Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OarATTA DATLY BEE ; S AJIltTR I ) AY , 28. 1800.
, AiuPAicNiN ( ; WITH GRAN :
The Great Captain Sketched Whllo on
Duty in the Field
Ilrforc nnil Aflrr HIP Ilnttlc of Uic
IVIIil nieHU The Inrvltnlilf Clttnr
nnil ( In ; Whittle .Slick
Awful SCL-IICM. i
) The current number of Century pub-
llshcs another Installment of General Hor-
nco I'ortcr's "Campaigning with Grant. " I
treats of the llattlo of the Wilderness and
! the events preceding and following that tor-
rlblo contest. These events arc sketched
In part , as follows :
The members of the headquarters mess
eoon nftcr assembled to partake of n hasty
breakfast. The general made a rather sin
gular meal preparatory to so exhausting
n day as that which was to follow. Ho
took a cucumber , sliced It , poured some
vinegar over It , and partook of nothing
clso except a clip of strong coffee. The
drat thing he did after rising from the table
was to call for a fresh supply of cigars.
His colored servant , "Kill , " brought him
two dozen. After lighting ono of them ho
filled his pockets with tlic rest. Ho then
went over to the knoll , and began to wall
back and forth slowly upon the cleared
portion , of the ridge.
As the general felt that ho could bo found
moro readily , and could Issue his orders more
promptly , from the central point which ho
had chastn for his headquarters , ho re
mained there almost the cntlro day. Ho
would at times walk slowly up and down ,
but most of the day ho sat upon the stump
of a tree , or on the ground , with his back
leaning against a tree. Thu thread glovra
remained on his hands , a lighted cigar was
In his mouth almost constantly , and his
penknife was kept In active use whittling
sticks. Ho would pick up one small twig
after another , and sometimes holding the
small end away from him would rapidly
Hlmvo It down to a point ; at other times
he would turn the point toward him and
work on It as If sharpening a lead pencil ;
then ho would glrdlo It , cut It In two , throw
It away and begin on another. Wo had
long been accused of being a nation of
whltilers , and this practice on the part of
such n conspicuous representative American
seemed to give color to the charge. IIo
seldom Indulged In this habit lu subsequent
The occupation played sad havoc with the
thread gloves , and bcforo nightfall several
holes had been worn In them , from which his
finger nails protruded. After that day the
gloves disappeared , nnd the general there
after went without them in camp , and wore
the usual buckskin gauntlets when on horse-
bnrk.r It was not till the Appnmnttox cam
paign that another pair of thread gloves
was donned. 'There was a mystery about
the use of those gloves which was never
entirely solved. The Impression wns that
Kirs. Grant had purchased them , and handed
them to the general , before ho started from
Washington , and that cither In deference
to her , or because ho had n notion that the
olllcers In the eastern armies were greater
sticklers for drcfr-s than those In the armies
of the west , he were the gloves continuously
for the first three days of his opening cam
paign lu Virginia ; that Is to say , as long
as they lasted under the wear aud tear to
which he subjected them.
* *
A little to the east of the crossroads stood
the old Wilderness tavern , n deserted build
ing surrounded by a rank growth of weeds ,
nnd partly shut In by trees. A few hundred
yards to the west , and In the northwest
angle formed by the two Intersecting roads ,
was a knoll from which was n second
growth of scraggy pine , scrub oak , and other
timber. The knoll was high enough to af
r ford a view for eomo little distance , but
Gladness Comes
With n better understanding' ' of the
transient nature of the inuny phys
ical ills , which vanish before proper of-
fprls gentle efforts pkmantcflorts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
Uio knowledge , tlmt KO many forms of
bidmcss arc not due to any actual dis
ease , but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system , which the pleasant
family laxative , Syrup of Figs , prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with mlllionnof families , and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effects are duo to the fact , that it is the
ono remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
nil important , in order to get its bene-
fiuitil effects , to note when you pur
chase , that you have the genuine arti
cle , which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig SyVup Co. only and sold by
nil reputable druggists.
If in the enjoyment of peed health ,
nnd the system is regular , laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
alllicted with any actual disease , one
may bo commended to the most skillful
physicians , but if in need of a laxative ,
ono should have the best , and with the
well-informed everywhere , Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
U33d aud gives most general satisfaction.
Agcnls ,
WM T.Wooa&Co.'sCc'cbrateil
Ice Tools.
Jns. Morton < S Son Co. ,
Wrlto for Cutalosuo. O.V.A1IA , NHU.
Sot Tooth , 85.00.
Teeth Extracted without pain
Alloy nnd idlvor tilling , 11.00.
I'ure gold fillings , ! up.
Gold CrowiiB , 12 let. , W to fS.
DAILEV , the
TEL. 1085.
10th and I'uruam Bis-
the outlook was limited In all directions
by the most Impenetrableforcet with Its
interlacing trees and tangled undergrowth.
The ground upon which the battle was fought
was Interneclcd In every direction by windIng -
Ing rivulets , rugged ravlnrn , and ridges of
mineral rock. Many excavations had been
made In opening Iron-ore beds , leaving
pits bordered by ridges of earth. Trees hail
been felled In a number of places to furnlnh
fuel and supply sawmills. The locality
Is well described by Itn name. It was a
wilderness In the most forbidding sense of
the word ,
Warren's troops were driven back on n
portion of his line In front of general head
quarters , stragglers were making their way
to the rear , the enemy's shells were begin
ning to fall on the knoll where General
Grant was seated on the stump of a tree ,
nnd It looked for n whlto as If the tldo of
Imttlo would HWCCP over that point of the
field. IIo rose slowly to his feet , and stood
for a tlmo watching the scene , and mingling
the smoke of his cigar with the smoke of
battle , without making any comment. Ills
horse wns in charge of an orderly Just be
hind the hill , but ho evidently had not
thought of mounting. An officer ventured
lo remark to him , "Ocncral , wouldn't It bo
prudent to move headquarters to the oilier
Hide of the Gcrmannn road till the result
of the present attack Is known ? " The gen
eral replied very quietly , between the puffs
of his cigar , "It strikes me It would be bet
ter to order up some artillery and defend
the present location. " Thereupon n battery
was brought up , nnd every preparation
made for defense. The enemy , however ,
wns checked before ho reached the knolV.
