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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1896)
Tni3 OUtAHA DAtLY J > ESiTJIUISDA\r. JAKUABT 30 , 1890. SPEC1RL NOTICES. AilvcrllKcmoniH for tticne colninnn ttlll lie tnkrn until ISi.lO p. > n. for tin1 evening nnd tinlll B I' . i . ( or the innrnlnv nnil Snnilnr editions. Ailvortl ern , 1 > r rpqncxtlnK n Jiimi- l > crnt cliecU , cnn linro nnmrcm n < l- < lri-x cil in n iininlicrcil Idler In cnro r Tlio Hep. Atmrcm no nililrc c l will lie rtcllvcroit tipoii iiron-iilntlon of Hie clicclc outllntes , 1 l-2o n rroril nritl lnf.crtloti | le n word thereafter. Nollilnw Inken for lc iimn ST.o for flrnt limcrtlon. Tlicio nil rrlliicmfiitii iniidl lie rnn consccn- tlvolr. WANTHD MAM3 lini.P. rojmin nuMANn nKUOiwnn : Rood iildo line for lianlwor" or lmmt ealea- mnn. Call or address Ml So. " " WANTED. K MKN AND TEAMS TO SK.I.I * nur feed BrlncJ rs nml cookers. bnlnry , J > li tZM r cr motilli , nccordlns to nblllty. The MtchfltM MfB. Co.Veti3ler City. In. II Mil3 FZf anoccnr cnunK ; BA v i S > 1 per cent ; send stnmp. Uox . TVANTP.D. BICHTCn TI2AM TOU . fpcvl4lty uriowj man nnJ wife. Ar ' ID. "bFriciTiioy , AI-I-IA nit. HOSK- water. 122 Ilee lild . H-MiS 36 WAN-TOD. A COOK : ALSO SECOND ami- . with city references. Mrs. Harsh , J"8.0' C-.H-31 IliMwnell Hall. KOH HXT HOUSES. HOUSES. K. K. DAKLINO , BAKKEn ' "f HOUSES IN AM. I'AHTS OP THE cITi"T > E Davis Compnny.lSOj . U 126 O. P. _ Fynam. STANKbnD ClUCLE COTTAans. 6 HOOM. maJcrn. Byron Ile fl Co. , 21S Bo. 14th t. t AND -nOOM HOUSES ON PARNAM AND B-room houne on 22d nnJ I avcnwortli. cheap. Jno. W. Ilobbln , 1 N. Y. Life DMg HOUSES , BENEWA & CO. , 103 N. 1STH ST. IIODEUN HOUSES. C. A. BTAHIl , 9 N. T. Ufa building. D-M1SO _ UIOIIT-nOOM. ALb CONVENIENClw : Bli b'outli Tlilrtv-gccond ; nnd many others : an Iws. F. D.'Wead , Sixteenth and Douclns. D M192 Fl on KENT. MODERN HOUSE ; - - - rooms ; with bath ; on car line : ncnr park : AIM small house : pnoJ location : only ? * , _ Onn. nclt. 504 Ilrown Mock. D M J J.I * FOR nnNT , NicrTBOvrii I-HONT EIGHT room trick howe , with nil modern Improve ment * and In first-class condition : pOBsf > sslpn Klvpn Junimry 15. Inciulre on premlspg , 2610 Halt Howard street. P-S19 S-HOOM FLATS , J5.00 ; 1022 N. MST. . ? f FOlt RENT. A NICE C-ItOOM HOUSE N13WIJY papered. IS.OO per month , Inclutllne city water , to people that pay rent In advance , 119 N. 37lh ; talte Famam car : Stoouel , next to " STEAM HEATED STOKES AND FLATS. Ilownrd nanck. agent. 1010 Chicago st. D 1(4-1 1 4-nOOM COTTAGE. NO. 2722 FAnNAJl ST. Jlliton Ilogers & Eons , 14th nnd Farnam SU. D COO Fl7vm ELEVENTH AND HOWArtp , 6 roim . newly papered and painted , J15.00. 314 Flrat Nnfl bank bldg. V-W-31 POll IlKST PUIIXISI115D ItOOMS. FIRST CLASS DOAHD AT 1C10 DAVENPORT FUUNISHKD AND UNFURNISHED IlOOStS , VN Itli moUern conveniences. 1713 ChlcnKO st , 3 NICE FUIlNISIinD OR .UNFURNISHED' ' rooms ; light liouneUefplntr : 1112 S. " Ji- . TIEAUTIKUMA- FURNISHED ROOMS LIOIIT lioU8PKeoilnf , 2010 Hnrney. K .10-2" rtJRNlSHTO ROOMS : ' STEAM , 20J SO 2.vni 2011 KT. MARY'S AVENUE. KUIlNlSi ; L , SI737 looms ; housekpculng. v rL'llNISIII2D IIOOMS AND 11OAHD. FRONT ROOMS. WEIJj HEATEU : .FAMILY board If dwlrcd ; rates reasonable. 224 North 23d st F-S70 CLASS BOARD : ieio DAVENPORI ST. NICELY FURNISHED TIOOMS WITH HOARD. Terms reasonable. Call 2107 Douglas. F-495-C FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS \VITII OR WITHout - out board ; steam ht-nt ; electric bells : baths ; ratei reatonablc. Midland Hotel. ICth & ChlroROit. i r Is FURNISHED HOOM. MODERN. WITH HOARD. f5 week ; also suite rooms. The Rose.SOM Harney. LARGE SOUTH HOOM WITH "STEAM ; EX ci-llcnt table ; references. 202 N. "th. i-INB ROOMS ; WITH HOARD ; FOR OEN tlomen ileslrlnc pleai > nn\ homo ; private fam ily , handsomely1 situated ; references. 722 North IHtli st , IM731 30 * VUrtNISHED ROOMS , SINGLE OR EN SUITE , with or without board ; modern conveniences ; 8li ! Howard St. F 734-31' FOH IlEXT UXFUIINISHED ROOMS. 4 ROOMS ; WATER IN KITCHEN ; CENTRAL ; reisnnnWe rent ; nice tor uousekeeplnff. 1701 Webster St. Q M556 NICE OUTSIDE UNFURNISHED ROOMS AT SIS N , 17th st ; upstairs. - < 3 M344 31 C UNFURNISHED CHAMUERS FOR HOUSE- Kwpliis. man and wife ; wliter la kitchen ; sl Blnkuste ; pipe. 319 No. 17th a Me roil IlEXT STO1UES AND OPFICI3S. FOU HENT. THE 4-STORY 1IRIC1C DUILDINQ el 810 Farmun kt. Ihls bulljlnn has u lire- proof cement basement , complete stenm tieut * Inc nxlures , water t > n ill floors , ens. etc. Ap ply at the offlco o' Th llee. I SV > HALLS SU1TA11I.E I'OIl SOCIETY PURPOSES , cerond nnd thlid IKmra. 1001 Fnrnam ; lent rcu- BO table. 214 Flist Nat'l buiiU bide. I-4S23-31 FOR RENT AN OLD F.STAI1LIS1IEU ORO- cery utore ; putlablo als3 for meat market : cocxl locution. Inqulie 1C1S Farnam St. I MG73- & AOlir.TS WAXTUD. AGENTS WANTED TO TAKK ORDERS FOR our celebrated (1,00 custom pants and cults. Chiciieo Custom I'.mts Co. , : Fifth u\e. , , Chlcniro. J-M347 F : HICNTAL AGKXCY. J. II. PARROTTE , JtOOM 23 , DOUGLAS HUC. LM-833 FU STOHAGE. ETORAOE , FRANIC EWER3. 1214 HARNEY. M-131 TACIFIC B'tOIIAQK AND WAREUOUSE CO. , fOS-310 Jones. General ( torajia an4 forwunjlnj. M-1U BURNISHED HTli-AM-HEATED ROOMS , MODem - em coiuenlPnces. board. C02 South 13th. J.1-.165 W.\XTISn T ) HUY. LIST REAL ESTATE WITH F. D. WEAD. Sixteenth nnd l.nitlai. N MI93 II KECOND HAND I'UItNITURE , IIROWN'S , 103 B. Hill , ti-Ct WANTED. TO HUY , A FARM TEAM AND'A cuw , AildrenD , lth jjaitlculars. P , O , l x M2 , Council lllurfi.N MCS9 30 move , AdJrcss E. a. J , . 2JI Hurt HurtN N 7H-J8' I'Otl AND CAIH-nTS AT J3 8O. IOTH - HARD WOOD 4 AND 6-FOOT FHNCU FOR coin crlbblnc C. it. Lee , Ml Douutas. | O-IM FOR SALE. .STOflC OF CRESCENT LAND ronuuny ; Kpbvvlld lntt tiu nt. LM1I or address - dress H , F. Dalljy , Jf ) N. Y. Llfu CLAIHVOYAST9. MRS. DR. It. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT. RE liable business medium ; tth year at 1U N. Hth 8-1U "OH'SY QUEEN" FORTUNE TELLER Indies , Ma ; gentlemen , 11.04 ; lucky charms 1S2.1 Famnm street , iKtwftn ISth nnd 19th ! no l m. S-M7IO F5 JIASSAGH , DATHS , CTO. MADAM SMITH. ISM DOUGLAS STREET. SD t\yyr \ , room II. Massnge , stenm , nleohol am KUlphurine bath * . T tl 1 MME. LARUE ; MASSAGE ; 1517 HOWARD street. T M450 HJ * MME. AMES , FORMERLY OF ST , LOUIS , MAS sage and biths. C7 S. 13th st. . 2d lloor , room 10 T CSJ 1 BATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST. 318'i S. 13TII FINE LIVERY RIGS CHEAP. ED I1AUMLEY 17th and 81. Mary's avenue. Telephone. 440. U-141 SUPERFLOU8 HAIR AND MOLES RE moved by electricity. Mme. Post , 219H S. ISth. MISS VAN VALKENHUROH DESTROYS PER manently by electricity superfluous hair , moles rts. etc. Room 416 , N. Y. Life blJB. U-501 HONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL. PROPerty - erty ; strictly conndtntlal. Address 1 * . O. llox JI6 U-1IJ WEDDING INVITATIONS , 1JURKLEY PTG.CO. U 23S Fl VIAVI CO. . 