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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1896)
I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : W43JNK9DAY : , JANUATIY 20. 1SOO. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Uncertainty Rcgardiug Amour's Position Continues a Disturbing Factor , WHEAT AVERAGED WEAKER THROUGHOUT Cnlilrn Came t.orrcr ntitl n 1'nor He tnniiil AVtt < 4 lpp reil ( Atironil with llicorllnventern HccelittN Sniiill. CHICAGO , Jnn. 28. Traders nrc still ap prehensive of Armour , nntl the unccrlnlnty tegnrdlnir his position rntiscd un Hiisottlcd aniJ weaker feeling. Wheat finally clo cil tic iowor. All the other mnikpti followed the downwnnl trnnd of wheat. Corn niul oats closed Mn lower each , nnd pork , liir.l nml ribs oil showed material declines. Wheat nvcraRC'l wr-nkcr , nnd the trade vns Black : few of the lilft operators were Oolnc mueli , and what they rtM was on both sides of the market. The Roncral fccllpK of uncertainty ca'ised many to lenvo the market entirely alone. It wan 13 n'A Intents and purpoBru a wnltlns market. Old operators were Inclined to look for a ROOU break to follow the Into advance , wli'Ie ' nany framed to feel that the conditions wurranled a continued upturn. Hut with nil the Inaction thu maruol kept nervous nnd BcnBlllve , and the trend was elosc.y xvatchcd nnd quick turns \vci-o miule. Tie ! cables came lower , the result piohably of tlui break heie ywitnnlay and a poor de mand was reported abroad , wltii the north western receipts fair. Hut the world's shipments Inst week proved "mailer thun expected , having been only .J(0ni/0 ( bu. . of which America furnlrhcd nil but l.iMCWQ bit ; the total b'-'ltiK 1,800,000 bu. less than the estimated w pkly reipjlicmonta. nut oven tlilR failed to fxcrt much Imltsoiioe , and trade drnreed , whllo the foeilng rulcil lii'ttvy. May opened unchanged at C4-tc. sold early up to from til'&o ' to 04 0 , spilt nnd fell to fi3'/c , ( hen up to C4'Jc , and at noon .was file. The market turned very wonk during theInst hour , mainly on Briiil- ftropt's repot t , which save this wor.d'n tie- crOafcla t week at only 32,000 bu. . wlieie 1.2.0 COO IU. decrease had bvon expected. May sold off to fiJ'.ic ' , and closed at that lltntrc Corn opened firm. In sympathy with the Btartlnfr strength oH wheat , tind weakened later , when thn latter turned weak. The business don * was only moderate. The opening price for May was unchanged at SO'.ic. Not much was disposed of t that , whfeh proved to be the highest price for the dav. Fluctuations were very sllt'ht all day , May finally closing at from 23Jc to ' Oats slow nnd Inclined to weakness with whfat , but there was nnly a sllpht de cline. May rpened ' , te higher at 21VJc , and Bold off to SOTsC , closing at that price. Provisions' acted In a very contrary and mvsterlotis manner. Armour & Co. were said to have been the heavy sellers whose operations were the principal source of the apparent weakness. May pork started 74c ! lower at $ , . ricc'lned to ilO.Ci ; a recovery to JIO K2'A ' was followed by a fresh decline to $10.G7 > 4" , an * It wound up at ? 10.7t ( , against J10.r > 2'4 on the day before. Lard and ribs closed ICc nnd 7fcc ! respectively below yes terday's closing prices. Estimates for Wednesday : Wheat , 50 cars : corn , 230 cars ; oats , 100 cars ; hogs , W 23.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : Cash quotations were as fiillows : FLOUR Steady ; winter patents , J3.rOiT3.CO ; straights , I2.90ii3.S5 ; Fprlng patents. J3.10Jf3.2i ) ; eprlntr stinlghts , S2.40Jf2.75 : bakers. JilO2.35. WHEAT No. S spring. GISClHc ; No. 3 tprlng , C7B 2c : Nil. 2 red , G5'5fMc. ' ; CORN-NO. 2 , 27'.i 27rtc. ; OATS-NO. 2. issflTJc ; No. 2 white , 2JH204c : No. S white. , 19820-74C. KYE No. 2. 3ic. ! ) HARLEY No. 2 , nominal : No. 3 , 253Sc ; No. 'piTAX SEED No. 1 , 93J93 Jc. TIMOTHY SEED Primp , f3.72'f3.5. ' I'ROVISIONS Mess poik , per bbl , , J10.35G10.IO. Lard , per 100. , J3.70fi5.721J. Short ribs sides ( loose ) , J3.15iT5.17V4. Dry tailed shoulders ( boxed ) . $4.73116.00. SJinit clear sides ( boxed ) , jr..23Q& . 0. WHISKY Distillers' llnlshcd go--ds , per gal. , $1.22. SUGARS Cut loaf , J5.75 ; granulated , $3.12 ; standard "A , " J5. POULTRY Market steady ; turkeys , 981120 ; chicken * . 7fl8Vic ! ; ducks. HOlZc. Thn following were the receipts and shipments today : On the Pralusj oto'i.itua tnliv the butter mar ket wai Hte.vly : creamery. 14' ' 1'JKc : dairy , lee liBt'B. steady ; fresh. )5BlHc. ) Cheese , quiet : A'OIIIC MARKET. ClOHlnw < lii ilaloiis oil < hu 1'rliieliial CoiiiiiKMlKli'M niul S'lajilen. NEW YORK , Jan. 28. FLOUR Receipts , 24,400 bbls. ; exports , 33,200 bbls. ; wfnker at the clo. c with wheat , but limits remain unchanged nnd It Is hard to do business at quotations. Minnesota patents , J3.45Q3.75 ; bakers , J2.8003.00 ; city mill patents , Ji. 1034.35 ; winter patents , J3.0303.75 ; spring , low grades , I1.85O2.50 ; winter straights , 13.4003.50 : winter extras , J2C5W3.00 ; winter , luw grades , J2.205J2.60. Ilyo Hour , quiet ; superfine. J2.25if2.75. lluck- wheat Il3ur , dull ; J1.20Q1.25 for spot and to or. BUCKWHEAT Quiet ; 3Sff40c. CORN MEAl/-Dull : yellow western , choice , 70c ; Ilrandywlne , J2.35. RYE Nominal : slate , 41 TCc. I1ARLEY Dull ; western , 38 ® < 3c ; feeding , J2tf.3 c. 1JAHLEY MALT Western. 48flGlc. WHEAT Ilcwlpts , 1,400 bu. ; exports , 300,000 bu , Snot , Hi-nker : No. 2 r d , 7G47Gc ! ; No. 1 hard , 7Gc , f. u. ! > . , afloat. Options opened steady , but weakened gradually under Increasing offer- oables , Biirlng selling , a bearish liradslicet's vls- Ibh ! supply and absence of outside support ; cloned heavy ut T4o net Ions ; No. 2 red , January , closed 71V4o ; May , 7oft7lHc , closing at 70',4c. ' CORN RfCelptH. 43.900 bu , ; exports. 12,700 bu , Bpot. weaker : No , 2 , CG'.ic. Options openwl teady and advanced on covering , but later weakened with wheat nnd tears of a liberal movement , closing % o lower ; January closed at SCUo : Mny. S5Vtti364c. closing nt SCc. OATH-Recelpts , liG,20i > bu. ; exports , 5,200 bu. Bpot. lower ; No. 2. 24ie25c , Options were dull all day , onilnn off with corn ; cKsed KQ'Aaawrr \ : January clrwwl at 2IHcj May , 25V44T85 i-lCc , clos- biK at 23 > ( e , HAY Dull : ehlpplntr , J8.00B8.M ; good to choice , J .GO j > ! 