In this Instance , ns In many others , the
general was true to the motto of his Scot
tish ancestors of the Grant clan : "Stand
fast , Craig Kllachlc. "
Whllo the most critical movements were
taking place General Grant manifested no
perceptible anxiety , but gave hla orders and
sent nnd received communications with 11
coolness nnd deliberation which made a
marked Impression upon those who had been
brought into contact with him for the first
tlmo on the field of battle. Ills speech was
never hurried and his manner betrayed no
trace of excitability , or even Impatience. He
never exhibited lo better advantage his pe
culiar ability In moving troops with unpar
alleled speed to the critical points on the
line of battle where they wore most needed ,
or , ts It was sometimes called , "feeding a
fight. " There was n spur on the heel of
every order he sent , and his subordinates
were made to realize that In battle It Is
the minutes which control events. He said.
while waiting for Burnsldes to got into
position and attack : "The only time I ever
feel Impatient Is when I give nn order for
an Important movement of troops In the
ircscnco of the enemy , and am waiting for
.licin to reach their destination. Then the
minutes seem like hours. "
Ho rode out to Important points of the
Ino twlco during the day , in company with
General Meade and two officers of the staff.
! t was noticed that ho was visibly affected
jy his proximity to the wounded , nnd cs-
icclally by the sight of blood. IIo would
.urn his face away from such scenes , and
show by the expression of his countenance ,
and sometimes by a pause In his conversa
tion , that ho felt most keenly the painful
spectacle presented by the Held of battle.
5onio reference was made to the subject
n camp that evening , nnd the general said :
'I cannot bear the sight of suffering. The
night nftcr the first day's fight nt Shlloh
was sitting on the ground , leaning against
i tree , trying to get some sleep. It soon
icgati to rain eo hard that I went Into a
og house near by to seek shelter ; but I
omul the surgeons had taken possession of
t , nnd were amputating the arms nnd legs
of the wounded , and blood was flowing in
streams. I could not endure such a scene ,
and was glad to return to the tree outside ,
nnd sit there till morning In the storm. "
thought of this remark while sitting by his
) Cdslde twenty-one years afterward , when
ic , In the last days of his fatal Illness , was
ilmself undergoing Bupremo physical tor-
u re.
i * * *
The losses were found to be : Killed ,
2,240 ; wounded , 12,037 ; missing , 3,383 ; total ,
7.CGC. The damage Inflicted upon the
enemy Is not known , but ns he was the as-
Qaultlng' party as often as the union army ,
hero Is reason to believe that the losses on
ho two sides were about equal. Taking
wcnty-four hours as the time actually oc
cupied In fighting , and counting the casual-
Ice In both armies , It will be found that on
hat bloody field every minute recorded the
oss of twenty-five men.
As the staff olllcers threw themselves upon
he ground that night , sleep came to them
vlthout coaxing. They had been on the move
luce dawn , galloping over bad roads , strug-
; Ilng about through forest openings , Jump-
ng rivulets , wndlng swamps , helping to rally
roops , dodging bullets , and searching for
ommandlng otllcera In all sorts of unknown
ilaccs. Their horses had been crippled , and
hey themselves were well-nigh exhausted ,
'or the small part I had been able to pcr-
nrm In the engagement , the general rccom-
ncmled mo for the brevet rank of major
n the regular army "for gallant nml merltor-
OUB services. " His recommendation was
ftcrward approved by the president. This
romotion was especially gratifying for the
cason that it was conferred for conduct
n the first battle In which I had served
ndcr the command of the general-ln-chlcf.
There were features of the battle which
mvo never been matched in the annals of
arfare. For two days nearly 200,000 vet-
ran troops had btrugglcd In a death grapple ,
oiifrontcd at each step with almost every
bstaclo by which nature could bar their
wtli , and groping their way through a
angled forest the Impenetrable gloom of
hlch could bo likened only to the shadow
f death. The undergrowth stayed their
regress , the nppergrowth ehut out the light
f heaven. Olllcers could rarely see their
roops for any considerable distance , for
moke clouded the vision , nnd n heavy sky
> bscurcd the sun. Directions were asccr-
alned nnd lines established by means of
10 pocket compass , nnd a change of poal-
on often presented an operation more like
problem of ocean navigation than a ques-
lou of military maneuvers. It was the
enso of sound and of touch rather than
lie scnso of sight which guided the movc-
icnts. It was a battle fought with the car ,
ml not with the eye.
All circumstances seemed to combine to
lake the scene one of unutterable horror.
U times the wind howled threugh the tree-
ors , mingling Its moans with the groans
f the dying , and heavy branches were cut
> ff by the fire of the artillery , and fell crash-
ng upon the heads of the men , adding a new
error to battle.
Forest fires raged ; pm-
umltlon trains exploded ; the dead were
oaatcd In the conflagration ; the wounded ,
ouscd by Its hot breath , dragged themselves
long with their torn and mangled limbs
n the mod energy of despair , to cacapo the
'avages of the flames ; and every bush seemed
iting with shreds of blood-stained clothing ,
t was ns though Christian men had turned
o fiends , and hell Itself had usurped the
lace of earth.
Six-Thirty V. 31. Trnln.
of the
Best service ,
Dining car.
City office : 1COI Farnam.
Highest Honors World's Fair.
