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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1897)
In THE CXMATIA T > AITAr BEE : SATUBDAT , JANXJATIY 0 , 181)7. ) THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. Il , KOSmVATKn , IMItOr. runusuui ) nvr.nv MOIININCI. TKIIM3 QV Dally lit * ( Without Sumln , Cno Y ar . 8 90 Dally lice ami Sunday , Onu Yesr . . . . . ? Hlx Months . , . J < J Tlirra Months . J Hundny lie * . One Year . . . J W Bntunlnv llee. One Ytnr . , . > " 2 W klr Ilec , Ono Yenr . . . OKKICHS ; Omnlia ! Th I\te \ Hull'llng. ' Hnuth Oinnlin : Slnscr lllk. , Cor. N and Zltll St . Council Illurft : 10 IVnrl direct. Oik-ncn Olllcei 317 Chnmhcr of Commerce. New York : llnotni 11 , 14 nnil 15. Trlbuno UME- Wnitlilngtcii : Ml lllli etrcct. coiuuwoNDKNCt : . . . . All romniunlcnllonn relntliiR to nnvrn nml edi torial mnttcr utiOuld lie ndilrmoil ! To Ilia 1-Mltor. 1IUSIN12RS LCTTEIIS. All lm ln < > 8 letters nnd remittance * should UP mlUrciucd to Tlio lice Publishing Company. Omnh.t. Drnfts , checks nnd ponlolllcp orders teL L inndo pnyiilile to the order or the company. Till : WK I'UIIUSUINIJ COMPANY. _ BTATIIMCVT Off CIHCULATIOX. Btntc of Nrlirnrltn , { K Coimly. I , 11. Twclmek , nccratnry of The ! ' ' rui > - comiHiny , liMnc duly iworn. any * that tlti nctunl nuinlicr of full iiml complete copies of Tlio Unity Mnrnlnff. Hveiilnir nnd Similar Ilec ptluteU iJiirlnc the month of December , U'j , was u foi- 1 . I3.9VI 17 . 1S.JGJ 2 . 20.1N ) 18 . 13.S J 3 . 20.113 ID . I3.S12 4 . 20.111 ! 20 . 20,51 ; C . JO.Hf ! 21 . I'.SU e . , . so.nor , 22 . js.ya 7 . 1D.MO 23 . . . . . . 13.S16 8 . 19.M7 21 . : . * > .MS 9 . J0.1W 25 . 15.102 10 . 2A.KU 20. . . 11 . 20.011 27 . M.WW 15 . 19,970 2S . Zft.Olii 11 . 20.GTO 2J . 50.00S H . I. . . . ID.fSI SO . 20.01 ! 15 . 19.9M 31 . 10.M3 16 . 20,530 _ Totnt . ttl.OM T.OIS deductions for unsold nnd returned copies . 9.513 Totnl net sntci . CI2.1" ! Kct dnlly average . 19.7J2 OKOIlOi : 11. T/SC1HJOK. Hul ) prlli > d In my piescnce nnd sworn to be fore me this III day of January. 1807. N. r. rr.ii , , Senl. Notary Public. Tin- festive petition for endorsements for federal nppohitmuntb Is on Its rounds. Governor Iloloninh Is enlisted for the whole exposition campaign. Paste Unit in your 1mt. Even the olllee Hint lias no pay at tached docs not linvo to seek the man In tliOHd tlnys. I'lnnr del Ulo , repeatedly "pacified" liy General Weyler , shows a deplorable tendency not to stay paelllod. When It comes to Ki'ttliiK an oflldal lioml In tlio sum of $2,000XM ( ) a state treasurer lias to Include Umnlia In the Btiitc of Nebraska after all' . Governor Ilolcomb's Inexplicable delay In appointing his personal stall' Is griev ously disappointing to tliu deferred hopes of a number of would-be colonels. The rule of one olllce for one man atone ono time onjdit to be engrafted on tlio statutes of Nebraska before the present session' ' of the legislature adjourns. A poll tax to bo levied for failure to vote except In cases of sickness would be In the nature of a bounty to the doctors , who would be kept busy furnish- ins sick certificates. The number of citizens who will not Ret cabinet positions Is seen to be dally on the Increase and it will probably fa exceed , before March -I , the tale o those who will bo appointed. Senator Allison says ho will not be i member of President MeKlnley's cabi net family. Senator Allison has prob ably declined more cabinet Invitation ! than any other man In public life. Uncle Sam collected nearly three times as much Internal revenue h Nebraska In 1SJMJ than he did in 18C ! If all the states had done as well a. Nebraska by the national treasury tin delicti would have completely dlsap peared. A French physician announces to tin world that he has a sure cure foi hunchbacks. There Is no oed reason , however , why this should stimulate uoKlect of children that would lead tti an Increase of the prevalence of thin terrible deformity. Governor Ilolcomb repeats Senator Allen's assurance that the credit of Ne braska will have nothing to fear from the populist state administration. Tlio populist members of the legislature can not afford to disappoint the expectations of these two party leaders. Wo now know who the sureties on the bond of the state treasurer are , but the people ouglu to be taken Into tlio troaw- urer's conlldence long enough to learn how much of the state funds was turned over In cash , how much In due bills and where the money Is deposited. Tin * certainty that two mounted aides to General Porter will bo appointed to take part In the ( Inauguration cere monies Is responsible for the present agitation among the handsome and soldierly men who constitute the greater part of the population of Nebraska. The disposition of the federal govern ment to deal generously with the Trans- mlssts.spp ! | Imposition grows more ap parent every day. And that part of Gov ernor llolcomb's message which treats of this subject strikes the keynote of Nebraska's probable action in the matter. Divine guidance has been specially Invoked for the young men In thp legis lature who are endeavoring to frame the statutes of the commonwealth. Just why the old men should he shut out Is not apparent , unless they arc erroneously considered not to bo subJect - Ject to the temptations which bssi't the path of youthful statesmen In the capital city. Kmperor AVtlllam having achieved fame as a poet Is now trying his hand HH an architect. The emperor has ono great advantage over others who strtig- glo to make a name In art or science. It does not matter what the real merit of his work may be , he can aUvays rely upon having favorable mention wade of It by mpii who would not euro to Incur Imperial