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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1896)
THE OAIAIIA DAILV UllfliJi 'ITICSDAV , l > Kn3MrHK 22 , IS1)0. ) /MIIP t'A lltVtr It1 * PI HCM n PI CIIIUI.O BAMi IS CLOSliD tl Illinois National in the Hand ? of tli National Bank Examiner. LOSS TO DEPOSITORS WILL BE SMALI Om H\K \ Ilium lo Sri-c ( ( IlnllvMiv Coin CiniMliliTcil < SriiHil Injiitll- iiM lt > rlfiirhiK llouit' , \\lilfli 'rfinilll | > UliiNOH ( In * llnilli. CIIICAaO. Dec. 21. The National Canl of Illliiolii. generally considered ono of tin strongest financial Institutions In the west closed Us doors today , the fallute dragglnt clown three other concerns , U. S. Droyer * Co , WnsnmiisJorff , Holnrmami & Co , ant the Ilosolandi banlc. Thu falliiro of thu Na tloml Hank of Illinois was duo to the fad tlint Its ontlro uiplial of { 2,000,000 am $100,000 o\cr anil above Its surplus of ? W. 000. had been loaned on Calumet Hlcclrh Block. In addition. $500,000 was loaned U Droyer & Co , who had spread their capita out so extensively that they were unafol to concentrate It In tlmo to same ihcmsolvcs The other failures wcro due to the loclttnt up of assets held by the Hank o Illinois , and which \\cro not available wliei that Institution closed Its doors. No fur ther trouble Is expected , as the Clcarlnp IIouso association has OKI ceil to pay 75 pe tent of the deposits In the National Hani of Illinois , and at the meeting uf the clear Ing house committee this afternoon all o the banks reported themsclvci In Rood con dUInn , and none of them asked for the all that would have bom freely cxlcnded h.u U been askid It Is probable all of tin batiks will resume with the exception o the National Hank of Illinois , and all de posllors will bo paid In full. Iho National Hank of Illinois was on of the oldest and beat Known hanking In Htltutlons In the cllj with assets of be tWLt'li $12,000000 and ? ir.UOO,000 The fol lowing notko was icstcd ) on the doors be fore the opening of banking 1 ourh This bank Is In the hands of the na tlonal bank \anilucr by oulu of the comp trolkr of the treasury " This action was decided upon at a meet ItiR of the directors of the bank last ulghl after the bank hid been suspended fron the Clearing IloiiHo association of Chlcagt at a meittng of the clearing house com mltUe hehl earlier In the daj Of the Hlxtcen banks tint cleared throng ! the National Hank of Illinois , two eiosei their doors a.i a result of the closing o that Iralltutloii Thej arc 13 S LJrjer Co , and WasmansdorIT & Ilclneinann Thcst two Institutions are mortgage loin banks and savings societies In a t > mall way , aiK their failure Is not expected to affect anj business lions' " ! Tin1 assets of 12 S Drjoi & Co are given at ? IGOV)00. ) with llabllltlc * of $1 200.000 Thu llguitfi for Wasmansdorfl & llelncmann are , approximately , assets $ nr)0,000 , liabilities. $100.01)0 The Seiuritv Tltlo and 'flint rompany was appointed re colvcr for both firms Six banks have made arraiiRements tc clear through other binks , ami the balance of the sixteen nro making similar arrange menu as fast as invisible. The failure wat , a great sui prise Iti flnanctal and business clrclei uErLEPTS ON THE OFTICBUS. The causes of the suspension , as given In the resolutions adopted by the cleat Ins hoiue committee are "unvvamnlablo am Injudlrlous loans" through which "the cap Ital and mirplus of said bank is Ecrlninlj Imperlleil , if not absolutely lost" The statement wan made that a loan of abou $2 100,000 to the Calumet Street ItallroiO company , of which J.V Taraoii of Parson Leach & . Co , la president , had caused tin National Hank of Illinois to suspend. Mr Tarson declined to make a slalimcnl 01 that subjtet. but stated tint tl.o fallurr would not affect the Calumet road Hcavv loans on ical estate are also said to lm\c been made The last statement of the binl > Hhovved deposits , $12.175.760. loans. $9,199 , 642- cash nviourceH , $ l,9t3,202 ! It la thotiRht probable that none of the depositors will buffer by the suspension , re the bankoro who were present at the meet Ing of the committee ha\o recommended foi consider itlon the proposition to advance 7r per cent tin all adjusted claims against thr National Hank of Illinois In addition t < this thov have agreed to use their in- Ituonco with all other members ) of th Clear Ing House nsfloclallon to niecpt all sucl claims aa co'lateral at the same ratio Iho National Hink of IlllnoH waa organl/ci In August. 1371 , with a capital stock o 1100000 , which was subsequently Inercasci to Jl.000.000 It wns tegaidid as one of the stiongeot financial Institutions In the city. The I'IOAS club la one of the sufferers bj Iho suspension all the procecils of the ad vaneo sale of tickets for thr > foot ball game between Iho Carlisle Indians mid the Unl \erallv of Wisconsin eleven , which wan heh : under the management of the 1're.s.s club amounting to over $1,000 , having been de posited Saturday It wns announced that the Drovora' Nn- tlonal haul. , which clcaied through the Na tional Hank of Illlno's will clear through the Commercial National The West Sldo bank will also cleattlnough the Commercial National The siiM'tnsIon bad but llttln effect elthci In the wheat pit or on the Stock evclango Wheat. Indeed , showed strength after the opening % -cont decline and the block market wns dull and only fractionally lovvei. Neither the bank examiner nor any of ficer of the National Hank of Illinois will make am statement at present One of the leading bankers nnd financiers of this city at noon todaj said to an Asso elated piosb reporter "Tho failure of the National Hank of Illinois hns created no illstiubanco of consequence In financial eli- cles hero One or two private bankers who weie irally nothing but mortgage dealers have failed but this In onlv a natuiai eonac- quenco of shrinking ual estate values ) " The principal SOUICLof ticubic of the Cherry Pectora costs uiorc than olhcr inccli- rinca. lUit then it cures uiorc than other incdiciucs. Most of the cheap cough jncilii'Jnc' } merely p.illintc ; they aCord local and tempo rary rc-Hef. Ajcr's Cherry I'cctornl doeo not patch up or pallintv. It cttrcs. Abthuta , llronchitSs , Croup , Nv'ho'jphig Cough , and every other cough , tvillvvlicit other ruuicdks ( ail , yield la Ayer's Cherry Peclora ! It h&a a record of 00 ycnrs ot euros , c < J Bond for the 'Curobouk" -froo. J > J. 0. Ayer Co. , Lowell , Mass , N'Ationnl Ilauk of Illinois WHS n loan i $2.100000 to the rulumit Ktrrtrle llatlwa eompanv Thin with three or four otlu loan . throntened such severe IO M tin the