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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1895)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE * FRIDAY , DECEMBER 27 , 1895. SPBG1RL NOTICES. Ailvcrtlnrmont * for ( lime colmnnn nlll be tnkcn tmtll IStHO p. in. for < lir creiilnnr nml iinlll 8 p. nt. for the nml Sntulny ci1llnnn. rtlNrrn , 1 > y rrtincntlnpr n Tintn- clicrk , cnn linvc ntimvrr * nil- to n nnmliprcil letter In rnrc of Thp Hoc. Aiiwtrpra do nrttlrc "oi1 Tvlll IIP ilrllvrroil upon prcKcntntlon of I Inphpclc mil- . Hale * , 1 l-2o n woril nmt Innrrllniii to n rroril tin-rentier. XntliliiR tnUcn for IPHM tlinti 2rc for Hrnt Innrrllon. TIPHC nitrcrfInpniPtiln tic run connect- llvi-lr. HUM * . \VAXTniJ-MAIiE WANTIJD MVn , INTELLIGENT AGENTS IN Omaha to orRnnlz clulxt of threp to five fjml- UM of our famous Orchard Homes lanrH In ri > ntrnl Mlmlwlppl. The tide of Immlnrntlon U ( tolng nouth , where lh re nr < > no hot winds , no roM winters , no htlzxnnl * . no crop failures , where ( wo or three crops cnn Tie fitly" ! jncn } -i > nr : whore there In no Mich thins as faltum If n mnn will work nne.rmlf ns hard im he doc * In this country : ronl summer * , mild winters ! jure pivlnir crps of fruits and garden truck ! rlchMt foil on enrth : beit railway Mcllltlei. Oeo.V. . Amp * , itenersl agent. 1517 Farniim tt. . my,1Ja > WANTED. A COAT HANDt STEADY WORK and ( teed pay. Henry Kasaebaum , 'n'Jr'X ! , ' Point. Neb. H-ME23 61 TO JIM 1'AID SALESMEN FOR experience not necessary ; extra Inducements to customers. Bishop & Kline , 8t. I - 'I'MV. 3 " * * " * " ' BAI.nSMHK TO TAKI3 OHDnilB ANI > COI.- lect : M bond signed I'V n . ; > . * , : ! fl"nl. | iv quire. ! : eitclunUe territory : J23 o tf " " $ ? . I'or rnrtlculnra nd.lrra * I1. O. Itox l.W. N * H-M a. YoiK City. KOH HUNT 1IOUSHS. IIOUSKS. F. 1C. DAllLINO , lUHKUU HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THL Davis Company1305 . D 414 O. F. _ JTarnam. FURNISHED HoTJSE FOlf RENT ; BEAUTIFUL house , ten rooms , elegantly furnished , hot water hent , laundry , stable , carriage , etc Thos. F. Hall. . I6 Paxton block. P I" STANFORD CIRCLE COTTAGES. 0 ROOMS nil modern , gas. fuel. Apply llyron Heed Com pany , 212 So. 14lhBt. _ p " 6 HOUSES. DENEWA & CO. . 103 N. TH j"1. 616 NO. SOTH , 4-llOOM COTTAQE. H.23 No 20th , 5-room Hat , nice. 1GZI N. mh , 8-rooin brick. OmeJha Heal'Usmfe & Trust Co. , Ill 8. FOlt RENT , HOUSE OF TEN ROOMH. MODern - ern conveniences ; very handy to busUicsi. I.n- qulro Of D. T. Mount , 209 3. 16th gt U-M6 t AND j-iiooafiiouscs "ON FAUKAM AND 6-room liouee on ZJd and Irfnvenworlh. cheap. Jno.V. . llobblns. 211 N. Y. Life ] ' _ FOII HUNT , j-nooii HOUSE , s. E. cenT D nnd Clurke. " - ' ' 1401 JACKSON ST. . 7-nOOM MODEHN. 20. 4100 Lafayette ave. , 3-room modern , Jt ) . 2i)7 ) S 2Jth St. , H-room modern , JW. 209 S. 2th Bt. , 9-room modern , $30. S175 Webster Bt. , 7-room modern. J2J. 277S Hurt St. , 7-room modern. J20- 020 N. 27lh nvc , 7-room niodoni , 120. 2 2 8 lllh at. . 7-room modem. > Zj. 2004 S. llth St. . 7-rooni ni3 < lern. J23. Fidelity Trust Company , Ii02 Furnnm ' . ( ( r BIX-nOOM MODEIIN HOUSE. EMILY VLACE , Manderarjn. D20K 18th. south of _ _ _ FOU unNT7 MorE N iinicic nousn OF n cr 20 1 roomn at 11I-1K. N. 2'th Bt. Sec , J N. Frenzer. ouposlte postolllce. Tel. M. D S27 KOU HENT-S-UOOXt HOUSE ANlf 1IAIIN , $1S. Inqulru on premlsoa. 1126 So. SOth Bt . _ . . , g2.n. ( ; SMALL HOUSE.Ill S. 21TH 3 TO 4-H. HOUSES CllEAI' FOH KENT FUHMS1IE1) 11OO3IS. THREE ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING TO In board. 319 M " " man nnd wife ; rent taken SOUTH FRONT HOOMS. BOARD , 2303 DOUG- , lag. , . , . t-MSlS 11 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS ; niDdcrn convenlcnceaj G211S S. ISth street : KUHMSHKU IIOOMS ATVD 11OA11D. FUONT IIOOMS. WCLL HEATED ; FAMILY board If desired : rates reasonable. 324 Norm 53d St. F-6.0 fiboMS WITH liOAHD. 2013 OOUOLAS- . NICE WAIIM IIOOMS ; GOOD nOAHD ; RATES reasonable. The Hose. 202' > . FOR RENT. FURNISHED FRONT HOOMS with or without bo.ird ; steam heat , electric bells batha ; latei reasonable. The Midland Hotel. IGlh nnd slieets F 827-30 roil HUNT UNFURNISHED IIOO3IS. : \VATEH IN KITCHEN ; CENTRAL : rcnsonnblo lent : nice for housekeeping. liOS Webalcr St. Q-MJ3C _ FOIl HUNT STOKES AND OFFJOKS. FOU KENT , THE 4-STOHY I1HICK IJUILDINO nl 916 Farnnm t. This bulldlnK has a tire. iiroof cement basement , complete steam heat- Inir llxtuics , wiilor on ull lloois , gas , etc. Ay ply nt tha olllco of The Il < e. _ 1-910 BTOIIE UUlLniNO AT 1011 FAUNAM ST. : 3 DlorlcD and bnxcinent : good for wholcenlo or rirtull purposes. 514 First Nat. Hank bldir. FOH RENT. OFFICE IlOOMBi 1C1J DOUOLAS ct. 1 MWO AVAXTI3I ) . WANTED. HOME ONE TO ATI'OINT AND HViMsre nRi-nlH In every county : Rood HJlrtry nml coimnltulGii ; c.ipltal , 511. Addreiui n Cl , lieu. J MU23 27 AOENT.S WANTED TO TAKE ORDERS FOH our relcbniti'd $ I.O ) custom pints and nulls. Clilcnco Custom 1'nnH Co. , J03 Fifth nvp. , J-M9I7 Fi WAXTBII TO KI3.VT. WANTED. 2 OR J NICE ROOMS. WITH bith , for lUhl liDusi-kerplng. U C5 , Uee. 1C MH33 30 * STOHAGE. ETORAGE , FRANK EWERS , 1211 IIAHNEY. M 421 1'APJFKi STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , (03-910 Jones. General storage and forwarding M 422 WAXTKI1 TO 1HIV. WANTED , FIRE 1'ROOF SAFE ; ADDRESS I . O. Drawer 41. Onulm , N ! H-23' FOK S.U.i : KUUXITUItK. ONE LAR E ACORN 11ASE IH'RNER FOH sale nt corner uf 35Hi sliest nnd Half Hnn-nrd. O 9I3SS' FOR HALK-.MISCKLLAMCOU.S. IFAHD TvOOD 4 AND 6-FOOT FENCE FOH wuiii cribbing , i' . II. Lee , Ml DoiiKlgg. 0-413 'SKATES , ALL SI/.ES. CENTS TO is.o ) , umaha lllcycle Co. . 3J3 N. Kth. Q-M1IC ONK FINE HEALSICIN NEWMARKET AT A Ki * t bargain. KU Uojclas JIKot. a 6. liee. Q-MKI-F3 I'El'PKR Sl'SCIALTY CLARINET AND OUT - nt , neatly iww ; al , i Ouuble-lmirrl brocch.ljad- Ins Run , 10 guu e. AiMrttc O ( I , r. e. e.Q MH13 ! 7 FOH SALE. A FlflHT CLAS MILCH CO\V. Andrew U , Julmruii , 31DS U. IHh St. Q-VDJi' CLAIUVOVAXTS. JHIB. DR. H. WARREN , i- llabU biiilnes * medium ; ItU tear ct 11 } N. Kill. 8 131 MA.s.H.vcii ; , n.vrn.s , IJTO. MADAME SMITH. : i. E. COU. "jijfii"A".N D J > jUUi ; , room < 1 , tncl II nnd Uitl.n. T- - ; : _ _ _ t " MMK. HOWUI.L. TtJi'.KIPJI A"NI > E'J'.CTISK' bilhs. Flnrvi pailori tntty. . : * ' > S. I'-lh. T : - _ _ WME , AMKS. 'OitMEirLYOFIJT ; ' . MAS- uuil tnlli : . i)7 ) ri. Hill si. . :4 . IXMIII 1) . LION : batbs. 41 ; South IH'J * IMI , uv t lii : J end J. VIAVA 111 TEE RLDO. , 1IEAI.T1I ROOK frri home treatment ! lady attendant. U 4U HATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST. T.9H S. 15TII. U 4 28 FINE LIVERY RIOS CHEAP. ED nAUMI.BT. 17th and St. Maryi avenue. Telephone. 