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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1896)
aanm 1 * : * THE OMAHA ! DALLY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAITA , SATURDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 31 , 1890 TWELVE I PAGES. SINGLE COPY FEVE CENTS. INDIAN SUES FOR A DIVORCE _ Interesting Oaso Involving a Number of the Biotuc Tribo. ELOPES WITH A RESERVATION BELLE Plmt Horn mill MNN | fSooil Xntnreil Pool Hear Creulu HomvtliliiK of u HeiiHiitloii In the Crow Creuk Klciucnt. CHnMUEULAIN , S. D. , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) A dlvorco case , In which members of the Sioux trlbo are principals , has been com menced hero and so far as romantic features nro concerned Is qltlto Interesting. In Oc tober , 1890 , First Horn , a redoubtable war rior , end Appwrlng Earlh , a reservation belle , were married nt the agency by United Sidles Indian Agent'A. P. Dlxon. Uoth nro members of the Crow Creek tribe of Sioux. All went smoothly In the Klrst Uorn house hold until two years ago , when n young Sioux beauty named Good Naturcd Keel Hear appeared on the scene. The rcdsklnncd beauty had been attending an eastern In dian school and had returned to the reser vation for her vacation , when she and First Horn met nnd formed a warm attachment for each other. They made no particular attempt to conceal their nffectlon nnd nat urally the Jealousy of the patient wife was nroused. Then the recreant husband and the young charmer decided to clopo. They fled to Yankton agency , but were followed by In dian police nnd forcibly carried back to Crow Creek agency , where they were thrown into Jail. After remaining In Jail for n time they were liberated nnd the relatives of Good Matured Fool Hear again sent her to the eastern school , hoping that the scp- nrntlon would cnuso the lovers to forget each other. A few months ago the Indian girl returned to her homo on the reserva tion , nnd It was but n short time until she again aroused the Jealousy of Mrs. First Horn , who made complaint on several occa sions to the Indian agent , and the couple wcro punished by serving brief terms In Jail. , , On September 10 First Horn and Good Naturcd Fool Hear left the reservation and went to Garni Valley , the county seat of Buffalo county , where they wcro married by llcv. E. P. Swartout , a Methodist minister. They returned to the reservation In the evening and the next morning wcro ar rested by the agency nuthorltlco nnd placed In Jail. A complaint against First Horn was filed with United States Commissioner SUmrt In this city , charging him with bigamy , and n warrant was Issued and served by Deputy United States Marshal Lew la. The prisoner engaged the services of oxCommissionerMorrow , who main tained that the United States was without jurisdiction In the matter , ns the marriage ceremony constituting the act of blgam > was performed outsldo the Crow Creek res ervation nnd therefore only subject to the state statutes. The United States commis sioner concurred In this view nnd First Horn wns released. His lawful wlfo has now Instituted dlvorco proceedings against him for bigamy and on other grounds. Judge Morrow Is her attorney and the case will bo tried before Circuit Judge Smith In this city. OM.Y A MAJOIUTV Ilnther I'ecultnr Comity Sent I.ltlKii- tloii In South Dakota. PIERRE , S. D. , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) While the question as to whether n two-thirds vote would bo required to change the loca tion of the county Heat In Roberts county , In the present county seat contest , was not allowed to be raised In the mandamus case which was brought before the supreme court to compel the commissioners of that count ) to call an election for the purpose of voting on that question at the coming general elec tion , the decision of the court on the case brought before It would leave the Impression that only n majority Is required. The decision , which was written by Judge Fuller , after reciting the grounds set forth in the demurrer , la ns follows : "This de murrer was overruled and In the absence of a properly verified answer the matter was heard and determined on the papers of the applicant , a resident of Roberts county. It further appears that by a special act of the territorial legislature , passed and approved March 9 , 1SS5 , said county seat was established at Wllmot , from which Place It has never been removed ; that said county Is organized and the county seat thereof haa never been located by n ma jority vote ; that at least sixty days before the next general election a petition signed by more than a majority of the legal voters of said comity was presented to the Uoard of County Commissioners , requesting that the question of the location of the county scat be submitted to the voters of said county nt thu next general election anil that notwithstanding said petition , and a subsequent demand duly made , said board refused and itlll refuses to submit said proposition In accordance with the constitu tional provision cited , which Is : 'In coun ties already organized , whcro the county scat has not been located by a majority vote , It ; shall bo the duty of the county board to submit t'Jo location of the county epat to thO electors ot said county at a gen eral election. The place receiving a ma jority of all votes cast at said election shall be the county seat of said county. ' "Under our view of the facts , admitted by the demurrer nnd established at the Jioarlng , ho further recital thereof is es- Epntlnl to a proper consideration of the ques-tlnns of law to be determined. As dls- closed by the record , this proceeding was instituted to procure the enforcement of a public right , "To glvw to the electors of every organ ized county In this elate , whose of gov ernment has not been established by an expression of popular will at thn ballot box , the right to locate tholr county sent by n majority Vote was the clear Intention of the framers of.I ho constitution. The pro vision quoted abpvo l clearly and In all respects self-executing and the public duty imposed thereby upon the Hoard of County Commissioners continues Incessantly until the question has been submitted In con formity with tint express command therein contained. "The duty Imposed and sought to bo en forced Is of a public nature , ivatlng wholly upon the defr-ndanU , by virtue of their of fice , and no demand Is necessary. "Tho conclusion to which wo have como renders unnecessary a conitdnratlon of counsel's contention concerning the aiif- llclt-ncy of the .patltlon presented to the board. The peremptory writ of mandami ) * applied tor should Issue , aud It U so or dered. " This decision would lead to the belief that only a majority vote la required In the present contest to win , notwithstanding there was another contest In 1884 , In which thcru. was a pitched battle to lioli ] the records , botwren Wllmot nnd Trnvers. in whlclu M'JIinot secured the records and ju'liy 'fhcW by .fgrcc until It si-cured legln- latlte actldn giving It the eour.iy weal. Thai very. , legislation now eeoiw to turn to Its _ KnthiiNliiNtle nt Verm I II Ion. VURMILL10N. S. D. , Oct. .10. ( Special. ) The rrpul. > llin rnlly Wfdneday night wan the biggest dcmonMratlon at thn season. Over Rf > 0 toirfces , 100 women and suventy- nvo members of the MnKlnluy Ulcyclo club , together with ( ho Grand Army ot the Rc- piibllo pot , University cadots. three band * Hivi two drum corps , and numerotn float * were In lino. An Amorlo.n factory In full K t , ' ' ! | ia5vn | JJ' a thrcshlnc imgliio. a 0. 