Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1896)
10 THIS OMAHA DAILY IJlStS ? SATURDAY , OOTOJII811 81 , 1800. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. for UICHG column * trill lie InUrn tttilll lUiItli p. in. , for the creiilnc mill until 8 p. in. for ( lip imirnliiu : mill Snnilnr edition * . Ailvcrllnrm , lir rciiiientlntr n until- l > rrcil clirck , run lin\-c ntiNtvcrft nil- ( IrcRNPil l < i 11 tinmlicrcil Idler In euro of Thp lire. AnMTVpm PHI ntlilrcnnctl will IIP ilHlvcrvtl on iircnuiilaUoii of flip clirrk i > 11 1 } ' . Union , 1 l-2o n Troril Hrxt ln crilon | Ic u itnril thcrcnfier. Knlhinir Inlccn for ICKII limn Ur.n for lli - tlrnl liiKcr- tlon. ThPNi * nilvcrtlMOiiiriitii muni lie run connrenllvcl- . WANTP.n MALK HUM' . WANTED. AM IDEA ; WHO CAN THINK OF same simple thin * o patent ? Protect your Mean , they nay brine you wealth.rlte jonn Wedrterrurn A Co. . Dept. V. , Patent Attorneys. Washington. I ) C. . for tlielr JI.EOO jirl j > offer anil ft Iht of 200 Invention wnnte'L ' I172IJ _ WANTED-.TRAVEI.INO SALESMEN FOR Ct- gan : oM tcllnhle house ; experience unneces sary : extrn Inducements to customers ; l > to IISO per month and expenses. Chns. C. IJNiop ft Co. . HI. Louis. _ II-MK4 N10 _ WANTED AN ACTIVE MAN AT 112.00 weekly nnd pipcnses ; no fortune hunter wnnlcd : -will RimrnntM- permanent position If right : If Interested address quickly "Mnnnfnrtuivr. " P. O. Pox MOT , Iloston. Man. _ II-MWI D23 _ I'd TO tTw MONTH. SALARY AND EXPENSE * to salesmen for rlicnm ; experience unnecessary ; nx-clnl Inducement * to customers. \ \ . I * . Kline Co. . 81. Louis. n-MM4-il _ WANTi : . AOENTS ; 120.00 A WEEK SURE TO workcm ; new uoods ; new plan ; It a winner , every family nei-di It , sells nt night II. 8. Co. , HOT 421 , Cincinnati , Ohio. WANTED-SALE7 < MEN"IN EVERY TM8TRICT ; n Benson ; sample * free ; nalnry nr commis sion with expenses 'rum start. Lnl : < Ilros. Co. . Chicago. H-MI02 31 * WANTED-A SALESMAN TO HAVB HITAIL- era nnd Jobber * nnd communion house * profits Jjy selling illrect from our mlll blankets , flannels nnd winter dress sends ; lltwrnl terms. Frank I ) . IM I.nnne & Co.Philadelphia. . WANTHO , ONE MAN IN KVKUY COUNTY to represent Inrce medlcnl house ; good pay ; no pxpeilencp renulred ; work llKht. L. Co. , Ilex TOO. Chicago. III. It-MIOQ 31 * BALE8MEN WANTED TO HANDLE OUR full line of clears ; Rood Inducements. H. M. llosln & Co. . Philadelphia , Pa. II WAXTUn KUMAMJ IIKI.I * . rott r.ooi ) , RESPECTAIU.E IRLS. CAM. Ecand. V.V. . C. II. A. Home. 20H Davenport. C M7W NIT' - . s w. WANTED , oini. i'-on iiouanwoRK. cor. SSlh nnd Douglas st . C-DC9 WANTHI ) . YOltNO I.ADY TO ACT AS COM- pnnlon to Convclei-cent. Inquire 316 WANTI'.D. OIIH. KOU OHNMUAL work. Call ! 13 Pnllfornln St. _ I1 ami"/ van iiorsr.woiiK. ir.s2 . s. srni BT. i ? 1 IIAIl- ber trnilo : only rlcht weel ( r < - < nilrcd ; can earn board by Saturday WIIKPH while learnlnK ; no trade offers Ix-tter Imlucrmcnls ; coed wajc the i-ntlrc ycnr or Kmall capital furnl hr ehnp : complete outnt of tools Klvrn cnch ctudent upon enterlnici write for fn-o IIHntrnlM cntn. IORUP. Molcr'n llarlwr School , 253 So. Clnrk St. . Chicago. It-MIOS N2 IUNT iiowsns. HOUSKfl IN AM. PAIIT8.0ITllfi . C O. K. Dnvls Company. IM > Knrnnm. P iiousna. IUJNKWA & co. . IDS N. ISTI i ; ST. uonnitN noushs. c. A. BTAitn.ra N. Y. urn BTKAM IIKATKI ) STOIIUS AND I'l.ATS. Ilownnl llanck. acent , K10 Chlcaso ciioicn notjsr.s AND COTTAOHS AM. OVKII the city. > i to JSO. KWcllty. 1702 LAIU1K LIST OP HOUSES. mi : nvnoN IV < "I Co. . ill H. Hill t. u-zn HOU.srS. WALLACE. IIHOV/N IILIC. . 16TII and Douglas. I > 278 FOIl KENT. KUIINISIIED Oil UNFUrtNlSIIUD houio , 8 roomt : modern. C09 Turk ivenue. MODKIIN KLATS. LANQK ULK. . CM S.D . D 4t ALL SIZES FROM JS.OO UP. F. D. WEAD. 1 lh and Douglas. D l.E-31 FOIl ItKNT , 7-HOOM COTTAGE OK I.AHOK dlmcniloni ; with modern convenience * : In cluding liuth room , with porcelain tub nnJ stationary wnih tnnd : newly flnWicd In the most attractive manner ; larse ynnl. with line tree * ' rent , SU per month ; location , 19th t. . third door north 'Of Ijke. Apply to W. U. Melklr. COt Pint National bank bultdlnc. UUIHT-ItUOM MOUEUN FIIAMH. DETACHED. 271S 1'opiilelon uvcnue ; choice ; J30. ElKht-room modern , llrd nnd Hurt sit. ; 123. 10-room iniwlrrn trick. G20 N. 23d , $33. M. D-room nicdern brick , 6H H. 23th. J25.00. 12-room modern. 2Cth nnd Woolworlli. J .SO. BTAIUl. J25 N. V. LlfcJJIdtr. ron KKKT. i it ynTBT. . iFribons. MOD- em. 110.00. 1(03 California at. , 7 rooms , $15.00. ZS27 Davenport t. . 7 rooms , J20.00. Houiei for rent In all parts ot the city. nilBNNAN-LOVU CO. . 420 I'axton blk. D-M541 Nl _ HOUHEU , rilOlt $5 Ul > ; I. AHUM LIST McCueue Investment coinpuny , 1106 Dodge street. D-M7C3 _ COMPLETELY KUItNISHED MODKKN HOUSIJ cheap ; for the winter or longer. 140 North SJd t D M824 _ " ISM ST. M.UIY'B AVE. , D-HOOM HOUSi:7"stOl ) . ern. J2i.W. 1719 1'ark live. , 9-room house , modern , $22.00. 12U So. I7th st. , t-room house , city water , 17.00 023 I'lrnv t. , 3-room houne , 17.00. 701 So. ICtli st. , 7-room Hat , modern , nteel range : ; . . 70. ' . Kn. 16th st. , C-room Hat , modern , xtccl range , J20.00. Onrvln Ilros. , 1CI3 Pnrnam kt. D-MSM _ _ A HHAUTIFUL HOME IN LAFAYETTE " rlacr ; S rooms ; all modern ; splendid condition nc\er liern rented before ; now offered nt i law rental In flrM-clans tenant. Fidelity Trun Company. 1702 Farnam street. _ II M83S BEVKIIAL DHSIUA11LE HOUSES. KHEIl wood. < 23 N. V. Life. D-SISI3 ! l FOIt HUNT. FUItNISiir.n OU UNPURNIHIIKD a 12-room house ; modern Improvements In gooi repair. No. 1425 Noith 17th. D-MSU ! 1 MODEItN TEN-HOOM HOt'SK ; FIVi : SUN men' walk to business center. AV. F. Clark 2203 Douelas. D-MS3I 31" BUITE OF 5 IIOOMS. MODERN , 2321 LEAV enworth. J. W. Saulre , 243 Dec. U-K4 Stl PARK AVK. . FINK RESIDENCE , IIAUN.I75. IIS H. ZCth xt. . IJ-room lurid ; , modern . $10. W IR07 Fnrnam , 10-room house mid barn . $30.0 1611 Fanmm. ! > rooirnt . > i.0 < New Steam hented Hat , IMh und Fnrrum . $10. CO JOHN \V. HOIUIINB , 1HI3 Fnrnam. D-OCS TWO jtoiJEiiN miicK , 10 & u-nooM RKSI dences ; oak floors and llnlch ; mantels , Rrntcs laundry and ivery convenience. 1029 , 1031. So. EOlh Avc. Imiulro ot owner on premises. f. - D-9C7 _ THAT ID-ROOM MODEHN HOUBB. 20(7 ( DO DO I St. . nfter November Apply to J. A. Hcott nt Omnhn National bank , _ D M'JiO STEAM IIRAT CENTRAL. UNEQfALED. ALL modern " .room home. Tlzard , KOI Davenport. D-MlwJ 31 * itoous. KENT. IIOOMB WITH OU WITIIOUI board ; steam heut , e'.cctrlu light , elevator tree baths ; rnlos reasonable. Brunswick hole ! E 5.V. . . for man nnd wife. Rent taken In board . ! 19 N 171K i-M)78 ! ) _ FOIl RENT. I'LEASANT ROOM FOIt TWO furnace heat , t.07 . South tSth n\emie. LI(5HTnril.'mi ( < Eii'NO : nitc turnihca c unfurnished rooms. K.TB , bnth , furnace ; wnlli liiB illitance of business pnits ; SIOO Cans. E-954 N iioo.MSrou LICIIIT HOUBE Keeping. COO Nort.i 17th. E-M933 Nt * FURNISHED AND UNFUUNsiIED ItOOMS modern ronvvnlcnccH. C2IU South mil. F.