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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1896)
TUB OMAHA DAILY , JANUARY 21 , 1890. SPEGIHL NOTICES. for tlicne column * trill lie tnkcn until ISiIK ) p. in. for llio evening nnil nntll H i > . in. for tlio niornlnd nnil Sninlny nlMlnnn , Ailvrrllncr * , liy riitipfl < liiK n ntim- licreil rlicclc , cnn tm > c nimwrr * ml- ilrrimctl lit n numlxTpil IrUrr In onre f The Hen. AiiMtrerfl no nttdrcntipil trill IIP itcllvcrril upon prqwi-iitntloti of ( lie check onlUnion / 1 1-Un n T ord flr l Itincrllnni Jo n tronl llterpnflor. XolliliiK tnlu-n for lens limn sra for flrnt Innorllon. The < nilvrrtliiciiicntit in tint IIP run COIIBL-CII- SITfATIOXS WANTED. POSITION AH BOOKKEEPER ; TEN YEARS' c-Tlwrlcnre : nillsfactory rffofwiwi. AiMrwII WANTHD MALE HUM' . ICO TO JIM PAID SALESMnN FOR CIQAR8 : experience not necessary ; extra Inducements to customers. Bishop 4 Kline. St. fW TO JIM PAID HALESMEN. FOR C1OAR9 ; oxperlpnco unnecessary ; special Inducements to dealers. Folk & Co. , St. Louis. * ' { > _ . K , WA-NTED , A \\\\TCIIMAKirTTOI DO nnd tnke charge of my walch work. Lot-re spend wllh R. U. Hendrlck , St. Jo " WANTED. GENTLEMAN. GOOD i > . n. k < -por nnd stenugt.ipher ; fimall snlnrj. . , It MC01I - K 2 , Bee , UPHOLSTERERSANDCOUCH M 'f'VI ' , nt..l. Plenty of work , wages tl.W ) perda to tlrst-dnss men. Address T. L. Miun. Dcveney Co. 15 nn.l IT. E. Lake slri-ft. Chicago. JII. UOCj. . _ BiALESMAN FOH mi : HUMAN DEHORNED. good sdfl line Mr li.iidwhi.- lianit-w sales man. Call or address 401 So. 141H ' WAXTED-l-'EMAMJ HEM * . /ANTED , A CURL roil GENERAL "OI'SE- worU ; Br.mll fnmlly , icferences > eiiilr | l. tnll at M2J MalidcrMou st. G MC11 U li-Oll HUNT-HOUSES. HOUSES , p. K. DARLING. BARKER "LOCK. O. F. Davis Compnny JMJ Farnam. D-126 STANFORD CHICLE COTTAGES ; 0 ROOM , modern. Hjrou Reed Co. . 212 So. " 'D ,6 , B'AND 9-iiooM HOUSES OH FARNAM AND Vioom house on 22d nnd LMyemvorlh. cheap. Jno. TV. Bobbins. 211 N. Y. Life . BENEWA & CO. . 103 N. " i-on HUNT. MODERN BRICK HOUSE OF is or 20 room nt 111-110 N. . 2JIU st. Bee J. N. Frcnri-r , opposite postoincc. Tel. K4. D-S27 i TO 4-R. HOUSES CHEAP. COS N.13TH _ STf on RENT MODERN I1OUSE : EIGHT car line : near park ; roomswill bath ; on rooms- A l o small housKoo , | location ; nnlyfc. Gan- nctt , M4 Biowr. block. _ P " FOR RENT\ NICE SOVTH FRONT EIGHT room brick hoi-se. wllh nil modern Improvements - ments und In llr t-elas condlllon ; possesslun given January 15. Imitilro on premls.s. 2C10 Half Howard street. " z" 8-nOOlI FLATS. J3.00 , 1023 N. ! 1ST. _ Douglas , modern , reduced ' ° ' 7 . mod ern. 27th. near Cumlng. reduced 9 ! . 21th'and Douglas , reduced from 7 riioms , "rondprn , 31th nml Jnckaon , reduced from J27.50 to I18TO. Also several other fine houses cheap. Fidelity Trust Company , 1703 Farnam street. D 462 FOll RENT. A NICE C-ROOJl HOUSE NEWLY papered. H 00 per month. Includlne city water , to people that pay rent In advance. 119 N S7lli ; take Farnam car , Stoetzcl , next to P. O. D tel EICJHT-nOOM HOUSn , CENTRAI , LOCATION. 115.00 per month , nnnulre 2010 Coplt lBVcniie. _ BTHAM iinATnn sronns AND TLATS. Ilownul nnnck. aBcnt , 1610 < .HOOM COTTAOn. NO 272 ! rAHNAM ST. Milton nugers & Sons , llth nml PniJiiim St FOll U12NT. S-nOOM rOTTAGH , CITY WATER I n klti-hcn , 17S3 North 19th st ; lent chcnp. 204 N ew York Llfo. _ _ D-vM-2l _ " KOII iiRNT. MY nnsinnNcn ; B ROOMS. bath ; gS l ccllnr ; referencerwUlr.M. | . JJ13 Hamilton M. H MCU ? b' roil HUNT FUUXISIIKI ) HOO.MS. KIHST CLASS HOARD AT 1010 OAVHNPOUT Btroct B-M471 Fit * ; _ f Nicn ruiiNisunn on looms ; for light hou eleeplnB. 1113 S. lllh. K M IW 25 * Ecu KT % MARY'S , FURNISHED ROOMS. liuutclcveplnff. K W3-SC ROOM FOR ONIJ ou two KCHtl'MiKn ' or inun nnil wlf < > , ICotuitzi- 1'liice , CJotHl nelKhborhii * ! , nlenrant HUrroimd- Inns. Address K 3 , llco olllce. 13 605-2S * UOOMS AMJ IIOAItn. rilONT ROOMS. WiiL : IIKATED ; TAMILY lio.iril If < ! 'ilre < l ; rates reasonable. 324 North 23d U _ _ f-7" FIRST CLASS DOARH : 1C10 DAVENPORT ST. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH HOARD. Teiins icnuonnMc. fall 2107 Douglas. F 435 0 i'URNlsTllib FRONT ROOMS WITH OR WITlf- out boanli Htmni : electric I.ells ; biithn : rales reasonable. Midland Hotel , ICth & Plilratco st. P SI533 n < LA11QE SOUTH ROOM WITH STEAM ; EXcellent - cellent table ; rcferrucoii , 202 N. mil. I' " MM7 21 * FOH Ui\T : D.\KUIlM.SIIin UOOMS. 4 ROOMS ; WATER IN KI1CHEN ; CENTR.\L ; rri ; nnalle rtnt ; nlu for houBokci'plnj. 1702 Wehster t. NICE OUTSIDE UNFURNISHED ROOMS AT S1J N. J'th it ; upalnliu. O-ii'M 31 FIVE UNFURNISHED CIIAMIIKHH VOll lunnckct'tilni ; l inun un < l wife ; water In the kitchen ; Blrel slnlc ; waste pipe , 1'1'J No , 17lli. ( J-MC12 I'-OU Hi\T STOHKS AMJ OFFICES. TOR RENT , THE 1-STORY I1KICJC DtllLDINO I at 110 Folium t. This bull'llng h a H tire- proof ccinrnt bnm < mnt , complste ntun ; heat- lag lUlui'H. water n all llaorx. ffoa , ic. Ap ply at the office o' The Deo. I 3't ! ' PAHKMBNTAT CIS N. ICTH ST. , WITII LA ROE No , 1 baku c\m , ulto ntnra loom ; KO' > ! loca- tlill for l > nKr ! > . APl < ly In I , N. W.llion , 623 K. Y. Llfa llldg. , or at ofllce of Union hotel , CH N. l''HlH. ' _ 1-576 UTORE ROOM. 30X&5 , AT G\1 N , 1CTIL HTRKET ( I'liton Hole ! Uock ) , f/V J ; with nicam lieat , J33.01) , AI'I'I ) ' to 1. N' . WnHon. 023 N. Y. Life Did , : . , or HI uillro of Union Hold , CU N. Kill t. I 57 ? AQ1SNT9VAXTiU. . AWE.NT3 WANTED TO TAKE ORDERS FOR our Cfltbialtd il.CO ciihtoin pant * and * ult > . . rhlcaco. I'.iuU Co. . 20S Tilth at * . , ChlcaKO. J-M51T FS HF..VTAL AfillXCV , J. 11 , 1'ARROTTE , ROOM U. DOUOLAS HL1C. LM 53I-P1S STORAfln. ETOItAClK , PRANK EWnilS , 1HI IIARNEY. M-131 _ _ _ ' 'l-ACiriO 6TOHAOK AND WARCHOUSE CO. , . OS-9H Jbnta. U n tul ntutaza and ( arvrardlnic. rilRNISHED STEAM-HEATED ROOMS. MOD- ' eru rur.vxTiltnce * . buai\l dj South nth. MH3 J TO II UV. LIST REAL ESTATE VITIC F. D. WHAO , aixUontrt nud ! XU UiV. K-Mm VI _ CECONI ) IIAlTb PUUN1T1IIIK , 1JUO\VN'S. 10J a. nth. WA.