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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1895)
THE OMAHA DAIJVT BEE : TiVlHlSDAY , NOTJ-LAtUER - 21 , 1805. CHILDREN'S DAY AT Mothers who wish , to see their little ones look attractive ( and what mother does not ) will find much to interest them at For your convenience we give a few hints where special articles will be displayed , At Glove Counter Short Flannel Skirts Extra Special Cloth Garments Mittens , warm , well-fitting , as low as 50 per pair , Ad Fond mothers prefer to make these. Cannot do so , For girls of 10 to 12 years of age too many grades to vise buying a better grade. Gloves lined and fur- however , at 39 cents. Have a much better article at quote prices. trimmed others for . 60 c. got up dressy appearance. At Book Counter Don't Pass Our Basket Dept. Long Slips , Fair Quality Aesthetic novelties in pale blue , pale pink , etc , , just Hundreds of charming1 things designed to educate or 2QC. Seems low to us , judge ye the value. the thing for little bedrooms quite inexpensive , too amuse , prices lower than you have ever seen for similar a few babies' baskets and hampers , now considered a ( goods. You can spend an hour at this department Embroidered Blankets necessity. profitably , You will not be bored. Some slightly soiled , been kept too long , Commence Around In . the Corner at 59 cents. Have higher priced also. Upholstery Dept. Is what is known as our Art Department. We noticed Allow us to mention Dotted Swiss Muslins , suggestive a child's flannel dress , nicely embroidered , was marked Cross the Aisle of good taste will add to the beauty of a well ap $3.50 , our price gSc. Comfortable and sensible for a pointed chamber. And look at Crib Blankets , have a few at $1.98. These night dress in cold weather ; price less than material . are colored. Soft wooly ones at $2.98. cost. Unfortunately have but few. we a ' Stowed Away Upstairs Too little space to tell of values in children's hosiery Hoods Plain , Fancy and underwear. Falconer's quality , our price. We found a lot of Japanese Balls. Mr. Falconer sold Lace trimmed , all seasonable , three shillings each.Can- them at some price ; they have really no intrinsic value not last lcng--there is a choice. On Second Floor may please a child. Free while they last. Kid Booties. Eiderdown garments , warm and beautiful , $1.98 ; were much higher in Falconer's time. Mothers Not Forgotten Good goods as lo\v as . age. Specialties in each department for this sale. Fur Sets : Ladies who and GLOVES will find Cute Little Jackets can wear 5 55 If children see them , 'you will buy , $1.98 ; most of these bargains. Larger sizes not so low , but cheap enough Made from outing- flannel , a leader at igc. were double the price. to prove attractive. Children are less care during morning hours come early if you can. Glad to see you , however , at any time. COMMUTATION THEIR HOPE Oasoa of Dobney nnd Walker Passed Dp by the Supreme Court. MANDATES FOR THE EXECUTION'S ' ISSUE liinniilty IMi-iiH ISot Vet Olllclnlly Ue- Itortvil in ( lie Uvcctitlir Some Iinportiiiit Di'clNloiiM Au- iiuiiiiccil 1 > > the Court. LINCOLN , Nov. 20. ( Special. ) Two Im portant mandates lia\o been sent out by Clerk Campbell of the supreme court. Ono of thorn Is directed lo tha sheriff of Nance county , ordering nlm to proceed with the execution of Andrew Uebney , the wife mur derer. Debney was recently found to be Insane by a commission , and It seeing that the only chance of saving a lunatic from hanging Is through c\ecutl\o clemency. The date of execution fixed Is between the hours of 10 a. in. and I. p. in. on the 10th day of January next No olllclal report of the * Hading of the- Jury In lunacy has jet reached the governor's olllce. The only Intelligence of lebno > 's mental condition comes from Assistant Superintendent Ilarber of the Nor folk asylum. Ho visited Uebney and wrote Governor llolcomb that ho belle\ed him to bo Insane The other mandate orders the execution of James I ) Walker on the same day and hour. The claim Is made that U'alkei , who was convicted of murder In Daw con county , Is also Insane , It Is thought a similar effort will bo made to s-ivo him from the gallows. The commission to examine applicants for admission to the bar reported late this after noon. Tlirco of the commission , Attorncs Watson , Mclntosli and Webster , have been In session In the senate chamber during the past two days. The successful applicants are : W. II. Doffi'rnian. J. C. lort , P. 1) ) . Huffey , Henton Hendrlck , W. 0 Hoover , D. J. Constantine and William A. Mesme. The supreme court today rendered n de cision In the celebrated llerge-Lanrltig case , on appeal from ( lie district court of I/incaster county. Nearly two years ago Linslng was the republican candidate for county Judge and llergo ran on the democrat-populist F'lGTUR.ElS PLBASAN/mV AMI Tiinviir. SOLID sn.vnit 12ver > thing > ou buy of ut. U ubsplutoly guaranteed the price Is alunjs the sanio the lowest marked In plain figures and the nail files are J1.