Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1893, Part Three, Page 19, Image 19

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3oino Pathetic Pen Pictures of the Lcaro01
taking of Irish Emigrants ,
tUrolc StriiRcUl ot Simple Folk In Teixrlnc
Away from the Bccnei to Which lh
llenrt U nootecl-In IrUh
nnd Cubln.
i 7393,1
Ixwnox , May 8" Icorrcstiondence of TUB
* ; EE. ] It may well bo Imagined that when
tiomlOO to COO Bouls leave Ireland for for-
elpn shores every working day In the year
there are heart and hand wringing * Innu
merable , and dolorous mUts from the region
of tears. Fcw.famlllcsaro fortunate enough to
get away all together. If help has como
from America or the colonies ; If the passage
money has been saved In secret through
years of deprivation by n single person ; If
nn Irish family has after every manner of
eacrldco provided for ono to go to Messed
foreign lands that the remainder may , ono
by ono , eventually follow ; however the
going of all thcso people may livac'como ' about ,
In every Instance thcro is n struggle In tearing
awnyftomtho things to which the heart Is
rooted of which woof bettor fortune and con
dition * literally know nothing.
So mnny of these scenes havo-1 witnessed
that I have perhaps some little conception of
the real bravery of this act of Illiterate , un
trained men nnd women pushing boldly
across oceans into untried , unknown walks
and ways , with ft love , hope and determina
tion for one's own at the bottom of it all that
have moro real heroism In thorn than the
nvorngo American li ever called upon to
oxcrclso throughout hi ? entire life.
Ilowuvcr lowly , poor nnd desperately good-
for-nnught tno prospective emigrant may
have all his lifo been regarded among his
fellows , the ercat nnd generous heart In
hose around him molts Into surpassing in *
tcrcst ana tenderness when ho comes to leave
his neighborhood , and these -whom ho has
boon never so llttlo apart of through the bitter -
tor days that have encompassed nil. For
every departure reawakens the hcartachlng
memories of other departures , nnd in every
Irish homo I ever shared there Is nn empty
chair whoso former occupant is somewhere
beyond the sea.
If It bo a family which Is to go , or sotnp
elderly man or woman , for days previous to
the departure the whole countryside swarms
to the cabin ; and every man ; woman or
' child of the townland nt some time or an
other has como to mourn at the leaving nnd
f bid Godspeed nt the going. If It bo a youth
or lass , or young man or woman , ns it often
Is , for few but the very old nnd very young
nro left , then , on the evening previous to
the dcp.irturo , every companion , friend or
acquaintance is certain to appear ; and the
Vrholo night is passed in what is called
"rising the heart" of the departing ono.
The custom springs from the same kindly
quality of extending cheer to these who
. mourn , that originally established the cus
tom of the Irish "wake , " which many good
people choose to persistently misunderstand
0nd condemn. At this gathering for "rising
the honrt" of the emigrant the Irish peas
ant's character Is In n most tenderly inter
esting state for study. Every ono arrives In
a hushed , embarrassed mood : and every ono
brings some llttlo token of affection and re
gard. The poverty of these folk alone pro-
Tents nuUandlsli generosity.
Ono stealthily appears with yards of sced-
cake ; many with thlmblesful of tea ; some
with gewgaws and trllles of jewelry ; Mio
coattau pockets of another will bulge with
henrtsomo potatoes ; housewives arrive
with great wethers of milk , others
vrith schowdcrs , or oaten cakes , rrisp nnd
toothbome. still others with schrahags of
shillr , a hearty mixture of potatoes , beans
and butter , nnd some with npronsful of peat ,
for the slender resources of the family must
tiovor under thcso trying' circumstances bo
drained. And the lads and lassos wiio como
\vlth pressed Irish llowors nnd ferns , nnd
eprlgs of hawthorn and bunches of the dear
shamrock , with gifts of ribbons , nnd bits of
tbis qr that prized possession , are not to bo
counted at all.
'So , too , como these with looks of triumph
nnd secreted bottles of potcon , that "never
jfot n touch , " that Is , cro guiltless of the ex
ciseman's desecrating seal ; for "gi-lof Is over
droothy" surely. Then the night Is passed
iu eating , feasting nnd drinking. Loads of
Inimblofnro nro there ; oceans of tea : and
timely drops of the ' 'rale mountain dew. "
Tales nro told ; souga are sung ; sometimes
they dnnco to the music of an old tramp
fiddler who has boon impressed into service.
But the chords of mirth nro minor enough
the night long ; and smiles , laughter and
bravo prophecies nro all touched and chast
ened by honest Irish tears.
\Vhcn morning comes , nnd these whoso
imperative duties call them to their homes
bnvo said good-bye with almost the same
dread , 'reverence nnd pathetic forlorunoss
as whim lowering the dead into the grave ,
the rustic ceremony of ' 'convoying" is be
gun. The subject of nil this attention becomes -
comes for the once , if for only this once In a
lifetime , the hero or heroine of the hour.
