Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Quito ft Lively Bally Succeeded Dullness
Yesterday on 'Change.
Tlitrn Witt lllMHuHloiiyo ( let Itlil
of bong Property , Hut Them Were
1'ow IIujliiK Orders Ht * | il
lit Cti
Oiuctnn , 111 , Doc. 21.-A lively rilly sue-
cccdl ( dullness toiliy on Vlntizo. The mar
kets wore nil wcakdurlni ? llin forenoon with
tlio exception of pnnlsloni , which , Inter ,
nlthoURh sllehtly lower nt tlio Muit , won
firmed up. Corn and oils were especially
wi > ik until within flflecii minutes < > C the close ,
when a chmipo to lltmncss suddenly caused
them to recover tlitslr earlier eonsldciablo
ICMI. Compared with 1 ist night Rraln Is about
J e hlRhor nit nroilnd ntul prm Islons ICc
( 'orn It-ill In tlio ninuiinl of buMnos ? done ,
ovrccdlns ou'ii th it ot yesterday , and I ho
Iliictuatlnns note wldnr. Theio was free sell
ing by iiumbci of tlio larger i-ommls-don
houses niul for eoiintty acrount. Thcio win
little support totlu iniil < et , and loc il bear *
appeared to lm\o oiotylhliiR their own w ty ,
there bchiR little opposition oven by the old
bull combln illmi On tlio contr.uyll looked
us thouifli thoio was a good OL il of sollbib by
( onio of Iho prominent receiving t'onreruB oirorliiRs from countiy shlppon
iirolncroaslnRmatcililly mid nt lowci pi Iocs ,
No. 2 yellow boltiR bought In pull of tlio Male
ut33o , Thtro also -.otno lltllo sclllns fet
foioUnnrrounU Ilii * Ing to finer Miorts ap
peared to bo the only snppoitlns factoi , and
May , after opening nnih IIMPC ! Jt 40' o , sold
off with lltllo reaction lo I5' < i' , tilled lofiom
4ficto too. Iho ninilii't bohiR 1-irRoly ovor-
itold , and llnallj eloped with fiom l < c lo ne
' \\iiiMt opened decidedly woik. Nimly
( tvcnthliiKln the wn > of IILWI was IM | onraR-
IIIR tn holdpix , rabies vioio loni i , tlio ii'i I'lpls
llbi ml and lliadsln ot lopoi ted aiiotln'i HIRO
lucioiiM' In tlio allahlo suppb , t > 77 ( MO bu.
'Ihoic was a Roncial illspnsttlon to ct rid of
IOIIR piopoilj , but thoio wi'H M i y fi'w buy In , ;
01 dors hoi o , tlio sail-sillily bohiR iimdoation-
ccsslons. 'Iheio wti'ialso 111010 ot lesi slioit
BcllhiR. , . ,
Another reason foi thoi wo iknoss was the
sharp decline which look pi no In coin mil
oats , the wi iKni - > s thi'io belli , ; u-lli clod to a
coii'ildoiablo oMonl In pit A good
cloal of talk of tlio SIOI.IRO capielly In the
northwest being ni-.iily c\h mstid and a pros-
met of Iho Kialn tinning to this inflikel was
IndulRcd In. At tlio ilci line tin to Rood
bu > huh ) a pioiiiliiont local hmiM-whlih has
boon nailing lonslileiahly of 1 itn In who it ,
lint Ihu s imo house was c-icdlli d with soiling
fnltly when prhi's aihanood. I'llcosthellnul
early Jjc , i allied * sc and closi dslcady at the
top.In oats thoio was a llboial limlo , Tlio weakness -
ness was due lo Incii isotl lliinlilatlon by local
mid oitlsldu lotiRs 'I ho only support c.'uuc
from Mioils. 1'ilcos foi M i } opened steady
declined ' : ( . ' , but lallli d 'si1 , ind dost d stead }
at tlio hamo pik'o lo' ( adinconxvi jt'itoi-
ilin's clusliii ; , iluu lo Improved buying mil li
llpntor elli lilies.
Thi' pun Islon Mnilois who sold all tlio pio-
duel son tbodoollno jpstcid.n In antlclpulon
of'IO.OlH ) lio/s ted ly woio linsj ino-,1 of the
day netting tlio stull luck. 'I ho ieall/tn w i *
so L' th it the tiadu spcniLiI to tlilaU the
bull opoiatoisi3io tin o uuhltb tlio inuiLi't
Tlio bu > liu was ltd bC'ud ill ) and \\ilKbt
Their hioUu s alone tool , nioiu tli in i noiiL-h d
absorb all olfpilngs anil othei bnycishidti
bid Hi ) foi wli it thoi w inlod
Estlnrittd it-coljits for toinoitow : Wheat
275 cars ; toin 310 tars ; oils , 180 eais
lie s , ao.OOO head.
The loading finuios raiiRod is follows-
dish quotations wi 10 as follows :
rrouii Yeiy dull ; pilces equivalent t
12 76(82 ( 80 bid foi second patents 01 stiaUliti
WllKAT No 2 spring , 70c ; No .1 sprliiR , 005
GIo : No 2nd , 70o.
COIIN I.ov\or ; No 2 ! 0J c ; No. 3 cash 3G'Jc
OA'ih No 2' , 2'\ffci0o ' ) ; No 2 white , 34Vi < !
05'5con tiiii-k : No 3 white , .I0331c.
Uvi.-No 2 , 47'sO '
HAIU.ISY No 2 , or > e ; No 3 , f. o. b , , 40B58c
No 4 , f. o b ,3ri'i42e.
1'i.AX M I n-No. 1,11.07" .
TlMOrnbn 1 > I'll me , V2 00
VoiiK-Mess , per bbl , SI I 7011.75 ; Inn
per 1OO His , ? 1040 ; shoit illn , sides ( loose
$8.15 ! 18 25 ; diy salted shoiildeis ( boxed
87.87)i800 ) ; short clear bhbboNcd ( ) , * h.750
H HO ,
Wiusicv niwl filers' llnl'jbed Roods , per R il
(1 30.
faUOAU Cut leif , 5Kc ; Rianiilaled , 5r
standaid"A , " l'ac.
IhefollowliiR woio tbo receipts ind ship
incutsloda } :
On tbol'ioihii-o o\ili : uio loduv tbo bulk
mnikot was dull : uoainery , 202)29iil ) ; ill
lOtfi'JOu. r.e'KS , llinii stilc'tly frcsb , 243200. '
No Vmk Miirkeli ,
NF.W Yoilic , Dec. 21 riotlll Uccolnts , 33
082 pkKs.j oxpotts , 170 bills , 31.301 saok
tiiaiKutaotlve , Memllor ; s lies , 22 ( ) ( ) ] bbls.
Com , Mi Ah Me uly , tali domum' .