3(8 REE BUILDING ; HOME treatment for Indies ; physician of fifteen year .experience In attendance ; consultation free. ELECTRIC PRINTS AND PORTRAITS. J. F Uodlkcr , 1302 DouRlns street. 'J M821 F WONDERFUL 8YSTF.M FOR MAKING OLD faces yowiR ! wrinkles removed. 200 DouRlnn l > ! k. Wrlto Mine. True. U Mm Fit * llii.Ii : KPI'EIILY CORSET MADE TO ORDER at 1909 Farnam. I.aily canvassers \\nnto. ! . U M708 F23 MISS MASON'S SCHOOIj FOR DRESSMAK Ini ; . over ll'slon Stoic , In Rnhrbaugh lliislness college Imll. Elevator entrance on CRIPPLE CREEIC-WRITE US FOR ANY- thlnff you want to know about It."e gtinr < - nntce correct Information. A 1 references. The C C. Detective agency , box CSS , Cripple- Creek Colo. . U M733 F6 MOXEY TO LOAN-HHAL CSTATI3. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. . 318 N. Y Life. Loans at low rates for choice security In Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omaha city property W-14J HONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. TH2 O. F. Davis Co. . 1505 Fnrnam st. W-141 B PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN Oil OMAHA teal estate & Neb. farms. W. B. Melkle. Omaha W 145 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urennan , Lave & Co. , Paxton blk. W 147 CITY LOANS. C , A. STARR , 925 N. T. LIFE . W-113 MORTGAGES. G. O. WALLACE. BROWN BL1C W 143 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED C1T1 property. W. Farnam Fmlth & Co. , 1320 Fnrnam W-150 ' MORTGAGE LOANS ; LOW HATES. J. D. Zlttle , 19th and Douglas , Omaha. W--1S1 FARM LOANS , DOUGLAS AND SARPY , 1 TO 10 years ; low rates. Garvln Bios. , 210 N. Y. L. W 152 FOR MONEY SEE F. D. WEAD , ICTH AND Douglas. W M192 Fl GEO. P. BEMIS , LOANS , PAXTON BLK. W 534 F7 MONEY TO LOAX CHATTELS. MONET TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , hordes , n neons , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no lemoval or coeds ; elrlctly confidential ; you cun pay the loan oft at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . SOC-S. ICth at. X 13J MONEY TO LOAN , 3tf. CO , 00 DAYSi'FURNI- turc. planus , etc. Dult Green , room 8 , Darker block. X 131 C1IATVCES. STAPLE DRY GOODS STOCK FOR SALE best stand Ui best town of Nebiaska. Addrces K C. Bee.Y MC19 F3 . AND IS THE CHEAPest - est speculative commodity In the world today ; anyone who has a dollar to spare should buy tt ; trade through a , and get reliable Information by sending for our large rod book , containing all the necessary Informa tion to enable anyone to handle their Invest ments Intelligently ; nlso our dally market bul letin , vvhic'.i fUgee&tH when nnd what to buy ; both free. Stansell & Co. . bankers and brokers , 132 Traders' building. Chlcaso. Y C37 29 CRIPPLE CRKEK GOLD STOCKS , SAFE AND sure ; K and upwards Invested often brings fabulous und quick rctuias by placing your orders with the Van Duren Investment Co. ( Incorporated ) , bankers and brokers , SOS ICth St. , Denver , Colo. Y M718 WANTED , " PRINTER "wiTlO T67 R"ARE OP- portunlty. Address Printer , K 19 , "Jec" ofllce , Omaha. Y 722-23 * ONE MILLION DOLLARS PI3R MONTH Is the present output of the Cripple Creek gold mines , and tnvcstorw uns making fortunes In Cripple Un-ek stocks. Wo lire offering a lim ited amount of the Bull Ilill-noKl Tunnel com pany's block at 10 tenta per share. Send checker or mcney order for n. block of this etock. We have lnve ted our own money In It , and have confidence In the proposition. THE RAMSAY C. BOGY INVKSTMENT CO , , Members Colorado Mining Slock Kxchansre , Mining Exchange Building , Deiuer. Colo. Note the following rcfi-rences. used by per mission : David II. Moffnt , provident I iist Na tional Uink ; SlmCn Guggenheim , mine und smel ter owner ; William A. Farlsli , mining engineer , oil of Dimver , I''lrst National bank , Colorado Fprlngs. Colo. ; Flrnt National bank , I lncolrt , N < 'b. ; IHUbard , Spencer , Bartlctt & Co. . Chi cago. Y M73C ! 0 FOR SALE. IN THE- BEST AND LIVELIEST town In Oklahoma , a nice , well selected slock nf u'.ieU lurdunrq ; tin uhop In 'connection ; no Implements or vehicles ; county seat ; popula tion. 4,000 ; Invoice 14,000 ; well establlehed ; 111 health causeof etlllng. Address Whllsltt Arrlpgton , El Reno , Olcl. Y M739 F1S FOR EXCHANGE. I WILL TRADE 2,000 acres of clear farm land ' In parcels to suit , Located In Uolt'uml Sheridan counties. For Merchandise or clear Omaha real estate. Address K 17 , Bee. Z 97 WANTED STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHAN- dlso or clothing , to Invoice from (10,000 to ( li.OOi ) , for llrst mortgages und clear land. To o ncr only ; -no reply to agents. Address Box 017 , Norfolk , Neb. Z C79-F2 FOH SALE HEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. WEST FLORIDA LANDS E3- peclally adapted to fruits ; 77 acres with brick yurJ In complete running order ; 7&-horse luwcr engine and boiler , new pattern sward brick machine and pugmlll ; Pott's crushers , track and cars with wlmllns drum to haul clay from bank , two carts and wagon to haul wood , sheda with pallets for 120,000 brlk . one hand press , abundance of clay and wood , dwelling house with six rooms , kitchen and bath room. Good water and location , peifectly lifu'.ttir. James McCullough , postotllca Quintette. I' ; ] . ME-30S-Ftb I BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY FRO1 > . < rtli * and ( arms. Jno. N , Frtnzcr , cpp. K o. RE 1M GEO. P. BEMIS. HOUSES. LOTS , IRRIGATED farm lands , loans. 205 and 300 1'axton block. R1S-323- BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS , tala or trade. F. K , Darling , Barker Block. R E-W ABSTRACTS. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. RE 113 HOUSES WIN'TEIIED. HORSES WINTERED ; TIK3T OP CARE Ki"en horses , both winter and surcmtr. Addreii M. J. Welch. Gretna. Neb. M77J IIMIEIITAKEHS AXD UMHALMJCHS. II. K. BURKET. FUNER. L DIRECTOR AND coilialmer , HIS Chlcsgu st. lelrpbcne 0. 1C6 BWANEON & VALIEN , 1701 CUMING , TEU 10o ) 11 U. O. HAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM- liaimtr. 1417 Farnam ! . . tcUphgnt SiJ. je KLOCUTJO.V. 2ULEMA FULLER. CU UARI1ACH IH.K. . EN- enmnenls ruado for readlncs In an out of clly. HIinUTHAM ) AND TVl'EWIUTIIVfJ. A. C. VAN BANTS SCHOOL , til N. Y. LIFU. in Ul'HOLSTniUXU JI'HOLSTERJNG. FURNITURE REPAIRED nd packed very cheap this month. M. tt. vmirs , T I. 3i. in HtJILDIXa ATU LOAJf ASSOCIATIONS BHARE3 IN MUTUAL K A B. ASS'N PAY 6. 7 , S p r cent when 1 , 2 , 1 years old ; altrar redeemable. 1704 Farnam it. , Nattlnger , Sec 163 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Inttmt on saving. Apply to Omahn L. A B Ats'a , 1704 Bee bldg. O , M. Nattlngpr , Sec. 170 AIUSIC , ART AM ) LAXOUAGH. GEORGE F. GELLENRECIC. BANJO AND Eultnr teacher. 