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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1896)
. n-UATTA DATT.V TITCF. : SATTTT7DAV. OCTOBER .11. ISWi. 11 * u\v\rnvn\"AU\T ivnfuiTiro'it ' "AAAlUiMJA junk h > rULl 1 llo Forced Tribute from 6,000 , Employes to Pro mote the Silver Trust. MONTANA.RAISES S300.000 FOR BRYAN 1 _ The Mirer Kin leu nnil Tliclr Slnfce In Uic l -cllnn0ne .Mlnrr Oi- jioiK-'iI to tin1'rvc I'ullc- William Shaw Llowen , staff corrcipoodcnt of the New York World. supplements hli disclonu-e of the contributions of the- silver Lings of Colorado to the Ilryan campaign fund with like details of Montana's 'offer- Ing to the cause of free slUcr. Writing from nuttf. October IS , he eays : In Montana , as In Colorado , there Is an Insatiable desire on the part of the mine owners to secure free silver. They care nothing for parties or candidates , except as both serve their ends. They are working the free silver Issue purely for private profit. It means wealth beyond the dreams of av arice for them The politician * who serve them arc oltter their agents or their dupes. A. campaign fund of $303,000 has already been raited and sent east Mucn more will follow before November 1. 1 Dnd , however , that there is wholesale Intimidation of miners to secure additions to the fund ; that business men art * influenced to give money by their fears of boycotting , and there l a prevailing spirit that Is shocking to every eense of liberty , honor and oecency. A determination to buy the election of a free silver president prevails. The Colorado and Montana boodle fund Is already In excess of $ G50.W > 0. I have the names of subscribers and amounts of sub scription * aggregating ICOO.OOO In these two mining states alone. The Colorado list hai already been published In the World. The Montana boodle , with Its subscribers. Is In part as follows- Marcus Daly , manager and quarter owner of the Atmcomlri Mining and Smelting company of Ilutte and Anaconda cities Jl'0,000 William A. Clark of W. A. Clark & Ilto. , banker * of Hutte , copper and silver mine owner 50.000 E. T Hauser , former governor of Montana ami owner of Helena and Frisco silver mines at Gem , Idaho ; owner of the Independent inoww- paper ) of Helena 10.000 The employe * of the Anacomla Mln- inc and Smelting company , con tributions ordered by oHlclals of the company , sometimes Riven volun tarily , more generally through fear CO.CVtt Thin doe.s not Include the amount that will lie taken from the pay of employes today. October 15. the monthly pay-day of the Anaconda company. Jnrncs A. Murray of Itutte , banker und silver mine own r t 10,000 A. J Davis , Itutte , sllvur mine owner and banker , 5.000 Mr T > arln la nt heart In favor of Mc- Klnley He Is Influenced by the Irresistible prexsurt all business men feel under the rule of the silver kings. Davis is a man of high Intelligence. 1 * . A. Larger. llutte , mine owner and capitalist { 5,000 A. W. Jtjrnnrd , Uutte , mine owner and capitalist r.,000 r K. Sargennt , Itutte. Interested In mlni-H 1,000 M J. Connell , Uutte , merchant with strong silver Interests 1,500 Kelson Story of Uozcman , mine owner and capitalist 5.000 This amount will , I understand , be In creased A. M , Ksler. A. J. Sellgman. J. T. Murphy and A. M. Holler of Helena have contributed S E.OOO Subscriptions collected In Helena 3,700 Subscriptions collected In Uutte , money ruined nt horse race * and at a Wild West show JS. In addition to the aliove mere has been collected from source ! " to IKS specified In detail In different parts of Montana about 11,000 ARHounienti ) on wages of mine em ploye * other thnn those of the Ana conda company 7,330 Total J2C.100 The subscriptions collected In Uutte were generally by D. J. Hcnnessy , president and manager of the Hennessy Mercantile com pany , and manager of the Copper City com pany of An&conda. HenneMy and his business concerns an creature * of Marcus Daly and Patrick Mul llns , of Pat Mulllns & Co. . Dutte. and manager of the Southern hotel and th Hale house In this city. Marcus Daly owns the latter and Mulllns is an agent for the Anaconda mining magnate. There was like wise a committee from the trades union and labor assembly of Silver Uow county. Charles Lane , V. L. Iteber and ono other , all throe strikers of Marcus paly. All these men have drummed Duttu as tlduously. No merchant , tradesman or any onn dependent upon the community or the Great mines for a livelihood escaped. THE ROTHSCHILDS IN IT. The Anaconda company was a year ago th. property of J. B. Haggin , Lloyd Tevis. Mar cus Daly , its present manager , and thi Hearst estate. The latter Interest changed hands last winter. On an assumed valua tlon of J30.000.000 the Rothschilds acqulrec. the Hearst quarter of the property , paying tarrefor J7.500.000. The attorney for lb < Hearst estate was Irving Stump of Call fornla. The banking house of Kubn , Loc & Co. of New York and the Scligmana took part in the transfer. The sale price. f",500.