rlciirliiK hotide ponimlttrov no wi hut to auspcnd HIP bank The loan In Ibiu datlon will be umall , ! ( any to iUpr ttor It U not probable ( hut the bank will n flump hufllnpts A director of the N'ntlnnitl banl : of Illlno ( tared today that the Iran made to the C'uli mot electric street railway , $2 400,000 , wi without the knowledge of the directors. Tl effort * mailo to illipoae or the Calumet atocl which VVRS held aa security for the lost diow ftttentlnn to It and m ought about tl ti , which resulted In the bank COMMITTEES I'UAX HN'UOHSUD. At the meeting of the elcarlnjc houeo bunk held at the elcsp of , ) > olnr ! ii tli'a ' afternon upon rcentnriu-ndatlon of the elcarlng ltmi < commlttpo , whlrh had made a thorough o1 amlnatlon of the affil i of iho Nation Hank of Illlmin , thr clearlnK home banV agrred to advance 75 pei ecnt on all rlalir aga nit tliu N'aMonal Hank of Illinois , whli shall ln\p been cortined to bv the rocolu M l elns on deposit IP that iKink. Tlie KPI oral srntlmcnt of oplnloii was that the di posltors would receive tholr money In ful The bank now has on hand tn cash inr-fun nearly 10 per cent of Its entire llabllltlei No banks reipicited any awlstnnco from tl ! clrarlnR honeo Tlir- bank statements , put llshi'd toia ! > , on tlu > cull of the eoinptrollt of the cuirency at Uie co e of bualnms , o tlio 17lli Instant , show very strong in np < There linn been verjl little excitement toda In hankltiK clrclra In tlili city. Thefollnvvlng rcaolultona were adopted t the mc'cilng Ili'iolvnil , Thnt th" clenrliiB hoiifo com mlttif , after rnlllnif to their nld itui-h olhe persons im lliey may deslio , be tenupalei to formulnli- plnn vvhleh will cnnblo oiod Itor.M of theKntlonnl llnnl : of Illinois ti uv ill tlii'tnuelvoi of tbo offer of the ncno el.ttPil InnUs to innki itdv.incc'i l ) > wn ; of loins to H.ild rrodllors lo the oMen of 7"i per mil upon ptoperly piovon clnlms The chairman of the tlcarltiR liouae state that the WUUIIKIIPSQ of Iho bankem to d this wan so evident thai It Is not probabl thai any formal oixanlzallon to ncromplla' HID object will be necc\sarv , although th coinmltlco appnlnt'-d will Klvo prompt al tenllon to the duty Imposed upon them The following dispatch was received toda ' ) v Ihe prt ldcnl of the clcnilng house com mlttto : WASHINGTON. Hoe. 21-1 linvo np pointed II ink i\unlnor ! McKc-own tern porary rei-olvtr of the Ntillonnl II ink o Illinois nnd Instruct * d him to publish no tleo for creditors to ptove claims Ho In forms mi > thnt tinflonilnj ; boii'-o committee too aglets to nilvnnce 7"i jirt cent on tvl dotuo of flnlms Notleo will bo publlsliK at oiiec , and If elnlms nro pioven linmo ILitdy , I sball , within thlity days , bo nidi to par n very ronsldi'r.iblo dividend approi Intf the notion of the rlenrlm ; lioitsi In offtrlni ; to mlvnitto on sueb tortlllontoa JAMFS H icicir.s. comptioiicr Anolher tiuapcnslon v as roco.ded th' ' rvfiilnK. when ludco Horton of the clreiil court , appointed John II Nlclmli * receive foi thepiop rt > of I'rederlck Wlersema vvli owns the Hnseland bank , which Is sl'iiate ' In Hosclaml. The appolntuicut was mad iipo-i the appllrtuion ol GeorgeUalenbers. . ludgmcnt eredltoi of Wlersema. to llio extent tent of $600 The comrUlnant allrlbuled Hi cml < arra nniont of Mi. Wiirserna lo Iho eon nccllon of the latter with the Nation il Ian ! jf Illinois Tin- assets nro placed at $73 nor and the doooslts at S53.000 The bank vvll rrsirnthitsinpfs within a few dava NI'W YOIIK n c 21 Oillclals of llic Mer canttlo und the American I xchango bank of this city corre-spondpiits of llio Natlona Hani : of Illinois , say they will not be af fcc'cd ' to any Important extent by Its failure The American Kxeliange1 has merely lianrllei collections for the Clileaso bank nnd Is nctu ally .a debtor to It The Mercantile Natlona bank people say that the Chicago bank doe. not o\ve them , except for notes In their hand for collection , nnd express deep Sjinpathj fo thu officials of the Chicago bank. BOSTON' Dec 21The Shawmut Natlona bank of this city has a very 'nndaomo ' balance anco to the credit of the National Hank o Illinois , but has tccelved telegraphic oiJer today from lh bank examiner at Chicago t pa > no more checks upon tlilt , account. As far as can be learned none of th Omaha banks are affected by the fallui t \copt the Nebraska National , which I conccincd to a considerable amount. Th National Hank of Illinois hns hem th riilcnRo correspondent of the Nebiaska Na t'onal for many vears , and at times ha , ran 'id ' large amounts of Its funds Pies Ident Yatcn Ihls morn I ng declined lo ea1 liow deeply Uie Nebraska National was con rorncd , but staled that It wns not neail' is lud ns It might have been. The falluri might have caught lliem for J300.000 o S 100,000. bill recently they had been cairj log heavier balances hero and their Chi ago deposits had consequently reached i Comparatively low point Mr. Yates addei thai Ihcy were not borrowing any troubh jvcr the mailer , as the } had entire conn lenco that the IlIlnoLs Institution wns Ii fairly good condition , and no ono would losi ui.v thing. _ _ iicKin.s nvi'i.viNs Tim rvn.iiii ; sntioiuii itiiiiu or iiiiiioiN tin. vtciin llf CfOMH lllsilltlllllKfllll'llt. WASHINGTON , Dec 21 Comptrollei ScKols today gave out the following state nent concerning thc failure of the Natlona ilank of Illinois. "I am advised by Hank Examiner McKcor liat the National Hank of Illinois has closet ts business and Id now In his hands for tin omplrollcr of Iho cuneney In older ti iruveut trouble In moving claims against the and to obtain foi creditors at an carl ) late the largest part of the amount due hem 1 have appointed Mr. MclCeon tempo. ary icclver , with telegraphic Instructions tt mbllsh nollco of proof of claims at once The clearing houtio commiltce of Chlcagc iati advised mo throuKh llic examiner Ihal he clearing house will Immediately advance ' 5 per lent of Iho face of approved claims mil HUM give creditors of llic Itn- nodlute relief and pi event unneet sar > ilte- nrbanco of business I have ali > o directed ho iccelver while ) s > cctirlng all loons of o lonbtful character to exeruso the utmost an tlon o as not ti > work any lianltsiilp up > , i ho business IntercstH of those dealinj ; vvltli he bank and depending upon It. The ad anco mule by llio clearing house. It Is to be mdoiHtool. Is not In pajmcnt of such clalma n full , but Mmplv a loan c.f cmch an amount > ltb the ceillllcatuj ai eollatoial Hcourlly 'Tho failure of Iho bank la duo lo Inju- Iclous , reckless and lmpndeiil mcthoda fol- owul bj iho olllcers and nol checked