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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1896)
fi THE OMAHA DAILY BBR : , JANUARY 24 , 1SOO. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Much Loug Wheat WM Sold Out nnd Sorao Shorts Covered TRADING CONFINED TO HOME TALENT Thin \\'n * liie ( o the llnil Condition ( if Ilio WinItoiiilirliiK OH- nlilc Comu-ollmm AIniDHt r-IltCAGO. Jan. M.-A Kreat deal of Ions \ \ soM out t0iiy. . and n lot of f > hortvhf t vvnH covered al ° o , the net result of which vvns a decline for the dny of 1U' per liu. Corn was a slmle cnslcr. In timpatliy with \vhent , nnil provHotis n trillo hlshci btvnuso of sm.OI IIOK iccclpts , Iho ulctt stoirn onu'cil t-uch poor working of the vvlic-'i thnt the trailing wni confined ii.ricly to the home tniunt. The fleet Rtorm , with a dtop of 20 to 2S dcsrcc In the temperature pi edit ted for tonluht , luhcd Kicnt npittchpnvtoni In llio minds uf a number of the local traders concernIng - Ing the wheat plant and May opened all the way from Wo to ( U' ' o bid , nnd was tjulckly run up to CT'ic ' , Inlf n cent above jeclonlay's clobo , but soon reacted to C3'Hc ' Apuit from DIG fenr of dam IRC to 'he ' Wheat plant , there wna not much to cicntc nny Imprciilon that R further mi- tcrlal ndvimco would bo sustained The ] , l\orpool cnblcKrnmN noted an ndvnnco uf only " , d to > ' ! at the opiningas nK'iliiBt 2c per bit ilpo on Iho day before litre.1 , anil a later prlv.ite dispatch quoted ] , iVe.rpool closliiii ijil lower , and ald. "An.cntlrlo ilamaBc cvnKKcrntul" Qu'to u number of the Lmitmlsilon hoti es ucknowltdKfd having iccotmmndeil to their customers who won ; Ions the tuMui ; of prolltH A laiKf piopoitlon of such 01- deis ns came ov < r the wires were fiom tlui northvvfHt , and to veil An Incie.ise In the movetm tit from f.mnets up thcio w is eild to bu ono icison Tor the f-cmlltiK of KclllnRr oiders. The clo'lim contlnontal marl - l < eln weie strong and the cloMnR Liver pool ininket was Id 'hlKhci , nnd futures > 4tl over jestoidio's cos ! n jirlocs The market lieuWIIB vcij IILIVOIH duiltijr the rntlre sers'on but the most un\luus paity In the la t half of It weie the bullThe prlca suiged up unit down twice between ( J'iu nnd fiJc. but hud wet Iced down bj 3210 lo G-r. Much of the entiy ttictiKth came ftom the bujliiK of tib ut 15JOOO * bu , almost all for account of 1M 1'arttldKc After it drop to C2'ic and bJ'ie , u runio thut nussla and Tut key Imd come to at nn.itiKcmtnt , prcMimnbly to the exclusion of the other povvci , cuu = t.d i chaip rally to CS c , at which the tn irke clo cd. Coin was traded In rather llfiht , and the matkct Inclined to droop , hut the stoim , I was thoupht , would lessen farmers' deliveries liveries for n time , nnd tlmi helped to pie vent n ridleal weakliest , Tlie optnlnj nrr fnr Mnv UMS nrnntlnnllv nnrhnniret lit from 2D'tc ' to 2l ! ) c , nnd that wat Itn medlati-ly follow ed by sale's nt 291Sc , vvhlcl wits the height It reuchtd It VN.TS down niaiind LDe about half an hour freim the c'oie ' , and c'osed at Lfl'C Oats vvcrn tjulet und fluctuated In nai- rovv range , with wheat and corn Ma > opened tinchange'd tit from 20'si1 ' to EOrdc Fold tit 20c down to 20 0 nnd closed will sellers at fiom 20V4c to JU c. Provisions v\cre ( inlet nil dav , with tiad Ing light , riuctimllons were natiovv nstlmated lecclpts for Friday : Wheat 40 curs ; coin , 4UJ cars ; oat" , 130 cats , hogs 20.000 betid. Tht lending futures ranged as follows : Cash quotations were nK follows : ri.Ot'Il-.Stcady , winter pnlcnts. } 130T10) tmlglilH , )310J33" | ; sprlns pitentn , $3 10if3'JJ , cpilnir strnlKlils , ; 2CfT-75 ; liaKora. J2 lOfi'2 V WIICAT No 2 eprlnKCii487G05ic ) , No. 3 spring , Ei't Gt ) ' c : Nr. 2 red , C4 { M5'ic. COUN No 2. 27Uc ; No 2 jellon , 27Uc. " OAlb No. 2 , lSc ; No. 2 white , 2) ' 5:3iC , No. 3 while , 19O2)c. JIYC No. 2 SSiic. IIAICLHY No 2 , nomlnil ; No 3 , f. o. b . 24T SSc. SSc.n.AX n.AX Bnnn-No i , 9214. TIMOTHY Kiii ) I'rline. $3 CViJ3 70 I'llOVISIONS Me s ixiik , | > r bill , } 10 SOfflO 40 , per IIXI Ibs , J5 CrS3 T74 Short ribs , Aides { loose ) , } 10214JJ5 07V4. Dr > railed Bhou.dcrs ( boxi-a ) . 14 "SB'S OJ. Short cleat side's ( bc eil ) , 5 37't B SO WHISKY D'stlllere' ' misled Be l8 , per en\ \ , tl 22. SUGARS Cut loiif , tS7B , KrnnuHlcd , $312 , Btanilurd "A , " J5. POUI.THY rirm , turke > , 0I2c. chickens , it B'So : ducks , HJflic. Thn follow Ins were the receipts and shipments today : < luotiilloiiH on ( Ire I'rlauliuil Coinnuiillllt-H anil Sliiiili-H. NKW YORK , Jon. 22 I'LOUIl Ilecelpts , 22- CO ) bbls. ; exports , 8,9 < bbls. ; market ruled strong today , but the n skint- prices nre too high to tncoiuaKo buslnrrs ; spring patents lmsnlablc nt iiHBtlit prices ; cll > mill patents , ( I 10fl U , winter patenls , | 3CQ3.7u , vprlne , low Rnid JIW4/2W , winter stiulkhU , ? 3lfnM ) : winter ixliau , J2 KflJ 00 ; winter , lo fcrndts , } i20ff2 CO ] tjo Hour , quilt ; mi | > i ill in- , } 22Jf-75 llnelt- whcil llsur , inlhe ; sale-a , 6JO bics ; II 2DS1 23 for ixjt and lo tirrlxe. lIUCKWIinAT Quiet ; 38 T40c. COHN MiAI < Dull : jcllow western , choice , lOc ; Ilraml > wlne , > 2 C5 IlYi-iNomlniil : utate. 41Tic , 1IAHI.HY Dullj western , Mfi o ; feeding , IIAIILHY MALT Western , 4805lc. \V1I13AT Uxports , 204 300 bu , ; fpot , steady ; No. 2. 7.4c ; No. 1 hard. 74'lc , f. o. h nllont. Options i > | > ined stronger on llrm cables nnd far- rlgn tiulnt7 , but In the nbbeno of outside tiudo rmm ruicud , with loni ; wheat freely of < fered nnd later cables weaker * ArKtntlno crop Hewn V\AH nioto favotable Thfre VMIS a llnal rally on export ileninnd and local covering , with the close linn at a partial lorn of Ho. Nn 2 fed , January , cloned at 71'Ui May , C3 7-lCej70c , clemlnK at G'j'iu , COIIN HicilpU , 48 fcOO bu , ; exports , CS.OOO bu. ; epot , easy ; No , 2 , 35\e. Options optned steuly , Imt afterward declined shaiply on mar months nnd free receipts nnd lliiulil-uluns. cluslnfr U < iSo lower , with lali > monlhs He higher ; January , SS WCCo. rloslng at 3S\c ; May , U ll-lCU05'ic , closing nt 3M < r , OATS Ilecelpls , 68,400 bu ; spot mukct utendyr No. : , 24SV24Hc. Options , iiulet nnd easier , fnl- lowing corn , and closed unclmngrd to He lower. Januuiy cloaul Jl'ie' ' ; May rioted I6c. HAY Dull ; rhlpplni ; , tS Wj8 ) W ; good to clioltc , } MOID 00. HOPS Weak ; state , common to choice , 1891 crup S Jfl'if ; 1S'J5 crop , < { J ! > c ; coast , ISM crop , XVifMiio : 18W crop. 4ft9c. IIIUIIB Dull ; net halted , 20 to 23 Ibs. He ; Uuenus A > ris , ilrj. 20 Ibs. , ICe ; Texas , dry , 21 to 3 > ) Iba . Ho ; ( 'allfornla , 21 lo 23 Ibs , He. I.IIATIUIU Dull ; hemlock sole , llupnoa A ) res , llKhl to henvy welKhts , 21o ; aelds , 2Ut.3c. WOOI < bleady , domesllo fleece , lC82c ; pulled , I'llOVISIONK lleof. steady ; extra India mess , 8 , pueked. UOMi'JW Cut meats , llrni ; pickled hams , fS WJj 9 ( X ) . IJinl , MI > dull ; \Nestein mi'iim closed al K imkitl ; January , t ! > M , nominal , I'oik. lilKlur , mess. Illi.7Wll.10 ; short clear , ill WilS W. famll ) . Ill 10 lltnTKH-Ueeelpts. 