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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1896)
0 THE OMAHA DAILY lil'i' > TUESDAY , XOVlSMlllCH 17 , ISJU ? . COMMERCIAL AND F1XANCIAI Wheat Suffers from .1 Plotliora of Bcnris News All Day. CORN AND OATS HOLD RATHER STEADY * I'ni'i * n Snriu-lno In Hi Form of 1'ntiHiinlljIliwvy \Vlicnt UriM-litM | In llM ! . CHICAGO , Nov. K.-Wlicnt HUlTcretl fron n plethora of bearish new8 todny anil closet % c lower , aUliougli ut-HliiK at ono tlmu n Ic decline. Corn and oata held steady 01 n limited business , corn clorlni ? P nlmd lower and oats iinchaiiBed. Provisions out fcrod declines of from 7'to ' to 12'.4c. ' Tw ( Hurprlscs wi-ro In store for wheat xjH-cula tors at the opviiliiK today. Ono was tin Jicavy northwest rccelptB. lU-colptH of wheat at Minneapolis and Du luth were 1,2..9 cars , at'iilnst SS3 on thu Mon day preceding and 1'JCS on thu correspond lliK day of the year before. The othc vns the Liverpool cublea. The llrat nc counts rcci-lvi'd ' or the Liverpool imirl < c were Indknllvo of firmness. Hut later dls imtchi-x received live- minutes after the opi-.l Int ; mlvlscd Id per cental decline. Tluiu two Hems wore sulllclent to create a de rldndy ! weak feeling and In halt an houi from the start December , which had opcnei lit 7ic ! , yesteidny'M ilosInK prln- , down U 7s".i- . was stnifit-'lInK to keep from Kolnn be low i7ic. ! The suildeii incrciiH 1" the u-ci'l ; > l In the northwi'Mt WIIH totally tiiiuxtioi-toi nnd the belief was freely exprrssnl thu both this and the decline at Liverpool w- > due to Chicago manipulation. Hut otbe lu-wB KIIVC tlie beats a more h-KltlnuUc ad viuitnqo. The visible sntiply , which hiti bci-n expeeled to not over 4UO.HO liu or iV ) .0iO ( bu , WIIH found to have In creased lOS."i,0'iO ' bu. A ROOI ! many \\oro cvet lookbiK for a The disappoint ini-iit III that rrspict caiiirit the pileitt tnkr another sudden pluiiKe. Uecember Inn In the meantime recovered to 7Se and 1 dropped to 77'ic ' on the publleatlon of the visible supply IlKUUfl. Tin- demand foi casl \\-lie-iil WIIH unusually urgent , both for ex Ixirt and for mlllliiM : , and was one of tb Hlroni ; fi-nlurefl of the day. The Fiilos U | to noon nuKri-Kateil nearly 300.100 bu. , one li.ilf of II bi'lim for direct export. The mar lii L became very fevel Ish durlUK the Ins hour and MuctimtloiiH were violent. Liver pool nt therloso quoted a further declln of from 2'4d to H'ijd for the day and enl ) Antweipof the eontlnenlal markets sbowec nn advance. The declines nt I'arls am Iterlln wentrlilltiK. . however. The Liver pool weakness caused Dee-ember wheat te Ket down ( o 77ir. ! There- was a ciule-k rails In Dceember to 7Siic under the eneouraije inent of the larne liusilness. Another dro to ItVtf , followeil by a llnal rally to 7S'/ie Vbleh was the dosing price. Corn \\IIH dull and easy , but there ; wane no Important break. KnoUKh strength de Veloped to bold prices fairly steady. Th \viakness In wheat bad some Influence ( aides were winUer and more liberal re erlptB were expected. Trading WIIH ulmos entirely local May started unchaiiKed a SVHi ! ' , sold to 2.SV .p , declined to SSlfcc an closed steady at from 2SVc to SSIic. In o.itM as we-ll as corn buslne-ss wa principally of a local nature- . There wn Home disposition on the part of shorts t cover and the decline which came see lifter tin- opening afforded them a KOO opportunity to do so. 1'rlce-n rallied on till and closed practically unchanged. Ma opened unchanged at 22'feedtvllncd t from 2i'c ' ( to 22',4c nnd rallied to 231/40 where It closed. Provision prices tended but one waj nnd Hint was downward , nee-elpts of IIOK weie much larfior than expected and starli prices lower. Commission houses and pack et'H sold freely and products suffered i Ktlll further decline. thoiiKh rallying r trllle with wheat mur the close. Janiiarj liork closed 12iclower at $7.7r > ; Januar ; lard. 12'y ' lower at $4.10 ; January ribs , 7'.4e lower at J3.M. Kstlnmted ri'celpts for tomorrow are Wheat. 100 cars ; corn , 5 cars ; oats , 4Z ( cars ; IIOKS , 27,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : Cash qunatlnn were as follows : KUJl'll Firm ; winter patents. JI.40JJ4.CO ; trnlK'itv , l4.Kj(4.2S ) ; pprliiK patents. Jl.llf(4.40 ! ( ; BtralKhls , ! 3.UOi/l.lOj / baKers' . } 2.0f3.23. WI I HAT-No. 2 spilim77y.c ; No. 3 sprlntr. 75e ; No. 2 red. MUfiSCVJc. CDRN-No. 2 , 2l > ,02c ; No. Z yellow , 240 'oATH-Nn. 2 , U < Wl ! > c ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. . IIiSi2'se ; No. 3 white , f. o. b. , lSf2Utc. KVI3 No. 2. 3K- . HAIU.KVNo 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. . JjJlSTc ; No. I o. b. , "i < illCc. FI.A.\Siii > - ; .o. 1 , 74Mif(7.r.c. TIMOTHY Siin-l'rlme : , | .M. riHiVISIONH-.Veis pork , per bbl. , JC 75476.10 ; lard. PIT ion Ibs. , J3.CO ; short ribs , sides UOOFC ) J3.CtHii.iO : ! ; dry Failed shoulders ( Imxcd ) . > l.25ff 4r > 0 > biirt clear sbles ( boned ) , J4.00i4.12U. roi'i.TRY Market eai-y ; turkeys , 'tfk''c ; riiii-ki-ns. r > fi3V : iiuch * . Sijoc. WIIISKY-DlFtlllers' llnlshed goods , per cal. . SI'OARR-Cut loaf , unchanged. The followlnuerc the receipts nnd ehlpments today : On lliiil'rolueu oxchainrj ted w tun tiuttur mar ket W.-IH llrm : crcaincrv , lt < jt' > 0c : dairy. 10j 17c. Keen , linn : fn-mi , llc. Cliuvau , llrm ; ' M"\V YOHIC < : i'3M3lt.SIA111CST. . ( InoliitloiiN n f tlii > Hay oil ViirluiiN Clllllllllllllll * N. NI3W YORK , Nov. IC.-FI.Ol'R-Recelpts. 