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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1895)
0 TITE OMAHA DAILY J3EK : P.KrfcDAY , DECEMKEIl 27 , 181)5. ) COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Gained Nothing in Price by Its Two Days Rest. CORN AND OATS UNUSUALLY DULL Tlicrc AVcrc. Xo 1'orrlnn .lliirlivlx nnil I.ornl Triiilcr * Mliinvcil Ititle Il - IKi.iltlon < Opcrnte During till ! f-CKtlloil , CHICAGO , Hcc. 26. The wheat market today pained nothing for the price by Its two days' rest. At the close Mny wns 5iie , compared with from KSc to CS'ic nt the end of Monday's sesMon. There was noth ing outftido of local bearish sentiment to satisfactorily account for the break. Corn nnd outs couM not easily have been duller than they were today , until In the last Ilf- tccn minutes of the scssdon the heaviness of wheat affected them Injuriously ns to the price , but favorably In the way of put- ling n llttlu more life In the trading. They each lost about > < ic In the value of the nctlvc futures. Provisions noted strong , but closed with Iho principal part of their early gain lost. Whrat ruled exceedingly dull , but the rnrly feeling was somewhat stronger. There wuru no foreign markets and local traders showed little deposition to operate nnd holiday dullness wns the rule. Stocks wore Htinngor nt the start , nnd wheat sym pathized somewhat , but th < - failure of Iho predicted cold wnvo nnd thu light business unused a sharp reaction later In the day. But when the world's shipments mat week were reported at only n little over G.OW.UOO bu. the market began to react : then came the big expat tn from New York Monday rG3WO bu. nnd there was a further advance , but before ncion mot of It had been lost. There Is still a good deal of apprehension us to the financial outlook , wh'cli tends tn restrict truth : nnd mnki'H the feeling con servative and cautious , May sold curly up to fiSiic1 , off to fi7c , then rallied to Wi c , but nt noon had gone olT to from 57c to f.7T4c ppllt. The market held dull and easy luring the last hour , nnd May closed nt 67sli' . The large Increase In the worlds Blocks hnil a depressing Inllucnce. There wote liberal receipts of corn , but the trading was EO light that prices were not moved Uc during nearly the whole tcs- nlon. May sold at 2Sc and from 2Sc to 2SVdc npllt , with yc the current price at noon. The feeling got weaker during the lust hour following wheat and May at the clo c sold at from 27ic to 27c split , but there wits hnnlly any business. The fooling WHO steady enrly In the outs market , but toward the close the market declined , principally through sympathy with wheat. Almost all the trading wns In Mny. The provision market Ptarted strong , nnd ns long as It had the countenance of a llrm market continued so. When the latter failed , however , near the close , the prices of hog products dioppcd also. After an ad vance of T'.f-c potk declined lOc , closing nt n loss of 2l4c for the day : lard and ribs did not lose all the advance they made , each closing about from 2'fcc to Co higher than on Monday. Kstlmatcd receipts for tomorrow : Wheat. EHS cars ; corn , 375 cars ; oats , 265 cars ; hogs , 27,000 head. The lending futures ranged as follows ; _ Artlclol _ O13H. | I HUli. | Law. | CloseT \vtieat , No. 2 Dec ( Iff 64H Jan r > c fi4U May 07H Corn , No 1' , . Dee 2 * ! < Jnn VSM 25H May 38328)6 ) 27W8I * July lli ! 2SM On IB. No. 1' . . Dec IflH 105 < 10 18J4 IBM I'ork.pcrubl Dec 7 CO Jan 8 ( U ) H 00 H GO H CO Mny U US S 05 8 S5 8 iu Lard.11)0 ) Ibs Dee. 6 25 Jan 6 27 C 30 B 27 M .1 30 Mny 6 00 B IVSii 6 DO Iliortlllbs- Dcc 4 25 Jnn 4 2fi 4 2A 4 2R 4 2ii Maya. . . . . . 4 Ml 1 6(1 ( 4 47H 4 17H Cnnh quotations were as follows : F1.OUU Dull. WIIKAT No. 2 pprlnp. o. 3 BprlnB , MViWSSc ! No. t red , 53c. " COHN No. 2. 23Wc : No. 2 yellow. 2J'J25c. OATS No. 2 , 17c ; No. 2 white , 1920c ; No. 3 white. n | 18 c. IlYK No. 2 , 32c. 1IAHLKY No. 2 , nominal : No. 3 , f. o. b. , 20V4 22e ; No. t. I. o. h. , 21037c. . FI.AX HMKU Nn. 1. 93c. TIMOTHY SIJKD I'rlmc , 3. C'3M5. I'UOVISlON.S-MenB iiarlt. per bhl. , S7.62H0 7.75 ; lard , per 1W ( Ihs. , $3.30S'3.32"ii ( short ribs , nldi'.H ( looHc ) , I4.2o3l.30 ; dry Fnllrd Ehouldera ( | K > XH | | . 5l.371iiif4.C21i , ; short clear Hides ( boxed ) . WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , $1.22. SUOAIIS Cut loaf , $3.W ) ; granulated , 14.87 ; standard "A , " J4.7J. roUI/TIlV Steady ; slightly lower ; turkeys , Bfillc ; chickens , CWT'ic ; ducks , lOifllc. The following were the receipts and shipments today : On Ilia l\-jjni : oxontiixa tolir tin buttir mar ket wa < Htcady , lownr : crenmcry , infl'.Mc : dairy , 12WJ1C. KPKB. utciidy ; frcHh , US'Jlc. Chccuo , aulct : NI2W YOHK GKXKItAL SIAHICKT. ClonliiK ( luolnUoiiN nn the Prlitcliml Coniiiioilltlrn mill Slnploi. NEW YORK , Deo. 20. FIJOUR Receipts , S9- 900 bbU. ; exports , 62,400 bbls. ; dull anil tending lower In rerpinse to the late break In wheat ; no export demand ; city mill patents , 14.000 (34.25 ; winter patents , I3.43&3.U ; winter itralghtti , (3.3033.45 ; winter extras , J2.C5ff3.03 ; xvlntcr low Brades. J2.10ff2.CO ; Bhlpplne low Krmlea , Jl. 0 jl'.W ; MlnncHOta patents , J3.3Jff3..rj5 ; Mlnnetwtii bakers , | 2.7Cf3.00. Rye flour , dull ; upcrlhu' , J2..Wf(2.75 ( ; fancy , 2.70t2.05. lluck- ivlieat Hour , dull ; tl,3V&l.r > . 1I11CK WHEAT Hull ; 33 J f4'ic. ' CORN MEAL Steady ; yellow western , coarse , 70c ; llrandywlne , 12.35. RYI'Nomlnnl ! western , 24GI30. IIARLEY Weak ; western , 39B45c ; feeding , Ji OS7c. IIARLEY MAI.T Easy : western. ISffMe. WHEAT Receipts , 300.600 bu. ; exports. KC.C09 bu. Kjiot market , weaker ; No. 2 red , 64c ; No. 1 hanl , 6tiVic. Options opened firmer on coM wnvo west and small olllclal world's shipments , advanced nt noon on larce clearances , but sold nft later under fcnm of heavy Bold exports , liquidation nnd email purehai < es ; elosed 'Mi\c lower ; Na. 2 red. Mny , 61 13-16i6514c , closed ll'io ; Deceinher , 6IUW04ViC , closed CUJc. CORN Receipts , 812.600 bu. : cxpoits. OI.COO bu. Bput , steady ; No. 2. 34c. ! OptlonH steady with wheat , but declined under local pressure nnd thu Increase In Ilrudstreet'H. cloning unnetlled Ho hlKher to Ha lower : May , 34 S-lGH3l'.4c ' , closed 34 Ho ; December , S4B34HC. closed 34c. OATH Receipts , ! MSOO bu. : exports , 100 bu. Riot , very dull ; No. 2 , 23if23',4c. ' Options In active nil day , cloning nominally Uo up on De cember and partially lie off on later months ; May. closed ! 