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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1895)
0 THE OM.AJTA DAILY JU4E : THURSDAY , KOVEMKEtt SI , 1805. I ! 1 i COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS. Office , 12 IVarlSlrrel II. W. Tllton , Mnnnffer and t.c < ueo. itaM MH.VUON. Cliry id-mnrn' J II McPhTiwn Tl 244 The High s "I end"ts have just received t ] rt of nolibj new uniform" Uaby Lynch -lleil at 1M < fipcohJ avenue yesterday of membianous croup Thr'e hie Runs Intended for coast de.- fctn s piMO.1 . thrcugli the city Tuesday even. Ing on their way v\cit. The city runncll will hull a meeting next Momlay night , at which bids for the Story Bluet paving will be opened. The ladlf of the first Presbyterian church will give a Kensington In the church parlors this afternoon fiom 3 to C o'clock. Herman Linden will have a hearing In po- lire rnurt this morning on the charge ot dog pnl onlng Ho denies the charge. A marriage license vva l sned jcsfcrday to H J Nielsen aged 3S , nnd Julio C. Mel- sen agel 28 , both of Council Uluffs. Tho-o will b" a pumpkin pie social In the Srrond Prcslijterlan church this evening. Riven bj tin- Christian Endeavor society Riiflnlph Teller's grocery store , at 1001 South Main street , was entered by burglars Tueslay nlRht and a load of feed and other stipple stolen All members of Council muffs lodge No. 270 A 0 U W. , nro ieiiic | ted to meet at their hall at S p m Friday evening , November - vember 22 Order Mister Workman Arrangements have be'-n made for n match Kame of font ball Thanksgiving diy between the Council Illuffs field club and the Nebraska CIlJ team Game will he called at 10 a in Iho Council llluffs prcsb > ter > A\ \ < * - tr > \ vrtp.astonl \ relations with Rev E E II cd of Grlswnld. In order that ho may take the pastorate of the Atlantic Presb > terlan church The World's Parliament Reading club will meet nt Mrs P J Montgomerj's Friday nft- prnomi All members are requested to be presrnt. a business of Importance Is to be transacted. A shooting match will take place Thanks giving morning nt t o'clock at the grounds of the Omaha Gun club , ju t east nf the motor bridge , between teams selected from the Omaha and Council IJluffs experts. The members of St Andrew's society are requested to meet nt the office of Greenshlelds & Majne 5r,1 Ilrmdway. Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock , to take steps for celebrating St Andrew's day Ily order of the president Stymest Stevenson , secretary Hnrmonv chapter No 23 , Order of the Ea ern Star , will hold Its regular meetIng - Ing this evening. The grand matron , Mrs. Jennie Rule of Mason Cltv , will be present AH members ore requested to be present nnd visitors are cordially Invited. " Afraid of Firewater " "Young Man Not , the savage who makes a tour of the west eveiy winter In search of funds , struck Council muffs yesterday. Ho Is 6 feet tall , weighs about 300 pounds and appears ptjone enough to choke a wild bull to death None of the police cared to try to arrest him for berglng without a license , for he Is no cripple. The Council muffs Field club has been looking anxiously for a new center rush for the foot ball team , nnd has at last been successful Matt Gallagher Is the one man who so far seems to fill the bill He Is over (5 ( feet tall and his weight Is 30"i pounds His ability at kicking Is as > et a matter of sp'culatlon. but there Is no doubt about his being able to hold the field down He has announced his willingness to join the team. Farm loans made In western Iowa at lowest rate . No delay In closing loans. Plre and tornado Insurance written In best of compa nies n.argalns In real estate LOUOEE & TOWLE. 235 Pearl street. Money to loan on Improved Iowa farm" Large loans a specialty. L. W. Tull ys , 102 Main s'rett , upstairs , rooms 2 and 3 I. PAItACIl VIMIS. Mr ind Mrs. R. J. Gilbert left yesterday for Chicago. C. H II Campbell nnd Ned nvcrett haxe gone for a hunting trip In Nebrabki. Miss Jennie KpithiR Is singing In the choir of rather Morlirty's church In South Olllillll Mrs < Alpha Drury of noomer toxvnshlp Is In the city for nlslt with her father , Al derman Henry Hishton. Mrs W. II. Wakcfleld has returned from a visit of sexeral months In IJoston , Proxl- dence and other eastern cltlc'S' . Mrs Jennie A Hule of Mason City , la. , grand matron of the Order of the nabtern Star society ot Iowa , Is In the city , the gues > t of 0 H. Jackson and wife. Victor Hcnder Is able to b out again , ) mx- Ing hiipcossfnlly wrestled for six xxeeks with the typhoid fever. He lost tventy-flxe pounds In the I'trugglo , nnd has one I'g temporarily crippled , but Is rapidly gaining In health and strength. Major George A Lincoln , Chief of the Plre Department L M Aycrs anl Pred A Woods , who hells the worll's chimplonshlp In hose couillng all of Cedar Ilaplds , stopped at the Grind hot 1 ye&teiday on their way to Atlantic to attend a firemen's mcitlng. Your Thanksglxlng turkey will not bo tender - dor and Juicily cooked unless you us ° ono of Do Vol't' roaht pans 50c to $1 tiO Then cut It up with one of I ) Vol's carving sets , and you will hive cause to glxe thanks. IXji'M IMi'liiro IViinii'N , Wo haxe a largo line of now frames In all the latest styles. Remember xxo mount Iho linen frames to your order H. L. SMITH S. CO. The ladles of Uroadway M n chinch will Klvo n "Cnlemlir Social" In their church par lors this ( Thursday ) oxenlng. Reduced prices on > > llglitly used pianos nt nourlclus' , the orchestral crown piano dealer , 116 Stutsman street , near M. n. church , IV1 ! ( lit * 'NiMMl of 11 Coal. Prank Smith , who works for Taylor Wol- eey , got drunk 'Itusduy night lie xxas ai- rested and lined $10 SO In police court ysttcr day morning , AH soon as this case xxas dis posed of another Information was tiled , charging him with larceny from n building In tli- night He W3it ! to the Grand Army hall , \vhero the. ' Danes' xxcie having a dance , anil picked up a coit belonging to ona Madsen The latter caught him In the act of wearing the coat aft and compelled him to disrobe to tint eNfnt. Smith came back almost as noon as he hid been kicked down stalrw , ho\vp\er , to try It again Thlc time he xxas caught xxlth two oxercoats In his possession An information xxaa died against lili'i y ester day morning and he will liaxo a hearing In pnllco court today Conic to the "Calendar Social" at Broadway M U church tonight. Pleasant features of the evening's eiiteitalmnent xxlll be a llxe calendar , music , recitation ; " and a goodtime Go to the W O W ball Thursday night. The Standard piano next to the Hardman. Tlitio U a comfort and elegance In wearing work iJono by our new collar shaping device , not found eltoxxhere IJagle Laundry com pany , 721 llroadwjy Telephone. 