-MI07 Nl HOOMS AM > IIUAUD. l-OIl HUNT , FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH O H wltnoul bcuidi slcnm heat nnd all inotlor Improvement ! ; iprflal low rates for the win Ur. MMIilli.1 hole ) , tcth nnd Chicago , M. J Finnck. proprietor. F Mt I'LtJASAN'T HTKAM HBATRD first clan board , 1199 Capital ave. 1'eabwJ Tivldtncv. F-M9W 11 * riiiMsmn ; IIOOMS AND noAiin. ( Continued. ) ICE ROOMS AND IO\11D ) | STEAM. SOW HAH- noy. K MS43 NV PARLORS , SOUTH front ; furnished rooms , with hoard. 244) Douglas. ' F M9W Nl tOOMH WITH ROAItDHTEAM HEAT : transients nccommadnted , Utopia , 1721 Davcn- port 8t. _ F-pWj-Nl' ROOM AND HOARD ; STEAM ; 02 S. 13TH. F M971 N2 * WELL FltllNlSHED ROOMfl A 2203 Fnrnnm street. F-M977 N4 ZIOl lllOLAS , EA8T 110\V WIN- daw nnd other desirable room * ; Rood tnble ; trannlentn accommodated , F MC ! 2 N4 * FOU RENT. TWO rt'UNISMED ROOMS. nlth board , hotuo modern ; term * rrnn nable. 301 N. 22J St. F M900 Nl' MODEUN , T'lItST CLAS8 MEALS' , HEASONA- ble rales. IS12 Chicago St. F-WI-Ni * FOIl UI2\T UM < 'tit.\ISIlii ; > HOOMS. -UNFURNISHED ItOOMS ; DKSIUAIILE FOR hounekceplng ; central , ground Moor. A 37 , lie ? . 0-W2-30 * itn.vr STOHIS AM ) -HIST-CLAKS 11U1CK STORE I1UILDINO , 1011 Fnrnnm ; three stories nnd bnsement ; will niter to suit tenunt ; low rent. 314 1st Nnfl II'k bldff I-2W OU IlENT , THE 4-SroilY IIRIClv IILII.UINU nt 914 Furnnm St. This bulldlnK hns a llrvpnxir cement basement , complete steam hcntlnn tlx- lures , water nn nil Hours ; EH' , etc. Apply it the onice or The Uce. I 513 .A GUM'S C1ENTH MAKE J6 TO Jit A DAV INTRODIJC- Inic the "Comet , " thu imly H rnnp shot cam era made ; thn crrntent teller of the century : general and locnl ngt'ntn wanted nil over the world ; inclusive territory , write today for terms und samples. Alken Qlcanon Co. , X , 23 , IA Crosse. Win. J M103 N3 WAM'KO TO 0. 20. 0. K ACRE TRACTS. T1I1IEE TO FIVE miles ; nlso farm * ten to fifty miles of Omaha. Ilemls. I'nxton block. K M452 N4 STOItAGK. 'ACIFIC STOrUaE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . 903-910 Jones. Clrncral storage and forwarding. OM. VAN & STOUAOE. HIS FAU'M. TEL. 11 . M-W3 WA.VTUU TO IIUY. TO LEASE OR IIUY , ELEVATOR OF TEN OR fifteen thnurnnd capacity In South I'latto country. Address A 21 , care Omni n It - N-S14-N20 * VANTEI ) , A GOOD TOOL TA11I.F. . CHEAP. F.-cd I iucr , S22 Douilns. N-MU9S 3I 'on sAi.p. iimisns , CAIIIIIACKS , irru OR SALE. ONE CAR NATIVE HOUSES. 1ITH and MiiFon , Fred llupch's stnb1ci > . P M9S2 N4 mil SALi : _ MISCHLLAMIOUS. CHEAPEST HAUDWOOD WOVEN COUN-CUtU- bine made. C. It. Lee. Ml Douglas. Q-2S5 FOIl SALE-FINE FRESH TOW. 12 QTS. . AT S31) .So. 29th St. Teh phone : JI. I } M10I Nl CLAIIlVOVA.VrS. MRS. MARY FRITCLAIRVOYANT. . l N. ICth 8 M3C3 N2 ' ) NE HONEST MEDIUM. . will ulvo clairvoyant rendliiKS ( past , present , future ) nnd hent the rick dally nnd Sundayn from 10 to 6. I mnke no clmrce ; pay what you can. "Omnr. the Medium , " Midland hotel , 16th nnd ChlciiRo sln > ctB. ti--M'J99 N4 MASSAGE , MATHS. KTC. MME. SMITH , 1121 DOUGLAS , 11OOM B ; MAS- and steam bntha. T M9IS 31 * lss AMES. VAPOU i.rni.MAss.\aE 8. 13th St. . room 3. T M500-N6 * PKHSOXAL. MIBS VAN VALKENIJUHQ DESTROYS PERmanently - manently by electricity supcrlluous hair , moles , warts. < tc. Room 416 N. Y. Life llldi ; . U-2S6 UU1TURE CURED ; NO PAIN ; NO DETEN- tlon from business ; \\e refer to hundicds of patients cured. O. E. Miller Co. . 307 N. Y. Life building. Omaha , Neb. U 287 11ATHS MASSAGE. MME. POST. 319V4 S. 1STH VIAVI. HOME TREATMENT FOU UTERINE troubles. Physician In attendance. Consulta tion or health book free. 346 Uco bid ? . U-2S9 SEE CARTER HARDWARE CO. . 1403 DOUQ- las , for mantels , grates , tiles , marbla work. etc. U-3C2 MOM3V TO LOAN UUAL KbTATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y. L. Quick money at low rates for cholc > * farm loans In lonu , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. W 231 CITY LOANS. C A. STAIIU , 52i N. Y. LIFE. W-291 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPUOVED OMAHA real estate lirennan. Love Co. , Paxton block. W-253 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Famam Smith A CO. . 1320 Fnrnam W-294 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O. F. Da\ls Co. . 1503 Fnnmm St. W 235 PRIVATE MONEY , FROM MOO UPWARD , F. D. Wead , Ifth und Douglas. n47931 0 PEU'CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real cstata i Neb. farms , W. U. Mclkle , Omaha W 779- MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA rHOPERTYAT , lowext rules. Hulldlni ; loans wanted. Fidelity Trust company. W 83i MOM1Y TO LOAX CHATTKLS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , wnKona , etc. ; at lowest r.iib In city ; no removal of Roods ; utrlctly confidential , you can pay the loan orf ut any time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE 1.OAN CO. . 20C Bo. ICth St. X-29S MONEY TO LOAN. 30 , CO. M. DAYS : FURNI- luie. pianos , etc. Duft Green , room S llarlicr blk X-29I iii.vnss CH.VXCICS. FOR BALE. ABOUT 2.0CO L.I13. MINION TYPE 700 lb > . n > ; ale. 150 pair two-third cases. 4 < doubla Iron ptandu for two-third cases. ThH material \ > as used on The Omaha Icc and Is In fairly coed condition. Will bo sold cheap In bulk or In quantities to suit purchaser Apply In person or by mull to The Ilfn Pub llihlni ; Co. . Omalm. Neb. Y " 13 JS5 AVEUAOE WEEKLY NET INCOME WITH J2oO Invented. Safe , conservative. PioKpectus , prf > ofn , free. F. Daly , 1233 Hroadway , New York. Y MGWNI2 * FOU RENT A SMALL WATER POWER MILL ran nlio hnndlc Grain. Addrcmi Ilex f.'j. I.In coin , Nebraska , Y M1M N13 SAL13-.IIKAL KSTATU. AUSTRACTSJ. THE 11Y1 tON HEED CO MPANY Ite-'JT ? _ _ _ HOUSES , I.OTS , FARMS. LAND ! ) Qeo. 1' . llcmb Real Estate Co. , Pnxton lllk. MUSH ) , AUT AM ) LANGUAGE. QEOROE F. UriLLIINUUCIv. 11ANJO , MANUO lln nnd guitar teacher. Room 412 Dee lllds Ttl. V. 100 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BOHMER PIANO. EXCELLENT CONDITION only { 173 ; line Hallet tc Cranston ; only tW tcimu riisy : alto Stvlnwny , Kiialx' , Aosu il Sons and Enicrbon plunos ut luwcst prices. OIS McCaEiK * bulldlne. -b'JI 31 UI > ll4 > LSTiitlNG. UO TO M. S. WALKL1N FOR RIQIIT PIHCErf on furniture packln ; nnil rcpnlrltiK : nml tu'tnes. vouchrs wild cushion * . 2111 . 'U'nlliw it. .el. 1U1. MCI DANCING SCHOOL. A CLASH TOR ADVANCE PUPILS 18 NOU forming at M"rand's to meet every Monday a t p. in. : ticket for 10vfvks , (3 ; Kood unit used. Call HI 1110 llarniv 'U al io opvn. MSOS N53 IIUILUI.VG AM ) LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES JN MUTUAL JU , & U. AHS'N PAY8 C , 7 , ( per cent when 1 , 2 , 1 yenrs old ; nlwayH re deemable. 