440. U 417 'M.Lr EPi'ERLY CORSET MADE TO ORDER nt 1903 Farnam. I idy agents wnnled. U-MJ17 J 23 MONEY TO LOAN ON PIANOS. 11ICYCLE8. Jewelry , etc. ! strictly P. O. t > ox 324. MATRIMONIAL CORRESPONDENCE HUREAU. Paper and IlsU , Idc. Earth Pub. Co. , St. I/ouls , Mo. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR AND MOLES HE- moved by electricity. Mme. I'ost , 319H S. 15th. U 830 fUY TO I.OA-IIIAI. KSTATB. ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , JIS N. Y. Life. Ifinnt at law rales for choice security In Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omaha city propeity. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWRST HATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Farnnm st. W 129 0 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. U. Melkle , Omaha. W 430 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust Co. , 170Z Fnrnnm. W-131 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , llrcnnan , Love A Co. , 1'axton Dlk , W 432 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 923 N. Y. LIFE. W-433 MORTGAGES. O. d. WALLACE. UROWN IlLK W 431 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Fnrnam. W 433 MORTGAOE LOANS : LOW RATES. J. D. Zltllc , 16th und Douglas , Omnlin.W43J W-43J FARM LOANS , DOUGLAS AND SAHPY. 1 TO 10 years ; low rates. Garvln llron. , 210 N. Y. U W-437 WANTED AT ONCE , APPLICATIONS FOR laigu loans on buslscsss property , nlso Ou ell- Ing houic lonni ; don't wait until jour old lofin expired , apply noiv. Fidelity Trust com pany. 1703 Fnrnam St. W 913 J23 MOMiV TO LOAX CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. horBea. wagonj , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no lemovnl of goods ; strictly canllilentlnl ; you can pny the loan oft ut any time or In nny amount. amount.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE TX5AN CO. . SOO S. IGth st. X 433 MONEY TO LOAN , SO. Gu. M DAYS : FUHNI- ture , plnnos , etc. Duff Qrcen. room S , Ilaiker block. x 139 I1U.SIXESS CHANCES. FOH SALE. THE PALACE CAFE IN LEAD nnd Dendwood. both doing Rood business. Ad dress Mntt Klopp , Lead or Deadwood , S. D. Y-M407 MAKE MONEY I1Y CA'REFUL SPECULATION In grain through n reliable , successful firm : cx- celluit opportunities tn make profit * by our new plnns ; fully explained anil sent free : highest references. Pattlson & Co. . 70 Omaha nidjr. , ChlcuBo , 111. Y M47S WANTED A GOOD I1LACK8MITH TO TAKE nn Interest In good blacksmith mid wngon shop. Doliiu n good business. Apply or nddreM O. P. Muldoon. 1GII Cumins. Y S31-2G WANTED. YOUNG MAN WITH FEW HUNdred - dred dollars , tn take ehargo of branch of- llcj. Painty. J100 month nnd commission. Legitimate business. Addiess G G3 Ilw > . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y an 2S FOK EXCHANGE. EQUITY IN LARGE TRACT OF LAND NEAR Omnhn ; wlmt have you to offer. II. F. Dalloy 810 N. Y. Life Dldg. z l CLEAR CHICAGO PROPERTY FOR FIRST class farm near Omaha. T. B. McCulllch , sultn GOI , Chamber of Commerce. Chicago , ill. 7.-SM-J13 FOH EXCHANGE OMAHA PROPERTY AND tC.000.00 cn U for Chicago property. T. B. Mc- Culloch , suite C04 , Chamber ' of Commercf. Chi cago. Ills. 7 SM-JI3 FOK SALE HEAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. RE 112 IMPROVED FARMS. G. W. CAHLOCK. 12)3 Farnam st. HE 611 Jl * BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- crtles nnd farms. John N. Frenzer , opp. P. O. HE 4)3 ) BARGAINS , HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS : sala or trade. F. K. Darling. Barker block. HE 444 FOH BARGAINS. TRADES. QUICK DEALS , call or nrlto D. V. Sholes Co. . First National Hank Illdg. RE M315 31 WANTED-LARGE CITY AND FARM PIIOP- eitles for wile or exchange. T. I ) . McCulloch , sulto GOI , Chamber of Commerce. Chicago. Ills. HE 800-J13 NOW IS YOUR TIME ; CALL AND SEE WHAT n line six-room callage nnd lot I can Bell for only SI,200. r. 1C. Duillns , Barker block. RE M934 27 SIIOHTIIAXD AXD TYl'EWKITING. A , C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 613 N. Y. LIFE. 430 OMAHA BUSINESS COLLEGE. 15TH. FARNAM 431 HOTELS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. COR. 12th and Dodge. Rooms by day nr week. 433 THE LANOE HOTEL , 003 S. 13TII ST. ; STEAM heut ; table board , J3.00 per week. iH53 I'AAV.MlHOKliRS. ZI. MAROW1T7. LOANS MONEY. 413 N. 10 ST. VIMIOLSTEKINO FUKXITUKE. UPHOUSTEHINO , FURNITURE REPAIRED and packed very cheup this month. M. S. Walkln , 2111 Cumins. Tel. 133L 237 non.sns WANTED HORSES TO WINTER : BEST OF care ; terms reasonable. A. W , Phelps & Son , JC > 7 N. Y. Life bld . Telephone 1034.M M373.D2J * HORES WINTERED : HEST OF CAHE Riven horses , both winter and summer. Addreis. M , J. Welch , Grelna. Neb , M772 AXI > H. 1C. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND cmbalmcr , 1C18 Chicago St. , tclephona ! M. 434 SWANSON & VAL1EN , 1701 CUMNO , TEL. 1WO. 4M _ M. A. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM , bnlmer. IIH Fnrnam at. , telephone ! J3. 438 HlCYCI.nS. J1IO BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND III- cycle * ; skated. 33a to { 3.00 , Omaha Hlcyclo Co. . : : i N. IGth street. MCC3-JS EI.nCTUIOAI. TIIIJA-IMIUXT. MISS VAN VALKENI1URGI1 DESTROYS PEH- m.incntly by eltxtrlclly siipciiinouu hair , moles , \vart.i , etc. Ilwin 410 , N , Y. Life Bid ; ; . MS m'lLDIMJ ' AMI LOAN ASSOCIATION. h'HAIUS IN MD7UAIJ L. & II. ASH'N PAY f , 7. > p r cc'H uhcn 1 , 2. 3 yearn nld.aira ; ) > s nd ma ! Ic. 1J1H Farnam * t. , NnttlnirrKc. . 447 HOW TO iT : A HOME olt SKCIJRE OOO11 Intm-xi r.n < .alri ; . Apply lo Omi'lin , U \ 11. 'n. KOI IKLldg. . iJ , 31. Nnilliiirer , Ss.i. 41 ! O. AHT A.M \MiU.UH : . O. lJI'PIIIiRSON. . PIANIST. VOr. PARTIES , "liilK. cti- ; b-it iltv tettf > vct. Aitili < A-MiiJi Merer. ISUijnil Fnrnaiu. S 2S nioiai : * ; K. c.KLLtNiinTiF. : t' Hi : ClilotO t. LOST. LOST-SMALL FOX VfiRRlI.'H. ANSWERS TO in' . or r.uuMtfr. Ror.'ura slU'ti at 101 : iuth ! M au-nuj. lan ? l ) < i QUAKER OATS The Child Loves It. The Dyspeptic Demands It. Tito Kplcitro Dotes on It. DO YOU EAT IT ? For 15.00 llntin't 77inruitrjOmntm , .Vrf , . , will send you 0 boxes of Titrbtth J.nit Miinliuml Cure ulth n ilhllitct trynl lltinrantcr to euro you of nny weakness cnused by youthful error * or rrrr.r ' ( frnfiiffully / / stopping night rmltilani brlnsliiR buck tbo * lrr ///i ntirt r/j/or / of yontli or rofiind every rriir paid to ut. Wo do not clvo free } > rrrri'ii > ttt u , but glvoyou niRillcIno thnt will cure and tln- volop nil parts fully. Slnslo boxes 11. Sent by nintl. no printing on outside , on recylptof price. I'or.mllrn Ttirtitth ToiMi/nnd 1'rnny rti/iul 1'llls nnvi-f fall to bi Ing niMi lnm- llnn.ini-cln Ilir ifiijII box , U for ? J by mall , ilnlin's Pharmacy , Omaha. WOMAN fomctl.iies needs n rollnbl" monthly rrgulating medlcmc DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS , A J prompt , unfa nnd certain In remit. The genu- 'no ( Dr. IVal'sl neverd ! nutxlnt. Kpntnaywhcro 11.00. filicrmnn A MrCunne" Drue Co. , 1113 Dodc ulroet Omaha. Nth. JAPANESE Medicated Tooth Paste 1 the PEIIFKCTION KNAMEL POLISH. It N mmrnnteetl to bo absolutely free from nil nitil < or other cliomlcnU Injurious to the teeth , It will not tmnMi ROM or silver flllInK * , kcrpi the teeth fiee fiom tnrtnr. polishes them to n pcnrl } ' whltenepft. hardens the gum * , purities the lirpHth uml leave * the month ilclltjhlflllly re freshed. For snle by ull ilruirclst * . 