157 , Will < Srit Tlii'lr"ciilt > r. Clan Stow art will have a special called meeting this evening for the purposeof meeting the royal chief of the clan , W H. Steen Ho xxas entertained Tuesday evening by Clap Gordon In Omaha , and quite a num ber of the local Scotchmen crossed the rivir and attendtd the reception. Among thorn \xcre Messrs. and Mesdames J. 11 Macrae. J. 0. Nlcoll , It. O. Graham , A. C. Graham , Illchard Turnbull and O. \f , Gordon ; Messrs. John S. Gardiner , W. H. Stewart , A. H. Doll , James T. Anderson , Dux Id Powlcr , John Martin , James Johnson. Amlrexv Udell , Alexander Campbell and John White. The Illuft City laundry for line xxorkj Si North Main street ; telephone. 314. Hive you seen the nexv gas heating stove * at the company's odlcet 13G H'd'y ; Nicholson ; meats ; telephone 345. Tbo Hardman piano Improves with use. Jan Is , 1877 brandy ; purest , safest , best , Harduian and Standard Pianos. 113 N. 10th. toviciots ni'irEIS : nvonn. Diphtheria aail * > piili' | ( IVtcr Cases Itt-l'oi ! < < ! < " I'Mtitlinrltlfi. ' . The f < How Ing eases of contagious dl'eases have been reported to the city clerk Diph theria Margaret Merrlam , 119 Stutsman str'et , Dtsslo Joseph , 308 Williams street ; Gertie Atlim * 1304 Eighth avenue , Charles O'llrlen , 1101 Eighth avenu ; Uf sle Taylor , 1015 Avenue E ; Jorglne Hansen , 511 Avenue E Scat let fever Ue.'slo Stewart , corner Ilry.ant and Vine streets ; Latfield Child , C Thomas street. \ \ hooping cough Arthur Price , B20 South First street. The case of flosfle Taylor was not re ported until the patient had been sick for five days The physician who was fl'st tailed In dlil not think th disease was diphtheria , and It was not until Tuesday nlfiht , when another phyHcInn was called , that the real facts wcto known anl the report made to the uuthotltlos. Marshal Cr.nnlng wont to n house In the weetein part cf the city recently to tnrk up a diphtheria card He was met by a woimn just outside the house wl.o told him that thu child ha 1 died He walked Into the yard , knocked nt the door , nnd wan met by the child's mothei , to whom he broke i he nature of his errand with as much tremu lous sympathy In his voice as he was able to command "What' " was her leply , "you hain't a goln1 to nail that card up and make m ? cry for the next thirty days , are you ? I've been cry In' all mornln' " OM.Y in UMD : run HOOK orr. Pin- IloiCoiislilcrnlilc Daiunfjo lo .1. II. Put lorHoii'n It rxlilcnrr. J. U. Patterson's tosidence , at CIS Willow avenue , was badly damaged by lire last night about 9 30 o'clock It Is supposed that n de fective fine was the cau'ie E E. Hart hap pened to be looking out of his west window when the flames flist appeared , and he tates that they shot up from the south end of the building , In the roof. The fire depart ment was soon on the spot , but a good deal of trouble was experienced In extinguishing the flames. Several times It was thought they were out , when they would spring up In a new place The house was falily deluged with water , which left almost as much damage - ago aa the fire. Some energetic work was done by the neighbors" In pulling up carpets nnd carrying furniture out Into the yard Nearly all the furniture was removed from the first rtcry , but It was too hot to work upstair ? , and nearly the entire upper floor , with all Its contents , was destroyed. The building belongs to Mrs Sallle A. Stlllman , and the loss Is partially covered by Insurance. It la estimated that the damage to the buildIng - Ing will bo not les than $1,500 , and about as much more to the furniture. Mrs Patterson , whoso health I't poor , waa almost prostrated with nervous excitement. Steplnn Hro < > , plumbers Quick work and rnasonabla prices 529 Uroadway. Lots of new and pretty things nt the Durfee Furniture company's , 336 and 338 Broadway. ( trillion * Collar Door. Tonight at Dohany's James D. Macklc , tbe accomplished comedian , will present his new , bright musical comedy entitled "Gilmes1 Cellar Door. " wh'ch ' Is said to bo one continu ous laugh from beginning to end. Mackle Is favorably remembered herj for his Inimitable work as Grimesey Me Hey In "A Bunch of Keys , " but as strong a lilt as he was In that piece , his work in his new part , Billy Grimes , who owns the Cellar Door , Is said to totally eclipse all his forniT efforts , and Is a continuation of fun , frolic , good natur" , laugh able complications and original songs and danc"s. Mackle has engaged one of the strongest musical comedy companies in America , regardless of cost An extra attraction this year with Mr Macklo is the original and only Gotham City quartet , J. Marshall , C. Harris , J. Gardner and T. Parker , the bst four comedians , singers and vocal artists In America , Intro ducing their tongs , medleys , Imitations of banjoes , bMls , steam whistles , yodllng and ballad singing. Mr. Mackle has engaged them this year at a salary of $300 a week , " ° clally for his tour e"p across the continent to California. _ T o M ii re- Grand