The chests , or plethoric bags , or whatever
constitutes the luggage of tho. emigrant , is
sent on nhcnd in some neighbor's proffered
, cart , friendly riots for the honor of the
mournful privilege often occurring , or uro
.slung over the backs of stiaggy donkeys , a
score more than necessary always being In
readiness for this friendly mission.
If a whole family are to go the farewells
to the wretched old hut which has housed
them Is something pitiable beyond descrip
tion. If it bo but a. single member of the
household , the good-byes to the old , old folk
too feeble for the journey of "convoy" nro
more pltablo still. Thcso separations are
often too great n load for such , and many a
withered branch of the iuiiwvcrishod family
tree breaks and falls Into the earth from the
keen , sharp sorrow. Hut If girsha or bouchal ,
the prldo of the loved homo , are departing ,
the mnulstrom of emotion as the "convoy , "
or accompanying procession , sots forth , is
beyond the power of man to reveal.
On many occasions during my wan
derings about in Ireland I have como upon
thcso excited crowds , ns they were starting
from the home , as they straggled down
mountain borocn , ns they lagged and wnilod
along t'io great stone highway , or ns they
ncarod Homo railway station whence the
emigrant must depart to the seaport city ,
and making myself ono of the motley "con-
voycrs , " have thus tramped with them
mllon upon their sorrowful way.
Sometimes thcso grewsomo processions
Will como from a point n score of miles nurny
in the mountains , or remote valley districts ,
and though no ono has over scorned to think
thcso touching and characteristic sc'onus
worth n pl-ico in Irish literature , thov nro
_ common enough from all i > olnts and on all
ways from which cither Movillo , on Lough
Foyle , in the north of Ireland , or Cork nnd
Quconstown may be reached , nnd , heaven
knows , pathetic enough to to the
I whole world through artist's pencil , or the
tnost talented word-painter's pen.
Away tip in the Donegal highlands , In the
country of ' 'Colleen ' ilatvu , " where that
pathotio and true tale threads and thrills
through Irish heads and hearts today with
thesamu wondrous power as when it uas
new , th so hours of parting nro seasons of
storma nnd tears. I have frequently been at
Cabins where neighbors in scores Itu
hundreds had kept up the parting doleful
cheer for an entire week , and whcro iho
Intensity of regret and grief took on such
trlld emphasis at the end that these who
vcro to have gone missed their sailing day
and summer at Movillo , when all the sad
business was necessarily repented ,
These Donegal folk , however humble and .
poverty-cursed they may be. stand straight
and tall , both in their individuality and uix > n
their strong , long le s. Indeed , this often
reaches groteaqueness in both respects.
While the Irish peasantry , particularly > f
the south , nro frequently diminutive m in
and sometimes feirety m character , thcso
folk seem to possess an loner consciousness
of self-importance cut in glowing characters
and largo lines , while in no tow instances
they lira so straight that line arcs sweep '
from their heels to the back of their necks l
6rtenKlvlugthtinthoaupearancoof carrying ,
nnd with tome dUdMn , inTlslble but mighty
eoramlstlons on the tor * of their bonds. H
U a weird ilfiht to see scores of such ns
these aopoarlne around a curve of some
mljflitv mountain road , ncco-.npan.vlng the
emigrant to Stranorlnr , walling and almost
keening ns for the dead ; halting nnd em
bracing : , often struggling for priority In walk
ing bcildo the hero of tlio hour , nnd often so
overcome with the violence of their grief
as to mnko despairing rushes with the loved
ono buck toward the old mountain homo.
I hare many times fallen In with these
cavalcades winding down from the Dorry-
vcngh and Glcndowan mountains , or from the
noultypatrlck , Gatlgnn or Aghla hills , and
have walked nnd halted , nnd parleyed nnd
soothed In common with the honest souls for
miles on their way toward the railway at
Stranorlnr. On ono occasion the "convoy-
Ing" party was from the far west , from
away over by the howling cliffs of Mnghroy
bay , whore lifo Is very dull and drear at
best. It was a crowd whoso faces nnd
strange nttiro bcspo Iko great poverty. Two
children , n lad of 17 nnd a girl of perhaps 14
wcro going away. Tlio mother was to re
main behind until thcso two waifs could
send for her. For the whole company it
was the event of their lives , this few miles
mountain Journey ; nnd the care for the
bravo young emigrants , the consideration for
the wailing mother nnd the letter's grief
were touching to behold.