23 cents. ondnryorTcr. jtlarrbyplilllapurnmnenlljr cured In 15 to J35dnr3. You cnn bo treated nt homo for jtho immo price under muno gunrnuty. II jfyoa prefer to coma hero wo < * IW contract to pur railroad faro nnd hotel b Us , anrt no cbnrKO.If no fall to cure. If you have taken mer cury , iodldo potinh , ana Btlll have ) nrhes nnd tnlns. Mucous l'nt dies In mouth , Sere Throat , 'liuplos , Copper Colored Spots , Ulcers on nr purtoitho Dodr , lliilrorKvobrown fnlllns Jilt , It 11 thlsSypiillUlo mOOI > 1'OISON that wo ijtinrnntco to euro. Wo solicit tbo most obstl- ntuo cases nnd challenge the world Tor n cnnn wocnniiotcure , u'hls dhen e has nlvra73 budloil the skill of the most onilnoutpliyal * clniiB. 8500,000 capltnl behind our Uncondl * 'tionnl irnnrnntj. Absolute proofs pent nonled on ippllcatlon. Address COOK HKM10DY CO. . 07 Uasoula avrnple , CHICAGO. 1LI STOCKHOLDEIIB1 MEETING. Ofllco of Lee-Clnrke-Andreesen HurdwnrJ Company , Omaha. Nebraska , Dscember U , Ib9j. Ntlco Is hereby given to the stock holders of the Lee-Clarke-Andreeson Hard ware company that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the company will bo bold at the olllcca of the said company , 1219 , 1221 nnd 12.3 Hartley street , in the city nf Omaha , in the .state of Nebraska , on Tuesday , January 14 , A. D. , IS'JO , nt 3 o'clock n. m. , for the purpose of electing a bonrd 01 directors for the company to serve durlns the ensulliK year , nnd to transact such other business as may bo presented at such meetlnjj. ( Attest. ) II. J. LRE , President. W. M. GLASS , Secretary. DH < 132t-M STOCKHOLDKKS' MEETING-UNION LAND COMPANY. Notice Is hereby Riven that the annual inoellnfT of 111 ? stockholders of the Union Land company for tbe election of flve direc tors and the transaction of such other busi ness as may lawfully como before the meeting , will be held fn the library. Union Pacific building , Omaha , Nebraska , upon Monday , January 13 , 1S)6 ; ) , at 10 o'clock , The stork transfer books will ba closed ten days before tlio Onto of the meeting. Boston , Ma nchUECtti. December 12 , 1S9 , " . ALEXANDER MILLAR. Secretary. D22 d23tm STOCKHOLDERS' MEKTINO-OMAIIA ft ELKHORN VALLEY RAILWAY' COM PANY. Notice Is hereby Given that , the nnnunl mealing of the HtccUrmMera of Iho Ortinha & Elkhorn Valley1 Hallway Company for the election of seven directors and trans action of such other business as may law fully come before tiio meeting , will be held In the library , Union Pacific building. Omriha , Nebraska , upon Wednesday , the 1st day of January. 1S96 , nt 10 o'clock , a. m. The stock transfer books \vU ! bo clo. ed ten days before the date of the meeting. Boston , MnssAchusetts , December 12 , 1883. ALEXANDER MILLAR. Secrelnry. D22 dlltm NOTICE. The Pacific Express Company , Ofllco of the President , Omaha , Neb. , November 25. 1533. Notice Is hereby given that' the annual meeting of the stockholder. ! of the company for the e'.octlon ot directors nnd tbo trans action of such other business as may prop erly come before It , will bo held nt the of llce of tlie company. No. 1101 Harney street , Omaha , Nob. , on Thursday , January 2 , 1S95 , at 2 o'clock p. m. Bv order of the bonnl of directors , E. M. MOIlSufAN , President. Atlest : ' WILLIAM F. BECHEL. Secretary. Nov. 23. Dec. C-I3-2J , Jan 1. Morn. WHITE STAR LINE. Sailing fiom New York \VcJnosJjyi , as fuilons. Nu palling tile 23th uf Uec-inbr. isio. Teutonic. Jan. 1 , 10 n. in. ; Ililtannlc , Jan. S. 11 u. m. : Majestic , Jan. IS , 10 a. in.- Germanic , Jan 22 , I'J u. in. United Statcsand Roynl Mnll Steamers. Saloon passage1 , 5.V ) nnJ upunrd , accuiillng tn steimer belectwl nnd location of berth. Second cabin ? : ! nnd $1' ' ) un Maj-iCtlc aiu Teutonic DHAFrf payable on di'mniul every u hero In Great Hrltaln and Ireland sold at 1cmes ! rates. For In.-l'ectlon of plans of strumcia and nny further Iniurmattcn apply ta local ngcnts or dhiut to II. MAITLAND KEHSEV. O'l Ac't. 2J IJ'way N. Y. N. ANDERSON , O'l W'n Ant. . 241 POIJTH CLARK ST. CHICAGO. RAILWAY TIME CARD I.eavrs IIJURLINGTON & MO. HIVEH.IArrhsJ OmahalUnlon Dpot , 10th & Masun Hta.l Omahu S:30am : Denver Express 9:3nm : 4.3-ipin.Iillr. Hills. Mont. & f'ueet ami Ex. 4:0pm : 4:32pin : Denver li'nircai 40um ; 7OEpm : .KcbratUa Local ( except Sunday } . . 7J3pm : . . .Lincoln Local ( except 8unday . . .ll:25 : > ni t45pm..Fn ! t Mail ( for Lincoln ) dally. , , Ltuves ( nilCAGO , ntJRLINOTON & QjArilfei OmahnlUnlon Depot , 10th ft Mason Sts.f Omaha S:00pm. : . . Chicago Vcitlbulo , , . . . 800am ; t-.ltam Chlcaso Expiess 4tl5pm 7'50pm..Chicago & St. l-nul Express. . . : llSam Pacific Junction Local B'.JOpm . . .Fast Mall 2:40pn : : U-a\es ( CHICAGO. MIL. A HT. PAUL.IArrlVfs OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. Omah.i CiOPpm.T..Chicago Limited . * , . , 8G3am : 1045am..Chlcago ! Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . ! i3rim Liaven CHICAOO & NORTHWEST'N.IArrhes OmahalUnlon D pot , 10th A Ma n Sts.f Omnhn IICnam : Eastern Express , , . 3lOpm ; 4:4i : n Vestlbulert Limited 5,43pm 7:0'am : Cariolt Passenuer lOMOnni fi:4Spm : Omnhn Chlcauo . 800jm ; 40pm : . . . . . .Iloone Ixicnl 9:30am : Missouri Valley Lcnl : Leaves ICHIOAOO. R. I. ft I'ACIPIC.IArrliri' OmahulUnlmt U put. IQtli & Mason Sla. | Omaha _ _ _ EAST. _ lClOam. : . . Atlantic Express ( cjcTsunday ) . . 5l : on 6Jpm : . Klcht Express . 8ilam : 4Mpm : . ChlniKn Vestlbulcd I.Imltec'i. . . . , l:3pni : ; tQpm..Bt. Paul VtstlbuUd Limited. . . . liSipn : WEST ; IJpmOklahonm , t Texas Ex , us. Sun:0:8im : l40pm. ! . . , . . . . .Coliirado Limited. . . . .4:00pm : Leaves" ! ( . ' . , BT. P. . M. k O TArVlJeT OmaluDcpot. ! _ 15th nnd AVobttcr fits. | Omah \ C:15am : . Slnu-c City AccommoJallon. . . SilSpm 12. 15pm. . . Sioux City Expriex. . Hun. . . .ll:55im : * < Spm. . . . . . . . ! . , _ P uf LenveiT T K. " . E. ft MO. VALLETl ( Amvej Onianal peiiotlilh nnd Web ter fits. I Omaha " ' ; ; 15pn\.rnrt Mall und'E ni fss . BTssFm 2 : pmex. Dnt. ) Wjo. Ex. ( v-x Mon. ) , , . SiS pm 7Mam.Ki.riolk : Expren ( ex. Sunday ) . . .10:2Sam : HJnm. . . . . . . St , Paul Eipicjs. . , , . 