2 Jto pkgs ; steady ; west ern creamer ) . IKiJlo ; iiKlns : , ) c. CIIiiHi-lti : > eelits | , 17nkKS ; firm ; Mate. lartri' , S filOViCi unmll , 7Ii0101tc ; part skims , 3H | 6c : full rklms , 2)3c. ) 1X1C3SIlecclpls , 4 oil pkgs ; ttendt ; state nnd IVnnoUanla , 17401Mic ; western , 17Hc ; south- ( in , ! Cfil7c. TAM.OXV Stiadj j city. J'tc ; country , 4c. I'KTitOUnt'M Weak , United clo.ul ut | | 3714 Mil ; rilined , 17 1 > 5 ; I'hlladelphla and Ililtlniorc , J7 CO ; I'hlladelphla and llaltlmoro In bulk. IS 10. HOSIN Quiet , strulned , cuinmon to good , il.60 Cl U. Tt'IIPUNTINi-Sleady. 03I'4c , lUCi-Hte-iuly. domestic , fnlr to extra , 3Hc , MOI ABHi:8 I'lrin ; New Orleans , cpen kctlle , goi l lo eholee , 29fT37c , MI7TAI.8 I'lB Iran , weak ; southern , fit 7Sr JS.75. nivilum , I1S.OOU1J.8) Copper , dull ; broU- tr . l'J.671i. i-xclmngf , l'J.76 t9.STi. l.ea.l. Hteiidj ; lirukrm. } :00 , exilmngc , t02d30i Tin , easy , BtralRlHH , J13MJj)310 ) , plates , dull and weak. Spelter , dulli ilomesllc , II , nominal , COTTON8KK1) OIU I'lrm , owlnir lo the late nihunco In lard oil ; prime cnulo ! 4i:4tsc ; off glades , J2if23c , l-utt > r brudet. eaffiSOu. buuur MurKi-l. NCW YOniC , Jan O 8UC1AHllnw. . stronc ; 55 o bid ; ctnullUKal , t ( ti t , tHc ; initkM firm ; crushul , 6Sc. powdered , 6'lr , grnnulnlctl , If , IO.NPON Jnn 53 SUOAll- C nc. nrm , ci-ntrl- fiignl. Jnvn , IJi 61. MtmciK , fair rtflnlni : , 3d li'et opencil Imt clo c < l quieter ; Jnnunr ) 11 * 7411 , Ttbrunry , 11s 7H < 1 , OMAHA un.MsiiAL MAIIKKT. Conilltloii of Trnilrnml Unotntlon * on Sfnitlp ntitl riincj1'roilnce. . POOS Strictly fmh utocl. , 12'4 11c. HUTICH I'nlr lo gootl stock , rolls , lie ; pnck- IIIB stock , tubs , SOlOc , choice to fancy country , 1IH15C VIIAIr-Choice fnl , 70 to 1M Ibs , arc quoted nt Cfl'c , laigc urn ) ev > arse , 48Cc. Clinr'U"-Domestic brick , ll'ic : Kdnm , per A07 , Ji M , Club House , 1-lb J-irs , per doz. , J3 CO ; Idmbergfr. fancy , per tb , Il'ici HoqueiMt , 'lib. Jinn , p r doz ; | 3 CO. Young Amcrieis , 11l4c ; Tnln fancj. lie. roi'I/rm nreFix-tl-Chlckeni , CHfl'Vic ; clucks , choiceOfllOo ; tutkcjs. choice , 10fil2c ; geese , rofl.THY , I.tVK-C. Jacobson , of the Montana 1'oultry I'ncklnK nna Supply company , quotes live pouIIrj llrni and vvnnted nt ! Hens nnd young roosters , 6'4e ; olil coeks. 2'ic : turkey hens. SHc ; Joung luikey solblcru , T c ; olil Toms , 6c ; ducks , full featbeicil , 7c , giete , Cc. No commission charged. HAY Uplnml. JUO ; mldlnml , J3 ; lowland , tl.M. r > c slinw , Jl , color makes the price on ha > , tight bales sell tlio best. Only top grades bring top prices 11IIOOM COIIN Extremely slow fale ; new crop iMIvcteil on track in country , choice preen Heir vvbikhiR catpet , per Ib , 2Uc ; choice green , runnlnr to hurl Z'ic , common , l'4c , OAMIJ-Jnck snipe , 7cfI5l 00 ; golden plover. Jl ! ' > , Jirk rnblilt . per iloz , Jl Mfll 75 ; tmall rnbMti. "cfJl ft ) , mnllnnl ducks. J3 MI1 7r. . re l- heiul" J3 7f' 4 00 , cnnxnsbnck thicks , J' > OOJTS < M , l"nl blue wlnr. JS01C(2J" > . teni , green vvlng , Jl 7f.fl200 , mixed ihlcks , Jl "IffZ 2S , Cnmdn gpivie , ; CVjfl7.:0 , Kinnll gee i- . 14 DOffo OO1 ; brants , J3 60 , enultrfls IK-P tij ? , coT71c. rir.KONS I.Uc , very Blow ; Ocnd pigeons not wanted. ' ' CAt Liri.OWiit-rc'r : crate , 12-760300 , or Jl 60 01 75 per iloz PAItllUJK-Cntlforrila stock , per Ib , Ic. I'OTATOr : < s-rancy native stuck , 30c ; from store In rmall lots , OJJS'ic , Colorado stock , 60c. ONIONS-1' | bu , K4T40C. nnAN'S llnnil [ ilt-ketl navy , per mi , JIM fivunrr rorAiocs amice stock , 1275 per bill . lT.inYillfornh. | . per iloz . No. 1 , Me. No 2 7fi ( * . Knlnm 1700 rrr MM A HHANS-Per Ib . Be. WATH11 CltnsS-lVr 1C ql. cnee , Jl 6031 7 . rilUITS. MI.MCAN : STHAWIIIHUIIS None. AI'I'UM rnnc New York , J3 2jQ3 60 ; choice Hcstitn (2 o"'iiJ ml , Utah niilc. | , tier hot SIM CllANIIiilItIiS Jcrtcv , JS75 ; Cane Cod , J10 ; Mrrml n's. J10 MA1.AUX nU\PtcV-rer : fO-lh bbl. , J' , DOSJC 00 , per C3 to 70-Ib" gns , J7 OOJT7 50 TIIOPICAL. rilUtTS OHANHI" ' ' Cnlllornla budded Eeedllngs , rtgu- ar sires , J3 , 2to 2bS slzei , J2 D082 75 , nivels , JJ 75. InrgeKlyrs J3 2' Ii.MO.\'i Tullfornla , per box , J3.50SIOO , Mes- Klnn" Jl WU4 . ' " > 11ANANAO rholce Hrge stock per bunch , J ! 00 fl2 25 medium sized tunclies Jl 7532 00. MISCELLANEOUS. OVblHUS Mediums , 15c , Biiindaids , 23c ; extla sulcctn , 25c , Uiunci cS. Co. sclecls , 27c , New York ccunts , 30c , standard bulk , pet gat. , Jl lo HUNl'Y 1'nncj wlilte , per ll > , 15c MAl'I.n SY11U1' rive-Bnl. cnn-j , each , J2.75. gal cans , p r doz , J12 , H-gnl. cans , (6 25 ; quart cans , J3 76 ClKHIt Pure Juice , per half bbl , , S3 ; per bbl , 14 7o SAUnil KHAtiT Per bbl . J3 75 , half bbl , J2 25 riQS New ciop. California , 10-lb. boxes , tier Ib , lOc , Imporltd fnnc > , 30-lb boxe'3. 15c ; choice 10-lb 1 oxca. ll'i ic. DATES New 1'eislin. 60-lb boxes , per Ib . 6V4c- fnrds , Jl ) Ib boxes , per Ib .lie ' MAI'Ml 8UC. Ml Cliche , per Ib , 9S10c riirninviAssorted 2U Ib palls each J1.40 COCOANllTfi 1'or 100. J4 60 ; cum. 6e. NUTS Almonds Cnllfornla. per Ib. medium sUe10s. . 1 irragona nlmonde. * QI ! b large , 12V-C , nrnzlls. per Ib. , Sc , Unn > iin'nu-s ner Ib fancy soft shell 12c , standairtHCll'ic , niberte , per Ib , lOo vecins poMslird modlum ICc , large , lie. peanuts rnw 5'c ; ror.snd , 7I 7140 , hickory nuts , small , per Im . Jl 7ii. hickory nuts , large , per bu , Jl 50 , bHck walnuts , per IW ' ' UK&r anoil wetlctn bleeis , 400 to MO Ibs , 5V.JJCC , r > od cows und helfeia , 4iSo , medium ivv , & nnd heifers , 44c , good foieiiunitcn cow B and helfcis , Viti iC , good hindquarters cow-3 nnd liclferH , C8CV4C , tow louticUs , 6e , eow eliucks. 3'4o. ' sleer cliuclv" , 44'i. , beef tender- lolm , frran - le , fiozen , ITc , b er _ mill bonekbs , i"c sirloin bullH , bone-lets Si-c , loin Inclci , Ci2e ? nw t Iba , No 3 , Cfl'c , con loins , No J , 7'i { 11MtlTTON Dressed mutton , Co ; lacks , Oc ; lees 7c. saddles. "V.e. blown , 3c. ' rOItlv Die io < l lisps , 4\c , pork loins. Co- unto ribs ft'ic , park bhouldc-rs. 4140. pirk shoul der" skinned 4S40 , prrk trln ml-igs , 4c , tender loins , 130 , pigs' feel clenned , per doz. 35c. FUHb. INo. lNo | 1 No 11 I I.gc. IMd'mlSm'll | . . , . Ulaik 520O25 t 15 00 J Jiosn : S S W Illaclcearllngs. . . 