3'c ( ; December , closed 23'4c. IlOl'H Weak : slnte , rommon to choice. 1SD4 crop , ! i4 T5c ; Ik'JS crop , 4ff44o ; 1'aclrlo coast , 1S34 crop. 341 t.e : 1J5 rroti , 4T10c. ] lllis- null ; Oalvestun , 2U to 25 Iba. , 12c ; Iluenra Ayrrs dry. VO Us. . ISc ; Texas dry , 24 to SO Us. , ! 0c ; California , 20 to 25 Ibs. . ISo. HAY Htiong : shipping , JT.MaS.W ; t'ooJ tu choice , in wsfio.OK. LEATHER Steady ; hemlock sole , Buenos Avii-s. llKht tu heavy welnhu. V2c ; acid. 2Hi 2lo WOOL-Quleti dotnestlo fleece , 10S22c ; pulled , 19R2CO. I'ROVIBIONS-lleef , steady ; family , 110,00 ® 12.00 ; beef liunin. Ill f.OSHO.UO. Cut meats , easy ; plekted bellies , t4.7WS.23i pickled shoulders. 15.00 O3.2J ; pickled hams , ts.nmrfs.w. lMn\ \ . firmer ; \vrstttrn-steam closed nt > 3.M tuiked ; December , 13. W. nominal. 1'ork , firm and active : short clfar. I10.72O12.00 ; family. M.dnJi 10.00. IlfTTER-Jtecelpts , 15.43i pktrs. ( three days ) ; nteady ; western dairy , llWIUe ; creamery , 17w : o ; iiKln : . " 6c , EOOS Itvtfrlptii , . 7,901 pkns. ( three days ) ; steady ; stnto nnd rennsylvtinla , 20j24r ; western , 20if21o ; eoulhern. 20c , rilEIIHE Qukt : state , large , 7 010cj part skim * . 3l4ffCr ; full fllllna , i2o. | TALU\\ ' Dull and easy ; city , 35io ; country , n t < > iiuallty. RICE Steady ; domestic , fair to extra , STiOOHc ; Jnimn , iHIKc. MOLAHSE8 Quiet : New Orleans , open kettle , ooil to choice. QHSCc. I'lSTnOLKt'JI Weak ! United closed at | 1.U bid : refined. New York , $7.75 ; Philadelphia and Ialtlmori > . 17,70 ; 1'hltndelphla and llalllmore In bulk , J5.JXI. ROSIN Steady ; ( trained , common to gooJ , 1.70R1.7S. TUIH'KNTlNB-KIrm : S8 SeS ic. MI7TAI.B I'lg Iron , dull : uthein , J1S.OOS12.SO : northfin. | 12.00T14.X ( ) , Copper , eaiy : brokers' price , 110.75 ; exchange price , I10.2SUID.37H. Lead , Btettdy ; brokcr ' price , tl.OS ; exchaime price , J3.13 O3.W. Tin. dull ; ( Halts , tl3.Uifl3.70 ; plale . qnlet nnd weak , Spelter , lint ; domeitlc. 'COTTON SEED OllInartlve nt unrhaniceil prices ; prime crude , f , o , b , mill * . 19jlc ; butler riadu , 31032o ; prime ( uinnier yellow , t3c. MliikirniinllM Wlu-nf. MINNBAl'OLIS , Dec , IS. WHEAT Weak ; close , December. Me ; May , UKc ; un track , No , t hart ) , UUc ; N > - 1 northern , Me ; No. 2 north ern. 60o ; rifelpt * , W7 earn. KLOtIR Klrm : first patent ! , ti.90fJ3.40 : do mestic bakers , tJ.Mj export bakera. tJ.OOOZ.tJ. Coffee Mnrkrt. NEW YORK , Dec. JO. COFl'EB-Optloni quiet at CiflO points decline , ruled K'neially lull and fealurelros In the nbnenct * of cablra. the foreign intrketi btlnr cloned oa nccount of holl- < tav ; cloicd quiet at a net advance ot 5015 polnti ; , rimty. HIM * . Mnnli , JIS * iVK.l ' , ' S i ti-mlwi. lll.l'S ' , DKinnlrf'r. I13. . Ppot VI- ' " " .V- " 111.50. Mild , dull : tvtjovii , 17.75 < JIS.CO ; sales , I.OH IKIKR Illo , No. 7 , t 118 4'i ' , c. l. I. " OMAHA < : i.M2H.ii. : MAHicKT. Condition of Trmlo nnil < liio n < lortn on SI n pic nnil I'litnj1'roilni'r. . Tlte market Is full f poultry lift over from Iho holldny trnde. Not only have commlsslcn men l.irKc stacks on band , but retail dealers did not v\off \ nut what th y boufjlit rally In the week. This holdover slock Is bound to BO nl low prices. Quotations : HOGS Sltlctly fimh slock , IS.- . llUTTEIl-I'acklnR stock , 12 12Hc ; fair to Bood country , liQHc ; choice to fnncy country , l..OKc. VKAtt-ChoIci ; fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. , nre quoted at CUH'c ; larse and course , 4Cc. t'llKKMH Domestic brick , IlUc ! EJam. pft doz. , jn.M ; Club House , Mb. jars , per doz. , J3.WJ Mmberter , fancy , per lb. . IHic ; llonutlort , ' 4-lb. Jars , per doz. , JlCO ; Younic Americas , ll'.ic ; Twins , fancy , lie. lOl'IjTllY UiTBMd- Chickens , 6Si6c ; ducks , choice. 8f < 90j turkejs , choice , Sf9c | ; Reese , 7e7'4c. HAY Upland , I1.60 ; midland , | 5.Wi lowlund , I4.M ; r > - sttaw , 14.00 ; color mnkps lha price on liny ; llsht bales sell the belt. Only top grades btlng top prlctK. IlUOoXl COlltf New crop , delivered nn track In rnuntiy. choice sreen * elfworklnR carn't , per Hi. , 2'c ; c.U'lce green , running to hurl , 2Vlc ; ccm- mon , I'ic. OAM | { Irnlrle chicken * , undrawn , per do ? . , ti.Oiiqn.M ! ; drawn , J.1.W06.M : nuall , Jt-MUl. . : : Jack snipe , 75c f l , < X > ! Krouse , J5.00a6.00 ; unlpe , W17uc | : Kolden plover. 11.23 ; Jack rabbits. pr ihiz , , l.73T2.m : rmnll rabbits , ncfril.m ; mnl- lard ducks , l3.Mff3.7i > : rcdhenl. : . J3.7Sii4.CO : can- va bacli ducks. tS.OOns.OO : teal , blue wing , > 2.2.i ; teal , green wlntr , tt.75fi2.0n , mtxpil ducks , tl.73O2.23 ; Canada Reese. fG.noR7.fiO : small geew , t4.MO3.OT ! brnntii. J3.W ; deel saddles. ISRItc : deer rnrcnrrr * . llf13c : elk Buddies. 11fJI3c : elk cnrcapsen , ! > fjllc : antelope unddlei * , Iifn6c ! : ante- lop < i i-nrcnssM , lojfllc : sipilrrels , per doz. , 60ffl73c. 1'ltircONS Ll\e , p r doz. , tl : dead pigeons not nai.tcd. VEOETAHLnS. CAULIKLOWER-1'er doz. heads , fl.60fi2.00. CAIIIlAUi : Holland seed , heads small nnd hard , per lb. , I'ic ' ; Califjinla mock , per lb. , 2c. MtmiinoOMH 1'cr l'S-lb. box , SOOTSc. rOTATOP..S-Kanpy nntlvo stock , 30c ! from slnrc In cmul ! lotB , SOifT.V.0 ! Coloiotlu Mnok , 60W5tc. ONIONS 1'er bu. , 40c , hnnif gtown Spanish , HCANS Hnnd-plcked navy , pi-r bu. , tl.CO. SWEET 1'OTATOES Cltolco Block , f2.75 per bbl. bbl.CELERYCalifornia , per dor. . . 7SQDOc ; Colo- rad3 , 0."TCOc : Kalamazoo , Mff3ic. LIMA IIKANP Per Hi. . Be. WATER rntvSS Per l-nt. ( ! case. tl.MfM.75. SCOTCH PEAR In pack. " , per bu. , fl.OO. FRUITS. CALIFORNIA STRAWIlERRIES-Per box. 35c. APPLES Fancy stock , f3.2'iil3.60 : choice stock. f2.KOfj2.75 ; Utah apples , per box , fl.DO. CALIFORNIA QUINCKS Nono. OREGON TEARS Per case. f2.S3. cnANHEIlllIES .lorsey , fS.75 ; Cape Cod , f9.23 Q9.M : McFarlln's , tlO. MALAOA ORAPES Per 60-lb. bbl. , tO ; per 65 to 70 Ibs. , grot * . f7.W. EASTERN ORAPES No shipping flock. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Cnllloinla budded seedlings , regu lar tdzi'B. f3.73 ; 'J8 to I2S sizes , t3.W ; nnveis. t3.CO f4.00. LEMONS California , per box , f3.7304.MJ ; Mes- slnas , f4..riOH4.75. 1IANANAS Choice large stock , per bunch , f2.08 02.25 ! medium sized lunches. Sl.75ff2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. OYSTERS Mediums , 15c ; standards , ISc ; cxlru sclccm , 24c : llranch A Co. selects. 