9lOam : LenveVT * K. C. , ST. jr& STlf. ' ( Arrlret OinahaUnon | ! Depot , 10th & Mmon Stsj Omah * C0am ; . Ksnuti Oily Day Express. . . BtJOnm Ji < 5pm.K. C. Nlsht Ex. Via U , P. Tr n . : " MISSOURI I'Afirif. lAirlVrt" Ptput. JljlhandWeb ter Sis. I Omaha lOHOam ? t. Loul 1'nprcai.T , . GloOam l : > 0pin Pt. Louis Express , , : OSpm 8IOpin..ll.Nfbraika : ixxal ( . Pun.I t:00am : L -ave I flIOUX CITY"Tk PACIFICi | ArrU > Omaha ) lirputi.15th n < l Webitrr 8t . I Omaha E'pin7 ; St. Paul Limited..7. . . SilOom Loatcal SIOI'X C1TT * PACirfO. f OmahalUnlon Depot , lilli ) & Mason feU. | Omaha TC..ani. , Slcuic City Pai.s iKer.,10:40pin : 6 ; < iini | . . . . . . .Bt. Paul Llmlt.vr..i..JLV. . : SOam " I.tnvot" ] ' TWIO.V PACII'ldi JAflves Or..aliaUnlon | Dvpot. Ulli & Mason Sl . | _ pmaha 8:10nni.Norti : ) 1'Iutlo Exprcis.7 4:30pm f:10am : OveiUnd Limited 4Upm . ! Jpm.Ucat'r & Stronub'c Er ( ox. Sun. ) . 4:83pm : l:4ipm..lJran < l Ifland lUpresk (01 ( , . rfun..lJlUpn' ) : j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mall . . .102i ! n- ? .ravnTl WAIJABHirAIMVAT. rArriTfs" OinalulUalon Dfpol. Mill A Mjtan Bts.lOnnhi . , , . . . , St. i oult Ccnnon M&a j m i W &m si. ' FIRST FREE RIDE , ah ! .b. 1' From tlio Son Francisco ArRottnut. > * A young man \p. \ , n , shabby , light coat , Its collar turned up tn cdnccal the lack of linen , sat on the back 'sftjis ' of a tiny house tat- Ing the last crnmb < of n col.l lunch. Ho looked wretchedly > tllJ ; wlut Is more , ho looked , at the momdnt exceedingly embar rassed and uncomfqrtablo , for he could not avoid hearing what' was said of him In the re/cm close by , by the woman who , n few moments earlier , had given him his first meal that day. "My Und , " said the voice , "but I'm sick of tramps. That's the third one today , and every last one of thorn as able to work as I am. This one don't act like a regulir trnmp , though ; he's kinder good-looking , but awful dissipated , I guess , and his clothes Itok likeSim Patch. Likely he's Just get ting over a tear and spent his last cent. Tl-at's the way more'n half the time. " The man "who didn't act like a rcg'lar tramp" set his cup and saucer awkwardly down ou the steps and rose to his feet , lit did not w > 3ni to know Just what to do next , and looked around anxiously In search of some way of Having without passing tha open window ; then turned with the courage of despair and. pulling his shabby derby well on his head , llmpoJ hastily toward Iho gite. gite.Ones oiitsldo. he looked half resentfully toward the obnoxious window , and then , with n grim smile , thrust both handd Into hU pockets. "Not n penny In either not even a knife , ' ' " Well who and 'looked dlsslpotel. , wouldn't look dissipated after tramp'ng as ho had for a week past , with nn empty stcmach and a sick heart , cind that Irre- sletlble small voice nt his car with Its eternal comment of "Fosl ! fool7 ! Ho rubbed his unshaven chin In dismay , and the grim smile wavered and melteJ Into n piteous trembling of the mouth. H was not because he was wild or ex- ttavagant or Ignorant that he had come to this pass ; but bscause he was n mad. weak , conceited young foci , and tears of bitter self-pity sprang to his eyes. As he limped en through the heavy wlitta dust he had a feverish vision of himself ns ' .10 landed In San" Francisco some twelve months before- , with more money than he had ever had In his life , with a good suit of clothes on his back and his little cockney heart swelling with pride and condescension prldo In his own prowess In having cut loess from the grind of a London office anJ the galling tie of a too fond mother's apron strings ; condescension toward people In whosj midst ills lot was cast , showing Itself In un amiable desire to overlook their sad lack of the "little things" to which he was accus tomed , and to forgive thalr mistaken nation ality. After nil , what a BOod time he had looking rsund and Incidentally lording It ovsr the no lives , who took him'1 for "no end of a swell. " I3ut It had madtiir big. hole In his small capi tal and ended In a giDat fizzle after all. Ills palo face flushed hotly ns he remembered t'a ; night when his tallfsllcw countryman with the clear-cut face" > and lazy voice had called him a "damr.txl , IHtle. city clerk" for trying to cut him out of a'Oance with pretty little Miss Kate ; and aiott' , he had lost his head and flown at his antagonist with s/.irlll-volced threats , whllo the"other "being a rial swell , " he reflected ; Bitterly had held him self. self.So So had ended , ilrt' itorpest humiliation , his one little splurge'ln ' soclsty , but he had soon plucked up heart rig'tlln , upheld , as always , by that fa'al conviction t'jiat somewhere or other .an Eldora6"laawaiting { } hla advent. It was this Idea , Indeed , which had lc-l him to throup hls'-post In London' , and. persuad ing his mbtlftr'-'td'lTust him with the'family ' , fmioVrd Kavd'hcr/iwini'lilg ' i'sUr-sfto g'nteel poverjy on NoUlng-.HIll , while Vi" & came out lo this great new'Vbrld to make fortune ! for them ell. California ! What It hod meant to him In these days ! What dreams of pleasure1 and gold , what fibundancf of opportunity to do and dare ! And here > was tns reality to bo faced. Again , this old , mad confidence In a coming prosperity had brought him down Into this southern country to be snapped up by the j first land shark rne.encountered , who" , having : atlsfled his hunger , had tossed him aside to be further despoiled by robbers of less stand ing In soclo'.y. And noall this delusion seemed to have fallen away , and ha ! one hops , hs ! one de- olre , was "to get out of .this , " to get nway from these brown hllU , dusty orchards and sluggish , artificial streams and back to th4 nols ? an.I bustle of city life. Ho longed for San Pranc-ltuo , sa lately scorned ; langed for the rush cf the cars , the jostle of men , the smell of the streets , feeling that there ut least It was more like home , and people Knew a gentleman wncn tney saw mm. Hut hi ? toes were out of hla boots , and "he lookJd dissipated. " * * * * * * * A turn in the road brought him to a rail road crossing , and he called to mind the advlca of an eld trainp whose blankets ho had i&ared In the dry bed of a creek a few nights bpforo : "Stick to the tics , mo son , If yer In any kind uv a hurry , but country roads Is the lay for good vlttls and plenty uv oppor- toonltles. " Well , ho wns 111 a hurry , no doubt In his mind aa to that , and , with fresh courage , ho left the road and started up the track to the licrthward. It was ? tlrcscme walking. Ho Iml not yet IcnrneJ the trainp trick