- 009 , belonged to Mrs. Hearst , wife of tbi late Senator U.carst , a venerable and high minded lady , residing In Washington , and her son , William H. Hearst , owner of thi Mirer organs in New York and San Fran e'sco. The pharc of the sale belonging , to Mrs. Hearst h son was by his direction generally to be Imotcd In United States bouds as a scr-ure investment. A large sum hsd been expended in this manner when the Chlcag cinvention adopted a free silver platform Uy dlrert'on of Mr. Hoaist the purchase o government bonds was stopped , ayd the bankers began to buy gold with the money. I am Informed by the best authority that Jacob PlufT. the banker , o ! Kuhn. Loob & Co. , was one of those who icnde the transac tion. Over Jl.000.000 In gold was bough : on account of Mr , Hearst If free rllver won nt tht > polls a double profit waj In sight. Hi * inluos In Utah * \ould ba\e an unlimited market for thtlr product , and ns gold mounted to a hisn premium possibly doubled his w-crrt stock of gold would pile up more prollti. So tntnh for the Anaconda mine's Interest in obtaining free silver coinage ; no much for the re.mon * why the greet corporation is striving to elect William Jennings Ilryan. Now cs to the mean. Marcus Daly , the manager , i > ersmially cr for the corporation J cannot say to ivbat account the money was chargtd has f > ub crlbetl 1100.000. If the former r * correct , if Daly gavt this money Hiuctf. lhnn he has been guilty of a gross jnlastatement to President "Jlsi" IIill , of tlio Great Northern railway , ilmt crosses this state , and which transports most of the Anairnda products eastward. I personally 'hnl Mr. Hill wrote to an Important Iti'Ilvi'.lufU ' In New York that Marrus Daly had Rlvra J10.000 only to tbe silver cam- I'algn fitrd. I know thli to be a fnct jicrj-ojially. and know exactly whrre the let- Irr of President Hill is. Daly cither de- cclrrd his friend nod biislnpti nsfoclete or rUc he told the truth. If the latter , then I l.i pcrsonM subrcrlptlon wait $10.000 , and In * greater subscription to the boodle fund ijharge'l to the account of the Anaconda fnipanr I know of the latter subscription frc'ii different sources , three of which are o ! the nature of legal r\lclHice. In addition. I wsj info'-aifd ye tcrday that former Oov- cruor'Hauit'r of Helena stated In the prcjcrce of a number of prrtnns In the > ! > < nUn cjuh , since his return from Chlr.tRo , vlirro he taw Chairman Jancu , IliJt the Inttef 1nfonnrd him h hi > l rccelvH JlOO- " ) froai Mark Only. I v > teld tills by n't entirely rrpuUthlc pcrtnu. but ac It in lrr § y only I make the rxrlinatlon and give it for what it li worth , relying upoa kr , > rlflc fvldcnre for my own statement. \NAfONDA LAllOUnilS ASSESSED. I * might be supposed the miuager of Aim- conda wculd not tax hU employes to swell the silver trust boodle fund. Daly Is rot a man of srntlrcent. He U an iron-beaded C"rporajlon l i * , destitute of tli9 KUiitler cfctlnnn that inuy men of reli ira nt and drlliacIl h s fought lih far frca a ijfs'jtutc * mifferlPK ! lioj.icvJ ; o lia ! f.lo - l t prl'i-rly n'll'ieure vbrv ? h u db > to In ? 1 Vf > a prince tnilntb'n fjMOOt ) I.K-IDP stalle * ad ewpley J15.CC9 i year Jokcys. 1& he sort something to be gained he goes tor it , regardless of everything in the way. The manner In which the assessments were collected was as follows : The shift boss Informs OHO of those under him that there Is a subscription brinn taken up to aid Ilryan and free silver. 'The boys. " he says , to the Individual minors , "are giving a day's pay each. You will give , of course. " HP neglected to explain that the Anaconda owners would profit IS.WHI.OOO a year by the success of the 16 to 1 Idea. Some of them men contributed willingly , more did not. but they contributed lust the same. Ono of the latter tells the story In an tffldavlt I secured from him. He Ik a ornlshman. who ha * spent most of his years n the bowels of tbe earth , straightforward ind reliable. When he reluctantly cave me his testimony In addavli , br said : "If his were known my job would not be worth week's pay. I would be chucked out ot ho Anaconda without mercy. " A MINER'S AFFIDAVIT. For this reason I will omit name * and .11 that would contribute toward disclosing he Idenlty of the speaker , unless the facts state arc questioned. "Tho shift boss came to me. and calling mo by name , said : "Are you going to give a day's pay to the Bryan fund ? ' " 'What fundr I asked. I knew all about It , but I did not let on that I did. " 'Why all tbe boys re giving some of .heir wages to elect Bryan. ' Then he ookcd me In the eje. I knew what that ook meant. " 'Yes , ' BaM I ; 'I'll give It. ' " "That was all that was necessary. If I had not said yea I would have been a marked man. I would have had to go In tlmo on some pretext or other. I know