10 00 7 00 7 00 3 00 Hliek Cubs , CO C 4 00 E oo 200 mack Monlana & Mountain 18SM 14 CO 1000 1000 4 CO Dlaclc Monlana lenrllngs 12 00 i < 00 5 CO 500 2 CO niack Montana Cubs t 4 EO 3 00 4 00 2 00 Silver Tip 20 CO 1200 8 00 9 00 4 00 Silver lip Yrlgs 11 00 5 00 5 00 6 00 260 Silver Tip Cuba. . 6 00 4 SO 3 00 3 00 1 50 I frown 1C 0) 12 00 12 00 C 00 1 callings 800 G 10 8 l 4 Cubn 7 CO 500CO 3 09 4 00 2 00 ILidger 181 60 CO CO 00CO CO riiher 800 s oo 4 00 4 W 2 ( K ) Silver ( according to beauty ) 100 00 CO 00 40TX ) 30 00 10 00 Silver I'nle ( ac- cord'g to l > ea' > ) 60 00 30 00 20 00 15 00 6 00 Cioss 7 00 3 00 2 Ou 1 50 1 00 Ited 1 50 1 29M 1 00 75 & > day 76 M 40 35 15 ICH EO 41) 30 23 15U L > ynx 3 00 2 00 1 IX ) 1 25 111 Mailed 2 00 1 0CO I 00 1 00 111CO Mink 608S.5I CO 45 2o 10 Mink Dark t.5 5 45 20 10 Mountain Lion , ( perfect head ami feet ) * 3 > 2 Otter 8 00 CO 7 400 2 OU Oiler Pale. . . . . . ' . . . 7 00 5 00 < 0) 3 OC 1 6J Raccoon COO70I 50 35 20 10 Raccoon. Black ( as to beauty ) . . 509 2 SKUNlv niack , cased l 1 25 75 601 50 25 Short striped 1 00 70 45 40 20 Harrow nrlpcd. . . CO 40 25 20 10 liroai ] slrlpcd . , . 20925 Wolverine 4 00 3 00 2001 100 100 Wolf Mountain . 3 00 2 00 1 CO 75 40 Wolf Prairie 65i90 ! 60 40 75V 10 Heaver , per skin. CO 6 4 50 200 4 00 200 Heaver Kits too 1 50 75 50 23 HUSKRATS bprlng Winter SS10 Fall Kits 2 HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDKS No. 1 grien hides , 4c ; No 2 green hides , So , No 1 green Baited hides , 5V e : No , 2 green Failed hides , 4'c , No. 1 gieen sailed hldts 23 to 40 Ibf. , 6 > 4c : No. Z gieen Killed hides , 23 ( o 40 llm . 4 < ic ; No 1 veal calf , 8 to 11 Ibs , iV4c ; Nn 2 veiil eiilf , 8 lo IS Ibs. . 4Hc , No 1 dry film hides , 80ac ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , CCCo ; No. 1 dry salted hides. Go ; part cured hides , 'ic per Ib. less than fully uired SHKRP PCLTS-Qrcen salted each 25JCOc ; green salted shearlings ( short woolc-d eaily eklns ) . cacti I5c ; diy shearlings ( short wooled early fklns ) . No. 1 , each , lOc ; dry shearlings ( short woGled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry ( lint Kansas and Ncbinska butcher woo ! pelts , per Ib aciual weight , 6 Cc , dry flint Knnsis and No- brnska. Murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 4Q5c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , ptr lit , actual weight , 4ffC'4c ; dr > Hint Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual welgnt , 45c ; dry pieces nnd bucks , actual welkin , 4ff5c ; feet cut off , ns it Is useless to pay freight on ' TALLOW AND OnCASn Tallow. No. 1. 3V4c ; tallow No. 2 , 3c ; grease , white A , 3140 ; grease , white II , Sc : grease. > ellow. Z c ; gieasc. dark. 2 : ; old butler , 2i24c ! ; becs-vax , prime. ! 5Q22c ; tough tallow , l'4c. I1ONI3S In car lots weighed and delivered In Chicago : Dry buffalo per ton. J12 OOtfH 00 ; dry country , bleached per ton , J1000H1200 ; dry country , damp and meaty , per Ion , JCOOifgOO WOOL Unwashed ; tine heavy , CW7c , fine light , EO9o ; quarler blood , I0312c ; eeely , burr > and chaffy , SO9c ; celled and broken coarse , 7ff5c ; cottc'l anil broken line. CifSc , Fierce washrd Medium , 15i1Sc ; line , 14t7lCc ; tub washed. UQ 18o : hi nek Be ; bucks. Cc : tag lock * . 2O3c ; dud pulled COCc. . STOCKS AMI IIO.MKS. SIMCIIIIOII | | In Souni lliM AVitN Doinl- iintcil ! > KorrlKTii I'ollllc'iil AffnlrM , NiW 1OHK , Jan 23. The speculation In stocks today w in ilomlmted by u repoitcd change In the political ulluillon abroad , It was ul- legid In early enblis that a combination Imd n fornifit lietv ttn Ituexla and the 1'oilf , niul this condition of nffnlrH waa reflected In n slump In price * , Including Americana on tlie l.imdin htock cxchinbe * , anil by persistent nnd fairly largo telling In this market for foreign account. Tlil e\v phnuu hi the situation , fo'- lowed b > a hardening tendency In the uterllnt- ixchangc inaiket encouiakeil bear predictions of ptobabl > heavy shipments ( if guld on hatunliij , 1'ho Imprtrslcn had gained hiound previously ilia I Mr ) Illllf , If any , of thu metal would go 'orwjuil , In tlie foreign srlllne refencd tu nil of the Inlhnational fharrs wen * Includul , with Rt , 'nul and Ix > uU\llle Na hvIPe mi t o ns ; Icuous , The local market opcntM liieKUlir , but snon d- velopeil general wiukness. Uenernl Illcclrlo led Ilia dc-cllnln movement , followed In cliue. eider by Heading I < ouU\lle ! A. Naislivllle and tic jrnngtra. Tlie appeiiraneo of moderate purchas- ng onlera In hugtir nncl Manhattan aihanceil liese fhoria Ib and 2 IIT ceil , tespvclhcly , unU mparled u uteadler tune to the general Hit , Ihe nuettng of Ihe Anthracltt ! coal presidents , whleh wtia In progress all da ) , was iiardiil an having an lniioitiint | bearing , although there was no In dication of n tangible Improvement , anil opt niters are illtpotHil tu restrict their Venturis tempo- rarllj , Tha mono markelH were unclmngeil ut tn quo- atlons , but uncertain ! ) IIB to the prospect of con- tlnucd eagn mill counts OH nn Inipjilnnt Inllu. inio In limiting Ihe vcopo of the dealing * . In he late sessions there wat a decided irt Bure agalnifl wmio of the Indus- rial oloeks , which wut In turn brouxht i > bear upon Ihe rullrouiis. Toliaeco dls- iliUfU fxet-plloiml weakness , yielding 1 % per cent u 7ij mi renewed iiltncka by Ihe preifeolonal ruilers und llquldatlrn b ) Insldera. bugnr lost he early gain anil Manhattan and New Jeme ) Ce-ntrul , Bouthern prefernxl. leather preferred , luillngton and lt ek Island Uroppv < l 1 per cent At tlittlnl li some Mippurt was ulcijuj a a. tew slocks , caunlngan Irrtgular clewing , leadingIMUCH wt-re In requetl find riw H to U p r c ut oa buylcr , apputatly U a on expfclnllonn thnt the company would come we out of the coal tonnnire controversy. The Kn * ral sales flRKregnted J1.S33.0JO The cnormes o the bid quotations for governments were sIlRhi Tlio old coupon 4 fxhnnccd IW per cent on deal Ingn The npKrcRntc trnnsactlons were JOT.oi" The 1'tenlnn 1''ii cablegram from Iximlo cais : The Husio-TurkMi alliance li Benernll dlfcretllled In the b t Informetl quarters here At the same ; time there Is n disposition her In regard nn amicable nnnngement between Ru tin nml Turkey ns n natural solution of th Mftein question , tjuccn Victoria's Imllsposltlo waa the imln cntinc OC the relapse of the Bloc markets today. The markets opened good , bu relap'dl on the rei ort of the queen'n lmll | > o ltlo nnd the unconflrmrtl reports of the Ilus'o-Turkc treaty. Consols , nflei * touching the record price 103 , fell to 107H. The other mirkets fhnred I the deprcMlon , tint the close wns nbovc th worst , Amerlenns opennl strong , but closed I many roscw Jl under the besl. There areru mom tint 12,00 > i,00fl In gold nny KO from her to New otk soon In connection with the no\ loan , but nt present I cannot confirm It. I the Increase of UG44OvO In the Hank of Ung land's cln and bullion this week , 1802000 wn Bold Impoited , nnd the rest came from horn thculatlon The tlelnlls of the gold mo\emen of the week were ! 