15 Chicago tt. 1M NEW I-LVNOa RENTED AND SOLD ON EASY pments. . Wllllnin II. Schmollcr , 6th lloo McCague building. C$3 1 * NEW CLASSES FOllMED FOR BEGINNERS nt Mornnd's this we k ! adults , Tuesday am Friday , 8 p. m. ; children. Saturday , )0 ) B. m. flnt Iff sons taken privately If desired ! op i tl > y nnd evening ; nuemblle * . Thursday , SJ : p ii.i gentlemen nnd ladle * . Wo. M M7 F1S IHCYGLBS. DON'T BUY A BICYCLE UNTIL YOU SKI our ' (9 line. We sell sundries nnd do repair Ing. Ak-Sar-Bcn Cycle Co. . 119 South ISth R'reet. 409-F-ll. OMAHA BICYCLE CO. , BEST PLACE TO BUY bicycles ; bicycles repaired , 323 N. ICth st. COT " " " FOR SALE7"l""NATIONAI IICYCLE. USED only a short time. Call evenings ; cheap for cash , 83S So. 2it ! ft. 714-25 * I'AWMIHOKEHS. II. MAROW1T2 LOANS MONEY. 4IS N. 1C ST IC3 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COIt. 13th nnd Dodge. Rooms by day or week. ICt UEHMATOLOUY. BLEMISHES pcrmnnonUiro- _ moved by rcRulnr pujrslclans.g 20 years' practical experience. .1. It. Wood burr 127 W. 2d HU , N.Y. , Inventor of Wood bnryV Kaclnl Poap , ICO p. book for n Btnmp Branch Offices' Boston , riilln.plilcagobUIxnl8. Pn x-li > ltrpr pir atouUjr 'l'1ll'lt'.1 ' ' o i nj onrllttla bonk eutltlcd "il allh Lrlnc' llaiwlnun " 11 rom jou Tiolli- Inj ? to try-our rcmwllM. VV rnd ir t nt Tr to rrore wo ran euro > oa. Kd iire > otll > tloa or C. 0.13. fraud. Addrcis In rminilcit < Hi. rilVMCIAHS' LISIITTTJ1 IKJ JIuml < Trap1r < Chbaro , ! ! ! OK. WCGREW : s TIIK OM v SPECIALIST WHO TKKATS AU , PRIVATE DISEASES Weakness ft Disorder of MEN ONLY SO Years Experience ) , 0 Years In Omaha. RooV Fre . Coniulatio ! mi ( nation Free. 14th anri Farnam Sts * * WHITE STAR LINE Sailing from New York Wednesdays , as follows Brltnnnlc Wednesday. Feb. u. 10 a. m. Majestic Wednesday. Tel ) . 12. 10 a. m. Germanic Wcimnulay , Feb. 19 , 10 n. m. Teutonic. Wednesday , Feb. ! f . 10 n. m. United States nnJ Royal Mall Steamers. Saloon passage , ICO and upward , according to steamer eelectetl nnd location of berth. Second cnbln $23 , J40 on Mnjestlc and Teutonic DRAFTS payable on demand everywhere In Great Ilrltnln and Ireland sold nt lowest rates. For Inspection of plans of fttcamcrs and nny further Information apply to local agents or dlrec to II. MAITLAND KERSEY. Q'l An't 23 U'way. N. Y. S. TENNY FRKNCII. GM W'n An't. 244 SOUTH CLARK ST. , CHICAGO. . RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves InURLINOTON & MO. lUVKlUArrlvea OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts.f Omaha Denver Express . 9:33am : 4:3Spin.Illc. : Hills , Mont. & Puget Snd Ex. 4 : < Kpm 4:3upm : . Denver i\preiis . 4:00pm : 7OJpm. : . Nebraska Local ( exwpt Sunday ) . . 7:4'.pm . . .Lincoln Local ( except Sunday ) . . .n:2Jum 2:43pm..ra : t Mall ( for Lincoln ) dally. . . _ Leaves 1CHICAGO , I1URLINQTON & Q.lArrtveg OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts.f Omaha 5.00pm Chlcaco Vestibule. . ' . StOO.un 9lam : Chicago Express 4lSpm : 7:50pm..Chicago & St. Louis Express. . . 8:00nm : ll:35am Paclllc Junction Local G.1Qpm : Fast Mall 2i40pm. Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAUL.Arrives | OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sti | Omaha G:00pm : Chicago Limited 8:05am : 10:45am..Chicago : Exprcsn ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 8:25pm : Loaves ( CHICAGO & NORTH WEST1 N. | Arrives OmalmlUnlon Depot , 10th" & Mason Sts. | Omaha lliOOam Eastern Express 3:10pm : 4:4 : 5pm Vestlbuled Limited SMTipm 7OSam Carroll I assengor 1040pm ; 5:4" : > pm Omaha Chicago Special 8:00.vni : 4:20pm : Boone Local 9:30im : Missouri Valley Local D30am ; Leaves CHICAGO. H. I. & PACIFIC-IArrlves Omaha Union Depot. 10th & Maagn Sta. [ Omaha. EAST. 10:40un..Atlantic : : Exprefa ( ex. Sunday ) . , . E:3r : pm C:23pm : Night Express 8:13am : 4 : ! pin..Chicago Veetflmled Limited , . . . l:2pm : 4:50pm..Bt. Paul "Veatlbuled Limited. . . . l3ipm ; WEST. C:45pm.Oklahoma : & Texas Ex. ( ex. Fun..10:3am ) : : ; l:40pm. . Colorado Llmjled 4:00pm : Leaves I C. , ST , P. . M. & O. ( Arrives Om-iha ] Depot , 15th and Webster Bts. | Omaha 8:13nm : Sioux City Accommodation. . . . SlpTii : 12:15pm..Sioux : City Exprew < ex. Sun..ll:53am ) : 5:45ptn St. Paul Limited . > ; 9lQim Leaves I P. . E. & MO. VALLEY ( Arrives Omalmpepot | , IBth nndWtbsler _ 8ts. f Omaha ! :15pm.TFast : Mall nnfl Express . . . . . . G:3. pm Jl5pm.ex. ( Sat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( ex. Man. ) . . 6Kpm : 7:50am..Norfolk Express ( ex. ) : SiiSpm St. Paul Expreas 9:10am : Leaves I K7"C STrj. & C lli Arrlv-oi" Omaha [ Union Depot. 10th & Mn on Sts. | Om.iha a:6lara : Kansas"city Day Express,1 , . slsOpm I 9jj5pm.K. C. Nleht Ex. Via U. P. Tram. 7:00am : Le reaT | MlSSOURrPACIFTc Turro Oinahal Depot , 15th and Webster Sis. [ Onuha 1040ain ; , . .St , Louis Express 6:00im o:3i : pm St , Louis Express COSpm 3:30im.i..Ngbra : k Locol ( ex. Bun. ) . . . . 9:00am : leaven SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. lArrlves Omaha I Depot , 15th and Webtter Sts. I Omalia 545pin ; St. Paul Limited 9lnm ( Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th A Mason Sl . | Orrmlm 7-OJam Rloux City J'usspiiKcr I0:40pm : p4Jpm ! St. Paul Limited 3oun Leaves I UNION PACIFIC. lArrlvr * OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Bts. ! Omnlii 9SOam ; Kearney Express , . , , , , , , . . 4:10pm k:2)am : Overland Limited 4Cpm : i opm.llrat'ce & Stromrti'ir Ex. ( ex. fiun.4:10pm : G:4jpm..arnnd : Island Expicns ( ex. 8un..l2ftf : > pm 3SOpm Fast Mall. . . . ; 40am Leaves I WAI1ASH RAIWAY. I Arrive * OmnlialUnlon Depot , IQlli & Mnson 8ls. | Omaha 4SOpm : sT. I ouls Cannon Tfnll : HAI.SUS A ItlK'itM of < Ue Council In Killing the DullolM Vnoniioj- . The question has been raised whether the council has the power to fill a vacancy In ho offlco of councilman-al-larce for a anger period than until the next election. In appointing Major Wheeler to fill the va cancy caused by the death of Samuel Du- llals , the council lias proceeded on the heory that the appointee would hold for the ull term of two ycara. The charter Is silent on Ihe subject , but there li a general state aw that provides that In such cases the vacancy t > haJI only be filled until the next general electlqp , City Attorney Conn ell liolda that Major Wheeler Is entitled to serve for two years. 