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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1896)
! * ! < f rrrrJ1orTT | THE dMAHA PAILY BEE : j JRSDAY , JAJKTUATiy 80 , 1890. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAI There Wt\3 Plenty of Ball News in th Grain Market. WHEAT RULED MODERATELY ACTiV Corn J li moil Sonic AVcnkiicntt I'.n Kollcm Intf AMicnt , l t Ail innceel ivltli t1\nl Cereal ) Vi-ry Unplill- . , ' CHICAGO , Jnn. iO.-Thcre was plenty of hull news In the nrnln markets todny. It did not come out until rather late , but It had Its effect nrd wh ftt recovered nil Its lost ground , closing Ic higher thnn yester day's close. Corn nnd oats each closed Uo higher. Provisions were weak and closed lower. Wheat rilled moderately nctlvc , but was fiomcwhnt nervous ; a period of weakness enrly wns due to the easier cables and the larger deliveries In the northwest. 441 cars , which were 173 cars In except of those a week ngo. The Nrvv York exports vvoto light nnd Armour was said to be n heavy seller , ns well as .many of the lending pri vate wire houses , und longs llciul- dateel lather freely. Then Thuman'M report on the condition of the Erowlnu wheat wai made public , nnd ns It showed a lois In condition In the nix prlnclpril HtntrH of nearly 4 points nlnco January 1 , 10 points plnce December 1 , the market was quickly strengthened by It. Thu more It wns discussed the more Inllticncc It to Imvu on the eenbltlvo nnd nrrvutis mnrkct. BhortH pot.alarmed . nnd many of the rnrly Fclleis begun to caver und u good Investment demand sprung up , under which the market rapidly Im proved , und before noon hud sold up 1H ° Troin the low point early. On the advance the trndo became active nnd broader and rnnnv of the selling opera tors of yesterday boldly took the buying plde. May whrat opened at about Jestcr- ilay'n close , n.1Vc , fell gradually to from 63o to f3'4c , then reacted and went pretty F iitcmllly to Gl' c nnd nt noon was Olc. The market turned very htroni ; during the last I ? bour on continued covering by shorts on the repot t that 400,003 bu. had been taken In New York for export. May fold up to from Cllc to OITsC , out cnscd oft a frac tion , finally closing steady at Gl' o. Corn showed some weakness early , follow ing wheat , but ns that cereal began to bulge corn went In the same direction. Utislness was flow caily , but shorts covered later nnd tbo trailing was fair. May corn opened fractionally lower nt 23&C , weakened to 29'/-c , but reacted Inter and sold to 304f ! , nt "which ptlce It closed. Oats were vvrnk early , but regained the loss as wheat went up. May opened slightly lower at 20 > io nnd sold to SO'/ir. There was n stronger tone during the last hour and May sold to 21'c { , closing there. Some good general business was transacted. The provision trade was fairly brisk , but luring the greater part of the day the tendency was downward , owing to the weakness In the live stock market. Near the close a gooel elemnnel sprung up In con- Rcque-ncc of the closing strength In wheat , The lowest prices were made early In the day. Mny pork opened Itie ; lower nt JlO.OIi to $10.00 , had n brcnk of 33c , but at the close had recovered all the bulge. Lanl closed 2Vfcc and rlbq 2V4c lower ns the net result of the > day's business. Th.o estimates for Thursday nre : Wheat , 70 cars ; corn , 310 cars ; oats , 180 cars ; hogs , 30,000 head. The lending futures ranged ns follows : Articles. Whcnt.No.2 Jnn G2M (10) ( ) < r,2 fi'-'J * ( U lji ! ) < ! Mny ns July - . . - U3U Corn. No ' - ' . . Jnn 28 Mny 30 HUH Hlli Sept Coin. No. - ' . . Jan 1B' < Fob May 20M 20 . m Hil July SON Tnrk.porbbl Jnn 10 US in ns 10 32 May 10 fa 10 : > 3 10 ll'Jh July ID 70 SO 10 to 10 BOB Lnrd.lflOlba Jnn , . . . . . . B 07' < 70 6 on B 70 May G H7i ! 110 ' G t > 0 July U 00 02 u'oo 0 OS tlritltlbs- Jnn G ( > 7 ! < 5 02M B law May 8 SSfc r -J7W B : i7H July C t-'H 00 G 4L'K G . ' 0 Cash quotntlons werens follows : PLOUIt Stcnily ; winter patents , J3.Mf3.CO Btrnlghta , t2.Wf333 ; sprlni , ' pntcnta. J310W3.20 BprlnR ntralRlita , )2.40@2.7r > ; bnkcrs , $2.IOK2.33. WllKAT No. Z sprlnir , G2SC3c ; No. 3 sprlnB C2c : No. 2 red , COVJe67e. COHN Na. 2 , 2Sc. OATS No. Z. 19V4c ; No. 2 white , 20',421c ; No 3 white , 130204c. ! IIYE No. 2 , 39C. HARLKY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 21iQ > 37c ; No . , I , SMKGc Ni 'FLAX HnrD-No. I. 92 53c. TIMOTHY SnnDI'rlmW.70. . PROVISIONS Mep pjrlt. per thl. , $10.SOJO.ST ! lartl. per 1UO IM. . J5. ; ' .45f5.70 : short rlliB elilea ( loose ) , 5.12V4ffiU5 : ilry ealtcil shouklcrs ( lw\cd ) , 4 ® 5c : hort ( .Par uldes ( boxed ) , 5W8 > GHc. WHISKY DlHtlllers' llnlahea goods , per rail. , 11.22. HUaAIlS Cut loaf , J5.S1 ; granulated , $5.19 ; stondnnl "A , " 5.CC , The following were the recelpti and shipments today : NEW YOIIK GENERAL MAHKET. CIoHlnR QiiotndniiH oil ilic rrlncliuil UoniniotlltloH niul StniilcH. NHW YOIIK. Jnn. 29.-nx > Un-Hecelpts , 14.- 400 bblB. ; exports , 9,700 bbls. ; firm , with trade chiefly In winter whent ; pprlnff wheat flours held too high to nttrnct buyers. Minnesota patents 1X4503.75 ; bnkere , 118003.00 ; city mill patents , $4.1004.35 ; winter patents , J3.G5O3.73 ; eprlnff low Rrades , 1.83i2.80j winter straight ) * , 3.40fl3.uij winter extras. J2.C3 f3.00 ; winter , low Brail I3.20C2.CO. H > o Hour , quiet ; Fupcrilne. I225n'75 lluckvvheat ( lour , dull ; I1.2001.S5 for spot and'to HUCKWIlnAT-Qlllct ; 380400. > cllow wcsterncholce' HVE Nominal : slnte , 414c. 'V cCV UU" ! "estcrn > feeding MALT-Sleady ; western , poit and decreased Liverpool stocks , nml ml- vanccd vt-ry ehnprly In the afternoon 011 hfnvv covcrlnif , ctlmulatnl by rumors of largo export - port purchaee and putllctlons of unfavorable wcainer wrei ; ciosni jo net h Khcr : Jsnuarv 7SWc ; Mny. 70W < r71Uc , closing nt TlVie * ' CXUN-nfcelpis , 4S.kOO bu. ; exports , 3.COO bu spot , easy ! No. 3 , 3 14c. Options opened sternly nnd advnnccd on prospects of bail louils v\e t with a further advance Inter In sjmp.uhy with wheat ; clwed ' , i c higher ; JanuTv J5MW JflVic , closliKnt SOKc ; Mny , 35 13.1GaC6 c. clcs. IrtK nt 3GUc. OATS HecelplB , Sl.COO bu , : rxports , 300 bu pot , nulet : No. 1 , 2Jc. Options were quiet nil dny , advonclnfir n little with corn , closing UOl'8 Wt-nk ; slnte , common to choice ' HIDKH-Dull ; wet salted , 20 to 25 Ibs lie- I ) u CHUB A } res , dry. M Iln. , luo ; Tuxas , dry : i to SO lb * . . t o ; California , 21 to 23 Ib > . , I4c. KKATIIKH Dull : hemlock sole , Iluenos Ayres light to heavy weights , 21c ; acids , 21O23c. WOOIBteady ; domestic fleece. IJlfZJo ; pulled. ISOZCc. I'HOVIBIONB-Heef.-'steady ; uxtro India m ss. 18 ; packed. J9.0)89.W. Cut meats , llrm : pickled hams. 8K&9c. I-ml. quiet ; closed steady ; western - e-rn steam , clor J } ( J oiked ; January , $593. nom inal , Pork , steady , but firm ; mesi..Jll.CK > ffn.j : . sliort clear , J11.