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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1897)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUitfE 19 , 1371. OMAHA , SATURDAY MOHNING , JAKIJTAHY o , ISOT TWELVE PAGES. COPY liTVE CENTS. 5S , I iii ! ebraska Press Endorses the JU © © © © Schuylcr Herald : A. II html appropriation for ( ho Trai i.mlnMsslppI Exrosltlon can con fidently be expected at the hands of the Ne braska legislature. That will be a practical way of standing up for Nebraska. Dorchester Star : The board of director * ot the TranmnifHlsslppl Exposition hag been Bdoctod , chiefs of the various bureaux have been appointed , and the 'work of pushing forward the enterprise will at once begin. Blair Pilot : The TransmlssleslppI Ex position booked to open In Omaha In June , 18'JS , should bo the pride of every Nebraska citizen , and every Ncbraskan should take prltlo In promoting the objects of the ex position , ORalallit Nev.ii : Every newspaper In Ne braska nhould lend all possible nld In. . sup port of the TranxmlAalFKlppI and Interna tional Exposition. It will bo second only to the World'n fnlr of auy similar exposition over held. Qrctna HeporUr : Now for a Transmits- slppl Exposition. A long pull , a strong pull , and a pull all together will imikc It the gralest show ever held In America outside of Chicago In 1833. Put your shoulder to the wheel , Lincoln New Republic : The Trannmlssls- elppl Exposition Is iibly started with a board of strong , energetic men who will make It a succc&s. Everybody Irnxl a helping hand. Drop politics and push for results which will help the northwest. Nebraska City Prrus : The state loglola- turo will convene In regular session next I Monday. The Prat thing the legislature should do after organization should bo to make a splendid appropriation for the Trans- Mississippi Exposition. North Platte Tribune : If the Incoming legislature does the piopcr thing It will lend encouragement to the beet sugar In dustry and appropriate a reasonable aum for the TriinsnilEstsglppl Exposition. Doth mean much to this commonwealth. Atkinson Graphic : The first bill Intro- clicod : In the legislature chould bo one In aid of the TransmlMlsstppI Exposition which Is to be held In Omaha In 1898. This IB not only a Nebraska affair , but a na tional and International one. A liberal ap- pioprlatlon should be made. IJcllwood Gazette : The TranemlBslsalppI Exposition to bo held In our metropolis , Juno to November , 1S9S , promised to bo a grand thing for Nebraska and all the states near her. No pains should be spared on the part of the cltlzcmi of our fair state to make the big show a phenomenal success. Monroe Republican : Omaha's Transmlssls- slppl Exposition should bu given a liberal appropriation by the legislature. Money put Into an enterprise of this kind Is riot thrown uway , but will In time bring a big return In the shapn of new enterprises and a fur ther development of the resources of the Itate. Emerson Enterprise : The Transmlssls- lppl and International Exposition which will be held In Omaha next year will be a grand show and great thing for Nebraska Subscriptions amounting to about $500- 000 have already been secured and the na- government will contribute $200,000 more. The state legislature should make liberal appropriations and all the people of the state assist In making It a success. Manner Comity News : Ono of the > duties of the next Nebraska legislature should be to appropriate a suitable amount for the Trans- mlsslsslppl Exposition In 1898. Congress has promised not less than $200,000 for a govern ment exhibit , private subscriptions to the amount of como $400,000 have been secured to tha capital stock of the association ; now lot Nebraska como forward with a liberal ap propriation. We must do this If we hope to fcccnro Iho co-operation of the transmlssls- filppl states. Hurchard Times : Now Is a good time to work up the Transmlsstsslppl Exposition , which will bo held at Omaha , Juno-Novem ber , 1898. Congress has pledged not less 'than ' $200,000 , and almost $300,000 additional Is contemplated. In addition to this there have been subscriptions and other appropria tion ! ] which makes the sum total which will reach about $2,000,000. An exposition of this sort will call attention more forcibly to the western states and show their excellcnci and wealth. Burchard Times : Now Is a good time to Work up the Transrnlaslsslppl Exposition which will bo held at Omaha , June-Novem ber , 189S. Congress has pledged not lees than $200,000 , and almost $300,000 additional Is contemplated. In addition to this there have been subscriptions and other appro priations which makes the sum total which It will reach about $2,000,000. An exposition i of this sort will call attention more forcibly iir" to the western states and show their excellence - ' lenco and wealth. North Nebraska Eagle : The Transmlssls- slppl and International Exposition to bo held at Omaha , beginning In Juno and ending In November In the year 1898 , Is already being pushed by Its promoters. Subscriptions amounting to over $400,000 to ( la capital stock have already been secured and congress has pledged not Iras than $200,000 for a government exhibit. Nebraska will take great pride. In this enterprise and nothing will bo left undone by Ncbraskans to make It a complete success. Tobias Gazette : The Exposition will bo a splendid advertisement for Nebraska and es pecially the city of Omaha. It Is a worthy cntorprlso and every person that has the wel- faio of Nebraska at heart ought to aid It In every possible way. Congress has pledged not ICES than $200,000 and the state ot Ne braska ought to aid It by a liberal appropria tion. Let us not bo peony wise and pound foolish In this matter , but stand up for Ne braska by lei.dlng aid. Success to the Traiw- mlBslsstppl Exposition. North Bt-nd Argus : The committees ap pointed to make arrangements for the great Transmbslsslppl Exposition arc now hard at work and nothing- will bq left undone to make the exposition a great success. Sub scriptions amounting to over $400,000 have already been secured and congress has pledged not less than $200,000 more. The exposition will bea great advertisement for the whole transmlsslsslppl region , and espe cially' Nebraska , and all Nebraskans should bo ready to puoh It along. Platte Center Signal : The Transmtssla- Blppl Exposition Is beln engineered for ward by the most enterprising and succesa- ful business element of the state. Nebraska BhouU como forward with a liberal appro priation for this grand scheme In order that wo may look forward with prldo to the year 1898. when our state will demonstrate to the world at large that Its Industrial develop ment la only excelled by our wonderful natural resources for agricultural purposes , which make's Nebraska " truly "Tho garden epot of America. " Dlxon Tribune : The TransmlsslMlppl Ex position Is an assured success. Omaha has Talked Its lUtlo $400,000 and congress will appropriate at least $200,000 for a govern ment exhibit. Almost every state In the union will appropriate a nice Bum