bj he dlrcclors. nllhouch Ihelr attenlloii had con Individually callid lo llic came , and vo' Ihoii Individual signature they had romlstd to romcd ) the vvc.ik points In the nnk s condition The largest aouico of illuro Is the batik's holdings of the Calumet iliotrle rallvvu > stock , the full amount of hlth cannot now be stated , for It Is dl.s- i ) mul thai a part of such holdings were ot made to appear on tins hooks , but con- ealod in another account , This and other irge and doubtful loans had been called bv licUal letter to the attention of the olllcera nil directors , and specific1 Improvement romlscd a year since. In June last , on the iirfaco ihere had been an Improvemenl lade , but when Hank Cx.unlnei MiKcon , n November 30. examined the bank , he mm ! that the books showed thai llio loan i the- Calumet Clcctrlc conipan > and oilier Inillar loans had been Increased , and Iho romlses of oltlcers and dlreclors had nol cen carried oui Upon Ihls report I pro- .ircd u letter , addrehsed to the piisldent nd dlreclors , which I senl lo iho examiner n December 14 , lo bo lead to them at a icelliig called for the purpose This lellcr 2V lew ml al length Iho condition of Ihe auk , and the falluio of the promlbcs made i bo ftillllled. - It cmphasbcd the position iken by the ofllce that a decided and radl- ll chungo had to he at once made , and otllled iho dlrcclors wlih a full and com Icie anabsls on the part of the examiner t the mailers In the bank demanding at- iiillon. "A largo amount of dimeulty can bo roventcd If those depending on iho banks [ Chicago ami .cliowhore. affected b > the ink's failure , will use good judgment and i ) not work thenuelves Into a stale of inlc. Other banks can bo made lo fall nly ihrough tliofo having fundo with them ecomliiB frightened and making un- ecraiwry demands On the other hand , the anks ought to he careful and prudent In ot unnecessarily calling In the loans of iclr business customer ! " sluirt stop 'fiiiiriiiiiiii'iil .Sciiros. CHICAGO. Pec 21-Jtnificii I'eiltliiH C001 ufoiittid John Tlmioher CZO ) In the after , eon Kiimo of the lloiiiinufr'hllei nhort top billiard lournnmuiil by 'M lo 117 In ID evuiliiK Kiiino John MutthewM Oini ) ,1 , , . ; ate < l William HurrUon C.&O ) by 3M to . " 2 SAYS TAXES ARE SUFFIC1EN' Secretary Oftrlislo Roporla Favorably o the Treasury's ' Condition , DEFICIT DUE TO BIG APPROPRIATION llltiborulo Al Kliniolll 1 * r ! " un led I f tin' 1'ri'slili'iit' * I'l fin' lilt * Hotlroini'iil nt tlie ( i WASHINGTON , Dec. 21 Secrclar Carlisle , In his niimml report on the stat of the finances , ( hews the revenues of th government front all sour cos to have bee : $409,176.103. and the expenditures $131,078 , OBI , which leaves A deficit for the > ca vshlch ended June 30 , 1SOC , of $23,203,215. In addition to the ordinary revenues col lectel during the jcar , the cash In th treasury was Increased by the follow lui sums : Trom the sale of $100,000,000 of per cent thlrtv-vear bonds , $ llllCfl,2K and fiom tie ! IMUO of 1 per cent bonds It liquidation of Intel cst accrued on rcfundlni certificates converted during the Near. $1,130 maMag a total of $111.170,370 As compaied with-the flseat jcar 1S95 the iccelpts for IS'lfi Increased $19 102,203 , o which the following are theprlnciril Itenn of Increase C'n onn , $7SCJ,11 : Inttfi'na revenue , $1.141,192 ; prolltn on coinnKc , lul lion deposltel , etc , ? 1 2" > fiM2 ; postal s-iv-co $3,31i,030. ( There Is rlown to have been i dccrcice In the ordinary expenditures o $4.0I5.32 The rcveniies of the govcrnincil for tin current lltcal > car aio thus estimated upoi the Insls of existing laws 1'rom customs $11S 000,000 ; from Internal revenue , Sl.V ) , 000,000 , miscellaneous FO'ircoi$20,000,000 from postal sen Ice , $ S't,7' > 3120 ; total estl mated lovcnucs , $ I07,79.,120. ! The expenditures foi the same period an estimated at ? 172,28:1,120 : , leaving an cstl mated dctlelencj for the jear of $01,500,000 There estimates of receipts and ex pondltures , the secretaiy fajs , nro maili upon the aiisumptlon that there will be IK substantial change in existing business con dltlons and tint the present scale of publli expenditures will not be i educed IJut ll our ordinary business activity should b ( resumed and the eoiiMimpUon of article- subject to taxation Miould Increase to Its normal proportb-ns there ma > be. In fact the cocrctar > tajs , no dcllclency In 0111 revenues. I'Aicns ui > ct-'unnNCY unroiiM. In his diicusslon of the currtncj qtfcstlor the Eccietary makes en exhaustive aigumcui In fa\or of the retirement from cliculatlor of United States treasury notes , in tin i ourso of wbl'-h be MJS Our expcrlcnco since the resumption ol specie pavmcnta has so thorough ! } ilem enstralel tLe Impollo of attempting U maintain the clreulaMon of the o notes us a permanent pint of oui currency thnt furthe : .ngumt lit upon the question aiems to be 1111 nt ce > ai ) , oM'cpt for the purpose e > f a ili pies liiff thesubjret upon thr attention e < rongres nnd ur ltif ; the prompt ndoptlon o UK h nuusuris as will , within u iciiomb'i lime , eliminate thla element of we.ikncb1 from our Mjstcm The innliiteimnee of a policy which ncces "arllv Imposes upon the governm nt tbi burden of furnl'-hliii ; gold at the public ex pirsc to nil who rmiy demand it for use o lio.irdlm ; at homo or for export to othe < ountrli'S c-annot be justllletl upon air giouml ot expediency or sound ( tunnel t pilnclplo. While the Boverninent hns power to bor row money , It H not Its duty to Issue publli obligations meielv for the purpose of pro % Idlug u tiii' > r curt e > n < y for use In the trans ictloi1 or business , not lm It the constltti tlonnl power , In my oiiliilon , to make It1 promise letrnl tcmiei In the payment o private debts Pue-b a policy even If sanc tioned bv the constitution , Instcid of 1m Darling strcDHtb and Htnbilllv to our cui roney system , sirlously t luLingers It bi the Introduction of political and p irtl-Mi lonildatiitloim Into the niunacrenii'iit uf . subject which ought to be rt'Kiil.itod en tlrcly bv the buslners Interests of , the pee pie and bv the l.nvs of trmle and the prln rlples which control honest commeiclil In torcoursi' . Althougli the actual ability of the gov ornnn nt to redeem Its notes momptly It gold coin mil ) be uudlxpiitcd , still tlu1 qucs tlon .vhrther they will be 01 ought to hi so rod. omed mint alw ivs be open to pulilli iltsciis-lon. an 1 It Is will known tint tin ponstiint asllntloii of this question ilurliu few j us Inn upon Hiveial oci.i slons greatly Impprlleit the safety of oui rntlre c-urrency system So