that more .ban half the men would not have contrib uted had they not feared the consequence The trade union would not protect us. The officers are generally Influenced In some way by the bosses. If wages and hours arc all right the union is Battened. Some take an Interest In politics. Others believe what , s told them that they will be helped by free silver. More than half of tbe people believe nothing of the kind , but they glvr Just the same. " OPPOSED TO FREE SILVER. Amid the vast ignorance and venality played upon by certain sliver mine owneis In Montana , It Is refreshing to find a great mining authority who sees through the per sonal schemes of these pushing silver In politics. I refer to Henry Knlppcnbcrg , a director and the general manager ofthe Hecla Con solldated Mining company ot Glendale , Beaverhead county. This great mining corporation , of which John Thomas of Indianapolis Is chairman and Mrs. Thomas A. Hendrlcks. wife of the former vice president of the United States Is a director. Is devoted to lead and silver producing and Is one ot the largest In4 I' state and the most constant producer. Hcmr Knlppenberg is an Intelligent , pro gressive and successful man of business. He exprcsred his Inveterate hostility to the great scheme of forcing silver dollars on the country at a fictitious value to me , as fol lows : I have lived In Montana slxtee-n years. My every Interest is in silver mining. Dur ing these sixteen years I have furnished the world 10.090,000 ounces of silver. I have palJ in Heaverhcad county in wages to my employes JS.000.000. Notwithstanding all this I am unalteiably opposed to the Inde pendent , fret- and unlimited coinage of sll ver because my practical knowledge , my judgment tells me that It Is contrary to his tory. experience and common sense. "I love hnnwty. I deny the legislative power to assert value. The great commer cial world knows , recognizes and bows to ono authority , supply and demand. If gold has appreciated , doubled in value , tbe only way to meet the doubling Is to reduce the gold dollir one-half in weight ; then the 1C to 1 standard would be honest nnd no man cheated In silver dollars. "The very fact that It is nought to double the value of a silver dollar by legislation h a confe lon that tbe gold dollar Is worth 100 cents. No American citizen should cheat hlm&elf with the delusion that he Is a patriot because he may offer his mis fortunes as indicative of the need of specia' laws to fit bis particular case. "I would scorn that law that would make me the beneficiary of an injustice to another. Tbe man In public position who will permit himself to be swerved'from the path of duty to all by any class or by any clamor l tbe enemy of hi * country and especially the enemy ot the tery class he serves either as a mistaken or a cringing slave. "Integrity , moral and financial. U the foundation of true character. This holds good In national ah well as Individual ll.'e. DISHONEST AND RUINOUS. "The proposition of free , independent and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. when the commercial value is 3 ? to 1. is dUhoncst and must result in ruin To say that by legislative action you ran create values te to assert a falsehocd. If U true , then the law ot supply and demand is false , and our poor world has been for 6,000 years doing business on a false basis. "If It Is true , then we have at lusgth found the key that unlocks the door. Henceforth , by order of congress and the signature of the president of tb United States , 'water ehall run up hill. ' The law of gravitation shall forever be suspended , and eicry man ehall reap without sowing. Mlcnos * and ; debauchery shall bring plenty and happiness. Repudiation is honorable and Integrity Is a fraud. "The whole qutatlnr. is based upon as sumptions. I do not know of a single na tion on earth thJU claims that we as a nation can make by our own action the commercial value of tllver go up to $1.29 - an ounce. This resumption is patented by the silver party of the United States. "I have great faith In the common people. I have uo faith in the common , time-nerving for-what-there-is-la-lf politician. He is the cnomy of home , fireside und good morals * ' Since the United States congress wat never able from 1S34 to 1S73 to keep silver and gold circulating at a parity when there ws only 3 cents difference in the maiket price of tbo bullion at 16 to 1. Mr. Knlpptm- berg sect bow Impossible. It would be today whsn there Is 49 ceau difference between theui To assert that the United State : congress can double its value. Is to asc-rlbc greater powers to congress than to tbe combined markets of nil the world. As act of congress , he betltves. is not likean act ot God. Tetter ccicina anj all similar tkla troubles arc cured by the use of DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. It soothes at once , and restores the .Issues to tnelr natural cor.