\nn TO nuv. ( Oonllnufd. ) WANTED , A SKCOND HANI ) 1'IIONOORAI'll with tmttery find rnonls and nil complete , nml mu l be In K l running order. Adilirs * OeorRe Bherlock , Seymour. Sin Miguel county. Colo. N M603 n' FOH SAM : FimxiTtmn. FOR BALE , THE FURNITURE OP A LARGE boarding liouso at n Largnln. II , Cl. lire. O-M556 2 .SAI.I : JII.SCII.L.VMOIS. ; HARD WOOD 4 AND 5'TOOT KKNCB KOR corn crlbblne. C. R. Le , 901 Douglas. Q-13J FOR SALE. A YOUNll , rRKSI ! MILK COW. inrl JftHf , part llolsleln. Rich inllker Cnll at 1CI6 Hurt ttrret. Q-MS-2t rtTRNITIJRE , A OAS STOVE , MATTRESS , rhnmtj r * t , Bcrixns , chiffonier , niter , tatles , hviMomiRp , urltlnR desk , look caie , every thing , 115 .So. 3th St. Mr * . Wrlsley. jiiscni.L.vxnous. EQUITY IN MY I ROPKRTY , N. W. CORNER 19th and Pierce , IWxHI. 4 hou sj nlso onf mfo nml 3 C-font ihow ca with utands. Fred Mohlc , 1B10 DoOge. UM * OS I'll. ULAIHVOYAXTS. MRS. DR. H. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT. RB- llnble tunlncss medium ; Eth year nt 119 N. ICth. S-13J "Otl'SY ( JtJEr.N" FORTUNE TELLER ; laillM. COc ; Kentleincn , Jl.OO ; lueky chaun . 1 < ! 3 Tarnam street , between 18th nml IDIh ; no lKn. S-MCO ; 20 1I.VTIIS , HTC. MADAM SMITH , 1M2 DOUGLAS STREET , JD lluor , room II. Mnssage , fltcnin , nlcoliol nml Biiltilmrlno lutha. * T 54525 * MlinT" T.AItUE ; MASSAGE ; 1617 HOWARD street. T M4SJ K15 MME. AMES , FORMEIILYOFST. LOUIS. MASsage - sago nnil Ijaths. 607 S. 13th St. , 2d lloor. room 10. T-506-25' I'lSUSONAI , . BATHS , MASSAQC. MME. POST , JlJ'.i S. 15TH. U 119 l''INB LIVERY RIGS CHEAP. ED RAUMLEY. 17th and St. Mary's avenue. Telephone , HO. HELLE EI'l'ERLY CORSET MADE TO ORDER nt 1909 Farnam. Lady agents wanted. U-MD37-J1V SUl'EItrLOUS HAIR AND MOLES REmoved - moved by electricity. Mme. Post , 319V4 S. 15th. U 850 MISS VAN VALKENHUHQH DESTROYS PER- in.incntly by cluctrlclty superlluoua hair , inolcn. wiirlt , etc. Ruom 416. N. Y. Life bid ? . U 903 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL "pllOP- my ; Btrlcily ronlldentlaL Addruss P. O. Box J20 U-142 WEDDING INVITATIONS , DURKI.EY PTO.CO. U 233-F.1 VIAVt CO. . 346 REE RUILDINO ; HOME troatme t for Indies ; physician of llftecn years experience In attendance ; consultation frre. ELECTRIC PRINTS AND PORTRAITS. J. P. BodtUcr , 102 Douslas street. U M321 Fa WONDERKI'L SYSTEM FOR MAICTNQ OLD faces yoans. wrinkles removed. 20' ' ) Douglas blk. Wrlto Mme. True. U M497 I'll * MOXCY TO LOAX UICAI , ESTATE ! . ANTHONY-LOAN AND TRUST CO. . 318 N. Y. Life. Loans nt low rates for choice security In Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omaha city property W 14 ? MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. TH2 O. P. Davis Co. . 1605 Farnam Bt. W 141 6 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. U. Melltle , Omaha , W 115 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real cstnte. Dremmn , Love & Co. , Paxton bile. W 147 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 925 N. Y. LJFEi W 143 MORTGAGES. G. G. WALLACE , BROWN BLK. W 140 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam ? mlth & Co. , 1320 Fninam. W-150 MORTGAGE LOANS : LOW RATES. J. D. Zlttle , 16tU and Douglas , Omaha. Omaha.W W 151 FARM LOANS , DOUOLAS AND SARPY. 1 TO 10 years ; low rates. Oarvin Bros. , 210 N. Y , L. W 152 WANTED AT ONCE. APPLICATIONS TOR larRO loans on business prupcrtr , also dweMnc house loans ; don't wnlt until your old loan ex pires , apply now. Fidelity Tiust company. 1702 Fnrnam St. W-M3-J2S FOR MONEY SEE F. D. WEAD , 16TIT AND Douglas. W Ml82 Fl CEO. P. BEMIS , LOANS , PAXTON I1LK F7 MONEY TO I.OA.V-CIIATTnLS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , hurses , nagons , etc. , at lo\\cst rntes in city ; nu remotal of lioads : strictly coniuiojitlnl ; you cau pay the loan off at any tlmo or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , SCO S. 1511) ) st. X 153 MONEY TO LOAN , 3tf. CO. DO DAYsTl''URNI. lure , pianos , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , BarKer block. X 134 DUSIXISSS CIIAJVCMS. BUSINESS CHANCE. LEASE OF A FINE store for dry goods : moderate rent ; e tab- llshcd business ; owing to consolldatlnt ; oir business ut Duuu'iuc , In. , e ulTer our Icmc of our bulldlni ; , runnlni ; 3 jcnia , this Is n snap for any ono \\anllnir to Eturt Into business In a srxid , llvo town. Bennlnson Bros. , Boone , la. Y M4C5 20 CBIPI'LE CREEIJ GOLD STOCKS , SAFE AND Burn ; to nnd upwuids Invejteil often brlnt , * faliu- lous unJ quick leturns by placing your orders with ihe Van Huron Investment Cu. , ( Incor porated ) linkers and brokers. COS ICIh St. . Den- ver. Coin. Y M530-23 FOR SALE , A HALF INTEREST IN AN OLD , v.i'11 Known wholesale nines , llquorx , beer , eluuis nnd toharco buxlness , In nnn of the best cities cf Nebraska , < 1 IHK n Rood , nfe bus iness ; party ownlnK Imlf Interest having other business to attend to reason for xelllng ; pur- cliubt'r may become nn active or rpeclal part ner. Address K 1 , cure Bee PubllHhlni ; com pany. Y MC02 27 FOIt KXCIIA.VGIS , WILL TRADE PART CASH AND PART GOOD land under ditch for Block uf general merchan dise fir country trade. Addrets Wallace Bios. , Monta VIsla. Colo. Z M4W ! 6' OOOD PIANO WANTED IN iiwil clly lot III Hot Springs , S , D. Adilretvi but Atkinson , Neb , / C10-2Z * . FOll SALI3 ItliAL I3STAT13. FOR SALE , WEST FLORIDA LANDS Es pecially adapted to fruits ; 577 acres with brick yunl In complete running order ; 75-horso iiawer enKliio ana boiler , new pattern snard brick machlno and pugmlll ; Pott's crushers , track nnd cars with winding diuni to haul clay from Lank , two carls nnd wagon to haul wood , sheilH with pallets for 120,0V ) bricks , one hand Kress , nbutidancu of clay und wood , dwelling ou u with six rooms , kitchen ami b.iili room. Uua.1 water nnd location. iielfocCy iH-.i'.lhy. James McCullough , postofllc * Quintflti' . tfto nu-305-t'th BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROl'- and farms. Jno , N. Frtnzcr , tpp. 1' . \ ) . RE-1J ) GEO. P. BEMIS , HOUrfES , LOT3. IRRIOATED farm landa , lenny. tW and 3C8 rnxlun block. RARGAINS , IIOU8CS , LOTS AND FARMS , al or trad * . K , K. Darllnc. llnrUer Block. IIK-1CJ ABSTRACTS. THE BYRON ItEEO COMPANY. RE-1ES HHOHTlrAXIJ AMJ TVI'BWIUTINO. A , C. VAN SANT3 STHOOI 513 N. Y. LIFH. HI itiovcins. DON'T BUY A BICYCLE UNTIL YOU liEB our 'H lint , \Vj tfll iundrle < nnd Uu repair- Ing. Al-Sar-B n Cycl Co. , 31 South 15th ticet 45J-F-1I OMAHA BICYCLE TO. . 11K.ST PLACE TO BUY blc-rrlea ; Mcyclra repulrcd. Kl N. ISth et. W7 IILOOL'TIO.V , ZULEMA FULLEtl , Sit KARIIACH lil.K . CN- ( UKtmtntj mudii fur rcuclhiRj In un-.l .ut of rlty. uoitsns . wiNTKRED ; nicfnor CAIIB horitrs , bnth winter nnd tummer. AiMrrs * M. J. Wleh Oretns. Neb M77 UMiHTAKlilS AM ) H. K. nt'RKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND ( mbnlmtr , Itli Clitcsgo t. , telephone 90. 