Harvest Exclusions , via the Burling ton route , November 27 and December 11 , to vaiiotis points southeast , south and southwest. Rates , one fare , plus $2 00 , for lound trip 0 M nilOWN. Ticket Agent. Council Bluffs. Prizes awarded to the best and poorest costumes at W. 0. W. ball , Thursday night. _ District Court CIIHC.H. Th ° Citl/ens' bank of Council Bluffs , brought suit In the district couit yesterday to colhct $2,800 from Joseph P. Wagner on foil" notes executed by the defendant as pait of the purchase price of seven acres of land in the northwestern part of the city , near th levee The Union Land and Improvement company , which bought a lot of land through Wnc 01 , is mad' a codefcndant J W Squire commenced foreclosure pro ceedings against II. J Adams on a note of $700E. E. S Ettenhelmer sues Gustavus B Carter on n note for $ SD1 , secured by mortgage. Martha P GoodMI brings suit against George F. Wright to have corrected the de scription of a piece of property which she bought of Wright J It Reed has secured n judgm = nt agnlnt't ' Wi Ight , and the irtltion nlhges that the sheriff is about to sell the property In question on execution , an error having been accidentally mule In filling out the deed , so as to leave the pioperty which really belongs to Mrs Goodell In the hands of Wright. _ The Rose has been proven the best Cc cigar made , and" oui Now Etcelslor Is the best lOc smoke In the state. Fair & . Weber. The Hard-linn piano wins many friends. I.ooKInK' fur ( InThli'lvN. . C. A. Tibbltts , whose housj was broken Into a few nights ago nnd u lot of canned fruit stolen from his cellar , filed an Infoimatlon In JiU'tlco Vlen's court yesterday for a search warrant for th Denmark house , located at 720 Washington av jnue , alleging that ho be lieved the B'olen goods were secreted there This suspicion In his mind was caused by th * strange actions of thros young nvn who room there They never brush the morning dew off their eyelids until along about noon , and seem to liava no visible meant ) of support A search through tha premises was made by Constable Baker , but none of the stolen stuff was found _ Thc > .Mum Ho .Solil. Not being able to attend to the piano bus iness anil needing the room for my largo line of holiday goods thai will goon be In , I will sell my remaining stock of pianos at ACTUAL COST and on ( Tins as low as $10 per month This la a rare chance to buy a good piano Picture framing a specialty. W W. CHAPMAN , 17 Main St. To lloo SnliNcrlliorM. All subscribers of The Boa who neglected or failed to compluto their series of Amer ican Encyclopedia Dictionary parts can bo supplied by calling at The Dee olfice this w cek. TraiiMiiilHNlHNliil | | C A meeting of the delegates to the Trans- mls&lsslppl congress , which Is to meet In Omaha next Monday , will be held Saturday evening at 7.30 o'clock nt the1 city building Mayor Cleaver has appointed A , S. Hazelton , T J Evans , 0 Frank Trimble , S , II. Wads- worth. John N. Baldwin , Spencer Smith nnd H J. Chambers delegates to represent the city. J , M. Matthews represents the county board of supervisors , mid the Mer chants' and Manufacturers' association Is represented by Luclua Wells , Charles M. Hart , Leonard Everett and C. R. Hamian. Chambers' dancing academy now open for pupils. Call after 10 a , m. Circulars. W. O. W. masquerade ball Thursday night , November SI , _ _ t'oiiiiaulftl a Iloalh Sonlvauo , FRANKFORT , Ky. , Nov. 20. The death sentence of Columbus I'helpu , to be hupg Friday at Howling Green , was commuted to life Imprisonment by Governor Drown ou the ground of insanity. , PROF , EVANS WAS MURDERED Evidence Recently Developed in tbo Orirao nt Osage , la. SOME FACTS REGARDING THE CASE Imllcntlotin tlittt HIP lloily of lite VIIIIIIK'I" " H l Horn 1'lneril In a I'oNltluit 1 I.vncl | o the Suicide Thcorj. OSAGC , la. , Nov. 20. ( Special Telegram ) A careful Investigation of the facts connected with the death of Prof. nxans , principal of the High scliool , four weeks ago , lias just been made , and speculation as to tlie man ner of his death , nt first thought by many not well acquainted with the most palpable facts to bo suicide , has for the most part given way to speculation ns to who committed the terrible crime which the Inquiry Indis putably shows IJxans was the victim of. So generally accepted was the- suicide ex planation at first that no cireful examina tion of the body ns It lay when found or of the surroundings , or of the clothing , which was verj bloody , was made It was for some time even debated whether a coroner's In quest should be held , and at the Inquest I ho questions were directed , as the record shows , rather to the end of confirming the sulcl le notion than to establishing the real facts In the case One of the doctors who was an expert witness has recently admitted tint when giving his testimony he did not know the cour o that a single nne of the three bullets In the body ha I taken. MUCH EVIDENCE OP MimDHR. It was therefnro a surprise to some to learn lately that the Imprint of a bloody hand was plain In three places on the cloth ing. Inside the right knee and on the right overcoat sleeve above the elbow on the front and bick side , while Bvans' hinds showi-d no stains of blood. The significance of the bloody hand mark on the Inside of the right knee was emphasbed by the fact that the right pants leg was found drawn half way up to the kn s , which , taken In connection with the finger marks on the sleeve , seemed to show that the body had been grasped to be moved , and the head wns Ijlng twelve feet from the laige pool of blood where all admit the held lay when Kvans first fell. That the revolver was very bloody , handle , cylinder and barrel , has been clearly estab lished by the statements of witnesses. OTHER TACTS DROUGHT OUT. , On one of the trees nt which It Is supposed Evans and his irtirderer stood to shoot at the