Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1893, Part Three, Page 19, Image 19

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' Hie Drarnmens Vol , Eoclt Head of Bjorkakev
and Zigzig Stalhoimsklev ,
Jbemnrkahle Byntorn of OimrUlnR tlio Trav-
Icr Against Abuses Norwnr Simply
Bubllmoto tlio Traveler Accom-
palncd by Loved Unc * .
, fSfl.7.1
Loxnox , Nov. 2. [ Correspondence of THE
Urn.Travel ] In Norway has some unusual
and many exceedingly Interesting phases. It
was a surprising thing to learn that moro
than 100,000 tourists now visit .this northern
land every summer. The country possesses
comparatively fo\v mllca of railway. Consequently
quently all routes of travel arc practically
by highways and waterways. Moro than n
Quarter of a century slnco It was scon that
lourlsts , anil particularly European tourists ,
In search of sccnlo marvels , were tiring of
Switzerland ; were turning their faces toward
the mldnlRht. sun , and were oven penetrating
to the most remote fields and glacier Holds.
Norway immediately set about malting travel
Within her rugged boundaries not only possl-
Wo to all hy extensive road building , but
ystomatlc and reliable as between all
carriers and landlords and the tourist public.
Tho.road building , Involving enormous ex
pense and many splendid feats of engineer
ing , has hart-much the same effect upon the
people of Norway as in Austrian Galicla.
Kot BO many years ago Austria built nearly
2,000 mllca of stone highway un and down
nnd from end to end of Galicla , or Austrian
Poland. Previous to that tltno , materially ,
a r.o moro wretched , God-forsaken land ex
isted on the face of the earth. In less than
ton years time these roads did moro for the
6,000,000 people for Austrian Poland in ma
terial nnd social advancement than all the
churches , all the books'all the newspapers ,
all the battles , all the railways and all the
governments had over accomplished for them
from the days of Micczyslaxv and Bolcslas to
the day these roads vreso done.
Jitolntloti of I ho I'easuntry.
The isolation of the Norwegian peasantry
was never no universal as that of the Aus-
trio-Polisn peasantry. They have over had
their many and mighty fiords , whllo a semi-
seafaring llfo always provided diversified
resources and the beneficial friction of
change. And yet until tins road building on
n mighty scale was begun It often happened
that the peasant folk of ono hamlet , or of a
valley district , wore as remote from those of
another dale not ton miles distant , whcro
totally different resources were rolled upon
and wholly different different traditions and
customs wore In vogue , as though thoTatras
or Atlas mountains stood between.
This later almost univeisal means of inter
communication over thcso grand stouo
roads , and the roads combined with the
llords.lmvo iimdo Norwegian folk more homo
geneous , developed the scanty resources of
this stern north land , and moro than all clso
intensillcd the traditional longings of these
flno and sturdy lolk for complete national
liberty and independence. Combined with
the surpassing scenery and Interesting peas
ant life , It also brings millions of dollars to
Norway each year , distributed in city , hum-
let , "station" and oven in lonely mountain
saetcr oya vast horde of tourists , whoso
methods of travel over mountain , through
valley and over fiord are alpno a most inter
esting subject of study.
Tlio New Stone IllgUnrays.
The grand Norwegian roads , while they
are moro numerous and expensively built
in proportion to population than those of
any other European country , have not that
peculiar sentimental Interest attaching to
the highways of many other European re
gions , and to bo found in all the Latin coun
tries. They possess no roadside shrines ;
nofare lowly pilgrim bands over seen upon
them. Tlio pilgrimages here are all to
nature's mighty shrines. Three examples
will indicate ttioir stupendous character and
added imprcsslvcncss from winding along ,
or within some of tlio most beautiful and
majestic scenery all Europe affords.
The Drammciis Vel ( or Drains Way , be-
causo. built from the revenues from liquor
licenses , ) of Bergen , is ono of the ilncst
roadways , in the world. It is cut out of the
sides of the mighty Flcclfjeld rising above
the city. Five tremendous bends are re
quired to reach the summit. For Its entire
distance , whore not blasted from the solid
rock , the bed consists ihstof heavy boul
ders , then huge slabs of granite , aud finally
a thick covering of cement and gravel. Thu
escarped sides are dt solid masonry , often
twenty , thirty and fifty feat high along
tholr facades , to secure sufficient roadbed
above ; and the outer edges of nearly tno
ontira Vel are protected by hugo pointed
rocks sot upright at regular intervals. The
outlook , from any of Its bends , comprising
tlio red roofed city , the frozen heights to
the north , tno bay , the seaward countless
islands and the thunderous ocean beyond , la
not surpassed in Europe.
tlltistoil from Solid Uncle.
Near Bjorkagcrin.tho'Froudhjcm ' district ,
is another wonderful roadway. For its en-
tito Itniath of several miles It has , been
blasted from solid rock. The necessary ais
lodgements were often so great as to glvo
the appearance of some mighty convulsloaof
nature. The steep mountain slope rises
thousands of feet above you to ono side ,
while below you , at the other , Is n tremendous
deus gorgQ , nearly 1,000 foot in depth , with
n wild torrent raving and howling on its
way to thu distant fiord. Af the outer
liendb of the road overlooking the gorge and
torrent the seonery is indescribably somber
nnd grand. Hugo upright masses of rock
are B'Jt in masonry along the outorcdgo.
And It is along such gruesome ways us thcso
that thu llttlo Norwegian ponlos clatter at
break-neck suocd , im you breathlessly cling
to your rlckoty cnrrlolo.
Uosco'idlng from the upland ride , from
Yossovangen , through tho. fatuous Nterodal
to Gudvitngon , the last fo\v miles ot
your Jouruuy will bring you to a
still greater combined marvel of road
building and magnificent iccuory , The
head of the vallay is walled by mountain
musses about 2,000 feat high. From this
altitude mountain tops ot 5,000 and 0,000
foot high lira reached by gcutlor slopes. The
great clil ! or kluv , called hero the Btalhohu ,
is the head of the chasm or valley gorge
which finally opens out upon Gudraugon and
the Nurofjord , the famous somber branch
of tbo SORUM , The lower luvol of this chasm
> reached by a splendid feat of engineering ,
Thu road is curried on echullo down the fuco
DfthoclifT from a height of 1,500 feet in
twenty-six zig-zag angles , of wluo and easy
weep "t the angles of return. As each
corner of this road ia rounded , there is
nltcrnatu view not only of this grand denlo
nnd mmwcapprd mountains behind nnd
ubovo , but of those famous waterfalls , the
fUalhoimfos and the Sivlofos ; the former
fulllnc without a break for over 1,000 foot ,
und the hitter for a tumble of nearly the
amo disiunco. AVheu you have reached the
bottom of the Stalhcim gorge , an enormous
-cona of gray felspar , thu phamtoni-llko
Jordalsnyt , lifts UH cowled head 4,000 foot
into the cloud-mists above ,
J or > ToBluu Conveyance * .
The universal mode of travel along thcso
Norwegian roads Is by carriole. In all my
own excursions on foot into the interior dis
tricts 1 never saw tourists or natives walk-
lug upon the highways , os you will see them
lu England and Switzerlana. The only ex
ception wus whcro groups of peasants were
making tholr way from oao gaardo or farm
bousu , or field or siutcr , to another. Trav
elers never walk , aud the bonaer or farmer ,
and nearly all the peasant folk , do mostof
their accessary travolliu'In the carriole or
troll cart. Both are Norwegian institutions
distinctively , The carriolo U something
and its long abatis , terminating Just back of
the uxlo , form springs for ( ho scat , which Is
in front of the axlo. The neat is low ; you
are compelled to etraightcu out your legs , on
though you were sitting on the floor , und
your foot thus lust roach a stout little dash
board , Ihis has thu advantage of landing
you upou jour foot , ia case of a breakdown ,
Instead ot upon your head , at when n dog
cart or trap goes to pieces. Tno vohlclo is
nicely balanced and has but ono scat. Con
sequently you must bo passenger and driver
In ono ; though a llttlo projection behind the
axle servos for a place upon which to strap
your luggage , If It bo as modest as a Nor
wegian traveler's should bo , and also for n
porch for the sunny-faced , garrulous lad ,
the "skydgut" or post boy , who accompanies
you between ' 'stations , " to return your car-
riolo and pony to Its owner.