0 , P. elephant and Uurlc .Sam were In the pnrndihenldc uuinoroiu banner * . Every business hou o in town , except three , wns gaily decorated with Hags nnd bunting. The town re enibled a monster Fourth ot July : clcbr.itlon. Hon. R. J. Gamble addressed 2,000 pcoplo In the afternoon nt the big tent , and In the evening Hon. A. H. Wll- cox of Yankton and Hon. E. E. Lewis of Sioux City addressed over 0,000 In the tent and at the city hall. Clay county will give McKlnloy 200 majority. ( JALCtiATI2l : ) TO COM'rSH MANY. CotiHtllntlonnl AinetiiliiieiitH In Month Dakota , Catmint ; Tronhle. PIERRE , S. D. , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) The constitutional amendments to bo voted upon at thn coming election In this state occupy so much spnco on the printed ballots that unless the voter ban decided In advance which way ho will vote on the various prop ositions many of them will not vote upon the propositions at all , as they will not have tlmo to read and form an opinion upon them In the short tlmo they are allowed to occupy the booth. The first ono which appears on the sam ple ballotfl sent out Is ono providing that any county , municipal corporation , civil township or subdivision may Incur not to exceed 5 per cent of Its assessed valuation In the way of Indebtedness , but that upon a majority vote of the. electors of any such division nnd additional Indebtedness not to exceed 10 per cent of such assessed valua tion may bo Incurred for the purpose of se curing water for Irrigation or domestic'pur poses. If this would never be abused It would bu r ; good provision , but It opens the way for schemers to got In their work , and It la questionable whether It will carry , es pecially as It Is directly In the way of In creasing public Indebtedness , which does not generally meet with favor among taxpayers. The purpose of the second amendment late to do uwny with the present double system of controlling the state Institutions , put ting them under the control of n board of recents alone. Instead nf both regents and trustees. As most ot the trouble which baa como to the stntc Institutions has been through the clashing of these boards that would probably bo a good measure to carry through. , The object of the third amendment Is for the prevention of monopolies and trusts In this state. It Is Intended ns an addition to article xvll of the present constitution and contains a provision that the legisla ture .shall pass laws for the enforcement of the provisions of the section. As the cupromo court decided last winter In regard to census enumeration that a constitutional "shall" h mandatory on the legislature , but ( hero Is no penalty If they disobey It , that part of the amendment doesn't amount to much , nnd It only adds another protest to the constitution as It now exists. The inst Is the prohibitory amendment nnd Is all Included in the words "shall nr- tlrlo xxlv ot the constitution bo repealed ? " Helping the drain DenlerN , CHAMUERLAIN , S. D. , Oct. 30. ( Spe cial. ) The steamer Castalla Is engaged In hauling grain from Wheeler and other points along the Missouri river In Charles Mix county to Running Water , whcro the grain Is transferred and shipped to market over the Milwaukee railroad. The steamer makes n round trip every two days and car ries llvo cars of grain each trip. Charles Mix county Is without a railroad and for merly the grain was hauled by team to Armour , Douglas county , the nearest rail road point. Since the steamer commenced making trips the farmers have had to haul their grain much shorter distances. TAMIMJIini ) WITH KAT CONTRACTS. I.onlHVllle City Coiiiiellineti on ; the Cm ml Jury Carpet. LOUISVILLE , Oct. 30. Tlio grand Jury haa ordered Indictments drawn against four members ot the general council for bribery in connection with the recent election ot sinking fund commissioners. The men accused arc Alderman Jcnno and Councllmen Webber. Fulton and Sowders , nil representatives of the A. P. A. In the grand Jury's Instruc tions to the commonwealth's attorney the men are charged with voting on measures In which they were directly Interested. For some time there have been stories of several members of the general council holding their offices In violation of the city charter , which prohibits any employe of the city or member of the general council be ing interested In any contracts with the city of any character. A large number of city officials and prominent citizens have been appecWng before the grand Jury for n weel : past , ift\d when the evidence upon which thu Indictments are based Is made public another sensation Is expected. The Indicted parties arc republicans , and ns the mayoralty contest divides Interest with national Issues at the present time , the grand Jury's action will have great political effect. In fact , the republicans charge tbo grand jury has ordered the In dictments for that reason aud with no hope of conviction * M\V OUI.KAXS RUTS A SHAICI.VC Ul' . Small C > clone UOI-H Some Duiiiiiue on the A Vat er Kront. NEW ORLEANS , Oct. 30. Yesterday evenIng - Ing a llttlo cyclone ; passed over-the city , tak ing In about two miles of the river front. U started from a waterspout In the river and disappeared in the same direction. It first struck the warehouse of the Inde pendent Cotton Oil company and wrecked the building. Most of the employes had Just left It for the mills proper , and miracu lously escaped Injury , It barely touched the new elevator of the Illinois Central , damag ing ono of the conveyers. The wind then twisted down ono of the streets near the river , tore off the roofs of several residences and finally landed among the cotton presses , wrecking' the fireproof press and damaging others. It then suddenly returned to thn river front ami disappeared. A brakcman on the Texas Pacific and a boy were seriously Injured. The total damage was about $50,000. IJ.VllS IMS CAUKHIl OX THE G.VM.OAVS. .TnlliiH MiiimoTiIIiniKeil for thu