dlapluaauro by do strucllvp crltldaiu. .ft AND ms DK.WOUAC\ ; In his Chicago Jackson day speech "Wil liam Jennings Ilrynn dellncs the creed which he would prescribe n the test o ( true democracy. According to Sir. Urynn "a. democrat In the broadest sense lu the one who believes In tlio form of gov ernment In which tlio pc'oplo rule. When I say bollovcs In this form of government I mean actual , sincere , heartfelt belief , not a formal anil enforced submission. * * Those who endorsed the Chicago cage platform are democrats , and those who refused to support the platform are not democralfl. " Presumably Mr. Hryan Intends to con vey tm ! Idea that those who bolted the Chicago candidate did not support the platform , nntl have , therefore , ceased to bo democrats , while those who voted for Uryan and Scwall supported the platform - form anil are slmon-puro deinocrato com mitted to every principle enunciated In the Chicago platform. William Jennings Bryan has appar ently exnerlcnced n radical change of heart within the brief lime of twelve months. Less than live month * before his nomination for the presidency he penned an edltoilal which appeared In the Om.Mia Worhl-IIorald of February 20 , 1SIHJ , under the- heading , "The Philosophy of llolting , " In which he de fends ( lie right to bolt In the following language : Tlio etrciifth of parly organlz-illon U fouuJ In the fuel that men do not lllte to icpuitl- ate a nominee or Icavo llieir party for light nr trivial causes ; In fact , tlio to'ndoiicy to vote u straight ticket Is so great that inea require tlio strongest ot reaimnu to justify desertion , and yet Hie right to bolt orabamlon Is essential unless a man Is to become a mere murhlno and unless the party inachlno la to ho made omn-inottnt. Tun rteslro to draw voters to the party maltus the party careful to endorse thewltcst policies , and the fear that men may bolt Is tlio moat effective pro tection against bad nominations. The reason why abandonment of party Is not frequent Is found In the fact that party principles arc generally permanent In char acter , and therefore the members of the party , agreeing In opinion , work together harmoniously to carry out thojt , opinions In legislation. The fact that a now national platform Is adopted every four years Is evi dence that the right of a party'to.clunjo Us position on public questions Is unlvo-sally recognized , and the fact that a ca-np.ilgn Is carried on through the press and upon the stump Is proof that the right of the voter to change Ills party adulations Is also recog nized. The party Is a means , not an end. * * It may he sad to contemplate the disturbance of harmony or the disintegration of a party , but until human nature 13 changed and our form of government aban doned such things ' must bo contemplated. * * * If abandonment of party Is ever justifiable the voter must determine for himself when the ( Imo for abandonment ar rives. When should ho decide ? The proper time , 'If not the only time , is after the party has adopted Us platform and named its candidate. Until that tlmo ho does not Itnow whether ho can rely upon It to secure - cure Iho government which ho regards a gooil nnd the legislation which lie consldora necessary. Does participation In a primary or a convention bind the voter to support a policy which ho considers ruinous ? If he tries , through his party organization , to save hl-j country and falls , must ho then Inko a hand In Us destruction ? If n great ques tion arises must he assume that his party will go wrong and therefore leave It before It acts , or should he try to hold Ms party to tha right course ? In making these declarations Willian Jennings Hryan was paving the way foi u wholesale bolt of the free silver whif of his party , which at that tlnu seemed to be on the eve of defeat it : the national convention. Hut tin changing of the tide turned the tablet and Itryiin found himself supported b > a majority of the delegates. Who be lieves that he would have supported thy Chicago candidate or the Chicago platform had he been turned down' Who believes that ho would have re- llnqulshed his claim to the name ol democrat had the gold wing con trolled the convention and been van quished at the polls ? There Is something passing strange also in the assumption that the 0,470- ( "it ! people AVho cast their votes for Uryan electors are all "actual , sincere and heartfelt believers" In 1 ( ! to 1 free coinage and all the other doctrines In the Chicago platform. Mr. Hryan knows as well as every Intelligent American knows that fully one-half of these voters gave "a formal and en forced submission" to the decree of the convention. It Is a matter of history that the six New Kngland states which gave Hryan li'tL ( ! . " ( ! votes sent gold delegates to Chicago pledged against free silver. The states of Now York , New Jersey and Pennsylvania , which cast 1,11'J,171 votes for Hryan , were equally pronounced against free silver , and so were the delegates from the stales of Delaware , Maryland , Wis consin and .South Dakota and a ma jority of the delegation from Minnesota seta , while the Michigan state conven tion had also declared against free sll- Ver. Ver.If If the millions of democrats who ( supported Hryan and the Chicago plat form against their honest convictions are good democrats according to the latest test prescribed by Hryan , under what ride of morals or ethics can Hryan proscribe the democrats who had Iho courage of their convictions and fol lowed the advice which ho volunteered before his nomination ? If Hryan's democracy Is true Jacksonlan democ racy , as he would have us believe , then the Xe\v Kngland states and thu great central states must bo forever abandoned by the democratic party , ami from a great national party It will sink down to a mere sectional and factional aggregation , In that condi tion Its fate would be that which over took the whig parly when It disinte grated and passed out of existence. 