03- " 00 bbls. ; exports , 3C.346 bids. ; market dull mid lower to eell ; city mill clears. J4.W5 | ' 6.00 , winter extras. $3.001(3.90 ; winter low grade * , J ! . < ce.C5 ; winter patrnls , J4.75ff4.90 , winter MralKhts , J.40j.55 ) | ; Minnesota patents , J4.75Q , B.10 ; Minnesota bakers. J3.75iil.IO. Rye Hour. llrm ; nuperllne. j.k3Q2.93 ; fancy. | 2.94ff3.2S. lluckwhe-at Hour , llrm ; Jl.SO ; llrandywlne , J2 20 llFl'KWIIiAT : Kiisy at 3Ci37c. CORN MISAI SIeady ; llrandywlne. 12.23. Rh Weaker ; No. : Mestcrn. KifWe WIIi\T-Rccelpts. : 178.SOO bu. ; exports. 101.739 bu. , rpot weak ; No. 1 hard , 93 ic. Options Jipened weak and declined under lower cables heavy rprlng wheat receipt * , bearish furelsn Matljitk-s. an unexpected Increase In the. vUlble Mindy and heavy wc.ild'ii Hilpments ; rallied the close on export rumors , but ilnally vfcc. 0T | i.Kal" ! 1"1 t-IoflMl WHI'tc net loss ; Iwof - ' at wic : ' ' . CORNRecelpis , 413,100 bu. ; exports. C0.900 bu K | .t . weak ; No 2 3i 4e. Options opem-d cniy ' ' 'l' ' ' 'i'1 ' " " / " " rl'IK"It ' ' 1-llKMl off "Kaln and cb.sed unchiuii-ed lo Ue deVline at * lll1ll"lf' | " "i Kood to choice. HOI'Stcady ; state , cmnmon to choice ISIJ " 'ladllc ' " Hll > IFinn I ; Qulti-nlnn. " I3e ; Ilucnos Ayreit ' ' " " ' ' ' ' " " * ' ' 1Pc ' ' ! - ' 1Pc'nllfornla : , I5'je. ' , - , , . , , I.l3ATHI-3R-Flrm hemlock : hole , II. A. , light to heavy weights. 191 ir:0to ! : ncld. 20ii23c. I'ROVIRIO.N'fl-Reef. .lemly ; famllyT 10.00 ; extra IIH-KB , J7.0f Jl'.so' ; . " * ' JllvMf ! | \kM7iu'le'l' \ iiiess , Js.SO .i.iK ) , short clear , J8.70G 10.05. Tal low , dull : city. 3 o ; country. SSc lUrriR--Ri-celpt ! : . t.tU PkKS.'iIrm ; : western dnlry , MflSc ; wcclfrn creamery , ISHIrSU.e- - Kins , 2le : factory 7iH2 < - . ClliiSI3 : : Receipts , 7 M7 pkgs. : sle-ady ; large 7ljirlOitc : mnll , 7HilOe ; pnit klms. SUflTefull . fklms , i'lifiSc. KtltlH lln'Clit | > , IS.COS pkgs. ; ulendy ; state nnd IViiiniylviinln. ; i(12Cc ; wmicrn. lSi ! iie OILS-Cotloiikee-d oil , steady : prime crude : ! Hff3ci prime yi-llow , : iM7 > < Hc. iviroleum ( inlet ; urUled clorcd at IIM 1,1,1. , Rosin , iiultf slnilned , Jl.Wyi.SKHS. Turiicntlne , nuh-t nt itlCI-3 Bte-ady : domestic , fair to extra , Japan. 4U4f4'ic. ' MOI ASSKS Steudy ; New Ori'lvum , open kel tic. 27 | 33C , MlCTAI H.-l'lit I run. iiulet ; noillhcrn , Ill.OOtf IMS ; northern , Jll.00611.00. Copper , mronui brokers , Jll.SOi exchange ; Jll.5oyil.tO. u-ad , ltron i krok r § , IA78 ; ncb n , Tin. nrm. slrnlts. jn I'lnten , marhi nrm. Spi-lter , nrm ; di.nviitlr . , Jl.lMd 25. STOCKS AM ) IIOMIM. U'l Mi n 1'i-iv t3i < | illiiiiH Si'iMirllli-N .VI Irnfli-d IIllliAttiiilliin. . NI3W YORK Nov. If-Aside from the llucti ntlons In inr , cr two nf the fp.clnltlrlodny1 pj-culntlnn In Horks was a | wrftinctoiy affnl outdde Interest l-eliuc Rl B minimum. The cnurs of pi Ires npp ar l to Indicate ttmt lendlr profentlonnl IntcrMls were not yet ptrparc lo i-iicuurdRC the resumpllcn of the upwnt tnovemt-nt. Otbrrwl'e the exceptionally fnvoi nblfl stHtcnient of our foreign trade statlrtlt tnr October nnd the tc-n months of the yen w-tulil utiiloubtiMlly have been made n hullls test. Ai : It wnsi ifforts were iiKnln made to n vamp tlip Cuban war tcnrc. The ndvccati of lower pi Ices nUo iiircf ed ureat e-oneet over tbo buslneits proniieets of the RrnnKcr rondi The-ic was little or nn new calculated lo nl feet pilces nnd the dealliiKS , which were IlKhtJ than uiunl , were Indirferently dlstrlbuleul. Lot don was not much of n factor beyond modern ! Fnlra uf the Internnlloiial clinics. The mm kel opened Irregular nt unimportant chaiiKt In the lendliiK stocks , but coon developed reactlonaiy ten leney , Suuar nnd the ( -rnnKet he-llitf the we-ak features. The relllliK of tli first nanieil was by powerful Interests nnd wn attributed to n desire to deprifs the ( -enrr. ll > t unite ns much nn thnt particular rtnrl Toward midday n buying movement ex-curiei In which I'nrlllc Mnll rose ! ' . ' , per cent , l.ato half of the Improvement was lost. Other low pMcrd fharcs nlro made sub lontlnl Kalns. Silt seniienlly renewed efffirts liy the licars nnd tolO out bulls and n Fpeclal drive nt SiiRar cause nntither Kcncrnl decline , ttie stock In < | iicMlo ilropplnir I * per cent. Tlio market develope lii'-rt-art-il activity toward the close , wllh price ruling nt the lowest pidnts. The bond markc illfplayed u reactionary tendency. In sympnth with storks' , but the declines were fractlona Klntrs Cnutily nicvated Ista weic a notnbl exceplion , ilslni ; 9 ! > er cent to f.O. Tlie sales were jl,7011.000. OovernnipnlB wer active nnd llrm on transactions of J2U-J.OOO. The Kvenlnu Tost's London llnanclal cable cram says : This was a blank day In the xtor maikets , nlthoiiKh the tendency was Rood , ex cept fur Amerlenns , which were rather dill ItIs believed thnt n reaction U neccssnry t hi Inn In buyers. Tin- dealers bete nro waltln for n continuation of the revival of trade In th t'nltel State * In lh < > form of Inrrensed rnllwa leeelpts. Mines were lint on steady realization In 1'arls. The fealuie of the money market I Hie KrowlnR popslblllly of Bold KoInK lo Indl through derirncFK nf mnncy. The ripe In ex chance to ir.ijd will prnbaldy Indure shlpmcnti Thn I'arls liourso wns dull. The fenturn ther Is thp heavy withdrawals of Russian deposit from I iinlnn. It Is snld thnt the ltus lan KOV eminent wns nbiil ) to present a InrRc ninnnr nf notes at the Rank of France fur uold n quired for rnlnlntr purpnfes , and that the ban refused to part wllh Its Bold. Hence the shar rli-e In exchanRC on linden. Ilerlln mnrkc quiet. The following were the closlnc rguotntlons o Ilio londlnR stocks of the New York cxchang todny : oflVn-d. tall .iHsi-HHinrnts p lid. The total sales nf storks today were 20121 ! shares , IncludlnK the following American To bacoo , 3.100 ; American SiiKar. 