and bo represented and Nebraska should not be laggard In this matter , It IB the one chance In a lifetime to advertise Nebraska. Let the legislature this winter not be "penny- wlso and pound foolish , " but appropriate Such li 'sum that will give Nebraska an exhibit such as > : as never been seen before. Nebraska la all right. Lincoln State Journal : The prospects for the Transmlislrslpnl Exposition arc bright ening and UioiiKh some local prejudice crcepu out here and there the Interest In the enter- prlto is growing and theru U little- doubt If Iho people of this stateglva the proper aid ml cncouracement the exposition will bu n r.reat success and will bu of Immense value to Nebraska and the states surrounding It In attracting the attention of capital ami removing the temporary odium that sundry trop failures and political breaks In con- influence have thrown upon the trausmlstU- wlppl region. It behooves every Nebraskm to fttlr himself lu behalf ot the exposition and te * sec to It that a proper recognition bo accorded It by the state authorities and a generous appropriation be granted by the- legislatureIt Is ono ot there things that wo cannot afford to Ignore. It must not be permitted to fall. Dodge Criterion : There seems to be a pretty general opinion among all classes of newspapers that the coming legislature should deal liberally with the Tranamls- slsslppi Exposition and make an appro priation for an exhibition that will do jus tice to our growing state , and be In come mcasuto commensurate with the great good the state will derive from the exposition. Nebraska cannot well afford to be parsi monious In this matter , and wo hope to eee > her get to the front as she ought. North Bend Ilopubllcan : The com mittees appointed to make arrangements for the great Tranamlsslsslppl Exposition are now hard at work and nothing will be left undone to make the exposition a great slicce. < ! . Subscription * amounting to over $100,000 have already been secured , and coiigrrtn has pledged not less than $200,000 more. The exposition will be a great ad = vertlfemcnt for the whole Transmlsslsslppl region , and especially Nebraska and all Ne- braskana nhould be ready to push It along. Surprise Herald : The Transmlsslsslppl Exposition to bo held at Omaha In 189S Is fast getting Into shape. The Omaha people have subscribed $400,000 to Its capital stock , , congress has donated $200,000 and In all ; probabilities our coming legislature will vole a liberal appropriation for the exhibition. This exposition will certainly bo of great benefit to our state In general. It will bring people and money Into our state and , Indi rectly , wn will all be benefited. We think the exposition should receive the hearty co operation of all Nebraska people and we believe It will. Bradshaw Republican : That the Trans mlsvlealppl and International Exposition will bo a success there Is no longer any doubt. Tha Omaha people , backed by the able news papers of the city , are putting forth an ex hibition of energy that can only be fraught with great results. E. Uoaewatcr , the In- dcfatlgabln and energetic editor of The Omaha lice , has been chosen to nil the re- | sponslblo position of manager of the de- I partment of publicity. Every newspaper In Nebraska should step In Hne and stand up for Nebraska by saying a good word for the exposition. Falrfleld News-Herald : The Transmlssls slppl Exposition Is already full-fledged , sub scriptions to the cmount of $400,000 having been already secured , and a government ap propriation of $200,000 already made. It now remains for the coming legislature of No- biiaska to make a liberal appropriation to keep It moving and to show the Implicit faith In the enterprise. A number of states have already made appropriations. It will cer tainly be of great benefit to the entire west , but to no state more than our own. Keep Nebraska to the front for a successful expo sition at Omaha In 1893. St. Paul Republican : The management of ( ho Transmlsslsslppl Exposition announces that over $400,000 In subscriptions to capital slock has been raised from private sources , which , together with the $200,000 pledgeJ by congress for a government exhibit , makes a very respectable financial beginning for the big show of 'OS. Itvlll not bo to Ne braska's Interest to act niggardly In this matter , which , means so much to her In the advertising of her resources , and It Will devolve - volvo upon the coming legislature to make a liberal appropriation In order that the state may bo properly represented. North Bend Argus : The Transmlsslsslppl and International Exposition to bo held In Omaha June to November of 1898 Is now under way for a successful end. Over $100- 000 has been subscribed by Omaha people and Secretary Carlisle has made the con cessional appropriation of $200,000 available. There Is no question of the benefits of thlj International exhibition , and the projectors are entitled to duo credit. Nebraska will take prldo In Joining -with her sister states In making an exhibit that will at once prove beyond the question of doubt her resources as ono of the best states In the union. Suc cess to the exposition Is hoped for and Is al ready assured. North Bend Argus : The Transmlsslsslppl and Intcrnatloal Enxposltlon to be held In Omaha , June to November of 189S , Is now under way for a successful end. Over $400- 000 has been subscribed by Omaha people , and Secretary Carlisle had made the con gressional appropriation of $200.000 avail able. There Is no question ot the benefits of this International exposition , and the pro jectors arc entitled to due credit. Ne braska will take prldo In joining with her sister states In making an exhibit that will at once prove beyond the question of doubt her lesources as ono of the best states In the union. Success to the exposition Is hoped for and Is already assured. Osceola Democrat : The Transmlsslsslppl Exposition department of publicity and promotion is already at work and from re ports received the Indications are that there will not bo a single state west of the MIs- fcourl river that will not make the necessary provisions to take part In the great Nebraska enterprise. It Is the duty of the department referred to to eee that every state Is In line with the necessary exhibits and representa tion. Ono manner In which the people ot this state can assist In furthering the success of this great affair Is by corresponding with their friends and sending out ouch advertis ing matter as may bo prepared. Let all put a shoulder to the wheel. Nebraska City Pros * : The Transmlssls- slppl Exposition Is no longer a probability , but an assured fact. The citizens of Omaha have fulfilled every pledge made to congress and the board of managers Is composed of Omaha's most prominent and worthy cl'Izcns. The various managers have been selected with a view of their special fitness or quali fication for the department over which , each will preside. The selection of Hon. Edward Ilooowatcr as manager of the department of publicity heads the Met of wise selections and the newspapers of Nebraska will rally to his support In