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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1896)
THE OMAHA DAILY IJEE : SjJDNMSDAY , JANUAttY 20 , 1800. 8PEG1RL NOTICES. AilTcrdncniptilii ( or tlirne column * Mill lie tnkcn nntlt 12i,10 l > . m. toi tlir nrrnlnjr nnil until H i > . in , for < lic inornlnflr nnil Sunilnj- edition * . Ailvortlnrrn , li > - rviincHllnir n nnni- livrril clicolc , cnn hnve nnmrer * nil- ilrrimoil lo < t iniinliereil Irttcr In cnr of Tlio life. AtiNn-crii nn mlilrcBictl Mill IIP ilcllrrreit niion prcurntalloii of Hie clicck onlilntm , 1 1-2" ' \roril first Innerllont lo n woril tliurpnflrr. Xiillilnir tnlcen for lrn tlmn 2.1o for lr t litMcrtlnn. Tlicur nilvrrlUcnirnlii muni lie run consjccti- tlvrlr. WANTKI1 MAM2 HUM * . SALESMAN FonTitn ui'MANR nniionNKti Keel nidi line for liardunro or harness sales- 'man , Cnll or tidJresn 401 So. lltli ' . . _ _ 11 M514 > r * i WANTKI1. CM MI3.V AND TKAMS TO Srj.t. our frml srlnilcr * nnil rnokrr * . fnlnry , I. * ti > rv ) per month. ncmnllnR to nlilllty. Hit Utcliflehl Mfg. Co. . Wclwtcr City , In. II Miis IT \VANTI3I ) . MAN WITH I'UHlt TO INTtlCV iluce ft new nrllcle nnionit merchants ami Btnlile IIH-II In Omnlia and every city nnd town In Neb. nnd mirroundlni ? Mutes , IIH > 5 per < lny ; fcllinn slKht ; no competition. Aildrw. with Ktnmp. American MfR. Co. . 434 line * ft. , * I'hllnilclpliln. Pa. H-MilT 23 GHOCKHY ri.KUIC ; 8AUAHY INCUIJABr.i : V l > er centj semi stamp. < > * ' . .ijjj j T' ' TllAVnUNO HAl.KHMIIN'i I.IOHT StlJH UNH quick seller ; harness nnd lmid\uitc ttmlc lurgo commission * . Centaur Mrs. Co. , CMIcaRo WANTiJO.HKITCII TIAM roil SMAU siiecliilty iliuw ; man nnd wife. Aildrem Iv ZI Hce. II Mi2i 20 * SAi.uHMRN ; TO nuuo TRADK : Sinn UNI : or otherwise. J.V. . KnlKht. 817-225 State St. IlnclinWla. . 1I-M7M 20 * WANTKU. TltAVr.UNO 8AIiHMiNi MIDI ; line ; Hnvcs trou li liaUKcr ; new. My * Van l-'lcll. Pan ell. . - . 23 * WA.\THII-KHMAM3 WANTED ami , ron anNinui- HOUSE work. Small family. 51 * North 22d St. rou KENT HOUSES. HOUSES. P. 1C. DARMNO , 11ARKER IILOCK , D 125 HOUSES IN ALL. PARTS OP TUB CITY. Tilt O. F. Davis Company , IMS Karnnrn U 120 STANKOIliJ CIHCI..R "COTTAGES ; c ROOM modern. IJyron Reed Co. . 212 Bo. 14th at. D 115 S AND 9-ROOM HOUSES ON PAIINAM AN1 C-room liouno on 22d and Ucavenworth. cheap Jno. "iV. Robblns. 211 N. V. Ufa Bu , HOUHKS. UKNKWA & CO. , 103 N. KTH IT. JIODEIIN HOUSES. C. A. STARR. 923 N. Y , Life building. D-M1SO UIClHT-nOOM. ALL , CONVENIENCES. 121 South Thirty-second ; nnd many others ; al sizes. P. D. Wend , Sixteenth nnd Dourlns. D M192 Fl FOR RENT. MODERN HOUSE : nfaill rooms ; with bath ; on car line : near park Also smalt house ; pond location ; only SS. clan- nett. BOI Rrowr. lilock. _ D-M103 J31 * rOR RENT. NICE SCTJTH FRONT EIQH1 room brick lioi-nc. with all modern linpiove mcnts and In nrst-class condition : possessloi Klven January 15. Inquire on premises. 2C1 Hnlf Howard street. D-213 8-R001I FLATS. Jo.OOi 1022 N. 21ST. D-EtS F2' I1IQ ItARQAINS II rooms. 21th nnd Douglas , modern , reduce * from 5CO.OO to JW.OO. 7 rooms , modern. 27lh , near Cumlnc. reduce from $ :3.H ( ) to 1S 00. 9 moms , modern , 24th nnd Douclas , reduced fron (35.00 to $2900. 7 rooms , modern , 31th and Jnclison , reduced fron $27.50 to 118.00. Also several other tt\ic \ houori cheap. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Fnrnnm street. D 162 : FOR RENT. A NICE G-ROOM HOUSE NB\VLY papeicd , J8.00 per month. Including ? city wnter to people that pay rint In advance , 113 N . ,37th ; take Enrnam car ; Stoetzel , next , to P. O EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. CENTRAL LOCATION , JI3.00 per month. Enqulr * 2610 Captrol avenue , D-COO-2S * STEAM HEATED STOREH AND FLATS ] Howard Ranck , agent , 1610 Chlcnpo st. D-474-FH 4-ROOM COTTAGE. NO. 2722 FARNAM ST Milton Rogers & Sons. 14th nnd Foninm Sts. D 590 FLATS , ELEVENTH AND HOWARD. moms , newly papered nnd painted , J13.00. 3 First Nnfl l > nnk bids : . D-C20-31 rou nixT-ruuMsiun ROOMS. riKST CLASS I1OAIID AT 1C10 DAVENTOm street. n MI71 F14 _ rt'nNiaiiBi ) ANI > UNFUIINIRIIRD HOOMS with modern corurnluice * . 17)3 ) Clilc.iRO st. n M5J3-F1 * _ , s NICI : FuiiNisiinD oil UNKUHNISIIKL rooms ; llRht housekeeping ; 1112 S. llth. H715F2 LLV FHKNISHin ) HOOMS LIGH1 houflckeeplnir , 2)19 ) Ilnincy. n 710-2 * FUUNISIIirD KOOMsHTiAM , 204 SO. 25TI1 et. K M72 ! I'3 HOOMS AM ) IIOAHD. FRONT HOOMS. WILL IIIIATKD ; liniird It d'alred ; rates reasonable. S24 Nortt J3d st. J F C70 _ _ _ FIUST CLASS HOARD : 1010 [ F &H71 F14 _ _ NICIILY KURNISIIti ) 110DMS WITH I1OAUD. Terms reajonnble. Call 2107 Douglas. F 493 ( KiioNTiooxia wiTo'n WITH nut board ! stntin licut : electric belln ; liallia ; rate : reasonable. Midland Hotel , ICtli & Clilcano st. F M535 F18 FURNISHKU FRONT ROOM , SU1TAIH.13 FOU tun. with buurd , 2019 California St. F618 27 * _ _ FUUNISHUD IIOOM. MODKHN. WITH IlOAnD 1.1 week ; also suite rootra. The ItOHC.202' ) Hurney , F-C32-F21 SOUTH ROOM WITH STEAM ; HX- cellcnt table ; references. 202 N. 18th. F M721 30 * FIND UOOMS ; WITH HOARD ; FOR (1EN- llpmen desiring pleisnnt lmmi > ; private fam ily ; hand mely situated ; referencex. 722 North ! 9lh t. F M73t 30 * rOU HliNT UNFUIIMSITEI ) ROOMS. 4 HOOMH ; WATBll IN KITCHEN" : CENTRAL : reasonable ! rent ; nlc * for huuiekc pln ? . 170 ! \Vibster it. a iKit NIcITotJTsIuU UNFUUNISIinD ROOMB AT SIS N. 17th t ; upstalra. Q-M3U 31 frT'NFintNISIIl'.D CHAMnRRH TOIl IIOUHK- ki-ciilnir , ninn anil wife : water In kitchen ; lel HlnU ; waste pipe. 319 No. 17lli C1-M6I2 KOH UKNT STOUISS AM ) OFFICES. roil RENT , THIS 4-STORY IIRIC1C IIUILDINO at tilQ Faiimm Bt , This bullJIni ; has a lire- iin.of cement basemnt , complcta steam beat- ( IK flxlurea , uater un all Hoots , iai , etc. Ap ply nt the oflleo o < Th Bca. I 9M S SUlTAIlI.i : TOR SOCIKTV I'URl'OaES. second und third Hours , 1M1 Farnam ; rent reii- Boiablr. 311 First Nat'l bank lildg. _ I-t2i-31 1.