8TA TK U-IShAT : Legislatures are In session In more than half of tint states and these minor congresses of the people have It In their power to do mote for'tho general welfare than It IK possible for the national con gress to do. They exercise great powers , which wisely used can accomplish a very great deal In promoting the progress' and prosperity of the communities for which they legislate. Whoever has read the recommendations of the governors of tlii > various states In which legisla tures are uuacmbk'J cannot doubt that there Is abundant opportunity for use ful work by these bodies. There la a universal drmnnd for reforms of ono kind and another , rendered necessary cither by changed conditions or because policies and methods now In operation have been found to bo Inimical to the public Intcrcets. The most general de mand Is for the better regulation of cor porations and In some of the states very aggressive legislation Is recommended. It Is noteworthy , also , that there Is a pretty general demand for stringent nnll-lnist legislation ; which Is Blgnlllcant of a recognition on the part of state au thorities of the power of the states to deal with this form of monopoly. It has been said that there Is too much lawmaking - making and this Is doubtless true , but there Is still opportunity for wise and practical legislation In every state and In not a few of them It Is urgently needed. SHU , Hccanso the country has not realized In the few weeks since the presidential election a full restoration of the pros perity of which It was deprived through Iho operation of democratic policy and the agitation for a debased currency , the defeated advocates of free sliver oxullliigly proclaim that the republican piomlso has failed. The fact that a number of national banks have re cently suspended , duo In nearly every case to reckless management and the rascality of otllclals , : uul that business failures have been numerous , Is pointed to as showing that no good results have followed republican success and as evi dence that prosperity cannot be ex pected under the gold standard. This was done by the free silver lender In his address at Chicago Thursday night and It .Is to bo expected thai what he said will bo echoed In the free silver organs and by his adherents throughout the country. These people are not candid and whllo they will mislead some , they cannot de ceive any who take an Intelligent , practical and unprejudiced view of the situation. These know that although business depresssion has not been en tirely removed the conditions are bet ter than before the uluetlu'i. What are the facts that justify this statement ? The most important of them Is that liiiancial apprehension has disappeared and there Is conlldence In monetary stability for at least four years to come. There Is greater Industrial activity and more labor employed thus In creasing the purchasing power of thu people. Thu balance of foreign trade in our favor Is being steadily en larged by the excess of exports over Imports , so that Instead of borrowing money abroad we have money to lend there. Gold Is accumulating In the national treasury , the banks at the money centers arc amply supplied with money , capital Is beginning to seek out safe Investments. There Is reason to believe that as a whole the banking Institutions of the country are on a sound basis and while there will con tinue to be business failures for thesj occur in times of prosperity as well as in times of depression they will proba bly become less numerous. Thu fact is , that when one fairly considers the se vere strain ami stress to which the busi ness of the country has been subjected for the past year It Is surprising that failures have not been more numerous and disaster more general. The republican party Is not yet In power. The democratic policy which Is responsible- depression Is still In oper ation. The republican promise was to restore financial conlldence ami to give the country legislation that would pro vide the government with stilllclcnt reve nue and afford reasonable protection to American industries. Confidence , so far as concerns monetary stability , Is re stored. There Is every assurance that the republicans will propose legislation that will Infuse new life Into our In dustries and make an active market1 for labor. A part of Its promlsn has , there fore , been fulfilled ; the other part will be If not prevented by the men who are falsely declaring that there has been no change for the belter and who don't want prosperity because It would bo destruc tive of their theories. When republican policy Is fully inaugurated If It does not produce the results promised then the free silver advocates will bo Justified hi Inveighing against the gold standard , but all fair-minded people will bo dis posed" to wait until the party called to liower has had an opportunity to put Its policy Into effect before declaring the promise of that party a failure. r.s' MISSION. It appears that Iho visit of Senator Wolcott to Kurope , for the purpose of ascertaining the. sentiment regarding an Intel national conference to consider bi metallism has not aroused much interest there. London advices say that bankers and practical financiers are talking about It quietly among themselves , but It has received no public discussion. Still It Is expected that the senator will be cor dially received , partlcuhuly by the bl- metalll.sts , who constitute a very respect able element ami