Mur- iler of Carey Illreh. CHICAGO , Oct. 30. Julius Mannow , con victed of the1 murder of Carey U. Ulrch , was hanged In the county Jail at noon today , Ho wrote a letter yesterday , In which he stated that Joseph Wlndrath , his companion In crime , who was executed on Juno 5 last , was not guilty , claiming that ho did thn shooting himself. On the scaffold ho reiterated a charge mndo some tlmo ago that Judge Horton had led him to believe he would escape cap ital punishment it he confessed , and thus giving him a chance for bis life. His neck uae broken by the fall. Mannow had a criminal record extending over a period of ten yclirs and had twice served terms In the penitentiary for burglar1. O.M3 WAY TO NT01' KIMIIUSTUHINR. Revenue Cutter WlniloinTJiri-ali'iiH to Sink the DiiuntleNN. ATLANTA , Oct. SO. A special to the Journal from Fcrnamllna , Fla. , sajs : Cap tain Lnmm of the flllbiuitcr Dauntless , now lying under the guns of revenue cutter Win- Uom , Captain Hand , eny ; ho Is going to Jacksonville tomorrow. Hand says he will uluK the tug If ahe moves nnd Lonim says : "All right , got ready your email boats to pick up my men for I shall certainly make the attempt. " Ttvo VIvlliiiN * > f the Oil Slove. MILWAUKEE , Oct. SO iShortlj after 12 o'clock today an oil stove at thi > residence of William AJtenbach , SIS Greenfield ave nue , exploded and scattered Ihe burning fluid over the little family 'group In the kitchen , Altenbach , hlf v lfo and n baby In ' nrma were fatally bnrn'c'd , .Shot anil Killed Jiy n Companion. I CINCINNATI , Oct. 30.-Hcrnhard H , Lang meleru , a government njortkocper at Flc'ltf- ' chortnanV dlullllery , uhovoti shot by hit rolloagnr , Ed McKlnzle , last nUht , died today , A charge of munJtv has been placed McICluzte. STRESS OF THE CAMPAIGN Chicago Shown Signs of the Partisan "War- faro in Progress. METHODS OF EDUCATING THE VOTER Xetv nnd Striking- ! Original IMnnn Ailopleil by llotli Slilen mill Olil Stnrlen Tulil to Illnitrnto New 1'oliitn. CHICAGO , , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) Politics U a stern business , seen through Chicago eyes , these closing days of the campaign. All over this great big city , morning , noon and night meetings are being held In the Intorcrtt of one party or other. Uesldcs the local speakers , who look after ward meet ings , there are 600 speakers of state and national reputation , on the republican side alono. putting In their best efforts In behalf of McKlnley and sound money. The nrcnc , as politicians loved to can the campaign of other years , Is the Jury box of the present time and the Jurors are the voters who must pass upon the merits of the respective sides. It Is an education to wa'.ch the methods of the republicans and popocrats to gain the attention of voters , and one learns more of the practical workIngs - Ings of politics hereabouts than was even dreamed of In the height of Tammany's glory and power. Hero Is the storm center , hero the giant Intellects ol the country are massed to teach the truths that are needed to hold Illinois In the republican column. And they are succeeding , even In the face of the popocratlc nominee's presence upon the field. Whllo this picture , full of dash and color may bo fair to look upon , there Is another that Is most pathetic , a picture' of broken heads and discolored eyes that tell the story of protracted arguments at meetings which are uouallv adjourned by a squad of police. Excitement Is at the topmost pitch ; men for get to take their meals , many of them forget to go to bed In the fury and the frenzy engendered by this campaign which has been likened to the stressful days of the early COs over again. And each recurring day seems to heighten the desperation of the silver leaders aa they see Illinois slowly , but surely drifting away from their young leader. TILLMAN IS DEFIANT. Tlllman of South Carolina , dark and re- pcllant looking , his one cyo gleaming like that of thu fabled basilisk , stood In the lobby of the Auditorium annex yesterday haranguing a crowd of free sllverltes. And his talk was of class against class. It was full of hatred for existing conditions and sounded to the dispassionate listener as the vituperative utterances of a man who would welcome anarchy as a solution to the present question. Later Tlllman talked to The Bee cortespondcnt and said that he was not laying awake nights picturing to himself the woes of defeat. Ho said he was made of sterner stuff than , that anil If defeat was to tm his ho would buckle his armor tighter about hint and welcome the revolution which was sure to come with the dawn of the twentieth century. Whllo the conditions are moat serious and presage no end of trouble on election day , this campaign will go down In lilstorj as developing more good stories illustrat ing arguments advanced than ever before. At a sound money democratic noonday meet ing held at SO Adams street yesterday , Wil liam U. Hill of Ohio was the speaker , and In , the slang of the day , he was a corker. Speaking of the democratic platform he told this story. A well-to-do downcaster gave it out to his friends that he had In his cellar a barrel that had come over In the May flower , brought by one of his ancestors. This barrel gave the man certain social standing , until In an evil moment he In vited some of his neighbors to Inspect the hallowed heirloom. Then the climax came , and the man moved away from town. The barrel was under the cellar stairs In n dimly lighted corner and desiring a closer look one of his neighbors lighted a match. As the match flared up everybody present saw that the heads of the barrel were brand new. Then another match revealed new staves , while still another showed shin ing steel hoops. The owner explained that as the heads had rotted out be replaced them with new ones , at the same time put ting In new staves , and as the wooden hoops had long slnco crumbled away he thought to preserve the barrel he would put on steel ones. "Then there Is nothing of the original Mayflower cask but the bunghole , " cald the neighbor. And the man admitted that It was too true. Great laughter followed the telling of this story. When It had subsided somewhat Hill sententlously remarked : "Hut , In the case of the democratic platform , even 1 r bunghole Is new. " An old story ! Yes , a hoary-headed chestnut , but you haveno Idea how the crowd caught the humor of the situation. This Is ono of the humors of the cam paign : Two Irishmen raking up leaves on the white house grounds Says Pat to Mike : "Do ypez know , Mike , that afther the 1th of March next Billy Dryan will bo pickIng - Ing do flowers In do conshervatory boyant ? " Says Mike : "Arrah , Pat , me bye , but he had bolter not let Major McKlnley catch him at It. " 1'I.AIX PACTS POIl