WIIIJAT ltccolilK | , ll.OOObn ; u spoils , 281
041bn. ! sales , 1 , < )00,001 ) > bn fntuusj 120 ! , ( ) (
bn. t-pot. Spots inoderatolv not l\o foi o\port
closing Him ; No 2 led , 753 © 70 < - In stoio in
elevators 7i14"70'c ( ' alloit ; 75@77'-c f. o 1
No. 3 it'll , 71VTf72oj iiiiBi illod led , 7077
No. 1 nnitliun , 70'i&7nr ! ; No. 1 bind , HO
No. 2 noitborn , TtViATDUi' : No. 2 III
waulao , 743 , < S70o ! No. 3 hpilnn' , 09 > 4
dO'iC. OplUms opLiiod weak and , ( T
dined fiom * Vc to % o on east
cables , fun hollbu by Wall stieot , foiol ,
bouses and tbnest , to otboi with a lai !
liu-lcaso In supplies east of tbo Itooklos , i
acted miif > i > i > ii local ( moilnc and Mi on ; ;
wost.olosbu tliniat I85j.\c undoi jcsluida
No. 2 , rid , lei' ) ( inbor. 7 1(3.74 ( ' „ ( , closing
74 ies .In nun IV , 7147t.i : , iloslnt ; at 7I'
Muili,7777 ! ( < liii l floslni ; at 77"c , May , 7'J
70 O-lOo , closlnj ? ut 70 ic.
HVK null , nominal ; wc'atorn , OlQSOo.
IlAiu.m ( Jnlot ,
HAUI.KV .MAI , t Dull.
C'OIIN Hoiolpts. 30,100 bn , ; exports , 2- )
070 ; tin. ; .alis , 000000 bu. ( iituiei. ; 04,01
bu. HJIOI. Spots dull , Ion 01 , closing hloiul
No. 2 , 48' ' i I9o In oloator ; 40'iT ' ( ! ! 10' [ ( ! nlloa
ungraded nihcd , 40irOOi ; ; bteniuor inlMd.48
CS40'S } options \\4it4i dull , doillnc-d early a ,
Hellb tliocst and local ioall/liiK , toactli
itW3BcM \ wheat and i losing htuady ; Dei-ei
boi.48 ti'j.laiiuaiy. IB'.delO L' , oloalnu lOJi
lJ.c , eloslnir 51'c' ' ,
OATS Id i elnls , 24,100 bu. ; u\xnts ] , 38,0
bu ; bales , 295.OOO bu. futures ; 49,000 I
Bet ] , bpot dull ; iiiledoaKei and ( lull ; o
tloiiH loui'i ' j .Inniiaiy , 30itfUl { ) c' , i-loslni ?
80c ; May , 38 > a38J4c. elosbu- 38 , o ; sp
lilloes. No. 3 , 35'io. ' naUid : No. 3 ubllo , 41) ) <
Ni > .2. SOi'i No. 2 wblto , 12io ; mixed ncsloi
OCa38o ; wblto wt'storn , 404N7o ; Uliltnco , 4 ,
\\\1 \ \ - I'll in and falily active.
Hoi's-Dnll butHloady.
HuiiAu-lUw , Him but dull ; icllncil , easy b
Monhsis Now Orleans , qulot and stoaii
KICKhtoaily and falily ac-tlx ) .
I.GCS Unlit iciolpts ; llimei ; uosiom bo
B046300 ! lei-DlptH , 3,221 p ic-Uagcs.
UIDKS Oiilut nnd steady ,
Wooi < I'll m and quiet.
I'liONisiu.Ns I'nik. Him and nulot. 0
incatB. llrm ; ploKled JiollUs , O'.i" 1'lcM '
liains , llUSi'i middles , Hrmei ; hhort clo ,
H.70. l.uiil. holier and nnlct ; iMislorn MOI.
closed attlO.Vll ; haloa , 250 tloieos at * ll ) ( !
iiptlon ball s. . 250 tlou-es ! lei'ombor10 ) 70 1)1 )
Jtimiaiy. * 10.70 ; .Murc-b. UK ) 00) ) May. no 80 ,
IHmill-riiiii ; full demand ; \\osteinilali
J7W240 ; wuhtc-in cioumerj. 20Jle ; Klg
uO Q ulC.
OiiLFSK-Modonilo demand : Hun.
I'm lUON Dull ; Hteadj ; Ameilcan. H3 ,
G 1 0.00.
Ooi'l'i.ii I'lrmj lake , $1225 ,
l.UAD .Steady ; domestic , $3 HO.
'fit , bteudy ; btraltn , 110,00.
Oiniilin 1'iodiKo Jlaikut.
Tbo mniKi't did not show any % cry mater
baiiKd In \ nines. Tbo arrival- turliej s :
not largo for n holiday season and tbo mail
In Hi in. 'Jlioiu U a Klut of clilokons , anil I
buy iimrKet lt > \ eiyoaU oniu-count ot liu
Ai'i'iu-Oood upjilob uio ( Hinted at 13.0
4 00 1 clmlco to fancy , M.uoftr.'JS.
llANANAS-'Ouolatlons aie ; Kalr to gc
tblppliiK ktoi-k , OOU.2.CO per buncll ,
llUTrniTlio Ki'iiei al imukut K. steady. 1
bulk of tbo receipts hells ut M5ilbc , und M >
bdrct luu-kiiKCH at 1710o ,
UaAM3Uiiiuts Quututluiu are : lloll i
cborry I9f > 0h < < r btil.i boll inl bilttlo , (0 fiOi
Into C'ni foil. llo.OO. The ntrlvnli on the
iniuUot. nrrlltflit.
( i I iini'y rclory l ilintitiil to Jlnil
Qnotailon" ranor nil Iho w y fromUSc to 40c.
( MIII TMA Turf * t in o foot , per dor
n oo/f &o : G to lo foot per < lo > < * o OO'BIO oo ;
Inr o , fur 'rliooN nml rbun-lici , rncb ,
holly , per bbl , S2 00 ; mlitletoo
. .
\MK-Tfio marUnl lines not show nny very
malotlnl Pliant In \IIIP ( | Tbcro was
n nu\o1ty In ili" market In tbo
nay of a black boar uhlcli found n
leitdv piitrlnsor. qiiotnlloim nro ! I'lirnsants ,
JOOdfrjOO ; pralrlo clilrkrn , $10011100 !
itroitM'.f I 01)1 ipi ill. II OOAt 25 ; snlpi ; , Jl 00 ;
Jack nlpo. fl.25ftl 00 ; punor. JI.OO : Roldeu
plo\crl 20fi 1 r O : raiiMis bnok ducks , 5800
( Mono red bo , id dmks , $100 ; nnllatd
( lurks , i.i I > W11,70 , blllP ttlnjt ti-nl , J2 2oj urocn
wbu 7'ij inlted diii'ks , tl.oO ! Cntnda
L'coso , tGI)013)7nOi ) ) Jack rilblls ) , J1.50 ! sinill
inbblis , tl.'j'iiilfionuliroN : , 1.00111.2 5 ;
nnlclopoiailillcs ICSlOct door saddles , 15 ®
toe : antelope carc'isscs , OOlOc ! deer carcnsses ,
II \ -Tbo nnil.ct AVIIS opi iof | ked amicry
wpnk. No. I , HI 75i37.oOt No 2 , ? 0 00.