-OH RENT-AN OI.D ESTAHL1SIIKD (1RO- cery ston > : rultable nisi for meat maikct ; wood location. Inqulio 1013 Farnam st. I M073-2 AOKSTSVA.NTRI ) . AQUNTtf WANTliD TO TAKE OIIUKHS FOR our celcbmtcil $1.00 custum.imnts snd suits. Chlcaeo Custom 1'ants Co. , 202 Fifth a\c. , Chicago. J-M94T Fi * , AOKNTS TOR OUR NEW HOUSl luild tiMM-lallles ; wacm , H ti > (7 a day ; pay cvviy week. Central Supply Co. , Cincinnati. O. J-M726 23 IIINVAI < ACUJNOV. J. II. I'AItltOTTE , ROOM 22. DOUGLAS I1LK. LM-M3-F13 STOUACUS. BTOIIAOE. TUANK EWERS. IIU HARNUY. M-H STORAGE AND WAIIKHOUSB t5oT. Jones. Ut-ntral iturauo ana forwardlnz. M-lii FI'RNISIIKD STFAM.JIEATKU ROOMS. MOD- flu conveniences , board. CO ! South Uth. M--183 \VANTiU TO IIUV. W8T RBAL ESTATE WITH V. D , WKA1 > , Blxteenlli nnd Douglas. N Mm Fl BKCOND HAND FUIIKITUIIU. IJROWN'S. 103 B. llth. WAA'TKIl TO IIUV. ( Continued. ) WANTED. TO IlL'Y , A FAHM TEAM AND / cow. Adrir * . with particular ! , 1' . O. l ix Ml Council niufr . N-M6P 3i ) WANTED TO I1UY , S OH 8-UOOM HAl'SE TC move. Address R. S. J. , 1112 Hurt M. N 711-S9 * rou HAHD WOOD 4 AND G-FOOT KN C 3 KOI1 corn cribbing. C. H. txe ? , Ml Douglas. Q-1.14 _ FOR HAI.B , STOCK OF CrtKPCKHT kANf company ; uplendid Investment. 'nll or nd dreas H. f. DalleJIO N. Y. , Mfe l > M r. Q-M6M 31 * CIiAlllVOYAVrS. ims. DU. H. WAnnKN. CI.AIIIVOYANT. rtK liable LunlneM medium ; 8th year at lit N. Hth S-1M "OIPSY QUIIN" ronruNi : ! Indies , too ; ( jentlemen , 11.00 ; lucky clurnn , 152.1 Farnam ttrcet , between ISLh and 19th ; nc Klsn. B-MM3 23 BIASSAGI : , HATiis , ITC. MADAM AMITH , 1E22 DOUOIjAS STnERT. 2r door , nmm 11. Manaage , steam , alcohol anc gulpliurlne Imtln. T CSI ! MMK. I.AUUEJ MASSAOI3 ; 1CI7 HOWAllD utreet. T M48Q n5 > MMH. AsiKsTidnMnnr.Y"opsT. LOUIS. MAS naga and Inlhs. BJ7 S. Utli St. , Zd Ilcwr. room 10 T CSS 1 BATHS. MASSACRE. MME. POST. S19U 8. 15TH , FINK Mvniiv mas ctinAt > . no BAUMLKY , 17th and 8t. llary'8 avenue. Telephone. HO. Sin'KIlFLOUS HAIll AND MOT.US HIT moved by electricity. Mme. Test , 31314 S. 13th U 850 J11SS VAN VAIjKHNOUUail DKSTIIOYS PiH mnnently by elc-cti Icily nuperlluoui hnlr , moles warts , etc. Itoom 416 , N. Y. I.lfo bldg. U-90J _ _ _ _ _ _ " IIOKRY TO I OA N ON PnilSONAl. I'llOl' erty ; etrlully fonlldentlal. Address 1' . O. IJoi S20. U-H3 WCDUINQ INVITATIONS. nUnKLCY I'TO-CO , U-238 F.1 VIAVI CO. . 346 BHE HtHLDINO ; IIOMF treatment for ladles : physician of fifteen years experience In attendance ; consultation free. O-M1M rniNTS AND i > onTnAiTS. J. F. Ilodtker. 1S03 DouRlas street. TJ M321 P3 oNDnhi L , SYSTniT FOR MAKING oi.t faces J-OUHK ; wrinkles removed. 200 DoiiRliu Mk. Wrlto Mme. True. II M417 F1I BELLI : npi'cnLY COHSET MADE TO ouonr at 1903 Farnam. Lady canvasseis wantetl. U M700 F23" MISS MASON'S SCHOOL FOR DHESSMAK ln . over Boston Store , In IlohrliauBli Iliiilneas colloKo hall. Elevator entrance on Douglas. U C37-F-2' LADIES FREE ; I WILL OLADLY SEND TC any lady free a receipt that nave me a mar velous complexion : no coFm tlc ; pcrfiH-tlj wholesome. Mrs. Nellie F. Miller. Box C SIC , Kalamazw ) . Mich. U M727 2a SIOM3Y TO LOAN URAL ESTAT13. ANTHONY LOAN AND TIUIST CO. . 318 N. Y , Life. Loans at low rates for choice security U Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omaha city property MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. TI12 O. F. Davis Co. . 1503 Farnam st. W 144 C I'ER CENT MONEY TO LOAN Olf OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. B. Melkle. Omaha W-HS MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , Paxtnn blk. W-l CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 925 N. Y. LIFE W-113 . a. a. WALLACE , BROWN BLK . W-148 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. . 1320 Farnam , VT-153 MORTGAGE LOANS ; LOW RATES. J. D. Zltlle , 16lli and Douglas , Omaha.VV151 VV-151 FARM LOANS. DOUGLAS AND SARPY. 1 TC 10 years ; low rates. Qarvln lima. . 210 N. Y. L. W 133 FOR MONEY SEE F. D. WEAD , 1GTH AND Douglas. W M192 Fl _ " G noT"p. BEMIS , LOANS , PAXTON RLICF7 F7 BIO.VKY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , ivaguns , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan olt at any time or In on > amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 301 ! S. 16th st. X-153 MONEY TO LOAN , 3 . CO. 90 DAYS ; FURNI. ture , pianos , etc. Duff. Green , room 8 , Darker block. X 151 I1USIXES-1 CHANCES. STAPLE DRV dOODS STOCK FOR SALE : best atanil In best town of Nebraska. Address 1C 0 , llee. Y MC19 F3 WIIKAT IS nOOMINO. AND IS THE CHEAP- eat ( speculative commodity In the woilil today ; nnj-Biio who has n dollar to enare should buy It ; tinde through a responsible house , and Bet reliable Information by sending for our larne red book , containing nil the necessary Infnimi- tlon to enable anyone to handle Ihelr Invest ments Intelligently : also our daily market bul letin , which BURKests when nnd what to buy ; lioth free. Blnnxell & Co. , bankeis ami broker ? , IM Traders' buIIdlntf. Chicago. V C37 20 * CRIPPLE CRHE1C GOLD HTOCKS , SAVE AND sure ; 15 and upwards hues led often tilings fabulous nnd quick returns by placing jour orders with the Van Uuien Imestment Co. ( Incorporated ) , bankers nnd brokers , SOS 10th Bt. , Dcmer. Colo. _ Y M71S WANTED , I'UINTEIl WITH $2'X ' > . RAIIR OP- portunlty. Address Printer , 1C 19 , "llee" olllce , Omaha. Y 722-2-J * roil EXCHANGE. " i WILL TUADE 2,000 acre * of clear farm land In parcels to suit. Located In Holt and Sheridan counties , For Merchandise or clear Omaha real estate. Address 1C 17 , Hie. z C37 WANTED-STOCIC OK GENERAL MEHCHAN- dlso or clothing , to Invoice from 110,000 to J13.000. for llrst mortgages and clear land. To owners only ; nn icply to agents. Address Iox CIT. Norfolk. Neb. Z-070-F2 FOH SAL.U UE3AL ESTATE. FOR SALE. WEST FLORIDA LANDS Eat pi-cmlly adapted to Hulls ; 677 ncica with brick > ard In vompletu running order ; 75-liorso iiowur tnslno and boiler , new pattern sward brick machine and iiuemlll ; Pott's crushers , track and cars with wlndlns drum to haul clay from bank , two carts and WUKOII to haul wood , sheds with tiallcts for 120,000 bricks , ono hami press , abundance of clay and wood , dwelling house with sir rooms , kitchen and bath room. Good water and location , perfectly litii'.lhv. James JlcCullough. postotllco Quintette. i-\-j . - rtR-303.Fcb UAltQAINS , SALE OR TRADB IN C1TV 1'ROl'- r51ta and farms. Jno. N. Kr nzer , cpp.1s. . u , RE m OEO. i' . nu-Mia , nousns. LOTS , iiuiiaATco farm lands , loans. SOJ and 306 Toxton block. RE-523- JJAltaAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS. ale or trade. F , K. Darling , Darker Illock. , HE16S _ AUSTRACTS. THE UYRON HEED COMPANY. RE-ia HOUSES WJNTEIII3D. HORSES WINTERED : HE3T OF CARE Ki"fn horses , both winter and Bummtr. Address M. J. Welch. Oretna. Neb. ' M772 _ IINDUUTAICEIIS AND EHIIALMISUS. n. K. IJUHICET FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND _ embalmer , IMS CHIrago st. . telephone VJ. 168 " SWANBON i. VALIEN. iOl"cb lINa. TEL. 10-J ) . _ _ _ 187 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND IJSI. balmer. H17 Farnam st. . teltplun * K5. 