&W12.W ; family , 111. ' IIUTTEII Ile-celpw 7.300 pkg . Market steady Creamery , HfrJlc ; Klglns , 21c. G-tc. Gtc.CIICR8K Itccelpts , 171 pkim. : firm ; state , larice. W10Uc ; small. 7 tflO ic ; part sklnn JViUGo ; full skims. ZO3c , , 1'UTnOL.nUM-WHik : United closed at J1.83 Md ; mined. 17.63 ; rhlladclphla and Ilalllmore , | 7.CO ; I'MUdelphla nnU Ilaltlmore In bulk , 13.10. HOSIN Quiet ; strained , common to good , J1.6) C1.63. IUCE Steady : domestic , fair to extra , 3'jc MOI.A8HK8 Firm : Nnv Orleans , cptn kettle , good to choice. ZSfJ7c. MUTAL8 I'l r Iron , Irresular ; > ll.7SOi,75 ; northern , I1I.058H.W. Ci > rper. tteady ; brcleors , Ko ; cxchanG . | 10. MMO U. Lad , stnul > ; biok. era. S2.90 : ixclmnm$3.03. . Tin , easier ; ctinlts , IU.WJfl3.5a I'lotiu , falily active. Spelter , dull ; domestic. K. nominal. COTTONPBKD Olb Quiet and Irregular , with priced nominal ; prime crude , ! < G23)ic ) ; yellow , oj prime while. 31gtic. AVciol MurUut. LONDON. Jan. . At the wool auction sales today ltV27 bales WCTO offered , of which 1,000 bale * vviro vvlthdmvvn. A Koud svlecllon VVUB of fered , and American buyera bouxlit freely of tultsiil * crulco , their purchase * oti ount ny ( o 2,00) bates. German 1'Uycri rcr mott netlva nnd liought nil mtrinfm. The horn * trade was qnlft , Its purexi ! j belne chiefly cross breds , of VThlch a coi.llal them w s offrrtJ. Followlnr nre the cnlrs In ilclnll ! N w South Walert , 1,51 ? tnlrfi ; pciturnl , fiKlls 4d ; rreaty , 6 auis IHd. CJiiecn > land , 2.5M hales : scoured. In md&l * W ; crcnsy. MSTls 34d. Victoria , 3.171 l < al < ! aruuMl 1i .Iffli 8ii.l ; grcSsy , CHflU'id. BcMth Auitrntli. 1,003 balra ; Kren < y , 6'iifSil. fiwah 1th cr , 4ISvfn \ \ ; crtnsy , SViCTW. New /cnlnml , 4,7W bales , ncoilrcd , 7't'lOls M ; Krcn y , 7010H < 1. Oipe cf Oxd Hope nnil . Nntnl , 657 bales ; ecr.urcd , . , greasy , { _ . ItoSTON , Jyi , 2 . Tflo American Wool ami Cotton Jleporlcr will say tomorrow of Iho wool Inide : The rales In the three principal mnrkfts l.n\4 nmolinlefl this week to l.S35,7W Ibs. . 2,3 , - 7W Ihs. eif which were domestic. A c-twdernblo number nf mnnufncturcis were In on Wednesday , but as 11 winia tl.o week may l e set down as the uulrtest since New Year. Price * continue ID bo very Mcndy , nnd the undertone of the market Is Ury strong. The nRgtcgnle wool tales slnc6 January 1 , 1831 , In Now York , Ilostnn nnd 1'hlludrlplilt nre a.m/iM HIS. The snlew this week In Ilostnn have amounted to 2.ISO ( Ibs. , 1,4C.7V ) ll , . being domeitlc stock nnd 1,211,000 Iln. f ( > ix-'gn. The sale * slnec Jnnuary 1. 1S56 , have amounted to 13MIKft Ibs. In the cor- rei i > otidlns purled of 1st : they were 14,401,600 Ibs. OMAHA Gi\iilAI. MAIUCI2T. Condition of TriuUnnil QuotutleiiDi mi Sdiplennil Knncr 1'roilucc. The egg mnikct Is lower owing to the large receipts , light demand nnd decline In the enst- cm rnnikct , In fnct. It , Is not very easy to sny just what the market Is , as there nfe ( O few eggs moving. The open weather hns stlmulntcd production In nil sections , while the consumption Is unusually small. The market Is very law ror this season of the yenr. A year ago nt this lime eggs wcru belling for almost double the piesent prlee. The t/oullry maiket In also slow. A goid mnny Hi go nnd conrsc ilrcs ed chickens or fowls \-e arriving nnd me selling leery poor nd- vuutngc , euotntlni ! 1X(1S Stnctly freth stock , lie. . Ilt'TTKH 1'nlr to good Block , rolls , 10c ! tubs , | choice t fnncy country , 13WHc. vj\I Choicefnt. . 70 to 1 9 llja. , nre quoted nt CW7c ; lnige > nnd contse4ilc. . ' ClIDUSU DinifStlc buck , 11'ic ; Hdntn , pcr iliz. , J9. , " , ' ) ; Club lniU3.1lb , jars , per doz. , J3.CO ; l.lmbciRcr , fancy , per ib , ll',4c ; Ilwiuefiri , V4-lb. , jars , pcr dor. , J3.CO ; Young Americas , ll'.ic ; Twins , funcjlie. . lOULiTKY Uiecs l Clilckrns , CiT7c ; duckt , choice , DHlOc ; turke > s , ihnlcc , llii'l-c ; KCCIC , 7fSe. POUI/rilY Uve C. Jncobson of the Montana Poultry Pneklng nnd Supply company , quotes llvo poultr ) ' llrm and wanted at : Hens nnd young ijostcrs , tillc ; old u'ocks , 21ic ; turkey licnj , S'.lc ! ioung tuikey gobblers * " ' , Ac : old Tom * . Cc : duckB , full feathe-red , 7c ; geese , Cc. HAY Upland. J5X ( ) ; mldlnnd , ti M ; lowland , li.W : rye straw , J350 ; color makes the price on liny ; light bales sell the best. Only top grndcs Irlm : top prlceD. IIUOOM COHN Kxlremely slow sale ; now cinp , di-llvercd on Hack In country ; choice gix-cn stlf-WDTklng carpet , per lb. , 2Vic : choice green , running to hurl , 2'ic ; common , l'c. OAM12 Jnck snlpj , TCciiJl.Otf ; gnldcn plover , JL25 ; jnck rnbblts , per Ooz. , Jl.i fil.40 : smnll rabbits. UOefiJLO- ) ; mallard ducks , J3 S0ff3.73 ; rcil- heads , J3.730I.OO ; canvnMbnck ducks , J300JTS.OO ; teal , blue wing , J2.00 J223 ; ( enl , green wing , J1.7.1W2.00 ; mixed ducks. Jl.7502.23 ; Cnnada gee e , JCOOB7.BO ; small Be < - J. } 4.iOU5.0iJ ( ; brants , J3.EO ; squirrels , pcr doz. . C0073c. I'lOIIONS Live , very slew ; dead pigeons not wanted. CAUtIFIX3Wnn 1'cr crate , 2.M3.00. or $1.50 01.73 per doz. CAItHAGi ; California stock , per lb. . 2c. 1-OTATOnS Fancy native Mock , 30o : from store In small lots , 30 7.13c : Coljrado stock COc ONIONS 1'cr bu. , 23J40c. ( IliANS Hand picked navy , per bu. , SWUET POTATOUS Choice stock. J2.75 pc bbl. bbl.CIJMjnr CIJMjnr California , per doz. , No" 1 , SOc ; No 2 , tf > ci Knlamazoo. 2Sc. MJIA linANS-1'cr lb. , Cc. WATEll CllESS-1'er ! C-it. | case , $1.6031.75. PltUITS. . YorkW2SB3K ) cholc - ; , - , - , - - M- western , J2MB2.75 ; fnncy v\cstcrn. S3 00 CHANIICItUIUsljcrHpy. JS.73. MALAGA OIlAl'ns-I'cr G-ib ) bbl. , J3.500C.OO per Go to ,0-lb. srosH. , } 6.50'7.00. ' TROPICAL FUU1TS. OnANGCS-Callfornla budded scedllncs Mcsslnnn , $3.5004,23 * 2.2j X. 'LNAS , C1,0C | | ? IarBc , 9'"C ' > f. PT bunch , J2.0 ; medium sized lunches , J1.7502 00 MISCELLANCOt'S. e c't TI"vS.M < 'c""m9' 3c ; B nnelniils , 20c ; cxtia lects. Joe . ; tlrnnc.i Sr CO.'H fclccts 27c' New Ofk counts 30c ; standard liullc. per BnT. . $1.10 HONEY-rnncy white , per lb. I3c MAPLE SYUUP-rivo eal. cans T each } ' 73 SnBCnj"r75.ller " ° * " " 2 ! enl. canns. faJS' ; tlunr 1 > uro fulcc > pcr ha" bbi3 ; pcr KltAUT-Pcr bbl. . $3.73 ; half bbl. " ' ? p ; California. 10-lb. boxes. p DATES New Persian , CO-lb boxes ner lb SKc ; fnids , 10-lb. ixjxci ) . per lb. c ' - cr > tuo ' ' - Iias' eacl1 ' CO'COANUTS Pcr 100 , $4.50each Be NUTS-Almonds , California , per lb. . ' medium slzp. 10c ; Tarrairona nlmomli , per lb Inrito ' " ' ' 8c : English waliiuts ; ; 'S8c per It. | , fancy Foft shell. 12c ; standards , nenjAc nibcr ( . . per lb. . 10o ; pencnns , polished mMliim lOc ; lart-e , 12c ; peanuts , raw , c',5c : roasted 7(7 74c } ; hickory nuts , small , per bu. , $1.75hlc'kon nuts , larice. p-r , bu. . J1.30 ; black walnuts , per UOI , , DnESPCD MEATS. DEEF Good western steers. 