IIOMIY I lie mnikot Is fit in , good wblto
clnor liotiuy 'icln SOIIICP at 17c.
lii'vovChoice , $4 60 : fancy , t. > & 0.
M \i.\nv uu\i'M 1'ci kcs. taoo
O\STt.ns t'liclinnKiil tit UVUfx" per run ,
ONIONS -llotiio'ixHn ( , 80JSf > C ! fit inlMi , tl.OO
nrr cinto.
onMIIS rinildi M.anaaGO
f Quotations nro : Homegionn
. Colorado and Utah , Hoi1
I'oi IAUV the aiihals of tuikojs M > f-ir
him not been 1 11,11' and choice stock sold nen-
eialh tit 13iloose and ducks 03 Hv
Clilcltensaie not wanted nnd dealuis uioglad
to sell them at most any PI Ice.
I ( ids ' irlclly fiesh lalil , Jtil Sc , inldslor-
auc , 2f2 ( ) 1
MM'n I'OT Tors-i'lioioo Mu'catlno and
Illinois stoi k M 757T 1 on per bbl
VtuOnotatlonsan : " -mall and fit , G'JO
7c , 1 irjje ami hcaj , ) ' > J.V.
M. I. oiili Market * .
ST Lotus Mo , Hcc 21.I louu Woi ! , . not
( pmlably Inui't
Wnt VT ' ( 'u 1 eiinilci yosteuluy ; C'asbC41 , c ;
Januaii , bl'm , Mnj , 7'2'c.
COIIN Di dined * , f options i Insert -i sh ido
liolow jesii nlni ; UtcoinlH-i , Ji ' , o ; Januiiy ,
370. May. USe
OAT < ( a li. lower , 31c bid ; Ma > , 33'c.
KM. DnUiOOc iiskid
II Mil -Actlxo ; Mlnncvot-i 04o.
Hum I'ncbatued
I'dds Kimj , 2'ii22i' (
I'oitK-gnliiti 1025 r/ird hlKhor : J10 12' ' }
Uicni'is-l'lnui , 4,000 bbls ; whvnt , 33.000
bn. ; coin , llH.Odi ) 1m ; oats 22,000 bu ;
no , none : bn lev , none
Sllll'MlNisrfoill , 7,000 bbls ; boat , 10,000
bn : corn 114,000 bn ; oils , 10,000 bu ; tie.
] 3,000 bu , b u ley 2000bu.
" "
< > ! ! Market.
Ni.w .YoiiK , Dec. 21 I'CTitoi.r.tTMDull ;
onlj 7 000 bills rh uulin ; bamU it O2'sc olos-
buat O2'c bid anil 0 ) lc iiskud IVnnsjU.i-
nla spot silos none , laniliiv onllons silus ,
7,000 bbK Lima oil sales none , 17c bid. L'otul
b lies , 7,000 bbls
CoiTONiH > OiiAcllM1 , ; ciiulu , lOc ;
lloH , I2o.
Tu.i d\v Plimor.
KOSINQuiet , steady.
Tl'itl'i NTINIDull , weak.
LONDON , Dec . -IKi.uurrv LINSUI u-30s
pci ( nmitci.
I.INsi IDOII , , 1H , 3djl8s4'Jd ! porcwt.
Tuill'i.siiNi , Si'liurs 22s Od pci c\M.
Knns is ( 'lti 'Miirl.fti.
KANS\S Cnv , Mo , Doe. 21 WIIFAT Ir-
ni ; No 2 bard. 0202 c ! No 2rcdr.7c
N \\eakuiid lowoi ; ? * o. 2ml\od , 32U1J
3c. !
3c.O \TS-\Vcalc and lowoi ; No 2 mixed , 28' $
© 29c.
IU ij-rirm ; No. 2 , 474(3 ( 18c ,
Hum u In fall demand ; cio imciy , 25U28o ;
ililty , 14TM8c. (
Kims I'll in at224c.
It ) CLIIT9beat , 88,000 bu ; corn , 14,000
bn ; oats. l.OOo bn.
Siui'Jir.Nih Who it , 30,000 bn. ; coin , 2.00C
bu. ; o its , none.
llnstnrss I'.i-h Is.
1' . C. I , iflln has biicceeded . T. Carson A
Son In tboicstauiiint business at C.eno\.i
llloden llios. bino sueci'oilLil Ucuifio Oelilci
as inopilotois of a gem stoio atayno. .
William Osboine , dnu/lsL at Utulni , bis
dlsippe nod and bis biotboisaio selllln , ; U [
tbo business.
KnjlcliarUSwciiRlr , who bv\o boon inn-
nliU .1 me it maiket at Lincoln , bi\o ; boot
succeeded by Klines i\Uia\es
Cultio 'Miirlu't.
Nr YOIIK , Dec. 21. Options ojienod sto.idj
10 points down to 10 points m > , closed steady
OS.20 up biles , a 1,250 bias Ini'liKlIng DC.
comboitl020 ; Liiiiiiity , * 15 85J&10 00 , 1'ob-
ruary , $10 OW.15 70 ; Mnu b , 4154013,1500
April. $1525 ; Muj , 815201530 ; bcptombor
$10 K ) .
fci'OT UlO-Qulet , slo uly ; No 2 , $10 75.
I.lrpool .tluikets.
Titvnnroor. , Dec 21 WIIFVT Qulot ; bolder
olfet moderatolj , No. 1 ( Jallfornla , Os3d50
4d per cental ; led wesloin sptln , Os 10df (
5s 10'til pet cental ; No. 2 led wlntoi , 0. , bdi
OsO'id poi ( cntal
CORN ( Jitlut ; mixed western , 4s per cental
llMON Konrf and shot I clou , 500 Ibs , 40
poi cwt ; long deal , 450 His , IPs Cd.
Mlln.uikfu drain .Miirki't.
MII.WAIIKI v Wis . Doc. 21 \ \ HL vr Steady
M.IJ , bO'uC , No 2spilHK , 05o.
COIIN Qulot j No 3 , 37c.
OVTS Qulot ; No 2 wblto , 34'/c ; No 3 , 8
Q33c- .
. ' .
U\l.-08'io. _
.tllnnciipolN Wlieat Mllket.