Hnlf the time the lad's ' companions had
their arms about UU neck. Tlio girls would
carry the sisters on their shoulders , and In
scats mnilo by Interlacing their flugcrs ;
while the mother and ttio ciillilron's lURgngo
Imd been piled In nn old squoaUlng mountain-
hiit , or cart , which was tenderly dnwn by
hand. The women crowded about the cart
with all manner of endearing nnd reassuring
words of comfort , but the poor woman could
not bo comforted. As she lay prostrate upon
the bundles , thcro only came from her white
lips the endless moan ,
"Crosh orrln I crosh orrln t My pastchco
boghtl my pastchco boghtl" ( May the
cross encompass mo I My poor children 1
my i > oor children 1) )
Once when wandering In county Qalway ,
down by old Cloghmoro I saw n stranger
"convoying" party than could bo found In
any other portion of Ireland. I had been
sauntering among the Connamara "knit-
tors , " "fullers , " poteen makers and anti
quities of the ancient Celts with which this
region abounds , anil ray mind was full of
the pagan and early barbaric lifo whoso
rude stone monuments wcro on ovcr.y hand.
Suddenly looking down upon the sea , I be
held a scene In keeping with tlio times of
which I dreamed. A fleet of rotten dories ,
ragged smacks andcurraghs , or skin-keeled
craft precisely the same as used in thcso
islands 15,000 yean ago , was approaching the
The occupants were skinny and whito.
They were dressed in rags and with little of
thcso. The men were skin shoes from which
the hair had not been romovcu , winch the
natives call "pampootas. " The women were
barefooted and barelegged to their knees.
nnd their bonnotloss heads wcro covered
with great shocks of course black hair. It
was a Dantcan picture of hunger nud want ,
framed in a setting of ancient , barbaric
times. They were a party of nearly 100
God-forsaken Arrau islanders , accompany
ing a family of emigrants to Cloghmoro ,
whence the latter would walk to the train at
Galway. They nearly all stood upright as
they ncarcd the mainland and were chant
ing the wildest , most dolorous Celtic strain
human ears over heard.
What a host of shuddering reflections this
sea pageant of poverty-stricken peasantry
crowds upon you 1 Your eye follows the dark
shore lino. Behind arc the mountains.
There are the peasantry and the ruins. Two
thousand years ago , thcro stood the watchtowers -
towers , the raths , the places for pagan
pyrolatry. In the valleys wcro the herds
and the helots. The signals flashed from
crag to crag. Some savage chief with his
thousands of serfs has como to give battle
perhaps to old licola himself. The bellowing
herds arc huddled in the glen. The shriek
ing women arc herded within the raths. On
como the fierce invaders by land. Hero ,
skulking along the bays and bights , como
the invaders by sea. Their shields are of
rawhide. Their war raiment is of rawhido.
Their navy is afloat upon rawhido. Then ,
slaughter by land and sea , while the day
lusts. Fire and sword , rapine nnd pillage ,
while lasts the night. The grass grows
richer in the valleys for the blood loft there
that day 1
They sot the departing ones upon shore in
silence and tenderly. No words could depict
the agony of that separation. Thcso went
forth to unknown dangers in untried lands ;
those went back to hopeless starvation upon
the barren Arrau islos. But not at once.
Past old Cloghmoro , past Ballyncn , yes , past
far Calicr , the currnghs and the dories and
their motley crows followed thoio that
went , walling farewells , fiercely shrieking
grabs and straining their eyes until the last
Muttering rays disappeared beyond the Con
namara hills over against ancient Galway.
Not until then did they , still waiting , turn
toward the hovels among the howling Arran
I can never forgot a "convoying" incident
nnd its strange outcome which I witnessed ,
and indeed in which I participated. I had
been visiting the battlefield of Aughrim ,
where , on that awful Sunday of 1G91 was a
battle such as wo who have oeon in battles
Icnow ; where Ginkd'u hosts , in that mad
charge upon leaderless heroes , ruined the
fortunes of the Stuart dynasty ; and where
the whirlwind of death which swept over
Aughrim's morass and bog set the final seal
of sorvltudo , but never of servility , upon the
people of Ireland ; and , turning into the old
Dublin and Galway road , towards Ballina-
sloe , was at once ono ot n singular "convoy-
Ing" party from the rural districts of ICil-
rcekill. The strangest feature of this , so I s
variably a friendly procession , was Its double
character , nnd its remarkably coutcntion-
Some tremendous excitement seemed to
wildly influence both lines of march. On ono
aide of the way was a bright Irish maiden
surrounded nnd protected , as it were , by
parents , relatives and at last two store ag
gressively defensive followers. On the
other , was a smart looking Iristi youth in a
state approaching frenzy , surrounded nnd
restrained from some violent purpose by a
111(0 retinue of family , friends and loyal fol
lowers , Dropping quietly Into line behind ,
among the ulmblo-footcd , least partiian , and
ono might say commiscratlngly-blendcd fol
lowers , I speedily learned the cause of the
otherwise inexplicable spectacle. Nora , the
daughter of a Kilrcokill peasant , had been
wooed by and betrothed to Dennis , son of a
peasant of Balllnasloo. The Kilrcokill father
disliked the match , nnd , bent on irrevocably
breaking it ofT , hadgot Nora started thus far
toward America.