making the exposition ono ot the grandest successes ever achieved In the exposition line. Crete Vidette : The exposition of 1S9S promises to bo to Omaha and Nebraska what the Columbian Exposition was to Chicago and Illinois. Located In the- center of the greatest corn belt In the world , and upon the edge of what was once termed the- Amer ican desert , thousands of people lu the east ern states will take advantage of the low rates and vlelt our state next year. If prop erly advertised In the south tnoro people from that section will visit Nebraska next year tnan have ever been upon her fertile soil , The enterprising citizens of Onmha have already contributed $400,000 to Its cap ital stock and congress has pledged not less than $300,000 more. The various legisla tures this winter will make liberal appro priations and an exhibit of western enter prise will bu given commensurate with our great resources. This Is a national enter prise at our very door and should enlist thi hearty co-operation of every citizen of the commonwealth. Let no effort bu spared to make tlio TransmUslsilppl Expcsltlcn a grand SUCCC-CIS. Beatrice Dally Express : The Express la In receipt of n circular letter from the de partment of publicity for the Xransmlsala- slppl Exposition , the purpose of which l-i "to enlist the co-operation of the prets In the effort to make knnwn Mio scope of the enterprise and the advantages that must In- ovltably accrue'to Nebraska and other west- em stated. " The progrcia made thus far with this project Is evidence that the enterprise priseU In good hands and that Its consum mation Is assured beyond a pcradventure. Subscriptions amounting to over $100.000 of the capital stock have been .secured and con- grcM has pledged not lew than $200,000 for a government exhibit In 1393. Among the state exhibits Nebrtskn should tet the pace for her western ulaterp. and to this end the about to couvcuo uhould niako a liberal appropriation that Nebraska may prove her faith by her good works. The Express will say to Mr. Kosowater that It cordially approves the enterprise and that Its columns will be freely opened to matter sent out from hla department Intended to enlighten the public as to the scope and progress of the exposition. Junlata Herald : Tha subject of greatest general Interest for the coming year to Nc braskans will bo the success of the proposed Transmlsslsplppl Exposition to bo held at Omaha In 1898. Liberal subscriptions should be given to this great enterprise by our moneyed men and all business men gener ally. It will be a grand thlny for our state and the western country generally , the scope of the exposition taking In not only cur country , but practically the whole world , and bringing to our very doors the men and means needed In the development ot our great empire. Monroe Looking Glass : The Transmlsslo- slppl Exposition Is making good progress. They have already secured $100,000 In sub scriptions to Its capital stock , and E. Iloso- wntcr , manager of the department of pub licity , states that congress has pledged not leaa than $200.000. No doubt this will be a large thing for Nebraska. Especially will thU prove true should the new system of soil culture be so successful as to demon strate the capabilities of our state to sustain a dense population In our western portion. At leaat It will help to acquaint the country with our ndvantagcs for the relocation of the national capItol upon our broad plains. Plalavlow Gazette : The Transmlsrlsslppl Exposition In Omaha In 1S9S promises to be a fair on a truly magnificent scale. Sub scriptions have been wcured for Its capital stock amounting to over $400,000. Congress has appropriated $200,000 for a government exhibit , and there U some prospect of this amount being Increased. The fair will bo one 01 the best possible advertisements of the resource-s of the west , and the spates Interested will doubtless take pains to make creditable displays. Nebraska should be nec- end to no state In the list , and the legisla ture , as well as Individuals , should extend the greatest possible encouragement to the enterprise. . Plalnvlow Gazette : The Transmlsslsslppl Exposition at Omaha In 1S9S promises to be a fair on a truly magnificent scale. Sub scriptions have been secured for Its capital stock amounting to over $400,000. Congress has appropriated $200,000 for a government exhibit , and there Is some prospect of this amount being Increased. The fair will be ono of the host possible advertisements of the resources of the west , and the states Interested will doubtless take pains to- make creditable displays. Nebraska should be second to no state In the list , and the leg islature as well as Individuals should ex tend the greatest possible encouragement to the enterprise. Madison Chronicle : The TransmlsTlwIppI Exposition which Is to ba held In Omaha In 1S9S will be the grandest advertisement for Nebraska ever vouchsafed our people , and every citizen ot the state should con stitute hlmrelf a committee of one to further the efforts of the managers In bringing It to a grand and successful Iraue. Over $400- 000 has already been subscribed , and the government has pledged $200,000 more for a government exhibit. Mr. E. Rosewatcr , edi tor of The Omaha Bee , has been 'appointed manager of the department of publicity , which Is a guaranty that the details of thoroughly advertising the exposition will bo carefully looked after. Steele City Standard : The Transmls slsslppl Exposition ID just now attracting the attention of all who arc 'Interested In Ne braska. The subscriptions now amount to over $400,000 , congress Is pledged for not Iis than $200,000 more , and the exposition promise * to be second In magnificence only to the World's Pair. Every Nebraskan fhould consider himself a committee ot one to further the Interests of the undertaking , as all will be benefited by the attracting of a large number of people to the state and their consequent knowledge of the advantage of settlement here. Information regarding the matter will appear In these columns from time to time In the future. Brownell Mascot : Don't forget the TranrmUslsslppt and International Exposi tion to bo held In Omaha from June to No vember , 1898. The date Is a good waya In the future , to be sure , but there Is a whole lot to do In getting ready to accommo date and entertain the vast number of people who will visit Nebraska during the exposi tion. The exposition ceoaclatlon lias already secured subscriptions amounting to $400,000 , and congrcfs has promised not le.