34.SOO ; IlurlliiKtoiv 12.100 ; ChlcaRO ( ! as. 7.3i,0 ; I iulsvllle & Nashville , 5f.OO ; Manhattan , 0,2 < Jfl ; North I'aclllc preferred , 7 ivin. ii.ninn ln 11 < nn. t.- . , .ln . 17 minHocli Island , S.4IKI ; St. I'aul , t3KO ; Tennepsee Coal iiiul Iron , 3.5CO ; Western I'nlon. 7.201 ; WheellnK & Lake I3rlc , C.400 : United States CordaRC , 41,300. ii'W York Sloni-y. NKW YORK. Nov. 16. MWN13Y ON CMJ- I3ii > y at 3is i4 IMT ctnl ; last lean , 4 per e-ent ; L-bised at 3tSf4 ( per icnt. 1'RIMK MI-3RCANTIL13 ' ' ' I'AI'KR-CgC',4 pel ST'r.RMNO I-XCIANK-Weak : | ! , with nctunl liuslneps In Imnk'-rs' bills nt $4.50iflsr > ii for de. mand and JI.K'sfH.fO'i for tlxly days ; posteil rats , H. 2iiffl.Ub and I4.MJ4. | ; commerclul bills. Jl (0. 1IAR SlI.VKR-CITic. SII.VKR ' 13RTU'H'ATESSc. . OQVKRNMKNT IIONDS Film ; state bonds , inlet ; railroad bonds , easier. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : U.b 4H.n.v.njw. 1 lOHiC. 1' . l-ils of'Hi. . . . 1(11 ( U.S. 4no3-.lli.iiow. Illl't ' II. Alt. ( i. TH III U.S. 61 , re. lll4 ! II. .t R. O. ti IIIm'S ' U.S. CM. coup HV'dRrlulMH lilTf , II. 9.4B.n.v lliaHl'U. II. AS. A. Hi. . . U.S. 48. coilD Ill-.l'tl'O. ' J . .VS. A. 7s. . . 10.1 > ll.S.lB.ivjr ! U'H..VT.C. ! . 6 * 10 "T4 'PacltleOiof-a ' : . . . Kill'1 Il0tl3. . ' " OM \la. chm A ltliiM."K. | | Af.'VstVi. ( Vin..cliH : Ii mi I eloSJ 13 . . fi > Jii I'd I Mutual Union ! < . . 107 Ma.Ciirrniiav. . . . U5 'N. ' J.C. Oua. fil. . . . 11H I.a. NowCon. . 43. . HI No.I'lcltlo Ian. . MlHHOiirl HI. 1(1(1 ( ( IIOi.lH S' . C.IM I HI N. W. Consols 110 S' . ( . ' . * Kill I do S. P. Dis. li. S.C.noafunl. IHill. ( J. Wen. Hts. . . rcnn. now B"5t i SO St. P. Can-til 4 7-t. . Tcnii.nnw 5t5i. Il.i ( I dno. A I' . W. , ! . 114 Ti-nn.ohl Us ( ! 0 i SI. I * A I. M.Ojii.- , 77M ItlH'ht. L..VS. p. < J 11.1. 1011 de > deferred 7h Texas IMc. Isti . . ItelilBon 4i 70H Texas . . . Uc-nlHon'-M A ll : ill. P. iHttof "JJ. . . . ? ! ! ! < } * 'anadaSo..M-i. ' . . . int'iVesiShoroli . . AN. imlllol H. SO 10. R. AN. 1ms. . . . oulherna-t ill N. Paa. : lds t bid. olfc-red. IlllKtOII Sllll-li ClllOllltlollH. BOSTON. Nov. 111.-Call loans , S J par cent : luii * . UianM. 5'rfil per cc.-ut. ( 'logins prlcji for itocUb , bonda and mliiln ; Hharen : Sun Fi-nne-lncn .tllnlii ( ; ItllollldoilH. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 1C. TheoRlcl-il closlii notations for mlnlns BtoaUH to liy wore ia fol- owa : Sllvi'r bars. nri30.Mi.ei Moxlcan dollars , OlUn L'u. SlehtdraflH , 5o ; ichuruphlu , liio. .VIMV YnrU Alining < liin < atli > iiH. NKW YORK. Nov. lO.-Tho followliiif are the ' ' l.nniloii Sloi-l ; ( luolntliiiiN , LONDON. Nov. ll ) I p. m. oiiBolH.urv IIOl6.Muxieanonlliiary. | 1'IH oimolH.acc'i IHHi'St. ' 1'auicu n hil an. Pacltie uo I N. Y. Central UH4 rlo 17H IV-uiiHVlvanri M ! < rin lot ufd HH'Vltuailln ; ln 1. Central IHI I Mex. Cen. now 41. . 70 RAR SH.VKR-M d. MUM-3V-IiSi ( p.r c.nt. The late of imcount In Iho rpen market for lurt and three montliK' bills In 3 % per cent. l''iiri-lun I'lniiiirhil , R13RMN , Nov. 10. Kirlmneo "H London , elslit ' flclit. 20 inurlis 37 | > ( R. 1'AItlH , Nov. Id. Three per cent rentes , lOJf : o ; exchaiiti | > in luntUm , : Cf :5o for checks. I/NION , Nov. ie.-eluld In quoted nt KiicnoH yre today at 2to ; Madrid , 19i5 ! | l.liUin , i Rome , 108.70. Amount of bullion withdrawn urn tb * Dank ot England on balance , 100OW. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MIKE' Liberal Recoipls Tiuil a Fairly Urgoi Demand for All , PRICES GENERALLY RULE SOME LOWE Klvo tn Ten ( VnlN OIT In Sjinputll till tinKnslirii llri'iil. lluui Driili Aniillicr Ilino In PrU-f. SOUTH OMAHA. N'OV. IC.-Uoc'clpts f ( the days Imllcnlca were : Cuttle. HOB . Sheep. Horse ; November 1C 3SD < ; yoi lu7 i brought In today by each road was : Cattle.llogs.Shcep.Horsc : .Mo. Pac. Ily 1 . . Union Piiclitc System 53 2 5 11. M. U H. U 33 1 C. , 11. & Q. Hv 2 C.,11.1. p. Ily. , east 1 . . . . O..U I.&P.Uy. . west. 9 1 3 C. , St.P. , .M. & O. Ily. 15 2 IK. . & M. V. U. 11. . 2.1 < | Total receipts m 13 10 Tlie disposition of the day's receipts wa an follows , each buyer purchasing the nuir her of liead Indicated : Huyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheei The C5. H. Hammond Co. n.0 . . . . 1 Swift nnd Company 7.71 IC7 4 : The Cudahy Packing Co. . 3M 107 f. ( H. Decker and DeganII ! Vansant .t Co li J. L. Carey 2T. Lobman & llollischllds. . . 3r > \V. I. Stephens Ift ! Huston .t Co 2X ) Nelson Morris , Chicago. . . 40 : ) Other buyers 7fii : Left over 10J 60 Total 3mi 021 1,05 The market starts out with inu-h large receipts of cattle and hofi .him the pmvl ous week , but with fewer slu-en. Jndlcn lions all point to a large run of Block till wiek at all markets. CATTLI-J Today's receipts weremor than double the receipts of Msrulny i wee' ago and thu largest of any day since o tolie 2S.Vhlle the mo ; t of liiy cattle wer from the ranges , there were more native than have been seen here In some day * The demand was good for cattle of all klndt but the sharp break In eastern markets wa the cause of lower prices hero. There were more cornfed native steer here than for some time , and while none o them were very choice , there were a fex bunches of pretty decent stuff. One bund of very fair little cattle , averaging 1,171 Ibs sold up to $1.20 , and heavier and coarfc cattle welching between 1,310 and l.