Dennis , wild with grlof , had scoured Long
ford barony for friends , for a rescue ; and all
the way from Kilrecklll the factions had at
tacked each other , retreated , parleyed ,
blarneyed , scorned , trucod ; and so It went on
again to Oarbally lumlot , when a cheer of
hope arose in the ranks of Dennis' folio nova ,
for down the hill fiom behind , a sight to do
Cupid's sorry eyes good , came a host of "tho
byes" from about Oghlland Kcltomor. These
rushing down nnd reinforcing our sldo nnd
I nay "our sldo , " for In some way I found
myself giving an elbow to the cause of Den
tils wo made us line a rally and sally as any
ono would joy to sco ; captured the blushing
and willing Nora ; bovo her triumphantly
into Ualllnasloc , nnd had her safely nnd se
curely married to Dennis by nu obliging
priest within u glorious half hour thereafter.
A ( Juerr I'lgmjr Ulilnaman.
There has arrived , in Sooohow , says
the Celestial Empire , a microscopic
prodigy twenty inches in height , aged
Cl yours , and sporting a flowing gray
board nhnoBt us long us himself. The
Hmnll man hua a "cocky" port of way
about him which is all his own , and is
dressed in English fashion coat , hat ,
boots and all. Ho tolls the gaping
crowds of bumpkins who uncerouio-
uioutily jostle the city swells in their
eagerness to hoar him speak that bo
bails from the Dwarf Kingdom of the
western ocean , and ho emphasizes his
information by a flourish of a bamboo
tobacco pipe which is inuuli tailor than
himself , liut when desired to give 'a
specimen of the language of the country
of his nativity he regales his audience-
with a cliolco collection of English
phrases , squeaked out in an uncertain
tone of voico.
Chicago Record : Whatever the ilnal ac
tion regarding this measure , k will have a
great bearing upon the original exclusion
act. The ouo supplements the other. It re
mains to bo soon whether this nation will
seriously undertake the enormous labor and
great expense of shipping the thousands of
uurcgUtered CUluameu txtok to Ohluu.
Story of a Sharp Trick Played on General
Doubleday ,
A. Timepiece Worn by Abraham Lincoln
Urging Indians ns Soldiers Origin of
llilc-A ( Ihnstly Scono-Ulf
i'emlon In Mlml.
Ycstcrdny I mot nn old officer of the
Second Army corps , which , ns every ono
knows , llaneock commanded , says
n writer in an exchange. IIo told
mo a good story about Joe Parker. Ho
was a great character. IIo came from
Carlisle , Pa. , and of all the wild hawks
of tlio war he was probably the worst.
Llko a mother who always worships the
graceless boy of the household , General
Hancock was "atnck on" Joo. Joe Par
ker was a man of strong likes and dis
likes , and If thcro was any ono ho hated
it was Donbloday. At the battle of
Gettysburg there was an accident which
gave him a ohanco to show his hostility
to him.
Hancock was wounded , and Parker ,
who was his pet , rode oft to fliul Doubleday -
day , the ranking olllccr on the Hold , and
ho found him lying under a tree while
shot and shell passed over him. The
queer boy from Carlisle rode up , sulutod
the general , who rose to u sitting
posture , and said :
"General Doubleday , General Han
cock has been wounded , and you will "
Just at this second a shell burst in the
tree over Doubleday and his staff , when
the general fell over on his back , and
cried :
"I am deadl I am dead ! "
Tills was Parker's opportunity. IIo
rode oft In haste to flnd General John
Gibbon , of whom ho was fond , and salut
ing him said :
' 'General Hancock is wounded and
carried from the field. General Doubleday -
day is dead , and you will take command
of this wing of the army. "
A few minutes later General Hancock
and his staff , with many other wounded
oflicors , were being transported south to
Baltimore by a railroad train , when
Hancock saiu to these about him , for he
was moro severely wounded than the
rest :
"Poor Doubleday ! I am sorry that he
is killed. "
"Killed ! " said an officer who was Buf
fering from a flesh wound in the leg ;
"why , I saw him on the field two hours
after yon were shot. "
Hancock was surprised and continued :
"Why , Joe Parker said ho was dead. "
The great general sent ono of the orderlies -
dorlies into the front car to find Joe ,
where ho was enjoying himself with
some of the boys who were not injured.
Captain Parker returned , in response to
the call , when the remarkable man of
war said :
"Joo , did you not toll me that Doubleday -
day was dead ? "
' 'Yes. sir ; I did. "
"Well , this otlicer tolls mo that he
saw him on the Hold two hours after you
reported him killed. "
' 'Well , I know nothing about that , "
said Joo. "I only took the old fool's
word for it. Ho said he was , and I
thought he ought to know. "
What Mlclit Have Ilccn.
I asked General Howard what ho
thought of General Meado'a failure to
make a counter charge when Plckett's
division had been put hors du combat ,
says a writer in the Now York Post.