7,3oO bars bought. HI.OOi Imported from Holland , (8,000 from t'arls am 5,000 from Australia. Ihe following were the closing quotations on the lending stocks ot the New York exchang today ! bid < The tolnl Riles of stocks tbtli > were 147l > 8 slnres. IncludlnR * Am-rlcin SiiRir , 3C.HOO , Amer ican Tobncco , 20 SCO , IlmllnKlon , fi,300 , General nieclrlc , 300 Mnnlmltnn Cbnuoliaittil , 11 KK > Hniillllf- , TOO , St. 1'nul , 12 OW ; Western Union , York Jloiiev llnrlcet. NUW YOIUC , Jm. 23 MONIJY Hasy nt 3ff4 per cent , last looci , 3 per cint , closed , 3 per cen I I'lUMH MHIICANTIMI PAl'nil SS per cent. ST11IU.1NO nXCHANOi : riimer. with nctuiil business In Innkers" bills nt } 4 ESklJN S3 for de- mnnil nnd (4 S7 > 4liI4 if ? for sixty il-ns' bills. IU6leil rnte-3 , J4 8Sit } 4 S9 , and 14 S9H04 90 ; com- moielil bllli ? 4 SC\ . siiA-nu c'niiTincATns 67Hsc ; > tc. IIAU Mi.vr.n rc. OOVUHNMUNT HON13S Stciily ; slnlo bonds , dull , inllr d hrrds , llrni Closing quotnllons on binds were ns follows : Fort-lull Klniiiielnl AITulrM. LONDON , Jan. 23 Amount of bullion gone Into the. llink of England todn ) on balance Is (41 OA ) , Gold IB quoted nt Iluenoa A > ren luiljy at 2 : : . 90 ; Madrid , 17 C2 ; Llslum , 15 , HI. Peters burg , ( a ; Athens , 77 ; Home , 10890 , Vienna , 103. The linnk of niibland'B rateof discount re- lniiln unehangeil nt S per cent. The wt * kly statement of tlio Hunk of England Isaued to < l ly shows tht1 following changex , ns ompaitd with the prevloua. account : Total resirvc' , Increnw , ( J.IOO.UIO ; clreulatlai , decrease , (45C , ; bullion , Incnase , fl.GIJCTS ; other Hecurltles , decrease , r S.Oc ) , other deposits. Increase , fC5 < ) .000 ; publlu tl pcilla. IneuaKC , lllC6OdO , nuti-a rtscrve- , Increase crease- , f.'OOUWO ( ; government necurllles. un- changed. The proportion of thu Hank of Ilng- liinil s rese-ivu to liabilities. v\hlch last wctk was COM per cent , la now C2 li per cent , I'AHIH , Jan. 2J The weekly slatement of the Dank of I'm nee , Issued toda ) , showj thu fol lowing chnngtH , aa eompurttl with Ire previous lu-nunt : Nolea In circulation , decrease , 4,010- l ) f , Ireasur ) accounts , current , IIILUJS. ' , 2J , . IHOuOf ; gold In Imid. Inert aee , l,7 . < y ; bills discounted , deertakf. 30Oi'i , < KW ; sllur In hand , Inertane , 2L87500i ) . Tlie bours-i vxas quiet , but llrm today , ami ei | > oclally for rom-a and honu lock. T.iree per cent rentes , lOJf Co fur Iho account ; exchange on London , 25f SJ',4 ' for chtcka. IinitLIN , Jan , S3. Hxehange on Lcndon , eight diB * eight , 2J marks 4J pfg. The ktock market was quiet. The value of money U rising. Fliiiim-ln ! .N DOSTON. Jan. 23. Clearings , J13.071C4 , < ; ba ) . nnet s , Jl M.9X. UAI/riMOIU : , Jan. 2i.-ClfailnjB ; , J2,524 4 ; bil- anci-s , JIM , MS. NlW YOUIC. Jan. -Clearings , JS3SI0.3 ! ! ) , lalantw , JI.4SS BS. l'HIU\DiLPHIA. Jan. 23 Clearing ! ) . J11.C11 , . 2. ] , luianccx , Jl , 614,5V7. BT , LOUIS. Jan. S3 Olearlngs , J.017.CH ( ; bal- nnce , JSIO. JV , Money , 51(8 ( per cent ; New York exchange75a premium bid ; Wo u&ktd. CHIC'AQO , Jan , 23 Clearings , J1J.764 219 Honey mi call , sleudy at 6 per cent ; on time , CJ7c , New York exchange , 25c , foreign exchange , unchanged ; buiiktib' ( Lonilon ) Bit-Hint , ' , U ka'i and { I 5i. _ Ilr > GooiU Murkrt. NKW YOIUC , Jan. 23 Ilio clone of Iho day shown & lucKkrato Inucjuo ol butlncta a u result of a Rrcnlrr lnillr-from th" Itrg" num- tier of Infers. The tone 6f the market s m imthlseil therewith , nnd vnluoi nre no lower rrlntlnp cloths nrevfrr dull , nnd commeire nominal nt from 3c lo 2V. nnd union of 1,009 pkces nt the latter SI. l.oiiln ( luuitnnl 'MiirUi-t. RT. LOt'IS , Jan zi-I'l/it Il-KIrm nnd higher , with n better ilonaml. patents , J3.455T355 ; pxtrn fane ) , J3 XQ3 30 , fane ) , J2Sf(2.W ; choice , I2.BOS2.CO ( - \\IinAT-AiUnnced ' 'cnVly r n good bujlnr. CauiuHl t > y bulllrh new * , but been me easier later In sjmpnlhy with decline * clesenherc , with but little weakness mnnlfist locally , and Ihe bulng wan much better timh 'trie' felling , nhortH tried til rover ntnr the clit , b\n \ foundlltlin for * sale nnd the market became nervous , nnd lost some strength nnd clo etl > 4ft\c higher than jextcnla ) for future ? . Spot , dua bu hlg ier ! No. 2 rrd , cash. We noked. No 2 Imnl. COcI bid : Ma > , C3WC bid ; Jul ) . 01 c nrkeil. CXIlN ) Trailing In futures almost entirely In smpathy with wheat , became cvisy Inter nnd closed dull ; stead ) lo He" under ) oslerdiy , Ppot , stonily : No 2 mixed , cash , 2.Vi02Sc ; Jnmmrj , 204C , Mnv , 26'4e bid , Jul ) . 27He hid. OATS l > itured , rtull and easier. Ppot , qukt nnd steady ; Not , 2 cash , U'.ic ' bid ; May , 20 ? > c n/iketl Iiri-rirm , In demnml ! No. 2 , 8 ( < io lild. COIIN MIAI < M sn i 33. IIHAN rirm , racked , eatt | track , 4lc. I'LAX Siii-Stend > , S6c. TIMOTHY SKP.D-JS COfl&CO. HAY-Dull nnd heavy ; timothy , JS.OOffl300 , prnlrle , quiet nt J600fli50. I'OULTHY-CJulet. tiirkos. SHfidc ; chickens , 6 < i5T7c : ducks , 8V4 Dc , gee > , 5HWCC. COTTON T1F : 72c , IILiTTUIl Dull nml weak ; creamery , lS J22c ; dairy , lljlllc. IltlO * * rirmer , offerings small , 13c , WHISKY-11 22 MITTALS Lend , quiet but strong ; J ! SO. Spel ler , unchanged , Jl 75 PUOV1KIONS 1'ork , stand-in ! me s , Jobbing. new , JlOCSVi ; old. J10 124 I ird. prime fleam , J" M , choice , 16 M llacon , Ixixitl shouldelK. J' 1714 , iMigf , Jlli'4. ribs , J" S74 ; shorts , JS Drj fall inputs , boxnl nhoulders , J4.75 ; IOIIRS , Jo 50 ; ribs , JJ 50 , Rliortu , J3 75. t-rittil | > IiirUc > ( N. LlVnilPOOL. Jnn 23-4:13 : p -WHHAT- - Ppot , tlrm , tlemnnd , m < xlrntr : No 2 red vs In ter , 5s 7d , No. 2 red eptlng , stocks exhausted , No 1 hnrd , Manitoba , 5s fd. No. 1 rnllfornln. 5s Sil rutuies oprnnl tlrm with near nnd distant positions 'id hlMier , closed Blind ) with May unclmniicd. nnd olher mantlis held lilgher from ) eslert1a'R closing prlees , IniBlness about iqiinll ) distributed , Janttar ) , 5 C'4d , IMiruar ) , 'a r , d ; March. 