long as tin United State * notes icmiiln In cluulatlor questions as to Iho mock1 and nmiiiu r ol their rt'tlemptlon and as to the mourn ol procuring and malm lining a coin lohcrv-i for tint purpose will bo made politic i ISMIOS and so long as these questions ro imin In politics public eoulldcncc In the stability of our cum iicy niunt be more 01 less disturbed * * u o must not be de luded Into a feeling of security by the fuel that there boon n suspension of golil wltluli iwals durliiR the list few montlu ind a I.IIRO aic sslon to our stQtk of golil from nbroad during the Mime time , bo- < uiso tlioie Is no Fullltlont loison to bp llevo this ronditlon of affairs will bp pei- m input If our existing system Is malntnlncd No svstem of coinage tint can bo devised v.lll furnl-h us with elthor rold or sllvii iinlosa It pivs for It with ine-ans alroadj < olb-otcd by taxation or by contrnellng an lndbtpilnes to be paid for by the people In the future MUST ii'rnnu ciunnNHAcics I am thoroufchl > ( onvlncod the ictlre- moiit and tint illation of United 8tatos notes of both c'a'isos undei such icasonablp Minltntloiu ) nnd re-strlctlons as to tlmo and methods aa congress maj sec piopur to pi escribe or a prutl < nt secretary of the' tren.utiy would adopt In the ( .xuiclso of his oflli lal dlscietloii would not tcsult , oltbei pt'imaneiHIy or tempoiarlly. In an Injuiious tonliiiollo'i of the cuneney. Secietarj Curllslt lonows his iccommen datlou made In hl.i last u-poit that the tiociitai ) of the treasui ) should bo nu- Iborlil to Ibsue from time to 11 in. . bonds pajablo In gold be-arlng Intel- tut ut a nilc not oxntdlng 3 jier ( CMituin ppr annum nnd linvlntr a long time to inn , , iud to exohnngo HII.-II bonds foi United States notes nnd trui ury notis upon such toims as might bo nu st advantageous to the BOVi-riinunt or to s. II the bonds abroad for gold , vvhfiiivci In hu Judgmuit it mlnht bp advlsiblo to do o. and use the gold thus obtained In miking lode mptloim of outstanding notes Ho jl\cs ; In < lotall his loiiso'it fet cnrrjlng this plan Into olfrot Whitevoi jilan mnv be llnally adopted for the letlipment of I'nltod Steles notes mil tit usury notes , sajs the secrotarj. It ulll fall to afford complete protection to the government against demands foi gold n Iho futiiio unit is It liirliiclca i jirovlslon ollovlng the tie.isiiry fiom the obligation : o leiloem n itlonal bank notes , except such is aio worn , mutilated or dofaiod , and the lotei of failed banks , or rcqulus these Ir- itltulioiiH to keip thelt 5 per < int roth mp- .lon fund In told and to deposit gold toln 01 the withdrawal of bonds whpn i-litulu- lon Is to hiincndoiod 01 ndutid See-retury C'aillslo also unew- his recom- nondatlon for suth amendments to the banking laws nx would peimlt the sHUi ) of tlniilatlng notes equal in amount 0 the face value of the ) bonds deposit ! il 1 nil reduce the t.ix oi | notea to one-foul th . , ! lp | , < li'tum per nnuuni , and that an- horllv bo given to ohlabllah brunch banks or the tianmiillon of all kinds of biiHlncss low- allow oil except the Issues of cliculat- HB notes NO NIHD ron MOIJC TAXHS. It Is bt'llcvcd a oaroful consideration of he e.xlMlng conditions nnd a rullmcu upon inpioved luislne'ioi conditions In the futurD ully Justify the i one Union that the e tl- nattd iKIlcloni Irs foi the current veal and iftor Iho > f. ir ISM will not bo loulUfil. un- ess our public oxpr-ndlturt shall be ma- erlnlly IncreaFod bv acts of coutrrtxH , and hat. wllhpropti pconom > In administration inil Kuih 11 diictlaiis In ap'ropilatloni as night bo irado without mttlnunt to the itibllo servIce , the rtnlpts will lit equal to ho dlshursomonts In this Hut , ho-vtver hlH may bo , the condition of the treasury s such that no uveniio Icglslitlon Is Im- luillaU'lj iioceHHiiiy or can buomu niieH- uiv for a consldoiablo tlmo , In order to 'iialilo ' the governmotit promptly to moot ill Its ordinary olilliratlinirt Although the teelptH from the ordinary Hourcpi * of rt o- me ilurlng the last thieo llsi u joara hive ion ! I > HH than the evpondltures , them have Ken at all times Hulllilont avilliblA funds n the treasury to inilnt.iln an clllcloiit pub. Ic Bervltrt and dloh irge the current ubll- atloiiH of the govornme'iit. and no puhllo i editor has bicn doluvcd In the colli ctlon if hlH claims , nor has the ImslncBS of tliu ountr > over bom dlHturbod by a doubt 'oncornliirf the aldllty of thu government to efiay Its ordinary expenses What IH moHt meiKil at proHcnt IH not fore ta.xoH , hut more economy In appioprl.t. Ions and oxpvndltiireii The kriat Inoreaiie In the ordinary ox- ipiidltiircs of the KOU rnmont duiliiB the ist nevcn yours lmi > buon without pri ce- fiit In our hUtory In tlmo of PC no and uuxeilts a utihji-ct which lmp < < iutlvoly do- lamlH thi ) motit norloim connldprnHon of ninrroHs In my Hplnlon , wo hmc rvnched a Itnatlon wblch not only foibldn the fnvor.i- ilo coimlderntlon of nu a urea culuilittd to UKn.i nt our mini il oulliv but vvbUb o' ' vluii l > d > m in Is i thorough rivislm of 01 p. rmnnont at > proprinilon taws an 1 the foiromont of stiii t tionomy In future in mini legislation upon this nublcct Hut titilcus our nlitittnl rpcofptu nro Ii crcniipil bv Improved hiniiiPM oonill'lons i our nnnital exiK-nnlturew arc rcdiioc 1 , a tin vUll nrrlvo vvlvcn provision must bp madp fi additional revvtiup , nnd If the cxp'-udltun of thp Kovorinwnr hatl IIP Incrrnspd by no of oongrosn tint npoonslly for such a nipnnu ; will arliio cnrllw thnn the pie fiit cllu : tlon * i ems to judjcalv. MUST AUANDOX I'lJOTHCTION. On th" ubfct' | of protc-ctlon In this cw nccllon the terttAry savs So lonn ; as Jjfe fni OIUP of the Kovernmct from custonH rfhfl Interiml taxts cxceci Its < > xpenillttiiV4iTiip | fact that protectl\ ilutlrs winiloBtructlve of revenue nlthoiiit eloarly apparent to nil who olnotveit tl practical opiiatlon of the svst'm did m attract the attention ot the public BPiiornll ; Hut the situation has b"i n matiilil ! 