of fitting his gilt to the short , yet Irregularu distances between the ulerpen' , ami thfr track had not been filled In. Occasoiclly ! ho tried to ease hlnir self by walking on the rallu , but hl.i head was not Hteady encir-i , and ho jarred his aching joints r.t each misstep. Su ho plod ded on i.iE-c'.ianicJll ; ' , with his head down and his mind wanJerlng alinlcojly among the little details cf recent experiences. Something mifrgo.itod the night when li ? camped In an orchard with 8me college stu dents who , were picking fruit at BO much an hour during vscallon , and who we're euch decent follows for Americans. The songs they snug , the yarns they told , their endless pranks , and helped him to a few hours of honest pleasure , and , strangely enough , given him n now Idea of tha dignity of labar. Of course- , having met these young men , ANNUAL NOTiail OR COHI'OUATB IN- The Lep-ClarkeKAndreercn Hardware com- piny , a corporatitin orcnted under the laws of the state of Nebraska In compllnnc ? with Iho laws of the' atMf In that behalf pro vided , hereby gives fnotlce Hint tbp amount of nil existing debtu'of said corporation nn tM ? . the 27lh day dt December , A. D , J8D , Ih 170.8W.C8. SlKiioil by Ihe.ncsaldent and a majority of the directors of.nil { eorporntlon the day nnd year last irforfsald nt Omaha , Neb , fli'lj ' ; LHB. President of the 1 Lce-CIarke-Andrecscn Hardware Company.LEE. LEE. , ANDRBISSKN , . . OLA83. f CLAHKH COIT , Directors of tlip . , , Loo-Clarko-Andrpesen Hurdwaio Company , D27 D Itm " " " KIffip" ; MKKTINO-UNION KLKVATOIl CtWr ANV OF OMAHA. Notice Is hre1)j < > lven that a meeting of the the Union Elevator Company , for the , pujix'se of electing seven ' directors and' thu.ltranactlon of fucb other business OH may properly come before the meeting , will b hhltl In the library. Union I'nclfle buildingOrnalin , Nebraska , upon Monday , the 13lb day of January , 18D3 , lis- twccn the licura of 10 u. in. and G o'clock p. in. The stock transfer books will be closed ten dayu before the date of mectlm ; , Omaha , Nebruaka , Dcremhir 21. 1W5. B. II. il. CLARK , I'realiltnt , D22 (123tin STOCKIIOLDKHS1 MBRTINa TIIK OMA- VALU8Y Notice IB hereby clvon that the annual meeting of the stockliolilcni of tha Omaha & Republican Valley Ualhvuy Company , for the election of uevsn directors ami ( ho transaction cf tnirh other buslneus IIH may properly com Ui-iorQ tlia meeting , will bo hela In tbu library , I'nlon Pacific building , Omahu , NebniHka on WcilnwOay , the lit iiy of January , 1890. at 10 o'o'ook u , in. Tim stock bookj will bi clwieil for that p urpose ten day * before the meeting , fr onton , MnsHirhUK.tts. n cpniber n. 1895. ALEXANDER MILLAR , 8ecrtury. D22 ailtm ho was now fully convinced thU all Amsr- Ican students worked their way through college and were Immensely Industrious and wholly unconventional , not the least like Oxford or Cambridge men ; but , no doubt , It was all right In America. All the same. h rhould never feel quit ? nt home with tbess "Yankees , " as ho dilbbe.l them all In his own mind ; and he rccallc.l the plcaiunt thrill of sympathy and good fellowship that had pissed over him one day when a reluctantly-opined door bad disclosed a sharp-featured little woman , who greeted him In no pleasant tones , but an unmistakable London accent. "Von can't get nothlnk 'ere , young man , " was her Inhospitable griding. "Can't you glvo mo n bite of bread nnd cheese ? " he stammered. "I I'm an Eng lishman , n n a Londoner , like yourself , " he added hastily. The door , which was within an ac ? of being closed , was Jerked open Again , and there wns a warmer tone In the woman's voice ao she exclaimed : "Well , 1 declare ! you're cool , to be sure. 'Ow did you know 1 was a Londoner ? " nnd t > ho bestowed n suspicious glance nt him. "Oh , " ho gasiped , helplessly , "by well , your garden , you know , the wall flowers , and the cr well , the general looks of things and you've the London nccsnt , you know. " "So've you , I must say ; and that's a. Nlng- Il3h 'at , I'll bo bound. You don't see that cut of n 'nt In this coutnry , " was the gracious comment , and after another moment of hesitation : "Well , slcp In. I don't 'old with 'elplng your sort much , but you look a decent chap. So I'll glvo you a cup o' tea nnd n bite. " She talked on volubly ns she prepared n place for him nt the untidy table , questioning him as to his people and the cause of his present condition. Then , ns he sat down lo enjoy hlo s'rong tea nnd bread and jam , she chatted of her own affairs , nnd gave him minute details of her former circumstances ami present prospects. Only five years since they left their London " ' " 'ome , hut It sesmed "hages" to her , not but they were much better off. As she talked on ho began to consider whether It would not bs well to offer to stay on here and help them a bit , so he wan somewhat disconcerted when , as soon ns he appeared to have finished his meal , the woman firmly told him that " 'cd best be moving on now. " for. she proceeded to ex plain , as If guessing his thoughts , her hus band would not hear of having any young Englishmen around. "We've 'ad them , " she added , "by the dozen , and a pretty set of useless scamps they turnM out , and now It fairly puts 'Im orf Ms 'ead to oea one 'ang- In' around. W'y ! w'y ! " she concluded al- nwt proudly , "If 'o Was to come along now and catch mo torkln' to you nnd glvln' you tea and things , 'o mightn't say much to you , but 'ed give me 'All Columbia , I can tsll you. " He had no very strong sense of humor , Ihls lltlle alray Londoner , but the Idea of this bright-eyed little woman getting "Hail Columbia" at the hands of an Indignant Ilrltlsh husband struck him as delightfully abyjrd , and had brought him to the verge of laughter on moro than ons occasion. It ? smiled even now nr th ? recollection , and raising his head , looked forward along the track In search of some place to rest. Away In the distance he could tec a group cf tall .eucalyptus , near a low-roofed build- Ins , and gi'.sscd It to be a ctatlon. Stoop- Jng down , tightened the lice of his worn shoo In a vain emlenvor to keep It from chafing his foct ; then once more set off along the tlfs. Snmo lines of a "Barrack Room Dallad" fitted themselves to his snorf , painful steps on the wocdcn sleepers , unu were repeated over nnd over again , like a feverish dram : "Then 'ark nnd 'cod yo. rookies , That Is always grumb'.ln' sere , Theie's woracr things than marching . I'Ynm UmbnUa to.Cnwnp3re. * And If yo'vo blister * on yer 'cosr ! And they feels to 'urt ilko 'ell , W'y. drop some taller In yer rocks , And that will make them well. " And so on. "Yes , that will make them well ; oh , that will make them well drop coino taller In yer socks , and that will make them well" and then all over again pltc- ously , until hla longing for the cool , sooth ing "taller" bscams almost unbearable and ho cursed the author of the tormenting lines for a tantalizing brute. The wretched llttla descried station , with Its barrsn platform and huge water tank , aomed- veritable paradise when at last , wllh bloodshot cyea , parched throat and gasping breath , he staggered up. Ho held his grimy handkerchief under the dripping water and mopped hlo face , then threw hlm- salf do.