I'onlcs ot nu Ktlilcal Tarn *
The Norwegian ponies which draw thcso
carrioles , or nro used ns saddle horses In the
roadless mountain districts , nro worthy of a
chapter to themselves. They nro little ,
cream colored nnd stocky , with flno crests
and forearms , and are most reliable and In
telligent. They are ns strong as the "shol-
tie" or the Cur hcndal pony , and quite ns
nimble and long suffering ns the Cuban pony
or Jacas. I never saw animals In any coun
try bolter cared for ; nnd they respond to the
almost affectionate treatment they receive
by splendid speed on level stretches of road
and an almost startling pace down the
steepest of mountain Vays. Tholr compre
hension of the ethics of travel Is , however ,
often far more acute than that ot their for-
elsn drivers. Ihavo often seen them stop
nnd turn about , facing the carriole passen
ger , as n bit of plucky climbing was reached ,
with a look which asked as plainly as words :
"Kind sir , you are now In Norway. Will
you not dismount and walk I"
They nro grazed like sheep among the
cliffs and crags , and will bound about among
the rocks llko chamois. When wanted for
posting relays they will scamper nt call llko
an obedient dog , from the hillsides to the
gnardo or station. They ore positively com
panionable in their natures , and seem to
have the Teutonic qualities of strength and
endurance with the Celtic strain of versatil
ity , vivacity and genial enthusiasm. You
uvtinot travel In Norway without coming
to place the Norwegian ponies , In the pan
orama of your experiences nnd friendships ,
ns among the most agreeable of your ac
1'cctillnr Country "Station * . "
Whether the universal mad rush of tour
ists from place to place in Norway has In
fluenced certain governmental regulations ,
or whether the latter have brought about
the half-crazydlspatch Indulged In by tr.iv-
ulcrs , lam unable to say. They both exist ,
and both are Interesting ns a spectacle and
a study. There are few places in Norway
where strangers rest and social pleasures
are enjoyed ns at the American Newport and
Bar Harbor , at Torquay , Bideford. Buxton
and'Malvorn , in England , and at Hothcsay
and StrutticiTor \ , In Scotland. Along the
splendid fiords are a faw sunny spots with
villas and charming Inns , but outsldo the
cities nnd the fmv delightful halting places
hcalda the , ilords ttinrnurn roallv nn Inns In
Norway. Among all her thousands of miles
of noble roads are not a score of really com-
iortablo hoslolrlcs. Instead of these are
what ore known as "stations. " They are
found throughout Norway at distances of
six to ton or twelve miles apart , and their
charges for posting by carriole , and for some
portions of actual food and lodging ,
are regulated by governmental authority ,
These stations or "skydstations" a'l they
are called In Norway , are subsidized by the
state aild are under the strictest govern
ment control. There nro two classes , "fast-
stations , " whcro a stated number of car
rloles , stoll-carts and ponies are required to
bo kept by the master , aud the "tilsigolso"
"slow stations " which not
or , are compelled
to furnish any more conveyances or ponies
than can be conveniently kept , or procured
from neighboring farms. The slow stations
are also known as "forbud" stations , because
the tourist is liable to be detained for hours ,
and perhaps days , at these , unless ho sends
a ' 'forbud , " literally a "fore-goer , " or mes
senger , on In advance to bcsoeak his re
quirements. This "forhud" is the Norwe
gian courier , but is a far less imposing and
cogtly ono than ho who provides the chief
bane and expense of travel in Switzerland
and the Latin countries. The "forbud" may
bo a contle old man , a lively lad or a robust ,
barefooted lass ; and in any case the insig
nificant fixed fee and the trifling gratuity
you may add , are received with , such profu
sion of bowing , haudshakirie : and "Mango
takl" ( many thanks I ) that use be the "for
bud" Invariably proves a convleuence and
A Watchdog Daybook.
All of these posting stations have what t
called u daybook ( dagbog ) always lying upon
the common room table. On Ha first page
is the actual contract made between the
government and the station master. It
shows how many beds the station shall bo
provided with , the tariff for the same , the
number and character of vehicles and the
number of horses to bo in use , if a fast sta
tion , as well as the exact charge for pre
scribed mode of couvoyanco to the next sta
tion , each way. As the average official rate
for posting does not joxcood 3 cents per En
glish mile , the tourist can himself ascertain
the exact expense from , one station to
another. You. are also protected , against im
position in the tendency of landlords to de
tain and retain their guests for profit. The
handy daybook stands sentinel against this.
Each traveler , or representative of a party ,
before leaving a station must write his name
la the daybook aud state tho. exact number
of conveyances engaged , so that any one
following after may know if the absent vehi
cles fill the required quota.
It Is creditable to those sturdy Norwegian
folk that when a party arrives at a "fast"
station only to find that there is not a sufll-
cent number of conveyances , though the
legally required number is In use , that good
breeding rather than bullying and bribes
will universally secure soraa sort of relief
from your dilemma. A Norvvegion station
master la very seldom a truckling landlord.
Ho is almost always a bender , that is , a
proprietor of largo lands about the station ,
and a farmer on a respectable scale , who
has boon required by the government to provide -
vide posting and entertainment facilities.
In several instances' coming under my ob
servation ho Is the school master , and I
know of two who are clergymen. These
men all have a certain pride in their in
dividual possessions , their position or
character. Uccognizo this , and you will
load a-cllarmod llfo upon the roads of Nor
way. Gracious behavior will bring a score
of ponies from the hills and stoll carts from
the outlying farms , if you require them , but
If you intend being a boor or a cad
among those quiet , proud-spirited people ,
you should bring along your own conveyance
and supplies. The will not wrangle with
you. They will simply let you so much alont
that you might better bo cast upou a doser
Avenger of Wronged Travelers.
The station daybook has other Important
and Interesting uses. You are privileged by
Ian to set down In black and white , before
the station master's eyes , any complaint you
may foul It Is your duty to record. These
data are also retroactive. If the preceding
station master has given you a rcuuloss post
boy , or a dangerously weak carriole , or has
overcharged , you have sure means of reprisal
through the daybook. At stated periods the
Lcnsuiand , a circuit-riding olllcial , visits
each station. This somi-maglstrato is the
avenger of wronged travelers. If their con.o
plultits are well louiuled the offenders never'
escape adequate punishment , and I know of
no other country where such unfailing pro
tection to strangers is given. Intermingled
with complaints , praises and posting data ,
are very many curious travelers' written
memorials of comparison , of fanfaronade , of
wit , of pathos , of ill-spirited taint aud stain
from that class which sours and beclouds all
place und companionship. Ana one sentence
I saw at a mountain station in the Ilallngdul
district which read , "I must record in this
daybook that Norway would be altogether
suolhne , wore my llttlo absent darlings with
mo 1" told more than all the rout that ono
cannot get In so rumote a place on this round ,
huge globe , that there are uot still shining
clour und bright aud sure thoie slender but
mighty strands of human love which hold
all the world together.EIKIAU
Mute HIieurliiR Spider * .