AVOIIICIXMKX. Condition of the I.nxt Pour Yeni-H Simply lint Forelhly I'reNoiiteil. OMAHA , Oct. 30To the Editor of iJ'ho ' Bee : In the present heated condition of thu political campaign , 'With ' so many contradictory statements and arguments by persons who are supposed to bo equally intelligent. I , being a laboring man , wish to speak through your cstlmablo paper to my fellow wage earners on the Issues Involved. And I wish to avoid the intricacies of argument and appeal only to the good sense , calm Judgment and keen memories of my fellow laborers. And I think wo will all agree , no matter what our views on sliver may bo , that the ono thing to bo desired as the result of the coming election Is prosperity. Let us see. then. If we cannot , by the light of reason and "with mallco toward none , but with char ity for all , " place ourselves In position to vote Intelligently on November 3. Wo all remember that a few years ago we had prosperity in this country. Every ono re members that times were good during Pres ident Cleveland's first administration and through Harrison's administration. Wo all agree on this point. That brings us to 1803. Let us recall some * fJcts concerning Ihoso years , relying on our own memories so as not to get muddled by the politicians. Work was plenty , wages were good , business was brisk. Merchandise was being shipped out of Omaha In such vast quantities that , the railroads could not put enough men to work at their local freight offices to load and bill out all the freight In the day time , BO they had night forces at work , both load- lug out cars and billing out the goods. The trains WITH both long and numerous , and then sometimes cars were left over. I asked ono railroad man why his company did not put on more trains. Ho said "they did not have thu engines. " I said : "Why don't they ( order more ? " He said "tho locqmotlvo works had more order * than they could fill. They -are working double time , but cannot keep up with Mia orders. " The yards were full of loaded cars , and all the switch engines that could keep out of each other's way were being used night and day. That requited men and many of them , and at good pay. In the city buildings both beautiful aud costly wcro constantly being built. The street * werobeing/paved , Gas und water works wrru bolng put In , or .tho plants enlarged. Merchants of ajl kinds were prosperous and uhvuy * wore a pleasant lock. Why , you remember it well , the Union Pacific shop hoys had a strike be cause they bad to work eo many lioura. We don't near them complaining that way now. What was true hero , was true every where alt over this broad land , from the Pine clad hills of Malno to California's Golden Goto. ' Yes , our silver friends , factual was true , oil true , but wo were buying tlthrr $2,000,000 worth or 4,600,000 ounce * of isllver per month then , and our circulation * was being In creased that much every month ; besides the gold coinage , and that la whit made times gccxl , Now let us stick closeto what we ean ourselves remember , * ' to be sure wo are right. Yes , we were ( buying silver , and times wcro good. iTtfow , . we will nil agrco that an effect cnnnot1 precede the cause that produced It. f And wo will all agrco that an effect will continue as long as the cause producing It continues. Then wo must all agree that It the purchasing nnd coining of silver produced the good times , those tlmrs shouldjand would con tinue as long as wo continued to buy and coin silver. Now , think backi three yearn. Wo all ngrco that President Cleveland was Inaugurated March 4 , 1393 } AVe.wcro still buying silver. We remember'that In May and June , 1893 , came the panic and general depression. Wo wcro etlll buying silver. Wo can all remember limit * ut If any one needs proof It Is found , In the fact that Mr. Cleveland , on Juno 30,189S , called con gress to meet In extra sefston In August , ISM , to repeal the purchasing clause of the Sherman act. But wo wens still buying silver. Plcaso note these facts , Panic had come , hard times had commenced , confidence had fled , nut woitlll bought silver. No vember 1 , after long nnd 'heated debates , the purchasing clause was repealed. Now. our gold friends said the cause of the panic and hard times was because we wcro buyIng - Ing and using silver in such largo quanti ties. We all remember that. Well , If they were right then , when we stopped the cause , the effect should stop also. But did it ? No. I think the bard times are still with us , don't you ? I'll assume that your answer Is yes. Then It follows that the purchase and use of sliver did not cause the good times , nor did the stopping of the raying of silver cause the hard times , for ah effect cannot precede Its cauee. Well , then , what Is the trouble ? Wo will all agrci ) there Is some thing wrong. What Is It ? Let us again turn our thoughts back and live over again the year 1892 and before thxt year. We all agrco that the good times yff have had since the war of the rebellion were enjoyed by us under a protective tariff lay , cither In consequence of It , or In rpltc of It , and wo laboring men don't cafe much which Uut In 1S92 our democratic friends told us In their platform that n protective tariff was n robber tariff. That If wo would put them in power they would change that law to a tariff for revenue only , That then we would capture the markctn of the world That wo would have moro work , better wages , and Increased happiness' . Many of us believed them when they told us our blankets were so highly taxed that It was a great burden to us to buy them , and many of us now wish wo could carry those burdens again , for we have not beeb able to buy a new blanket since , taxed or untaxcd. They said prices wcro too high aud It cost un too much to live. We puf them In. nnd slnco then It has been hardtwork to live at all. Thcso arc facts we aly agree on , oven If wo disagree as to their cause. We nUo all agrco that under the protective tariff law and before there was pny prospect of the repeal , business of all kinds was good , wages wcro good men frctjucntly quit one Job to take another at an Increase of pay. Now men keep their old , < ( > bs at a lower salary , many of them , whllo others have had steady work hunting for a Job slnco 1S93 , either In consequence of n trrlff-for-rcvcnue- only-law , or In nplto of It/and / they don't care which. These' ' facts arc known to us all. To many they have bUbme so fixed on memory's page that tneyKcan- never be erasfd. * . Let us sum up" what wo. : no\v dld-oxlst under a protective pollcy. lthor as a con sequence or In npH6 of Uv : { Work plenty , wages good , nnd In' many Instances In creasing ; nearly all who wanted to work constantly eniployed ; thrifty farmers pros perous ; country rapidly settling up ; values of homes and farms increasing ; railroads reaching out Into now fields.cities ; spring ing up as If by magic ; foreign commerce Increasing ; domestic commerces rapidly In creasing ; schools , churchcsi libraries , etc. , being built in largo numbers ; prosperity In very deed an accomplished fact ; the national debt rapidly diminishing ; peace In all the land ; territories becoming states so fast one would have to consult the last atlas before telling his child the number of states In the union ; all these and more. Np question about It. ' Let us look back nt the 'other ' side and sum up the farts under th tarlff-for-revo- nuc-only-law , either In consequence of It erIn In splto of It. AVc can all aproo on facts , } am sure : Work scarce , , ' and getting scarcer ; wages reduced , and1 In many cases gene where no balmy breezes blow ; many wanting work , but want their only master ; all farmers needlneprospcrltyr _ development ceased ; railroads closing up small stations along lines now built , and scarcely a thought of extension anywhere ; values of homes and farms decreasing : cities be coming depopulated ; grass growing In busi ness streets , that is , where business used to bo ; goods being Imported In largo quan tities , whllo our factories arc closed , our men out of work ; prosperity gene to other climes ; national debt Increasing ; peace , no such thing to bo found anywhere. While these facts , on .which wo all ngrco are existing , or were existing , would it not. bo wise for us to go 16 the polls on November 3 nnd vote for , a return to the protective tariff policy , so that the facts which we know did exist tinder that policy may again exist , cither In consequence of the law , or in splto of It , ? 'I think , yes. Then wo must vote for" the republican candidate. A. H , VOSUURGH. AM. SOLID POR , SOlM ! > MOM2Y. I.Ineoln I'eople I'repnre n Giolileii I'roNpect for Mr. Itrynii. LINCOLN , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) "Flag Day" in Lincoln tomorrow will receive a most enthusiastic observance , from all loyal republicans. In nccorUauco with the proc lamation issued by Notional Chairman Hanna all who Intend to vpto for McKlnley nnd sound money nro preparing to decorate their homes with the , rcd , whlto and blue. When W. J. Bryan returns to Lincoln ho will find the residences and , business houses of a great majority of his fellow citizens decorated with the chosen emblem of repub licanism. Ho will also bo ) confronted with thousands of bits of yellovr ribbon , the In signia of sound money , whichever way ho turns. I Yesterday Chairman Stcnlienson. received 10,000 lithographed flags ! containing portraits traits of McKlnloy and Hobart , together with the Inscription , "McKlnloy , Protection , Sour.d Money and Prosperity. " The Hags wcro distributed at county headquarters today and there wag a big demand for them. Each caller was .c\ven \ two flags end a sample ballot with anX opposite the name of every republican caudldtae. ' * * Where Coercion 'Pond ' , tuVorU. . TALMAGE , Neb. , Oct. 30. ( Special Tele gram. ) L. M. Zook , republican , while making his way homo from the country last night about 8 o'clock and | ltUn about one- half mlle of town , wua met by three men and commanded to hurraS ; for Dryan , On refusing to do EO acveraltfimoti were fired In order to scare Zodkv but be is from Mis souri and had to see it done. He was threat ened If ho refused to comply with their re quest they would shoot dim ; atlll their threats failed to force Zo'elf to change his mind. Arrests will b bf f , I > leH Tlirouuli III * Omf NEW YORK , Oct. 30-jJphn Houston and his wlfo wcro asphyxiated < by Illuminating gas In their apartments In "fjoluaibus avenue , Houston died noon after 'bclnc found and Mra , Hauslon'a conditional * Critical. The calamity was duo to caiflewuros on the part of Houston , who aft r mine a drop light turned oft the gas it the lamp , but not at the fixture to which the rubber tube , was Attached. ' POLL OF DOUGLAS COUNTY Republican Committee Euro of Over Thros Thousand Mnjority. FIGURES THOUGHT TO BE CONSERVATIVE Work of ( lie I.nnt Three Month * llns ISITeCtlVe TU II TIlltttMlltlll Convert * to MeKlnley anil Sound .Money. Although the campaign of 1S9C will not bo formally ended until 12 o'clock Monday night , the task of organization and align ment of forces for the struggle of Tuesday has been practically completed. It Is not expected that many votes will bo changed between now and the day of election , and the figures of the managers on the result arc based on the situation as It Is today. In Douglas county the tight has been particularly vigorous. From the first It has been the Impression that a decisive majority fir the republican ticket In this county was cvrscntlal. To bring this about the repub lican managers have for the past three months carried the light , not only Into every precinct , but into every home In the county , and It la conceded that they have completed the most effective political organization ever known In Douglas county. The result has been successful beyond all hopes , and It la now promised that this county will give a republican majority of from 3.000 to 6,000. These arc the figures on which Chairman Lewis of the county central commltUe Is willIng - Ing to risk his reputation as a political ferecnsjer. and they are tmpportcd by the polls In the hands of the committee. "I be lieve that this county will go republican by 5,000 , " said Mr. Lewis yesterday morning. "A close canvass of tbo situation as It stands this week Indicates that McKlnlcy'fl majority will bo over 3,000 , and In that estimate wo allow the claims of the Ilryan men In the county and South Omaha , which are not likely to bo realized. Our advices from South Omaha are to the effect that the result will be very close In that city. We am told that Uryan's majority will , at the most , not exceed 100 or 200 , and that there arc good grounds for believing that the city will give McKlnley a small majority. "The commlttcemen from every one of the country precincts declare that they will come to Omaha with a majority for Mc Klnley. Dut In my estimate I am allowing Uryan 3GO majority In South Omaha and 300 In the country precincts. Rvcn at that , Omaha will pull up a majority that will leave McKlnley over 3,000 votes to Jhe good In the county. If , an there Is every reason to expect , South Omaha and the country precincts break even , Douglas county will bo In line with a majority of upwards of 1,000 , and It la my personal ballet that It will bo 5,000 when the votes are counted. "To appreciate the extraordinary change of sontlmont that has been effected In the last three months It must be- understood that when we entered the campaign In