits the jury to return a verdict for the plaintiff If they find that the attach ment was merely dissolved , held erroneous. Rvnn and Rngan , C. C. , dissenting 3 A judgment will not bo reversed for errors committed In plvlng Instructions where It Is not shown the unsuccessful party could have been prelndlced thorebv. 4. An ntiac&mont bond Is valid without the denature of the nttac-hlng plaintiff , nnd vvlioio he docn not flpn the bond ho la not liable thereon to defend In attachment. Ilyan and Rngan , Is v ? , dinscnllng , Wallace against School District 27 , Sallno county. Error fiom Saline county Re versed nnd remanded. Opinion by JudRO Norval I'lalnilff entered Into n wiltten contract of cmplovmrnt ns teacher with n vchool . district for the lei in of Ihree month1' com- k. incncliiR nt a .stated time , with opllon lo j her to tench ttio school year If sailsfac- tlun fwns Rlxen. She taught under the eon- irael iho three months , exorcised ihe op tion nlvon her and remained In the employ without objection another three months , whin ; .she wnt discharged without good or sulllclont ciuso before the close of the school year. Hold , that the services rcn- deiod after the ilist three months wcro performed under said contract , nnd n new wiltten eontrnct was mil necessary to bind the district for the entire school year. 2 In the ibsoneo of n Htlpulutlon In the contract to the contrary , under ihe exist ing .slntute , n qualified teacher cannot be , dlschntgcd nt the pleasure of the dlslrlct , - -4 but only where Just cause exists therefor. \ 3. Jones ngalnsi Ncbiaskn City , 1 Neb , 170 , dltitiliRllhlicd I. If a lonelier duly employed In the pub- for a specified period Is dismissed bv the- school hoaid prior to thn expiration of the term of employment without being shown to be Incoinpoti nt. or for other good reason , the district Is liable therefor , r. Hold , that the petition stated a I-IUIPO of action llrothorton ngalnst Manhattan Reach Im- ( irovemcnt association Error from Doug- I is county. Reversed. Opinion by Commis sioner Ryan. The conclusions i cached tn the former opinion In this case considered and ad- heiod to on rohoailng. Llsy ngalnst State ex rel Dufek. En or from Rutlor countv Reversed nnd re manded Opinion bv fommhHonoi Rynn. In n Instardv netlon It Is prejudicial error to admit evidence o\or proper objections nn offoi of maitlago by the putative father to the mother of the bastard rhlld mnde , with a view to the settlement of such pro ceedings about to b" commenced Reynolds ngnlnst MiPsindless Error from G igo county Alllrnud Opinion by Com missioner It/an Tho. alleged otrors In this case being 'Wholly dependent upon the nature of the evidence admlltod nnd excluded are not available to plaintiffs In error because ot tie bill of exceptions having boon quashed on motion before the Until submission Rosuithnl against O dcn. Error fiom Jouglns county. Revin-od nnd remanded. Opinion by Coinmls-lonor Ryan If a written continct Is to bo construed with reference to Its terms alone it Is the luty of the court to Interpret It , hut If the I construction or npp'lcatlon must depend ipon other nnd extrinsic facts the contract ii connootlon with these ( iucallons of fact should be submitted to the Jury under iropor Instructions 2. An exception well taken to the exclu sion of evidence not waived bv n failure to present the same ground of objection by an exception to nn Instruction given OP refused. THIS HIMI.TY MAHKKT. INSTIIUSIKNTS rl cert on record Si urday , January 9. 1K 7 : WAHHANTY DI3I3DS. n A Casey and \\lfe to J N Hlnz , lot fi. block 1. Sheridan Place 11,000 J 11 Weaver to UlHiih Dunn et al , a 15-foot strip nrtjoInliiR south side of w 15 acres of nw HO 6-14-13 104 C B Clapp to K 13 Mooies , lot 7 , Glse's add ; fi acies In nw no 31-10-13 ; lots 2 , 3 , 4 , K. S , 9 to 13. block 1 ; loti fi to 9 , block 2 , Hoock'n stibdlv ; lot 7 , block S. West Side add Union Stock Yards compnnv to Cud ahy IMcklnu company , 1.12 acres at no corner tax lot 13 , In 4-14-13 I Sime to same .43 acre In sw , 4-14-13 . 250 Catherine Manahan and husband to Victor U.inlelson , s % of lot 14 , 13llz- iibcth I'lnco l.COO John Thomson and wife to Noli Han- hen , se sw and sw no 4-1G-12 3,000 MafBlo McKay to O F , lots 1 nnd 2 , block fi , Cloverdale mid 1 QUIT CLAIM unions. O F Diuls company to Thomas Crelsh , lot C , block 1.1. Central park 1 n I'3 French and \\lfc to same , lots 3 , fi and 6 , block 1.1 , same 10 Inez and husband to C C Deyo , no nc we 30-10-13 500 Total amount of transfers JG4GI JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb. COMMISSION GRAIN ; PMISIJNS : AXD : , Board ot Trade. IVrcct wires lo Cincago and Nevr York. CcfTcnoondenti : John A. Warren it ( V HIDES WANTED. Highest nmiltct pi lee paid nnd prompt returnf Itefcreiieo Omaha National II ink F. S. BUSH & CO. , No commission. 013 H. latbSt. Oin.ih i , NoU. Over $411,000,000 Paid to Policy Holders in Fifty-three Years ! Tl HI TlI . I.J I 1111 jl JRICHAKD A. McCURDY , President Who will pay that mortgage on your home if you die before It's lifted ? A life insurance policy will fo it , and the cost to you is only the annual premium paid o the company. It is like pay- ng a little extra interest on 'our mortgage to insure its re lease if you 012. < i r Security The resourced of the Mutual Life of New- ' York exceed the combined capital of all the na tional banks-'oi ; New York City , Chicago , Boston , Philadelphia , St. Louis , Cincinnati and Balti more. A duty delayed is a duty shirked. Let a man convinced of responsibility secure adequate protection and at once. INSURE NOW o IN THE MUTUAL LIFE , A Policy of Insurance in the Mutual Life is the quickest asset you can tave. _ , _ , . IS THE COMPANY tSie IVies IN TWO GENERATIONS 1843-1896 The Mutual Life Insurance Co. , of New York , has paid $246,000,000 to its living members. * Has been the benefactor of women and children to the extent of $165,000,000. Has paid 55s memisers in all over ' isruwuiKW u U | yon ' , , IOWA NRBRASKA , FIRST NATIONAL BANK BDILD1HG , SIXTH AND LOCUST STHEETS , . OMAHA. DES MOINES , Agents Wanted In XSvery County. H. S _ . WINSTON , Special Reprejeijtativej Ojjiojhn. How much will your admfn * istrator have to sacrifice your estate to force quick assets ? An Installment Policy fof $100,000 will leave your family $5,000 yearly income for 20 years , in any event , and if your stated beneficiary is then living he or she will be paid $5,000 yearly during life , A 5 per cent Debenture IQI $100,000 will leave your wifa $5,000 yearly income either fop 20 years or until her death t ! prior thereto ; then $100,000 will bz paid in one sum. A possible return of $200,000. 15 $1.500 $ , $2,500 $ } W ID Nil ( Of 01 f The true Business man acts T promptly. Qe { ou j