0,00. HOPS Weak : stale , cotnmun to choice , 1894 crop. 2V4 < W4e ; 1893 crop , 469c ; coast , ISM crop , IKsmSc : IMS cioji. 4fl9c. lUDES-Dull ; wet salted , 20 to 25 Ibs. . lie ; Buenus Ayrm , dry , 20 Ibs. , lilc : Texas , dry 21 to 30 Ibtt. . 9c ; Callfornln , 21 to 25 Ibs. , He. LEATHEll-Dull : hemlock sole , Rurnos Ayrcs , light to heavy weights , 21c ; nclds , 21l23c. WOOL Steady ; domcstlo fleece , Kjo ; pulled , PHOVISIONS-Ileef. strndy ; extra India mfss , $8 ; pucknl , J3.OOO9.GO. Pickled Irntn * . J8.735r9.23. l < iinl , dull niul lower ; wiflcrn steam clocied at 1005 , nominal : January , JC.05. Pork , ' stctidy , but flrm : nuea , J11.00O11.25 ; chart clear , Jll.GOtil2.GO ; family. Jll , IIUTTEH-Recclpls. 10".38S pkgs. ; steady ; creamery , 14f2lc ; Elglns , 2Ic. Eaas Receipts. 8.186 pkgs. : weak ; state and Pennsylvania , 17C17Vio ; western , ICiiClOVio ; southern. ISHGlCe. CHEKSE-RecelpIs , 172 pkRd. ; . nrm ; state , Jarge. SUClOUe ; small , 7 > iC10 > ; c ; part eklms , JKfiCo ; full Eklms , 2U3c. TALLOVSIeady : city , S S-lGc ; countri' , 4c. I'ETKOLEUM-Wrak : United closed at JI.38 bid : ruined , J7.C3 ; Philadelphia and Haiti more , | 7.60 ; Philadelphia and llaltlmnre In bulk , 15.16. IlpSIN-Qulet ; strained , common to good , Jl.GO TuilPBNTINE-Dull ; 300 o. niCE Steady : domestic , fair In extra , 3'c. ' JIOLABSES Firm : New Orleans , cpen kettle , good to cholcf. MBTAL8-P/R / Iron , Irregular ; J11,75Sfl.7G ; northern , J1Z.00013.GO. Copper , steady ; brokers , > % o ; cxchang * , J9.81VJ. Lead , steady ; brokers. 1290 : exchange , J3.05. Tin , tinner ; strulu , J13.20 B13.30. I'latea , vtendy , Bpdtcr , nomlaul ; domes- caTTONSEKD OIIDull : prime crude , JIO H'.ic ; butler grades , JOljJlc ; prime cummer yel low , ISVic. _ , 1 LIVEIlPOOL. Jon. 2S. WHBAT-Spot oulct : demand poor ; No , 2 red winter , ( g I'd ; Nn. i red tprlntr. stocks exhausted ; No. 1 hard Man itoba , 6a 7Vid ; No. 1 California , En S > Jd. Futureu opeiusl linn , with near and distant positions Ud lower ; tuflnt > < a about equally dlnlrlbut.Ml ; January , ( , 7(4d ( ; February , ! > * 7Ud : March , 7 5id ; April. May and June. 5s 7Ud. COIIN Spot quiet ; American new , Ji ! future * eptnfd t fl..r. with near knit distant 1 [ millions Ud lorvtr ; closed quiet with near posi tion * UQUd low r nnd dlitunt petitions Hd 1'iwtTj I'Uiln'M heaviest on eirlr portions : Jniiunry , 3 M ! t'ebrunry. ii M ; March , April mil Mny , > f 2Kdi Juno , it JV < ) . I'lxjUH-riiin ; demand fair ; 'it , tx > ul > fancy winter , 7s 0 > l , 1'ltOVIftONS tiacan , dull ! dtmnnd , poor ! riimderland tilt , 25 to CO lli . , t,1s Gd ; thnrt rlbf , it Hi ? . , : : ' * ; Ions clear. lliht. ; S.S to 4S lb. . , 2Ss : Ion < elcnr , li"nvy , f.3 . ll-s. . S'n Mi thort clear luitks , light , IS' lb * . , S , t Mi sh.'irt clear mid dles , I.Mvy. K Ibs. , 27si clear I'dllrs , 14 to K ll .t. , "If. Khouidrrs. square. 12 to U Ibs. , 27s , llnm , short cut , 14 to 16 It * . , 41.1. Tnllow , fine North Auii-rlciin. 2l M. llcef , extra India , "of prim * mexs , 5SS M. I'oth , pilm * mess , fine wiiiiern. Ms 3di western , medium , 47s M , Kird , Him ; [ .ilrne ucstrrn , 19 Cd ; rctlned , In pnlls , : : Oemcnil , moderate ; finest AmcrlcAn , white , 4Gs ; finest American , colored , 46" . m'TTEU-l'ltieM 1'nlled Slnto , Ml ! good , K Oll.ilTtirpi'tillnc H'lrlto. 21 . Cotlon ? eed oil , L\eriu-il : , 17s Cd. l.lntccd oil , 20s. Petro- iHtui , reitixd , f < \ . UCfltlOKIIATOIt riKKI' 1'orcquartcrs , SVtd' ndiiunrierc , 5Ud. : ll-\riIKO : POWDlCIt-Hardwood , f. O. b. , Liverpool , 17 , HOPS' At L-jndon ( P.lclflC foaH ) , 12 tf. - ! .tat durlns th5 past three days were KS.iKiO hu. , IneludlnR "l.OM centals of American ; Amerlinn corn , MWO centals. WIJATIIKK OoJdfr ; clear. OMAHA CJU.VHUAI. .MAIIK13T. Conilllliiii of Trail o niul ( I < in Simile anil Fancy I'niilncu. EOaS-Strli'lly fiesh tlii-j | , 12V4 13c. llt'T'rnit-Fttlr tu good totk. rolls. lOc ; packIng - Ing Block , tula , 8Q9c ; choice to fancy country , 1 = 5 He. VIOAI. Choice fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. , are quoted nt CWc ! ! Inrxc nnd coarse , 4fCc. CirEESE OomfEtlc btlc-U , llHc ; Edam , per djz. , J9.M ; Club house , l-1b. jars , per doz. , J3.GO ; LltnVieiger , fancy , per lb. , ll'.ie ' ; Roquefort , ' ,5-tl > . , Mr.t , per doz. , J3.CO ; Young Americas , llVic ; T\vliui , fancy , lie. B'OtmniY Ditve > l ailckens , CWTc ; diik.i , choice , SJ/loc ; tuikeys. ilinlre , IKifK'c ; geese , 7C8c. POULTRY LIVE-C. Jacobson of the Montana Poultry Packing and Supply company , quotes live poulliy nrm nnd wanted nt : Hens and young rasters ; G'.ic : old uncks. 24c ! : tuikey hem , 8l4c ; young turkey gubbli'is , 74c ! ! old Toms , Cc ; ducks , full feathered , 7ci geese , Cc. HAY UplandJ3.50 ; midland , $3 ; lowland , J4.50 ; rye straw , J4 : color makes the price on hay ; light bales sell the btst. Only top grades bring tup prices. 11HOOM CORN Extremely slow sale ; new crop , delivered on track In country ; choice gn'en self-Wirklng nil pel , per 111. , 2Ve ; choice green , running to hurl , 2'ic ; comm.n , l',4c. OAME Juck Knlpe , 7ucT1.00 ; golden plover , J1.25 ; Jack rabbits , per iluz. , J1.0Mil.40 : small rabhlln. ! cil$1.00 ; inallniil ducks , J3.50if3.73 ; r l- heads , J3.73W4.M ; eanvnshiick ducks. J3.00SS.OO ; teal , blue wlnp , J2.mjif2.2.i | : teal , green wing , 51.75fT2.00 ; ducks' , J1.7"42.25j Canada geese , tC.OOrf7.5i ) ; small gfciw , J4.JUij3.00 ; brants , J3.GO ; stiulrrels , per doz , , C0&73o. PKlKONS Live , very slow ; dead pigeons not wanted. VEORTAllf.RB. CAttLIFLOWER IVr crate , J2.7D03.00 , or Jl.GO SI. 73 per doz. CAIIIIAOE California stock , per lb. , 2c. POTATOES Fancy native stock. 30c : from store In small hits , 50"e : Coloiado stock , GOc. ONIONS Per bu. , 2.40o. 1IEAN.S Hand plrked navy , per hu. , JI.50. HWEHT 1'OTATOES-Cholce slock , J2.73 per CELERY California , per doz. . No. 1 , OOc ; No. 2 , I.K * : Ivalamiizoo , 35c. LIMA IIEANS-IVr lb. , Gc. ' WATER CRESS Per I6-qt. case , Jl.GOffl.73. FRUITS. MRXIPAN STRAWItEHIUES-None. r. l" X.L'W Yolk$323W3.GO ; choice box. Jl.DO. C ° U' ° ! . MALAGA GItAPES-Per 00-ib bbl. . , J3.GOffi6.00 ; per C , . to 70-Ib. gro-s. , J7.00Jf7.CO. TROPICAL FRUITS. Mes- 1-.25 . , lnrKC Blockn"r I'unch , J2.00 - ; medium slznl bunclun , Jl.7502.00. ' MISCELLANEOUS. elec'ST1" , - ? ' . 