1C6 SWANSON i VALlEN , KOl ClfMINO , TEL. IVr ) . M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM- batmer , 1417 Farnam St. , tclcphune :23. 1CS MUSIC , AHT AM ) LAXCUAOi : . GEORQB F. GELLENnECK. BANJO AND cullar tenchtr. 1815 Chicago at , 109 UIMIOLSTniUMJ KUIIXITUHK. UPHOUSTER1NO , FURNITURE REPAIRED nnd packed very cheap thli month. M. 8. Walkln. Sill Cumins. Tel. 1331. 171 HUILIUXO AND LOAN ASSOCIATIOXS. SHARES IN MUTUAL 1 * & II. ASS'N PAY C , 7 , 8 per cent when 1 , 2 , 2 years old ; always redeemable. 1704 Farnam St. , Nattlnger , Src. 1C9 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on faUns * . Apply to Omaha L. & B. A s'n , 1T04 Bee bldg. G. M. Naltlngcr , Sec. 170 DAXCIXO. NEW CLASSES FORMED FOR BEGINNERS at Mornnd's this week ; ndulls , Tuesday nnd Friday , S p. m. ; children , Sntunliy , 10 n , m. ; nrst lesions taken privately If desired ; open il'-y nnd evening ; nspemhlle . Thursday. 8:30 : p. 'ii.i gentlemen nnd Indira. D"o. M 557 F18 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 13th nml Dodge. Rooms by day or week. ICt I'AW.MIIIOICISIIS. II. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. It ST. 1C3 A SPECIALTYK& & mar , ? UTplillla permanently cured m 16 to J3 darB. You can bo treated at homo for I llio Bamo price undo-tamo guaranty. II /you / prefer to come hero wo flH contract to par railroad faro nnd hotel t > Ha , am < no cbnreo.lf vro fall to euro. If you hayo taken mercury - cury , iodldo potash , and still have nctits nnd pnlnsMucous ratc'los In mouth , SoroThroat , 1'lmpli'S , Copper Colored Spots , Ulcorn on nr part of the body , Hnlr or Kyrbrown fulling Is this Syphilitic BLOOD POISON that we guarantee- euro. Wo solicit the most obsti nate cases nnd cliullougo the world for a \vocnnnotcure : , u'hls dloa e hnsnlirnya bullied tlio nklll nf tlio inortt oiulnciit physi cians. Sf5O0,000 capital behind our nhcondl- tionnlminrantr. Absolute p"-oofnecntppnledon implication. Addrces COOK JtKMKUX. CO. , HOT Masonic Tcmiilv , CHICAGO , IM * For J5.00 llalin'ul'liiirinafif , Onm ha A'tfc. , v.111 send yotl G boxes of Turltlih J.oit Jtiinliooil Cure with a tlMlncl f/nnrniifra to euro you of liny wu.ilcnosj cnuscci by { jinilli/'iil errors nnd cxcosslvo ttrhil.-hiii , fully stopping ittuhl emlvilons bringing back tlio utrentilh tiiid vl'jor of ' , 'initli or i of iincl uvory cant paid lo us. iVo do not s'vo ' feu iirrvfrlpiloiii , but Blvo you ini'cllclKO tlmt will cure nnd cln- vulop all p.irts fully. SInilo boxes $1. Hent by iniill. no printing on outsluo , on ruuulptof price. - For T.tnllet Turkish Tantij nnil Penny royal 1'llls never fall to hrlnu inrtwtritu- ) tlotisnn-to the tiny , it box , (1 ( for 83 by i mall , ilnlm's l'liirmacy : , Oniiiha. tv&wv Sometimes needs a rcllabl ? monthly regulating medicine DR. PEAL'S . . . j PENNYROYAL pILLS , A70 prompt , safe nnd cerlnln In result. The jjcnu- no ( Dr. IVnl's ) neverdlsccnolnt. S > ntftaywhera 1.00 , Sherman ft McConne' ! Drue Co. . IfU Podge street Omaha. Net IIOTULS. MCPHERSON SQUARE , New lioiiso , centrally located , i'UHntly equlppnl nnil furnished. Cnlslno nnil m-rvlco unexcelled. HORACE M.CAKC , PROPRIETOR , \VI2.YTII I2H KOHKCAST. mill Warmer In AVi'stt-m Xo- liriinkn tilth WfHterly Wliidn. WASHINGTON , Jan. 23. Thi forecast for Friday is : For Nebraska Fair ; warmer In the west ern portion : winds becoming southerly. For Oklahoma , and Indian Territory Fair ; light , north winds. Fur lown and Missouri Fair ; colder ; north winds. For Soulh Dakota Fair ; warmer ; winds becoming southerly. For Kansas nnd Colorado Fair ; variable winds. i i-oi Wyoming Fair ; warmer ; south winds. For Montana Fair ; warmer In the east ern portion ; variable winds. Local lleeoril , OFFICE OF THE WEATHEU BUREAU , OMAHA , Jan. 23. Omaha record of tem- peiuturc and rainfall , compared with the corresponding day of past four years : 183J. 1833. 1S01. 1S93. Maximum temperature . . . 13 13 0 3G Minimum lempernture . . 14 1 H 2fi Average temperature . . . . 16 0 7 31 Prec'pMiitlon ' . OG T .15 .00 Condition of temperature nnd precipitation at Omaha for the day and since. March 1 , 1S95 : Normal temperature . 1C Kxcess or deficiency for the day . 0 Accumulated excess since March 1 . 5DO Normal precipitation . 02 Inch Excess for the day . 01 Inch Total precipitation slnco .March 1 2X87 Inches Deficiency slnco March 1 . 11.31 Incite:1 : ltfi rlH from .Station * at N | ( . in. STATIONS AND STATB OV WKATHKH. Omaha , tnowlnc North Plallo , clear. . Huron , cloudy 4hlctigi > , mining. . . . , . , SI , l. < > uli ! , mining fli. Paul , cienr , , Davenport , ruining- . . . Kunn.m City , snowing Helena , p.iit cloudy. . . , , . . . , . , ( Havre. p.irt cloudy Halt Lake Clly. cloudy 1 , cloudy HI. Vincent , clear. 1C IO Cheyenne , part cloudy , , 24 30 Wllllslon , clear. . , 30Dl RapliI Clly , clear D-l Galu' , _ . . . . , J2 IS Ir llcates trace of prrdpllnllnn. ' | > ! MV zero. L. A. WBUIt. Observer , Acts t cnce , never falU , One Minute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma and tbdt fever ish condition which accompanies a severe cold. Tha only harmless remedy that pro- dices Immediate results. TriivlH mid .tllHtrcHN In Jail , Abner Travis , n well known colored char acter of the town , and CRrrlo Freeman , n pento woman of a decided brunette cast , \\era arrested last night on a charge of ndultery. Travis U an old resident of Omaha , anil nt one time was possessed of considerable property , though most of It , uo It Is Hald , hii ! ) disappeared the last few ycurs. Travis' conduct caused his wife to npply for n divorce several years ago. Travlu has bi on living nt Sixteenth nnd Fcrt btrretM for eome t me , and him had for 111 * housekeeper Cairlu Freeman. He t-lalni thnt their frlendfhlp has always been merely of u Platonic character. Triivls flalcs that the nreaent action brought .tRiilnst him Is merely uplle work at the bands of his wlfu , and that he will pa s through the tlr uiucnthcd. QUAKER OATS The Child Loves It. The Dyttpoptlc Detnnmls It , Tito lipicitro Dotes oil It. DO YOU EAT WIFE'S ' PLEADING WAS VAIN Fink Proposes to. O htinuo His Attentions to Oilluf Women. HAS SQUANDERS , A FORTUNE ON THEM In .Tn < Ulson nnil tin- Police Arc CIUIK * Thci'i'l Tiloiil.le AVUIi- ilitl Knil. J. 0. Fink , a flno appcarlnR young man , ono who bca's tlio marks ot RooJ brce < llng and