Yucatan is the homo of an uncanny
spoyles of spider , known all over Cen
tral America as tlio "mule-shearer. "
This queer representative of the Mygale
family lias a habit of creeping up the
lega of mules und horsoa and shearing1
OR the hair tlmt surrounds the hoof ,
especially the fetlock. The hair gained
Jn this curious operation Is Used .by the
Insect us u nedfeuuilding' material , and
Is removed from the leg of the mule or
horse by a atrone pair of mandibles ,
which resomhlo tltosa of a "pinching'- '
bug. Animals bitten by the "mule-
shearers" always lese tholr hoofs.
Rival Mexican Governors Gunning for Each
Other , in Earnest.
Fomnjn Hull Flelitor Winning Renown
anil Silver Mexican Command Stiirnr
tor American MnrkeU Oppor
tunity far Stock-Ilreedera.
Cnr or MEXICO , Nov. IS. Special to Tun
Bni ! . ] What at first appearance scorned to
bo the beginning of a revolution Incited by
the enemies ot the government , Is Just com
ing to a close in the state of Guerrero on the
western coast of Mexico. It now turns out
to bo a fight between rival factions in the
atato , led by Governor Arco , the present
executive , and General Canuto Ncrl , u rival.
The Ncri forces have been out on the war
path destroying government property nnd
Interfering with trafllo In all the ways
known to a band of renegades in a wild and
almost defenseless country.
Over 5,000 soldiers have been mobilized by
tlio federal government In the state , but
their pursuit of the troublesome Ncrl has
been rather unsatisfactory. The trouble Is
now proved to bo largely local in Its nature
by the Nerl forces malting no resistance to
the entrance into nnd occupancy ot the town
of Me.xcahi by the government troops.
General Ncri had previously assured Presi
dent Diaz by letter that his movements were
not against the general government , and
this last Incident would seem to prove the
Governor Arco now says ho is going to
talco a hand In the matter himself. To this
end ho has resigned the governorship ot the
state and is going to have a squaring of ac
counts if ho can induce Ncrl and his iorco to
meet him and his followers.
It is probable the president will step in be
fore such an ovcnt , however , nnd malco a
thorough Investigation into both sides of the
case before rendering u decision , which will
doubtless bo llnal.
I'layful Karthqunko.
Southern and central Mexico was visited
with its regulation fall earthquake the other
day. This immediate portion or the sphere
got the customary hump on itself , gave a
few sportive pitches , Jumped stilt' legged
ouco or twice and acted up generally after
the fashion ot the playful bronco. These
'quakes ' are generally lelt throughout Mexico
ice , but rarely cross-tho northern border ,
probably because of the high protective
tariff along the Hlo Grande. The disturb
ances are caused by unusually violent erup
tions of the Mexican and Central American
volcanoes , this late ono emanating from the
depths of the Collma volcano in the state of
Jalisco , near the western coast.
A female bull fighter Is the latest innova
tion in sporting circles at Monterey. Sao
plants the bandcrillas in the neck of the
charging toro with alLthe abandon of n regu
lation bull baiter und draws down much ap
plause and silver from the benches.
The question of bull fighting In the City of
Mexico seems to bo settled in the negative ,
so far as the city proper is concerned , by the
location of the fights for the winter season
in the outlying towns , whore those , who take
delight in this variety of spectacle can go
with llttlo expenditure of time and money.
To Chance the Constitution.
A resolution to change the constitution of
Mexico Is being considered in tbo House of
Deputies , It provides for direct election by
the people of the governors of the states ,
and other Important state nnd municipal
officers , Instead of the appointive power
Doing vested In the president. Scoing the
advantage , of magistrates. ! ho. supreme
court and superior tribunal holding their
positions for life , or during good behavior , as
in the United States , this is also provided
for in the constitution. The present sys
tem of Judicial election in Mexico Is by direct
suffrage , but in the proposed change it would
bo by presidential selection and confirma
tion by ttfo Senate. The amendments have
been favorably received , and as they have
been practically promised by the platform of
the Diaz administration , will probably carry.
Peculiarly Atrocious 1'unlslunent.
The spectacle of a young girl crucified , and
dragged through the streets was one of the
sights in this city recently. For trifling
offenses a cruel guardian in the person of u
shrewish godmother by the name of Antonla
Hamirez had adopted the plan of binding
tho. girl to n rado wooden cross standing- ,
a corner of the housn in which they lived
and keeping her there for many hours at a
time as punishment. On complaint being
made to tbo police a raid was made on the
house and the whole collection , godmother ,
crucified child and nil , bundled off to the
police station through the streets. The
police had a hard struggle to prevent the
offending woman from betn ? killed by the
mob which gathered , infuriated by the
atrocious sight.
Industrial Itcform In Mexico.
From centuries of oppression and under
paid labor the industrial classes of Mexico
are beginning to rise and Intelligently dis
cuss peaceable means for relief. Looking
across the border to the north they see that
there is something better In store for the
working man UianSTj. cents a day In ex
change for long hours of toll , and a number
of siqull beginnings have boon made in the
union labor movement. The latest develop
ment is a wull defined effort , to organize a
branch of the typographical union , operating
under a Mexican charter , by progressive
Spanish printers in t Dia city.
There are about ,1,000 printers employed In
Mexico , it Is estimated , anjl these are work
ing In some ilOO odlces. In the City of Mexico
alone there are close to 100 papers , of which
twenty are dailies , and the city force of
printers is over 1,000. The desire Is to or
ganize the best compositors into a union and
uslc tljat the rata of composition bo placed
at 50 cents a thousand , the other general
rules and regulations of the union being
much tbo same as in the United States.
Mexican labor In this , as. in tbo other trades ,
is not so effective us in tno States , but a
Mexican typesetter will pllo up about 8,000
ems in a day , and thus at the desired rate
would earn what in Mexico represents the
sum of $4. _
Mciloim Huear and Coffee.
A trial shipment of a carload of Mexican
sugar Is now on its way from Tamplco to St.
Louis , the buyers being Missouri commission
men. If this shipment Unas ready sale it is
but the beginning of a heavy trade In Mexi
can sugar with thu United States. It IB es
timated there are JiO.OOO.OOO . pounds of the
saccharine product awaiting sale along the
line of the .Monterey & Gulf railroad alone ,
which can bo easily and cheaply transported
to the United States from Tarnplco by the
regular lines of steamers touching at New
Orleans , Now York and other coast ports.
On the completion of the Ti-huanteiioc
railway connecting the eastern and western
coasts of noutheru Mexico , coffee from the
rouubllc will enter ttio markets of the
United States as a bidder for favor along
with the older brands. At present the most
convenient market for the west coast colleo
of Mexico is San Francisco , shipment for
Now York and Europe needing tbo expense
of transfer at Panama. In this way the
freights on coffee are actually cheaper to
London th.iu to Now Orleans. ' Tlio comple
tion of the transmexican road will change
this , and steamers can bo easily laden at
Vera Cruz on the east coast for United
States points. ,
The shipping innovation inaugurated bv
this change would seem to bo a great ad
vantage to Galveston and Now Orleans in
making theao cities the great primary dis
tributing points for the central western
stateswhence the heavy jobbers of St.Louis ,
Omaha , Chicago and other commercial cea-
tarsean easily araw tholr supplies. The
largo Investments In Mexican cotfea lands are
being made by northern capitalists and ( tie
Increase in shipping facilities will In tlmora-
BUlt in a material lowering in the prica of
the coffee used in the United States.
Oradluc Up Stock.
The Improvement of the live stock of
Mexico is a subject which U attracting Increased -
creased attention in the republic each year.
AM the cattlemen ou the western plains saw
n few years ago , so the Mexican stack
frrowor are beginning to sco now , that the
native animals have too much balr , hoof and.
horn and not enough profit about thorn. The
Mexican hones are full bt mottle nnd en *
durance , but llko the Indlnu , ponies nro alto
gether too small ; Mexican cattle are moro
ngllo than meaty , and much the same can bo
said ot native shcop.