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
jom Ammonia , Alum or any other adulterant.
40 Years the Standard ,
President Olovclnncl Hag Taken 30,000 ,
Offices Out of Politics.
Some \nlnlilc K.voentlvo Orilcru Mr.
.MulCliilrjninpoNi'il to Suittnlii
Them Very I.lttle I'ntrou-
, , IIKO < O
The extent to which federal offices have
been removed from the grasp of spoilsmen
and placed under civil service rules Is set
forth with Interesting details by a cor
respondent of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat ,
as follows :
No army of ofllco seekers will muster to
greet the Incoming administration. Times
have changed slnco JIarch 4 , 1S03. The
spoils which now belong to the victors are
not such as to agitate the nation. During
the past four years , or slnco ho entered
upon his second term , President Cleveland
has put under the operation and protection
of the civil service law 30,000 places which ,
up to the tlmo of such action , were open for
the reward of party loyalty and party labor.
Now , these 3(5,000 ( places , as vacancies oc
cur , must bo flllcd from candidates who
pass examinations , nnd a candidate's poli
tics does not enter Into consideration.
In n general way it may be said that al
most every olllce worth having , which docs
not require continuation by the senate , has
been taken out or politics. The 30,00i ) of-
llcea which President Cleveland and his
subordinates could dispose of at will ore
now iicM by officials who can remain so long
as they nro elllclcnt. And as vacancies
occur neither the president nor the cabinet
has power to 1111 them.
Hero nro some of the branches of gov
ernment employment to which appointments
can no longer bo mode on political merit ,
as was the condition four years ago , and
from which removals cannot now take
place to give office to partisans :
The steamboat Inspection service.
The marine hospital service. <
The light house service.
The life saving service.
The several mints and assay offices.
The revenue cutter service.
The force employed under custodians of
public buildings.
The several subtrcnsurles.
The engineer department nt largo. .
The ordnance department at large.
The Internal revenue service.
In Washington nn order has removed
what was once an attractive Meld for the
reward of the faithful country editor. The
great government printing olllce Is now
under the civil service law. Appointments
to places under the public printer are no
longer dependent upon congressional pull.
This means that places upon the printing
committees of both house nnd senate will
not bo so desirable In the eyes of statesmen
as they have been.
That bulwark of party patriotism , the
fourth-class pcatofllco , still remains. Vari
ous plans to take the country postolllcc out
of politics have been considered. None of
them has been found satisfactory. The sen
ator or representative still has the post-
olllco candidate with him. There are 06,000
fourth-class postofllccs. Upon these the of
fice-seekers must concentrate , for President
Cleveland has left very little clso for the
rank nnd flic of party workers.
It used to bo possible for a patriot who
came to Washington seeking a mission , an
at-.sistnnt secretaryship , or ecmethlng
"equally ns good. " to compromise on a Job
as watchman or messenger. Men of note In
their communities have become messengers
In a department rather than go homo with
out any recognition from the party for
which they had done so much. I3ut now
oven these compromises are barred. An or
der of President Cleveland has put the places
of messengers nnd watchmen of the depart
ments In the classified service. There Is
scarcely any place , the compensation , of
which Is over $300 , left out. For almost
everything but floor scrubbing and spittoon
cleaning an examination and non-partisan
qualifications arc required.
The latest rules of the civil service com
mission abound In Information which will
cause the heart of the olIlcc-sreKer to bow
down. The president of the United States
has the appointment of "not exceeding two
private secretaries or confidential clerks. "
Each member of the cabinet is similarly
limited. All other places In the depart
ments , excepting , of course , these filled on
confirmation by the senate , can bo given
only when vacancies occur , and to such per
sons as pass examinations and are certified
a.s eligible by the commission. The spirit of
the exemptions Is to give to postmasters
and collectors ono or two personal appoint
ments In order that they may protect them
selves in money matters. To Illustrate , the
only exemptions In these branches of the
service are announced in the new rules as
follows :
Custom house service : ( a ) One cashier In
each customs district ; ( b ) ono chief or prin
cipal deputy or assistant collector on each
customs district , whoso employes number as
many as 150.
PostoHlco service : ( a ) One assistant pest-
master , or chief assistant to the postmaster ,
of whatever designation , nt each postofllco ;
( b ) ono cashier of each first class postofllcc.
when employed under the roster tltlo of
cashier only.
Internal revenue service : Ono employe In
each Internal revenue district , who shall
act as "cashier " or chief deputy or assistant
collector , as may bo determined by the
Treasury department.
The above nro the positions which the
postmasters nnd collectors to bo named by
Mr. McKlnley will bo able to nil. All other
places uIKor ! him will bo held by present
Incumbents during good behavior , and , when
vacated , will bo filled , from the civil service
eligible list.
About the Indian agencies and the Indian
schools politicians formerly found many op
portunities for taking care of needy rela
tions. To earry on the government work of
educating the Indians requires hundreds of
clerks , teachers , farmers and herdsmen.
The pay Is good. The worktiould bo shirked.
A rare field for nepotism was presentee
and It was well cultivated by the politicians
as often as administrations changed. That
sort of thing has been done away with. All
appointees In and about Indian agencies
and schools are now under the civil service
law and will remain in their places under
the merit system. The only exceptions to
this rule are the Indians themselves who
hold minor places at the schools and agen
cies. There nro 2,001 Indians In such em
ployment. They enjoy what the whlto of-
llciuls do not. exemption from examinations
bcforo appointment.
Previous to this administration chiefs of
divisions , heads of bureaus and certain
other olllclala of that kind were not under
the law. Such ofllccs were vacated and
flllcd at the beginning of every administra
tion without examinations. Many of them
went to members of the party coming Into
power. Tlicro were about 4.GOO places
which could bo filled without examinations.