rennemcnt , and M.imle Dlxon , n woman of tlio town , nro In the city Jail. Tlio purporo of Fink's llfo appears to have been directed In tha pursuit of wlno , women nnd pleasure. Ho Is tlio relon of a well-to- do and respectable family ot Springfield , 111. , and hlg escapades have catiocd Ma people Insufferable heartburning. Ho has a pretty , young , respectable and educated fllfo living In the same city. Her life has been ono long torment almost from Hie day ot ths marriage * . Slio Is nbw tAktng steps to put nn end to It by becoming divorced from her wortlilew husband. Fink Is , or at any rate was at one tlmo , wealthy. He says that In the last few years ho has spent $30,000 upon women. AccordIng - Ing to his story ho 1ms made comiucstowith out number , and upon women ho has lav ished as much money as he could. His latest enchantress was Mamie Dlxon. Ho became acquainted with her six months ago , shortly nfterhis arrival In this city. She Is pretty , well behaved , and In police circles bearo a good reputation , as she has always avoided nrrcst and has never caused the officers trouble. Fink's Infatuation for the woman became known to his wife and parents a few weeks ago. They at once determined to tale : steps to rescue him If possible , and with that purposeIn view , his wlfu and mother came to this city. They learned the. cir cumstances of the case and at their In stigation Fink was arrested. While In Jail , the two women visited him. Their pleadings were without avail , "I will give you $5.000 In cash If you will leave this woman and come homo with us , " said the mother. The son laughed , scornfully. "Why should I ? " he asked. "I am hav ing a good time. Go home and let me alone. " The wife was more successful. She pleaded with her husbanJ to renounce the woman , return home , and llvo once more In honor. "I would not bo satisfied to love you alone , " .Fink replied. "I love women. " The wife and mother returned sorrow fully to their home , while Fink returned to Mnmto Dlxon's as soon as ho obtained his release. They wore arrested again lastsnlght. Of ficers entered the house In which the woman was an Inmate and found Fink thero. Mother HIM ) DiuiKliter flrlpeil. "I have been etposeU to scarlet fever , but I did not have It. I felt all the time ae though I was coming down with some dls- ease and wag In this way for nearly two years. I tried icverythlng In the way of remedy nnd was 'treated by physicians , but grew worse all the nme. Ono day I re- selved a circular , advertising Hood's Sarsa- parllla and resolved to try It. I purchased ono bottle and It helped mo BO much that I tcrok Jour or five "bottles , and now I am as well as' ever. 5fy mother had what seemed to bo dropsy , which baffled physicians , but sue hag beSn cured ofjths ! trouble by Hood's Sarsaparllla. " Annie f ; 'Simpson , Oskosh , Neb. irUl'HKJin COUUT I'nOCKCUIXGS. January 22 , 189G. Judgments Irt the fol lowing cases were affirmed ori llio records : Mattlngly agalnst TjItKens ; Bentley against Penney ; nbbe'rtS against Dyer ; Boone aBamst'Qonway ; Spiw1 ngajnst Mosher ; St. Joseph Iron company ngalnst C nway ; BeekhofC against Konvalln ; Colin ngalnst McClny ; Ciulwcll ngalnst Kauftman ; Amcrl- nnn Investment romnnnv ntrrdnnt TvMstpr. against Fitzgerald & MaUory Construction company , Hefereo's fees al lowed. Van I'Htou against Test. Motion to afllrm overruled. Motion to quash bill sutalned , except ns to part allowed by Judge Ogden. Lcke against Sloan. Dis missed. Sunday Creek Coal company ng-alnst Burnham ; Brown ngalnst AValrath Motions to quash tbKls of exceptions sus tained. Stevens against Kirk. Motion to quash bill of exceptionoverruled. . In surance cnsea against Buckstaff , Judg ments afllrmcd In twenty-four cases. Jansen - sen against Lewis. Dismissal vacated State ox rel Home against Holcomb. Ho- hearing denied * . Small against Sandnll. Dismissed ns to J. M. Hell. Harr against Lumnstor. Motion for Injunction overruled Lancaster county against Green. Bill of exceptions quashed. Cnlland ngalnst Hll- lls. Dismissed. c January 23. 1893. Home Fire Insurance company against Breduhoft. Motion to d s- mlss overruled. Itusseil against Lavender Oreeley County bank ngalnst Iledlon. Af firmed. Baxter against Harrison ; Farmers Union Insurance company agnlnst Camj- bell. Dismissed. Kenyan against Ayres ( all motions overruled ) . Afllrmed. Th'3mas ngalnst Carson. Error from Adams county. Afllrmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Post. Where the petition or complaint states a onu e of action" In favor of the plaintiff personally , superadded words , such a ° " " "executor" "trustee " bo "agent , or , will regarded as dr'crlpt'o ' personne merely , 2. Th * * bond required ! > ) section 1. chap ter Rl. Laws 18J ( section eg chapter 73 , Complied Statutes ) , Is' designed ns security for th'iflo ' who may be damaged through the negligence or Insufficiency , nnd poss'bly the fraud of persons engraved In the busi ness of compiling abstracts of title , 3. The plaintiff pilrdiased n real estate mortgage , rel > upon the ccrtlllcato nr- rcmpanylng an abstract of title , In V'hlcli It was recited that C , the abstractor , had carefully examined the records of the office of the county clerk , the cleik of the dis trict court nnd county treasurer ; nnd that there were of record In said offices no Hen ? upon the property described excppt as In paid abstract mentioned. Held , That C Ir not llnblo on 'Ills ' bond on account of the om'sslon from said abstract of a prior mortgage upon the propcrty conveyed , then of record In the olllcu of the register of deeds. , 1. The fact that the omission of Ur prior mortgage was tlio result of n conspfrac > between C , the abstractor , and K , the morl- gagor , nnd P , to whom tha subsequent mortgage was given. Held , Not material slnco the certificates rolled upon by the plaintiff Imparted .notice of C'a engage ment and the extent of the liability as sumed by him , Omaha Loan and Trust company against Hanson et nt. , , 'Appeal fiom Douela ? eountv. Reversed. * .Opinion by Chief Jus- tlco Post. " ' \ Where bv the terms of a promissory note It Is provided that. It shall bear Interest until mntuilty nt'a.slven rate , nnd there after nt a hlKhe ( ( | awfnl ratu , mit-H con tract Is noi usurious , nor In tlio agreement for the higher fritn of Interest nfter mn- tur.ty a mere nynnlly. 