The advent of northonl owners of blooded
stock Into Mexico to conduct brooding estab
lishments and race coursqs Is looked upon
hopefully by progrcsslvo JIoxlcans , ns helpIng -
Ing to raise the cqulno standard , and n cattle -
tlo show Juit closed near'thls ' city shows the
excellent results of cros-flri Imported stock
with native cattle. The first progressive
flno stock raiser from the north who locates
a blooded cattle farm In the republic to sup
ply high grade bulls to tn'd Mexican ranch
men will win , Just as the blooded
horse association will almost to a certainty
do In thu move to Mexico now being made.
Blooded stock ot ill kinds commands gilt
edged prices In the south , and Mexico should
in the future furnish n profitable and ready
market for the overstocked farms of the
DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo cures burns
Ho was a small boy. whoso head was about
on a level with tho' grocery counter. Ho
swung n tin pall In one hand nnd tightly
clasped four pennies in the other ,
"i'lnathe , thlr , how much 1th a pint of
"Four cents. "
"Then ploatho glvo mo 3 thent' worth and
a peppermint stick. My mother thald I
could have the change , If there watli any ,
for candy , nnd she mutht have known there
wouldn't 01 tiny. It wathn't fair. "
And the nng financier walked gayly off
withu lai-jo | striped stick of candy and a
vary little milk splashing In the bottom of
the pall.
Llttlo Mabel Is very lend of her brothers
and sisters , and ono day when they wore
scuffling somewhat roughly she became
frightened and almost started to cry. When
she saw that they were only fooling , she
tried hard to look unconcerned ; but her big
brother noticed the struggle she was having
to keep back the tears.
' What's the matter , Mabel ? " ho asked.
"Nothing , " lisped the tot.
"But your eyes are wot. "
"Ess. Doj'sswcatin' . "
"Tommy , " said the teacher , "do you know
what the word 'foresight' means11 !
"Ycs'm. "
"Can you glvo mo an illustration ? "
"Yes'm. "
"You may do so. "
"Last night my mamma told the doctor ho
might as well callaroundandseomoThauks-
glving night. " v
Little Hilly c.imo in ono afternoon from an
assembly of the children In the neighbor
hood with his clothes pierced above and below -
low with a great many llttlo holes.
"For pity's ' sake , " exclaimed his mother ,
what has happened to you ? "
"Oh , " said Billy , "we've only been playing
grocery store , and everybody was something
in It , and I was the Swiss cheese. "
Ono night when Alberta was put to bed
she said , as usual , her evening prayer. Her
mother was n little surprised , however , to
hear this unusual petition : "Oh , Lord , make
mo a better girl ; and make my papa nnd
mamma better , too If you possibly can. "
I Porous Plastei
r -
Notice or tlio Sittlnc'ot tlio City Council as u
Hoard of Kiiuallzutiou.
To tlio owners ot the lots , parts of lots and
real estate abutting on or adjacent to the
strqets , alleys or avenues herein named or
situated In whole or In' part within any of
the districts liorolaspcclticd : -
You uud each of you are hereby notified
that the city council of the city of Omaha will
sit as a IJoiinl of Equalization , at Committee
lloom A , in tlio cltv h.ill. Omaha , Nebraska ,
on Friday. theSlth day ot November. ISOJf mm
Uo'elocka. tn. to5o'elocl < i > .m. . forthopurposa
of considering nnd equalizing the uro-
I > oacd levy of special tuxes nnd assessments as
bhownby "Proposed I'lansof Assessment" now
on illo In the olllcu of said city olorlc.umt
corrcotln ; auv errors therein , nnd of hoarlnir
all complaints that the owners of property bo
to bo assessed and taxed may make ; said
special tuxes uud assessments proposed to bo
lovled bolnit necessary to cover thu cost of the
several Improvements duly authorized to bo
mndo and novr completed , us follows :
To caver tno coat of widening Fort street
from ' . ' 1th street to North boulevard , amountIng -
Ing to the sum ot II,871.00.whinli sum It is pro
posed by a ronort duly adooted by the Ulty
Council , to afiaees us follows : On tux lot Nu.
1 , Sec. U. lo , 13 , $ ltiJO.OO ; uud on lot 10 , 1'orbos'
.sirb. $21.00.
To cover the cost ot wldonlnz Ohio street
from Sherman avenue lo 18th street , ninotint-
ins to the sum ot ? . " > ,7tlO.-0 , which sum It Is oro-
iiosod by the roportduly adopted by the Olty
Council to assess us follows : 75 percent , of
cost on the rnal estate ou- both sides ot Ohio
street from Sherman avenue to 18th street pro
rata us perfect frontujre und the usual scaling
baclc process in depth from street us follows ;
On north sliio l lot In Alllurd& | Otldwrll's ud-
dltlon und north line of lot 7 In I'ruyn's sub :
on south side to south line ot tax lot No , 10.
Kate per foot. 81.lUhS , And 2T > per cont. of the
iinumnt on JTth uvciiuoon tlie real oUnto on
both sides ns follows : Krom Oorhy strsot to
north line of lot 7 , I'ruyns' Hub. on east side :
from Corny street'o north line lot SI , Mlllard
& Ualilwell's add 01 woat Hide , at 00 cents per
foot ; from Corby street to I.oouat street acM
cents uor foot ; from Locust street to Wlrt
street at 40 cents per foot ; from Wlrl.strcetto
l.othrop street , at 'M cant.s per foot ; from
Lothronfitrout to 1'lntaioy sereet ut $ ! . " > " per
foot , Ac-cor.ilnsr to usual scaling back process
In depth from 17th avenue ns follows : In
Kountzo place on oust side 2 lots und on west
shlel Int. from Locnststreutsotith to lot 7 In
I'ruynu'uul ) . on east and to lot -0 Mlllard fc
CalUwell's on well , as follows : In Hamilton
square. 1 lot : In lira's sub 1 lot : In Flnclc's
hub 1 lot : In Wricut phico 1 lot : lu I'ruyn'a auh
1 lot ; and lu Mlllard A : Cuiawell's add to depth
ot M feet.
To cover the cost of opening the alloy In
block 1U. ITiinscom place amounting to tlio
Buniof S.2.V1V.M. which mim It In proposed by a
roportilnly adopted by the olty council to us-
8CS4 on tbu lots In block 10 , Iliinscom place , ns
follows : West Mfeot lot 1 , $ .vi.r > 0 ; west. iiO feet
Int2. J.Vi.50 ; weal M feet , lota 3 lo 12. inclusive1
Sll&fHoauli : west.TO feet lot U & 8iUO ; oust SO
feet lots 1U023 und 24 to 20. ? SH.i : < l ouch : south
WW feet of o-ihtSOfeotlotSt , * .1iOO ; north S7W
toot of east J feet lot 23 , $58.p7.
To cover thu coat of opening Newton street
from Davenport s sub to 30th street , amount-
Iliitto thoniini of $11.417.87 , wilohaiim | it Ispro-
puicdby a report duly uqoptod by the city
council to assess ns follotra : In ulses' addi
tion , on the south half of lots 3'J to ftl inclu
sive. ; an tha north half nt lot ] 03 ,
til. 112. K ! . 0.1 , on. 07. ( M , UU.70.uml 71 , KIlLflOeaeh ;
on north y lot ! > ' > . $ ji | : ov. north H lot m fm.l5 : :
north J4 lot (14. ( mi70 ; jinrlh > , ' , lot 72 , S3II.4V ;
north > / lot TA ? IW ( 71. And on lots In Davon-
port'a sub us follows : ' Lot 4. $12.00 ; lot fi ,
417.00 ; lot U. ttl.00lot7. ; # il.00lnt8 ( , { 1703 ; lotU ,
(12.00 ; lots la to 21 Inclusive3.00oacli. .