2Co ; New York counts , 29c ; standard bulk , per gal. , fl.10. HONEY Fancy while , per Hi. , ISc. MAPLE SYRUP Five-gal , can ? , each , f2.75 ; gal. cans , per doz. , f2 ; U'Bal. cans , 16.2o ; quart CIDER Pure Juice , per half bbl. , } 2.7S ; per bSA1UER1'KRAUTPer Lbl. . f3.7G ; bairtbl. , 12.25. FIOS New crop , California , I0-lb. boxes , per lb IQc : Imported fancy , 30-lb. boxes , ISc ; choice , 10-lb. boxen. im12c. DATES Niw Peielan. 80-lb. boxes , per Ib. , 614c ; fartls , 10-lb. boxes , per lb. , 8c. MAPLE SUOAR-Cholce , per lb. , 9310c. PRESERVES Assorted. 20-lb. palls , each fl.40. COCOANUTS Per 100. t4.CO ; each. DC. NUTS Almonds , California , per lb. , medium size 10c ; Tarragona nlinonds , per lb. , large , 12Jic ; llrnzlls , per lb. , 8c : English walnuts , per lb. , fancy FO shell , 12c ; Htandaids , liffllHc ; filberts , per lb. , lOc' vecnns , polished medium , lOc' large , 12c : peanuts , raw , 6'ic : roasted , 7P 714c ; hickory nuts , small , per bu. , fl.75 ; hickory nuts , large , per bu. , Sl.GO ; black walnuts , per bbl" ' 2 < " DRESSED MEATS. DEEF Light western steers , 400 to COO Ibs. . BU CCc ; good cows and heifers , 4t3c ; medium cows and heifers , 4V5c ; good forequarters cows and heifer * . .V.JfWic ; good hlndquartem cows nnd heifers , 6OC',4c ; cow rounds , 5c : cow chucks , 3V4c ; steer chucks. 4'ic ' ; beef tenderloins , fresh. 14c ; beef rolls , boneless , 8' . c : sirloin buttK boiiuless , 64c ! : loin backs , boneless , Slic ; lo'n ' backs , 6V4c ; cow rlba. No. 3 , 614c ; cow loins. No. 3 , 7 lie. MUTTON Dressed mutton. 5'Jc : racks , 8Hc ; legs 7c : saddles , 7c ; fitewf , 2'Ae. 1'ORK Drecsed hogs. Co ; pork loins , 5c ; rpnre ribs , 4 > ,4o ; pork shoulders. 4V4c ; pork shoulders , skinned , 4Hc : pork trimmings. 4c : tenderloins , 12o ; pigs' feet , cleaned , per doz. . 3oc. FURS. HIDES AND TALLOW. "There seems tu be no surplus of hides any where. " sayH the Shoe nnd Leather Reporter , "low ptlcet ) , high prices and medium prices havn nil failed to Induce larger receipts. Wlmt IB called the farther kill has gradually died out. Thu moOern farmer today sells his cattle and buy * ) dressed beef. U U claimed that the sud den ndvnttcu of Hie In buff hides was mainly cnu.tcil by wo or three eastern tanners , and that the western grain leather manufacturers uru mill holding itloof. Our advices from lion- tun ladlcate that the stocks of upper leather nre small. There Is undoubtedly a stronger feeling In leather , but the task of securing ad vances ) ( o even remotely compensate fur thu inpld rlso In hides seems almost Impossible , " Quotations : I1IDKS No. 1 , green hides , 4c ; No. 2 green hides , Sc ; No. 1 Green called hides , 4Vic : No. I green raited hides , S'.ic ; No. 1 green raited hides , 25 to 40 Ibs. , 3'jc ; No , 2 green salted hides , 25 to 40 Urn. , 3c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 6',4c ; No. t veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 4tec ; No. l dry Hint hides. 6 Sc ; No. 2 dry flint hides , CffCc ; No. 1 dry saltiil hides , Cc ; part cured hides , 14o per lb. lest than fully cured. SHEW I'ELTB-drecn salted , each 25060c ; green sailed shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , each 15c : dry shearlings ( short wooled early eklns ) , No. 1. each , lOc ; dry shearlings ( Bjioit wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 6c : dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 6/6c / ; dry Hint Kanrua and Ne braska Murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 485c ; dry ( lint Colorado butcher wool pills , per lb. , actual weight , 4HC',4c ; dry film Colorado Murrain wool pelts , per 11) . . actual wclcht , 4i5c ; dry pieces nnd bucks , actual weight , 4ifSc ; feet tut off , as It Is useless to pay freight on ' " "TALLOW AND aiiEASE-Taiiow , NO. i. swc ; tallow No. 2 , 3c ; grcate , white. A , 3'tc ; grease , while II , 3c ; grease , yellow , 2'ic ; grease , dark , 2 : ; old butter , 2ii2'ic ; beeswax , prime , 15022c : tough tallow , IHc. HONES In car lots weighed and delivered In CMcaga : Dry bulTulo , per ton , I12.00@14.00 ; dry country , bleached , per ton , Jlo.00fil2.00 ; dry country , damp nnd meaty , per Ion , t6.OOOS.00. WOOL Unwashed , nna heavy , 37o ; fine light , 8j9c : quarter blood , lOfllZc ; oce'ly. hurry .111 ] chtilTy , SB9c ; cotted and broken , coarse. 7S9c ; cote < | and broken , fine , DflSc , Fleece wtmhrd Medium , 15ffl8c : line , 14@lCc ; tub washed , ICO I PCMark. : . So ; bucks , Cc ; tag lock * , It3c ; dead pulled , 6Cc. _ _ _ _ _ 1'eorln MiirkclN. PEOIUA. Dec. 28. COUN Flint ; new No. 2. 2Cc : new No. 3 , 23ic , OATS-Steady ; No , 2 white , 17'JC17Jc ; No. J white. lCiiT17c. RYE-Dull : No. 2. JSliffM c. WHISKY Finn ; llnlihed goods on the basis of il.22 for hlxlt wines. RECKIITS-Corn. 300 bu , ; onM. 61.S50 bu. ; fc , 2.400 bu. : whUky , none ; wheat , 9,000 bu. SHIl'.MKNTS-Corn. C3.K8 bu. ; oats. 63.SW bu. ; rye , none ; whisky , C75 gal. ; wheat. 8.COO bu. City AIiiTueU. . . . . . .JSAS CITY. about C7c ; lejecti . . . . COKN Active ; fractionally hluhfr ; No. 2 mlxe-d. 2J Ct3Ho ; No. 2 whit * . 21 fi224c. OATS Firmly held but slow ; No , 2 mixed , nom'nallr ' llOlCe ; No. 2. ICVic. HYi-Diill ; No. 2. nominally 37c. Cotton NEW YORK. Dec. 2S.-COTTON-Futures closet ] quiet and steady : ra'.es. 155200 bales ; Jan uary , li,7S ; February , 7.k6 ; March. t7.94 ; April , 7.UD ; Mny. 18.03 : June. 3.071 July , I8.1Q ; Auguit , 8.12j Sfplembcr. tl.W : Octiber. t7.72 ; Novtm- UT. f7.CS : Uecwnber , f7.77. ST. LOUIS , Dec. M.-COTTON Quletj mid- illlnir. SHc ! * i\ln. IW balm : receipts , 7.30S bale * shipments , 6,055 bales ; slock. 