They have been withdrawn by executive
order , and hereafter , as vacancies occur
among them , the most desirable places In
the department , they will bo flllcd by pro
motions or transfers. They will bo open to
those clerks who have advanced on their
merits through the grades of the classified
lists , Ik-sides chiefs of divisions and of
bureaus , some of the scientists nnd experts
of various branches of government work
come under the protection of this order.
Tim cutting down of the exceptcd list Is re
garded by the friends of civil service re
form as ono of the most significant acts of
the administration. Ily It thera Is opened
to the clerks of the higher grades the pos
sibility of advancement to these desirable
places. A strong Incentive is furnished for
greater efficiency.
Another order from President Cleveland
removes from the patronage 310 places
which previously could bo flllcd by non-
compctltlvo examinations. The superior of
ficer had only to select the ono ho wanted
for this class of appointments , let him pre
pare himself and take the examination , and
then appoint him. Hereafter as vacancies
occur In thcso 310 places they will bo open
to competitive examination. This action of
tbo president practically abolishes non-com-
pctltlvo examinations lu the service.
Hut the order of Mr. Cleveland which will
bear with most crushing force upou the of-
flco seekers Is the onft by which ho has lim
ited the patronage of-tho president In the
way of nominationstto the senate. Consular
appointments go to I ho ecnato for conflrma
tlon. The new rule tt the president requires
all candidates to passinri examination bcforo
a hoard at the Stdte'i department bcforo
their names can go Ho the senate.
In the cntlro civil Itsfof the United States
there nro 201,000. nnmoe , exclusive of the
fourth-class postmasters , nnd such ap
pointees as must bo. cotifirrnod by the sen
ate , there are 781" > comfortable positions ,
most of them assistant' postmasters , which
can bo flllcd without' examination. If these
facts and figures am-bo sufilclcnlly Im
pressed upon those who .served the cause of
sound money and good government well In
the campaign Just ended , n great deal of
disappointment after the 4th of March will
bo avoided.
Since this administration came In the
United States prison nt Leavonworth has
been transferred from the War department
to the department of Justice. The civil
service law has been extended over the
prison force until all but five of the olU-
cers arc protected- from change on account
of politics. The fifty guards cannot bo
disturbed -.o long as they behave them
selves. The greater part of the annual pay
of S5G.112 will continue to go to the men
who have been drawing It under President
Cleveland. The five places subject to ex
change nt the pleasure of the now ad
ministration are : Warden , $3,500 ; deputy
warden , $2,000 ; superintendent of Industries ,
$1GOO ; superintendent of farm , $1,000 ; chap
lain. $ UOO. This Is all of the patronage In
connection with the United States prison
excepting only a place as organist , which
pays $1 a week.
The civil service law Is explicit and strong
In the protection of those who have been
taken In under It. "No one , " It says , "shall
dismiss or cause to be dismissed any or
these oniclals or employes because of nln
political or religious aflllations or opinions.
nradley I ) . Smallcy , the democratic col
lector of Vermont , tells bow the operation
of the civil service law dawned upon the
local politicians of his district. It may
servo to Illustrate the surprises in store for
the republicans when they come around for
the places next spring. Civil service reform
has been making great progress while the
politicians were not watching. Ono day
8omo of the party leaders came to the Ver
mont collector and complained :
"See here , Mr. Smalley , you have not got
any democrats In your olllce. These fellows
holding the government positions are all re
publicans. " .
"Well , what do you suggest ? " asked the
" \\V\o got a eouplc of good dcmocrato
and we want you to put out two republicans
and give them the places , " was the reply.
"All right , " said Mr. Smalley ; "I'm n
little hampered , but I'll see what can bo
done. You sec this list of names ? "
"Yes. "
"Well , run It over and see If you can
find the names of your two democrats on
The politicians did as directed. One of
them suddenly blurted out :
"What Is this darned thing , anyway , Mr.
Smallcy ? "
"That , " answered the collector , "Is the
list of persons who have passed the civil
service examination. If any vacancies oc
cur In my olllce force , the law requires mete
to fill them from the names on that list. "
"Hut these are all republicans , Mr. Smal
lcy ; there Is not a democrat on the list. "
"I'm afraid not , " said the collector re
gretfully. "The trouble is our Vermont dem
ocrats don't go lo school as they should , and
until they do there Is no way of getting
them government positions. "
Major Hnrlow , the civil service commis
sioner , had nn experience while postmaster
at St. Louis v.-hlrh matches Mr. Smallcy's
story very well. Father Walsh , the slirewd
ret-ton of St. nrlilget's parish , made n study
of the civil service low , and one day came
to the postofilce and got n copy of the regu
lations govorn'mx examinations. The next
tlmo there was nn examination at the post-
office n group of bright young fellows from
St. Bridget's parish school put In an ap
pearance as candidates. They had evi
dently been prepared .vlth care. Some of
them came out of the examination with the
highest percentages and were given posi
tions. "That thins continued , " said Major
Harlow. "Father Walsh's younpt men would
como out of the examinations at the top of
the list , nnd under the law they would get
the appointments as vacancies occurred.
r\ , i , . r.n.v.n nf mv A 1 * . A. frlnmln rninn
lIll ? 11.l OMIIIVJ wi . * .j * - - - - - . . . _
Into the ofllco and said : 'Look here. Harlow ,
you are filling up the postofflco with Catho
lics. Why don't you give Protestants a
chance ?
Mr. McKlnley might reverse some of those
executive orders of PrcHdent Cleveland.
Ho might reopen foveral thousands of thcso
places for political purposes. He might , but
he will not. In his letter of acceptance , the
republican candidate Indorsed In strong
language the plank In the platform relat
ing to civil service. When lie was In con
gress , Mr. McKlnley was even moro em
phatic In his utterances. On ono occasion
ho said :
"If the republican party lo pledged to
any ono tlilnit moro than nnntlicr , it IB to
the maintenance of the civil service law
and its efllclont execution ; not only that ,
hut to ltd enlargement and further applica
tion to the public servlre.