To cover the con of opening J/ociist street
from 20th street to 21th strcos amounting tn
the sura of J2l.771.2d , which mm It Is proposed
by a report duly adopted Wy'tho ' city council ,
to assess on as follows : 'fke.1 the amount
awarded as damages shall bo assessed to the
real estate abutting : und tUa foes of apprais
ers amounting to tl&OO to be assessed to tax
lot 53. soe. 10.
To cover the coat of opening and extending
13th street from center Una ot section 15 to
Ohio street , umountln * to the sum ot ti.J.SI.'UX ) ,
which sum It la proposed by a report duly
adopted by the oily council tn assess us fol
lows : On south 132 foot of n I oo Irs a and 0 ,
Wood tilaco , and south 132 feet of tux lots 9 , .
10,12,13 seo. 10 , t Ma sum of 11.770.7 ! ) ; ou west Hi
foot of tax lot 4 opposite , tl,77U7. > ; ou the ease
132 foot of tlmt part , west of 13th street und
that part east of 1'Jth street of tax lot 0 , SOB.
lSbill.70 ; on the oust 133 foot ot that part
west of lUlh street und t list part oust of nth
street of tux lots , soo. 15 , tf > ,7S0.30 ; nnd on the
lota In Paddooic place abutting ou 13th atroot ,
To cover Uio cost of opening 27th avenue
-j-qm llurdottostreet tu north line of l.aloy's
sub , amounting to the auui ot fl.ULOO. which
Hum It Is proposed by u report duly adopted
by the city council to assets us follows : On
sub lot U Kazan's add. jmOOon balance of
real estate on both sides of 27th uvonuo from
llurdettoitroet to Yates street at IO.U3dU3 per
foot , according to the usual scaling back
process la doptu from atrtot to first alloy or
center of block.
To cover thn cost nf damages forehangoof
Erode ot Doutfias itroot from Wth Hlrout to
west line of UOJBS& Hill's 2nd add : 2ath uvo-
nuo.SUIh struct , una2ath uvonuo. from Dodso
street to Karutuu street , amounting to the
sum of Uoaoo , watch sum it U propotod by u
report duly adopted by the City council to us-
.sosi on-Uio rent estate on each sldoot the
streets nbovo mentioned pro rnta p r foot
frontage nnd thn u-nal calln ( ! back process
mdopth to the flrst alley or ono lot on streets
running north nnd south : on Donglns street to
con tor of block on north nnd depth of four lots
on south. Unto per foot fXt007. (
To cover the cost ot srntllns the nllov In
block I ) a II Uoaers addition , In grading dis
trict No. 07 , nmountlna to the sum of J4U.73 ,
which sum It la pioposed by ( x report duly
adopted by the city council to ntsots on the
ronl cstnta on each sldootsuld nlloy nro rat a
per foot fronlnco nnd the usual scalliii ; hack
process In depth ftom the alloy to first street ,
llnte prr foot fO.VIl' > .
'Ineovor thocoit of Rrndlnst Shirley street
from 23th street to Suth nvrnno , amounting to
the sum ot II.OH.IH , which .mini It Is proposed
by u roportduly adopted hy the city council
.n nsscss on the ronl estate on oich : sliloof
Shirley street from : Mli street to L"lh uvcnno
pro rutn per foot trontaio nnd thu imml cnl-
Iiir4 ! > ick process In depth from street ISO foot.
Unto Dor foot ifO.M7.VV
To cover the cost ot grading Prances street
from 8lh slroot to lOtn street , amounting to
the sum ol J100I..V1 , which sum It Is pri posed bv
n report duty adopted by the city council to
nsscis on the real onato on each slclo of Tran
ces street from fcth street To lOtn street pro
rata per foot front und according to the usiml
Rcnllng back process In depth from street , on
north slda 150 feat on south sldo to center of
bloc If. Kato per fool f.841H. (
To cover the cost of ar.idlng Sownrd street
fromL'nth steoct toMh : street In grading dis
trict No. W , amounting to the sum of JJI00.03 ,
which sum It Is proposed bv a report duly
adopted by the city council tn assess on the
ronl cstnto an each sldo of Howard street from
2'Hh ' to 2 tl\ street nro ruin per foot frontuno
nnd the usual scaling hack process In depth
from street to Iho nllny us per district
created. Unto per foot SUTiVid.
To cover the ctist of grading streets In qrnd-
Ingdlstrlct No. 7S niiiountlne tntho sum of
ttWTn.O''i which sum It Is proposed by a report
dulv adopted by the city roundl to nsscss us
follows pro rntu us per width ot street , on the
re Hi cstrttoabuttln ) . ' :
Oriinu avenue from 117th street to 42nd street
ffl.r ! > 4 per foot.
40th avonno from Towlor avenue to Amos
avenue , JO 5004 pur foot.
4flth street from Ornnd avenue to Amos nvo-
nun , ' .awttl per foot.
rath street from Grand avenue to Fowler
avenue. JO..VX11 nor foot
40th street from Hovd strcot to Snrnsuo
street , 10.511)2 ) per foot
Itath strnot from Towlor avenue to Allies
nvonue , Wu" > tM per foot
Kowlor uvonuo f rom USth street to 40th' avenue
nuo , $0.472 per foot
40th avenue from Ames avenue to Sprnguo
strcot , S0.472 pur foot
40th strrot from Ames avenue to Iloyd
street , JD.472 per foot
40th avenue from Grand nvontio to Towlor
n venue , 50 L'Siti nor foot ,
according to the usual scaling buck process In
dqpth from street as per grading Utstrlet
To cover the cost of grading tlio alloy In
block 7 Uroil's 1st addition , amounting U , the
sum of SI22.2U , which sum It is pronosoa hy a
report duly adopted hy the city council to RS-
soss on the ronl estate on each side of tno
ulloy In block No 7 In Need's 1st nddltlon , pro
rata as per foot f rontuso and the usual scal
ing back process In ilopth from tlio ulloy to
the first street. Hate per foot $ a3M.
To cover tno cos * , of grading 1 ! street from
13th street to 17th street amounting to the
sum of $2472.47 , which bum It Is proposed by a
report duly adopted by the city council to
Mssosson the ronl cstito on both slilei of 11
street 13th to l lh Btrout pro per foot
frontaKoairl the usual scaling hack process
In depth from street us follows : from 1'lth to
Kith streets the depth ot 11)7 feet ; ftom Kith to
17tn street the depth of three lots. Unto per
To cover the cost of grading Dccntur street
from 2y ! ) > street to 31 st street In grading dis
trict No. 77 , amounting to the sum of 8'iKIOI ,
which sum It Is proposed by a roportduly
adopted by tlio city council tn assess on the
real estate on both sides of Decatur strent
from 29th street , to Hist street pro rata pur
foot frontage atu'l thu usual scaling buck pro
cess In depth from street as per district
created. Hate per foot $ I.V : > .
To cover tha half cost of grading 25th street
from Indiana street to LnUo street , amount
Ing to the sum of W."ii4J = . which sum it Is pro
posed by a report duly adopted bv the city
council to asses * nu the real estate on ouch
sldo of 25th street from Indiana to Like street
pro rata per toot frontage according to the
usual sonllng back process In depth from
slroot to first alley orceuterof block. Kate
per foot $0.10737. $
To cover the half costof criullns Popploton
avenue from : 'lrd to otith streets , amounting
to the sum of fl.ltO. ! OU , which sum It Is pro
posed by a report ( July adopted by tbo city
council , to assess on the real estate on ouch
sldo of 1'oppleton uTcnuu as follows : From
20th street to 2ltn street , til 0545 per foot ; from
24th street to U7th street , 80kOS02 per foot ; from
Situ street to IWlh sivunno , $0-lu32 pop fooj ; ;
from BOthavontio tallid street. S0.1090 per foot ;
from IHrd to 30th streets. $ > .lS4ff per font , ac
cording to usual scaling backproccsslti depth
from slroet tha width of ouo lot.