68,712 liales. STOCKS AM ) IIOM1S. Sharp nine In VnliieM Mnrkcil tli Opening of ItitMlncNN. NEW YORK , Dec. 16. The resumption of bufl ne s nfler the holidays was marked by n * har rice In values In th early dealings on the Stock exchange. The confident tone was mainly nl trllmlnhle to the expectation that the treasury will be MrenRthened by nn Issue of govcrnmen Imnd. ' . In the best Informed financial circle lhp ! c views find acceptance , but thin far th cnly people where statement would carry an cnrtvlctlnn are mute on the tut.Jcct. It Is not Lc Moved that n strictly gold bond bill can be go through the senate , and accordingly the Impend Ing lsuc will lir under the same authority ns th ln t two. Reportn of nny present or recent ofTe by Russia to take our government bonds or loan gold to the United States treasury arc author ! tnltvcly denied. Other favoiable Influences were money rate nt the legal figure nnd fnvoriile reports of. rail way eainlngs for the third Week f December The St. Paul for the time mentioned showed nn Increase In grnsH earnings ot fl39GI3 and fo the month of November Increased , KIOJS , f)97Gl ) nnd net , fC67,672 , These fnctors caused n decld ully Improved vntlment , rc-sulting In advances li t e general list nf from 1 to 3 per cent , will all the leading stocks participating. An rxtrcm rlia of 4li per cent In Lacknwnnna , In the fic : nf ii drmoratU l malket for anthracite coal , due tn the unreasonable weather , was pet down to th cohering nf shott contracts , No quotations wer received fiom l onilon , owing to th9 oxtendei Christmas holiday at that center , but foreign buying orders were executed on this maikct to n moderate extent. The upwnrd movement cam to n halt soon nfter the expiration of the firs hour , nnd In the ensuing denllngs snle.1 were recorded nt figures close to Tuesday's final prices In some Instances the transactions were notei below that day's clo lmr , particularly In Reading Rurllngton , Manhattan and Leather preferred The rencllonnry movement wna on selling fo both ncci unts. A. . Fhnrn rcce.s'on occmiPd In th tales of Mcillng exchange on tlio s.ilc of golt bullkn nnd revival tnlk of gold exports b > Saturday's steamers. Up to the clore of btnlnef no rngagementfl had been made , however. Ni application. ! for Unn certlllcntes have been mnd or nrc expected to be lecelvctl fnim the bank ir by the clearing housj committee until nfte liio clo e of the year at the earliest. Tile pressure t sell subsided around deliver ! hour and under the leadership of Sugar prices t-.ok an upward course. The Improvements , how evci" , ns n lule , did not exceed fractions. Suga was In brick demand In the final dealings am rose to 1034. ! n net gain nf 3H I'er ' cent. The i Isi- was credited to nn advance In Ihe maike for domestic refined sugars , nnd to the nllegoi purpose iif the Cuban revolutionary lenders to destroy the sugar crop of the Island. The cits Ing was quiet and steady at slight gains In mcs cases. In Iho bond market the upwnrd tendency which characterized t'.io clore en Tuesday was resumed In the early dealings today. Subsequently , It sympathy wltti the reaction In the stock mar ket , prices receded sharply nnd the closing tin wns heavy. The E\enlng Post says ! Several leading bank crs called on J. Plerpont Morgan nnd Augur Ilelmont today. From one of them It was learnei that probably by tomorrow or Saturday the public would receive ni-surance that another gov ernment loan would be successfully Honied nnd the amount would be flOO.OiM.iW. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York exchange today : U. P. U. & 4U U. S. LeitherpM. : ti Northwestern. . . . . fitHi U.S. Rubber SG ! do pfd 144 do pfd 85 N. Y. Central 07Vi bid. t offered. The total pales of stocks today were 314.600 shares. Including : American Sugar. 72.400 ; Amer ican Tobacco. 10.300 ; Atchlson , 11,600 ; Burlington , 12,100 ; Chicago Gas , 6'JOO : Distilling & Cattlc- fcpdlnt ; , 9,800 ; Kansas & Texas preferred , 5.900 ; Louisville & Nashville. 8.400 ; Missouri Pacllle , 7,700 ; Northwest , 5,100 ; Heading , 9,600 ; Hock Island , 11.200 ; St. 1'aul. 4I.2W ; silver certificates. 2J.O * ) ; Southern preferred , 5WO ( ; Tennessee Coal & Iron , 0.700 ; Untied States Leather preferred , 15.200 ; Wabaeh , 3,65 ; Western Union , 6,600 ; Wheeling & Lake Erie , 8,000. Jfew York Money Market. NEW YOHK , Dec. 20. MONEY ON CALL 407 per cent ; last loan , C per cent ; closed , C per cent. I'UIMK MERCANTILE PAPER Nominally C per cent. STEKLINO EXCHANGE Weak , with actual business In bankers' bills at t4. 'JV404.89H for de mand nnd J4.87ff4.8S for sixty days ; posted rates , | 4.89 and t4.90Uf4.91 ; commercial bills , (4.87. HAH SILVER 6C',4c. SILVER CERTIFICATES C6 4 C7c. GOVERNMENT 11ONDS Steady and higher , with the 4s up 1 per cent ; state bonds , dull ; rallrond bonds , weak. Closing quotations on bndo were ns follows : iilotcn , I1OSTON. Dec , :6. Clearing * , | 19,2t,941 ; balances - ances , iM2C3 < . DecM - - ST. IXUIS , Dec. 16 , Clearlnss. t ,32T.875 ; ' ! ances , 1 20 , 79. Money , Cijg per cent. Now ork nchanec , 2ic discount bid , CHICAGO , Dec. 20. Clearings , - - -W-J Money , firm ! call , per Wntf commercial paper , 6W7 per cent. NeV Yoik excHang * . II. Foirlun etchanno stradyj bank ti iLondon ( ) RterllnK , t4.90B4.SS 4. f 'l _ _ Forrlnrti KlnniiVlnl AfTnlrn. I/3NDO.V , Dec. 26.-Tnd v being "IJoxIng day" the Stock exchange Is clo.t. . MVEIlI'OOL. fwc. 2 . The Produce nnd Pro vision exchanges nro closed today. PARIS. Dec. 28. Three per cent rentes , Wf t524c for the account , I OnAnjcc on Ixmdon , 23f 24o for Chtcks. A. * * , ? S ( . l.oiiln nriicrnl .tl RT. IXJ1JIS , Dec. M. nJoftl-Flrmer , with In crenelng ileinaml from dbrcni ) . owlnu to troutil lietucen this country nnd Knitlnnil over the Vene jiic-lnn question ; locnl tH d iliili : patents. J3.S S13M ; exlrn fnncy , } 3.1003inti fancy , J2.S5ft3.UO choice , l2.Cnn2.TS. , , WIIKAT Itathcr dull Vnrl > X with trntllni ? con fined ti > rcnlpers. Ilradslr < i t s reported Incrcap of 3G.n ; , ( ) 1m , In the nX'allahlc supply of thl country , nnd of SO.OOO bu. nlloat for liurope , hac n ileprcFolnfr effect , tie : market ilecllnlnK , nn < closing sic below Monday for futures ; spo higher ; No. 2 red , cash , C3c ; December , 62c Mny. STUc. COIIN Dull ; tra.llnR llRht ; prices unclinncei for futures : spot quiet -but llrm ; No. 2 mlxeil cash , 24c ! December , 2Ue askcil ; January , 23 > 23Tc ; May. 2 % c. OATS Fntiirts weak nml lower ; ppot stronce on call , but none offered ; No. 2 cnph , IC'ic Deeemlier , 16Hc : Mny , ISHc. It tJ None offercil or bhl for ; No. 2 quotabl nt 32c. HIIAN Steady nt ! c , rapt track. . . . * . KI.AX SHii > Stendy at 87',4r\ TIMOTHY SKKD-Stcaily nt J3.00JT.1.4' ' ) . HAY Timothy barely steady , with henvy sup piles nt 5S.50fTU.00 ; pialrlc , dull nt 55.WW3.Ml. thl sltle. sltle.HUTTKIl HUTTKIl Quite : ccparator creamery , 23T24c fnncy Klsln , 2ST27c ; ilalry , 17jSOo. KOOSMer \ at ISUc. roi'I.TUY Lower ; turkeyc. Tif7VBi ; ; chickens 44i ! < ! e : ilueks. 7',4c ; BceFC , OUc. \V1I1SKY | 1.22. I.IAD i2.Si > ( . SPKUTKIt-HlKhcr nt M.23 bid. PIIOVISIONS IMrk. stnnilanl meff. Jobbing I.8mi9.00. Ijird , prime steam , ? , " .l.i ! choice tri.22',4. Itacnn , boxed shoulilcin , J.'i.f.O ; loncs J5.12i ! ; ribs. t5.2. > ; shntts. fr..W. Dry salt meats boxed shoulders , J4 ; longs. J4.50 ; libs , M.C21J flmrlK. } 4.7o. 1U5CHI1TS Klour , 9,01 bbs. ! : whont , 7CXi ( bu. : corn. 112.00rt bu. ; r.nls , SC.OiW bu. SHlPMnNTS Klcur , 7VW ( bbls. ; wltcnt , M.CO bu. ; corn , 3,00) bu. ; ontn , 12.003 Int. Tiileilo ( Jrnlti TOI.KDO. Dec. 26.