"The law that Hands upon our statute
books today was put there by republican
votes. It was a republican measure. Every
national platform of the republican party
slnco Its enactment has declared not only
In favor of its continuance In full vigor , but
In favor of Its enlargement , so as to apply
moro generally to the public service. And
thin is not alone the declaration and pur-
POSKJ of the republican party , but It Is In
accord with its highest and best sentimcnta ;
aye , moro , It Is sustained by the bcit senti
ments of the whole country , republican and
democratic alike. There la not a man on
this floor who does not know that no party
In this country , democratic or republican ,
will have the courage to wipe It from the
statute book or to amend It , save In the di
rection of Its Improvement.
"The republican party must take no step
backward. The merit system is hero , nnd It
Is hero to btay ; and wo may Just as well
understand and accept It now. "
The entries to what were at the beginning
of former administrations long nnd well-
laden plo counters are closed , and they will
not bo opened during the McKlnley adminis
"foil .v irrrM3 SI.ICJHTHIV
The Tour Old IloiiUivurm mid Soliulnr
I'M 11(1 H II llllVI'll III l.llHl.
A bent old man , shabbily clad , with n face
Ilko the face of the poet I3ryant. In the
evening twilight ho ( .lands , besldo the desk
of ono who Is a stronger to him , lu n little
town In northern California , relates the San
Francisco Call.
"I nsk you to pardon me , " In a voice that
trembles and Is low.
Something confused ns to Illness and wear
iness , aud then :
"It pains mo to seem a beggar , but I am
near the end of the road , and "
The sentence dies In Inarticulate murmur ,
and from under the worn coat comes a small
bundle wrapped In n bit of faded oilcloth.
' "It Is hard to part with them , oven now , "
slowly removing the oilcloth , "but If there Is
some ono hero who cares for rare editions of
good books they may bo thought fair ex
change for the price of shelter and something
warm. "
A well-thumbed Shuke pcare , a carefully-
preserved "Imltatlo Chrlstl. "
The old man looks at them tenderly as
they are exposed to view and places them
reverently on the desk.
The man nt the desk vlowo the books
coldly and denies Uio plea for aid. Not
that ho Is consciously unkind , but experi
ence with vagabonds has made him suspl-
clous and ho Interprets the pathos as anew
now Imposture.
Next morning nn hour after sunrise a pe
destrian finds an aged man , with a face
Ilko that of the poet llryant , lying In the
shelter of a cypress hodisa by the roadside.
The tired heart U still. Rest must have
como about the tlmo the nmnhlno touched
the volley. Ucalde the sleeper , as though
It had fallen from beneath his coat , a well-
thumbed Shckcspearo ; clasped In his gaunt
hands a carefully-preserved a'KempIs , The
a'ICompIs has a sprig of cypress for a hook-
mark. On ono of the pages between which
tt restn this passage :
" 0 iFathcr , always to bo honored , the
hour 1s como which from all eternity Thou
didst foresee would arrive ; that Thy servant
for a short tlmo should bo oppressed ex
teriorly , but Interiorly should ever live unto
Theoj that ho should bo for a little slighted
and humbled , and should fall In the night of
men. "
Not excelled by any high-priced liniment ,
Salvation Oil , twenty-live cents a boitlo.
irtM T 1MT OTt/MMl 0 P/\
Will Duplicnto Tholr Snlo of Lost Saturday
of Women's and Children's ' Underwear ,
We Will AlNii OITor Tomorrow B5 Don.
Kliinnrl Mulit .Slilrtn , C 2
Inrlit'N l.iinu : lit ! " > ( > ( Knoll ,
1'rlcc T.'c.
This Is good blanket weather , and wo offer
n. few special things In that line for Satur
day's sale.
Wo quote a few leaders In the cheaper
grades that will astonish you ; cheap blank
ets nro In great demand , and we have an
Immcnsce stock of them In all colon ! and
10-4 dark gray , In rich colored borders ,
at 40c a pair.
10-4 light gray and plain whlto ( a big
drive ) , very thick , at COc a pair.
10-1 variegated , suitable for wrappers and
hath robes , at 90c n pair , reduced from $1.BO.
11-1 extra heavy natural gray ; this we offer
at OSe , was formerly $1.35 a pair.
Another shipment. Just In , of the fine
natural gray , strictly nil wool. In all colors
of border , considered the best blanket of
fered anywhere , for $1.75 nnd $5.00 ; our
price for this sale only ? 3.7G a pair.
Wo have another great bargain In a gray
woolen blanket nt $2.75 , was $3.75.
Our whlto all wool blankets nt $3.75 are
positively the biggest snap In the city. They
are large , soft and beautiful , In fact at
$5.00 they would be cheap.
We are still putting out n lot of our finest
steam shrunk , largest size "Ohio fleece" at
$0.50 ; nice as any other blanket at $ S.CO a
Dlankct robes In all colors ( California
wcol ) , adapted for bath robes , house wrap
pers , smoking jackets , lounging robes , chil
dren's cloaks , etc. , etc. , very cbolce nt $4.00 ,
$4.50 and $5.00 each.
We have had many moro of the line
( homo made comforts ) mndo up. Last
v.eck's sale was big , simply berauso the
comforts were sold at less than half price.
The new ones are handsome , made of the
very lincst batlato ( French all wool challl )
nnd sllkfl , filled only with "Whlto Rose"
batting , and much larger than the common
ready mndo article.
Hatlsle covering at $2.00 and $2.25 each ,
milled and plain.
French challl t $ .1.00 , $3.25 nnd $3.50
each , milled and plain.