Ho replied in these words :
"I am not much given to criticising
my superior officers whether they bo
living or dead. The question you ask is
ono concerning mental constitution or
psychology. If Grant had boon iu com
mand instead of Mcado there would
have been an immediate advance as soon
as Pickott's division was hurled back.
So it would have boon if Sheridan or
Thomas had boon in command. They
were men of a different mental make-up
from Mcade. General Meade drew up
an order for attacking Lee at Williams-
port before the latter crossed the Po-
tomao in his retreat , but ho cancojlod it.
Leo had simultaneously issued a procla
mation to the army congratulating
thorn on their recovery from the
recent disaster and upon their
readiness tofightagnin. Ho had perhaps
taken some pains to provide us with an
early copy of this document. At all
events , General Meade received it and
chanjed his mind , although some of his
juniors , including myself , urged him to
attack. But , on the whole , I do not
consider it a misfortune that the grand
charge was not made after the repulse
of Pickott. If Leo's army had been de
stroyed , there would probably have been
a restoration of the union on a different
basis from that which came lator. I do
not think that tlio north was prepared
at that time to insist upon sweeping
slavery away utterly. Tlio south was
not yet exhausted. It had a deal of
fighting power loft. It could have pro
longed the war for a considerable time.
The question would have been presented
to the north , Shall we go on fighting in
order to destroy slavery , or shall wo
have peace with union now ? No , I have
serious doubts whether it would have
boon a real advantage to us to have
annihilated Leo's array at Gettysburg. "
A Rello at Old Abe.
It is , perhaps , a noteworthy fact that
Abraham Lincoln left fewer rollcs be
hind him than almost any other of our
presidents. Though his death occurred
such a comparatively short time ago ,
the objects which , BO to speak , are permeated -
moated with his personality are exceed
ingly scarce. A token doubly valuable
on account of the associations with
which it is surrounded is in the posses
sion of Harry G. Campbell , formerly
chairman ol the Campbell Burner com
pany of Pittsburg , who is temporarily
stopping at tiio Astor house in this city ,
Bays a writer in a Now York paper.
It is a Hall opoiied-faced gold watch
with the case No. 14,004 , which was
owned by President Lincoln and worn
by him during some of the most trying
periods in our nation's history. It came
into Mr. '
Campbell's possession in a
rather curious manner.
Charles Iloysor of company D , Second
United States cavalry , enlisted ut
Albany , this state , August 11 , 1850. Ho
was appointed acting orderly to Adju
tant General Thomas in 18G1 and by him
waa dotalled as orderly to President
Lincoln. President Lincoln kept him
busily employed during the war carry
ing mesxagea to the different depart
ments and to the front , and soeinod to bo
much attached to him.
Christmas day , 1B04 , tjio president
presented Hoyaor with the watoh he had
been wearing us a Christinas gift. IIo
afterwards took it back and Iiaa the in-
eldo case engraved in fine script "To C.
Hoysor , A. Lincoln , President , 1804. "
and returned it. HoyBor carried the
watch until February 27 , 1889 , when ,
desiring to ralso money enough to get to
his birthplace in Prussia , ho sold it to
O. B. Todd ol PUUburg , who in turn ,
on December 1 , 18l > 2 , sold it to Mr.
Mr. Campbell has received a great
many offers for the tlmdmoco slnco , but
sal refused to sell. Who wntoh w n
stem-winder nnd setter'hnd was made
by Llgno Droltcl. It Is a. perfect tltno-
Indlnni Should SliouliUf the Muikct.
Captain P. II. nny , Eighth Infantry ,
in command of n company ) ot Indian sol
diers nt Fort Wnshakle , in n recent In
terview . on the vnluo of the Indian ns a
soldier , said : "I believe nnd know that
the Indian , if properly handled , cnn bo
rondo a good soldier. Tl o. trouble is that
ho is generally not so , handled. The
present practice is to subject him to the
methods prescribed for-tho white man.
This is a mistake. You cannot make of
him a good imitation of n white soldier.
IIo should bo taken as an Indian and
t ml nod as such nnd his original traits
and peed qualities should bo perpetu
ated. Except a * to minor regulations ,
such as those relating to food and cloth
ing , he should bo governed ns nn Indian ,
pure and simple. As to the Indian's ca
pacity for military service there is much
adverse criticism , So many have failed
in trying to make n soldier of him that
the government is somewhat dis
couraged nt the prospect. Sec-
rotnry Elklns , the last secre
tary of war , shared this feeling. What
the present secretary's policy will bo I
know not. I hope , however , that ho will
not take this vlovv , for I candidly believe
that there is not another influence so po
tent for good upon the Indians generally
as the idea of allowing them to partici
pate In mlllitary work. If the govern
ment could only regard the situation as
I do it would adopt the plan of civiliz
ing the Indians through the medium of
military service. It is the quickest and
surest way and the most humane method
that can bo followed. I regret very
much to sco this failure to recognize the
Indian's military worth ) and hope that
before it is too late the sentiment nnd
practice of the government may bo
changed , and that our people may learn
to judge them from the standpoint of a
friend and not from that of an enemy , I
have also found them to bo honest , faith
ful and loyal as friends , and in the
cardinal virtues to stand , as n whole ,
cqunl to nny people I have over boon
associated with. "
DIxlo n 'Foh do Walt Song.