target were found marks Indicating that a hand had b ° cn drawn twice across the tree to wipe blood off This tree Is twenty- one feet from where the largest pool of blood was It has also been learned that the weight of the body was on the left and up hill side on a slope of one and a halt feet In tx\ent > feat. feat.No No evidence , of temporary Insanity , at first promulgated as a cauae of self-murder , could Be obtained from pupils and otherti most closely In association with Evans , save from one man These fact ! , , In addition to the statement of the phvslclans who made the autopsy , that cither shot through the brain would have caused death and that the shot through the heart nncl right lung was fired after death , are accepted as conclu"ive that murder was committed , and the proper authorities are ccting accordingly. Owing to a peculiar condition the local controversy In the local pipers regarding the matter is a controversj b ° twe'n factions be fore existing , and the so-called Indignation meeting Saturdav , at which Governor Jack- sim was censured for offering a reward for th = murderer and the family of Evans was Irutally abus"d for causing the inve ; ig3tlon was the meeting of a faction a member of which had caused unfavoiable comment on account of what were declared to b' rash statements respecting the case. iiivrour nif v IMCI ii wi Ilhj s-StriuiKf I.mention at Sloiii Cit ; Tnliix .1 M-n 'InIMI. SIOUX CITY , Nov. 20 ( Special ) The transcript In the Rhys-Strange jury biibing tise , ono of the- most Important litigations ex or commenced In Woodbiiry county , has just been completed here , and will imme diately ba pent to the supreme court , to which It was appealed by Strange several weeks ago The action grew out of a suit for the settlement of the affairs of the Cen tral Stock Yards compiny , an organization formed heie. by Arthur Khjs , an English cap italist , and Walter Strange , a local business man , nearly ten jeara ago The companj xx js short lived , and on HI subsequent absorp tion by the Union Stock Yard company , Hhyr commenced suit against his old partner for $30.000 , out of wh'ch ' , he claimed , the latter swindled him In the settlement of the old company s affairs The suit cicated much interest nnd resulted in T verdict for Strange after a trlnl of several works' duration. Some of tie best known farmero and busl ness men In the county were on the Jury , and there wan consequently no small sensation > vhcn , som thing over a year ago , another petition wao filed by nhy , In which ho al leged that the verdict against him was the result of the- bribing of several of the mem bers of the Jury by the- defendant , btrange and n&ked that the old casa be reopened and a fair trial given. Several members of the oilglnal jury had disappeared , but thosa who could bo found were put on the stand , and notwithstanding their indisposition to ray any thing llkelj to present themselves In an un favorable 1'ght ' made out PO strong a caes foi the plaintiff that Indictments were returned at the next session of the grand jury , not only against Strange , OT a charge of bribery but agalnpt t > evcral of the Jurors aa well , fbl accepting his alleged offers The application for a new trial wn > , however , held under ad- vlbcment by the court until a month ago when It was finally granted by Dlstiict Judge Wakcflcld An appeal was promptly taken and the supreme court will bo asked to pira on the ca ° 3 The- transcript was one of the moB' voluminous ever prepared In the state covering over 3,000 tjpewrlt'en ' pages , rsiMJ com roil rrii , IN lowv rnriiifiM Iti'fiiNiSell ( InCralii at I'i finllliit ; l'rlci > M. MASON CITY , la , Nov 20 ( Special Tele gram ) Seventeen crews have been laid off on the Iowa and Dakota division of the Mil waukee , occasioned b > farmers holding their grain fcr a rise In price. They say the pre vailing price of corn does not pay them for work In husking and marketing , it h now being qulto generally used for fuel , In lieu of coal DullKrr AVt > ilN. FORT DODGE , la . Nov 20 ( Sp clal Telegram ) The marriage- gram Congressman Dol- llvar to Miss Louise I'lerson occurred In the I'rcsbjtcrlan church hero this evening Ex- Congressman Olllfillen and wife of Minneapo lis , Governor Jackson and wlfo of this state and s'veral of the Iowa congressmen vuj-a in attendai ce Mr Dolllver Is a native of West Virginia , and came hero In 1S78 He Is serv ing * , ils fourth term in congress Ilo is 37 years old The bride Is of New England stock , the daughter of an old resident hero and niece of Pr D K I'earsuiib of Chicago , the philanthropist She Is highly educated , a graduate cf Wclleiley , and a very accomplished and capable woman. The- Iowa congressional delegation added to t'ue presents a beau tiful sllxer set Mr. and Mrs Dolllvci wilt leave for Washington Friday , Will Itfiliii'o ( lie I'rliiof HUH , SIOUX CITY , Nov. 20-S ( | > ecial Tele gram ) An ordinance for the reduction of charges for gas from 12 to ? MO per 1,000 feet for Illuminating and from $1.50 to } 1 10 for fuel purposes has been Introduced In the city council here The local gas company will lese thousands of dollars a jear by the change and Is vigorously lighting the ordinance. Application for a receiver for the Toyler Grocery company of this place has been made. The company has been In process of liquida tion for a year , but the creditors claim the assets were not being properly applied to the pajincnt of Indebtedness. AUIM ! lonii Woman MnriliM IM | . CEPAR HAI'IDS. la. . Nov. 20.