1704 Varnam tit. Nonlnscr Soc. 800 HOW TO GET A HOME OR tfKCUu : UOOD InietcM on suvlnvs. Apply la Omalu It. A U. Ai' , ) TDt FuniBia. a. U. Nutlluuer ties. tex nonsus IORRK3 WINTERED ) REST OF CAtlH. .1007 Center lit. M-6M il ; REST CARE ; $1.60 MONTH. W. F. Snydor. D9lh und Lenenworth ; write 2CM Mnrcy. M-744 NI7 * _ 'LENTY OF FEED. SHEDS AND WATER ; hnrse * rnlleil for nnd dellxernl ; rntrs , t3 per month. Address Dnller , descent city. In , -MS09 N20 sn\vi.\c > MAcmxns AMI SIIIM LIIS. NKW HOME HOfSEHOLtJ AND Wllli sewlnif machine otllce , 1514 Cnp. nvc. Tel , W PHYSICAL CUI.TUIIE. . - . W. DOUWAIII ) . C21 N. ih. -Mta Nil * KOU IUXT uxKtm.visnnn noosis. cir.\Mn5ii3 roir FIOUSKKKBPINCT * MAS nml wife ; water In kitchen , ilccl ( Ink. ZI'J N. lth. 0il - QP.T Tin : nnsT TYPKWUITKIIS. SIM-PUKS ; lepalr * . UnltC'l Tpewrter | & Supplies Co. , 1C10 Karnnm Mirel. M830 June SO i > \VMin oicnns. I. UAnOWITZ LOANS MONEY. US N. 16 ST. 305 MASON \VOItIv .TOIIIinit. T. 1' , IIBALY. ISM CLA11K STRUCT. H-MI MU SHOKTHAM ) AM ) 'TYI'KU'HITIXO. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , Ml N. Y. LIKE. AT OMAHA DUSINESS COLLEGE , 13TII AND S31 DHNTISTS. BAVU MONIY BY GOING TO SEYMOUR , dentist , 033 North 21th St. : lowest charges ; work Kunrnntpp < l ; pnlnlp extraction ; examina tion free ; open evening ! . ! X N-25 LOST. STRAYni ) Oil STOLKN. SMALL HAY IIOUSI2 nml IIVIKRV ; return to UI Larlmore ft. for1 ic- wiircK Unt-3S7 ! 0 . nnitoiiNRD STinn. IIUANDKU ic on left hip. AiMn > M M. II. HnKarty. Smith Omilm KxclmnKO bullillnff. Lo < t-M9ri ! Nl * SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICITOUS , lloo Ilulldluir. Oinhi : : , Nobr Advice and 1'nlcnl llnn < PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS The following proposed amendments to tlu I Constitution of the State ot Nebraska , OH i ticrolnaftcr set forth In full , arc submitted I to tbo electors of the State of Nebraska , to I bo voted upon at the general election to beheld hold Tuesday , November 3 , A. D. 1S90 : I A Joint resolution proposing to amend | ' sections two (2) ( ) , four (4) ( ) , nnd live (5) ( ) , of article six ( C ) of the 'Constitution of the j State of Nebraska , relating to number of ! Judges of the supreme court and their term of olllco. | He It resolved nnd enacted by the Lcgls- Inturo of Iho Slnto of Nebraska : | Section 1. That occtlon two U ) of article six (8) ) of the Constitution ot the Stnto of Nebraska be amended no as to rend ns fol- Section 2. The supreme court minll until otherwise provided by law , consist of llvo (5) ( ) Judges , a majority of whom shall bo necessary to form n quorum or to pro nounce a decision. It shall have original Jurisdiction In cases relating to revomte , civil cases In which the Ktnto shall l > e n party , iniindainu.t , quo warrunto , habeas corpus , and xuch uppcllato Jurisdiction , UH may bo provided by law. Section 2. That section four (4) ( ) of article lx (0) ( of the CoiiHtltUtlon of the Htnto ot Nebraska , bo amended so as to read as fol low * : Section 4. The Judges of the supreme i court shall bo elected by the electom of | the Htnto at largo , nnd their term ot olilcc , except as hereinafter provided , Hhall bo for a period of not lean than llvo (5) ( ) years as the legislature may prescribe. Section 3 Thnt section flvo (3) ( ) of article six ( G ) of the Constitution of the State ot Nebraskn. bo amended to read na follows : Section 5. At the II rat general election to be bcbl In the year 1S9C , there shall be elected two Judges of the supreme court ono of whom shall bo elected for n term of two (2) ) years , one for the term of four (4) ( ) years , nnd nt each general election there after. there shall be elected ono Judge of the supreme court for the term of flvo (3 ( > years , unless otherwise provided by law ; Provided , Thnt the Judges ot the supreme court whose terms have not expired at the tlmo of holding the general election of 1800 , shall continue to hold their ottlco for tbo remainder of the term for which they were respectively commissioned. Approved March 29. A. U. 1SS5. A Joint resolution proposing nn amend ment to rcctlon thirteen (13) ( ) of article six of the Constitution of tbi5 State of Nebraska , relating to compensation of supreme and district court Judges. Bo it resolved by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. Thnt section thirteen (13) ( ) of article six ( ref the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo umcndcd so ad to read ns follows : Seo. 13. The Judges of the supreme and district courts shall rocelvo for their ser vices such compensation as may bo pro vided by law , payable quarterly. The legislature shall at Us Ilrst session after the adoption of this amendment , throe-linns of the members elected to each house concurring , establish their compensation. The compensation so es tablished shall not be changed than once In four years nnd in no event unless I two-thirds of the members clocted to each house of the legislature concur therein. Approved March 20. A. U 1S93. A Joint resolution proposing to amend section twenty-four (24) ( ) of article five (5) ( ) of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , relating to compensation of the officers of the executive department. 13o It resolved nnd enacted by the Logls- laturo of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That section twenty-four (21) ( ) of nrtlnlo flvo (5) ( ) ot the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended to rend an follows : Section 21. The olllcors of the executive. department of the state government shall receive for their services n compensation to bo rstabllshi-il by law , which shall bu neither IniiroaiH'il nor diminished ( luting the term for which they ohnll have been commissioned and they shall not receive to tholr own use any fees , costs , Interests , upon public moneys in their bands or umlor their control , perquisites of otllco or other compensation , ana nil foes that may honinftor bo payable by law for services performed by an olllccr provided for In thlh ' "In shall bo paid in advnnco Into the Htato treasury. Tbo legislature shall nt Its first session after the adoption ot tills umendmnnt , threo-Ilfths of the members - bors elected 10 each house of the legisla ture. concurring , establish tbo salaries of tlii > olllocrs named In this artlrlo. The compensation so established shall not be changed aftcner thnn once In four yeurs nnd In no event unless two-thirds ot thu members elected to each house ot the leg- ltdnturii concur therein. Approved March 29. A. D. 1SS3 , A Joint resolution proposing to amend lection one (1) ( ) of article six ( G ) of the Con stitution of the State of Nebraska , relating to Judicial power. Ho U rrnolvt'd and enacted by the Legis lature of the Statti of Nebraska : Section I. That section ono (1) ( of article. rlx ( G ) of the Constitution of the State ot Nebraska bo amended lo read as follows : Section 1. The Judicial power of this state shall bo vented In a supreme court , dis trict courts , county courts , justices of the peace , police mnclstrates , and In such other courts Inferior to the supreme court aa may bu created by law In which two- thirds of the members elected to each house concur , Approved Starch 29t A. D. 18J5. A Jolut resolution proposing ( o amend sec tion eltiveu (11) ( ) of article itx. (6) ( ) ot the Constitution of the Stato.of Nebraska , re lating to Increase In number ot luprcma and district court judges. Ho It received nml mulcted by the Leg islature ot the Stnto of Nebraska : Section I. Thnt section eleven (11) ) of arti cle nix ( C ) of the Constitution ot the State of Nebraskn bo amended to rend na fol lows : Scr-tlon 11 The luRlslnture , whenever two- thirds ot the members elected to cnch hi > u nhnll concur therein , may , in or nftor the year ono thousand right hundred nnd nlncty-sovcn and not oftrncr thnn once In every four years. Increase the number ul judges of supreme nnd district courts , nnd the judicial districts ! of the mute. Such dlsmctn shall be formed of compact terri tory , nnd bounded by county lines ; nnd nuch Increase , or any change In the boundaries 'of'n district , shall not vacate the olllco of ntfy judge. Approved Mfjljuh IM , A. D. , 1S33. A Joint rclsfifutlon proposing to amend section six (6) ( ) . 'of article ono ( I ) of the Con stitution oflh' 'Stalo ' of Nebraska , relating to trial by juryji He It resolved nnd enacted by the Leg- blature of ITfo.'Blnto of Nebraska : Section 1 , flint section six (6) ( ) . urtlclo one (1) ( ) of the Chhstltutlon of the Stnto of Ne braska bo iVfn mlcd to road ns follows : Section C. The Tight of trial by Jury shall remain InvKMnlc , but the legislature may provide that in1 civil actions flvo-slxths of the Jury mity render a verdict , and the Icglslnturo 1)y' ) nlso authorize trial by n Jury ot a l s.s number .Mian twelve men , In courts Inferior to the district court. Approved . > Inrch 29 , A , IJ. , 1S95. A joint / proposing to amend section one ( I ) , of article five (5) ) ot the Con stitution of Nebraska , relating to olllccra ot I the executive department. i Ho It resolved and ennrteil by the Leg islature of the State of Nebraska : Section I. That section ono ( I ) of article flvo (5) ( of the Constitution ot the Stnto of Nebraska bo amended to read ns fol lows : Section 1. The executive department shall consist of a governor , lieutenant governor , secretary ot state , auditor of public ac counts , treasurer , superintendent of publlo Instruction , attorney general , commissioner of public lands nnd buildings , ana thro , railroad eommlffiloners , c-ach of whom , ex cept the said railroad commissioners , shall hold his otllco for a term of two years , from the Ilrst Thursday after the Ilrst Tuesday In January , nfter his election , nnd until his successor Is elected ami quail- lied. Knch railroad commissioner shall hold liU olllce for a term of three years , beginning on the fl'st Thursday after tbo Ilrst Tuesday In January after hla election , and until bis uscccssor Is elected and qttnll- lied ; Provided , howe\cr. That nt the ilrst general clec."on held after Iho adoption 1 of this amendment there shall be elected three railroad commissioners , ono for the period of 0110 year , ono for the period of two years , and ono for the period of three years. The governor , secretaiy of Btato , auditor of public accounts and treasurer shall vcsldc ut the capital during their term of ofilce ; they shall keep the public records , books and papers there , nnd slrtll perform such duties as may be required by law. Approved March 30 , A. D. , 1SD3. A Joint resolution proposing to amend sec tion twenty-six (20) ( ) of article flvo (5) ( ) of the i Constitution of the Stntc of Nebraska , limit. . Ing the number -\ecullvo state officers Ho It resolved and oitnctvd by the LegIslaTure - IslaTuro of the Stuto of Nebraska : Section 1 That section twenty-ulx (25) ( ot article flvo (5) ( ) of the Conslltullun of the Stale of Nebraska bo amended to trend ns follows : Section 20. No other nxct-utlvo state otn- cera except mimed In Meet Ion ono ( I ) of this , nrtlolo .shall lie created , except by nn act of the l glslaturu which Is con curred In by lioi leys thnn thico-fourths of the members elected to each house thereof ; Provided. Thut any olllce created liy nn act of the legislature may bo aiiullslit-il by the Ic-clHlattiro , two-third ! ] of the members elected to onch house thrrof roncuirlng. Approved March 3 > , A. ! > . , 1S.13. A joint resolution proposing to amend section nlim i'J ) of artlclo eight ( S ) ot the Constitution ot the State of Nebraska , pro viding for the Investment ot the permanent educational funds ot the ntntc. He It rcsolve\l and onnrlfd hv the Leg islature of the State of Nubiaskn : Section 1. Thu section nine. ( U ) of article eight (8) ( of the Constitution ot the Stnto of Nebraska bo amended tc lend ns fol lows : Section 9. All funds belonging to the state for educational purposes , the Interest nnd income whfreof'Oiily are to bo used , shall bu drrtncd tri'jU funds held by the.-stMo , nnd the Htato.shall supply all losses there of that may , In nny manner nccruiso that the same Hhall rcinuln forever Inviolate and undlmlnLsned , and shall not bo In vested or loaned except on United States nr stuto securities , nr registered county bonds or registered school district bonds of this state. , and such funds , with thn Interest ami Income thereof nro hereby solemnly plcdghl for the purposes for which they aro' granted and pet apart , and shall not bo-an ! nsfcrrc4l to nny oth'-r fund for other UEKU Provided. The board created by section 1 of this article U empowered to sell from tlmo to tlmo any of the securities belong ing to the permanent school fund and In vest the proceeds arising thciefrom In any of the securities enumerated In tills sec tion benrlnir ai higher ralo of InU-rcst , whenever an opportunity for bettor Invest ment Is preftf-nivi ! ; And provided further. That when any warrant upon 'the otate treasurer regu larly Issuednln ( pursuance of an appropria tion by tholeslslntlire and secured by the levy of a tax for Us payment , shall bo presented to the state treasurer for pay ment , and thcro shall not bo any money in the proper fund to pay such warrant , the board created by section 1 of this nrtl- clo may direct 'tho ' state treasurer to pay the amount due on such warrant from moneyi ! In his hands belonging to the per manent school fund of the slate , nnd he shall hold said warrant ns an Investment of said permanent school fund. Approved March 29 , A. D. , 1SS3. A Joint resolution proposing an amend ment to tbo Constitution ot the State