-5 , so are the shoo hooks. Lota of late novelties In solid silver , besides Suspenders with silver buckles and mountIngs - Ings as law aa J5.00 , New design * III solid silver pocket Knives at H-00 , fill mall orders. Maiidelberg , N. u , cor. IGtli&Furunm ticket. Lansing wab declared elected , but Bergi > subsequently brought suit to oust him from offlce on the ground that his official bond had not been filed within the time specified by law. The suit was pending for a Ions time in the district court , and finally a verdict obtained for Lansing. Herge appealed the ca e , and the supreme court now reverses that decision and remands the case for a new trial. The court holds that a bond not filed within the time vacates the olllce. Judge Lansing's term will have nearly expired be fore the nutter can now be adjudicated and finally settled. LIT OUT TIIC SALOON icnnpcn. Commissioner Hynn today handed down an opinion of especial Interest to lawjers and liquor dealers. J. J. Patterson & Co of Wymore , and William Dolan , saloon keepet , and their bondsmen , were sued for damag"a by Rosa McLaughlln for the loss of'the sup port of her husband for herself and children. In the low or court she recovered $4,000. It was claimed that from October 20. 1890 , until March 2.1 , 1891 , plaintiff's husband had drank almost continually at defendants' places of business and had become an habitual drunk- aid , djlng from his excesses In April , 1S91 The case wag appealed to the supreme court by Dolan In his evidence In the lovNer court lie had shown that during the latter part of th ? period named he > had lefused the woman's hutband any liquor ami had not given him an } In Its syllabus the court holds that where proofs showed that the surviving mem- beis of a family deprived of Its support by the death of the head of the family , which death took place whllo tnich head was In a deranged and stupid condition superinduced by periods of Intoxication extending over a period of five months , the last of which pe riod was two weeks after any liquor had been sold him , and that to some of the fits of Intoxication the principals contributed by sales of liquor , It was misleading error to Instinct the jury that where several liquor dealers furnished Intoxicants , each dealer Is equally liable , and that In case one dealei furnishes tno first draught while the user thereof Is pprfectly sober , nnd the liquor which Intensified and completed the Intoxi cation was furnished by other parties , the dealer furnishing the first drink Is eqinlly liable with the others , also that In an nc tlon of thin kind , where there had boon In troduced evidence show Ing that one sale was of liquid not Intoxicating , It was error to Instruct the jury that where It Is shown that the person was sold or furnished liquor t a saloon , the presumption Is that such liquor was Intoxicating. The findings were revlreed and the case remanded , OMAHA CANAL CASH. In the Omaha canal case , state ex rel 111 v 111:11 AX ASTitrniv'j : They don't run Into money and they are very stjlUh. Just bland on the corner once and watch the laillej go by who have one on. They are the thing 121.00 buys a handsome unttachan cape 30 Inches long by 100 wide , Skinner's satin lined and a big stoim collar , Where tan jou beat that for less than { 35.00 , G. E. Shukert , Furrier , 15th untl Hnrnoy , Patterson against Board of County Commis sioners of Douglas , county , the Mipieme court today asked for further argument upon the following propositions : first , was the scope of the act fairly reflected in Its tltlo ? Second end , Did the act aulhoilze. the foimatlon of a privale corporalion in a manner. In effect , amendatory of the gcneial corporation law ? The couit also affirmed the decision of the lower court In the case of George Pflugger , convicted of murder In the second degree in Cumlng county