1'hniiKed | IIPP lkt > i nnd It'-ieaftit It wl not be podslblo to saeilflce tivonue to pn ti-cflon without sprlou ly omlurrKnliiK tl llscal altnlrs of the Koveinment by d privln It of an 1m ome sulllt lent to ilifinvlt * i" ppudlturps If the usual proportion of th Income Is hereafter to bo derived from taxt on Importi d Roods the tirotoctlvo Ihoor must bo abandoned as the bi ls of our legl1 tntlon upon the sulijoc t and a \\.ll cot sldcred and consistent revenue must bo sul stltiitcd In Id pi icp , and , In mv onlntoi this can bo done without material Infury t any tr.ulo or Industiy now existing In th country. The daiiFor of a laigo forelmi compotlllo In our homo in-irket and the alleged h turlous cffi ( ts ol such competition upon tli Interests of domestic labor hive not enl IIPPII groitly ovaggoiatod In the pnst In are less now than at anv tlmp hototofoi nnd must continue to grow | P S horoiftoi In view of the compatatlvolv small an constantlv dcoroi lim pint of our 1 iborln population that could bo affictod even b > icpoal of all dutlps n movement for the In position of hlulter duties on Impartiil good cinnot bo Kirnnlril as juitlllnblc upon au of the prounds iihuillv urpod In support c snob nu-nsiiroi by the advocates of the pic toctlve theorv After furnishing llgurcs to bear out hi statements the sccictnry goes on If this \lovv ot the ptibjcit Is coiroot , It I evldont that new oblocts of tax itlon null Includid In our tariff schedules , or the at tempt to secure- the usual proportion of n\ tnuo from ciiHtoms must IIP nlunilnncil in some other method of lalslng niiaiis to sup port the government must bo adopted When the true principles of taxation nr recognized and applied In our ll oil login la tlon thiro will bo no dltllcultv In set-in In , an airplor n venue for tbo Fitpnort of th iLovorniuont In the pxoicl e of all Its propo functions without subjecting out Industrlo to Inlurloiis and unnectshary buidenn am Injurious restrictions iioisu HI.JIUTS TTnn.oncr. iin.i , i-nvf ( < ( inislili-r Iiniiilurriitliii Mlirnrt Slilislltlllo Dofi-ll ( oil. vA'ASIIINOTON , Dec 21. Iho house tcda ; practically completed the coiiolder.atlon o tl.o legislative , executive and Juilio'ary np Itoprlatlan bill , but fiiul ictlon v 111 not bi taken until lomoriow. Alnmat the vhole di' : was e'evotcd ' to a debate on the iiovlslon o tlio bill i elating to lao con'rol of the nev congicsfelonal llbrarj. Doth the aipripila tlons and library committees offered plan- for the future taio of the bull ling. Afsor i acrimonious ootHei/ , the appio pilatlona commltteo galuo ! tli > vlctoiy , de fcatlng the substitute for 'he li'orar > co > n nilttetbj a votp of 27 * o S"i An amend mcnt dcslRncd to plncj the omploua of tin libiary under thc lvll crvho liw was alsi defeated , 27o 73 U.itcr the provuion o the bill , as ndoptctl. Librarian Spoftord vvll cfintlnue In oillce with .111 Inci use In salar ; by from JI.OOj to f 5 000. The pcn.ito naciid menta to the Imml ritlon bill 'vera nomcn curled In and a confei"n ftgretd to. lit. Dnrtlioldt , chairman of the Immlgra tlon committee. fccAight to have the bill n.v amendment recominltted to bla committee and In the couruo of Ills icmarl.s , rcferrci to the fact that the foiclgn-bon population .of the United State had turned , . the ncalrc . In novcio states for "hound money and protection ' In speaking to hU motion ho said the bll " 3 It piuspd , the [ louse was a comprotn'm and was satUfactpr to the extremists 01 both sides Tbceqvho believed as he dli that all peoplesliould be given the light o asylum bore hod accepted the bill to proven the passage ot a. harsher measure. Ho opoki of the "vlctqry for sound money" won a the last ) electloa and attributed It largely ii the Icjaltv sound nen o and patriotism" o the adopted citizens. who , he tald had turned ' theV scale In lial a doyen states toward McKinley am protection The position of the foreign pop. illation at the late election , ho said , hail been a complete refutation of the charges BO reoklenslv inutlo before as to the danger * involved In unrestricted Immigration While those who believed with him wen roadv to accept the bill at the last session man } of the Herman-Americans and otboi natiii. allied citizens now believed that in view of the fact that thej had at the elec tion "saved the patty nnd the countrv" they should be granted Immunity from anj icstrlctivo mcasuies Vet , ho said , the sen ate purposed to Increase the harshness of the bill Ho then took up the senate amend ments. seriatim , and entered his objections He ridiculed the educational test provided for In the senate amendment It was ab surd ho said , to ask a ( icrmaii or Iilsh serv ant gill to load nnd write flve lines of the constitution The constitution was dltllcult of comprolu nslon The application of the test should bo left to tba executive olllcers In his opinion Mr Danford , republican of Ohio , contested .Mr Hartholdt's motion with ono to non concur in the senate amendments nnd agree to a conference Mr W A. Stone , repub lican of Pennsylvania , gave It as his opinion that owing to the shortness of the bcsslon to send the bill back to the comml'tee voulu oound Its dcathkncll He earnestly urged the adoption of Mr Uanford's motion Mr. Call , republican of Massachusetts , and Mr. Wllhon , democrat of South Carolina , sup ported the Uanford motion as the onlv method of securing legislation at this ue.i aioti. aioti.Mtssrs Ilowars , republican of California Willis , republican of Delaware , nnd Pooto republican of Now- York , argued In favci jf Mr Danford'p motion Mr Ilni tholiU's motion was defeated vvltb- ) til division and Mr Uanford's motion to lancot'cur and bend the bill to conference A as adopted. The fipenkcr appointed Mcssra. Unrtholdt > f Missouri , Danfoid of Ohio , and Wilson of outh Carolina , confcrers on thu part ot tlu louae. The house then \\fi\t Into commit co of the whole and spent the remalndei ) f the day In the consideration of the Icgls atlvo appropriation bill. The house ad- ourncd at C 07 p m _ .m.i.ixc I'.VcTFic iuTvos noxns. Vvmi-il > Mailent I'rlri'M YV'lile-li All lilllllVfttlllll I'll I' . WASHINGTON , Dec , 21. Proposals for ho piiichnao of J2.7SO.OOO first inortgaFC muds of llio Centre ! I'.iclfic , Union Pacific mil Kansaa PaeMtlc railroads , now constl- nting a part 06 llic sinking fund of Iho Central Paclffft riihvaj , were today opened it the Treasury * Department. There wo'o en bids for * ! lie whole or a part of the imount offered at various prices. Among ho bids vvasOjneHroielved some dajs ago lotn J P Mprknnjft Co offering prr with nlirtat for all 01 none , m'klng $102 f > fi The compulsions made Ihls ovenlng by lie ticaBury * fili'als Miow Iho bcsl bids ccclved were'he follow lug Spejcr S. Co , few York. Ctjiti.o ; Pacinc of 1897 , $218.000 , t par and attruet ] Intcicst , Spojcr & Co , amo of isno , $1' < JOOOO at ? 