-Spclal ( Telegram. ) About o'clock this afternoon Mrs. Urldget Lally , a woman SO years old , was found dead In her home on the west side. There was evidence of foul play , The skull seems to bo frrictnred nnd a postmor tem examination Is now being made Mike and Tom Lally , her Sons , nnd Prank Curran , will be nrcsted , pejwllrtfc the result of the coroner's Inquest , vv lclijwlll be held tomor row. t\ \ t AtinotedHlt Olild-ciu1 I.rUcrn. CRESTON. la. , Nov. 20 ( Special. ) An obscene letter writer ls'Jnt present creating considerable uneasiness ln the homes of a mimb r of promlnerjt pjttople , He has been operating In this cljy Mr about ten week , his principal vlctlnf bcns ( a joung lady of excellent character This lady Ins become so nervous over these letters that she had tem porarily abandoned hfef work nnd gone to her home. The party who'Is engaged In this de praved work says he must kill the joung lady In que'tlon or a gentleman acqualntrnce , and the latter he lias tried , to do , for a , few evenings ago at n certain place where the > oung man met the author of these letters by appointment , ho shot at him , a bullet taking effect In the joung man's hand The parly who was shot went to the place In the hope that he would bo able to detect tlie man , but In the darkne s the wretch escaped. Local officers and the postal authorities have been apprlud of the facts , find they are endeavorIng - Ing to trap the fellow. rrtietiirtMl a Pnriiipr'n SUiiII. CEDAR RAPIDS , la , Nov 20 ( Special Telegram ) During a saloon brawl at I'ral- rlobtirg Otis Trainer struck a farmer nam ° d Turner over the head several times with a bills The bkull was fractured and Turner cannot live. No arrests have been made. MnrrliMl at Afton. CRESTON. la , Nov. 20 ( Special Tele gram ) James 1 * . Wharton of Leon nnd Miss Nellie Row ell of Atton , daughter of Judge Row ell , were married at noon today at the bride's home. _ _ PomThonunil Illnrc at Tnlior , TA1JOR , la. , Nov 20. ( Special Tclcginm ) The Tabor butter and ellipse factory and roller mills burn ° d this morning. Esti mated damage , ? 4,000 , Insured for $1,600. Tiiiir.i : PKOIM.I : KOI'M > Mtmnnunn. VII Had Droll Shut Willie riofliiK from Their AxNiillau < K. nilOWNSVILLE , Ore. , Nov. 20 John Montgomery , his wife and D 1J. McKeechcr were found murdered at 4 o'clock Tutala > afternoon on the farm of S. O. Tcmpleton , three miles east of here. All three of the victims had been shot with a rlllc and the murderers made good their escape. No mo tive Is known for the crime. Montgomery was found lying ou his back In the front > nrd near a picket fence with the top of his head blown off nnd his brains scattered over the fence. McKeecher wat found In the sitting room lying on his face with a bullet wound In the left side of his head and part of his skull gone , and Montgomery's rifle was lying across his legs. Mrs. Montgomery was found In the dining room lying on her face with a shot In the back. Trom their positions all were evidently fleeing from the murderer. Excitement hero Is Intense , and If the murderers are caught they will pmb- ably be Ijnchcd. No one but the murdered people are known to have been on the prem ises at the time the tragedy was committed. The coroner was notified and Immediately started for the scone. llroUfli Out Midi IlollH. "I have been taking Hood's Sarsaparllla and It has cured me , I was all broken out with bollb on my back an ! face , and was aloj troubled with a pain In my back so that I could not sleep nights. Af'er ' taking two bottlfs of Hood's Sarsaparilla I was entirely cured " Mllburn lirtmdage , Cairo , Ncbr. Hood's I'ills euro sick headache. Hot Uli7ci on n Co III liny. EVANSVILLE , Ind , Nov. 20 The busi ness portion of Madlsoiivllle. Ind , was burned carlj this morning , Involving a loss of about $50,000 Thei Evansvllle fno de partment wns called out. Among the prln- c'pal ' losers are galley & Co.f grocers , N. S Uuck & . Co , grocers , J. U Harvey , gro- csr , and A J. Jason. LOWELL , Mass , Nov. 20 The lo of the fire of last night amounted to S.OOO MarslmlN Itnlil ( lie Moonsliliirl-N. LEXINGTON , Ky. , Nov. 20 Marshal Kilbourn and three deputies made an ex tensive raid on moonshiners yesterday In Wise county , Virginia , just over the Kentuck ) line , destrojlng a dozen Illicit stills with capicity of 2,000 gallons. In n fight between the olficers and moonshiners three of the latter were seriously wounded and ono offi cer received ? painful shot in the mouth. Olil IVoiilc. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels nnd kldnejs will find the true remedy In Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other Intoxicant , but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach nnd bowels , adding strength and giving tone to the organs , theieby aiding nature In the p ° rform.ance of the functions. Electric Bit ters is an excellent appetizer and aids diges tion. Old people find it Just exactly what they need Price fifty cents per bottle at Kul.n i , Co.'s drug store. Cniiaillaa Srliooiit-r Oot-M ANlioro. PORT HURON , Mich , Nov. 20 The Ca nadian schooner Dauntless Is at anchor seven miles nor'h of Point Gratlot Light on the Canadian shore. The crew was taken off today by a tug. The se.s are breaking over the boat and t'lie Is fast going to pieces Two schooners are ashore about four miles up on the Canadian hide- . C lltK < * I'lM'NloVa * Itt'NllVIIH HlH I'llKV ROCHESTER , N. Y. , Nov. 20 Dr. David Hill , president of the University of Roches ter , has resigned to take effect at the clo" > o of the present college ) ear. The reasons for the action on the part of Dr , Hill are purely peisonal. Ho will piobably go to New York and engage In active literary work. AVIJ VTIimi Knlr aail Wanner for ( lie UiiNd-rn I'ordoa of Xi-liriiNKii. WASHINGTON , Nov , 20. The forecast for Thursday Is- Tor Nebraska Generally fair ; vvnrmei In the eastern portion ; winds shifting to southerly. Tor Missouri Generally fair , preceded by local snow in the northeast portion , warmer In the eastern portion ; casterj ! winds Tor town I'alr , tm ceded by light snown In the eastern poition ; southeasterly wlndH , warmer For Kansas Generally rulr during- the dn > , winds shifting to xouthcrly Tor South DnkoVc-Pair , fo'lovved bj showers Thursday evening or night ; viirl- nbli * winds , coldenJn ' v\estern portion Thurs day night. 