and sentenced to the pen- ller.llary for life. Following Is the syllabus : Plliiger against Stale. Hrror from Cum lng county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Judge It 'is not error for the trial court In a prosecution for n felony to order the sum moning by the sheriff of perKins qualified to servo us juroi In anticipation ot a de mand for talesmen nfter the regular panel shall have been exhausted 2. In a ptexecution for murder , the de fense relied upon being inbaiilly at the time ot the homicide , an ordei previous ! } made b } the proper county board Ilndlng the accused lo be a fit sublect for treat ment In the hospital for the Insane. Is at most evidence of the defense relied upon , and inlscs no conclusive presumption that the necii'ed was ( it the time In question In-iino In the &en e that ho Is not account able for the uct chaiged 3 Statements In the nature of confes sions by the licensed held voluntary und tightly admitted In evidence 4 A non-c\pcit witness may In a prose cution foi murder , the necessity founda tion therefor having been laid , bo exam ined as to his opinion regarding the Banlt } of Ihe accused , nnd may Hlato whether In bin judgment the hitler was able lo dls- lingulsh between light und wiong with lespect to the particular cilme charged , B The opinions of non-expert witnesses who have known thu accused for fifteen veiir1) and who met nnd obseived him almost dally for .sU weeks or moie Im- medlatclv preceding the commission by him of n homicide , their attention being pnitlctilnrly dliected lo his menial con- ( Illlon. urn admissible IIB bearing upon the question ot his sanity. fi Instructions defining- Insanity as de fense In piosecutlona for minder exam ined nnd approved. The Judgment of the dlntrlct court of Douglas county In the case of the city of Omaha against James Megeath ct al was affirmed , This case was brought by the owner of certain lots In Omaha near Hans- corn park for a decree perpetually restrain ing the city from collecting certain assess ments upon the property of the petitioners , lying contiguous to utreets which surround the park. Following Is the syllabus : The city of Omaha against Megeath et nl. Hrror fiom Douglas county Alllrmed. Opinion by Commissioner Kyan. Where a Hlrlp of ground surrounding a tract of land designed for a public- park , was conveed by parties \vlio owned other WHO WOIH.11VT lin COWrOHTAIIIiK When It costs so llttlo to be comforted. Good comforts for C5c. 8Sc , $1.23 nml fl.CO- and they are good and narm. Those for $1.25 and Jl.CO are filled with white cotton and lined with sateen. The comforts filled with down and tuiteen lined that we've been selling for $150 have been cut down to (3.25 ( , because there are only a few left. There Is not half as good a bargain In Omaha , Hedgcock & Odell , 208-2ION. IGth-NortholNewl'.O. land outside of nnd nbutllng upon Iho said slrlp upon the express conditions In the deed of conveyance that the grantee should lu > out and improve said strip as a street and forever after keep the same In good repali and oidei at Its own expense , such city for Improving or keeping In lepalr such street cannot lequlre pa } ment by Its grantors be cause of their ownership of the nfoiesald abutllng propert } and the same exemption fiom liablllt } exists In favor of ono who has since puichased 11 part of said abutting property. 2 Under the above circumstances nn In junction will lie to icstraln a sale being mule by the city of any of the abiilllng propel ty aforesaid , and ngnlnn the collec tion from any owner of such adjacent prop erty of the cost of Impiovlng or of keeping in iepalr any portion of Mild street. Syllabi In other cases decided are : IRRIGATION LAW CONFIUMCD. The Hoird of Directors of Alfalfa Irri gation district against Collins. Appeal from Keith county. AHlimed. Opinion by Judge- Post. The term "due process of law , " ns em- ploed In section J , article I , of the con stitution of this stale , lelatcs primarily to the remedy for wrongs to persons and prop , erty rather than to mnttcis of substantive " * 2 The act approved March 26 , 1893 , known as the Dlstilct Irrigation law. provides that when bonds are authorized by avote of any Irrigation district , application may be made to the district court of the county in w hlch such district or put theieof is situated foi an order confirming nnd approving- the same. At the tlmo set for healing , and after notice by publcitlori to all contented , any peison Inteiested In sulil dlstilct mnv appear and resist such application , and the ccurt miv examine Inlo and determine all questions peitaining to the oipanlzatlon of the district , aswell aH the regul.ultv of the voting and Issuing of such bonds Held not to the taking of propel tv without due process of law. by means of taxation , vvlliiln the prohibition of the stale or federal constitution. 