2. It Is the duly rif the court In com puting the I'.moimt-duo on such an 'Instru ment to allow Inlcrenti until maturity at the lower rate and thereafter ut the higher rate. it n i Haubrcck ngalnst Loeb. I > ror from Adams county , i , , } jllrmcd. Opinion by Chief Justice Post. , When the record presents questions of fact only ns to WMVh the evidence la con flicting , and apparently evenly balanced , n verd.ct or Dndlnari bated thereon will not bo iHrturbed by thte cptu ; , MoKlnney ognlnKt Hopw-ood. Error from niiltHlo county. - Wvwecl nnd remanded. Opinion by Judge flfiiVrlson. Where the cvldamm In n case Is sucli that hud a llndlnpr.lipen madu thereon by me jury lur piainiiu uvuuni nave ueen sutllclently eustalnpd. It is error for the court to direct a vrtFct ror defendant. Hall against KoclH. ICrror from Douglas county. Afllrntpd. Opinion by Judge Ilnr- rieon. An nbandonment cf a contract may be ef fected by acts of ono of the parties thereto - to , which nro Inconsistent with Its exist ence uml acquiesced In by the other party. 2. The evidence exumlncd nnd held , suf ficient to Fiistuln finding * ) and judgment In favor of defendant , fipffht against Stevens. Appeal from Douglas county. Opinion t > y Judge Har- rli-cn. s The- contract under wh'ch the subcontractor - tractor furnished material nnd performed labor on account of which he filed the lien nought to be foreclosed In this case , held , not KUch n v/rltten contract ns la contem plated by the provisions or section 3 , chap- K-r Cl. Compile * ! Statutes. In regard to me chanic' * liens wherein It staU-u ; "When any labor has JIPCII done or materials fur nished OH provided on a written contract , the same , or a copy thereof , plmll be filed with the account herein required. " 2. The evidence examined nnd held , to sustain the decree of the district court except to ono Item , n which particular It Is modified , nml ns modified , nltlrmpd. llfl.iklns ngalnst Slntti of Nebraska. Kr- ror Trom Ftirniu county. llevore < l nnd rc- mnndcd. Opinion by Judge Non-al. It Is error to give nn Instruction Infring ing on the province of the Jury. 2. An Instruction In a criminal case Is er roneous which hns the effect to shift the burden of proof front the stnto to the ac cused. Clnllln ngalnst American National hank. Hrror from Douglas county. Heversed nnd remanded. Opinion by Judge Norvnl , To obtain n review ot a Judgment of the district court dismissing nn appeal taken from an Inferior court , no oxccptloi Is nec essary. 2. A ruling of the district court dismissing nn appeal may be reviewed without n motion for n new trial , 3. When nn appeal from a Justice ot the pence to the district court Is taken In the time prescribed by law , nnd both parties appear In the appellate court , and without objection tile pleadings , nnd the cause Is noticed for trial. It Is then too late for the appellee to object to the validity of the appeal. 4. Ono ot several defendants , having sep arate nnd distinct defense * , may proiocute an appeal from n Justice of the peace to the district court , without Joining his eo- dcfenilnn . Polk ngalnit Covcll , 13 Neb. , SSI , followed. , . 5. When the Interests of several defend ants are insepatably connected nn by one defendant bilngs up the entire case. Supra. Uoble ngnlnst American National bank , Knnsas City. Krror from Webster county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Commissioner llynii. To a petition upon n cause of action , not controverted , where there Is attempted to be pleaded nn accord nnd satisfaction , the plea Is bad when the performance neces- rnry to constitute the satisfaction Is not al leged. Nebraska Exposition association nfrnlust Townley. Krror from Lancaster county. Heverscd. Opinion by Commissioner Hynn. In an action upon n written subscription parol evidence Is not admissible to add con ditions to those expressed In the writing sued upon. 2. Where defendant , by way of counter claim , alleges that he was Induced to make n , subscription for the benefit of a coipora- tlon upon the faith of n promise contempo raneously made by nn ngent ot such corpora tion that an amount of capital stock of such corporation equal to such subscription would be Issued to him , such stilis-crlber should nver the payment , or at least n legal lender of the amount of such subscription , before he Is entitled to claim anything by reason of a failure to Issue the stock Gould ngalnst Armngost. Krror frotn Butler county. Reversed nml remanded. Opinion by Commissioner Ilagan. The legal tltlo to property pJedgcd by a chattel mortgage remains In tnc mortgagor nnd creates merely a lieu. Mtissur against King , 40 Neb. , 802 ; Camp ngalnst Pollock , 45 Neb. , 771 , followed. 2. The tltlo and Interest of a mortgagor of chattels therein may be levied upon and sold under execution ngnlnst him , the mortgagor being In possession. 3. A purchaser at such sale Is thereby subrogated - gated to nil the rights but only the rights Mich mortgagor had to such property at the time of the levy of the execution thereon. 4. A purchaser nt such sale takes the prop erty subject to all valid liens and the rights of the holders thereof existing thereon ut ( he tlmo of the levy of the execution under which the pale was made. D. An unconditional tender by such n pur chaser of the entire debt secured by a chat tel mortgage existing agnlnst taid property , the-debt being at the time of the tender due and the tender being kept good divests the lien of the mortgage and entitles the pur chaser to the possession of the property. Tomklns ngnlnst Batlo , 11 Neb. , 117 ; Knox against Williams , 24 Neb. , < VW , followed. 0. Such a tender to be good nnd divest the lien of the mortgage In addition to the amount of the mortgage debt must Include all reasonable nnd necessary expanses which hnve been Incurred by the holder of the mortgage in tnknlg possession of tln > moit- gage property and in enforcing his lien thereon. ' The Beatrice Paper company against the Melolt Iron works. Krror from Gage county. Opinion by Commissioner Ungun. If the Judgment which the litigant seeks to have rovlewed Is appe.iluble he may hnve It reviewed on appeal or error at his elec tion ; nnd he may make such election at any tlmo before the llnal submission of the case In this court ; he may dismiss his appeal nnd stand on his petition In error or vice versa. But If he makes no such election this court will review the Judgment of the district court on error when there Is Hied with the transcript a petition In erroi. Woodward ng.ilnst Balrd , 43 Neb. . 