-WlIKAT-ActlVc ; No. 2 cash nnd December , C4c ; Mny , 66i c. COUN-IIlKher. steady ; No. S mixed , 2Sc ; Ns 3 mixed , 27 < ,4c ; May , 2Sc. OATS Dull , tlrmer ; No. 2 mixed , lD',4c ; No. white. 20c ; May. 20"4e. HYR Dull : No. 2 , cash , 3Sc. CI.OVK11 SKI5D Active , steady ; prime , casl nnd December. H.12H ; March. J4.22U. HKCEII'TS Wheat , 9.MO bu. ; corn , 141.S01 bu. nats. 19,200 bu. ; rye , 1,000 bu , ; clover seed , 270 bnRs. SHIPMENTS Hour , 4.000 bbls. : wheat , 7.COO bu , : corn , 134 , COO bu. ; oats , 23,000 bu. ; clover seed , 249 tags. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DrjGooilM Mnrki't. NUW YORK , Dec. 2 . There waK nn Irreciilnr demand by spot buyers nnd n fmall mall orde request , each of which called for moderate quan title ? of specialties to meet current wnnta , bu otherwise the demnnd wns light to nominal , nn > . for the closing week of the year there Is no premise of nny Inrfre new business. Trlntlnr , cioins nun nt uC ror C4 pqunres , anu no ea.cs reported. _ NEW YORK. Dec. 26. SIIOAR Haw , Hrm fair refinlnB , 3V4J3Uc ; ccntrlfucnl , 88 test , 3 9-18 ( T3c ; renned. nun ; No. 6. 4 r.-10c ; standard A 4c ; confectioners' A , 4Hc ; cut loaf , 6 ? c crushed , 6Hc ; powdered , 5c ; granulated , t'iic cubes. Sc. _ AVIient O.uolntloni. SAN FRANCISCO. Dee. W. WHEAT Steady May , J1.07S ; cleared , t'9K7 ' centals wheat. Countcrrcltliiff In tfic PciiKentlnrv. LOUISVILLE. Ky.Dco. 26. A speclnl to the Post from FrankfortKy. . , says : War den George of the stntal penitentiary has discovered a nest of Icbunterfclters In the prison. A few dayst. OKO James Holt , a twenty-one-year mruv passed a counterfeit nickel on Joe Debora , another convict. Debora told one of tb.6 guards about the money , nnd an examination wns made , which resulted In the 'kllscovcry ' of two pairs of dies made of plaster of parls. The dies were In the posecaslon of James Bnl- lou , sent from Laurel county In 18D4..for nine years for train ' wrecking , Ballou nnd Holt , when. questioned , acknowledfjed that they had stolen the 'planter of paris from the physician's room of the prison hos pital , nnd that they hrtd made the dies themselves. The case .will be put before the United States courts. l lrc Hccoril tttf n. Day. M'LEANSBOUO , ijl. . Jiec. 26. Tlie gen eral stores of Ashci- , & , , Ledbctter , J. E. Rpbins'on ianCl T , , .G. Bcri'dgc , &iJGp. burned today. Savcrnl other. 1 structures , .were dam aged. Loss , $85.000 ; Insurance J13HK ( ) , ' ASHLAND. WIs. , , Dec. 28. The sawmill of the Sutherland Lumber" " company burned to the ground at 5 o'clock this morning. II Is supposed that two men , . Jack and Bill Noonan , are burled In the ruins. They nro cousins of Jack Carkee , the wrestler. An other man , whose name Is not known , was badly burned , and , will lose an arm. The loss Is { 15.000. KANSAS "CITY , Dec. 26. A special to the Stnr'from Hennessey , Okl. , says : : Fire this morning destroyed most of the busi ness portion and many residences at Itynn , I. T. . 100 miles Fouth of here. No estimate of damage can be learned. IOXOAV IllllletltU'lltM DlNIIllNNOll. NEW YORK , Dec. 25. Indictments which grow out of t.he testimony before the Lexow committee the early part of the year were dismissed In the court of oyer nnd tcrmlner today In the following cases : Captain Michael J. Murphy , dead ; Police Sergeants George C. Llebers. Hugh Clarke. Charles A. Parkerson nnd Jnmes W. Jordan , Ward- men John Hoch , Bernard Meehan. Jeremiah S. Levy nnd George Smith , and Houndsman Michael E. Downs nnd Policeman James Larkln. District Attorney Fellows nn- nouncecl that the testimony ngnlnst the men was so weak that he would 'not be Justified In putting the county to the ex pense of trying them. It Is understood tlmt the Indictments against Captain James K. Price nnd his former wardman will be dis missed on Tuesday next. Iloyul Hrnvjillnii llniiil Strnmleil. MASSILLON , O. . Dec. 28. A Christmas ball was given last night for the members of the Hoyal Band of Hawaii , former pro teges of the deposed queen , the company being Etrandcd. During the proceedings ono of the members became deathly pale and complained of chronic heart trouble. He was carried out nnd found to bo starv ing. All were In n similar condition , but too proud to beg. Wealthy friends nt once made up a purse and will try to get the forty homesick foreigners on their feet. The. main dilllculty Is the securing of In struments , their own having been attached In Cleveland. _ Pniiilly Ffiiil IjOiulH tn Murder. LONDON. Ky. , Dec. 26. Ileports of a bloody duel on Raccoon creek , this county , elpht miles northwest of London , between Mat and William Deezarn and Luther Da vidson , reached hero today. Mat Deezarn was shot through the bowels and killed and Davidson received a Blight wound In the arm. The killing occurred nt Al David son's , Luther Davidson's father. The par ticipants were cousins , nnd the dilllculty grow out of a family feud. Davidson and his father nre under arrest. OI < 1 FrlcnilH Quarrel Over "VVoiiK-ii. LOUISVILLE , Ky. . Doc. 26.-A special to the Times from Jollico , Tenn. , says : in Black Oak last night Bural Heywood wns shot nnd killed by > f. Braughton , "Top" Brown was shot through the arm , and Tom ' .Mallet In the iside , Heywood and Brnughton were warmiifrlends , The latter borrowed the fonnOr j pistol nnd turned loose , killing Heywood ami seriously woundIng - Ing the others. The-itrtmble Is accounted for by the old story ofi "ivlno and women , " All were drinking , 'Iloxtoii FloHtliiKM itiJc-lpiil llonilH , "BOSTON , Dec , 26.HBIB ( ( wore opened nt the city hall today for Ian Issue of J100.000 4 psr cent bonds fo ctoijkral municipal pur poses. There were onlyitwo bids , one from : hn New York Llfo Insurance company , of- 'erlng 101.52 , nnd one/froiti Blake Bros , and It. L. Day & Co.Jof. . Boston , Jointly , nt 100.03 , The bids wpruATtoken under ad visement , -n-r ° HrfiiHcd to Tell Illtj/4 HHHllniil'Hiiinc. . 