Tocover the half east of grading Jones
street from 22nd street to a point 201 feet west
and .ijth street , from Leaveuworth street to
south line of Marsh ; , ' add , amounting to the
sum ot &I44I . whleh sum It Is proposed by a
report duly adopted by the city council to tis-
sesson the real estate on both sides of Jones
stieot from J.'nd slroot to23l foot west and on
25tli street from Loavcnworth street to touth
line of Marsh's add pro rata per foot frontage.
according to the ubiial scaling bick procesu in
depth from strcot to first , alloy or center of
block , ll-ito per foot. $117844.
To cover the half cost of gradln ; the alloy
from 31th street to 27th avenue between 1'ar-
nam and llarnoy streets , amounting to the
liiimot J100.03 , which sum It Is proposed by a
report duly udontud by tno olty-counoll to assess
soss on the real estate on each Gltloof said
alloy pro rata nor foot frontage and according
to the usual scaling bade process tn depth
from alloy one-half distance to strcot. li.Uo
per toot , $0.1 1537.
To cover the half cost of grading Oamorou
street from 2llh street to the center of 27th
street produced , amounting to the sum of
Jjl4 b7. wlilcli sum U U proposed by u report
duly adoutect bj the olty cnnnrll , to ussosson
the real estate on both sides of U.unoron strcot
from 24th street to cantor ot 27th street pro
duced pro rata per front foot frontage and ac
cording to the usual scaling hack process In
depth from street us follows : One-half the
depth of lots in Ulsc's add. Tha balance to
the depth of thrco lots or to the first alloy.
Kate per foot , W.2124.
To cover the half cost of grading Onmlng
street from a point U10 feet west of 43rd avenue
nuo to 45th uvcnno , amounting to tha sum of
} ltkl.47 , which sum It is proposed hy a report
duly adopted by the city council , to assess ou
the ronl estate on both aides of Oumlng street
from 300 feet west of 43rd avenue to 4" > lh uv-
enuo. pro rata per foot frontage und the
usual scaling back process In doptli from
street ono Int. Kato p r foot. $0.15059.
To cover the half cost of grading Center
street from 10th street to 12lli street , amountIng -
Ing to the sum ottil.Vi.tti , which Hum It Is pro
posed by a roportduly adopted by the olty
council , to assess on tlio real u.stato on each
sklo of Center street from 10th to 12th streets
pro rata per foot frontigo and the usunl
scaling back process In depth from street 3
lots and In tax loto , 170 feet. lUla per foot ,
To cover the cost of constructing a sowar In
Sewer District No. 1711. amounting to Iho sum
of JfilU'.b'J , which mini It. Is proposed bja report
duly adopted by the olty council , to assess on
the ro'.il cstatu abutting on ar.ld sewer pro
ratu par foot Irontaga according tn the usual
scaling back process In depth us perdUtrlet
created ; piovlded , that lots having aoworon
two frontiiges shall be itsjossed for the longer
frontage only. Katu per toot , (0,07. (
To cover the cost ot constructing sewer la
Fewer District No. 183 , amounting tn the Burn
of J2,440.32 , which sum It Is proposed by a re
port duly adopted by tlio city council , to as-
uesson the real citato nn oacli bide of said
sewer pro rata per foot frontage und the usual
iscullutr back process In denth us per district
created , Kato per foot. W.trjsoS.
To cover tlio costof couatruetlng a bower In
sewer district No , Ib" , amounting to the sum
of $14145 , which aiim It Is proposed hy a
report duly adopted by the olty council , to
assuss mi the real estate on both sides of Indi
ana Hi root from cast line of 25th street to west
lliioof 25th uvenuo pro lata per foot f rontairo
and according to the usual scaling back pro
cess In depth from street. Kate per toot
tO 755ft
To cover the cost nf constructing a sewer in
aawnr district No. 101 , amounting to the sum
of J.'K.W , which sum it Is proposed by a report
duly adopted by the city council to assess ou
the real oil a to adjoining the ulloy between
blooks Nos. 2I4'j and 3aa city , pro rata per foot
froutaeo und according to the 'usual scaling
back process In depth from tha nlloy as per
dlstrlctereateil. Kate per foottO.OUOJ.
To cover the cost of constructing a sewer In
soword'strlct No. 11M , nmnuntln ? to the sum
of 110.411. 7.\ which hum It is proposed by a ro
portduly adopted by the chy council to as-
ess on the roU citato on each sldo ot said
Buwer ns contracted pro rata por'footfrontHgo
according to the usual scaling buck process
in depth from sewer us per district created )
provided , tlmt on lots bavins u sewer on two
itiln * . the lots shall be assessed for the longer
frontage only. Unto per foot fUumOL
To cover the cost of couatruotliu cower In
sewordittrlct No. 1'JG , amounting to the sum
offlftjioy , which sum It U proposed by n ro
portduly adopted by the city council to assess
un the real estate on the north ildo nf Cali
fornia stront from wo t line of lot 3 block 2
Swcusy'a addition to 27th uvoiiuo In depth
from struct aa per district created , . Kate per
foot 11.7322.
To cover the cast nf senor connections Ia
street Improvement districts , which coit It Is
proposed by a report duly adopted by the olty
council to asses * to the real estate for which
oaeit connection was made , us follows :
lu atnict ImprovomenLdUlrlot Nu. 482.
Lot 2 Andrews , Williams & Tronell'i sub.flS 03
LotU . , . . 18 05
1,014 . , . . 1803
LntS . . . . 13 ffl
KH U . , . , 18 U3
Lot 4 bllcl2 Patrick's 2d add . 18 93
I.otr > blkl2 . . , . . . . . . . . . . IK 113
Lotabiki : ! . . . , . . 18U3
LotTblklS . . . 16U3
In street Improvement d ! ( rlct No , 513.
LoUUHeoU'itlstsub . „ . 21 17
l < ot in/ ! Tr.T.\T. . ? .Tr'stln
hot is . , . , si1 ? . )
. In street Improvement district No , 3Si.
Tot8 llangs sub , 23 35
1-otIO , , is 4-
Lotti . . . . .inn
850ftlot2 ! > llilrr Oalt IS 45
N BO ft S 100 foot Lot 23 IS 41
W4lnt.1l , 11 4- .