310 ; Mon roe against Held , 01 N. W. , 9S3 , followed and reaffirmed. 2. In a proceeding In error from a decree of the dlstrict'court confirming a judicial sale this court will not review a question In- .volvlntr the merits of the original decree. Stnto' National bank of Lincoln against Sco- Jicld , 9 Neb. . 493 ; Stratton against Relsdorph , , 33 Neb. , 311 ; Omaha Loan and Trust com pany ngnlnst Hnmer , * 40 Neb. , 281 , followed and realHrmed. 3. The district courts of this state have authority to control their process nnd for sufficient reason may recall an execution or order of sale nnd set aside an appraisement of property made thereunder. 4. The fact that all the property made liable by a decree Ig not described In the execution or order of sale Issued Is suffi cient reason to authorize the district court to recall the order of sale and set aslac the appraisement made thereunder. 6. In a suit In equity , where the decree has been entered and the case is still on the docket pending proceedings to sell the prop erty , all of the parties to the cafe , In the absence of a rule on the subject , arc bound to take notice of all tlio orders entered and stepi taken by the court in the case In term time , which do not affect the original de cree. C ; The constitutionality of the net passed nnd approved February 25 , 1875 session laws of 1875 , chapter xxxviil bv which section 49S of the Code of Civil Procedure was so amended as to confer authority upon the district judge sitting in chambers to confirm ludiclnl sale ? , IF no longer nn open question in this court. Mc.Murtry against Tuttle , 13 Neb. , 232 , reaffirmed. The act passed and approved March 2 , 1881 chapter xlvl. session laws. 1SS1 does not repeal .any part of section 498 of the Codeof Civil Procedure , nor repeal section 39 of the uct passed and approved February 27. 1879 session laws of 1S79. chapter Ixxxll but fjild laws should all be construed to gether. 8. A statute will not bo construed ns re pealing by Implication another statute un less the repugnancy between the two IH plain and unavoidable. Lawton against Gib son , 18 Neb. , 137. _ _ ScliiiNtiiiiol AViiH Not For it was taken by assault , but a phyalque Jjiillt up , a constitution , fortllled by Hostel ler's Stomach Bitters , may bid defiance to the assaults of malarious disease even In localities where It ! s most prevalent and malignant. emigrants to the plague-breeding sections of the west should bear this ) in mind , and start with a supply. The 131 tiers promptly sub dues dyspepsia , rheumatic and kidney com plaints , nervousness , constipation and bilious- ness. _ AV13STKHX PI3.VSIO.VS. Voter n UN of tin * ! , ( < Wur lli'iiiom- ln-rril ! ' tiniciicrnl ( iovrriimcnr. WASHINGTON , Jan. 23.-(8peclnl.-l ( ) > en- slons granted , IHSIIO of January 7 , were ; Nebraska ; Original John J. Wetzcl , Hor- nce , Greeley ; Robert V. Wnlpolc , Klule , Per kins ; Random Walker , Utlca , Soward. In crease David M. White , Aurora , Hamilton , Original widow Catherine JlcPherson , Km- ernon , Dlxon. Iowa : Original Thomas Achton , Adel , Dallas ; William T. Hialt. Lynnvllle. Jasper , Tlionutft W. Wilson , Knlrfleld , Jefferson. Inciense William S , Bellows , Ladora , lowu ; Manuel Achun , Keokuk , Lee ; David Newman - man , Newbern , Marlon , Rolssue Henry Ilurgesit , Ames , Story ; John L. Gray , Des Molnes , Polk. Original widow Sarah Morse , Marble Rock , Floyd. Colorado : Oriclnal James E. Rico , Den ver , Arapahoc ; Sylvanus C. MeLeon , Denver Mills , Arapahoa illcnjamln 8. Winder , Trini dad , Lai Anlmas. Issue of January 6 were. Nebraska : Orlglna' John A. Fleming , Kearney , Buffalo ; Charles K. Oard. Omaha. Douglas. Or'glnal widows , etc. Sarah K , Spearman , Springfield , Barpy ; Cordelia AV Harmon , Omaha , Douglas. Iowa : Original Cyrus A. Wood , Moravia , Appanoose : Ormond N. Hopkins , Elgin , Fnyette. Reissue William II. Covey , Ot- tumwa , Wupel'.o. Original widows , etc Minors of John T. Mathews , Villlsca , Montgomery - gomery , South Dakota : Original William Wlnn , Piedmont , Meode ; Hollensworth Lowe , Hot Springs , Fall River. Colorado : Original widow Emma , V Thomas , Monte. Vleta , Rio Grande , A , Q. Hartley of Magic , Pa. , writes ; "I feel It a duty of m'.np to Inform you and the public that Hewitt's Witch Hazel salvo cured me of a very bad case of eczema. It cured my boy of a running sore on hla I SUCH for MimeKxiiciiitrd , Alexander McDonnell has commenced suit In the county court to recover $1,000 from John Warlear , for the cupport of Warlear's \Ufo. It Is charged In the petition that War- lear drove his wife from home on Juno 1C , 18S9 , slnco which tlmo she has made her homo with McDonnell. She has been pro vided with the necessaries of llfo by Mc Donnell , eo he alleges , and he asks the court to compel Warlear to reimburse him for the money ho has expended for this purpose dur ing the just four years , not making any claim for the period previous to that time. Piles of people have piles , but Dewltt'l Witch Hazel Salvo will euro them. BERoCASE WILL BE DISMISSED Mrs. Ish Will Not Bo Brought to Trial. COUNTY ATTORNEY TALKS ABOUT IT Xi' or TlioiiKltf Tlior % AVim Stilllolont ooto XVnrriiiit Hit * nf Murder : \o 1'oMer to Hold County Attorney Ualdrlge Is authority for the statement that the case against Mrs. Mabel l h , charged with the murder of Wil liam It. Chappie , will be dismissed. Mr. Dnlilrtgo declined to make a point blank state ment to this effect , but ho said that ho did not see anything clso to do In the case. Ho said the case ngalnst Ish was far the stronger of the two and ho had been very dubious as to the result of n trial In his case. With nil of the principal witnesses for the state beyond the jurisdiction ot the court , the county ntlorncy said that lie did not think there was sufficient ground to hope for a conviction In the case ngalnsl Mrs. Ish. Under Ihese clrcumslaiices Hie predic tion la freely made by those who have been watching the case , thai ono of the first things done hi the opening of thu ncxl lerni ot court will be the dismissing ot the case acalnst Mrs , Ish. The county attorney wag asked why It was thai his witnesses were allowed to gel away and why they were not bound over to appear and give evidence In this case as had been frequently done In cases of miner Importance. Mr. Haltlr'ge. said tliul this