Wo had hoped to bo able to present all
the facts obtainable as to who wrote
"Dixio , " but wo have not yet boon able
to secure the statement of General Long-
street , wherein ho is said to declare
that it was composed and sung years
nnd years before the war by southern
cadets at the West Point Military
academy. It was but lately that wo first
heard of this claim of authorship. If
General Longstreot's recollection is con
firmed by the recollection of others it
would dispose of other claims heretofore
assorted , but wo all know that memory
is at best a fallible thing.
A decade or moro ago .tho Magazine of
American History undertook to show
that "Dixio" was the alleged song of a
lot of negroes from the south who were
sold into the far south in 'advance of the
approaching waVe of abolition sentiment
in their old homos. La 'r , statements
of several persons wcroivpiiblishod that
"Dixio" was written in 1859 by Dan Ein-
mott for Brvant's minstrels as a "wnlk-
around. " The late Mr. Siegol of Richmond
mend , who was n musician in that
troupe , was ono of those who were firmly
of the opinion that that was the real
origin of the song. ' '
Wo arc , however , quite ready to believe -
lievo that Bryant's minstrels who played
in Now Orleans and other southern cities
just before the war began , gave the
song a southern popularity which caused
it to bo taken up in the Camps and to bo-
cpmo the accepted confederate national
A. Southern Golgotha ,
"I think that the ghastliest sight I
over saw , " said Shorift Barnes of Atlanta ,
Ga."wasduring the latowaron the field
of Malvorn Hill. I was in the battle and a
more terrific engagement I never wit
nessed. But that is not the exact time
to which I refer. About a year after the
battle was fought my rogimcnt was or
dered out into the neighborhood of the
same old field. Wo went over the very
same groundand there in the open field ,
exposed to the torrid sun , were bleach
ing the bones of our comrades who foil
in that nwfui engagement. It was a1
sight I shall never forgot. On every
side lay the waste of skulls skulls of
almost every shnpo and size a modern
"Wo could not identify them , however -
over , and could only prazo with a fooling
of sorrow on the aggregate pile of human
heads that had once boon full of life and
feeling. After the deeper emotions ex
cited by the spectacle had worn away I
thought of the infinite variety of shapes
that were presented by the heap. There
were no two of the same shape or size ,
and it was rather n matter of curious
though melancholy interest to inspect
the different skulls as they lay crum
bling in the sultry atmosphere of that
August day. "
Thought at Illi I'onnlon.
In n small village in Maine there
lives an old soldier who has for many
years received a pension from the
government , which , with his small
earnings by occasional jobs , makes him
comfortable , Ono day , while at work
in the house of a neighbor , ho slipped
at the top of a llight of stairs and fell to
the bottom. The lady of the house
hoard the noise and hurried to learn
the cause.
"Why , Ambrose , " she said , "is that
you ? Did you fall down staira ? "
"Yes , marm , I did , " answered the old
man , "and for about a couple of minutes
I thought I'd lost my pension. "
IIo\r a Murderous Kleepliiff Car Porter Was
Foaled ,
Tlio drummer had just finished ono of
his unequalodstories , aud u gray haired
man in the smoking cajhpartmont with
him looked up as if ho could toll n story
himself if ho were sufHeiently urged ,
says the Detroit Free Press.
* 'Go ahead with *
yourHjl suggested ono
of these sympathetic kind of men who
know things intuitively.
"It isn't much " said '
, tho' gray haired
man modestly. J
"That's what the boy , said when ho
was looking for the definition of tlio
word 'paucity , ' but that's nil right ; give
us the story , " replied the intuitive per-
bon. '
"Well , " said the man , straightening
up , "some yearn ago , when in a certain
section of the west the sleeping car was .
yet a novelty , they had u white man .sI
pno of our roads for a porlcr. Ho was a
mean follow , and had u way of domineer
ing around that wasn't pleasant. Ho was a
coward , though , and was afraid of a
man that mot him face to face. Ono
night I got on at the town where I lived ,
and this porter was uglier than usual.
So ugly , in fact , that I pulled a gun on
him , and at the muzzle of it I chased
him up and down and kicked him from
ono end of the car to the other. There
were eieht or ten passengers in the cur
with mo , and by midnight , when the
porter was about half drunk and wo
were ready to go to bed , they advised
mo to watch him , as he would probably
try to get even by some underhand
method. I laughed it oil and said I
wasn't afraid , but just the sumo , while
the porter was dozing in a seat in the
corner , I fixed up a dummy to take my
lower horth , and I got into u vacant
upper on the other aide of the car. The
next morning , about fl o'clock , I w s
aroused by aomo ono calling for the por-
ter. but no porter answered.