- i'.rn , and -vver ffllU to cere viler. COUMI.VT iui.uvi ; m * KYISS. Kureruiiitrr or I'ail Oli cr\fil In n > tr * ft Cur. * A fat , smooth-fared awn. with a left-over Jag. sat glccmlly in the corner of a Wabash avenue car. relates the Chicago Tribune , and viewed hit surrounding * with a hazy and blodshot eyr. A good-locking young woman , whose attlrr betokened familiarity with fashionable so ciety , got on tht- car at Conersi ! rtrett cnfl took n se t opposite. Th ? fat man appar ently illd not notice her entrance , hut In e { few moments bo suddrnly fixed hi * eye * upon her In a frozen while n look of doubt , fear , and hope In coctortc-4 SDra'.ma- tlon crept over his countenance. He tried to take his gase from the woman , but seuncd to bo faac-'iiated ' by something. After a prolonged stare of half a minute or so he suddenly boltoJ far the iloor. and without waiting for the car to fctpp jumped o.t and rv.plrtly disappeared down a Mdo street. ( /.t that moment the object at the fat man's alarra became apparent to the other oirtipvits of the car. It wan a hanr.lcss 1IUI * ierranlu attai-l'M to a gold chain and w&s rr wlinc about o vr t'le young woman's l > o .m In Its effort * to escape. The fat mm : < > vii | > jitly cnuld not believe his eyes , but the thine was al've. ' Thl little creature IK s'.tnply n 'oicruunw of a fa > I tlsit has bcea taken up by ultrafashionable - fashionable people. ItliIJs fair to in-come moro popular than the chameleon because the terrapin U leu repulsive , to iTOU en and is not * n delicate. All : t rtqulrr * is a. bowl of water l night and a few 3lc for Its brc Uast and supper. On thin treatment It will live a Ian : time. Hli fhi > ll is capable of taking on a high jioll 'i , and when attached to a. gold chain laakrs an orcaiucnt that U very much ad- in I r yd by jscmc people. Sorce ladlr * find it difti'tilt to ovrrconio their sQueambjbnfsa when lr : colfi ted claramr pet tcmrti to warm its fcrt on thrir lare aLln but when fn'j'-crt Mrt'rj that it shall be worn c little thing llko tills it not allowed to tauct. iXPERIENCE A WISE TEACHER ( . Americano on the Border of Mexico Shy on Free Silver. TWO STANDARDS AT NOGALES , ARI. nnil Amrrlrnti SIMrr Clrcn- In n llordcr T i n * vlth u Mri-cl for 11 Divid ing Line. With only the width of a street between them and free silver the republicans of Nogalta , Ariz. , last week adopted as their sentiments , the following : "We stand for the re-monetlzatlon of sll- \er , but we demand such a solution of the problem Involved , that , while It shall re- open the abandoned rllver mines of Arizona , it shall not reduce the purchasing power of the dollars Inhlcn are paid the wages of American wnrklngmcn. as we ha e seen re duced the purchasing power ot the dollars lars in which are paid the wages of Mexi can worklnsmcn In our very midst To that end we favor International bimetallism , as proposed by tbe national tepubllrsn plat form , R3 being the only monetary policy which can rehabilitate silver without Im poverishing the worklnsmen of the United States. " Nogales Is the best placeon the border to study some phases of the silver ques tion , writes Walter B. Stevens , staff cor respondent of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The difference between the two stan dards ls Impressed forcibly by the peculiar conditions. A street called International cuts a community of about -1.000 people In halves. Along this street Is a row cf cus toms eentry boxes. The 2.000 people who live south of International street are on .Mexican soil. Those- who live north of It are underthe laws of the United States. The bout of feeling prevails between No- gales. Mexico , end Nogclcd. Ariz. When the governor of Sonora comes up the line , the leading citizens of the American Nogales - i gales banquet him. When the revolutionists [ j made their midnight raid on the Mexican I custom house a couple of weeks ago , the j first defenders to arrive with effective Winj j cheaters were some of the residents of No- gale-s. Ariz. , who , having pressing bualj j i | ness engagements , had not retired. When the Nogalc-s company of the national guard of Arizona turned out to cele- brate the Fourth of July , the captsln marched his men to the flagpole from which floated the stars and stripes and fired a salute. Then ho marched them ecro s ths line to the Mexican customs house and fired another salute , to which the collector re sponded by dipping the Mexican colors. These things are mentioned to show the ex- ccedlngly close relations between the International - national twin cities. Mexican merchants keep their accounts in American banks. People of the two cities chop indiscrimi cutely on both sides of the line bearing In mind only the respective tariffs on certain classes of goods. Mexican customs guarus sit in the little sentry boxes. American customs guards with stars stroll up ana , down International