question had been fully Investigated and It had been found thai tlio district court hnd no power to bind , wltncsje * to appear , neither did It have any power to put wit nesses In jail In default of bond. He said Jio hid not been In any degree derelict In his duly In allowing llicso witnesses to get out of his reach , and lie regretted thai they had done so , but ho thought as much had boon accomplished by getting a plea of guilty of manslaughter from Ish as could bavo been accomplished by a trial. Mr. UaldrlgD also made tha statement that the Information ngalnst Mrs , Ish had been filed by order of Judge Scott and that ho ( Ualdrlge ) did not think at the tlmo thai Ihoro wasisulllclent evidence to warrant that action , or ho should have taken It of his own accord In the first place. Ill OIlltMl TllUCB People overlooked the Importance of perma nently beneficial effects and were satisfied wltn transient action ; but now that It Is generally known thai Syrup of Figs will permanently cure habitual constipation , wcll- Intormed pcoplo will not buy other laxatives , which act for a time , but finally injure the syslem SOUTH OMAHA NEWS Gccocecceececccooeocnceecco General satisfaction was evpresp d yester day by the councllmcn and others Interested regarding the manner In which the Injunc tion suit between the city and the American Water Works company was settled. Attor neys for the city were confident all the time that the injunction would nol hold , as Ihc clly charier provides that the council may from tlmo lo lime regulate Ihc rales to be charged by the water company. Another point raised by City Attorney Lambert was thai the courts could not enjoin a legislative body. Should the case have gone ibefore- one of the United States Judge ; ' , as was ex pected , the legal representatives expected to win the case * and have the injunction dis solved. The ordinance regulating thu water rates will bo Introduced at the next meeting and probably will be passed under a sus pension of Hie rules. DemoerntH and Otlu'rn Con for. A certain faction of the democrats held a qulel little caucus yesterday and fixed up the following slate for the spring election : T. H. Ensor for mayor. Ed Johnston for city treasurer , John J. Uyan for city clerk. Dr. Ensor Is willing to run providing he gets the nomination. Johnston still Insists that ho will not be a candidate for any olllco , but persons who claim to know say thai John- slon Is talking for effect , and thai when the time comes ho will gel out and hustle for the office. John Ryan wanted to be city treasurer when Hector stepped out. If Mr. Hector had resigned Ryan had plans all made to be appointed to the vacancy , and expected to bo elected by the dcmocratb in llio spring. The way the slate Is made up Ryan gets the city clerk's olllce. Jos Maly , the present city clerk , has announced himself as a candidate for re-election. The republican slate as now madeup puts J. U. Smiley In the mayor's chair , Al Car penter In the clfrk's office , and Pat Hughes * In the treasurer's ofllce. Gllchrist may carry llio convention In spite ot Smiley , however , bill Pat Hughes feels confident of winning It Is expected thai Die republicans will Iiavc a fight over councllmeii In llio First and Third wards. On the slate Whittlebuy has been named to represenl the Fourth ward in the council. The Second ward will , It Is expected , unite on some prominent Bo hemian. Of the councllmen whose terms ex pire In April , Henry Mies is the only one who docs not want any ofllco this time. . He says ho will lay off for a year , and then Iry and get elected from the Second ward. Walters nnd Dulla would not objecl to suc ceeding themselves In the council. Three members of the Hoard of Education are to bo elected , W , B. Check thinks he ought to be sent back for another term Ilagan would like to be re-elected also. The campaign promises to commence early , and It Is predicted that slates made up now will be broken and fixed over a dozen times before election day. CKy f Richard Allberry of Illalr Is visiting rela tives In the city. J , A. Ollls of Ord , Neb. , was In the city yesterday looking after some property. J" W. Pence of Grand Island was n visitor at the stock yards yebterday afternoon. The King's Daughters were entertained by Mrs , Sclilndol , Twenty-third and K t'treeU ' , yesterday afternoon. Yesterday's feeder shipments , thirty-eight cars , were thn largest since January 2 , when fifly-lwo cars , were SHU out , half of them to eastern distilleries. The King's Daughters will hnvo entire charge of Seykora'H ' drug etoro , Twenty- fourth and N streets , on February II and the proceeds will go tonard the good work of the King's Daughters , George Schmltz has asked the police to hunt up and arrest George T , Mason , who lie claims sold a set of harness to a colored man named Myeri * for $5 and neglected tn lurn the money Into Schmltz's office , The police ray that JHsnn has skipped. Myon refuses tn give up the harness unless Sc'.im.t ' ? returns the price paid. Mason was the agent of Schmltx at the tlme > the tulc was mad ! nd a warrant for breach ot trust may ha aworn out today. J. W , Iloj-d ot Module ) , In. , was nt tin stock yards yesterday wllh three c.irloads ot cattle. Mr. lloyd is an extensive cnttla chipper nnd of late has been shipping to thli market. Hn appears to bo well pleased with the treatmenl accorded by the commission men nnd the flock yards managers and will ship more cattle hero soon. | AMUSEMENTS. | ccccccccccccccccccccecoccca This Is a great and memorable week tot old Ireland , when Mr. John Kcrncll nnd Mr. Daniel Sully divide the tlmo between them upon a single stage. Not that the two com edians have any points of similarity , other than thr-lr Celtic origin , nor ought to bo mentioned together , except that the snmo week brought them Into conjunction. Thera Is no horse play nor vulgar buffoonery about the latter anlst , for ho l an artist , Mr. Daniel Sully , every Inch ot him , nnd n grow ing one. When ho was hero lasl year ho had a play called , "O'Ncll , Washington , D. C. , " which was In msiiy respects the best thing ho ever did. It was too quiet , how ever , to draw well , nnd It was Rlvon up. Last night Mr. Sully's admirers saw him In n new piece , and were pleased to find him the same true and hearty actor > ns of yore , with the results of an added year of ox perlence nnd hard work plainly apparent. "A Bachelor's