5s 7'id , April , Cs 7'id ; May , 5s 71Jil , June , Cs 7Kd , COHN Spot , quiet , American mlxctl new , 3s 2'id. Putures cpened quiet , with ncnr and tils- tanl positions i4d hlKher , but Inter reicteil nnd closed quiet , unchanged from ) esleida'B closing prices , business heaviest on mldille positions , Januarj , 3s 2J4d. IVhiunry. 3s 2'id. March , 3s Hid : April , 3s 2'fcil. Ma ) 3a S'Jdi June , 3s 2 4d. ri.Ot'Il rirm , demand fair , freely supplied ; ht Ixiuls fnnc ) vt Inter. 7s 3d PROVISIONS , quiet ; Cumberland cut 2S to 30 Ibs , 31s Ixl , short rll s , 28 llw , Us , eng clear , light , IS In 4"i Ibs , 2's Cd , long clear , ieavy , 55 Ibs , 27s Gd , short clear b-icks , light , IS Ibs , 2Ss , short clmr mldtlies , henv ) , BS Ibs. 27s Cd ; clmr liellles , 14 til 1C Iba , S2a M , shoul ders , square , 12 to 18 Ibs , 27s C < 1 , hams , short cut , 14 to 10 Ibs. 42s Cd Tnllow , line North American , ! 1s Heef , extra India mess , 75s , prime mcra , CSs Pd. I'ork , prime me s line western , C3s 9d , prime mess , medium , 47 Cd Lird , dull , prime western , 29s ; retincd , in pills , SOa B.1 CHCrSIJ rirm , ilemnnd fair ; finest Amer ican white , 40s , lineal Atncrlcin , colored , 4Cs IIHTTnilrinent ITnllnl Klultn nVs. irooil. COs OILH Turpentlno spirits , 21a ; rosin , comniti , 4s 9d , cottonseed oil. Liverpool , mined , 17s Cd , Indeed oil 20s , petroleum , rctlned , Sd nnrruailUATOH HiiK Forequnrter , 3Md ; lilndqunrlcr , 5i d HL15ACH1NU I'OWDIIH-IInrdwootl , f o. b , Liverpool , 7 HOPS London ( I'aclflc co-ist ) , 2 5a. AVciciI tlnrkc > t. LONDON , Jan 23 An excellent selection wns put forward nt IheWIHJI auction rales todi ) , conslsllng of lietter Australian combing Rre.mlis , v\hlch vvtrc- strong ! ) oopipeleil for b ) Amerlc-in iucri , who pild 10 per cent over the December rales Medium grides * w ere , w ell taken b ) York- shliii nnd continental buers nL nn ndvince of " per cent. A Rn-nl ho\v of cross breeds was chlcll ) purchased b ) Yorkshires , nnd high -prices \ enbtnlntd for Intnba. owing to the wcarclt ) of the present nnd yrospocthe suppl ) . Amer- ein purchaecs tcxliere ftllly 200 biles Tha iresent series will cA ! e Jnnuiry SO Tlie num- ler of Units offfred tixlny wns 14 TI5 , of which iOO were withdrawn rollowlnir nre the xnles n detail ; New South Wnlis 4.2 3 biles , scoured , si2dfils5il grens ) , 5Rlld. QuecnBlnn-1. 2411 nles ; scourrd Isldl34cl ) ; greasy. CK-iSJHUd Vlctotla. 1 SSO biles , seoured , S'ldWla Sw'tl ; guas ) . SHdff Is Till South' Australia. 72S InlcB , couied , IsCJlsJMr grease. 7'iQ9d. New Zeilnntl , 2S9 biles ; scoured. 5\dls : Breasy. 7ll'4d Capo of Good Hope .nnd Nntnl 1,044 biles , enured , C djlln lid , Knns ) , -44ff7\d Christ-Church cnblrri reirart New Zeilintl nnr- > et rising. The number of bales offered VMS f' . < XH , ofuwhlch 47.001) biles wore sold. , ngilnst ; ; , ooa orryreii < jt yAlch 4S-W ( ( ! wJcro 8SId > nst Coffee IiirUe-t. , Nnw Yonic. Jnn sj corrrjn Options opened stcartnt unchanged prices to 10 jiolnts ad\.ince , ruled qulot , but steady on light local radlng. following- further European nihlces nnd loscil quiet nt , the opening prices , Fnles 13 CO ) iga. Includlic : Jinunr ) . JI3 25fl3 30 ; March , 13.S5 Spot cpfree , Illo. more active nt declines ; ? o 7. jnS74 Mild < n y : Cordova , $17C W1SCK ) , or No 7 ppot : No 7 offetcd at J13 c nnd f. No or No 7 pot No 7 offered nt } 13 nnd.f , , No ! nt J12 c and f , and 500 bags Maincallio , p t Vnrchouse deliveries from New York vesterda ) , 116 bagsr New York Block today , 217 , Oil ) bags , Tnlteil States stock. 327,859 bigs ; nfloa * for the Tnlted States , 217000 bags , tolal visible for Ihe Tnlted Stale ? , C14.S99 bags , against 513 871 bags istSANTOS SANTOS , Jnn 23 Qulot ; gooj nvernge Snntoo , 15 : receipt ? 7OW bigs. Block. 42) O lugs HAMHUIIQ , Jan. 23 Slead ) ; Vi pfg advance ; salra , KOflO bagsj HAVRH. Jpn 23 Unchanged lo V ncl ad- nnce , Fnles 7.0TO bags HIO , Jan. S3 Oulel , No. 7 Illo. J1S.GO , cxhangp. 4d ; rectlptf , COW hags , cleared for the United tales. 7,001) bags , for Europe , 4,090 bags , Block , J > 4,000 bags. _ Cotton Market. NEW YORK , Jan. 23 COTTON Sleidy ; mid- ling , 8 5-IGc , nel receipts , 1,783 biles ; giofs , 137 bales , exports , to the continent , 1 IV3 biles , orwnided , 2 232 tulles ; sales , 2 2i > 9 biles ; f p n- era , 209 Kales , stock 1,831,070 bale ? I iturcn , lo l llrm , files 138,800 iKilea , January , JS 02 , "ebruary. JS 02. March , J8 OJ ; April. J8 12 : May , 8 1C , June. JS 19 , lul ) , JS 22 : August , JS 22 , Hep- ember , J7.90. Octobcn , J7.82 , November , J7.76 , ) ecember. J7 78. NI3\V OKL13ANS Jan. 23 COTTON Futures. cad ) : B.ilPB < C 70J bales ; January , J7 3ffi7 97 , I'cb. u iri. J" % T7 OS , March J7 9507 99 , Apill. J8 02fT 03 : May , J807ft8fS ; June , 18.116812 , Julj. JS 14 0816 ; August. J307HS09 , September , J777CP779 , November , J7.57&7.C9. Spot , stcoil ) , middling , , 8d , ow middling , 74C , good ordlnnr ) . 7 7-16c , nel ecelplf. 4 S12 bales , gross , 4 48. Ixiles ; exporlB to Ircat llrltaln , 7,594 Iwilea ; coaslwlM , 1,050 bales , ales 5 TO bales ; Block. SCI 297 baled. ST. IXH'IS. Jan. 2 COTIXJN Very firm. nlddllng. 7 3-lCc , f lies , 20S bales : receipts , 91 ) -Ueu , shlpmtntB , 1,099 biles ; Mock , 77,521 hales. KIIIINIIN City MiirUi-tM. KANSAS CITY , Jan. -Will : VT-Oood grades slower , bul uetlve ; low Kriulea slow ; No ' Imnl , ClfflClHc ; No. 3 haul , 53j53c. rejecled , 5f40c ; No 2 red , 73o , No , 2 spring , COffGlc ; No. spring. 576581 . COHN Sllghlly lowerNo ; < 2 mixed , 24',5c : No. while. 23140 bid OATS Scarce , No 2 mixed , 17'4c , No 2 white , 8i19c. HYIJ Dull ; No. 2 , 31c. HAY Unclnngfd. lltlTTEIl blead ) ; creamery , 17C15c ; dairy , iOO8 Stronger nt 12'4c ' niXJKIlTS Whral , 23,400 bu. ; corn , 40,2 < v ) ) iu. . oils. CO-tO bu. HIIII'MHNrS Wheat , 10,003 bu ; corn nnd exits , none. - IN-orln .MiirliclN. I'ROniA , Jnn. 23 COHN rirm , higher ; No. I , 1114. No 3 , new , 25'i. OA'lH Steady ; No. 2 white , 18 % , No. 3 white , IIY1J Nominal ; No. 2 , 373S WHISKY Market steud > ; llnishcd goods , on n Imsli of Jl 23 for hll.ll wines HlJPKinS Cum , 9s,4V ) bu ; oils , SOD "XIO bu. ; r > e. 2 400 bu , whisky , none , wheat , 12000 bu SHII'MUNIS ( . 'orn.fefkCTibu i oils. 626V ) bu ; rje , 7,200 bu. ; whlsky M'nd. ; wheat , 7,200 bu. ' IiI rolwnIIMnrkpt. . I/ONDON , Jan. 23 .ruViientlne splilts , 21s , nseol fll 1 W. , < , , , . , HIUMi.V , Jan. Jl.'pl'tfrolium , 6 marks ) fg . u , , TrUt-o AVliPiil'lluotiidoiiM , SAN rilANCISCO , Jrin' -WHRAT-Hlrong , Ma ) , J1.14I4 ; December. J1.16S 1 1 t-ii vj' SIIII'UH In ICniiKMH , KANSAS CITV , Jan,2jAbout two Inches of snow fell hero ifinfl/ many points In tnnras und central jMhtaotirl liiHt nlpht nil today , Tha Ihr-rrtiometer elroppcel to tlio rcczlnp ; point. A stiff/ northwest wind Is blow Ing , r IP i jMAllKCT. NSTIiUMENTS placid'oh record January 23. 