10S ELOCUTION , ULEMA FULLER. ( IS KAIU1ACH BLK. , KN . ti made for readings In ar.C out of city. SHOUTIIANI ) ANIJ TYI'UWHITINQ. A. C. VAN HANTS SCHOOL. tlJ N. Y. LIFE. HI Ul'IIOLSTEItlNG FURNITURE REPAIRED onj packed very cheap this month. M. H. W lkln , 1111 Cumlr. ? . Tel ! 3U. 171 JIIJS1C , AHT AND OEORCin F. OELLENBECK. BANJO ANI Kultar teacher. Ills Chi en so st. 109 NEW PIANOS RENTED AND SOLO ON EAS1 I'irmcnt * . William H. Schmollcr , 5th flooi XlcCagua tulldlns. t 1 * BUILDING ANU LOAN ASSOCIATIONS SHARES IN MUTUAL U * II. ASS'N PA t. 7 , 8 per cent when 1. 2. 3 years old ; alwny : r d * mable. 1704 Farnam St. , Nattlngtr , Sc 1C9 HOW TO GET A HOME Olt SECURE GOOI Interest on MVlns * . Apply to Omaha L. & B Ats'n , K04 Uee bldg. O , M. Nattlnger , Sec. 179 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COR 13th and Dodge. Roomi by day or week , 161 1JANCINO. NEW CLASSES FORMED FOR BEGINNERS at Morand's this week ; adulln , Tuesday am ! Frldiy. 8 p. m. ; children , Saturday. 19 n. m. ; ( list lessons taken privately If desired ; oper il-y nnd oxenlng ; nMOintille * . Thursday , 83 ; < p 11. , gentlemen nnd hdies. OOc. M 5fi7 F18 I1ICYCLES. DON'T BUY A BICYCLE UNTIL YOU BEL our ' line. Wo sell sundries nnd do repair' ing. Ak-Snr-Ben Cycle Co. , 319 South 16th s'rcet. ' 409-F-ll. OMAHA BICYCLE CO. . BEST PLACE TO BUS bicycles ; bicycles repaired , 323 N. IClh st. COT FOR SALE. 1 NATIONAL BICYCLE , USEt only a short time. Cull evenings ; c.lenp f i cash , 833 So. 21st st. 714-29 * I'AWNIlUOKEItS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 1C ST 102 Searles & Searles SPECIALISTS I.N Hcrvous , Chronic utid Private Discis-s , : , SEXUAL ! , * . All 1'rUuto DNtiiUQ- null Disorder * of Jloti I'l-ciitiii.nt Uyiu.ill coiisultiitluu f ruu * SYPHILIS Cured for lift and tu poison thorough ! ) cleansed from the system. PILES FISTULA and RECTAL ULCERS. HYDROCELE ANT VAR1COCELE permanently nnd iucce sfullj cured. Method new nnd unfalllnir. STRICTURE AND GLEET ily uew method wlino pain or cutting Call oa ur addrn * with stamp. Dr , Scarlcs & Seirlas , llahn' l'hnrmaeit , Oiiithi . , will bond you 0 boxes of Turlilrt I.o ! > t Maiiliooit Cure with n , iltxttucl ' ? . ; ? ' - guarantee to euro ye > u of any waaknosj caused by yuntliful error * and rxccsslvu W if/ . fully stopping nlijltt cinlmluni a unliving buck the strriujtlt unit r/f/ir of youth or rotund tivorjr rent pild : to us. J\Vo do not Klvo free i > n-ncrli > ltoiui , but PKlvoyou modlcliio tlmt will euro nnd iln- L vulop nil parts fully. Sln lo boxes $1. Scut by mull , no printing on ouisldo , on ruiMilutof pt-lco. I'orTMillea TurJeliih and Penny , rvynl l'lll npvor fall to brlns tnciMtrii.i- itlonturelo Mr'ifw81 box , ( i for $5 by mull , iiuhn's I'liurmaoy. Omnlia , CtlcCotcr-i hnzuin innmonn itrano. OrlelnulBnil Only Gcnuluf * ' BAPC , ol aj rclltMe. noicsi CTIc ilrn J Drujjlit for , n"jr uj In Itrd an.l bom , icalcd wlih liluo rilikon. TuLo 'no ' other. Xefui * dangcrout * HlilUtir 'l&SlSultmltalmi. ' AitruijUliorM. la BUmrl for riirlleuliiri , IcRtlmonlals aol IlilFcT for I.nillM. " ' > ' " " I" rctnr I BI.fl. J 11,01 Mi Ts.llmonl.Il. A'am. - , c .e oil tu all Local Ortiuuu. WHITE STAR LINE Sailing from New York WedncsJnys , us follows : Drltannlc Wednesday , Feb. 5 , 16 a. in. x Majestic Wednesday , Vcb. 12. 10 a. in. Germanic Wednesday , Feb. ID. 10 a. m. Teutonic. Wednesday , I'eli. St. 10 u. m. Unltoil Btntes nnd Koyal Stall Steamers. Saloon passage , } 30 nnd upward , according to steamer selected and location of berth. Second cabin 533 , (40 on Majestic and Teutonic. DRAFTS payable on demand everywhere In Great Ilrltnln nnd Ireland sold at lowest rates. For Inspection of plnns of stenmeru and nnv further Information apply to local agents or direct to II. MAITLAND ICr.RSnV. O'l AK-I 23 H'way , N. V. 8. TRN'NY FIIRNCH. O'l W'n ' 241 SOUTH CLARK ST. . RAILWAY TIME CARD LeaveH IIIUllUNOTON & MO. HIVKIUArrlvcH Oniah'ilUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason St . | Omaha : IJcnvir Kxpress 0:35am : 4:3Spm.lllk. : Hills. Mont , it 1'uget Snd Ex. 4i : > 5pm 4:2opm : Denver Uxprcss 4 ; < ) rpri 7:0r : pm.Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) . . 7:4.'ipm : . . .Lincoln l cal ( except Sunday.ll:2iam ) : 2:4pniFaM : Mall ( for Lincoln ) dally. . . Leavi-i ICHICAQO , ItunLINOTON & Q.lArriTra OmnhillTnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Kly.1 Omiilm & : ( Hiin Chicago Vestibule 8 : ( ) . ! m 94Sam ; Chicago ItlxpreKS 4:15pm : 7:50iiu..ClllcaKO & St. Louis Hxprcss. . . 8:00.nil : ll:3Dam : 1'aclflc Junction Local S:39pm : Fast Mall 2:40pm. : Leaves ( CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. 1'AUL.IArrlvea OmalviUnion | Dciiol , 10th & Mason 8ts. | Omalm Gf : iiin Chicago Limited 803am ; l'l5am..ChlcaKo ) : Kxprcfs ( ex. Hunday ) , , . 3Kpm : U-a\e ( CIIICAOO & NOIlTIIWI T'N.Anlvcs | OmahulUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sla. | Omnlia. i llOun ; , , . . , Kanlerii l xpreas 310pm ; CISpm Vestlbulcd Limited r , : pm TiOoain Carroll 1'ansi'iiKcr ltl:40pm : G:4r : pm Omaha Chlcnso Special 8'Warn : ' 4Wpm : UoonB I/ical 9:30am : . .Missouri Valley Local 9:3' : ' > im Leaves ICIHCAOO , n , I. & PACIKIC.Arrives ( OmahalUnlon Dgpot , IQtli & Mason Bts. | Omnlia BAST. WEST. C:4pm.Oklahoina : & Texas Ex. ( ex. i _ _ ll' : ) | > in , , , . ' Colorado Limited 4:0)pni : Leaves I C. , KT , I1 , . M , K O. ( Arrives OmaltaJ Depot , 15th and \Vebater Sts. ( Oinulm 8:15am..SIouiT'city : AccoTrnnodatlon. . . . 8in"ni : U:15pm.Klou\ : Express ( ex. Hun.llSSam ) ; . . . . . . . , . , . I'aul Limited , . . . 9lOam ; Leaves I P. , K. ! & MO. VALLEY. ( Arrives 15th and Webster Bls. _ | Omaha Oinujiaj Union Deiiot.j10tli _ & Mason Rtg. | Omnlia " : . Kaiisus" City Day HXPICKS . sTjoTmi 945pin.K. ! f. Night V.x. Via U. 1 > . Tran . 700am Leaves I MIH8OUIII PACIFIC. lArrlves Qmahal Dipot , 15thand _ Webster Sts. | J 19:4)am : St. Loulu nipre s.7 , 6:00am 0:30pni : i > t. Louis Rxprvss , . 606inn ; 330i ; > m..Nebraska I > ical ( ex. Sun. ) . , , . 9:00ani : " Leaves I SIOUX CITY & I'ACll'ICArrives ( OmahaDtiwt | _ , Uth ami Wabatvr Bti J Omaha t ! | im HI. 1'nul Limited 910nm ; lA-aves I SIOUX CITY & 1'ACIFIC1 , ( Arrives OmalialUnlon Depot , , lQlh & Maven ata. ' | Omaha 7OJam : , , .Sioux City I'a sengcrion0um _ t ; | . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Limited aioOuiii ' ' I a'ves'l UNION I'AClFIf. lArrlvfs" OmalialUnlon Dtiiol. 10th & Maion Bts.l Omaha 9 > lam , . , , .K ainey Kxpmi4 , , , , , ; iij | > nt 8 : ! < ) uin Overland Limited , , , , 4iOum : 3Wim.Ileafce : & Stromib'e Ex. ( ex. Sun. ) ; Upni ) 5:45pm..Grand : Uland Kxpresi ( ex , Uun..l2:03piit ) : ; iOpm Fa.t MH | | . . . g-ioini ' Leaves I WAI1ASH RAIWAV. ( Arrlvw Onuha'UnJpn DepotJOth * eMaionSls.Oinaha _ _ | T:30pm".r.Sl."Louls : Cannon mil MlT:55uin : WILL HELP fljAIIA CREATU . . Mr. MotCAlf Talk s About the Now Call fornhfBailroad. ! l ACCESS TO AN IM0lTANT [ ? ( FIELD OF TRADE Stoi-lc Iloliirr I In | i til I > Soli ! In the U anil It IH M pVctril Unit Work of CotiMritotloii Will ll 'Klii Soon. Among the trustees ot the proposed rnli road from Needles , Cal. , to Mlltonl , Utah , I Joseph M. Metealf ot this city. In epeakln of the matter ho said that ho believed th building of the road would result In l > cne fltlng Omaha , and It was that prospect whlcl Induced him to take clock In the company Ho said that hovas not familiar with th details of the work , as his brother , who I out In that territory , Is looking after th Mctcalf Interests. "Tho construction of this road , " said Mr Mctcalf , "will gtvo through commtmlcatlo between southern California and Omaha , an I think that Is Just what wo wont. I menus that wo will recolv < > a consldcrabl portion of the trade that Is now going t Kansao City , and I bellovo that all brnncho of locnl Industry will feel the good effect of It before the road has been In operation very long time. " H Is the purpose ot the company to build . " ntnndard gauge railroad and telegraph lln between the points mentioned , a distance o 20ii miles , nnil to purchase nny existing rn'.l road occupying a part of this route. Th Nevada Southern has been secured , nnd thet are only 160 mtle-s to grade to connect southern orn California nnd Salt Lake Ctly. Abou COO miles will bo saved over thq pressn route. The capital stock of the company Is fixe at $7,500,000 , of which $1,000,000 hns boo subscribed by the corporators. Amen the Incorporators ore Mnyor William Carl son ot San Diego nnd Attorney A. II. Hotch kiss of Los Angoles. The pretwnca of thes two names on the list ot Incorporators ha attracted much attention , because It Is gen erally tolloved that they represent cltho the S&uthern Paclflo , ns n company , or Mr Huntlngton himself. IJoth are Intimate will the great railroad man of California , ant Hotchklss was for many years his attornej and right hand mntu Mr. Mctcalf said that he did not know fo whom Carlson had subscribed so largely t the stock ot the new company , but admlttei that It was commonly believed that Mr. Hunt Ington wao Interested. Ho said that \vn net concerning him , and ho believed tha It would not concern the people of Omaha , s long aa they reaped the benefit of trad through the new road. He paid that h understood the remaining shares of sloe ! wore being rapidly disposed of In the eas and that work would begin as soon as a sufll clent amount was guaranteed. 11EFUSI3 TO EXTKXD TUB TIME Oritiul Army Mt-n Do Xo ( Get the Con coNHloit DcinimiU-il. CHICAGO. Jan. 2S-\ , meeting of the Western Passenger assocatlon was held to day for the purppo 'bf considering the re quests for an extension of time on tut tickets for the Grand Army of the Republic ' encampment at St. Paul , and rates belo\ these already granted 'for the meeting of the Knights of Pythias' at Minneapolis , notl requests were denied. The Great Wosten road , which was the first to guarantee a rati for the Grand Arrtly of 1 cent per mile , wap strongly In favor of making the tickets will a twenty-day limit. Instead of thirty days , as asked by the Grand .Army. The other road ! wore against'Mt , 'and It la likely that the Great Western , niter going through the pro llmlnarles called fo/vUjfc the association agree ment , will gtvo/a-nlmo limit tot Vaf. least twtnty days on'all tickets sold over Its lines The other riada will not , however , mea : this rate , certainly not for some months , am the oflicers of the Grand Army ot the Re public say that they cannot depend upon one road. In fact , Commander Walker of the Grand Army Is under Instructions from the executive committee to glvo up the Idea o ! holding the encampment at St. Paul , "unless the desired concession can bo obtained from the Western Passenger association. The re fusal of the. roads to grant the extension waa on account of the" demoralization which they claim would result to their business If they Issued tickets with so extended a return limit. In the matter of the Knights of Pythias , the refusal to meet the 1-cent rate made by the See line was unanimous. If the en campment Is taken to Buffalo or any other point In the cast. It will not bo granted any hotter terms , and possibly not as good an those offered by the western roads. The meeting today had positive assurances from the Joint Traffic association that If olthor the encampment or the mooting of the- knights was held In their territory that no better rates would be made than liavo al ready been made by the western lines. After disposing of the St. Paul nnd Min neapolis affairs the meeting took up the question of party rates , and decided to dn away with them entirely , making , however , some provision for theatrical parties. Chair man Caldivell wan Instructed to obtain the votes of absent lines on the proposition before - fore promulgating Any decree doing away with the ratcEv Cominander-in-Chlcf Walker said after he had been Informed that the Western Passen ger association would not grant the desired extension on the tickets : "Well , that simply lots St. Paul out of It. That is all there Ib HVSI ' > 4 " 'I . Ts JM. { Xx * ; The fir Conqit red For the first tWs.jtn ( ' the history of the world a preparation has been discovered which restorcu gnjyihfllr to Its natural color without the use of.dyo. Mrae. Vale's Hair Tonlo has the inai'i-LMqfia power of giving the natural coloring -Matter circulation , consequently quently restoring t ' 'cray halra tothclr own original color. Tn ! > complete mastery of this marvelous ccmpoun'd ; 4v r the hair of both nen and women haa'cbeated a genuine sensa- : lon all over thQvo > ld nnd Its discovery has ieen hailed with endlciia Joy. ' There will be 10 more gray hair to worry over , and It will > j no longer necoinary to uaa Injurious artificial dyes. Yale's Har | Tonic will stop hair from falling In 24 hour * . It Is a positive euro for any ailment of the hair or disease of the scalp. It Is absolutely pur * and fri1- * rom everything Injurious. It contains noth- ng greasy or sticky ; haa a delightful , dell- cat9 odor and makoi the most psrfect hair drewlng known for eeneral tiro. > FOR BALD HEADS , > ! edy on earth known to make the hair grow on Raid Head . H ? sure that you get tba genuine. Ite ware of counterfeits and imlta- Inns. Make mire that every bsttle has Mme. 1 , Yale's photo on and Is labeled Mine. M. Yalo'a BxceUor Hair Tonic. All drUKKlsls. JVIco U ; also Yale's Skin 1-ood. JI.W ; Yale's Complexion Cream , } ] ; laloi Face I'o der , Me ; Yale's Ileauty Heap 25c. Mme. Yale , Health and Complexion Hp clall t , Tempi * of Ueauty. 