whom It Is easy to understand will be very glad to learn Senator Wolcott's views. The London correspondent of the New York Tribune says that the financial situation Is favor able In one re.spLict for promoting the objects of the senator's mission. The export of gold from Kngland to India has begun and In view of the monetary stringency In India Is likely to continue for .some time. It Is admitted by fiimn- clers that the reopening of the Indian mints would be of great assistance in the present criyls and for this reason Senator Wolcott's visit Is thought to bo well timed. The correspondent says It Is possible ho may receive some conces sions on the sliver question from finan cial authorities of the Hrltlsh government and otllclals of the Hank of England , but none of these will bo In the direc tion of International bimetallism. The truth Is that nobody seiloiiHly expects any practical result fiom this mission. The most that can be hoped from It Is an accurate understanding of thu otllclal and public sentiment nbroad regarding bimetallism , from which the next administration can determine as to the expediency of Inviting an Interna tional conference. Meanwhile congreus can make provision for having the United State's represented In such n con ference , as coutojnplatctV In the proposi tion to bo submitted to the senate re publican catic'jUi'Tlio. Inquiry to bo made by Senator WSftxilt will servo a good purpose for the guidance of this govern ment , but It jfittot probable that It will have any value beyond that. There Is no reason toTTeflevo that any of the prin cipal Kuropoah governments arc favor able to a fro1'coinage ! agreement Just " ' ' ow. , , JIMA'3'TO 0 AlllWAD. It Is rcmarknblo. how many people are willing to sqrvo the country In for eign lands. ItIs said that senators and representatives who will servo In the next congress arc being deluged with ap plications for consular appointments under the next administration , the Im pression evidently being that there Is no barrier to spoils-hunting In this di rection. The fact Is , however , that there will not be a great many consular of ficials appointed by the next administra tion If It adheres to the rule established applying the merit system to positions Jn the consular service where thu com pensation is not over $ - ' ' , 00 or under $1,000. Applicants for such places arc now required to undergo an examination and It Is presumed that the next admin istration will maintain this rule. More than one-half the total number of con sular positions are subject to this rule , so that the chances of getting Into the service are small. As to the better posi tions , many of them are now filled by experienced men , most of whom will very likely be retained. It Is expected that the next adminis tration will endeavor to Improve the character and elllcieucy of the consular service -and in order to do that It will probably appoint new men only In cases where the Incumbents have pioved In capable or unfaithful. It Is pretty safe to say , therefore , that there Is disappoint ment in store for a very largo majority of the applicants for consular apppolnt- ments. The Kansas state bank commission ? attributes the bank failures of th past few years to simply an oversuppl ; of banks , or more banks than wer needed to do the banking business o the country. There may be somothliij in this , although It Is not a conipluti explanation. There were not toi many banks when business was every where running at the top notch , bu the reduction In tlio number of busl ness houses and the decrease In theli total buslness luis bad the effect o contracting the banking business to : point too low 'to ' jsupport all the banks More tersely expressed , all our busl ness interests ai'e so Intorflepouden that one cannotbe | , Injuriously alTectei without reactliig'on the others. Governor Liso of South Dakota Include. ' In his Inaugural.message a strong en dorsement ill' .the Transmlssl.-slpp Exposition and an urgent recom mendatloii of a liberal npproprhi lion by the legislature for an adequate exhibit from South Dakota. Governoi Lee rightly Insists that his state has tin resources to iiako'ouo ) of the most creditable - able displays at the exposition and that few states are In position to benefit from It to a greater degree. The hearty co operation of South Dakota has been re lied upon from the first by the exposi tion managers and for that reason the good words of Governor Lee arc doubly appreciated. According to William Jennings Hrynn a democrat Is a man who believes In the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 3 ( ! to 1 and a man who does not believe In that proposition is a re publican. If this Is the correct version then every populist is a democrat , every prohibitionist who believes In free silver coinage Is a , democrat and every repub lican who advocates the free and un limited coinage of silver Is a democrat. In other words , democracy consists of democratic democrats , populist demo crats , prohibition democrats and repub lican democrats. Modern authorities may differ as to what a democrat really Is. History , however , shows conclusively what An drew Jackson was and with equal clear ness what ho was not. There never was any doubt about "Old Hickory's" attitude on any subject upon which ho expressed himself. And ho was most emphatically not of that dishonest breed which , fifty years after he Is too dead to object , uses his name as a cloak for schemes of repudiation and fraud. Ciiiitini'N WuiiliiK rilory. ChlciiRO Chronicle. Only two months moro and Canton , O. , will sink iback Into the obscurity which has swallowed Lincoln , Neb. lH'lr .MriiMiirc. I'hlladelplila I.eilecT. Thin week a number of the