400 to 600 Ihs 5',4SCc ; Bood cows nnd heifers , 49i3c ; medluii cows ami heifers. 4'lc ; Bood fore-quar ere cowV and heifers , 3'iS394c ; eood lilndqunrten cow nnd heifers , 6C',4c ; cow rounds , t > c ; cow chucks Slic ; eteer chucks , 404V4c ; beef tenderloins flesh , 20a ; frozen. 17o ; beet rolls , boneless , 8'ic ; ! , ± , crsI1ciistcn : : : § : Cc : 1-OUlC-Drw.Bed lions. 4 c. pork ,0n , | c < . spare ribs. 6'ic ; pork fhoulders. 4 > 4c ; pork shouU dcis , skinned. 44C ; pork trlmmlnsi. 4c : tendci- loins , 13c ; pips' feet , cleaned , pcr doz. . 53c HIDES AND TALLOW HIDES No. 1 green hides. 4c ; No. 2 gieen hides , 3c ; No. 1 Brcen salted hides , B c ; No i Brcon salted hides , 4'Jc ; No. l Breen ' salted hlil'pa . SHKEP PELTS-Green Kilted , each 23T60c ; Brecn salted shcarluiK ( short vvooled e-arly skins ) pach 15c ; dry shearllnES ( short vvooled early nklns ) . No. 1 , each , lOc ; dry Ehcnrllngs ( short vvooled early skins ) , No , 1 each. Be ; dry Illnl Kansas nnd NebrnfKn butcher wool pelts ner lb actual weight , BSIGo ; dry ( lint Kansas 'and Ne braska Murrain wool pelts , per lb. . actual welBht , 40Bc ; dry Mint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 40G'c : dry nini Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per lb. . nctunl weight. 405c ; dry pieces and bucks , actual weight. 4eSc ; feet cut off , aa It Is useless to pny frclKht on them. TALIX3W AND GIIEASE - Tallow , No. 1 , Vic ; Krca dark. 1S&220 ! . HONES In. car loin weighed and delivered In Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton , $12.00014 , 00 ; dry country , bleached , per ton , $10.00012.00 ; dry country , dump and meaty , per ton , Jb.oOi78.OJ. WOOL Unwashwl. linn heavy , G07c ; fine light 8S5o ; quarter blood , lOffllSc ; seedy , burr } ' aid chaffy , 800c ; ratted nnd broken , course , 7C9c ; catted and broken , line. CSi'Sc. Fleece washed Medium , IBRlSc : line , 1401Gc ; tub washed , 1G7 18c : black. 6c ; bucks , Co ; tag locks ' , SJfSe ; dead pulled , 50Gc , runs. Dry Gouilii Murkot. NKW YOIIK. Jan. 23.-In keeping wl h rr US eporls there won HOIIIO Inquiry aa thu rrsult t on Increased numtx-r of l > u > e-i and while K-tter than avrraKe sales vrrt * concluded the uslnem won not In proirartlun to the. attention ztended. All kinds of cotton goodi , with the rceptlou or LltachtJ shlrtlii , litrta la Ut request , with f ncy cotton tuff < IcAdlnr. Cloth Inir woolens \rer vry rtow , Printing cloth * In hMtcr demand , with MIC * or 75.CW pleca ) .t SHe. i f FALb niVETl , Ma . , J n.Prlnt cloths , quiet and steady at Sc. STOCKS AND nONDS. Siicciilntlrc Movement In Securities AVnii Xot of Sprclnl Intercut. NKW YOIIK , Jnn. 23. The speculative mwe- mrnt In slocks today wns not attended by finy news or a general bearing , ami the widest fluctuntlMu that were recorded were unex pected , except In so far ns professional manipu lation wns concerned. This wna especially true of Sugar , which by far outranked Any or the 6ther lending nctlvo stocks in point ot activity nnd ndvnnce , nnd or Tobncco , which came cc- end In both re pects. There was not even n vestige or goMlp tcgnrdlng either of the stocka mentioned. The larger percentage of business wni In the Industrials , only three ot the rail road list , St. Taut , llurllhgton and Heading , re cording noteworthy totals London was not much of n factor bci'ond moderate selling orders. The Initial prices were- generally nt slight cohccs slonn from > e < itcidny' closing IlKiires , nnd In the e-arly dialings pressure was noted ngnlnst the gtangera The tone of the market soon changed to positive strength , and , undtr heavy pur- elmwi ror both accounts , ndv'nnces cvcurred In the nctlvc list. Hinging up to 2 per cent , with the conlers. Tobacco , Sugar and Bt. I'aul lead ing. Tile movement In the first named wns duo to the prevailing Impression that tha olllclnts contrUIIng the grvnl nnthrncltc prop erties have determined to put an end to the do- inoinllzntlon which has oo seriously sffected lev- tnua In the past two > enm. Careful nnalvsls of the Itendlng report of operntluis for Dcct-m- her. which wns published jcsterdny , lesulted In estlmntes nf decldeil Improvement In the re- tuinn or nil the anthracite companies. The pub lication cr the ptellintnary nnmml report or the Delaware M Hudson Cnnnl company foil lint , probnbly because the ncvVs ha been discounted. Among the speciality , Minneapolis & St. Louis lltst preferred rcse 4 per cent and Minne apolis ft St. Louis second piefcrred 2 pcr cent on favorable exhibits of earnings made public today. Consolidated dns continued Its upward couise , rising 3 per cent , to 13j. This llgurc rccmds a rise Cius far this vxeek of ll'i per cent , Other Clas stocks have nlso scored re- nmrkablo gains ; Mutual tins Is tip 10 per cant , Standard common 3 per cent , nnd nqultnble 2i ! per cent , Tlie > innk nnd Hie In Wall street re gard the -strength cf the Fecuiltlej as alimxt prcxjf iwiltlVo of the reported Impending consoli dation or nil New York Intercits. The execu tion or realizing ciders nnd the selling for for eign nccount , previously noted , caused recessions nfter the ilrst hour , wiping out most of the eaily Improvement. Chicago Ons was , unfnvoinbly affected to the extent of 14 per cent by rumora of nn ndvcrsa decision by the stnto nuthorltlet of Illinois en the consolidation question. The elenlnl of the re-port was followed by practically a full recov- oi y In Its price In t'.ie lale tnullng. An oisler tendency to the mnrkcl for dry hides and sole leather was nllefrcd to be the teison for n. dr.p nf 1'4 per celt In Leather pn-fe-rred. The los In thin Instnnce wns also fully nindc up Inter. Sugar wns Inken In hand by the agent of the | wol and milked up to ICS't , ns ngnlnst KK i , the enrly low point. The bUvj'nncy In the stock Imparted svmpathctlc strength lo the general mnrket. St. I'aul advanced to 72 ' 5. and North ern Pacific prcfeired rose 1s ! pr cent 01 In- creviscd earnings for December , and the hnlf vcnr. The decision of the supreme couit fixing the juilt > dlctlon of the vnrlous judges In the litigation was also a factor. The closing tone wna easier on realizing sales , but th ? losses were fractional , aside from Consolidated Ons , which left off nt > esterdnj's closing price. Tnc tnllwny bond market was lc&3 active , but dls- plaicd nminexs. Northern lacine Issues moved up 'iffS'.i pfr cent. The nggregite dcnllngs were tl.M.vm. Governments ruled llrm nnd higher. The livening 1'ost's London Hrtanclnl cable gram snys : The Mock markets were leas nctlvc todny , but of good lone , especially for Invest ments. Consols sold at 10S. Americans were quiet , with a spurt after business hours on support from New York , They closed nt the bcht. There were further .purchases of bonds. Probably nt least J50),00 < ) In go'.d will be shipped 1 1 New York tomorrow by the Majestic , but the matter Is 'kept rather quiet. It Is believed that notno gold Is belntr dispatched from France and Gcrmnny direct to New York , but I cnnnot conflim this. The Paris nnd Her I In mirkcts were steady. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York exchange toJny : The totnl fa\ei \ of stocks todny were 221.672 shnris. Includlnu Amerlcun Susnr. 114X ; To- Imcco. 23.700 ; Atchlbon , 1,000 ; Burlington , 12.OX ) ; Chicago Gi , 11,100 ; Lonir Islaml traction , 3,80) ; l.oulsvlllo Nnuhvllle , 7,1W ; Mnnhnttan , 4.CHI ; Ontario & Western , 3,300 ; Headlntf , 16,800 ; Itoclc Island , SWX ) ; St. I'aul. 18,000 ; Southern Hallway , 6W ) ; Southern Kallvvay preferred , 3,500. New York Moiu-y Mnrkvt. NEW YOIIK. Jan. 20. MONCY ON CALL Hasy at Wljt per cent ; last luan , 3H per cent ; closed. 3 % per cent. 1'HIMR MRUCANTILC PAIM3R CSS per cent. STKni.ING EXCHANaiJ-Dull. with actual business In bnnkrrs' bills nt t4.8SiiQ4.SSti for demnnd nnd 14 87B4.S7',4 for sixty ila > s. 1'ostol ratca , tt S7'/iQ-I.SSVi and J4.S3HI 90 ; commercial bills , 4.M',4. SII.VIJH cnUTIFICATES-G7',4CGSc. It AT , UIf.VI-1 , ft7ltr Sun FrnuclHuei .lllnliiK : Quotations. SANKHANCISCO.Jan.'JO. The olllal il clohlnif nolalluna for uiliiliuHtouliu toJiyvvuru an fol- OVVB : Silver baraU7K3 ; Meixlan do ) lira , Ight itraflu , par , toluraphlo. , An lUKt-mmtnt of 5o a share has been levied n Blher King. _ I-'I mi lie-In I Affair * . Jan. 29. Exchange on London , 8 LJitb * 4lght , 20 ruirkii 41 pfg. TAIIIB , Jan. 29 , 4 p. in.Three per cent rrnici , 102f ZJVio for the account. Exchange on Condon , U 2c for checks. LoN.DON , Jan. 23. G ld 1 * cjuot4 today at Dumofl Ayrra at 21 . & { | MnllrM. 17.C2 ; Ufbon , JS : St. Petersburg , BOi Alheni , 7J ; Ilomt , 105 M : Vienna , 10X The amount of bullion Rene Into tha Dunk of England on tnlancc today , 6,000. Kc\r York NEW TOIIK , Jnn. 2o.-Tflo followlne nro tlio closing mining quotation ] ) : . } Dulwcr lu Ontario UOO CliollAr , CO ( Tfilitr. I'M Crow M Point. . . . . . ' . ' 0 I'lyuiotith 2000 Con.Cftl. A Va. . . . i'.il ) quirttsllvcr ISO Dondtrooel 00 Uulcksllvcr PM..1C50 ( Jonlcl ACurry. , . . . 47 * le-rft Ni-vneli 40 Hale & .NororosB. . luo Slnml.inl Con Ilio Humcstnka 200 Union Con 43 Iron Silver , 15 Yellow Jacket. . . , 41 Mexican 00 Stoclt ( tiiotatloii * . LONDON , Jan. 20.-4 pVi. clonlntri Consols , m-y..ll7 10-10 Mcxlcin onlln.iry. It * Consols , ncc't.,107 lo-ltl Si. I'ntilootn 7 W rnclRc. . . . . . . . fjS N. Y. Central 100W Krlu 1CH Krlo''ds 7Sk llofldln ? " ' ' ' ' ' III. Central IHij Mex. Ojn."ric'vv'4s' . . Co' llAIl SII.Vin-5Wd per ounce. MON1JY M per cent. The rnto or discount In the open market for short and three months' bills Is "ttJlR-lB per cent. Fliinitclnl Notun. DOSTON. . Jan. 29. Clearings , 112.4MiM ( : bnl- nnecs , } 1,3IG,9S8. 11AITIMOIII3 , Jan. 23. Clearings , 2.G34,193 ; balances , J'27,237. NKW YOIIK , Jnn. a.-Clcnrlngs , S3,9GO,2I2 ! Ifllruicx * , } r , C03G54 , rilIIAIii.l'IIIA , Jan. 2) ) . acarlngs , (9.I1W- BIS ; balances , ST. LOUIH. Jan. 23.-ClenrlnBS. 3f ! > 9.M4 ; bal ances , JSta.SiO. Money , G S per cent. New York exchange , Boo premium bid , 7Bc ackrd , ClIICAOO , Jan , . ' . CIcarltiKJ' , J12.427.C9r. Mon y on call steady at G pur cent ; on time , C07 per cent. New York exchange , Z5c. 1'orclgn ex change , unchanged. Hankers * sterling , St. IOIIN ! Gcnernl Market. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 2a.-riXUU-IIlBher , but quiet ! patents , > 3 6T.ff3 G3j extni fancy , J3.3033.40 ; fancy , J2.805T2.90 ! choice , J2.605T2 Co. WHIJAT KulurcB opened dull nnd weak nt n slight decline ; later shorts began to cover nnd prices advanced , the close- being strong , ? i r' c higher thnn yesterday. Slot dull nnd llrm ; No. 2 red , cash , G71ic ; No , 2 hatd , C2o ; January. G2ltc ; May , CSijc. COUN ruturcH declined nt the opening , there being considerable pressure t sell , but advanced later with wheat and cloied nHc higher for .May nnd July , with others stindy. Spot easier ; ND. 2 mixed , caih , 25 < 4c ; January , zy&c ; May , 27 > 4c ; July , SSUc. OATS Kut u res easy and loner enrly , but milled nnd closed higher with other grains ; spot steady : No.2 , cash and January. ISJic ; Mny , 205Si20)4c. HYII-CJulel ; SGc COIIN MI3AL ll.30t71.3S. 1IIIAN Scnrcn nnd llrm , 4J ! c enst track. FLAX snnu-Quict ; s-c. TIMOTHY Hnii-J3.0)fl3.GO. HAY Ch-'ci * grades , ttcady ; low grr.dJs , easier ; prairie , JS.OOiSS.45 ; timothy , JG.Wfl3.oO , this Hillf. liCiaS I owcr : fresh , lOHc. I'OULTHY Quiet ; turkeys , 9JIS'ic ; chlckejia , T7Hc : ducks , S'.iSOc ; geese , BCSUc. .IIUTTKH Steady ; creamery , 154i22c ; dairy , 10 WHISKY J1.22. LKA I ) Stronger , J2.77H. Spelter , quiet , J3.70. 1'ItOVISIONS-I'ork. loner standard ; mess , Job bing , old , JIO.12',4 ' ; new , Jlo G2VJ. I ird , lower ; prime steam , J3.M ; choice , J3.GO. Ilacon , boxeil Bhouldcra. J5.50 ; longs , JG ; rll , JG ; shorts , JG.23. Dry salt meats , boxetl shoulders , J4.75 ; longs , J5.50 ; ribs , J5. 2"i " ; shorts , J5.75. HIICniI'TS Klour , 3,00i ) bbls. ; wheat. 8.000 bu. ; coin , 32,001) bu. ; outs , 23,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 4,000 bu. : wheat , 12,000 bu. ; corn , 3,000 bu , ; oats , 16,000 bu. I.lvt-rpeml MnrkvtN. LIVnHPOOL. Jan. 20.WIIEAT Spot quiet ; dem.-i.-id poor ; No. 2 red winter , os Sd ; No. 2 red spring , , stocks exhausted ; Ni. 1 hard Mnnltiibn. 5s 7'id ! No. 1 California' . ' fa Sid. ! Futures opened Him. with neai- and distant' ' ' positions Ud lower , but Inter reacted and cloied reny with prices un changed from > esterdny. business alwut e < iunlly distributed ; January , 6s 7'd ; rcbrunrj' , Ca 7iel ! : "arch , April , May and June , Cs 7 d. COHN Spat dull ; American mixed new , 3s 2d. I uturea opened easy with' nar nnd di'ftn.-it posi tions Uel lower ; closi-d qitlet with March ' { d equally distributed ; Jan--sr 3s 5jei ; March. 3s MA"IT' ' , ' ' 3s 2Ull ; Mny.'nndrJunc. . 3s 2 d. I-LOUIl Market firm : demand fair ; St. Louis fnncy winter. 7a Cd. r ' PllOVISlONS-H-icon.s , drill ; demand poor ; Cumberland cut , 28 to 30 IDs. , Sis Cd : short rll . 23 Ibs. , 2,1s ; long clear , llghl. 18 to 45 Ibs. . Ifn ; eng cle-ir. heavy. IT .Jus. , 27s Gd ; short clr-nr backs , light , U ILc. , 27s Cdshort ; | clea.1' middles , heavy. C , Ibs. . 27s ; clear ' Ixllles , 14 to 1C Ibs. , Sis : shoulders , square , 12 to' IS IKs . 27s. llnmt. short cut , 14 to 1C Ibs. , Us Cd. Tnllow. fine North American , 21s 3d. Itcef. extra India mecs , 758 ; prlmo mws , KSs nd. a'orkj prime mess , line western. 53s 9d ; prlm meiB. meillum , 47s Cd. Lard , dull ; prime western,20s 3d ; refined. In palls. 30s. f < ClinRsnX.sti > ni1y ; > nlTrm'in < -mwHrnte ? ' finest " 'moilcnn , .white , ! 