MINNI irons , Minn , Dec 21. 'Flailing wa
llKbt. and situation lather depressing , KOO
demand foi ( ash wheat : so ntj-ono cais .ol
at G4c ; ucelpts were 325 cus Uloso : M ij
095ac ; lkc'ombuiG4ic. ( Ou trick : No lliaii
05'5c ' ; No 1 noitboin , 04c ; No. 2 noitboin , 5
NCH Vurk Di y floods H.ukc't.
YORK , Dec 21 Business In diy Rood
was inodoialo as logaids now demand , bi
with a sti ad > ino\riiiuiit In csecullon for 01
dors 'lluio wcio no do\eloin' | nts Tli
mukot li btronj ; at both liit and sccon
Cotton Mill In t.
Nrvv Oni.ivs , li , Dec 21. Qulot ; middle-
9rii' , low middles , Ojfe ; good oidlii ity , 8'ti
net iccolpls , 8,0GB biles : RIO-.S , 0,7UJbilc
oNpoits to Iho continent , 5,2.10 bales ; stool
304,400 1) ) lies.
ItaltliiKiro ( Jialn Market.
Itvi.TlMoniMil Dec. 21. Win' vi Weal
No 2 ltd spot and Decemboi , 723ic.
COIINeak ; mixed spot and yeai , 74'jC.
DAISbtcad } ; No 2 vvlillo wc.tein , 4JU41
Tnult rs' Tilk.
Oniovno , III. , Dae. 21. I' . G. 1,03111 X Co t
0 Duncan llollln ei .1 Oo : Clio wheat maike
0d w is very mm h on the holhl ly ordoi. The pn
d slthmof the nun kot Is about 1 bo same , wit
the lorn ; Intoii'st lidded to U , If tinvthbu , th
inc reiiM ) In lliadsiu ct'h visible supply c iiise
Mime selling. Now Yoik eleai incosaio faltl
111)01 ) ill'J81.1)00 ) bushels of v.bcat and 25OJ
biiiols of lloui. I'ho c ish di'inand for goo
Riados still continues satlsfacloiy , vvhllu pot
Riadi's ofsptliiR wheat aio not wanted. Tb
noillHMst iicolpts , GJO cais , show
Rrndiul fulling oir.Vo would not bo sin
pilMdtoMo holders endeavor to stint a bu
mukct at any tlmo. Com was actlvo an
weak. The continued belling by recelvt'i
agulnst couutiy Klin stalled tbo IOIIRS to scl
but on the hioak thoiow.isconsldoiamo cove ;
liiRiind onoiiRli local buying to I ally the ma :
kot. As heietofoie , wo bollovo 11 policy t
M II on Imidspols. In oats the shorts coven
fieoly and U'colvots and tiled hums MI
fieely , but on bicaks o its \\oio absotbed.
looks like a Rood bcalpliu m irket to soil e
bulge's foi neai fntuio I'lovlslons opunod
tilllo htroiu on outsldo buying. l.lRJa olio
IIIRS kept iirli es Him , closing tbo muikot .
about the hlRhest pilces of the day ,
( JlllUAilOr III , Dec 21. foum-elmiin A , Df
to Lockiell Itio- . Commission comp in ;
\\heat opened VM'ak and hccnmo v\eal\oi i
Itiaditieot'ti % Islblo hiipply , estimates of 1,1 (
cais In thouoitliwe-,1 tomonolowei tabli
ami nn Illinois coiiRressnuin's o\pusslon i
the opinion that Iho anti-option bill won
piss after Now Years. The bull ciowd a
MI i bed all tbo May wheat they con
( jot below 70Uc. and the ollor
of shot t t < calpors to i ov or caused tliu i losing
rail ) to the bent pileos of the day. Wo M
nothing tohhakooui conlldenco In whoit I
. . . „ , . . H lonrf price Com wia
unilor ht'llln , ; by itcelvois and hhlppeis and
fnithei h ttln RO by tiled onlsldo IOIIRS Ua
idled easy oaily , but closed Him and u
chaiiRod. I'lovlnlons weakened , underlie-in
iiall/ln b } tbo prominent lonn's , but closi
htioiiR , ovcltod and considerably hlRhoi , aft
the Cniliihjs turned fiom solloib lo buyo
and openly bid up tbo mat Uot.
Tt'iiduiuof 1'ik'cs In tlio i.irly ; Trailing W
N .w YOIIK , Doc , 21 , The \nlumo of bus
ness on tbo htock uxuhango bbowed a fill th
fnllliiKolV today , The stock market , taken i
a whole , was In u moro bottled btato and i
\lolont llnutuatlons oe'cuiiod
)0 \ Inunypirt
the lint. Tbo tendency of prjcos In the ear
tiadlni ; was upward , u decline of > , ' per e-ent
DUtlllliia'nndOattlofoedbuiinl ( Chicago U
hm Ins had comp uatl\oly llttlo lulliiunco i
tbo gonc'ial lUt. bubsquontly Manlin
al tan IDSO 2Vi pur contto lldj ) ! , Tdtson lllini
ro natlngto 113 and Canada Southern l ?
ot & 0 , ' { , In tijinpithyltlithusomoomonts ,
Konoraladvane'o occuirud , the eastern ai
wc'btorii trunk line bharuslmpioUng \ to
poi cent , and Chicago lias and dUtlllcrlcsbc !
Qll Ing u fraction uboio lust iilttlit'ri quotatloi
The btrongtb of btoilliiK oxcliango , IIOWUM
hone ru\l\edthu talk about gold hhlpmunts , and
no this the IHIIU-H nmilo u roaowed attack up
tbo murkot durliiR tbo afternoon. Itouul
nil w us Un > l alDKliU out auU Uio yilco was kuock
down from MS to TO , imrtly on report * thnt
the IVtunyhtinln had nc < | tilioil control of rer *
tnln lines which would ( tlvp It n tinner bold on
the r nl trndo nnd partly nn rrpot-U tlmt the
I'dtnpniiy MWI polling Imnditodt'ciiro fiituls o
June ! Interest on tbo prefcrencp lncoiiip
Aflor tlio nun p against ItcndlnR , thlcniin
dm 11 sold down 2 nor cent , DIstltlltiR nnd
I'nttlcfpodlna nml Missouri Pnolllc l"i
poi cent , National Lend 1H per rent ,
Hock IMiiml and Laekawamm 1'i iior
eont , Catnulii Southern 1'4 per cent. ' 1 bo
losses olhorwlsd were less thin 1 permit , nitit
Itock Island , SI I'nul , Now Kimland , Norlberii
1'no I lie jin f ( rretl , l.oulsIllo , t Nnsln Illo and
Atclilsoii hold tPiiiaiktibly well. Ppoculatlon
loll olT steady ata fractional roecmiiy fiom
the lowest llRUios of tbo iittcrnoon , Tbo
I'hlcnRO Nottlitti'stcrii Hallwuy company
will tomorrow pnvtho dHldend on the com
mon and ptefened stocks duo DccembeT 23
tiuM. This will irle.ioo about tl.000,000 , and
will help to casu the money mnrkot.