state legisla tures 'began tholr winter's work of convinc ing the people that a serious mistake was made In electing thorn. Iiitiiilnnilo mill Iiiiiiiiiropriiitr. St. Jfn it I'loncor I'resa. The Smlthsonlaiu Institute la preparing to present the sultan of Turkey with a Hfe- slzo figure of a Sioux chief In full war array. Wouldn't a Apache In the act of slaying a victim bo more to the caliph's taste ? ( A Iii-NHim Jn linnoHt Ilunkliiir. Ciiea/p ( / Chronicle. A sllverlto cxcltango says "The recent bank failures at1 Chicago and elsewhere hive anly Intensified the sentiment In favor of bimetallism , " "NoAsonec ! The only popu lar wmtlmcnt tlmt ban been. "Intensified" Is that In favor'tof honest bankers and hon- ret banking method.1) . , 'for the I'Vi-lilr , Jlljijiinj.olla ; ) Journal. Governor PJiwrc.q favors a law that will lend to jail oypry person who smokes ilgarottes , as well as these who sell thorn , uid declares that If such an act Is passed luring hla term ot ofllco ho will ilgn It. l'Ingrcc/8 head Is level , Ho may eeem to certain persona to bo radical upon thU sub- led , but the pcrfcon who wants to amoko } Ugut to bo compelled to use tobacco. NiirriiHiu , New York Bun. Nowa ot sarcastic retribution cornea from Washington , -where Secretory Morton la try- n U to Induce the momboru of congrraa to liavo .liclr packogc-a of government seed addrmscd inj sent off OH rapidly as ponalblo. It ap- icara that "someof the congressmen who oolt the most trouble last year In sending > ut the woods to tholr coiisHtuenta ucro ( lo cated. " I'Yom which It ls clear that gov- iruincut aocd baa a real value hitherto not attributed to U , ft.Yul possesses the rlc humor Inevitable In everything which come from the Department of Agriculture. Cnmlnir Convention of I.invliroaherx New Tork WorM. At their next meeting the manufacturer ot ntcel billets < wlll discuss the scheme of re organization , the salient points ot which nr those : To close down many ot the manu factories , throw thousands of men out o work and brlbo the owners not to atari \t\ \ by paying them largo salaries to do nolli Ing ; to concentrate nil the production o atccl billets In the liands ot a tow larg concerns , which will pay what they sec II nnd will sco to It that no competition arises to advance the price enormously , althougl at present they are Belling steel billets It foreign markets several dollars a ton cheapo than they sell thorn to their own country men. An I.H-nl Turin Hill. I'Mliulelplila Inquirer. Kxpcrlcnco has taught us that the grea bulk of our revenue must come from duties upon Imports. Shut those Imports oft en tlrcly and wo have to turn to Internal taxa tlon , which Is a direct tax , for our Income The Ideal tariff bill would give every Amcrl can Industry a fair show. The duty wouli bo high enough BO that all employe * woulc receive American watjes , nnd at the same tlmo give the capitalist a profit. Such a bll would open nil the doors of our manu factories , and at the same time would pro vide all the revenue necessary for the ex penses of the government. This Is the kliu of a bill that Major McKlnlcy Is bcltovci to advocate- , and which la expected from the now congress. I'nt.-nl ( KIU-- U.-fonn. ClilcnRQ Tlmep-IIcinlil. If one.half the news that comes from \Vasli. Ington coi'Ccrnlng the Inside workings o the patent oftlco Is true the eooner that In stitution Is made the subject of a drastic search by a congressional cumnlttcc tin- better. It Is charged by moro than ono cor respondent that individuals and corporatlona Intcrcated In money-making patents are In stantly advlLcd of the mini ; of applications or of cnveuts affecting them , and by this means they are enabled to take advantage of new InvuitorH ami their Inventions atu sometimes even to forestall them. It has long been suspected that there was under hand work perpetrated Inside tlio patent ofllco In rorncctlon with the Issuance of the II 1st telephone patent , though It was so hid den that the ft and could not bo cxpoacd. That hundreds of Inventors havn been de frauded and robbed through Information given from the Inside Is alleged so frequently that something ohould bo done cither to end , the scandal or to provo there la no scandal. o Aixsuir TO ins M TlioNsuiiiiitlon tint ! AiulriMV JiiekNon \ViiN a Sllvi'i-Ilc. Washington Star. It Is dlfllcult to follow those who claim that If General Jackson were alive today he would bo a free silver man. There la .no authority for the claim In any of his state papers , or In any of his ofllclal acts as president. It Is probably based on a glit tering generality. General Jackson tackled and overthrew the United States bank of his day , and out of that performance has grown some undhcrlmlnatlug praise about lib standing for the people as against what Is called the domineering power of money. Hut not a olnglo financial feature of that light can with safety or In fairness be ap plied to this silver question. General Jack son , If alive and In ofllcc today , would be obliged to meet that question , and would meet It , with only a general reference to the other. How ho would meet It Is , of course , a question. lie had a very direct way of looking at matters. Ho settled a number of Important questions In a very straight forward and satisfactory manner. Ho never yielded to clamor. He never led or coun seled a criMade against the rich. He was a plain man and stood for the people , and he was a national man In all'bis deliverances. Ho frowned upon sectionalism In all forms , and ho would have gone to war to preserve the union as readily as any man who ever at In the white house. If he were alive today , therefore , two or three things about this silver question would be- likely to engage hU earnest attention. In his direct way ho would probably want to know about converting C3 cents' \yorth of allvcr bullion Into n legal tender dollar. Ho would be very curious * about the arraying of ono portion of the people against an other , and the sectional cry would arouse him at once. And no , as he favored sound money whllo be lived , and was a national man In all his Instincts and dcllvcrancco , I Is not difficult to think of him as bclongtnr In his Influence to the Round money sldo ol the present financial question. In a letter dated December 26. 