N/Vflwiotnt / ! , 11141
8 SO ft n 100 ft W ! lot 31 1041
\V 4lot83 . , ' , , H 41
WM lot 3.1 ; : ; wn
NHwiSIotlK 22 OS
H'Jw(4lot3S ( 2:121 :
W'ilot.tfl 2141
Eli Iot37 2-134
iotw : .2300
Lot4fl ' 21 M
I.0t 43 , , . . 2041
Lot 41 , IB 4.1
I < ot4i 211 41
l,0t 48 IS 45
I.Ot 47 IS 45
IxnOblk" Arbor nlicu ovtoiislon 2042
S 70 ft lot 1 Clark place IS 4(1 (
I,0t34 . , 18 4(1 (
N ! i lotOblkS Dunonl place 20 43
9 l-in2-iiotoblU2 : : . . in 41
liutl , hlk.'l . , 1 ! < M
Lull , blk4 . . 1H 4U
Lot231)lk 4 . . . . . . . . . . IT ) 42
KotlOblkli . . 11 ! 41
LntSblk 6 . . ll ! 41
LotSblkfi . . 1S.41
LotOhlkll Uupoht I'luco JH 4"i "
LotSblkl ) " 17 4S
Lot 1 blk7 " IS 45
Lol2blk-7 ! " 2042
LntSulklS llnnscom Place IS 45
l.otilblU IS 1041
LOtnilkI8 " IS 45
LotOblkW 22 INI
LotlOhUclJT " , .i 2205
Lot 11 bin ISLet
Lot 13hlk 10 , 24 42
Lot 14 blk inLet t 25 on
Lot 15 blkill 22 on
Loti'.iblUin ' 1X41
Lot 2il bllr 10 .20 42
Lot 22 blk 1 ! )
" " ' ' ' '
Lot 21 blk HI ! . ! . . . ; ; . i 4' >
In street Improvonieiit districts Nos. 622-KW-
Iotlblkf > AlamolMaro 1301
I,0t0blk5 ' . . . 18 4S
I.0t3 lllkO " 17 13
hot 27 blk 12 KottllUo i Until' * add. . . . 38 IK )
Lot t blk 1G
Lut2bll < 15 MOO
Lot 1 blk 17 ; < S ( X )
i : > i lot4 blk 1 suhdlv .T I Uodlck's add. . 12 : u
Lutl bill 14 McCurmlck'sadd . 1344
Lot2blkl4 " . 13 IW
Lot 25 Clark's addition . 1343
Lot 4 blk3 ( Japltol Hill addition . 2.1 SS
LotfiblkH " . 13 43
Lotl blk 12 Highland Place . 10 r.'l
Lot2hlklli . . . 21 Kl
Lntublico . seri
Lot2blk2 West Omaha . 2051
N87ftlotlulk.1 ' . 20fil
glOO ftlotlblk3 ' . 2fil ( )
Lot : i block 2 . 21 ri
LotlhlkB " . Ui 51
Lot 4 blk 8 " . 2ITil
S.'i lotllblkO . 2051
Lot : i blk 12 . 11151
Lot 4 blc ! 13 . 2051
Lot 13 Smith's addition . 20 51
To cover tlio cost of paving ISth street from
DodKU street to California stiect In paving
district Nu. 27S , amounting to the sum of
} lftfi)7il [ ) ( , which sum It Is proposed by a report
duly adopted by the city council , to assess on
the real estate on each sldo of Isth street from
Dodpo street to California street pro rula PIT
foot frontage as per width of tha paving be
tween curbs , us follows : 1'rom Dodco strootr
to Capitol avenue ut } 5.tiiiO per foot : from Cap
itol avenue to Cass street at $7.705 per foot , uud
from Cass street to California street atiS.504
pur foot ; according to tlio usual scaling back
process In depth to center of block. The onsc
of the private roadway. 441.83. to bo assessed
to tha property for which laid.
To cover tha costof paving 17th street from
Karnnm strcot to nlloy north In street Im
provement district No , 502. amounting to the
sum of $ Y"V ! I1 < which sum It Is proposed by u
report duly adopted hy thu olty council , to
assess on the real ostal e on each sldo of 17th
street from Karnam street to tlio ulloy north ,
pro rata as per foot trontugo and the usuul
scaling back process In depth from street us
per district uroatod. Rate per fnnt. 8:17037.
To cover the cost of curbing and paving 17th
street from Jackson street to Loavonworth
street In street Improvement district No. 4X ! ) ,
amounting to the sum of $7,538.70 , which sum
It Is proposed by aroportdulv adopted by tha
olty council , to assess on the real estate on
bo h sides of 17th street from Jackson strcot
to Louvenworth street , pro rata as per foot
frontage , according to the usual sealing bank
process In depth from strcot as per district
created. Kato per foot , $5.3937.
To cover the cost of curbing and pay Icg21st
street "from Hurt street tn Izard street ,
amounting to the sum of t7.250.23 , which sum It
Is prouusod by a report duly adopted by tbu
city council to assess us follows : The curbIng -
Ing cost to bo assessed to the property , In front
of which said curbing wus dnno pro rata Dor
front foot at the rate of $0.7054 per foot. And
the paving cost pro ratu according to width ot
paving between curbs , as follows : 72 feet
width ut J.-U003 per foot , and 40 foot width at
94.50 per foot. All according to the usual
scaling back process In depth from strcot as
per district created.
To cnvor the cost of curbing and p'lvlni
22nd street from Ctimlngs struct to Izard
street. In street improvement district No. 52'J ' ,
amounting to thu sum of $2.511 . ' ! ! , which
amount It Is proposed by a report duly
adopted by the city council , to nsscss on thu
real estatuon each sldo of thostreut nro rata
pnr foot frontugo and tha usual scaling back
process Indoptti from thostrootas per district
created. Kate per foot. J4.818S.
To cover the cost ot curbing and paving 18th
street from Karnam street to DodL-o street In
street Improvement district No. Kl" > , amount
ing to the sum ot M'JI.KI ' for curbing and
3'J,50S.77forpavln ; . which cost It la proposed
by u report duly adopted by the city council
to usscss on the real citato on both s'dos ' ot
ISth street pro rata per foot front and accord-
log to the usual scaling b.ick process In depth
from street as per district created ; urovldnd.
> that no curbing tux bo charged to city hill
lots , as this ourblni had boon nut In before.
Itato per foot for curbing , $0.7188. Kate per
foot for p'lvlnp. Jfl.OJni.
To cover the cost ot curbing and paving 19th
street from Karnam street tn Douglas street
In street improvement district No. KM.
amounting to the sum of $5,020.82 , which sum It
H proposed by u report duly adopted by the
city council , to assess on the roil estatn on
ouch sldo of 1'Jtb ' street from Farnam street to
Pouglas street pro rata per foot frontage and
the usual scaling buck process In depth from
strcot us per district created. Kate per foot ,
To cover the cost of curbing and paving
1'lerco street from IHth strcot to 20th street In
strcot Improvement district No. O.1'l ' , amount
ing to the sum of iO,2Sl70 , which sum It Is pro
posed by iv report duly adopted by tha city
council toaksoison the real estatn nu each
sldu of L'loroe street , from 18th street to 20th
utroot pro ruta ns per foot frontage and the
usual scaling hack process In depth from
street ua per district created , Kato per foot ,
Tn cover the cost ot water connections In
street Improvement districts Nos. 547. 523 , 512 ,
HM. 521 , Mil , K , 5W. fUS , 54't and 54U nnd 513. 52J ,
5.M , 533 and 535 aud ou 10th street from Nicholas
las strout to Ohio street , aud Rrsklno street
In district No. 4SJ , which cost It Is proposed by
a report duly adopted by the city council , to
ussoBs on the roul estate to which tbo connoo-
' tlons were made , art follows :
Lot. II lit. Addition. Amount
1 4 Ilakcr Place $15 US
Dungs Bub 11 fi
H 11 .17
II 11 57
10 11157
10U 2.1 13
850 ft ' "J JlurrOak 2380
wjj : w 29 00
W'/jNwmiu ' 23 14
W',4850ftNIOOft3t 21 14
23 14
W5J : 23 14
23 14
WWNJiiU 23 14
W SHI : 23 13
23 13
23 13
14 88
14 88
3'J 14 68
40 14
43 14 bH
41 14 P8
45 14 81
40 II
47 II M
1 4 Capitol Hill 2J 1)3 )
4 23
a 1U03
S70 ft 31 Clurlc I'laco 13 3S
12 13 Clifton lilll 21 4'J '
13 13 2031
14 U 21 24
1C 13 24 113
17 13 21 44
IS 13 23 CS
10 13 23 65
13 23 45
1 Collier I'laco 14 40
.1 720
7 SO
1 " 14 40
. . H 40
. . 14 40
14 40
4 14 40
li 721
II . . 720
* . . 14 40
rTj 14 40
j Fred Hellenes
add 2131
4r 11 07
r , 11 07
l . . 2:1 : ill
. . 2334
„ 23 31
, . 23 31
5 2334
Pupont place 17 u
10 277
10e . . 25 ; w
e . . 2277
7 11 34
7J 11
J li Ilunicotn place 7 44
a 11 14 S3
4fi II T 44
fi IS 7 41
7I 18 14 M
I ) ISIS 14 n
II H 7 41
12 IS 744
13 I'.l . . 2.1 IK
14 11) 21 M
10 ID 23 1.1
20 II ) S3 13
22 IB 2.1 11
2.1 1 ! ) It 57
24 Ill 11 57
24U ISU HlahUnd placets 75
U U llnrbachs 2nd
add 31 IW
24"S n 21 ! H
u ICounUq fc
Kuths uXld 1(105 (
12 17,10
"S 18 in 87
ii i in 37 ( It
i 17 27 ;
McF.ntco's add 23 nt
840ft It 2334
N ICO ft H 2J : n
S 112 ft HI
r > r
S S3 ft II 100 ft niM . . 2-1 31
N44.ft M 2:1 : 31
SOU ft fljK . . 2 ] 31
N Mitt tt K ! 2.1 31
1 MoCroarjrlMacoS-i 41
I 2.1 31
10 McCormi oil's 20 10
9 10 1973
11 10 21 ( W
4M 11 ISM
M O'llrlou's ' 14 40
4n 14 4(1 (
4ti It 40
ti 720
7 20
7 20
7 ft )
111 723
It 720
12 11 40
13 720
II 7 2 > 1
N43 ft 15 14 40
P41 ft 111 It 40
MS ft 1(1 ( 14 10
1H 14 U
7H Bhlnn'a 17 21
H is fig
4II 2.141
II 19 40
5 13 II 77
WI3ttof that part
S of I'arnam st II Smith's add
. ,
West Omaha 2320
Tt a 15 711
t H 1338
N02H ft 3 II 23 05
Bliltt 3 0 23 OS
3 12 21 41
10 14
W132 ft of tax lot 2(1 ( soaiUM.1 23 34
II KcOlls 1st Sllb 20 87
12 20 87
13 20 87
14 20 87
15 20 87
15fi Perkins sub 23 8(5 (
fi 23 41
1 5 Alamo plaza 1831
8II 5 " U 15
II fi 0 II !