15 ? ! standards , 20c ; extra 4 , . I _ t bl2k' . * ! " . " " " ' " " ' " "l " " ' " * 3 ! P ° r $3.73 ; half bbl. , Callfomla , I0-lb. boxes , per " " " " " " - * . 13c ; choice , , - ' ! cac- < = . NIITb Almonds. California , per lb. , medium size. 100 ; Tarragona. nlmon < s , per 'Ib larK ? / : " ' S ° : K wklriulB % 'n- S 111. , fancy soft thell. I2o ; standards , llJli4e nbcrs. per lb. , lOc ; pcacnns. pollslied medium ; -if' lrK3' 12o : l'canutl < - raw , GUc : roasted , 70 Vie ; hickory nuts , email , per bu. . J1.75 ; hickory ' " V' Per tU" * ' 'M bbl $2"rK ' " ' ! blaclc walnuts , per DRESSED MEATS. r.JK131 " 00,011 wcslcrn steers. 400 to CM Ibs GKfiGc ; good cows and heifers 4 = , ; © 5c ; medium C3WS and heifers 4i/c ; good forcn.uar ers cow" nnd helfei-B , 3 < TOlc ; good hlndiiunrters cows and heifers , CSC c ; cow rounds. t > c ; cow chucks 3Vio ; fleer chucks. 4e4(4c ( : beef tenderloins. ' fiesli , 20c ; frozen , 17c ; beet rolls , bonelcfs 8'ic : sirloin butts , boneless , SV40 ; loin backs GHc : cow libs , No. 3. C7c ; cow loins , No. 3 , 7-1 ® MUTTON-Drc-ssed mutton , Cc ; racks , 9c ; legs , 7'Xrc ' : saddles. 7V4c ; slews , So. PORK Ditwed hogs , 4ic ; pork loins , Gc ; spara ribp. 5Uc ; poik thoulders , 4Vic ; pork shoul. dere , skinned , 4 lc ; pork trimmings , 4c : tender loins , 13c ; pigs' feet , cleaned , per doz. , 33c HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDES-No. I green hides. 4c ; No. 2 green hides , 3e ; No 1 green salted hides , 5&o ; No 2 S-r7 ? n" i0'1r'iies ' > M'5 ° i.N' ° - J Brcen Ealt ( > J hldc " I0 D No 2 i ? IV ? " c ! , > Bree" ea"ei' ' ' 'Ides , 25 to 40 llig. , 4'ic ' No. 1 ; veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. GVic- No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 4Wc ; No 1 rtrv Mint hldca , SffS-j ; No. 2 dry 'lllnf hides , G I/c ; S-L''yr"c1".e ; ' ; , ? : . ? .L ! rt cur " ' . Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib actual weight , CflCo ; dry Hint Kansas and Ne braska. Murrain wool pelts , pcr lb. , actual weight , 4 r.c ; dry flint Colorado butcher woo pells , per Ib. . actual weight , 4f < 6 o ; dry Hint Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 465c ; dry pieces nnd bucks , actual weight , 4K5c ; feet cut off , oa It Is useless to pay freight on them. TALIXMV AND OIIRA8K Tallow , No. 1 , 3'/4c ; tallow No. 2 , So ; grease , while A , 3'4c' greuee. white 1J. 3c ; grease , yellow , 2',4c ' ; crease dark. 2o ; old butter , 2ff2"4c " ; beeswax , prime , lM22c ; loush tallow , l'4c. HONKS In car lots weighed and delivered In Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ten , 12.004jll.OO ; , iry country , blenched , per ton , flO.OOj 12.00 ; dry country , damp and meaty , per ton , jc.OOOS.OO. WOOL Unwashwl , fine heavy , CJ7c ; line Hunt 889e ; quarter blood , 10ffl2c : seedy , burry nnd chaffy , SSWc ; cotted and broken , coarse , 76Dc ; coiled and broken , fine. Cfiic. Fleece washed Medium , IStflSc ; fine , HjflOc ; tub washed , 16fJ 18c ; black. So ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks , 2f3c ; dead pulled , tOCc. Funs 'Atu'iiiitiiltitloii ot Grulii StuckN. NEW YOUK. Jan. 28. Special cable nnd tclc- urnplilo ilUpatctit-rt to llmilatrcet'a rev rlne print clpul iiolnla of arcuinulutlun Indlratu lliu foli lowing chanera In available Btwkn laat Butur- day , oa cumparin ] with the preceUUic Satunlay : Wlu'iit. UnlttM mate * and Canada , cant or the Uucklea. drcrtxise. < 72 OW bu. ; aHoat Or and In Kurt - rt > l > o , IncrniRO , 449,000 bu. Corn , United Blatra and Canada , a t of the Itockleg. Increanc , 3,269,00) bu. OaU , United litati-u and Canada , cant of tlio ItockU * . decrease. 24,00) bu. Available BtDcka yf wheat haue < t na material chauga at rolntR of Accumulate tn t wrrk , other th n these nameJ In th official visible mn > < y reported , lh Inritfr Incrcnso Including SO.ot > ) tiu. In northwMlcm rlevntoro , Jl.OOO Im. t Fort Wllllnm , Kn < 1 2S.OO < ) bu. men In Mlnnrnpolli prlvnta etcvAtor * find nt Omaha. CorrenpondlnK dccronnei ! Inclinlnl 122,000 bu. In Clilcnci ) prlvnta ctcvntorn , CO,000 bu. nt IxMilsvlllo , Wc t.u. . nt New Orlrarm , nnd 49,000 bu. nt Cleveland. STOCKS AMI IIOMIS. IrrenrtilnrHjVIKI tlio Slnln Kcnlnrc of Oitrrnfloitn In Sci > iirltlrx. NIJW YOUK , Jnn. 23. IrrcRUlnrlty wnn the mnln fenture of the operations In mocka totlny , A fltm undertone wn.i In evidence , however , throughout , The eccentricity of the movement of pilcea wns chlHly nttrlbutnhlc to the pro fessional dcnlers and others , who preferred to tnke the profits nccrulnp In the ndvunee. 1. > n- clon openitors nlso nppenred to dlccount nn nn- tlclpnt l renctlon In prlcif. The ll < iulilnllon In this market following wns estltnntfd nl from 10XX ) to 15,000 shnrra. The domlnntlnir Inllu- ences In the Fpeculntlon xvcre reiwrts of denmnd ilevi'lopmcntB In the nnthmcltc conl trade of Krent Importance , ns for example , n concerted shutdown of collieries by nil of the 1'hllndcl- phln nnd New York companies , with a view to relieving the conRcsllon of the market , nnd of nn Impending advance of IK to 2i cents per ton In prices enrly In February. Olher fac tors wcn > n decided wcnknesi In the mnlket for stcrllnK 1'ichnnRp , hrlnglntt the rated down to flKurni prthlbltory of exports of gold , ex- cepl of n special chnmclcr , nnd the formal de cision of the mnjilly of holders of the consoll- dntiil first mortgage Ixmds of the Knn i 1'nclllc rnltrond , to accomplish tie : terms offeted umU-r theceneinl t'nlon 1'nclllc reorganization plan. An Item cf widespread In llnnnclnl cir cles wns the decision of the ttnltp.1 Slnles EUliretne court , giving the Milwaukee cmirt Jurisdiction - diction over the Northern 1'nclllo syctcm In regird lo receiverships. The tradeiB Ktnrtnl In enrly to effect n FUb- slnntlnl rrnctlon , but failed lo make much ImprfFslun , nnd materlnl declines wrie the excep tion. The nppcnrnnce of cuppurtlng orders In dtfTerent parts of the list soon caused a scramble to cover. In which nil of the rally I&W--CH were recovered. In the Interval between the end of the Ilrst hour nnd dellvcty time the only Im portant movements wcic In Manhattan , Hugnr nnd Tobacco. In the final hour the bullish Inllu- cnces above noted were moic fully rellectcd , the ndvnncis extending1 to 2'J ' per cent In New Jer sey Central. The grangers Improved ' ,4 to IH per ctnt ; Bugnr , J4 ! per cent , nnd Manhattan , 3 per cent. A slump of S',5 per cent nccuircd In Consolidated Gas , but was unexplained , unless due to realizing sales. An advance of 5U per cent In New Kngland , on n trnn nctlon of 101 shares , attracted considerable attention. The tinders wtre nt n JOBS to account for the move ment. The adhesion of the Kansas Paclllc con- pnlldatcd Ilrst mnrtgiiRe. bondholdeis to the Union 1'nclllc reorganization committee , nlrcady re ferred to. was followed by an advance of 2 per cent In the stock of the last mentioned com pany. The market closed sttong , with thf trad- Injc quite nnlmatrd. The upward movement In the railway nnd miscellaneous bond market was resumed today , with the Heading Issues iignln the fcattiipB en buying , attributed to Insiders. The total trnnFnctlons were tlKIl,00) ! . Govern ments were well held , except Mr the new Js reslslereil , which fell 1 % per cent on the bid quotations. The. Fnlcs amounted to $32,50) . Evening 1'ost's London financial cablegram ; Thn Rpttlpmpnt rnvnnln n further rmliifllnn In ' bid. IlOHtaii Slock ( luotntloiiM. POSTON , Jan. ! ! 8. Call IO.IHH , 038 per cent ; time lo'ins , 6X37 per cent. Closing pracc * for Htoeku , bonds and milling Hhiroa : ; Gala ut u Slltrht I'muluiii. N12W YOIUC , Jan. M. The bankers and bullion broken , who haverecently. Uea offtrlinf to supply nd carry cold .tor bidden * for the new rovemment bonds , allllnorl lares InqulrlM henrlnir on the suhjetilj V/ingle trfmiactlorn of s high as 1200,004 In ROM have been made to day over the countfr. The premiums are H per cent for buying nfliT" per cent for selling , and huftlncm today Is larger than for come time P"A , n New York Jllr ttiur < iuolntlonH. NK\V YOUK , Jan. 28. The followlnff nro the closing nilnlnequot.itlona' IliUwrr 1'J Dutnrlo 000 , tt ! ) . Crown I'olnt SA I'lymoutli . Si ) Con. Cat. A Va. . . . 230 QiilckHllvcr. . . . . . . . ISO IH-adwoml. . . , , . . 0 OulckRllvor pfd. . ,105(1 ( OouldACtirry .IlllJ SH.-rn Nnvad.1. . . . . 43 llnle : , V .Norcrone. . 1st ) stand.inl Con Iloniphlake 1'VOO ' . _ t0 ! Iron Silver , ' , ' ( ) nfV < > llow Jacket. Mexican ( H ) \\ool Alnrkvt. I1OSTON , Jnn. 23. Outside of the strength shown for foreign wools In l ondon , which tins Increased the demand of this side , the wool mntket hero Is decidedly tame , though prices are being maintained. 1'leece wools have been moderate of late , with ficnftnl offerings moil , ernte. Territory wools nrc Flow , the principal business done being ctnflned to email lots. Theic In a feeling here that n demand for these wools will soon start Up and buyers are holding off until the time comes when the lgns will show them that they will IIP forced to purchase , Aus tralia wool sales show no material change , though price * nre cottsldcu-d solid. The following arc the quotations of the leading descriptions : Ohio and Pennsylvania lleeces : X nnd above , 18018VJC , and XX nnd above , 19H02W ! No. 1 combing , Sic' No. 3 combing , 2.1iiT2lc. Michigan , Wisconsin , etc. ! X Mlchlgnn , ITet No. 1 Mich igan combing , ? c ; No. l Illinois combing , 22 < < ; No. 2 Michigan combing , 22i22i,5c ; No. 2 Illi nois comUng , 224c ! ; X New York , New Hamp shire nnd Vermont , HiHfil'cs N . 1 New York , New Hampshire nnd Vermont , 20I20'.4c ' ; dc- Inlne. Michigan , 19Sfl94e. ! Unwashed , m nil urn Kentucky and Maine one-iuuter | bliiod coinli- Ing , ISfflOc ; Kentucky nnd Maine tlnce-elKliths bloo.1 romlln , 1S5T15C ! Indlnnn and Mls'ourl rn"- qunrter blood combing , ITiflSc ; Indiana nnd Missouri three-eighths blood combing , 1'fllSc ; brnld combing. 17c. Territory wools , : Montana , line medium nnd line , IKfMc ; scoureil price , S6fI2Sc ; Utah , Wyoming , flno medium nnd fine. 10Jfl3c : scoured , 34ifOCc. Cnllfoinln wcols ! Northctn tprlng , llC'Sc ; scoured price * , 3M36c ; ; middle county , spring , Ilpl3o ; scourtd , Mii'Hc ; fiee northern , fall , 84Jllc ; eeoured prices , 2Sfi50c , Australian basis comliliig , Fuperllne , .ICg coniblnir. average. { 1/ONDON , Jnn. 2S. At ( he wool auction sales today n BDOd selection of merinos was offerid , which was hugely laken by Herman buyeis at full prices , lloth greasy and scouted wools met wlt'.i a strong demand from Krance. York- slilro l > ughl little. The American purchases to day amounted to 400 bales. The number of bales offered were 14,540. , of trhlch l.WX ) weie withdrawn , followingme the sales In detail : New South Wales , 2.C10 bales ! scoured. S'i'lW ' Is Mi gleasy , liHQlld. Queensland. 2,317 bales , scoured , tidlTis 4d ; greasy , CSO'.Sd. Victoria. 5,311 bales ; scoured , 74idf3 3d ; greasy , GUdfTls Gljd. South Australia , 1.123 bales ; scoured , Rd ls 3 > 4 li creasy. 4 < iS7M. Swan Hlver , 211 bales ; scoured. Is V-dJJls Id ; greasy , CSfSd. Tasmania. 14 lulea ; ncoureil. Is Hdffls Id. New Zealand , 2,473 bales ; scoured , Sdffls lUil ; greasy , e ; { fltd. ( Cape ( f Good Hope nnd Natal. 1,273 bales ; scoured , 7df Is 3d ; greasy , 4i SVid. St. I.otilx Ronernl Mnrkct. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 2S. PIXlUll Higher , but nillet ; pnlints , J3.G.'VJ3.C.'ij ! p.xtr.a fancy , J3.303.40 ; fancy. } 2.SOt2.Sfl ; choice , J2.Mff2.C5. V.'IIEAT Opened nt nn advance , In sympathy with Btionger markcta elsewhere , reacted later on free selling , after the market had gone. 2c below the top of the late advance. There wns considerable buying for a reaction , but the mar ket hung lire r.nd ruled weak to the close , which wns from TJc to le lower for May and U4c lower for July than yesterday. Spot , dull nnd lower ; Na. 2 ie < l. carh , CCc ; No. 2 , hard , ClV4c ; January. GOTtc ; May , C41ic. COIIN Thu market displayed considerable strength early , but later ruled weak with wheat , and cIos < U from' He too under yes terday for futures. Spot , piiyler : No. 2 mixed , caflh and January , 23',4c ' ; May , 2C14c ; July , 274c. OATS Futures , quiet and easy : spot , linn on r > nlt Mil > .mall nnitTnMllnrV ISTin * .TflnllllrV. , . HVE Firm : No. 2 , SCc. CORN MKAI Jl.MS1.3- > . , I1IIAN HlRhcr ; east track , scarce : 43',4c- FLAX HRKD Steady : 8TO. TIMOTHY SIZED Steady ; J3.OOffl3.CO. HAY Choice piadcs Felling Will ; lower craden In plMitlful supply and dull : prairie , JG.OOJJS.DO ; timothy , n.OOfi 13.00 , this .side. I3CJGS Lower ; fresh , 12c. WHISKY $1.22. et LKAD Lower ; sales , . ,3 cars ; chemical , J2SO ; 15 cars miners' bninda at < 2.77 ! ; S cars at 52.73. * ' 1'OULTUY Steady : turkeys , SJ3',4c : chickens , 7 P7'c : ducks. SVCOOo : Beese , 5T5' c. IITTTTI.TP Sfnnili" .prpnmprv' l.tin'9i' ilnlrv. 