1SCC , ad drcwed to Itov. A. S. K. McUallum , Andrew Jackson expressed the sontlmcnts of a con firmed golduug. as fallows : "Tho useful and ornamental purrcsfs to which gold can be nppllcd nro the properil'-e that glvo It real value and render the demand for It universal. This , with other peculiar qualities , has madu It In all aijcs throughout the world , the standard of vuluo There la no fraud In gold ; like the hones principles ot the founders of our government who declare by constitutional provision the precious metals to bo the only money of the republic. It Is unchangeable , and will do Its olllco well everywhere and at all times ; no alchemy can multiply It no chartered prlvl- legcu can glvo cuddon and unseen cxpanclim or contraction to Its amount. Nature ! ms set limits and labor Imparts an Invariable value to It. It la , therefore , the true repre sentative of the principles of justice am ! equality which should enter Into every thing that operates on our Institution * , am : should bo over Insisted on by the Industrious classes as the actual circulating medium to bring continually to the teat ovary species of credit currency , and to suppress the spurious paper system , resting on no solid basis , and giving birth to frauds and jtock gambling ; which tends so much to estrange our rivordo from honest and useful nurctilts and our legislation from that primitive patriotism which was once entirely directed to foster them. " A XmVSI'Al'KH SCOOP. Incident In ( 'npl. .luck Crnwforil'H Cn- rccr UN Corri'HiouiIi > nl ol'TIic JIcc. New York Herald. Few persons comprehend the dangers that were attached to the work of western newspaper correspondents back In the days when Indian fighting was tlio principal oc cupation of soldiers on the borderland , General Nelson A. Miles , U. S. A. , famed the country over for his success In doing battle with the redskins , was In Chicago several days this week , and ono of the first men ho met was Edward Hoaowater , editor of The Omaha lice. The meeting was sig nificant , for It recalled an Incident of the early ' 70s and how the Nebraska newspaper secured a meritorious scoop. Intimately connected with the Indian uprisings wcro Frank GrouanI and Captain "Jack" Crawford , the latter being better known as tlio 'Toot Scout. " Both did good cervlco as scouts with the Seventh cavalry , General Custer commanding. Captain Crawford , mya the Chicago Jour nal , which tells the story , acted at this tlmo also as a correspondent for The Dec , then a nniall dally , struggling for existence. Dur ing CtiBter's last stand Crawford was with Colonel Uentccn , who commanded a part of Ouster's comma ml at Slim Duties , and GrouanI was with Colonel Hone , who com manded another detachment of Custer'a forces. After the Custcr massacre Ileno de spatched Grouard to Deadwood , S. D , , the ncarcHt tolrgraph station , to notify the War department of the terrlblu affair. At about the same tlmo Captain Crawford concluded to rldo Into Deatlwood and dispatch to The Ik-o the particulars of the light and seooji the cntlro country. The majority of the great papers had correspondents with the troops , but noiio of them dared to rldo through a country filled with hostlte In diana nor could they get any ono to do It ( or them , Kveu Imd they hnd the courfigo to do this they could not have withstood the hardships of a three hundrcil-mllo rlJfl over a rough country. lloth Crawford and Grouard met at the atago station at Hook Springs , Wyo. , and each divined the other's Intention of getting oft the news of the massacre first , lloth wcro superbly mounted on thoroughbred cavalry horses , and both were equally matched aa to physical strength ana en- dura nee. H was tacitly agreed to ride together for mutual protection. Hour after hour they rode , sometimes exchanging shots with ntraggllng Indians , and again resting their tired horses. On the morning of the last day of their ride both stopped for a short nap and to res ? their Ivorpoa. Kach kept an cyo on the other , however , to prevent him from atealhiK a march.Vhcn they got ready to go CJrounrd broke bis cinch whllo saddling his horse , nnd before he could repair It Crawford wan rounding out of sight In a deep gulch. They hail entered the foothills of the lilack Hills , GrouanI galloped after him. As the cabins of the llttlo town of Spcarflsh loomed Into view Crawford wa.i half a mile ahead. AM ho entered the town his Jaded horpe was ready to fall. Seeing a cowboy's broncho hltchrd In front of a house , ho leaped from hla horse and upon the cowboy's , and was oft Just as Grouard rode Into the town. The fifteen miles be tween Spcarftsh and Deadwood wcro soon covered. When Grouard rode up to the telegraph oftlco In Dcadwood Crawford had sent half of a 2,000-word dispatch , and the people In Omaha wcro reading the details of the slaughter. The Omaha Hco thus secured the biggest "scoop" any paper In the roun- try bad ever had up to that time. In this ride the two scouts covered 300 miles In thlrty-Alx hours , with but three changes of horses. Dining the last Indian campaign at IMno lUilgo , In 1SDO-91 , Grouard was General Miles' chief