100.f 0 and ac- rued lnterestj(3vulin ( I.oeb ft Co , Now 'ork Union Pacific , IMC and 1SS7 , $318,000 , I $10105 , same bfjiWS and 1899. $010000. nt 10T 30. sumo Itansas Pacific of 1S90 , $142.000. t $101 , Aslll & Co New Yoik , Kansas Pa- Iflc , 18H3 $ iroaOrat JlOu.Cl. Theio awards vero made tttdajV AY I MIJ > I'.U ITK THl'ST ' . ( ITKH. All- Iliorll ) ( o Ilii' ( .in orinnciil WASHING TON. Dec. 21. Senator Pott. row today Introduced the following joint solution- IUsolved , Thai thesicrotary of the lonHiii ) bo and U herobv dliputcd to pay n the holdi-rs of the Union I'aclflo Half. , a ) company 0 pir font trust nntoH , the mount duo tin icon nnd take poiUintiMloil of ho bonds ami stoi ks now held an aa- iirltlos for said noton , e.iM liondH anil tnrkH In-lntf the property of the Union ' .iclllc Hallway comoiiny Tor the purjiow of carrying out the pro- luloilH ot this apt tho-sum of $10CQ0.Ml , nr ci much thereof as may bo nocoiiaury , U ereby appropilatcd , ytc. ( ilMI II .lull III ItllHKlll , WASHINGTON. Dec. 21. Dr. Herman lolcilth has been aw aided thu contract ir the technical part ot tha Imperial Httn- Ian census \\OIUC O ! ' 11113 I.XIIOItI'M'IM ( rcdriatlinii1nptN u l.uruo Itntoh n 11 ni'i-1 In ill-oils 11 < " < iil u 11 on n. CINCINNATI nee 21 When the Amrr lean rederatUm of Inbir convention Bcmblpd today for the seventh dav'a there were m n > vacant sent * , an some of tin dclcKnlrn returned home jesterday. Chairman Dtinean of tlu commltteo 01 law recommended an amendmpiit reiiulrlnj that coplea of all renoluttona of a gcnew chaiMctcr or proposed ntiu'iidiiu'tits to th comtlttlllnn br tetu to the secretary tni we ks In advancetor eonaldeMtlon by tin jsp.ieral olllcors and the ulllccrs of the differ out ttadeo unions and that no such amend inenta can llrwt ho offered In the conventto ; except by a consent of two-thirds of On delegates. After n lout ; discussion the report port waa adopted The law committee teported favorably ot Hip defense fund resolution , which Increase ! the dues to CO cents per capita per month Adopted Krsolutlona were adopted against any strce cars not earning malls , having marked 01 the cars the word * , "t'nlled States Mall , ' for governmental control ot telephone nm telegraph ; for revoking romnilFdlons of al orginlzeis and authorising the Issue of new commissions , for the mori- vigorous Invest ! Uatlon of defectIve armor plates for wai nhlM | and for the government to cstabllsl Its own works for making such plates. lUsoluttoiM were adopted rccognblng onlj such musical unions as are aillllatod with tin American redn uton of Musicians , for tin establishment of a state printing benne foi Ohio , against lining any special souvenir publications In the Interest ol otvaiihtd labor , owing to the lomplalnta against faklw , win get contracts from loci ! unlom and use the name of the union lor their schomra Hcsolutloiid.ero ndnnte-d recommending the percentage tnstem of dues In placf o ( mnnthb dues ; ofTirlns aid and evmiiathy to the Ilrewera' union In Its content with tie ! Knlghta of Labor , recommending tint unions send out iMs swords e-veiy three montl'n on Is suing t ix receipts , endorsing the effoits o ( all organisations working for Sunday ob servance , foi a law in Ohio icqulrlng station ary inglneera to have licenses , for govein- mpntal control of all means of communica tion nnd traiiifortatlun The tlmo of the afteinoon cession was principally occupied 11 a llsoimton of the leport of the special comn Ittt-r- tin li.iiiilgra- tlon liofore tint report , however , a motion to glvo the executive council authority to u o not to exceed $1,000 to aid the Interna tional Label liagueIn organizing was adopted The object ot this league Is to pro mote the use ot the products of union labor The report of the special committee on Inauguration was read Lv Mr. J P. Me- Oulro of Philadelphia Instead of reporting a bill It recommended that the Lodge bill , now pending In congress , bo passed , and that this bill have Hie recommendation of the Amcilcan redcratlon of Labor to congress and furthermore that the executive coun cil bo empowered and directed to employ a competent attorney to draw a bill on the 10- strlction of Immigration to be picsonud to congress with the petition that It bo paw d A moil ! : the piovlslona of the proposed bill were these That foreign consuls bo emigra tion agents to pass upon the qinlltlcatlous of emigrants before they set out for this country , that all emigrants rciclvod hero should bo lequlred within a icaponable time to become niturallzed cltlrons , that paupers nnd criminals be excluded , that an educa tional test bo required ; that penalties for violation of the alien contract law lie In- crcas-d. This icport amended to icfor It to Hie executive committee with Instruc tions to the council to refer It to all the omiiatcd unions and that Its fate depend upon their aggregate decision In this shape the icport was adopted by 30 to 22 It met some opposition In debate Convention ad journed till 7 30 tonight The night section bated nearly three hours. A resolution declaring the oensc of the con volition In favor of the public ownership ot such corporatloia as require franchises waa adopted A resolution lequcstlng the rom- mltteo at Washington to not rcpoit the "Lor- Inier bill" until nf'or a confercn'-o with a committee from themetlean reiteration or Labor adopted After reconsidering the it-solution already adopted to keep a. legisla tive committee of two at Wasblnijton to look after labor interests nnd amending It to make n. committee- one Instead of two , Mr. .lolio rcrscth of the Seamen's International union was clicien cs that committee of one , his headquarters to bo with the national head quarters at Washington The Intermtloaul Libel league organl/eri tonight , with John H Tobln , chairman , and the following executive committee John D Tibln , ox-olllclo ; Jo'in C Ocrne-11 Ilarrv Mas-Hi , John Phillips. W Pox. At 10 15 the convention adjourned sine die , gave tlnce cheeiiR , sang , "Auld Lang Sjne" and dis persed. DECISIONS iiv TIM : sirmr.iu coi HT. Knllronil'N Tltlo tn n llrlilKi * AorosN I bo VIl-cNlssliipl Alllrini-il. WASHINGTON , Dec 21. The decision of the circuit court for the northoin district of Illinois In the CMO of thu United States j < igaimU the Chicago & Hock Island Hatlwav | company , which had been In favor of the i : nmiiany , was alllrmed by the Mipremo bench today bv a divided court The case was an ictlon on the part of the government to re- ? ovr for the uoo of the bridge across the Mississippi river at Hock Island The court alllrmed Hit ) verdict of the su- ; uome > court of New Mexico In a case In iihich. If no other proceedings arc allowed , ivtil itsult In the execution of four men In : hat terrltc rj The ) aie Tranc'sco Dorrcgo , \ntonlo Hoi re go , Lauriano Alarld and Pat- lela Valencia , v ho are under sentence of leath for the murder of Francisco Chaves In Santa To count ) In 1S')2 ' The case waa ap- icnlcil to the supi emu court on nn allegation if error , but the court decided the proceed- ngs In the territorial tourts to bs regular mil alllrmed the flndlng , which was against ho pilsoncm Hc-nilis of < i Dllj. ORD , Neb. , Pec 21 ( Special ) William iluirls , a prominent farmer of Valley county , Iropped dead front heart dheaso In the Tran- ilt house this morning The deceased \ < as in old Keltler lieu- , having 01110 from llll- lols , and was quite wealthy. L1TTLIJ HOCK , AtDec. . 