10013C , PUOVISIONS Pork , lower ; standard mess , Juli- lilng , old , flO,2Ti : new , } 10.7j. I < ard , lower ; prim" steam. 55.55 ; choice. $ S.K > . Oliacon , boxeil shoul ders , jr > .riO ; longs , JO ; rlLB JC ; shorts , J0.23. IJry salt meats , boxed shoulder , J4.75 ; longs , J5.DO ; ribs. jr..G2'i : shorts , J.73. 1 nKCKIPTS Flour. 3,000"l > bls. ; wheat' , 8,000 bu. ; cornJO.MO huJroals.r'32.0K : ( ) lm 'Ijv. . nun ' SHIPMENTS Flour , ' 7.0M , bbls. ; wheat , 21,000 bu. ; corn , 10,000 bu. ; oats , 22,000 bu. Coffee Marlfct. NEW YOriK , Jan. 23. COFFEE-Optlons opened easy , the first calls allowing a dfellne of 15if20 points , which wna Increased to 20 3 ! ; points by later selling under rorelKn prders nnd local liquidation ; closed steady at 10JJ39 imlnts net decline ; sales , 22,750 tnps. Spot coffee , Hlo , nominal : No. 7 , J13.M. Mild , dull and Irregular ; Coidova , J17.00S 17.75 ; salt-s , 700 bapa Nos. 6 to 8 Hio , spot basis , J13.DO for No. 7 ; 750 hacs high srade Santos , p. t. , nnd GO b.iffs Mitrn- callio , principally for shipment to Europe. Ware house deliveries from New York yesterday , 20- 551 bags ; New York stock today , 2&G.904 baits ; United States stock , CC2ri ba s ; alloat for the United States , 152,000 bass : total visible supply for the United States , 514,551 baifs , against 607- CTX ) bags last year. SANTOS , Jan. 2S. Quiet ; stood o\vrriBe San- Ins , nominal ; receipts , two days , 11,000 baes ; Etoel.3S3.0W bags. HAMHIIHG. Jan. 28. Irregular and unchanged ; Fales , 23.000 bags. HAVniU , Jnn. 23. Closed Irregular at lf2 ! J net decline : sales. 41.0 ) bacs , HIO , Jnn. 23. Weak ; No. 7 Rio. $13 ; exchange. 93-lGd ; receipts , two days , 9,000 l iga ; cleared for the Unltsd Slates , 6.000 bags ; for Europe. 2,00) hags ; stock , 247,009' bags. Finn lie-In 1 NotfM. ROSTON , Jan. 23. Clearings , J13,9SC,3CS : bal ances , II.222.0S ) . UALTIMOUE , Jan. 28. Clearings , J2.907.16S ; Iwlances , 5490.503. NEW YOIIK , Jan. 28. Clearings , J90.024.2CC ; > ST. IXUIS ) , Jan. 28. Clearings , J4,30S,783j bal ances , 5(01,220. Money , CRS per cent ; New York exchange , 75g premium bid. WASHINGTON , Jan. 2S. Today's statement of the condition of the treasury shows ; Available cash balance , } 17S,4CC,91S ; gold reserve , 549,573.- 574. 574.CHICAGO CHICAGO , Jan. 2S.-Clearlngs , J13.SS6.7D3 ; money on call , steady at G per cent : on time , Cw7 per cent. New York exchange , GOfTGOo. For eign exchange was lower nnd steady nt the de cline. Hankers' London sterling , J4.694.874. HrjOooilx .Market. NEW YOUK , Jan , 2S.-Tiere ) was a good number of buyers In the market , and In som - Instances much attention was given to brown cottons and clothing wrn > lens , but engagements were for frail Quantities. Worsted and cotlon dress goods shared In some demand , and In V , ' . i era Y'vro very -/nlr new Purchases. Printed speclaltlen did' fairly \vdl for high novelties , but ordinary styles were slow Print ing cloths were dull , as , usual , at from 3c to -Tie. Tie.MANCHESTER. . Jan. 23-The market for cloths and yarns Is very quiet and very llttlq business domic. FALL niVRIl. Mays. . Jan. 23. There wn n small pale of spot print cloCia today at 2Uc Mnrket nttlpt. ' rt ' Toledo Grulii TOLEDO. Jan. . 28-WlIEAT-Actlv * and lower : Jul' C'Uc January , 70Jic ; January , 67Uo : ' ' Co'ltNr-A'ctlvc ; Bteadyr'No , z mixed , 2So ; No. 3 mixed , to arrive , CCy4c-May ; , 30' c , OATS Active and weaker ; No. 2 mixed , 20ic ; May , 22c , . . HYD-Dull , but nrm : 'No. 2 cash , 41Uc. CIXVEH SEED Active ; lower ; prime Feb. ruary nnd March , H."i. . UEOEII'TS Wheat. 12,000 bu. ; corn. , GO > bu.- oats , MX ) bu. : rye. 500 bu. ; clover seed 400 baits SHIl'MENTS-nour , 1 , < WO bbls , ; wheat , H.WX ) tu , ; com , 8GOO > bu. ; clo eyseMl , SCO bae . KIIIIHIIH Cltr. JMarK-etN. KANSAS CITY. Jan-KtWHHAT-Vcry slow ; No. 2 hard , CSfiMci olM. nominallyG3O8c ; - ec"H'nonlnaly , , , , , ! ! < * " < ! 1S ; N - 2 red , nominally. 72074c ; No. 2 sprlnir , Ka bid ; No. 3 , f,8rGOc. COUN Steady ; No. 2 mixed. 23 c : No 2 white RYK Dull : No , ' 2 , 33a HAY Steady and unQuani . I'tJTTEJl-Stfadyj ' 'cr ery , 17C19c ; dairy , ' EOO's Unchanged ot'12 ' c. . , I'EOniA. Jan , 23-cOjlN-Btfady ; new No , 2 , 2C'Jc ; new No , 3. SSwii , OAAS-Kteady ; No. .2 white , J9C10'4c ' ; No. 3 white. l&Uc. - ' 4 KYB Klrm. nominal ; Wo ; 2 , 33340e. WHISKY Market ntcadx ; , nnlshed goods , on the basis of Jl.22 for liUh wine * . UECEIIvfS Corn , tt.W bus , ; cuts. 37.ICW bus. ; rys. l.Wl bus. ; whlfky.'nonelnut ; , 6,000 bus , HIUl'MENTS-Corn , M.fW bus. ; oats , 40,100 bus , ; ryv , none ; whltky , , 1,000 gals. ; wheat , 3,0 bus. _ _ _ _ Cuttoii Miirkvf. NEW YORK , Jan. 28.-COTTON-Dull ; mid- dllne , 8 Vie ; net receipts , none ; gross receipts , 2.092 bales ; exports , to the continent , 820 bales ; forwarded , 630 bales ; salt-a , 101 bales , all cpln- ners : stock , 184.00) bales. Total tixlay : Net lecelpts , 20,8Sfi tales ; exports , to the continent. 820 buleg ; stuck , 70Gfi3 bat < . ' ST. LOUIH , Jan. 21 COTTON-SI eady ; mid dling , 7 15-16c ; Miles. 1,484 Imleg ; n-celpls , 2.219 bales ; shipments , 1,700 bales ; stock , 71,783 bales. Oil Market. IinEMEN , Jan , SJ.-J'ETIlOLEUM-fl marks is pftr. LONDON. Jan. 28. Spt petroleum , 6 BW ; Calcutta , December thlpment. via , cape , 3C Cd. AVIicut Slnrkot. MINNEAIXJUS , Jan. 28. WUEATV-Wenk ; January , D7c ; May , SSIic ; July. COJic. On track : No. l hard , 67ftc ; No , l northern , K * c ; Nu. 2 northern , W5lo. , , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Very Strong Demand for the ImUfTcrcntly Light'Offerings of Oattlo , PRICES HOLD WELL ON BRISK TRADING All CJrndo.i from I'nckrr * to Sloeltrrx Ijookcil Aftrr I'tmcrly Clliiili Another A'lckcl Un 1cr lluyliiK 1'rvnstirc. MONDAV , Jan. IS. Receipts for the days Indicated arc ! Cattle. UORH. Sheep. Horses. January 18 i.bTl s,7B9 l.S'K 37 January 27 KG fl)0 ) 4H . . . . January 25 814 2.411 SS3 January 21 1,012 2,421 two . . . . January 23 1,17:1 : 3 , 28 ! ! . . . . January 22 2 , ( ) 6,487 f.i'.t 11 January 21 l.Sfll C..SS5 31 25 DAY'S DISPOSITION. The disposition of the day's offerings of live stock was as follows , each buyer pur chasing the number of bead Indicated : C.Utl'1. Hogs. Phcep. Omaha Packing Cn. . . . . . 