-'O ) Ibc brought KOTi-l.20. ! ! The buyers wanted th cattle anil they got out nnd bought then without delay , but the unfavorable report from the other markets depressed value somewhat. However , 5i10c would easll ; cover all the decline. There was quite a sprinkling of cow and helfern , but none too many for th < size of the demand. Duyers. however wanted a concession from last week's price to offfet the decline at other markets. Ii consceiuence their bids generally were nbou lOc lower , and they succeeded in gettlni them their way. The tendency of the feeder market wn lower that Is , there was a feellnp that th heavy cattle , at least , oupht to sell lower Anticipated large receipts for the week I n prepared salesmen for a declining markel but the demand was most too active to nil mlt of any shading of last week's prices On the conrtary. bandy light cattle noli strong , and heavy cattle were so close t Meady aft to leave little room for a chang of ( 'notations. Heprocoutntlve sales : NATlVns. IlttEF MILKI-3RH AND SPIUNOHRS. 1 cow and c | 2S 00 1 FprliiBCr > 30 00 WKSTKRNS. NI'3I1RASKA. N'o. Av. rr. Xo. Av. I'r. 1 bull 13CO } 2 OT 11 cows ICiX ) J2 70 1 bull llf,0 240 3 heifers. . . . . MO 3 M 2 cows 1203 240 2C fe.-o.Icro. . . . 933 340 WYOMING. Frank Rvnton. 17 fecelcr . . . .llCC 2 4J Hnlncs Rros. It cows 1035 273 33 feeders..1154 345 William llarker. 53 cows. K 213 2ccw 910 2 SO 1 bull 1410 2 SO Scows W7 300 SOUTH DAKOTA. Scows S16 175 10 cows 1043 293 1 bull 1330 2 33 37 Mrs. Tex..1017 2 S3 Mcl'iicrson Ilros. 1 feeder 500 3 00 20 feeders. . . . 911 3 SO IDAHO. 9 cows 955 2 13 1 heifer SSO 2 CO 2 cows 120S 240 C feeders 74S 273 - cows 10C2 240 4 calves 3M 300 C bulls 1IW 240 34 feeders. . . . U44 333 1 heifer. ICO 243 3 feeders. . . . MO 340 U cows 1(69 2 SO C'J feeders. . . . 972 340 I stau. 1210 2 SO S feeders. . . . 490 3 C3 I feeder t'$0 ' 2 73 C3eorje Woodard. 7 cows 993 173 2 feeders..US3 273 57 cows 178 2 75 75UTAH. UTAH. Vf. ! . White & Son. 1 cow. 730 1 TO 52 feedirs..H20 3 00 1 cows MC 233 119 feeders. . . . WO 333 II cows 941 2 73 Andrew Corry. 4 cows 137 175 SI heifers C13 275 2 heifers. . . . . 4SO 2 00 21 heifers bSO 2 fcO Scows 932 230 43 feeders. . . . C2'J 330 3 cows 776 2 SO U calves 320 373 9 calves. . . . . 250 2 K KeoURli Rros. 1 bull 1400 200 3 feeders. . . . 910 310 8 bulls 1420 213 C feeders..103S 320 l"tatr llto 275 75 feeders. . . . 1103 32. . 1 feeders..1122 290 224 feeders. . . . ttIG 340 2 heifers bSO 295 lit fecilfia. . . . bJo 3 CO NKVADA. J. M. Dortey & Son. 1 bull 1400 175 21 feeders. . . . 9M 290 2 cows 1010 2 SO 1 feeder 1310 300 a COWH 919 2 CO 2JC feeders , . . . 933 330 1 cow 12.0 2 0 HOtlS The usual light receipts of n Monday Hire on sale and under ordinary circumstances a tronif market mlKht have been anticipated to ; o with such IlKht cttcrlnRs. The heavy break n other markets , however , was reflected In u Oe decline here. The trade was elow , owlnir to he reluctance of calesmen to make/ the con- csslon , but they all cut looto and gold befoie he clocc. Representative sales : 'o. Av. Pr , No. Av. I'r. 1 436 fOJ300 CO 2SO 200 J3 17 > ' i S 313 tO 300 C3 275 10 3 20' S 410 SO 303 CC 2 W 320 1 323 . . . 310 C.1 2C < ! 120 320 1 341 SO 310 SO 290 KO 320 f 337 FO 310 CS 2lV , 0 323 ! S O 2U ) 3 10 7G 240 SO 3 23 S 30 ? UO 315 71 215 . . . 325 I'lClS-ODDS AND I3NDH. 1 250 . . . 1 SO 0 433 . . . 3 02H 3 227 . . . SCO 2 4iS . . . 303 1 433 . . . 3(0 4 422 . . . 303 S 4SO 60 3(0 5 2W . . . 3 07 > i S 470 . . . 300 5 'M . . . 325 HIIKK1" Sheep were nleo lower , as well us ther kinds of ttock , lOJU&o In most cases. The emand , however , keeps up and desirable sheep inl lambs arc. t-ocul EC I lord. Representative alei : o. Av. I'r. U native ewes , , , 77 j | 75 5 Nevada ewes TS 2 75 :3S : WyomliiK mixed 100 275 ! D Wyoming mheil 100 275 14 Nevada westerns 100 2 75 15 Wyoming Iambi ! CO 300 IS Wyoming lambs r.O 3 oo 13 native Iambi st 3 M 2 native wethers 10A 3 (0 ; 0 Nevada lambs C ! 3 35 < U Wyoming Iambi , CS 375 f3 Wyoming lambs C7 S 75 f ! native lambs C3 4 00 Xvw York l.lvo MooU. NI3W YORK , Nov. KS-lll3UVKH-Recelpts. 241 head ; yards about clcurrd ; Meers , qulft and ine-r ; ntuiih butche-rv' Hock , nctlve nnd llrnifr ; ntlvo fte-erH , pnnr to prime , J3 SO < | 4.W ; Man nl , u cn , t.7604.o , bull * , | 2.45fr'3. ( ; dry cows , , .1S3.25 ; 13uropean cable * quote American ulcers t luijWic , ilrcitcJ nclchti litfu at Wic < ' 1J- jj Over $411 , ,000 Paid to Policy Holders FED is 111 Fifty-three Years I 51 m C t 11 U. Ul RICHARD A. McCURDY , President , Who will pay that mortgage on your home if you die before it's lifted ? A life insurance policy will do it , and the cost to you is only the annual premium paid to the company. It is like pay ing a little extra interest on your mortgage to insure its re lease if you die. The resources of the Mutual Life of New York exceed the combined capital of all the na tional banks of New York City , Chicago , Boston , Philadelphia , St. Louis , Cincinnati and Balti more. A duty delayed is a duty shirked. Let a man convinced of responsibility secure adequate protection and at once. INSURE NOW & & IN THE MUTUAL LIFE. A Policy of . 'Insurance in the Mutual Life is the quickest asset you can leave. dressed weight ; refrigerator beef , "CiTic ; no ex- ports. HI1I-3I3I > AND IAMt.S Receipts , 21.221 head ; slow nnd lower all 'arouml ; sheep , J2.37'ifj3.50i lambs , J4 OO'JI.Tr , . HOGS Receipts , 10,413 head ; easier at $3.S08 4.10. Trniln In Cnltlo Fairly Active , 1'rlcpf Itnllnix I.invi-i- . CHICACIO , Nov. 1C. Trade In cattle was fairly active , prices ruling from lOc to 15c lower than at tlic close of last week. Bales were on a batls of from J3.50 to J3.75 for common to fair beef ( .leers , with the bulk of the cattle crossing the hcalcs at from JI.25 to $1.75. Stockers ami feed ers were at from lOo to 15c lower today , with rales at from J2.S3 to > 4. llutciicrs ami rnnners' stuff fold quite freely. Cows and bulls ( .old at from J1.25 to $4 largely at from J2 to { . ! 