July , a thorough canvass Indicated that the votes In this county were equally divided between McKlnley and Uryan. Since that time nearly 2,000 voters have come over to the sound money cause. " PLANS FOR1IUVA.VS HCCKPTIOX. HcpulillciliiM Will Xiit Intcrrrr < : ivlth I'opncrntlc MeetlnKM. The.arrangements for .the appearance , of W ; 'J. Dryait In Omaha next Monday night have been practically decided on by his man agers. Ho will speak at halt a dozen halls during the evening , but the order In which he will appear at each has not been announced , as It Is feared that If this was done , hit ) crowd would all congregate at thu first rendezvous and leave the others de serted. Chairman James C. Dahlman of the popocratlc state central committee will accompany Mr. Bryan on his tour of the state and return with him to Omaha. The candidate Is billed to arrive at the Union de-pot from Lincoln , over the Burlington , at 8:15 : p. m. Ho will bo mot by a reception committee nnd an escort of the Veteran Uryan club. They will accompany him to the hall where ho will make his first speech , Which will probably bo Boyd's theater. Dur ing the evening Mr. Bryan will also speak at Crclghton hall , Washington hall , Ger- manla hall. Metz hall on South Thirteenth street , and to the Swedish Bimetallic club at some hall not yet designated. It Is also expected that ho will speak at two or three open air meetings. In this connection there Is a good deal of Indignation expressed by prominent re publicans at the forced effort of a local silver publication to carry the Idea that the republican demonstration of Monday night Is an organized effort to Interfere with Mr. Bryan. The facts are that from the flrst the committee In charge of the- demonstra tion has taken every precaution to confine the parade to points where it would not an noy Mr. Uryan or prevent everyone from hearing him who wanted to do so. It Is well known that the Uryan managers In Omaha have become desperate during the past few weeks , and that slnco the re publican demonstration has assumed such mammoth proportions , they fear that It will leave Uryan with only a corporal's guard to talk to. Uut the republican managers call attention to the fact that If the people prefer to Join In the demonstration. It la their free choice. No feature of the demonstration will interfere with anything the popocrata have on tap , and every one who wants to attend the Bryan meetings can do so without being annoyed In any manner by the republican Jubilation , which will bo going on north of Farnam street. In view of the manner In which the objects tct the demonstration have been mis represented the committee addressed a letter yesterday to the popocratlc committee , ask ing the members to meet tbo republican committee In conference In Frank 13. Moorea' oinco during the forenoon. One representative of the silver people appeared , and In his presence a resolution was passed which effectually prohibited any movement south of Farnam street by the republicans. The representative of the Ilryan committee was compelled to concede that the republicans wcro disposed to treat them fairly , but Intimated that they wanted the republicans to keep off Farcam-street , too. OM3 MOUI2 IIAV'OK llKGISTItATIO.V. CIcrkH Urneil ( < Report ( litIUMiltH to I'ropcr AuthorltleH. City Clerk Hlgby and County Clerk Red- fleld have united In an effort to see that the Judges and clerks of election are at the booths promptly at 7:30 : o'clock next Tues day morning. Some little time Is always required to get ready for the voters , and In view of the tremendous vote registered , It Is neccasary ( hit the booths should open promptly at 8 o'clock. Today Is the last day of registration. Sunday morning City Clerk Hlgby will be In his offlco from 8 to 12 o'clock to receive the reports of registration. Previously the clerks have sent them in by mall , but this time the registration board In every pre cinct must co that the returns are brought to the city hull In person before noon Sun day. Decorate Down In Inclliiiui. Gcorgo U. Hayncs , city passenger agent of the Milwaukee , has returned from a trip through tbo southern part of Indiana. He says the number of sound money ( lags and pictures of the Hound money candidates that arc to be seen In tbo windows of the farm homes In that part of the country ls uur- prlslngly large. Ho eaja If the display of colors counts for anything , that part of the * tate will go for MoKlnloy. Heal FneU In the Cimc. A report baa been circulated by a down town publication that a paper headed by the name * of General Manager Dickinson and Superintendent of Car Service Bucking ham bat uono through tbo Union Pacific headquarters for signatures of those do- nlrlng to enter the sound money parade of Monday night. The former's name was fifteenth on the list , the tatter's appeared as the twentieth on the list , and the list was started by the clerks themselves and not by the higher officials ; otherwise the report was correct. FLAGS AXI > l AXM Hs"iiJ\'KUY\VlIHnn. : Sound Money Uei'iirntloiiN III Nearly Kvery llitnne III Town. Today will be the "flag day" officially proclaimed by the republican national com mittee , and the windows of the business blocks and suburban residences Indicate that It will bo generally observed , This sort of decoration haa never before been carried to such an extent In n political cam paign and the Idea has proved to bo tlio moat popular that has ever been suggested. The decoration about the city Is only lim ited by the supply of flags and McKlnley and Hobart lithographs which the committee was able to obtain. The supply of 7,000 lithographs and 10,000 ( lags was exhausted In less than twenty-four hours and nearly es many more could have bean disposed of. They are now conspicuous In the windows of four buildings out of five all over thu city. On the residence streets there arc many localities where every house for eev- cral blockc bears the Insignia of sound money and protection. On Sherman avenue from Mandcrson street down town there were counted 117 houses decorated with flags and McKlnley lithographs , while only two showed a preference for Ilryan. The same proportion holds good In nearly every quarter of the city , and a stranger would be compelled to believe that Omaha was unanimous for McKlnley. Even In the Ilach- clors' Quarters , the property of Q. M. Hitch cock , nearly every window has some sound money decoration , while there Is but one Bryan lithograph In sight. niNlrllintliin of Sample UnllnlN. A general misapprehension BOCIUS to pre vail regarding the sample billets contain ing the names of the candidates for presi dential electors , state and county officers. Thcso ballots are prepared by the county clerk and the samples have been at the clerk's ofllco