of Nebraska by adding a now section to article twelve (12) ( ) ot said constitution , to bo num bered section two (2) ( ) , relative , to the merg ing of the government of cities of the metropolitan class and the government ot the counties w heroin such cities nro lo cated. Bo It resolved nnd onnctcd by the Lez- Islaturo of the State of Nebraska : Section 1. That article twelve (12) ( ) of the Constitution of the Stntc of Nebraska bo amended by adding to said article a new section to bo numbered section two (2) ( , to rend aa follows : Section 2. The government of nny city of the metropolitan class nml the government of the county In which It Is located may bo merged wholly or In part when a proposi tion so to do has been submitted by nn- thorlty of law to thn voters of such city and county and received the assent ot n majority of the votes cast In such city and also a majority of the votes cast In the county exclusive of those cast In such metropolitan city at such election. Approved March 29 , A. D. 1S93. A joint resolution proposing nn amendment to section six ( G ) of artlclo coven (7) ( ) ot the Constitution of the State of Nebraska , pre scribing the manner In which votes shall bo cast. ' Ho It resolved nnd enacted by the Leg islature of tbo Stnto of Nebraska : Section 1. Thnt section six ( G ) of article seven (7) ( ) of the Constitution of the Stnto of Nebraska bo amended to read as fol lows : Section G. All votes shall bo by ballot , or such other method ns mny bo proscribed by Inw. provided the secrecy ot voting be preserved Approved March 29 , A. D. , 1893. A joint resolution proposing to amend section two (2) ( ) ot artlclo fourteen (14) ( ) of the Constitution of the State ot Nebraska , rela tive to donations to works of Internal Im provement end manufactories. Ho It resolved , and enacted by the Legis lature ot the State ot Nebraska : Section 1. That section two (2) ( ) of article fourteen (111 ot the Constitution ot the State of NuuraSka , bo amended to read nr follows : Soctlon 2. No city , county , town , precinct , municipality , or other subdivision of the state , oball cvVr make donations to nny \vcrks of Infcriml Improvement , or manu factory , unless a proposition so to do shall hnvo been first submitted to the qualified electors nnd'rntllled by a two-thirds vote at an elccttonlrby authority of law ; Pro vided , ThatfHUph donations of a county with the donations of Htich subdivision ! * In the aggregate shall not exceed ton per cent of the nssosflpdrvaluation ° f such county ; Provided , further. Thnt nny city or county mny. by n thre 'fourths vote Incn-nso such Indebtedness .flyo ucr cent. In addition to such ten per cent nnd no bonds or evi dences of Inllcjitednesn HO Issued shall ba valid unlcBs.lluibianio shall have endorsed thereon a cprtjfljcatp Msned by the secre tary and auditor of state , showing that the Kama Is Usucd pursuant to law. Approved Jtyucji 23. A. I ) . , 1S93. I Y ' 1 I , J. A. Plpor , secretary of Htato of t'bo Btato of Nebraska , do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed mer.dmout to tbo Constitution of the State of Nebraikn AM true nnd correct copies of the original en rolled and engrossed bllli , ns pnaied by the Twenty-fourth session ot the legislature ot the Stnto of Nebraska , ns nppenrs from said original hilts on ( lie In this office , and that all and ench of said proposed amend ments are submitted to the quAlldetl voters ot the stnto of Nebraska for tholr adoption or rejection at the general election to beheld held ou Tuesday , the 3d day of November , A. D. . 189rt. In testimony whereof , I have thereunto set my hand and afflxcd the great seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln , this 17th day of July , In the year of our Lord , Ono Thousand Klght Hundred and Ninety-six , of the Independ ence ) of the United Stntcs the One Hundred nnd Twenty-first , and of this a Into the Thirtieth. Seal. ) J. A. 1'IPRR. Secretary of State. AUB 1 DtoNov3 morn ouly. Certificate of 1'tilillontloii. OFh'lCB 0V AUniTOH OK1 Pl'HI.lC AC COUNTS. STATIC OK NI5UUA8KA. LIN COLN. October 29 , 1X98. It Is hereby cer- tltli'd. Unit the Fidelity ana Guaranty com pany ot Baltimore , In the state of Mary land , has compiled with the Insurance law of this state and In authorized to transact Iho business of Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance - suranco In this state for the current ycnr. Witness my hand and the seal of the auditor of public accounts the day and > 4 > ar ubovo written. ( Seal. ) nUGKNH MOOIU3. Auditor P. A. onn KMC.TION IIKTS. Albert Dryer , n member of the Now York Consolidated exchange , has made a wage- of $100 to $500 that Ilrynn will not carry one county In the state of New York. J. J. McOarvcy of Wellington , O. , hss agreed If McICInlcy Is elected to give Joseph Hrumflchl n span of iiiulca and walk to Columbus and hack. 240 miles. It Hryan la elected llrumtlcld will lose his mules aud do the pedestrian net. Two jouug men of Philadelphia have been paying marked attention to the same young woman. They have decided to let the elec tion settle matters for them. If the demo crat wins the republican Is to stop calling on the young woman for six months , and vice versa. OIKI of the queerest hots which have been recorded Is that made between n man nml his wife In Colorado. If Ilryan Is elected the wife will chop all the family firewood for a month , and If McKliiley wins the hus band will do the family washing for an equal period. In the staid quiet town of Liberty Center , 0. , Deacon Weekly , who has a long heard and sound republican principles , has agreed to shave ovcry morning for four years If Dryau Is elected. His antagonist In argu ment , Klilcr Clever , who Is badly bitten with the free silver Idea , will not shave at all for four years. There are two men In Dallas. Tex. one long nnd slim nnd the other short and fnt. -McKlnlcy wins , the short , fnt man agrees to wear n suit of the long , loan man's clothes for n month. If Ilrjnn wins , the long lean man will wear a suit of the short , fat rnnn's clothfs for a month. In Walaprburff , Col. , John Welch and Thom.ns Cr.rbcrry. two miners , inado a bet the payment of which will be fraught with peril. The loser agrees to go to the bottom of n 200-foot shaft , and detaching the bucket and taking thf rope In his tooth allow him self to be drawn to the surfnco hy the win ner , who shall work the windlass. P. K. Powcm nnd E. II. Prowltt of Dodge City. Knn. , have ngrecd as follows : , Powers taking the llrynn side and Prowltt the Me- Klnley : The loser Is to allow himself to be wheeled through the streets of the town In a baby carriage pushed by the victor. The Icscr hhall nt the tlmo of this rldo have a child's rattle In ono hand and a nursing bottle In the other. In the bottle will be sour milk , and ho mnat consume It all