23. Calves were active at from 1.1 tn J5.75. West erners sold slightly lower , pr.d Texans were wanted at from J3 to J3.75 for graspers. ami at from J3.M to $1.23 for Missouri and KaliKis corn- fed lots. In hogs , the great Incrcnso In the Mipply rnuseil prices to open lOc lonur. Kales were at an ex treme range of fro'ii J2.93 to J3.47 > 4 for cnnri-o heavy to prime medium weights , with the bulk cf the transactions at Irom J'l 20 to J3.40. The syndicate price for light weight , lions was J3. 41. An unexpectedly large tun of sheep ciiUKcd a drop of from ir c to 25c In prices. Trade was very slow , with the tales of common to choice IlocKs of sheep at from J1.75 to (3.40 , and poor to choice lambs at fiun 13 to J4.75 , with fancy lambs Kiil.iblc around { . ' > . 13tlinatcd rceolpts : rattle , 21,000 hcud ; hogs , 5S.COO head ; sheep , 30,000 head. KIIIIMIH City litvt * Sloclc. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 10. CATTM-3 Receipt * . 13.000 bead ; shipments.COO bead ; market SJi'lSc lower ; Texas steers , J3.00S3.S5 : Tcxns cows , $1.73 02.SO ; native fleers , 13.003 1. 7J ; native cows nnd lielfcrs , J1.25i3.50 ; ptockcrs and feeders. J2.55ip 3.7.'i ; bulls , fl. 5(103.23. ( HOGS Receipts. C.SOO liead ; shipments , TOO head ; market weak to lOc lower ; bulk of sales , $3. 0 < lt3.25. heavies and packers , J3.1Sfi3.25 ; mixed , J3.Wff3.30 ; lights , J3.15iu3.27H ; Yorkers , J3.23ff 3.20 ; piss , J3.CO(3.20. SH 13131' Itccelpts , 5.CCO head ; Bhlpments , l.fiOO liead ; market weak to lOo lower ; lambs , J3.COQ ! 4.60 ; muttons , K.KO3.23. SI. LuTiU > flc. BT. 1XWIS , Nov. IC.-CATTI.K-Hecelpts , 5,000 lead ; market 20c lower for common stuff and lOc off on others ; native shipping fleers , $3. Mil tM : light tteers. J2.75fi 3.50 ; COWH and heifers , { 2.00 © 3.00 ; Texas nnd Indian steers , t2.25W3.30. HOGS Receipts. 9.CCO liencl ; market lOfflSo ewer ; IlKht , J3.2503.5 ; mixed , 53.60j3.:0 ; heavy , J2.l-Ofl3.SO. 811171-31' Itecelpts , 2,500 bead ; market lOo lower : muttons , t2.23fi3.SO. Stock In Slulii. llccord of live stock tecelvcd at the four prin cipal markets , November 1C , ISiiC : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ! < > uth Omaha . 3M3 M > 6 I.OS7 Chicago . 21,000 CS.OOO 30,000 KIIIIMIH City . 13000 H too S.OCO St. Louis . B.OCO 0.000 2 SO ) Totals .42,863 74.S9C 2S,5S7 St. IiiiulH HiMic-riil .Mai-lit * ! . ST. LOUIS. Nov.-16. FI.Ol'R Dull and lower ; > nli-nti ! . J4.SOS4.CO : extra fancy. 14.0084.10 ; fancy , J3.50fj3.C5 ; choice , J2 SWJra.'O. W1I13AT Speculative market dull and weak at he e.pcnlng , and f.n > feeling IB growing that St. , oul has been too milch out of line with the ither markets. The lulling * etptloiiH opened at 5'S.fiSS ' c. Vjd'Ho down from Saturday's cloi.e. t was decidedly weak and tujld down to gSfiKSl&c , rallied and sold up to (5T ( c , but broke ami mid town to 6HitHero It rallied and sold up to 5ic , but eafed off again and closed at MJ\c 'Id. 1 & % C llinlcr h'aturday ; May tilled about ho Fume. Fpot nlso lower ; No. 2 red , ciihli , 'levator. We ; truck , WftSSc ; Ueccmber , 85io Mil ; May. ISe. ( , CORN l-'ulureH nnd ciub bntli ruled dull and mver In tyinpathy- with wheat ; No. 2 cash , " 'lie : December , 2Uc ; May , 23 4c bid. OATS Fulures mile-l nnd Heady. .Spot uulct ; No. 2 cash , 19e bid ; May , 22T4C. RYI-3-3IC bid. CORN MUAIr-il.tS : HHAN-Qiilet ; cjiftcrn buyers bid 28fl30c : for uilk ; 3Sc for vackeil ct outside points , and Z'Jc or rout track. " I'MiAXKIiHU Ijowrr nt 75c. TIMOTHY KiUl-rrlme , t2.f.O. HAY-KIrm nnd tili-licr ; prairie. I7.COS6.00 ; llm. of.iy , IC.WWll.lo. IlLiTTKIl-Hteady nnd unchaiiKcd. KdCIH-QuIrt at lc. WI1IHKY J1.1S. MIJTAI.K-I , quiet at 2.C7''jfj.72(4. ( Hpel- rr , S3.75 iifked , I-ailLTUY-ytilftj chickens. a | < | and rprlni : . Cc ; urkeyn , flow , C'.4i7c. ; ducks , steady , 7ci KCese , teady. tit We. PHOVIR1ONB l-nrk , lower ; ptnndurd mart. job. Inif. nominal. Lunt. lower ; prime Mriim , > 3.77'4 ' ; holce. CI.Mi. Ilacon , lioifd Hhuulilers , SI M ; extni hort cltnr. t4.C2H : ribs , t4.C2K. Dry ntllfd meuts , boxed shoulders , tl.K : extra uliurt , clrar , 4. < i5 : ribs , t4 ; thorls. 14.15. HBC'E'IITH ' Klour. C.tWO lililn. ; wheat , 20,000 bu. ; urn. ! W > OfO bu. ; oatn. 14C(0 bu , HIIIPMCNTH Flour. 6,000 bbls. ; wheat. 9.000 u. ; corn. 1CI.OOO bu. ; oat * , 12,000 bu. XIMV Y < TrU Win-lit Aliirlii-t. NKW YOIIK. Nov. U. Under nn extraordinary veleht of I cur news , wheat loi.t 3e u bu. l duy. 