Finest French sateen at $3.00 , $3.25 and
$3.50. milled and plain.
Silk at $1.50 , $5.00 and $0.00 , tufted ,
quilted , ruffled and plain.
A nice new line of down compforts nt
$3.50 each , formerly $7.50.
Cor. Farnam and 15th Sta ,
SallKfiu-lory Ilc.snllM.
That's what the farmer nnd business man
wants. Farmers should compute results
from capital nnd labor Invested. Carefully
considered from this standpoint or from
almost any other the Nebraska farmer is
sure to show satisfactory results.
Good land CHEAP. Good crops. A
diversified farming can bo carried on with
profit. Nebraska Is the sugar beet and
chicory state. Largo yield and constant de
mand for output.
Homo or land Beckers' excursions De
cember 1st and 15th , 1S9C. nt low rates , to
points on the Fremont , Elkhorn K. Missouri
Valley R. U. , the best part of the state. One
fare , plus $2.00 , for the round trip. Send
to undersigned for statistical Information
wnicu will bo valuable in selcetlng a loca
tion. .J. R. BUCHANAN.
G. P. A. , F. , E. & M. V. R. R. , Omaha , Xcb.
Trav. Pass. Agent , DCS Mclncs , la.
Tlic Ovorlnnil Limited.
Runs every day In the week.
Fastest train In the west.
Iluffet smoking nnd library car * .
City ticket offlce ,
1302 Farnam.
A Ii > rnlFYliirr 1'rolOptn.
Whether to take "Northwestern Line" No.
2 at 4:45 : p. m. or No. C at 0:30 : p. m. , Chi-
cagoward. "No. 2" arrives at Chicago
7:45 : a. m. and "No. 0" nt 9:30 : a. m. Both
trains are models of modern art , skill and
ONE. Call at the City Olllce. 1401 Farnam
street , and talk It over.
J. A. KUHN. General Agent.
G. F , WEST , C. P. T. A.
Via tinWnliiiMli Itallrnnil.
WINTER TOURIST tickets now on sale ,
vcmber 17 , December 1 , and 15.
THE WAI1ASH Is the short Hue and quick
est route lo St. Louis and points south
For tickets or further Information call a
Wabash ofllcc , 1415 Farnam street , ( Paxton
Hotel block ) or write.
O. N. CLAYTON , Agent.
FlSIIER-Mra. Julia , November 27. 1S06 ,
nged Kl years , nt .rilHl ( North Thlrtletl
street. Funeral notice later.
Tln-y Hnvi * Ilnril Time * Coininiroil
ivllli Tlii-lr A m erica 11 Ilri-llirt'ii.
Lawyers In France , according to a Roch
ester gentleman who has just returned from
a three years' sojourn In Paris , do not have
such an easy tlmo ns they do In this conn
try. There , far from encouraging the bright
joiliiK men of the land to cuter the legal
profession , 1 * . would s em that they are ills
couraged and every obstacle thrown In their
path , the result generally being that It is
a rich man who can be a lawyer.
"Under O-o regulations at present In force
there , " says this gentleman to the Rochester
Union , "barristers , after they have kept
their terms and passed their bar examina
tions , have to pass through a sort of three
years' novitiate , during which they have the
tltlo of advocate , but have no voice In the
deliberations of the council of discipline
and aie not Inscribed on the rolls. They caa
plead during the three years of probation ,
but It is a sort of empty privilege in nine
ti ! > c.i out of ten. When un eminent barrls
tcr in Franco employs a Junior it Is gener
ally some ono Inscribed on the rolls ; should
ho employ the probationer the honor thus
accorded him must sulilce. He docs not pay
"But ho must live , and hero Is where the
problem comes In , which Is much more
easily solved by the American or English
young lawyer than it Is by his Parisian
brother. In the first place there Is the out
lay for his gown or bcrottn , which comes
close to SO francs , unices ho prefers to hire
it nt the rate of lOc per day. Then ho must
engage some ono to teach him deportment ,
for this is an essential qualification In thla
land \vhcru King Etiquette rules with nn
Iron hand. The services of a professor of
the conservatory must also bo called In to
train his voice , unless nature has been kind
to him In that respect. Hut thcso expenses
nro incjro Incidents. IIo must above all not
live In small chambers and rent dingy of
fices. Poverty Is a poor key to open the
pockets of clients. The Parisian barrister
has personal Interviews with bin clients ,
mid the direct consequence of thrso Inter
views is that he must ho able to show them
Into a nicely furnished reception room and
private office , though ho may sleep In a gar
ret. Ho cannot well answer the bell him
self , hence ho must employ a servant , oven
If ho has no money with which to pay one.
The visitor must not see bare walls , consequently
quently there must bo a display of a well-
Blocked law library. The client will not
consider that the lawyer's library Is often a
luxury , and that the barrister's studies
might just aa well bo pursued at the St.
Gcnovlove library , but ho must bo able to
glance at no many calf-bound volumes.
"Voltalro well summed up the c-wfifiitlals
of a French lawyer when ho said : 'An ad
vocate la a man who ( or three years studies
the IUWH of ThcodoBlus and Justinian In or
der to learn the common law of Paris , and
who , having matriculated at last , has the
right to plead for money , provided bo 1ms
a Btrong voice , ' The only way I would mod
ify Voltaire's definition Is by adding that
the modern French client does not oven ex
pect to bo asked a fee , although ho requires
just aa much ot hla advocate as they did
Ucc , November 27 , 1S9C.
We ought to send out more goods and take in more pop.
ular contributions than for several Saturdays past , We
have more inducements to offer than for several Satur I
days past. In the first place we have an entirely new invoice - - - >
voice of Men's Shetland Angora Ulsters the heaviest ,
warmest , dressiest nnd most comfortable Ulsters in the
market , and these we will sell Saturday at $10.50 each.