Whes" Is the creditable handiwork of Mr. Miison , the excellent Oor- uutn comedian , who shares with Mr. Sully the chief honors of the presentation. Con structed upon lines not unconventional , nnd setting forth n story by no means new In Its main features , It contains much of clover dialogue and amusing situations , and affords Mr. Sully a better oppoitunlly to show his mettle than some ot hta former vehicles have provided. Ho ls n good fellow , this chubby , kind hearted llryan , nnd he Is for the moat part qulflt , and never rants unduly , oven when nn apparently hopeless suit nnd tli machinations of .1 villain and n practical Joker \\otild drlvo most bachelors to vocal extravagance ; wherefore ono rejoices when the humorist and tlio rogue are at last con founded , ai.d the hungry heart Duds wherein In feed nt pleasure , although nt no lime In the evening has ono seriously doubted the outcome of either event. If a sugsustlon might bo made and taken In good part , It would bo that the business between Dryan and Helen In the lasl ncl bo so modluVd a that the nudlenco may bo notified rather by notions than by speech that thu old lover has at last found the child ot his dead sweetheart. The omission of n few lines of dialogue and the Introduction ot a little elo quent by-play would tell the story much moro delicately. The support Is by fnr the best Mr. Sully has ever hnd , several members of Hie com pany being positively excellent. The ability of Mr. Mason In his peculiar sphere Is well known , and has been referred to nbovo. Miss Kate Mlcholcna , who Is agreeably re membered from her former appearance heroIn " " and "Tho Last In opera , sang "Klllarney" Hose of Summer" very effectively. Miss Hanchctt made nn entirely favorable Impres sion as the widow , Mr. Johnson and Miss Allen were an acceptable p.ilr of young lov ers nnd Mr. Mayall did wlmt could be done \Mllh tlio wicked Walllngtord. Miss Von Diet ; played the small part ot Susan so well that no one suspected that It was her first appearance with the company. | Altogether , Mr. Daniel Sully and his company - j pany , and his new play , nro worlh seeing. J The engagement lermlnalcs Saturday night. i For a number ot years Mr. Frederick Wardo . i lias appeared at almost regular Intervals before - . fore Omaha audiences , until his visits are now . looked forward Ho with pleasurable antlclpa- -I tlon by his local admirers. Mr. Wardo has , always associated lilmsjlf with attractions of , repute , and the announcement of his coining J 1 Is a guaranty ot the worth of his organlza- " | - | tlon. H ] Tonight Mr. Warde and his own company will open his engagement at Boyd'a theater by presenting D'.Enneiry's romautlc drama , en titled "ThE. Mountebank , " Mr. Warde ap pearing as Belphegor. At the mntlnee tomor row afternoon Mr. Wardo will be seen ns Paul dl Navnrn , In Henry Guy Cnrleton'3 Venetian love story , "The Lion's Mouln. " nnd tomorrow evsnlng as Brutus , in Shakespeare's historical tragedy , "Julius Caesar. " Mr. Wardo's management has provided liberal and cosuy productions lor UULII vi. uc-jo i' j- . . anil Id Is said they nro not excelled either In suiiiptuousiiEss or correctness. Upon tha earnest solicitation of the local management , Manager Arthur Warde consented to reduce tlie prices for the present engagement , BO that Omaha people may consider themselves specially favored In this regard. Ths ealo of seats for Mr. Warden's engagement opsned yesterday morning , and the demand was milto good. , , It Is understood that In a very sdiort tlm ? Mr. Warde will add two more- tragedies < o his repertory , and will produce them for the first time In San Franclrco In the near future. "WnnR , " one ot the merriest , moit gorgeous and most Bucc'ssful of all tlm comic operas of recent years. Is coming. Its catchy songs , "The Man with an Elephant on Ills Hands , " "A I'rctty Girl , " "A Summer Night. " "You ) Must Ask. of the Sinn In th Moon , " and a J score of other ? , are sum ; In thch omes of 1 many a city , which Is yet waiting to hear * * "Wang" In Its entirety. Albert Hnrt , who .j has achieved a gratifying succ'ss In the part 1 of Wang , Is still playing the part. "Wang" will bo given here next Sunday , Monday and j Tuesday nights , and Tuebday matinee , nt j Hoyd's theater. This will bo the farewell appearance of the op2ra. At the Tuesday > j matlneo each woman and child purchasing a reserved seat on the first floor will receive a ' hamUomu doll as a touvenlr. Tlici tale ct heats will open at 0 o'clock tomorrow morn ing. "Glorlana" Is billed for next Friday and Saturday nights at lloyd's theater. It Is a legitimate farce of the type of "All tlw Com forts of Home , " "Jane. " etc. , which have been favcr.ibly rccclvej by the the.iter going public for tha past few fccasonu. Hopkins' Trans-Oceanic Star Specialty com pany will bo the attraction i\'t \ thn CrelR'ntnn for the flrU four nights of the coming : u < ? ec ! , oponlnK with Sunday matlncc , January 20. Tha features art' Miu Hnjtaw mldgctz > Ths tiny fellows , uii < | Ustlonahly theEtnallfat men In the world , glvo an exhibition of ncro- batlcs ami athletics , winding up with n boxing bout. Tlio tmallcr ono of the two In a unf- clally elclllful boxer , and lin l quicker and shiftier on hU fcf-t than I'H'/ier Corbslt or Kltzslmmons , .It In xaltl that Corbott will go mllc-3 to heo the lltllo fc-lluiva box , and ho , hat , been heard to nay ( hat If big 1110:1 : IIUo ' > himself could beus uhlfty and rapid as the , . little fclluwu , they \vuuld miike a fnr moro j liit ° rptlng encounter. Ti-rifli of Kdtviml llnllorlc. Kdnard Hallock , 75 years of ago , died at his homn nt Fnrt Gallic mi last Monday morning. Thu fimoralYIJB held WoJnosday Mr. Ilallock was the father of Mrs. S. U. Patten of this city. Us had ruildcd In thu Halo gliiuo 1S82 , and at Furl Culhoun dur ing Ihc past llvo years. Tha family of llio deceased consisted of n wife , ono nun and tl.iee daughters. One complaint I LETTERS I t'lat ' we 'lcarc' ' ' ° was n'01 a woman who said that Pearline hurt her hands ! We Icnew that this couldn't be. But we looked into the matter , and found that she was using one of the poorest and most dangerous of bar soaps with her Pearline. When we induced her to use Pearline alone , without this soap , everything was lovely. Use no soap , when you do any wash ing or cleaning with Pearline. It's needless , and more expensive and It may do harm. 479