The Test q ijs : The monetary situation U ,
In fact , remarkably perplexing. Until either
the nioichiuirtlsn trade moM'inent tutus do-
rldedly In our fa\or or ( onlldetico nmotiR
European ln\cstois Is icstored , the mnrkot
must conllnuo to bo couftouted either with
blRh rates of money or hlRh rates of storlliiR
cxclmtnro. The list foity-elght botirs have
shown elcarly to wh it extent tlic o two mar
ket factors swhiR In opposite dltcctlonson tbo
simoplMt Money rates were compiratl\oly
easy todnv , and the u'coM-ry In sterling AMIS
an iminedlato ronsiiiiicnuu Despite tbo Ron-
cm ! bow Udei mont , how oor , nil sound stocks
teslstc-d tlio uiTortt lit decllno with per
sistency , nnd there were IOIIR Intervals of
dullness durltiR tbo day. homo stocks actually
aiUnnced , but In Ronetal the tone was hen\ ,
and towaid tbo eloso the ItidusliluU iiR.iln
The follow IUR nro the closing nunt-itlons for
tliu leailhiR stocks on the New Yoik t-tock et
ch UIRO today
The trade In stocks was 410,000 sh iros. In
cluding : Atcblson , 73,000 ; 0. , U. .1 Q , 8,540 ;
Nnithoin 1'aolllo , 8,300 ; Cldi ice Gas , 23.700 ;
Dlstlllbi ) ; , (8OOO , llilo , 3100 ; .Manhattan ,
5,000 ; Mlssouil I'.iclllc , 10000 ; Nation il Load ,
5,100 ; No\v in : lind , ( > ,100 ; Norlboin 1'nollli- ,
a.OOOj lie idhiK. 40,500 ; Hock 1 .land , 0,000 :
St I'.iul 10200 ; Siuir , 2280J ; Union 1'aollle ,
3,300tsteinUnlon , 8,000
I.oiulon rimiiubil Itrvlon.
[ ro/i'icd | | ( ; ' ( ISOlliuJayui ( lonlnn Heiuiett. ]
LONDON , DPI' . 21. [ New York Hoiald C iblo
Special to TUB Ilth 1 Aialn tboio h is been
an entlio nb-pncu of disposition to ontoi
fusb specul itlvo tiansactlons on the Stock
exchange Tbo mukels pii"-ent little
fentiiio of inteiest apirt fioin the 10-
covoiy In Amei leans In i espouse to bet-
tei iiuot itlons iicolved fioin Now Votk ,
In otnoi iloscilptlons the tendency \\as gen-
oially unf ivoiablo ind inoveincnts no mostly
to\\aid lo\\oi pilcis Consols .110 quiet. In
the homo i.illu.iy m ukct ai > ut fiom Iho con
tinued dun ind foi bouthoistoin ilofoiicd ,
\vhlch Is \ poi coil up , and in impiovcmcnt
of U percent In Hilphton dofeiied. theio v\as
a silent decline. I oiolgn stocks \\eio Inclined
to weakness bp uilsli vvuio fieoly Mild ; also
It and Hung ill in. tli in/es , IIOHOVOI ,
onlj i tinge f lorn'a to ' per cent. Aigcntini !
discilptlons .110 fiactlonilly louui. In
Ameiicans tbcro has been a distinct Improve
ment. Denver piefoicnio his ilsui 1 per
cent , Xoithi'in 1'aclllc piefoionco \ 1101 cent ,
Union I'll Hie J pei cent and MlhvankcoH per
cint. Gland Tumi ; fully in ilntalnsyestoi-
day's advam e , hi In 'B per cent up Jfo\lcan
railway Issues arosomouh it steadlei Money
was In iiilot ] dem ind Short loins \\eioeaslly
obtained at'3 to 1 per cent In the discount
mullet bills vveio sc.uco ; those at two and
thieo months were iiiui.'d ) at 14 tol' poi
Xovv York llonc-j Maikct.
Ni.vv YOIIK , Die. 21. MONI.V ON c\ft.-
easloi ; ran in fioin 3 to 8 per cent ; lasl
lo in 3 pi i i out , closed otfi nd at t per cent.
I'niMhMritCAvriM. I'u-ni 5b jiei cent.
biiniiM ! IJxoiUNor ! 'h m , with actua
business ut $185f for si\y ( d.ij biuKurs
bills and $ I 87' { fet dem ind
The closing ( | uotatlons on bonds ;
bill t uskc'tl
San 1'r uit'Kco Mining storks.
I'll vvcisco , Cal , , Di'c. 21. The oniehi
closing quot itlons foi mining stocks tod.i ,
d I'ln mi I it Nntrn.
Id IfAvavs Onv , Mo , Iec21. Cloarlnjs , Jl
O I'.viiH , Dec. 21 Three per cent routes , 08
O lOc for the account.
II Nr.vv YOIIK , Dec. 21 Clciulngs , ? 101OIC
IIc , 047 ; b-ilances , * 7,88S,00 ( ) .
as IlAi.Tiuour , Mil , Dec. 21. Clearings , $2CCC
, s 508 ; balance's , IJU.orJD. Hate , 0 per cent.
iy I'lin.Aiil i i'iuPa. . , Dec 21. rioailiiR
y $11,000.080 ; balances , J1.73D.D87. .Money , 1
poi lent ,
MiMl'illH , Tenu , Dec 21. floaibiRS , $435
354 ; bilancos , 1100,000. Now Yoik o\chaiij
helling at p ir.
Niw OIIMMMI , 1.1. , Dec , 21. Clearings , V.
408HOB , Now Yoik hlRbt commoiclal 70o ill
count ; bank1.00 premium
fer. I.OIIH , Mo , Doc. 21 Clearings , J4.150
020 ; balances , $544,400 , Money , OQ > 7 pi
tent. IXchango on Now York-piu ,
HOSTOV , Mass , Dec. 21 CleathiR , } 22,30f
707 ; bilances , I2.002.477. .Money , 0 p
cent. KxchaiiRoon Now York , pir to lOc dl
count. Call loans , 5V : < & 7 poi cent ; tlmo loai
5Vj"iiO'5 pat cent.
CiiiiHOO.,111. Dec. 21-Clearlnss , JlO.ini
111. Now Yoik e\i liango , lOc picmluiii. hit
ling oxchaiiRC' , dull at # 1 Hf ; i foi bl\ty d :
bills , * l.H7i for bight draft * . Money , bteai
and uctlvo ut 0 i > ot cent.