" 'lie's dead drunk out there in the
smoker , ' I said sticking my bond
through the curtains.
" 'I guess I'll go and sec,1 said the in
quirer , nnd I got up too.
"Wo found two or three of our party
nhcnd ot us.
11 'Hollo,1 ' snhl ono to mo , 'did ' you have
any trouble with the porter In the
night ? '
' "Of course not , ' I said , 'where ' Is ho ? '
" 'Don't ' know ; thought maybe you had
thrown him off the car. '
"But I hadn't , and then wo began to
look for him , nnd the conductor ap
peared nnd ho couldn't toll us anything ,
olther. Then nn idea occurred to mo.
" 'Wnlt ' a minute , ' I said , and I went
back to the berth the porter had made
down for mo , nnd throwing open the
curtains , I fount ! my dummy covered up
comfortably just ns I had loft It , but
driven clear through it , right where
the heart ought to bo , was n knlfo at
least twelve Inches long in the blndo.
"Then I called in the crowd.
" 'There , ' I said , 'do you BOO the hilt
of that knife ? I'll ' give $300 to know
where the porter Is. '
"Tho crowd stood aghast for a minute
but nobody claimed the $500 , and that
porter was never heard of again. "
DopUod for Its Strength , Yet
.Mnny IJood { Jimmies.
"Onions are looked upon with disfavor
by many Americans , " said Frank F.
Soigol to n St. Louis Globo-Dcinocrnt
man. "Onions are too vociferous in
their odor and too self assertive to bo
liked by anyone possessed of a very
strong will. They offer too much oppo
sition. There is more to the onion ,
however , than its moro odor. Onions
uro a kind of nll-around good medicine ,
nnd every house wife knows this with
out knowing why. She knows that a
solid rod onion , eaten at bed time , will
by the next morning break the severest
cold. She also knows that onions make
n good plaster to remove inflammation
and lioiirsoncps. But she does not know
why. If anyone would take an onion
and mash it , so ns to secure all of the
juice in it , ho would huvo n most remarkable -
markablo smelling of salts an odor that
would quiet the most nervous person
in no time. The strength of it in
haled for a few moments will dull the
sense of smell and weaken the nerves
until sleep is produced from sheer ex
haustion. It all comes from one prop
erty possessed by the onion and that is a
form of opium. Onions are narcotic in
their tendencies and for that reason the
very best kind of food. Any ono who
cats a late supper and imagines that he
will not bo able to sleep had bettor order
a dish of fried onions and close his meal
with them. There will be no danger of
wakcfulnoss then. The amount of opium
in a saucorful of fried onions will over
power the most sensitive digestive or
gans , oven when disturbed by.a late
meal , and ono can sleep just as well as
though no meal had been oaten. Tlio
Chinese understand the onion better
than the other nations of the earth. A
Chinaman will mix dried onion sprigs
witli tobacco and smoke that. They
probably find it lends additional charm
to a genial pipe and brings on that con
dition of dreamy wakofulnosa which is
the final end of all smoking. "
Mr. J O. Jones , or
> Fulton , Arkansas.
tiactcd ase\ero case of blood pol- " "
son. Leading phjsicians prescribed medicine-
nfter medlclnc\vlilehl took without any relief.
I also tried mercurial and potash remedies ,
with unsuccessful results , but which brought
on an attack of mercurial rheumatism that
four years I gave up all remedies nnd began
using 8. S. 8. After taking several bottles I
was entirely cured and able to resume work.
ffj9SV3l9 ] the greatest medlclno for blood
ggyJjiSisS Poisoning to-day on the market. "
Troatlao on Dloocl and Skin Diseases mailed
frco. Swirr SPECIFIO Co. . Atlanta , Ga.
Handsome Woman Can Lose Weigh
Fast. Homely Men Look Bettor
If Thin. Try Dr. Edlson'a
System. No Dieting.
Band worth Twloo the Money ,
OOlcoof II , M. Burton , Hardware , Canr Sta
tion , III. . Jan. 14. 1891.
Dr. Edison Dear Sir : I am wall ploaaod with
your treatment of oljoilty. Tbo band If worth
twice tbo money It cost , for comfort. I b ivo
reduced mjrwofcbt ton pounds , I wolgb 23 }
now , ana 1 ilia weigh UI5 , Yours truly.
They Are Doing Mo Good.
Karlrlllo , HI . Mar M 1897.
l.orlna A Co ! Inclosoit Unit ti 601 or wliloli plaa
ceml iiiu tbo oilier two bottlut of Dr. Hclliou'i Obo -
It ; rills , llmvo uiod ono nndthlnk lior re dotnx
tbowork. B. 11. , lo. . liox75.
Talk So MuchtAbout Your Pills.