cf scouts and dlil goad service. Ho also nctcd In the same capacity during the trou ble between the- cattlemen nnd rustlers In Johns > on county nnd Wyoming. Ho was then with Major Whlteslde's command at Fort McKlnney. Grouard li of Indian blood and hli family lives at IMno llldgc agency. At present ho Is In St. Joseph , Mo. Captain Jack Crawford Is n resident of New Mexico at present. He IB In the employ of the United States government In the Department of Justice. Ho Is well known 'rom his lectures and poetical contributions. : Ic la a. picturesque character , and still af fects the long hair and habiliments ot tilt western plainsman. I'EllSO.VAt. AM ) OTIIHHAVlSi : . George Parsons Lathiop has Joined An- gustln Daly's business staff as press agent. Of the thirty-eight sultans who have ruled .he Ottoman empire since the conquest ot } onstantlnoplo by the Turks thirty-four mvo died violent deaths. I'rursla'a high executioner , Hcrr Ilolndcl , being about to retire , hundreds of appllca- lens for his .position have appeared , lie gets $37 for ea'cli execution and his traveling expenses. McKlnley will bo the tlvlrd Methodist prca- dent of the United States. Of the others Ight have been Episcopalians , six 1'resby- crlans , two Unitarians , ono Christian ami ono Freethinker. General S. H. Hucknur ami Mrs. Hucknrr vero lionized so much while they were In Joston that they have rejected as fables ho stories about the coldness of New Ung- and people. They say they might have sup- loscd themselves to be In ths south except or the east wind. Lane county , Kansas , which has declared It self bankrupt , Is named after Senator "Jim" > ane , the "red-leg , " as his enemies called ilm. It was Senator Lane who elicited from 'resident Lincoln the declaration that "In line of civil war every foul bird files abroad nd every dirty reptile raises It. ? head. " Said George Du Maurlcr once In n private hat : "I think that the best years In a nan's llfn are after he 'Isto. ' . A man at10 : es ceased ( o hunt tlio moon. I would add lat. In order to enjoy llfo after 40 , U Is erahps necessary to have achieved , before caching that ago. at least some success. " Ono of the valuable relics Intrusted to the care of the grand master of Massachu setts Masons la the "Washington urn" a small golden urn containing a lock of Gen eral Washington's hair. Mrs. Washington presented the lock to thu grand lodge In 1SOO , and Grand Master Paul Hevero made the urn. Investigation shows the following stalls- tics regarding the- United States Donate : Lawyers , slxty-flU ; business men of various 'clnds. Including miners , ship owners , stock raisers , etc. , thirteen ; preachers ( studied aw ) , ono ; farmers ( ono having studied law ) , three ; Journalists , two ; surgeon , ono ; olllce- holdcrs , three. Max Muller , distinguished philologist , says In the current number of Cosmopolls that ho remembers the poet , Uhlaud , at Lclpslc , o.i a little , old , wrinkled man , who waa very shy and retiring. Once some Btudcnto marched to the poc-t's house , sang some of Ins eongs , and cheered him , and Uhland caiac to the window , but ho was too timid to say a word. Baroness nurdctt-Coutts Is &ald to bo a great admirer of the pluck of .Cecil Ilhodfia In his efforts to develop Rhodesia. For every selected young man who promises to scttlo In that possession , nnd who chooses a wife from among the young womrn in her charitable Institutions , shei will present them with 100. Mr. Hhodes will under take to find employment for the husband. The late Judge Thurman was Invited itt one tlmo to a mooting of certain weak- liiiceil democrats who seriously contem plated tlie breaking up of the democratic party. An soon as the old Unman compre hended the object of the inre-tlng ho promptly nroso to his feet and said : "Grn- llemen , this room la too d d small In which to break up the party , " and Immediately loft tlio meeting. That was the last over of the movement. It Is recalled that It Is not so many years slnco It wns deemed effeminate for a man to play a piano and unladylike for a woman to practice the vlolln. 0n ono oc casion at a party given by Sir John Mll- lals Lady Hallo rose to play the violin , when to her Intense amusement Klie heard Landsccr exclaim : "Good gracious ! A woman playing the flddlo ! " On the other hand , an old-fashioned nobleman when he say a gentleman < down to the piano contemptuously remarked , "I wonder If the creature can sew ! " IOWA IMIKSS OO.MMHVr. Davenport Democrat : Good times or had , the people of Iowa Invest every year moro than ? 5 000,000 In the support of the public schools. They find It pays rcgardlraa of what corn nollH for. Dra MolncH Leader : AH proof of the length of the Judicial career of Judge Hotb- rock It Is enough to H.iy that the Jones county calf ccno came up In Its original form before him when district Judge. Sioux City Journal : Do not forget the Iowa gold mlneu. Thrrc are thousands of them and they are In every part of the stale. The output of rich yellow butter and cheese la on the Incrcaxo from year : o year , and that U ono of the best rraitoiiH why Iowa Is ono of the most prosperous states of the union , Sioux City Times : A few days ago there died in Franklin county , Iowa , one who waa a typical rural pioneer of the Hawkcyo'stato. Colonel John I. 1'opejoy nettled In Franklin county In 1S55 , his family going by team to Cincinnati , thcnco by raft down the Ohio and by boat up the Mississippi and acraw the country to the them wild iralrlcs of Franklin county. Colonel 1'opo- oy Rtuck to the farm and nt ono tlmo owned about 2 GOO acres of land and fed and Hhlppc-1 annuilly from 3,000 to 5,000 head of cattle. Highest of all In Leavening Strength.Latest