be fore the ride Li over. An oJd bet la that arranged between two merchants In n Connecticut town. The par- tics to It are rival merchants , nnd ono day after a dliputo at the club the McKlnlcy man 'offered to agree that If Uryan should bo elected ho would pnrado the streets of the city eight hours each day for a week wearing a sign proclaiming the virtues of his rival's goods. If McICInley won the tables were to bo turned and the Ilryan man would bo the sandwlchman to advertise the other's stock of goods. Two well known citizens of Minneapolis mot the other day , and the supporter of Bryan said : "Say , old man , I will tell you what I will do. Ot course you know that I never bet money , but Just to make the thing Interesting I will ngrco to buy every thing that you jiced In the wjy of clothes for two years If McKlnlcy Is elected , and If Dryan Is the man , you do the same thing for me. The offer was taken at once , and now eaph Is thinking over In his mind what n snap ho has , A novel wager Is reported from " \Vhlle Hock. 0)c. ) The parties arc Miss Alice Younger , a republican adherent , and Thomas J. Stanton , n follower of Hryan. By the terras of the wager If Bryan Is elected Miss Younger will accept young Stanton'a hand In marriage next day , but If McKlnlcy Is sleeted the marriage will not only ensue , hut Stanton must discontinue his attentions to her. Furlhcr , If Bryan Is elected Miss Younger will have to purchase the wedding certificate and license and pay the preacher's fee. EXPORTATION OP APPLKS. Greater QiHiiitlllcx Going : Aliroail Than I2vcr Hcforc. Moro American apples have been exported this season than for many years past , says the Now York Post. The steamship com panies say that tbo season's shipments so far have exceeded those of any correspond ing period for ten years past , and that space on all outgoing steamships It now being engaged for two months ahead. So heavy are the shipments promised for the latter part of November ajid tbo first fortnight In December that many of the companies expect to get as high as $ t a barrel for shipments on the fast steamships reaching their destination In tlmo for the holiday trado. Up to this week C02.7SO barrels of American and some Canadian applea have been exported this season. Last year , dur ing the samg period , only 35,181 barrels were sent abroad. The unusual demand has arisen from the poor crcp harvested In Hurope hud the enor mous supply obtainable hero. Then , too , prices for the best fruit In this country arc so low this season that many of the shippers have sent their entire crop to the seaboard for the export trade. Prices prevailing In Kuropo up to last week were such as to re turn qulto a profit to the ohlppera , even after the unusually high freight rates wen- paid. Besides this , American apples have always been popular In Hurope , where thousands of barrels of the best kinds arc annually sent. Some Hudson river shippers , harvesting the best varieties , wrap their fruit In papers ( such ns nro seen around oranges and lemons exposed for sale here ) and ship to London , Liverpool and Glasgow llrent , where excellent prices arc obtained. Klevcn steamships leaving New York City last week carried 32,946 barrels ot apples. Of these. IS 0.17 barrels went to Liverpool .alone. Prom other American nnd two Cana dian ports Liverpool received this week con signments aggregating 84,733 barrels. Al together , 102.77E barrels have boon received at the Liverpool market during tb'o pant seven days , which la believed to bo the greatest quantity of American and Cnn-uUlan apples over received at that port during a single week. Per transporting the fruit the steamship companies received something over $77,000 , the freight rates averaging 7fi cents a barrel , BcBldei the shipments to Liverpool , whence the greatest demand for the American fruit cornea , these steamships carried 0,230 barrels for London , 6,780 barrels for Glasgow , 1,128 barrels for Hull , , 405 barrels for Hamburg and fifty barrels for Leeds , Shipments from Boston last week aggregated C2.GG3 barrels , The Liverpool market received il,7G9 barrels and London 10C5I. Thcso shipments , ul- though much greater than these from this city for corresponding period last year , did not equal the quantities Bent from Mon treal , Steamships from that city carried 4'- 979 barrels to Liverpool and 19,22'J barrels to Glasgow , making a total of 62,208 barrels , greater by many thousands than any other shipment from a single port during the wcok. Three steamships from Halifax car ried 36,967 barrels. Of theno the Barcelona carried 13,767 barrels , Halifax City 5,200 and KOUK Prodo 16,000. iH BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP. It Is n llttlo curious to notlco how nmnncrliimg obtain nmotiR the lnltlnt ( < il. Tlicru la a certain frcomngonry nnionR "ctnnrt" young women \\hlch rnrrlcs with It a subtle ami unmistakable knowledge. The way the liaiuls nro cnrrliM when tin- gloved tplU the knowing onwi n Rood deal. Not long ago , when the alcoves were a llttlo open nt the wrist , all the fashionable girls lot ono hand creep gently up the wrist of the other , nn amusingly universal practice that was followed by tbo Delsartean period of "relaxation" and limpness. A reigning belle Is usually rcaponslblo for these tricks of manner. It may bo a pose or habit that U unconscious or premeditated , but which charms with her personality. Is copied by her Intimates , and rapidly spreads far beyond the original circles. One of New York's lH > AUtles had the habit not long ago to hold thollps over so slightly apart. This trick gave lo her face * a wondering , wistful ex pression that wan extremely fetching , but many who tried It were not BO successful. Mannerisms of favoriteactresses ore often similarly adopted by a skillful young belle , Ada II eh an and ICllfcn Terry having prob ably been more suggestlvo In this way than any other two. I.lko the wall ot a lost soul , the news comes that the outcome of the Scottish shooting .season has taken the terrible form of bagpipe playing by fashionable women , which , of course , means that the Gotham matron will soon bo playing the pipes. Could n more reprchenslblo diversion be for an nstant Imagined ? I hear on reliable author ity , however , that the countess of this and Ihe duchess of that arc going In heavily for Iho Instrument of torture. Whllo their hus bands and lovers , brother nml friends arc scouring the grouse moors for Kamp , milady and her feminine companions nit In their bowers , and. with the help of a professional "plpor , " succeed In emitting the ntoit nau seous sounds that ever split the human ear drum. Ht > w far this latest fad may wprcail I know not. .Mayhap the fair feminities may tlre of It before they eome down from the Scottish highlands. The only reason able excuse that I can offer for