3 Irrigation districts organized under our laws are public rather than municipal cor porations and their olllccrs are public agents of the Htnte , 4 While it Is In the province of the Ju diciary to declaio Invalid acts evidently not designed to subserve public Interests , if the subject mailer of legislation bo Mich that there Is any doubt of Its character , or If by any icasonnble construction It can be held to be for the welfare of the public , the will of the legislature should prevail over an } mere doubt of the court. 5 The dlslrlct Irrigation law docs not con flict with the cniiHtltiitlon by authorizing the taking of property for private use only fi. The power of tuxulon Is an allrlbule of sovereignly having Its source In the neces sities of organized society and the limits of Its exercise depending and In the absence of express limitation upon such J'nvver upon the exigencies of the'public , 'lhat power has has been coirfmlttod by the people to the discretion of tho.legislature . and for an * - fcHs S * ' THI : r\nv AXD TIIIJ v Now this doesn't refer to "Paying Toll" that new COc song of ours althouBh a tramp does suggest "Paying Toll" but It also re minds one of that beautiful tramp , tramp , tump , written In commemoration of Omaha's greatest festivities , Ihe "Knights of Ak-Sar- llen March. " It iihouVd bo sent away to every friend as a tpjendld advertisement of Omaha , and the music of the march wilt be a constint reminder of thl * great event. A. Hospe , jr. Music and Art. 1513 Douglas St. abuse of the trust thus Imposed Iho remedy Is by appeal to the people themselves In the manner prescribed by law. 7. The district Irrigation law Is not uncon- stltutlonnl on the ground that the power theieby conferred upon districts to levy taxes Is without llmltnllon. 8 Nor docs said uct conflict with the con stitution on the giounil that the effect thcieof Is to confer legislative povveis upon counU boinlfl 3 The provision of section 1 , artlc'e IK , of the constitution , Tor uniform t.ixat'on , relites lo Ihe revenue lequlred for the gencial pur poses of Ihe state and inunlcl | > .il govern ment onlj and has no application to taxes 01 assessments levied lor local Impiove- ments 10 Corpoinllons both municipal nnd prl- vale may , In the nb'cnco of limitations , express - press 01 Implied , as an incident to their general corporate powers , adopt and use n common --cul 11. Tjirvon against Dickey. 33 Nebraska , IK1. and Dickey against I'ntui'on , 03 N.V , 244 , dlstlnguUhed. APPLICATION or usrny T..AW. The Noifolk National bank , against Schwenck & Co Hrror from Madison countj Heveised nnd remanded. Opinion by Chief Justice Noival. An nctlon against n nitlonal bank to re cover the penalty provided In .socllon M'JS at the Itevlsed Stalutes of Ihe United States for knowingly taking and lecelvlng usuilons Intciest must be biouglit In two jears from the time the iisutlous tiansictlon occuired rir t National liink of noichoster against Smith .1C Nibiaski , 19J Follow Ing the ileclslons of the miprome cctut of the United .Stales , It was he'd that usuilous Interebt pild a national b ink on n note cannot be applied by way of i-et off or piyment against Ihe principal sum due In any sull by iho bank upon such note 1 Where a national bank knowing ! } ( haiges usurious Interest upon a loan of monej which Is Included In Iho nole , In an iicllon lo ctifoiee the contract the entire Interest Is forfeited Where Illegal In terest has been paid to a national bink the borrower may recover Uou- blo the amount of Interest actually pild If the action Is brought within two } eirs afler buch imjinent | a made. Konl ugnlnst State Kiror from Douglns county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Norviil. Alleged errors In overmllng clmllenges to juiors for CHU O will not bo reviewed by the appellate court where they were not called to the attention of the tilal couit In the motion for a now trial. 