In the second place we will have on sale a small lot of
specially finu Kersey Dress Overcoats , made up in the
top notch of fashion , with full satin linings , skinner sleeve
linings , self-laced and self-edged , handsome , dressy ,
hghcjass | garments , cut in the latest style and worth
$30,00 in most stores these we will sell Saturday at
$18.00 a coat. In the third place we will open up three
entirely new lines of Men's Suits in three entirely new
patterns bought late and bought low and to show the
difference between real bargains ruTcf alleged bargains
we will sell these Saturday at $4.50. $6.00 and $7.50 a
suit. In the fourth place we will offer Saturday , a brand
new lot of men's heavy , all wool , cashmere underwear
Such as the dry goods stores sell at $1.05 for 750 a
garment ; and in the fifth place we will sell a special par
chase of heavy , fleece lined shirt and drawers worth a
dollar for 500 each. In the sixth place but what's the
use ? Come in Saturday and you will part with your
money more cheerfully than you have done in a long
time. Saturday will bz a red letter day for people whi/i1
buy here.
You remember the dllrmina of ( lie trump
when ho saw the watchdog wnj ? his tall and
then heard him growl ; lie said ho didn't
know which end to bolk-vo.
You fool Just Unit way when yon see the
furniture in bargain storoH. It pretends to
be reliable i-ablni't work , nnd yet there are
many lltlli- Indications that It Is simply ,
made to Koll. The drawers run jerkily , tlui
llnlsh Is rough , the joints have begun to
open , the whole appearance betrays extreme
Suoli furniture will plvo you endless annoyance. You pay for It In your discomfort
before three months are passed. And the last days of such furniture are even worse
than the tlrst. It Is not economy , it Is the most dlMiml extravaganco.
Whllo we are selling furniture nt almost the lowest prices ever known In thin
country. It I * useless to tiy and effect a groatrr saving. It cannot be done , except by
chcapiMiliiir construction and mibtitutliiK discomfort for pleasure.
Our prloos on ninlnw Tables are $32 : , . $ .17 : . . $1 , $ . " , , $ ti. $7.fiO , * ! > . $10. $11 , $12. $11. $ n.
$1S. $ in. $20. J22 , J23 , $21. $2 ? , $2U , { 33. $ 'i2 , $31 $ , $10 , $15 , $4S , $50 , $55 , $05 , $ CS , $10 , $75 , $ aO , $101)1 ) ,
$125 , $150 , $175. v
Citas" Shiverick 6 Co. ,
Good Furniture nt Extremely Low Prices.
12th nml Douglas ,
NOTE White Iron Hods at $2.50 ; Oak Dining Clinirs , f.5c ; Leather Seat Rockers , J2CO.
Bel and St. Louis , when It was first built
in Voltaire's time. The young practitioner
docs not hint at such a thing aa a retainer
least of all ask for It. The regulations for
bid It.
"Worst of all , the young barrister , once
Inscribed on the rolls , has to pay a license
This Is computed , not by the amount o
money he may earn , but by the rent of the
apartment he occupies. The result Is thai
there are hundreds of impecunious but
worthy young men who cannot meet the
charges. In Franco 110 career Is open to
them after they have wasted at least six
years In the study of law , excepting Jour
nalism and politics. Forty per cent of the
present Chamber of Deputies nro barristers ,
and that body in consequence Is sometimes
alluded to as the Palais do Justice bur
"Tho Palace of Justice In Paris Is n handsome -
some monument of the days of Phlllppc-lc-
There are nine chambers or tribunate , the
president of the first chamber being the
first president. He Is assisted by sixty
counselors. Ono of the marvels of the Palace -
ace of Justice Is the chamber in which these
judges hold their sessions. It is an Immense
rrom lined with delicate woodwork nnd
gravlsh blue hangings. The only furniture
consists of scores of magnificently carved
fautculls. Behind the presidential armchair.
In n gilt frame , Is a picture of the cruci
fixion , a chef d'oeuvro or. which volumes
have been written , which hung for close
upon two centuries In the grand chamber
without the name of Its author ever having
been discovered.
"Tho Court of Appeals In the Palace of
Justice has also a line home. Its ceiling can
boast of pnmo of Bonnat's best paintings ,
surrounded by some admirable carvlnga.
Justice has indeed a beautiful homo In
Paris , but unfortunately for suitors litiga
tion Is as expensive as the building le > cost
ly. This sort of thing Is true of many other
countries , but not to the extent that It Is
In France. Here , for example , the total ex-
porso of obtaining a debt of $2 bometlmcB
runs as high as $20 and more. "
"How do the French lawyers dress ? " ask
ed the reporter , as ho was about to take
"It was not until the fourteenth century , "
was the reply , "that a special costume was
assigned to lawyers. In these times their
garb was composed of a long tunic covered
with n mantle and a cloth cap. Nowadays
they wear a black gown , a square toque
aud a whlto neckband that reminds one of
a Louis Qulnze Jabot. In some courts any
trousers but black are still forbidden. "
The .SoutlioiiNt Const < if Florida In-
foMoil 'I'll I M Year.
That part of the Atlantic which beats upon
the southeast coast of Florida Is Infested
with sharks. It Is probably the "sharklest1
water at this season In the world. Folks
who have dwelt for years In the Jungles of
soft palmetto and on the savannahs of saw
grass that stretch liJund from the shell-
strewn beach , In commenting on the moro
than plcntlttidc of sharks , say : "I never
seen the like afore. "
The blue swells that roll landward nnd
pound themselves Into fleecy , frenzied surf | ,
teem with this cruel fish. The whlto shark , '
the basking shark , the hammer-headed ;
shark , nnd other members of the clasnio
branchlato family arc there.