21 Colonel N. , V. Cox , a-vcry piomlnont citizen of Little lock. Is dead He wen a brothcr-ln-Iaw of issociato Jtutlto Ilre\.ei ot tbo ITnlted Statcj upremo court ) lHiiipiilii ( < * il I.OVI-I'H Dimlilo Crlmo. CrHUCN.SlH'Ha. Ky. Utt 21-Linn Hates if Montlcello noir here- , attempted to kill ils fathtr , but his aim w is bid Hi- thin m nod hlx pistol to his he ul and lommlttid uloldo Ills father oiiposed his [ to hu gill of his choice' . i/pVTiirirv PIPX i\ KliMUCIii HliM ) Negro Strung TJi ] by n Mob for n Oriu Cotninitted Ln3t Montli , MRS , GREENE'S ' ASSAILANT PUNISHE Jim stoutIN limitnu ICxsiiniili- Afli-i- 'I'nlii13 oiniliiiv .Slmlliir Tronlmfiil hlne'iIII - I't-i'iu-- luitvil ( InA MAYSVIU.E , Ky. , Deo. 21The > negro Jit Stone , accused of criminally rmsanltltu ; Sir J. M. U. Grcpno at her residence- thl city four weeks ago , vva taken from Ja ! bore early this morniiiB by a tnob of masku men and hanged to n tree. Stone was brought Into this olt > jestcida morniiiB In ehaico of W. A Cook and V , E. I'sher The prisoner lies brin In Ioul vlllo for safe keeping for the pagt two week * His trial was cot for Tuesdav December 22 , In the circuit conn H J. Morgan nnd ( ttia Thoma had been appointed to defend the negro b the court and wore In close consultation him ncaily iho enllro day. Slone w.i charged wllh crlinlnnll.v assaulting Mrvi J M. H. Grcrno at her lesldonce In thin cl ( ; on the night of November 21 He waa at rested bv Sheriff Cook the d > after th ciline was committed Stone denied his gul t but the evidence wns ovciwhelming ! ) aialiu him. His preliminary heating was hot fo tlu > 27tl and the prisoner taken to th county jail for safekeeping On lite aflet noon of iho 2."lh the olllcers \ lilted the j il to pievall upon Stone to walvo examination lie w."s bound over to await the action o the gum ! Jury without trial. l.nst nlghl al 10 10 n mob of about fiOt maskeel men assembled a few hundred j.anl' f i out the court house and marched to tin count ) jail and after broking the donit of the prlion , ontired and seemed the negro He was carried to the courl 'anl and swuni : up lo a limb al 2 o'clock , and several of Hit mob tired shots thinuph his hod ) llio jailer attempted to defend the ingro bul Iho mob demanded the vlellm In siuli a manner lint Iho Jailer gave him np The negro made a statement to the offei t lliai anolhcr IICRIO commlllod Ihe crime , but the mob paid no attention to his would The negro offered up praji'r while knives were being plunged Into his bed ) but to no avail The nun weio coi.vlnced of his guilt A pl.aeaul was pinned on his bnd > an nounelng that ho nhould not be taken dim n until IIOOM today nnd several othir nogroia who rcsl lo In the clt > were advised to take fair vain'nif LEAVEN\\OUTII Knn . Dec 21-Prank Garrison , who nhot Prank I'll I. h on nn Island In the Missouri river south of this city Thursday , was tunl'iht taken fiom Iho eo mtv Jail lo the United States penitent ! irv to prevent him from being Ivnchod shi'iltT Uothcnberger was warned thai mobs fiotn bolh Kansas and Missouri would ti > to git [ t.anlaon late tonight Theio is a legal qurs tlon Involving the right to trj Gairlsou now pending _ IM.W nnriJVTs HIM.Y trcviirm. Our TOIIIIIIJ ( tt'ls ( lit * Mi-11 IT of ii ItntliiT llnril < , iiiiii' . HUITALO , N. Y , Dec. 21 Tomni ) llvnn of Sracuse won the fight from Dili ) Mc- Cailhy of Australia in seven rounds before the > Emplio Athletic club lonighl Hnn weighed 145 and McCarthy 1GJ pounds The first round was decidedly In Uvnn's favor. The fccennd round proved a surpilso lo Ihe SvraoiiEo boy McCailhy salb-d In nnd foughl lt > nn almosl lo a hlandstill Tvvlco Ilyan vent to the floor , once from a savage uppemit andagain to t'suipo pun ishment McCarthy starlcd the third round with another wicked iippercut Then Hva'i ml\cd tilings up In a manner to delight tbo [ rovvd He hit MiC.arthy on Ihe head and face wllh right and left apparontl > as ho pleased. In Iho fourth Itan hud It all bn DVVII way , hitting JlcCarthy when nnt ivhorevcr ho pleased In Iho fifth and dxih hit ns he Jioso , bill his blows soen-od 10 lack the strength for n knockout Aftci , v.o minutes lighting In the seventh tht cfcrcc stopped Iho light McCaitliy was too A oak to go any fuithcr , and Hnn got the Icclslon. TiMloi'n Trntlirnidirliril. . KANKAKUE , III.- Dee 21-Sheriff Hor- iler of Knnkukee count ) linn "elml Joe ' .lichen , the fnmous pioer , and foit- Ighl ollitr lioltlng anil pii-tni ; horses mil colts The nttnebmi nt in fnvoi if Iho Oommeielal National bank ami the 'liloigo 'J Itlo nnd Tiust oompinv. .is n- elvors , ami ! iills foi ever ? llWi ( .loo 'atehni ami tbo ether slock wore ilu > irop.'rly of John O. Taylor of St houls , tut lo tiansforii'd tin m to bis biiithoi osiph Tavloi of Snu Antonio , ' \\x \ , nbont mo Mm ago , nftfi giving n ilmttol moil- ; .ifp ( on tin in to the Third National built if St I.ouls Icfarlnnil'H.OII'N | | e'liiilli'iuv. SAN PUANriSCO. Doe 21-Tlio ibil- CIIKO Ifsued bv Otto /Celtjlci , Jr , tbo iiiuk ! in Jose eyellst and ono of tbo Hist tin Idois In the country to n strlos of m iti hates atos , with any ilder on tbo im-t , on ho San JohC track , for n pimn nf Jl ( * * > r any pan of that amount. Ins In i n in ptttl by 1'lovd A McK.irlnnd nlso of Inn Jose If Holeler net'epts , ami ho no .oulit will , the raioa will take pl.iei about he end of J.inuniy C. A. V. rapliiln Sii.