this latest folly Is that the nutter of the long ribbons on tinplpca nnd the elegant softness of Iho "ban" may have tempted their apprecia tion of the beautiful. Fancy can certainly run riot In the "trimmings" of this objec tionable Instrument. Keeping a tobacco shop In Franco Is n position greatly coveted hy gentlewomen In reduced circumstances. The saleof to bacco being a state monopoly , the govern ment generally bestows n right to keep .1 bureau do tahac on the widows and or phans of oHIcers and government olliclals. or on ( IL'alk'il civil functionaries , nml though there nro nearly 55.000 bureaux on French territory , the list of applicants far exceeds the supply. In the October Ladles' Homo Journal Ed ward \V. link editorially discusses the plaint of certain authors that young girls stand In our way of having n strong , forceful lit erature. They argue that these offending > ounj ? girls constitute the majority of book buyera end readers , and that they Insist upon having "smooth , pretty and conven tional reading matter. " Mr. Ilok Is evi dently disposed to treat this protest In a facotlons spirit , pointing out to the writers how they can pursiio lltrrnturo In accord with their own desires and alms , without disturbing the young girls , or publishers cither. "U Is very strange. " Mr. Dole well says , "that certain of our authors should so con stantly complain of being circumscribed In this matter of writing about 'the great truths of lifts' and. 'the problems of human kind. ' There Is no reason why they should feel so. The world Is largo nnd all ways aio open to those who wish to traviM them. If authors want to go Into the darkest and vilest sewers of human lite why should they not ? Kvcry man Is his own master. And after any author with such a 'mission' has thoroughly saturated himself with the at- of the places ho has sought , then let him write of thorn. Ho will not orfcnd any one. No ono will disturb him least of all tire publishers. Certainly the young girl will not. Itcllncd and well-bred women will not annoy him. Decent men will not obtrude - trudo themselves upon him ; they nro busy with weightier affairs. So , why should not the author anxious to solve 'tho problems of lift ) ' go ahead and solve them ? Tliero IK no reason on earth why ho should fuel any sort of thraldom. Ills facts arc to bo had for the uxperlcnco ; Ink and paper for a few eonts. Dcyond that he need feel no anxiety. Ho need not worry about tyranny ; thcro will be none. Ho need only satisfy himself ; no ono clso. Not a human being will obstruct his going. And If hero anu there a stray specimen of the dreaded 'jouni ; girl' happens across hla path ho need give himself no uneasiness of mind. Klio will get out ot hla way. So , why this com plaining ? " Queen Isabella ot Spain has been making a tour through the French province of Tou ralne. At Clemcuceaux nho had quite an ovation , her carriage being piled high with several tiers of llowcrs , so It was nccussar ) to have reserved sitting room for herself Whllo In I'arls she purchased an opera wrai of cream-tinted brocadp velvet , ( be design being new , with rose and palo yellow carna tions carolcHsly strqwn upon tbo rich mate rial. The lining Is of pink swansdown , and the garment Is edged with pink and yellow marabout feathers tipped with nllver. Ii will bo fastened In front by chains of pearu and finished with a Jabot of Venetian point lace , which falls In rich cascades to tbo foot of tbo garment. It Is a singular circumstance that young persons who succeed In tbo ball room rarclj succeed on the larger and rougher floor of life. Your belle of the ball , lllco your Se nlor Wrangler , Jiex er seems to do much after ward and "Afterwaid Is Life. " So writes In ono of his strangely acute moods the man who Is said by many competent Judges to bo our "coming" novollut. The expres sion of his opinion will probably give rlst to much discussion. It will probably bi admitted that there Is a great deal of truth In his contention. The girl to whom "go- Ing to dances" becomes an object In life , In stead of merely a , pleasant Interlude. Is upi to get Into a restlc.s3 state of mind mentally , as well as physically , whirled off her feet' Excitement becomes : a necessity ; all lici quiet hours are spent either In recuperating after It , or In craving for more. I'rohahl ) . too , aho Is early Involved In flirtations , and oven serious love affairs , which her train ing and habits unfit her for considering Judi cially ; hence worries , anxieties and tears , ir ritability at home , sleepless nights , ami all the silly llttlo miseries that beset an Ill-regulated mlnil and body. "Another Innovation In the 'omart * t > oclet > of both hemispheres Is Iho latitude that is now allowed In drcas at all day functions. A woman will walk into a handsomely drcsued assemblage In a short blnyclo or golf ilrew and create nn remark or com ment whatever , whllo the long frock coat nnd high ollk hat which used to b dc rlsuuur for men in HiiKland and ' ranco are no longer deemed imperative. 'High hats nnd fioclc coats are not necessary was written In the corner of nn Invita tion to a gaulon party given hy a woman of rank In the suburbs of London rr.ccntly a sign of the times. Milady doubtless real izes that line ladles and gentlemen with nnthlnu to do are types of the past and that If she wanta guests nowadays ho must let thorn come Jr. tiicir outing rig. " New Zealand has been such a breeding ground of grandmotherly projects of legisla tion of late years that no one need he sur prised to learn of a bill being laid before the House of Representatives for compelling mlntrcascs to glvo their servants a holiday on n certain day In the wuck between the hours of 3 and 10 p. m. During these seven hours , according to this bill , the domestic Is , under no circumstances whatever , to bo permitted to work In the household In which she earns bread and bed. The measure has not yet hocomo low. It has only been read a second tlmu In the legislative clumber , second readings lu colonial parliament * mean rather lei than they mean In ling- land. It Id nut a government measure , and , If it manage * to net through the lower hou , would taud llltl or no cbaccu of survival when U came before the Council , which is the colonial equivalent for the Homo of Lords. The bill It the crochet of n private- member and It has been moral * Icssly riddled by the rhetoric of Laity Stout. who M the wife of an , . the * nv tl * ( lj v till I \I VllM of lilU colony , anil Is clearly a plaform ( .speaker of no moan parts , she favors a Wai half- holiday weekly for domestic servants , lint not under cjst-lron condition * which will compel a girl to go out nt certain hours on certain ilays , however Inconvenient to cither herself or her mistress. The effectual way to complete the transition from "tho