-a than $200,000 for a government exhibit. It It now In order for the Nebraska legislature , as rep resenting the wishes of the people of the state , to make a liberal appropriation to help make the exposition a success. Pierce County Leader : , The Transmlisls- slppl Exposition Is now the leading topic for discussion among Nebraskar.s , and It should be , for the 1898 exhibition will be a great advertisement for Nebraska. Over $400,000 have already been subscribed , and congress has pledged not less than $200,000 for a gov ernment exhibit. Concerted action on the part of cltlzena ot Nebraska will advance the interests of the enterprise to a high degree , and by booming this project properly Ne braska will acquire a worldwide reputation for thrift and Industry unparalleled In Amer ican history. Stand up and work for the exposition , and by so doing you stand up for the garden spot of the universe Ne braska. Blair Courier : Since the first whisperings of a TranpmlsEipslppl Exposition , to be held at Omaha , came to our cars , we have been heartily In favor of the project , and now when It Is no longer a project , but an as sured fact , with $400,000 subscribed by the citizens ot Omaha and $200,000 pledged by con gress , wo wleh to call the attention of the legislators trqtn this county to the benefits accurlng to the state from such an exposition and the neeeralty ot an appropriation from the state legislature. Nebraska stands with noble mien In the center of the richest coun try In the world , and a succcroful exposition In 1898 will allow her radiance to shine grandly out over her sister states and to command the attention of the entire world. Waterloo Gazettte : The Board of Man agers of the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition has got down to business and progrcea Is being made every day to make a grand suc cess of this exposition. Congress has pledged not lefa than $200.000 for a government ex hibit , and Omaha has already secured $400- 000 In subscriptions to Ito capital stock. We hope that our state legislature will add dignity to Nebraska's fame by granting a liberal donation for a magnificent display ot the products of our great commonwealth at this time of abundance of crops and assured return of financial prosperity. Hur rah for the TransmuwlFslppI Exposition at Omaha , 1S98. Neighboring states are ar ranging to assist In this gigantic enter prise , and Omaha will bo the ette for a "world's fair" on a grand scale. Tlldon Citizen : The Transmlsslsslppt Expo , sltlon , which Is to be held In or near Omaha during the year 1S98 , is calculated to exhibit to the peoplu of the world tbo unlimited re sources , vast wealth In lands and minerals , and chances for development of the region lying west of the Mississippi river , which contains considerably more than half the area of the United States , and only lacks development of Its natural resources to make It ono of the most productive and desirable localities In the world. The exposition will show to the people of the world what this region 1s capable of producing under partial development and endeavor to enlist the co operation ot capital and labor toward Its fur ther development. It , therefore , devolves upon tha people residing In this grand part of the world's domain and especially those In Nebraska , to exert their Influence In favor of the TranauiUsIsBlppl Exposition and use their best endeavors to have Ha resources as grandly and fully represented as possible. Each person can do his part , Talk It up at every opportunity , write about It to your acquaintances nnd thus give It the widest possible publicity , encourage favorable leg islation and In every other way give It your heartiest support , thus demonstrating that yiu appreciate the grandest opportunity ever presented tn place this section In a more favorable light before the people of the world. It's"S good thing push It along. Lincoln News : The Transmlsslsslppl Ex position has passed that stage where It was should bo left untakcn , no pains spared to make this enterprise n success. The exposi tion offers us a cheap and effective way of advertising to the people of the cast that this region Is a safe and profitable ono In which to Invest , and a step Ilka this Is necessary to concentrate Investors' at tention upon this section. And not only there bo Old from the state , but every loyal Ncbraskan must take hold personally and eco to It that ho leaves nothing undone to make It even more of a DUCCCSS than Us moat sanguine promoters an ticipate. Ncllgh Leader : The entire state of Ne braska should bo deeply Interested In the success ot the TransmListtstppl Exposition to be held at Omaha. It will do more than all else to attract alteiftlon to the natural resources of the state as a r.Ich field for the Investment of capital , nd the legislature will fall far short of Its ijuty to the com monwealth If It falls to make a liberal ap propriation for the exposition , and without which the co-operation of ojher state ? cannot bo expected. The gcneraPEOvernmcnt has already made an appropriation of $200,000 , and the citlze-na of Omalja have- made sub scriptions to the amount ot $100,000 to the enterprise. In justice the state cannot afford to bo a niggard nor a laggard. Alma Reporter : The Transmlsslsslppl Exposition Is now an nssnredtfact , and every body may begin to arrange for a vllt to Omaha In 1S98. The subscriptions to stock amount to over $400,000 arid congress has already plelged $200,000 for a government exhibit , so the big exposition Is assured. Of course the legislature will recognize the necessity for making an appropriation that our own state fthall bo credibly represented at home. Everything Indicates an Exposi tion excelling any other eycr held In the union , except Indeed the gr at World's fair , and every loyal Nebraskaji } vlll lend a hand to make It the crowning success of this glo rious nineteenth century , of the wonderful development ot western Interests and re sources. | O'Neill Sun : The Transmlsilsslppl Expo sition to be held In Omahailni 1898 will doubt less bo second to the Worjd's fair held at Chicago. Oxer $100,000 oE capital stock has already been eubecrlbcd mid congress has pledged not less than $200,000 for a govern ment exhibit. Every citizen of the state should take an Interest as. Wall as prldo In having his county thorouBh lyadvertlswl at the exposition with the bwt- exhibits that can bo had. Boards of supervisors should devise eomo means whereby their counties may make a proper showlna , and the leglala- ture should uot be backward tn making a fitting appropriation for n state display as well as to offer some Inducements to.county exhibits. Subcommittees la 'each county , to work tn cri junction with the Board of Man agers , might also prove ot benefit. Nellgu Yeoman : The Trangmlsslsslppl Ex position projected for 1898 at Omaha , Neb. , must Inspire a just prldo In the people of the whole country , but particularly thcso of the great west , and especially the- people of Nebraska. Four hundred thousand dollars have already been subscribed to Its capital stock and congress has pledged $200,000 for a government exhibit. A largo additional eum will be needed to carry out the program on the grand scale which Is Intended. This exhibition Is designed to surpass in grandurc and completeness anything of the kind yet undertaken In the country. It will bo the grandest display of American skill ami en terprise ever witnessed In America. Favored as wo ore by this first great Transmlsslsslppl Exposition , wo are placed .under weighty ob ligations to lend our best efforts to make the undertaking a brilliant success. Gcrlng Courier : Nebraska Is Interested ca a state In the success of the propcaed Transmlsslselppt Exposition. We believe nothing can be done which will tend to off set the unfavorable Influence which resulted from the repeatoJ drouth years more than the holding of a monster show In the state. Unless our own legislature corncn to the front with a liberal appropriation for the exposition , we cannot with justice ask other western states to participate , and Inasmuch as the great preponderance of benefit wilt accrue to Nebraska , the Courier Is most heartily In favor of an appropriation of not ICES than $200,000. This is a minimum , and we believe still more would be war ranted by the Increase In the taxable prop erty which would follow hero aa It has in every other state where such exhibitions have been carried on. Tckamah Herald : Ever } ' Ncbraskan will take great prldo In the TransmUtslsslppl Ex position to be held In Omaha during the sum mer of 189S. It will bo to Nebraska and tha Transrnlsglsslppl territory What the World's fair was to Chicago and Illinois. The pre liminary work for the exposition la now un der full headway. Local subscriptions have already been secured to tbo amount of $400- 000 and congress hca appropriated $200,000 with promises ot more. Appropriations by the different states will swell the amount of money to bo cxpem'ed to fully $2,000,000. The benefits this great exposition will be to Nebraska cannot at this tlino be calculated , and Nebraska should show the Interest It takes In It by appropriating , at the coming session of the legislature , a sum sufficient to make the Nebraska ex hibit the pride of all Ncbraskans. Let our own state do the handsome thing and neighboring states will fall In line with liberal appropriations. Crelghton News : The committee having charge ot the TrausmlssLnlppl.Exposition Is making rapid progress. Four hundred thou sand dollars have been raised by dona tion from the citizens of Nebraska and the legislature will undoubtedly make an ap propriation for the promotion of such a worthy cause. The cltlrcn's of Nebraska should feel proud of the fact that such a grand exhibition will bo llcld within the state ; Nebraska will bo , the center of at traction during tbo conllng ; years. People who visit the expoaltlcm cjumot help but look with pride as thcy < pcsrf over the state , at the fertile * plains , beautiful valleja , mag- nltlccnt churches and tcmplea of learning dotted hero and there , and ( when they gaze with admiration at the wonderful advance ment Omaha has made within the past few yeara. which Is only an index of the advancement of the state lot large , they will feel like taking up their abode among us , and live tn a state , that la noon to be the prldo of the nation , Schuylcr Sun : Every true Jjfcbraska c'.tl-.en should take an active Injcukt In the Trans mlsslsslppl Exposition of ; 189p , and In every way possible do that which will tend to Insure Bucceui. The advantages to the state In general and the 'citizens as In dividuals can not bo overestimated. Both directly and Indirectly tuo' bcncflti will bo felt over the entlro etatoT Tfca other stated represented will alto com InUor their share , but to Nebraska additional advantages are lent from the fact that It ; Is to occur within our own borders , and pn our own eoll visitors from the cast iU > p. It depends lu a great measure- upon tlio Impression re ceived whether or not thpife' visitors will care to make any Investigation , If n general debilitated aspect , hangs over the exposition the effects will | bo more detri mental than though no i-xpailtlon ware held. Yet If an air of thrift. Induftry , wideawake buslncua activity la maintained , If eastern visitors are given to , understand that Nobraika It ) not the "great American deleft , " but a prosperous and active common wealth , anxious and ready -to do her part In the great economy of the nation , success will be assured and benefits will accrue In proportion It then behooves every cltlzeu of the state to constitute himself a committee of ono to talk for the great Intcroceanlc fair. Fremont Herald : Long strides arc being made by the officers In charge toward the ultimate success ot the 1S9S Transmissls- slppl Exposition , which Is to be held at Omaha. This enterprise will not alone provo of great benefit to Nebraska's metropolis , butte to the state and district at largo. U will attract national attention to our resources , and every Indication Is that It will be the Introducing of a reign ot gcnultio prosperity , which will bo duly appreciated. Wo are pleased to observe Edltoiu Hitchcock and Kosewatcr working hand In-hand In this cause , each being chairman of responsible committees , and will agree that any ono who shirks his duty toward thin 1S9S fair Is not worthy of Nebraska citizenship. Good progress Is reported from headquarters. Hlldrcth Telescope : The coming session of the Nebraska legislature will be called lipon to make an appropriation for the TransmtssIsEtppl Exposition to bo held at Omaha In 1898 , and It Is to bo earnestly hoped that It will bo a. liberal one. Over $100,000 has already been seemed In sub scriptions to Us capital stock , and congress has appropriated $200,000 to make a govern ment exhibit , and now It remains for Ne braska to do the right thing. It will be the poorest kind of economy for our legislature to refuse to make a liberal appropriation. Wo may never again have such an oppor tunity to show to the world the \ast re sources of our great commonwealth. Every Nebrcskan who loves his state and takes pride In her development will take oft his coat and do everything In his power to make the Transmlsslsslppt Exposition In 1S98 a grand success In every respect. Hlldreth Telescope : The coming session of the Nebraska legislature will be called upon to make an appropriation for the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition to be held at Omaha In 1898 , and It Is to be earnestly hoped that It will bo a liberal one. Over $400,000 has already been secured In oub- Hcrlptlons to Its capital stock and congress lies appropriated $200,000 to make a gov ernment exhibit , and now It remains for Nebraska to do the right thing. It will be the poorest kind of economy for our legis lature to refuse to make a liberal appro priation. Wo may never again .have such an opportunity to show to the world the vast resources of our great commonwealth. Every Nebraskan whp loves his state and takes prldo In her development will take off his coat and do everything In his power to make the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition In 1S9S a grand success In every respect. Dawson Newsboy : The TransmlsslsslppI Exposition , to bo held at Omaha , Neb. , In 1898 , bids fair to be ono of the beat ) exhibits ot Its kind ever attempted. All of the trana- mkulsslppl statea should , and probably will , participate In tl-is exposition ; and as for Nebraska nothing could bo more beneficial to her various Interests than a successful consummation of the contemplated exposi tion. The people of this otate , especially tiich who are financially Interested