8BDALIA , Mo. , I ec cPe. Dowley Goodrich - rich , 22 years old , was shot In the mouth nnd perhaps fatuity1 > Iwbunded six miles southeast of hero , bu { refuses to glvo the name of his assailant. Two men were courting the same Kir ) , and Goodrich nays ho shooting was accJduntal , Ofllcers are nvPHtlgatlng thu case. The ehootlng was it the home of the girl. MlnrrN Itlolliitf. MADISONVILL13 , Ky. , Dec. 26. The mln- era nt Hardesty nre rioting. Sheriff Thomp- ion has hurried there with n large posse. The message received also stated that the ocul police had been overpowered and that he unruged miners were In charge of ho place. It Is a' reign of terror. The oo- operative company's BJoro was attacked by the minors and looted. Clllril IllniMfir After I.OVITH' Qiinrri-l. LOUISVILLE , Dec. 26. A special to the > est from OwlngBvllle , Ky. , says : Walker lamsoy , a well known young man of this place , shot himself and Is dying. He had a < < uarre ! with Miss Martha Warren , his sweetheart. He drew lilt ) revolver , and , In he nscnce of the young woman , shol ilmself. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Receipts and Uneven Trade Follow the Holidays. ONE LOAD OF FOUR DOLLAR CORN FEDS lliiNlncN * SliotVM iitttle Iniiirnvrincnt ! ( All OITrrliiKii Arc Clonm-il Up Snirrlty of HIIKN 1 to tin Ailvniice. THUUSnAY , Dec. 2C. HocclptB nnd shipments for the past twenty-four hours , na compared with the previous six days , nro ns follows : IIECEIPT8. Cattle. Hoc ? . Sheen. Horses. December 26 1,033 1.IB1 December 21 W9 3S20 4U > December 2.1 1,579 1,203 1S1 27 December 21 " 10 4.2S3 116 . . . . December 20 2.263 6.731 : December 19 1,484 7,007 703 68 December 18 2,679 8,617 31 M SHIPMENTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horse ? . December 23 47S 27 December 21 813 . . . . 513 December 20 613 4C2 December 19 1,353 312 . . . . Ct December 18 1,018 530 . . . . W December 17 871 C28 725 December Ifi. fiio 27 December 14.V 740 1,378 . . . . 82 DAY'S DISPOSITION. The disposition ot the day's offerings of live stock wns ns follows , each buyer pur chasing the number of head Indicated : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. The O. II. Hnmtnond Co , . . . 2112 317 Swift nnd Cimpany. . 314 SSO 4 The Cttdahy 1'acklnf ? Co 42 C17 R. Decker & Denim 73 Hamilton .t Stephens. . , 19 Vnnsant & Co 64 J , I. . . Carey .1 Lnhtnan & RotltRChlld 8 Decker Itroa , S3 Ilenton & Underwood 43 Shippers nnd feeders 93 1 110 Left over 100 Tolnl 1,002 l.MI 114 CATTLE The receipts though light weri nil that could be expected for the day nftcr Christmas , forty-four loads being reported In the yards. The most of the cattle were on the trashy order , but there was one lontl cf corn fed steers Rood enough to bring $1.00 nnd quite n. string $3.50ff3.C5. ( The market on cattle suitable for the dressed beef trade was steady to n little stronger and the offerings were nil cleaned up In good season. The market on con. stuff did not show nny Improvement , There were onlv n few cows and heifers here and very few that were really Rood , but the buyers did not appear to want many , at least they did not want them badly enough to bid any bet ter prices. There were a few feeders on sale , some of them westerns , but not enough to mnke much of a test of the market. The offer ings were all taken before the close nnd at the same old prices. Representative sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. P. No. Av. Pr. 1..CMJ300 10..1150 S3 20 2J..11C' ) J3 K 3..1060 315 9..1078 335 19..12,10 3 B5 7..1177 3 25 6..1821 340 19..1181 363 9..1131 325 40. . . .1211 340 33. . . .12 8 370 1..1230 3 2 : 27..13T.4 359 19.1202 3 JO 10..1026- 23 CO..1137 360 2. . . .1325 4 O ) 1..104D 330 17..122) 350 1C..1149 400 I3..1220 330 COWS. 1. . . . ( ISO 1 DO G..1190 2 10 3..1093 2 TO 1. . . . 810 ICO 1..12IO 210 1..11S' ' ) 240 920 1 GO 2.llll ) 2 10 33. 10C7 1..1180 1 65 IS , . . . ! IS3 2 15 8. . .1080 1..10GO 1 7.5 2. . . . 820 2 2) 3. , .1223- 18. . . . 087 18D 15..1030 22) 43. , .1145 I , . ' . . 921 93 5. . . . 1.94 2 2) 1. , .1331 2..1010 200 ] . . . . 970 2 23 13. . .1223 1..1200 2 0) 7..ion , ) 2 25 1. , .1HO 2.875 2 00 1..114) 2 2.5 7. , .1081 I.- . . 1020 2 CO 1. . . . SCO 223 13. . . 992 1..1020 2 10 1..1150 2 23 5. . .1172 13..1014 2 10 3. . . . 993 223 7. , .933 5..1031 2 10 3..1233 2 33 3. . .1190 HEIPEI7S. 1. . . . 603 22) 9. . . . S92 213 2. . . . CIO 2. . . . 460 2 2D 1. . . . 530 2 23 2. . . . C70 1. . . . S50 22. ) 2. . . . 580 233 3. . . . 913 1. . . . 730 223 2. . . . 730 24) 2. . . . COO MULLS. 4..1290 200 , 1. . . . 9-0 23,1 , 1..1SCO i..1C70 ! Z'15- 1..1170 235 1..1.W i.r32o'2'2. : : > ' -s..1 : : MO'233 ' 2..i4rs 2:0 1..11CO 223 1..1570 235 1..1400 260 1..142) ) 223 1..1C70 2'40 1..133) 273 OXEN. 2..1COO 2 CO CALVES. 1. . . . 200 200 2. . . . 343 300 1. . . . 239 373 1. . . . 300 200 1. . . . 14) 300 1..110 450 3. . , , 376 250 1. . . . 200 350 1. . . . ISO 5 00 2. . . . 2S52 23 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 2. . . . S40 275 1..10CO 300 12. . . . 5S1 310 1. . . . 790 2 73 10. . . . 766 3 04 9. . . . 718 3 10 5.1. . . . 899 2 S3 1. . . . 420 3 00 17. . . . C17 3 15 2. . . . 435 2 63 4. . . . 967 3.00 1. . . . 770 3 15 15..1093 200 1. . . . 831 300 5. . . . 794 323 1. . . . 780 2 SO 1. . . . SCO 303 6..763 325 22. . . . 923 2 93 2. . . . 910 3 10 1. . . . 770 3 23 20..1007 3 00 1. . . . COO 3 10 WESTERN CATTLE. "WYOMING. W. 11. Williams. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 1 cow 870 $1 5 4 cow ? 930 J2 40 1 cow 800 1 S3 11 cows ,013 240 2 cows 790 183 4 bulls 1205 260 1 cow SCO 183 1 steer 930 283 Scows 920 200 8 feeders. . , . 902 310 1 cow 810 240 35 feeders. . . . 9S8 32" ) HOGS Only twenty-six loads of hors were re ceived , and business In consequence was light In the hojf division. The llfht receipts , however , helped to make a better market , taken In con nection with the * advance at other points. The demand was irood , nnd the pens were cleared In a very few minutes nfter the market opened , the prices paid showing nn advance of about 5c. The great bulk of all the hogs sold at 13.35 , as. aKalnnt 13.30 on Tuesday nnd J3.30(3.22',4 on Thurrday of last week. Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. I'r. ' No. Av. Sh. I'r. 11 1S4 . . . J3 30 63 339 160 $3 35 54 239 160 3 ! 2'J 62 250 124 335 1C 191 . . . 335 81 211 . . . 335 92 271 ICO 335 62 267 120 335 103 2C3 200 333 ' 74 267 200 335 G7 2J4 80 3 35 59 263 80 3 35 21 2IS 120 335 71 210 80 333 fS 304 . . . 335 C5 256 160 335 22 295 80 335 62 285 80 333 18 272 . . . 335 55 321 40 335 65 232 . . . 335 240 211 . . . 3 3714 52 251 100 335 C'J 280 80 3 37'i ' 39 314 SO 335 62 312 80 3 371,4 54 285 80 335 C7 308 . . . 3 37 > 4 C9 285 ICO 333 67 2G1 80 3 37V4 13 200 . . . 