16 says that the generally accepted Elgnlflca- lon of the term , "general election , " refers o the election at which a city ticket U elected , which occurs only eve-ry other year. lo sayo that the election of 18 % will not ben ; eneral election in the seu 8 that the terra 8 uiad ID the law. It will b an agreeable gurprire to persons subject to attack * of bilioui colic to learn bat prompt relief may be hid by taking : ramberhlu'p Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Itmedy. Jn inaoy Instance * the attack may be prevented by taking this remedy ae soon o the flrtt nymptomi of the disease appear , 5 and to cent bottles fpr wle by RESULT OQlSCRIMlNATIOiN > . . How Live Stock RiftjbV Affect the Nebraska Oatflo Industry , iin , HURT THE GRAZER WORST OF AIL 'II * ? Itniiohnifli Hclnpr'Torc'ril lo Quit H i- Inonx l > > " tinAfliltrnry H < Tf Tlip Itiillruniln in Shiik Stntv. Dcsults of the discriminating llvo stoc freight rates agalnit Omaha arc becomlu marked. Yesterday' Oinnlm iccolveil enl 1,500 cattle , wtille Kansas Cltyi reporto 5,000 nnd Chicago 16,000. While other mnr Itots liavo all jhp cattle that'they can linmll Omaha decs not have hardly enough to os tabllsh quotations. Formerly Omaha wn the third largest llvo stock market In th country , but has been compelled to gtv way to St. Louis , which now ranks third s far as cattle receipts arc concerned. S. P. Dolntour , one of the largest ranclnnfi In western Nebraska , writes the following letter to Ulanchanl , Shelly & Rogers : OaALALt.A , Jnn. 28. I have just re turned from trip' Up the- river tind Imv concluded that unins * the railroads restor the old freight rates that 1 will reduce mj herd us fast as possible and go out of th business. The cattlu men , those who Imv not been forced out of bnslncsH by the lonj .continued ilopreFBlonvete Juit beginning t make a llttfn money nnd now comes till extra tax of $11 per cnr from this point nn $12 to $15 from other points In our county The high freight rates , excessive charge at the yards nnd the depredations of thieve and rustlers at thli end of the line are to strong a combination for us to buck nsnlnst A good many cattle men nre preparing t "He down , " notwithstanding we have nearlv free grass , free wnter and free. nlr. Thcr are not half n. dozen ranchmen In westeri Nebraska that , during the vast ten years have made ti per cent on their Investment o earned wages that a common day laboro would accept. The cost of getting on product to the consumer la too high and I will only be a short lime when the cattl men of the west will be In the same eondl tlon ( is the producers of wheat , corn , etc. and that IB best expressed by one of then who replied , when asked his condition "Hunted , liy . " If you do not give us sonic relief you will soon bo In the same fix as the man who killed the goose that laid the golden egg. 1 have tallied with the mos of our ranchmen during the past two week and have endeavored to glvn you a correc Idea of the feeling In this section. MAYOR. SUTHO HICHI.Y 1 II2ASI3D with tlio Atinclc Mule 1 > > I'rculilciit IliintliiKtoii. SAN FKANCISCO. Jan. 29. Mayor Sutra who Is leading the fight against the efforts of C. P. Huntlngton to stcuro the passage of a refunding bill by congiess for the Gen tral Pacific railroad , is much pleased wit ! the letter which Huntlngton yesterday caused to bo prlnted'ln the Louisville Courier Jouinal. The mayor says the fact that Mr Huntlngton lias Been fit to attack him In print Is proof tliqt tlfe railway magnate Is desperate from realization of the peril of the refunding bill. Mayor Sutro Is flooding mem ben , of congress , 'cabinet oflicers and Pros ! dent Cleveland With ' [ documents , which he says tend to show"tko corrupt means used to secure the passage by * congress of measures favorable to the 'Southern ' and Central Pa ciflc railways. ' ) _ K\lii' < ! tH to Ilonr from the Nothing more definite concerning the pur chase of the Omaha & SL Louis railroad b ) Cornelius B. Gold of 'New York Is known A gentleman , with whom Mr. Gold spent con slderablo time while "in this city said he thought the lattfrr did not himself know what disposal of ' 'the , road would finally be made. He believed that whllo the purchase was made for the bondholders of the road that something IMg was In the wind , am that The Dee was not' ' far wrong In Its sup posltlon tlmt. the , BaUimnrt > & - . Ohio m-ould ' ulflmat'ely maheAusa of tills atrip of railway to secure through connection with Omaha But this would not be decided for , some time yet. Ho believed that the people of Omaha would hear something within the next thirty days concerning this road that would please them greatly. Men * _ < ! I Freight men feel much encouraged over the advance In the hay market. Tuesday there was quite a movement of hay from Nebraska eastward , and more orders for care were filled yesterday. This ID the flrsfbroak In the monotonous dullness In the freight busi ness this season , and every ono Is In bopeu that the market will at ic-ist remain firm and the demand for hay continue. Early in the fall there was a slight movement of hay , but It quickly subsided and since then one has been able to keep count of the cars fillet with Nebraska products without great dim- cully. Ilallliimrr .t Oliio'H XCTV BALTIMOUB , Jan. 29. Major Alexander Shaw , chairman of the flnnance committee of the Baltimore & Ohio , and who has direct charge of the financial arrangements of the company , says the formation of the Baltimore & Ohio Northwestern 1 $ under consideration. In addition to the Plttsburg & Western , Palnesvlllo & Falrport , the new system will Include the Valley railroad of Ohio and Akron & Chicago Junction railway , Ilnltlinore .t Ohio Attorm-ynlil | . " BALTIMORE. Jan. 29. Hon. William M. Springer , ex-congressman from Illinois , and now judge of the Indian territory court , lias no chance for the general counselshlp of the Baltimore & Ohio railway , for which he is said to bo about to apply. President Cowen retains the office at present , and when the legal department of the system Is reorganized either Assistant General Counsel Cross or Ocieral Attorney Bond will be placed In charge. _ 1VEATIII2H FOHUCAST. Somrvv lint Cloudy , lint I.title or Jfo Until for \flirnMkn. WASHINGTON , Jan. 2D.-Tho forecast .for Thursday Is : Vor Nebraska and South Dakota Some what cloudy and threatening , but with little or no rain ; colder ; , winds becoming north east. For Oklahoma and Indian Territory naln ; cast wind ? , For Iowa Fair arid cooler ; north winds. For Missouri Cloudy nnd threatening , with rain In the extreme southwest portion ; ca t winds , For Kansas Ctouay nnd threatening , with rain In the southern portion ; winds becom ing northeast. * For CoIorftJlo-rCJoudy and threatening , with rain In the southern porllon ; northeast winds. l ,1 a , For Montana Cloudy , with light snow flurries In the northeastern portion ; cast winds. s ttt For Wyoming Cloudy ; variable winds , I.o V.itevori . ) . OFFIC15 OF THEAVEATHER IJUIIEAU , OMAHA , Jan. ilr-MOmaha record of tem perature and rnlnftillr compared with the corresponding day .df'the past four years : < * ' 'lS30. 