2. Where objection to the mateilallty or relovanc } of testimony Is not made when offered and befoio It has gone to the Jury oidlnarlly It should bo deemed waived 3. It Is not roverslblo oiror to exclude testimony , where the fact attempted to be proved has been fully established by uncon- tradlcted evidence. 4. Where a question Is asked n witness In the examlnitlon In chief , lo which objection Is made and sustained by the court , In order to obtain a review of the ruling the \ VIHVvn : LOOK n\riov.\iin It la hanl to conceho how Iho lu < ) lr injo > c < ] any comfort nt all In ( heir elKien The Tuklo cuiao jiut In time the cork dole Toklo ikM > clully a narrow or Hiuaru toe larr , or u Hquute tne hulton tin Another TuUlo. with hcuvy sol * , nt 3fy ) it ha * n low heel an ) bruacl fcolr , new latt. Tlicao urn Drexel Shoe IIIU I n run nt Company. . blrt't-l. party doslilng the evidence mint offer to prove the fuels sought to bo elicited by the question , 5 The transcript of the iceord filed In thlH court Imports absolute % erlty If Incorrect , or It fills to speak the truth , the con notion must bp uncle In the court , and not In this court G When- the Jury iirp not icqulrcd to fix the punishment In a criminal prosecution , It la not error for the ludgo to u-fiise to Instiuct them us to penult j pi escribed by statute for the oflense , 01 to penult thut question to be nigucd to the Jurj. 7 In ii prosecution for laiccnas bailee , nn Instruction which f.ills to charge that the original taltln - of the property must bu felonious was not for leason erro neous. 'Ihe gist of llio offense In such a prosecution Is the converhion ( if the prop erty without the knowledge and consent of the owner thcieof with the Intent to steal the same. 8 Held. That the chnrRo of the couit to the effect that ever } snno person Is pre sumed to Intend the natural and probable consequences of his voluntary acts was not only abstractly correct , but wast applicable to the case made by the evidence 9 Held that the s'xth ' Instruction correctly "tated the rule relating to thu defense of Intoxication 10 It Is a well Bellied rule that Instruc tions should be construed together , , uul If , when cousldPied us a , wholr > , the > properly state the law. It Is sufficient. 31 The siipieme couit will not ipverso n case for the iefu lng of .in Instruction , where the substance theieof has been given In other Instructions 11' Evidence examined nnil held sufficient to sustain n conviction of larceii } an bailee WILCOX NOT IN CONTEMPT. Wllcox against Slat" . En or fiom Doug las county. Hovers d and lenmnded Opinion by Chief Justice Nona ! A witness In attendance upon a courl , who on helm ; ordued to bo sworn or af- llrmed , conliunacloudly icfuses , it guilty of a contempt oC court , and la punishable thcielor 2 Hut U Is not a contempt of court foi a witness to decline meiely to ho sworn , but lie must al."r > i of use to be alllimed , and the rcrord must disclose. J A wllnebs who contumaciously refuses lo nnsvvet any legal and pioper question licked him IB guilty of u contempt I When a witness IH committed for con tempt for refusing to Irsllfy , the question asked anil refused to bo aumvored must be stated In the order of commitment Dolon ag.iln&t McLaughlln Krror from Onge coiinly Iteversed. Opinion by Commissioner Kvnn. Where in a petition Itvun alleged , and Die proofs therewith corresponded , ugulnsl Iwo licensed paloon keepers and Die sureties on their bonds , that tlin mirvlv- Ing members of a family had been de prived of their means of support by the death of the head of the family , which death look place whllu such head of the family was In n deiiinged and Htupld htate. MippiInduced by peilods of Intoxi cation , at Interval ) * extending over a jieilod of live monlliH' time , thu last of which penou ui imuAic'aiHiii imu ueen ivvu WOJKH after any liquor had been Fold , and that to some of the llt of Intoxication the prin cipal contributed by xalcH of llquoi , held , a misleading error to Instruct the jury that "where several llmior dealera furnlHh In toxicating liquors , the use of which re sults In Intoxication and damage , each dealer It iquully liable , and that , ( n ( lisa ono dealer furnlxhus thu first iliaughl while Iho user thereof la perfectly xober , anil thu llquoi which Intensified nnd com- pkted the Intoxication wax furnished b > other pnitlPH , the dealer fiiinlshlng the llrst draught IB equally ll.ible with the othcrx foi the damage resulting from such Inioxlintlon " 2 In an action for dainagcH against II- cuibcd Iliiuor dealers and I lie Hurotles on their bonds for IOSH of support ( aimed by the death of the head of the family al leged to have been brought about by In toxicating llijuora sold by such dealers , where there had been Introduced evidence tending to show that at leant one mile was of a liquid not Intoxicating , It V.UH erroneous to Instruct the Jury that "wheru It In Hhown that the person wan sold or furnltiliud liquor ut a licensed saloon , the presumption IH that such liquor waw In toxicating " Crelghton against Flnloyfon. Error from Douglas county Opinion by Commissioner Ilagun. 