14 18 31
3 U 24 K
It ( i 24 53
4n 205S5 City 41 411
n 205 V 41 111
3 13 McCormlcUs
add 1049
S42i ! ft 1 14 H 21
B W ft 2 14 8 25
° 4 Chirks add 25 S5
2.4 , l.t 5'I
4 n Capitol add 10 4tl
1 City 25 00
1 115 .JO 8 ! )
8 115 25 CO
4I Jin 39 37
I ! 2,1 ! U
8 15 33
NM 11 Horbnchs2nd
add 2301
B aft 12 2.1 85
UK 10 23 115
11 2'1 9t
NW 15 23 4
2.1 ° 4
NM 8 23 25
NH 0 23 21
mi 10 23 25
8X 10 23 22
4 10 UO
4 1(3,00 (
Nli 2 r I5'31
5r 15 31
r 15 3t
2 < i 15 31
3 liit 15 31
4 it 15 31
NV4 5 ii 15.81
5n iiu
5o iin 1531-
o n 15HJ1
n 2 E V Smiths add 23 24
10 2 " 23 25
II " 10 00
12 " 10 00
10 13 " 23 24
13 13 2325
BJi it 13 " 'I ° 'i
10 13 2J 25
ay o 10 SI 25
17 1(1 ( 10
17 in oo
17 10 00
17 in oo
17 10 00
sqmiro lit 00
9 " IB 00
WiJtaxlot 30 section 10 23 24
NK w',5 tux lot3J , see 10. 2J 25
SV4 w'/Jtax lotaisoelO 23 24
N5'l ft w'/i tax Iot31 section 10 2.1 25
S20'ft wi } tax lot31 ace. 10 20 24
place 23 25
NM in 24
SM 2325
MM 23 24
ay 23 25
lit 00
4 Lakes add 23 24
23 24
4 23 24
13 Andrews.WIIl-
iauis & Trip
oli's Sub 1853
13 18 53
12 1'atrlck's 2nd 25S7
To cover the cost of laylnz stone or artifi
cial stone sidewalks , which coat it Is nromHod
1 > y a report duly adopted by tlio cltv council ,
to assess ou the roil estate for which said
walks were laid , as follows :
Lot , IIlie. Addition. Amount
1 1 Mlllard I'laco JllH 5H
EM 4 14 City 31 10
WOO ft 3 1(1 ( " 0 80
1 81 170 31
V.Vi 3 81 - 37 14
\VH .1 HI 37 11
7 45 74 28
H 45 105 81
Wtf G 312 ' 34 40
4 10 Ha r.acom Place 47 07
8 10 47 07
MM 0 10 51 5n
0 10 137 2H
10 10 fiOOQ
11 10 24 ( H
13 10 4738
13 10 5000
14 10 7108
\V10 ft sub 4 lot 2 Capitol add 12 M
Oftsubfilot 2 23 4f
WUJftof E2l'/Jsub51ot2 1 '
To cover the cost of abating certain nui
sances In the city of Omuhn , which cost it U
proposed by a report duly adopted by tha city
council to assess nn the following real estate :
For ( topping lo.ik In water pipe on N70 w'j
Iot4 block. 100 , city , tJ M. I
Kor ihuttlnK off water on lot 2 blk 123 , city , I
For oloan cesspools on lotO blk 8. llrlggi
To cover tbo cost ot constructing sewer In
sewer district No. 103 , amounting to the sum
of $0,817.30. whliih said sum it Is proposed , by a
report duly adopted by the city council , tn as
sess on the real estate on onoli Khlo of said
sewer pro rata per front fnotucoor.ilnif to the
usualsoalltiii back process In doplh from sewer
us per per district created ! provided , that
corner lots having a eowcr nn both sides shall
ho assessed for thu lon arfrontage only , Kate
per foot , il.OOl.
Tn cover cost of sewer connections laid In
thu nlk'y In block - ' * ! ( > , city , lu street Im-
provomuntdlstrlct Ho. 673 , amounting to the
sum oflS0.50. which sum It U proposed , hy u
roportduly adopted by thu olty council , to as
sess on tha real estate for whleh the work wan
done , uu follows :
To cover the cost nf constructing stone side
walks , which oost It U proposed hy a rbporl
duly adopted by thu city council , to nasesy to
the real estate for which ald walUswero laid ,
at follows ;
GnsMlO ft strip between S3d stand lot C blk
17 , city. tW.OU.
OnsM lots blk 17. city. Ml. 03.
on lot 3 blk 353 , city , (121.41.
You are further notlOotl that said 'Prop t id
Plant of Asausair.ent" are now subject to tlio
Inspection nnd examination of miy of the
owners of Bald lots , parts of lota or nloco > of
reiloatiitoor the Inspection or examination
of uny other person interested lu salu pro
posed asseaamenta , ut the olllco of Haid dty
clerk , and that by report ut a commlttou ot
said cotinell duly adopted. U Is proposed that
unless for good uud sulliolentcuuio It may be
otherwise ordered und determined , that the
costof Bald Improvement * respectively be as
sessed on the several lots , parts of Tots und
pieces ot real estate aa thuwu by s&ld pro
posed ulans ot aasc sment.
Vou , aud each of you. are hereby notified to
appear before said Hoard of Equalisation at
the time and place above gpeufflnd , to tiiuUo
miy complaint , tuteniont , or objection you
doblro concerning any "I atd propose J levies
and uasesgrnents ot BDoalal tuxus ,
Olty Clerk.
Omaha , Neb. , NorouiborlSth , le'JU. M747t