will make no mistake If generous support Is" given to ward the carrying on of this work ; and no citizen of Nebraska -who Is proud of his state will refuse or neglect to give the undertaking at least his moral support. The press of the state will no doubt do Its full share In keep ing the matter before the world by giving It the wldret publicity possible. Sketches and letters descriptive of the various features of the exposition will appear In the columns of this paper later on , and no doubt will prove Interesting reading tn our patrons. Battle Creek Republican : The Tmnsmls- sleslppl Exposition will mean much for Ne braska , as well as all the states In the tranrmlsKlsslpiil region. But as It Is to be held in Omaha , It Is parthul.irly Important that Nebraska should lead out with as lib eral Inducements as she can afford. Other states will follow her example when they be come fully aware of the vast benefit that will Inevitably follow an exposition oC such broad environment. People from the east and south will be attracted to this country with their money. They will see the biggest and best field for Investment on earth. They will Invest , and likely kick themselves for not coming sooner and taking advantage of a good thing. Foreign countries will bo In vited to participate In the expedition , and It will bo little less than a World's fair If the Intentions of Its promoters are successfully carried out. Subscriptions amounting to over * 400,000 are already secui-ed , and congress has pledged not less than $200,000 for a gov ernment exhibit. Hastings Tribune : The Transmlsslsslppl Exposition , to bo held at Omaha In 1898 , bids fair to be one of the best exhibits of Its kind ever attempted. All of the transmVi- sisslppt states should , and probably will , this exposition ; and as for Nebraska , nothing could be more beneficial to her various Interests than a succcssfu' consummation of the contemplated exposi tion. The people of thU state , especially those who are financially Interested , will make no mistake If generous support Is given toward the carrying out of this work ; and no citizen of Nebraska who Is proud of his state will refuse or neglect to give the undertaking at least his moral sup port. The press of thestate will no doubt do Its full flharo In keeping the matter be fore the world by giving It the widest pub licity * possible. Sketches and letters de scriptive cf the various features of the ex pedition will appear In the columns of this paper later on and no doubt will prove in teresting reading to our patrons. Nebraska Farmer : It Is now generally understood that preliminaries are steadily going forward for the futheranco of the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition. Congress has evinced much Interest In the success of this great project , and when Uncle Sam puts his shoulder to the wheel It Is a sure go. It Is yet for congress to eay what shall bo the cost of the buildings , and when this matter shall have been definitely settled then the public may expect to begin to get some pretty accurate Ideas concerning the magnitude , of this great enterprise. Subscriptions amount ing to over $400,000 have been secured to ItG capital stock , and congress has pledged not less than $200,000 for a government exhibit. It Is expected that Nebraska shall come for ward with a liberal appropriation. Let us Ect Iho pace for other western states In this matter. This Is to bo made , the crowning event of the ago toward showing up the In dustrial development of the tranmrvlealaslp ; ) ! country. The project should meet with the hearty endorsement of every western In terest. Lincoln Ca'l : "hrough various kinds of adversity , no state In the union has loat more than Nebraska. One -of the most sub stantial measures of restoring confidence among the people and In the resources nf tbU state Is the Transtnlssleslppl Exposi tion. Subscriptions to the amount of $100- 000 have already been , secured and congrcaa has pledged not ICES than $200,000 for the government exhibit. In this connection It Is urged that the coming sccfllon of the legis lature , do the proper thing HO far as a , state exhibit Is conccrnoJ , It 1 well known that the reveral tranamlnslsslppi states will vie with inch other aa to the exhibition of their resources , and that Nebraska , being the chief promoter and the present homo of the exhibition , the center of all attractions dur ing a considerable period of tlino , It be comes Imperative that the Nobrnuka Htato exhibit bo- second to none , and that In every particular the legislature and the pco- lilo bo found wanting In nothing that will Inspire all the west to make the Transmla- Blaalppl Expedition ono worthy of Iho genius and energy which have led the course of empire , beyond the Father ofVutcrn. . It should bo reiromberud that there are many ownem of Nebraska property who no longer reside hero who uhould , neverthclcru , Inter- 1-61 tbcttuiclvcn la the succetaful representa tion of Nebraska and her Interests at Omaha In 1S9S. Besides , It Is none too early for every traveler from this state and every so cial and business letter that leaves It to carry abroad some pleasurable Information or solicitation relative to the exposition. No such opportunity has ever been given to stand by and to stand up for Nebraska. What are our people going to do about It ? Bloomlngton Echo : It la with consider able pleasure that the Echo notes the great progress that Is being made tn the Initiatory \\nrlc ot the Transmlsslssippl Exposition , to bu held In Omaha. Already subscriptions of over $400,000 have been secured' , together with the eum of $200,000 appropriated by the government , Is a guaranty that It will be a success. This enterprise Is one In which every citizen In the btato should lend all of their Jld and assistance , for Its benefits to Nebraska will be of untold greatness. The state legislature should now do the hand- Borne thing at Its approaching session by ap propriating a sufficient sum to enable the state to take a front rank In the manner of dis play. Among the ofllcers at the heads of departments U Editor Hosowatcr of The Bee , as manager of the department ot pub ] city , which fact Is a guaranty that the publ c will at all times be fully cognizant ot all that Is happening during the preparatory work. Stand Up for Nebraska by working for the Omaha exposition. Central City Nonpareil : The Nonpareil Is a thoiough believer In the benefits of adver tising. U advocates It on the part of local mprchants , nnd when It comes to thu broader scale of Iho slate we adhere to the s.amo policy. When the enterpilslng men of our western states conclude that a transmlssls slppl exposition would bo a coed thing for the Industrial Interests of Iho west , the Nonpareil thinks they have none about the proper thing and stands ready to put Its shoulder to Hie wheel. The fact Is , Ne braska needs a good advertisement. Stories of her poverty have permeated the cast until people have begun to believe that Nebraska Is the very center cf the great western Sa hara , and nothing will so effectually dispel this Idea