1895 ; WAHUANTY nfiCDS. I R Jcnnlson und wlfo to O W Stan- HC | , 4ixlM fret In lot 8 , block 'i. \VahliiKton Hill . , . * 325 H Levy nnd vvlfo to 1J H lloHttngit. o 211 feet lota 11 and 12 , Hartlett's udd 2 n It Halting * to A O Levy. B.irne . 2 O K Javnes imd vvlfo to P A Howard , lots 14 nnd ID , block 1. Hhermun avenue - nuo nark . . . . . . . . . < . . , - . . 1 V T Seaman nnd vvlfo to Joseph Kulp. triiBlee , lot 11 , blopk "r , " i'rospcct I'lnca . , . 1 V O Hurfoot und vvlfo to i : I ) Arnold , lot 5 , block 109 , Droxcl tract . 1 nilznbeth Herman to i\Uu \ Bhclluy , lot 9. blocks. Hftnmom park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 amo to same , lot 1 , block 3 , Sulphur A Harmon'ai'ul vVlYe to i : 'i"iiarinonl lot 4 , block 2S3 , Omalm ( rollle ) . 8.0CO DIIDB. peclal master to K U Williams , lot 7. block 3 , Creston add . CIO ame to 1 * I. , Fltchett. lot 5 , block "It. " Saundera & H'B udd. und lot B , block 2 , Uaker 1'laco . . 0 Totaluinouut of transfers . ) 8,271 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKETS Marked Palling Off in Arrivals of Cattle the Feature for the Daj. STRONG DEMAND FOR BUTCHERS' STUFF COU-H nnil lldfcr * Sell Uelntlid ) llotU-r Tlinti Hi-cf SIverN I'nutitti'H I'o rcc H tit Cent llroii III llojr l'rlce 7 THUnSDAY. Jan 23 nccelpt9 for the da > 3 Indlcntcd are : Cattle. Hoes Sheep. Horses. January 23 1,173 3'JJS W3 January 22 2.0-K ) 5.487 KTI It January 21 l.ooi C.335 23t 25 January 20 l.ioi 1,220 110 January 13 1,319 3,445 January 17 2,108 3739 ! > G7 DAY'S DISPOSITION. The illfpo lllon of the ilns's offering * of ll\e stijck was ns follows , ench bujcr puichiring the nuinljcn of hrnil Ititllcntnl : Cnltlc. HOBS. ( Sheep Omnlm rncklnK company . . < . . , li0 * . . . . O. II. Itninmimil company. . )9 l.Jja SO Sulft & Co 312 H6 2M diilnlis' I'ncklnR company. . . . 22 SM . . II Ilcikor A. I ) J7 llnmlllon A Stexins 21 W 11 Vnn "ant 42 Itcnton & Vmlerwooi ! 70 fhlcniro I' , ft 1' Co SW Shippers and feeders 1D3 : Hclil oxer 150 C30 TolnlH "l , = M 4 3 N > 7 CATTtiC There was a big falllni ? oft In the receipts of cattle , only 1,171 head being reported In the jards , as against 2,000 yester day and 1,112 cattle on Thursday of last week. The market , a1 ? n whole , wag not so very different from yesterday but what little change there ninj have been was In the seller's favor. There wore not manv fat cattle hcic suit able for the drcv = ed beef trade , but theto was ono bunch peed enough to brltiK $1 00 Such cattle HH just suited the bu\crs sold n little stronger , while cattle which did not happen to atttnct the biker's fancy did not britiB any more than steadv prices. There were about ten loads of cows nnd heifers on sale. The feeling on the inaiket appeared to be n little better , and salesmen. In many ca e , thought they got n little stronger prices for their holdings. In ex treme ca es GfilOe higher. On the other hand buver ? were generally icportlng their purchases as costing about the smme us yestrduy. It would be bafc to call It. n good strong market. With only ten loads on sale and nn active demand , the offerings were all taken In good se.i'on. There were quite a number of stackers and feeders on snlc nnd they were mo tly nil sold before the close. The prices paid did not "how much change ns compaicd with ycsterdiy. Representative sales : No. Av. Pr. No Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 1 . . SM fs n 12 . 'if ) Jl 60 39 . . .1173 J3 C5 2. . .KM 3 10 4. . HOC 3 60 9 . . .1277 370 T" 1:0 3 23 IS . .1315 3 B-i 6 . . .1132 3 70 1. . . 9 0 321 12 .1191 31. . 1185 37" . 2. . . 910 3 K 19. . . 10C1 3 CO 17..1291 375 i ! . .100 3 3 t 2 . . .1205 3 CO 18 . . .12 < 3 3 75 3. . .1IM 3 35 1 .1210 3 C1 15 . . .12)7 3 75 C. . .1WO 3 35 ' " 3 C5 20..1492 3 75 SS. . .H1S 1 35 20 . "l2H 3 Cl 11..1193 3 81 1 . .1140 3 40 C. . .1115 3 C3 11. . , ir,3 3 SI C . 51S 3 40 14. USTi 3 C3 20..13S5 4 00 15. . .1317 3 45 21. . 117G 3 C5 COWS. i" . . . 900 1 50 2 . . . 'i75 2 40 n. . . 1017 270 ' , . SO. ) 1 71 17. . .1M2 2 40 1..1279 275 2. , .1035 2 04 2. . . . 985 2 40 4 . . 9J7 27- 3. , . . fclO 2 00 1 . . .1000 2 40 8..1JI7 . . S4i 2 CO 13..1)2 ) > 2 45 1..12G ) 1. . . .1070 20J 1. . . . WO 2 45 ° ' 2 73 1.r . 1034 7..106 * 2 45 l ! . . 'lOli > 2 73 8. ' 2 20 1..1200 260 17. . . . 911 280 .1010 1. . . . 910 2 60 1. . . . 990 2 ! > 5 . 1170 1..11V ) 2 50 1..149) 2 S3 . 1125 11 . . .1201 2CO C . . .11R1 2 S3 . .1033 2 S3 1..1000 2 CO 3 . 1276 2 85 11SO 2..1075 2 10 2 . . 1115 2 83 . .mo 2 25 2 . . .1013 253 5 . . . SIC 283 . .10S1 230 17. . .1211 2 5 > 1 . 1020 2 63 . .1073 231 2 , . .120- , 2 55 4..1170 SCO . .104) 2"0 1C . . . 911 2C3 1 . .10CO 3 00 . 1037 250 3..1053 2 f 1 . . 1200 3 00 . . 930 2 SO 3..1SW 2 C5 1 . .1MO 3 03 . . 985 235 C . . . 83S 2G1 S..1D12 . .1013 2S5 1..1140 2 C5 7 . . .1162 . . 857 2 40 13 . . .102. ! 2 C5 HEIFERS. U. . . 790 225 B . . . CM t 55 51. . . . 751 390 I.V. . 6 { . . 74S255" 2 . . . 6V , 3TO . CC5 260 6. . . . C22 2 CO 1C . . .1012 3 H 1. . . . 60) 2 60 1 . . . 630 2 G5 2..1J.S 3 2i , WO 2 50 19. . . . 884 275 1..1100 3 25 . . C91 2 60 3. . . . 523 2 75 BULLS. . .1450 1 75 1..11CO 245 2 . . 1COO 2 CS . .1400 21 % ' ' " 1. . . 11 > 70 2 C5 . .1410 2 15 I."l570 255 1. . . . 91M 2 C5 . . 700 215 I..1590 2 65 1. . 1190 2 75 . .1300 1..1S30 6..1621 2 ' 5 . .1450 2 35 2. . . . 81) 2 CO 1..1IW 275 .1280 2 40 1 . . .1390 2 CO 1 . . .16A ) 275 . .1200 2 40 4..1212 2 CO 1..1100 2 S ) . .1050 2 40 1..1150 2 C5 1..1770 290 . .14 < M 2 45 1..14M 2 C5 1. . .1510 3 00 . .13GO 2 45 1..1140 2 C5 1..141' ) 300 STAGS . .1230 2 5 1..1110 2 SO 1..1210 3S5 . . G40 2 50 1..1110 2 90 CALVES. . . 270 2 25 2. . . . 291 3 25 1. . . . 130 1 00 . . 300 1 . . , 303 M 1 . . . 110 1 00 . . 330 2 60 1. . . . 110 4 00 3. . . . 133 5 00 . 260 3 00 1. . . ICO 4 60 1. . . . 170 5 00 3CO 323 6 . . , 141 4 60 STOCKRIIS AND n. . . 703 2 75 12 . . C3C 3 25 25 . . f'9 3 40 . . 7CO 2 75 1. . . 454 3 30 11 . . C27 3 40 . , etc 3 00 10. . . 9.U 3 31 5 . SOl ! 3 40 . . cso 3 00 7. . . 51CS 333 12 . . f > SJ 3 40 . . 710 3 00 2 . CS 3 35 7 . . S92 3 50 . . 9 < )0 ) 3 15 1 . . 460 3 33 15C2. 7-9 3 50 . . 66i 3 25 40 . . 573 3 37'4 C2. . . 830 3 5) , . 713 3 25 T2T 3 40 2J 74G 3 50 . .10:0 3 25 715 3 49 7. . . . CJI 3 C5 COLOHADO. No. Av. I'r. No Av. Pr. 8 Lulls 978 Jl 70 3 feeders. . 103) ) J2 00 1 fouler.,10. 1 80 12 mixed. . 945 1 feeder 1010 1 SO 1 fee-dor . . 120 2 30 2 feeders..10CO 2 00 2 feedi rs . 940 2 GO 1 ftedir. . .1210 2 00 3 fe dtiH 90) 2 61 2 fce-ders. . . 1030 200 4 ftcderi ) . . . 1010 2 0) 1 feiJ < r . . .1090 200 3 feeders. . 