'nun Katurduy'ii curb price of Ho December umbled t SiV ; before 2 o'clock. The ueaknci > R axled all chty , wlti : Die rxceptlon of a oliaip . nllv near Iho cloie , due t fulrr exiKirt rumorii , | 'his wa partially lort In Hit * lant fuw minutes , nil price * fell off IVidiUo under Saturday' * urL > , UccciuLcr uliowlni ; tlio crcaleit wcakneti , J IS THE COMPANY IN TWO GENERATIONS 1843-1896 The Mutual Life Insurance Co. , of New York , has paid $246,000,000 to its living members. Has been the benefactor of women nnd children to the extent of $165,000,000. ever FOB IOWA KRJ3RASKA , FIRST RATIONAL RANK BUILDING , SIXriI AND LOCUST STHEETS , OMAHA. DES MOINES. Agents Wanted in 13very County. H. S. WINSTON , Special Representative , Ohmlia. Tbi > inifnvnrnble newB was Inrije qunntltlPB ol Innp , 'lieal. Increase In northwest reeelptp , lartc ! Mlns In tbc inKllHi : : vlrlble fiiivply iintl wuil.l'f Fliliment | ! , nnd n Kenenius niMltlun to Ihc ninount on pafSiiRe. Tlie tluinei-tle vlxlble mi'l'ly ntiiKRoroil tbc bulls by IncrenfliiK l.OCO.OCO bu. , \vber-a n llKlit Increnpe bail leen expected. I/ovnl export files amounted tn about 155.000 bu. , jiart or wblcliMI.I done lute Kntunlay. Decem ber closed at M5r. Total transnctlons for tbe day were 9.C95.MO bu. OMAHA CiKXKKAIi .1IAKICKT. Ciiiiillllon of Tnulo nnil ( lu oil Slniilc ami I'niK-y 1'i-oililee. KC.GS Fies'.t fralbcrcd , ISe. IIUTTKU Coniinon to fair. Cff7c ; choice to fancy , country , HRlIc ; rcpaiator creamery , UO ICe ; Katbcied cream , l313c. OAMK rralrlo oblckeim. per < loz. , I5.CO ; quail , $1.110 ; blue winged , teal ducks. $1.S ; Kreen wins , Jl.00ffl.25 ; red heads and mallards. .S5 ; Finull rabbit ? , SOcOtl.OO ; JackH. 2 ; fquiriels , 7De. CIIIIHSK IJomesilc brick. lOc ; Kilam. per doz. , $3.00 ; club houre , 1-lb. JurH , ptr iloz. , 13.10 ; l.lm- lierner. faucy. per 11) . . t-c : Umiuefort. ! 4-tb. Jarn , per doz. . 13.00 ; Young Americans , He ; twlnn , fancy , lOVic. VriAI. Ciiuicn fat. fO to 110 Ibs. . arc quoted at 7fc ; lai-RC and con ire. tiiuc. DUi.aPKI : > I'Olil.TllY e'aleKciis , 7c ; turkeys , lOfrllc ; neepe. OIMOiducUs. ; . lOc. IAVW ruLU.THY Hum , : eoekd. 3c ; sprliiB diieliH , de ; turkeys. Sffli'ze ; eici-u. 75jc. l'iai-ONS : I.lxc. ; OGMc ) ; dead plge-ons not wanted. HAY Upland , J5 ; mldlaml , Jl.tO ; lowland , 14 ; rye fctraw , { 4 ; color makes the price on bay ; ilgbt bales cell the beat ; only top crudes brlnK top price- * . HROOM CORN nxtrcmely ! ow sale ; new crop , delivered mi track In country ; choice Krcen FPir-\vorklnjr earpet. per Ib. . z'c : choice giecn , running to hurl J c : eorrmon. I'Xc. ViOKTAUIES. SWKHT I > OTATOiS-On orders , per bbl , , 11.C5 C1.75. ONIONS Oood Flock , per bu. , S5JJ40C. I IMA I1KANP 1'cr Ib . 4c. HHANrt Hand pleked navy , per bn. . J1.40. OAllIIAOi : Home trown , per hundred. CEI.KHY I'er doz. . " 5r ; fancy , lorce , 4fos. rOTATOiS elooif Flock , per bu. , 25c ; Wyom- tnff Btoclc , packed , ( Oo per 100 Ibs. FUU1TH. OItAI'iS-New 12'-c - York. , { CAMI'OIINIA OIIAI'KS Klilpplncr stock , 11.75. C'HANIlHIUtinS-Capo t-ei.1 , Ir bbl. , 50.00. AI'I'LKS C'onUlnir. per bbl. . J1.75 ; eating , J1.75 W2.0fl ; fancy New York. J1.7S02.00. CALIFORNIA I'KAHS I'cr box. J2.00S2.23 ; New York , per bid. . JS.MIfH.uO. gtJJNCKS-I'er bbl. . Jl , TROl'ICAh FRUITS. ORANOMS Mexican. J , . LEMONS McvulnnB , 15.00 , California lemons , I1ANANAB Chnlcc. larRO Block , per bunch , t2.t-0-fft.25 ; medlum-Blzed biinclien. Jl.Eoff2.CO. , I'-RIWII MKATS. BKEF Good native fcteers , 4W to COO Ibs. . f.liO 7centein ; EteeiH. MI5'ic ; Rood COUB nnd heir- erf , tflS'.jc ; molliim cows and heifers. 4',4c ' ; KOO-I forenuarterH COWH and heifers , 3Hc ; Kood furequarlcra native Mccrs , tc ; K od hind quarters cows nil.I . helferH , C ie ; good hindquar ters native Mecr * . fi3 e ; cow rounds , S'Xic ; cow plates , 3c ; bonclehs cbucks , 4c ; ruw chucks , 3VOi MeerH chucks , 4e ; beef tenderloln.i , 20c ; beef rolls , bonelesH. 9VjC ; hlrloln butts , boneless , O'.ic ' ; loin backs , bunelt-bs , ive ; loin backs , 7' c ; cow ribs , No. J , 7c ; cow loins , No. 3 , to ; beef trlmmlnes , 3' c ; rump buttc , Co ; shoulder clods , Hie. 1'OUIC Dresceil IIOKII , 5o ; pork loins , CHc ; I > ork tenderloins , 15c ; spine ribs , ! > < ; hum nausaKe , butts , fc ; poik shoulders , roUKh , t\tjc \ ; pork rhinil- derH , tiklnned , Cc ; pork IrlminliiKs , Sc ; leaf lanl , not lendervd , Cc. MUTTON Dreiised lamb. C\ic \ ; dreufcd mutton , Co ; lacks , miitlun , S'.c ' ; legs , multoii , SVjc ; Bad dies , mutton , S' , : < " ; rtew , 3c ; tbeep plucks , 3c. MIKC'IiM.ANICOUu JIONKY Fancy white , per Ib. , :4Olcj choice , 13c ; California , umber color , lOc. I'lOJMI-nailJled Juice , per half bbl. , J2.75 ; per bbl. . I4.V5f)4.tO. MAl'I.K HVItU'l'-Flve-K-al. cnns. each , J2.75 ; cat. cans , per dog. , (12 , half-Kin , cans , 10.25 ; quart eaiin , JT.W. I-'IflH Imporlml fancy , B crown , 20-lb. boxes , I4e ; choice , 10-lb boxes , S crown , 9U10C. NUTS Almonds. California , per Ib , . medium jlze. lOc ; Tamipona nlnumiis , prr in. , larse , li'.tc ; llrazlls , per Ib. . b710c ; in llFh walnuts , | IIT Ib. . fancy , cult slii-ll. 13c ; stniidurds. llffll'Ac ; Illbcrts , per Ib. , lOc ; pecans , pidlshed medium , lOu ; large , 12c. 1IIDHS ANIJ TAM/W. HIliS No. 1 green hides , ! KJ ; No. 2 ureen lildcs , 4u ; No. 1 nnen railed hides , 7e ; No. 2 Kleen > altid bl' . ' < n , ( c ; Nn. 1 M'al calf , 8 lo n Lbf. , 7e ; Nn. 2 veal calf , S to 15 Ibs. , te ; No. 1 ilry Hint hides , iifrloNo. ; . 2 dry Hint hides. 7tli > c ; No. 1 diy Milled hides , Mi'.V ; part cured lildrs , Ho per Ib lens than fully cured. Blllii' : I'Ml/l'H-Oreen railed , each , SSflCOc ; urfn tailed nheurliiKB ( short wemb-il early iklne ) , each , lc ; dry khearlncu ( short woole-d i-arly pklnn ) , No. J , each , to ; dry shearings Ipliort wooled early rklns ) . No. | . each , fc ; dry Hint , KimpnH and Nebrakka butcher oul pells. .IT Ib. , actual weight , 40re ; dry HUH Kiui'as ind Nebraska niiirrnln wool pelts , pi-r Ib. , actual A'vlKhl , 3f4e ; dry Hint Colorado biilrher wool ii-lls , per Ib. actual welKht , 4nCe ; dry Hint Jolortuh > murrain wool pells , t er Ib. . actual ivi'lKln. Sjl < - ; fprt cut off , as It li uncles * to pay 'H'ltlit on them. TAI.l.dW AND ORHAHK-Tallow , No. 1. SV4e ; allow , No. 2. S1 c ; Krense. wliltn A. 3Uc : Rrcafce. wlillo 11. ! ' , c ; : rpafp. > elow. | 2o ; Ki a . dark. Hie ; old butler , 2iUc ; besiwax , prime , UO (2cj ( roiish tallow , ic. VlMlllllirillll Slllll | | ) ' . NBW YORK. Nov. IC.