1695. llflt. 1803. Maximum temporal 6rb. . . . 52 10 23 8 Minimum temperjUiji-o. , . . 3j 1 0 0 Average temperalilru.11 4 12 2 Precipitation . . . , ? , . . ' . . . . . .00 ,00 .00 .00 Condition of terrtjjcrnture and precipitation itOmaha _ for th-oj ny nnd since March 1 , S'or'mal temperatVi ? } ? , , ' ' , . . . . , 18 Excess for the day. . . . 20 Accumulated Mcecnv. since Marcli 1 , CI3 formal precipitation- . . , , . , , ,02 incli : ) ctlclcncy for UJK'VUy 02 inch Total precipitation nlhco March 1 20.83 Inches Deficiency alnco March 1. . . . , < . . . 11.\\ \ Inches from Station * nt H p , in. i V # I STATIONS AND STATH OP WUATHUU. , .3 3y " * ) malm , cloud/ . . , , , . , . . . , . . 'iirlli 1'latUv cloudy , , . . . . . . , , luran , cloudy , , , . . , , . , 'lilcaso , flcar . . . . . , . . f. 1-"W. clear. . U. 1'nul , cloudy , , , ) aVfi > iK > il , cloudy. , , , . , viunm * city , clouJy , , , Iileim , clear , . , . . , ,4. lavre. noivliiB , , , , . , . . , . , , , , Kult Lake City. clouJy , , , , . . . ilmniirck. cnuwlnic , , , , , it , Vincent , clear.1 , h ynne , clouijy , , , , , , . , , , , . , . . VlllUU > n , cloudy , , , . , , , , , , . , . , City , cloujy , , Indicates trace 'ot "precipitation. U A. WKLHH , Obuervcr , LIIK.SCKNOO WAS WIMOIITUII OUT. .Mnilc n ninr Itnco In Spltp nf tin- Hniiillrnp niiit Vnnv HIilliiK. SAN KIIANC1SCO. Jnn. 23. Defeated , tmt lot ( IHnrnceJ , J. Nnsleo Hurko's Cresconilo , the fmmo son of Klnmbenti-Janct N , was forced to lower his colors to Wnlter Ho- bnrt's Hrlijht 1'liocbus In the Nnglco sinker for seven ftirlonps nt Hay District today , liplnj ; virtually handicapped out of the rnce , Crr-scendo , nfthoiiRh prnctlcnlly n 2-yonr- old , vvnt compPlled to concede wclKlit to older hor.'e" , a tns k to which he proved tin- cininl , n s Bright I'hoolms , tlia Hcnllxatlon winner , enjoys n reputation as n in ml Inrk , nnd the track vvns srerttly to Ills llklnir today. Star Hltliy wn ? Ilr t off nnd mn'le the iiaco for five furlontjn , Miller Uecplng rsrlsht I'hoebus In a BO ° d position , TurnltiK Into the stretch Star Huby dropped buck beaten , I'hoebtm ns5umltiR the lead , C"re ! - cendo , who hnd been taken all over the track In the meantime , cime tip fast on the extreme outside mid for n fttrlonir t - malncd on even terms with Itrlcht 1'hoobua. A sixteenth from Iho wire the latter forced ahead , flnalli' winning liv a length and n half , with Crescendo half n dozen lengths In front of Ho.sebud , who beat Star Huby n noM ! for third place. Crescendo was n not favorite nnd carried thousinds of dnllars of the public's money. Had he been Judiciously rlddun ho would doubtless hnvo Klvcn the Ilobnrt horse an arKiimont. Colcman nnd Colonel WclRhtmnn were the only winning favorites , two outsiders , ono second and ono third choice capturing the other events. Tie vventhor wai line and the track heavy. Thr attendance was larRc. Summaries : I-'Irst tace , llvo furlong * , yelling : Jack Atkins , P2 ( Uownn ) , 10 to 1 , won ; I'elxoto , 91 (1'Vawley ' ) , 15 to 1. serond : Myrtle H. S7 ( Hewitt ) , lli to 1 , third. Time : 1:054. : Balls- bury II , Easel , Carrie U nnd University also Second rnce , about six furloiiKS , PcllliiR : I evena C , 107 ( Hlnrlchs ) , 15 to 1 , won ; Suni- inortlme , Ki ( Jones ) , 1 to 3. second ; ( Sussle. 107 ( Hllev ) . 50 to I. third. Tlmo : ll'S"-i. : ' MIsM Htilh , Kitty ITctuics oo Maid , Merry Oo Itound nnd Sweet Ho e. also run. Third rnce , seven furlotips , handicap. NnK- lee stakes : HrlRht I'lioolius. nn ( Miller ) . 2 to 1 , won ; Crescendo , 118 ( Sloan ) , fi to B , second ; Hosebtid , 103 ( Donnelly ) , lf to 1 , third. Time : l:31 : i. I ni > . Star Kuby nlw rnn. Fourth rare , five furloiiRs , selllni ; : Cole- man. 101 ( Poehran ) , even , won ; Adillo Jf , 07 ( Hlley ) . 20 to 1 , second : Dorsey , 1(0 ( ( Hln- rlchs ) , 3 to 1. third. Tlmo : 1:01 : % . Crucka- Jack , Joe Hill , Decision , MnrRaret M and Mv Sweetheart nlso ran. Fifth race , short course , about a mile and a half , selllnRsteep'o'lnso : Co'ouel Weight- man. 13 ( Swift ) , a to 1. won ; JOG , 141 ( Cochran ) to 1 , second : Adelante , 13 > ( Oa- llndo ) , HO to 1. third. Time : .1:30. : Ionjr d'Or , Apt II , Gaudnioutx ! and Cicero nlso ran. Sixth rnce , live furlongs , sclllm ; : Clara JohnFon , 8n ( Cochran ) , 3V4 to 1 , won : Cata logue. 10D ( Shaw ) . 7 to 1 , second ; Clara M , 105 ( Chorn ) . i to 1. third. Tlmo : 1:07U. : 12x- amlner. Great Kails , GeorKo Honhert , Little Pete and Green Hlver nlso rnn. Ief < Min Conl. Quite a crowd of sKrt ] men assembled on the Omaha Gun club grounds , ncrops the river , Tuesday afternoon to witness the 100 live bird race between M. C. HC-BJTH and Fred Conl. The conditions were : One hun dred pigeons each ; thirty yards' rls ; eighty yards boundary ; American association ruler , for $150 n side and the prlro of the birds The afternoon was an admirable one for the sport , and although the marksmen were not In the very best of form , a creditable score was made. The figure 1 stands for a kill with -the Urst barrel , the Ilirure 2 for a VIH with the second , an x for dead out of bounds , and a cipher for a ml s. J. C. Head acted as referee. The score : S . 11022 ? 2112 12021 11110 11112 112(12 ( 0210X X212J 02111 2\20l 12221 100x2 1x012 01121 11021 21111 21111 21122 01x11 12211-SO Coal . 21221221x 10010 0x211 20122 02D'2 22221 22xW 12102 1002 20022 10112 00223 10112 11011 2120J 00121 12202 XXlll 12222-70 AfW OrloaiiH HIUM- NEW ORLEANS , Jan. 29. The weather was flno nnd the track slow. Summaries : First race , $250 , for . 1-ycar-olds , tlftecn- slxtcenths of a mile : Ed filenn (8 ( to 1) ) won , Ilulbcrt (12 ( to 1) ) second , Imp. Hazle- ton (15 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:43. : Second race , $250 , for 4-year-olds , selling. six furlongs : Jlirt ( even ) won , Festival ( I to 1) ) second , Ringmaster (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:19 : % . Third race , ? 200 , maiden 2-year-olds , three furlongs : Parmesan (10 to 1) ) won , Oxove ( G to 1) ) second , Janeiro (7 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 0:39 : % . Fourth race , $300 , 4-year-olds and upwards , seven furlongs : Constnntlne (8 to 1) ) won , Dr. Woik (3 ( to 1) ) second , Htbornln Queen (2 to 1) ) third. Time : 1-.33U. .Fifth rnce. $300 , for 4-year-olds , six fur longs : David (2 to 1) ) won , nirdcntcher (4 to 1) ) second , Dick Bohan (13 ( to 5) ) third. Time : 1:19. _ Stririoil with Two Tnine Tlotilx. HOI..YOKE , Mass. , Jnn. 29. The Paper City Athletic club Inaugurated its existence by a public , boxing exhibition at the Em pire theater tonight. The prlnclpil contest of the evening was between Daniel McConnell - nell of Philadelphia and Thomas Morlarity of this city , formerly of LoweU. The men were to Tiave foutjht twenty-live rounds at 120 pound ? , but the Philadelphia man was no match for Morlarity , nnd the fight was stopped by the referco In the fourth round to prevent a knockout. The decision -went to Morlarity. Edward McGrary of North Adams attempted to stand up for ten rounds before Nick Hurley of California , but ivas overwatched' ' In every way , and was easily knocked out In thirty seconds of the second round. When Purley appeared In the ring ho war. announced as Jack McDonough of St. Paul , but the deception was soon ex posed. _ _ TlirratiMiN to AVItlirtravv. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 29. The St. Louls Fair association docs not approve of the recent changes In the rules of the Western Turf congress , nnd unless some of them nre mod ified the St. Ijouls race track will with draw fiom the congress. This statement is Issued on the authority of President Mntllt. "That new rule which provides for the ap pointment of appeals IP especially disagree able to us , " said Mr. Malm , "nnd wo have no Intention of abiding by It. We believe In homo rule , and the decision of our stew ards and Judges must be final. Other ob jectionable changes were made In the rules , nnd the Fair association will make a de- c'dwl ' kick against them. Wo can get along without the Turf congress , and I. for one , nm In favor of getting out of it. If these objectionable rulea are forced upon us. " JlrciiUInK Ilccorilri. CHICAGO , Jnn. 23. All long distance Ill- cycle records made by women were smashed tonight at the female bicycle races at the Second regiment armory. At the conclusion of the races tonight , which ended nlno hours' riding for each contestant , the score was ns follows : Christopher , 170 miles ; Wil liams , 151 miles ; Glow. 1C5 miles ; AKen , 167 miles ; Hokenson , 151 miles ; Haldwln , 171 miles ; Anderson , 171 miles ; Peterson , 1D9 miles ; Mack , 172 miles. tiu MtM'tltiK1 of Yule Men. NEW YORK , Jan. 2D. Mr. George Adee nald today that there was no truth In the report that an Important mcotlng of the Yale undergraduate and Yne ! alumni boating authorities would be held In this city to de cide on Yale's attitude In reference to the iroposed boat race at Poughkeepslo on the Iiiilson. Mr , Adce said . .that ho hnd re ceived no word of It , ns ho would If such a meeting has been held , Prominent UMNO Hull Mnn III. NEW YORK , Jan. 29. Edward H. Tnl- cott , ex-treasurer of the New York Ilnso Ball club and ono of the widest known bane mil men In the country , Is lying dangerously II with typhoid fttver at hlri home In this city. For years Mr. Tnlcott Ima been asso ciated with the national gnino In New York 3lty. Uo was really the backer of the > Jew York brotherhood team. He la a Wall street broker. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HroUt' HIM Trnliit'r'H .Vom- . Eh PASO , Tex , , Jan. 29. While boxing vlth his trainer , Jack Stelsner , this after- icon , Fltzslmmons landed with Ills loft on Stelsner'H nose- and broke It. He says that ho punch was a veryt light one , but BteU- ler Is in the hospital for a few < ! aye. Dlxon. lyeols and the two bantuins arq ex pected to utrlvo hero next Monday. lit Onl. ORD , Neb. , Jan. 29. ( Special. ) The On ! Sun club held its second weekly shoot balls ) yesterday afternoon. Tha fol- owing IH the score out of llfleen shots each : T. Rcckhold , C ; A. Ueachnmp , 10 ; W , Prentice , 8 ; D. Hueck , 6 ; Hrown , G ; A. J. Shirley 4 : Klrtley. 3 ; K. J , Ager , 5 ; G , Mlckclualt , T , _ Illicit ! l Mexico. CITY OP MEXICO , Jan. 29.-Secretary of he Interior Cozlo lias wired the state gov- rnmcnt.of Chihuahua that no prize light nuat bo allowed at Juarez. Five hundred uralca ( rura1. troops ) will be aunt there to > rOvent the light. The little daughter of Mr. Fred Webber. folland , Mara. , had a very bad cold and ougb which lie had not been able to cure vlth anything , I eave him a 25-cent bottle f Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , nays W , I1. lolden , merchant and postmaster nt Wei * irlmlleld , and the next time I taw him lie aid U worked like a charm. Tlila remedy i Intended especially for acute throat and ung disease * , nuch ea cod | , croup and whoop. ng cough , and It 10 famous for Ita cures. 'hero isn o danger In giving It to children , or It contains nothing Injurious. Fur 8alp y drugguu , , . no.viin or IIK.VI.TH HI : POUT Iltrtli * nml Dcntlin AVIIIiln tlu- fit ? During HIP PnM Yrnr. The annual report of the Dcard ot Health 1ms been completed and U on file In th office of the city clerk. Aside from the general oral rovlow of the work of the dcpartmen during the year , which has been previous ! } published , the report presents a variety o statistics relative to the mortality of tlio city during 1S05. The total number of blrtli during the year readied 1,900 , of which ! > 7 were males and 929 females. The total num ber of blrthi In the years Immediately pre ceding were : In 1S9I. 1.S9S ; 1893 , 1,900 ; 1892 1,856. The number of deaths wns Mlghtly les thin In any of the three preceding ycnrs Tlie figures are : For 1895. 1,122 ; 1894. 1,149 1893. 1.201 ; 1892 , 1,196. The greatest hum bcr of dpntliA recorded In n ulngla montl nas In July , uhen the datth roll reached 145 In the mine month tlio maximum number o births , 209 , wns recorded. The least mor tallty was In November , uheti only sixty-five deaths were reported. During the ycnr there ere 114 cases o diphtheria , vlth forty-one doitlis ; 34G can.'s of Bcarlct fever , \\lth twenty-two do-ilhs ; 11 ! CS903 of enteric fever , s\\ \ of measles nm twenty-two of whooping cough. There ID nn apparent discrepancy In the report , na twenty- six deaths from whosplng cough nre Indi cated. Among the main caurot of dcatt were typhoid fever , twenty-nine deaths chplcra Infantum , seventy-eight ; croup , twen ty-four ; phthisis ) pulmonills , 108 ; apoplexy forty-three ; heart dlscnso , flfty-nvo ; bron chills , fifty-eight , nnd pneumonia , fifty-four AMUSEMENTS. S cccccccc cccc cececce ccecccec The offering at the Doyd for the remainder of the present week , commencing this evenIng - Ing , with tnntlnce Saturday afternoon , will bo the comedy "Qlorlnna. " Its clean , whole some fun should be c'njoycd ' by largo auill- enceo. The cast will bo as follows : Leo pold FHz-Jocelyn , Garrison Dall ; Timothy Clmdwlck , George L. Stout ; Count Kxltoff , J. W. Davenport ; Splnks , Victor 'Morlcy ; Klclmrds , a servant , Alfred Leslie ; Harem Kronlkoft , E. A. llarthope ; Major StonlilDff , A. G. Thompson ; Jessie Clmdwlck , Miss Flor ence Hastings ; Kittle , n maid , Miss Cath erine Carlisle ; Glorlana , Miss Ada Van Ktta. There la no end to the making of books , nnd the same Is tmo ot plays. "Glorlana" Is well known as ono of the liveliest of farcical comedies , and has enjoyed phenom