street. People who go1 across the line carrying ba&kcts or buudlcs j ; stop and show tbe contents to the guards , j and then pass on. This inspection Is tae j only outward evidence of the dividing llne i between the two Nogales. The Sonora trains J ' ' which run south to Guaymas use the same I i depot as do the New Mexico and Arizona I trains which run north to Benson. They back i up to the line , one train hsaded north and I j t tbe other south. Sometimes they come | together with a bump , which ccts the auto-1 matlc couplers , and the Interesting spectacle : Is witnessed , as was the case the other night , I of the railroad ot the United States and I J the ferro carril of Mexico trying In vain i j for ten minutes to pull apart. Hut with all this commingling and close association of interests the 417 grains of silver and alloy stamped Republic-ana Mexlcana Is worth only half as much as the 41IH grains of silver and alloy stamped United States of America. Side by side the coins circulate In the two Nogales. If you go Into the depot of the Sonora News company and as ; . tbe prlco of a newspaper , the answer Is : I "Five cents American , 10 cents Mexican. " And you v > 111 look twice at the coin to dis tinguish one dime from the other. OPPOSED TO J'REE COINAGE. It is a significant fact that the leading newspapers along the border between Mexico and the- United States are strong advocates of sound money. This Is true everywhere except in El I'aso. where the Times is -ti'ong Ilryan organ. Juan S. Hurt , the elltor. is a practical mining man. He be lieves in free Oliver to such a degree that if the democratic national convention had gone the other way he would have been a bolter : today , supporting a free sliver ticket. But Mr. Hart is one of the very few border newspaper men who take that Bide of the question. At Laredo Captain E. M. Tarver , the editor of the Larado News , for nearly a third of a century a resident of tbe border , i Is ono of the stanchfst of round money men. The San Antonio Express , which Is near enough to the Rio Grande to appreciate the object leison In free silver , U as strongly committed agalntt the coinage lunacy as any paper In the United States. Here in Nogales Captain Allen T. Bird lets no issue of the Oasis go to press without a vigorous presentation on the subject. He has lived nearly all of his life in what -called "the great silver west. " He came to Nognlcs from California n free sliver man. 1 have gradually become , " he slid , "by erring the operation of the silver stand ard here , on the border , a confirmed gold man. " "In tbe course of my varied experience. " he continued. "I was a railroad man for. twelve years In California. I ran a train for $110 In gold. The man who has got that jilaco receives the seme or about the came A suit of clothes which cot me $5 * when I WBE running thct train costs the man who holds the job now $30. Shoes which cost me ? C. cost him J3. A shirt that was $3 then is J2.25 now. My successor naa adjusted himself to the present conditions. Ho in living now as well on J110 ns I. when 1 had that place and salary In 1S73 , could haip lived on $ SOO. Thinking in that way made me dubious about the free coinage ex periment. What I saw here has confirmed rce that we cannot afford to try It. " "In hUElneex lu these two towns , " con tinued Captain Bird , "both Mexican ana American inonny clrculite , The storekeeper keeps two price lists. He quotes to the cus tomer tl'o price In either kind of money. At on time , a few year * ago , before the bul lion valup of silver hal fallen much below the colnare vuluc. the Mexican dollar , which contains six grain. " more of pure silver , would buy in Nogales as much as the Amer ican dollar would. At that time wages were the same In either Nogales. A carpenter on the Sonora side was pal < 173 a day in Mexican moiey. A carpenter on the Arizona side wcs paM $3 in American money. The purchas ing power was the same. Then came the fall of silver. Bullion fell in the London murk el. Nogalex storekeepers adopted two prlre lists These lists hare been getting farther and farther apart But wages In Mexluiu money did not follow Acrors in Souora the pay in Mexican money is the same number ot dollars that It Is on the Arizona side in American dollars. Now see where we are as regards the- purchasing power. Here Is the double price list from one of our Nogales stores , showing just what the merchant sells today for an American dollar nnd what be sells for a Mexican dollar. " WHAT ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY. Captain Bird took from his desk the fol lowing : Kor SI For Jt Amrrtntn. ArttelM. M 1c n. 31 pound * Flour , good Krndf . . . .lK pound * 7 pound * Hum , m jwunds TH pound * . . . .Bioon 4 ixmml * 4 < t pound * P.itatora i S > pound * 11H pound * . . . .n Hn d fuf r e pounds 4 pounds. . . .Grc'-n ccitfkftotx. ) SH poundi 40 ixrtindc , . . .n art * . .v.