constant service of the antique world" Is to go on Increasing the hard and taut rcgu- lallons which were -unknown In the old days. In proportion as servants cot what arc called their rights It Is to he feared they will lose their privileges , and In pro portion as they multiply the anxieties of mistresses It may he accepted ns certain that they will add to the Irksomencss nnd discomforts of their own position. A girl ot 13 eannot deeldo with any dis cretion or any assurance whether slio will be a sculptor or a washerwoman , a farmer or a poet ; but she can decide dis tinctly whether It Is her wish or duty after leaving school or college to remain dependent upon her parents or ( o nt herself for a self-provldltiB life , says Kllzabntli Stuart 1'helps Ward. The education hy which you mean to got your hrend and butter , your gloves and bon nets Is it very different affAlr from tint which you take upon yoursolt ns an orna ment nnd an Interval In lite. Tiio chem ical experiment which you may some day have to explain to pupils of your own Is quite another thing from the lesson that you may never think of again. The prac tice In bookkeeping , which may sometimes regulate your dealings with llvo llesh and blood customers , becomes as Interesting o a now story. The dull old rules for Inflec tion and enunciation fairly turn Into poetry If you hope to find yourself a great publlo render some coming day. And the very siwdust of Iho French or Latin grammar becomes ashes of roses to the stout llttlo fancy that dreams of bravo work and bin salary In some foreign department nt Wash ington or tutoring girls or boys for college. All over the terrlhlo ocean , among thu law less sailors , the men with wives and chil dren to work for are those 'who lead tlio gentlest and cleanest lives. So , on the greit ocean ot school life , the girls with alms to study for are those whose labor Is the richest and ripest. Ah. you will never rcallzo till you have tried It what an Im- mcnso power over life Is the power of pos seting distinct alms. The voice , Iho dicss. the look , the very motion of a person dctlno and alter when ho or she begins to llvo for a season. I fjncy that I can select In a crowded city the busy , blessed women who support them selves. They carry themselves with an air of conscious self-respect and self-content which a shabby alpaca eannot hide nor a rich silk enhance , nor even sickness or ex- huustlon iiulto drag out. The latest luxury for a woman's lap ilng Is his umbrclln. U rovers him from the tip of his small unto to the wng of hln llttlo tall , and li strapped ( Irmly on his back In nn upright and wide open position. What with his India rubber bouts , his mac kintosh coat and his umbrclln. he can defy the elements , and what a much happier and healthier quadruped be will bu for the air and exercise. At the Woman's International congress , held In llcrlln , the women train America and Kimliiml had the proceedings much their own way , with Oermany. next. Kranco , with her one woman's club , had the report to file that woman was so far emancipated that she was now elevated to the prsltlon of stntlnn master , or mistress , and was thankful for small favors. "Tho times have changed , and we have changed with them , " oven In the matter ot shoes and slicking ? , or more politely speak ing hose. The first protection for the feet known to history was n kind of shoo consisting of a sole , with sometimes a shield for the hoot and ft rap for the toes , held to the foot by thongs or cords. Thrso were dignified by the iiamo ot sandals and were made of leather , cork , wood , straw , wlckcrwork , vel vet and silk. In the Oriental countries san dals were made "a thing of beauty" and might have remained "n Joy forever" had wo not becdtno so uncomfortably civilized. Thcro they were fashioned In silver nnd gold and ornamented with precious Htones and worn by both sexes. In li.oso days the human foot , untrammclcd by coverings of airtight Irnthcr , attained Us perfect growth and proportions. It was large , hut abso lutely faultless In shape anil coloring , the high arch ot the Instep graduating to the jlcudcr flexible toes on which the nail * rested as shell-like ns those of the fmgcrsr A venerable woman , RDCnklng of the failure of Hilton Hughes & Co. , said : "In my shopping days 'Stewart's' was a rcndcvous for all New York society women. I remember the delight with which wo wel comed the revolving stools which ho was the ilrst to Introduce Into New York shops. The store competes easily today with the flnist In the city go far as thu building gmtf , and" at the tlmo when , ns 'Stewart'H , ' It was known all over the country , It easily led every other ono In spaciousness and beauty To go up In ono of the upper doors nml look down In the rotunda was a sight that per sons from out of town knew of and wanted to see when they came bore. I remember there were notices posted on the pillars warning employes not to stand gazing over the ratling on pain of dismissal , .Stewart was a great disciplinarian. "The place was like a club for us women wo made appointments to meet there and vlslti-d quite as much as wo shopped. In those days It was almost the only big store all the shopping centered thcro just below Fourteenth street. For years It was my husband's orders In the utnblcw that the carriage horses were not to bo driven be low Stewart's. Ho feared the trnlllc of Hroadway further down for us. and Stew- art'a was the end of everything. " The airy , light store was almost as much of an attraction to shoppers In this genera tion , though other stores shared their favor itism. Most women divide their prejudices for stores , liking this place for ono thins , that for another , and so on. "Hosiery nnd handkerchiefs at Hilton's , " said a woman allltcratlvely a day or two ago , "woro always most satisfactory to mo. I could get better of each for less money than anywhere clso , It seemed to me , nnd I have mippllcd my family there In these articles so long I feel lost to turn anywhere - where else. " Hut tbo philosopher tells us In this world " 'ivorybody Is missed a llttlo nnd nobody very much. " In the numerous other splendid dr goods stores of Greater New York , Hil ton's following , however faithful , will uoon bo contentedly swallowed up. Scott's Emulsion is Cod- liver Oil prepared as a food. At the same time , it is a blood maker- , nerve tonic and an up-buildcr. JJut principally it is a food for tired and weak digestions ; for those who are not { jetting 1 f ' the fat they should ' ! from r.lieir ordinary food ; for , ciil- | dren whom nothing 'S'ectns to nourish ; for all who are fat-starved and thin. It is pleasant to take ; at least , it is not unpleasant. Children like it and ask for more. Some drur.f.Ull luvt I "Jilil it [ itci'kind | , Ivn't lh klii'l ill oilufi Ulo Mjwl { w/4 oiou h fur you M