and open the way for Immigration and Investment as a visit to the state where they raiseso much corn there Isn't time enough to crib It between crops. By all means let the state legislature encourage thu enterprise by an appropriate appropriation , aid every loyal citizen lend his hearty co operation , and Nebraska will leave behind her the memory of past discouragement ! ) and resume , acaln her old position of Industrial supremacy. Pawnee Press : The Transmlsalsslppl and International Exposition , to be held In Omaha from June to November , 1898 , Is nn event In which all Nebraskans feel a keen Interest. The success of the enterprise Is an assured fact. Omaha people have subscribed liberally to the undertaking In amount over $400,000 and congress has pledged not lesa than $200,000 for a government exhibit. Whatever tends to the upbuilding of Ne braska ns a whole Is worthy the undivided support of all our people. In tbU connection , therefore , It Is a matter of congratulation to know that all citizens of the state arc en listing their co-operation In the Important event. The coming legislature should be as liberal as posalblo with an appropriation for a creditable exhibition of tbo resources of Nebraska , which will be returned tenfold through the judicious advertising that will result from such exhibition. Sketches and letter ; * descriptive ot the various features of the exhibition will be published In the Press from tlmr to time , In order that our readers may acquaint themselves with the scope of the enterprise nnd the advantages that will ultimately accrue to the states .west of the Mississippi , and eppcclally to Nebraska. Kearney Star of Empire : Eduard Hose- water , the editor of The Omaha Bee , has been appointed manager of the Department of Publicity for the Tranaiilssltslppl Exposi tion. This Is a very important position In connection with that great and worthy enter prise for the upbuilding of the great central state of the republic and the drawing to gether , In bonds of amity and unity , of all parts of our great national cominonuealtb. No more suitable person could have been chosen for such an Important position , for ho will draw all these elements into play which arc requisite for 1(3 ( success. The various elements to be considered arc : First , publicity ; second , financial aid ; third , good management , and fourth and last , en thusiastic general nupport. Without thcso elements In full there can be no .succors for the enterprise , which means , not alone the building up of Nebraska , but the advance ment of the best Intercuts of the whole North American continent as the removal of our national capital to the Fort Kearney reserva tion would have been , only on a larger scale , when the question of removal woo be fore the people and congress about twenty- flvo years ago. Let every ono do something to help the good cause along , Gothenburg Independent : When the com ing atato legislature convenes It will find plenty to do. Tlio Transmlsslsslppl Exposi tion , to be held at Omaha In 1898 , Is now re ceiving a world-wide attention , and as It Is practically a western enterprise , located In Nebraska for the purpose of showing to the world the magnificent development and growth of "Tho Great Wait , " and espe cially Nebraska and Iowa during the last two decades , It will bo quite an effort to make known the magnitude of the enter prises and the advantages that must In evitably accrue from the same. While It may bo true that out of the many thou sands of people who attend the exposition but few of thorn will make Investments , yet all who do attend and are able to take a trip out through Nebraska and Investi gate the wonderful fertility of the soil and Its undeveloped resources will speak a good word to their eastern friends for It , which In tlino will he the means of locating many an eastern family In this great common wealth. To make this exposition a success requires capital. The Omaha citizens have already secured subscriptions amountIng - Ing to over $100,000 , while congress has pledged $200,000 for a government exhibit. Now our coming legislature should have enough enterprise to make a liberal appro priation of not less than $200,000 to aid In making tle | TransmlselFslppl Exposition a success and In developing the resources of our magnificent state. Meadow Grove Tribune : The grandest thing In the closing years of the nineteenth century In the weatcm world will bo the TransmUttteslppI Exposition to be held at Omaha from Juno to November next year. What the Columbian exposition was to the whole country the Transmlssltalppl Expo sition will bo to the Mississippi valley. If It Is judiciously managed and properly advertised , and wo are fiure It will bo , thou sands of people will como from all the four corners of the earth to eeo the garden of America , Not a civilized country on earth but has Its representatives In this vast and fertile region , who have sent homo and carried homo glowing accounts of the fabu IOUB richness and extent of this wonderful country , which Is dlstlned to become the homo of moro millions ot people than It now has thousands. This grand display of tbo resource's of the country of which they have heard no much will afford them an ex cuse to como and bo an Incentive to bring them hero by the thousands , and with them will como millions of dollars of the wealth of the old ! world to be Invested In the broad acres of our boundless pralrlca , and In enter prises which afford unlimited opportunities for the employment ot their surplus capital. The Columbian exposition showed to the world the grandeur of our cities and the wonderful development of our country , but the TranamlBslpslppl Exposition will uhow them something far bettor , It will show them the grandest country In the world. In Europe there- are valllea , mere garden npots however , of equal fertility anil lovcll- nc ii , but nowhere clso In the world has the beneficent hand of providence unrolled mich a vast expanse of rich plain and rolling prairie , eo well fitted to biconiu the homo of tccmlnr ; millions of happy and prosperous people as lu the valley of "The Father of Waters. " From the Allegheny mountains , a thousand miles to tha east of us , to tha "Great backbone of earth. " a thousand miles to the west of us , rivaling In extent and natural resources anything found elsewhere. With a climate unsurpassed for healthfulness - ness , and supplied by nature with everything necessary for the comfort and happiness ot man , It only needs to be seen to bo appro- elated ; and this Transmlssl5slppl Exposi tion will bring people to sec It. Push It along. Let nothing be left undone that will add to Its completeness. Kearney Hub : Edward Itosowatcr , editor of The Omaha Bee , having been appointed manager of the derailment of publicity of the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition. Issues a circular letter to the press Inviting news paper co-operation In making known the pcope of the enterprise- and the advantages that must accure to the states west of the Mississippi , through the holding ot the ex position , Mr. Hosewatcr's request will have a hearty rwponse. He Is ono of the best known men In the west , rnd one of the best flttrd for the position , and the work that haa been given out to his management and supervision will bo well dmio In every particular. When It Is understood that the country west of the Mississippi comprises about two-thirds of the area of the country , and that It possesses all the elements ot wealth neccisary to make It as nearly In dependent of any other section as 0110 country can be Independent of another. It will be realized that there are great pos- plbllltlcs In the coming exposition , which will bo moro nearly national than any here tofore hold In the United States , aside from the Centennial exposition and the World's fair. fair.Wahoo Wahoo Wasp : The managcis of the Tratm- mlsslsslppl and International Exposition to bo held In Omaha In 1898 havei entered Into the details of the work necessary to be denote to accomplish an undertaking that will ccllpso anything of thu kind since the World's fair. It will require a vast amount of labor and money to complete this enter prise , but the advantages to the wejst will far exceed what 'It wlil cost. Already In Omaha subscriptions have been secured amounting to over $100,000 to the capital stock and congress has pledged not less than $200,000 for a government exhibit. The various transmlsslsslppl states will also make appropriations for state exhibits. It will be , of course , necessary for Nebraska to tako. a leading * part In this matter and have an exhibit that will do her proud. This costs something and th : legislature thla winter will bo asked for an appropriation necessary to make a suitable showing. Wo believe our representatives fully realize the advantages to'bc derived and look with favor on the proposed exposition. The action of Nebraska will have great Influence with the other transmlsslsslppl states. Let every citizen of Nebraska take a personal Interest In this matter and do all they can to niMlst this great enterprise that means so much to- her people. Elmwood Leader-Echo : The Transmls- slsstppl and International Exposition to beheld held at Omaha , beginning In Juno and end ing In November , 1898 , deserves the hearty support and co-operation of every resident of Nebraska ; for , by our hearty support wo I will draw the other western states moro I closely Into the project. There has been already 1 subscribed over $400,000 of capital , and congress has pledged not less than $200- j 000 for a government exhibit. Surely this will be a wonderful thing for Nebraska , and the results to our state financially would bo Inestimable. Nebraska Is a glorloua state and the moro nearly the people of the cast are brought Into contact with us the faster we will gain In population and capi talists to Invest la the development of this grand state. Wo take pleasure In heartily endorsing this grand move and hope the people of the west will feel It their duty , as well as their pleasure , to aid In this project as much as Is In their power. Ne braska and Its citizens ought to , and wo- feel sure they will , take prldo In this ex position and do all In their power to make It a grand success. Now , dear readers , let us put on our Sunday clothes and show the people of the east that wo arc a generous and hospitable people. Let us all con tribute what wo can and do all that lies In our power toward forwarding this grand enterprise. Your farm products will bo In demand and the value of your prop erty and farms will be enhanced by this great gathering of peoplu In our midst. Scwnrd Iccporter : The board ot managern of the Tranrmlsslsslppl Exposition haa been duly constituted , and efficient men have been put at the head of the various departments. These men have been selected from the lead ing business men of Omaha , men who have demonstrated their ability In business af- falrn requiring great capacity , and under such management there can be no doubt of the success of the exposition. Subscriptions have been received amounting to $400,000 , and the government has pledged $200,000 to make a government exhibit. The great bene fit which Nebraska will receive from this oK.jcsltlon can hardly bo estimated. Whllo It la not and will not ho a Nebraska affair wholly , this state will bo more largely bene fited than nny other part of the great north west , which Is Interested In the exposition. It Is much to bo hoped that the Nebraska legislature will sec this matter In Its true light , and appreciate the Importance of a liberal appropriation. Other states In the contiguous territory will be caked to partici pate , and In order to secure their hearty co-operation Ncbraaka must manifest her own Interest In the matter. Tills 1,3 not a question of politics or partisanship , but a question of business for the state , and every member of the legislature should feel a per sonal Interest In the exposition , and glvo his atslntanco In putting Nebraska In the right attitude. Ilejond question every del lar spent by the state 'In the exposition will bo returned many times , and a liberal ap propriation will be a Judicious Investment. It Is a matter In which every citizen of the state Is Interested. The success cf the expo , sltlon will bo of the greatest benefit to Np- braska , and Nebraska should ungrudgingly Invest a sum of money Hufllclcnt , with the other guaranteed assistance , to make It c , success. Norfolk News : The Omaha exposition should do moro for the than cither of the others did for their localities. The west Is now. Nebraska has only been a state for thirty years , during which tlino It has Increased In population from ,00,000 to more than l.&OO.OOO. Many a Nebraska man of today well remembers when he attended an eastern school that on his geography map of the United States was a great blotch of dots crossing the central western ppr- tlon , which was labeled tl.o "Great American Desert. " What Is now the fruitful Btato of Nebraska was then Included within the territory described as the desert. The es tablishment of Omaha followed the journey of the Mormons to the west. Then It wait conceded that the country lying 'along the rlvor was fertile , and the Imaginary 'boun dary of the Great American Desert "wan moved to a line just west of Douglas county. Hardy pioneers penetrated the desert , foil ml rich soil and on admirable country , anil the dctcrt line receded again. Thus grad ually the limits of the Great American Desert have faded away , until now by close scrutiny may bo found on some maps just west of Great Salt Lake , In Utah , , a terri tory , covering two or three countloi , which Is still marked the "Great American Desert. " Map makers Insist upon clinging tu the ancient myth of a desert , and although Ita limits , as now outlined , are too clrcum- i < crlbcd to entitle It to the name of "great , " still the "Great American Dcnort" yet haa a place on most of the mapa lu UHU at this tlino. It U for the purpo.-o of eliminating that Idea from thu minds of mup makers , an well as educating the great bcxsts of caitora , people an to tbo true condition of the went *