4Cs : ' linest Arrierlcan , 'ooloied , 4Cs. i | . ntJTTnn FIne t United States. 03s ; RJO , ! , COs. OILS Turpentine spirits. 21s. CottonfeeJ oil , Liverpool rellne-d , 17s Cd. Linseed oil , 29s. Pe troleum , refined , Sil. linntlOLIIlATOH IIGKF Forwjuarter , 3 d ; hlndqunrter , R d. HLBACHINa POWDnn-Hardwood , t. o. b. , Liverpool , 7. ' ' HOI'S London ( Pacific coast ) , 2 Cs. ColTe-e Mnrkot. NHW YOniv. Jan. 29.-COrrUD-Optlons oprncd steady nt from C to 15 points advance ; ruled r-ctlve but easier on foreign buying nnd local celling , the latter Increased by a further decline In spot coffee , closed cn y nnd generally unchanged to G points net decline. Snlra , 24.000 bags. Including1 March , } 12,4o < ffl2.CO. Spot colTee , United States stock. 250.170 bags ; nflont for the United States. 1,3.000 bags ; totnl visible supply for the United States , 425,170 bags , against 602- 975 bags la t > enr. SANTOS , Jnn. 29 Dull ; good average Santos , nomlnnl : receipts. 3.000 bags ; stock. .ISC.OOO bags. HAMIlUna , Jnn 29 Steady ; ! 4@ & jiftr. net decline ; fnles. M 0 Ings. niO , Jnn. 29. Dull ; No. 7 , nomlnnl : exchange , 9 3-lGd ; rccelp's. 4,000 bacs ; cleared for Euiopc , 2.O10 b.ogs ; stoek , ? 43 000 Ings. HAVRH , Jan. 20. Closed steady nt 91flf ml- vance ; sales , 37 Mt bans. Tole < le > Orniii Market. TOLHDO , Jan. 23. AVllftAT Higher : nctlvc ; No. 2 cash and January , 71ic ; May , 73',4c ; July , G9c , COHN Active ; steady ; No. 2 mixed , 27'/c ; No. 3 mixed , 2GV4c ; Mny , 30'/.c. OATS Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 20c ; No. 2 while , 21c ; Mny. ! 2c. HYIDull : No. 2 cash. 41c. CLOVnit Sunn Active ; steoily ; prime cash and January. J4 40 ; February , J4.43. ltncniI > TS Flour. BOO bbls , ; wheat , B.OOO bu. ; corn , 14,500 bu. , ; oats , 1,000 bu. ; clover seed , 428 bags. 8IIIPMRNT8 Wheat , 15,500 bu. ; corn , 3,500 bu. ; clover seed , B17 bngs. KIIIINIIN City MnrketH. KANSAS CITY , Jnn. 23. WHIJAT More nctlve but unchanged : No. a Inrd , G34e ! ; No , 3 , M5.rc ; rejected , S5S42c ; No. 2 red , 74c ; No. 2 spring. G2fjG2'Je : No. 3 spring , 50jGOc. COltN UO ic lower ; No. 2 mixed , 23V-fl23Ho ; No. 2 white , 24c , OATS Steady ; demand not strong ; No. 2 mixed. IG c ; No. 2 white , 194e. ! IlYi : null ; No. 2 nominally , 23c. HAY Weak ; timothy , JlO.OOeil.BO ; prulrle , > t ( ) 7.00. W1TTKH Steady ; creamery , 17S19o ; dairy , 13015C. Uaas Quiet , Inactive , 12Hc. Cotton Miirk > t , ST. LOUIS , Jan. 29. COTTON Steady ; mid dling , 7 1-lCc ; tales , 400 bales ; receipts , 1,150 halts ; HhlpmcnlH , I.1C2 hales ; stock , 75.781 bales , NKW OULHANH , Jnn. 2 . COTTON Dull ; middling , 8c ; low mliMIIng , 7c ; gootl ordlnaiy , 77-lGc ; net receipts , G.T29 bales ; gross receipts , G.5K4 bales ; experts , to tlio continent , 3,9)0 biles ; coastwise , 1,074 bales ; fnle ? , 1,300 bales ; , 3i8,97 < > bnles. 1 NKW YOIIK , Jan. M.-COTTON-Qulet ; mid dling , 8'ic ' : net recelpln ; 11,313 baled ; gross ic- celpts , 7,295 bnUs ; fonntiiloil , 1,890 biles ; tulcs , 510 bales , all spinners ; stock , 189,954 bales , pnoniA. Jan. 20. COHN Hauler ; No. 2 , 2Gc ; new No. 3 , 25Vtc. I'lit 10 OATS iay ; No. 2 wJillp.l ! > c : No. 3 w-Mte , 18c , HYK-rirm : No. 2 , Iftljl/ttc. WHISKY Market elAhitX ] nnlshed g-vids , on the hauls of J1.22 fur hlHh .nines. niCKIIT8.-Corn. 7 < , Wll'U.j ' oals , 44,400 ) > u. ; ryt. none ; whisky , 223 igqljVtieat ! , 3.WI bu. SHU MKNTK Com. 4S. ( > * ) hu , ! oats , BO If ) bu. ; i > e , 1,200 bu. ; vvhUk > . 0 Fal- ' wheat , 1.2W bu. MINNLiAl'OI. January On ( 57V4c FIXJUH-Stiady : lir t .patents , J3 2MJ3 40 : do mestic takers , J2.BO ; export 'bakers , 120)02.45. NKW YORK , Jan. ? i.UiHlIOAIl-Flrm ; salfs , 3.BW tons Java. ! i test. , ill1 3ic , ex itore. Ile- tlnul. iiuld. > " ' [ IX3NDON. Jan. . SUQAH-Cnne nnd beet , llrm , unchanged. 'V Dulii'li Wlirnl Mnrkt-t. DULUTH , Jnn. 23.-WHKAT-Illgher ; No. 1 Imnl , ruth , W5ic ; January , IVAe ; July , CJ ci No. 1 ncthcrn , cash , BSKu ; January , BS c ; Muy , CSlic. To arrive. No. 1 hard , B9 c ; No. 1 north em , 'KrUe-o Wheat ( luiitiitloiiN. HAN FItANCISCO. Jan. ZO.-WHKAT-Qulet ; December , ll.lSfc ; Mny Jl.15 4. Permits to vvecl were Issued yesterday to the following parties ; Kama and address. Ago. Jacob Olmr.ilfl. Omaha , . ; . 65 Huclicl Mayrovlch , Omaha . , , . , CO John Specht , WushlnKton county . 33 Mra Barbara Uaucr , Washington county. 29 IMmunel p , Howe , Table Ilock , Neb . 33 Mury VigftrB , Omaha . , . . . . . . 23 John N. .Mumicl , Lampasas , Tex . 45 Harriet Ann llulicy , Omaha . K Chatle > s W. Anderson , Omaha . 30 Nelly Hyde , Omaha . , . 21 Fred Johnson , Omaha. , . , . . . 33 Blerld Gareiuon , Omaha. . . . . . 19 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Trndo Controlled by Conditions at Kansas City and Chicago. VERY FEW KILLING CATTLE OFFERED llnyrrn UttnnlmonNly llenrluli nml n Tea-Cent Decline KoIliiTm Ilrciik In I'rlcc 1'rovlnlonn. WEDNESDAY , Jnnr 9. Receipts for the days Indicated are : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horws. January 29 . t. 1,491 4,129 . January 28 . 1,071 3,759 474 37 January 27 . . . . SGfl C90 471 . January 23 . 814 2,411 212 . Jnnunry 24 . 1,012 2.421 3.9 ! . January 2.1 . 1,17:1 : 3 , ! > 23 fid . January 22 . 2,690 0,437 523 H DAY'S DISPOSITION. The disposition of the dny's offerings of live stock was aa follows , each buyer put- chasing the. number of head Indicated : Cattle. Hotp. Omaha Packing company. . . . . . . . 17 710 The G. II. Hammond company. . . 223 1,123 Swift Co . . . SltU 774 The Cudahy Packing company. . . US 1,311 H. Decker & Degnn . . . 371 J. b Carey . 73 Itenton & U . -13 Cudahy. Knnsnn City . 31 . Chicago P. & P. Co. . Neb. City . 1C1 Shippers and feeders . . . . . 217 3 Left over . 1,200 Total . 1,123 CATTLE It was another day of light cattle tlo receipts , only 1,491 head being icportcd In the yards , as against 1,071 yesterday and 2C9 on Wednesday of last week. Of the cattle here , close to a third consltted of feeders , so that the actual mir.iber of killing cuttle on sale was very small. Chicago re ported 1G.OOO , lOc lower , and Kansas City came slow with 5,000 on sale , so that there was not much encouragement to be had from other markets. The result was a slow and lower market on killing cattle at this point , In fpltc of the light receipts. Some of the handy llttlo cattle , which Just suited the buyers , did not sell much , If any , lower than yesterday , but the buyers were all very bearish on the heavy cattlo. It would be safe to quote the latter fully lOc lower , and as salesmen were reluctant about making the concession , the market waa slow from start to finish. Uutchers' stock was In very light receipt , only twelve to fourteen loads of cows nnd heifers being reported on sale. Under or dinary conditions such light offerings ought to have made an active market , but the buyers did not appear to need many cattle and they were In no hurry to nil orders. In most cases they were bidding fully lOc lower , and the market was dull. A good many of the cattle were not very desirable , but In some Instances Falesmen who hap pened to have desirable stuff did not think that they had to take oft much from yes terday's prices : The feeder market was In very good con dition. Yesterday the Uemannd was good from the country and speculators were en abled to close out the most of their hold ings. This morning opened with good In quiry from the country and that made spec ulators all nnx'oud for cattla again , and they bought the fresh receipts at good strong prices. Representative sales : STEERS. n CATTLE. COLORADO. No. Av. IV. No. Av Pr 3 feeders. . , . 