- SO poundi 1J pound * . . . .Itk-c . . . . . . , Ut . . . evi pound * S pound * . . .Ten ( Clilmfl. : . ? S pounds > pound * . .l nl , rrRBHl . S pound * : iKMinds. . .Iteklnc pT'wWr ' . 1 j-ound H i-oumli. .M cnnjntJ.c.Y < rmkTlU . 5 8 pound * . . frulU , . 4 4 < pound * .Artiurkle > 'epfre . 5 pound * S pound * . . . .Corn mralvu ; ) 12 poundi 16 < pound * Starch . . } . , f & t < um1 v pounds Candlw. connnon J5 jnundi 41 $ lr * Snap. UtuyJrV H ) liars 10 can * Tomatnr .jCMincd 5 cnn jj { S win * oilfornltt fwjt run * | B i can * California' Jqni * 4 cans IS cun * Anirrlcunjfvirdlne * . . . . 8 cnn * k can * Cotnrd Ivfl . 4 run * J > 4 gallons. . . Ccal oil. , . . . . , , IS callon * 4iioumls . . . .California \frrv \ IV rounds 3 pound * . . . .California ? utrr IS pound * 4 dozen Kantern ivui S dozen "I believe. " eald Captain Bird , "that should the United Stales throw open the mints to free and unlWnlted coinage of sti ver at the ratio of 16lVl. American workIngmen - Ingmen everywhere wtnild. be subjected sud denly to the slump In tto purchasing power ot their wages to which the Mexican work ingiccn ha\e been gradually subjected. U Is , In my opinion , manifestly to the Interest of American worklngmen to vote for the retention of the present standard until by International arrangement there may be brought about a bimetallism which will not cut In two the value of their dollars. " Captain Bird has been , by turns , a printer , a railroad man a miner and an editor. I ° 4 : owns frankly to a radical change in his vicv.-s on the silver question as a result of his fctudy ot It In Its home Mexico. THE ONLY SOLUTION. The strength of sound money sentiment even among those Interested In silver mines In this pan of Mexico Is astonishing. George E. Bent Is known from Mexico to the British border as a mining man. He Is now the manager of oae of the largest groups of t-llver mines In Mexico , at El Plorai. He does not hesitate to say that International bimetallism is tbe only prac- tical solution of the ellver problem. Mr. Fred S. James , who is president of the same company. Is even more emphatic In his declarations. He says international bi metallism Is the only thing that can raise silver to Its place and that tbo republican party Is the only one that can bring It about. Mr. James and Mr. Pent , with many other silver miners in Mexico , having hf- fore them the experience of this country , believe that the success of Bryan and bin roilcy will do their interests more harm then gcod. They want to see sliver given recognition , , but the" believe that recogni tion , will be delayed rather than htlped by Bryan's j election. Sound money sentiment In Sonera Is not confined to Americans. Many of the leadIng - Ing Mexicans r.rc looking forward to a time In the ne-sr future when their country will be on tbe same mrnetary basis with the more advance ! nations of the world. "Wr-nt do the democrats really expect to accomplish ' ? " askH Den VPnanclo T'raro. of ' the Grenavo hacienda. In the Yaqul river : country , one c-f the prominent men of ' Sonora Senor Terazo has been follow- Ing ' American politics In this campaign , and has become a little confused. Unable to see how the democrats can achieve what they pretend 1 to expect , ho thinks they must have ' some- hidden purpose which he has not : divined. "What do they really mean by 16 to 1 ? " he ake-J. "The- ? think by legislation to make 1C ounces of silver worth one ounce of cold. " was the reply. In Mexico it is customary to speak of the metals in ounces , not dollars. Ecnor Tera- : o's face assumed a br'art smile , as If the democratic theory air.nMrtl him. la view cf Mexico's cxpcrlcncd with free and unlimited - limited coinage of . "What effect will ll'JiaVe on Mexican sil ver if the democrats slic ; ( | < d in making 16 ounces cf silver vorth onp ounce of geM ? " ho asked. . "Well. Mexican sllnjr will be worth as much as American silver. A Mexican del lar will he worth an ASncfjcan gold dollar. " "In that case , " sald.Sctfor Teraro , laugh ing heartily , "I'd like : to sec the democrats succeed. "I've got a lot nf Mexican dollars I'd like to exchange 'at' .even money for American gold. " ' ' Having had his joke , , Sv'nor Terazo spoke more seriously. "I've been following thp argument of this quc-stlon for some Un > e , " he said. "I've roine to the conclusion th t Mexico will soon see the expediency of ccJng to the gold standard. 