144 State street , Chicago. Guide to Ueauty mailed fret ) . to that. The entire nutter will now b reopened , and Another city selectcil for th encampment. " When Informed tnnt the other ro d o the Joint Traffic sxUtlon hud dpclnre thnt they would not grant terms mor ? favor able th n those already made by the west ern lines. Commander Wnlker replied "Then thcro will b ? no Orund Army of th Republic encampmant this year. WP mut' have thirty-day tlckoty or we will not hav any encampment. ' ' HUT OM3 COtlllT HAS JUHISIUCTIOX \orflu-rii I'm-1 lip Miulillc Vlnnll : .Strnlttlil.-ni-.l Out. WASHINGTON. Jan. 28. Judges Field Harlan , IJrc\\cr and Urown of the suprcm court today rendereil Ihelr decision In th Northern 1'aclflc receivership case , holdln all the courts along the line ot the rend t bo auxiliary to Judge Jenkins' court at Mil waukee. This decision gives the Mllwauke court the Jurisdiction over the entire sys tern In the matter of receiverships. The care was argued before nil these mem bcrs of the supreme court sitting In chain bers and as Individual Judges presiding eve the various Judicial circuits which the roa traverses , except In the cnso of Justlc Urown of the Second circuit , who sat In th case because of the fact that the Northen 1'aclflc has largo property Interests In Ne\ York , which Is his circuit. H was show ) at this hearing that , the first creditors' bll and the forecloyuro proceedings in 1S9.T hat been filed In the circuit court for the eastcti division of Wisconsin , sitting at Mllwauke nnd over which Judge Jenkins preside ! ? . I was also shown thai hla court then up pointed receivers for the entire s > stem , wh wcro for a tlmo recognized. Afterwards the circuit court for other districts appointci receivers of the road embraced within the ! respcctlvo Jurisdictions and such confusloi nnd antagonism arose that It was fcaret the Interests "of the road would be serlouslj Jeopardized. An exception was taken to th Jurisdiction. , cf the Milwaukee court on tht ground thai the Northern Pacific had m road except a leased line within the llml of the eastern district of Wisconsin. Thl was substantially the only objection made tt Its recognition and It was Intimated nt tin tlmo of the hearing that a large majority o the Interests Involved would bo oatlsflei with the designation of the Milwaukee cour as the responsible tribunal and the ono bj which the receiver or receivers for the en tire line uhould bo designated. Justices Field , Harlan and Brewer prepared pared nnd united 1n a memorandum of con elusions as follows : "The parties In ths above cases , namely , the Farmers' Loan am Trust company , the Northern Pacific Ilnllroat company , the second mortgage bondholders represented * by Johnston Livingston , chair man , and the reorganization committee o bondholders , represented by E. Adams , have presented to us petitions setting forth the geneml history of these caiu'os , and asklnf that such order be made In the respective circuits to which wo are assigned whlcl will secure the operation , as an entirety , ol the property of the railroad company , cov ered by the mortgages In which the Farm era' Loan nnd Trust company Is trustee am such other orders In the premises as shnl seem meet ; and raid application has beer heard by us In chambers In the city o Washington under an agreement In wrltlnp between said parties that wo should do so "Wo nro ot opinion that proceedings t ( foreclose a mortgage placed by a railroad company upon KB lines , extending througl moro than ono district , should bo to the end that tbe mortgaged property may b ( effectively administered and should bo com mcnced in the circuit court of the dlstrlc In which the principal operating offices an situated , and In which there Is some ma terial part ot the railroad embraced by the mortgage ; that such courts should bo tin court of primary Jurisdiction and of prlnclpa decree and the administration of the propertj in the circuit , courts of other districts shouh be ancillary thereto. Dnt In view of wha has transpired In these foreclosure proceed ings , principally In vlow of the fact tha a portion of the line of the road owned bj the Northern .Pacific railroad was. and h now , In the state of Wisconsin , and nt the tlmo of the filing of the creditors' hill ( Ir 'which the truste'o In the- mortgage was a , co * plaintiff ) the Northern Pacific rallway was operating Its road tftrough the eastern dis trict of Wisconsin , although that part ol Its line so operated belonged to another company and was under lease to the Nor thern Pacific Hallway1 company for ninety- nine years , and In view of the further fact that the railroad company entered Its nppaor- nncc and assented to the act ol the circuit court for the eastern district of' Wisconsin In taking Jurlpdlcton , and as such exorcise of Jurisdiction has been recognized by the circuit court In every dis trict along the line of the Northern Pacific railroad nnd by all parties , for the space * of about two years , during which time many eiders In the course of administration have been entered , we are of the opinion : "That the circuit court for the eastern cMstrlct of Wisconsin has Jurisdiction to pro ceed to a decree of foreclosure which will bind the mortgager company and the mort gaged property and ought therefore to be recognized by tlio circuit courts of every district along the line ot the road ns the court of primary Jurisdiction ; and "That proceedings In the latter courts , while protecting the rights of the real creditors , should ba auxiliary In their character nnd subordinate to the proceedings In the court of primary jurisdiction. In