U. S. Gov't Report. PURE 0TIIRU I.AXHS THAN OUltS. The election held In Franco List Sun day for one-third of the members of the Senate resulted In the cbolco of more than twlco aa many republicans aa tlio entire number of radicals , socialists , and monarch ists combined. It wn.t a very notable anil uvvcoplng victory for the supporters of the \ existing Inaillutlons of Franco , ami the foi- / lowers of the men who dcslro to perpetuate and strengthen the present government. I'arli may elect sooMlUts , nnd , In ftnno of the ronioto and cxtrnmcly old-fashlonod ru ral districts the Hourbona and thellona - partlsts may show a llttlo power , but the Brent majority of thp people of Franco seem to bo more nmt moro attached to the modw.ito form of republicanism which baa given tie French nation a longer period ot freedom from great wars and Internal revo lutions than It 1ms before enjoyed In many generation ! ? . The- country baa been proa- _ _ J perons under the Institutions created twenty- \ . six Kara ago , and the French voters re- alUo that they have reason to bo thankful for many things which might have been far otherwise If cither n radical and socialistic icpubllc or n reactionary monarchy hnd con trolled the nation's destinies. That Is why the surface restlessness In the great cities docs not shake the foundations of the re public In go-ioral election * . As long as French thrift finds no serious fault with the form of government which hao been tried for more than a quarter of a century , tliero will be llttlo danger that French omc- tlonnllKm can disturb the peace or endanger the Institutions of the French republic. As the tlmo for the opening of the Trnns- slberlan railway approaches , enterprising Russians are Interesting themselves more and more In the commercial possibilities vlilch will bo placed within their reach by the opening of the now territory. Hspcclally have the mining engineers been stirred to activity , and at least one expedition ha penetrated 'Into the great northeast. A dispatch from Vladlvostock states that an expedition under the leadership of Messrs. Ilognadovltch and LemyaUIn has made Its way from Nlkolacvsk to the Oudskoy Kill' . The party had to contend against severe cold nnd In places encountered mow seven feet deep. Of the ninety reindeer -which they had when they set out thirty died on the way. The prospectors , however , feel thoroughly satisfied with the results of their journey and report that between Tchoumoukln nnd Ayan exceptionally rich deposits of gold were found. Along the river Aoka.shra and Us branches no less than fourteen stretches of Kind were dis covered abounding In the precious metal. With llttlo digging gold was found In the volcnn'c rock. Near Tchoumoukln rich de posits of anthracite coal wcro found. The country Is snld to bo fertile , the forests nro Intact , fish exist In abundance , and In the neighborhood of Aldan and YnkouUk tliero arc cattle and hortvs. The gold sands are thirty vcrsts from the mountain range , and 100 from the settlements where the natives engage In agriculture nnd the raising ot cattle. The party will spend the winter In Ayan , nnd next Junn will complete Us mis sion by exploring Kamsclmtka. i The Fpcelplly close relations ot Hussln nnd Franco are Indicated by the telegraphic mriM.jge sent by the czar to President Fa lira offering general congratulations and wishes "for the prosperity of France. " The czar , referring to bis i-ecollcctlons of his "charm- Ing sojourn" recently In France , pronounrca tht'tu "Ineffaceable. " This Is In a tone dif ferent from that of the czar'o father , a few yeaia ago , when the prince ot Montenegro was declared by the llusslan autocrat to be "Hussln's only friend In Kurope. " My workIng - Ing together Franco and Hussln will have their will about many questions awaiting settlement In ICuiopo and Asia , not to cmy lUrlca. A Russian warship wca recently aald to be surveying a strlfi of coast on the IJed sen , near Obok. with a view to Us occu pation. For some tlmo the czar him been cultivating friendly relations with the Ne gus of Abyssinia. A bold on that part of Africa would enable Russia to assist Franco materially In bor policy of making Kng- land's retention of Kgjpt diflleuR. But pa tience Is a prominent tnilt of Kngllsh pol icy , i Franco has been quick to take advantage of her protectorate over Tunis. A few months ago she negotiated n treaty with Italy , \\hcvie citizens formed by far the larger population In Tunis , Regarding In ternal affairs there was nothing seemingly aggreeslvo In the measure to Italy , for many questions of icform and municipal govern ment were left In the hands ot thu major ity of the residents , who were , of course , Italians. Italy felt secure , and all the pa- peis of Rome , with the exception of the Trl- huna. praised the foresight nf the Dl Itudlnl government In securing such ndvantageouc concefiflons , uhen. according to the predic tions made by cx-1'remler Crbpl , Italy would Without mi Overcoat or Ulster nicnns no end of discomfort. Our Overcoats and Ulstors-at whatever prlcoynii pay are as fine and soft and warm as a quilt of oldordown , and every Kurniont Is "war ranted. Just at proscenl we are making unusual low prices on u lai'KO niajorlty of our stock. Many Hues of Knits and Overcoats are all sold except "oneor two" of a kind some iai'KO mid KODIO small sixes. We are anxious to cloHo tlii'.su out and so clean up foi' spilnx pur chases , and luivi ! placed prlers on thiMii that will surely do It provided your K/.O ! Is there. 1'aku special notice of our DoiiKlus street windows If you are Ink'r- eHled. We will have some of thcso Knits on exhibition there. All our owu high frado production. 6tr