enal runs In all of th ? principal cities In this country as well as In London. Today the advance sale of scats begins for May IrwJn's four night engagement In "Tho Widow Jones , " which opens at the Crclghton with a matinee Sunday , February 2. An unusual Interest has been manifested by playgoers in this engagement , mid the house bids fair to bo crowded. May Irwln , It Is safe to predict , will compel any amount of laughter In her new role , and she will be as sisted by on organization of first class people ple , who can be relied on keeping the ball rolling. "The Widow Jones" will have the usual budget of songs , dances and specialties , all ot them new and up to date. Daniel Sully , the well known comedian , will open n return engagement of three nights at the Crelghton , Thursday , February 6 , when ho will present his popular play , "Daddy Nolan , " appearing in the title role. Thla piece Is a great favorite with local playgoers. Mr. Sully will be supported by the same company that assisted him during his recent engagement. Commencing Monday night next and con tinuing the succeeding two evenings Henry K. Dlxey , the well known actor , will appear at Boyd's theater , supported by a company of his own selection , In the comedy , -first produced In thla country by Augustln Daly'o company , entitled "The Lottery of Love , " and possibly In another comedy widely dif ferent in character. James O'Neill Is meeting with most grat ifying success wherever ho appears this season. A private letter received here yester day from William Connor , his ma'nagcr ' , states that O'NollPs business last Sunday In St. Louis beat the record ot the Grand opera house for this season. Mr. O'Neill will ap pear at Doyd's theater on the last two nights of next week , and will probably offer the ro mantic play , "Monte Crlsto , " during the whole of the engagement , Mr. A. Toxen Worm , representative of Mr. O'Neill , Is In the city. THIRTY DAYS FOU A WIFE HI3ATBII. Hernmii Ijonilcrw Given n ( iooil Poil- tlon on tinClinlii r.itnK. " 1 will glvo you a light sentence this time , " said Judge Gordon to a wife beater , Herman Leaders , yesterday. "I will EXJII- tenco you to the street gang for tliltly days , " The complainant w < is Emma Leaders , a woman about halt tlie size of her hus band. She said that lat-t Saturday night she had cleaned up her home , when her hueband came homo with dirty shoes and wanted to hang his coat In an Inner room. "I told him that he should tilie tils shoes oft first , because I did not want the floor dirtied after I had worn my hands off scrub bing It , " said Mrs. Loaders. "Ho swore at mo , saying that It was his house. Then he sat down and took off his shoes. He picked up one of them and hit me over the head re peatedly. After that ho grabbed me by the throat and choked me. " Mr * . Leaders uncovered her throat and showed a number of bruises which had neon made by finger nnlla. Loaders did not deny that he had put his hand about her throat' and "maybe" made the finger marks. Ho depended on another defense. "Tills woman 19 not my wife. She Is only living with me , " lie said , and looked triumphantly about , It developed , however , that the woman had lived with him for three years , that she had used his name and had always been Intro duced as his wlfo and that he had repeatedly promised to marry her. . The defense , there fore , did not go with the court. Tivo MPII S < > ut Out Work. Isaac Kane and Frank Lbckwood ere yes terday morning sentenced to thirty days each on the street gang by Judge Gordon on the charge of assault and battery , while a third member of the same party , George Duacan , was discharged , The three men were accused of having n . saultcd Mlnnla Itoscnthal. They met her on the street with a baby In her arms , nnd Kane and Lockwood , after using profana nnd Insult ing language to her , struck her , knocking the baby to the ground. It was shown that In the squabble Duncan had tried to prevent his companions from striking the womdn , Hail 11 Fondiic'HN fur Toil CnnfH , John Singleton got thirty days on the street yesterday for stealing an overcoat from a boarding house at 117 North Seventeenth street. Singleton had pawned thp coat , raying that ho had stolen It , although ho gave various stones to ihu police of how ho came Into Its possession. Singleton eeems to bo a professional over coat tli Iff. There are a number of other cases standing ngaimt him , In which lie la charged with stealing and pawning overcoats belonging to other pooplo. As soon as he serve ! ) his sentence another of the CJJCH will be prosecuted. Minor PollrrL'ourt J. T. Smith of 2C23 Hamilton street re ported to the police yesterday that a saddle was stolen out of bis barn Tuoiday night , Charles Stracko and Sam Martin , two boys , were .arroited yustordiy for wu-allni ; a half-dozen plated teaspoons valued at 25 contu from Lizzie Koenstock , who owns an establishment on Douulas street. Frank Devano wao yesterday brought fiom South Omaha by Detectives Savage and Dempsey and charged with larceny , lie IB suspected of having stolen u gold watch and chain from the house of Michael McDanald at 1010 South Thirteenth t'treet two day * ago. The Jewelry lias been recovered from a otvm abop. i The DUaovury ftiivril JIU J.lfr , Idr. 0 , Callouc-tte , DruggUt , lleavercvllla. JH. , eaya : "To Dr. Klnx'a New Discovery I owe uiy life. Wan taken with L Grippe and tried all the physicians for mlli-B about , but of no avail , and wan tlven up and told I could not 11 it. Having Dr. King's New Dis covery In my etor I tent for B bottle and began Hi use And from ( he first dose beg < iu to get better , end after using three bottles was up and about again , U Is worth Iti weight In gold. We won't keep ( tore or houie without It. " Get a free trial at Kuhn & Co. ' * drug * tore. TO SAVE TOURIST BUSINESS Why Railroads Denied Limitation Asked by Grand Army ! THIRTY DAYS TOO GREAT AN EXTENSION Would llnvr Hciiiornllnod Summer Hxcurnliiii ItnlcM to tlir > or III 3Ii nry Sji fil If input IlpplnriMt OfT. A prominent railroad man yesterday , In spcaklnR of the recent decision of the West ern Passenger atsoclatlon not to grant the thirty days' limitation on tickets to the St. Paul encampment of the ( Iraml Army of Ilia Republic , said : "I'm not surprised At all , I think that the association was compelled to do It In order to prevent complete do morallzatlon of summer excursion rates. "Tho Grain ! Army Is given better terms than any other urRanlzatlou In the country , which Is qwto right , but when It was not satisfied A\lth tickets at prettily reduced rates , covering the entire encampment , It as wronp. The railroads offered rates of less than 1 rent a mile , and the limit was so that the old soldiers could RO to St. Paul , attend all the sessions of the