335 C3 ,267 . . . 3 3V/ , 75 247 200 3 33 PIQS ODDS AND ENDS. 1 190 . . . 200 4 440 . . . 330 f > 270 . . . 325 8 255 . . . 333 4 200 . . . 320 81IEKP There were no sheep here to make a market. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK. Gi'ncrnl Mnrkct Wan Only Fairly Ani mated Knrly lit SH-iuly l'rl < : fM. CHICAGO , Dec. 28. In cattle the general mar ket was only fairly nnlmated early at iteady prices , while the choicer lots of cattle were lOc Itlgher than on Tuesday and 25o hluhcr than at Iho close of last week , the. advance being con- lined to h a inly light and medium weight steers. Common to choice beeves brought fiom (3.20 ID J4.W , with the bulk wiling nt from 13.75 to M.35 Tlie late sales of catllo today were very slow and sellers claimed tlmt ( lie rally advance was all lost and that the Keneral mat liet was lOc. ewer than on Tuesday , The butcher nnd can- net1 trade was fairly good und the moderate offerings Imparted strength to prices , caws am helfuis selling largely at from 12 to J3. The mocker und feeder trade "was unimproved , will stiles at from 12.40 la S2.CO. In IIORS the light "tuns" are serving to strengthen prices und they were from 60 to lOc 'ilKlier ' today. There are reported to be plenty of hogu In the country , but many of them me kept back on account of the bad roads , nnd others Imvo liven withheld because prices have fallen no low. Heavy hops nld at front 13.40 to ; 3.CO ; mixed , (3.40 to (3.05 ; light , 13,10 to 13.50 ; ilics , | 3 to (3.50. With n K-"x l demand prlcm of sheep were lOne o 15o higher , common to choice sheep selllm ; ( it from (2 to 13.35 , Lambs sold at from $3.25 to 4.50. Receipts for two days : Cattle , 15,000 head ; togs , 17,000 head ; blicep , 7,000 head. ICniiHiiN City I.Ivctock. . KANHAH CITY , Dec. 26. CATTLE Receipts. i.OOO head ; shipments , 1,800 head : ' market steady o lOa lower : Texan rtrers , t2.25O3.23 ; Texan caws , I1.7MJ2.C5 ; brcf steers , J3.00W4.25 ; native wws , ; decker * und feeders , IJ.Wff M ; bulls. 1.60 3,00. HOGS Receipts , 3,100 head ; shipments , 200 trad ; market steadIn lOo lower ; bulk of sal ex , 3.3503.40 ; heavy. (3.102(3.40 ; packers. I3.30O3.40 ; mixed. 13.2303.40 : lights. J3.25&3.45 ; Yorkers , 3.30B3.S5 ; pigs , (2.90(13.25. SHlSni'-Recelpts. 200 head ; shipments. ZM mid ; market steady , 15c higher ; lambs , (3.00U .2j ; muttons , | 2.0)(3.0. ) Slock In Record of receipts ut the four principal markctt or Thursday , December 20 , U9J : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. outh Omaha . . . 1,02) I. HI hlcago . i . 5,600 IT. 000 7,000. Can a City . 6.0W 3,10 } l t , Louis . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00) 000 1,00 } Totals . . . . . . . . . . . IW 24 , 77 St. I.oulH Live Stuck- . ST. LOUIS. Dec. M. CATTLE-Recelpts , o head ; market stronx ; native beeves , ( .75 ; J 's and heifers , I1.7CQ3.23 ; bulk of nalcn. ! .0vff2.75 ; Trias iteers , (2.2iifl.7J ( ; eras * and fed aws. (1.711(2.75. HOQS Receipts , 9,009 bead ; market blfhcr ; henvy , (1.JCHT3.M , mlxMl , M-1C&3.49I Hc'it ' , H WO J.40. 8IKiP-JU < vlpl * . 1/O1 lifnil ; Prm ; unlives , (2.259S.2S ; bulk of D.ilef , J2.OOtfJ.00. XO > T York I.Ivc Slock NEW YORK , Dec. Zfi. - HKP.VUSRecelptK. . tit heAd ; none on sale. Euriipean rubles nnole Amrrlcnn ntcrrs Rt i'OlUlf. Otctsed tlRlit * ) r frlKCtntor beef , SHRIC No Miwit * Inlay. Slli1 ! ! AND LAM11SReceipts , 2.3 2 Itend ; on' He , J.2 l hea.1 ; oheep. steady ; lamb' , 'HI'lc ' higher ; | i n about cleared ! shrcp. poor to pilme , ( l.SOiTl.25 ; Innibs , common to prime , $3.2j(5.f ( ) no very choice. HOGS Receipts , 1,400 hcnd ; Oull nt (3.M < iri.OO. SALT I.AKI3 U.\CII.\\(9R OIM3XKI1. Dully ScNNloiiH for TrniiNttclliiiiM In .Mltiltiur Stuck ti > Hi > Ill-Ill. SALT I.AKI3 , Dec. 26. The Salt Lake Mining anil Stock exchange was formally opened toilny. Abo\it \ f > 00 business men of the city wer In nttcnilancc , anil the en thusiasm shown Is n strong Indication of the future success ot the exchange. Oti hundred names nre now on ttio membir- llst , nnd n number of applications nrc on flic awaiting action. The listing commlUi > 1ms not complctcil Its work yet , Inrt It Is the Intention to list nothing but actual ore producing mines. President Donelan called the members to orJer , and nftcr a few ronnrks tntrcdtic d Judge Colbron , secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. Among the dlher O.oakeni were Mayor llnskln and Judge C. C. Goodwin. Judgu Celbron , In his remarks , quotd figures from the New York Knglirorlng World nnd Min ing Journal , showing that the llstc.l mines , In three western states , had pnld dividends to date ns ofllows : Montana , seventeen , $28,709,084 ; Colorado , thirty-nine mines , J28,4GO,35C ; Utah , ten mines. $2C.- 865,000. Jtulg ? Goodwin Bald : "It Cripple Clock was put down on the back ot Mer cury It would amount to no mort than n hencoop on the deck of a trans-Atlantic steamer , " Dally sessions of the exchange will beheld held , beginning on Saturday next , and the list will bo culled 11:40 : nnd 12:30 : o'clock. Hellenic Ilrcvltlcx. linLLRVUE. Neb. , Dec. 26. ( Special. ) In the absence of Dr , D. H. Kcrr , Rev. Mr , Agee of the Omaha Theological tcmlncry , supplied the putplt both morning and evening. All the members of th& college faculty arc away for the vacation. Mlw Lawrence nt Holdow. Mo. , Miss Krlpman at Kansas City , Miss Connor at Fort Scott , Kan. , Dr. D. It. Kerf In the east and 1'rof. Crothcrti at St. Joseph , Mo. . Mlsj Mary Kerr has gone to Craig for the holidays. William Lower and sister of Omaha spent Tuesday with Mlsu Jessie Flynt. William Smith and family of Omaha were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wright Chlrstmas day.Mrw. Mrw. II. F. Clark and son of Omliaa are spending Christmas with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Chapman , T. Qulnn of Lincoln made his parents a short visit the first of the week. lie FoiiKht the Ofllccr. Billy Drown , who has quite a reputation as a lightweight boxer , became engaged In n barroom quarrel yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock. In the saloon of James Adama. Fourteenth and Dodge streets. Sergsant Cox placed the pugilist under arrest , but did not land his man without a struggle. Cox re ceived several blows In the mouth and Hrown's head was sons last night from the bruises he caught. Several policemen were called In , and Drown was finally taken to the station. Later Edward Illley and William Redmond , both colored , were arreste.l for participating In the trouble. .StiL'H for n Divorce. BOSTON , Deo. 2G. A bill for divorce wns lied In the Suffolk county superior court to day by K , L. Hlgglnson ngnlnst his wife , Julln H. HlRKlnson. Jnmes W. Smith , with whom Mrs. lllgglnson Is supposed to be now in Italy , having cloned nbaut a month ago , Is nnmed co-respondent. i Convention In ScKAloii. ABERDEEN , 3 , D. , Dec. 2C.