\n In the patch of shade which the tank afforded. Alter a time ho roused himself and looked about him. This was no place to step , he felt sure ; he must get on get on but how ? The station was a mere siding , without a nouse in cignt , ana in uotn ulrjctlons tne trick stretched away wearily , Indefinitely , hopelessly. An empty box-car on the switch attracled his attention , and lie approached it with some Idea of taking refuge In It. Perhaps they would accidentally shut him In and carry him off. If toward San Francisco , well and good ; but they .might cart him back Into Iho country he had taken such pains to get away from. No , thanks ; ha would not risk It. Yet. what a blessed thing It would b : If ho could got a lift on Ihp road I Surely , It could be managed somehow. Why net turn "reg'Ur" tramp and stsal a lido on the break-beam of the next noith- bound train ? His cour.ig > rose with the thought. Ho crept in under tha car and examined It carefully cramped quarters , but safe enough apparently. Merely a matter of holding on tight , and , of course , he would no' , bo fool enough la let gr. There might bo no train passing until morning , he * knev , ' , but In the meantimehe could rest In ths Btmdow cf the tank and try to keep from Belling hungry. It could not have b en more than an hour Inter , however , when a Ions , dec'p-toned uhlsllo In the south put him on the alert , nnd from that moment until the train was within n few rods of tli ; station his sus pense , was great. Would it t'top ? If It stopped , would he be- able to do what he wished ? Not If the train hands saw him , ho knew. Instantly he loft bis pest and stationed himself en the far aide of the empty cir , with his eyes fixed on the coming train. A moment later a puff of white oteam , followed by a sharp whistle , told him that the brakes were on and the- train uouU [ Hop. Should ho try IL ? .He glanced down at hki weary feet and decided. It was , niter all , not a dlfllcult mUtr. ; when the train had stopped and th pantIng - Ing engine was busily refreshing Itself at tbo tank , to slip from his hiding place , and , watching liln opportunity , slip between the wheels and crouch , half sitting , half reclin ing , on the hugs axle-tree. Ht > strudk lib head heavily against the flooring of t lie- car In hla haste to get hla feet off tlio ground , but he hardly noticed It , ns he laughed "Here , goeu , " In answer to th ? con ductor's careless "All aboard ! " and all his old school boy capacity for enjoyment neenuJ to rise up in him , as , amid a audden jirrlng of chains , the clang of the slow engine ball and the escape of air from the brakca , the \Yho3la began to turn , and the- train was off. Instinctively he tightened his hold en the Iron rod In hla left hand , and It was well that be did i'j ' , for the beam on which he crouched jarrrd heavily on the badly-jointed rails In a way that shook him to the mar row. row.Click ; Click ! Cllckety , cllckety fast'r and faster well , ho wac In for It now. The ground seemed turned to water , which poured out beneath him In a dizzying flood. Hold on ! Ah ! Just In time ; another mo ment ami he woull Imvo been overboard , Hold fast , now , with shut eyes , for the clndom flow In cloud * , and lie grasped for breath at they struck him cruelly In the face ; and , half suffocated , he twisted lila head around and pruviJ Uls face ugalnat Ills sleeve. "Hold fast for your life , my friend ! Got to do It now , for when will this be over ? " How far would they go bsfore they EloppertJ Ten mllez ? Twenty ? AVho could toll ? Could U be oveti half over ? No , only liegun , ho knew , and this awful noise grow ing worse and worse. How could ho think , how rould he breathe ? It wan the noise ' , thlu horrible , echoing roar , which was' belting the life out of him. Ho was sick , dlizy , blind , and , for A few moments , quite mad. He yelled , Ju i to prove to himself that h couM hear hl own voice , nnd then , after n bit , bccnmt conscious that ho was still yelling and couhl not stop. Hold enl Htild on ) If mot down you go , to be ground to ft jelly In that AW tut torrent below. Who would know him ? No one. In deed ! And the little mother ncross the c.V Stopl No time' to think of , or ol anything or anybody but himself ; only time to clutch the rod still tinner In one hand nnd hug the fenceless beam with nil his might with hla other arm ; to pray mutely that ho might be spared this awful death , and to curse aloud this flc-nd of a trnln that wns whirling him away Into a mad eternity of noise. t * * * * * Wns he dying nt last ? Or yes no ! A faint quietness semed to steal over him. Click ! Click ! The sound of the ties once moro. Ah , thank OodI they were slowing IT. IT.Click ! Click ! slower slower yet. A Bid den tightening of the rods about his head , n sighing along the nlr-plpcs , nml the trnln had stopped. Ho opened his eyes , nnd wttli n mighty effort unlocked his cramped fingers ; 'his llmbi wore numb and lifeless , nnd for a mo ment ho feared he could not movo. "Oct out of that ! " thundered a rough voice , and ho was nware of a dark taco peering at him between the wheels. As ho crawled out over the gleaming rails ho wondered , vaguely , If the man fancied ho wore being obeyed. Well , they were boll sultsd , for nh Ho slaggcred forward nnd fell prone on n low , brown bank near the edge of the rails The brakcmnn. swinging hlmslf once more on the moving train , cast a convenient cloi and nn ugly wonl at him ns ho lay , The clod struck him sharply , but ho neither fell tt nor heard the otth * of derision cast at him from the cars. llrokoii Out ivltli Holla. "I have been taking Hood's Sirsaparllla and It has cured me. I was all broken out with bolls ou my back nnJ face , nnd was aliu troubled with a pain tn 1117 back so that 1 could not sleep nights. After taking two boltles of Hood'H Sarsaparllla I was entirely cured. " Mllburn Brundage , Cairo , Nobr. Hood's Pills euro sick headache. SnXTIWCKH KOll M1XOH CHIMINAI.S. .Main Sidney Clvni n Term of T < vo Ycnrx nt Lincoln. Judge Scott yesterday sentenced Sam Sidney to the penltenllary for two years. Sidney severely cut