1 belltve that , Jf Mr. McKlnley is elected It will be only 'a short time until Mexico will be on the' side standard as the United States and jhe other leading nations of the world. " Many lives of usefulness rare oecn cy short by neglect to break up an nrdinar * cold. Pneumonia , bronchitis and even con gumption can be averted by the prompt usi nt One Minute Cough Cure. U. > CIU Kl'lUl.YMVS J.OHUOW. It Cnnif mi Wlu-n Jlr Fonnil n MIixmuT ntrl in nix Family. Uncle Ephram was at the white heat ot rage , relates the Atlanta Constitution. He stood at the corner of Broad and Marietta streets , and it was something more than Impatience that caused him to tcss his hcary head petulantly , and enortlllt _ a porpoise lu a choppy sea. It was no't difficult to ob serve that there was something of more than usual import weighing upon hU mind , cs he W .fc Inclined to disregard cny ques tlcns put ID him by several white friends Vtho gathered about : but Cfe pl4nl v.r 1'Ccvy. and the spirit of the old man sorclj grieved. "I ain't gwlne do It , " he said , wagging hi : head from side to side. "I cin't gwine do It an * det ale t all , I low she'll git dem kc-rnlp sbus noshuus oute-n dat b > g head cr hern 'ft 1 gits dun wld her. Dat's what. " "What's the trouble , Ephram ? " some one who had just stepped up. "Dat gal cr rnli.c ; dat'a what it am , dat same new-fangled , butt-beaded , outdsclous gal er mine , dat'e what It am , " "What's the matter with her , Ephram * " "Dai's what I cay , an * dat's wh&t I wanUi to know what's de matter wld her. an' if yo kin sot yer head to fin' dat out I won't ax no mo. " The old man stepped , gave a sudden snort and looked indifferently across the street All at once be broke out again1 "I ox dls question , " he said , "what am dc' gals cr dls day comln' to , kai > e I don't an' it takes a heap er studyln * in de die- shunary to keep up wld dese women folks. "I ain't got much book sense , kase dey didn't hab none er deco here nigger col- llges an * slcb lac in my djy ; but I low dls , dat skule lirnln' ain't swine do fer gals lease It raakzs 'cm worsen er mule colt In de crcen pattur. "Divr s dat gal cr mlno what Jedgc Andy tuk en' sent to de stockade , an' den she up an * ax me if I ain't gwine pay dit fin' . No , I\r 1C.1cm and Ncrroui disorder * tudi aslnl and I'.iln In the Stonaeh , Hick hvadnclio GlJduiCii , Fullness and riwclllniafter moHK , DUzlneis and Drowslnoii , Uuld Chills , Hustling ! of Heat , Lost of App'-titu , tihortncn of Rro.itu , Uuuvomm , Itlotchcj on taw Skin , Disturbed Sleep , I'rlslitful Dreamt , und all Norvom nnJ Tr < mbllne S niitlani , ici , whan tlic symp tom * iiro cauiod by constipation , u moH of thoui arc. THI flRSI imt.AV.iU. 0Vt ! KlUtl IV ItYtMY kUNUItS. ThU U no fiction. Every Aufferer is oarnoitly Invitai t-j'try ons box of thoio l'Ulu anil they will bo acknowledged to In- lf A WONDERFUL MEDICTOS. BEECHAM'3 PILLS , t-kkon a Uu-o'Ul. vrill quleiclrj tnn " ( Ajlalui to complcui boalth. They promptly rumorc obitrurtlon * or Irrojularltlm of Uio njf jii 1'ora WEAK STOMACH , IMPAIRED DiQESTiON , DISORDERED LiVER they nctllkeiuazlc a fuw doiat will wirk wond.-rt upjn tha Vitil or43"iTi''fftront lonlnz the uiuxcuikrtydlem , restoring tlialouj-loacnmpluxlaa. urinjlni b.iui the Icsen oJ2o nf npptlto , end urnutlBg wiUi Uiu Kmobuil of Hoiltii the trnaln i > ! i/loil ner / of tlia liuiunn Irauiti. Tiioie are faouadmlttod Ur bomatids , in all of Hjzlaty , uiiJ nao of tlio lU > t guaruuLHis lathe Nervous nud Dobllitatea U fmt lloechji1MI li n > tlia larc < t Sulo of HUT I'ktrut MrtllcIuD In Uio WuilU. 1 t WITHOUT A RIVAL. Annual Sales over 0.000,000 jinxos. Kc at drue tlorci , or will be ent br U. a Accnti , II. F AIA N & CO. , ifi Caaal Ei. , Kv Toik , i c i alJ , upon i ccl > t ot prlo * . iiuok Int upon ! eth , I ain't gwlne do It 'twill the take out some rr dera monkey noshuns what she got out dar at do skule- and endurln" er de ex- poslshun. She gits out d r , shp did , wld , all dem big-headed nlggrni what talks rr- bout dls , an' talk crbout dat. 'twill dey don't know what side dey 'sputln' on. I ax her what de matter , an' why de n-Jtne er Oord shp come prancln' 'roun' wld her hrvad hlstrtl lac shp got one er dese here race horse bits under her chin. "Den she switch round same 'er er cow what got a wolf on her hack , an * she say : " 'Pa. Ise er member er de Sasslcty fer do Blprvashun er de Kulud Qtncrashun. ' "Dat's what she say. an' I 'low I elevate you wider llght'ood knot rf you sling slch stuff as dat outcn dat big mouf er } ourn. An' dit ain't all ; here she come cr trottln' an' cr swltchln , an' she say. she do : " 'P 's I'se gwlno tor ride er wheel ' "Whar dat gal cbcr knows cnythlng 'bout glttln' on one cr dc o tandrums. or what- you-callem. I ain't beam tell , but , boss , dar she wuz. Yai > slr , sah. she wuz all done rigged up worsen er rope walker on clrkus day , on' I'll be pol darned ef she didn't como out wld pints. IRC de men hab. 'ceptln' dey wuz big at der bottom lac er balloon. "I say : 'Name er Gord , nigger gal , what dat ? ' "Den she cacklp same ez er settln * hen : " 'Lordy , pa. ' she say , 'dee am' bloomer * whaut ladles wear rldln' down Peachtreo. Al do folks what keep up wld Oe times bos bloomers. * "Dat's all I wants , mon. I grab hoi' tcr de seat cr dem pants an' I fetch dls here hlc'ry stick down lac er batterln' ram. " 'Bloomers. ' sez I , 'bloDmera I'll make you hi com lac rr mornln' glory In dc sun- chine 'to I glta fru. ' "But It wuz Jca lac kcepln' dc row In dc pen es to hoi * dat gal when she e'to ' Jem pants. "It wuz ylstlddy when dey ko'.chc-d her. I he-am dp pcrllce jlst now tell all 'bout how conicit. . Dey say she hum or skc-edad- dlln * down Yallabamer jes' lac de 'Iwtrlc car. Der tells dc jedge how twuz she wuz er scorchln" . " 'Jedgc , ' sez I. 