2 CO HOGS Omaha wns the high market yester day , and cm the ground that prices \ \ < ro higher luio than waa justified b > the condition of oilier markets , the busers pet out this morning to force a reduction. A few light nnd bulcher n eight hogs sold i-nrlj for Ihe fresh melt trade nt prices that were- strong In Cc higher , that Is at J3 95 nnd 1400. The packeis , however , were bidding only J380Q3S1 , or lOo lower. Salesmen would not accept Ibe bids nnd U became a dead lock , Ihe- morning wearing awns with ver > little doing , neither sld beljig willing to give In. Later on tht * hellers commenced to cul loose at the prices bid , that Is , 13 8083 SI , but tlie move ment to well wns very slow nnd the market un- fatlufnetorj. Howi-ur , the hogs ktpt ' . ' . . liandH. nnd in the tnd weie all pold , with Ihe exct-ptton of two or thrto I td-f Tim bulk of thti sales was nl J3 81 as against S3 00 jester- day. Itipii e-iilatlvo sales : Av. Eh. I'r. No. Av 1,1 2SI . . . S3 SO 70 . 260 1,7 2JS . . . 3 t > i > 113 . 209 l > 9 14J 80 15 . 331 61 2d9 ( U. . , , 2.12 335 f.l . 31G SOI ZOO 2SO 71 . 218 C4 K . 2S4 44 .S3G 70 . . . . 277 65 71 . 233 ,8 329 G ) 51 3C1 39 . 12 2CI 6" 219 47 319 M 271 123 2S1 C3 2IS 68 41 . . . . . 327 71. 23C 12 fiS 41) 3Ji 62 294 27 71 29C 4J .325 64 2S8 71 257 CO 278 ! ) 273 fl 305 ,9 312 SO 3 S2' 3 85 385 HIII3I31' Of the nhp'p here todiiy 13 ! head were shlpptd direct to a packer , 'the market vvaH Jubt about steady , IUprtsentull\e Halts : No. AI'r. . 30 mixed natives . . . . . . . 145 S3 U > KIIIIHUH C'JIj I , I viMorU. . KANHAH CITY. Jan 23-C'ATTM-IUce-lpls , 8.CM liriul ; shipments , 3,500 head , tn irl.Pt tiud > , Texas BHfl3 , t280Q320 , Tcijs eous , S2 .51(2 70 , Itfut uli'ira , > . ' SOt/4 30 ; nhtl\H CDUS , SI 004 3 SO , itocktru anil fefilers IJ75W3.70 , bulls , S2 23 3 15 IIOdH Hectlpls , 2,900 luad ; khlpments , "W : ieiul : market Rlcqdy to HIIOIIK , bulk of . S3SC3395 , heutles , S3 0083 S3 : nicKera , S3 75 400 , mixed , | 37CfI393. llKhl , ! 385j3 5 , Vorkcis , t31iO < ! < 395 ; pigs , S3 2Iir3 S3. I' HecelptH. 400 head , i < ) ilpmnts , COO head : mnrlKt U'iuly ami unchanged , lambs , S4 W 4 50 , muttons , 1 2 Mil 3 71. .St. I.oulH I.lvc ST. IXlIH , Jan. -CATTI.U-Heceliiti. . 3,000 head : market steady , native beeves , 32.'j < 0(75 ; cons and he-lfers. S20J0390 , stxkers and fee-Uers , trj09376. Trias Hirers , J2WHIM , IIOO8 Receipts , 7.0iw head ; uteady to Cc off. heavy , J3 ! 4410 ; mixed , SJJlKf I 00 , llKht , 4 00 00HHKHI' Receipts , 1 COO htail , market linn , nu ll UH , JtCOtrtW , southem. 120002.25. Nt > w \ < > rU LiveSlorU. . NEW 1OIUC , Jau. 23 UEEVK8-R ccipti . 732 head ; on tale , elKht curs ; no demand and no Uur pcaa catkn quuU American ulcers I ot JfflV , OrMttd wplRht ) icftlgeri > Ijr I'RHIXP' AND I.AMP'i-Tlfrelpt * . SMS heft 1 . . r.n O\M f PI < I homi undnM Hhcop | iotir tn pdine S'Vffl"l. Ii\m1 , cimninn lo cholrp S5 liil.s-Rectlpl , Z.1SJ henit , llrm 11 II CHICACO 1,11 13 SIOCIC. \llluitiub the Drill mill \Viis tlm Smiill Ilcn-lpli Prrt i-nlfit Declines CII1CAOO , .Tnn 21.-Altliouii | ! h < tleminil \ \ the rmall um prcveiitc.l nnv fin'.bf In prlcis'C of commen to tliloll choice IWCVM weie uncle at from $3 M to tl CO with extra , 'liol'o Mogis rnlnblc nroutu1 froi S4 7) lo SI < o llutchotit' a-iil cnnners' entile lit nclha nnd strong , CV\n fold nl from < - to SI i. * uiul ptlma helfrri ) an lilpli ns S4 As n tu't I Is the top price for ial\i There l n fil tia'lia In stockers nnd fco < ler , with liKjRl o the rnlis nt from S2S > tn S3 SO TCVIIK cittl weio nteailv at > e < len1nj' pilce , common t choice t-rlnf : In demninl nl from 13 tu SI ln 1'ncktrs continued to kick niailnrt the prlc ilrmnndril b > tcllcis of hog * , but llu * * uppb WTS no light that lliev were obllpril tn pi from J19J to $4 n , with choice nt from IIn I J4 10 PIKS sold larKil ) nt from S3 91 tn SI < Choice hOK3 of medium wclftht cold tlccliliillv betlci tlinn lienxy lots The rhcep trade was ilrpre eil la lav , na 1 ut cis objected to fhecp with their nccc s full o vvnter and prices nvornueil l > c Inner Pile went niAiIo of fihcrp nt frntn J2 to S2 50 for In fcrlor to common , up to ( mm S2 75 to SIM ( in choice \VcMrrn sheep brought from S1 10 to St 65 , and Iambi n > hl tit from S3 59 to SI G3 Stork li Rpcoiil or receipts nt the fnui prlnclpil nnr kclR for Thursilu > , Junimi' 23 C'altlo IIiiRii licep South Onnlm . . . 1.173 3 121 903 I'lllCBKO . 110. . SJf * ) Kanrufl City . . . f.fO ) 2'iW 4V > bt. Louis . 3,000 7,000 1,304 ' Totals . . . . , . . . . 22.G73 40 123 2 $03 \Vlcliltu HUH n lli'itlff. WICHITA. Jan. M-Wichita has n healer Fourteen cripples have tin own nwn > their crutches and are stlnKln 1 the pial cs o Hai tho'omcw Corn In , aped PI jeirs , who haw been a resident of Kansas since 1SA ! l.llcu Schlatter , fonvln will not accept money for hi < cures , nnd Ids only admoni tion to his benellclarles I" "See lint joi tell no man of the wondcis that have been perfoimed" II A , IMM. n will Known It'tler canlur , t.tjs tint his vvlfe and son were healed btho old irnn's touch. Mrs Threvliold c'alms that phu vvns etirrd of cancer , and n dozen othetn , well known heio , wcro relieved of various dlsea cs b > Uartholopiew. Jlnrtholomew Is well to do nnd live ? In n line home ConllililiciAinu | ' | CII < | N Clllltv. KANSAS CITY , Jan 2,1-John Morrl'scv , the conlldencc man who Insists that several Knnsas City men rccoRii'zcd ' him as rcnco Daly , brother of thu noted .Montana mine owner and horseman , nnd who de clares that he was obliged to swindle those In Kansas Cltv out of $3iO to satlhfy their setiHo of ho'-pltallty , chuiiRctl bis mind to day. YOFtciday lie pleaded not unlitv to the charge of obtaining monev under false pretenses Todaj ho changed his plea to one of sullty , nnd was sentenced to three venrs In the penitentiary. He accepted his fate stoically. Woman Dleil of .Stnrintlon. MAMARONEC , N. Y. , Jan. 23 An au topsy was held tonlprht on the body of Sllss Mary U. Hills , the poetess , who was found dead In her home at Bonnj broolc farm , this village , yesterdav. The autopsv Allows that the woman had died of starvation , and not nt the hands of a muidcrcr , as has all along been thoupht It Is believed by those who mntlo the Investigation tint the woman h itl fal'en downstairs very shortly before she died. Clnrl ; Will Continue tinPlelil. . MONTGOMERY , AH. , Jan 23 The friends of Hon. H J. Chirk , the "round money" candidate for the democratic guber natorial nomination , caucused here todaj on the situation with refeiencc to their fa vorite. It was determined that ( -urrender wns out of the question , In spite of the