'Jho npjiarcnt authority of nn agent which will bind bin principal In nuch authority nn the agent appearo to hu\e by rcuHon of thu actual authority which he has. Qbernca ugalnat liurke , JO Neb , 581. 2. Hvldence examined and held to sustain thu Ilndlng of the jury , that the ( ontiact made the baslH of thu defendant's counter claim wart made with defendant by plain- tlff'H agent , nnd that Ihn making of nuch contract waa within the scope of the agent's authority. I like my wife to use Pozzoni's Complexion Powder becauno U Improves tier lookb and U an fragrant on violets * . HARRY 11AYWARD MUST HANG Supreme Court Refuses to Grant Him aNew Now Trial. UNANIMOUS ON ALL BUT ONE POINT -llurd.-rer of Kitty < iliifc 1VII1 Suffer ( he llradi I'fiinU- Mimic- iipollN "I nil Hnrly Day IScxt .Month. MINNEAPOLIS , Nov. 20 The last hope that remained to Harry Hayward for his Ufa was wrested from him when the mi- premo court this morning handed down a long opinion , afllrmlng the action of the lower court In denying him n new trhl. The couit Is unanimous la Its opinion save in one finding , as to the iidmlsslbllity of Mri' . Hareltlno'H evidence , as to which Chief Jus tice Stiirt dissents , The court finds no error In the conduct of the trial and declares that the trial judge was justified In excluding testimony as to Ihe sinlty of Ailry Hnj.wara' whllo on the stand when no foundation had been laid aa to his previous mental cond'- tlon. It was also proper to exclude the evi dence as to the Insanity of thi > family under the circumstances. The distinction between Insanity as a direct Ibsiio and as a collateral oni > affecting the competency Of a witness Is noted. Harry Ha > ward turned pale when the de- clblon was announced to him , but would nay nothing inoro than "It was Ji st what I expected" Ho ! s appamitly w' limit hope. County Attonip/ Nye , to whc. i Covernor Clough has leforred the fixing of the date of execution , will name December 6 as tha dato. I'ACKi.Mi iiou.snMIKIV : OITIMIT. MOK-IIK'Ilt IlclltllT 'I'llllll Wlll-ll I.llHt llior | < < 'il. CINCINNATJ , Nov. 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) Tomorrow D Price Current will Hay : The inovcnient of liogs has been liberal , al though not. equal to the laigo marketing for tlin corresponding time hist year , The wpst- crn packliiK Indicates a total of 510,000 , against ,7JO,000 the preceillng week ami 005- 000 last year Trom November 1 thu total IB 1 ytir Oflfl l.iMtnnr llrn , < tl _ ncnt places compare us follows. I'JflCU ISI ) C'hleago GlU.OOi ) Kaunas City UIOGil Omaha Cfioo < ) St , LoulH 48,000 tcwn Indianapolis 7U.WK ) Cincinnati 4G,0 Mllvvaukeo 03,000 M.IXKI Ottumwn ,10,00 ( ) f'edar Rapids U.OW \ M Hloux Clly 13,000 llllclilfil'N Arnlrii Hnltf. The best naive In the world for ciitsbrulien , sores , ulcers , * alt rheum , fever sorei , totter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , anil all skin eruptions , and positively cure ) plleu , or no pay required It Is guarantied to give per fect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box For tale by Kulin & Co. 'I'll 1. IMI liiiiler Aid Ixfiiieiil. Judge llerka stated Tuesday to the attor ney for Jerome K Coulter that howould reduce the bond of K'u.OOO , under which Coulter la mi * held , to $20,000. provided that lie would at once secure i spunnlblo signers. The attorney stated to the judgu that the propoaltloa-iiaa Impossible , and re quested that the amount be reduced to $10- 000 , In which case he stated that hf could inrnt it. The case was taken under ad visement , _ If your children are subject to croup witch for the first symptom of tliu dlscauu hoarse ness If Chamlterlaln's Cough Heinedy ls given as soon ns the child becomes hoarse. It will prevent the attack , Kven after the croupy cough huu api > cared the attack can always bo prevented by giving tliU rcmudy , U U also Invaluable lor colds and whooping couch ,