1 , , , I.Ill-Ill Itci'Olll. nrricn or Tin : WEATIIKU UUIIEAU , OMAHA , Nov -Oniaha record of tPin- per tuie and rulnftill , compati'd with the -01 responding UfiJ of the past four years ' , W IfUl 11,9) 189 ? Maximum temperitura. . . . i CS tf si Minimum temptnUliro. ' . . .15 28 30 2J Average temperature .30 41n 40 Piec'pltatlon , t , . . .00 .00 00 .00 Condition of ttmpfrrnture and precipitation at Omaha foi the day and since Match 1 : Normal tempernfuro. 37 Dtllclenoy foi thati-iv 7 Accumulated exccf * ' * lnce .March 1 315 Normal preclplttitlo n v M Inch Deficiency for the 'HaV ' 04 Inch Total precipitation since March 1 2031 Inches IXtlclcncy since Marph 1 . . . 8 fl7 Inches lM fioiu Millions ui 8 p. i , , . j I , SOUTH OMAHA NEWS8 H cooccccccccccconcoccocccoo An adjourned meeting of the city coun cil was held last evening all members b inp present except llulla Major Johnston read his semi-annual statement showing the t\- pensi's of the city from April 1 to October 1 , also the balances In the different funds The report follows Seml-niimml statement of the expense" of HIP city of South Oinnhn from April 1 , 1SW , to October 1 , IMC. Department 13\pcn cs Amount interest ? 18,102 kO Police 3.S51 3 ( rirt rodrnnt 2.92500 Tire 2.V.7 C1 Pile , new lie c 1.1SS ) ( Public light lVfi 4t Street repair l.C J * Council ! l.JOOOO OMlco M213 Attoinev H ) 00 Printing 571 00 Engineer SSI 1 ( Police Judge WO W City clerk MO 00 Election 4" 00 Seed appropriation 41S 80 Charity 3773" Jail Sfil M llcglstiatlon .121 ( K Stock Inspector .TOW ( lurbngc 275 M Minor 2"0 Compiling ordlimnctu 211 Export on books , I I' Poundmnstci CO 00 Totals- $40410 23 Judgments pild 0.3JJ Uj Annual Appropriation Ordinance , 1SIM Intoiest fund { 30,474 00 Police fund 8,4 ; 00 Judgment fund MIT. tM 8nlm > fund SU7500 Public light fund B10000 Pliu fund 5070 00 Gonetnl fund 2rffi 00 Engineer fund 1,13000 Tcttl $ C1in 00 Onc-lmlf of county road fund . . 1.7U " 3 Total $71,12(3 ( 73 Annual Appropriation Ordinance. 1S15 Intetest fund $ 1C G.0 ! 00 Police fund S310UO Judgment fund 197200 Salary fund 8,30000 Public light fund 4ISO 00 Tire fund l.isr. 00 General fund 3,3Hi ( K ) Engineer fund 73000 Street repair fund 90000 Totals $ 58,170 00 One-half of county road fund. . 1,414 11 Total } 59,581 11 1S9I LEVY : General fund . .A. . 10 Interest fund 18 Pollcu fund ( i Plre fund 3 Judgment fund c Total , 11 ISM LEVY : Mills General fund 8 Interest fund 10 Police fund 6 Kno fund 3 Judgment fund C Public light fund 3 Total 35 Ilnlnnccs In Funds October 1. ISTi Interest fund j 1 107 41 Police fund 5,702 27 Salary fund 4 r , J 01 Public light fund 3 ( HI 1C General fund 2,702 II Stieet repnli fund 1,11.59 Plio fund. 2IHS to License fund 1,021 5S Englnect fund SSI 27 Judgment fund 77 GO Tot il J 22fi7fi 7 A'se ° ° eil valuation , IS'H ' J2 007,122 AsfcChted valuation , 1S9T 1,002000 The bid of John Owens for $900 worth of bonds for grading districts Nos 28 nnd 29 was accepted. The bonds were sold at pa- . paA A number of bills , Including the payment of special police emplojed at the late election were passed and ordered paid Th clt > clerk read a petition from property owners near Twenty-seventh and L streets asking that an electilc light he placed at the eat end of the L street viaduct. People living in th ? vicinity of Twenty- first anl II streets lequestcd the council to place an electric light at the intersection of Twenty-first and II streets , as at present there Is no light nearer than Twenty -fourth sttcet. E C. II. Campbell , a Council Bluffs con tractor , who bid on the viaduct repairs , re quested that his $300 certified check be re turned to him. Campbell was awarded the contract , but backed down when he learned that ho would have to depend upon the railroads for pay Hids were advertised for again , and the contract was awarded to the Martin Lumber company Mr. Campbell's communication was referred to the finance committee. Tae bond of City Attornej Lambert signed by A. L Button and Frank Pivonka , was approved. The council will sit as a board of equalisa tion on November 30 and December 2 Adjourned until next Monday night. LOIXI ; : or onn II < ' 1 > < " 4 < > * H < 'i'dLil mill Ciaiiil OIlli-uls Niiiuliiiitril. SPRINGFIELD , 111 , Nov. 20 1 he grand lodge/of Illinois , Old Fellows , received reports from grand officers this morning and nom- 'nated ' candidates as follows Grand master Charles P. Mansfield of Mansfield ; deput > grand master , G. C. Rankln of Monmouth , grand fcecretarj , James R. Miller of Spring- Held ; grand treasurer , Thomas H. Needles of Nashville. Some fifteen candidates wcra nom inated for gianil warden , which Is the step ping ( .tone to the higher offices of the order , lion. E S. Conwa } , Chicago , was nominated grand representative to the sovereign grand lodge In 1 ! > OC. These will be elected this afternoon and Installed tonight. The work of the grand lodge was purely routine. The eleventh annual session of the Daughters of Rebckah convened In the Donate chamber at 10 o'clock this moinlng. Re ports were received and adopted. The nom ination of candidates for olllces resulted In Mrs. Nellie A. Harris of Chicago being ele ted unanimously , tlu opposition being routed. Per vice president three names wore pre sented , Mn > . Mary D. Stone , Vundalla ; Mic William Roeder , Murphysboro , and Mrs Lucy Massey of Cairo. Officers will be electol this evening. IiiiiilHliiiia DIIJ at Atlanta. ATLANTA , Nov. 20. In splto of the cold wave Louisiana da > sees grat throngs at fie exposition. The exercises opened at 1 o'clock with an address from President Col lier and a response by Colonel A. A. Mo- Glnnla In behalf of Governor Foster , who Is detained because of the death of the lieuten ant governor , which makes It Illegal for him to leave the