1,1 O. Hi Hammond Co 1S1 730 115 Swift and Company 311 OS ! ) MS Cudaby Packing Co 41U C1D A. Haas IS H licckcr and Di'Kan. . . . 1,17 Hamilton & Stephens. . . . 10 Vansant & Co 17 Ilcnton Underwood U . . . . . Hccker Hros 2S3 Chicago P. , < t 1' . Co. , Nebraska f.Mty , Neb . " 91 Shippers and feeders . . . . 1C3 Left over . .jj JU200 _ JVG Totals T.fS 3,722 OSO CATTMJ For a Tuesday the run of cattle wna light , but It was f-o much better than triD t iii-iln t * f Un t tttn * -n/in tnf O nmi1f > f1 fill 11 O liberal. There were 1,671 hirnl , as against SCO yesterday and 1,001 on Tuesday of last week , The market , as whole , was lit quite satisfactory shape , Irom the seller's point of view. Afler two days of very light receipts the packers all wanted killing cattle , and the buyers were out early looking for them. For the first time In a long whllo they did not wait for salesmen to Invite them to look at their cattle , but they were around asking to be shown something. The ntnikct , as a whole , was fairly active at Btrong yester day's prices , and" the offerings were mostly taken early In the forenoon. Whllo there were no very choice beeves to put a good top on the market , there were quite a good many very handy cattle. The most of them sold Inside the range , $3.GOi3.)5. ! ) Hutchers' rtock was In fair supply , about twenty-live .loads of cows and heifers being on sale. The market opened strong , the buyers wanting cattle to drive nt once , nnd they paid good prices. As the more urgent orders were filled the market cased off and closed lower. Yesterday's sharp advance was pretty much nil lost at the last and the buyers wore talking about getting back to last week's prices. The market was rea sonably active until near the close , nnd the offerings were practically all taken. The fresh receipts of stockers nnd feeders were not very large and there were not many cattle In the hands of speculators , so that the total offerings were far from being large. The demand from the country was fair nnd the feeling on the market was somewhat Improved. Values were. In fact , strong , and the receivers of desirable cattle had little trouble in disposing of their hold- lnfr . Renrnspntntlve sales : WYOMlMn. 1 feeder 1030 3 CO 1 feeder 1010 3 25 6 feeders. . . .110 SCO 2 feeders. , . . 9SO 3 CO 1 feeder. . . . , nt SCO 23 feeders , . , , 974 SCO 1 feed.v 1190 26) ) 3 i 3 m feeders..1102 SCO 2 feeder * . . . , 850 SO ) M fwders. , , . WJ 3 CO 9 feeders , . , , 914 3 CO HOQS As wan the case with rattle , the re ceipts of hogs were light for a Tuesday , In fact very light to what they have been , Only llfty. eight loads , or 3,759 head , were reported In Ih-j yatdi , oa ogalnet C.335 on Tuesday of last week. The market opened with good light and mixed hetra In active demand on the part of rpeculu- tors nnd buyers for the fresh meat trade. Kuch hoga as nulled brought prices that were strong to Go higher , that Is , J4.1W4.20 , The demand on the part of the early buyers was limited , ami their orders were teen filled , With that the market came to a sudden standstill. The pack ers did not want any hogs unless they could get them at J4.0004.03 , and an salesmen Weie not willing to clone out at any euch llsurcu , trading stopped altncwt entirely. The buyers had the advantage of u lower provision market and lower hog markets at other points , and they reemed determined to hold out for a corresponding spending concession here. The forenoon clipped away with very llttlo belnir dona nnlde from the early tnornlne trading" In light hogs. Represen tative sules ; No. AV. Sh , Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pf 49. . , J77 120 J4 00 C7 00 80 4 05 13 400 60 4 00 CC 213 M 4 03 20 320 , . . 400 79 , , ,214 40 4 10 49 244 40 4 00 67 , . . 'tM 40 4 10 20 , . ,447 . . . 4 CO 47 347 120 4 10 C2 8C2 60 4 ( X ) M S41 120W 4 10 11 2U4 , , . 4 00 47 333 4 10 41 230 , , , 4 0) CS 277 4 10 40 312 . . . 400 12 2J3 4 10 21 iUS . . . 400 tC 270 124 4 1214 81 934 W 4 CO C4 233 40 4 K VI 910 . . . W 3 J2t 41 $ W . . . 4M 114. SM . . . 4 If. t7..joo . . . ivo n s , . . 41. . M , J17 40 400 M. . . . . . .SOD . . . I l (2 S 500 4 H 7ft : M 4 1 * ( I. . SS . . . 4 J't ' 4 :4.1 4'l ' 41 ! 4 ! , . .JiV1 . . . 4 t > t " MO U ) ( IS II 03 49 4 OJU "S > . .r.1 . . . 411 t ! Ml tO 103 H r < i . . . 411 4J ! 43 . . . 4 0.1 S-rt . . . 4 IT\4 \ 0 JtS ICO 4 M 77 SIS . . . 4M II 24J . . . 403 71 . .215 4(1 ( 42- ) 61 , 827 IV 4 M 7 * 200 40 4 W 6,1. . . J04 . . . 4 1J S3 10 . . . 4 1 73 202 . . . 463 SO 21 $ . . . 4W 30 1M . . . 4 03 SMAU , IK.'NCIlKS-l'tOS AND CtfUA 1 5SO . . . 3 S. ) 3 Srj . . . 4 K 4 SM $0 3 W t 2M . . . 40.1 5 JOS 40 S W t . . ! < G , ; . 4 ; ! ! ! . ' . ' " : . . . 4W"i . . . i * J 4 SIS . . . I 00 6 13 ] . . . J J ; ' 4 803 . . . 4 W f JIJ . - J J i" : : ' . " ' ! * ) ; ; ; 1" : ; : : ; ! : ' . .i nfo 2 ; ; ; : ; ; ; ; ! ; ; | Jw : < : so 4ms SliniVl' The market v.-ns ticllvc at uteiuly . i . _ 113 native ewes JJ ' ' * Sftleslesn welhorf , fed 1' ; J i. < 215 Colorado wclhcis , ttd 91 3 0 C1IICAI1U I.IVK STOCK. There AViiM llnritly linoiiiili CiUtle to .Mnkc it MiirUi-1. CII1OAOO , Jnn ; 2S. In caltlo thcto were hindly ( .nough to make a market , but thn de mand \uts eo light that prices wcio 110 more lhan steady , even for llic belter class of beeves. f.ili > a nere on a bnrls uf from J3.M to $4.03 for common to slilclty choice stceia , tings selllntf at fiom J3.20 to J3.C3. Thn ctockrr nnd fi'uiei' ti-nilc li fnlrly good , cales belnu r.i3 tly at front J2.80 tit J3.8J. Itutfhers' nnd cnnneio eatt'.D me pc'.llng relatively belter than good to choice K-oM-d , owing tu rather IlKht supply. I-Vw cows fell as low an $2 , and cow nnd helf-'r nales an.