733 2 C3 4 feeders 1011 tun 22 feeders..1016 295 17 ifwra ? " . " 947 360 MILKIMtH AND SI'llINOnnS. } cow nnd cnlf.25 00 l cow nn l calf..J28 BO 1 nr nKer. . . . . . . 23 00 1 cow nml rnlf. . 30 00 1 Bprlnner 23 00 l cow nnil cnlf , . 33 00 ! ? * ? " ? ' fresh rcc ; llits of IIOKB numbered 4,123 head , ns nealnst 3,769 yesterday nnd 6,487 on , Wednesday of last week. In mldltlon to the fresh receipts there \\ere 1,200 hogs on tale that were carried o\er from yesterday The conditions were nil n alnn the selling In- forests. After nn unusually rapid mUnnce that has carrl l mnrKet from I3.4J5T3.W up to J4.00 < H. ) < > wllliln t o weeks n reaction took place > t < tpnlBy ami continued toilny. I'roilrlona brcke badly nnd mnikela nt all other points were corrcrpondlnKly lower. The renult was n break of nlxiut lOo from > estcrday's Into market. The hu > MH would tnko the IIORS nt J3 WiM.03 nnd thut wns nlwiit nil they would do. thoujth there was n | 4 top. SaUfmen were Blow t cut lo-wo and like ycntenlay , the market wna n drnB from start ID llnlKh. At Iho close there were Bllll about l,2Ji ) lions u/iKold , nalesmen rffuslnir to nccipt thu jirlcca offered , HeprtsentatUe sales : Mo. Av. Bh. I'r No. Av Sh Pi 78 141 . . . J3E5 CO. . , SI9 . . .130'u II 310 . . . 3 t > VA W , . . . ' 230 161) 3 U 52 200 160 3W ) B9 .TO 44 39 $ 303 . . . 3 DO kit B3 259 M 1 ass so aw B : : : : SG .t ? rl ! 61 2 0 . . . 3W & ) , . . . . . Ml SO 3 & : : : : : . IS 1 % isg : Sg : : : : : : : : . ! ! 5 g ( .6 201 80 3 UO 67 2',2 . . S foi B3 850 . . . 391) ) 70 2 , " , ) SO 3 ( ! 74 155 KO 3 0 M -411 M 3 WJ. 05 211 12) SSO 67 . .2 . 4) ) 3S5 63 26" , 120 380 43 S40 W 305 71 2S1 60 3M 61 M SO 393 73 2-17 SO 380 B2 2',3 IS ) 303 B3 301 b ) 3 ! ) . . , , . . , . to S 93 55 291 (0 390 , . , , , 60 3 OJ 2S 217 40 3 DO M .275 . . . 3 J5 W 34S SO 3W 73 2- . ! . 3 W 12 181 . . . 3M 61.,2 5 40 303 10 2 . . . 300 C2 , , .310 SO 303 61 303 80 3 00 17 , 237 . . . 305 48 251 200 SOT 71. 233 ! ! ! 31)3 ) 106 301 210 300 C < l J253 ICO 3115 68 , . .272 . . . 3W 73 M . . . 3 3 M 297 W S9 M , , , SU3 . . . 3 3 2S ,2S4 . . . 3S > J 39 213 . . . 393 21 410 40 3 00 ffi 2)6 . . . .103 68 , . ,231 . . . 380 40 237 40 303 10 ttJ , . . 3K'A ' 73 113 . . . 303 24 Z72 . . . 3 W4 1H 2t2 123 383 10 ! 74 SO 3.,2' , ' < i 60..203 . . . 400 C4 271 . . . 3 02' ' < 77 , 217 . . . 4 00 64 Z'A 86 3 P2'i 65 , 211 40 40) (9 tCS . . - : ZViVi 71 246 , . . 400 I > IQ8-OIUS AND KNDH. 1 U ) . . , SO ) , . . , , , . . 4) 3 C5 2 465 . . . SCO , . . , , . , . : . . . 3 , . , , . . . . . . . 375 S ,233 , , . 3(3 1 410 . . . 375 S ISO . . . 30) 1 42) . . . SSO 7 07 . . . 3 irt 1. , , 4U ) . , . 3 S ) C 218 . . . 3W 3 , . , SCO . . . SiS 4 2D5 , , , 300 & 0 . . . S S5 3 233 . . , 3(0 3 200 . . . S S3 7 267 . . , 3 M 6 3J2 . , , 385 4 217 . , , 300 3 246 . . . 3 65 Hlinni' There were no fruli rrcetpla and nn holdoiera on I lie maiket. There U n fair ( it- manil for dcBlruLlc rnuttono , at atx > ut uleuJy price * . Hhrep men nro talking now thut the supply of hi-cp In Ihu whole country U somewhat smaller than It was a J ir ago. At the tame lima It Is clalimil l.iaC there are moru htcii on feed thai ever before , and that for that riMNm there will be no ihortuKu la the Hupuly of mutton durlnjc 1SOS. It 1 * eip < ; ctxl that th 1\f \ run will occur durlnc the ntxt four or n e tnonni * . r.i Urn tittp on fr J will IM marketed not Inter than Juno. _ _ CHICAGO MVIJ STOCK , Cnlllo Hcrlii Were S I.nrncr Thnn L'ntuil. ClIICAOO , Jnn. , Cnttl receipts were nonie- whnt larccr thnn usual , nnd In wnnuone' ! Iho markM wns weak nml lower tod.iy. Salts of common to choice nnllxc dti fd t > ecf nu-1 shipping steers wore made nl from | l.W to l. 0 , with extra entile Inl-Rfly nMitlnnl nt from J4.TO to M.7S. lliilchcm' nnd c nnrr < < ' flulT met with a \ry BCKH ! demand , price. * tullnc Kenn-nlly stcndy. u ml cow's nnd helftrs n > ! d piluclrnlly nt from ? 2 to } 3.23. Calves were UK iln 111 small supply , ami hrudtflit fully p > c\lou prlt'os , a few Koine ns high ns | o.23j The utorkcr nn.1 feeder trade WHS rnther llfilit. the tulliiK prices weit ) Kfiitrnlly InoKfd uptn hy cnumry hujcis ns lee high. T xni entile were numcnms nml fnlrly nctl\e nt lorter jnlcc * . In hOR- ) there wni n Kieniiy Incn-nccd run to- OAJ- , und the llbrwi nrterlng < forced u fuilhcr ik-cllno In prices of from Bo to lOo. Sn < * drngKC.1 nl from II to M.30 for commnn to choU-e diMXeslh \ trndlMft chlelly ut ficin to Jl.Ji , nml thei * wns. every Indlcnllon that tt lilrcc nuniluT would be cnirliM o\cr ngnln. IMR nnd culln Jokl nt from 12.73 to H..O. In sheep the Impraieintnt In prices policed yesterday wan chrcXed by tinUJ's liberal fupply , and sn'.efl were rnllirr plow nt a dfclltio of nbout lOc. Cummon to choice native sheep wio ml- nblc ut from K.51) tti > 3.M , with the bulk of the nalcs nt frvm J1 to IJ ftV tcins sold nt from J3.25 Ui 13.50 , jenrllnes nt from JJ.75 to 14 , nnd LimUi ut frutn J3.M In $4.75. Ilicolpti ! Cnttlc , 14.0CX ) head ! ht > cs , 53,000 hcndj cheep , 15,000 head. New V r IHLStuck Markot. NH\V YOIIIC , .Inn. 29 lIKttVKS neeHptp , 1,300 i miikct r-pcned steady but dull for cows IIR nViiij poor To"jirime. . $5' ( > JfS.23 ! cxtia Jirlme , IS 3.1. * sitnir AND I.AMIIS neo-ints , 8,421 head ; a'.tl\o nnd 10 i1Bo hlKher ; sheep , ordinary to prime , $3 O6fi4.12'.4 ! lambs , common to prime , i4.M05.uO : extra , | 3 ( A HOtlS llccelptp , 9,033 hcnd : barely MrnJy ; common to heavy , choice , light pigs Included , KIIIIXIIH City I.lvc Stork. KANSAS CITY. Jan. . CATTM2-Ilocolnu > . 6,200 head ; shipments , 2,700 head ; mnrkct slow , weak , lOo lower ; Texas steers , J2S05T3.BB ; Texas cbws , J1.7.1B323 ; beef steers , J3 134f4.M ! native cows , Jl.Win.IS ; stackers nnd feeders , JJ.75ff3.70 ; bulls , JJ.2103.00. IIOC1S necolpK 10,500 head : shipments , 700 ; marKct Bfil5o lower ; bulk of naloa , J3.SJP 395 ; heavies , J3 305J4.W ; packets , J3.Sj0l.10 : llglitn , J3.COffl.00 ; Yoikcis , US304.00 ; pigs , J3.43 . SHKCP Hecclpts 2,400 head ; shipments , 2.0W hcnd ; slow hut steady ; lambs , $3. ! > 5f4.50 ; mut- toni , t2.OOflJ.S3. _ _ St. I.oulH Mve Stock. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 29.-CATTLU-llecelr.ts. 3.0 head ; market barely steady ; native beeves , J3.23 f4.75 ; cowa nnd helfeix , Jl.S'HID.CO ; stockcts nnd feeders , f2.OOS3.75 ; Texas steel ? , } 2. 04.0) | , RIIU < S and fed , 11OQS Ilecelpts , 7W ( hiad ; market lOfflSc loucr ; heavy , J3.90ff4.20r mixed , J3.SOff4.15 ; lights , J3.S3ir4.10. Sliuni' Receipts , LOO ! head ; market weak ; natives , ranee , J2.50D3DO ; southern , J225ff325 ; lambs , J.3.234I4.BO. Stock ill Record of receipts nt the four principal mar kets for Wednesday , January 29 > Cnttlc. ITofrs. Sheep. South Omaha . 1,494 4,129 . Chicago . 16,010 33,00i ) 18,000 Knn-wj City . . . 5,200 10,800 2,400 St. Louis . . S.OJO 7,000 l.CO ) Totals . . . 25cai , 54,923 2UOO SUPIIU.ML : COURT SVILAUI. School District No. 1. Hnrlan County against Bishop. Error from Hurlnn county. Aillrmeil. Opinion by Commissioner Irvlno. Flntllngs of fact reported by a. referee stand In the same position ns the verdict of a jury ; and In reviewing the action of a district court In rettlnK aside such n re port the same rules will bo observed as In reviewing nn order setting aside a ver dict. 2. The granting of a now trial Is largely within the discretion ot the trial court. A stronger showing Is required to reverse nn order nl'owlng n new trial than to reverse - verso one denying It. 3. Where an action at law has been re ferred this court will not reverse nn order of the- trial court setting aside the referee's report nnd allowing a new trial , when the referee , failed to report ur.y finding on ma terial Irsuea presented by the pleadings. 4. A court of record lias the Inherent authority to amend Its records so ns to make them- conform u to the ifiicts. This power extends , as well to supplying om's- Klons ns to correcting mistakes ; and In the exercise of the power the court Is not confined to an examination of the judges' minutes or other written evidence ; It may proceed upon any patlsfactory evidence. 5. A record disclosing a stipulation for the continuance of a cause and a peremp tory order of the court dismissing It at the same term , the judgment of dismissal cannot be reviewed In the absence of a bill at exceptions or matter of record dis closing the grounds of the court's action. City National Bnnk against Thomas. Er ror from Adams county. Alilrmed. Opinion by CommlEsloner .lrvlne. When a bill of exceptions has been quashed It cannot bo afterward cons'dered for any purpose In the case. Jones against Wolfe , 42 Neb. . 272 , fol'owed. 2. In reviewing a judgment on petition In error without a. 1)111 ot exceptions , this court is necessarily- confined In an ex amination of Instructions to nn Inquiry whether the Instructions given could under any circumstances bo properly plven under the pleadings. Tlip refusal of Instructions cannot be reviewed. 3. The repetition of a proposition of law In the court's charge Is not reversible er ror unless It be made to appear that the defeated party wns prejudiced thereby. 4. A party entitled to nn estoppel need not In all cases formally plead the estoppel. If the facts constituting the estoppel are In anyway sufficiently pleaded he Is en titled to the benefit of the law arising tl-erefrom. 5 Possession of Instruments- negotiable by delivery Is prlma. facia evidence of owner- G. A person purchasing negotiable paper from president of n bank , with a guar anty of payment executed by the presi dent , IH justified In relying on the presi dent's representation that the paper be longed to the bank ; ana the name is uouni : by his representation to that effect at least , where the transaction occurred In the banking house , nnd while the presi dent wns apparently engaged In perform ing his duties as such ofllccr. 7 , Certain Instructions examined nnd hel < : not erroneous as applied to the case under consideration , _ A. 0. Hartley of Magic , Pa. , writes : "I feel It a duty of m'.no to Inform you and the public that Dewltt'a Witch Hazel salve cured mo of a very bad cane of eczema. It also cured my boy of a running sere on fcla leg. " SiirliiKi-r Tlrril of lllx Plficc. ST. LOUIS , Jnn. 29 , A special to the Re public from Sluskogecn , Indian Territory , Bays ; It Is stated here , on excellent author ity , that ex-Congressman William M. Springer , judge of the Indian Territory court , has grown tired of his judicial duties and Is anxious to return to the cant , "lour correspondent 1 Informed that Judge Springer Is nn applicant for the position of general nollcltor of the Ilnltlmoro & . Ohio tallroad , the place recently vacated by John K. Cowan , elected president of the rond. It IH stated here that Judge Springer has written to several Influential friends In the government , asking their Influence to heir him Into the law department of the Daltf more & Ohio. Dovvltt's Little Early Risers euro Indigos tlon and had breath. HBAI/l'Y MAHICI3T. INSTRUMENTS placed on record January 29 , 1890 : WARRANTY DI5BDS. W. T. Ornhnm nnd wife to Mattlo Itoyn , lot 2 , block 1C , Bedford I'lacc.J 1 South Omaha Investment company to 1' . L. Hughes , lot 0 , block. 3 , Mc- Gnvock & O'K.'s add . 700 Cnthno Kennedy to Jorgeri Jorgeiifen , lota 11 and 12 , block 8 , Dwlght & L.'H add . . . BOO C. B. Hulbert und wlfo to C. M. Arns- den , lot n. Preston ft W.'H add . 1 George Van IJoek nnd wife to 13. K. Lemon , lot 2 , block 7 , Omaha View. . l.SOO J. A. Latpon to J. W. Cnrr , lot 14 , block 4 , I'ulmnn Place . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Mary Ilastis to John lmis , w * A of lot 2. block 251 , Omaha , n of ti line 27- 16-13 . . . . . 2(0) Q. 8 , Nason to 13. S. Dalley. c 33 feet , of n 92 feet of lot 3 , block 12 , Omaha. 2,000 13 , A. HPIIBOM , trimtee , to lienson Land company , lotH G to 15 , block 1 ; lota 7 , 8 , 10 to 30 , block 2 , Highland Place ; lots 1 , 3 and I , block 81 ; lot < , block 74. Hcnron . , . 3U > 0 Same to Fame , blocks Ifl. 101 , 102 , W und 101 , Ucmron . 10,000 Same to came , various lots and blocks In Ilenuon . . . . . . . . . . . 20.000 Hume to Ha me , loin 16 und 1C , block 2 , DrlKb'x' 1'luco ; lots 7 nnd t * . block 3G ; lot 3 , blork 41 ; lots 8 and 9 , block 77 , lienson . . . . . . . > 1 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. Mutual Investment company to J. K. Vila , lot 24 , block 7 , Douglas add. . . . 1 J. L. Pierce , receiver , to E. P. Darrow , lot 8 , block 45D , Grand view . , 1 DEEDS. Sheriff to Mutual Invculment company , lot 21 , block 7 , Douglas add . 4K ) F. J. Stafford , guardian , to It. C. ISvuns , lot l , block l , Plainvlew. . . . . . 