action of the state legislative comm tte y s terdny , and that Instead a vigorous cam paign should be made. H Arronloil for UrlhiT ) . COLUMHUS , O. Jan. 23 Great excJte- mont hai been caused In i > olltlcal circles by the Indictment of three ex-members of the state leKla'ature. all of whom are accused of brlberv nnd soliciting bribes while berv- IIIK thd state ns law makers. The culprits arc ex-Senator John Grler and ex-Se , ntor Gear , democrats , and ex-Senator Ij. C. Ohl , republican. Other Indictments are raid to bo threatened. Wife AVI 1 1 Return iiltii He-r IIiiHliniiil. LAWRENCE , Kan , Jan , 23 Edwin L Charlton arrived here to Jay from San Fran cisco , bringing with him his runaway wife , her two chlldien and Albettus Itlch , her paramour. Neither Itlch nor Mrs Chnr'- lon were under arrest. It Is understood that the trouble will be smoothed over , nnd that the wajward wife will return to her husband. _ Mifit < Iie MnrNlml nnil SAN ANTONIO. Tex. . Jan. 23 A special from Weimar , Tex. , says : City Marshal Hatch was Eliot and Instantly killed tonight by a negro named Jim Harris. The wildest excitement prevails and the citizens are bcoiirlnf ; the country for the murderer , who , If caught , will surely be Ivnched. There was a companion with Harris , who Is now In Youthful Wife.SiikH n Divorce. ST. PAUL , Jan. 23 A special from Fargo The latest acquisition to the I"nreo divorce colony is Mrs. neakman , the 19- l ear-old daughter of Peter J. Conlln , super intendent of police of New York City. Mrs. Bcakman was married at the age of 13 , and the groundB for divorce arc said to bo nonsupport. Si-cil OalH ( o lie Shipped IV > c * . HENNESSEY. Okl . Jan. 23 The Rock Island railroad has granted free billing for -tr o i' hlpp'il front Karmns to Okla homa an I tetrloiy polnls between I'ebni- nrv 1 nnd Apill 1 This will bo of great ber.tnt to fartnet * In the Cherokee Mi In. * mis oti.n MI ( i.i\ : r.i.v.M ) otr. I'mji-i'lcd Drill In lliiNo Hull Circle * Would llc ciiNiillonnl. riTTSIlUKO , Jnn. MThe Commercial Gitzctto tomorrow will s-\j that wltliln n few clay * , inlc s present plans fall , n buc ball deal will be clusrd which will ecllp o any thing dnnn In that line for ) c.irs. The s\ib- ist.uiro ot the nrtlclo Is tint rresldont llob- Inson of the Clov child club lias about con cluded nriunKcmcnts with Chi Is Von dor A hi' by which the St. Louis franchise nnj club will bo sold to the Cleveland manage ment. nnd tlio lattir's team transferred to St. Louis , leaving Clov ( land out of the UnKtie and m.iUni ; room for Detroit. The money consideration Is not inndc public , but It Is fnld Kublneon could well nfford to pny ilCO.OOO and still make money by the \rKi- ( Irs Iti-fioUe- ( Snpporl Alllnoii , SAN ANTONIO. TIN , Jan 2,1A special meeting of negro republicans wnt held hero tonight and re olvcd to support Allison for tlie ropnblic.ui nomination N Wilght Cunov , a member of the national icpubllctm executive vominUtcus was present , and iiinito it speech foi Alllon , itTtl'll : VU'Klllll'J . Tex. , Jan ai-Tho Eighth eon- dlstilct republican convention. held tonlKlit , wns n walkover for the Mc- Kliley faction 'Iho delrKntcs elected to the St. Ixwls convent Ion weie Instructed for .McKlnlcy. I.lko n Alilu > rrrcil < lili-i' . I'EIUIY. Okl . Jan 23Chief Alexander Tall , a full b'od O-Mge. tiei'uroi of that tribe , Is hoit In hH nccounti from $ .1,000 to JIOOi ) , and the Indian' ! liavo bf > como consldeinbly walked up ovei the m.tttcr. Itoliltril n I'oxlolllec * Sllfr. CIJEViLAND. : Jan. 23A special from Newcastle , 1'n , * & $ * Thieves djnamUcd the nilwood Cltv iiostolllce Bitfc last night nnd tccurrd about $ liyj worth of stninpi , n-oncy and registered lettcra. for N'\'N SIioi-N. PEUIIY , Okl , Jan. 23 Hon. John W .Tor- dan , an Important factor In all Cheiokco < ouncll < * , Is a ciudldato to succeed United States Maii-hal N\ ( . who It Is rumored late to bo lemoved from olllcc Tobacco Manufacturers Out $10- 000,000 in ' 95. I'rositoct of Si 111 I.ONN In 'll ) ( ( retii Anile-tj In Tolmc-oo Clrclox. CHICAGO ( Special ) It wan reportcil icro today that a large sum of money had l > iu offered fo- the tobacco habit euro called No- Po-IJac , which Is famous all ever the coun- ry for Its wonderful cures. This offer , It a suld , was nmdo by ptrtlcs who dcslro to nko It off the market and stop the wle , bc- cjuso of Its Injury to the tobacco biiblnesg. icncral Manager Kramer of No-To-IJac , \hon Interviewed today at his ofllco , No. 45 landolph street , paid : "No , sir , No-To-Hac Is not for sale to the obacco trust. Certainly No-To-lac ) affects ho tobacco business ; It will euro over 20U Oiil ) jeoplo" In ISOO , at an average saving of $ r ( ) vhlch each vvculd otherwise expend for to- ) acco , amounting In r"und figures to $10,000- 00. Of course tobjcca dealers' loss In gained by the curd. Dees No-To-Uac bene- , t phyulcally ? Yes , sir. The majority of ur patlento repcrt an immediate gain of esh , and their nlcitlno saturated sjsterna ro cleans'cJ nnd nude vigorous. No-To-Bac s sld by drugglt'ts ' throughout the United states and Can ida under absolute guarantee ! hat three bo\c9 v\lll euro any caso. Kall- ro to euro means the money back. Of ourso the'o are fallurey , but they aic few , nd vvo can better afford to have the good vlll of an occasional fnllute than the money. Vo publlbh a little book cilled "Don't To- > acco Spit nnd SmcUo Your hlfo Away. " that tells all about No-To-Bac , which will be mailed free to any ono desiring It by ad dressing the Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago , Montreal , Can , or Now York. " Our Free Letter Reviewing the grain and stock narked , will b lent } ou dallr on request , In lh hope of dc crv- Ins part of > our business Orders solicited for cash cr on three to fl\e point mnreln * . J , R. WILLARD & CO Members Chicago Hoard of Urajc , K . York ProJuce Uxchanue. New York Cons Block Lx- change. 17 Hoard Trade , Chlmco. 44 Broadway. NeYork. . JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone lOrtO. Oinnlm , Neb. COMMISSIO'N GRAIN , : PROVISIONS : AND : STOCKS tim 111V4 llonrd of Trade. Dhcct tnftH lo ChlcnBO and New York. CtOe tni < Icnls : John A. Warren & Co. CRIPPLE CRi'EK GOLD STOCKS nought and sold on commission. Mechora Investment Co. Colorado Springs , Colo. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEB. Something New ! South Arabian Nights ! ? Mew8tortfroni"UnGleReiiiilf | I Astro n s TheSonofBenAii Told by His Friends and Acquaintances. By JOEL BHJNDLER MRRI8 i Will begin publication February 2 , and run six weeks. Illustrated by Oliver Herford. | THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.