- hugely nt from J5.23 to } 3.Hi. with veiy frtlr rales nt from J3.23 lei J3.TO. Vi-ul calves are In smaller Kiipl'ly. ' and while com mon liitn are lower , the nctter clans continues lo full prices. Te.xns rattle are steady , with sales chiefly nt from J3.3) ) to J3.K > . Hoth looal inii'kcrs and shippers of hogs held K'irit this morning , nnd , dcfpltp the really nuaKer receipts , iirh-es were foiced dowi : from Go tu 1Dc. The market wns In every respect nti i-.ticil lefm > ( m-v * , IMA. niul lli ( * rlitftint ? WrtK X'erV bad. The day's tram actions were at nn imiee of ficm $4 10 13 J4.SO , but few sold above )4.It' ) , r.nd after tin ! early Fairs most of Hit trading \\as done nt from J4.23 to J4.55. WIUi n fnltly good local plnUEhltilns Mictp demand , prices ruled Fte.idy fir desirable dock' . Salctt were en the basis of from J2.SO to $3.75 , for tuprilor to choice unlive cheep ; yeaillitss snld at fiom J3.73 to J4.03 ; westerns , nt from J3.23 to J3.70 ; Texans , J3.25 , and lambs , from J3.75 In ; . | .8r. . Hecclpts : Cattle , 2,000 head ; hogs , 17,000 head ; sheep , 12.000 head , KIIIIOIIM City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 2 ? . CATTLE Receipts , 7,000 head ; chlpmdits , 1,400 hrad ; market weak to lOo lower ; Texas steers , ! 2:70S73.CO : ; Texnn cows. J2.103f2.70 ; beef steins , J3.iKJfl.2J ; native cows , J1.7Mf3.2."i ; stockers nnd feedws , t2.7.'if 3.C3 ; bulls. J2.21ff3.00. J4.0MH.15 ; Pigs. J3.C3SI 4.O. . SHEEP Jlecclpls , 3SOi ) hcail ; Milpments , 1,9)0 ) head ; market slow , but steady ; lambs , $3.40if 4.33 ; muttons. J2.OOg3.CO. New York 11 ve Sloi-k Slurke * . NEW YOItK. Jan. 2S. 11EEVES llecelpts , 532 head ; no Hading ; European cables quote Amer ican Stccis at Jit.OOft9.75. dressed weight ; refrlg- eiator beef at J7GOS.23 ( ; calve ? , we.ik ; veals , nrm nt fj.OOQS.W ; bain yard calves , nominal , J2.0002.50. SHEEP AND LAMI1S Receipts , 3,183 head ; market active. Sheep , medium , J3.003.2 < ) ; lambs , common to prime , J4.oOr4.3.l,6. HOtiS Receipts , 3,303 head ; market higher ; J3.4 5573.00. St. I.ouln bvo ) Slot'K- . ST. LOUIS , Jnn. 28. CATTLE Uocclptu , 2,600 head ; maiket stmdy ; native beeves. J3.23ff4.73 : stockers nnd feeders , J2.00t3.7u ; cows nnd heifers , Jl , 80513. 40 ; Texas steera , J2.50JJI.OO. HOflS'-Ilecelpts , 8,000 head ; market opened stiong , but weakened later ! heavy , f l.lOrii I. : ! . " ; mixed , J4.OOfT4.30 ; light , J3.Bi)04.23. SHEEP Hecelpts , 2.00i ) head ; market 'strong ; natlvo muttons , J2.7ff3.o ; lambs , J3.2oCI.Gl ) ; southern sheep , J2.40&3.25. Stock In lleeord of recolpls at the four principal mar kets for Tuesday , January 28 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha . 1.C71 3.7.V ) 1.JH2 ChlcaKO . 2.00 1C , I ( ) 12.COJ Kunhaa City . 7.CW 11,0.10 3,30) St. Louis . 2.800 S.OOO 2.0M Totals 13,071 38,739 1S.CC2 NEW YOUK , Jan , 23. SITQAIC Itaw , Ftendy ; fair refining. 3Uc ; centrlfuenl , Sic teM , 3Iic ; sales , 4,100 hags "East Indian Muscovado , 9 test , nt 3c ; ex ship. Hellned. quiet. LONDON. Jan. 27. RUOAlt Cane , nim and higher ; centrifugal. Java , 13s Cd ; Muscovado , fair refining , 11s Cd. Hcct sugar opened active and higher ; Jnaiuary. Us 7'Sd ; February , lus "Vid. ooasoas : § AMUSEMENTS. n The sort of reception which Sloy Irwin will receive when elio opens the coming four nights' engagement at the Crelghton with the urunl matlnso Sunday , February 2 , Is a foregone conclusion , for the advance sale of ssata has been somcthlns remark able. Miss Irwln , It need scarcely bo said , has long been Immensely popular with play goers , and In her special field of work Is ono of the brightest , most entertaining and most skillful comediennes on the stage. Her work , whether It bo comedy , song or dance , Is Invariably Invested with her own personality , which Is magnetic , droll and humorous In the extreme. In her first star tour she haa met with triumph every where. Among her records for the sea son arc seventy-iflvo consecutlvs performances at theUljou theater , New York , as well aa other prolonged engagements in several of the larger eastern cities , and a brilliant tour of California , from which she la re turning. Hopkins' Trans-Oceanic company closes Its engagement at the Crelghton with two per formances today , matlneo. and evening. Miss Ada Van Etta , the Olorlano of Charles L. Young'o company , which will present that clevec farce at Doyd's three nights , commencing Thursday , January 30 , Is a Buffalo girl who has , before and plucc her debut on the stage , been a society favorite In that city. She has appeared In comedy roles with Ilhea and othsr well known stars , and has also ployed leading emotional roles In such plays as "La Belie Ilusse. " Last season Miss Van Btta played the title role In "Olorlana" through the cast and Is now on her flrt-t western tour. Mks Van Etta la said to ba as much at home In comedy roles as In emotional parts , a'nd as she Is a handsome woman and dresses the part elegantly , an artistic portrayal of "Olorlana" is Insured. On Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday next Hwiry E. Dlxey will appsar at Iloyd's theater In the comedy , "The Lottery of Love , " The company that has been engaged to support Mr. Dlxey Is a very competent one , the mem bers having been selected with particular attention to their special fitness for the parts which they assume , This will be Mr. DIxey's first appearance In Omaha In six years. On the two last nights of next week James O'Neill will appear at the Jloyd In the llng romantic drama , "Monte Crlstoi" THIN SALLOW SKEKO frequently chew and smoke Immense quantities oli-ibacco and wonder all the tlmo why ilicn look , so bad , ( eel co mean. Try under an absolute jjuar- Enleeolbonelil and final cure , or money refunded , ( ha taking of a tingle box ot NO-TO-BAC regulates tobacco using , builds up nervous system , makes pure , rich blood. Many report gain of ten pounds ( n ( en days. Go buy a box. Try II under your own DRUGGIST'S.GUARANTEE ' , _ . _ gist Is authorized to soil No-To-Ilac un der absolute guarantee to euro every form 01 tobacco using. Our written guur- auteo , free sample of No-To-Ilao and booklet called "JJon't Tobacco Spit and Smolto Your Llfo Away "mailed for the nsUlmr. Address THE STKJtLINO KEM- , EOYGO. , Chlcu o , Montreal , Can. , N V , C3 LEFT HIM FOR AN EXAMPLE Mob Mnkcs Swift nnd Snro Work of a Negro Murdcron TOOK HIM FROM A PASSING TRAIN l'tiiri ' > vnkc < 1 Killing of n llullronit I'ltNxciim-r l y u Colored Jinn S lly Avciiwotl ! > > n Unix ! of Dotvriulneil Ulllion * . , W. Vn. , Jan. 28. Alex Jones , n ncRro desperado , hoarded a pas senger trnlu at Keystone last nlfilit. He was under the Influence of whisky and very quarrelsome. Conductor McCullough enme through the cars nnd after demanding faro from Jones , advised