I'corla , III. , Juno 19.1891.
Dear Sirs : After bcnrlnir ono of mr frlomli tnllc so
flucb about your Obesity rill anil tlio beniitU halt
OarlTlnR from tbom I tblnk I wllltrr thorn 107jolt
I'lenio toad mo 3 buttloi C , O. I ) . , anil ublljo ,
J. Moiling , tOD 1'orrr ritreot.
Fool Better nnclWoIgh 13 Pounds Loss
Gatbon , Ind. , Sopt. 18. 1893.
O ntlomen : IncloiiMl 1 eenil you II , for which you
will plraio send mo tliroo bottles of the obosltr pilli.
Amtaklnff the fourth bottle anil foal very in noli
bettor and nelRh 13 iioundi lea < than w lion I bo an
Uklog tUern. 1 will continue your treat.uent.
MI13. J. C. MCCONX ,
bouth Sixth Stroat.
An Indlrldual nboiaholicuUs
t feet 1 Inch should wulzn 15 pound !
5 Teol Slnchei " 10) )
6 feel IU Inchon " " no -
Dr , BdUoniarai "It nar be well to point out
that In ray ojporlocoa , which Is nooeuarlly very
considerable , many troublesome skin rilseaics such ,
ooftitema , loione. psoriasis , utlcatla. etc , are prim-
urlly ciuiod by obutlly , ana as tlio fat aud flash li
reduced by the pills and Otxulty fruit Halt and the
action ot tbo baud Ibtso affuctloni liavu almost
magically disappeared. "
'lho Obesity IruHBaltU used In connection with
the Pllla ur liands , or both. Ono toaspoouful la a
tumbler of water makes a delicious soda. Tastei
like obampaUnp.
The bans cost (3 U ) each for any I enztb up to K
Inches , bufur ono lancer than SJ Inches adl 10
coots eitra for each vddltlonat Ineii.
Price of Krult Halt , f 1.00.
1'llls 1.W I'er llottle. or 3 Bottles lor ft OX
bent by Mill or Rxpress
rat this out and keep It. and > ead ( or our full ( J
conmuurtlcle ! on obesity.
Loring & Company
S Hamilton ! ! . . Dcpt. K , Iloston. Mass , Hi Htata
fil.IXipt 23 , Chicago , 111 , , to W. SJua HI. , Ueut U ,
Me > r York nty.
For sale In Omaha by Snow ,
Lund fc Co.
Return .1
Monday , June 5
Advertisement .
Next Sunday's
for list ot
Features !
Jlndo of tlio finest qnnllly . of IIa\nnu Tobacco . . tliatenn bo.'jouplit. Jlqtml In every rOBpcctto . . tb
ileurs. Manufuctircd Jtyif. 11. KIC3 JIKUCAWTIUJ C1CA11 JfACTOIlY. Ht.Lo l4T
Pa 0 oino
MOIU & OAYIom > . Mortsugo Loans , lloal HEBR J0 I'UINTINQ CO.
Laiato nnd Insurance 8TKIMIKN A. OKUWB , IlillTot.
McUl.ELbA.NI ) fi CO. . Ooul. U. li UAMl'HELU Court llotunda , Olsars and
WVOK01iT.SKAMA.NH ft HKNKDIOT , Bom- Tobucuo.
liiKton Typowrliora and Buppltus.
FKANO L. ItKEVLS & CO. , Oontr.ictors ,
ANfJIJ 00. U. IIAHTMAN , Iiisunotor Hro Iniilranoo.
JBAAO ADA.My , l.uw Onico. ll.A.\VAUNii ; ( , ApuntUnltof State * Acaldcnt
UIIItlbTI AW-SOIKNOK KliADINO UOOMS. . Nose un l Tliroat.
.1 , W. bQUlUK , Loans. Ml-'K ASrfUUANOE bOOIETVr.
H. W. 1'ATIUOIC. L EQUITY COiniT. Iloom NO. 0
\V. A" ? WEIISTEu" fcTAl'LETO.V ANCE CO LAWD 00. . , .
J. L. llLAOK , ( Jlvll Kngtuour.
Q.V. . KUKrf.t CO. . HfilloHoruof I'llflllts.
A. i : . MKANORStenoT plior.
I'eroy II. I'orc1. ( Agent AND KEPORTINO
DU. OUANT OULLlMDHIlOouilst and Aurht
OMAHA CJOAL KXOHAHUK. J.1liAOKENnEKO. Manufacturer * ' Agent.
J. M. IIIUINNnit , Itontlir'AKsncy , \V. a (1OSS. CnaL
E. 1' . EVANS , I'ooplo's InvoBtmont Co. W. E. FINDLEY , Architect.
O. F. HEINnuHKI' . Arc-lilloot , OKEW-LEVIOK CO. , LubrloiitluKOIU.
A few moVe elegant office rooms may be had by applying
R. W. Baker , Superintendent , office on counting room floor