expressing these views we are not to bo understood as passing upon tlio proposition advanced In argument Init not necessary to bo here considered , that It la competent for a circuit court of the- United States by consent of parties , to fore close the mortgage of a railroad , no part of which Is within the territorial Jurisdiction of such court. " Justice Urown signed a special memoran dum of his views , which Is ns follows : "In view f > f the doubts suggested regarding the jurisdiction of the circuit court of the United States for the eastern district of Wisconsin to foreclose the mortgage In this case and of the further fact that the busi ness offices of till * company have been and still are at St. Paul I think the circuit court of the district of Minnesota should bo : rcated as the court of jurisdiction. Hut as .ho whole object of the hearing before the lustlces assigned to the four circuits In which the property of the road Is located , Is o secure harmony of action I have concluded .o waive my personal views In deference o the opinion of my brethren , and to accede o the recognition of the circuit for the eauicrn district of Wisconsin as the court of primary Jurisdiction. " An order was signed by each circuit justice and has been cent to each circuit court in its district. The order IB ; "It Is ordered that In respect to the proceedings now being carried on for the foreclosure of mortgages on thp Northern Pacific Hallroad company , .he circuit court for the eastern district of Wisconsin Jo regarded as the court of ) rlmJry administration , and that the pro ceedings In tMu court will be ancillary In their character and In aid of the proceedings In ho court of primary administration , nut .his court reserves the right at any tlmo , ipon the application of any person or persons ntorestcd , or upon Ho own motion , to make vjcli orders and decrees as to It shall seem ust for the protection of the creditors of the illroid company residing within Its Jurladlc- Icn. " MLWAUKEE , Jan 2 < . Ii Milwaukee the news of the decision of the supreme court relative to the' Northern Pacific ease natur ally created a good deal of Interest. Jte- celver Dlgclow said : "I am naturally do- Ighled with the decision , especially In vlow if the fact that It upholds Judge Perkins n every resptct and at every point. In the eccmd place , I belovo | the decision Is of { real Importance and Intercut to a large ectlon of the country as well as of grent illuo to the property Interests Involve ! In hu road. The main thing Is that It makes no road of the entire property and does way with all the unfortunate troubles and rawbacks and harmonlzen all the Intercuts. "Yes , It will undoubtedly greatly assist IIP work of reorganization and hasten the nd naturally desired by all something that vas practically out of the question with he conditions aa they were when tlio matter vaa taken before the supreme court justices , s'o plan could be carried out successfully vlth the divided liitoreata. "Tho iccelvern will undoubtedly havu uoino important orders and changes to make Im- ncdlately , now that , they are placed In full barge of the property , but as to what tlioso rdera will bo I cannot state just at this lire , U U true there were matters we aturally desired to dispose of for the best nlerust of the property which were not done vMIe tha uncertainty aa to the receiverships. xUted , and now our way in the matter U lede plain , I cannot nay anything further at rcseut regarding plans , The receivers will desire to see and carefully read the full ten of the decision nnd rulings of the cout brforo making any move. Until then I mus be excused from discussing AO.ll.VST THIS I'.MO.V ' I'ACIIMC. Hnllirny \nrlsvnMon Cnin imnr Not l.liililr. PORTLAND , Ore. , Jan. M. After severn months spent In examining Into the account of the five receivers of the Union Paclfi system nnd the counter claims of lltctlre McNoIll of the Oregon llnlluny and Navlg.i tlon company , Judge McArthur , rcferen , h.i filed his report , which Is almost holly It favor of the Oregon Hallway nn 1 Nnvlgatlot company. The five Union IMclflc receiver ; filed claims ngilnst the Oregon Hallway am Navigation comp.iny nmountlng In the figure goto to about $500.000. contending thnt the ; v.ere receivers of the Oregon Hallway am Navigation company properties en 1 as ucl had the right to look to IloeelvcT McNeil for the funds In his hands for payment o nny deficits allslng by the operation of tin property while In their hands. This contention was strenuously oppose * by Mr. McN'elll , nnd the trust company , win claimed that tha five receivers wcro receiver of the Union Pacific system nnd only eperatei the Oregon Uilhvay nnd Navigation compan ] In connection therewith , and not as Inde pendent receivers. Inquiry at the Union Pacific headquarter ! In Omnh.t this morning developed the facl thnt noord had yet bosn received then concornlnc ; the report of Judge McArthur General Sol'cltor Kelly Is on his way to Nev York City , nnd the other members of thi legal department return ! to express ni opinion on the results of the finding. Chic Clerk Orr said that' nothing definite would bi known ot the CJM unt'l the special report o : the Union Pacific had boon received. While the first report might look favorable to tin Oregon Uallv.-ay nnd Navigation company , r fuller report might show n compromise te have been effected , or other results not np pnront In the mere outline of the report ob tained. _ UTAH'S M'W coi.n .MI MM ; CAMP MaiuimrDIckliiNiui of tin * Union lii < i1 1 II Looks 1'iMiii ' II , The output of the mining camp nt Mer- cur , near Salt Lake City , has resulted In r lively boom for that place. The little line ol railroad connecting the camp with the Union Pacific Is only eleven miles In length , but In the last six monthH has been handling r lively ore. merchandise and passenger traffic General Manager Dickinson's party recentlj Inspected the great gold camp , and the mem bers were very much Impressed with the amount of business being trnsactcd there , There had been some talk ot the absorption of this little strip of railroad by the Union Pacific. Tills will certainly not bo done until after the reorganization of the Union Pacific system , If at all. The present agreement between Utah's smallest railway and the great system of the Union Pacific is said tc bo very agreeable- both parties , and nc change Is likely In the Immediate future , However , If Mercnr keeps up its rapid rate of progress it will become a very Importanl point to the railroads In the near future. II Is even moro to Utah at present than Cripple Creek Is to Colorado. IlalUiniire .t Ohio AlVnlrn. NEW YORK , Jan. 2S. H Is stated tha ! the proposed Issue of a collateral trust lear by the Baltimore & Ohio company Is parl of li scheme to unify the entire system now being matured. The ptirpow Is to bring al the various Individual Hens now held b ) various Institutions Into one large loan running long enough to permit the management mont to carry out the main scheme. The collateral trust loan will probably amount to $12,000,000 , the larger portion of It belnf Intended to fund the existing debts and the balance to provide for needed Improvements on 'the ' entire system. It Is proposed to form the Ilaltlmoro fi Ohio Northwestern line out of the various small branches running from Plttsburg tc Chicago , nnd forming the main line to Chi cago. On this line a now bond w'll bo Issued , guaranteed by the Baltimore & Ohio , which will be sold to pay oft the company's debts Incurred by these lines. If they are now put In shape to pay off these debts ? the com pany will bo In a position to return the new collateral trust loan and get back the se curities used aa collateral for It. It is un derstood that the bonds will bear Interest at 5 per cent. Iliiril After the .Southern 1'm-lflc. SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. 28. Senator Wil liam Goebel of Covlngton , Ky. , who as chairman of the Judiciary committee ot the senate of the Kentucky legislature Introduced a bill a few days ago to repeal the charter of the Southern Pacific , has telegraphed to Mayor Sutro , asking him to Immediately send to him pertinent documents aearlng upon the actions nnd history of the Southern Pacific company In California , and the other states and territories on thlo coast In which t operates. Mayor Sutro began the agitation In this city which resulted In the Introduc- : lon of Senator Goebel's bill In the Kentucky legislature , and he will nt once forward such documents as bear upon the subject at 1s- suo. Ilalli-oiulN riot ( lie D CLEVELAND , Jan. 28. Judge nicks of the United States district court has rendered n decision which IB of interest to every rail road man. Harry O. Shaven sued the Penn sylvania company for $25,000 for personal In- lurles received as a brakeman. He was n member of the Voluntary Relief association of the Pennsylvania company , and received Benefit from It , lleneflt Involves , the waiving of the right 'to hold the railroad company lable for any Injury for which benefit is re ceived. Shaven's attorneys tried to show .lint this Is illegal. Judge Hicks overruled n notion which had that proposition as Its jatls. _ KIIIINIIH I'll o I II f lloiullioldcru ConnTn. . NEW YORK , Jan. 28. At a mooting of the holders of consolidated first mortgage jonds of the Kan&as Pacific railway hold today , at which over $0,500.000 In bonds wan represented , It was voted unanimously 0 accept the terms offered the bondholders > y the Union Pacific reorganization commlt- eo. The action taken binds all the bonds deposited with the reorganization committee amounting to $10100 , 000 , out of a total out standing of $11,000,000 to tl o Union Pacific reorganization plan , Ilnlliriiy JYoteM nnil 1'ei'itniinl * . Traveling passenger Agent Kepler of the Nickel Plato road Is In the city. Tra'vollng Pasengor Age-nt Rose of the Jnlon Pacific Is In the city for a few days. Traveling Passenger Agent nuxbtiry of the laltlmoro & Ohio 1 In the city for a few days , Chief Freight Clerk Clifford of the Union 'aclflc has gone to Chicago to attend a ncetlng of the Transcontinental association. Cabhler George W. Hush of the Blkhorn road and Mrs , Hush returned yesterday 'rom ' Sparta , WIs. , where they attended the uneral of Mrs , Rush's mother. A. S. Hillings , jr. , of the Union Pacific relght department Is nt the St. Joseph tot pita ) , stricken with typhoid foyer. His or.dltlon Is regarded as critical , N , P. Plant of the Union Pacific freight epartmont yesterday received word that il brother , Ambrose Plant , had just limn cilled near Hakersfleld , Cal , , wlillo endeavor- ng to get on a moving train. He was uoll ncwn among railroad men hero and Ms eath has occasioned much regret , n. P , Humphrey , traveling passenger agent of the Lake Shore road , who lion bean sick n a Kansas City hospital for the last two lonths , Is reported ns lielnc mucli letter , Thei operations that were- recently > erformed have been attended with go-jd esulU , and the many Omaha friends of thu Ick man hope that It will not ho long before 10 will be able to bo hero again. Pasaonger Agent Naah of the Milwaukee. ' oad said yebterday that he had rc- elved no official notification that Jilu road vould appeal from the > derlnlon of Chairman ; aldwcll In the case brought against the oca I oflleo by the Hock Island road. The illlwaukeo has the right of upprjl to the Veste-rn Paiuenger astoclatlon , but It U the cneral opinion among railroad men around own that theappeil nil ) not ba taken. Cornelius I ) , Oolil , who purchased the Dmaha & St. Louis railroad at Coun- 11 llluffa , wax In the city yesterday In onferenco with a number of speculators , 'or whom Mr , Gold Is acting In the matter s an much of a riddle as ever. A reporter f the I ) luff a who handed up lils card to the Vew Yorker with the reeiuest that he- tell for hat parties ho had purchased the road wan urprUed to read on the back of the card : 1 am acting for my elf In the matter , That a all there IH to say , " RECEIVED THE RAILROADERS Young Mon's ' Ohristinn Assoointiou Opjn House Lnst Night. GUESTS FILLED THE APARTMENTS . luilc nml (3 > iiinn' < llt" < 1'iilloivcil n Hoe-In I Hour mill Itcv. Dr. Iliitlcr nml .Mr. Itlllx Uollvcri-il U was railroad night at the hall ot tlio Young Men's Christian nsroclUloii last night nnd the men c.-imo from all the rends and finm nil branches of the roads. Office boyn tnlt'gled with general passenger agents and supcilntcndents of vast railway systems had tlmo to talk to swltchmon. The hall was filled throughout the evening and when the exercises In the auditorium commenced there was not n vacant seat to be > obtained any where. J The affair was divided Into four distinct ' , } parts and It would bo dlfllcult to say which proved the most enjoyable. Krom 7:30 : until 8:30 : o'clock there was n general reception In the parlors on the second floor. The visiting railroaders were met by ushers and Intiodnced to the reception committee , which comprised Messrs nnd Mesdames Prank W. Hills. J. II. McConnell , J.V. . Grllllth. George II. Miller. 