-Tlie vUlble'rupply of rralli Haturduy , NoM-mbrr 14 , us eoinplleil by tlm Vew York I'roduen exiluinne , Is os foliown ; A'hrnt , CO.ICh.OOO bu. ; Increase , 1,035,000 bu. ; oru , 18mMO bu. ; dicrcacv , 1,0)7,000 bu , Outs , 12.07P.OOO bu. ; Increai-e , 316.000 bu. Rye. 2.70i , ouo Int. ; Incieane , XveifO bu. llarley. C.2LOit bu. ; Increase , 108,000 bu. I 1,1 vi-rpuol .llnrUi'iK. I.IVliRPOOU Nov. 16. 1'ROVISIONS Ilaeon dull ; flcmand poor ; Cumberland cut , 2S to 3 Ibs. , JOa ; short ribs , 2rt to 24 Ihs. , 29s ; lonir clear IlKht , 20 to 3S Ibs. . 30s Cd ; long clear , heavy 40 tn 45 Ib ? . . 29s GI ; hhort clear backs , IlKht IS Ibs. , 27s : fhort ck-ar middles , heavy. 4.1 ti f,0 11-s. . 24s Cd ; clear bellies , II to 16 Ibs. , 2fld M Shoulders , Miuarr , 12 to IS Ibs. , 2ns Cd. Hums Ehort cut , 14 to 16 Ib" . , 42s. Tallow , line Norll American. 20s Cd. Reef , extra India mes-s. Ms inline mess. 4is. Pork , prime mess , line western Ooa ; medium we-stein , 42s Sd. Iwird , dull ; prlmi tvi stern , 22s ; rellned , In palla. 2T.9. CI113I-3S1-3 Firm ; demand poor ; finest Amcrl can \vblte and colored , September. fds. IlfTTKIl l-'lnett fulled Slates. 83s ; uood , 0s OILS I.lnrced. ICs Sd. I'etieleum. rcflne.1 , d-d RnriUClHRATOR RI3liFureiiuaiter. : . 3 .il hlni'qimrter , fi d. HOI'S At London ( Pacific coast ) . 3 Cs. \VHI3AT-Spot. iiulct ; demand poor ; No. : red winter , nominal ; No. 2 red , f prink" , 7s 2d No. 1 hard , Manltcba , nominal : No. i Califor nia. 7s 7d. Fiituii-s opined flrm , with ncai and distant pcslll im unchaiiK : closed wc.ik , with Novernlwr 2'4d loner and other month ! 2ld lower : buMnefs about eiiually dlslrlhuli" ! November. Cs lid ; December , January and Feb ruary. Cs IHiil ; March , Cs ll'Jd. CORN Spot , quiet ; Am rlean mixed , new , 3s 2'id. Futures upened qulel. with near am ! dUtaiit positions 'id lower ; clin-c.1 dull , wllh November unchanged and other months HI ! lotvcr ; huslncFR heaviest i n nearest and IIIOKI distant positions ; November , 3s 2'id : Ilccem- ber. 3s 2'4d ; January , February nnd Match , 3s l"id. FIXJUR Firm ; demand fair ; freely biipplled ; St. I.ouls fancy winter , ( a M. PI3AS Canadian , 4s 10.1. CiilTru .MurU.-t. NI-3W YORK. Nov. 10.-COI-'l'I3I3-Oitlona | opened steady , wllh M Ices G to i : points higher on llrm cables. huyliiK cheeked by lar er receipts nt llrazll ami heavy vUlble supply for Ihe United States ; ruled dull , wllh weak undertone ; closed barely steady , 6 prdnts blRher to d points lower ; sales , 3fC1 bak-H. tncUidlna : March. } 9.CT > { | 9.75. Spot coffee , Rio , dull ; No. 7. Jobbing , til : Invoice. JlO.tO. Total warehouse deliveries fiom the I'nlled Slates. M.7M baKS , IncludhiK S.SCl liaus from New York ; New Yurk Hock today , 303.O3 baK : t'nlted States htock ,,2ll biiKs ; atloat for the I'nlted States , 3J2.000 IUIKM ; total visible for Lie 1'nlted States , 706.2II hairs , iiBalimt 570- COI II.-IKS last year. SANTOS. Niv. 16.-CO1-TI3I3 Quiet ; Rood aver , ace Santos , ll.OCO rels : receipts , lliM IUIKS : slock. tia.OOO bats. Weekly : Quiet ; 1'ood averaKC per 10 kilos. 11,000 lels ; receipts durhiK Ilie week , 147.000 li-'lus ; bhlpments tn the United Slales , 37,1X0 baKs ; htoek , M9.0CO ba.-ts. HAMHt'RO. Nov. lfi.-COI-'l.--3n-Slcaily | ; ' , i life advance ; sales. 11.000 bans. RIO , Nov. 1C. COI-VI-31-3 Hlendy : No. , 7. Rio , 11.7CO rels ; cxchiuiKe. Sd : receipts , 14,000 II.IKH : cleared for the llnlted States. 80,10 , baits ; cleare-d for Kuropo. H.Oirt bacs ; Hock , 320 O-il biius. Weekly report : Sleady ; cxc'.ianjie , Maii'lard ' , 11.7(10 ( rels ; receipts durlmr tinweek. . 76.0,10 baKs ; t-hlpmciils In thu I'nlt.'d Htati-s , CS.OOO bags ; stock , 33,000 baga. IIAYRI3 , Nov. IC.-t'OFI-Min-Clofed steady nt % to If net advance ; sales , 28,000 hacx. KIIIINIIN City MnrUi'lM. KANSAS CITY. Neiv. 1C. WIII3AT Market dull on heavy recelplH and iiunicd at 4c l < iwi-r than Snlurday ; No. 2 hard. 7Ci,9c , latter for che.lcc ; No. 3 , 7Sfi74Hc ; No. 3 red , S7e bid : No. 3 , nominally , H4JS7iNo. ; . 2 Fiirlnt , ' , nominally , 75f 7Cc , No. 3 , nominally , 71il74c. CORN .Market slow , ijCile lower ; No. 2 mixed , 10 > iW20c ; No. 2 white , MiflO c. OATS Market slow , hut He-idy ; No. 2 mixed , nominally , Uc ; No. 2 white , oil , nominally , 23c ; new. 21c. UYI-3-MiirkPt nrm : No. 2 , 32'ic. ' HAY Maiket steady ; timothy , choice , Jf.COff S.fiO ; choice pmlrle , t'iMfi&M. Ill'TTKR Market Him. but dull : creamery. 10 C17c ; dairy , 10til2c ; re-celpls , IlKht ; demand , fair. 1-3(1C.S Market dull. 17'.4c. IVorlli Mnrki-lN. 1'KORIA , Nov. 1C. CORN Uony , lower ; No. 2 , 2lc ; No. 3. 23'4c. OATS-ejulet ; No. 2 whltev 23i&KKci ! No. 3 wlille. ! 7 mio. RYH-l'Inn : No. 2 , 37/3Sc. WHISKY Market fteady ; finished Koods on Iho basis of II.1H for IdKh wlne-s. Rl-H'HIITH-Corn , 7U.9VI bus. ; oalB. 43,5T.O bus. ; rye , on ) bus. ; whlnky , none ; wlie-al , 6,40bus. . SIIII'MIINTSCorn. . 4,260 bun. ; oatn , S2.MO Ims. ; rye , none ; uliUky , 1.290 Kills. ; wheat , ] , ; oo bus. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tiili-iln ( iriiln. TOII3O. | Nov. 1C. WIIKAT Hli-aily ; No. 2 : asb. 2 < - ; May , M'ic. CORN liHIT and active : No. 2 inlxeil. 2l4c. ! OATS Hull but tteady : No. 2 nilxul , I'J'.tr. ' HViJiilet : : No. 3 cash , 3H4c. C1.OV13R SI-i-i : : > -Qule'l ; prime. tK. OII < Ni-rlh l.linii , CRc ; South Lima , CCc ; Kouth ' ' < liiin and Indiana. Clc. SiiKiir MiirUrl , NI3\V YORK , Nov. K.