Cattle Sliuiv n Hotter Tune Hogs Sllll
On Trllle.
OMAHA , Dec , 21. Anothoi day of modern
receipts uf rattle has cuilsid pilces
btieiiKhon rapidly and are now l&Q2ac lilRli
than tut unlay on handy Mlle-ib. About 1
of that advance wan put on today , T
Krcatci part of the Miength was
the ilnlsbed cattle , but owing
the inodoratu inunbi-r on biilo mi
cowuiou oilcriugg sold higher us. buje'isnee'iJ
them ( o nil nut thWrlinlor * A btincliof rltolro
fedfttccMKild for.lfi.uoiiml oilier Hood stuff
( old nt 4 ' ( * flfl'iT
There wn n llvoly trftde lit butdier . ( OCK
nnd by noon nnytMni ? snlcnble tit nil wn < i out
of first hand * Tin Rcnoral mniket rsas fully
n dlmo lilcbcr , while tf'iod in fancy
Ititt sold Innma . Inslnnce1' o en
better than that nnd iiooirr uriides showed u
nilvnnco As In iliestecr trade theio were
baldly enough entile to Rontoutid and n food
many Infei lor ciitllo. sold at an mhaiieeln
otrtei to Illl out buyers' droves. Halo were
principally nt $3.oim2.U ) with some pi Imo
heifers nslilttb in n/fo ,
ftockois and fi UeM were In Rood demand
nttiiln today with iirtJy u limited numboron
sile. Thcro weioiiotaney olTcrlnits and only
a few teallv Rood fowlois on sale. Prices were
strong on all suitable ofTerlngs. Itepiescnt >
the sales :
about 9,000 bo son sale , \oiyllbual iiuni-
bci as compaicd willi tbo inn of late. . The
outlook was decidedly against bolter prices ,
especially from p ickcis , while sblppcis clicap-
cnod tbcfi dio\cs about inlckol. Aftoi ship
pers wore out of tbo road tbo niakct beuainu
e\ccodlin'ly'lnt , ' and pi Ices sb iiled
5 to 10c lower tlian jestoid.iy. Up to the noon
bom less ( ban 100 lo ids bad boon sold , and at
ibat time tbo in iikot was \orydnll. i'aekei'
ucio floor Imjei.s aftoi dinner , and as tbo out-
looV H is inoio fa\oiabloal\anccd tboli hid1
a llttlo and picked up about O\LIJ tblnj ; , tbt
g Scrofula
.Mrs. K , .1. Unwell , Mcilfnrd , Macs , R.IJS her
mother lias beoiitaircdof hcrufula by tbo iigont
four bottles of tKXSffZa after hating had
much other tro ESflRn'iQg atmentand belni *
reduced to qul " " ' "l" to a low condition
of health , an it n as thought she cuuld not 11 > o ,
i Cured my llttlo boy of hereditary
bcrofnla , which appeare I all oitr
' t ' liU face. I'or \carl had citcn
up all bopo ot hla tcroury. when llnallj l was
Induced to use V 3f3K BA fcw bottles
cured him , and EiKjcS " ° bjmptonisof
the Ulseaso remain. Mits. T. I.MATIU iw ,
llathervillo , Mls .
Ouxbook oo Ulool Aa < l Skin Ditea&et mailed free.
Svufi Sucinc to , lUiuti , Ca.
innrkcl l nnnilnnlly * lcmlyi wllli ntlce n fol
lows 1'nlr to Rood imU\o , 13 CiOill 7lii fair to
Rood wn ierni , n a.vi4 Wi ( mmon nnd toek
olieep.jaafirija filli ROJ ( | lo taolcO 40 to 100-
11) liiinbt tl.HOilpW
Itcrc-lptvuud Dlnpoiltlou nf Stork.
Oniclnl receipts nnd ill imMtlonot itock us
shown by the ImnUsof the Union Stock YanU
ciiiiipitiy for Iho twoilyfour bouts cndlntt
nt 6 o'clock .v .n , LVcotnlior 21 , lU'j'J !
Moxeinrnt uf 11 ORB Over I. nt WrcU bllRlill )
Inrrr neil ,
C'INCINN TI ODoc21 IPiioclnlTolpRrumto
TIIR lit K ] Toinoi low's 1'iloti Current will
.ly : Wostcrn 11 ickliiK has buon about 300-
000 hi s for tlioicU , ntfalliM .IJj.OOO last
\\ooU and 570,00(1 ( lust \oat , inaUIni : a total of
2HBO,000 slnco NoMMiibor 1 , HKlillist n , 2l ( 000
n \oni ago I'lonilncnt iiltu-is conip'uo ' as
follous :
I I 1M1
Clllrujjd IH < - SlorU Mmliot.
ClUCAdO , 111. , Doe 21. ( Spei-l tl to
TUB Hi 1:1 : I'llcoson iiittlooio hlabot nunlii
todiAs conip neil \\lth yoitt-idiy thoio
\\asiidlnuionco of fioin llV to 15o per 100
InfaMii of srllors , while In romp irNon
with tlio ItiXMst litli-os of 1 ist tti-oK ail ail\.nu-o
of 20iMo , .i'l 100 Ills Isaiipau-nt Tln'i.ilii Is
in I ni-li | illy In tlio bolt or quail Hi > fatcowsaml
holfors and Rood , choice < -hl | > pliiK stouts
though thoio was seine Improu niont non In
tbo soallattas L-I i s Tlini-.mso of tlio bnlno Is
found In the fact of a Kio.illv docu-asod sup
ply , IONS tli in 85000 head ImUni : .irihod
.Incp iMitmdav ns iinilnst 17,480 fet tbo sunn
tlino last \uoU. Thorn \\as .1 bilsK domain !
today , and tbo iniall nuinboi on silo i iplilly
inoltnl uuny. Hy noon tlio pins AOIO cloatod ,
s.ilos in.iUlnnon a lnslsof fioin * 1 25 to W no
fet pool to oMi.i t-ows mil bulls , * 2 00 to $3 03
for stocUois and focdois and fioin { .I OU to
$0 10 foioiy ininmon to ovti.i diossod bout
and shipping stoors.
Tlio t'.irly hni ; niiilcot was .iclUo and fnllv
stoidv , as shlppois bid llboi il oidois to till
mid tnuh imuli iscs ncio at about Tuosiluy's
iiuot itlons. I1 icUots would not p ij ( bat day's
pilcos and aflor abotil 0 oVlock tlin in nKut
was cxtrt'iiu'lv woaU. It i-losod fully lOc
lowi i at fioinjl 80 to0 40 foi pool to ptlino
lots .lUM.mlnu fioin 140 to 100 UN , and -it fiotn
$0.15 to 40 bOfor liiMXlPi volKhts Alllioit h
tlio flesh loiolptsoioinodoiitothoiooio
cnonslistalolio'sonhiuil ( tosuoll tliosupply lo
about 48 000 iMany tliousind hois veto Iff t
in sollois'b inds.ind tlio ilosi ? bad Tlio
oxl i onio i mgoof s ill's \\.is fioin$4 00 to $ b 05.
bin 111 UIMO In f-'ood drin mil and sold bl lior.