encampment and return to their homoi. With this they were not satisfied. They thought those tick ets should be made out so as to allow them selves and all others who desired to pur chase such tickets nn opportunity to nmko It a summer vacation , This \\otild have com pletely knockiM out the summer tourist bust- ness to the northwest region , which ordi nal lly amounts to considerable trafllc. It they transfer the onuampment to Uuffalo , I'm satisfied Hint the eastern roads will done no more , and I doubt If they will do as much. If the encampment for the year hi declared off , as Commander In Chief Walker says that It wllj be , It will bo the very best thlnp for the railroad * between St. Paul and the Ml&sourl river. The roads will save money If the encampment Is not held at all , for they then can prevent anything like do- moiallzatlon nf passenger rates. " ( JllliATWKSTI311X OHAVrS TUB HATE ItcIH-r Hint tliv Oilier Hoiuln Will l > < Aroniul In Time. CHICAGO. Jan. 29. Ono road In the West ern PasDMRor association will grant the thirty-day extension on the Grand Army of the Uepubllc tlckels ; this Is the Great West ern , which has appealed to the chairman of the association against the action of the meeting of yesterday In refusing to grant the demands of the Grand Army. Under the as sociation agreement Chairman Caldwcll Is bound to decide within llvo days whsthor or nol Iho road Is entitled to relief. If ho de cides against the Western , It will give notlro lhat It Intends to give the full limit of thirty days asked by the Grand Army of the lie- public. There was. some talk among Hie olhcr roada toJay cf Ignoilng the action iof the Great Western and allow Ins lhat road to be come swamped In Its efforts to carry all the business , but the chances are that by the tlmo next September rolls around the rate will be- generally mel , if the encampment Is held at St. I'aul. The Joint Trafllc association dealt out cold comfort to the Grand Army today , for It took action In re lation to cheap excursions that practically announces that It will not grant as low a rate as hag been given by tlie western reads and will not extend the tlmo limit as long as the western lines have al- eady done. II has issued orders lhat no rate jo made lower than ono faro for the round .rip and that the longest limit bo three days 'rom the expiration of the meetings for which the reductions nre made. A declaration has also- been mailo that the reduction of the rated to the meetings of the National Educational society at Buffalo are unauthorized nnd must be revoked. The Joint Tiafilc association claims jurisdiction over all butinera going through Buffalo and It B claimed that In making the cheap rates for the Educational society the Central Trafila association went beyond its powers. INDIANAPOMS , Jan. 29. Commandor- n-Chlcf Walker of the Grand Army of the Republic , who returned from Chicago today , where he attended the mooting of the West ern Passenger Agents' association , said that 10 thought the roads' would eventually grant the concessions demanded by the Grand Army of the Republic. He was Informed that the Great Western railway would a'low ths thirty , lay extension. The commander will cell the executive committee of the council of ad ministration to meet at Indianapolis on February 7 , and If the railroads liavo not nado the concessions by that tlmo the en campment will 1)0 taken away from St. Paul. NO HKAIlI.V'Ci O.V THE V.VIOIV PACIFIC. Untied Stilton Siiiirenu' Court IllNCUHMC-ll 1 > V Hill ll-OU t > .11 1II. . Inquiry at Union Paclflc heaaquartera yes terday morning fallod to establish any possi ble significance of the Northern Pacific de- Islon , handed down by Supreme Co'jrt Jusllcoi Field , Harlan , Dro\vcr and Iro\ , as bearing on the Union Pacific system. General Man ager Dickinson raid that It wan a matter for ho lesil department to consider. General Solicitor , Kelly Is oivrMe to Now York , as are olao President Clark and Master In Chancery Cornlsli. Actuary Alexander of tlia atter's olllre said tlat : he doubted If the de cision would form a pra dent for uniting ho various parts of the Union Pacific sys- em , as the' Northern Pacific matter was mrdly an nnalagous cao. There the entlrn ystem was one corporation , while the vari ous dlvl&lons of the Union Pacific , under the landi of different receivers , constituted eep- ralo corporations. iu Dciilt-H ( lie Iliinior , General Manager Dickinson yesterday emphatically denied that J , A. Foley , now luporlntcndont of the Omaha & Republican 'alley railroad , would uo transferred from .incoln to this city , as had been extenalvoly eporleiJ. Mr. Foley will remain where ho Is , as will also H. n. Sutherland , who , It was jld , would bccomo chief train dispatcher. Ir. Dickinson talJ that no such change bed ifen inado , or had even boon contemplated , CilvliiK Mliiliiir Mm u Itnlc. CHICAGO , Jan , 29. A new proposition lias iccn submitted to the western roads authorlz- IIR reduced rates from Denver to Now Yorker or the opening of the New York Mining cx- hange. The lust proposition abandons the ( lea of a special train and provides for the > assagu of those Interested In the opening of ho exchange going to Now York In a body r Individually , The roads nro volug ( on the imposition , _ Itiillwnx JVotrM unit I Actuary Alexander of the Union Pacific las gene to Dostoii. Tralllc Manager Munroo of the Union P.a ; Illc li'in gene to Chicago. 13. a , Davidson , general liuvullng passen- er agent cf tlie Colorado Midland , Is In own frum Kansas , City. Travdlng Pa&sangor Agent Morrlstcy of lie Illinois Central , who hail been HI In Ills city for the pa t fortnight , la reported s being much Improved. General Manager Dnddrldgu. Honors ! Su- erlntendont Clark and Division Suporln- endent Hallibtirn , of the Mlsaourl Pacific , non a tour of Inspection over the Vtirlou Inea of the system. They wuro In Omaha ptterday , The painters and decorator * have abo\it \ nmpletcd their work In the now city ticket I Illce of the Burlington at Fifteenth' and HI 'amain Btroelt , and City Passenger Agent leynoMi mo\cd In last night. 11 General Pasnenger Agent Duclianan of thq ClUhoni hai returned from Chicago , wbero to attended the mvetlng of the Western 'asvflngar association. Ho caya that no ocislon was reached In the cuso of the Hilled tickets for tlie St. Paul cncainp- icnt of the Grand Army of the Uepubllc. General Solicitor . ! . W. Illytho of the Ch- | ago , IlurlliiKton & Qnlncy and General ollcltor I ) . W. Jot > plii of the IlurllnKtou'i nea In Mltuourl were In consultation yev- orday with General Manflerron , general Dollfllor of the llurllnglon syitcm wont of hu Mlranutl , on matters pertaining to the egal department of the road , Piles of pecplu have pllei , but Dewltt'i Yitcu Haul Balve will cure tbom ,