htm to bo quiet. The ncRro became mueli Incensed , and when nil attempt was innJo to eject 111 in he pulled two revolvers and began firing promiscuously through the train , which wai crowded with passengers , He emptied both revolvers nnd attempted to reload , but ttas overpowered by the trainmen. When the smoke cleared a\vny and the excitement abated It was dis covered thntV. . II. Slrothcr , postmaster at Klkhorn , was phot through the abdomen. The wound resulted In almost Instant death. Conductor McCullough was shot In the side , but not seriously Injured , and Peter Hlce , colored , was shot through the right breast , and probably fatally Injured. Jones was Incnrrcrutcd In the Klkhorn Jail to await the arrival of A train by which to convey him to llmiUiigton for safekeeping. The train arrived nt 2 a. m. and the olllccrs ami the prisoner boarded It without molestn- alVelch , fifteen mllca west of Keystone , and had marched to Hcmphlll , n small station one mlle west of Welch. The train was flagged and the mob , numbering 100 men , boarded It and at the point of Winchesters forced the olllccrs to release the prisoner. Thsy dragged Jones a short distance to a tree , where he was swung to a limb nnd his body riddled with bullets , the following unto being attached : "This deed wan done for the purpose of example and warning to negroes , EO beware. " Some of the most prominent and Influential citizens of this section composed the mob. Jones , It Is alleged , had killed three men prior to Ills last offense. Excitement Is at a high pitch. An effort was made by Jones' friends to res > cue him from the mob , but It proved futile. W. H. Strother was one of the best known men In * this section and had numerous friends. lie had Just succeeded 1'aul Fletcher , who was killed a short time ago , a postmaster at Elkliorn. FOHG12UIHS OX A I.AHGI2 SCALE. ( JillIK-NO KnirriivvrM I > rnvt > BxpcrtN lit the Criminal 1,1 in * . TACOMA , Jan. 28. Latest advices from China tell of the uttering by Chinese for gers , of the Island of Java , of $3,000,000 of Java baak notes. In order to get notes accepted , forged notary acceptances were nlinnrl nn Ilipm. Alrpadv CfiOO.OOO nf and discounted notes have been discovered and many prominent Chinese merchants have , been placed under arrest. Including Captain China , one of the wealthiest Chinamen In Java. It Is believed by the pollcj that tlio for geries were completed In Singapore. Kwco Cho See , a native of China , now a resident of Sourabaya , and a band of native etchers have been arrested. Sco has confessed to > having committed the forgeries , nnd Impli cates many others , all of whom Insist they are Innocent. The forgeries were discovered through a lawyer named Gcrlcke , who Is highly praised by the bankers and populace. One house , that of Tan Kim Tjlang , dlrcounted 300,000 of forged notes. Nat-h & Co. discounted 35,000 of forged noted. Other houses that discounted largely nrc practically bankrupt. MUKDUHEI ) FOR HIS I.VSIJHAXCi : . SciiNiUlonal n < > vi'lniiiittii < n In a. Kuii- NIIH Ci-lmliuil Trial. WICHITA , Kan. , Jan. 28. In the trial of F. M. Williamson , charged with murdering Henry II. Leon-ard to secure the latter's llfo Insurance , Michael Jordan , an old sol dier , took the stand and created a sensa tion. He swore that .Williamson approached him last October , a month bsfore the crlmo was committed , and suggested that he knew whore $500 could easily bo made. William son told him that he knew of a woman who hsld a $5,000 Insurance policy on the life of Lonard and that she would glvo $500 of the Insurance to the man that would kill him. Williamson then told Jordan all the details of the murderous scheme , and Jordan repeated them In court. The theory of the state has always been that William son consented to a dlvorco from his wlf tliat she might marry Leonard and under agreement that they would afterwards kill Leonard to get the Insurance on his life. MUNYON'S CURE. Munyon's Stomach anil nyspcsla Cure cures oil forms of Indigestion and Rtoinnch trcublc , such ny rlnlntr. of food , dlutross after oitlng. shortness of breath , papltatlon and all nffccllonn of the heart cauaart by Indi gestion , wind on tha Etomacli , bad taste , of fensive breath , loea of appetite , falntness or wca1tnc )3 ) of tlio Btomacli , headache from In digestion , rareness of the stomach , coated tongue , 'heartburn , sheeting paliiB of tlio stomach , constipation , dizziness , falntnesa and lack of energy. I'rlco 2C cento. Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom falls to relieve In onu to three Iiourn , and curea in a few days. I'rlco 25 cents. MunyoQ'0 Kidney Cure speedily cures pains In the back , loins or groins and all forms of kidney disrate. I'rlco 2G ccnta. Munyon'ti Vltallzer restores lout powers to yvcak men. Price $1.00. Ask your druggist fr a free copy of Mun- ron's Guhlo to Health and treat yourself at homo with harmless remedies that contain posltlvo cutcs fur all dleeancs , Personal letters to Prof , Munyon , 1C05 Arch street , I'lilladclplila , Pa. , answered with frco medical advlco for any disease. SUCCESSFUL SPECULATION. Largo Profit * Imvc IC'wnrdcd my I'ntroua My co-nperallvc plan of speculation was formu lated for the express IIUIIWBO of aiding clients In the Investment of their ppuie tuonc'tary resourced without Iho rluk which usuully allcmls specula tive transactions and at tha ramu time afford ing them like npi > orliinltlcs with thiue oponilora \vli ) have nlmM < t unllmllcd capital ut their command. HIND ; FOR PUOSPECTITH , MAILED FREE. REST REFERENCUH FURNIHIIED. 13. MORTIMER PINK. Hanker and Ilrciker. 39 lliuiidwav. NEW YOItJC. Our Free Letter Heviewlne the grata and itock market * , will bm nit yr-u dally on requett. In 111 * hope of dtstrv- Intf part of your bunlncn. Orders eollnlted for rnli or on three to five point margin * . J , R , WILLARD & CO Member * Chicago LloarJ of Tlaut , New York Produce Exchanve. New Voik Com. Htuck IS * . change. 17 Hoard Trade , Chicago. 41 Uroadway. New York. JAMES E. BOYD & co. Telephone 10H9. Oinalni , Nub. COMMISSION GRAIN , ; PROYJSmS : ASD : STOCKS - > om 111W Hoard nf Trade. Direct Tis'ia to ClilcnKO anil New York. C i-eii TKlcnH ; John A , Warren & Co. CRIPPLE CREEK COLD STOCKS Houjjht and gold on conimltulon , Jleclien * Investment Co. , Culorado Bprln a , Colg , .