-il IM \Viiinan. . CHICAOO. Pee -William Halo Tbomp- on , captain of the Chb ngo Athb tie i lub aot ball team , has booii sued for JIDHOU for roach of promise by Jonnlo P Hu'i-iln"Jii f J'oekshlll. N Y Thompson ln l ts 0 never pave tini the " ' 1'htt st iMHon lo belli vi that ho would "bo wlllln , ; i ) nuirrv ber. " Ho saja it is a i.nao of laekmiill CnrM'i nnil \\I | > HOII n Tie. CHICAGO. Di'A 21 - The seioml ami third f the Korles of live blid in in Ins In t voi n ) r Carver ind John Winston of v.isliln ; ; - 311 Ind , won shot today , t'nvi vvlnn'n ' ; oth matches by wortH of 17 to II unit 1 to 1 The m n are now ivtn on i unis wun nil the toneludlng ma'c'hea will lu .sliot to- loirow. S4i < iiK' ' > I'lui'l. . e'niililn'l \\lii. Ni\V : YOIIK Dec -Chaihy Stionj. the lui ky t-olorid bo\ei of Niwnik. N J , w 11 ncikeil out In tin nlnoti onlb round tonlKbt ifuri the Itionlwiv All lotlo i lub by big 011 AiniHtioiirf of I'bk.iK'J Stlong'H vvoik an cli vi i , but In- was outclassed In height , i Uht .mil u tch THE BEST NATURAL APFRIENT WATER , Bottled nt the UJ HUNYAjJl Spring , Buda Post , Hunfinry. "Ccnlle , Lilt satisfactory In ill action. Kmari.ibla lor itT rlclmew in in3inir.ium ; lulpliatc , exceeding tliat ol oil ollur bitter v.atcrf aluajs of tliu sninc sttciiiti ; ! , wlncli i , of course , n matter of [ jrcat imjwrta.ict ; . " AVw Yoi'i MtJital Jail lul "A much-esteemed purgative viatrr. " " Its composition Isionatant. The | raciitioncr h thus enabled to pruciibe cUriniiu ( juaiitititJ fur elcfiniic results. " "A Natural \Yatcr. " Tie Laattt. " Afforrls llio ; e pttaranlccs of uni'orm slrcamth and cnipposilioii vvhich have Jor been \rantinj ; in ( lie lic-si-Knuwn llwivnli vtatcii..1 " A ucaltc to tl.u jialatc. " " Lxccp. tionr.lly tfiicadous. ' Dniisl. Mtdicaljowi'a ! , "Tins Water may bo classed with the best Aperient Watcn and he jironounrcd oae uf the f > troiigc t. " Proftnor Oscar I.tdirtiJi , University of Uerlln , Prirna : 1C cents ami C ccntn pnr bottle , OF ALL UKUCGISTS AND MlKKKAl. tt'ATKK DEALERS. THE APOLLfNARIS COMPANY , LIMITED. BUG that the Label bears the well-known RED DIAMOND Mark of THU APOLMNAKIO COMPANY , Liwrrao. Employed at the leading HOSPITALS in Nr.w YORK , ISosi'ON , PIIII.AUKI.IMIIA , DAI.IIMORB , CIIICAOO , etc , , and at the | jrJnc ! al in ENGLAND. A rlck wotit.iti can not e xpi el to have n hea'thv ' h.ibv An tin- hralthv Inbv has not tin same chance ferns ns n htalihy The mother's coiulttion must of nece.sity tell on the child's health anil happiness. The laws of hfredityaro infK x- ible. The in illior weakness will Miiely nliovv in somt w iv in her child A molher cnn make her thilcl - life huppv anil success , fill , or mist rable anil a f illnre She can elo 11 by miking and keeping liorself pi ifoetly sttotij ; nnd In altlu elurnnr llu pi rloil of pi M- tation She can ilo this by taking Doctor rietce's l-'awititc Vie eiiplion It Is n mot wonderful cure lor all tot nn of female weak ness and disease , and pcihaps Its irrontest usefulness H In ing foi Ihe uinls nnil duice'ts of chilil birlb U is a * tu mjtlu ti- ing pillifv ing tonic It act * ditecllv on the oiifutis tlislinctlv feminine , iliivcsont all im purities , promotes rcguluitv and rt toies neatlv v Unions health It will posilivily cure any lorm of female vvcakm ssonlisuise. H is preparation of a regular , medical practitioner whose iicnl success ps .1 spe- cialisl in the treatment of eliscascs of women lias made him fatuous all over the world. Ir Piciee is now , and hns been for thirly jcars. chief consulting ph > sunii in Uie Invalids' Hotel anil Sut ' ' liiHtitnte , nt Hnffalo , N Y Complctcinforinntlonnhont Ihe'Tivonlc t're- fcrlpllon 'Is tn tic found In lr I'l roes 'Com- mon seme M Adviser , " scviruKliiplnsor which me dcv it id to the re , productive phvsuil.jv ofvvonien A I in Uonit voliunoot luSpi i-s and over \ It cent ilns nuiri FMC | in- lorinnllan nlwut the human txiilv In lieilth nnd disease than anv nllitr ni'illcnl liook Itinidu da of nvrfnt , .Ini'vli- receipt for the cure ol m-mv nit inriils that come to o.rv r.inul ) Its suitcniints are lo hi absolute ! } ttbril upon , nnd il follmicd will save mail ) a ilnctoi s bill A ntvv cdillon of liilf n inllllivi cojnrs of this Ixiok ts uovx liciiii ; illhtrili itfd free Imiiiul in strong paper covcra Anv one nmv hue n o > p\ who \ nll.end 71 cents In one-rt'nt Mainps to piv cost of nnilini * on/t , lo Worlds D pinsin AUdlcal Associ ttlon , Ituf falo , N Y I 01 iii c' Hi bltulioc is n cents GaL"l3S & srcciuisis is Xeivons , Chronic nn I Private Diseases , m idi SLXUMIV. Hit Private Din juij Di iiiulcrHof Mon Ircntnieiit t > v mall Consult itluu frro SL5 § Cured for life and the pols n thoionir'iljr ' clcanscil fiom Ihis ny-iem I 11 US K 1ST OLA , and KIX'lAIj Ul.iM HH 1IU1U ULrH and VAHIl'ricum pi unaneiitly mnl HUO- cessfully eured Jtetboil now and uiifnlllnn STRiCTUBEAIDGLEiiI(1tri ? ( ! ; By new method without pain or cutting : . Call on or address with stnmp , Dr. Scarlcs Seailcs 19 s i ith st . , Omaha. Nch- Tholisnijil for ( Trailc Mark ) ACCIDENT TICKETS. * "niirilt j Co ill ii ii ii y- tit inournnco , $1,000 for $1.00 , ( o men or UIIIIIIMI , btlweca 13 imil 10 Jtaia uf IIM. ' , nmlnat > lirct AiclJelits n-fool. or un Uicycks , Hoieta , VuKonu , HHI-JC lam. ItiillrunU c.iru. l kintcJ , trlil e , 1rolle } unit I Hhle cars Huuiiuhtus , Mi rtinl'oats nnil Stonni r-rtlCH J100 f0 ii | > oil'i-i1 vltli tiltInmranro I'pimrtiiifiil nf the tnto ol Jew Tork for tlio pccurtty of IliiIncuicil. . Vor Sale by Chas.Kaitfiiinnu , 1303 UoURtan Stltct Tel. tW Gnmlm N > b. You've Been Robbed lit trpncth , Utility ami tni-iBj. Vnnr ilcan.t ulilihto reco\LT tlicsu power . will no the \\orli. 'Hies- fred tli lirnln inil nirvi' ' si nl ilihlH blond himdlnu tliro' you ; \rln- . tnni.lli n mid iiiiii'Mie \ \ , m tire i tidy. 1 hti f/f , i , ( / / itrnrJorf r $1.00 Per Bos , 6 Boxes , $5.00. A Iwil in innt c to eurn or rt fnni ! 'I i IIIOIH j u ith t\ * r ' i11 riler Adi'r ' s riifrmcr , t UcCorialt lliui : i"o. 1513 Iloilsa St. Grnahn ? .i \ - \ \ \ SIMI\'I : s. ltr.UUI.Alt rit i.\ IIOt'M ! ! , . M Crawford MUI I'llt'-I U TOWICHf AT O5. 14 iuih un 1 bo in < i iy &co THS AtVJ.EHIOAi'GIRL [ ( . r. liDbl Ait Iho l.i Jt Ainiihan llilslkr. O oft r < u. r\ 1 h , itH t c ant VJi I , M Crawford , Mm. NKilllK-J MA1IM I < iV1 > jM | ; IMJ 'I lull Milnj , Di com In r : M. INI.i : I'liiUtiiuiH hiiiiiiauv iiii'l him lay. 'tin hc l of all Mil limn i' Shadows of a fircat City. .lull , i Htuiiit In bn mutliiii of Si Illo n ii ' 1 HeKi i \t 1 t * < His S i 1 1 in nuti n , ik ( ! > if 2S-8a\el f u m lit Un" 'JIGHT null orUXOWr 'iho Now \ yrk ' istu i M THE IiA'D'Z Murlo l-invrltT 1'in P Iv anil oj ' K' ItH IIUW nil null' . ' . I In , ilOl II 00. TIIII l"l. ' I. If'M IVjY Itlfp'unanui lllll LKl'.lljil lUiN IMMO'/ 4 IIUCillS Time Nlu'itH ' , t'btiiliii'lii iiiK 'i IK KM > vnice iviniit : ti : , ruimr > iV l.i I 1. 1 n New } < ' ! ( I .mlnii Hu < < in TMlE I ES-i i .llntliK'i'M ( lii lulniiir nniln RlUt * IIUW Illl M.ll . P 'I Tr. JI IHI U c 7 J n < > \ \ .sun AI in % M.I .M i oMfv " " BARKER HOTEL" 'CmTII AM ) .IIIMiS S'lltl.CTS , 1 < U ri > umii bulbil nlPiini liiui Hint nil nuiliin toiuciili'iii n Kalm , tl IiO Hint * 'tw l"-r duy. Table mn'Millul Hunulul I'u niton in iiKulau bimrdom KJtANK IHJ/I'IJiJI. Slur.