'I ain't ax you ter turn dat gal loose , hut what I ax Is , jcs' turn me loose In de earn' room wld her. on * ef 1 don't nick her scorch den > ou kin pass tie jedgmen' on me , too. ' "I ain't enquire for nufHn' mo' en ter git dls fls' side dat butt-hcaJ er hern. But Jcdge Andy he sorter laf to hlsscf lac , an' he argyfy dat dat came gal er mine had ter pay J5 an' costs cr git In de zebra v.-aggln an * go tcr de rtockade. "Den fbe 'gin ter cry anshe luk at me outcn hi-rcyn nn' she say , she docs : " 'Pa. picas pay me out dls time an' I don't do lac dat no mo' . "Mon , it wuz all I could do to hoi' myself off er her. I ain't say nuflin' , but I thinks pow'ful lots. No. san. I ain't gwlne pay It I ain't gwlne do It. " The old man stopped , snorted again and hobbled tow.-.rd tfceWcstvlav. . car , which was approaching "Dat's what 1 say 'bout dtse here new fangled women folks , " he nail , "dey'a worsen mule colts In c-r green psstur. " John Harcha and Cllls K McCall. barber * of Bucne Vlata. O. , have msde a no ; el wagor. In Cfise Bryan Is elected Mr. Harcha agrtcs to wear a straw hat all winter and to shave and cut Mr Mr-Call' * hair free for one year. Mr. McCall agrees that If Mc Klnley Is elected he will do n similar ser vice for Harcha WOMENVOTE _ FOB PRESIDENT Tor the fir t time In the hlitory of this country an opportunity for women to pub.- llcly express their choice for president Is offered. The method Is unique and will re sult In showing on Nov. 4th just what e.TceJ the woman's vote will have on national affairs. A manufJct'ircT who has huilnras relations with most of the prominent newspapers in the Uilted States proposes tee plan a follows : All women over 18 are entitled to one vote. The votes by states will be shown In the papers on every Wednesday and Sat urday until Nov. 4th. Women are rtquested to read more than one side of the question and act upon their own judgment. Wrlti the name of candidate on a postal card and write your own nrme nnd address clearly slso city and state. On the left hand corner clve the name cf a banker or grocer who knows you. This precaution is to prevent flooding the mail with fictitious votes. Names unknown to grocer or banker will be thrown out. Be very careful to write clearly cad an acknoxiledgtncnt at the receipts of each vote will he sent to the fair voter. Send the postal to Postum Cereal Peed Coffee Co. , Battle Creek. Mich. It Is urgoil thai every earnes ; woman \\I11 not hesitate tt expend a penny to register her prcferenci at this most interesting period of national history. i This company have a national reputation and pledge their Integrity and honor to re port the vote exactly cs received , without rear or favor. A sworn statement of tht final vote polled up to 7 p. ru. Nov. 4th will be published Nov. Ttb and the vote as It progresses will te shown on every We-dncs lay and Saturday between now and then WOMEN'S VOTE TO UATU. STATUS. | = T I. a I 1 | j I ' | ; I : f i f Conn < tlcut Illinois . _ Indiana . . Iowa Mam.-.chui-ett * MichlRun Minnesota MlFwurl . Nebrali Nctt York Ohio . . 115 , IVnr.sylvanln ' ' Wisconsin c' . . . . . beaut-ring from oth-i other Matci X. 1 Total I : i7S | SlUi * , Next rcpnrt Kocmler -Sth. Searles , ; Ktrrons , and Private Diseases. WEfltHEH 6EXUUIV. Private srNOf Mon Treatment bj mill Cun J for life and the po's ' n thoroughly cleansed from lae j-ystcra. PILES FIsTULA nnd KUCTAL. t'L.'KUS. HYDJI'.uKLnS nnd VAIUC'JCCLE nt'y and suc cessfully cured letloj ! new : inJ unfailing STRICTURE AND By new method w'thout ps'u or Cell on or address with stan-p , Dr.ScarfB&Searles I19.S Utli St. , Onisllft. Neb- DR. U THS OM.V SPECIALIST WH3 TIFOTi ALL PRIVATE DISEASES Wrakneu & li ordtr\ * MEW ONLY Vean Kipcmnce. D Yeari ic Omiha. /look > 'rec. Coniultatioi . nd tiam4umaon fi-.t. lUlli and rarnim Sl . CURE YOURSELF ! U Ills u for uttjtuiiU ." . or ulcrrttouv of mucous n- . | THtEu i CHtuiatCo. Kru > or Mold by icut la pUln vntpt br * * tmrr.tU,7 JI.H ) . or 1 tctil. . , n.T . CircuUr uut uu r .u. , F for ar\d \ Complete You IV ust Read < SKS > 4SxS54S > tSxSKS iS tS SpiS > S the Returns Publis in is A J e I Full official returns up to the Y hour of going to press will appear in The Bee on the morning after election and in each succeeding issue. City patrons of The Bee are in vited to avail themselves of The * Bee's stereopticon bulletins display ed in front of the Bee Building on election night. No Telephone Inquiries Will Be Answered. All Neivs dealers. . A A A A OC. 0 +