Officer Baldwin In the throat with a razor whllo the olllcer wna nt- t-'inptlng to arrest him for beating his wlfo. Sidney made a defenra lhat he was drunk when ho committed the deed , hut ho told the court yesterday that ho wns not In- t xlcatcd at the time. He said that he thought Ofllcer Baldwin had no right to nr- reat him without a warrant. Mike Carey , convicted of assault with In tent to do great b : < llly Injury , was brought up for sentence , but got off easy. Chief Detective Cox appjarcd In his behalf and staled that the man whom Carey had cut. a negro named JelT James , was a haul char acter and had been arrested a number of times. Carey said that he haJ njvcr been arrested before during a residence cf forty- eight years In America nnd twenty-five In the city , and thai he had served IhrJe years In the rebellion. He said that lie wno com pelled to cut James to prevent an Injury to himself. He showed n scar where Janus had first hit him. On these statements ) Judge Sc > tt granted n motion for a new trial , and Carey at once pleaded guilty to the charge of assault and battery. II ? was 'cntenced to the county jail for eighty-five Jays , to begin frcm the time he was ar rested , October 5. This will allow him to be released on December 20. Stephen Hall , convlcted of robbery , was also up for sentence. Ho'had pleaded guilty to another charge of burglary on which he had been sentenced to ten years In the peul- lenllary. On Hall's statement that ho had never committed a crime before , Judge Scott suspended sentence In the robbery case on condition thai the prisoner behaved hlmsilf while he was serving his ten years. Hall Is a member of the so-called Bruton gang. Henry Dean , another member of the gang , who Is held as a witness , the case against him having been nolled , was ordered re leased. SHE W3PT 1IOT1I IIKD AND IIOARI1. Mm. Meyer * KornakcH Her ItiiMlinnil nml Flcex. Mrs. Meyers , a petite brunette , called at the police stallon yesterday and asked Cap tain Haze If eho might have the protection of an officer for a short period , while she rJmovoJ her trunks from a room at Fourteenth street and Capitol avenue to the depot. An Inquiry as to why shs wanted pollc * protec tion elicited several chapters from her his tory. tory.Mrs. . Meyers was born In St. Joaeplv Mo. , of parents In go-d circumstances and re mained there until she was IS years of ago. Later she unfortunately became associated w th some young people sportively Inclined , but eoon tired nf them and , her parents being dead , at her own requ st she was sent to tnu rctorm acnooi at ucncva. Aiier learning a useful trade and remaining there foi two years , Mrs. Meyers , whose name at that time \\-is Ste'le , went to Denver nnd mot Meyers , whom she married. Meyers anJ his wlfo came to this city , but have not lived happily together. Wednesday Mrs. Meyers dechl d to leave the home provided by her husbiml and to llvo with some friends In St. Joseph. While she was talking to tlio captain yesterday , the anxious husband appeared upor tha scene and cndcaVcred to rcarrangf matters by getting one of the ofllcers to Intercede ) for him and act In the capacity of peacemaker. This was an ovor- ilghl , for taking advantage of her hualund being abient from their rooms , she sllppoil out of the ccurt room with her escort and th > lust heard from her she was on Iho road lo the depot with bag and boggago , cnroutc to the friends in St. Joseph , Acts at once , never falls , One Minute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma nnd that fever ton condition which accompanies a severe cold. The only liarmlpti remedy that pro * duccs Immediate results. nurtured Itediuond'n .SnriiliiN , Sergeant Ilor wns standing on the curnor of Twelfth strct and Capitol avenue when a colored mnn , Bud Patton , chanced to pass. Patton had gene but a short distance from the officer when William Redmond , another colored man , who had Imbibed too many cocktails during the afternoon , rusheJ from the Midway unison , and , unoaklng up be hind , aimed a blow at Patten's head , The oflloer Intercepted the blow and Immediately placed both parties under arrest , charging Itedmqnd with un assault and retaining 1'.it- ton complaining witness. The trouble arose over a girl with whom Redmond baa kept company , and who has lately trans ferred her affections to 1'atton'n keeping. Redmond was fined ? 8 and costs yesterday. Moft complexion powders hav ? a vulgar glare , hut Pazzonl'o lu a trim bcautlfier , whoso effects are lasting. Hiole from n Pour Woiiinn , Mis , Mary Bowers , living ut Tenth and Nicholas Kirotts , slated that she was robbed Wednesday pf ? 1.75 which bhe had eavccl nnd with which she Intended to buy herself a pair of shuts for a Christmas present. Mrs , Ilowcrs IB very old and evidently v ry poor , 3ha saya aho has had the bare necessities of life during the tall and early winter and that It was only through the Mrlcteiit economy thnt eho was enabled to save this xmnll amount In order to give herself n OhrMmas trfat. Her house was broken Into Wednesday whllo uhe was at the dinner given by the Palvatlon Army and the monuy purloined from nn old skirt which wag left hanging In a clozet. Mra. Iowrs ) enapecU a mci : who ns been hanging nrcnind her house for some tlmo past. _ Will I'roJiiilily ION ) IlH Foot. M. II , Hcgerty , n motcr conductor , llvlm ; pn South Twelfth street , mot with nn acci dent Wednesday that v/lll probably mult In th losu of a fool. Hegerty Is a conductor ou the Hantcom park line , but was sent , out on the Walnut Hill line Wednesday. In switching his car at the north end of the line ho caught hln foot (41 ( the snitch and was knocked down and run over by the car. DeWltt'i Llttlo Early Ituers tlio pllli that euro couitlpaUo.t and blllciuneii. LEG-PULLING GROWS VIOLENT Number Seeking Subordinate City Positions IB Legion , HARD TO GET THE SLATES JUST RIGHT "llnl. " lliilooinlir .Slnlril for n ititlt wllb utiil I'rod fru'Uott to HiMlvrn n IVixltloii with As IMS than two weeks will bring ths present city administration to nn end , tlio scramble for tlio minor | ioslUons In the gift of the Incoming olltcInU becomes Interesting. As tlise positions nro mainly nnJcr tlio con trol of the recently elected city treasurer , comptroller nml clerk , these three onicInN have to bear the brunt of the Attentions of ambitious patriots. It Is generally conceded that Clerk HlRby will not make Any niatorlal change In the personnel of his force , so ho has csctped the pressure In some degree , but Treasur r-clcct Kdwnnls , and Comptroller- elect Weslberg Imvo been very much In evidence as objects of attention from the rabble of ofllco seekers. Edwards Is very r-tlccnt In regard to his