AnjtliiiiK ihiontas siloablo at nn ad-
\anco on TIII-SI ( | > 'S prk-oi of from Oo
lo lOo pot 100 Ibs. Limbs also sold at
better ll uios thin hid proillod foi
some tlmo ( list. Tbo InciiMsod llrmnoss as
nttillmtcd to tlio Lontlnnod ll ht u-celpls ,
onlj nboiitaoooulia\huniil\Ld since * itui-
d.iy , as atraliist 110.11 ly 31,000 for tlio s imo
tlmo 1 ist.ioU. . ' bor ) ) wcie ittotid | at fioin
J3.23 to J5 31 foi poor to i-liolto , and thoio
\\oiobu\oisfoi pool tocliolio limbs ut fioin
} 3 75 torfb 30
Itccolpts : Cittlo , 10,000 , ho s , 30,000 , shcop ,
5 000
Tlio I'xo'iliu Toiirn il icports
C' viii h Uicolpts lOOOOhoid : shliimonts ,
3,000 ho.ulj m.uKot 105j20c blRhoi on best
Kr idus ; ibolt.0 nillscs , $5.70 ; no pilmo lo
i-Mia jii.idos on Iho iniikct ; othurs. $285 ©
525 ; stookois , * 250 "i325 ; cows , $2 50Q.3 25
lions Koci'lpts , 84,000 head ; shipments ,
8,000 bo. id ; nmtUot uoiU and 5lc ) lo\\ei ;
iiiKoil and pitkois , ( , 2 ( ) ' < ( , G 40 ; pihnc ho ivy
and bntohois' ol bts , Sb bO ; pilmu light ,
JO 20Ub 40.
bnn.1' Uocolpts , 0,000 he-id ; shlpmunts ,
l, ; maiKot sllubtly hUlioi ; nitUos ,
J3 81-50 25 ; Lsteins , tl 10 4.80 ; lanibb f3 75
Qb 20.
Xoiv York I.lvo Stock 'Market.
NFW YORK , Dec. 21. HIM v s Hocolpts ,
1,507 head , ini'liiiliii/ cars foi sale , miiliot
stcadj ; natho stools , $4 ( )0'W4.75 ) per 100 Ibs ;
bulls and cows , Jl OOJJ3 25 ; diessud bcif Him
ut 88 2e put Ib : fcblpmcnts today , 1,012 ,
quutoisof beef , tomniiou , 40U buuvos
CAIAI s Iti'LUlpts , 774 head ; ni.irkol flim ;
\L ils , J500SOOO per 100 Ibs , ; giassors , J2 25 ®
250 ; No-stein c lives , ? 2 75.
91ILLP AMI LIMIIS Kocolnts , 0,580 bead ;
sin op , linn ; 1 units'jo pci Ib Inwci ; sluep ,
* a 00 5 75 per 100 Ills , 1 mills , $0 50J67 00.
Hoes KoLOliits , 7,082 be id , InUiidln , : 2 cais
for sale ; iiiuikct In in at $ G304i7.00 pel 100
til } I.Uobtock M.ultrt.
- . . CITV , Mo , Dec. 21. CUiTi r Ko-
cclpts , 000 bead ; shipments , 1,900 held ;
market actho , 10&2ou blRliei. bblppbiR
steels , $3 GO5 00 ; btockois and fcedois ,
"lloos Itecolpts , 10000 bead , shipments ,
1,200 head : the maikot vvas falily active
und lowei. closing stion . All giados , 1450 ®
G 15 ; bulk. Id 16(8,0 ( 30
SIM n'-Kee-elpts , 1,800 bead ; shipments ,
OOOIuad : maikot active , alien ; ; muttons ,
$3 00 4.40 ; lambs $5 GO
St. Louis l.licslotk II irkct.
ST. Louis , Mo , DPI21. . OATTI.I Ho-
celpts , 3,300 head ; shipments , GOO In id ;
miikcl 10CJ25c hU'liei ; stoois , J300 JI73 ;
extia heavy hooves , $4 902,0 31
lloos KoLolpts. 0,100 head ; shipments ,
1,800 head ; miikot 5c IOVIIM ; In ivy , $ i > 10 ®
b 05 ; iiacldiiA ifi } lOttd 00 ; Unlit , td 2 ( ) < 1G > 0
fell ! LI Iltcolpts 1,100 head , shlpmont200
head ; inailvot qiilotnitives , * 3 OOS1 00 ,
choice muttons , $4 b55 25.
t >
1)1 ixi Your Oun C'oncliiHlon.
Ml. J. O Divcnpoit , maniiKei' of tbo Fort
Hi i'f ? Heduond Co , Vt Biagf ? , Cal , luu
this to say of Chuinbcilain's Cousli Hemedj ;
"I used it for a so\cio cold and coii h and
obtained immediate lellcf. In tlio Foil
Ui.iRg Keduood Co'b stoio vvo hi\o sold
l.ugo ( iii.intities of Gh.unbeiKiln's iiicdl-
" For sale by di uggists.
TJircepcas ( P. P. P. ) represent Dr. Picrco's
Pleasant Pellets. They ni o not like tlio old-
fnslnonctl jiills. Had to tal.o , nnd bad to
have taken Incfllcknt , too. Ti y something
liettor. With Plonrant 1'ellctfi tlio bcncllt is
Instill } ; . They cluimo and icgulato the liver ,
stomach and bowels. TaKcn In time , they
jneient tioublo. In liny taso , they etoe it.
And they ctito it < v - itbcy'io mild nnd
gentle , lint thorough and cfTeciivo Tlicro's
no distui banio to tuo BJ slom , diet or occupa
tion. Ono tiny , sugar-coated Pcllot for a
laxative tin 10 for u ( utlmitic. Sick nnd
Dillons Hcada'ho , Constipation , Indigestion ,
Bilious Attacks , nnd all ( leinngcmentiof the
liver , stomach nnd bowels mo piomptly re
lieved nnd permanently cured
Tliov'io puioly vegetable , perfectly harm-
IcbS , tlio Hnnllobt , nnd the easiest to take but
thnt , tlwi'io the thcnprU jill jou
can buy , for tbey'io gutiianteed to pivowt-
Isfaction , or your money is leturncd. You
pay only foi Ihu need j on got. This is tl uo
only of Or , Picrco'a inoulcines.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Oi/naha.
licet Caltlo Uo auil bhce' | > miirkcl In Iho ivott
Wood Brothers ,
fcouthOmnlm Toliplione 1167 CICBEO | !