-SIK1AR Raw. steady ; 'air ' ii-flnlnif , 3fi3 3-ic | ! ; centrifugal , W lit t , ZHv. tellned , quiet ; Hnndard "A , " 4 0 ; confecllon- rH' "A. " 4ie ; Kranulaled , 44c. ! UINDON , Nov. 1C. SlJdAR { 'ane , dull : Mils- 'ovado futr ri-llnlnif , lOu. llei-l suiriir , buyers .it luotatloim ; NuvcmU-r , l'n ' 4Vtd ; DtTeinln-r. H ( ' .id , .IHllllllllHlllH'llllll. . MINNI3APOMH. Nov. 1C. U'llKAT-rioncil ! 'ovcmber , nVtf ] > ecpinlM-r , 7 ; 74Vic ; May , M'iPi ' n track , N" . I haul , tOc ; No. 1 northern , "STto ; o. 2 norlhirii , 78tic ; rccelplii , 1,100 earn , ( Jdlliiu .tlnrUi-l. NKW YORK. Nov. 1C. COTTON-Qukt ; mid- \\IIH \ \ , 'iYte , Ktu * recflpU , C.OOO bui- | ; e > purl o Urcat Jlrltaln , 3W Luk-u ; to 1'runce , C70 Ho\v much will your admin istrator have to sacrifice your estate to force quick assets ? An Installment Policy for $100,000 will leave your family $5,000 yearly income for 20 years , in any event , and if youi stated beneficiary is then living he or she will be paid $5,000 yearly during life. A 5 per cent Debenture for $100,000 will leave your wife $5,000 yearly income either for 20 years or until her death Ll prior thereto ; then $100,000 will bs paid in one sum. A possible return of $200,000 , The true business man acts oromptly. Get our rates at once. JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone 10 : > . Oinalui , Neb. COMMISSION N : PiiOYiSIJ.\'S \ : AXD . Honril ol Trade. IVrsct wires to CIIICHKO unJ New York , C .iTCiiDondfnts : John A. Worrell 4 O- WHEAT BOOMING r.nJ ncicr bllcred i beiicr opporiunily fur inak. Ir.c money. Write li , H. Murray & Co. , Hunkers & lliokers , 12 : Rlalto Illds. . C.ilcuuo members of the ClilcnKo Hoard of Tiade In Koo . for Ihelr book nn Statistics and t-uciu. latlve llifj-niutlc.n. and Dnlly Market Letter , ith fre.- . ! Pnr-IAI. ATTUNTION GIVI-3N TO or OF TOVVM ORORRS HIDES WANTED. HU'lu-Ht maike-t price paid and prompt return I Reference -Omaha N.'illdual Hank. ' F. S. BUSH & CO. , No commission. 013 S. tilth St. , Omaha , Neb. - ales ; to the continent , 1,200 bales ; forwarded. l.CCl bales ; i-plnmrs. . bales ; stuck. 1U2.121 b.iles. Fulurrs i-eil cpilet , sale * . SCO. 700 balea , January. J7.04 ; Fi binary. J7.TI ; March , J7 7S | April , JT.kS. May. J7.SS ; June , J7.H1 ; July. > 7.S1 | November. 17.49 ; lu-ci mher. J7.f > 3. ST. IXJCIS. Nov. -e-eiTTON-Qulet and un- clmiiKel ; middling. 7 * c ; Hiles , C50 bales ; re ceipts , 455 bales ; shipments , DCS bale-s ; Block , 20. < ri ; bales. NKW ORU3ANH. Nov. lC.-COTTON-Iull | middling , 7 1-lCc ; low middling , 7le ! ; RIMM ! ordlii. ary , CT c ; net receipts , 10.203 bales ; gross , 1C.CCI balea ; sales. l.tMJ bale-s ; cluck , 311,716 bales. OH Oily .Mnrlii-l. Oil , CITY , Nov. 1C. Credit balances , > i.20 | ccrtlllcale-s opetu-d high ; low clofeil at 5I.1 > , shipments , ISC.'JM bbls. ; runs , 1,4SS bbls. KlKln Illlllcr. 13UJIN. III. Nov. 1C.-RUTTI-3R Active ; of. ferliigH. 3I.C20 Ib.s. ; sales. 21t > 20 Ibs. at 20o ; 3,7bl Ibs. nt 20' c. Dry CiioilN. VAltlt RIVI3R , Mass. , Nov. 1C. The print clotl market Is quiet at 2'-4c ; moderate demand , TIIHCO'Inill. . SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 16. WIII5AT I3a y | May , tl.C3 % ; iJeecmber , JI.D5 , l-'llllllH'lllI .VlllOM. MI3MPIIIS , Ti-nn. . Nov. IC.-CloarlUKS , } ! M- 7S' ' . NKW ORM3ANS , Nov. IC.-Clearlnfc-s , J6.2SO. . C15. C15.ROSTON. ROSTON. Nov. 1C. Clearings , J13,745C14 ; bal ances. II.461.704. RAI/riMORK. Nov. 16-ClearlHKS , 12.237,867 : balances , > 3.11M3. NI3NV YORK , Nov. lC.-ClenrIiiB , J8,874S45 ; balances , t4,3V7fCl. ! I'HII.AHin.l'IIIA. Nov. IC.-Clearlngs , J9.0C8- S74 ; balances , 11.421,0. ST. IXII'IS. Nov. lO.-CI--atln s. JI.737.M7 ; bal ances , tCl,311. Moiu-y. CfiS per cent. Nev > York i-xrlianco , 75c prcinluin hid , II premium ai-l.i d. WASIIINOTON , Nov. 1C. The treasury lent (34,100 In l-'nld , whlrb leavc-s Iho true amount of the reserve at Ilil.fiSO.TKI. The net sain In KOld today at New Y' rk wan } :4CCO. : flllCAC.O. Nov. 10-Cli-arliiKS , JIC.727.0CO. Money , hllxhtly eaeler at Mil per cent. New York f-xciiuiiKP. 70c iiremlum. ForclKii exehaiiKC > steady ; demand , HKT > > i ; sixty days , Jl.fcllJ. . InrrlllHrv I.ICI-IINI-N , 1'ermltn to we-il liuvu be-on IBHIICI ! lo the following partli-H by tlio county JudKe : Name mill Adilre-HH. Afje. ( lii.stav Ili-llinnnn , UoiiKliiH ceiunty , Nub. . 33 UzailoVlllte , IJoimliiH county , Neb 27 Miirtlii Kalulh , Omiiliii 21 Jci.slu KKiiip , Omiibii 21 fi-irjo Aiiicrnon , fcioiilh Omalm 23 Amilo AniU-rHein , Houtli Oiiiiilia. . . " 22 ihni llimikn , Hinitb Omalm 21 Alllilu Subeita , Houtli Omaha IB \i v for Hull OVITI-IIIIt At noon yesterday Injtnictlunii wi-ro wlrcel lo tint wratlicr otlli-lalB In this city illrc-ctlm : ; hum to hoist the cold wnvo llni , ' . A trouttli if cold In uweepliiK In from the northwcwt mil it fall In tumpcraluru of ( rum 2S to In | iredlctcd for today. 'I'll 13 ltl < 3AI.TY .MAHICirr. INBTHHAtHNTS plnceil on rt-ooril Monday. November 10 , ISM : WAHHANTY DKKDH. 3nuti ) Omiiliii HaviiiKH lianli In Henry Graf , i ) 20 feet ( if lot 7 , Went Hill. . . . } 400 [ 'Her AnderHon tr > Jrimln Trcnliertli , lot 11. block W , ( Inindvlew add " 1 2. H. I'erkliiH and wlfei to JnincM AIu- " " * Oreal. net HW HW ti-10-13 KO i. J. Paynteir lo J. I. 1'aynliir , Jr. , o C , ' , feejt of lot IS , Arbor I'lacu , 2,000 DKKUf ) . \ . II. Campbell , ndmlnlHtrntor. to O. J. 1'arki-r ut nl L-xceUtor ! , lul C , bloul ( 13 , Ambliir J'laco 31 Total amount of traiiHfcni } 3 ,