appointments and about all that Is known Is what Is Indicated by the unities on his bond. It Is conceded that Charley Saunders will be deputy treasurer by virtue of the fact that his father Is Kdwards' principal bonds man , and It Is she understood that U. I ) , llalcombo will Imvo ono of the positions In tlio ofllce In return for the use at .Major St. A. D. Dalcombc's nnme en the mine document. Saunders hag had no experience In affairs and thcro Is u strong opposition to his nppolnlmcnt as deputy , which may result In relegating him to some less Important position. U. 11. llalcombo 1ms held s.vsral city positions. He was deputy cleric under John drove * . Ills familiarity with city business Is cited In Ills favor In the present case and no particular objection rws been heard to his appointment. About the only thing that Is known for curtain In regard to the comptroller's forca Is that Kr.'d Si.ckttt will bo deputy comp troller. Mr. Wcstberg himself says that ho will probably appoint Snckott , nml this Is taken as fliml by the other candidates for the place. Sackett has been slated as deputy clerk of the district court and tlio announce ment that hi will accept the comparatively less dcslrahlo position In the city Imll Is regarded an an Indication that he has given up the contest for the county position. Mr. \Vtstberg has not announced the mines of any of the minor employes In his ofllce , but It lo slated by a politician , who claims to bt on the Insldp , that ho Intends lo inatco sev eral changes In the present force. According to this authority there Is only ono man In the onice who may be mire of staying and are two Ol thrcn who Imvn nlrmilv linen slated for retirement. The scramble for the position on the Hoard of Flro and Police Commissioners , which will b ? vacated byV. . J. llroatcli , Is regarded with n good deal of Interest , mid as the tlmo approaches at which the appointment must bo made , the candidates are Increasing their efforts. According to the best Information obtalnnbln It Is mid that the appointment llea between John Grant and H. F. Cady. with the chances In favor of Grant. There are half a dozen other strong candidates , how ever , and no one La yet claiming a sure thing. Make a note of It Twenty-five 'osnts buys the best liniment out , Salvation Oil. , WHY THIS KESEKVE MEI.THD AWAY. Hnlniicc of Truilo AttiiliiHt the United .Settled In Cold. CHICAGO , Dec. 20. A special from Wash ington to the Inter Ocean says : The Investi gations which the republican members of the ways and means committee Imvo made Into the * workings of the new tariff law developed one of the most important facts In Its bearIng - Ing on the gold exports , one which has not boon much considered In this connection. It Is found that the Imports of the first year unaer the new law amount to over $108,000- 000 In excess of those under the last year of the McKlnley law. This means that $106- 000,009 In gold went abroad to pay for these Imports In excess of the amount sent abroad for that purpose during the preceding year. Not only this , but It | y alee found that the exports were $73,000,000 less In the first year of the now law than In the lust year of the old law , which meant ) that wet received $73- 000,000 less In gold from abroad for our ex ports than under the la.'t year of the McKln ley law. Put these two facts together and It Is easy to ECO that the conditions as to re ceipts and payments of gold In the flrat year of the old one have vastly changed , the real difference ) against us amounting to $179,000- 001) In gold. A. O. DartUy of Magic. I'a. , writes : "I fesl It a duty of mine to Inform you and the public that DiWItt's Witch Hazsl Salve cured mo of a very bad cnio of eczema. It also cured my boy of a running soreon his leg. Ci 1C .V Ell A I * BULKS TALKS TOO MUCH. 1'reHldeiit Cleveland Slay Axle Him to IleHtrnlii III * ToiiKiie. ST. LOUIS , Uec. 26. A special to the Globe-Domocrat from Washington says : President and Secretary of War Lament arc seriously considering the advisability of si lencing General Miles. That they are much Incensed by the IndUcrret tallc In which the general of the army has he-n Indulging re garding 4ho weakness of thin country'u coast defenses and the general Inability to go to war with assurances of HUCCO.-U can be posi tively stated. General Miles In his latest i > r > : cci ! In Philadelphia hai > brought them to the limit of their forbearance. There not only did General Miles blazon the defensoIcHS condition of his country , but the whole under current of tli ? position taken by the president , lib chiuces for acquiring the title of lieuten ant general have been lesrened , It la thought , > y his recent utterances. One Mlnuto Cough Cure la a popular remedy 'or croup. Sato for children and adults. IleeaiiHe She LIIM ! Her PoHimn. NEW YOUK , Dec. 26. Mrs. Isabella J. Irving U not Ilkily to survive the ehoclc which she Buffered last Monday when she discovered that the $20,000 In bonds and securities that constituted the moat of dor Fortune had been stolen from a nafe deposit vault In this city. Today ho wan very low and lur friends fear that her death Is near. The rslatlvej of Mm. Irving say that the olHcen of the safe deposit company deny the story of hrceny of the necuritl3 , claiming that they have moi > t probably been mlElald , They were last teen In October when Mr a. Irving cut the coupons from them , and aho declares that afterward uho delivered them to the vault. Mrt. Irving l > the mother of leabel Irving , a member of the Lyceum Theater Stcrk company. Ono Minnie Cough ( ! uri < ls harmless , pru- duc s Immediate results. Ill Ill-Mlltlltll ( 'IriMIIIIHUmiM'H , Mrn. Coles , an aged and bedridden woman Ivlng at C2G South Thirty-third xtreut , ha * applied to the county commissioners several linen for assistance , but her appeals , up to he present time , teem to have been made n vain. Mrs. Coles In a confirmed Invalid and Is entirely helpless. Her husband , John Coles , U an army veteran and drawn a pen- Ion of $12 pur month , hut for soma reason , t IB said , ban refused to gharo thU small mount with his wlfo , or to In any wuy Hiip- xirt her. Mm. Coles In ut present living vlth a daughter who Is vald to bo In neudy Ircumstanctu and Illy prep.ired lo take care f the mother , K < ! ! Till UN of MtixlitliuiK. Thomaa J. Kelley gave an Interfiling talk Jii "Tnnnhautcr" yesterday at his ttudlo n the McCague building , for bis pupils and heir friends. The Instrumental and vocal Illuttratloni , ngcthcr with the Informal lecture , went U'uncd to with much attention by about urty people. Thin morning at 10:30 : lie will ppak on "LoUtngrln. " fiowltl'a Little Karly Ul& : ; cure ladlgca- tlcn and bad breath.