From Jupiter Inlet to Hillsboro' Inlet ,
sa > s the Washington Star , they may ho
seen outside the breakers , In the breakers
and Insldo the breakers. This Hcason they
are so numerous and vicious that the strong
est swimmers and the stoutest-hearted sea
dogs along that part of the coast will not
venture the sea further than knee-deep
water. Even where this precaution has been
taken casualties have been reported. It
was only a few days ago that the sou of
Captain Collins of the Jupiter llfesavlng
station lost a foot by shark blto while
standing In the surf. Ho would probably
have been killed had not n companion
plunged a bbwlo knife Into the fish.
The mall from the north for Miami , Coco-
nnut Grove and other settlemontri at the
south end of the peninsula used tci bo car
ried from Palm Beach by a lone carrier ,
who followed the beach and crossed the In
lets In small boats. This was before the
opening of the East Coast railroad. It was
Just about ono year ago thatl tills lone car
rier loft Palm Beach on his hist trip. A
few days later the llghtkecpor nt Hlllsboro'
Inlet found the carrier's small boat bottom
tom upwaid on the beach. The man was
never after heardfrom. There hud been
no foul wcpther , and the settlers refused to
bcllevo that the carrier had either ab
sconded or had been killed by bandits. The
[ { iinwolo of the small boat showed that it
liail been gnawed by strong , sharp teeth.
A broken oar was later picked up on the
sound. The Ilghtkeopor reported that thou
sands' ' of sharks were In the Inlet and that
they were uncommonly hold and excited.
The taste of human blood maddens thrao
fish. The old settlers foci that they know
about how the mall carrier mot death.
Thla season vast schools of bluellsh , snap
pers nnd salt-water mullets have appeared
off the coast of Florida , and these have
ittnio'ed ijptold thousands of nil a r It from
the warm water of the gulf stream , which
at that part of the coast tlow.s northward
about four miles from shore. Ono may
stand on the beach and throw uhc'lls nt the
nons'ors as they pursue their prey. Rlflo
lalls seem to have little effect on'a shark ,
'at pork , a big hook , r.tnmg line and stout
arm to the best way to kill one.
Several times this fall sharks have been
seen In the Illscayno Canal , which was re
cently cut through from Lake Worth to
llscayno Bay. Jlut the shark finds no com-
ort there. It Is the homo of the good , old
alligator , and ho resists intrusion. Every
self-respecting 'gator will tackle a shark
on sight.
Klrx ! Conic , KIi-n < 5i > rri < i1.
The question as to whether the holder of
ho ticket for a lower berth In a Pullman car
s by right entitled to the seat facing the
engine has been officially decided by the
ullinan and Wagner car companies in the
icgatlve. Both companies say that they
lavu nn rule on the subject , and that the
loldcr of the upper berth ticket has ns much
Iglit to the neat facing the rnglno at ) has
ho holder of the lower berth ticket. The
Illclals Intlmato that the- thing to do Is for
the passengers to agrou among themselves
on tlio subject , or for the onu who guts the
I first to hold It until the other ono cap-
; turcs It. They should follow up thU decision
by providing a policeman for each car.
JIIN ! fiol A roil ml ( o IIIin.
Chicago Tribune : "I was much amused , "
said thu Ilnston gentleman , "nt a bou mot
I heard this morning , to the effect that
Chairman Jones , even after the election ,
was Justified In 'claiming the earth , ' because -
cause , Ilko the earth , his p.irty had been
-flattened at the polls. ' Do you observe ?
Flattened at the ' "
" 'Why , that'H n chestnut ! " Interrupted
ono of the listeners.
"A chestnut ? " rejoined tbo Boston man ,
porplfxcd for a moment. "A chestnut ? Not
at all , my dear Kir. It Is an oblatu
spheroid. "
I'Yr ' Dllloui and Nervous disorders such : is Wind and I'uln In the Blomacb. Kick houdacliQ '
Giddiness. Fullness and H welling uftor inouU , IUzlne < is and Drowsiness , Co 111 Chills , Kluslilni.1)
of Hout. Loss of Appotllo , BhortnoiH of llruatli , Uouivonnm , Illotchoa on tbo Skin , Olsturbiid
bleep , Krlghtful Dicatna , and nil Nervous and Tromblliitf HoiiTitlotH , kc. , when thuis Hyinii-
tonia nro caiiiod by uoiiitlpallon , its rnon of thorn nro , lilt flUSF UOSt WILL CV ) llCllCf IS
I\\NIV MIStmS. This U no fiction , Every Miilforor la uurno tly luvltad to try onu ban of tliaio
I'llltt * aud tlioy ivlll bu iiuknoivliulgcil tu IID
BEECIIAM'S PILLS , takonai dlro.Uod , will qulokly rosturj fmnulus to complain
bonltb. They promptly remove olmructloni or Irrn uliirltlo * of tbo oyHtom. For n
they actllkomaslc a diHoi will work wondoH upin thu Vltil or iwt , ulreii.'Umnliu tlio
imuculitr'bysiQni , rditorln tliu long-lost uomploxluu , brlirilnImolt tlio koun u > lxo " ( appetite ,
onU urounliiK with the Uuinbuil uf Hu.iltli tlio urtialu | ihy4lu4l iiuuri/ of thu huiiinn
frame , Thosu nro fuels admitted by liouiniidn , In nil el-men of society , nnd ono uf the best
KUuruutoiB to tlui Norvoin and Oubllluted U that Ueouhum' * l'jl | Invfl Uio Lurgixt HaU
of uuy 1'utvut AU-UlcInu In the WuMU ,
WITHOUT A RIVAL , Annual Suloa over 0,000,000 , Joxoa.
Ho at druK > torc , or will l > cnt by U. H. Aifcntu , n. K. MJliUll u CO. , W Canal
CU N w Vorlt , soitpuld , uwn r ? 5JW of price , nook fr < upon