1J. A. McAllastur. Klmor II. Wood , George W. I.oomls. Allen It. Smith , J. O. I'hllllppl , J. G. Lombard. V. A. Tucker. 13d- wnrd Hancy , T. II. Kontln. 11. S. Jnynos , J. 1 W. Mnnij. I , . A. Garner. S. A. Huntoon. W. j S. How oil. Olmrles U. Howard. C. S. Pot- tcr. W. W. Ulmsled. J. J. Woodnrd , C. A. Ttiller , C. A. Mitchell nnd Mr. Charles A. Hunter. Kollowlng the hour spent In becoming ac- eiualntcd with those whom ho did not know nnd bolter acquainted with the dignified offi cials whom ho knew but slightly , the rail road man was Invited to the auditorium , where a short but excellent program was carried out. Frank W. Hills presided nnd made the opening address. Ho rold the key of the hall was placed In the hands of every railway man present and ho was cor dially welcome nil over the building. Ho recommended the various features of the association to the guests nnd urged that thuy make use of them. Mr. Hills said that the railroads were Just bcg'tinlng to realize what n great amount of moral good such associations were doing for railway men. In many e'tlcs the railway branches of Young Men's Christian associations had their own buildings and wore nhle to work with greater advantiige. Ho said that the j railroad department of the association , i had been promised apartments In the now union depot nt Ninth and Karnnm streets. The ment'on of the proposed metropolitan depot brought forth a greaf outburst of np- plauso. The Tlmrston nines' IJanJo club played "Gcialdlno's March" In a splendid manner , ' 1 and responded to a hearty encore. Prof. 1 Cook , with two of his pupils from the gym- nat'lmn , gave some clever Illustrations ot the work accomplished In the department of Physical culture. This Interesting exhibition was followed by an address by nev. Dr. S. Wright Duller. Ho said thnt ho had only ten minutes for coal and water , as ho had Just left a motor train from the north. 13ut the number of puns and anecdotes he brought Into play were sufficient to make ono think that there had been moro than ten minutes' picpnratlon. Ho paid n great tributeto tlio railroads , telegraph companies and kin dred organizations , and declared thorn to ba tlio highest examples of progress , as well as Instruments for nn immense amount of gocd. Ho said thnt without them wo should become provincial , should know nothing ot the outside world , and our condition would be poor and desclato Indeed. Ho occasioned much lauglitor by nn appropriate reference to "that sjied down In the railroad yards. " Ho praised the men who risked their llve-i and llmba at work on the read and de clared himself strongly In favor of a ponslon system for train hands. Ho enld the tlma 4 had pass-ed when drunken , shiftless and care less employes were In chargeof trains , nnd he believed that no amount of comfort or * convenience- was too great for the men who had the running of the trains and the charge of humin freight. "The great danger of belonging to systems so vast and so extensive , " said Dr. Duller , "Is that they hnvo a direct effect on the character of their employes. A man who Is In Portland , Ore. , ono tlmo , nnd within a short whileIs transacting business In Port land , Me. , Is apt to become too wide. Ills brain Is sprend out too much. Ho Is In Imminent danger of forgetting the love , of home. lie becomes decentralized. So It Is thnt the railroad branches of these asso ciations have provided a homo for the young man. I say to you that there Is no bettor plryce for you. Come- away from the attics of your boarding .houses. 'L-eavo the pris matic colored mirrors , lireak away from the allurements that beset you all uround. and come here. Make your homo here , nnd re joice that your mother may know you era , In a place where she would bo glad to ECO you. " The Klks' quartet sang "In Silent Mead" In a very excellent manner. It responded to an encore with "Nellln Was a Lady. " This brought the exercises In the auditorium to a close. Then followed an exciting eamo of basket ball In the gymnasium. * and a recep tion In the parlors. The Oate'dty orchestra dlscourne-d sweet music during the reception , and a number of well known young women presided over the lemonade bowls. Ill Olden Tin i I'd People overlooked the Importance of perma nently beneficial effec'ts nnd were satisfied wit 11 transient notion ; but now that It la generally -known that Syrup of Figs will permanently cure habitual constipation , well- informed people will not buy other laxatives , which act for a time , but llnally Injure tha system STATIS FISH COMMI.VSIO.V. W. J. O'llrli-ii IH .Mililc Supi-rliit inl- Cllt Of IllllclllTlcN. Law May. II S , Oberfolder and J , S. Kirk- Patrick , constituting the Stntu Pish commis sion , held a meeting at the Mlllnrd last evenIng - Ing , nt which William J. O'Hrlen was elected Buprtrlntendent of the stale hatcheries nt North Done ] , to succE-sif his brother. Ho has for some tlmo been acilnj ? tupeilntondent , nnd was assistant superintendent for ten yearn. Deforo coming to Nebraska ho wa employed nt the Michigan and Canadian hatcheries , and Is considered n first class fish man , The commissioners Bay they arc planning to stock the streams nnd ponds In the uprlng as they wcro never stocked before. Dewltt's I.iUlu Early Risers the pills that -iro : constipation and biliousness. SI. JiiNt-iili OV < N Ili.liliy Mclliili- . ST. JOSKI'H. Mo. , Jan. 28. A telegram re- elvcd from President Young of the National ) & > n Hall league announces that the St. OKPph ultifo Is entitled to "Hobby" McIIalc , who was wanted by Columbus , This decision nvolvoi a niimbnr of casex where the playurs iBlmod tliBlr last year's contracts did not * oi'talu n reemci clans ? . The case was l.prpled to the board of directors of the National league , with the result stated , liecclmm's pills are for billi- ousncss , billions headache.clys icpsia , heartburn , torpid liver , dizz ness , sick headache , bad aste in the mouth , coated ongue , loss of appetite , sallow Uin , etc. , when caused by constipation ; and constipation s the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book , Pills 160 and 250 a box. Book free at your druggist's , or write B , F , Allen Co. , 365 Canal St. N.Y. Annual tale more than 6,000,000