0 Total amount ot transfers \vii.ii DOOM TIM : STATIJ IIIUSICI.Y. South Dakodi'n Honourcm in lie 8y tfiitntlinllSet KorOi. StOUX KAM.S , Jan. 29. ( Special. ) Thomas II. Brown , one of the cxccutlvo com- mlttco of Ilio iccently oipnttlzcM South DA- kotn Immigration association , reports that the work of ndvcrUdng the state Is to be pushed . with vigor. The committee wilt hold n meet- lug In this city , February 12 , nml will then formnlly mlopt plans , It la already prnc- tlcnlly decided to Issue a map , which shall accurately distinguish the four natural dh talons of the stnto and clearly ahow their varied characteristic * nnd re- sources. Thesa four , divisions nro the Sioux valley , which comprises tha eastern anil southern counties of the stutc , nnd which In really n continuation of Iowa , In character , the artesian basin , which compilsca the Jim and eastern Missouri valleys , the cattle belt , which consists of the rich grazing lands west of the Missouri , nnd the belt. Col onel Drown has been ordered to prrparo this map and to report on It at the next mrotlnR. The first thing necsfsnry was to raise sufH- clont money to carry on the work , nnd nn assessment of JOO for each ft,000,000 of as sessed valuation ns madcton each county. The committee has practically decided to Issue a pamphlet , which shall at length de scribe the advantages and resources of each of the grand divisions. The matter for each district Is to lu prepared by the residents of each and submitted to the executive com mittee , who \\lll revise It , leaving out any discrepancies , and equalizing the space be tween the sections. As many of tlicso pamphlets will bo Issued as the funds will warrant. The committee will nlho call district con ventions tome time. nc\t month , nnd will urge each district to tnUc up the work of ad vertising separately. In about n week an edition of 50,000 copies of an address will bo Issued to the people , outlining the Intended work of the association , and calling for popu lar subscriptions. Im fit-lime Promptly Cured. S. T. Wiley , a well known school teacher at Olbbcn Glade. Knyctlo Co. , IM. , saya : "I am very much pleased to teellfy to the cfllcacy of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , ona bottle 5f which I purchased of James O'Nell. cf this place. It give me prompt and per- nanent rollof from a severe attnck of the grip. Slnco then I have used It whenever attacked by any throat trouble , nnd It has iluaya effected a prompt cure. " For sale by druggists. Winor IVIicnl lit Good Condition. COWLES , Neb. , Jan. 2D. ( Special , ) Win er wheat throughout this section of < the stale appears In good condition , though the. weather liaa boon uniformly dry , n late rain having put the soil In very fair shape , nnd the mild , open winter having reduced danger of freezing out to n minimum. A McKlnley club will be organized at this place In the near future. The matter Is being agitated , and a largo membership Is assured. A considerable amount of adverse crit icism la being expressed by stockmen In re gard to the now rates on live stock In augurated by the railroads and In effect from January 1 to the Omaha market. Kansas City Is seventy-five miles mora distant , but under the new tariff , which does not change the rate to that point , Omaha Is at a disad vantage of from $4 to $6 $ per car ; to which Is added an arbitrary switch charge of $1.50. The nudlcnco assembled at the regular meeting of a literary society , four miles north from Cowlcs , Saturday evening last , were treated to an Impromptu fistic en counter , In which the president , Peter Hill. accepted the urgent though unsolicited In vitation to "come- out of doors , " Issued by J. P. Sprinkle , a colleague of Hill's on the de- bat ? . The center cf interest was Immediately transferred from tli3 Venezuelan controversy , which had been the subject under discussion. to the more hostile preparations for war. The building was quickly evacuated , and a. very pretty two-round bout was pulled off. In which President Hill scored many telling ; points. Sprinkle retiring In confusion. Acts at once , never falls , One MInute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma nnd that fever ish condition wnlch accompanies a severe- cold. The only harmless remedy that pro- It.rcs Immediate results. Home Industries Ity iiurcIiiiNlnp : ponil * iniulo at tlic fol- lo vliiK JS'oliniMkii fnctorloH. If yon , cannot flml ivliat you mint coiiinmul- cutc with iiiiiiiiifticlurcra nil to v > lint ilenlom Iiiiiullu their DAGS. llCni.Al' AND BEMIS OMAHA HAG CO. Minufacturere of nil kinds of cotton and bur lap bnRs. cotton Hour encks und twine a spec ialty. GU-C:6-G18 S. llth St. OMAHA BREWING ASS'N. Car load shipments made In our own refrig erator cars. Illue nibhon. Hllto Export , Vienna. Export , and Family Export , delivered to all parts ot city. _ COFPEC , SPICES , HAICIKG POWDER. "CONSOLIDATED corFEiTco" Coffee Iloastero , Bplca Grinders , Manufacturer * German Bul.ltiE Powder and German Dry lion Yeast , HH and 141G Hnrney Bt. , Omaha. Neb. FLOUIt. S. F. GILMAN. Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour. C. B. Dlaclt. Manager. Omahs , IHO.AVUIIKS. . DAVIS & COWGII.L IRON WORKS Manufacturers and Jobbers of Machinery. General rrpnlrlni ; a specialty. 1601 , 1W3 and 1C.01 Jackson street , Onmnn , Neb , INDUSTRIAL ! * IRON WOKS Manufacturing end Repalilne or all kinds ot rcaihlnery , engines , pumps , elevators , printing ; presses , hangers , shafting and coupllnga 1409 anii 1408 Howard Kt. , Omaha , PAXTON&VIERLINGIRONWRKS Manufacturers of Architectural Iron Woik. General Foundry. Machine and Illackmnllh Work. Engineers and Contractors for Fire Proof D-jlldlngs. Olllcc und works : U. P. * Hy , anil So. 17th street , Omaha , NitiiiT WATCH , nnn sunvice. " ' ' " " " "A'MERICA'N""DISTRICT "f ELE. GRAI'II. The only pel feet proteclfon to property. Examln * It , Ilcst thlnB on earth. Ileduoes Iniuranc * rates. 1304 Douglas St. SIIIHT FACTO It I IIS. J. II.EVANS-NEIJRASKA SHIRT COMPANY. Eicluklve custom iihlrt tallcri. : C1S Furnum. Our Free Letter fleviewlnc tha Brain and slock markets , will b * sent you dally on request. In the hope of destrv- Ine part of your buslneis. Orders solicited for cash cr on three to five point marj-ln * . J , R , W1LLARD & CO Members Chicago Hoard of Tftat , New York Produce Exchange. New York Con * . Htock Us. chcnzt. 17 Hoard Trade , CMruxo. II Uroadway , Nen'York. JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone lOIM ) . Omaha , Neb. COMMISSION CHAIN , JPROYISIJSS : AND ; STOCKS X.K > m HIM Hoard or Trade. Direct nftn to Chicago and New York. ( .ttletf > ra < Aents ; John A , Warren * Co. Cold Stocks and Properties. Sure ) nml Nnfo Iiivraliiu-iiU fur Iui-Ke > mill Small Iiivi-HiorM. Wrlto us for full Information. Statistics maps , tic , , furnished fiee. ' Thu Mvulit-iii InvfNtiii'l t 'o. UliluiiKO , lift I. . D. KNiii.ANL : > , Manager. liought anil cold on commlaalon. Investment Co. , Colorado Bprlni ; . Cole ,