state Another address was de livered by Colonel C. II. Parker , and one. by Dr. W , C. S ubbs 111 * Ililon Rouge e/idets are hero as the eccoit of the speaker of the house. house.MUNYON'S G < rd and Cough Cures Prompt ! ) Kfrrfdnil In CnrliiKirlp , < 'OIN ! | mill ( 'oiiulm , mill u .Sun * I'l < - of I'liuiiiuonlii anil All J.IIIIK Munyon's Cold Cure will positively break up the grip or a cold In a few hours ? If ( alien cents a bottle. reaches the lungs and ( hero Is cough and op- preyed breathing Munyon's Cough Cure , used In alternation with the Cold Cure every half hour , will effect an Immediate cure When there 1s pain In the chest Munyon'e Masters vlll give great relief and act as a prcMMithe of pneumonia and lung troubles. Why PnlNiiii Your Sjulrm with dangerous drugs ? Why not try Mun yon's New and Improved Homoeopathic Homo HemedlM ? A separate Bpcclllo for each dlseute Absolutely harmlesii. 1'ot'l- the and permanent cures. At druggists , 25 an BOOH as the cold ajiears , When the cold Personal letters to I'rofefcsorMunyon , 1605 Arch street. Philadelphia , 1'a , answered with free medical advice for any disease. scit.VMiii.i : rou > rr , rmicr.s I\M ) < . Sonic if UIP liiclitriil * Soon on HIP In\\lSrON % lihho Nov 20The first man to make a Ifgil flsht on the N > z Pcrces riscr\ntlnn Innils , which were opened to set tlcment Monday , w s Stephen Hr snr HP prcsentcil powers of attorney from thifo old wldlers , Captain Tnmblin Colonel Hnimnp'l ' and \V I' Hiimati. These ore the piomotcis of the townslte of Ner 1'crce * Jacob I'lpplngcr of Lalniul was the winner In an cxcltliiR race for \alunblp farm stnkr Ho arrived upon the land one mlnuic altpr 12 o clock. He Imil rclajs nf saildle hoisf ami rode mor < than forly miles over a IVIRIHI ( trail In two fionrs nnd twenty minutes Ho pissed cn\louy neighbors nnd excited gtnin gers In his mad ride and Illeil his claim with out n hitch. A ptrty from this cltv , with IMitor Alford of the Tilbnnc at the lu-.ul heurd that some twenty liullun nllotmcnts had been cancelled near Swoetwatcr Th's companj repaired to the icene In n l > od > and met at a icmlezsous to dlstributo the fine ciuaitcr-scctlon ninontr themu ° l\e < ! . Hcfore the prellmlmirlf" wcio completed n horseman appeared from behind the Knoll wi'h a ride nnd re\ol\or Thf etrangei looked much like an Ideal desper ado , and when he dime up he waxed ht ! hand and said ' 'lliis land Is chimed II one of > on set foot upon R 1 will pump jou full of liolrs " Word comes from Cottonnooil of a demon- btintlon by nn oiganlred pirty tint dro\e a weaker pirtj from land tint wns rlalmod by both pirtles rho btroiiKTr pirty llinat- encd to hang a man whom the ) callnd n cl.iiin Jumper The Imlhns do not take kindly to thi' Idea ot being outnumbered by the white" tipin the domiln they hn\ ? owned so long Many of them are following the whites around , nnd the presence of the natives hero Ins occasioned nneiHlncss on the part ot the strangers. There Is no reason , however , for distrusting the Ncz 1'crccs There wix-i much excitement oxer the se lection of a townsltc for Xcz 1'erces. A public meeting was held by 200 men who desired to make entiles on town lots They refused to accede to the demands of the original promoters of the scheme , and this xx 111 pet haps result In a rlxnl toun. TWO cuii > nui : > IILUMIH TO I > IATII. I\t > lnlilior Millie > o AU-llllt | In ItVNOiic Tin-ill. CHATTANOOGA , Tonn. , Nov. 20. A spe cial from South I'ltlsburg , Tcnn. , to the News sa > a : Carly this morning a tene ment house occupied by Irxln Hoblnson , a respectable colored laborer , xxas destro > ed by fire. In the building \xcre two of Hobln- son's children , aged 1 and 4 jenrs re- spectlxcly , nnd both were burned to death , Hobtiiaan and his wife being absent at the time. Much Indignation against the negroes llxlns ncir who stood by and saw the chil dren burned without making any effort to save them Is expressed. Their brutal con duct was prompted b ) ] ealous > of Hoblnson's superior attainments. Woman's Realm. MAKE THE HOME A BLESSING. The Love of Children is Innate In the Heart ot every True Man and Woman , All that is beautiful and lovely in vvo- nnn , fitidb its climax 111 motherhood. IIovv often we find among our American women that longing for the prattling voice , the idol of their waiting hearts It is a natural instinct , thib yearning of the heart for offspring ; yet the wife hesi tates to talk with the family phybician on this delicate subject. A good way to do is to send for .1 medical hook on 11 Woman and Her Diseases , " (168 ( pages ) sent , scaled in a plain envelope , on receipt of 10 cents in stamps , for postage , ifjou address the World's Dispcnsar > Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y. The icfleclions of a married woman are not pleasant if she be delicate , run down , or debilitated. She feels "played out. " Her smile and her good spirits have taken flight. It worries her hus band as well as herself. This is the time to build up her strength and cure those weaknesses or ailments which are the cause of her trouble. Dr. I'icrce'sl'avorite Prescrip tion regulates and promotes all the pro per functions of womanhood , impiovcs digestion , enriches the blood , dispels aches and pains , melancholy and neiv- onsness , brings refreshing .sleep , and re- Mores peifcct health and strength. It's a safe remedial agent , an invigor ating tonic and nenine which cures all those disorders , weaknesses and derange- uieuts incident to womanhood. CUPiBEHE , Cuicu the elfe.,18 nl eell-ubusj , excesses , < mib3lona , Impjteiic ) , vnrlLOLCle niiil consti pation Otic dollar n box , U fur } 5 Tor Bale ty Tlin QOOI ) . MAN unilQ CO , :110 J'armm St Special Notices-Cooocil CHIMNinS CLI1ANPD , VAULTS CLKANRD id llurke. nt VV H Homer B MS Urmdway _ _ i HAvirA cAf-ii : i'.sTOMnH roit KM ACUHS of NelirnsU i Hnd. C U Nicholson , f39'4 ' Hroad- vm > . Council DlnffH , Ja _ _ _ _ _ _ i iiAviT"T'NiNci'MiiiHTirciiy PIIOPIIITY ; to txehante foi Nelirnnka land C. It Nichol son , _ ointnN'rTTvv o cdiTAon" COIINIJII am avcmio and 7lli olint moUiMii InipioveniinlH hot and i-old nlcr , Inlli inquln1 c i ; Kimball - ball , ilcvntor warks , 01 "M H tilli nil eel _ roil HAI.I3. A hl'LnN'DID KO ACHiS OP LAND nort farmed liy VV P Oudner c ' ew ' ( eirtlon il. township 77 , lanBe 42 2 miles went of Niola , III the liesl fanning dlplilet uf I'm tauutlamlo count > IOHII I'IVKIIU pilci , J30 00 pir litre Applj to Leonard IJvtrcli. ullornty at law , Couni.ll DIuffH , la. Iho mctliotl nntl tcstills when Syuipof Fiis ? is takm ; it H pleasant ' .ml icfrosliing to the taste , ami aota Mitlyyot pioiiijitty ou the Kidneys , ' .avoi * mid HoucN , cleanses the tya- loin circolnaUy. dispctn colds , licnd- ichc and fovem and ernes linMtual jnsti ] > .tlinn. Syuip of Figs ii the only leiiiedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ao v'optahlo to Iho no-.uneh , pioinpt in it.s action and truly bencHe'd ' in its effects , piepaied only fiom the most Iiealthyand agicrahleeubbtanees , ita many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular lemcdy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any iu"liablo druggist who may jiot b.ivo il on hand will pro- euro it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Council Bluffs , Iowa , CAPITAL , $100,000 \VU SOLICIT YOIJH IlUSIAUSS. \vi : nnsiiti : torn COI.LUCTIOXS. O.\t3 OlfTlli : Ol.lllIST I1A.MCS l.\ IOWA 5 IMHICnM'PAlU 0\ Till 13 IlUl-OSITS GALL , AAl ) SsKU US Oil WlllTIB. SIMS R RAINRRIOriR A < t ineatl.mT. . , DfllflmuyiUrnotce , | | | n tlle But9 end Federal Courts. Rooms 30G-7-S-9. Shi * . cart. Block. Council Bluffs. Iowa. WHITE STAIi LINE. United Slntcs ami llo > nt Mnll Stcnmcrs feiiiiiiR fr NIWoik VVIUMSDAIS : ns follows : Vdilutlc 2)N'ov ) 830 nmllrutonlc. t IKc , 7 nta Coinianlc- Jfov , i luiillliltuiinli. , It Dec . 2 pin hiloon K * * , J" < 0 ninl upuiinl. beiimd raliln } 10 anil iiimnril StetriKC ] > nbsiiic JIG unit iipwnrtl Dnfts p'oabli * on dcniuut tvcnwlurn In Great ) rltnln anil Inland sold at louist inlin Pot ItiMHCtton of plans of ti inuii nnd any miller Inform itloii applj to lucal agents or 01- I. MAITLVND KnR"DV O'l Act. 20 n'way , N.T. N ANDUItSON O'l WN Act. 211 SOI'TII ChAHK Slltnnr C'UCAOO RAILWAY TIME CARD Lines mUHLIXGTON .t MO IlIVIIIl | Aril\cs OmnhalUiilon Depot , lOtli Mnson bis I Omalii 8 lOim . . Dcnxer Kxpn" " * . " > 33am , 1 3 pm Illk HIIN Mont .t PUJ.I t bml ix 4 0-ipm. 4 i pin . . Denxf UMiros , ! , . . . 4 03pm , 7.05pm Nilira'-ko Luc il ( except Sunln ) ) 7 " Lint In lv < ji il ( ixttpt htimla } ) II 25nin , 24I _ | m _ rust Mill ( foi I.lncii'n ) dill > _ . LeuTT'TfrillCAaO. num.lN'OTON A. QjArFlveT" Onmh iUnion | Depot , lot i . M.ISGII SIh | Om ilia 500pm . . ChleiM ) Vp tlljnlt > . . 8 OOim , 9 4 mi . . Clik 11,0 Kxpic 8 . < .15pn\ 7 r,0pm ClilciiRn X St 1 mils ISxpi S ( Mini 11 Slain . . . Pacific luncllnn Locnl . Hist Mill . 2 lOpnT Uiivcs ( CHICAGO , Mil. . SJ PAUL I Arrives OnialmlUnlon Depot , iota , < L .Mason Hts | _ Omnlia C 00pm . . CiloTKo Limited . 803am. 10 Tain Cliluici" llvpriss ( i > x Sundaj ) 3 23pm. Lea\es ( CliTcAOO S. N'OR FlIVVIIsr N lArrlxes Om iluilUnion Dipot , 10th A. .M is in SIB | Omaha " 1030im . , . . nnstmi r p < - . . 3 Ijpm. 4 4"pm . . . Ventlbulel Umltp ] 9 20anv T 05im Cnrnll Pa = s ni.e 10 33pm 1 Omalii I Ilk " ' " ! Cipm IRO S ) > S.lOanv 4 l"pm lloone I.o a ! . . . . Leaves ( CHICAGO It I & . P VC1PIC JArrlxei Onmli illJnlon Depot , lOtli & Mnfeon bis ! Onnlia i\ST. _ _ 10 40im Atlantic Hxpress ( ex Sundij ) . . E 3ipm , C 2 pm NlRlit IJxpiess R loam , 4 'Opm ChliaRD Vesllbulid Limited . 1 Vipin 4 'Opm _ htP.iulVL _ _ ilimit(1 UmltuI 1 JSpiu " \V TST C ( Spin OI Itihoma & Texas ! > lex faun ) 10 lEam 1 40pm Coloiaclo l.lrnlttcl . 4 00pm. r.c M.3 C ST P M * O ( Arrive * Oinalm _ nepot , IDth nnd Webster Sts | Oinnlit s lrim slmix Cltv Ate unmodiilnn 8 icpfrv 12 Tpm hlonx Ct | > nxpiess ( ex Sun ) 11 rrnm , 6 4'pm _ _ fct I aul Limited 0 lOmv Leaves I & MO VAI.LI3V Arrives I Oiiialu nepnt , 15th iinilVVcli"U2St8 Omah i 2 Sfpni I iBt Mnll nnd llxpro's K 23 | n J Sipin ( ex hit ) Wjo lit ( ex Mon ) B JOpni 7 riOain N rfolk HHIUPFU ( t.x Slinilas ) 10 ' , 'am C < riun . ht I'.i'll ' ixiie.-a : | , 9 10 uu LCBMUI I 1C C. ST J & C' It lAirlXfi OmalialjJnlon Depot. lOtli i Mnsnn Stfl I Oniiiha fi 55im KniiBiu fliy Diy r\prcs B lOpni 0 4pmK. _ O Nlhht r.x VH U I' Trnni 7 OOuin f.avcs I MIS'SOHHI I'AflPIC ( Arrives C in ill il Depot. ISth nnd VVcuclpr bta I Oinilm JO < 0nm . . "t Louis n\prrss . , , , C OOnm , 0 10pm ht Louis nxpicBx . , , 0 OSpin 3 Opm II Nebrofcha laJl ! < ' * hun ) . . p oOain nTes'l SIOUX CITY & PACIPIC ( Arrives Oinalml IHpnl Ijyii und VV'elmlei Ms I Omaha C 43pm ht. Pinl Limited 9 10am I BIOUX CITV ft PACIPIC fArrixri Omaha lunlon Dfiiot , 10th & Mnson MB I Oinaho 7 Ol-i in . . .Sioux City I'aKBPHBir 10 3'pm fi Cpm Ht Piiul Llinllrd 8 SOaiiv I t'l.ION I'ACirirA ( iveT Oinilia [ Union Dfpol , 101 Ii A. Mason Ht i " Omalia _ 0 Idim Norih I'liitlc nxpiPM 4 2rpm fc lOam Ovi-ilnnd Llmllel 4 40pm , 3 3rpm lleufii ft HIioiimli'K ix ( ex him ) 4 2 pm ti ( 'pin Onind Isliuid nkpr h Ox him ) 12 o'pm 3 iSprn nijBtMall _ _ 102niin. r WA11ABII HAILWAV | 07ri7 * " Om ilia lUnlon Dtp t "Jtli & M iMi.nSI _ _ l Om ijio. 4 30pm ht lyiiulH C'linon Hill . . 11 TWIN CITY DYE WORK ; Dyeing and Cleaning of Clothing , Dresses and Household Goods. OMAHA OFPICH , 1B21 Fiirtiuin St. TcIepJione 152J. COUNCIL BLUFFS WOIJKS anU Office , Cor. Avo. A and 20th St. Tel. 310. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. YOl - To get our prices on paints or any kind of glass before you buy. We can save you money. Bring- your sash to us. Glazing promptly done. Davis Drug , Paint & Glass House GEO. S , DAVIS , Prop. , 200Uroateuc0 ttuollcl8iVH''u' ]