' ' Manll cr8
\V AJ,1 Ml K WOOD , {
Market HciiorU l > > mull Biia wlruclietrfully lui
iilnlicil upou uppllciillon
lor Itnuku , IlliiukN unit Sliitlunor.
lor tliu Oily lit Onmliu lor tbu Ytur 1HU.I.
Scaled bids will bo received lit tlioolDioo
the city comptroller up to4ii m. Dooombo
I7lh , IbJJ , for the fiinilsliliu-of books , blank
und stationery for tbu city of Omaha lor th
yimrlb'JJ. Illunks-'ior Biioh bd will bo fur
uUliod by the uomptruller. und only bliU 01
hiich UlanUH lll bo ronsl'lorod , A ccrtlllui
chce'k of t.0) ) to ucdimpnuy each bin. Th
rlrfht is reserved to reject uny or all bids
Oinahu , Neb . Deo. i'Ut , 1B1O. UoiuptroUor.
Manufacturers' and
Jobbers' Directory
The Worlds' Fair Tower Company
Now olTors an issue of Il/iOO shares of its
c.iplttil stock nt pir , full-piid ami non
sscss.iblo. The cunitnl stock is $2,000.r
000 , ilivielod into 1IOOJO , shu-Q3 : of $100
Outsldo of this issue : i coiisitlorablo
portion of the c.ipit il stock has alroudy
bcoii iillottuel to the suDauribors. Thta
is-juo is now ottered to the public , nnd
the anbbui-iption boolcs tvro open nt the
olllco ot P. U. Mulr. lijo ituildinfr , Oran-
h.i , Neb , : indlll closu on the 2tth dny
of Docmnbiji1 , ISOtvt II o'clooli p. in.
Subset iptiona will bo payable us foi *
lovv-j :
30 per cant on application. J
30 pur cent on nllotinont.
40 poi1 cent 00 divyb uftor nllotinont.
All p lymonts to bo tniido to UhiU'lus Lt
Hasten , "Trustee. Allotments will brf
inndo ininijdliito'y ' after the close of the
tiiibsci'iption books
The right is ic orvod to lojeotuny
subscription in whole or in part If any
subscription is wholly icjootod the
amount deposited , ou iipplicntion , will
bo rclurnovl If onlv n pirt of tha
innount applied for by the applicant ia
allotted to such npplicvit tlio surplus
ntnount p ild on application will bo ap
plied on the sums duo under the allot *
n the allotment of hharcs to applicants will bo ffivo'i in the order of the receipt ol
uch application by the iiuthoii/cd lucent of the comniny named.
per hour
Allowing 10 hours per day , equals ,
At GO cents for ouch p ibseuger equals , per ( lay . ? 5IOUO ) , _
ISO days that the Fair will bo open equals . V.,000GOO )
Rcvciiuo from concessions and sale of Souvenir Book and Modal of
the Tower , owned by the Tower Conip my . 400,000
for the 180 days > 113.003
Operating expenses | 1UL LIIU ItJU va ) o
* " ' - . : - " $ " ' 100OUO ) to bo paid to the
25 per cent ot ( , 'iosa ciirnings ( , ,
World's Columbian I uobition 2159 ! , ,000 $2.7011,000
Deducting this from the gi-oas tocoiptaivos n.J7UOQ ( )
. . . . -tv i > - * * * * . , - , . - | ) CUiO |
' * - -
Ll'lU Will Oili liiibintin tl-J VIU ' * HM v. -
hour nnd wo oonlldcntly oounto.j 10OlJpor ) liOJi1. Tliiswill bo fouml n inoilcriito
csttiniitovhon auo togjird is hud to the uUr.tctivonojs J of the TO WUR und the
RAH experience atoi ( led by u trip tn flirt toil.
WOMAN'S BUfLUfXO. at the Etstom
The 'iOWHH inlLMtod ) opposite the
.nt..mcef . he MIDWAY KAlSANCi ; in the WOHWJ'S KAIll GROUNDS , x
aeh poison in inalvlns the iibcont and descent of the 'IOWLU , fjiiina a view of the
Tlio TOWriMs ever 50J fcot hi-rh nnd 210 feat In diameter. U icquiros nlno
complete turns to reach the top , the ( jr.tdo bointf eight per i-ont.n rldo of two miloa
in niakiiK' the nscontniid descent ; onsoquontly , nlno Jilloront pictui-os uro ob-
survodoftho WORLD'S FA 111 GROUNDS M the ascent ia mudo. A view from
the OUSURVATOUY FLOOR not only { fives the vast , KiiioiMina at , vou i- feet , bu
also trlves the position of the WORLD S FAIR BUILDINGS , HO that
uftor mulling the ascent of the TOWEU any poison ciin go unyuiaodfrom bulldlnflr HI
10 "Istho intention to Imvo two FULL HANDS on the onSJRVATOriY rll
will play altotnately fioin the opening of the FAIR m the morning until the clpsq
' contoiof the groatTOWELfc
at - An ORCHESTRA will also bo located in the contoi-
RESTAURANT at tlio bottom.
WILLIAM IIAMPDEN .IOIINSTONE , Piosid ont and General Manager.
Money may bo sent hv Ro-rlstored Letter , Postolllco Mjnoy OidoLip res $ [
Diaft , or Bank Cashier's Uhoulf.
For fuithor information uddicbs or call upon
F. D , MUIR , Bee Building.
1 704 Farnam Street ,
Agent for the "World's Fair Tower Companyv
Call and see ArohlLootVs ljlans.
181G s Strool , Omaha , Nob.
Ttio iiulurnt iprclnlUt lnnrr\oui clironlc , prlvalu , blooil rkln olid urbmrjr ( llionici A riKiilnr am )
reKUlcTtO t-ruUiuilo In niLclUhiii. an ill I.IOIMI-I . ami uurdtlintix > liow. In till ) ironiliiK wllli tlio vruuttiit § ui < .
cuts caturrli , lokl nmnliuoil t < : mluiil i okiion. nlulii luntoi ami nil lorm uf ( irlvalu dlnuiiiun .No muroii-
11 used Nuiv trtaiuient for lo of vital power rurlloi uuublu to vUU ma limy bi troatml nt lioiuu Uj
curropomlenca .Mtillclnu or lii lriiiiionl lunt br m ill or oriirun seciirul ) paoUjJ , nu mirxii tu luUloita
coiitciilsornonilor. Onoiicrionullnturvlaw prtfunuJ Ooiiiuluilonrrui CurruipjiUoioiintrlcUr prlvata.
IJook ( llr terlu of LifematIrcv. ; oaltelioun'Jtt m.iotfy ia Buua jilU .m tuUm. coaaiUiupfurropl/