-II was de cided today to hold the South Dakota - Immigration migration convention at Mitchell , on Janu ary 15 and 1G. Prominent leaders In the movement will bo present. ii\iii : > TIIIiiisuois .tolitiMin CountDlNlrlct Court Hc fine * to ItcMtriiln Kntlier Mtirpliy. . TKCt'MSKM , Ntb. , Dec. ( Tele * gr.itn. ) Illnhop Donacum of Lincoln appeared In the district court of Jahnson county to- d.iy with nn amended petition In his trnir porary Injunction proceedings against Hcv * William Murphy nt St. Andrews Catholic church of this city , where In ho Attempted to restrain Murphy from retaining possession ot the church property. Judge A , H. Ilnbcock did not think the new petition contained iniflli clcnt ground for action , so refused to hear It. 1)cNioniIcn | ( Over 111 Ilenltli. DENVER , Dec. 20.John II. llustcd , , n well known mining mnn , ? nld to bo worth KW.OOO , committed suicide today nt Ills' home In this rlty bv ohootlng himself In the head. The filicide Is supposed to have been due to despondency caused liy 111 health. Kntnl l'luli ( Over it KANSAS CITY , Dec. SO. A special to the Slnr from Quthrle , Okl. , snys : Nenr ln dcprndence , Oeorgc Rogers nnd Will French ) young- men , qunrroled over n Rlrl , nnd fotiKht It out with knlvos. French wna fntnlly cut In the fncu nnd bnck. Kllteil AVhlle IlitiHlim. KANSAS CITY , Dec. 2i-Whllo ! hunllnn rnbblts on his fnthct'H farm , several miles couthcriBt of Olnnthp , Knn. , Nell Dcnn , deputy coroner of KIUISUH city , was In. stnnlly kllleil by the accidental illschnrgu of a repenting rlllc. TIIU UHAI.TV M.I1IKHT. , INSTRUMENTS placed on record December 26 , 1SU3 : WARRANTY DEEDS. Jnmcs Alnscow to Western llutton Mnntifncttirlng company , snbdlv lot 1 of lot 11 , In 20-15-13 $ l.COO Mcclmnles' Savings bank to J M Yergu. s 14 of lot 3 , b'.opk 1 , stibdlv of J I Redlclt's ndd 0,000 South Onmlm Land rnmpnny to S W Trobotigh , lot 4 , block 200 , South omnhn SOU Frank Koutcky nnd wife to M M Koutsky. lot 10 , block 12 , 1st ndd to South Omnha 14,000 F E iloores nnd wife to E A Moores , lots 15 , IS nnd 19 , llnscnll & It's sub- dlv 1 Same to 1C D Moore ! " , n ' ,6 of lots 2 nnd .1 , block 2 , Kauntzc & R's ndd , . 1 Cntherllip. Nlolpon and huphnnd to Thomas Gulllkson , lot 9 , block 1 , Newport C5Q C S Smith nnd wife to 1'nxtoti . "i Oal- lagher , lot 12 , block "E , " Prospect PInco 750 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. Joseph Knvnn nnd wife to Joseph No- vnk , e CO feet of lot G , block 74 , South Omnhn , nnd lots 11 nnd 12 , block 35 , G II Hoggs' ndd 5,000 DEEDS. C W Richards , receiver , to E O Payne , lot 16 , block 8 , Kountr.o & H's 3,600 Total amount of transfers $32,302 OUR FREE LETTER Reviewing the grain and nlock markets , will t > cnt you dally on request. In thr hope cf deserv ing part of your business. Orders solicited for cash cr on three to five point margin * . J , R , WILLARD& CO. Members Chicago Hoard of Traud , New York Produce Exchange , New York Cons. Stock Ex change. 17 Hoard Trade , Chicago. 44 Broadway. New York. JAMES E. BOYD & CO. Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb. COMMISSION GRAIN , : PROVISIONS : A.VD : STOCKS Iloom 111V4 Honul of Trade. Dliect wires to Chicago and X > w York. Correspondents : John A. AVurrcn & Co. P. 1 * . SMITH. ( Tel 1308) S. M. STANFORD. F. P. SMITH &CO. GRAIN : .A'ND : PROVISIONS Room 4 , N. Y. Life Bltljr. , Ottmlm. Brunch ofllces at I rcinont HI ) Columbus. All orders placed on the'Chicago Hoard or Trade. Corrcspondento : tiwurtz , lJupec 4t Co. , Chi- catro : Shrelner , Flaclt i Co. , Ml. Louis. Ilelci to First National bank , Omaha. ADROIT OBSERVERS See that the People are Moving South . . .BECAUSE ® HK No Drouths , No Hot Winds , No Floods , No Heated Terms No Blizzards , No Cold Snaps , No Cold Winters No Crop Failures MENACE the intelligent labor of of the husbandman , who cun'nuo ccssfully grow two or three crops yearly. REMEMBER ORCHARD The great fruit growing and vegetable raising district of the South. A neil that raises anything that grow * and n , location from which you reach the mar- keta of the whole country. Tour fruits and garden truck Bold on tha ground' . and placed In ChlcaRo. St. Louis and Now Orleans markets In 12 to 24 hours- IB this garden spot of Amerigo. " / NO PLACE ON EARTH Offers greater advantages to the Intelligent settlor. Ono half Iho work you now do here will glva four times the results In this wonderfully producttvo country/ The people arc friendly ; schools , churches , newspapers are plenty ; railroad * j cllltles line , and a soil whose rlchncsu Is unsurpassed. J' Two and Three Crops Can bo Successfully Grown the Slime Year. Timber Is abjndant-.Lumber IB cheap-Fuel coats nothing-Cattle an * MWlly raised und fattoned-araKlng U fine all the year. - CLIMATE Is healthy and delightful ; land and sen breezes and cool nights. The mean temperature Is 42 to 66 degrees. The average rainfall Is CO Inches. No extreme of heat or cold ; sutllclent rain for all crops. 20 TO 40 ACRES nroncrly worked makes you more money and makes It canter than the bst ! * > aero farm In the west. Garden products nre a womlurful yield nnd all bring blc rices. Strawberries , peaches , plums , nprlcots , grapmi , pears , figs , early apple ? , R i fact all small fruits , are Mire aud rofltablo crops. GO SOUTH. GO SOUTH. Orchard Homes NO PLACE ON EARTH. ( Surpasses Its soil , climate , location , present and future value or home advantages. The Most Equable Climate in America , This Is your opportunity. The pee pie are friendly ; cchool : sufllclcnt ; news. tuners progressive ; churches liberal. The cnterprlalnir man who wants to bolter the condition of hlmnolf and his family should Invoiitl ate tliU matter and ho will bu convinced. Carefully eelected fruit growing and garden lands wo now offer on liberal terms and reasonable prices. Orchard Homes The mott carefully- selected lands In be' locations. V.'lll make you money. Will grow In value. Will suit you. Call on a or write for full Information * QEO. W. AMES , GENERAL AGENT , J.7 Etmmm Street. Omalia , Neb.