since Thursday morning. There are 85,000 of these , or enough to give every voter In the county four ballots , as1 the law requires. Any voter may gel fontof these ballots by calling at the offlco of the county clerk In the court house. In view of the extreme length of the state ticket It has been suggested that voters study the sample ballots In order to familiarize themselves with the work of voting for the desired candidates. ClerliH Are Not Coeroeil. The clerks In the Union Pacific headquar ters are greatly Incensed over the report of a local paper that they arc being coerced to enter the sound money demonstration of Monday night. Those who have agreed to parade have done so of their own free will. Tht-rc are many , especially In the general freight oinco , who are In favor of Ilryan , and they are not at all worried for fear of losing thulr positions. \oteH of tlie CiuuiialKit. On election night the I'nkrok Xapadu will receive and post bulletins on the election. They will bo displayed from the ofllco on South Thirteenth street. One hundred and fifty of the members of the Webster Flambeau club wont up to Tekamah Ihst night to Join the republican parade at that town. The boys took along a band and one of the McKlnley shotgun clubs to assist them In jubilating. The members of the Thurston Flambeau club go to Papllllon this evening to par ticipate in a republican rally , It Is expected that all of the republican clubs of Sarpy county will bb on hand to tike , part In the parade. The. Omaha noyn- will - congregate gate at their armory at 630 ; o'clock and march from there to iho union depot. The nobles of Tangier Temple will hold carnival at the tcmplo on election night. Arrangements have been made to receive the full election service of the Western Union and the returns will be indicated on a stcrcoptlcan. At the same time the nobles will bo entertained at a social session of music , entertainment and light refreshments , which will assist to pass the hours. The session will continue from S o'clock to 3 a. m. XO TIIACIJ OF WUIlIj MUKIiit Kit. llriitiil Holilier So Kur SneeexMfnlly Klnili'H the OltlerrH. TIE SIDING. Wyo. , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) Efforts to capture the murderer of Mra. Louis Wurl , or to secure any clew to the Identity of the murderer , have been fruit less. A stranger took dinner at this place Tuesday noon who had a cut over his eye and a scratch on his wrist. Ho said he , had been held up by some men Just out side of the village , who had taken J100 from him. The stranger has disappeared , and an effort Is being made to find him. It Is not believed ho was the man who killed Mrs. Wurl. as ho took dinner hero fully twenty 'hours ' after the murder must have been committed. Mr. Wurl Is con vinced that his wlfo was killed about 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. The last seen of her allvo was at 2:30 : Monday afternoon , when she left a neighbor's house for home. It was evident that she had , Just prior to her murder changed her clothes preparatory to milking thu cows , and had undoubtedly gone to the barn to do that work when she was killed. The crime , It U believed , was committed in connection with the robbery of the house , The cosh box , which had contained about $100 , was rilled , and all of the money taken excepting about $3. It is believed Mra. Wurl was knocked down with a rock which was found at her feet covered with hair and blood , Then she was struck four times on the head with a shovel , crushing the .skull by Its terrible force. Then her throat was cut from ear to car. It had been the custom of Mr. Wurl to keep his money n a box on tliu bed room table. It had recently been moved from this place and placed in another box on a shelf In an adjoining room. The theory of the murder is that It was done by some one familiar with the fact that the money was usually kept In the bed room , for the box In that room had been searched and overturned ; that the thief was seen and recognized by Mrs. Wurl , and that she was killed to shield him from arrcut. There were some tracks about the premises , made by a man and by a horse , but nothing ban yet been discovered which gives a clew to the murderer , and the affair la Involved In myutery. \o Illteh In Seahonril TrniiMfer. NEW YORK , Oct. 30. Official denial was glvtn today to the statement telegraphed from Baltimore that a hitch had occurred In the negctlatlons for the transfer of the controlling Interest in the Seaboard & Hoanoke , or Scabcard Air Line , to Th'-nias F. Ryan of this city as a result of the iat- tcr's failure to raise the money necessary to pay for the stock. The further state ment that an extension of time had been asked and granted In order to clcso the deal was also officially declared to bo un true , as were also other statements that the new purchasers of the property were un able to carry out their agreement. A .high authority on Seaboard Air Line mat ters said to a reporter that Mr. Uyan has acquired the control of the road for him self and In the purchase of the property hu stands alone. I'lintniiiNler Jewell UIICM Wronif. DENVER , Oct. 30-Poitofflce Inspector McMecheu has been notified of the arrest of Assistant Postmaster D , J. U , A. Jowett efFort Fort Stanlon , N. M. , charged with embez zlement of $151. Jewell was chairman of the Louisiana returning board of 1870 that decided In favor of the Hayes electors , do- ( eating Tllden for the prcsfdrncy , .Suhooner AVreukeil , lint Crow Kuveil. TWO HARnonS.Mich. . . Oct. 30.-The schooner 8. P. Ely W H totally wracked on the breakwater hero early this morning Her crew , which took to the rigging , wen dually rescued by the tug Ella G. Htouo before the arrival of the lite saving crew Irom Duluth , NOW FOR GAMES AND MISCHIEF A Night for Qnmboling Sprites and the Wicked Small Boy , ROMANTIC SIDE OF THE TRADITION Pnvorlte ( innu-R of Merry MnUern Uf flonuliinN .Menu * of CeUlnk n Tip oil the Important UueMlon of .Matrlmmi- . Tonight Is Imllowe'cn 'the night dedicated to lovers and tnntds , to romantic people ot all ages and to small boys who have de signs on the gates ns well ns the peace nnd comfort of their neighbors. The last night ot October Is hnllowc'en , the festival known to the church ns All Souls' day , and which Immediately precedes All Saints' day. Llt- tlo Is known of hallowtt'cn excepting as It Is lundcd down ns a tradition to younger generations by those of foreign birth , for It Is distinctly a European custom In Us. secular observance , nnd It Is In the country districts that It Is particularly celebrated as a night of feasting , games and Jollity. Like so many other holidays and customs , It had Its foundation In'the church , which , ot course , still observes All Souls' day on thai date , but the customs which have sprung up nnd clustered about hallowc'cn have gradually become far removed from any religious significance and nro peculiar to. the romantic youths nnd girls ot country districts , who on that night seek to learn who are to be their future partners In life. In Ireland and Scotland Hallowe'en Is ono ot the most eagerly awaited festivals of the year , for by tradition and folk lore that night Is given over to the "good people , " ( ho fairies , who know nil nnd rule nil In the- lives of lovers. And the fairies nro Blip- posed to bo particularly gracious on hal lowc'cn and If the proper sort of spells are chanted they will reveal nil that a lovesick maiden wants to know concerning her fu ture husband. SOME FAVORITE GAMES. Merry parties assemble In the farm house * on hallowc'cn night to join In the gamea which from time Immemorial have marked the annual recurrence of the festival , and tables are piled high with good things to cat and drink after the games are ended. Ono or the oldest nnd best known of the charms Is known as "snap apple" and IB practiced even In prosaic , work-a-day cities , where * people arc supposed to think not of fairies and sprites , but of dollars and cents. A number of apples arc marked to correspond with names nnd tossed Into n tub of water. The young person who tries the charm kneels bcsldo the tub and tries to catch ono of the bobbing apples with his teeth. If ho succeeds , which Is doubtful , he will some day marry her whoso name corresponds to the mark on the apple. Apples arc utcd In many of the farm. ' house charms , and another trick , which la the outgrowth of some charm long alnco for gotten , Is now productive of nothing but laugliten A hoop Is suspended from the celling o It will swing laterally , and ou nails driven In It are placed cnndlo ends , and apples alternately. The candles are lighted and the hoop given a twist which sends It spinning In n circle. The ono who tries the gome stands beside It with hands bound behind his back and tries to snan an apple with his teeth as It passes. In most trials ho .gets n large mouthful of lighted cnndlo , which Is the object of the game , as viewed by his shrieking friends la the room. When the fun of this has died away an apple Is placed upon n nail on the wall and a number of persons arc armed with sticks and told to walk around a small keg twenty times , striking It each time with the stick. After the twentieth round the player starts for the distant apple and tries to knock It from Is null with the stick. Any ono who ever walked around a keg twenty times knows what results. The dlzzlncso which sets In Immediately the course of the walker Is changed cither throws him to the floor or brings him many feet from the apple when ho tries to hit It , and this makes more fun for the crowd. TO FIND ONE'S SWEETHEART. The love charms are the most interesting of the hallowe'en customs , however , and are eagerly watched by the boya nnd girls. In tl'em apples and nuts figure , the celebra tion being originally at the close of the har vest season and the fruit Is typical of the time of year. Two beans are "named" for a couple who are supposed to bo courting * and laid sideby side on a Hat place In the lint ashes. As the beans swell with the heat they roll and bound in the ashes and If one springs from ( no other It nugurs 111 for the couplo. If by chance they are con sumed whllo lying sldo by sldo the speedy marriage of the couple Is foretold. In cities whcro fireplaces and ashes are not at hand , apple seeds are used In this charm and they Are laid side by sldo on the lid of a stovo. The girls use apple uccds for another charm , to discover which of two young courtiers should bu chosen. An apple seed named for each Is placed on the eyelids and the girl closes her eyes with a snap. If one seed remains that young man is the favor ite. Tradition supplies no remedy when both fall down. Another rhsrm , which Is religiously fol lowed by many young pcoplo Is worked with thrcu glasses. Ono Is filled with pure water , another with colored water and the third Is let' empty. The youth who wants to know what fortune has In store la blind folded and led Into the room where the glasses nro ranged upon the table. Ho Is led up and told to touch one. If the clear water Is touched , his brldo will bo a maiden ; If the clouded water , a widow , and if ho Is lucky enough to touch the empty glass ho will escfpo without marriage. THE MIDNIGHT CEREMONIAL. Midnight of hallowc'cn Is , of course , the tlmo when the charms and tokens are par ticularly elllcnclous , and It Is then that tlio glrh get a tip on whom they are to marry. Just nt midnight the girl who wants to know goes down the cellar stairs backward , carry ing n lighted candle In ono hand and n mirror In the other. In the farthest , darkest cor ner f > ho looks In the mirror and sees the faca brsldo her own of her husband per haps. Again nt midnight she * slowly and carefully peels an apple so that the paring docs not break until nhe ha finished , nnd then she tosses the peeling over her left shoulder. If the fates ere kind it will fall on thu floor In the shapn of the Initial * of the name of her lover. Uut the small boy has no tlmo for such foolery. To him hal- lowo'en Is n night for mischief , for fun > un alloyed , for daro-davll tricks. No ono knowa jnat how this custom started , probably , but over slnco there were small boye they have celebrated hallowo'cn by an uproarious time. Policemen wink ut the frolics , nnd when they see a band of youngsters taking n gate from the mlnUter's limuo and lunging It on the corner lamp post , the man falls to musing on the times when ho was a mem- bur of the happy band which did Just such tricks. When the grocer'o sign Is tacked on the undertaker's shop and bolls are nin wildly nt unholy hours , the policeman quickly disappears lent lip should be seen and reported. He. has a warm heart for the lad and J'nllowc'en Is their night. The morning after dUclogca nearly every uulKhborhood lucky eiuugh to have small boys In the general aspect ot a cyclone-swept town. Gates arc unhinged and piled in va cant lots. Signs are thangcJ und dogs are tied up to doorknobs , Ilarrcla from tbo grocer's nro stacked on ( ho lawn of the old , maid , who hates hoyi , and cats are likely to bo ulmrat anywhere they do not belong. Hut the wlso resident doea not complain after the first burst of profanity. He sagc-ly sets about righting thliips nnd tries to plclc out his gate from the pllo , remarking to his neighbor , bent on a elmllar errand , that "boys will be boys. " Which has been sung or said before * . A sere throat or tough , u suffered t iirogrens , often results In an-Incurable throat or lung trouble. "DrowuU DroachlU Troches" give Instant